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Re: "Nuevo proyecto para la CW sobre 'IZOMBIE'"

Publicado: Mar Abr 05, 2016 12:35 am
por Shelby
- Stills del 2.19 “Salivation Army” (season finale):

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Re: "Nuevo proyecto para la CW sobre 'IZOMBIE'"

Publicado: Mar Abr 05, 2016 3:54 pm
por Shelby
- Enrico Colantoni adelanta el regreso a iZombie Return y habla sobre la serie de Galaxy Quest Series (TVLine):
Enrico Colantoni adelanta el regreso a iZombie Return y habla sobre la serie de Galaxy Quest Series
Por Vlada Gelman / 05 Abril 2016, 6:00 AM PDT

If you squint, Enrico Colantoni‘s iZombie character and the show’s undead heroine could almost pass for a certain beloved, fictional father-daughter duo.

Veronica MarsIt’s thus no surprise then that while filming his guest spot, “There were moments where I thought, ‘I could be Keith Mars right now,'” Colantoni recalls, noting Liv’s physical resemblance to Kristen Bell’s Veronica Mars. “I just want to put my arm around her and set her straight. How could you not?”

That, however, is where the similarities between the warm father and the slightly “violent and creepy” vice detective Colantoni plays on iZombie begin and end. “What Keith Mars wasn’t [was] amoral,” the actor points out. “For a private investigator in a noir environment, you really expect [him] to be morally compromised in some way, but Keith wasn’t. But this guy, Lou Benedetto, is compromised. He’ll break the rules. His integrity’s intact, [but] his morality might not be.”

In Tuesday’s episode (The CW, 9/8c), the officer gets entangled in Liv and Babineaux’s murder investigation while on the hunt for his missing undercover cop, Drake.

“Turns out that I’m connected to the young student that was killed,” Colantoni previews, adding that Lou has “a soft spot” for the morgue attendant. “Liv is the one that calms him down. Babineaux rubs him the wrong way.”

As Lou follows the Utopium drug trail, the existence of zombies naturally comes up, eliciting skepticism from the detective in the exclusive video above. “He doesn’t believe it,” Colantoni shares. But in catching up on the CW series, “What I’m finding out [is] they’re everywhere! Oh, my God! Everyone’s a zombie! Why is it so hard to believe?” he adds with a laugh.

Galaxy Quest TV ShowAs for that other cult favorite featuring the actor, Colantoni says he hasn’t been approached about being part of Amazon’s Galaxy Quest TV series, based on the 1999 film in which he played the leader of an alien race.

“It’s one of those things where I’ll be hurt if they don’t [ask], but relieved at the same time,” he says. “Because I’m one of the believers that the movie shouldn’t be messed with. There should be no sequel. There should be no TV version. I can’t imagine what the engine will be.”

“I am very, very curious [about the premise],” he continues. “But I don’t think, after almost 20 years, I could play that guy again. He’d be older, that’s for sure. That high, shrill voice would definitely be an octave or two lower.”

http://tvline.com/2016/04/05/izombie-se ... t-tv-show/

- El FinaL de "iZombie" "tan cerca a una película tradicional de Zombies que haremos" dice Rob Thomas ():
El Final de "iZombie" "tan cerca a una película tradicional de Zombies que haremos" dice Rob Thomas
Por Scott Huver, 05 Abril 2016

As the literal brains behind The CW's "iZombie" hit series, Executive Producer Rob Thomas is the keeper of all the series' undead secrets for the remaining three episodes of Season 2.

During a visit with the press at WonderCon, Thomas drew back the veil ever so slightly, revealing a few choice reveals about the two-hour season finale airing April 12, including some format-busting elements. For starters, the procedural storytelling technique will be temporarily tabled, the action is more intense than ever before, and the show will be set up for a significantly paradigm-shifting fourth season.

On the rising stakes as the finale approaches:

Rob Thomas: It's epic. I will not downplay our season finale. Last year, we felt like we had done a big season finale, and I feel like this one dwarfs it. I don't think a show of our budget has the potential to go any bigger. We kind of saved all year so we could blow it out on this final episode, and we really do.

It's as close to a traditional zombie movie as we will or have ever done. I think the action starts at the end of act two and goes all the way to the end of the episode. So I'm really psyched about that. I just got to show the writing staff the cut of the season finale, and I'm feeling good.

On breaking away from procedural format for the final two hours:

We, perhaps naively, really had been counting on doing 22 episodes. When we found out we got a back six rather than a back nine, I think the smart thing would have been to kind of thin out the story that we're going to tell in those final six episodes. And instead, we just decided to jam in all nine episodes worth of story.

Even in reading the morning-after reviews -- "Boy, they're really throwing a lot of stuff at us" -- I am aware of it. It seems fun and breakneck, yeah. It kind of goes full throttle to the end of the season.

On whether the third season pickup came in time for some advance plot-seeding:

I do tee up Season 3 in the finale. You will see what our mission statement is for Season 3 in the final scene of our Season 2 finale. There is a big paradigm shift that is presented to Liv.

If I had known that [the show was not coming back], I would have lopped off that last scene and just given it a neater bow, but instead, we really tee up Season 3… It sets up a new, but a very different sort of pull on Liv for Season 3, rather than simply a bad guy who seems bent on eliminating the zombies. It's a completely new paradigm.

http://www.comicbookresources.com/artic ... rob-thomas

Re: "Nuevo proyecto para la CW sobre 'IZOMBIE'"

Publicado: Mié Abr 06, 2016 10:48 am
por Shelby
- iZombie | 2.18 "Dead Beat" / 2.19 "Salivation Army" Promo (Season Finale) | The CW:

- iZombie | 2.18 "Dead Beat" / 2.19 "Salivation Army" Extended Promo (Season Finale) | The CW:

- iZombie | 2.18 "Dead Beat" / 2.19 "Salivation Army" Producers Preview (Season Finale) | The CW:

- iZombie | 2.18 "Dead Beat" / 2.19 "Salivation Army" Clip #1 (Season Finale) | The CW:


- iZombie | 2.18 "Dead Beat" / 2.19 "Salivation Army" Clip #2 (Season Finale) | ComicBook:

http://www.dailymotion.com/video/x43qgz ... -finale_tv

Re: "Nuevo proyecto para la CW sobre 'IZOMBIE'"

Publicado: Dom Abr 10, 2016 10:34 am
por Shelby
- Panel de "Izombie" en la "Emerald City Comic Con" (09-04-16):
SEATTLE – The cast of iZombie (Rose McIvor and David Anders) were actually in Seattle (where the show takes place) for Emerald City Comic Con 2016 and were joined by the creator of the comic book (Chris Roberson) that the show is based on.

Roberson noted that the iZombie TV show came about after the comic book had concluded.

“I knew they were going to make changes but I got sent the pilot script from Rob Thomas and I thought it was great and funny,” said Roberson.

He added that the show has the basic idea from the comics as well as its look and tone. “They are close cousins,” Roberson explained. “THey have the same DNA but raised by different parents.”

McIvor and Anders said the iZombie source material is a lot of fun.

Anders called iZombie “the best Rom-Zom-Com on television,” which according to McIvor he has called the show that many times before.

But the one thing that McIvor thinks separates the show from other zombie shows is that it is the reinvention of the zombie genre.

The subject of how the show prepares the brains that Liv consumers. McIver said initially the brains were disgusting as the gelatin was covered with fondant. The show then got a chef to help prep the brains and started to hide the gelatinous material in actual recipes. McIvor described once how one brain was mixed in with turkey chili that was so delcious that she took some home with her minus the “brain”. McIvor would like to develop a cookbook for the brain recipes she told the crowd.

On the subject of brains, McIvor called the grumpy old man brain her least favorite as the character was such an unlikeable character. McIvor also said she would like to revisit the erotic librarian brain as she feels that could be more to be said with that brain.

One of McIver’s favourite brain was Gamer Liv as it gave her an opportunity to learn more about the gaming world. As for a brain she would like to consume? A hockey goon.

Even though Liv is a different person while on these different brains, McIvor said that she “wants Liv to still be Liv while on the different brains.”

For Anders, the only brain we ever see him on was the scientist brain but McIver would like to see him eat a brain of a really good person. But Blaine’s journey this season has been interesting and Anders likes playing Amnesiac Blaine.

“It is a treat to play Blaine. He is the closest to me to anyone else I’ve ever played,” he added.

If someone were to eat the brains of McIvor and Anders, what of their personalities would they take? McIvor thinks they would be homesick for New Zealand and sing along to radio jingles while Anders said anyone consuming his brain wouldn’t be able to handle it.

Since both McIver and Anders were both on Once Upon a Time, a fan asked who they would like from that cast on iZombie. McIvor listed Jennifer Morrison, who has become one of her best friends while Anders would like Robert Carlyle.

The subject of a musical episode came up with we’ve seen Anders and McIvor sing this season but McIvor thinks it won’t happen now since we’ve all seen Robert Buckely sing in a recent episode. Anders described Buckley’s voice as pitchy. McIvor said that if ever iZombie becomes a musical it should be done on ice and be called “Ice Zombie”.

A fan asked if Roberson thought Matchbox Twenty’s Rob Thomas wanted to make iZombie into a TV show when he was approached. Roberson said no he wasn’t. But McIver calls Matchbox Twenty’s Rob Thomas a real fan of the show and when shot his part for the season finale, McIver was surprised how he and his wife knew everything about the show.

Speaking of the season finale, McIvor said events that happen in the two-part season finale changes the landscape for season 3 and Anders added that Liv and Blaine will make for strange bedfellows.

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https://theworldgoespop.com/2016/04/09/ ... bie-panel/

Re: "Nuevo proyecto para la CW sobre 'IZOMBIE'"

Publicado: Lun Abr 11, 2016 10:00 pm
por Shelby
- Rob Thomas sobre el épico final de iZombie: "No todo el mundo sobrevive" (TVGuide):
Rob Thomas sobre el épico final de iZombie: "No todo el mundo sobrevive"
Por Sadie Gennis | 11 Abril, 2016 2:58 PM EDT

iZombie's first season ended with an exhilarating finale that brought all the storylines together in a (literally) explosive conclusion. But according to creator Rob Thomas, we haven't seen anything yet.

"I think [the Season 2 finale] dwarfs it," Thomas tells TVGuide.com. "As big as last year's was, this one is undoubtedly bigger. I actually can't believe we pulled it off. It's as close to a zombie movie as I think we can manage."

But once again, viewers shouldn't necessarily expect everyone to survive the finale unscathed - or even alive. Check out everything Thomas revealed about iZombie's finale below:

This isn't the first time Major (Robert Buckley) has been suspected of a murder. Will the Meat Cute murders come back to haunt him?
Rob Thomas: We do in fact see the Meat Cute murders come back in an interesting way.

It's not easy for a zombie to survive in custody, as we previously saw with Liv (Rose McIver). How will Major cope without brains?
Thomas: It's the driving question of this next episode just before the finale. It's, "What are they going to do about Major in jail?" And Liv will go to great lengths to save him.

Major was always against becoming a zombie, so will he seriously consider taking the cure despite its side effects?
Thomas: It's certainly a focus of what's coming next. We intentionally put him on positivity brains right when he became a zombie so we didn't have to spend the hour seeing him wrestle with those demons. And whether or not he decides to take a cure that, by all appearances, robs him of all of his memories. That's sort of his new Sophie's choice.

Other than memory loss, are there more side effects from the cure?
Thomas: It's possible, but that's all we deal with in Season 2. We will not see more side effects this year. I'm leaving the door open that it's not the only side effect as we move into Season 3.

How is Blaine (David Anders) coping now that he knows how terrible of a person he was pre-memory loss?
Thomas: We're going to have fun with that idea. Who is Blaine if he doesn't remember all these horrible things he did? Is he just wired down to his core to be a criminal? Or if he doesn't have memories of his abusive father or horrible upbringing or all the things that may have turned him to crime, who is he now and how does he fit into the universe? The next two hours of iZombie go by so quickly that there is no great soliloquy or scenes where we see Blaine wrestling with that, but it will be part of the storyline moving forward form here. And certainly, in the finale he has to answer the question of, "Am I a hero or a villain?" That gets dropped on him and he has to make a decision.

Despite everything she knows about him, Peyton (Aly Michalka) still seems emotionally invested in Blaine. How will that relationship continue to play out?
Thomas: We continue to be interested in the Ravi-Blaine-Peyton triangle. It's a triangle that Blaine isn't even quite aware exists at this point. But those three characters do get shoved together in the finale and that question comes to the forefront.

What are the next steps in Vaughn's (Steven Weber) evil plan?
Thomas: It takes a dramatic turn. He has had this plan to release this new energy drink that he thinks is going to blow the world away. ... But somebody comes in with a last-minute opportunity for him to make all that money and make it faster by going in a different direction.

It sounded as though Vaughn's lackey whispered to him about a storage shed. Does that mean Vaughn knows Major didn't kill any of the zombies?
Thomas: Yes, he definitely whispers the world storage shed, which would imply that they might be on to him. But that's all I want the audience to know at this point.

The frozen zombies are like the Chekov's gun of this season.
Thomas: Yes, the frozen zombies have been keyed up. They will definitely be the carrot at the end of the stick, for many reasons. Major and Liv feel as though they need to save those people.

That would also get Major off the hook because they can't convict him for murder if his alleged victims are alive.
Thomas: That's very true. It would be tough convicting him if those people show up again.

Is there still hope for Liv and Drake (Greg Finley), if he ever gets unfrozen?
Thomas: Sure. Yeah. I think they have a real thing.

Is there potential for Clive (Malcolm Goodwin) finding out the truth about Liv soon? And if he did, how would he handle that type of information?
Thomas: I would hate to give that way. The audience is so salivating for that moment. I did love reading some of the reactions, because for the first time in the last episode Clive heard the word "zombies." Now, he's heard zombies and even though it sounded so dopey to Enrico Colantoni's character, he knows about missing brains and kids with their brains cut out. Clive's certainly the horse that's been lead to water, so it's the question of when and if he'll drink.

Now that Peyton has moved back in with Liv, is there the chance she'll be a series regular again next season?
Thomas: Who knows whether she'll survive this season. But I will say I love Aly and we're a better show when Aly is in it. ... Certainly, if we had all the money in the world she would be a series regular. I wish she were now. We hold our breath each pilot season hoping no one takes away from us. When she left all of the sudden last year, she did a pilot and we didn't know if we'd be getting her back. So if she's alive at the end of this year, I'd love nothing better than if she were a series regular.

Does this mean we should expect some big deaths?
Thomas: Like last year, not everyone survives. That's for sure. I will say there will be blood.

Ken Marino is also going to appear in the penultimate episode. What can you say about who he's playing?
Thomas: He plays Washington State's best defense attorney, hired by Vaughn because he wants Major out of lock-up before Major talks. ... It's a great Ken Marino role. He makes me so happy in that episode. And it's a character who, like Vinnie Van Lowe in Veronica Mars, there's always a need for a top-notch defense attorney.

You've had so many guest appearances from the Veronica Mars and Party Down casts. Now that you've been renewed for Season 3, are you thinking about who you'd love to have on next?
Thomas: I absolutely want to have Kristen Bell come on the show. That's the dream. And I think it will happen someday. Honestly, if we didn't film in Canada and she didn't have two small children, I think it would have happened by now. Next year, she's got her own new show, so it might also be difficult to work out, but someday that will happen. ... And then I'd love to have Adam Scott on. I'd love to have Martin Starr. Certainly, I'd love to have more Veronica Mars people.

I don't know if you saw the episode where they visited the set of Zombie High, but we did think that having Jason Dohring and Chris Lowell playing those two characters would be hilarious. However, Jason was filming in Atlanta and Chris was already booked. We did see if they were available for that, because it would have cracked us up. Jason Dohring is pretty method already, but getting to dial up the method acting would be pretty hilarious.

What was it like getting to work with your name doppelganger Rob Thomas?
Thomas: It would be nice to say we get a lot of each other's stuff, but the truth is, I probably get a ton of his stuff and he occasionally gets something of mine. So we've been in touch a little bit over the years. And when we thought of the Super Max jingle, [a writer] thought it would be funny to get Rob Thomas, and I loved that idea. I just loved the meta-ness of it. So I just direct-messaged Rob on Twitter. And at that point we said, "Well, let's have him do the jingle." Shortly thereafter it was, "Hey, and if he can do the jingle, let's have him play the Super Max launch party."

What I love is I just direct-messaged Rob and I heard from him within an hour. He said, "Hey, I'm coming back from tour in Australia at that time, but if we can make the dates work, I'm in." The fun thing is, and I didn't know this before, but he's totally on top of iZombie. He watches the show and even when we sent him the script for the finale he didn't want to read it because he didn't want to be spoiled.

http://www.tvguide.com/news/izombie-sea ... ob-thomas/

- Kohli & Goodwin dicen que "las cosas golpearán a los fans de una gran manera" en el final de la S2 (CBR):
Kohli & Goodwin dicen que "las cosas golpearán a los fans de una gran manera" en el final de la S2
Por Kiel Phegley, 11 Abril 2016

When "Veronica Mars" creator Rob Thomas and longtime collaborator Diane Ruggiero-Wright decided to adapt Vertigo's "iZombie" comic book series for The CW, they took the basics of the presence and built a world all their own. Sharing primarily the title and zombie conceit, the TV version of "iZombie" replaced Gwen Dylan with Liv Moore (Rose McIver) and surrounded her with a host of new characters. Among them are Dr. Ravi Chakrabarti (Rahul Kohli), her medical examiner boss at the coroner's office, and Detective Clive Babineaux (Malcolm Goodwin), whom she assists under the guise of psychic visions. Those visions actually stem from her zombie diet -- brains -- and the residual memories she gets from the people they once belonged to.

Ravi and Clive interact with Liv in different ways, and while Ravi is in on her secret undead life, Clive has been in the dark despite working closely with her for nearly two years. At WonderCon 2016 in Los Angeles, CBR TV's Kiel Phegley welcomed Kohli and Goodwin to the world famous CBR Tiki Room to discuss what's ahead for the final installments of Season Two, their characters' unexpected journeys as the show continues, and whether their respective journeys will collide in the finale. Goodwin also talks about whether his character will discover Liv's secret while Kohli discusses his attempts to stay in shape and if that will factor into his Season Three arc.

On whether Goodwin wants Babineaux to learn about Liv being a zombie:

Malcolm Goodwin: I think Rob said it's gonna stay in the box as long as possible. Obviously as a fan it will be interesting to see how he would react and see how his world is just turned upside down and he's in on what we all know. I think it's fun. I always say, Clive has tunnel vision. He's worried about bringing these murder victims' killers to justice, that is his main priority, so even with Liv's going on the different things he doesn't really say much about it because he's focused on the task at hand.

But will it happen? I don't know. I think it would be fun. I think he would have a real world honest reaction if it does happen. He would make a lot of faces and a lot of sounds. He would be shocked. ... But that means, for Clive, that means there's a Santa Claus; that means there's a Tooth Fairy; that means there's vampires. It opens up this whole entire Pandora's Box if that stuff happens in his world, the way he sees it. But I think it would be fun.

On whether Kohli wants to explore more of Ravi's past and the relationship between him and his medical examiner nemesis:

Rahul Kohli: It was so nice to get just a sliver of past that didn't involve any of the other characters, that was something that he had been dealing with before. And the actor, Steve Hytner was so funny, from "Seinfeld" and stuff, and we had a great time doing that. But at the same time I'm very funny about backstory. I enjoy it for Babineaux and stuff, but playing it for me I'm always worried because I'm a big "Star Wars" fan and Vader was my favorite character. Then when I found out he was a 9-year-old pod racer [Laughter] and had a bowl haircut and did everything because of Padme, I was like, "Oh no, you've weakened my favorite character by showing too much." There's always trepidation about backstory and sometimes, with prequels in that respect, learning too much about someone can sometimes take away from it. Like the Joker, same thing.

On what's in store for Season Three and whether Ravi will have to enter the fray more than in the past:

Kohli: The truth is, we don't know what's happening for Season Three. It's so early and the writers' room hasn't opened yet, there hasn't even been a discussion. But it's one of those things, I looked at the character, I looked at his journey through Season Two and the finale, and I just felt like Ravi's life has become extremely dangerous, as has everyone's. Seattle's become a dangerous place to live. In a vain hope that I might have made the right assumption I just thought maybe Ravi would look after himself a little bit more. That was it. Nothing's set in stone, and who knows, but it was just a little idea I was working with.

On whether the mystery each character is investigating pulls together by the end of this season:

Goodwin: Kinda, sort of. But the way it pulls together is I think in a way that is very unexpected. It surprised us. We didn't guess what was happening and I don't think the audience is gonna guess what was happening and that's why everybody needs to tune in -- catch up, and then tune in -- because those last two episodes are just--

Kohli: I think they're the best we've done in two years.

Goodwin: Incredible. Yeah. Things hit the fan in a big way. Just like Rahul says, Seattle becomes a very dangerous -- if there's anything to spoil -- it's a very dangerous place, more dangerous than it is now.

http://www.comicbookresources.com/artic ... -s2-finale

- McIver, Anders & Roberson siguen hambrientos de cerebros (CBR):
McIver, Anders & Roberson siguen hambrientos de cerebros
Por George A. Tramountanas, 12 Abril 2016

Seattle is a great place for horror. The rain feels dramatic, the sky is often gray, and the town is wired with caffeine. This makes it an ideal setting for The CW's "iZombie," based on the Vertigo comic series of the same name. However, Seattle can also feel bright and fun, as the stars of the TV show likely discovered when they came to Emerald City Comicon 2016.

On Saturday of the aforementioned event, fans had the opportunity to hear from stars Rose McIver (Liv Moore) and David Anders (Blaine DeBeers) at the "iZombie" panel, joined by writer Chris Roberson, co-creator of the "iZombie" comic. Actress Clare Kramer ("Buffy the Vampire Slayer") moderated the panel for the thousands present at the Seattle Convention Center and kicked things off by asking Roberson how he came up with the comic's unique take on zombies.

"It was two things, really," the writer explained. "One was that I wanted to do a zombie story. I love zombies, but zombies have been relegated to the 'post-apocalyptic thing.' The only time you ever see zombies is when everything is over. And I thought, 'You know, vampire stories don't have to be in 19th Century London, so why can't I do a zombie story with regular people in the modern day?' And the second piece was -- zombies want brains, but what are they getting out of it? I thought it could be memories and personalities."

For those unfamiliar with the program, the zombies in the world of "iZombie" are able to maintain their humanity and (mostly) pass as regular people provided they eat a somewhat steady diet of brains. If they don't, they turn into the raging monsters typically seen in movies. However, eating brains has a secondary effect -- the zombies temporarily absorb the memories and abilities of the brains former owners. McIver admitted this was part of the challenge and fun of playing Liv.

Kramer then questioned the actress about how she initially prepared to audition for the role. She wanted to know how one gets in the zombie mindset. McIver explained that since she never acts like an extra from "The Walking Dead," it wasn't too strange. However, she did face one challenge. "Honestly, it was hard to play the doctor part of Liv convincingly. I have to understand my dialogue to remember it, so I can't really phone in any of the technical terms -- I have to look them up," said McIver. "I don't know how Rahul [Kohli] -- who plays Ravi -- does it each week."

As Liv's personality can change from episode to episode, Kramer asked if either McIver or Anders ever try to plant seeds in the heads of the show's writers. They both agreed there is something they'd like to try -- singing. McIver said, "We've been plugging to get a musical episode, but we had a much better shot at it until Robert Buckley's singing was aired last week." The crowd roared at this admission.

The group then discussed the show's success, and McIver asked all the Liv cosplayers in the room to stand up. She clapped enthusiastically as a handful of impressively dressed Liv zombies stood. This prompted Kramer to ask about the first time McIver ever saw her character being cosplayed.

"It was actually at the first San Diego Comic-Con after we had shot the pilot, but it hadn't even aired. People were there as Gwen [the main character in the comic] -- and that was really exciting... because we draw so much from the look of the comic," she said.

This caused the conversation to turn to Roberson and the adaptation of his work. He said he initially kept an open mind. When he eventually read the pilot, he thought it was really funny and didn't mind the changes from his story.

"I'm not precious about my stuff in the slightest, so the fact that they kept our basic idea and the look was terrific," he explained. He then turned to McIver and added, "[Artist and co-creator] Mike Allred was so over the moon when you were cast. He had reservations up 'til that moment, and after that, he was like 'I'm sold.'"

The tone of the show was brought up several times throughout the panel. The series crosses several genres, as it's funny, romantic, serious, and yet contains horror. Anders probably described it best when he said, "It's the best zom-com-rom-dram in the history of television!"

Back to the zombie side of things, Kramer noted that McIver's character had to eat a lot of brains from week-to-week. She was curious about what the actress was actually eating and what it tasted like.

"So we have this great chef now, but initially, we didn't have him," McIver answered. "When we started this series and did the pilot, the brains were just gelatin covered in corn syrup and occasionally hot sauce. But we played around with it to try and get the right color; we used fondant -- like, icing sugar -- and it was just completely disgusting. And I was really polite at the time, and I was just like, 'No guys, this is fine.' And I ate so much.

"Then I got to know the crew really well, and I could say without hurting anyone's feelings, 'Um, this is really disgusting.' So I started doing two things: I use a spit-bucket a lot, which is for the actual gelatin stuff I eat. And then we also hide it in these recipes. I mean, I want Liv to have a cook book... she does all these great things with brains. It got so good recently that we did this turkey chili, and if I avoided the gelatin bits, it was so tasty that I ended up taking a Tupperware container home and put it in my freezer."

Looking at the show as a writer, Roberson was then asked by Kramer if he had a favorite episode. After thinking about it, he responded, "For one of the episodes, [co-showrunner and Executive Producer Diane Ruggiero-Wright] named a character after me and Allred. The vigilante-by-night, shop teacher-by-day character was named Chris Allred. So, that night -- it was a fantastic episode -- and I tweeted that Diane Ruggiero had helped me fulfill my lifelong ambition of having half of a high school shop teacher named after me!"

After the chuckles from the audience died down, Anders was questioned about his early career on television. He said his first appearance was on "Alias" as the evil Julian Sark -- a role which remains special to him.

"That was my first experience. I got my SAG card with that, and I have J.J. Abrams to thank for my entire career -- and to blame for only being allowed to play bad guys. It was an amazing experience to get to learn from all those award-winning actors."

Kramer then steered the conversation to the actors' passions outside the show. McIver offered up her love without a moment of hesitation: "Embroidery. I cross-stitch on set like it's going out of fashion."

"As for me, I love sports. I'm a Fan-ders for sports," Anders said. The audience groaned at his playful pun. "Hey, I just planted the seed -- it's up to you to water it and make it grow. As an Oregon native, I'm a fanatic about the Oregon Ducks and my Portland Trailblazers, plus the Minnesota Vikings. And I go see them live, and I fly to different places for them."

Regarding other things in his life that excite him, Anders gleefully talked about a role he recently performed. "I got to play Loki on a little show -- but I'm not going to tell you what it is. The day before though, I had played 36 holes of golf and I was thinking, 'I am far too red to play Tom Hiddleston right now.'"

As previously mentioned, the benefit of being one of the undead on "iZombie" is that actors get to try on various persona. This led a fan to ask McIver if there's any personality she might be interested in playing with, also suggesting it might be fun to see Liv on toddler brains, which received a collective "Ewww!" from the audience. McIver responded with a wince and a smile.

"Here's the thing -- we might love to see that, but the circumstances in which Liv would have to eat the brains of a toddler are just too horrible to go down that avenue. What I'm really interested in is playing a hockey goon, like a big hockey thug. I used to figure skate when I was little, so the chance to be able to skate and play like a cool thug would be so fun."

The second season finale of "iZombie" airs Tuesday April 12, and and the show will have a special guest: musician Rob Thomas from Matchbox 20, AKA the other Rob Thomas, with some fans present wondered wondering if this created confusion on the set. Anders pointed out that it's likely a common occurrence online, as co-showrunner Rob Thomas' Twitter bio even says, "Not the singer."

"We actually refer to Rob Thomas the singer as 'Rob Thomas 2.0' and our Rob Thomas -- our father-figure -- is Rob Thomas 1.0," McIver explained. "And when we had the singer on set the last couple of weeks, it was amazing. He just knows everything about the show, and he brought his wife, who also knows everything. It was so cool and really flattering."

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- El cantante Rob Thomas habla sobre su papel invitado en TV en la Finale de "iZombie" de Rob Thomas (TVInsider):
El cantante Rob Thomas habla sobre su papel invitado en TV en la Finale de "iZombie" de Rob Thomas
Por Katie Yu 12 Abril, 2016 3:00 pm

As iZombie's second season comes to a close, the finale promises to be a big one.

"Not everyone will survive," executive producer Rob Thomas teases. "Many people bit the dust at the end of last season; I would say the body count is much higher at the end of Season 2…people will meet their maker."

But before the drama starts, there is a bit of a lightness to look forward to: singer Rob Thomas is guest-starring in the season finale as himself.

"You're talking about one of the coolest people on Earth," Malcolm Goodwin (Clive) says. "Hands down, one of the coolest people on the planet."

The singer is an admitted iZombie fan—"He knew everything, and he was reminding me of things in the show I had forgotten," Robert Buckley (Major) shares—and he jumped straight into what was required of him.

"He couldn't have been more game for everything we did," Buckley says. "It was long days, it was hectic, it was crazy, and he was an absolute delight. And I'm gleefully proud to say we've become pals…he's such a sweet, sweet guy, and his wife is great."

"It was wonderful working with Rob Thomas; I get to have scenes with him," Rose McIver (Liv) adds. "He does not think of himself as a natural actor, nor does Robert Buckley think of himself as a natural singer, so there was a lot of coaching going on between them. We had a lot of fun. He's such a nice guy. He was so onboard to get amongst the stunts. He was really lovely."

For his part, the crooner has only positive things to say about his experience on The CW series. We spoke with Thomas about his guest spot on the show, being on set the day the show was renewed, and more.

When did you first hear about TV's Rob Thomas, and what has that shared name experience been like on your end?
Well, it's been going on for a few years. He and I have never been in the same room together, but we've spent so much time emailing each other back and forth, long stories. It's almost as if we're our own two-man support group, you know? Like, Rob Thomas Anonymous or something. We would get these stories, because I would have these people who would write me on Twitter or Facebook, and they'd congratulate me, and they didn't know how I had the time to make these albums and write songs, and also do these hit shows—and I had to explain to people, I'm not that talented.

And then he gets people congratulating him on his albums and singles. Because his Twitter is @RobThomas and mine is @ThisisRobThomas he gets a lot of my traffic, good and bad. If people like me or hate me, they yell at him about it. (Laughs) We thought it would be really funny if one day we could do something, just so we could be in on the memos that went back and forth about your Rob Thomas and my Rob Thomas.

And you were actually watching iZombie before you agreed to guest star, correct?
Yeah, I was a fan of it, really before I realized it was [from] Rob Thomas. I started watching it on Netflix, and it's funny, because when you see your own name, even if it's someone else's name, it pops out. So when I saw it, I was like, "Rob Thomas! Me? Oh, yeah, not me."

So when the discussion started about the two of you working together, did you know it would be on iZombie, or were you thinking it might be another project?
I think at the time, when we first started talking about it, it was Veronica Mars, because it was during that period right before the movie. And I know they had made some references here and there about Rob Thomas and the other Rob Thomas, which is funny, because in his world, I'm the other Rob Thomas; in my world, he's the other Rob Thomas.

When he called me, it was straight-up, "Hey, I don't know if you've seen it, but I've got this show iZombie, and we're getting ready to do the Season 2 finale. Do you think you might want to come in and play yourself?" I thought I could play myself just about better than anybody.

Are you going to try to find a way to work Rob into something of yours? Or is that a bit more complicated?
I think it might be a lot easier to get me to do what I did than to get him to come on stage!

What was it like being on set the day the show got renewed?
The day before, I was asking them if they knew if they got picked up, and they said, no, they're not going to know for a couple of months. And then I see them the next day, and everyone is celebrating because they've already gotten picked up.

First off, I've got to say, no blowing smoke, their cast and their crew are like one giant family. You get there, and they make you feel so welcome immediately. So you already felt like part of the family, and then they let me be a part of their celebration, which was really cool. They were all in the middle of moving out of Vancouver and trying to figure out what to do with their stuff, and then they had to shift their focus on getting a new apartment and trying to re-up their leases.

It's kind of cool being on a set. It's like a big music video that's not just about me.

Some musicians really do try to do as much as acting as possible, but that isn't something you've done often. What was it like for you filming a show?
It was fun! The only other time I've done something like that is when I did an episode of It's Always Sunny in Philadelphia. It was the same kind of thing—I was a fan of those guys, and we invited them out to see [a concert] at the Staples Center, and we hit it off and drank many beers. By the end of the night, they were like, we're going to write a part for you in the show. So it's always been a natural thing.

I remember years ago, I sat in a casting office, and I wasted this woman's half an hour, because my manager set it up, and I basically spent the [time] saying why I didn't want to be an actor. And I don't. I really don't. I think the idea of doing little things here and there when they come up organically are a lot of fun. It's a different muscle to kind of flex, and different thoughts. All of a sudden you're up there, and you have it all down, and the camera comes on, and it's like, "What do I do with my hands?" You realize how hard it is. Acting is easy if you're screaming, if you're emoting, if you have something going on. But if they say, "On action, I want you to stand up, walk over, pick up the glass, drink from the glass," the mechanics of your body start to become aware.

When you watch them block out a scene, and you see the scene and how natural it comes across, you see how well it's thought out. You have to get the most of each shot, so you have to be right here while you get the line—but you have to do all of that while you're in character.

When you see them do it--and they do it really, really well—it's just really great to see people who are good at their jobs, no matter what it is.

What can you say about the Rob Thomas we'll see in the iZombie world?
Well, I can't give away a lot because it's the season finale. But I got picked by Vaughn to be the Max Rager spokesperson, and I sing the Super Max jingle, which is very exciting for me. In the season finale, they hire me to play the corporate part for Max Rager. So I come and play "This Is How A Heart Breaks."

How much input did you have in which song you played?
It's funny, because the whole thing was me talking to Rob in email, and when he told me what the scene was, I said, "I was thinking 'This Is How A Heart Breaks' has kind of got that energy that could be really, really cool and create a tension." He liked the idea. And what was cool was we took live versions of me and my band playing instead of me just singing to a track to give it a bit of a more realistic feel, so it felt more live. They were really great with working on that, and getting the files back and forth. I sent every version they could possibly want, and they went with the live version.

Sometimes it's weird when you see bands playing on TV and they're just playing to their record, and it sounds kind of flat. So when I did it, there was a whole crowd there, all these extras who were the partygoers, and so it took them an hour to realize I wasn't actually singing—they were worried about my voice, and going, "Aren't you getting tired?" And I was like, "Dude, I'm not really singing! I'm just mouthing the words right here."

That was the part that was just like a [music] video: shoot and then pretend to sing. I can do that all day.

Rob Thomas the writer teased there would be a zombie outbreak at the party—and the danger is amplified because it's a prison-themed shindig. Can you say if you were in that sequence, and how that might have been to film that?
I will not confirm or deny anything. But I will say, there was a point that it got so real that we thought there was something happening that was not supposed to happen. That's when you knew there were some good takes happening: we were on stage and we got scared.

What's even weird on those kinds of sets is to be at craft services with a whole bunch of zombies, sitting there having coffee and eating knick knacks.

The actors on the show very clearly adore you. What was it like to meet all of them, especially since you were a fan of the show before this?
I was a legitimate fan, and coming in, it was just me, Malcolm, Rose, and Rob Buckley just sitting there, and we started joking with each other. And it felt like we had known each other for a long time. The next night, I missed the wrap party because I was waiting for my wife to come in—she got in late—so instead, on the next night, we took Malcolm and Rose and Rob out to dinner, and just the five of us hung out and got to know each other.

I can't say enough about how great those guys are. And now, me and Rob Buckley are best friends forever now. We realized we had the same dark sense of humor, which can bring people together.

Now that you're officially a part of the Rob Thomas TV world, how confused do you think fans of you both are going to be?
Well, I think our challenge is to confuse people as much as humanly possible. I told Rob that A) if he ever needs anybody to play me again, I'm available. B) If I have my say, next season, I want to come on and play him.

Well, iZombie has been very meta in the past--they had a case earlier this year where Liv investigated a death connected to a zombie-based TV show.
Of course, Zombie High!

In hindsight, what was your favorite part of the iZombie experience?
Besides the nature of the whole thing—you do this job for 20 years, and every now and then, you get to do a gig that is so different from what you're used to doing—honestly, I think the best part is the friendships I made with Rose and Rob and Malcolm. It feels like we made legitimate friendships there, and I think that's always the cool thing when that happens.

http://www.tvinsider.com/article/84954/ ... ie-finale/

- Anders & Buckley adelantan 'Alguien podría irse en cualquier momento' (CBR):
Anders & Buckley adelantan 'Alguien podría irse en cualquier momento'
Por Kiel Phegley, 12 Abril 2016

The Season One finale of The CW's "iZombie" introduced a working prototype of the zombie cure and left two characters forever changed. For Blaine DeBeers (David Anders), his burgeoning zombie empire would need a change of pace when he suddenly found himself alive and human again. Major Lilywhite (Robert Buckley) was transformed into a zombie by Liv (Rose McIver) in order to save his life, and subsequently received the cure -- the last of the serum that had been developed.

Season Two saw each character head in new directions, with Blaine continuing to operate as an underworld force, now the head of a Seattle mortuary, and Major hitting rock bottom, becoming a zombie bag man for Max Rager, the energy drink manufacturer that may also be responsible for unleashing the zombie problem on the city.

At WonderCon 2016 in Los Angeles, CBR TV's Kiel Phegley spoke with Anders and Buckley about what their characters have experienced in Season Two, what will change as the season finale arrives tonight on The CW, and how they each reacted to the news that the series had been renewed for a third season.

Story continues below

In part one, David Anders and Robert Buckley discuss the ups and downs of the show's many relationships, whether Major is headed for another fall, and if Blaine has been humanized -- in addition to regaining his humanity -- in Season Two. Anders also comments on whether Blaine is more dangerous now that he's human and explains just what the show's brains taste like, as well as whether or not they're paleo.

On whether Buckley wants to see Major continue to rebuild his life or hit another low:

Robert Buckley: Selfishly I'd love to see things go well for him, but as a viewer I think it's far more interesting to watch him just get shattered and his dreams be destroyed. It makes for good TV. No one wants to see happy people do well. [Laughter] That's why you flip past anti-depressant commercials. We know how it ends. The gray cloud disappears, they're in the park, they're happy.

David Anders: You've perfected the sad face.

Buckley: I have?

Anders: It's one of the best sad faces I've ever seen.

Buckley: Thank you growing up Catholic. [Laughter]

On Blaine's smarmy charm and whether Anders wants viewers to empathize with him or love to hate him:

Anders: I think it's important to round the character out and give him as many different hues as possible rather than just that mustache twirling villain -- that I can do, but I can also do other things. I obviously can do other things and I think that appealed to the fans in different ways this season. I'd like to thank Rob Thomas and Diane Ruggiero-Wright and the rest of the writers who I forget the names of.

Buckley: They don't matter. [Laughter]

On how the introduction of more Seattle crime figures changed the way Anders played Blaine in Season Two:

Anders: I've been given a lot of great stuff to do, and Rahul [Kohli] really -- he's over there, you're gonna talk to him in a second. He really laid it down for me. [Imitating Kohli] "It's important to like build up like a real Big Bad so that guy can go down, he can die, because he's not gonna kill you. You're not gonna die, you know what I mean?" Not to say that anybody's gonna die.

Buckley: But you can hear anything with that French accent and you think, "It just sounds right." [Laughter]

Anders: I was pretty sure I wasn't gonna survive past two seasons of the show. And you know what, who knows if I do.

On how Blaine feels about being a zombie versus being a human:

Anders: I think there's aspects of zombie-ism that Blaine liked, but I think he really likes being a human. He likes being able to taste food and do the sex. [Laughter] He's capable of awful things, human or zombie.

In the second half of the conversation, the "iZombie" stars explain how their post-zombie journeys have mirrored one another and how they've become aligned again now that the cure is failing. They also offer their thoughts on what's to come in Season Three, and whether either of them will be around to see it come to fruition following the events of this season's finale.

On how Major and Blaine's respective storylines intersect and factor into the season finale:

Buckley: I think in a sense we've really become unlikely bedfellows in that we're both stuck in this position with the cure seemingly wearing off, what are we gonna do. As we saw in the last episode that aired it seemed as though Blaine was gonna be the one to make the first move in giving himself this potential cure that we don't know whether it's gonna work or not. It's kind of, I don't want to say an unlikely friendship, but it's this sort of bond the two of them have where I've never rooted -- I think Major's never rooted for Blaine -- but in this case it's a situation where I really hope he pulls though because, if he does, that really bodes well for Major. And if not then it's like, "Oh well, it's a shame we lost him, but shit for me....

On both actors thinking it was bad news on the other line when they got the news about Season Three:

Buckley: The morning I got the call about Season Three, my first honest question was -- normally this Executive Producer doesn't call early in the morning -- so it was like, "Oh my god, what have I done?"

Anders: He said, "Call me back. It's not bad news." And it was my birthday and I was like, "Is he wishing me a happy birthday?"

Buckley: Oh my god, that's right. And my first thought was that obviously I'm fired or he's telling me that, "Hey, it's been a real ride with Major, but now it's over." And then it was funny he told me the good news and he was like, "What's with you guys? Every single one of you answered the phone with fear [Laughter] and thought that something terrible was happening to you." So I don't know if that's just an actor thing or the fact that, sort of like on "Game of Thrones," you never know on "iZombie," someone could go at any minute. But I think that we all, to some degree or another, shared that worry of like, "Hey, that's great for the show. How about number one?"

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- Malcolm Goodwin habla sobre el descubrimiento de Clive y su futuro romántico (TVLine):
Malcolm Goodwin habla sobre el descubrimiento de Clive y su futuro romántico
Por Vlada Gelman / 12 Abril 2016, 7:00 PM PDT

Wild guess: Your mind is reeling from iZombie‘s insanely eventful, action-packed Season 2 finale.

Here’s a quick rundown of the major twists and turns that took place during the two-hour event:

Mr. Boss found out Blaine is alive and had his goons kidnap Peyton, who was rescued by Blaine (sorry, Ravi); the Super Max launch party ended in a bloodbath — RIP Rob Thomas the singer — thanks to a zombie outbreak; Vaughn was eaten by a few of the undead, including his daughter Rita, who was later offed by Major; Liv killed a Romero-esque Drake to save Clive’s life; and Max Rager was bought by a private military contractor… run by a zombie boss lady who wants Liv to be part of the new world order!

But Liv revealing to her detective partner that she and Major are zombies in an effort to get her hungry ex-boyfriend out of jail may be the biggest game-changer heading into next season.

“[Clive is] part of Team Z now, so he’s going to be a very valuable asset in terms of his access, his training, his willingness to survive and sacrifice himself for others,” star Malcolm Goodwin tells TVLine.

Below, the actor talks about what the undead revelation means for Clive’s career and his personal relationship with (ex?) girlfriend Dale.

TVLINE | Clive finally knows the truth about zombies.
I feel like the truth came out in a very, very honest way. Clive’s initial reaction was he didn’t believe her even after [Liv] spilled all the beans and told him everything, and I love the fact that they gave him [that] reaction. That’s what the reaction would be. Clive knows zombies as being Walking Dead zombies [or] World War Z zombies. He doesn’t know them as functioning people who solve crimes. He doesn’t know zombies could be that. She had to go to an extreme and stab herself and that did the trick. That was fun to play. There were so many different reactions that we gave in that scene, and different performances that Rose [McIver] gave in that scene.

TVLINE | After she stabs herself, Clive adjusts pretty well to the idea that she’s a zombie. He’s not even mad at her for keeping this huge secret.
I don’t think Clive really had time to process it. That happened and then he had to sabotage his career, sabotage his girlfriend’s career, sabotage their relationship and also process the fact that he was being lied to and [kept] in the dark. It’s a whole avalanche of things that are happening around him. But Clive focuses on the task at hand, which is, “Let’s stop this apocalypse. Then we’ll really, really deal with all these other issues.” That’s consistent with his personality throughout the entire series.

TVLINE | This opens up a whole new world for the character. What are you excited to explore with him in Season 3?
One is I don’t even think Clive really fully, 100 percent dealt with the truth of this. He didn’t have time to mourn the loss of his relationship or his career trajectory and also to piece together, “Wow, Liv lied to me all this time.” He’s also got to process the fact that he saw these Romero zombies and they killed Rob Thomas, his favorite singer. … I always said in interviews that Clive represents a real person in the real world. Although he exists within the iZombie world, he doesn’t really exist within that world until now. There’s a lot that he has to take in [with] the ramifications of what happened in the finale. It’s going to be fun to explore that and how that changes him and also what he decides to bring to the team in order to help find the cure.

TVLINE | Clive and Dale had a great relationship. Are you mourning the loss of that personal storyline?
Oh yeah! I think people on Twitter thought she was going to die or something.

TVLINE | I was one of them.
[Laughs] I think Jessica [Harmon] even thought it, too. I’m so happy it didn’t happen. I think there’s still a chance for them. I think there’s still hope for them. It’s [about] whether or not Clive can tell her the truth, whether he’s going to do what Liv did with him and keep her in the dark… Because they did start the episode [with him] still reaching out to her. I don’t think that’s going to stop. But also, he could stop calling her in order to protect her. He doesn’t want her to be exposed and potentially get hurt, so he may keep his distance. But I love the fact that there’s options open there, that she is still out in the world and there is still a chance for them to possibly be together at some point. We love Jessica. What she did with that character was incredible. Hopefully, she comes back.

TVLINE | Clive sabotaged his chances at the FBI, but does the fact that he let Major go also jeopardize his standing as a detective?
Absolutely. It jeopardizes everything because he put it all on the line chasing this case that he wasn’t supposed to. He’s been working on the Meat Cute massacre [even though] they took him off the case in the beginning of the season. He’s been following his gut instinct. Clive has always been an instinctual person, which is why he buys into the psychic thing.

http://tvline.com/2016/04/12/izombie-re ... t-zombies/

- Malcolm Goodwin habla sobre la difícil decisión de Clive (EW):
Malcolm Goodwin habla sobre la difícil decisión de Clive
Por Kelly Connolly 12 Abril 2016

Detective Clive Babineaux has one less mystery to solve.

In the game-changing season 2 finale of iZombie, Liv (Rose McIver) finally told Clive (Malcolm Goodwin) everything there is to know about zombies — including the fact that she and Major (Robert Buckley) number in their ranks. But as satisfying as it was to watch Clive learn the truth, the revelation came with its share of consequences: Preventing the zombie apocalypse required Clive to blow up his own career opportunities. It may also have sunk his relationship with Dale (Jessica Harmon) for good.

EW caught up with Goodwin to talk about how Clive is handling the news, why being a zombie would “cramp his style,” and working with guest star and musician Rob Thomas (who shares his name with iZombie’s creator).

ENTERTAINMENT WEEKLY: I’m so glad Clive finally knows the truth about zombies.
GOODWIN: I’m happy, too. I think it was great the way it played out.

How do you think he’s processing everything?
You know, I don’t even think Clive has it fully processed yet. I think a lot has happened in this short period of time with, obviously, finding out that Liv is a zombie, and the kind of zombie she is goes against what he knows zombies as being. He knows zombies as Walking Dead zombies, World War Z zombies, I Am Legend zombies, but not walking, talking, functioning zombies who can solve crimes. He just doesn’t know zombies to be that. So I think he’s still processing that. Also the fact that he sabotaged the progression of his career by releasing Major and not pursuing the Meat Cute massacre — and Dale, sabotaging her career with the Chaos Killer, and their relationship. He’s kind of taking it all in and just going off of instinct. Obviously he’s convinced. Liv finally convinced him that there is a zombie world, but he doesn’t know to what extent. I think it’s a lot to process, and I think that’s what’s going to make season 3 so interesting, to see really how he feels about all of this. I think there’s a lot to be explored.

How did you find out that Clive was finally going to be brought into the loop?
When I read the script. I wasn’t given any advance warning — the only thing I knew coming into the end of the season was that Rob sent me an email and was like, “Just to give you a teaser” — I think this was during episode 5 or 6 in the season — “right now Clive is going to have to choose between Dale or Liv,” but he didn’t really say why. So I knew at some point Clive was going to have to make a choice. At that point, I was under the impression that Clive was going to be in the dark for as long as possible, as long as it makes sense without it feeling drawn out, but I had no idea until I read the script. I remember getting to the scene where she tells me, and even when that scene was coming up, I didn’t think that she was going to tell me! I didn’t believe that. That’s why I love Clive’s reaction. He hears it, and he goes, “I don’t believe you.” There’s no way hearing all of that — I know the audience thinks, “Isn’t it obvious that she’s a zombie?” And I’m like, “No, it’s not obvious.” In this world we live in, zombies don’t function. I loved that he had a real world reaction, which is what I always hoped for, but I didn’t know how it was going to transpire. Rob and I, we never talked about how it would happen, but I love that they kept him honest in that particular way. And then she has to go to an extreme circumstance and stab herself in the heart. Yeah, that’ll do it.

Did you film any other reactions to Liv’s confession?
There were a lot of different reactions. That day was a very, very emotional day, because the day started with the scene between Dale and I in Clive’s place, and I had never seen Clive’s home before. It was everyone’s first time, like, “Oh wow, look at his digs. He’s got some style.” So Jessica and I, we were crying half the day. There were some takes done without tears, in our breakup scene, and there were takes done with so many tears. And by the time it came to do the scene with Liv, Rose came with so many options. There’s a take where she’s bawling the entire time, like, “I lied. I’ve been lying to you. I’m sorry.” Just getting it off her chest finally. But they had to keep in mind that she’s still on secret agent brain. He’s going to keep it together. So we just gave them so many different options. I gave quite a few different reactions, and one was to kind of laugh, like, “This is absolutely ridiculous.” There was one just shocked. “What are you talking about? What are you smoking?”

Have there been any particular moments in the past where you’ve felt like it was ridiculous for Clive not to know about zombies?
You know, there hasn’t been one single moment where I’ve felt like he should know about this psychic world. He wouldn’t know. Zombies don’t have white hair. They don’t eat and solve crimes … The only question I did have was him saying something about her personality. I think it was episode 3, when she was on housewife brain, and I’m like, “Hold on, this is the first time where she’s actually dressing like the victim. She took on not only the characteristics but dressed like her.” And Rose looked amazing. She looks like all of the people we’re interviewing. And I’m like, “How do I not say anything?” And they told me, “Clive wouldn’t.” That is how tunnel vision he is. The case first, then the visions that help solve the case, and then everything else doesn’t really matter. There was a scene a couple of episodes back where he saw them doing an autopsy on a rat in a morgue for human beings. He sees it, looks at Ravi, looks at Liv, and he can say something, but he goes back to the case. That’s how he thinks. I love the fact that the writers and everyone have been consistent with that — this greater good. Clive is thinking about the human race.

It looked for a minute there like he was going to have to become a zombie. When you got the script, what were you thinking as you read that scene? How did you think it would play out?
I always felt like Clive wouldn’t accept turning into a zombie, especially if it’s his choice. I had no idea it was going to be in the script, and I love the fact that he said that: “There’s no way I’m becoming one of them.” There’s also a lot going on with Clive at that point. There’s so much, and why would he want to do that? Why would he make that choice? We always make the joke on set that being a zombie would cramp his style, because he wouldn’t really wear the zombie look — the pale look — as well as Major or Liv. Clive would probably look a little ashy and need a lot of lotion, and that’s the joke we always make about Clive. [Laughs] Clive wouldn’t. Clive is like, “Uh uh, there’s no way I’m doing that.” He’s that metro and that particular about his style. And that’s based on what he knows thus far. Who knows, once he becomes more ingratiated in what’s going on and gets close. If he’s a part of finding the cure and containing this entire thing, if he has to turn for the sake of mankind, to save the human race — it has to be for that. But he would never, ever do it for his own survival. And that’s consistent to his own personality. It would have to be for something bigger than him.

Now that he’s in the know, what do you hope to see for Clive down the line?
He’s part of Team Z now! I think that’s going to be fun! Being part of trying to find the cure. He can communicate with Blaine [David Anders] now. There can be a lot of teamwork … He was the only one who didn’t know out of the main characters, so I think he can be instrumental, and obviously he has access that they don’t have — that Ravi [Rahul Kohli] doesn’t have or Liv doesn’t have — so now he can use his access to help contain this thing. And I think you also get to learn so much more about him in the serialized aspects of the show.

And of course you had a big guest in the finale with Rob Thomas. How was it having him on set?
It was the best. Not only was I a fan of his music before, but I’m just the biggest fan of him, of who he is. Probably some of the best energy. He watched the show, and he was so supportive. He was quoting things we said on the Comic-Con panel and asking about certain episodes. He was so prepared and so excited and enthusiastic. It made me even more starstruck. It was very humbling … Shooting those action sequences, we have a lot to do in a day. It was a lot to fit in, so it helps to have a great attitude and a positive attitude in order to survive those days, and oh man, did he bring a positive attitude and just great energy every single day. I learned the entire song that he sings, so that when they point the camera on Clive, I’m singing the song. I’m like, “Yep, Clive knows the words.” It’ll give him more motivation to stop the zombie apocalypse because they killed his favorite singer. [Laughs] He has to avenge — that’s more fuel to the fire for him. What a great guy, and what a great spirit he is.

There were a lot of Rob Thomas in-jokes in the script, either about his name or his lyrics. Did you have a favorite?
Oh gosh, what was it? Those days were so hectic and so full, but I do remember … I would improv, “Hey, you didn’t tell me my favorite singer was here.” Just kind of riffing on that. It was hectic. But I think Rob Thomas was shocked when he saw me there mouthing the words, over in the background dancing. They’re like, “He knows all the words.” I’m like, “I worked on this for a week. I was on a treadmill 20 minutes a day, and I played that song on repeat so that when he sings it, I know it. Just in case.”

http://www.ew.com/article/2016/04/12/iz ... postmortem?

- Rose McIver answers Twitter Q's about "iZombie" finale on PeopleNow:

http://www.people.com/people/special/0, ... _peoplemag

- iZombie's Rahul Kohli Answers Your Flesh-Eating Questions (IGN):

http://www.ign.com/videos/2016/04/10/iz ... -questions

- ‎iZombie‬'s Malcolm J. Goodwin Facebook Q&A (12-04-16):

https://www.facebook.com/cwizombie/vide ... 049493005/

- iZombie star Rose McIver says Liv and Major are 'Ross and Rachel' (EW):

http://www.ew.com/article/2016/04/13/iz ... ose-mciver?

Re: "Nuevo proyecto para la CW sobre 'IZOMBIE'"

Publicado: Mar Abr 12, 2016 9:08 pm
por Shelby
- Nuevas imágenes bts de la season finale (12-28 Abril 2016):

Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen

(@imrosemciver: The pose of a generation. Live tweeting West Coast season finale tonight! 2 hours of madness! #iZombie
@malcolmjgoodwin: Big shout out to one of my fav actors & fellow @SUNY_Purchase alumni Steven Weber! He killed it all season! #izombie
@alymichalkaofficial: Lil cast reunion last night to watch our season finale. Just missing @imrosemciver ...Thanks for watching & for all the love!
@imrosaemciver: Wanna know more catch up on the 2 part iZombie season finale on CW website now. #iMatchbox20
@imrosemciver: Live tweeting from bed like a boss #iZombieSeasonFinale lets do this!
@imrosemciver: Ravi might be a hero now and yes @RahulKohli13 you kick ass but... never forget... #iZombie
@imrosemciver: Season one nostalgia!! #iZombie
@thecwizombie: Find out if your favorites make it out of the season alive. Watch the #iZombie two-hour finale event
@ThisIsRobThomas: huge thanx to @robertbuckley, @imrosemciver, @malcolmjgoodwin & everyone @CWiZombie for making this so much fun!
@malcolmjgoodwin: Clive Babineaux is a Rob Thomas and so am I. He's one of the nicest and coolest people I've had the pleasure to work with
@malcolmjgoodwin: We only had one scene together all season but I loved working with Zombie Rita-Gilda played by the awesome @leannelapp
@thecwizombie: Catch up on the game-changing #iZombie season finale anytime, anywhere, with The CW App!
@malcolmjgoodwin: Big shout out to @Greg_Finley who played Drake! He killed it all season & was a great dude to have on set. #izombie
@malcolmjgoodwin: We were all smiles before our Zombie fight. #izombie)

- Nuevo video bts de la finale (12-04-16):

https://twitter.com/LeanneLapp/status/7 ... 8035940352

Re: "Nuevo proyecto para la CW sobre 'IZOMBIE'"

Publicado: Jue Abr 14, 2016 8:59 am
por Shelby
- Póster promocional de la Season Finale de "iZombie":


Re: "Nuevo proyecto para la CW sobre 'IZOMBIE'"

Publicado: Jue Abr 28, 2016 7:26 pm
por Shelby
- "Suit Up with The CW" Promo | The CW:

Re: "Nuevo proyecto para la CW sobre 'IZOMBIE'"

Publicado: Jue May 19, 2016 5:31 pm
por Shelby
- La CW revela su calendario de otoño 2016-2017, sinopsis, declaraciones sobre "Supergirl" y anuncio de Crossover:
La CW ha anunciado su calendario de otoño y parece que "Supergirl", aunque ha cambiado de cadena, seguirá manteniendo su horario habitual de los lunes que ya tuviera en la CBS. El traslado no plantea cambios en cuanto al aspecto creativo de las series de la CW/DC. No obstante, parece ser que sigue en el aire las preguntas relacionadas a la disponibilidad de Calista Flockhart tras el traslado a Vancouver. Pedowitz dice que continúan las conversaciones al respecto y que está encantado por escuchar que la estrella quiere regresar, tanto si es como personaje regular como recurrente. “Estamos felices por tenerla en cualquier capacidad que funcione”, afirma.

También se ha anunciado que "Legends of Tomorrow" también mantendrá su horario habitual de los Jueves, pero esta vez pasará a emitirse en otoño, en lugar de hacerlo en la midseason como pasara la temporada anterior. "The Flash" y "Arrow"mantienen sus horarios habituales de los Martes y miércoles, respectivamente, mientras que "iZombie" se estrenará en la midseason junto a la otra nueva serie de Greg Berlanti basada en cómics, "Riverdale".

Durante las CW Upfronts que se están celebrando hoy en N.Y., el presidente de la cadena Mark Pedowitz reconoció que al incorporar "Supergirl" a la cadena "la serie está donde debería haber estado en un primer lugar", que cree que la serie será una de sus tres series más vistas (aunque piensa que tendrá menores rátings que en la CBS) y confirma que se tienen planes para hacer un crossover masivo este año entre las 4 series de DC, e incluso la posibilidad de que aparezca de nuevo en ellos un personaje que ya apareciera en "Arrow" este año y que cuenta con su serie animada (y que regresa el próximo octubre) en la CWSeed como es "Vixen". “Tan sólo imagina cómo se van a ver nuestros crossovers de superhéroes en Diciembre. Será el mayor que hayamos hecho nunca”, dice Pedowitz.

De este modo el calendario de otoño de la CW quedaría de la siguiente manera:

8:00-9:00 PM SUPERGIRL(New Network)



8:00-9:00 PM THE FLASH

9:00-10:00 PM NO TOMORROW (New Series)


8:00-9:00 PM ARROW

9:00-10:00 PM FREQUENCY(New Series)



9:00-10:00 PM SUPERNATURAL (New Night)



9:00-10:00 PM CRAZY EX-GIRLFRIEND (New Night)

Junto al calendario, la CW también ha emitido las sinopsis de la nueva temporada:


SUPERGIRL es un drama de acción-aventura basado en el personaje de DC Kara Zor-El, la prima de Superman (Kal-El) quien, tras 12 años de mantener sus poderes en secreto en la Tierra,decide finalmente abrazar sus habilidades superhumanas y ser la heroína que siempre había estado destinada a ser. Una Kara con 12 años escapó del condenado planeta Krypton con la ayuda de sus padres al mismo tiempo que el infante Kal-El. Protegida y criada por su familia adoptiva en la Tierra, los Danvers, Kara crece a ka sombra de su hermana adoptiva, Alex, y aprende a esconder los fenomenales poderes que comparte con su famoso primo para mantener su identidad en secreto. Años después, con 24 años, Kara vive en National City asistiendo a la mogul de los medios y feroz supervisora Cat Grant. Ella trabaja junto a su amigo y técnico informático Winn Schott y el famoso fotógrafo James Olsen, a quien Grant acaba de contratar del Daily Planet para que sea su nuevo director artístico. Sin embargo, los días de Kara manteniendo sus talentos en secreto se acaban cuando Hank Henshaw, jefe de una agencia super-secreta donde su hermana también trabaja, la enlista para que les ayude a proteger a los ciudadanos de National City de amenazas siniestras. Aunque Kara necesitará encontrar una manera de manejar su nuevo poder con sus muy humanas relaciones, su corazón se dispara cuando se echa al cielo como Supergirl para luchar contra el crimen. Basada en los personajes creados por Jerry Siegel y Joe Shuster, SUPERGIRL es de Berlanti Productions en asociación con la Warner Bros. Television, con los productores ejecutivos Greg Berlanti (“The Flash,” “Arrow”), Ali Adler (“The New Normal,” “Glee”), Andrew Kreisberg (“The Flash,” “Arrow”) y Sarah Schechter (“Arrow,” “The Flash”).
MARTES 8:00-9:00 P.M. “THE FLASH”

Barry Allen (Grant Gustin) vivía una vida normal como el perpetuamente lento C.S.I. en el Departamento de Policía de Central City. La vida de Barry cambia para siempre cuendo el acelerador de partículas de S.T.A.R. Labs explota, creando una tormenta de materia negra que alcanza a Barry, dotándole de súper-velocidad y haciéndole el hombre vivo más rápido — The Flash. Pero Barry no fue la única persona a la que se le dieron extraordinarias habilidades esa noche; la matyeria oscura también creó meta-humanos, muchos de los cuales han sembrado el caos en la ciudad. Nuevas amenazas también llegaron de la tierra paralela conocida como Tierra-2, bajo la dirección de un diabólico velocista llamado Zoom (Teddy Sears). Con la ayuda de su padre adoptivo, Joe West (Jesse L. Martin), su amiga de toda la vida e interés amoroso Iris West (Candice Patton), y sus amigos científicos de S.T.A.R Labs, Caitlin Snow (Danielle Panabaker) y Cisco Ramon (CarlosValdes), así como del Harrison Wells (Tom Cavanaugh) de Tierra-2, Barry continúa protegiendo a la gente de Central City de estas poderosas amenazas. Basada en los personajes de DC, THE FLASH es de Bonanza Productions Inc. en asociación con Berlanti Productions y la Warner Bros. Television, con los productores ejecutivos Greg Berlanti (“Arrow,” “Supergirl”), Andrew Kreisberg (“Arrow,” “The Flash”), Sarah Schechter (“Arrow,” “DC’s Legends of Tomorrow”) y Aaron y Todd Helbing (“BlackSails”).
MIÉRCOLES 8:00-9:00 P.M. “ARROW”

Tras un violento naufragio, el millonario playboy Oliver Queen (Stephen Amell) se perdió y fue dado por muerto durante cinco años antes de que fuera descubierto vivo en una renota isla del Mar de China del Norte. Regresó a casa a Star City, decidido a arreglar los errores cometidos por su familia y luchar contra la injusticia. Como Green Arrow, protege a su ciudad con la ayuda de un antiguo soldado John Diggle (David Ramsey), la experta en ciencias de computación Felicity Smoak (Emily Bett Rickards), su hermana vigilante entrenada Thea Queen (Willa Holland), el antiguo policía Quentin Lance (Paul Blackthorne), y el brillante inventor Curtis Holt (Echo Kellum). Pero siniestros jugadores con una conexión con el pasado de Oliver empujarán al equipo a su punto de quiebre, amenazando todo por lo que trabajó Oliver y su legado como Green Arrow. Basada en los personajes de DC, ARROW es de Bonanza Productions Inc. en asociación con Berlanti Productions y la WarnerBros. Television, con los productores ejecutivos Greg Berlanti (“The Flash,” “Supergirl”), Marc Guggenheim (“DC’s Legends of Tomorrow,” “Eli Stone”) Andrew Kreisberg (“The Flash,” “Eli Stone,” “Warehouse 13”), Wendy Mericle (“DesperateHousewives”) y Sarah Schechter (“The Flash,” “DC’s Legends of Tomorrow”).

Cuando los héroes no son suficientes... el mundo necesita leyendas. El solitario viajero del tiempo Rip Hunter (Arthur Darvill) reunió un disparatado grupo de héroes y villanosa – que incluyen a Firestorm (Victor Garber y Franz Drameh), Atom (Brandon Routh), White Canary (Caity Lotz), Hawkgirl (Ciarra Reneé), Captain Cold (WentworthMiller), y Heatwave (Dominic Purcell) – para enfrentar a una imparable amenaza. Tras salvar al mundo, Legends of Tomorrow ahora se les ha asignado la tarea de proteger el tiempo — pasado, presente y futuro — en sí mismo. Esta responsabilidad los llevará a través de la historia, llevándoles contra una amenaza como jamás haya conocido la humanidad. Basada en los personajes de DC, DC’S LEGENDS OF TOMORROW es de Bonanza Productions Inc. ien asociación con Berlanti Productions y la Warner Bros. Television, con los productores ejecutivos Greg Berlanti (“Arrow,” “The Flash,” “Supergirl”), Marc Guggenheim (“Arrow,”“Eli Stone,” “Percy Jackson: Sea of Monsters”), Andrew Kreisberg (“Arrow,” “TheFlash,” “Eli Stone,” “Warehouse 13”), Phil Klemmer (“The Tomorrow People,”“Chuck”), Chris Fedak (“Forever,” “Chuck”) y Sarah Schechter (“Arrow,” “TheFlash”).


Durante la fascinante segunda temporada de iZOMBIE, Liv Moore (Rose McIver) empieza a confiar más en su habilidad para usar los poderes zombie para resolver casos de homicidio. Como una intrépida y zombie examinadora médica, Liv se come los cerebros de las víctimas de asesinato y usa las subsecuentes visiones que experimenta para ayudar al Detective Clive Babinaux (Malcolm Goodwin) a poner a los asesinos tras las rejas. Mientras tanto, el jefe y condidente de Liv, el Dr. Ravi Chakrabarti (RahulKohli), trabaja en un medio para revertir el efecto de una cura que se ha convertido en una sentencia de muerte tanto para Liv como para su antiguo prometido Major Lillywhite (Robert Buckley), y también para su enemigo y antiguo mercader de cerebros zombie Blaine DeBeers (David Anders). Mientras tanto, la compañía de bebidas energéticas Max Rager, dirigida por el trastornado Vaughn DuClark (Steven Weber), obliga a Major a secuestrar a zombies inocentes de Seattle para prevenir su exterminio, y también el de la zombie favorita de Seattle de Major, Liv. La cuerda se tensa para Major cuando Clive y su novia del FBI, Dale Bozzio, empiezan a convencerse cada vez más de que Major es el “Asesino del Caos,” un apodo que se le ha puesto al criminal que está haciendo desaparecer a la acomodada (y secretamente no muerta) población sin ningún rastro. Simultáneamente, el plan de Blaine de reemplazar a su antiguo jefe como el capo criminal de Seattle se arruina cuando la última versión de la cura zombie de Ravi le borra a Blaine todos sus recuerdos. Una season finale climática y sangrienta dispersa las fichas del tablero de ajedrez de iZOMBIE. Surge de las cenizas un nuevo proveedor de cerebros que hace que la época de proveedor de cerebros de Blaine parezca casi humanitaria. También, Vivian Stoll (Andrea Savage), CEO de Fillmore Graves Enterprises, una contratista militar privada, ahora guarda los secretos de los poderes ilimitados zombies una vez que los tiene, pero no los entiende completamente, de Max Rager. Vivian quiere hacer de Seattle la capital del hogar zombie, y planea hacerlo por todos los medios que sean necesarios. Preferiría hacerlo con la ayuda de Liv, pero estará feliz de hacerlo sobre el cuerpo casi muerto de Liv. Basada en los personajes de Chris Roberson y Michael Allred, y publicados por Vertigo de DC Entertainment, iZOMBIE es de Bonanza Productions Inc. en asociación con Spondoolie Productions y la Warner Bros. Television, con los productores ejecutivos Rob Thomas (“VeronicaMars,” “Party Down,” “Cupid”), Diane Ruggiero-Wright (“Veronica Mars,” “The ExList,” “That’s Life”), Danielle Stokdyk (“Veronica Mars,” “Party Down,” “Cupid”) y Dan Etheridge (“The Carrie Diaries,” “Veronica Mars,” “Party Down”).

http://www.ign.com/articles/2016/05/19/ ... -midseason
http://www.hollywoodreporter.com/live-f ... ers-895680

Re: "Nuevo proyecto para la CW sobre 'IZOMBIE'"

Publicado: Jue May 19, 2016 6:19 pm
por Shelby
- The CW 2016/2017 Sizzle Reel Video "Dare to Defy":
https://amp.twimg.com/v/3a14ba2c-3917-4 ... 39c2018ff3

Re: "Nuevo proyecto para la CW sobre 'IZOMBIE'"

Publicado: Vie May 20, 2016 12:41 am
por Shelby

Re: "Nuevo proyecto para la CW sobre 'IZOMBIE'"

Publicado: Lun May 23, 2016 10:15 pm
por Shelby
- iZombie promociona a Aly Michalka a regular de la serie para la S3:
Aly Michalka ha sido promocionada a regular de la serie para la S3 de "iZombie", según informa EW.

Durante las primeras dos temporadas, Michalka (Hellcats, Easy A) ha sido recurrente como 'Peyton Charles', la mejor amiga de Liv y su compañera de piso quien ha tenido una relación intermitente con Ravi (Rahul Kohli).

La última vez que vimos a Peyton, habís sido rescatada del sicario de Boss por Blaine (David Anders) antes de que los zombies intentaran hacerse con el mundo.

http://www.ew.com/article/2016/05/23/iz ... r-season-3

Re: "Nuevo proyecto para la CW sobre 'IZOMBIE'"

Publicado: Mar May 24, 2016 7:11 pm
por Shelby
- "This Fall on The CW" Promo:

Re: "Nuevo proyecto para la CW sobre 'IZOMBIE'"

Publicado: Vie Jun 17, 2016 12:00 am
por Shelby
- Primeras imágenes bts de la puesta en marcha de la S3 de "iZombie" (16-06-16):

Imagen Imagen

(@imrosemciver: so exciting! #iZombie season three coming together....
@imrosemciver: Season three family photo with the writers!! #iZombie (Anders and Rahul AWOL) @iZombieWriters)

Re: "Nuevo proyecto para la CW sobre 'IZOMBIE'"

Publicado: Mar Jun 28, 2016 11:17 am
por Shelby
- La WB anuncia su programa de las series DCTV para el SDCC 2016:
La Warner Bros. Television ha anunciado que 21 de sus series estarán presentes este año en la Comic-Con International de San Diego, desde "Supergirl" y "The Flash" hasta "Arrow", "Riverdale" y más.

Os dejo la nota de prensa con más detalles:


Las series de los Productores Top entre los que están Greg Berlanti, Greg Daniels, Bruno Heller, Andrew Kreisberg, Marc Guggenheim, Steven Molaro, Julie Plec, Rob Thomas &, Diane Ruggiero-Wright, Kevin Williamson y Muchos Más

Los fans no querrán perderse los paneles y las firmas de autógrafos con las estrellas y productores de "The 100", "Animaniacs Live!", "Arrow", "The Big Bang Theory", "Blindspot", "DC’s Legends of Tomorrow", "The Flash", "Frequency", "Gotham", "Justice League Action", "iZOMBIE", "Lucifer", "The Originals", "People of Earth", "Powerless", "Riverdale", "Supergirl", "Supernatural", "Teen Titans Go!", "Time After Time" y "The Vampire Diaries"
BURBANK, Calif. (27 Junio, 2016) — Sin importar el calor veraniego, va a ser un verano de récord en diferentes proporciones cuando la Warner Bros. Television Group (WBTVG) eleve la temperatura de la Comic-Con International: San Diego con 21(!) series favoritas de los fans. La principal convención de la cultura pop estará dominada por la WBTVG, con 13 series que regresan y 8nuevas series que harán su muy anticipado debut en el Comic-Con.

Entre las estrellas de la serie que participarán en toda la acción del Comic-Con están favoritos de los fans y nuevas caras entre las que están Stephen Amell de "Arrow"; Grant Gustin de "The Flash"; Sullivan Stapleton y Jaimie Alexander de "Blindspot"; Brandon Routh, Victor Garber, Caity Lotz de "DC’s Legends of Tomorrow"; Ian Somerhalder de "The Vampire Diaries"; Jared Padalecki, Jensen Ackles, Misha Collins, Mark A. Sheppard de "Supernatural"; Joseph Morgan de "The Originals"; Ben McKenzie de "Gotham"; Melissa Benoist de "Supergirl"; Rose McIver de "iZOMBIE"; Eliza Taylor de "The 100"; y Tom Ellis de "Lucifer" — por nombrar algunos — quienes se unirán a los productores para proporcionar la experiencia definitiva para los fans, con screenings, paneles, firmas de autógrafos y apariciones en los medios.

• Esenciales del Comic-Con The 100, Arrow, The Big Bang Theory, Blindspot, DC’s Legends of Tomorrow, The Flash, Gotham, iZOMBIE, The Originals, Supergirl, Supernatural, Teen Titans Go! y The Vampire Diariesestán todos de regreso en San Diego.

• Screenings de las premieres mundiales de los episodios piloto completos de las muy anticipadas nuevas series de la WBTV "Riverdale", "Powerless", "People of Earth", "Frequency" y "Time After Time" en la Noche Previa, además de un vistazo avanzado al nuevo episodio de "Teen Titans Go!" y el debut de la "Justice League Action".

• La cabina multi-nivel desl estudio será una vez más un lugar de destino obligado en la sala de convenciones.


6:00–10:00 p.m. La Comic-Con y la Warner Bros. Television continúan orgullosamente con su tradición anual de la Noche Previa, con los screenings exclusivos de la premiere del piloto de cinco de las más anticipadas nuevas series de la temporada televisiva 2016–17 — "Riverdale", "Powerless", "People of Earth", "Frequency" y "Time After Time" — y también un nuevo episodio de "Teen Titans Go!" y el debut de la "Justice League Action". Ballroom 20

· Riverdale: Las cosas no son siempre como las esperas en Riverdale. Basada en los icónicos personajes de Archie Comics y producida por Berlanti Productions (The Flash, Supergirl, Blindspot, Everwood), este drama de una hora es una versión atrevida y subversiva sobre la surrealidad de la vida de un pequeño pueblo. A medida que el nuevo año escolar empieza, el pueblo de Riverdale está aún impresionado por la reciente y trágica muerte del chico de oro del instituto Jason Blossom — y ya nada parece lo mismo. Archie Andrews (KJ Apa) es aún el adolescente prototipo americano, pero los eventos del verano le hicieron darse cuenta de que quiere perseguir una carrera en la música — y no seguir los pasos de su padre — a pesar del súbito final de su relación prohibida con la joven profesora de música de Riverdale, Ms. Grundy (Sarah Habel). Lo que significa que Archie ya no tiene a nadie que sea su mentor — ciertamente no la cantante Josie McCoy (Ashleigh Murray), quien tan sólo se centra en su banda, la que será próximamente famosa mundialmente Pussycats. Todo pesa fuertemente en la mente de Archie — así como su amistad fracturada con el escritor en ciernes y antiguo compañero de clase Jughead Jones (Cole Sprouse). Mientras tanto, la chica-de-al-lado Betty Cooper (Lili Reinhart) está nerviosa por ver a su amor platónico, Archie, tras haber estado fuera todo el verano, pero no está aún preparada para revelarle sus verdaderos sentimientos hacia él. Y los nervios de Betty — que apenas son calmados por su autoritaria madre, Alice (Mädchen Amick) — no son lo único que la están reteniendo. Cuando una nueva estudiante, Veronica Lodge (Camila Mendes), llega a la ciudad desde New York con su madre Hermione (Marisol Nichols), hay una innegable chispa entre ella y Archie, incluso aunque Veronica no quiere arriesgar su nueva amistad con Betty siendo un jueguete para Archie. Y luego está Cheryl Blossom (Madelaine Petsch) — La Abeja Reina de Riverdale está feliz por crear problemas entre Archie, Betty, y Veronica, pero Cheryl está ocultando secretos propio. ¿Qué es lo que, exactamente, está escondiendo sobre la misteriosa muerte de su hermano gemelo, Jason? Riverdale puede parecer un pueblo tranquilo y dormido, pero hay peligros en las sombras. Riverdale es de from Berlanti Productions en asociación con la Warner Bros. Television y CBS Television Studios, con los productores ejecutivos Greg Berlanti (Arrow, The Flash, Supergirl, DC’s Legends of Tomorrow, Blindspot), Roberto Aguirre-Sacasa (Supergirl, Glee), Sarah Schechter (Arrow, The Flash, Supergirl, DC’s Legends of Tomorrow, Blindspot) y Jon Goldwater (Archie Comics). Riverdale se estrena en la midseason en la The CW

· Powerless: Es un mundo de Super Héroes. Nosotros tan sólo vivimos en él. Como la primera serie cómica asentada en el Universo DC, Powerless es la historia de Emily (Vanessa Hudgens – High School Musical), una joven perito de seguros especializada en la cobertura de gente normal comtra el daño causado cuando los Super Héroes y los Super Villanos tratan la ciudad como si fuera su personal campo de batalla. Haciéndose cargo de las necesidades del seguro una a una, Emily y su equipo de compañeros puede que no tengan ningún superpoder, pero están ahí para marcar la diferencia en la vida de la gente y probar que no necesitas tener superpoderes para ser poderoso. De la Warner Bros. Television y el productor ejecutivo Ben Queen (Cars 2) y basada en los personajes de DC, Powerless se estrena en la midseason en NBC.

· People of Earth: [...]

· Frequency: [...]

· Time After Time: [...]

· Teen Titans Go!: Los Teen Titans están de nuevo de vuelta, en Teen Titans Go!, con avanturas cómicas completamente nuevas tanto dentro como fuera de la Titans Tower, y os tendremos cubiertos proyectando un episodio completamente nuevo. Basada edn los personajes de DC y producida por Warner Bros. Animation, Teen Titans Go! se emite los Jueves a las 6/5c en Cartoon Network.

· Justice League Action: Los Super Héroes más grandes del mundo regresan a la televisión en la Justice League Action, una serie animada completamente nueva de un cuarto de hora. Batman, Superman y Wonder Woman lideran a los Super Héroes de DC contra sus más famosos enemigos en aventuras llenas de incesante emoción, diversión y acción. Tanto si están defendiendo la Tierra, enfrentánsose a invasores del espacio, o luchando contra fuerzas bizarras de magia, el equipo siempre en rotación de los héroes de la Justice League, están dispuestos para cualquier reto. Producida por la Warner Bros. Animation y basada en los personajes de DC, Justice League Action llegará pronto a la Cartoon Network.

NOTA: las estrellas y los equipos creativos que está previsto que asistan están sujetos a cambios. Información adicional sobre los paneles, firmas y otros eventos se proporcionarán a medida que salgan las noticias.

10:15–11:15 a.m. Teen Titans Go! Video Presentación y Q&A — Cuando hay problemas, sabes a quién llamar... ¡los Teen Titans! Cuando quieres pasar un tiempo estupendo en el Comic-Con, también sabes a quién llamar ¡¡¡los Teen Titans!!! Únete a un panel del tamaño de un Titán que contará con los productores Aaron Horvath (MAD) y Pete Michail (Space Racers) junto con los miembros del elenco de voces Greg Cipes, Scott Menville, Khary Payton y Tara Strong durante un screening y Q&A cubriendo tu serie animada favorita. Producida por la Warner Bros. Animation y basada en los personajes de DC, Teen Titans Go! se emite el Jueves a las 6/5c en la Cartoon Network. Teen Titans Go!: Season 3 Part 2 será lanzada en DVD el 23 de Agosto. Room 6DE

12:00–1:00 p.m. Justice League Action Video Presentación y Q&A — los Super Héroes más grandes del mundo regresan a la televisión en la Justice League Action, una nueva serie animada de un cuarto de hora. Batman, Superman y Wonder Woman lideran a los lSuper Heroes de DC contra sus más infames enemigos en aventuras llenas de incesante emoción, diversión y acción. No necesitas esperar para que empiece lo bueno; cada episodio de 11 minutos llega con acción desenfrenada y heroicidades. Tanto si están defendiendo la Tierra, enfrentánsose a invasores del espacio, o luchando contra fuerzas bizarras de magia, el equipo siempre en rotación de los héroes de la Justice League, están dispuestos para cualquier reto. Únete a los productores Butch Lukic (Justice League), Alan Burnett (Batman: The Animated Series) y los miembros del elenco de voces Kevin Conroy (Batman: The Animated Series) y Diedrich Bader (Batman: The Brave and The Bold) para la Q&A y sneak peek exclusivo de esta muy anticipada nueva serie. Producida por la Warner Bros. Animation y basada en los personajes de DC, la Justice League Action illega pronto a la Cartoon Network. Room 25ABC

10:00–11:00 a.m. Inside The Big Bang Theory Writers’ Room — . Ballroom 20‪ [...]

12:30–1:30 p.m. The 100 Special Video Presentation and Q&A — Ballroom 20 [...]

2:00–2:30 p.m. People of Earth Pilot Screening and Q&A — Room 6BCF [...]

2:30–3:00 p.m. Powerless Screening del Piloto y Q&A — Es un mundo de Super Héroes. Nosotros tan sólo vivimos en él.. JÚnete a los miembros del elenco Vanessa Hudgens (High School Musical), Danny Pudi (Community), Alan Tudyk (Suburgatory) junto con el productor ejecutivo Ben Queen (A to Z) y el productor ejecutivo/director Michael Patrick Jann (Reno 911) para un screening del episodio piloto y una Q&A cubriendo la primera serie cómica asentada en el Universo DC. Powerless es la historia de Emily (Hudgens), una joven perito de seguros especializada en la cobertura de gente normal contra el daño causado cuando los Super Héroes y los Super Villanos tratan la ciudad como si fuera su personal campo de batalla. Haciéndose cargo de las necesidades del seguro una a una, Emily y su equipo de compañeros puede que no tengan ningún superpoder, pero están ahí para marcar la diferencia en la vida de la gente y probar que no necesitas tener superpoderes para ser poderoso. De Warner Bros. Television y basada en los personaje de DC, Powerless se estrena en la midseason en NBC. Room 6BCF

5:30–6:30 p.m. iZOMBIEl Video Presentación especial y Q&A — La única Zom-Com-Rom-Dram de televisión, regresa a San Diego para su tercera aparición en la Comic-Con. Tras experimentar la emocionante finale de la season 2, ¡sed uno de los primeros en conseguir la primicia de lo que está por llegar en la season 3! Ahora que Clive sabe lo de los zombies, ¿cómo cambiará su dinámica con Liv? Con la cura de Ravi habiéndole robado sus recuerdos a Blaine, ¿qué decidirá Major hacer con su timpo prestado? ¿Continuará Peyton con sus esfuerzos para derrotar al señor del crimen, Mr. Boss? ¿Y tendrá éxito Vivian Stoll, la nueva dueña del Max Rager, haciendo de Seattle su cuartel general de los zombies? Unete a nosotros para una video presentación especial seguida de una Q&A con las estrellas de la serie y también con los productores ejecutivos Rob Thomas (Veronica Mars) y Diane Ruggiero-Wright (Veronica Mars). De Bonanza Productions Inc. en asociación con Spondoolie Productions y la Warner Bros. Television y basado en los personajes creados por Chris Roberson y Michael Allred para Vertigo de DC Entertainment, iZOMBIE regresa en la midseason con sus nuevos episodios en la CW. Ballroom 20

11:00–11:45 a.m. The Vampire Diaries Special Video Presentation and Q&A — Ballroom 20 [...]

12:00–12:45 p.m. Blindspot Special Video Presentation and Q&A — Indigo Ballroom [...]

‪‪12:50–1:25 p.m.‪ The Originals Special Video Presentation and Q&A — Indigo Ballroom [...]

1:30–2:05 p.m. Lucifer Video Presentación Especial y Q&A — Todo el Infierno se ha hlado cuando Lucifer regresa a calentar las cosas en San Diego. ¡Satisfaced vuestros más profundos deseos y sed uno de los primeros en conseguir la primicia sobre lo que seguro será una diabólicamente divertida segunda temporada! Únete a nosotros para un crepitante sneak peek de la season two, seguido por un Q&A con las estrellas de la serie así como de los productores ejecutivos Joe Henderson (White Collar) e Ildy Modrovich (CSI: Miami). De Jerry Bruckheimer Television en asociación con la Warner Bros. Television y basada en los personajes creados por Neal Gaiman, Sam Kieth y Mike Dringenberg para Vertigo de DC Entertainment, Lucifer regresa el 19 de Septiembre, emitiéndose los Lunes 9/8c en la FOX. Indigo Ballroom

2:10–3:00 p.m. Gotham Video Presentación Especial y Q&A — La historia de orígenes de Gotham continúa desvelándose, a medida que la serie entra en su tercera temporada, ¡las apuestas estarán más altas que nunca! Los Super Villanos continúan empujando a Gotham City hacia el límite, y mientras Jim Gordon sigue al frente de la lucha contra el crimen en esta ciudad peligrosamente corrupta, ¿cómo de lejos irá para salvar a Gotham? Durante la season dos, el compás moral de Gordon se tambalea más que nunca, creando dilemas tanto personales como profesionales en su vida mientras que los villanos emergen de los sitios más oscuros de la ciudad, incluyendo el laboratorio experimental secreto del Arkham Asylum, Indian Hill. Bruce Wayne también empieza a resolver alhonos de los más profundos secretos de Gotham City —y su familia —, llevándole a descubrir que lWayne Enterprises podría estar detrás de algunas de las muy peligrosas conspiraciones que están a punto de destrozar la ciudad. Estad entre los primeros en ver lo que está por legar para la season three cuando Gotham regrese a la Comic-Con con una video presentación especial, seguida de una Q&A con las estrellas de la serie y los productores. De Warner Bros. Television y basada en los persoanjes de DC, Gotham regresa el 19 de Septiembre con sus nuevos episodios emitiéndose los Lunes a las 8/7c en la FOX. Indigo Ballroom

3:30–4:15 p.m. Supergirl Video Presentación Especial y Q&A — ¡Supergirl regresará para más aventuras sobresalientes en el nuevo hogar de la serie en la CW este otoño! ¿Os preguntáis quién estña en esa vaina o qué llevará a Superman hasta National City? ¡Únete al elenco de la serie y al equipo creativo para uns video presentación especial, seguido de una Q&A donde discutirán estos temas candentes de la season 2 y más! De Berlanti Productions en asociación con la Warner Bros. Television y basada en los personajes de DC, la segunda temporada de Supergirl se emitirá el Lunes, 10 de Octubre, a las 8/7c en la CW. Ballroom 20

4:15–5:00 p.m. DC’s Legends of Tomorrow Video Presentación especial y Q&A — Después de salvar el mundo — y todo el tiempo — del loco inmortal Vandal Savage, luego le dijeron adiós a dos de sus antiguos camaradas, Hawkman y Hawkgirl. Legends reciben una inesperada visita de un misterioso nuevo aliado Rex Tyler, quien les encarga al equipo una nueva misión. Cuál es esa misión, cómo la Justice Society of America será un factor y quién estará a bordo del Waverider cuando el equipo de Super Héroes regrese a la CW para su segunda temporada son preguntas que el elenco y el equipo creativo buscarán responder cuando desciendan sobre San Diego para su segunda visita al Comic-Con. De Berlanti Productions en asociación con Warner Bros. Television y basada en los personajes de DC, DC’s Legends of Tomorrow regresa el Jueves, 13 de Octubre, a las 8/7c en la CW. DC’s Legends of Tomorrow: The Complete First Season se estrenará en Blu-ray™ combo pack, DVD y Digital HD el 23 de Agosto. Hazte fan de DC’s Legends of Tomorrow en Facebook at http://www.facebook.com/CWLegendsofTomorrow y sigue la serie en Twitter en @TheCW_Legends. Ballroom 20.

5:00–5:45 p.m. The Flash Video Presentación Especial y Q&A — Universos paralelos…y dobles…y hombres-tiburones, ¡oh Dios! La segunda temporada de la serie más valorada de la CW tiene más que su justa dosis de giros y vueltas, pero nada comparado con la impactante decisión de Barry Allen de regresar atrás en el tiempo y salvar a su madre de su archi-enemigo, Reverse-Flash, una decisión que pone a toda la línea temporal en cuestión. Pero no temáis, fans, no tendréis que esperar hasta el otoño para empezar a conseguir respuestas a algunas de las más inquietantes preguntas, ya que el elenco y el equipo creativo que están tras la serie hacen su aparición anual en el Comic-Con para empezar a darle a los fans un vistazo a la muy anticipada tercera temporada de la serie. De Bonanza Productions Inc. en asociación con Berlanti Productions y la Warner Bros. Television, y basada en los personajes de DC, The Flash regresa el Martes, 4 de Octubre, a las 8/7c en la CW. Ballroom 20

5:45–6:30 p.m. Arrow Video Presentación Especial y Q&A — Enfrentándose a la destrucción nuclear mundial a manos del maníaco místico conocido como Damien Darhk, Oliver Queen (aka Green Arrow) unió a Star City con un mensaje de esperanza que le permitió derrotar al Gran Villano de la cuarta temporada de una vez por todas. Sin embargo, el triunfo de nuestros héroes vino con un precio, y el futuro del Team Arrow se quedó colgando en equilibrio. Ahora, a medida que la serie apunta hacia su quinta temporada, Oliver se dispone a salvar su ciudad de una nueva amenaza — una que él creó personalmente — tanto como el recién nombrado Alcalde de Star City como Green Arrow. Regresando a San Diego Comic-Con por quinto año consecutivo, el elenco y los creadores del éxito de la CW estará a mano para una animada conversación en torno a la nueva temporada. De Bonanza Productions Inc. en asociación con Berlanti Productions y la Warner Bros. Television, y basada en los personajes de DC, Arrow regresa el Miércoles,05 de Octubre, a las 8/7c en la CW. Ballroom 20

6:30 p.m.–7:20 p.m. Riverdale Screening del Piloto y Q&A — Las cosas no son siempre como las esperas en Riverdale. Basada en los icónicos personajes de Archie Comics y producida por Berlanti Productions (The Flash, Supergirl, Blindspot, Everwood), este drama de una hora es una versión atrevida y subversiva sobre la surrealidad de la vida de un pequeño pueblo. A medida que el nuevo año escolar empieza, el pueblo de Riverdale está aún impresionado por la reciente y trágica muerte del chico de oro del instituto Jason Blossom — y ya nada parece lo mismo. Archie Andrews (KJ Apa) es aún el adolescente prototipo americano, pero los eventos del verano le hicieron darse cuenta de que quiere perseguir una carrera en la música — y no seguir los pasos de su padre — a pesar del súbito final de su relación prohibida con la joven profesora de música de Riverdale, Ms. Grundy (Sarah Habel). Lo que significa que Archie ya no tiene a nadie que sea su mentor — ciertamente no la cantante Josie McCoy (Ashleigh Murray), quien tan sólo se centra en su banda, la que será próximamente famosa mundialmente Pussycats. Todo pesa fuertemente en la mente de Archie — así como su amistad fracturada con el escritor en ciernes y antiguo compañero de clase Jughead Jones (Cole Sprouse). Mientras tanto, la chica-de-al-lado Betty Cooper (Lili Reinhart) está nerviosa por ver a su amor platónico, Archie, tras haber estado fuera todo el verano, pero no está aún preparada para revelarle sus verdaderos sentimientos hacia él. Y los nervios de Betty — que apenas son calmados por su autoritaria madre, Alice (Mädchen Amick) — no son lo único que la están reteniendo. Cuando una nueva estudiante, Veronica Lodge (Camila Mendes), llega a la ciudad desde New York con su madre Hermione (Marisol Nichols), hay una innegable chispa entre ella y Archie, incluso aunque Veronica no quiere arriesgar su nueva amistad con Betty siendo un jueguete para Archie. Y luego está Cheryl Blossom (Madelaine Petsch) — La Abeja Reina de Riverdale está feliz por crear problemas entre Archie, Betty, y Veronica, pero Cheryl está ocultando secretos propio. ¿Qué es lo que, exactamente, está escondiendo sobre la misteriosa muerte de su hermano gemelo, Jason? Riverdale puede parecer un pueblo tranquilo y dormido, pero hay peligros en las sombras. Riverdale hace su debut en el Comic-Con con un screening del episodio piloto al completo, seguido de una Q&A con las estrellas de la serie y productores ejecutivos. Riverdale es de Berlanti Productions en asociación con Warner Bros. Television y CBS Television Studios, con los productores ejecutivos Greg Berlanti (Arrow, The Flash, Supergirl, DC’s Legends of Tomorrow, Blindspot), Roberto Aguirre-Sacasa (Supergirl, Glee), Sarah Schechter (Arrow, The Flash, Supergirl, DC’s Legends of Tomorrow, Blindspot) y Jon Goldwater (Archie Comics). Riverdale se estrena en la midseason en la The CW. Hazte fan de Riverdale en Facebook at https://www.facebook.com/CWRiverdale, y sigue a la serie en Twitter en @CW_Riverdale. Room 6BCF

7:25–8:15 p.m. Frequency Pilot Screening and Q&A — oom 6BCF [...]

8:20–9:15 p.m. Time After Time Pilot Screening and Q&A — Room 6BCF [...]

11:15 a.m.–12:15 p.m. Supernatural Special Video Presentation and Q&A — Hall H [...]

3:00–4:15 p.m. Animaniacs Live! — [...]

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