¡¡¡Nuevo proyecto de la FOX sobre GOTHAM!!!

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Registrado: Dom May 21, 2006 12:15 am

Re: ¡¡¡Nuevo proyecto de la FOX sobre GOTHAM!!!

Mensaje por Shelby »

- Nuevas imágenes bts de la S1 (13-04-15):

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(@camrenbicondova: Love how excited everyone is for tonight’s @Gotham. I'm excited for you to see it! These last 4 eps...WHOA #Gotham
@Gotham: Just as @ben_mckenzie wrapped his AMA, @realdavidmazouz swung by to live tweet with us! #gotham)

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¡¡¡¡AY, OMÁ QUÉ CALORES!!!! ¡Gracias por tu regalo, Nitta!

Mensajes: 33034
Registrado: Dom May 21, 2006 12:15 am

Re: ¡¡¡Nuevo proyecto de la FOX sobre GOTHAM!!!

Mensaje por Shelby »

- Milo Ventimiglia talks about his disturbing new role as a serial killing Gotham villain (DCAA 311):


Añadidos los rátings del 1.19 "Beasts of Prey". Podéis encontrarlos AQUÍ

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¡¡¡¡AY, OMÁ QUÉ CALORES!!!! ¡Gracias por tu regalo, Nitta!

Mensajes: 33034
Registrado: Dom May 21, 2006 12:15 am

Re: ¡¡¡Nuevo proyecto de la FOX sobre GOTHAM!!!

Mensaje por Shelby »

- GOTHAM | 1.20 "Under the knife" Clip "A Drink With Sal":


- GOTHAM | 1.20 "Under the knife" Clip "Watch Him":


- GOTHAM | 1.20 "Under the knife" Clip "What Happened Last Night":


- GOTHAM | 1.20 "Under the knife" Clip "A Thing Of Beauty":


- GOTHAM | 1.20 "Under the knife" Clip "I Won't Be Long":


- GOTHAM | 1.20 "Under the knife" Clip "Aren't You Scared?":


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¡¡¡¡AY, OMÁ QUÉ CALORES!!!! ¡Gracias por tu regalo, Nitta!

Mensajes: 33034
Registrado: Dom May 21, 2006 12:15 am

Re: ¡¡¡Nuevo proyecto de la FOX sobre GOTHAM!!!

Mensaje por Shelby »

- GOTHAM | "A Cat's First Kill" Featurette:


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¡¡¡¡AY, OMÁ QUÉ CALORES!!!! ¡Gracias por tu regalo, Nitta!

Mensajes: 33034
Registrado: Dom May 21, 2006 12:15 am

Re: ¡¡¡Nuevo proyecto de la FOX sobre GOTHAM!!!

Mensaje por Shelby »

- Edward se enfrenta a una "Mega Crisis" a medida que se acercala evolución del Enigma (THR):
Edward se enfrenta a una "Mega Crisis" a medida que se acercala evolución del Enigma
Por Graeme McMillan 20 Abril, 2015 7:00am PT

For all of Gotham's first season to date, Edward Nygma hasn't shown any signs of being the super villain that the city will one day know him as — but Cory Michael Smith says that's all about to change.

"We take a very sharp turn in the evolution of the Riddler, which is very exciting," the actor behind the eventual Riddler tells The Hollywood Reporter of Monday's hour, noting that Kristin Kringle (Chelsea Spack) is at the heart of his change. "She's in a dangerous situation, and Edward decides to man up and try to protect her."

"He finds that a little overwhelming, and his response creates a mega crisis in his life," Smith says. "It'll be quite tragic seeing someone who is well-intentioned fall into this villainous role."

The chance to show the normally mild-mannered Nygma fall apart is something that Smith is relishing.

"It's been fun for me because people will suddenly see a very different man," he says. "Circumstances are such that he can't just go through life trying to be the good guy, and trying to put his best foot forward and try to give information and flirt with the girl. He just can't do that anymore, and all of a sudden, he becomes far more complex and far more dynamic. Suddenly, there are secrets he has to deal with, and his life gets more complicated. I've gotten so excited as I've been reading the scripts."

The storyline, which continues through the end of the season, gives audiences a chance to see a different Nygma in more ways than one. For one thing, they'll finally get to see him outside of the police department.

"We get to spend some time with him alone, which hasn't happened yet," Smith teased. "I have this habit that I've created for him when he's around other people, where he has this terse mouth and forced smile, this facial tension because there's so much effort. He's always trying, and so for the first time, I get to let that drop when the door closes. I hope that people are a bit terrified of him in this more neutral, quasi-animalistic state."

Smith said that he's well aware that fans have grown attached to the Edward that's appeared in the show so far but he believes that this is a change that had to happen.

"He does what he has to do," he argues. "He doesn't become a villain yet. He doesn't choose to do evil yet. But he's certainly, for the first time, asking questions and it's going to create his own war inside him. You'll see, especially in the finale, this war between the factions in Gotham, and Eddie is experiencing that internally himself. As he tries to solve that, we all know where it leads, but I believe it's something he does just to gain power and respect. He has to find that. He has to find a place where he feels secure."

While Smith is keeping mum about exactly what Nygma does to create his internal struggle, he teases that "if he gets away with it," that might cause its own problems for the character.

"If he does, then that's his first major victory in life, something that validates his intelligence and his brilliance," he says. "That feeling is quite contagious and invigorating, so there's the possibility that he might want to try to feel it again."

Looking ahead to where Nygma could end up in the show's second season, Smith said that he'd be excited if his character gets the kind of focus that Robin Lord Taylor's Oswald received in the first year, but added that "the way that we end the season, and especially in the finale, it shows a truly, truly wealth of possibilities."

What kind of possibilities? "The final images of Edward in the finale are going to be quite jarring, quite terrifying," Smith promises. "They'll leave people open to expecting anything from him."

Gotham airs Mondays at 8 p.m. on Fox. What are you looking forward to seeing?

http://www.hollywoodreporter.com/live-f ... ith-789741

- Robin Lord Taylor sobre el interpretar al Pingüino y la Season 1 – Part 1 (AssignementX):
Robin Lord Taylor sobre el interpretar al Pingüino y la Season 1 – Part 1
Por ABBIE BERNSTEIN 20 Abril, 2015 / 10:25 AM

In Fox’s GOTHAM, adapted by executive producer Bruno Heller from D.C. Comics BATMAN series, Bruce Wayne (David Mazouz) is part of the story, but he’s a young teen just beginning to learn how to defend himself. The center of the series, in its first season Mondays at 9 PM and renewed for a second, is Gotham City Police Department homicide detective Jim Gordon, played by Ben McKenzie. Gordon has to deal with trying to protect Bruce and the city from crazy rogue criminals, organized crime and a corrupt police department. This corruption includes Gordon’s partner Harvey Bullock (Donal Logue), a decent man but a sometimes bent cop.

However, Gordon’s most frustration association is arguably with Oswald Cobblepot, aka the Penguin, played by Robin Lord Taylor. Gordon would like to maintain his integrity, but he saved Oswald’s life, Oswald over-returned the favor and now Gordon owes him. This is a source of unending dismay to Gordon and of great joy to Cobblepot, an up-and-coming power in Gotham’s complex underworld.

Speaking by phone from New York, actor Taylor talks all things Penguin.

ASSIGNMENT X: Were you a comic book fan before all of this?

ROBIN LORD TAYLOR: I followed some of the comics when I was a kid. I wasn’t a huge comic book fan like some of my friends, but I was a huge fan of the original series and of the Tim Burton films and of the [Joel] Schumacher films. All of the BATMAN films, basically, were my entire childhood.

AX: The Penguin isn’t in them, but did you see the Christopher Nolan BATMAN films?

TAYLOR: Yes, of course, I loved them. I think he really brought it to a different level. And he brought a real gravity to this fantastic world, which I think just adds so much to the comic book experience.

AX: GOTHAM is based on D.C. Comics. Do you think there are big differences between the D.C.-verse and the Marvel Comics-verse?

TAYLOR: I think there’s a lot of playing up of this rivalry, where at least amongst the actors and the performers and I think even among the comic book writers and illustrators, I think there’s camaraderie there, there isn’t rivalry.

AX: Not rivalry, but people both at Marvel and D.C. have talked about philosophical differences, that Marvel is maybe a little more earthbound and D.C. is really people who can fly.

TAYLOR: Exactly. And you can split hairs about that, but I had in my mind that there was going to be some major rivalry between the two, but I haven’t found that to be true at all. Even among the fans. They enjoy the whole thing. And they appreciate those subtle differences between the two worlds.

AX: You’re originally from Iowa. Did you go to New York to do stage?

TAYLOR: I went to New York to do anything, really. I was part of the showcase through Northwestern [University] right when I graduated, and I got my agent directly out of there, so right after that, I moved right to New York, all my friends moved to New York and I’ve been here ever since. I just wanted to work, and New York City was one of my favorite places in the world ever since I was a small child, so I just knew I had to live here at some point, and that time seemed like the right time.

I did theatre and then I found myself also just working a lot in film and television, which was really exciting. When I moved here, they had the soaps, and then there was LAW & ORDER, and that was pretty much it [laughs]. But since I’ve been here, it’s amazing to see the scene explode in New York City.

AX: How do you feel about playing a very different Penguin than any of the ones we’ve seen onscreen before?

TAYLOR: It’s incredibly gratifying, and I give all credit to Bruno Heller. The way he has envisioned the character, it’s such a different way than it’s been done in the past. The character firstly is somewhat under-represented in the Batman canon in films that everybody knows. Also, in previous characterizations, he’s been somewhat cartoonish in certain respects. Which is not to take away from performances [of other actors who’ve played the role]. But to be able to show the human side of the character and to show him in a place that we’ve never seen him before, low, low on the totem pole, the Gotham organized crime syndicate, it’s just been amazing to see him really trying to find his way through.

AX: Is your Penguin appreciably smarter than he is in the comics? He certainly seems smarter than the ones we’ve seen on film and TV before.

TAYLOR: I don’t know so much if he’s smarter. I think it seems as though he’s smarter because every other incarnation of the Penguin, he’s already the Penguin. He’s already been on the scene for years and has been manipulating things in Gotham City. What we’re seeing in this incarnation is, we’re seeing him figure out and then make his first moves. We’re watching the gears turn in his head and so in a way I think it makes him appear that he is smarter, but it’s just him coming upon these things for the first time and realizing how he needs to work the system to get what he wants in Gotham City.

AX: You were in the horror film WOULD YOU RATHER, playing Julian, the rich, sadistic son of the even richer, more sadistic Jeffrey Combs character. Even though they are very different projects, like Oswald, the WOULD YOU RATHER character was of in a secret world where the normal rules did not apply. Did you take anything you thought of for that character Oswald?

TAYLOR: Yes, to a certain extent, I guess. Not consciously, but there’s a similarity between the characters. They both sort of exist outside of the norms of society and because of that, there’s a maliciousness there that the character is able to explore, because there just don’t seem to be the same sort of consequences that we have in our regular lives. So definitely they have that in common. But I would say the difference between the two is that Julian never had to work for anything in his life. It was all handed to him; everything was given to him. And so therefore he is much less of an ambitious person in that way.

Whereas Oswald, being from an immigrant family, being basically discounted over and over throughout his entire life because of the way he looks and because of his personal interests, being a bullied kid, he really had to scrap and fight for everything that he has. And so that’s the major difference between the two of them, I would say.

And I really do feel like if he could have his way – he sees the killing of people as a necessary evil to get what he wants in Gotham City. I think he would much rather deep down not have to get his hands dirty and not have to participate in that aspect of the world, but because of his position in Gotham City and what he wants to accomplish, it’s just part and parcel for the job. It’s just what you have to do.

In “The Red Hood” episode [of GOTHAM], it was a full WOULD YOU RATHER crossover, because the amazing Jeffrey Combs, who played the doctor at the hospital, and also Destro, who is one of the Red Hood gang, was played by the amazing Jonny Coyne, who played Bevans the butler in WOULD YOU RATHER. So it was this amazing crossover, and Danny is a fan of WOULD YOU RATHER and he’s also a huge fan of Jeffrey and Jonny and had worked with them individually on other projects. So it was just this amazing kismet, where we all got to be together on the same show. It was really awesome. Unfortunately, I didn’t see Jeffrey, because those days they were shooting up in Yonkers. But Jonny, we had dinner together on set and road in the van together.

AX: You mentioned Oswald’s interests. Apart from just getting ahead in the world, what are his interests?

TAYLOR: His ambition is so immense that it’s hard for him to think about most other things. But I would say, from the research that I’ve done of his character in the comic books, one of the stories in which they really explored why he was bullied so hard, he came to school one day dressed as one of his favorite characters from ROMEO AND JULIET – I think he came as Mercutio. And of course he was basically tortured for it. So [that] and the fact that he runs a nightclub, I think that he does really have an appreciation and interest in the artistic side of things and performance and creating, just playing in that world, I think that’s something that definitely interests him.

AX: Is the nightclub going to get better at some point?

TAYLOR: [laughs] He needs a publicist. I mean, this club thing is not working out too well for him. But I think that’s because he’s learning how to make that work and what people like to see and what really will entice people to come to his club. He’s learning as he goes, and because he has lived the life of an outsider, he doesn’t have any friends, he was very sheltered by his mother, all of these things don’t come very easily to him and so that’s one of the things I really like, actually, is just the fact in general that he’s finding his way. He’s not a fully-formed super-villain yet. He’s still learning how to make things work, which is, again, so much more fun to play than if we started the show with him being a big man on the scene. It wouldn’t be nearly as interesting.

AX: Were there any other things in the comics that you found helpful and were there any things that you felt like you had to jettison?

TAYLOR: I didn’t find anything that I had to discount. Primarily, I studied the origin stories that were out there in the comics. I focused on the comics where they talked about where Penguin came from and what his life was like as a child, and all of that just rang so true to where we were going with the show. I mean, of course, when you read the Penguin comics when he’s already fifty-something years old and is a big player in Gotham City, and some of those scenes are just so intense and out of this world that that’s for the future. I’m like, “Oh, I can do that when we get to that point.” But mainly about his childhood, it was incredibly helpful [regarding] where he comes from in terms of being an immigrant.

AX: Where are Oswald and his mother ostensibly from?

TAYLOR: It’s unnamed at this point. I mean, It’s some sort of unnamed Eastern European country, I feel. They did come from some sort of aristocratic background, but then all of that was lost when they made the move to the United States, to Gotham City, and so there was fall from grace in a way. And you can see that in Carol’s character. She’s very grand and she seems as though she comes from money, even though they have none. They have very little in Gotham City. So a lot was lost in their lives at an early point. In my own head, I’ve invented this story where they came from – when the Wall fell in East Berlin, that maybe had something to do with it, but that could just be because I’ve watched HEDWIG [AND THE ANGRY INCH] too many times, I don’t know [laughs].

AX: Do you want to play Hedwig at some point?

TAYLOR: Oh, my God, are you kidding? I don’t know if I have the vocal chops for it, but that would be an absolute dream. It’s one of my favorite musicals ever written.

AX: When you were cast, did they tell you that Carol Kane was going to play Oswald’s mother?

TAYLOR: I had an idea that this season was going to focus a lot on the Penguin, that he was going to be the first traditional villain that they were really going to explore and talk about, but the funny story about Carol – I didn’t know I was going to have a mom, and then I read the scripts for it. It happens in the second episode. I get the script for the second episode, and I just randomly texted my agent, “Oh, my gosh, I have a mom. And it would be so amazing” – I don’t know where it came from – I was like, “It would be so amazing if they got Carol Kane.” It’s a hundred percent true, I can show you the text. This really happened, And then two days later, Danny Cannon, the executive producer, texted me, “Carol Kane is playing your mother.” And I was like, “I did it. I’ll take that credit.” It was incredible. She’s an amazing actress.

AX: Have you shared that story with Carol Kane?

TAYLOR: I told her the whole story. She was like [does Carol Kane as Oswald’s mom voice], “Thank you so much for making this happen.” “Carol, anything for you.”

AX: They have an interesting mother/son dynamic. Do the characters see that dynamic in the same way, or is Oswald ambivalent about Mom?

TAYLOR: He’s not ambivalent. Again, for his entire life, she was all he had, and he was all she had. Their intense bond and their intense closeness – in a certain way, almost uncomfortably close – is directly related to that. I think that it’s because they don’t have the same sort of awareness of it that you and I would have, because they just aren’t socialized in the same way. But she is constantly accusing him of running off with some other woman and he finds that to be very irritating. He’s in the middle of establishing himself as a human being in the world, as a man, and so you’re sort of seeing that push away against that, but at the same time, he can’t go too far, because, again, she’s the only person in his life that he loves. The only time that he experiences love is through his mother, so …

http://www.assignmentx.com/2015/gotham- ... interview/

- Lord Taylor Promete que "El alzamiento del Pingüino impactará a todo el mundo" (CBR):
Lord Taylor Promete que "El alzamiento del Pingüino impactará a todo el mundo"
Por Scott Huver 20 Abril, 2015

The Penguin's rise to power is just the tip of the iceberg of what lies ahead for "Gotham" denizen Oswald Cobblepot.

Actor Robin Lord Taylor -- who has become one of the series' breakout stars with his entertaining turn as iconic Bat-villain-in-the-making as Cobblepot manipulates his way up the ladder from mob underling to, he believes, the city's supreme crime boss -- trekked from the show's New York sets to WonderCon in Anaheim. While there, he sat down for a lively roundtable chat with the press in which he dropped some cryptic clues to what's in store for Oswald as he climbs to the highest rungs of the underworld.

I don't know how much you've gotten to look around WonderCon at all, but have you seen any Penguin cosplay yet?

Robin Lord Taylor: I have not seen any Penguins yet, although someone just came up to me and said, "Your doppelganger is running around out there, and it's a small kid fully in the whole garb and everything." I told my friend, "You have to find him and [switches to scary voice] bring him to me! Bring me the child!"

Can you talk about physically changing into The Penguin?

It's amazing. I've never played a character before where the physical transformation has been so intense. I've generally played characters that, you know, looked more like me, more or less. This is such a departure from how I look normally -- I hope! [Laughs] But anyway, the most brilliant thing is that it really helps me, as an actor, get into the skin of the character, because it's like the actual, physical transformation -- going through makeup for 45 minutes to an hour every day, going through hair for another like 30 minutes to an hour and then, on top of that, the costumes that have been made for me.

It's putting the pieces on, and then putting on the shoes. You know, I have the bottle cap in the shoe to keep the limp in my body and in my mind. It really -- it's an amazing tool to have as an actor, because it really does help me get into his skin. And then when we're done and we wrap, the makeup comes off, I wash my hair, I take the stuff off and it's just like literally putting him away and bringing him back. It's actually become kind of therapeutic in a way. It's a really interesting transition. It's one of my favorite things about playing the character, actually.

Can you talk about the journey he's going on in this final arc, especially in relation to Fish Mooney?

Well, as we've seen through the whole season, he's gradually, bit-by-bit, been asserting himself as his own man, and his end goal is to not have to answer to anybody -- to be his own boss. We've seen that in the pilot, when he goes behind Fish's back and they have their thing, and then we see it when he aligns himself with Maroni, goes behind his back and is working with Falcone the whole time. What we're going to see in the final four is the final push. He sets some things in motion that affect everyone in the show. Everyone in the show will be affected by what he does in the last four episodes, and it really is his final assertion to being his own boss, to being his own man.

And, it's crazy. I don't know what else to say -- I can't get too specific. Fish is a huge part of that. But it's interesting, and it also really brings to the forefront -- hopefully this is what people will see -- the complexity of their relationship. Like, I know that they are arch-enemies, but at the same time, he has affection for her, because he wouldn't be where he is if it wasn't for her. He learned everything about Gotham City, about the underbelly of Gotham City -- he learned it from her, and all of the rules and all of that. So he does have reverence for her and really does care about her. You'll see, there's conflict there that is also going to be illuminated in the last four episodes.

Are there other characters that you haven't gotten a whole lot of time to play around with in the episodes so far that you do spend more time with? Or are there new characters that come in to challenge you?

Not specifically. Yeah, I mean --[Laughs] -- they give us a list of things not to say, specifically! But one thing I will say is, there is one character in particular that he is introduced to -- they're introductions, there's no real intense relationships, because he has so many loose ends that he has to tie up with other characters that we've already established. But yeah, that's all I can say.

So what's Edward Nygma like, then?

[Whispers] Asshole. [Laughs] No, I'm just kidding. He's amazing. That's the thing, is that I just want more scenes with Ed Nygma, because I just think the dynamic between Oswald and Edward is one of my favorite ones that I've played so far on the show. They're both so strange, and they're both coming at it from such different directions. I think that there's electricity there that -- and you know, that's another thing that you'll see, is Edward. He's changing. And that's all I'll say.

http://www.comicbookresources.com/artic ... t-everyone

- El Showrunner de Gotham Bruno Heller: El Origen de The Joker llega pronto en la Season 2 (comicbook):
El Showrunner de Gotham Bruno Heller: El Origen de The Joker llega pronto en la Season 2
Por Russ Burlingame 20/04/2015

With the second season of Gotham ready to start shooting over the summer, executive producer Bruno Heller has his eyes on one of the biggest stories in the city: The Joker's.

While there have been plenty of hints, teases and even an apparent identity revealed for Batman's baddest foe, Heller says that's all over for the time being -- but only so that they can truly focus on the character's roots come the fall.

"You're not going to see teases of The Joker before the end of the season, because the beginning of Season Two is a big Joker-oriented, or 'how the Joker came to be' kind of story," Heller told ComicBook.com in an interview, the full text of which will run soon. "The beginning of Season Two is the very earliest origins of how The Joker came to be."

Don't expect the character to be all laughing fish and Smilex gas right away, though; Heller described his Joker as "pre-embryonic."

The most popular theory -- and one promoted by FOX -- is that The Joker is a young man named Jerome, who lived his life traveling with the carnival and murdered his mother in an earlier episode of Gotham. That character, played by Cameron Monaghan, was taken away to jail at the end of his sole appearance so far this year.

At WonderCon earlier this year, producers confirmed that Monaghan will return and that fans will get to see "a bit" of Jerome's story in Season Two.

http://comicbook.com/2015/04/20/gotham- ... -early-in/

- Productor Ejecutivo de "Gotham" doce que los Bat-Villanos son más prescindibles de lo que se esperaba (CBR):
Productor Ejecutivo de "Gotham" doce que los Bat-Villanos son más prescindibles de lo que se esperaba
Por Scott Huver, 24 Abril 2015

It's a long way from the bleak nighttime cityscape of Gotham City to the bright, Disney-fied world of Orange County, but "Gotham" Executive Producer John Stephens made the trek to WonderCon 2015 in Anaheim, CA bearing news of what's ahead for the world that will ultimately unleash a Batman on its criminal underbelly.

Behind the scenes at a roundtable prior to "Gotham's" public panel presentation, Stephens shared some of the secrets ahead for Fox's hit pre-superhero series, including a serious test of character for squeaky-clean cop Jim Gordon (Ben McKenzie), potential reveals of major locals prominent in the Bat-mythology, the bloody path toward the ultimate triumph of Robin Lord Taylor's Penguin and the startling information that DC Comics has given permission for some characters the audience assumes to be fated for a future fighting the Dark Knight to prove far more expendable than expected.

How did you decide when and how to start introducing all the various villain characters, on a pacing level?

John Stephens: I mean, really it was kind of an instinct thing. A lot of it is when we map out the season in the writers' room. We have people kind of like, you want people -- their storylines to climax and then have a denouement. Penguin's had a really huge story for this period, and he's going to be kind of like resting for a while. So then they took a great two-episode arc to bring in Scarecrow. So you took all these intersecting sine curves and cosine curves that are going through -- that's math -- through the season.

So it was really just trying to balance everything out. And you kind of get those feelings, too, where we'll tell like a real Falcone/Maroni story for two episodes which can feel very like mob-y-mob-y. So then you're saying, "Oh, well, now I really want a story that's going to feel more supervillain-y," so we'll do Jonathan Crane or Red Hood episode, something like that. So it really is like a feel... yeah, just feel. [Laughs] That's pretty specific, huh?

Can you give us an overview of what we can look forward to as we head into the finale?

Sure. There's a three-episode arc that's going to begin in [Episode] 19 that goes to, like, 21 which Gordon's investigating the serial killer that's going to impact him in a really personal way that's going to have repercussions all through Season Two. It's really damaging.

The Penguin story that he's been running up against, his kind of rise -- this season we kind of thought was the "Rise of the Penguin." Everything was sort of pumped to a really bloody and dark conclusion in the finale as we see all his plans and machinations kind of erupt and start to rip Gotham apart. And we see Gordon's kind of butting heads against the establishment inside the GCPD as well kind of coming apart.

And you see other characters who are coming forward and really doing things -- you see sides of them, how they take those evolutionary steps forward to becoming the people they're going to become. Selina and Nygma, all those characters take those big jumps forward. You're going, "Oh, I see..." You actually are on the path to becoming the person you're going to be, that we all know they're going to be.

It's got to be hard to pace out knowing how young our Bruce Wayne (David Mazouz) is. And how much fun it will be to get to these villains when they're their full-fledged selves.


How do you handle that in the writers' room, the instinct to go to the most fun place but know that you've got to draw it out a little?

I think a lot of times telling the origin story, we've taken a lot of steps further back. Like telling the Jonathan Crane origin story: we focused on the father and not on Crane himself. We tried to take a lot of lateral steps through those things, too. Everybody knows the Red Hood story -- the Alan Moore story -- so we just took a different Red Hood story and tried to say, "Let's take all these and go even further back in time and try to tell an interesting way of doing it." I mean, honestly, it's one of these things we we always go, "We know we can't go there, so what's the most interesting version that we can tell here that will make the journey there." As if we all know we're driving to Chicago, but on the way to Chicago, you're like, "Hey, let's stop in Reno. This is actually going to be a lot of fun. Oh my God. We got shot in Reno," or whatever.

So many of the characters you have to keep because you know they have a future. But Jada Pinkett Smith announced that she wasn't coming back as Fish Mooney. So is there a potential for her to come back, or are you happy to have a character you can actually kill off?

I don't know if she's going to come back or not. I feel like you have to watch the finale and see what happens. I also live in a world where characters can come back frequently. And also DC has been really flexible about characters who we in the canon know, "Oh, they survive because they have to do X later." Those characters, as we'll see, going forward -- even in this season -- they are not invulnerable. Some of those characters who everyone will expect to survive will not survive, which I think will make things exciting. Because when you see those characters that have a target on their back, you know that nobody's safe. And you can watch that name or whatever gets reinvented later on in another fashion.

Are there any major locations -- like the Batcave -- that we might be seeing in the near future?

Possibly. Yes, there are some major locations in the lore that we'll see in the season, that you'll watch in the season. I'm not really going to say more than that, but you will see in the next couple episodes. Again, it's going to be part of those big character steps forward.

You got an order for extra episodes. Can you talk about how that changed your writing process?

Sure. We originally thought that we were doing 16 episodes. We had arced out the season in its 16 episodes, so we had to kind of start building things out again. Like we actually weren't going to do Jonathan Crane this year. When we got those extra six episodes, we did that. We built in the Fish getting kidnapped by the Dollmaker storyline. That had not existed before. We weren't going to do a Red Hood story. We had not planned on doing the Flying Graysons. So we brought in some of the characters that we were planning on saving for later, frankly.

But this next year, the way the early pick-up has affected our storytelling now is that we're arcing the whole 22 [episode] season now. So we actually know where we're going and ending up. So hopefully, it will feel a little less panicked. [Laughs] I doubt that, but...

You're also bringing in Lucius Fox?

We are bringing in Lucius Fox. He's played by Chris Chalk, who's a great actor and also a fan of the material, too, which is great to have on the show. And he has a small appearance this year, but he's going to play a much larger role next season. So as we've seen young Bruce investigating what's going on in his family's company, that mystery will deepen next year. And Lucius starts to play a role. Bruce doesn't know who he is yet and doesn't know what his intentions really are as they kind of on their way towards a relationship next year. And he helps him uncover the mystery.

What can you say about Fish's trajectory in the last few episodes because obviously, she is set apart from everything that's going on?

We will see her with all the other characters by the end of the season. And obviously, Penguin's final rise couldn't happen without Fish being a part of it, so we'll see the two of them kind of come back together in a really -- hopefully -- satisfying way.

http://www.comicbookresources.com/artic ... n-expected

- Bruno Heller sobre el destino de Fish Mooney, los planes de la S2 y más (comicbook):
Bruno Heller sobre el destino de Fish Mooney, los planes de la S2 y más
Por Russ Burlingame 27/04/2015

With the season winding down next week, the end is near for Gotham...for now.

The hit FOX drama has already been renewed for a second season and will come back in the fall with a new big bad and some new supporting characters -- after at least one series regular in the form of Jada Pinkett-Smith's Fish Mooney leaves.

So...what can we expect from the last few episodes of the show's first season? How will it be different next year without the larger-than-life presence of Fish Mooney? Will we ever stop asking rhetorical questions more suited to Batman '66 than Gotham?

Showrunner Bruno Heller joined us last week to talk about it.

After a season of doing kind of a villain of the week and then a season-long mythology behind it, what made you decide to go with a five-week arc for [Milo Ventimiglia's] The Ogre?

That's a good, big question. It's an odd game we're playing here, where we have these wonderful stock characters who are beloved and famliar to everyone the world over, and on the other hand we have the opportunity to introduce completely new characters and to create the world prior to the world that everyone knows and loves.

That's about creating the world that feels like the world of Batman that we're familiar with came from this world. It's like finding out about your parents' early life; it has a sort of fascination that gives you answers to who you are. The Ogre was really just a kind of prototype villain, the kind of villain that if you were a young Joker, for instance, or you name it, any of the iconic villains, as a young man or a young boy if you were reading the newspapers and learning of the world at large, this is one of those villains that would make you think, "Hmm." It's a kind of strange and horrible role model for the kind of people that would become villains.

The great thing about the Batman villains is that very rarely do they have super powers of any kind. They're psychological villains; their powers are sort of emotional and ones of will and force and personal strength, so they're much more like us than, say, the people that Green Lantern would fight.

So coming up with villains, and this is stuff that we've learned through the course of the season, although we had some rudiments of understanding at the beginning, what's interesting is the psychology of these villains. So rather than creating someone who's colorful in a very theatrical way, this is someone who's psychologically interesting and something that you can dwell on dramatically as opposed to in pure action.

There's an emotion there, and because he's so connected to Barbara and Gordon in that way, it's kind of a perverse love triangle, if you'd like. And that's the sort of stuff that has legs toward the end of a season when people have become familiar and know these [characters]. Then the psychology is more interesting than the action might be at that point, fi you see what I mean...although we do deliver that in spades.

When you know that your characters -- Batman, Joker, Killer Croc and others -- are going to be in feature films coming up, how aware are you of these things? Are you watching Jared Leto's Twitter feed for Joker photos? Did you watch the Batman V Superman trailer? Or do you try and work in a vacuum?

It's never a perfect vacuum, but I prefer to work as much as I can in that way.

Me personally, I'm not on Twitter or social media, not because I'm trying to avoid finding out about that stuff but there's so many processes in place to let us know about stuff, where we're crossing a line. Geoff Johns is really our main man on that score. We talk all the time and I tell him what we're thinking of doing and he tells us what else is going on or where it's safe to tread and where it's not.

The thing is, it's such a huge, beautiful world out there, the DC Universe, that you have to start flailing around in really big footsteps to really start impinging on other territories. Where those things do overlap, that's what's so beautiful about it is that it's a whole map of paths and worlds and stories that interact without contradicting each other.

The true essence of great myth is that there are a million stories and none of them are false; you can't contradict one Batman myth with another; they're all true. That's what makes it such a kind of real world and all the great religions and all the great, all-conquering narratives have that quality, whether it's Christianity or Star Wars. Its' too big of a world to point out flaws and say "These two things cannot have happened," because there's magic there. That's what makes it work.

Obviously something that you've brought to that world is Fish Mooney. Now that it's out there that she isn't there, are there some more new characters you want to try and slot in or will that time be spent with some existing properties?

Creating prototypes and historical markers of where the world will end up is one of the great, challenging and fun things about making the show, coming up with characters like Fish Mooney. So there will be more.

Personally I'm still hoping that Jada will be back. One of the problems of making a show like this is that you need actors who can really be big characters. You either have bigness or you don't, and Jada is big in spades. She's done a wonderful job for us and nobody dies forever in the DC Universe, necessarily, so I'm hoping whatever happens at the end of this season that Fish can and will be back.

We'll be creating characters that seem to have come from the DC Universe before. What I was trying to do with Fish was create a character you felt like was naturally a part of that world so that it wouldn't seem like she was just sort of stepping int o that world. That's a weird chemistry between the character you write and the actor you get to play them. So we have [characters] in mind, but I wouldn't boast about them now because by the time we get them on screen, you might go, "...Oh, hm. That didn't work," and then another character hat hadn't meant to be there just pops. Especially in the early stages of this sort of thing, there's a lot more improv than people would think. You're reacting on the fly a lot of the time until a character's established and the actor kind of owns it, then you see how far you can go and experimenting. You have to do it bravely and with the intention of, "Alright, this is going to be a big character," and write it that way. But if it ain't working, especially with the stakes so high because this is a beautiful, iconic world that you don't want to mar with crappy characters, the security we all have is that if a character doesn't work, people will forget about them when they die and go away.

You guys have really fleshed out Barbara Kean in way that she isn't really in the comics. What went into the decision to make her very broken?

That's one of the aspects of the story that we wanted to jump in, in media res, to use the pretentious Latin phrase.

So much of the story is, per force, about setup. To a degree, it's one very, very long setup that is going to end when guess who enters the stage. For some characters, you want ot be telling their stories as embryonically as possible.

So a character like Barabara -- especially when you've got a character like Jim, who is so square and tough and reliable, sort of an old-school hero -- how do you tell an interesting emotional story about a character like that, who kind of has to be strong in himself? Well, star-crossed lovers is the way to go there.

I don't know. It seemed like Gotham is full of broken people. It's a noir world and there's always a fine balance between the comic book nature of it and the graphic novel nature of it; the childish nature of the world and the adult nature of the world, and Barbara is kind of living in that line.

http://comicbook.com/2015/04/27/gotham- ... son-two-p/

- Milo Ventimiglia dice que un regreso a la S2 de "Gotham" es posible, pero que un regreso de "Héroes" no lo es (comicbook):
Milo Ventimiglia dice que un regreso a la S2 de "Gotham" es posible, pero que un regreso de "Héroes" no lo es
Por BD Comito 27/04/2015

This weekend, Milo Ventimiglia made an appearance at the inaugural Wizard World Comic Con Las Vegas. Ventimiglia, known best for his role as Peter Petrelli on Heroes, has recently appeared on Gotham and will soon be the star of a mysterious new drama, The Whispers.

ComicBook.com got a chance to talk with Ventimiglia about his recent work during an exclusive interview at Wizard World.


First of all, we're here in Las Vegas for Wizard World, how's that treating you so far?

You know, my sinuses are dry, my throat is dry! Vegas is alright, you expect it when you come here.

You've been on Gotham lately, how is it getting into that villain role? I hear you have a lot of fun playing villains.

Playing villains is fun. The guy on Gotham, Jason Lennon, he's no exception. He's dark and he's sick but he's also earnest. He really does want to just find love. That's a fun thing to try and tap into with a guy that's so evil, you know? So bad. I think for me it's just making him a human being that has a different way of living.

Any chance you will come back for season 2 of Gotham?

It's always a possibility, but before that, I have a show called The Whispers coming out June 1.

What can we expect from that?

You can expect a very different me. Big beard, covered in tattoos, long hair, speaking Arabic... Doesn't really know who he is. It's a bit of a mystery, the show. It's an unseen, unknown force - an enemy - basically, talking to our children and communicating with our children. I think where adults may brush it off as an imaginary friend, it's actually deeper than that and we're fighting an unknown, very, very powerful force.

So, you've played heroes, you've played villains... Would you ever want to do a Marvel or DC movie as either a hero or villain?

It would be a blast to do Marvel or DC. Everything from the comic book world is just such a rich universe. I grew up reading comic books so it's kind of exciting to see the popularization of them, nowadays. Everyone is into Avengers movies, Batman movies, all that. They're good stories, they've always been good stories. There's any million of characters that would be fun to play in that world.

If the first bout of the new Heroes Reborn goes well, is there any chance you would want to return in the future?

No. You know, that show kind of ended for me a bunch of years ago. I wish those guys all the best. I'm very excited of them.


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¡¡¡¡AY, OMÁ QUÉ CALORES!!!! ¡Gracias por tu regalo, Nitta!

Mensajes: 33034
Registrado: Dom May 21, 2006 12:15 am

Re: ¡¡¡Nuevo proyecto de la FOX sobre GOTHAM!!!

Mensaje por Shelby »

- GOTHAM | 1.21 "The Anvil or the Hammer" Promo:


Añadidos los rátings del 1.20 "Under the knife". Podéis encontrarlos AQUÍ

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¡¡¡¡AY, OMÁ QUÉ CALORES!!!! ¡Gracias por tu regalo, Nitta!

Mensajes: 33034
Registrado: Dom May 21, 2006 12:15 am

Re: ¡¡¡Nuevo proyecto de la FOX sobre GOTHAM!!!

Mensaje por Shelby »

- Stills del 1.22 "All families are alike":

Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen

Imagen Imagen
¡¡¡¡AY, OMÁ QUÉ CALORES!!!! ¡Gracias por tu regalo, Nitta!

Mensajes: 33034
Registrado: Dom May 21, 2006 12:15 am

Re: ¡¡¡Nuevo proyecto de la FOX sobre GOTHAM!!!

Mensaje por Shelby »

- Anticipo de las Action Figures de "Gotham" de Diamond Select Toys:
Imagen Imagen Imagen

La colección completa hará su debut en el San Diego Comic-Con, tendrán una altura de unos 17-18 cms, y el precio será de unos $24.99 cada una.

Las figuras vienen con un juego de accesorios del personaje: el Pingüino viene con un set del muelle donde suplicço por su vida, Gordon con un callejón y Cat puede colgarse de su escalera de incendios.

http://www.tvinsider.com/article/1426/e ... lect-toys/

Imagen Imagen
¡¡¡¡AY, OMÁ QUÉ CALORES!!!! ¡Gracias por tu regalo, Nitta!

Mensajes: 33034
Registrado: Dom May 21, 2006 12:15 am

Re: ¡¡¡Nuevo proyecto de la FOX sobre GOTHAM!!!

Mensaje por Shelby »

- GOTHAM | "The Legendary Villains And Epic Heroes Of Gotham" Promo:


Imagen Imagen
¡¡¡¡AY, OMÁ QUÉ CALORES!!!! ¡Gracias por tu regalo, Nitta!

Mensajes: 33034
Registrado: Dom May 21, 2006 12:15 am

Re: ¡¡¡Nuevo proyecto de la FOX sobre GOTHAM!!!

Mensaje por Shelby »

- GOTHAM | "See How It All Ends" Promo:


Imagen Imagen
¡¡¡¡AY, OMÁ QUÉ CALORES!!!! ¡Gracias por tu regalo, Nitta!

Mensajes: 33034
Registrado: Dom May 21, 2006 12:15 am

Re: ¡¡¡Nuevo proyecto de la FOX sobre GOTHAM!!!

Mensaje por Shelby »

- GOTHAM | "Gordon And Bruce" Featurette:


- GOTHAM | "Breaking Bad" Featurette:


Imagen Imagen
¡¡¡¡AY, OMÁ QUÉ CALORES!!!! ¡Gracias por tu regalo, Nitta!

Mensajes: 33034
Registrado: Dom May 21, 2006 12:15 am

Re: ¡¡¡Nuevo proyecto de la FOX sobre GOTHAM!!!

Mensaje por Shelby »

- Nueva imagen BTS de la S1 con Camren Bicondova y Milo Ventmiglia (27-04-15):


(@camrenbicondova: Terryfying on @Gotham. Amazing in real life. @MiloVentimiglia)

Imagen Imagen
¡¡¡¡AY, OMÁ QUÉ CALORES!!!! ¡Gracias por tu regalo, Nitta!

Mensajes: 33034
Registrado: Dom May 21, 2006 12:15 am

Re: ¡¡¡Nuevo proyecto de la FOX sobre GOTHAM!!!

Mensaje por Shelby »

- 1.22 "All families are alike" Promo:


Añadidos los rátings del 1.21 "The Anvil or the Hammer". Podéis encontrarlos AQUÍ

Imagen Imagen
¡¡¡¡AY, OMÁ QUÉ CALORES!!!! ¡Gracias por tu regalo, Nitta!

Mensajes: 33034
Registrado: Dom May 21, 2006 12:15 am

Re: ¡¡¡Nuevo proyecto de la FOX sobre GOTHAM!!!

Mensaje por Shelby »

Imagen Imagen
¡¡¡¡AY, OMÁ QUÉ CALORES!!!! ¡Gracias por tu regalo, Nitta!

Mensajes: 33034
Registrado: Dom May 21, 2006 12:15 am

Re: ¡¡¡Nuevo proyecto de la FOX sobre GOTHAM!!!

Mensaje por Shelby »

- GOTHAM | "GOTHAM Season Finale! Monday!" Featurettte:


- GOTHAM | "Destiny" Promo:


- GOTHAM | 1.22 "All families are alike" Clip "Astonishing":


Imagen Imagen
¡¡¡¡AY, OMÁ QUÉ CALORES!!!! ¡Gracias por tu regalo, Nitta!
