Noticias Erica

Foro dedicado a Erica Durance que interpreta a Lois Lane

Moderadores: Shelby, Lore, porre, Super_House, ZeTa, Trasgo

Mensajes: 33034
Registrado: Dom May 21, 2006 12:15 am

Re: Noticias Erica

Mensaje por Shelby »

¿Recordáis el proyecto de las postales para pedir que Erica estuviera en 22 capítulos? Bueno, pues me gustaría contaros que todas las postales llegaron a la oficina de los escritores, junto a una cesta de café, la cual se ha recibido y también hemos tenido respuesta:

Brianandkelly Petersonsouders (En facebook): "Thanks to the Erica D fans for the coffee and chocolate! We can't release any info on cast deals here, but when announcements are made we'll try to point you to the sites who are running the stories".

"¡Gracias a los fans de Erica D por el café y el chocolate! No podemos desvelar ninguna información sobre los acuerdos del cast aquí, pero cuando se hagan los anuncios intentaremos dirigiros a las páginas que estén cubriendo las historias".

alseptien (twitter): "Thanks to the EDfor22 fans for the lovely basket! Really appreciate it! : )"

"¡Gracias a los fans de EDfor22 por la encantadora cesta! ¡Realmente lo apreciamos! :)"

donwhitehead1 (twitter): "Thank you #EDfor22 for the lovely and energizing coffee gift basket!"

bryanQmiller (twitter): "I ate choc. covered espresso beans from that basket! Thx!"

Imagen Imagen
¡¡¡¡AY, OMÁ QUÉ CALORES!!!! ¡Gracias por tu regalo, Nitta!

Lois Lane
Lois Lane
Mensajes: 634
Registrado: Mar Dic 08, 2009 2:21 pm

Re: Noticias Erica

Mensaje por Lau90 »

Genial que les haya encantado el regalo, espero que se les ablande un poquito el corazón y nos den a Erica los 22 capítulos, a mi con el chocolate se me ablandaría :smt005 :smt005


Lois Lane
Lois Lane
Mensajes: 871
Registrado: Sab Sep 05, 2009 3:54 pm
Ubicación: en el tur de la galacia con Clark Kent

Re: Noticias Erica

Mensaje por Svmarines »

Que bueno k les haya gustado, espero que se endulcen y nos empiecen a decir algo :smt005 :smt005


Mensajes: 33034
Registrado: Dom May 21, 2006 12:15 am

Re: Noticias Erica

Mensaje por Shelby »

Bueno, pues al parecer Erica está actualmente filmando un nuevo proyecto. Se trata de la película "Sophie", en la que interpreta a un personaje llamado Natalie y que se está actualmente grabando en Ontario (Canadá) y que se supone que será estrenado en la gran pantalla.


*Erica Durance (Smallville) - Natalia
*John Rhys-Davies (Raiders of the Lost Ark/Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade) - Alistair Winston
*Brittany Bristow - Sophie

Key Production Info:
*Feature Film
*Genre: Family
*Locations: Toronto & Hamilton, ON, Canada
*Production Dates/Filming: Start - May 31, 2010 / End - June 25, 2010
*Picture Editing/Post: Start - May 31, 2010 / End - August 20, 2010
*Sound Editing/Post: Start - August 23, 2010 / End - October 1, 2010

Fuente: DGC Ontario

En cuanto sepa más del proyecto, os lo iré contando. :wink:

Imagen Imagen
¡¡¡¡AY, OMÁ QUÉ CALORES!!!! ¡Gracias por tu regalo, Nitta!

Clark Kent
Clark Kent
Mensajes: 1118
Registrado: Dom Ago 16, 2009 2:22 am
Ubicación: Barcelona

Re: Noticias Erica

Mensaje por Dev-Em »

Gracias Shel :wink: por la info y por el proyecto EDfor22.
Erica no sólo posee un cuerpo de diosa sino también es una excelentísima actriz. Sinceramente se merece triunfar y mucho en la vida.
:smt055 :smt023

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Mensajes: 2216
Registrado: Vie Sep 19, 2008 7:49 pm

Re: Noticias Erica

Mensaje por Nitta »

Gracias por la información, Shelby. Habrá que verla. :smt023

Imagen Imagen
Hasta siempre, Smallville...

Mensajes: 33034
Registrado: Dom May 21, 2006 12:15 am

Re: Noticias Erica

Mensaje por Shelby »

Bueno aquí os dejo un poquito más sobre la película y sobre el papel de Erica en ella:

"Habiendo crecido en el zoo de sus padres, la vida de Sophie de dieciséis años está centrada en dos grandes amores: el ballet y los animales. Para poderse permitir el pagar la alta matrícula de la escuela de ballet, los padres de Sophie venden a Limba, el elefante de 5 toneladas que ha sido el mayor amigo de la vida de Sophie, a un circo ambulante sin discutirlo con su hija. Abandonando sus antiguos sueños como bailarina, Sophie se pone en camino para reclamar a Limba, encantando su camino con un trabajo de verano en el circo para poder vigilar al odioso entrenador de los animales. Cuando Sophie se enamora de un artista del circo Blake, ambos luchan por rescatar a Limba del cruel ambiente del circo y repatriar al elefante... Natalia (Erica Durance) es una bella acróbata del circo que se hace amiga de Sophie".

Os dejo un link a la información completa de la película:

Para quien no tengáis claro el papel que interpreta, los "silk performance" en los circos son esto:

Imagen Imagen
¡¡¡¡AY, OMÁ QUÉ CALORES!!!! ¡Gracias por tu regalo, Nitta!

Lois Lane
Lois Lane
Mensajes: 514
Registrado: Mié Jul 29, 2009 6:16 pm
Ubicación: España

Re: Noticias Erica

Mensaje por clois_forever »

Wow, si Erica tiene que hacer eso del personaje será un reto para ella! Aunque lo lógico es que utilicen a dobles, no creo que ella haga esas piruetas en el aire o quizás si quién sabe.

De momento la peli pinta bien, veremos...

- Somewhere out there we all got a bullet with our name on it -

Mensajes: 33034
Registrado: Dom May 21, 2006 12:15 am

Re: Noticias Erica

Mensaje por Shelby »

¡Bueno... y de nuevo tenemos que recargar las pilas! :wink:

El próximo 21 de junio es el 32 cumpleaños de nuestra estupenda Erica Durance y queremos celebrarlo en Twitter haciendo Trending en su honor.

El evento se celebrará el día 21 Junio a las 6/7 pm EST y el El Tag que utilizaremos será #HappyBdayEDurance

Se seguirá informando a través de la cuenta @HappyBdayED y en los próximos días se compartirán, como en otras ocasiones, unos pre-tweets para ayudar a hacernos las cosas más sencillas. Os pasaré el enlace en cuanto lo proporcionen.

También se puede ayudar haciendo fanart y promocionando el evento entre los propios seguidores de twitter o facebook.

Si tenéis cualquier duda podéis utilizar la cuenta antes mencionada o podéis dejar aquí vuestras dudas, que intentaré aclarárosla en la menos brevedad posible.

¡Vamos, chicos, nuestra Lois se lo merece! :smt023 :smt023 :smt023

Os dejo la información completa del evento:
#HappyBdayEDurance Trending Event
Detalles, Guías & Tweets Abajo

El próximo 21 de Junio, es el 32 cumpleaños de nuestra gran Erica Durance. Para celebrar este día, queremos hacer que #HappyBdayEDurance haga trend ese día en su honor.

Como sabréis por anteriores eventos, hacer "Trending" significa conseguir que el término #HappyBdayEDurance sea uno de los 10 más usados en Twitter. Para hacerlo, tan sólo tenéis que ayudarnos a escribir ese tag tanto como sea posible durante el tiempo que dure el evento.

Información Básica:

Día: Lunes, 21 de Junio de 2010

Hora: 6-7PM EST (Podéis comprobar vuestra zona horaria aquí:

Tag Utilizado: #HappyBdayEDurance

Cuenta de Twitter: @HappyBdayED (Para todas las preguntas que tengáis y para futuras noticias)

Twibbon: También podéis añadir un #twibbon del evento a vuestro avatar -

Queremos hacer el evento más fácil para vosotros, así es que hemos hecho algunos Pre - Tweets por si os hacen falta:

Podéis descargarlos aquí:

O podéis verlos aquí:

Erica Durance Quotes:

- “I do ask Tom on a regular basis when he's going to wear tights, and he just walks away” #HappyBdayEDurance

- “Sometimes being a perfectionist […] keeps you from moving forward. There's a beauty in imperfection.” #HappyBdayEDurance

- “The character (Lois) can invade you a little bit. I come home and she'll still be a part of me, this sassy high energy.” #HappyBdayEDurance

- “ [Playing Lois] it's helped me become more confident in myself” #HappyBdayEDurance

- (On Toms *nude* scene in Crusade) “I still had to tell myself 'keep looking up' I will tell you, he isn’t Superman for nothing” #HappyBdayEDurance

- “There was a black chair and a leopard-print chair, and I knew right away that Michael's chair was the leopard print. “ #HappyBdayEDurance

- “I've been just trying to do well on this series and do my best.” #HappyBdayEDurance

- (About playing Lois Lane) “A lot of blessings come with playing a character that’s so well-known.” #HappyBdayEDurance

- “When flying, I find it so important to drink copious amounts of water. I am convinced it helps you overcome jet lag.” #HappyBdayEDurance

- “I'm a small-town girl, and it'll never be beaten out of me.” #HappyBdayEDurance

- “I maintain my inner beauty by trying to lead a balanced life in general.” #HappyBdayEDurance

- “I work out almost every day, which gives me more energy and helps me feel stronger.” #HappyBdayEDurance

- “I also try to be a genuinely good person to the people around me.” #HappyBdayEDurance

- “I would describe my style as eclectic depending on my mood. The most important aspect is feeling comfortable.” #HappyBdayEDurance

- “If you feel good, then you are much more likely to enjoy what you are doing.” #HappyBdayEDurance

- “The best beauty advice I ever received is to keep skin hydrated and limit harsh exposure to the sun.” #HappyBdayEDurance

- “Everyone is an individual and the key is to find out what works for you personally.” #HappyBdayEDurance

- “There's nothing more exciting than exploring different things in order to create your own style and then make it your own.” #HappyBdayEDurance

- “It'd be nice if fans thought I was the sexiest Lois Lane.” #HappyBdayEDurance

- “When I grew up, one of the things I loved about the Lois Lane character was her independence.” #HappyBdayEDurance

- “Her beauty comes from the confidence she has within, and the fact she can rely on her wit and her strengths” #HappyBdayEDurance

- “We all need to make time for a burger once in a while.” #HappyBdayEDurance

- “I'm fairly introverted, but when I do stuff like a Maxim shoot, there's a side of me I call Gillian.” #HappyBdayEDurance

- “I'm learning to embrace who I am and what I look like.” #HappyBdayEDurance

- “I'm all about living in the present, so I was just trying to do the best I could with what was in front of me.” #HappyBdayEDurance

- “Playing Lois is definitely a responsibility.” #HappyBdayEDurance

- “With age comes more beauty because you become more relaxed in yourself.” #HappyBdayEDurance

- “I would like to say to those people that it is natural (her beauty), and it is hard work, sweat, and having to eat a lot of broccoli.” #HappyBdayEDurance

- “Right from the start all of them were very open, very nice, and welcoming, so it was an easy fit for me.” #HappyBdayEDurance

- “I want [Lois] to hold onto her independence and sassiness - I don't want her to lose that edge.” #HappyBdayEDurance

- (About acting in Vancouver) “I wanted to get my feet wet in a smaller area than Los Angeles when I gave it a try.” #HappyBdayEDurance

- “Tom was nice enough to read some scenes with me so I wasn't so stressed out.” #HappyBdayEDurance

- “I do like their having given Lois such intelligence that there are glimmers of her noticing things.” #HappyBdayEDurance

- “She was the strong one and didn’t just sit there until the guy saved her. I think she does a bit of butt kicking too” #HappyBdayEDurance

- “If you think too much about playing an icon, it will immobilize you.” #HappyBdayEDurance

- “Obviously, I'm kind of loyal to Tom because that's who I work with so to me he's my Superman.” #HappyBdayEDurance

- “We all know they end up together, but there is a journey every relationship takes to get there.” #HappyBdayEDurance

- “I think people will really enjoy the lengths to which she goes to keep her man.” #HappyBdayEDurance

- “I think it was a lot more difficult figuring out how to honor this relationship. Being so iconic, it already has such a great blueprint out there.” #HappyBdayEDurance

- “Whether that ends up happening, I think Lois still wins.” #HappyBdayEDurance

- “ I'm quite accident prone. I can't count how many times I've almost run him [Tom] over.” #HappyBdayEDurance

- “ I'm pretty klutzy and I've always been, so I have to own up to it. It’s part of my charm! Well, it's charming until I hurt someone!” #HappyBdayEDurance

- “I especially enjoyed the scenes between Lois and Clark where there's that push and pull between them.” #HappyBdayEDurance

- “There was a little bit more freedom, because this younger Lois could grow... potentially. #HappyBdayEDurance

- “I'm learning to embrace who I am and what I look like.” #HappyBdayEDurance

- “Basically flash forwarding to the future to see what life would be like without Clark Kent. “#HappyBdayEDurance

- "I often don't read those things on the internet, because there's too much negativity usually involved in that" #HappyBdayEDurance

- "Right from the start all of them were very open, very nice, and welcoming, so it was an easy fit for me". #HappyBdayEDurance

- "I want [Lois] to hold onto her independence and sassiness - I don't want her to lose that edge". #HappyBdayEDurance

- "Lois actually gets a little action this year! And he's not a psycho!". #HappyBdayEDurance

- "I do like their having given Lois such intelligence that there are glimmers of her noticing things". #HappyBdayEDurance

- He wants people to feel comfortable and he's like a Southern gentleman, which is something I think his character brings to that CK thing. #HappyBdayEDurance

- “Very down to earth, very fun, very nice person." #HappyBdayEDurance

- "He had such a great idea of what all the actors were feeling and what the show should like." #HappyBdayEDurance

- “Because my working relationship is with Tom it would be very odd to do a movie without him being the Superman” #HappyBdayEDurance

- “My favorite superhero is Superman!” #HappyBdayEDurance

Quotes on Erica Durance:

- "Erica and I get along great. We did from day one.” Tom Welling #HappyBdayEDurance

- "Erica and I get along so well that we have to remind ourselves that Clark and Lois aren’t necessarily supposed to get along so well” Tom Welling #HappyBdayEDurance

- “I think it’s a great addition to the show and enables us to explore character facets we couldn’t before.” Tom Welling #HappyBdayEDurance

- “I never had that banter that I have with Lois. I'm enjoying the relationship that Clark's building with Lois.” Tom W #HappyBdayEDurance

- "She's terrific that girl, just terrific," Margot K. #HappyBdayEDurance

- "I was just knocked out. She was great, and she's a top rate actress." Margot K #HappyBdayEDurance

- "Her version is more like mine than Teri Hatcher was in the 1990s series". Margot K #HappyBdayEDurance

- "I just think that Erica's work is absolutely fabulous and psychologically more nuanced than what we were doing." Margot K #HappyBdayEDurance

- “Sassy, sarcastic yet playful and seductive, Durance is the best future Mrs. Clark Kent yet." - Richard George #HappyBdayEDurance

- “She's just a lovely, lovely young girl, who has no idea how beautiful she is." - Christopher Judge #HappyBdayEDurance

- "Erica is fantastic!” Tahmoh Penikett #HappyBdayEDurance

- "I've always heard good things about her. Not only is she gorgeous, but she's very talented.” Thamoh P. #HappyBdayEDurance

- “She was amazing. She was just a happy person and had a ton of energy, which is always really important.” Thamoh P #HappyBdayEDurance

- “You need to be professional, and amiable, and Erica was warm and very welcoming.” Thamoh P #HappyBdayEDurance

- “She is a good old Alberta girl” Tahmoh Penikett #HappyBdayEDurance

- “Erica especially was so willing and so ready to go to a deeper emotional place than we had taken her…” Stephen S. DeKnight #HappyBdayEDurance

- “Erica was just phenomenal, just phenomenally into it”. Stephen S. DeKnight #HappyBdayEDurance

- “She showed up on set with tears in her eyes and I'm thinking 'This is great!” Stephen S. DeKnight #HappyBdayEDurance

- “She’s been a friend,” Jeph Loeb #HappyBdayEDurance

- “She was so great as Lois Lane and I had a lot to do with her getting hired. Jeph Loeb #HappyBdayEDurance

- “Fun. Clever. Upbeat. And more than a tablespoon of sexy. She was great!" - Jeph Loeb #HappyBdayEDurance

- “She's also the girl that would rush into trouble to save anybody, no matter what the risk to herself, which makes her, as heroic as CK”. Holly Harold #HappyBdayEDurance

- “She's so sweet and has such a big heart, and is so beautiful and down-to-Earth” James Marshall #HappyBdayEDurance

- “Everybody said she was a pleasure as soon as she showed up. “ James Marshall #HappyBdayEDurance

- “She desperately wanted to do a good job. She worked her ass off” James Marshall #HappyBdayEDurance

- “I remember being so impressed by the way she approached the role.” James Marshall #HappyBdayEDurance

- “She makes you better because she cares so much, you don't want to fail her." - James Marshall #HappyBdayEDurance

- “She took me under her wing because she was the new girl once”. Laura VV #HappyBdayEDurance

- “She’s so mature in their work; they're not like young, starting-out actors." - Annette O'Toole #HappyBdayEDurance

- “... And working with Erica... I just love her." - Annette O'Toole #HappyBdayEDurance

- “I enjoy the scenes that we do and I like her dedication to the scenes”. Justin Hartley #HappyBdayEDurance

- “It's also fun to work with someone who's a nice person and you get along with really well” Justin Hartley #HappyBdayEDurance

- “It was a lot of fun to work with Erica: she's a sweetheart," Aaron Ashmore #HappyBdayEDurance

- "I love working with Erica. She's so much fun.” Allison M #HappyBdayEDurance

- "Erica's fantastic, she's wonderful," Kristin K #HappyBdayEDurance

- "Her and Tom have fantastic chemistry”. Kristin K #HappyBdayEDurance

- “I just personally like her, as a person, and she's wonderful to have around and on set and it just adds fresh air." - Kristin Kreuk #HappyBdayEDurance

- "Isn't she beautiful? Look! “ Michael R #HappyBdayEDurance

- “What I particularly enjoy about her character is the side of Clark that she brings out.” Tom W #HappyBdayEDurance

- “I love the sarcastic, tongue in cheek humour that we’re able to portray in that relationship”, Tom W #HappyBdayEDurance

- “I think it’s a great addition to the show and enables us to explore character facets we couldn’t before." - Tom W #HappyBdayEDurance

- “I think Erica and I get along so well that we have to remind ourselves that Clois aren’t supposed to get along so well”. Tom W #HappyBdayEDurance

- “I’d sum up Clark and Lois’s relationship as playful- they love and hate each other at the same time." - Tom W #HappyBdayEDurance

- “She did a really amazing job of not making it look foolish” Justin H #HappyBdayEDurance

- “We’re friends. She’s lovely. She’s great” Justin H #HappyBdayEDurance

- “I love working with Erica. She's great. I enjoy the scenes that we do and I like her dedication to the scenes.” Justin H #HappyBdayEDurance

- "I love working with Erica. She's so much fun.” AM #HappyBdayEDurance

- “You can't have Erica Durance, Justin Hartley, and Tom Welling in a show together without it being funny.” AM #HappyBdayEDurance

- “We have an amazing Lois Lane. We don't need me to become Lois Lane.” AM #HappyBdayEDurance

- “ I could never replace Erica. She's too good. She's too good”. Allison M #HappyBdayEDurance

- “It was amazing working with Erica and Tom." -Laura V #HappyBdayEDurance

- "To have Lois Lane is one of the best ideas from the creators of Smallville” Kristin K #HappyBdayEDurance

- “I just personally like her, as a person, and she's wonderful to have around and on set and it just adds fresh air." - Kristin K #HappyBdayEDurance

- “This girl, her name's Erica, and she's married. She's awesome, awesome girl”, Michael R #HappyBdayEDurance

- “Erica was born to play Lois Lane”. Cassidy F #HappyBdayEDurance

- “She has all those qualities, smart and strong and funny and totally unabashedly herself”. Cassidy F #HappyBdayEDurance

- “Erica and I are friends. She is such a dear” Cassidy F #HappyBdayEDurance

- “Just a really phenomenal focused actress,” Brian A. Green #HappyBdayEDurance

- “She's really one of the sweetest people I have ever worked with”. BAG #HappyBdayEDurance

- “She couldn't have been more welcoming or supportive of me and just sweet towards everyone” BAG #HappyBdayEDurance

- “To perform and to the absolute best with every scene that she could”. BAG #HappyBdayEDurance

- “She's a fantastic woman, one of the sweetest” BAG #HappyBdayEDurance

- "She's terrific that girl, just terrific," Margot K #HappyBdayEDurance

- "I was just knocked out. She was great, and she's a top rate actress." Margot K #HappyBdayEDurance

- "I just think that Erica's work is absolutely fabulous and psychologically more nuanced than what we were doing." - Margot K #HappyBdayEDurance

- "I had some physical interaction with Erica, and she did all that herself too.” Kane #HappyBdayEDurance

- “Erica is fantastic” Tahmoh Penikett #HappyBdayEDurance

- “Not only is she gorgeous, but she's very talented.” Tahmoh Penikett #HappyBdayEDurance

- “She was amazing. She was just a happy person and had a ton of energy, which is always really important.” Tahmoh Penikett #HappyBdayEDurance

- “Erica was warm and very welcoming. She is a good old Alberta girl." Tahmoh Penikett #HappyBdayEDurance

- “It was amazing how talented she was”. Michael Ironside #HappyBdayEDurance

- “She's very attractive, very healthy, and has a wonderful youth about her.” Alan Richson #HappyBdayEDurance

- “She really made me feel at ease and comfortable about everything,” Alan Richson #HappyBdayEDurance

- “And she's so great to work with. I really enjoyed working with her." Alan Ritchson #HappyBdayEDurance

- "Erica Durance is a beautiful Lois, and she was one of my favorite people.” Charlotte Sullivan #HappyBdayEDurance

- “She is unreal.” Charlotte Sullivan #HappyBdayEDurance

- “Anything [in my scenes] with Erica were my favorites.” Robin Dunne #HappyBdayEDurance

- “Erica was amazing to work with. She's so much fun, and we hit it off from the get-go." Robin Dunne #HappyBdayEDurance

- "She's just so lovely and fun to work with”. Robin Dunne #HappyBdayEDurance

- “She's serious. When she comes to set she really brings the goods. But she's also a lot of fun to be around”. Robin Dunne #HappyBdayEDurance

- "Sassy, sarcastic yet playful and seductive Durance is the best future Mrs. CK yet." ~ Richard George #HappyBdayEDurance

- "But she's just a lovely, lovely young girl, who has no idea how beautiful she is." ~ Christopher Judge #HappyBdayEDurance

- "She's so sweet and has such a big heart,” James Marshall #HappyBdayEDurance

- “She’s so beautiful and down-to-Earth that everybody said she was a pleasure as soon as she showed up." ~ James Marshall #HappyBdayEDurance

- “Actually, I think [can make you] fall in love with her." ~ John R. Leonetti #HappyBdayEDurance

- "And Erica is great. Really hard working and intelligent. She's a terrific girl. – Michael McKean #HappyBdayEDurance

Y recordad que también podéis programar vuestros tweets (si no os va a ser posible ayudar ese día):

Guía de Twaitter (Para programar vuestros Tweets):

Guía de TweetDeck (Para múltiples Cuentas):

Es realmente sencillo... ¡¡¡Tan sólo añadid #HappyBdayEDurance a vuestros tweets!!!

@ Erica Durance is the best Lois Lane ever #HappyBdayEDurance

estamos recomentando a TODOS los miembros en este momento que por favor consideren el crear una segunda cuenta de respaldo para que podáis continuar haciendo trend y para evitar el bloqueo de vuestra cuenta principal. Esto es sólo una opción personal, pero realmente nos ayudaríais si lo hiciérais. :wink: ;)

Todo lo que tenéis que hacer es:

1. Crear una segunda cuenta de twitter
2. Conectar con (o con
3. Copiar y Pegar al menos 100 mensajes (los mensajes máximos permitidos son unos 190) y programarlos todos para las 6-7 PM EST, que es nuestra hora de trending.
4. Y eso es todo. Pegad vuestros mensajes en ese página, poned la hora y "programad" vuestros weets.

Preguntas y Respuestas Básicas de Twitter:

1. ¿Cuántos tweets puedes postear por cuenta? 200 mensajes cada 4 horas.
2. ¿Cuántas cuentas se pueden tener?. No hay límite.
3. ¿Cuál es la manera más fácil de gestionar múltiples cuentas?. Tweet Deck (Ver la guía arriba)
4. Quiero ayudar pero no estaré a esa hora, ¿cómo puedo ayudar? Programad vuestros mensajes con (Ver la guía arriba)

Consejos de Twitter:

1. Usar sólo 1 tag por tweet:

TWEET CORRECTO: #HappyBdayEDurance She´s the best Lois Lane!
TWEET INCORRECTO: #HappyBdayEDurance She´s the best Lois Lane. Give us #EDfor22!
TWEET INCORRECTO: #HappyBdayEDurance #HappyBdayEDurance #HappyBdayEDurance

2. Añadir un texto a los tag. No poner sólo tags. Así no cuentan.

TWEET CORRECTO: #HappyBdayEDurance She´s the best Lois Lane!

3. Hacer Re-Tweet a mano de los Mensajes (RT antes de los mensajes). No cuentan si simplemente haces click en el botón de "re-tweet". Contarán si literalmente copias y pegas el mensaje.

4. No postear más de 200 comentarios cada cuatro horas. Si lo haces, tu cuenta será bloqueada temporalmente por Twitter. Para evitar esto, es mejor crear una cuenta de respaldo, o crear 2, 3, 4... el número exacto depende de vuestra elección.

Esta es toda la información. Si necesitáis algo más, tan sólo preguntad aquí o a través de la cuenta de twitter que se ha proporcionado (ver arriba).

Una vez más, por favor ayudadnos. Uniros a Twitter, cread una cuenta, programad vuestros tweets, usad nuestros comentarios pre-elaborados... En otras palabras...

¡¡¡¡Ayudadnos como haga falta a conseguir que Erica esté en la lista de trending!!!!

¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡Muchas gracias!!!!!!!!


La guía de abajo fue hecha por un grupo de fans para todo aquel que sea nuevo en Twitter y quiera más información sobre la página y sobre lo que significa el "trending". Esta guía se puede ver online. Fue preparada para el primer evento de trending de hace algunas semanas. Entonces el tag era #EDfor22, así es que, si váis a ver esta guía, por favor recordad el nuevo tag y NO utilizad NINGÚN OTRO:


Guía de Twitter:

Guías cortesía de @_EDfor22_

Videos promocionales del Trending:

[youtube] ...[/youtube]

Imagen Imagen
¡¡¡¡AY, OMÁ QUÉ CALORES!!!! ¡Gracias por tu regalo, Nitta!

Clark Kent
Clark Kent
Mensajes: 1279
Registrado: Vie Sep 04, 2009 11:47 pm
Ubicación: Venezuela

Re: Noticias Erica

Mensaje por Alexakent »

Igualmente no repetis las mentiones es decir #HappyBdayEDurance #HappyBdayEDurance #HappyBdayEDurance ya que twitter no lo tomara en cuenta Igual no repetir las mismas mentiones en 10 seg, y tambien no escribir en mayuscula eso no lo toma twitter Igual lo que llaman Retweet no lo toman en cuenta.... :smt023

- Clarkista 100% - esperando que vuele :)

Lionel Luthor
Lionel Luthor
Mensajes: 91
Registrado: Lun Nov 06, 2006 2:19 am

Re: Noticias Erica

Mensaje por carola_277 »

Shelby muchas gracias!!! quedo super el post! :super05

Gran trabajo! Demás esta decirles que los esperamos a todos el lunes 21 por twitter para demostrale todo nuestro afecto a Erica y divertirnos mucho!!! Besos!! :smt055


Lois Lane
Lois Lane
Mensajes: 871
Registrado: Sab Sep 05, 2009 3:54 pm
Ubicación: en el tur de la galacia con Clark Kent

Re: Noticias Erica

Mensaje por Svmarines »

Gracias, Shel :smt022 :smt022 lo tendre que programar no estoy y tampoco llego para el final, los twt que pusiste me parecen geniales asiq copiare y lo empesare a hacer con tiempo :smt058


Mensajes: 33034
Registrado: Dom May 21, 2006 12:15 am

Re: Noticias Erica

Mensaje por Shelby »

Video promocional del Trending:

[youtube] ...[/youtube]

Imagen Imagen
¡¡¡¡AY, OMÁ QUÉ CALORES!!!! ¡Gracias por tu regalo, Nitta!

Lois Lane
Lois Lane
Mensajes: 871
Registrado: Sab Sep 05, 2009 3:54 pm
Ubicación: en el tur de la galacia con Clark Kent

Re: Noticias Erica

Mensaje por Svmarines »

Chicos otro video muy bueno del evento que se hace el dia lunes por el cumpleaños de Erica, en twitter
gracias a @sculdeurienne (Vero)


Mensajes: 33034
Registrado: Dom May 21, 2006 12:15 am

Re: Noticias Erica

Mensaje por Shelby »

¡Es fantástico! Gracias por ponerlo, he estado todo el día fuera de casa, y no me ha dado teimpo a actualizar.

Hablando de actualizar, os dejo más pre-tweets para el trending, tanto mensajes como fotos:

(Gracias a Carola, Flor y Paco)


Acaban de mandar esto por twitter:

@ericadurancetv #EricaDurance has a message for you: "Thanks again for the support & the Happy Birthday wishes!! Take Care, Erica" ("¡¡Gracias de nuevo por el apoyo y por las felicitaciones de cumpleaños!! Cuidaros, Erica").

- Número 3 de la "Durance Magazine":

El miércoles volverá a salir con la entrevista a Erica. :wink:

Imagen Imagen
¡¡¡¡AY, OMÁ QUÉ CALORES!!!! ¡Gracias por tu regalo, Nitta!


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