¡Bueno chicos, llegó el día!
Los del equipo de Smallville están recibiendo hoy sus regalos y el otro día Bryan Q. Miller recibió también las "Reglas de Q. Miller" enmarcadas y, desde el twitter de los escritores, agradecieron el regalo en su nombre.
Os dejo las fotos que han enviado los servicios de entrega:
¡Empiezan las respuestas!
@SV_Writers To whomever sent the framed list, Q says, "Thanks!"
@SV_Writers Thank you to the "Global Gratitude Project" for your generous contributions...
@SV_Writers ... to Heshima Kenya, Doctors Without Borders, MADRE, ARCH, and the Red Cross!
@SV_Writers A shoutout to @GlobalGratitude. Thanks again! And the gift basket and pens were awesome, too.
@alseptien Global Gratitude Project!! Thank you so much for the goodies and for your charitable generosity. You're real Supermen and Superwomen!!
@alseptien We have the GREATEST FANS!!! Thanks again, Global Gratitude Project!
@ Turimeyer A huge thank you to our super-fans for the very cool pens and wonderful baskets!!!
@svwriters @loufeb was in the office today for work on Checkmate, and you'll be happy to know his
@GlobalGratitude clock was delivered.
@loufeb @GlobalGratitude What a cool gift!! Thank you so much! It's sitting on my desk as I work
on Escape!
@loufeb To those who wrote me such beautiful letters... thank you! Sincerely. I am absolutely moved by
such a magnificent gesture.
@Loufeb It was a lovely gesture! And I want to thank ALL of you for thinking of me!
@loufeb Me encantó! No se como agradecerles un regalo tan lindo!
@loufeb No se que decir! Un millón de gracias!
@GlobalGratitude Tom and Erica and the cast/crew did get their baskets and books and the receptionist said everyone loved what we sent. That's all the info.