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Re: ¡¡¡Nuevo proyecto de la FOX sobre GOTHAM!!!

Publicado: Jue Ago 20, 2015 1:31 am
por Shelby
- Nueva imagen bts del rodaje de la S2 (19-08-15):


(@MichaelChiklis: @donallogue and I go all the way back to #TheCommish so we're sharing some memories & a few laughs at work! #Gotham)

Re: ¡¡¡Nuevo proyecto de la FOX sobre GOTHAM!!!

Publicado: Jue Ago 20, 2015 4:57 pm
por Shelby
- ¿Quién es el responsable del alzamiento de los villanos en la S2 de "Gotham"?:
Ya sabemos que la S2 de "Gotham" tendrá como trama principal el "alzamiento de los villanos", pero ¿qué es exactamente lo que pone ese arco en movimiento?.

De acuerdo al productor ejecutivo Danny Cannon, podría estar unido a la llegada del nuevo villano de la Season 2 'Theo Galavan' (James Frain), un industrial multimillonario quien se presenta a sí mismo como el salvador de Gotham. "Theo Galavan llega a Gotham como un hijo pródigo que regresa," dice Cannon. "Él viene de una familia muy adinerada con antiguas raíces en la construcción y fundación de Gotham. Nos llevará un tiempo el entender el por qué regresa a Gotham y cuál es su plan, pero es uno traicionero, obviamente. Es un poco como el Gran Gatsby y Drácula llegando a la ciudad con dinero e influencia y encanto e intentando doblegar a Gotham para que le sirva."

Pero parece que Theo tiene mucho más guardado bajo la manga. De hecho, Cannon dice que Theo es el "origen de un villano muy famoso de DC" -- uno que se apoyará en otros villanos para que le ayuden a conseguir sus objetivos.

"Esta temporada va sobre cómo un hombre desatará y fortalecerá a los villanos y les hará entender que son más poderosos que la gente que lucha contra ellos," dice Cannon. "Ellos son los pioneros de Gotham. Ellos son los que cambiarán las cosas porque con el caos y la destrucción es la única manera que puedes construir. No puedes reconstruir una ciudad sin destruirla primero."

¿Os suena familiar? ¿Podría 'Theo Galavan' ser el origen de 'Ra's Al Ghul'?

http://www.tvguide.com/news/mega-buzz-g ... -villains/

Re: ¡¡¡Nuevo proyecto de la FOX sobre GOTHAM!!!

Publicado: Jue Ago 20, 2015 6:00 pm
por Shelby
- Ben McKenzie habla sobre cuando Gotham fue mal, y cómo la season 2 es exactamente lo que los fans quieren (EW):
Ben McKenzie habla sobre cuando Gotham fue mal, y cómo la season 2 es exactamente lo que los fans quieren
Por Samantha Highfill 20 Agosto, 2015

So far, what we know of Gotham’s second season is this: It’s going to introduce a lot of new villains, and more importantly, it’s going to do away with the procedural element of the show, making the story arcs much more serialized. And hopefully, that can bring back some of the viewers that left the show in the latter half of season 1.

When talking about season 2, star Ben McKenzie made it clear that while he’s still very proud of the show they made last year, he thinks season 2 will be a bit closer to what fans want. “I think we made a mistake relatively early on in trying to introduce a villain and take care of that villain in one episode: catch them, send them to Arkham, do whatever,” McKenzie said. “That was just a mistake. We should’ve never done it.”

It also didn’t help the show’s case that fans had to endure a number of mini-hiatuses after Fox added 6 more episodes to the show’s first season in October of last year. “We were ordered for 16 [episodes]. We were going to have one break and come back and finish the rest of them in terms of the airing, and then we added six more, so we had to break again and then we had to come back again,” McKenzie said. “And it’s hard for the audience to follow that many changes in a series in terms of when it’s airing and when it’s not.”

More than anything, McKenzie realizes that audience members are always one click away from another great show. “It’s challenging right now,” he said. “There’s so much competition out there.”

Yet, with season 2 already underway, McKenzie feels really good about the direction the show is going. As he put it, “The audience really wants to understand who these people are and live with them, sit with them and enjoy them. Whether they’re evil or good, they are entertaining. So that’s what we’re doing in season 2. [It’s] really kick ass. I think it’s exactly what the fans want to see.”

http://www.ew.com/article/2015/08/20/go ... ea4432f820

Re: ¡¡¡Nuevo proyecto de la FOX sobre GOTHAM!!!

Publicado: Vie Ago 21, 2015 1:49 am
por Shelby
- Nuevas imágenes bts en el set (20-21 Agosto, 2015):

Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen

(@TheEricGoldman: #Gotham's new Silver St. Cloud, @NatalieAlynLind, chatting on set (and I heard her do a Joker impression!
@TheEricGoldman: Hanging at the GCPD with @camrenbicondova. #Gotham
@TheEricGoldman: Just had a great chat with @jessicalucas on the #Gotham set. She says Tigress' whip skills are not to be trifled with
@TheMattFowler: Chatting with @camrenbicondova on the #Gotham set
@seanpertwee: The brilliant 'Triple Threat' Team Captain and Director Extraordinaire @TJScottPictures. On set today @Gotham
@GothamAdddicts: Hanging with the boys @TJScottPictures @seanpertwee @realdavidmazouz @Gotham #Gotham)

- Video bts de Camren Bicondova en el set durante una sesión de dubsmash (20-08-15):

https://twitter.com/BuzzFeedGeeky/statu ... 9377249280

Re: ¡¡¡Nuevo proyecto de la FOX sobre GOTHAM!!!

Publicado: Vie Ago 21, 2015 7:31 pm
por Shelby
- Primera imagen oficial de Michael Chiklis en la S2 de "Gotham":


Chiklis interpreta al 'Capitán Nathaniel Barnes', un “fanático de la ley y el orden que llega a la Policía de Gotham City como un tornado, arrancando la madera podrida de la fuerza policial de Gotham.” Chiklis es un regular de la serie en esta temporada y aparece por primera vez en el episodio 2.04 titulado “Strike Force”.

http://www.ew.com/article/2015/08/21/go ... e6dd2851f5

Re: ¡¡¡Nuevo proyecto de la FOX sobre GOTHAM!!!

Publicado: Sab Ago 22, 2015 11:00 am
por Shelby
- Nuevas imágenes promocionales de la S2:

Imagen Imagen

Re: ¡¡¡Nuevo proyecto de la FOX sobre GOTHAM!!!

Publicado: Dom Ago 23, 2015 3:52 am
por Shelby
- GOTHAM | New Promo: "Villains Rising":


Re: ¡¡¡Nuevo proyecto de la FOX sobre GOTHAM!!!

Publicado: Dom Ago 23, 2015 11:46 pm
por Shelby
"WIZARD WORLD CHICAGO CON 2015" (23 Agosto, 2015)
- Fotos:
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https://twitter.com/WizardWorld/status/ ... 37/video/1


- Por qué es difícil que veamos a Supermán en "Gotham": "Tenemos acceso a todo el mundo de los cómics, pero en nuestro universo la gente no tiene superpoderes"," dice McKenzie. "Hay gravedad; la gente no puede ir volando por ahí". Añade que en 75 años de historia de Batman de la que inspirarse, hay mucho para mantener Gotham interesante sin tener que recurrir a otras partes del Universo DC que puedan comprometer la visión de la serie, que es el establecer el mundo de Gotham City antes de la llegada de Batman.

- Reitera que escucharon a los fans y que la serie no es una serie policíaca. No atraparán a un villano en cada episodio.

- La S2 va a ser increíble con la llegada de los nuevos villanos como Mr.Freeze o Firefly,

- Sobre "Supergirl", Ben McKenzie dice que ya era hora de que hubiera una serie de una superheroína.

- Sean Pertwee sobre su personaje: "Quería redefinir a Alfred, no reinventarlo. Quería darle una historia pasada".

- La relación de Jim & Barbara puede que no sea como la de los cómics, quieren que la audiencia siga suponiendo.

Re: ¡¡¡Nuevo proyecto de la FOX sobre GOTHAM!!!

Publicado: Mar Ago 25, 2015 12:16 am
por Shelby
- Primer vistazo a la guarida de la Mansión Wayne y cómo cambiará todo para Bruce:


El descubrimiento de la misma “cambia todo en la vida de Bruce,” revela Mazouz. “Cambia el cómo ve a Alfred, el lado criminal de Gotham, incluso cómo ve a sus padres.” Aunque no os hagáis muchas esperazas de ver la Batcueva tal y como la conocemos, “Definitivamente no es la BatcuevaIt,” avisa Mazouz. “Lo que hay ahí abajo son pistas a la vida secreta de Thomas Wayne y lo que estaba intentando hacer antes de que fuera asesinado.”

http://www.tvinsider.com/article/35661/ ... ave-photo/

Re: ¡¡¡Nuevo proyecto de la FOX sobre GOTHAM!!!

Publicado: Mar Ago 25, 2015 12:22 am
por Shelby
- David Mazouz adelanta las relaciones e interacciones de la S2 (comicbook):
David Mazouz adelanta las relaciones e interacciones de la S2
Por Lucas Siegel 24/08/2015

For a young man under 16, Gotham star David Mazouz is wise beyond his years. That might have something to do with the actors he works with on a daily basis, going up against folks like Sean Pertwee and James Frain. Mazouz's experience in holding his own against these pedigree actors , while simultaneously leading other young performers, makes him a unique person to talk to. He has thoughtful answers to each question, and is more likely to look up and inward than to his mother or another actor on set. His fandom of the Batman mythos is palpable, and his love of this unique job for a young teenager exudes with his every smile and laugh.

During a set visit on the Gotham Season 2 soundstages in Brooklyn, NY, ComicBook.com spoke with Mazouz on the newest set for the series, the mysterious office that sits under Wayne Manor and once belonged to Thomas Wayne, Bruce's father. We talked about surprises, things to come in Season 2, and who he’d most like to see Bruce clash with in upcoming episodes.

You really interacted with a fairly small core of characters throughout Season 1. What’s it like getting to interact with some more of the denizens of Gotham City, especially some of the more nefarious newcomers here?

DM: It’s been incredible! I think last year, I worked with about four, or something ridiculous, out of the fourteen regular cast members. So it’s really nice to get to know – I know everybody so well [as actors] because I see them everywhere, but I don’t know their characters, because I don’t get to see them in person.

I remember one day we did a scene last year, later in the season, and Bruce was walking into a gun range, and Penguin was walking by right behind him – we didn’t actually talk or anything, it’s just one of those crossing by moments. But it was the first time I’d seen his waddle in person. I’d never seen it before, and this was like episode 20! I remember thinking, “Wow, I haven’t seen that!” I realized it when I did.

So it’s really nice being able to interact with more of them as Bruce, and learn their characters more.

What’s something that’s still surprising you, when you’re on set, now that you’re five or six episodes into season 2?

DM: I think, how much more there is to learn about Bruce, and the locations, and Alfred. Our work is not done. It’s still constantly going, and we’ll never be done until we’re done.

Who would you like to see Bruce meet as Season 2 rolls on?

DM: I’d like for Bruce to have a friend! Just somebody his age, who’s a boy, who he can talk to. He doesn’t really have any friends his age, except for these girls who are trying to manipulate him.

http://comicbook.com/2015/08/24/gotham- ... interacti/

- Mazouz Adelanta una "enorme" Transformación para Bruce Wayne (CBM):
Mazouz Adelanta una "enorme" Transformación para Bruce Wayne
Por Bryan Cairns 26 Agosto, 2015

As a crime drama set in the pre-Batman era, Fox's "Gotham" spent much of its first season laying the groundwork for the young Bruce Wayne to eventually create his caped alter-ego. The show has depicted the murder of Bruce's parents, the corruption of Gotham and the GCPD, the rise of numerous larger-than-life villains and the arrival of a number of father figures that will ignite Bruce's heroic spirit. One development that could speed up Bruce's costumed destiny occurred in the season one finale when he discovered his father's secret lair, a room many viewers speculate will ultimately serve as the famous Batcave.

Fourteen-year-old actor David Mazouz, who plays Bruce Wayne, spoke with the press during roundtable interviews at Comic-Con International in San Diego about his character's journey in season two, the introduction of Chris Chalk as Lucius Fox, potential conflict with Camren Bicondova's Selina Kyle and adopting Batman's distinct voice. Mazouz also opened up about teaming up with Jim Gordon (Ben McKenzie) and forging that iconic bond with Alfred Pennyworth (Sean Pertwee).

CBR News: How did finding that secret room in the season one finale push Bruce towards becoming Batman?

David Mazouz: Finding that room, that very last scene in the season finale, is going to be a turning point. It's going to change everything in Bruce's life. It's going to turn the page to a different chapter in every aspect of his life into becoming Batman. What I mean, for example, is the Bruce and Alfred relationship. In season one, they were butting heads a lot. They were constantly disagreeing about things. In season two, because of that cave, they are going to go through a really rocky patch at the beginning. Once they get through it, they are really going to start becoming a team, like the Alfred/Batman relationship when they are older. They are really going to start becoming a team.

Lucius Fox is going to come to the show, which I'm super excited about. Chris Chalk is hilarious and a really fun guy to be around. Season two is really going to be the transformation of Bruce Wayne to Batman. Last year, Bruce Wayne was grieving. He was determined, but he was just determined to find out what happened to his parents. He was determined to know who his dad was and what Wayne Enterprises was, but he wasn't Batman. In Season two, Bruce is going to be Batman. His transformation is going to be huge in season two. I'm so stoked.

What exactly will Bruce be doing that viewers will potentially recognize as "Batman moments"?

There are multiple things. When Batman is Batman, he has his Batman persona and his detective persona and he has his public persona, his party boy, playboy persona to make the public think there's no way Bruce Wayne could be Batman. In Season two, Bruce Wayne is going to be developing that second persona. That's one way.

Another way in Season two is you are going to start to see the villains shift from a mobster-type of villain hierarchy to a super-villain hierarchy. Those are the villains who are going to be taking over. Penguin is at the threshold right now, but he's going to meet people that are ten times worse. Since the villain threat is going to be so immense, and there's so few of us [good guys] on the show, we're really going to have to team up. So you are going to see Gordon and Bruce together a lot more. Because of that, Bruce is going to get out more. I think last year I only worked with three of the series regulars and there's fifteen of them. I'm really excited for Season two. Gordon is going to start that mentorship that we talked about this whole time. They are going to become closer and, because of that relationship, Bruce is going to start becoming more involved in the crime world.

In becoming Batman, how is that going to affect Bruce's relationship with Selina?

It will change it. I don't really know too much about that. I know Bruce doesn't really know what she's been up to. And if he did, he would disprove. When she killed Reggie, he stopped talking to her for a little bit. Kinda. He needed her after that. If he had a choice, he would stop talking to her for a little bit. Bruce and Selena have a certain chemistry that is unbreakable. For some reason, they both like each other. Whether that's in a brother/sister way, a friend way or a romantic way, there's something between them that's never going to change. They might go through rocky patches -- I know that some of that is going to happen this season -- but they are always going to end up back together somehow.

Will Bruce practice his Batman voice this season?

No, my voice has to get a little deeper before that. [laughs]

http://www.comicbookresources.com/artic ... ruce-wayne

- Camren Bicondova se escabulle en la Season 2 de Gotham con una sonrisa (comicbook):
Camren Bicondova se escabulle en la Season 2 de Gotham con una sonrisa
Por Lucas Siegel 26/08/2015

Even as a child, Selina Kyle is cunning, sly, and often nefarious. You can see that in her incarnation on Gotham, as played by 16 year-old Camren Bicondova. Bicondova was a young dancer before she was cast in the role of the future Catwoman, accomplished in one field and ready to jump into the new challenge of acting. And like a true professional, she incorporates the skills from her past performing into her new art.

“Definitely my body movements, for sure,” Bicondova told ComicBook.com during a Gotham set visit, where she was filming episodes for the second season of Fox's Batman prequel series. “I’m very comfortable with how I move in my body, so I know what works for me and what doesn’t.”

She uses that skill of movement to slink around like a cat sometimes, or at least she “hopes it works out” when she tries to. She also gives credit to her dancing past (and present – she’s still dancing alongside her new acting career) for giving her “the ability to do some stunts” on the show.

Of course, when you sit down to chat with the young actress, cunning, sly, and nefarious aren’t the adjectives that come to mind. A wide smile is often plastered to her face, and her laughter is contagious. Others on Gotham's set comment on how frequently she makes them smile or join in on the chuckles. Bicondova says she “doesn’t even know” how she gets into Selina’s head space. “She’s my alter ego, really. It’s fun, because I get to do things that I don’t normally do as a person!”

Nearly everything she says is followed by a laugh that’s one part nervousness and one part genuine mirth. This is simply a happy girl who hasn’t let her sudden fame go to her head. In fact, she readily addresses the feelings she had when she first came on set – and that it’s cooled down a bit.

“Filming wise, I’m not quite as nervous!” Bicondova says, with that trademark laugh, when asked what has changed for her since the first season. “I’m definitely more calm going on set.”

Of course, that’s not the only change. As Selina Kyle, like the other young star David Mazouz’s Bruce Wayne, gets to interact and learn with a far more varied section of the cast this season than the first.

“It’s really exciting getting to actually interact with people, because Selina is usually on her own, doing her own thing,” Bicondova said of working with more characters directly on set. We saw a scene with Butch and newcomer Bridget, “who eventually becomes Firefly,” she said, calling actress Michelle Veintimilla “amazing.” While she couldn’t talk much about other people, Bicondova said that it’s “really fun getting to interact with the Gotham family!”

The added interactions also let her stretch as an actress; an opportunity she’s excited about.

“You get to feel different things when you’re acting with people, versus when you’re on your own. I’m getting to dig deep into these emotions that I’ve never felt while playing Selina Kyle," she said. "I’m usually just observing or in the shadows. So it’s really interesting getting to do that now.”

That spirit of observation is something Selina and Camren have in common, as the actress absorbs everything around her while on set. She also takes her new experiences into the new season's solo scenes, with “all these new emotions that I can use,” she said.

While Bicondova laughs and dodges her way through plot-based questions like a pro, she was able to turn on the Selina attitude at the drop of a hat. "How's that?" she asks after her picture is taken, brandishing the smile could disarm even the toughest of Gotham's baddies.

http://comicbook.com/2015/08/24/camren- ... h-a-smile/

- Los nuevos villanos de "Gotham" revelan una larga historia y una misión de venganza (comicbook):
Los nuevos villanos de "Gotham" revelan una larga historia y una misión de venganza
Por Lucas Siegel 26/08/2015

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The Galavan family has a long and rich history in Gotham City. It’s youngest members, siblings Theo and Tabitha, are back in Gotham on a mission of revenge. That’s what actors Jessica Lucas and James Frain revealed to ComicBook.com during a set visit for Gotham season two in Brooklyn, NY. But, they may have have just revealed more than they meant to, they said with a smile halfway between sinister and sincere.

That feeling of unease seems to be how the characters, a pair with Gotham roots that go deep into the 19th Century, will approach their relationships in the city of darkness, villainy, and corruption that will eventually birth the Batman. Frain goes so far as to describe Theo Galavan as a character who “doesn’t have a sense of what it is to be a normal person."

During a scene that press watched on-set, the Galavans sit down for a private dinner in their home with the young Bruce Wayne (David Mazouz) and fellow new cast member Silver St. Cloud (Natalie Lind). Silver, around Bruce’s age, is a ward of the Galavans (she calls them “aunt and uncle” but it’s unclear whether that’s an actual familial connection or not), and is Bruce's new friend. However, it seems it’s all part of the family plan of revenge. As Theo toasts to family, Tabitha (who is being billed as “the future Tigress”) sits down and wipes what appears to be blood off her cheek.

“I love that everyone is assuming that’s blood! I’ll let you keep drawing your own conclusions until you see the whole thing, though,” Lucas playfully teased during a break between takes.

After the toast, Silver expresses her fondness for Bruce, asking him to spend more time there. Tabitha says, “Look at how cute the kids are. Couldn’t you just eat them?” so, certain speculations may be justified!

We sat down with Frain and Lucas on the set to talk about the characters’ origins, entering an already packed and tight cast, and how they can’t say much about the future of their characters and storylines, because they literally just don’t know yet!

So, Jessica, James, this season is about the “rise of the villains.” As newcomers to the scene, are you trying to drive the fact that you’re newcomers on set into the characters at all, since they’re newcomers in Gotham as well?

Jessica Lucas: No, because I don’t think our characters feel like newcomers, right? They’re not newbies as characters…

James Frain: We have a long history…

JL: …yeah, with the city.

JF: Yeah, which you’ll find out about later. But that’s in the writing! It’s a big deal coming into this world, because, we have a lot going on.

JL: We have a really rich history with the city. We’re on a revenge mission.

JF: Ah! She said it!

JL: We can say that. I think. It’s a tease!

JF: Did you ask? (laughs) Yeah, we have an agenda, and you’ll find out fairly early into our introduction about that.

What’s the give and take been between you two, as you’ve started to develop this brother-sister relationship for your characters?

JF: I think we decided pretty early on to make it as normal a sibling relationship as possible, because everything else in our world is totally crazy. Everything about these Gotham citizens is “performance.” It seems like when we’re together, it’s just pure brother and sister sibling interactions. We could be just a couple of ten year olds, in all honesty. Actually, it’s the most normal relationship I have in the whole story!

JL: Yeah, I think there’s a strong loyalty between them, but I think Tabitha is also annoyed by Theo a lot. She’s carrying out his bidding, so there’s a lot of eye rolling and annoyance; she finds him boring sometimes, things like that.

JF: Like I said, a normal sibling relationship!

Both: (laughs)

JF: Yeah, I’m the older brother, and we get on each other’s nerves that way.

You guys are already starting on episode six right now. What has surprised you so far about joining the Gotham family?

JF: Every time a new script comes in, I’m surprised. It’s always very rich, very original, and you can never predict what’s going to happen. You get a new script, and go, “Really? Oh my God!”

JL: The action stuff is really fun for me to read. Whenever I get a script where I get to do something really cool with a whip or… other things… I get really excited.

Being on this set is fun, because it’s a well-oiled machine. It was easy to come into, they were all very welcoming, and that makes it easy.

Tell me about some of the early character interactions you’ve had, playing off these folks who have been established for a full season already.

JF: I’m just filing through my mind…

JL: Yeah, I don’t want to give too much away!

JF: It’s kinda what she said, that everyone has been super cool and not awkward at all. It’s a very high work ethic set and just very efficient…

Well, thanks to the scene you just shot, we know that you’re working directly with David (Bruce Wayne)…

JL: Right, right. This is my first time working with David! He’s awesome, just incredible.

JF: He really is.

Coming into a show where it’s all about him eventually must be a weird thing for a kid!

JL: You wouldn’t be able to tell. He’s so calm, cool, and relaxed. I wasn’t that together at fourteen, I don’t think!

So who’s the more conniving one of the Galavan siblings?

JL: I would say Theo's the more conniving one, he’s the thoughts, the brain, the schemer, the planner – she’s the enforcer. She might have some tricks up her sleeve, though. We’ll see.

JF: It’s just more of a way of being. Our family is incredibly skilled, and manipulative, and agenda driven. I don’t feel like we really have a sense of what it is to be a normal person! I think that Theo Galavan playacts because he has to for different characters. It’s almost like he’s watched regular people, and then he imitates them, because he doesn’t know how to be that.

He’s pretty crazy, I think.

JL: Yeah, they’re both pretty crazy. (laughs)

JF: The whole thing is not a healthy scene.

Generally speaking, I don’t think the whole of Gotham City is a very healthy scene.

JF: That’s true! I know it’s called the “rise of the villains,” but I feel like this season is really the “rise of Bruce.” He now is starting to know who he is, and is coming into himself, and really painting a picture of a world that’s so corrupt that it needs him. It needs a hero. That need of a hero is what drives this season: who can become that? Who can fill that void? There are a lot of people competing for it.

You said the word “revenge,” is that the best general theme of your characters’ story arc here?

JF: It’s a pretty strong strand of it.

JL: Now I’m wondering if I gave too much away! (laughs)

JF: We feel like we have a right to be here.

JL: Whether that’s true or not! We feel wronged, and we want some redemption for our family. But they’re a little crazy, so who knows if they’re justified in that or not.

JF: In the last episode [episode 5 of the season], they started a flashback in the 19th century, and we start seeing their back-backstory. So we’ll see that, it’s interesting how they put that in. That’ll be cool.

We find out about the characters – they give them to us as we go.

JL: Yeah, that’s been surprising. Every episode, you read something about your character that you had no idea about, another thing to layer in.

JF: The scripts are really good, and I like that approach.

So you like the idea of getting your character piece by piece, rather than sitting down and learning all about your character ahead of time?

JL: It’s more challenging, I think. Less of something to map out. I like them both, but I find them really different. Knowing a whole arc when you do a movie as opposed to this, where you’re finding out as you go.

JF: I find more and more this is the way we work now, especially with the amount of secrecy you have to have. You work more on your feet; it’s more instinctive. To me it’s exciting, but sometimes it’s a little daunting!

http://comicbook.com/2015/08/25/gothams ... f-revenge/

- Drew Powell dice que la Season 2 de "Gotham" va "con el pie en el acelarador" (comicbook):
Drew Powell dice que la Season 2 de "Gotham" va "con el pie en el acelarador"
Por Lucas Siegel 27/08/2015

When Drew Powell approached reporters on the set of Gotham season 2 last week in Brooklyn, NY, he barely had time to take a swig of water and check his phone, before going back for another take. But after cracking a light joke and flashing a smile, he said, “Hey, check this out!” and opened a small case in his hand, revealing an eyeball.

That’s perfectly indicative of the kind of guy Powell seems to be on set. And he'll be on-set a lot more often, as his character Butch Gilzean will become a series regular after a recurring supporting role last year. Powell sits and talks to you like you’re old friends upon your very first meeting. He draws you in for a big joke or surprise, using a sly yet genuine grin and a calm, soothing voice. His punchlines hit hard, his bellowing laugh opens up the room, and his sincerity could endear just about anyone in the world.

We sat on a bench in the Gotham PD set, which was set-up as temporary “video village” while shooting presided elsewhere, to chat about Butch’s future now that one boss is out of the picture, who Powell’s working with this season, and whether or not he has any plans of his own this time around.

Drew, you're a series regular this season. What does that promotion mean to you as far as what you can do with the character of Butch?

Drew Powell: Well, look, there’s a creative component and a life component. (laughs) The life component means I have a steady gig for at least another season, which I think anybody can appreciate! Creatively, it’s a nice vote of confidence from [showrunner] Bruno [Heller] and the writers, that they have more in store for Butch. Boy, I can tell you, we starting shooting episode 6 today, and it’s been a heck of a ride already.

I’ve said this to all the writers and a lot of the actors this year, but every episode we’ve gotten this year has been pedal to the metal. It’s really amazing what they’re doing this year. They’re just honing in on this storyline and every episode is better than the last. It’s going to be a lot of fun for fans to see this.

So you feel like they found their comfort level in Season One, and now they’re able to surpass that a bit?

DP: Yeah, and I feel like that happens with every show. The first season is more, “What works, what doesn’t?” The question is, in season 2--and this is why season 2 is the make or break year for people--can they take what works and hone it and make it great?

I’m biased, of course, but I really think that they’re doing it. They’ve got it this year.

Butch was always under someone’s wing in Season One. Now that you’re a series regular and everything, will we start to see Butch break out on his own and follow his agenda?

DP: Well, when we left Butch, he was a quivering mess on the rooftop, with really nobody left but Penguin. When we open season two, he’ll be with Penguin, Victor Zsazz’s conditioning still intact. The interesting stuff is what happens from there, which I can’t tell you much about. But I can tell you, some interesting stuff is going down. You know, they’re calling this season the “rise of the villains,” and it sure is! It’s really neat how they’ve pushed the meter even further in terms of the darkness and villainy that’s happening.

You walked in here and showed us an eyeball in a case; what can you tell us about that?

DP: (laughs) Nothing! I probably will get in trouble just for showing you that. (laughs) But I think it’s safe to say, and I said to the guest stars today, “there’s a lot of eyeball play on this show! It’s a recurring theme!” So that’s something to look out for.

Oh, the puns. What’s something that’s surprised you about working on Gotham?

DP: You know, I didn’t know what to think coming into it, to be honest with you. I heard about this job when I was working on The Mentalist, Bruno’s last show, and everybody was buzzing about it. It was definitely the most talked about pilot of that pilot season. I remember thinking, “Wow, what a cool opportunity to delve into Gotham City!” We’ve seen a lot of Batman movies, but this is a whole different ballgame.

I think what surprised me the most was from a standpoint of how they’ve really been able to craft a storyline without Batman, a storyline that’s really exactly what they said it would be! It’s about what Gotham City devolved into that created Batman, that needed a Batman. I think that’s really hard; I don’t think people realize how hard that is to do. First of all, you have a huge spotlight on you because everyone loves Batman. Second, you have the history of the movies and other things for people to compare it to. It’s not the same thing, but it’s not like just coming up with an entirely new show. There’s a lot of excess pressure.

I think Bruno and the writers do a really good job of crafting their own story. Especially this season, they’re just doing a great job; some of the things I can’t tell you, some of the things that happen to Butch this year, are so fascinating and so cool. Things this year walk the line of the reality with Batman – it’s not Superman, it’s not Avengers where it’s superpowers, but it walks that hazy line between reality and fantasy. I think people are going to dig it. If they liked Gotham at all last year, they’re going to love it this year. That’s what I’m most excited about.

I’m also surprised that in an hour long drama, how much fun we can all have! (laughs). We just laugh, and laugh. I’ve been working a lot with Camren [Bicondova] the last couple of days, and Robin [Lord Taylor] a lot this season, and we just really enjoy ourselves.

Yeah, I saw you razzing Camren a bit on set a few minutes ago.

DP: Exactly! I’m like the big brother, so you gotta do that sort of thing.

So obviously, you’re working with Camren now. But what other characters and actors are you having fun or looking forward to working with directly this season, that you didn’t get to much last year?

DP: Well, some of the new folks, that are coming in and weren’t around last year! I was working yesterday with James Frain and Jessica Lucas [who play new villains the Galavan siblings], and they’re really great. I’ve met some of the other new guys; Chris Chalk [Lucius Fox] is a great guy, and Nick D’Agosto [Harvey Dent]. But you know, Butch was lucky, toward the end there. I got to work with a lot of people! At the end of the season, I was working with Ben [McKenzie], and Donal [Logue], so yeah. I’m trying to think of who I haven’t really worked with yet! I got to work with Alfred [played by Sean Pertwee] at one point.

Oh! It would be nice to work with David [Mazouz]. We get along really well and we have a lot of fun together around the set. I’d love a situation where – we were joking that it would be funny to have Butch and Bruce on some sort of road trip. (laughs) I don’t know why, or what would happen, but it would just be funny!

What is your favorite Gotham pun with all the villains?

DP: (laughs), Oh yeah. That’s a good question. Penguin has a line in the last – I don’t want to give it away, but in the episode we shot last night, episode 5, there's just a great line. Watch for that one!

http://comicbook.com/2015/08/26/gotham- ... the-metal/

Re: ¡¡¡Nuevo proyecto de la FOX sobre GOTHAM!!!

Publicado: Mié Ago 26, 2015 12:48 am
por Shelby
- Nuevas imágenes bts detalladas de la cueva secreta de 'Bruce Wayne':

Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen

http://comicbook.com/2015/08/25/gotham- ... e/#Image16

- Nueva imagen bts de la S2 (28-08-15):


(@TJScottPictures Such a Treat Directing @robinlordtaylor & @thedrewpowell on #Gotham)

Re: ¡¡¡Nuevo proyecto de la FOX sobre GOTHAM!!!

Publicado: Dom Ago 30, 2015 9:08 pm
por Shelby

Re: ¡¡¡Nuevo proyecto de la FOX sobre GOTHAM!!!

Publicado: Lun Ago 31, 2015 1:06 pm
por Shelby
- "GOTHAM" Imágenes promocionales de la S2 en HQ:

Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen

Re: ¡¡¡Nuevo proyecto de la FOX sobre GOTHAM!!!

Publicado: Mar Sep 01, 2015 10:06 pm
por Shelby
- GOTHAM Stills del 2.01 “Damned if you do...”:

Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen

- Nuevas imágenes bts de la S2 (01-12 Sept 2015):

Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen

(@NatalieAlynLind: Meet the Galavan's.Get ready for all hell to break loose on @Gotham returning to Fox September 22! #riseofthevillains
@nicholasdagosto: Crisp horizon, crisp hair. A beautiful first day back @Gotham. #HarveyDent #LongIsland
@thedrewpowell: Gilzean's cufflink game continues to be strong. #Gotham wardrobe dept does it again! @Gotham
@thedrewpowell: These freakin guys... #Gotham @robinlordtaylor @jessicalucas @Gotham
@MattMitovich: Touring @Gotham's GCPD
@alexisthenedd: The @Gotham cast is precious and I love all of them
@aaronsagers: @ben_mckenzie solving crimes even when not filming -or ordering takeout- & I realize I'm farsighted on @Gotham set
@aaronsagers: Visited @Gotham & @ErinRRichards became my partner in shenanigans & photog
@ABieseAPP: It's not everyday that you and Jim Gordon get photo bombed by Bruce Wayne. @realdavidmazouz @Gotham
@ABieseAPP: Touring the set of @Gotham with @realdavidmazouz @ErinRRichards @camrenbicondova -- story coming soon!
@brettbodner: Had an awesome time on the set of @Gotham today. Just under two weeks away from the season premiere
@luciasuarezsang: Hung out with @ben_mckenzie at @Gotham's GCPD. Season 2 is gonna be killer
@luciasuarezsang: Some more photos from the set of @Gotham with @ben_mckenzie @ErinRRichards and more #Gotham
@luciasuarezsang: We got the cast of @Gotham at the GCP. Just missing Det. Alvarez @jwcortes #Gotham
@MattMitovich: @ben_mckenzie's favorite part of GCPD set Richard Kind's mayoral portrait
@RaqiyahMays: Hung out with the cast of @Gotham on set today. You know them as young Bruce Wayne, Catwoman & Commissioner Gordan
@LucasSiegel: Happy Ben McKenzie Day, @ben_mckenzie. Watch out for @ErinRRichards while you celebrate... @Gotham
@seanpertwee: A very Happy Birthday to my dear friend @ben_mckenzie . A fine Ships Captain & a lovely man indeed!
@donallogue: @realdavidmazouz 's cake for @ben_mckenzie 's bday)

Re: ¡¡¡Nuevo proyecto de la FOX sobre GOTHAM!!!

Publicado: Mar Sep 01, 2015 10:25 pm
por Shelby