Foro dedicado a Kristin Kreuk que interpreta a lana Lang

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- Amber Skye Noyes habla sobre el que Tori recurra a Vincent para que la ayude (accesshollywood):
Amber Skye Noyes habla sobre el que Tori recurra a Vincent para que la ayude
Por Jolie Lash 15 de Noviembre, 2013 2:06 PM EST Credit: The CW

BURBANK, Calif. -- Amber Skye Noyes’ eyes lit up, turning a particularly “beastly” brown and gold in the most recent episode of “Beauty and The Beast.” Her character, Tori, who now the first female beast on the show (and the first beast fans have met who wasn’t created in a lab), is about to experience quite a lot thanks to that change in this coming Monday’s episode of The CW drama.

And it appears the only person she can turn to for help or guidance, is the man who killed her father – Vincent Keller (Jay Ryan), who she’ll be spending Thanksgiving with.

AccessHollywood.com: You have a song called ‘Howlin’ … and now you’re connected to a (TV) beast. Was that a bit of a weird coincidence for you?

Amber Skye Noyes: That was such a weird coincidence. I wrote that song and recorded it back in June and did a lot of the video over the summer before I even really watched ‘Beauty and The Beast.’ I had maybe seen an episode or two. … I auditioned for it in September and was on the show. I always knew [the song] was going to come out in the fall. Yes… it was very, very weird, and just very strange the way things manifested.

Access: We saw your eyes change at the end of Monday’s episode. What can you tell us about that?

Amber: Well, I’ll clarify and say it’s definitely the first time that Tori has seen her eyes change like this and now she’s seen Vincent and she’s seen her father, she knows what her eyes flaring like that means. If it had happened a few days before, she would have been like, ‘That’s weird.’ But she knows what it means now. So she’s got a lot to decide. … Is she going to even tell anybody or is that just some freak reaction to the stress? She doesn’t even know why that trigged that, at that moment. … She doesn’t know if she’s gonna be like a bad beast like her father, or maybe she’ll be a good one like Vincent. I think she’s really freaked out and really scared.

Access: Speaking of her dad, Vincent ripped his heart out – quite literally. So I guess the question is, how does she feel about Vincent at this point?

Amber: [When she first encounters him she is] convinced that Vincent has kidnapped her, which I’m sure a lot of fans would gladly accept (laughs). The Twitter comments were like, ‘So, you’re tied up. So what?’ … But it’s clear, once that tracking device is taken out of her arm that he actually is kind of trying to help me out. … And he does save her from her father getting all beastly and trying to choke her… but she’s still very conflicted. … Vincent is her liberator, but at the same time, the way that she’s liberated is by her father being very brutally killed, so I think, just like with anybody that you love, even though they may mess up and be somebody that we don’t want them to be, they’re still family and it’s still her dad. … She’s sad about her dad, but she’s gonna really have to take care of her being a beast thing first before she can hash out any of her feelings.

Access: The only other beast she knows is Vincent. Is that going to create a new relationship between the two of them because she’s going to need him to be a lot of things to her at this point?

Amber: Yeah, Vincent will be a lot of things to Tori… Like you said, he’s the only other beast that she can turn to, and he’s just gonna understand a lot of things about her and they’re gonna have a very different relationship than Catherine and Vincent could ever have, right? Because they’re both beasts and they’ll just understand a lot about each other. And because Tori’s a new beast, she’s gonna need a lot of guidance, and she’s not gonna know how to deal with all these things that are coming up for her. Vincent being more experienced is going to [make him] able to give her some guidance, and so there will be that sort of mentorship and that sort of dynamic between them as well. But we’ve never seen a male and a female beast together and we don’t know what will happen. So there are a lot of different possibilities and a lot of different things that could happen.

Access: Could that lead to jealousy too on Catherine’s part because at this point, Vincent doesn’t totally remember all of the feelings that they had for one another because of his memory issues? And here comes someone who can relate to Vincent in a totally unique way.

Amber: Catherine’s a pretty strong character. I don’t know if she would ever be straight up jealous, but I think the last thing that she needs in another complication and diversion away from her and Vincent getting stronger. But at the same time, Tori is still a person and Vincent helped and saved Cat a lot, so she’ll certainly understand that feeling of attachment that will come from anybody being saved by somebody else. So Cat, more than anybody, understands that hero role that Vincent has to play. It will certainly cause a different dynamic… It’s just another complication, but that’s what happens when you have great love — you have lots of tests along the way.

Access: It looks like a complication on the way for Tori is Thanksgiving dinner at Agent Reynolds’ house!

Amber: Yes (laughs).

Access: Should we be concerned for her at this point, that he might be keeping an eye on her in ways that aren’t good?

Amber: Yeah and we’re not sure, does he know anything about Tori… And Gabe is there as well at Thanksgiving. So why is Gabe there? They come for a good reason. … It’s going to be a very interesting Thanksgiving dinner. Dramatic, as most holiday dinners are, and I will say that we will see Tori more in like full beast mode. We don’t know how or in what capacity it will happen, but it’ll be really fun to watch Tori make that full transition for the first time. But we’ll have to wait and see about the circumstances, but you’ll definitely see more of Tori in her beast action.

http://www.accesshollywood.com/beauty-a ... icle_86787

- Recién llegada a "Beauty and the Beast" habla sobre la conexión de Tori y Vincent y lo divertido de convertirse en bestia (TVLine):
Recién llegada a "Beauty and the Beast" habla sobre la conexión de Tori y Vincent y lo divertido de convertirse en bestia
18 de Noviembre, 2013 07:06 AM PST

The CW’s Beauty and the Beast (Mondays, 9/8c) added a bit of grrl power last week with the introduction of Tori, the daughter of one of Vincent’s targets who apparently has a bit of the beast within her, as well. TVLIne invited newcomer Amber Skye Noyes to tell us what’s going on behind Tori’s glowing eyes….

TVLINE | What is Tori thinking there, as she’s looking in the mirror at her altered appearance?
Oh, man…. If she’d seen those glowing eyes a day before, she probably would have been freaked out. But now that she knows what that means, she’s seen her father, she’s seen Vincent, she’s sees what those eyes mean — that she is a beast. She’s totally scared.

TVLINE | OK, because there’s been some debate whether she knew all along that she had a beast within her, and was just playing dumb.
No, that was the first time she’s seen her eyes like that and it’s sort of unclear what has triggered it. Was it just the stress, all this beast action around her, is it just her coming of age….?

TVLINE | A bad reaction to contact lenses…?
[Laughs] Exactly. But this is definitely the first time she’s seen herself change like that.

TVLINE | With her father dead, in what capacity does Tori stick around? Is she friend, is she foe?
We’re going to find that out, because as fans know, being a beast on this show can mean a lot of different things. You can be like Vincent and be a Robin Hood vigilante character. There’s Gabe, who was bad but is now good. And there have been all the other Beasts of the Week that showed up this season. We’re not sure, and Tori’s not sure either, so she’s going to have to figure out which one she is – and if she has any control over it. But it is pretty clear that there’s only one person she can really talk to about this, and that’s Vincent. So they’re obviously going to have a pretty clear connection.

TVLINE | How far will that connection go, though? They haven’t played anything romantic between the two of them thus far, but might Tori start forming an attachment to Vincent that Cat might not like?
Tori and Vincent, because they’re both beasts, are going to have a very different type of connection and relationship than Vincent and Cat could ever have. Tori’s going to be able to understand Vincent in certain ways, and vice versa. After all, we’ve never seen a male and female beast together, so we don’t really know how that will play out. But it is clear that even though they’re both beasts, Tori’s a new beast, so she doesn’t really know what she’s doing, while Vincent’s more experienced. If anyone is going to be a mentor and teach her a few things, it’s going to be Vincent. So, there’s that dynamic as well.

TVLINE | Talk about the Thanksgiving dinner in this week’s episode. It seems to be quite a motley crew gathered at the table – Cat, her father, Vincent, Tori, Gabe….
Well, what would Thanksgiving be for anybody without a little family drama?

TVLINE | Is Tori a pity invite? “Sorry I ripped your dad’s heart out. Here, have some cranberry sauce”?
Well, Gabe is there, too, which is also awkward. But we’ll find out why Tori and Gabe are there, and it’s for a good reason. And I can say is that somebody definitely “beasts out” at the Thanksgiving table.

TVLINE | Whether or not that person is Tori…. Actors, of course, possess a certain vanity. Are you on board with your full-on beast look?
As a female beast, we’re really trying to find that fine line between scary and beastly. It’s actually really interesting to play, and I can say that I do go into full beast mode in this next episode. Why, or how, who sees it and under what circumstances, you’ll have to tune in to find out. It’s definitely very liberating playing a beast. You really have to let go and channel your inner primal self. It’s pretty fun!

TVLINE | Did Jay Ryan give you any specific tips on how to do the glare, the head whip…?
Yes, totally. But I also wanted to find my own type of beast, since I’m the first girl. What does that mean? And do female beasts move a bit differently? Also, because Tori’s a new beast, she’s not really going to be totally comfortable in her own skin as this beast, so I think fans are really going to enjoy watching her journey. Is it good? Is it bad? Is it empowering? Is it scary?

TVLINE | What do we have you for? Just three episodes, as originally announced?
Tori’s going to be around for a little while. She’s got a lot to discover, she’s got a lot to bring to the story and she’s got a lot to add to the dynamic of Vincent and Cat and also Gabe and a lot of other characters. Like I said, we haven’t seen a beast, from the get go, develop into their own. Vincent and Gabe and all of the other beasts from the show, they’ve been established, very powerful beasts. And what’s cool about Tori is that she’s just learning what it’s like to be one. It’s really going to be a cool ride.

http://tvline.com/2013/11/18/beauty-and ... ale-beast/

- Amber Skye Noyes sobre los obstáculos bestiales de Tori, y la búsqueda de la ayuda de Vincent (THR):
Amber Skye Noyes sobre los obstáculos bestiales de Tori, y la búsqueda de la ayuda de Vincent
Por Philiana Ng 7:00 AM PST 18/11/2013

The character of Tori, who made her debut on The CW drama in last week's episode, discovered that she was exactly like Vincent when she saw her eyes glow in the mirror. In the next installment, Tori's revelation will become key, as she begins to figure out what her beast state means for those around her. Things get complicated when she looks to the only person who may be able to shed light on what her next moves should be -- Vincent, the same person who killed her father Kurt.

Singer-actress Amber Skye Noyes talks to The Hollywood Reporter about playing the show's first female beast, turning to Vincent for help and the likelihood of others discovering Tori's beastly identity.

Were you following along with how fans were reacting to your character? What were they most connecting with?

I know that there are very passionate fans of the show and so I wanted to make sure that they knew that I was all hands in, but they were very welcoming! I know that a lot of fans are concerned because I look a lot like this character that was on the last year that was named Alex [played by Bridget Regan] who was also a redhead in Vincent's (Jay Ryan) life. I know they're very, very concerned, but we're going to see Tori in a much more dynamic way.

From your point of view, what are the differences between Alex and Tori, besides the obvious?

I think Alex was very clearly in Vincent's life for one reason. She didn't accept the [beast] part of him at all, whereas Tori is a part of all these characters' lives. We know she's a beast so she's going to have a very different relationship -- not just with Vincent, but with everybody. She is going to go on much more of a journey. Tori didn't know that she was a beast until that moment of verification. We've never really seen a beast go from zero to 60 and we don't even know if she'll get to 60 right away but just know that she has to figure what that means for her and how strong is she going to be and is going to be good or bad. It's going to be very complicated for her. We've never seen that journey for a new beast -- how they come into their own -- so that will be fun for fans.

Basically an origin story ...

And I think it will be interesting. When you first see Tori, she's kind of sneaking off on the balcony, like maybe she's not allowed to -- even though she's obviously an adult -- she could've been locked away or hidden away high in the tower. What is this beast thing going to mean for her? First she's freaked out by it, maybe she'll feel empowered. It's unclear how she's going to harness these powers into the freedom that she's been longing for. Maybe she'll be more confident. There are all these different ways for her to grow a bit.

How different is Tori to Catherine (Kristin Kreuk)?

Cat is very sure about who she is, although at times she can be conflicted about her feelings for Vincent. Tori, however, is about to start her journey and figure out who she is -- though Cat is still figuring out her father and her family. In terms of Tori and her personal confidence, that is a big difference. She'll also have a very different relationship with Vincent because they're both beasts. That's a connection that he and Catherine will never have; it's a different angle that we'll see as well.

Should Vincent/Cat fans be worried?

I don't know. Listen, Catherine doesn't need any more complications getting in the way between her and Vincent, and getting back to where they were in season one. But Tori is going to have one person to talk to about this beast thing, so there will be that dynamic between [Tori and Vincent]. Tori is a new beast and she's going to have to figure out all of this stuff and someone's going to have to teach her; Vincent is going to be able to be a mentor. And also, she's still figuring out how she feels about being a beast -- she'll deal with this beast thing first and then hash out her feelings -- but Vincent did kill her father. There's a lot of complications. Cat has just seen Vincent do the most gruesome thing he's ever done so there's a lot coming. Great love requires great challenges and tests, or else how would we know that it was great?

In the latest episode, it's Thanksgiving on Beauty and the Beast, and it looks like Gabe (Sendhil Ramamurthy) and Tori will be crashing the party. Give us a preview.

Yeah, why are they there? (Laughs.) They're there for a good reason and we'll find that out soon. Fans will get to see Tori in more of a beast mode, other than just her eyes. Why or how or who sees that and under what circumstances, you'll have to tune in to find out. Does Special Agent Reynolds (Ted Whittall) know about Tori? Who will find out about Tori? She has to decide who she'll tell. And when she does beast out, who sees it?

What does Tori in full beast mode look like?

We've never seen a female beast and we've never seen a brand new beast, so I think there will be some differences. When we were developing it, we were trying to find the fine line between creepy and beastly. I'm not afraid to be a beast; I'm not afraid to not look pretty. I find it very liberating to find your inner animal. How will the other male beasts react to that? There's a lot to be figured out.

Can you share a tease for upcoming episodes?

I think Tori being in full beast mode is pretty exciting. That's going to be the biggest things, and figuring out how she gets there. It's going to be an exciting moment and something to look forward to. You're going to get to see Tori's personality -- in the first episode she was dealing with the crazy stuff that's happening to her -- and her character and how she interacts with the different characters. You're going to see more of Tori.

http://www.hollywoodreporter.com/live-f ... yes-656091

- Amber Skye Noyes: Tori y Vincent tienen un vínculo que Cat no puede compartir (TVGuide):
Amber Skye Noyes: Tori y Vincent tienen un vínculo que Cat no puede compartir
Por Robyn Ross 17 de Nov, 2013 11:30 AM ET

Beauty and the Beast is adding one more beast to its growing family.

During a mission to take down one of the most high-profile beasts on Monday's episode, Vincent (Jay Ryan) discovers and rescues (or some might say kidnaps) his daughter Tori (Amber Skye Noyes). Unaware that her father is a part of a species she never knew existed, Tori is stunned and then devastated when he dies. As if that wasn't enough to deal with, in the closing moments of the episode, Tori sees her eyes glow a beastly shade of green. How long before she becomes a full beast? And will she and Vincent bond over their shared connection? We checked in with Noyes to find out.

That was the first time she saw signs of being a beast, right?
Amber Skye Noyes: It was definitely the first time that has happened and now that she has seen and knows what it means to be a beast, she's definitely scared. She doesn't quite know what to do and it's pretty clear there's really only one person she can talk to about it.

Will she go to Vincent right away?
Noyes: We're going to see that play out in the next episode because she has a decision to make. Maybe it was just a random flare. She doesn't know if it'll happen again. But I can say that in the next episode, you will see her fully beasted.

How was the process of filming a beast scene?
Noyes: Jay and Sendhil [Ramamurthy] gave me some tips, but because I'm the first female beast on the show, my moves and characteristics are a bit different. And she's a new beast, so what does that mean?

Tori and Cat had a nice heart-to-heart in the last episode. Will they develop a friendship?
Noyes: She doesn't really have anyone else and she certainly can't talk to other people about what she saw go down, so Cat is another person in the fold who knows about things and is on her side and not judging her because of her father. Cat also understands Tori's predicament about being conflicted about loving somebody.

How will Tori and Vincent's relationship grow? And how will that affect Cat?
Noyes: Tori is going to have her own relationship and connection with Vincent and that will change the dynamic between Tori and Cat for sure. It's very clear they share a distinct relationship and bond, one that Cat and Vincent could never have. But Vincent is also a more established beast, so the dynamic will evolve as he continues to help Tori and guide her just like he was doing in the last episode.

The next episode includes a big Thanksgiving dinner. What can you tease?
Noyes: Well, it doesn't end well, but I guess it would be boring if it did. Someone beasts out at the end of Thanksgiving dinner; something goes down for sure. Also why are Tori and Gabe there? I guess it's much more fun that way. It was so much fun to shoot though. We filmed on location at this great home and it was really fun having the whole cast there.

What are you most excited for viewers to see from Tori?
Noyes: I love this role because she goes on such a journey. She goes from a character locked away, high in the tower who's been kept away by her father, and then she becomes a beast and it's exciting to figure out what that means for her. What we haven't seen on the show is a beast from the beginning. Is it good? Bad? How does she harness those powers? Maybe Tori will like those powers. So we're going to see how she really feels about her new strengths and see her character develop. Her first episode she was dealing with a lot, so now we'll see her come into her own and how as a character she deals with who's she's becoming and whether she accepts that and grows into it or fights it.

http://www.tvguide.com/News/Beauty-Beas ... 73493.aspx

- Ted Whittall sobre Reynolds, Thankgivings y ser el padre de Cat (zap2it):
Ted Whittall sobre Reynolds, Thankgivings y ser el padre de Cat
Por Laurel Brown 18 de Noviembre 18, 2013 11:52 AM ET

"Beauty and the Beast" has a new and complicated antagonist this season -- FBI Special Agent Bob Reynolds, aka Catherine's biological father. Add in the fact that Reynolds also happens to be Vincent's handler in a quest to kill beasts, and it gets complicated quickly.

Find out more about Reynolds in this interview with actor Ted Whittall.

Rumors are that Reynolds is going to spend Thanksgiving with Catherine -- and possibly the rest of the "Beast" gang. How does that happen?

Ted Whittall: I think Reynolds wanted to spend Thanksgiving with his daughter but Cat kind of springs Vincent on him. It's hard to describe without giving it all away. But circumstances kind of conspire to get everybody involved into Reynolds' house for Thanksgiving. Reynolds kind of wants it to happen that way, because everything is starting to spin out of control and it's easier for him to get everybody there and to deal with the situation -- as he sees it -- than to not have everybody there.

Does Reynolds want to be honest and open with Cat, or is he fine keeping things from her?

Ted Whittall: I think there's secrets. I mean, you saw last week's episode -- he's actually honest with her about everything. The line that we came up with when we were talking about it is: He doesn't lie to Cat. There are just some things he can't tell her. And it's even more complicated because she has a deep involvement with Vincent. And Vincent's part of the things he can't talk about, that he can't tell her. So yes, he's trying to be open and transparent, but there are some things he just can't tell her.

When you got the role of Bob Reynolds, did you know much about his backstory and importance to "Beauty and the Beast"?

Ted Whittall: [laughs] Absolutely nothing! I came on to do the last two episodes of last season. And I was told, you know, just an FBI guy, and I was like, "Sure! I'll come do that." And then I got that script for the last episode and read it and went, "Oh my!"

It wasn't just a cliffhanger for the audience -- it was a cliffhanger for me too. I thought, "This is interesting ... Let's see what happens next season."

Are Reynolds' feelings toward Vincent because the man is a dangerous beast or because that beast is dating Catherine?

Ted Whittall: All of it. What was made absolutely clear, and what I really enjoy about doing the part is that they've really locked that conflict inside Reynolds. He actually really does care about his daughter and he's genuinely excited to be in her life.

But he knows exactly what Vincent is. And you saw, in the last episode, some of what's going on with Vincent -- how dangerous he can be. I think the drive that Reynolds has is maybe overbearing. But that being said, I think he really understands what Vincent is and he really doesn't want this in Catherine's life.

What do you think? Is Reynolds ultimately a good guy or a bad guy?

Ted Whittall: He's not a bad guy because he's just a bad guy. He's driven by his love of Catherine, and he's driven by his knowledge of what's going on out there and his desire to fix it. He has the same desire as Vincent to clear up the mess.

We want Reynolds to be a character that everybody hates to love. He is the bad guy in the scenario -- let's be clear, this is a show about Vincent and Catherine being in love. It's very tragic, almost impossible love. So Reynolds in the middle of it is definitely the bad guy, as far as this is concerned. But at the same time we want him to be understandable. We want him to be vulnerable and likable, despite what he's doing.

http://blog.zap2it.com/frominsidethebox ... s-dad.html

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¡¡¡¡AY, OMÁ QUÉ CALORES!!!! ¡Gracias por tu regalo, Nitta!

Mensajes: 32871
Registrado: Dom May 21, 2006 12:15 am


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- 'Beauty and the Beast' 2.07 "Guess who´s coming to dinner?" sneak peek:

http://insidetv.ew.com/2013/11/18/beaut ... ive-video/

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¡¡¡¡AY, OMÁ QUÉ CALORES!!!! ¡Gracias por tu regalo, Nitta!

Mensajes: 32871
Registrado: Dom May 21, 2006 12:15 am


Mensaje por Shelby »

- Beauty and the Beast 2x08 "Man or Beast?" Promo [HD]:

- Beauty and the Beast 2x08 "Man or Beast?" Extended Promo [HD]:

Añadidos los enlaces y rátings del 2.07 "Guess who´s coming to dinner". Podéis encontrarlos AQUÍ

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¡¡¡¡AY, OMÁ QUÉ CALORES!!!! ¡Gracias por tu regalo, Nitta!

Mensajes: 32871
Registrado: Dom May 21, 2006 12:15 am


Mensaje por Shelby »

- Beauty and the Beast 2x08 "Man or Beast?" Clip:

http://www.tvfanatic.com/videos/beauty- ... sive-clip/

- Beauty and the Beast 2x08 "Man or Beast?" Clip 2:

http://www.tvguide.com/News/Beauty-Beas ... 0RwQ0bEvQj

- Beauty and the Beast 2x08 "Man or Beast?" Clip 3:

http://uk.eonline.com/news/484424/beaut ... d-find-out[/spoiler]

- Brad Kern habla sobre el actual estado de “VinCat” (ksitetv):
Brad Kern habla sobre el actual estado de “VinCat”
Por Craig Byrne 21 de Noviembre, 2013

The CW this morning held a screening of the episode which preceded a Q&A with Executive Producer Brad Kern, who answered many questions about the current state of "VinCat" (the Vincent/Catherine relationship) and what that might mean for the future. More specifically, and getting to the point -- how long will it be before these two fulfill their destiny to be together?

"They have to earn their relationship," Kern says. "I mean, they got together so quickly last year, as you guys know. It's an epic love; they're meant to be together... but our design for the season, really, was asking the audience to go along with us on the ride, to explore what happens when a relationship comes together maybe too fast, and you lose yourself inside the relationship, and separating them for all these very emotional and practical and moral reasons will help them in the next several episodes [to] learn more about who they are separately. The plan is for that to make them stronger as individuals, to understand better who they are, ultimately so they can find their way back to each other, stronger than ever. That's the hope; that's the plan," he confirms.

Man or Beast?"But it is Cat and Vincent, right? So even when they are separated, they're never apart, because as we like to say, the universe wants them to be together, even when they're apart," he continues. "So, the fun of the next several episodes will be watching all the different ways that they come together, which is kind of a sign for them. But, we're exploring their separate characters, although as I say, there won't be very many scenes where they're not together, because the gods want them together, and I think the audience does, too."

Kern is well aware that a world full of rabid "Beasties" will not be happy unless they get some payoff. "I live in a gated community, but I still think the fans would climb the gates and tear down my house if we kept them apart for too long," he laughs before explaining the plan for the relationship on the series. "They're meant to be together. You can't put two people together right away and keep them together; there's no legs to a series if you do that. What do you play? So, the challenge this year has been how we build a show that might last five years, or longer. We can't do that by having them together, and we can't really explore their individual characters together. Last year they were defined by each other because they were thrown together, which is fair, that's what that season was about. But going forward, looking beyond just Season 1 or Season 2, but trying to build a show that has the foundation to really reward the epic romance, it's challenging that relationship, and the metaphor really is for anybody Guess Who's Coming to Dinner?"who is in a relationship, the relationship has to be challenged, and you have to overcome obstacles. Not always other beasts, but the metaphor is there's other challenges that we all have to overcome to test the relationship, to see if it really is worthy for them to be together. Not just because it's epic, but because they really deserve to be together. They earned that relationship," he explains. "We've had a lot of fun playing them, even on opposite sides of a case, and there they are running into each other again, and it becomes a little Mr. and Mrs. Smith, which is romantic. Romance exists even when couples are apart," he says.

Kern is aware that some fans and critics weren't too happy with Cat sacrificing so much for Vincent early on in the season, and he addressed that concern with a challenge to that argument. "Some of the fans had given us a little heat for Cat sacrificing too much, not being strong enough, but I challenge that by saying 'when do you give up on love?' At what point, when you've put in so much time into somebody who is in trouble, at what point do you say 'that's it. You're on your own?' And that was the question we wanted to ask this first 8 episodes. We wanted to start showing some of the cracks in her character, and her frustration as she went to try to go to the reunion, and she tried to go out with Tess... she tried to get her life back, concurrent with saving this guy, because she was recognizing that she was sacrificing too much. That's tough love, right? That's what we were always aiming for, and now, we venture into the consequences of post-tough love. Tough love is sometimes necessary for a relationship to come back stronger together. We're banking on the audience buying into the season, to let us tell the story so that we can develop their relationship separately and together, as adults," he says.

With all that said, even if the "epic romance" is not at the forefront, and even if there is conflict, Kern says Cat and Vincent have a lot connecting them. "Cat and Vincent will be on opposite sides of cases for a short while, which will, again, be super fun to watch, but they will also discover that there's more than just the love that binds them," Kern teases. "They're destined to be together for more than just romantic reasons. There's a mythological reason that we'll discover, too."

http://www.ksitetv.com/beauty-and-the-b ... ncat/26613

- Cat y Vincent están destinados a estar juntos -- pero no ahora mismo (TVGuide):
Cat y Vincent están destinados a estar juntos -- pero no ahora mismo
Por Robyn Ross 25 de Nov, 2013 10:00 PM ET

How do you recover from shooting the love of your life? Beauty and the Beast's Catherine Chandler will soon have to find out.

On Monday's midseason finale, Cat (KristinKreuk) had to make a tough choice: watch a beastly Vincent (Jay Ryan) kill her father (Ted Whittal) or shoot Vincent to save him. Cat ultimately chose the latter.

In the closing moments of the episode, Cat — who still ultimately put her dad in jail —was being consoled by Gabe (Sendhil Ramamurthy) while a shirtless Vincent was seen cleaning his wound as Tori (Amber Skye Noyes) walked in on him. So, where does this leave the couple? Is there hope for reconciliation, or will Cat and Vincent both seek love in other places? Executive producer Brad Kern shared what's to come with a select group of reporters below.

How will Cat shooting Vincent affect their relationship?
Brad Kern: Hugely. What we've played in the first eight episodes was that Catherine is someone who was all in to saving Vincent, but it was coming at a pretty big expense to her. The question she's had to ask over the eight episodes was, "How much do you keep trying, even though you love this guy more than anything, before you're sacrificing too much of yourself?" Shooting him was really his choice as far as we're concerned [because] she begged him not to do it. How it will affect them is fundamental because in the "Who am I?" of it all, he's chosen to go beast. It's hard to shoot your lover and get away with it, but again he made the choice.

Why break them up so soon after they got together?
Kern: You can't put two people together and keep them together because there are no legs to a series if you do that. So, the challenge was, "How do we build a show that might last five years?" To really reward the epic romance. [you have to] challenge that relationship ... and you have to overcome obstacles to test the relationship to see if it really is worthy of being together. [They have] an epic love and they're meant to be together, but [we're] asking our audience to go along with us for the ride to explore what happens when a relationship comes together too fast. Separating them for all these very emotional, practical and moral reasons will help them learn more about who they are separately, and the plan is to make them stronger as individuals and to ultimately find their way back to each other stronger than ever.

What's coming up for them if they're apart?
Kern: We've had a lot of fun playing them on opposite sides of a case where they're running into each other. It becomes a little Mr. and Mrs. Smith. There won't be many scenes when they're not together. Vincent, now separated from Cat, has to make a choice if he wants to remain hiding in the shadows or remain in the public. That will affect Cat from afar. They'll also discover there's more than just love that binds them. They're destined to be together for more than just romantic reasons —there's a mythological reason we'll discover too.

Do you think Reynolds thought he was doing the right thing by going after the beasts?
Kern: I do. He's a guy who screwed up. He saw a great way to leave his legacy at 22 years old, and he helped create this monster called Muirfield. As the time went by, he certainly realized he made a huge mistake and that his daughter was caught up in this. So, I think the whole season has been about ... [him] going to make his own amends. He has to put the genie back in the bottle, and that is what his mission has been. He looks at beasts as demons that he helped create, and he has to get rid of them, which is why Vincent was supposed to be the last one on the list. He may not have success in that way, but he did succeed in getting his daughter away from Vincent, which is what he wanted all along.

Can Cat ever forgive her dad?
Kern: I don't have an answer. When I came onto the show, I saw this tragic back story for Cat. She had just lost her mom, her sister has to leave, she's in love with this beast and now her father is in prison. It's a lot to ask her to forgive. I think over time she will understand what he was saying, which has merit. No father would want [his daughter] to be with a crazy maniac, which is the way he looks at beasts. It doesn't matter that she loves him. He has a line at the end where he says, "You'll thank me someday," and that's what fathers say. Someday, Cat will find a way to understand that this is daddy caring about protecting her.

Will Catherine become even closer to Gabe now?
Kern: It's fair to say their relationship will grow. How far it'll grow and how fast, I'm not saying. He's really reformed as a character. He had a second chance and he took a noble path. After he was saved by Cat, he wanted to make amends and he's proven himself this season to be a good guy even at his own expense. He's a handsome ADA, he has money, he's willing to sacrifice himself — he's a catch. That's hard for Cat not to notice. Does that mean their relationship will build into something? Remains to be seen. It certainly is something Cat organically will and should explore.

And what about Tori and Vincent?
Kern: She's going to play into [his separation from Cat]. Whatever their relationship turns out to be, they do appear to be the last two active beasts in the world. So, it's binding and they must work together. Her pheromonal powers also amplify his powers. It'll create problems for him because it's hard to find yourself when you're being affected by someone else's aura and power. From her point of view, she's all alone in this world. She looks up to this hot guy and likes him and wants nothing more than to have a relationship with him. But Cat is still in the back of his mind, which puts he and Tori in conflict with each other.

http://www.tvguide.com/News/Beauty-Beas ... 73907.aspx

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¡¡¡¡AY, OMÁ QUÉ CALORES!!!! ¡Gracias por tu regalo, Nitta!

Mensajes: 32871
Registrado: Dom May 21, 2006 12:15 am


Mensaje por Shelby »

- 'Beauty And The Beast' Season Two Secrets (ET Canada):

- Kristin Kreuk, "Beauty and the Beast" Promo para Portugal:

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¡¡¡¡AY, OMÁ QUÉ CALORES!!!! ¡Gracias por tu regalo, Nitta!

Mensajes: 32871
Registrado: Dom May 21, 2006 12:15 am


Mensaje por Shelby »

- Nuevos spoilers de la S2 (TVLine):
Sobre Beauty and the Beast, ¿qué demonios hay en el ADN de Vincent y Tori que los hacen que se atraigan el uno al otro así? ¿Es como un deseo primario de una bestia de "aparearse"? ¡Oh, por favor, di que no! –Madge
Le hice tu pregunta al productor ejecutivo Brad Kern, y explicó, “Tori y Vincent amplifican los poderes del otro y sus emociones - y esa es una atracción con la que vamos a continuar jugando.”

¡Por favor, sigue con las primicias de Beauty and the Beast! Con el hiatus de invierno a la vuelta de la esquina, necesito algo más –Larissa
El drama de la CW drama está haciendo el cásting para el papel recurrente de Sam, un brillante y encantador arqueólogo que ha sido misteriosamente afectado por algo que le pasó en los últimos 6 años.

http://tvline.com/2013/11/22/how-i-met- ... king-dead/

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¡¡¡¡AY, OMÁ QUÉ CALORES!!!! ¡Gracias por tu regalo, Nitta!

Mensajes: 32871
Registrado: Dom May 21, 2006 12:15 am


Mensaje por Shelby »

- Beauty and the Beast 2.09 "Don´t Die On Me" Promo (HD):

- Beauty and the Beast 2.09 "Don´t Die On Me" Extended Promo (HD):

Añadidos los enlaces y rátings del 2.08 "Man or Beast?". Podéis encontrarlos AQUÍ

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¡¡¡¡AY, OMÁ QUÉ CALORES!!!! ¡Gracias por tu regalo, Nitta!

Mensajes: 32871
Registrado: Dom May 21, 2006 12:15 am


Mensaje por Shelby »

- Nuevas imágenes BTS en el set (26-11-13):

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(Thanks to @ElisabethRohm)

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¡¡¡¡AY, OMÁ QUÉ CALORES!!!! ¡Gracias por tu regalo, Nitta!

Mensajes: 32871
Registrado: Dom May 21, 2006 12:15 am


Mensaje por Shelby »

- Tom Everett Scott aparecerá en la S2 de "Beauty and the Beast" en "un intenso papel recurrente" (EW.com):
EW ha informado que Tom Everett Scott ha sido contratado para la segunda temporada de "Beauty and the Beast" para un papel recurrente, interpretando un personaje llamado Sam, un brillante arqueólogo con poco aguante que es descrito como alguien “que puede ser encantador por un lado y maníaco por el otro.”

La historia pasada de Sam será revelada en su primera aparición, que está prevista para el episodio 12 y se emitirá en el 2014, y continuará descubriéndose cuando cruce su camino con Kat, Vincent y Co. Ha estado aislado durante muchos años - algo que puede que no haya sido cosa suya - y su experiencia le ha cambiado.

http://insidetv.ew.com/2013/12/04/beaut ... ett-scott/

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¡¡¡¡AY, OMÁ QUÉ CALORES!!!! ¡Gracias por tu regalo, Nitta!

Mensajes: 32871
Registrado: Dom May 21, 2006 12:15 am


Mensaje por Shelby »

- Beauty and the Beast - Flashback Trailer:

- Nueva BTS del cast por Navidad (07-12-13):

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(@simakumar: nearly there! @TuckShopCo! watching this space for @JayRyan @NinaLisandrello and I'll post mine today!
@AustinBasis: Happy Holydays #Beasties! #DontStopBelieving)

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¡¡¡¡AY, OMÁ QUÉ CALORES!!!! ¡Gracias por tu regalo, Nitta!

Mensajes: 32871
Registrado: Dom May 21, 2006 12:15 am


Mensaje por Shelby »

- Descripción oficial del 2.09 "Don´t Die on Me":
2.09 "Don´t Die on Me" (13 de enero, 2013): LA RELACIÓN DE CAT Y VINCENT ESTÁ EN CONCICIONES EXTREMAS --- Para prevenir que Vincent (Jay Ryan) de más lesiones, Cat (Kristin Kreuk) ayuda a proteger a Tori (la estrella invitada Amber Skye Noyes) cuando su vida se ve amenazada, revelando un nuevo e inesperado misterio. Mientras tanto, el testarudo intento de Vincent de intervenir lleva a consecuencias que pueden cambiar la vida, lo que causa que Gabe (Sendhil Ramamurthy) y Cat se acerquen más. Nina Lisandrello y Austin Basis también aparecen. Mairzee Almas dirige el episodio escrito por Eric Tuchman (#209).

http://www.ksitetv.com/beauty-and-the-b ... tion/27148

- Stills del 2.09 "Don´t Die on Me":

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¡¡¡¡AY, OMÁ QUÉ CALORES!!!! ¡Gracias por tu regalo, Nitta!

Mensajes: 32871
Registrado: Dom May 21, 2006 12:15 am


Mensaje por Shelby »

- Descripción oficial del 2.10 "Ancestors":
2.10 "Ancestors": VINCENT REVELA SU VERDADERA IDENTIDAD AL MUNDO --- Vincent (Jay Ryan) va a un programa de entrevistas nacional para revelar que sigue estando vivo, mientras que Cat (Kristin Kreuk) indaga en un caso encubierto para la Agente del FBI Dana Landon (la estrella invitada Elisabeth Röhm). Vincent, decidido a descubrir más sobre sus orígenes de bestia, termina cara a cara con Cat en mitad de un atraco, lo que les obliga a trabajar juntos. Sendhil Ramamurthy, Nina Lisandrello y Austin Basis también aparecen. Steven A. Adelson dirige el episodio escrito por Roger Grant y Rupa Magge (#210).

http://www.ksitetv.com/beauty-and-the-b ... tion/27261

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¡¡¡¡AY, OMÁ QUÉ CALORES!!!! ¡Gracias por tu regalo, Nitta!

Mensajes: 32871
Registrado: Dom May 21, 2006 12:15 am


Mensaje por Shelby »

- Stills del 2.10 "Ancestors":

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- Imagen BTS de la S2 (07-01-14):


(@AustinBasis: The #FabFive are back...! Happy New Year #Beasties!)

- Imágenes BTS de la S2 (08-01-14):

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(@ElisabethRohm: Fun Day with my girl @MdKristinKreuk #BatB
@ElisabethRohm: @JayRyan @Sendhil_Rama love working w you amazing actors)

- Imágenes BTS de la S2 (09-01-14):

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(Thanks to @rossana4uru & @stugillard)

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¡¡¡¡AY, OMÁ QUÉ CALORES!!!! ¡Gracias por tu regalo, Nitta!

Mensajes: 32871
Registrado: Dom May 21, 2006 12:15 am


Mensaje por Shelby »

- Descripción oficial del 2.11 “Held Hostage”:
2.11 “Held Hostage”: CAT, TORI Y TESS SON TOMADAS COMO REHERENES --- Un grupo de criminales están buscando el robar un raro collar que está en posesión de Tori (la estrella invitada Amber Skye Noyes) y lleva a Cat (Kristin Kreuk), Tori y Tess (Nina Lisandrello) a ser tomadas como rehenes en la Comisaría, dejando a Vincent (Jay Ryan) como su única esperanza de ayuda. Vincent es forzado a tomar una decisión ya que el ayudar podría revelar su verdadera identidad a toda la policía. Sendhil Ramamurthy, Nina Lisandrello y Austin Basis también aparecen. Sudz Sutherland dirige el episodio escrito por Pamela Sue Anton (#211).

http://www.ksitetv.com/beauty-and-the-b ... tion/27578

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¡¡¡¡AY, OMÁ QUÉ CALORES!!!! ¡Gracias por tu regalo, Nitta!

Mensajes: 32871
Registrado: Dom May 21, 2006 12:15 am


Mensaje por Shelby »

- La CW felicita a sus ganadores de los "People Choice Awards 2014":

- "Beauty and the Beast" 2.09 "Don´t die on me" Clip:

http://insidetv.ew.com/2014/01/10/beaut ... ere-video/

- "Beauty and the Beast" 2.09 "Don´t die on me" Clip 2:

http://tvline.com/2014/01/13/beauty-and ... her-badge/

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¡¡¡¡AY, OMÁ QUÉ CALORES!!!! ¡Gracias por tu regalo, Nitta!


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