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Publicado: Dom Jun 22, 2014 3:31 pm
por Shelby


Publicado: Mar Jun 24, 2014 1:51 am
por Shelby
- Nuevas imágenes BTS de la S2 (23-06-14):

Imagen Imagen

(@HitowerMusic: Mixing #batb 222 last mix of the season. Big sobs all 'round
@HitowerMusic: Mixing #BATB 222. Every frame like a beautiful painting. @stugillard did an amazing job)


Publicado: Mar Jun 24, 2014 12:11 pm
por Shelby
- BatB 2.21 “Operation Fake Date” Extended Promo:


Añadidos los enlaces y rátings del 2.20 "Ever After". Podéis encontrarlos AQUÍ


Publicado: Vie Jun 27, 2014 3:30 am
por Shelby
- BatB 2.22 “Déjà Vu” Stills:

Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen

- EP 365 Interviews Nina Lisandrello of The CW's Beauty and the Beast:



Publicado: Mar Jul 01, 2014 11:36 am
por Shelby
- BatB 2.22 “Deja Vu” Extended Promo:


- BatB "The CW Summer Linup":


Añadidos los enlaces y rátings del 2.21 "Operation Fake Date". Podéis encontrarlos AQUÍ


Publicado: Vie Jul 04, 2014 1:55 am
por Shelby
- Una 'Sobresaliente' pelea y un 'salto de fe' se avecinan en la finale de la Season 2 (TVLine):
Una 'Sobresaliente' pelea y un 'salto de fe' se avecinan en la finale de la Season 2
Por Matt Webb Mitovich / 3 Julio 2014, 9:44 AM PDT

Beauty and the Beast‘s Season 2 finale (airing Monday at 9/8c, The CW) is titled “Deja Vu” in part because it hinges on a rematch between Vincent (played by Jay Ryan) and Beast Gabe. This feral face-off however promises to be bigger and badder than their Season 1-ending skirmish, raising a big question that could inform Catherine (Kristin Kreuk) and Vincent’s future together… or, gulp, apart.

Here, B&TB showrunner Brad Kern shares with TVLine a preview of the sophomore drama’s intense final hour.

TVLINE | So, all season long I’ve been shouting at my TV, “Gabe, just take the serum!” But now that he’s done it, I’m admittedly very afraid.
Be very afraid, Matt…. I mean, Sendhil [Ramamurthy] is a terrific actor and we had a nice journey for him this season where Gabe really was trying to redeem himself, and he gave it his all. I think he actually did something that is almost impossible to do, which is get the audience to at least have some belief that he could actually have turned the corner. But, you are who you are and what’s then fun for us, and hopefully rewarding for the audience, is not to bring the ultimate bad guy out of left field but to bring it full circle back to the end of Season 1, that unfinished business.

TVLINE | You didn’t really get to play with this too much on screen, but in your mind what was the significance of the fact that Gabe took a life as a regular human? Because when he did that, I was like, “Ohhhh, [expletive].”
Yeah, that’s it. Knowing that he was going to beast out at the end of the season, it was important for us to not just have that just suddenly happen but to begin the slide of the character…. We needed him to cross that line as a human impulsively to begin to show that the beast in his heart is still there, setting up for the transformation back to beast.

TVLINE | How would you compare the new Beast Gabe with the one we’ve met before?
Well, he’s much more formidable. When I was hired on the show, I was personally not satisfied with the season [one] finale fight between Beast Vincent and Beast Gabe. I just didn’t think it was cool enough and worthy of two beasts going at it. This year, when we realize the direction we were heading, we wanted to do kind of a sequel but “times 10.” With Gabe possibly even bigger and badder than Vincent, it will force Vincent to test the moral line we’ve established, that if beasts cross they lose their humanity forever. That’s where we wanted this last episode battle to get to. We aren’t just threatening the life of Vincent, we’re threatening his humanity, which threatens his and Catherine’s love…. It’s safe to say that the battle that we’re going to inevitably watch, Vincent and Gabe going up against each other , will be supercharged.

TVLINE | What sort of role does Catherine’s father play in the finale? We see them talking in the promo.
There is a bit of a turn in his relationship with Cat. As everyone knows, he is in prison because he believes that Vincent is a beast and will only become worse and therefore will always be a threat to his precious daughter. But he will have an epiphany of sorts that will help him begin to believe that the love Cat shares does trump all.

TVLINE | Kristin described the finale for me as “emotionally traumatic for everybody.” Did she get it right?
I think so. I’m a big believer that a season finale needs to reward the loyal audience for watching the entire season, that it should be an emotional tsunami that crashes onto the shore and carries through emotionally and even mythologically all of the strands that we were building over the course of the season. I hope the audience agrees with Kristin, because that’s certainly how we feel.

TVLINE | She also said there’s a “big question” to be answered….
There are a lot of big decisions to be made in this episode. There is, I’ll tell you this, a leap of faith. The question is: “Do we take the leap of faith trusting that love will save all, or do we not take that leap?”

TVLINE | You probably won’t get to it in the finale, but will Season 3 be the time to throw some obstacles at JT and Tess (Austin Basis and Nina Lisandrello)?
Oh, there’s plenty of obstacles for JT and Tess in the finale — and going forward for Season 3. JT and Tess have developed their relationship to a point where it is both rewarding for us as writers and for them as actors, but I think the audience is enjoying them as well. Their relationship and the separate characters will continue to grow — if they can survive the finale!

http://tvline.com/2014/07/03/beauty-and ... -showdown/


Publicado: Sab Jul 05, 2014 1:29 pm
por Shelby
- BatB Imágenes BTS del 2.22 “Déjà Vu”:

Imagen Imagen Imagen

(@DesigningAshton: Now who´s that guy
@DesigningAshton: Tha back and the front of the dress for Cat)

Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen

(thanks to @cwbatb & @edcelement)


Publicado: Dom Jul 06, 2014 11:25 am
por Shelby
- Jefe de Beauty and the Beast sobre una cancelación cercana, el cambiar el enfoque y la épica batalla final (TVGuide):
Jefe de Beauty and the Beast sobre una cancelación cercana, el cambiar el enfoque y la épica batalla final
Por Robyn Ross 05 Julio, 2014 06:08 PM ET

It's no secret that the renewal chances for Beauty and the Beast were slim, so when executive producer Brad Kern sat down to write the Season 2 finale he knew the most important thing was to make a satisfying ending for the loyal fans.

"We designed it as a possible series finale and frankly, we saved up a lot of money to be able to make it big and epic in case it was the end," Kern tells TVGuide.com. "We felt we owed the loyal audience a special ending, but we also put in the elements that would allow us to build off of if it if we were lucky enough to get Season 3."

Fortunately, the call came and the show got another life. Now the biggest worry on fans' minds is if Vincent (Jay Ryan) and Catherine (Kristin Kreuk) will survive perhaps the biggest enemy they've yet to face: a super-charged, beastly Gabe (Sendhil Ramamurthy). Who will make it out of the finale alive? What mythology will be explained? And why do Tess (Nina Lisandrello) and J.T. (Austin Basis) fans need to worry? Keep reading to find out.

Congratulations on the renewal! Did you have a feeling the show would get picked up?
Brad Kern: We had no idea. The [season] was shot and in the can and the network [saw] all six episodes that the audience had not seen and that factored into their decision to pick it up. They liked what they saw and where they saw it going and coupled with the loyal fanbase who watched the show week in and week out are the reasons we got the word.

If it was shot as a series ending, is it all wrapped up in a bow?
Kern: The best way to describe it is an emotional roller coaster that ends a chapter of Beauty and the Beast, but hints at the next chapter which will be Season 3.

Vincent and Gabe are going to face off. Is this the biggest fight the show has staged?
Kern: Yes. I was hired after the end of the first season, but I personally felt like the Vincent-Gabe beast fight was not as cool as it could've been. With Vincent super-charged this year and wanting Gabe to be super-charged when we get to the end, it's fair to say the battle this year will be a bigger, more intense battle. It has to be if we're escalating Vincent's powers and the emotional energy behind both Vincent and Gabe vis-à-vis Cat; we wouldn't be doing our jobs if we didn't elevate the final battle.

Do you believe Gabe deep down is a good guy or is he irredeemable?
Kern: I always look for the honest, saving-grace motivation for bad guys. Even Reynolds (Ted Whiitall), who was the bad guy the first half of the season, was just trying to undo the damage he had done to try to save his daughter. He was doing bad things, but he thought for good reasons. For Gabe, Sendhil did such a great job making you really wonder if this guy can be redeemed. He was a nice guy, but you can't change your past. Even as he goes up against Vincent, I personally believe in his warped heart he too believes that if he can't have Cat, then Vincent is bad for Cat and he can't have her either. However warped, he thinks he's doing it for the greater good.

How does Cat factor into their fight?
Kern: Her concern in this last episode is more about Vincent surviving. The only way for Vincent to defeat this new, super-charged Gabe is to lose his humanity, and if he loses his humanity, he loses their love. Her concern is more about that than about Gabe, and she'll have to reach into her own place in the mythology to find the answer.

Will this have to do with the journals that Cat has been reading from her ancestors?
Kern: That's a mythology that will explode in our exploration of it in the season finale. Cat's place, Vincent's place, the journal, Rebecca, the beast creature, everything will come together and be explained and utilized in the season finale. We'll build upon that going forward, but the season finale really leans into Rebecca and the journal and Cat's place in the mythology heavily.

When we spoke in January, you said that Cat and Vincent needed to earn their relationship. Have they yet?
Kern: Unfortunately, when we last spoke, I was still under the impression we were going to air all 22 episodes in a row. I didn't know they'd suspend the last six and had I known that up top, it would've been a whole different design. They just barely got back together again and then we're off the air for two months. So for me, that gap hurts us in terms of trying to show they earned their way back together again. We tried to adjust episodes 17-22 to have them fight for their love and no longer question whether they should or shouldn't be together because that's been answered. The question from 17 going forward is: How do they save their love and get to enjoy what they sacrificed and risked losing to get it back? That journey will continue now into Season 3.

What have you learned this season that you might change going forward?
Kern: It's a different mandate going into Season 3. The mandate going into Season 2 was that the network wanted to do everything to expand and reach out to broader audience. That success was checkered and the audience that continued to watch, thank God, stayed with the show every episode. So, going into the third season, what I've learned ties into what the reality is, which is that people who watch the show are the ones who need to be honored, and if we can reach out to broader audiences, fantastic, but the focus is what the loyal audience likes best and that's Vincent and Catherine.

Finally, everyone seems to love Tess and J.T. together. Will they be put through any struggles next season?
Kern: The most fun part of this job is when you discover things. Austin and Nina are terrific, but together they just have chemistry and it was a pleasant surprise. [CW president] Mark Pedowitz felt the same way. He was against it at first, but then saw it. It's been fun to write, but their ability to continue on in Season 3 depends upon their ability to survive the finale.

So that means some casualties?
Kern: It's definitely safe to say that there will be casualties.

http://www.tvguide.com/News/Beauty-Beas ... 84001.aspx

- Jefe de 'Beauty and the Beast' sobre el 'Tenso' Final y la promesa de una romántica Season 3 (THR):
Jefe de 'Beauty and the Beast' sobre el 'Tenso' Final y la promesa de una romántica Season 3
Por Philiana Ng 07 Julio, 2014 7:00 AM PDT

As the sophomore run nears its end, Beauty and the Beast is looking ahead to season three — and focus will be paid to the central romance between Catherine (Kristin Kreuk) and Vincent (Jay Ryan).

"Now that we have the loyal audience, the goal is to make it more Cat-Vincent centric," executive producer Brad Kern tells The Hollywood Reporter ahead of Monday's finale. "We'll continue to build the mythology. Everything else will service and work around that love."

Production wrapped weeks before The CW renewed Beauty. With the fate of his show unknown at the time, Kern, who had a previous experience on The WB's Charmed, approached the season's final hour with two goals in mind: wrapping up the season-long arc while planting enough seeds to tide viewers over.

The May 8 renewal came as somewhat of a shock — Kern even admitted to being "pleasantly surprised" — but The CW president Mark Pedowitz defended the network's pickup of a low-rated drama (over other bubble shows like The Tomorrow People), crediting a vocal fandom and Beauty's international bite for factoring into the decision to extend its life.

Kern talks to THR about giving Beauty's core audience what they want, focusing on Vincent and Cat's romance and the "tense" season-two closer.

How did you approach the finale, knowing — at the time — the fate of Beauty and the Beast was still up in the air?

We designed the season finale [in a certain way] because we didn’t know we were coming back, and we certainly knew we were on the bubble. Some people were convinced we were coming back. Some people were convinced we were going to be canceled. We designed the season-two finale to do two things: Reward the audience with an epic “series” finale — which we hoped wouldn’t be the case — and plant seeds that we could build off of if there was a season three.

What was your initial reaction?

I was pleasantly surprised [that we were coming] back, but I wasn’t shocked. The network was very happy with the creative direction of season two — they had seen the last six episodes, so they knew what we were doing and where it was headed. That’s something that obviously the audience didn’t know or didn’t see, so that factored into their decision. They know that the show has a very loyal following who watch every episode, and that matters.

Back in May, The CW president Mark Pedowitz called Beauty "a fan favorite" and had strong "social engagement." How much of the fans' response to certain characters, developments and arcs fuel the trajectory of the season?

My job is to keep an eye on what the loyal audience likes, especially on a show like this where there is only the loyal audience, really, who watches on a weekly basis. The mandate from season one to season two was to try to reach out beyond the loyal fan base because the show barely got picked up for season two. We pretty much ended the season with the same amount of viewers, give or take, that we had at the beginning of the season. Now that we’ve tried to reach out beyond the loyal fan base and have had checkered success with that, giving them more of what they want is absolutely something that we want to be doing going forward.

Have you had conversations with the network and studio about ways to expand the core audience next season?

We haven’t had that conversation, but the network wanted us to expand the audience and direction of the show to try to appeal to a broader audience last season. As I said, we pretty much have the same loyal viewers watching every week, but we didn’t really reach beyond it. It’s kind of hard to imagine that we’re going to be able to reach a new audience in season three. I think that my emphasis will be to — as shown in the last six or seven episodes of season two — drive the show’s direction more into what the loyal audience would like to see because that’s who watches the show.

More focus on Vincent and Cat?

It['ll be] mostly about Cat and Vincent’s love. The design last year was to break them apart for a while to try to establish separate characters and to build the separate characters and to bring them back together stronger. The design of the season as kind of interrupted unwittingly. We were supposed to air those last six or seven episodes right after in continuity, and we found out at the last second that they were going to hold those last six episodes. That wasn’t the design. We would have changed the setup if we had known there was going to be a two month break. The goal now is to try and focus on the Cat and Vincent love and challenge it to help them grow as a couple, as opposed to try to break them apart.

Since you also approached the finale sort of like a series closer, how satisfying would it have been for the fans as a finite ending?

On season seven of Charmed, we didn’t know if we were going to be picked up for an eighth season. I had to do a hybrid season finale. You’re kind of neither here nor there. Having learned form that, we tried to make this absolutely rewarding, closing a chapter on the first two years but also setting up what could be the next chapter of their adventure or journey. It’s hard for me to say objectively. We had pitched [The CW] what would happen in season three, but we were working in a vacuum not knowing whether it was the end or if it continued. We’ll leave it to the audience to decide if it would have worked.

You're bringing Nicole Gale Anderson on as a series regular for season three. Will other recurring characters be bumped up?

They all have to survive the season finale first to answer that question. We wanted Nicole back for season two, but she got [ABC Family's now-canceled] Ravenswood. As soon as she was available, we brought her back. We think she’s an important part of the show to develop Cat’s character and her family background better. That’s something we didn’t get to do as much as we wanted to. But Nicole’s a terrific actress and her character is cool. That’s why we grabbed her before she took another series to make sure we got her for season three.

How would you describe the finale?

We have a tense season finale that will hopefully put the audience on the edge of their seats, emotionally as well. I think it’s safe to say that the core of Beauty and the Beast will be what the focus of season three becomes.

http://www.hollywoodreporter.com/live-f ... ale-716563

- Productor de Beauty and the Beast Adelanta el final de la S2, recompensa para los espectadores leales (TVFanatic):
Productor de Beauty and the Beast Adelanta el final de la S2, recompensa para los espectadores leales
Por Carissa Pavlica 07 Julio, 2014 9:00 am.

TV Fanatic: Was the second season finale completed before the renewal, and how did that play out?

Brad Kern: Yeah, it was. We had to write the season finale in a vacuum. We did not know if we were going to come back or not and we knew were actually on the bubble. We designed the last episode to be, frankly, epic because we weren't sure if that was going to be the series finale so we wanted to make sure we did everything we could.

We left nothing in the locker room for this episode in case it was to be the last, but we also laid in some elements during a couple earlier episodes to help us build upon for Season 3. We did not get picked up until after the show was actually edited and in addition to that the audience did not see the last six episodes. The network, however, had the last six episodes and because they liked the direction, that helped us get the pickup.

TVF: The fans are an extraordinarily vocal group. Do they have an impact on the way you write the show or what you feel comfortable writing?

BK: Well, there's kind of two answers to that. One is we're usually so far ahead with stories, scripts and shooting the shows before the audience sees one episode that their immediate impact is not great. For instance, last year we shot six or seven episodes before the audience had seen the first episode, so the season arc, the first third of the season, was already done by the time they saw the first episode. So, in that way, what they like and what they don't like -- if we agree with it or want to -- we can't really incorporate it immediately.

But, the broader answer is that this is an incredibly loyal fan base and though the mandate for Beauty and the Beast Season 2 was to try to broaden the fan base -- as you know, the show barely got picked up for a second season -- the network wanted us to do whatever we could to try to broaden beyond the loyal fan base, which I don't think we were overly successful in doing.

But, because the loyal fans stayed with the show, almost every episode, give or take, had the same viewership for the entire season and was remarkably consistent, which reflected a very loyal fan base. So we certainly listen to what they want and try to give them as much as we can give them while keeping an eye on building a five-year show. We're building elements for what could go next. As we're thinking about Season 3, we're thinking about what could be Season 4 and what could be Season 5.

TVF: They'll like to hear that.

BK​: Yeah, we've been picked up for Season 3, but we were in the writers' room last week and everything we talked about as we start to arc out next season -- and we're here because the network likes the show and the fans are loyal -- is all bout what can we do character wise and story wise to help force the network to pick the show up again for another season. We're always thinking about that.

TVF: Now that Vincent and Cat are back together and you realize perhaps the audience isn't going to expand beyond the type of viewer you already have, will that have some influence on keeping them together romantically and throwing other challenges in their way? Because they do have to be separated at various time to keep it interesting, but their love is demanded at this point.

BK: (Laughs) I agree! Beauty and the Beast Season 1 had everyone trying to figure out what the show is behind the scenes. People can argue from both sides of the picture whether it was a good idea or a bad idea to have Vincent and Cat get together so quickly. That makes it challenging to a long-running series when that happens and because of that -- and the mandate of the network to try to expand the audience -- the obstacle was designed to try to separate Vince and Cat for six or seven episodes to try to explore their separate characters, to have them become stronger separately and to then bring them back together stronger than ever.

Unfortunately for the audience and for us, at the last second the network decided to pull the last six episodes from the audience so they weren't able to get the reward of finally getting back together again and they had to wait for two months plus. Now that they're back together again and now that the loyal audience remains the main audience, going forward our focus, absolutely, is to make the show more Cat/Vincent love-centric. To challenge their love in different ways, but not by splitting them up or tearing them apart.

TVF: That's great! There were some inconsistencies this season, and one of the things everybody wonders is what happened with Vincent's family when he announced that he was alive? Will that ever be addressed?

BK: I mean, that's something we talked about a lot this season and it's admittedly a dropped thread from our point of view. It's challenging to figure out who his family is and where they are to incorporate them into the show. We tried to bring in a nephew, which we did in Beauty and the Beast Season 2 Episode 4 I think, but we didn't really feel like that relationship was worth carrying forward, although we kept looking for Vincent's family.

It's a dropped thread and it was a challenge that we did not meet in this season and we are still trying to figure out how to do that going forward. It gets harder every season because of the simple question; where were they all this time? So, it's been a challenge. This series is very challenging with a lot of balls to juggle and that's one element we weren't successful incorporating.

TVF: I know the theme this year was "Who Am I" and you've mentioned the theme for Season 3 will be "Who Are We." Is that still the idea?

BK: Yeah. I mean, again, the focus of that question is meant to tell the audience that the focus is on Cat and Vincent in Season 3 as they explore what it's like to be a normal couple that has this greater destiny. They've gone through hell and back, Cat and Vincent, but they haven't really dealt with a lot of normal issues yet and that'll be the fun with some of the challenges that we look forward to them working through and dealing with as they deal with the next level of the mythology, which will be in Season 3.

TVF: How do you hope that fans react to the Season 2 finale and let's just throw it in there -- Gabe? Are we going to be happy with how Gabe is featured on Monday?

Well, I can't answer it for the audience, but we feel like we're building the season to a very rewarding finale. As I said earlier, the possibility that it was going to be the series finale effected our decision making in laying out the Season 2 finale, so that if this were to be the end, the loyal audience would find it rewarding in as many ways as we could possibly get them to find it rewarding. It remains to be seen from the audience's eye, but we certainly tried to give them a rewarding season finale, specifically because -- and that involved the Gabe character -- it was possible that this would be the last episode of the series.

TVF: Is it possible, with Cat still not back to the police force, that they might move away from the police aspect and that could be a part of their discovering who they all are, with Cat and Vincent and JT and Tess working together in a different way?

BK: That's a great question and the practical issue is the impediment to that. The show was originally designed as a police procedural and they built a very expensive police precinct. The show doesn't have the money, especially with a 13 episode order, to blow all that up and start from scratch. So, there's a practical element that forces us to keep the cop part of the show in the series. Our goal, however, is to try to expand beyond or to take the show away from the cop world, which we did last year, too, but we have a major precinct set, so there's a practical reality to the way the series was originally built that we have to work with.

TVF: That makes sense. I think people can understand that logic.

BK: Yeah, this isn't Game of Thrones. We don't have $6 million an episode to do whatever we want. We have to work within the parameters of what we have to work with and when a show is originally built as a police show, we might want to get away from that, but in series television, as well as doing 13 episodes as opposed to 22 episodes, we must deal with the element that we inherit.

TVF: What one thing would you like to say to our readers as you end Season 2?

BK: Thank you! Thank you for sticking with the show and being the main reason why we're coming back for Season 3. Our goal for Season 3 is to reward the loyal viewers with a show that focuses more on what it is that they love, which is the love of Cat and Vincent.

http://www.tvfanatic.com/2014/07/beauty ... Yk.twitter


Publicado: Mar Jul 08, 2014 1:32 am
por Shelby
- BatB 2.22 “Déjà Vu” Sneak Peek:

http://www.mtv.com/videos/movies/106015 ... clip.jhtml

Añadidos los enlaces y rátings del 2.22 "Deja Vu". Podéis encontrarlos AQUÍ


Publicado: Lun Jul 14, 2014 8:59 pm
por Shelby
- ‘Beauty and the Beast’, descripción básica de la S3 :
Sinopsis S3: “Cuando la tercera temporada empiece, Cat y Vincent son capaces de centrarse en su amor, libres finalmente de Muirfield, cacerías humanas y bestias. Sin embargo, ese amor será puesto a prueba ya que nuevas y más peligrosas amenazas les aguardan. Cuando sepan que víctimas inocentes están siendo usadas para probar los límites de lo imposible, Cat y Vincent descubrirán una conspiración más profunda, una que Vincent sólo puede luchar convirtiéndose en la bestia que lleva en su interior. Pero el desatar a la bestia puede poner en peligro la vida de Vincent - junto con su amor y el de Cat - ya que están luchando por construir una vida normal juntos”.

http://cartermatt.com/124957/beauty-bea ... ryan-cast/

- Ted Whittall, improbable regreso en la S3:
El actor Ted Whittall, que interpreta al padre biológico de Cat en la serie de la CW "Beauty and the Beast", probablemente no regrese en la S3.

Así lo ha comunicado el mismo actor a través de twitter ante la pregunta de una fan sobre su posible regreso:
@maureenleathwo1: @twhittall: ¿Te veremos de nuevo en la Season 3 o es demasiado pronto para decirlo? ¡Me gusta que hayas tenido tu revelación! LOL ¡Eso espero! #BatB

@twhittall: @maureenleathwo1 No parece probable. ¡Pero he oído que va a ser una gran temporada! #BATB


Publicado: Sab Ago 23, 2014 11:11 am
por Shelby
- Primeras imágenes BTS de la S3 (22-08-14):

Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen

(@Austinbasis: My new apartment in Toronto... #GentlemensClub #BATBseason3 #MayTheForbesBeWithYou
@DesigningAshton: Happy #FeastiesFridays ! Get your Q's ready for 11 am I will b hear to answer them xo #feasties #batb @CW_network
@DesigningAshton: Oops! Someone got his hands on a present. xo #feasties #BATB @CW_network
@DesigningAshton: Up up in The Costume Sky #FeastieFridays #Batb @CW_network @AustinBasis)


Publicado: Vie Ago 29, 2014 2:26 am
por Shelby
- Primeras imágenes bts "VinCat", de Cat y de Tess en la S3 (28-08-14):

Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen

(@JeffRenfroe: ...and we're back! Day 1 Episode 1 on Beauty & the Beast Season 3 #batb
@stugillard: @MsKristinKreuk in the precint - word perfect as always #batb #beasties
@stugillard: And S3 is underway #batb #beasties with my favorite NY cop
@stugillard: Tess back on the beat #batb #beasties)

- Nueva imagen BTS de Jay Ryan el día de su cumpleaños (29-08-14):


(@DesigningAshton: From r BDay Boy xo a big thank u to u all ! # feastieFridays #BATB @CW_network Thanks for your Q's)

- Imágenes bts en el set de la S3 (29-08-14):

Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen

(@stugillard: Day Takes a lot of people to crack a case #batb #beasties
@stugillard: Day Two and Det. Chandler gets tough #batb #beasties
@stugillard: Day Two. Our man @AustinBasis #batb #beasties lookin' sharp
@stugillard: My pal and bad boy backing me up on Day 3 #batb #beasties
@stugillard: Ready to rumble - on the roof and on the run #batb #beasties
@stugillard: Lonely beast #batb #beasties)


Publicado: Vie Sep 05, 2014 9:52 pm
por Shelby
- Nuevas imágenes BTS de la S3 (03-05 Sept 2014):

Imagen Imagen Imagen

(@stugillard: Night in NY #batb #beasties
@stugillard: #batb #beasties - Jay ready to rumble
@stugillard: Cat on the case #batb #beasties)


Publicado: Mar Sep 09, 2014 1:00 am
por Shelby
- Charlotte Arnold estrella ivitada en la Season Premiere de la S3:
La actriz de “Degrassi: The Next Generation” Charlotte Arnold será estrella invitada en la premiere de la Season 3 de “Beauty and the Beast”.

La actriz canadiense de 25 años interpretará a 'Marissa', una afligida belleza del medio-oeste que se encuentra en una desesperada necesidad de auxilio después de que su marido que trabaja como corredor de bolsa comience a mostras un extraño comportamiento violento.

Además de “Degrassi,” Arnold ha aparecido en las películas “Naturally, Sadie” y “The Safety of Objects.”

http://www.thewrap.com/beauty-and-the-b ... -premiere/


Publicado: Jue Sep 11, 2014 11:38 am
por Shelby
- Nueva imagen BTS de la S3 (10-09-14):


(@AustinBasis: Vincent + JT + Video Games =The #BROMANCE is back! @cwbatb @BatBWriters #BATB @JayRyan)