Foro dedicado a Erica Durance que interpreta a Lois Lane

Moderadores: Shelby, Lore, porre, Super_House, ZeTa, Trasgo

Mensajes: 32865
Registrado: Dom May 21, 2006 12:15 am


Mensaje por Shelby »

- Saving Hope 4.01 "Sympathy for the Devil" Sneak Peek:


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¡¡¡¡AY, OMÁ QUÉ CALORES!!!! ¡Gracias por tu regalo, Nitta!

Mensajes: 32865
Registrado: Dom May 21, 2006 12:15 am


Mensaje por Shelby »

- Escritora de "Saving Hope" adelanta una temporada siguiendo adelante y caras nuevas (thetvjunkies):
Escritora de "Saving Hope" adelanta una temporada siguiendo adelante y caras nuevas
Por Bridget Liszewski | 23 Septiembre, 2015

Seven months may have passed since we last checked in with the doctors and nurses on Saving Hope but in many ways we’re still not over that shocking finale in which Joel (Daniel Gillies) was unexpectedly and tragically killed by a bomb. Season 4 of the CTV drama will pick up 11 months after those events and see Alex (Erica Durance), Charlie (Michael Shanks) and the rest of Hope Zion trying to move on from the devastating accident.

As Alex tries to balance motherhood and work, Charlie continues to be haunted by his ghost-seeing abilities and some new faces join the cast, including Rookie Blue’s Peter Mooney, Travis Milne and Charlotte Sullivan at different points in the season. How will everyone deal with Joel’s death? Will Alex and Charlie be able to make their relationship work? And more importantly, will we find out the identity of Baby Luke’s father?

In order to get a closer look on what we can expect from Season 4 The TV Junkies talked exclusively with Saving Hope executive producer and writer Noelle Carbone. She previews what’s ahead for the characters this season, as well as gives us some insight on what to expect from the new additions. In addition to her Saving Hope duties Carbone also serves as a writer on Rookie Blue.

The TV Junkies: While all the characters will obviously still be dealing with Joel’s death, what about you all in the writers’ room? What’s Saving Hope like this season without him?

Noelle Carbone: It’s really different, for sure. What happened to Joel affected everyone. Part of the fun of breaking Season 4 was considering how each character evolved – or devolved – because of what happened at the end of Season 3.

TTVJ: Much of the show’s focus has always been on the love triangle between Alex, Charlie and Joel. With Joel gone what’s Saving Hope‘s main focus for Season 4?

NC: While we were developing Season 4, it became clear that the only thing standing in the way of Alex and Charlie’s happiness is Charlie’s relationship to the spirit world. His ghost-doctoring. In a way, that’s the love triangle of Season 4. Especially when the rules of the ghost world start to change in a way that could threaten their family.

Our unofficial slogan for Season 4 is “Alex and Charlie against the world.” I think it has a nice ring to it. I might even put it on a t-shirt.

TTVJ: Will we find out if Charlie is the father of Baby Luke? What role will he play in the baby’s life?

NC: Yes, we will find out who Luke’s father is. Feel free to insert a Star Wars joke here. In terms of Charlie’s role… That man loves Alex so much that he’d do anything for her, including raise another man’s child–IF Baby Luke is Joel’s son. And I’m not saying he is.

TTVJ: Will Zach [Benjamin Ayres] have any survivor’s guilt from the bombing with Joel?

NC: Zach watched his best friend blow up right in front of him. And then blew up his own life–including his relationship with Melanda. Although he’s still his usual funny and sarcastic self, there’s definitely a darker side to him that we haven’t seen before. But there is a light at the end of the tunnel for him. And it comes from somewhere–OK, someone–unexpected.

TTVJ: Last season many of the supporting characters got a chance to step up. Will we see that trend again this season?

NC: Definitely. It’s always a bit of a juggling act to write for such a big cast–to ensure that each character has something fun and dramatic to do every season. Luckily we’re blessed with an ensemble of incredible actors who give us memorable performances no matter how big or small their arcs are. It makes the juggling act a lot easier, and the writing much more rewarding.

TTVJ: There are several new characters joining the cast this year. What can you tell us about the newbies?

NC: There’s a new batch of junior residents this season, one in particular who Alex takes under her wing. And, well, junior residents are like puppies. They’re cute and sweet but you have to watch them like a hawk to make sure they don’t chew the furniture or pee on the floor. Metaphorically speaking.

OK, now I feel bad that I called them puppies. They’re not puppies. They’re surgeons–who’ve never actually done surgery. So you can imagine the shenanigans they get into. The three of them–Cassie [Kim Shaw], Dev [Dejan Loyola] and Asha [Parveen Kaur]–are extremely fun to write for. They’re also untainted by the tragedy that came before them. So they’re kind of a palette cleanser for everyone–for Zach in particular.

To balance out the hijinks, we’re also introducing a new kick ass senior staff surgeon named Bishop, played by Peter Mooney. I’ll give everyone a moment to compose themselves.

What can I tell you about Bishop? He and Charlie are old pals but he’s keeping a secret. And that secret puts him on a romantic crash course with another character later in this season. How’s that? That sounded pretty juicy, right?

TTVJ: What does Peter Mooney joining the cast say about Rookie Blue‘s future and his future on the show? If it were to continue does this mean Nick Collins wouldn’t be a part of it?

NC: I honestly have no idea. I haven’t heard anything definitive, one way or the other. And I bet neither has he.

TTVJ: Can you share anything about Travis Milne’s arc this season?

NC: Hmmm… how to put this without spoiling anything. Travis plays a guy named Tom Crenshaw. He’s Alex’s patient, but Charlie is his lifeline. And the two are deeply connected in a way that is sweet but also potentially scary.

TTVJ: Can you share anything about the guest role Charlotte Sullivan will be playing? Since you personally have written so many of Gail Peck’s stand out episodes will you be writing the episode that features Charlotte?

NC: You’ve never seen Charlotte like this before. I mean that literally and figuratively.

The role wasn’t specifically written for Charlotte. The idea to cast her came after the script was written. But as soon as it was suggested, we all knew she was the perfect choice. I didn’t write the episode. Ley Lukins did. And for those of you playing Rookie Blue Writer Bingo at home, you know Ley was part of the Rookie Blue family for many years. Charlotte was in good hands.

TTVJ: What’s going on with Maggie [Julia Taylor Ross] this season? We saw her explore her sexuality a bit last season. Is that something she will continue to do?

NC: At the end of last season Maggie really came into her own as a surgeon. She aced her boards–in very dramatic fashion–and delivered Alex’s baby. This season Maggie is continuing on that trajectory. Her goal is to become the best surgeon at Hope Zion and she’s not letting any distractions get in the way. At least, that’s the plan. But that plan goes to hell midway through the season and really pushes Maggie to the brink of losing everything.

TTVJ: You’ve said that Gail Peck was always your favourite character to write for on Rookie Blue. Do you have a favourite on Saving Hope?

NC: I’d say probably Dawn, for the same reasons as Gail, actually. There’s something really liberating about writing strong female characters who are unapologetically frank–who don’t censor themselves for fear of being disliked. I think a lot of people, women in particular, would be better off with a little bit of Dawn’s ‘tude. Plus you could ask Michelle Nolden to read the ingredients on a package of Pizza Pops and it would be the most compelling performance you’ve ever seen.

TTVJ: Anything else you’d like to share about the upcoming season?

NC: Please watch and reach out to us when you do. Live tweet with us, message us, join the Facebook group. We want to hear what you have to say. After all, we’re making this show for you. And our moms. Our moms really love the show.

http://www.thetvjunkies.com/saving-hope ... ws-season/

- Erica Durance adelanta la Season 4 de Saving Hope (canada.com):
Erica Durance adelanta la Season 4 de Saving Hope
Por Melissa Hank 23 Septiembre, 2015, 4:34 pm

Last season, Saving Hope signed off with a bang. Literally.

The homegrown medical drama ended its third season with an explosion that killed fan-favourite character Dr. Joel Goran (Daniel Gillies), who was working in the field. Meanwhile, Dr. Alex Reid (Erica Durance) had a baby, making for some truly life-and-death storytelling.

Saving Hope returns this Thursday with its Season 4 premiere, titled Sympathy for the Devil. Durance, a Calgary native, was on hand to talk about what’s ahead at Hope Zion Hospital.

Q What was your reaction to the season finale, with Joel dying that way?

A Just like anything, you just try to roll with it and keep going. Accept the way they want the show to go, and accept the story arcs of all the characters. But that was a bit shocking.

Q How did you deal with being pregnant in real life last season, while playing a pregnant woman on the show?

A If you’re going to play somebody pregnant, it’s helpful to be pregnant. It’s kind of seamless that way. But it was an exhausting year. I’ve never been so tired in my life. It’s something that I wanted to do for my real life, and they were gracious enough on the show to let that be a part of the story.

Q What’s ahead for next season? I hear the show is jumping ahead nine months.

A Yeah, it’s Alex coming back from maternity leave and all the things that you deal with as a woman coming back. Her job has been replaced and she’s trying to find her footing again. Dealing with that, dealing with the guilt of leaving the child at home, wanting to be at home with a child. And I’m dealing with that as a person too.

But it’s going to be the first time that the audience actually gets to see Charlie (Michael Shanks) and Alex in real time, in a real relationship, having been in a good place for a while. And then dealing with the aftermath of Joel’s death, and there’s all sorts of stuff that comes up from that other (supernatural) world.

Q Max Bennett is joining the show as Dr. Patrick Curtis, and Travis Milne has a four-episode arc. Who else is new this season?

A People are going to love them. There’s Kim Shaw’s character (Dr. Cassie Williams) — she’s just this amazing, fun, quirky doctor. A great new personality to have in there.

Q Michael Shanks and Jason Priestley are directing some episodes again this year — is that something you want to do as well?

A Depends on what day you talk to me. Definitely that’s something I’d like to explore, whether that ends up being in this venue, or another one. It’s just another aspect to further enlighten yourself and be in control of the story.

Q People also know you as Lois Lane in Smallville. What do you think of doing a cameo in the new Supergirl series on CBS?

A That would be really, really fun. My communication is always open with those guys. If something comes along that we both agree would be fun and appropriate, then I would love to work with them again. You just never know.

http://o.canada.com/entertainment/telev ... s-season-4

- Saving Hope: 11 pistas para sacarte del apuro hasta la Premiere (thetvjunkies):
Saving Hope: 11 pistas para sacarte del apuro hasta la Premiere
Por Christy Spratlin | 24 Septiembre, 2015

The doctors of Hope Zion finally return to our television screens Thursday when Saving Hope returns for Season 4. After unexpectedly having to say goodbye to one of our favourite characters, Dr. Joel Goran (Daniel Gillies), in the Season 3 finale fans and the show’s characters will be forced to recover from that heartbreaking event.

It was no question that Joel’s death would be a real game changer for the show, and with the show’s driving force, the love triangle between Joel-Alex-Charlie now gone it looks like the path is clear for other storylines to open up a bit as the show moves toward more of an ensemble format. We already know that as the season progresses new characters will be added and we will see well known guest stars. From what we’ve seen so far this season may just be Saving Hope‘s best one yet.

In order to tide fans over until the premiere we’ve got 11 tidbits we can share while you wait to watch for yourself on Thursday night:

There is a time jump

The premiere episode begins 11 months after Season 3 ended. Alex is heading back to work after her maternity leave and she’s a little surprised to see that things have changed a bit at Hope Zion since she left.

Zach Is In Crisis

Zach is still struggling with Joel’s tragic death and has been on a bit of a downward spiral ever since. He’s grumpy, partying into the wee hours of the morning and is absolutely no fun to be around.

Who’s The Daddy?

We still don’t know who baby Luke’s father is despite the fact that Alex and Charlie have been living in post-baby bliss for the last eleven months. In all that time they never went ahead with the paternity test and not knowing is starting to ride on Charlie so the topic is comes up this week. Saving Hope executive producer and writer Noelle Carbone has said that we will indeed find out who Luke’s father is eventually, will this be the week?

Dr. Joel Goran – Gone But Not Forgotten

If you’re anything like us you may be a little worried that Joel’s memory would fade into the background, but that is definitely not the case at Hope Zion. Memories of him and his tragic demise are still fresh in everyone’s minds and we’ve got to say, it was nice to see. There is even a special dedication that has been made to him. Keep your eyes peeled during the episode and you’ll see what we mean.

There’s A New Doctor In The House

And he isn’t exactly happy to see Alex. Dr. Patrick Curtis (Max Bennett) took over for her while she was away on maternity leave and he’s doesn’t exactly welcome Alex back with open arms. He’s a stickler for procedure and insists on double checking all of Alex’s findings right from the start. It looks like Alex is going to have to prove herself before he starts to trust her.

Is A New Romance Blossoming?

Now we can’t be sure but we think we see a few sparks flying between two of our favorite characters. It’s a relationship that we never would have thought of before but one that has us excited about the possibilities it might bring. Let’s see if you can figure out who we’re talking about.

Maggie’s One-Liners

Maggie’s personality has always been one of our favorites on the show and her one-liners never fail to make us laugh. There are several great ones in this premiere but we do have a personal favourite. Make sure you tell us yours after you’ve watched!

Rookie Blue‘s Travis Milne Guest Stars

This is a very different role from the fun-loving and happy-go-lucky Chris Diaz we are used to seeing Milne play for six seasons on Rookie Blue. However, we can guarantee you will be impressed with this performance. He plays a pretty big role in the show’s first four episodes and he’s going to put Charlie in quite the predicament.

A Ghost Crosses The Line

Home has always been a safe place for Charlie. He’s always been able to leave his ghosts at the hospital (except for that one at the hotel bar), but things are changing this season, at least when it comes to one ghost in particular. This ghost will be desperate, demanding and know that Charlie is the only one they can go to for help.

Dr. Reed’s Still Got It

If you were worried that an 11 month break from surgery would effect Alex’s abilities then you were mistaken. Alex is back on the job and kicking ass while she’s at it. It’s safe to say she does not disappoint in her return.

Chalex Is Back

If you’re one of the fans struggling since Alex and Charlie broke up in Season 2 then you will be happy to hear that these two are back together and doing better than ever before. In fact, they are living together and raising baby Luke together as a family. Now we’re sure it’s not going to be all roses and fairy tales for these two, but it’s nice to see they are off to such a good start.

http://www.thetvjunkies.com/saving-hope ... e-preview/

- Las estrellas de "Saving Hope" sobre lo que está por venir para Alex y Charlie (thetvjunkies):
Las estrellas de "Saving Hope" sobre lo que está por venir para Alex y Charlie
Por Christy Spratlin | 24 Septiembre, 2015

For three seasons Saving Hope was a show that centered on the angsty love triangle between Joel (Daniel Gillies), Alex (Erica Durance) and Charlie (Michael Shanks). With Joel’s tragic death at the end of last season the show has been forced to change that focus and expose viewers to a whole new side of the doctors at Hope Zion Hospital. While Joel’s death may have allowed Charlie and Alex to move on with their lives, the couple now has to learn to live their lives together like we’ve never seen them before.

The Season 4 premiere saw Charlie struggle with knowing the truth about baby Luke’s paternity but any doubt Alex (or viewers) may have had regarding his true intentions were put to bed in that final scene. Charlie stepped up and admitted to Alex that he didn’t need to know who Luke’s father was because no matter what, he would be there. While his words may have tugged at our heart strings it’s hard not to wonder if he was telling the truth. Does he really not want to know? And what about Alex, is she really OK with never finding out who Luke’s father is?

To clear up a few of our concerns and to discuss the upcoming season we had a chat with Saving Hope stars Erica Durance and Michael Shanks. Read on for their thoughts and feelings about what’s to come.

The TV Junkies: There is a different feeling amongst the characters this season and we think that it’s going to make for a pretty interesting season.

Erica Durance: Yeah, I think the audience is going to really like it. Every year it has been interesting and fun as actors because every year it changes a little bit and becomes a slightly different show. So we have to kind of dance the dance. And this year’s really great because you just get to know the characters a bit more and we’re bringing in new characters.

Michael Shanks: You will get to see the characters in a different way. You go from seeing Alex and Maggie (Julia Taylor Ross) as residents last year, struggling away with all the stresses they entail and now they’re kind of superiors. So we get to see them interact with the new people and see how they are as bosses instead of subservients. Changing up the dynamics that way and seeing the characters interact on different levels of hierarchy is really cool. And we’ll also be seeing things like Zach (Benjamin Ayres) dealing with Joel’s death, and Alex dealing with being a mother and trying to balance her obviously strong passion about her job, mixed with her new passion about being a mother. It’s really different from seasons past.

TTVJ: Will Charlie really be able to live with not knowing who Baby Luke’s father is? Will we find out the truth eventually?

MS: Well it’s not really credible for him to never know. I think it would be taking artistic license really far. But I think regardless of what the outcome is, I don’t think his position on Luke would change just given what that signifies. That’s a role and a function for any person that’s in the position of being a father figure to someone they wouldn’t relinquish that no matter what. That’s the role he’s taken and he wouldn’t drop it just because it’s Joel’s baby.

TTVJ: And what about Alex? Is she going to be OK not knowing?

ED: I think it’s kind of always been there. I think it’s something that she’s thinking about but at the same time life moves on and she’s moving forward, and who the father is doesn’t matter to her because they (Alex and Charlie) are a family now. And that’s where they are headed. And it’s nice for the audience to get to see them live out in real time, instead of in all the flashbacks, so they are actually watching as they experience their relationship.

MS: Yeah, it’s the first time we’re seeing them with all the truths on the table, and all the past in the past, and now they’re able to exist in the present with no secrets being hidden away and their just dealing with life. Their holding hands together with this baby and we get to see what that’s like and whether that will work of not.

TTVJ: How will Alex knowing about Charlie’s ability to see ghosts change their relationship going forward? Will he include her more?

ED: You’re just going to have to watch…

MS: Well, what you are going to see a little bit of this season is Charlie trying to get to the bottom of it. Now that it’s not a secret from Alex anymore, how do they deal with it together? His (Charlie’s) solution for it is to get to the bottom of it. Why is he seeing these ghosts? Is there anybody else like him out there and why does he posses these abilities? So he’s going to start that journey this season, which is something I’ve been bugging them to do for a while because it seems like the first question you’d ask yourself, but apparently we had bigger relationship fish to fry first so…

ED: You know I think too, for Alex, watching Charlie is part of the fun and seeing if she is fully invested and fully believes, because she believes him, or is it because she loves him? You know, the difference in believing it’s actually out there or believing that he sees it’s out there and how far does that go?

TTVJ: Charlie and Alex seem to be in a really good place. Will this continue or are they going to be facing any bumps in the road with their relationship as the season progresses?

MS: Well it wouldn’t be Saving Hope without a few bumps in the road that’s for sure.

ED: Yeah, and we’ve got a little bit more in the spirit world this season. That is a little different this season, it’s got a different colour to it. They are a little bit more malevolent, some of them aren’t particularly well meaning. So that is something that’s very different for the viewer to watch this season too.

TTVJ: For so long the Alex/Charlie/Joel love triangle was front and center on the show. What’s the adjustment like for your characters now that Joel is gone?

MS: What it does is take the focus of the show off of that angsty, will-they-or-won’t-they, at least from these two characters’ perspectives. And it sets them on a course that is a far more adult perspective on life. Rather than these grown men punching each other in the hallways and fighting over patients, now you’re seeing Alex and Charlie move forward. And not to say that you aren’t going to see romance and entanglements on the show, it’s just not going to necessarily have to involve them anymore.

TTVJ: So is that going to open up more storylines for the rest of the cast?

MS: Absolutely.

What did you think of the Saving Hope premiere? Do you think that Alex and Charlie are really going to be OK with not knowing the truth about Luke’s father? What do you think of the new feel for the show? Do you like what you are seeing so far? Drop a few words in the comments section below and let us know how you’re feeling.

http://www.thetvjunkies.com/saving-hope ... x-charlie/?

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¡¡¡¡AY, OMÁ QUÉ CALORES!!!! ¡Gracias por tu regalo, Nitta!

Mensajes: 32865
Registrado: Dom May 21, 2006 12:15 am


Mensaje por Shelby »

- Screening del elenco y el equipo de la premiere de la S4 (24-09-15):


(@thehuse: It's the season 4 #SavingHope cast and writers screening!!!)

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¡¡¡¡AY, OMÁ QUÉ CALORES!!!! ¡Gracias por tu regalo, Nitta!

Mensajes: 32865
Registrado: Dom May 21, 2006 12:15 am


Mensaje por Shelby »

- Erica Durance, rueda de entrevistas promocionales de la S4 (24-09-14) -

-1045 CHUM FM-

-Newstalk 1010-



-Morning Show-


-CTV Canada AM-


Video: http://canadaam.ctvnews.ca/video?clipId ... nPageNum=1

-CP24 Breakfast-

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http://www.cp24.com/video?clipId=712259 ... tPageNum=1

-The Social CTV-

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- The Marilyn Denis Show-



-CTV Morning Live-

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http://bc.ctvnews.ca/video?clipId=71250 ... tPageNum=1

-Parents Canada-



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¡¡¡¡AY, OMÁ QUÉ CALORES!!!! ¡Gracias por tu regalo, Nitta!

Mensajes: 32865
Registrado: Dom May 21, 2006 12:15 am


Mensaje por Shelby »

- Saving Hope 4.02 "Beasts of Burden" Promo:


- Stills del 4.02 "Beasts of Burden":

Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen

- Descripción oficial del 4.02 "Beasts of Burden":
4.02 "Beasts of Burden" (01/10/15): De vuelta de su baja de maternidad por sólo dos días, la Dra. Alex Reid (Erica Durance) se le da el privilegio de asistir a la renovada cirujana Dra. Clara Levine (Kate Lynch, THIS IS WONDERLAND). Cuando Alex empieza a cuestionar la decisión quirúrgica de la Dra. Levine rápidamente se encuentra a sí misma en el lado equivocado de la mesa de operaciones, siendo reemplazada por el siempre encantador y siempre discreto Dr. Patrick Curtis (Max Bennett, Anna Karenina). Tras siete cirugías en una pierna que muestra ninguna mejora, al Dr. Charlie Harris (Michael Shanks) se le da la nada enviable tarea de convencer a su paciente de que, en vista de la espiral auto-medicación y la posibilidad muy real de una vida de dolor, algunas veces tan sólo podemos seguir adelante cuando dejamos lo que nos retiene. Mientras tanto, cuando un publicista ejecutivo alcohólico vaga por la calle con una herida en la cabeza, la Dra. Maggie Lin (Julia Taylor Ross), quien está sopesando la posibilidad muy real de abandonar el Hope Zion Hospital, hace todo lo que está en su mano para poner a su paciente en desintoxicación con la esperanza de hacer las cosas bien.

http://theworldgoespop.com/2015/09/28/s ... of-burden/

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¡¡¡¡AY, OMÁ QUÉ CALORES!!!! ¡Gracias por tu regalo, Nitta!

Mensajes: 32865
Registrado: Dom May 21, 2006 12:15 am


Mensaje por Shelby »

- Erica Durance sobre la maternidad y un consejo para su alter ego de "Saving Hope" (Hello! Canada):
Erica Durance sobre la maternidad y un consejo para su alter ego de "Saving Hope"
Por Hello Canada 30 Septiembre, 2015

Last time we saw Saving Hope star Erica Durance on the small screen, her character Dr. Alex Reid wrote her medical board exams, had a baby and lost one of the loves of her life in a tragic twist. Off-camera, the Vancouver-based actress’s life is just as eventful, albeit with happier circumstances. She and husband David Palffy – who are already parents to 16-year-old David – welcomed son Lochlan in February. “Life keeps getting fuller and fuller,” she tells Hello! As the medical drama returns for a new season of heart-wrenching stories, the former Smallville star, 37, fills us in on her latest addition and the advice she’d give her TV alter ego.

You and your husband welcomed another son this year. What has life been like for you?
It’s not a completely new chapter because I have one son who’s 16 and now one who’s brand new. There’s a lot of juggling going on, but we just love it.

Does being a parent affect your choice of roles?
I think that as I get older, my convictions about what I want to put out there have become more solidified. When I first started out, I was much more individualistic in my approach to work. Then I started to think about what I would want my kids to see. My older son is awesome and so respectful of women. Now that I’m raising another little man, I want him to grow up in a world where his opinion is a solid, respectful one.

What do you think you’ve learned from being on Saving Hope?
The experience on-set has taught me to trust my instincts a lot more than I used to. I’ve grown in to being more comfortable in my skin working on this job.

Your character Alex went through a lot last season. What advice would you give her?
I’d tell her to calm down and try not to be so perfect.

When you’re not on-set, how do you spend your downtime?
It’s all about family. It’s just about hanging out with them.

Do you also enjoy getting dressed up and going out?
I’m somewhat introverted, so I’m not a big fan of getting out there and having my picture taken. I have friends who love the pomp and pageantry of the red carpet. But I find the most pleasant time I have [at those events] is talking to people who are fans of the show. They’re just so gracious, so that’s always fun.

Does your family ever weigh in on the show?
The only thing my son will say is, “It’s boring if you’re not in it. You should be in everything.” So I think that’s very supportive! [ Laughs]

http://ca.hellomagazine.com/film/020150 ... ving-hope/

- Travis Milne de "Rookie Blue" lleva a "Saving Hope" al lado oscuro (thetvjunkies):
Travis Milne de "Rookie Blue" lleva a "Saving Hope" al lado oscuro
Por Christy Spratlin | 01 Octubre, 2015

When Saving Hope premiered last week we were introduced to a whole new side of the ghost world thanks to Tom Crenshaw (Travis Milne). Alex’s (Erica Durance) patient, convicted of murdering his wife, was placed into a medically induced coma which allowed him to cross a line and approach Charlie (Michael Shanks), as a ghost, in his home, thus proving that Tom Crenshaw is no ordinary Saving Hope ghost. Could Crenshaw be a way for the writers to add a new, darker theme for this season?

If you thought Tom looked familiar that’s because Milne spent six seasons playing Chris Diaz on Rookie Blue. To get Milne’s view on playing this new character we were lucky enough to talk with him earlier in the week. He shared with us what attracted him to this darker role, if he poses any threat to Charlie and his thoughts on Rookie Blue’s return.

The TV Junkies: This character is quite different from Chris Diaz on Rookie Blue. What attracted you to the role?

Travis Milne:. One of the producers Sonia (Hosko) called me asked me a while ago if I wanted to work on Saving Hope, and for years I’ve been saying that I want to be on Saving Hope so bad. Like ‘Please, please put me on it.’ So I had been hounding them for a while. Finally they agreed. Also it’s the same production company that does Rookie Blue so they called me up and offered it to me. They said ‘we are going to have you play this darker character.’ I read it and initially I was like, ‘Oh, I don’t know, is this a good guy or a bad guy?’ The moral ambiguity is what really attracted me to this character initially I think. I thought either way it would be a good character to play. The idea of playing a bit of a darker character is probably what attracted me to it the most.

TTVJ: You seem to have started a trend as a bunch of your Rookie Blue co-stars are going to be showing up as well this season. Does your role cross over with theirs at all?

TM: Yeah, leave it to me to start a trend. I just wish I was jumping on to a series regular role on Saving Hope as opposed to being there for a couple and then popping out. I was like, ‘Dude, I will stick around. I will totally hang out.’

Charlotte (Sullivan) is in the one episode that I’m in (Episode 4), but our characters don’t interact. I wish they did. But Charlotte has an amazing episode. What happens to Charlotte’s character is crazy and she does a great job with it.

TTVJ: On a side note how great would a Rookie Blue/Saving Hope crossover episode be?

TM: That would be amazing! That is one thing that we really need to think about. We could do just like they do with the Chicago shows except set in Toronto. Toronto Fire, Toronto PD and Toronto Med. I’m sure once the networks saw the ratings this could create they’d work something out.

TTVJ: Tom is in prison for the murder of his wife. Is it safe to assume that there are some doubts around his conviction?

TM: Yeah, I mean, I don’t want to spoil anything, but I’m excited for you to see what happens. There are some doubts though for sure. There is a lot of charisma to Tom that I find very interesting. I always like to bring a little bit of myself into all of the characters that I play in order to make them more authentic, and I feel like I did that with Tom. I loved being on Rookie Blue, loved it. I did that for seven years, but it was nice to play something a little different. It was like I stepped into another uniform. From a cop to a convict. From blue to orange. Hopefully next I’ll do a stint as a firefighter and then I’ll do some doctor show and that’ll be that for the next 10 years.

TTVJ: OK that would be great.

TM: No that would be sick, seriously. Can we make that happen?

TTVJ: Charlie seems like a bit of a lifeline to Tom. Are we going to see him helping out Tom in the future or will they be helping out each other?

TM: See it’s interesting. I think Tom’s character can help Charlie quite a bit. There are things that Tom can see that Charlie can’t. And there are conversations that Charlie would like to have with some of the spirits that he can’t, but Tom can. Tom can get him that Intel. It’s kind of a weird dynamic in a way, but Tom could be really helpful to Charlie.

TTVJ: What about Charlie helping out Tom? Is there something that Charlie can do to help Tom prove his innocence?

TM: What Charlie could do is–because he’s an orthopedic surgeon–he could help break down the case more and find some weak points in the prosecutors case. Then he could take that information to a lawyer and have it all overturned. But we don’t know if Tom will ever wake up right? Anything could happen while he’s in that coma.

TTVJ: At the end of the first episode Tom crossed a line and went to see Charlie in his house. Why did he do that?

TM: Yeah that was actually pretty interesting. It makes you wonder a bit what else can these spirits do right? He went there to ask for help but what if he went there to cause trouble? That could be a new twist. It was a bit of game changer for sure. I think it was the urgency behind it all that made him do that, but also I think that Tom hadn’t quite learned the rules yet. He didn’t know how things worked for Charlie yet.

TTVJ: Does Tom have an ulterior motive behind all this or can we trust him? Is he just going to Charlie for help with his case or is there more to it?

TM: I think by in large people are motivated by more than one thing. So I would say that there are definitely some ulterior motives going on. I think for him, he sees this as his last shot at redemption. So I think it’s not just about proving his innocence, but also redeeming himself as a person in society. It’s about finding peace and redemption.

TTVJ: Will Charlie’s ghost-seeing secret be put in jeopardy at all by Tom?

TM: Yeah, I think that I’m probably the most forthcoming of all the ghosts so far so I think it could put Charlie’s secret into a bit of jeopardy. One thing that I’ve always found interesting about this show and these ghosts is, is Charlie really seeing these ghosts or is it his subconscious? Is he a schizophrenic or is he really seeing these ghosts? Only Charlie is having these conversations with these ghosts. Why isn’t there anyone else seeing these ghosts? Or is there? I think this is going to make people start to question things a bit, even Charlie.

These ghosts are probably the most interesting thing about Saving Hope. I really love the spirit world. It’s the best part of the show. It makes it a completely different show [from any other procedural medical drama]. This allows a whole new realm of possibilities and stories that they haven’t even begun to get into. I think that they could have a lot more fun with it all.

TTVJ: Have you really still not heard anything about Rookie Blue being renewed?

TM: I don’t know what is going on.

TTVJ: It’s frustrating to us as viewers, so I can only imagine what it’s like for you guys.

TM: It’s torture, it really is. But also sometimes you just have to kind of embrace it. I chose this profession and this is just how it is sometime. Sometimes you just have to ‘Let go and Let God’ you know?

TTVJ: Are you working on anything else right now?

TM: No, I wish I was but I’m not. I definitely didn’t understand starting out how great Rookie Blue would become. We had this little spark of a show and it turned in to something great. Now it’s over and I don’t know what’s next. Not yet.

http://www.thetvjunkies.com/saving-hope ... interview/

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Mensaje por Shelby »

- Saving Hope 4.03 "Start me up" Promo:


- Descripción oficial del 4.03 "Start me up":
4.03 "Start me up" (08/10/15): Es el día en el que su niño, Luke, puede que de sus primeros pasos, y no sólo la Dra. Alex Reid (Erica Durance) tiene que trabajar, sino que tiene que estar al cuidado de la Residente Junior la Dra. Cassie Williams (Kim Shaw, THE GOOD WIFE) mientras que lo hace. Para empeorar las cosas, su paciente está preocupado con que su cáncer de cólon haya vuelto y no está muy emocionado por tener a dos jóvenes doctoras en el caso. Cuando las cosas se complican en la sala de cirugía después de que Cassie entre en pánico y corte un conducto biliar, Alex tiene que calmar a su joven obligación para salvar la vida de su paciente. Mientras tanto, el Dr. Shahir Hamza (Huse Madhavji) se encarga de una paciente cuyo viaje a Paris para mudarse con su novio tiene que ser suspendido a causa de un agudo dolor facial y una sobredosis de ibuprofeno. En Emergencias, el Dr. Zach Miller (Benjamin Ayres) y el Dr. Charlie Harris (Michael Shanks) tratan a un conserje que resulta ser un viejo amigo de Joel Goran (Daniel Gillies), mientras que la Dra. Maggie Lin (Julia Taylor Ross), Alex, y el Dr. Patrick Curtis (Max Bennett, Anna Karenina) empiezan a correr para ganarse una posición cuando se anuncia un premio de una beca de investigación.

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http://theworldgoespop.com/2015/10/03/s ... art-me-up/

- Stills del 4.03 "Start me up":

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Mensaje por Shelby »

- Descripción oficial del 4.04 "Miss you":
4.04 "Miss you" (15/10/15): Preocupada por la falta de familia en la vida de su pequeño Luke, la Dra. Alex Reid (Erica Durance) consigue más de lo que tenía previsto cuando Kyle Sawyer (Yani Gellman, PRETTY LITTLE LIARS), el hombre responsable del problema de drogas de su difunto hermano, es admitido en el Hope Zion Hospital con una complicación estomacal de vida o muerte. Incapaz de ser objetiva, Alex rápidamente deja la operación para otro, pero cuando un segundo cirujano es requerido para la operación Alex debe esforzarse para salvar la vida del hombre que arruinó la de su hermano. Mientras tanto, cuando Elizabeth Grant (Charlotte Sullivan, ROOKIE BLUE), la víctima de un horrible ataque con ácido, es llevada rápidamente a cirugía, la Dra. Cassie Williams (Kim Shaw, THE GOOD WIFE) lucha por permanecer objetiva, poniendo en riesgo la vida de su paciente. Le corresponde a la Dra. Dana Kinney (Wendy Crewson) el enseñar a la joven cirujana el dejar a un lado sus propios sentimientos y centrarse en la medicina para salvar la vida de sus pacientes. En Emergencias, el Dr. Zach Miller (Benjamin Ayres) debe de conseguir que una paciente que sufre de una auto-impuesta parálisis psicológica se enfrente a su pasado para recuperar el uso de sus piernas.

http://ericadurance.tv/2015/10/10/savin ... s-you-404/

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Mensaje por Shelby »

- Nuevas imágenes bts de la S4 (05 Oct-03 Nov 2015):

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(@thehuse: Nailed it! Shot a PSA for the #Aspergers Society of Ontario! It is #AutismAwarenessMonth after all ) #SavingHope http://www.aspergers.ca
@noelcarbs: At work at 5:45 & still happy and hot. Remember that next time u think u want to be an actor. @HuseM @ED_DURANCE
@noelcarbs: Quick sneak peak ahead of tonight's new #SavingHope episode. (Tonight at 9ET on CTV.
@ItsMeKimShaw: Wendy Crewson makes me laugh like a lunatic everyday. #SavingHope
@noldenmichelle: Off camera lines by @BenjaminAyres perfectfallday #savinghope)

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¡¡¡¡AY, OMÁ QUÉ CALORES!!!! ¡Gracias por tu regalo, Nitta!

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Registrado: Dom May 21, 2006 12:15 am


Mensaje por Shelby »

- Hay mucho drama en las relaciones para la nueva 'Dra. Cassie Williams' de ‘Saving Hope’, dice la actriz Kim Shaw (etalk):
Hay mucho drama en las relaciones para la nueva 'Dra. Cassie Williams' de ‘Saving Hope’, dice la actriz Kim Shaw
Por Deanne MacRae 07 Octubre, 2015

Taking on her first year of residency, Hope Zion’s newest recruit Dr. Cassie Williams will have more than a hectic OR to worry about when she makes her “Saving Hope” debut Thursday at 9/8c on CTV. In fact, it looks like the fresh-faced doctor will be bringing some relationship drama into work on her very first day.

“She comes to Hope Zion already dating someone casually and then she runs into someone from her past that we will see gets a little complicated,” says Kim Shaw, the Canadian-born actress playing Cassie and known for her roles in “The Good Wife,” “She’s Out Of My League,” and “Sex and the City.”

Between juggling a tangled office romance and the emergence of an old flame, Shaw says Cassie could run into more distractions working alongside Hope Zion’s unusually attractive staff.

“In any environment when you’re surrounded by lots of new, really hot people, the opportunities are endless, I guess you’d say.”

But getting caught up in romance won’t be the only hitch on her way to becoming a surgeon. Shaw says Cassie will need to learn how to separate her feelings from her job in order to get through her residency.

“She’s really smart and she knows her stuff and she’s not a bragger about it but she is terrified underneath. She has trouble separating the patient from the task-at-hand and I think we get to see that journey with her in the next few episodes.”

Luckily, Cassie will be under the wing of one of Hope Zion’s brightest, Dr. Alex Reid, who offers to teach the new resident on her first day, despite Alex’s initial distaste for Cassie’s too-sweet demeanor.

“I think opposites attract and I think that you can learn the most from the people that are different from you. Alex sees a lot of herself in Cassie… just trying to be a sponge and learn as much as you can,” says Shaw.

Off screen, Shaw has received a much warmer welcome than her character, buddying-up with her fellow new cast mates Dejan Loyola (Dr. Dev Sekara) and Parveen Kaur (Dr. Asha Mirani) and making a great friend in a “Saving Hope” vet.

“Wendy Crewson [who plays Dr. Dana Kinney] is probably my favourite person I’ve ever worked with on set. She is so much fun and has such a wonderful energy about her,” praises Shaw. “Everyone’s been very lovely just welcoming me and helping me out.”

While Shaw was born in Canada, she spent most of her life in The United States, moving to Florida at the age of four and living in New York and Los Angeles later in her life. Now, Shaw is thrilled to be returning to her homeland and even more excited to be walking into one of Canada’s most-loved shows.

“Canada’s always been this wonderful place that I’ve got to come up and vacation and see my family. So to be back here now as a true, tax-paying citizen and getting to be walking onto Canada’s number one drama is just amazing, I can’t even believe that I’m so lucky!”

http://www.etalk.ca/News/2015/October/L ... Saving-Hop

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Mensaje por Shelby »

- Saving Hope "First steps can be deadly" CTV Promo:

https://amp.twimg.com/v/f442b676-f15a-4 ... 23d1aee936

- Saving Hope S4 eOne Teaser Trailer:


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- Saving Hope 4.04 "Miss You" Promo:

https://amp.twimg.com/v/5553b4d8-f63b-4 ... 6d352037b6

- Saving Hope 4.04 "Miss You" Stills:

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- Promos de IonTV:

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https://amp.twimg.com/v/ea978105-1140-4 ... bd781017e8

- Promo de la CTV por "Thanksgiving" en Canadá:


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- Charlotte Sullivan sobre su personaje cargado emocionalmente de Saving Hope (thetvjunkies):
Charlotte Sullivan sobre su personaje cargado emocionalmente de Saving Hope
Por Bridget Liszewski | 14 Octubre, 2015 |

Charlotte Sullivan on her emotionally charged Saving Hope role
Bridget Liszewski | October 14, 2015 | Canadian TV, TV News | No Comments
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Bell Media

Bell Media

Actress Charlotte Sullivan is keeping with the trend of Rookie Blue actors who are now playing vastly different characters from the ones they spent six years portraying on the cop drama. Sullivan does this by guest starring on Thursday’s episode of Saving Hope, where she plays social worker Elizabeth Grant, the victim of a horrific acid attack that disfigures her face. Grant’s attack will also cause new Hope Zion resident, Dr. Cassie Williams (Kim Shaw) to question whether or not she can remain objective in an episode that’s also directed by Sullivan’s husband, Peter Stebbings.

Sullivan recently spoke with The TV Junkies about tackling a new, and very emotional role and what it’s like working with her husband. She also discussed the fun coincidence of guest starring on an episode that also features Rookie Blue alum Travis Milne.

The TV Junkies: So Elizabeth Grant is definitely not Gail Peck.

Charlotte Sullivan: No! Definitely the complete antithesis of that character for sure.

TTVJ: Was that one of the big reasons to do the role?

CS: Well my husband directed it, so I think it was nepotism at its finest. It’s really quite funny because our track record for working together, especially when he casts me–he’s only ever cast me as like crack-addicted prostitutes or burn victims. I’m not really quite sure how he thinks of me, but he certainly keeps me in mind for the opposite spectrum of who I am. It was my husband that suggested me for the part and that’s how I got it.

TTVJ: Because a ton of the Rookie Blue family is involved with Saving Hope as well.

CS: Yeah, they are amazing. Essentially when I went to work on Saving Hope, it’s the entire crew from Rookie Blue, and it’s amazing and I felt so comfortable and so loved. Then in bringing my baby to work, I never knew where she was because half the time the crew had her, and they are like ‘transport has the baby,’ and I’d be like ‘where’s the baby now?’ And they’d say ‘oh the writers have her.’ So there’s an incredible amount of love over there. I love those people and have a very strong affinity for them.

TTVJ: It’s a pretty fun coincidence that Travis [Milne] is in the episode too.

CS: I know! What are we the ghosts of Rookie past?

TTVJ: Were you disappointed you didn’t get to share any scenes together?

CS: Very much so, but I did get to see him on set. Actually, this is a funny story because they put us in these assigned trailers to get ready every day, and sometimes they move us around and you don’t get the same rooms. I was in full burn regalia and Travis hadn’t seen me yet, and the previous day this one dressing room had been mine, so I wasn’t really thinking and walked into his room and laid down on his bed. Travis walked in and hadn’t seen me yet and he screamed so loud like ‘Oh my God! What did you do?’ He was so freaked out, it was funny.

TTVJ: His role is so completely different.

CS: Very much so and I think both he and I–you want to make sure you’re not dipping into those characters [Gail and Chris from Rookie Blue] because they are associated with those people. They made a point of making them drastically different from our Rookie personas.

TTVJ: I feel like I always have to ask you about your hair, so is that why you went with the dark hair here?

CS: It was more just wanting a change from the over-processed, bleached-out situation that’s been my existence for the last two years. It’s just being a girl and wanting to mix it up. I know three months from now I’ll be craving purple. [laughs] It all just depends on the mood.

TTVJ: All jokes aside, this is a very emotional role. How did you prepare yourself for that?

CS: Well obviously the first thing you do is research online. That was a hard one, to look at those images of victims of acid attacks. I watched a documentary on one particular girl out of the U.K. who had this happen to her by a jealous ex-boyfriend, and you can’t even really imagine what set of mindset or person you have to be to do this to someone. It really is one of the most insane acts of brutality.

TTVJ: There is more to her than initially meets the eye, so what can you preview about her story?

CS: Her role in life is a social worker, so she deals with a lot of people that have these negative upbringings, and she tries to inspire and be a force of happiness and escape for a lot of kids that have a shitty deal. The boundaries are crossed and she starts to have feelings for a particular client. He’s obviously not a mentally stable individual and does an act of insane brutality towards her because he can’t have her and disfigures her for life.

TTVJ: Peter is also directing Orphan Black this season, so any chance we can get you cast on that?

CS: Oh God that would be a dream! What has happened to Tatiana [Maslany]–I did this Rising Stars program with her a couple years ago at the Toronto International Film Festival–that girl is beyond talented. It would just be a joy to be on set and see the behind the scenes of that, and the fact that Peter gets to do that is a really, really cool thing and he’s honoured to do.

TTVJ: Don’t they have a need for a crack-addicted character with purple hair?

CS: [Laughs] Yes, that would be really beautiful.

TTVJ: Can you share with us if you’re working on anything at the moment?

CS: I’m just doing a movie of the week. We’re just on Week 1 and it’s hard trying to do this for the first time since Saving Hope with my baby.

TTVJ: How are you treating everything surrounding Rookie Blue at this point given there seems to be no news about its future one way or another?

CS: I’m in the same boat as everybody else. We don’t know anything. I don’t know, I wish I had an answer for you. It’s weird and I’d like to hear something.

http://www.thetvjunkies.com/saving-hope ... interview/?

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Registrado: Dom May 21, 2006 12:15 am


Mensaje por Shelby »

- Descripción oficial del 4.05 "Heart of Stone":
4.05 "Heart of Stone" (22/10/15): El día del primer cumpleaños de su hijo Luke, y la muerte del Dr. Joel Goran (Daniel Gillies), la Dra. Alex Reid (Erica Durance) trata al niño de 12 años Taylor Finn (Jenessa Grant, REIGN) quien es admitido al Hope Zion Hospital tras un accidente de motocross, sólo para ser diagnosticado de Leucemia. Alex debe entonces convencer a la madre de Taylor de que deje el pasado a un lado y busque a su hermana separada yonki, Janice Fenn (Tara Spencer-Nairn, CORNER GAS), para que le ayude a salvar la vida de Taylor. Después de que sus planes románticos sean echados para atrás por un transplante de corazón, el nuevo novio de la Dra. Dawn Bell (Michelle Nolden) Lane (Shaun Benson, DEFIANCE: THE LOST ONES) insiste en verla hacer su magia en la sala de cirugía, pero cuando su estómago no puede resistirlo, Dawn tiene que manejar el fragil ego de su avergonzado novio. Mientras tanto, el Dr. Charlie Harris (Michael Shanks) debe luchar contra el padre de una reciente víctima de suicidio que se niega a creer que ella no despertará, y el espíritu de la víctima que tan sólo quiere seguir adelante. Cuando la verdadera naturaleza de su relación sale a la luz, Charlie debe caminar por una fina línea para darle descanso al espíritu de la víctima. En Emergencias, el Dr. Dev Sekera (Dejan Loyola, THE TOMORROW PEOPLE) y la Dra. Cassie Williams (Kim Shaw, THE GOOD WIFE) tienen las manos llenas cuando el Dr. Zach Miller (Benjamin Ayres) se ve movido por el aniversario de la muerte de Joel y declara que nadie morirá bajo su cuidado.

http://www.thetvjunkies.com/saving-hope ... o-gallery/?

- Stills del 4.05 "Heart of Stone":

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- Saving Hope 4.05 "Heart of Stone" Promo:

https://amp.twimg.com/v/397ca091-22a8-4 ... 60da195fe5

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