10x21-22 FINALE Spoilers, teorías, posibles argumentos

Spoilers, teorías, posibles argumentos.

Moderadores: Shelby, Lore, Super_House, ZeTa, Trasgo

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Registrado: Sab Nov 07, 2009 1:14 pm

Re: 10x21-22 FINALE Spoilers, teorías, posibles argumentos

Mensaje por emaemo »

Lo de Lex es seguro que lo expliquen, también tengo la impresión de haber visto un fragmento de algo que parecería ser Tess (o alguien muy similar) en los laboratorios de Cadmus apuntando un arma

Mensajes: 32861
Registrado: Dom May 21, 2006 12:15 am

Re: 10x21-22 FINALE Spoilers, teorías, posibles argumentos

Mensaje por Shelby »

La CW ya ha emitido el clip de Lois y Clark. Os lo dejo:

[youtube]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=N-_owwca ... r_embedded[/youtube]

Imagen Imagen
¡¡¡¡AY, OMÁ QUÉ CALORES!!!! ¡Gracias por tu regalo, Nitta!

Mensajes: 284
Registrado: Sab Dic 09, 2006 12:32 pm

Re: 10x21-22 FINALE Spoilers, teorías, posibles argumentos

Mensaje por K-Fabio »

Pff...vamos a ver....

Ayer madrugada visito el foro y todo seguia igual...hoy llego a casa y me encuentro con nuevo diseño, con estos trailers y promos espeluznantes y con un clip del final...y casi me da un soponcio...

Apokolips, Tess parece que "muerta" en los brazos de Lex, Jonathan entregándole el traje a Lex...la boda, Oliver con el anillo de kryptonita dorada...

Aún me estoy recuperando de tanta informacion y de todo esto...las escenas del apocalipsis parecen estar muy bien hechas...

Y al final John Schneider tendra lo que dijo...un final entregandole el traje a su hijo!!!!No dijo eso en una entrevista que seria su final favorito?jajaja :smt005

Mensajes: 38
Registrado: Dom May 14, 2006 8:56 pm

Re: 10x21-22 FINALE Spoilers, teorías, posibles argumentos

Mensaje por yurena »

a mi me ha pasado igual K-fabio!! que pasada de trailerssss :shock: :shock: :shock: aún estoy que lo flipo!!parece que el final si que lo van a tener bien montado después de todo!!!!! qué bien! a ver que nos van sacando durante la semana para que se nos haga más llevadera. mxx gracias por los videos en todas sus versiones :smt005 :lol: Esto pinta bien chicosss!!! :super09 :super05

Mensajes: 2216
Registrado: Vie Sep 19, 2008 7:49 pm

Re: 10x21-22 FINALE Spoilers, teorías, posibles argumentos

Mensaje por Nitta »

Madremía! Estoy en shock con los dos trailers de space channel! :shock: Oliver con el anillo que seguramente le habrá hecho algo con la kryptonita dorada, Tess muerta? a manos de Lex, Apokolips?, Jonathan entregándole el traje a Clark... Ufff! Y ese niño al que Chloe le está contando la historia de Clark? Qué signifca eso? Y quien és ese niño? Hijo de Lois y Clark?

Dios! A mi me va a dar algo. 4 días para el final, aún no puedo creermelo... :cry:

Shelby escribió:* El final de la serie mostrará una boda entre Kent y Lois Lane (Erica Durance), ¿pero serán declarados marido y mujer? Welling le dijo a ScreenRant.com que Clark está “destinado a estar solo. Es la carga del héroe.”
Y esto? Supongo que és aquella respuesta de Tom que fue manipulada y sacada de contexto, verdad? :roll: Que en realidad lo que dijo Tom és que ambos piensan que el destino de Clark és estar solo por la responsabilidad del héroe, pero en el episodio final descubren que no és así y que hay un futuro entre ellos.

Gracias por el clip, Muna. :smt058

Imagen Imagen
Hasta siempre, Smallville...

Mensajes: 32861
Registrado: Dom May 21, 2006 12:15 am

Re: 10x21-22 FINALE Spoilers, teorías, posibles argumentos

Mensaje por Shelby »

Imagen Imagen
¡¡¡¡AY, OMÁ QUÉ CALORES!!!! ¡Gracias por tu regalo, Nitta!

Lionel Luthor
Lionel Luthor
Mensajes: 128
Registrado: Vie Feb 08, 2008 4:57 am

Re: 10x21-22 FINALE Spoilers, teorías, posibles argumentos

Mensaje por mariesv »

Que bueno es ver a Lex de vuelta... :smt007 que mal que se acabe :( :smt022

Creditos: LaloLouis

Mensajes: 32861
Registrado: Dom May 21, 2006 12:15 am

Re: 10x21-22 FINALE Spoilers, teorías, posibles argumentos

Mensaje por Shelby »

- ACTUALIZADO 09/05/11: (Spoiler Chat, E!Online) For the last time, after 10 great years, Smallville fans need spoilers, Clark or Clois would be nice! Thanks! - Badgone82
Jeez, way to make us tear up at the reality of the situation. Smallville is almost over! How about this, if we happen to be talking to the entire cast say, oh, we don't know, tomorrow…would you all be willing to send us your questions? Now it's our turn to thank you in advance. Let those Q's rip in the comments!

("Por última vez, tras 10 grandes años, los fans de Smallville necesitan spoilers, ¡de Clark o de Clois sería estupendo!
Dios, qué manera de hacernos llorar ante la realidad de la situación. ¡Smallville casi ha terminado! Qué tal esto... si pasara que vamos a hablar con todo el cast digamos, oj, no sé, mañana... ¿estarías deseando mandarnos vuestras preguntas? Ahora es nuestro turno de daros las gracias adelantadas. ¡Dejad esas preguntas en los comentarios!")

Anything about Smallville's series finale would be good - elisabeth_brj
Just have your Superman patterned hankies ready. If Cassidy Freeman is going to cry, then you know you will be bawling, too. "I will cry! And I hope [the fans] cry tears of happiness," she says to us. "It's emotional. Anything ending after 10 years…It's a long time. But that is why we have DVD box sets!" And that's also why we have box sets marathons.

("Cualquier cosa sobre la final de Smallville estaría bien.
Tan sólo tened preparados vuestros pañuelos de Supermán. Si Cassidy Freeman va a llorar, esntonces sabéis que estaréis balbuceando también. '¡Yo lloraré! Y espero que los fans lloren de felicidad', nos dijo. 'Es emocional. Cualquier cosa tras 10 años... Es mucho tiempo. ¡Pero eso es por lo que tenemos los DVD!' Y eso es también por lo que tenemos maratones de DVD")

http://uk.eonline.com/uberblog/watch_wi ... mpire.html?

[youtube]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tHkON34j ... r_embedded[/youtube]

- Kriptonsite ha emitido los scans de otro pequeño web clip:

Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen

Imagen Imagen
¡¡¡¡AY, OMÁ QUÉ CALORES!!!! ¡Gracias por tu regalo, Nitta!

Clark Kent
Clark Kent
Mensajes: 1279
Registrado: Vie Sep 04, 2009 11:47 pm
Ubicación: Venezuela

Re: 10x21-22 FINALE Spoilers, teorías, posibles argumentos

Mensaje por Alexakent »

Gracias muna Dios No quiero mas trailerr ... Vemos a Ollie completamente sirviendo a darkseid... Es confuso por la Fotos previas me hace ver que la boda sera ya en el final Tambien creo que el punto debil de ollie sera chloe, y la k dorada se desconoce que poder ejerce en este clark kent porque el de quitarte sus poderes permanentemente no es por el cap de luthor... :super11

- Clarkista 100% - esperando que vuele :)

Lois Lane
Lois Lane
Mensajes: 788
Registrado: Sab Sep 04, 2010 3:55 pm
Ubicación: Flotando en el granero...

Re: 10x21-22 FINALE Spoilers, teorías, posibles argumentos

Mensaje por NuLane »

Madre mía cuantos clips!! A este paso vamos a ver la final entera a base de pequeños clips. :smt005 :smt005

Por el último que hemos visto parece que Oliver la va a liar gorda en la ceremonia, supongo que era mucho pedir tener una boda tranquila y relajada. :smt005

Imagen Imagen
Hawkman: Good, you're here. I've got something for you.
gifs: onebreath

Lana Lang
Lana Lang
Mensajes: 375
Registrado: Vie Mar 20, 2009 7:10 am
Ubicación: en algun lugar de mexico

Re: 10x21-22 FINALE Spoilers, teorías, posibles argumentos

Mensaje por erica_lane »

pobre tess, como llora, que le estaran haciendo a la pobre,
pero si se casaran o no, pero parece que si se pone el anillo
clark, hay Dios por mas que digo que no voy a ver mas trailer
me gana

avatar KatherineKent y gifs onebreath gracias

Mensajes: 32861
Registrado: Dom May 21, 2006 12:15 am

Re: 10x21-22 FINALE Spoilers, teorías, posibles argumentos

Mensaje por Shelby »

Jopeeeeeeeeeee... ya empezamos y no es viernes... :smt022 :smt022 :smt022

- ACTUALIZADO 10/05/11: (twitter) Pequeños datos sobre el final en relación a la rueda de prensa de Brian y Kelly de hoy.
@danielletbd: To all of the Chloe fans who sent me questions I have been told there is a "jewel" in the finale for her/the mythology that no one else gets
("Para todos los fans de Chloe que me enviaron preguntas me han dicho que hay una "joya" en el final para ella/la mitología que nadie más consigue")

@kryptonsite: Will the #Smallville finale have any flash-forwards? "That will be answered in the first five minutes of the show," they say
("¿Habrá algún flash-forward en el final de Smallville? 'Eso será contestado en los primeros cinco minutos de la serie', han dicho")

@kryptonsite: & will we hear the J. Williams Superman theme? Brian P. is coy but he answers "that will be answered in the last 5 minutes."
(" ¿y oiremos el tema de Supermán de John Williams? Brian Peterson es reservado pero contesta 'eso será contestado en los últimos 5 minutos")

@kryptonsite: And assuming things don't change, it's Tom Welling who says "and now, the series finale of #Smallville."
("Y asumiendo que las cosas no cambien, es Tom Welling el que dice 'y ahora, el final de la serie de Smallville")

- ¡Los Productores Ejecutivos de Smallville Hablan sobre sus Personajes Favoritos que Regresan en la Finale! (K-Site):
¡Los Productores Ejecutivos de Smallville Hablan sobre sus Personajes Favoritos que Regresan en la Finale!
Por Craig Byrne 10 de Mayo, 2011

El episodio final de Smallville se emite el Viernes, y esta mañana, la CW realizó una rueda de prensa con los productores ejecutivos Kelly Souders y Brian Peterson.

Antes de la sesión de preguntas, mostraron algunos clips de la finale, incluído el regreso de Michael Rosenbaum a la serie, el cual se ve absolutamente fantástico.

Seguramente leeréis mucho más de esta sesión de preguntas en KryptonSite y en otros medios en los días seiguientes hasta el 13 de Mayo. Por hoy, hemos decidido centrarnos en el regreso de los avoritos que están volviendo para el último show - una lista que incluye a Michael Rsoenbaum como Lex, Annette O'Toole como Martha, Allison Mack como Chloe, John Schneider como Jonathan (¿quizás?), y John Glover como Lionel Luthor.

"Realmente queríamos manetener esta dinal de Clark," adelanta Peterson, aunque añade que Lex juega un "muy interesante papel." "Hay un par de grandes giros con Lex," revela Brian, añadiendo que hay más sorpresas más allá de ese clip que nos han mostrado y que implican que Lex quiere ayudar a Clark a derrotar a Darkseid.

¿Por qué querría el Gran Malo de Smallville hacer algo que parezca ser bueno? "Cuando estábamos pensando sobre el regreso de Rosenbaum y cuál era nuestro propósito de Lex en Smallville, siempre no es como esperabas, y mucho más humano y emocional," dice Kelly Souders. "Realmente queríamos regresar al piloto y sabíamos que había ese chico que apareció y que era totalmente agradable, y super simpático, y tan sólo queríamos agradecerle a ese chico por salvar su vida.' Van a ir hacia ser grandes enemigos, así es que ¿cuál es ese momento central de nuestro Lex Luthor y nuestro Clark Kent, y cómo cerramos la relación que ha estado tan complicada y tan mezclada de emociones surante diez años?" adelanta.

Otro gran regreso en el final es John Schneider, viéndose mucho más que vivo como Jonathan Kent en algunas de las stills promocionales del episodio. ¿Qué tipo de papel jugará en el final? "Pienso que se hará realmente claro, qué papel juega Johnathan y por qué él aparece de la manera en que lo hace en este episodio. Cada vez que veo ciertos momentos con Jonathan, definitivamente tengo lágrimas en los ojos," dice Kelly.

"Nosotros le pusimos muy a propósito la plataforma a su papel en el final con lo que hicimos en la premiere este año, con esa escena final que Clark tuvo con él en Lazarus. Todo el punto era el terminar la temporada final con Jonathan," añade Brian.

También regresa tras lo que muchos pensaban que sería su último episodio en "Fortune" Allison Mack como Chloe Sullivan. Brian Peterson está al tanto de que muchos de los fans de toda la vida de la serie quieren saber dónde terminará su personaje. "Hay muchas maneras distintas en las que la gente quiere que termine Chloe, y así servimos a su personaje de una manera que es correcta para quién es y en quién se está convirtiendo," dice Brian, añadiendo que "ella tiene un gran momento con Clark en donde la vemos brillar."

Kelly Souders añade que el episodio también explicará cómo Chloe interactúa con toda la mitología. "Los fans de Chloe definitivamente deben estar en antena durante toda la serie," bromea.

"Hay una cierta cosa que le damos a ella que nadie consigue," añade Brian.

Una persona que no estará presente para el episodio final es Kristin Kreuk como Lana. 2Pienso que su papel habría estado mucho mejor en el episodio 200, porque era sobre reuniones y era sobre el instituto y todo eso," explica Brian. "Una vez que aquello pasó y que nos dimos cuenta de que no íbamos a tenrala para eso porque no estaba disponible, no seguimos el hilo de Kristin."

http://www.kryptonsite.com/finale-kelly ... urning.htm

- Final de la Serie de SMALLVILLE: Spoilers y Especulaciones (Daemonstv.com):
Final de la Serie de SMALLVILLE: Spoilers y Especulaciones

Esta mañana di un viaje a la CW no sólo para echar un vistazo al final de la serie (snif) de SMALLVILLE, sino también para hablar con los productores ejecutivos Brian Peterson y Kelly Souders sobre el altamente anticipado final.

El sneak peek era una promo especial de la final preparada específicamente para la prensa que atendía al evento (lo siento no es algo que llegaréis a ver), pero dicho esto puedo hacer lo mejor que sigue, hablar de lo que vi.

Me han dado luz verde para compartir con vosotros algunas cosas de las que fueron mostradas en la promo, así es que he aquí algunos spoilers y especulaciones sobre la final de la serie de Smallville basados en lo que se mostró. No es necesario decir, que su quieres que todo sea una sorpresa, ¡para de leer ahora!

- El apocalipsis de Darkseid no está viniendo, ¡ya está aquí!

- Un planeta oscuro y en llamas se está aproximando a la Tierra para engullirla.

- Fans de Lois y Clark, no os preocupéis, él no dejará que Lois se vaya tan fácilmente. De hecho, puedo deciros que veremos a Lois vestida de novia. Sin embargo, parece que algún disturbio puede cortar pronto la boda.

- ¡Chloe está de vuelta! E intenta convencer a Lois de que esté con Clark.

- Habrá algún tipo de lucha entre Oliver y Clark, al menos Oliver golpeará a Clark a través de una ventana.

- Descubrimos que mucha gente tiene el símbolo Omega señalado en ellos, cuando Clark usa su visión para escanear a la gente en el Daily Planet. Es una imagen bastante espeluznante de ver.

- En algún momento, un avión cae. (¡Juro que tuve un flashback de Lost cuando vi eso!)

- Jonathan Kent hará una aparición y por lo que Peterson y Souders dicen, su presencia será explicada.

- Lionel Luthor hace una aparición y parece ser parte de lo que ayuda a Lex Luthor a regresar. Desafortunadamente, hemos jurado mantener el secreto en cuanto a qué es lo que exactamente ayuda a traer de vuelta a Lex, así es que eso es lo único que puedo decir sobre eso.

- Tess verá a Lex.

- Por supuesto, después de que todas las previews se muestran, sabemos que Lex regresa en el final, pero lo que puede que no sepáis es que él llama a Clark, Kal-El…

- Quote de Lex: “Todo villano es sólo tan grande como su héroe.”

- ¡¡¡¿Es eso Clark volando?!!! Ok puede que no, pero estoy muy seguro de que era él flotando, lo que me lleva a decir... que volará.

- La preview termina con una voz muy dramática diciendo “¡Hijo, es el momento!” mientras que nos muestran el traje de Supermán en el hielo.

¡¡Tengo escalofríos!!

Y esto es sólo parte de ello. Brian Peterson y Kelly Souders tienen muchas más cosas que decir, pero eso se pondrá más cerca del final. espero que lo que os he dado sea suficiente para digerir.

http://www.daemonstv.com/2011/05/10/sma ... culations/

- 'Repleta' Primicia del Final de Smallville: ¡Una 'Joya' de Despedida! ¡Grandes Regresos! ¡¿Flash Forwards?! (TVLine.com):
'Repleta' Primicia del Final de Smallville: ¡Una 'Joya' de Despedida! ¡Grandes Regresos! ¡¿Flash Forwards?!
Por Megan Masters 10 de Mayo, 2011 02:21 PM PDT

With just a few days remaining between now and Smallville‘s two-hour series finale (Friday at 8/7c), the showrunners behind The CW’s superhero epic took some time on Tuesday to talk to reporters about what to expect when all is said and done. Which moments will “wow” when Clark and Lois walk down the aisle? What’s really behind Lex’s return? Will Chloe get the sendoff she deserves? And what deleted scenes might make it onto DVD? Here are the slightly-spoilerly teases Brian Peterson and Kelly Souders were willing to part with.

QUESTION | Having just seen a snippet from the finale, it’s safe to say it was huge undertaking with tons of story to tell. How would you describe it?
Souders: It’s two hours, jampacked. You don’t feel like you’re just waiting for the last two minutes of the episode.

QUESTION | Besides the more recognizable ones, were there any small standout moments in the finale?
Souders: There are a couple of moments in the church, particularly when Lois is about to walk down the aisle. Actually, I’m just going to say I have a couple of favorite moments on the actual aisle.
Peterson: And there’s a very good scene with a door that is probably one of everybody’s favorite scenes in the show. There’s one shot, and that is the Smallville shot — you’ll see it and you’ll know it immediately. We needed it in the finale.

QUESTION | Can you talk a little about the emotional impact of the finale. What do you expect fans to come away with?
Peterson: We didn’t want to just do an ending, we wanted to do a beginning. What we were aiming for was giving people the emotion of what’s to come since the end of this show lines up with every movie and a lot of other things. Unlike other shows, we know where the story goes, so it’s a hand-off to those other pieces of mythology, rather than just an ending.

QUESTION | Will there be any glimpses into the future in the finale?
Peterson: That will be answered in the first five minutes of the show.

QUESTION | Will we hear the John Williams “Superman” score?
Peterson: That will be answered in the last five minutes of the show.

QUESTION | After previewing a few of Lex’s finale scenes, he appears to be a changed man.
Peterson: Lex plays a very interesting role, and there are big twists with him that will surprise you.
Souders: Obviously, because Michael Rosenbaum hasn’t been on the show for the past couple of years, we needed to tie up a lot in this one episode. So for us, Lex’s purpose [in the finale] was much more human and emotional than any of us would have expected. We went back to the pilot to look at that guy who was totally personable and sympathetic, and just wanted to thank someone for saving his life.

QUESTION | How did your plans for the Lex storyline change once you knew Rosenbaum would return?
Souders: In some ways it was pretty similar. He just would have been a puppeteer behind the scenes.
Peterson: It would have been a reveal at the end of the show, rather than seeing a good scene with him and Clark.

QUESTION | Talk a little about Jonathan Kent’s return.
Souders: It will become really clear what role Jonathan plays and why he shows up the way he does in this episode. Every time I see certain moments with Jonathan, I get a tear in my eye.
Peterson: We purposely platformed Jonathan’s role in the finale with what we did in “Lazarus,” the premiere of this season. The whole point was to bookend the season, and he’s introduced in that same type of way.

QUESTION | What can you tease about Chloe’s Smallville sendoff?
Peterson: There are a lot of different ways people want Chloe’s story to end, so we service her character in a way that is right for who she was and who she’s becoming. And she has one big moment with Clark where we get to see her shine.
Souders: Also, how she interacts with the mythology. And I will say that Chloe fans should definitely stay tuned through the whole show. There’s a jewel.
Peterson: There’s a certain thing we gave her that nobody else got.

QUESTION | What does Oliver’s final journey consist of?
Peterson: He has a big heroic moment, a big arc, and some complications.
Souders: The finale defines Clark and Oliver’s relationship, and what it means to both of them. There’s a really great moment where you see their friendship and that bond, and that’s what’s going to keep them going in the future.

QUESTION | So much has been said and written about the finale…. Is there any particular reveal that you’re surprised hasn’t leaked out yet? And if so, any hints?
Souders: I’m kind of surprised everything hasn’t leaked!
Peterson: There’s one shot that leaked, in the Fortress, that I wasn’t surprised about because it’s a great shot. But we didn’t like that it leaked.
Souders: There’s a lot of moments throughout that we wanted to be sure people were watching for the first time. You know, once you see something, you start speculating, and when you get to that moment, it may not be anything like what was represented in that shot. It’s the last two hours, and we just want people to enjoy it.

QUESTION | Did any time or money constraints hold you back from including certain things in the finale?
Souders: We would have liked to see the Justice League more. But what it came down to was that the finale had a lot of people in it, and at a certain point, you tip the scale and are no longer servicing the people who are onscreen. There were a lot of beloved characters we would have loved to see again, but weren’t able to bring back. In general, we were pretty happy with everything we were able to do.
Peterson: That said, I think the finale hits 80 to 90 percent of what everyone will want, more so than any other episode we’ve done.

QUESTION | Are there things you would have liked to include in the finale, or had to cut short, that may be a part of the Season 10 or complete series DVDs?
Souders: This [complete series] DVD set is insane! I think it’s the biggest one Warner Bros. has ever put out.
Peterson: We’ve seen the whole series and it’s really cool looking. They’ve gone back and interviewed people who were on the first season with us. We thought at one point that we would be short on footage for the finale, so we wrote a couple of scenes with some of the Darkseid mythology, which ended up not making it into the finale. So, those might end up on the DVD somewhere.

QUESTION | Is there any talk of a Smallville spinoff floating about?
Souders: We haven’t talked about it, to be honest. We’ve had our head pretty buried in the show. But obviously it’s a bunch of beloved characters or they wouldn’t been around for a decade.

QUESTION | What do you hope people take away from Smallville?
Souders: I think it’s the theme that emerged this year: Believe in heroes. That’s become incredibly important to us.

http://www.tvline.com/2011/05/smallvile ... ale-scoop/
- ¡Jefes de Smallville Bosses Revelan Secretos del Final de la Serie! (E!Online):
¡Jefes de Smallville Bosses Revelan Secretos del Final de la Serie!
Por Jenna Mullins 10 de Mayo, 2011 1:48 PM PDT

If we don't write about the final episode of Smallville, does that mean it's not really happening? No? Damn.

Unfortunately, TV doesn't quite work that way. But on the plus side, ending a fan-favorite show like Smallville after 10 seasons means that the two-hour send-off is going to be epic. Just how epic will the finale be? Executive producers Kelly Souders and Brian Peterson talked to the press today about what's coming up for Smallville's exciting conclusion, and we know this scoop will only get fans more excited for Friday...

Favorite Moments from the Finale
Kelly Souders: When Lois (Erica Durance) is about to walk down the aisle...I'll just say I have a couple great favorite moments just on the aisle.
Brian Peterson: And there's a very good scene with a door. It's probably one of everybody's favorite scene in the show. There's one shot that is just like the Smallville shot. You'll see it and you're like, 'this is what we needed in the finale.' And you'll know it the second you see it.

Lex Luthor's Return
B.P.: We really wanted to keep this Clark's (Tom Welling) finale. But Lex (Michael Rosenbaum) plays a very interesting role and there a couple of big twists with Lex.
K.S.: They're going to go on to be huge enemies, so [we'll answer] what's pivotal in this moment that's our Lex Luthor and our Clark Kent? And how do we wrap up the relationship that's been so complicated and so mixed with emotions for ten years?
Smallville, Alison Mack, Justin Hartley Jack Rowand/The CW

Chloe's Storyline
B.P.: I think there are a lot of different ways people want Chloe (Allison Mack) to end, and so we, I think, serviced her character in a way that is right for who she was and who she's becoming. And she has one big moment with Clark where we get to see her shine.
K.S.: And I will say that Chloe fans should definitely stay tune through the entire show. There's a jewel.
B.P.: Yes, there's a certain thing that we did for her that nobody [else] got.

Oliver's Storyline
B.P.: He has a big heroic moment, he has a big arc, he has some complications. Hopefully people feel satisfied with the little conclusion in the finale.
K.S.: You really see what an impact that these heroes coming together has made on him and having Clark as a friend. It's very clear in this episode…it defines that relationship and what it means to both of them. And there's a really great moment and you really see their friendship and that bond, and that's what's going to get them through a lot of hard times in the future.

B.P.: That will be answered in the first five minutes of the show.

The John Williams Score?
B.P.: That will be answered in the last five minutes [of the finale].
Smallville, Tom Welling Jack Rowand/The CW

What to Put into the Finale?
B.P.: We know we'll never hit anything. It's impossible. I think the finale hit 80 to 90 percent of what everybody is going to want. More than almost any other episode we've done, I think.

The Final Moments
K.S.: I still get really choked up, just because it feels like there is such a history. You're ending a whole period of your life that you know you will never ever get to go back to that just had highs and lows, but was just so spectacular in every way. It just won't ever be duplicated in that same way, so it's pretty emotional.
B.P.: We also didn't just want to do an ending; we wanted to do a beginning a little bit. And so I think what we were aiming for was giving people the emotion of knowing what's to come because the end of this show lines up with every movie, a lot of comic books, a lot of other things. Unlike a lot shows, we know where this story goes. And so it's kind of a handoff to those other pieces of canon and those other pieces of mythology, rather than just an ending.

Smallville fans, we were lucky enough to see some footage from the finale, and we are so happy to report that we hit every emotion on the TV-watching scale: chills, tears, smiles, gasping, laughing, goosebumps and more tears. And that was all from only three minutes of footage!

How are you all celebrating/mourning the ending of Smallville? Let's all head down to the comments to speculate...one last time.

http://uk.eonline.com/uberblog/watch_wi ... inale.html
- 'Smallville' terminará con la promesa de muchos nuevos comienzos (examiner.com):
'Smallville' terminará con la promesa de muchos nuevos comienzos
Por Danielle Turchiano 10 de Mayo, 2011 1:13 pm PT

You've already seen the promotional photos. You've already seen the trailer. How much more teasing from Smallville's series finale could you possibly need!?

Okay, we're just kidding. We know that as diehard fans, many of whom who have been with the show since before the pilot ever even aired, you want to gobble up as much information as possible. And we can't blame you. But before we offer you this series finale preview, we want to preface it by saying that sometimes the moment you see in a clip or a photo is not what it appears to be. You see just a single image, and as a fan with theories and hopes ruminating in your own mind, you begin to apply context-- what you think it means, what you hope it means, maybe even what you fear it means. And then when you see the actual result, well, it might not live up to your expectations.

We warn you to consider that before reading any further. But even with that warning, we must admit: we have a feeling just about every fan of Smallville is going to be left thinking the ending was as strong and solid as Superman himself. After all, it's not really an ending anyway; it's just the beginning of his heroic saga.

Earlier today Warner Brothers and The CW invited members of the entertainment media out to Burbank CA to screen a specially cut promotional trailer for the two-hour series finale which will air on Friday, May 13th.

"This was a huge endeavor, and there were a lot of challenges, so in a way a huge weight has been lifted," series executive producer Brian Peterson laughed, kicking off the mini press conference.

Peterson and his showrunner partner Kelly Souders obviously have their own favorite moments from the episode, which very few in the room could discuss without getting a little misty-eyed, but they were reluctant to give away too much and ruin the beauty of just seeing it play out.

"There's a couple of moments in the church-- there's one when Lois is about to walk down the aisle. The aisle is quite-- I'll just say the aisle. I have a couple of great, favorite moments there."

"And then there's a very good scene with a door!" Peterson piped up, laughing again. "There's one shot; it's like "the [quintessential] Smallville shot". You'll see it, and you'll know it the second you see it."

Though many of the interpersonal moments between characters are being hidden until the episode airs (and the final cut is still being mixed as we print this anyway), there are a few things we can report that we know you will enjoy:

First and foremost, regardless of who has come and gone over the years, the finale is truly Clark (Tom Welling)'s story. That means that yes, we will see him fly (or at least hover, as the case may be), and of course we will see the iconic Superman suit. Look for the latter to have a pivotal moment that seems to come in the last five minutes of the finale, along with some very emotional John Williams score (could we expect anything less!?).

"It is jam-packed!" Souders promised. "I think there was a lot of prep that went in with the mindset that it was challenging. It was challenging when the first script went out, and people kept adding more to the table. Our crew, our cast, they're just tireless about wanting to make something the greatest it can be."

And this meant that, yes, a whole bunch was left on the cutting room floor, including a couple of Darkseid mythology scenes that in the end couldn't make the episode because it was straying too much from Clark's journey and Clark's story. But perhaps they'll find a home on the DVD...

But more than that, Clark is at a point in his life that many, even those who are not superheroes, can relate to. He was a boy turned man who is now about to become Superman, and this means he is looking around at his life and relationships and trying to see exactly where and how he fits.

"I think that final step of trying to figure out, as an adult, like, are you friends with your parents or are your parents still your parents-- he's really trying to figure out his relationships as he finally takes his steps to complete his manhood or his Superman-hood. It's a complication in his life," Souders said.

Enter one major complication: a long-beloved Smallville villain!

Though the production only had Michael Rosenbaum for one day, they made that day count! Lex' return is soon-to-be iconic for its how, but also of course, its why. He may have once declared that he was the "villian of this story," but things have become so much bigger than him in his time away. For once he and Clark kind of, sort of find themselves on the same side-- at least when up against the impending Darkseid apocalypse.

"What is his purpose was always not quite what you expected and always sort of more human and emotional than any of us starting out on the Smallville series would have expected, and we really went back in the pilot and thought 'Here's that guy who showed up and was really personable and super sympathetic and just wanted to thank a guy for saving his life' and so when we looked at having him back in the finale, it was the same thing. They're going to go on to be huge enemies, but what is it that is pivotal Lex Luthor and Clark Kent and how can we wrap up the relationship that's so complicated and mixed with emotions for ten years?" Souders previewed.

But of course it can't end with a hug and a handshake!

"There are a couple of big twists with Lex," Peterson promised.

Chloe (Allison Mack) is back for the wedding, but more than that she has a hand in helping Lois (Erica Durance) see the error of her ways canceling the wedding in the first place. With a classic Chloe quip, an earnest smile, and a genuine interest in seeing her friends end up happy, she ultimately succeeds in getting her pals to the aisle and then stands up for them in the church.

"I think there a lot of different ways people want Chloe to end," Peterson pointed out, "but I think we service her character in a way that is right for who she was and who she is becoming. And she has one kind of big moment with Clark where we get to see her and how she interacts with the overall mythology."

But Souders also said that Chloe fans are in for a larger treat because she will have a "jewel" in the finale (stay tuned through the whole show!) that no one else does. Cryptic, yes, of course, but seeing as how things aren't looking so good for Oliver (Justin Hartley), who has been marked, it's still nice to see quite a few of these characters have happy moments, isn't it?

The first five minutes of the episode will flash into the future to show off what happiness may look like for the good people of Smallville. Well, a few of them anyway.

http://www.examiner.com/tv-insider-in-l ... beginnings
- Mega-Preview del Final de Smallville (IGN.com):
Mega-Preview del Final de Smallville
Vimos material del episodio final y conseguimos un montón de información sobre lo que podemos esperar del regreso de Lex Luthor y más.
Por Eric Goldman US, 10 de Mayo, 2011

In just three days, Smallville comes to an end, after an incredibly impressive ten-season run. Today, I was among a group of press who went to The CW offices to get a special sneak preview of the finale and get some info from executive producers/showrunners Brian Peterson and Kelly Souders about what to expect in the two-hour conclusion.

Keep in mind, we were not shown the entire finale, just a quick montage of scenes, lasting a few minutes, nor anything from the end of the episode. But obviously, if you want to go in completely blind, you'll want to look away now, because there are going to be some spoilers ahead – though producer-approved ones!

The clips included:
Tess speaking to Granny Goodness, telling her she'd never join her. Granny then brings up the coming of Apokolips, saying, "It's not coming, Lutessa. It's upon us.'

Martha telling Clark that when she sent him the deed for the farm, she didn't mean for him to sell it. Clark argues with Martha, telling her they need to put aside their past. We see Clark looking at a photo of Martha and Jonathan and Jonathan's face appears in the reflection in the glass… and as Clark walks away from Martha, we see (but Clark and Martha don't) Jonathan standing there, looking concerned.

Lois telling Clark, "Some things you just can't fix," and Clark telling her if she really intends to call off the wedding, "You're going to have to leave me at the altar."

At the Daily Planet, Chloe trying to convince Lois to go through with the wedding. When Lois brings up all the people Clark needs to help, Chloe tells Lois, "He can't listen all the time, Lois. He's not God." She says that when Clark finally takes flight, he'll need Lois "to ground him."

In a busy room at the Planet, Lois asking Clark, "How many are marked?" Clark uses his X-Ray vision and sees almost the entire room has the omega symbol on their head and tells Lois, "More than you want to know."

Lionel telling Tess, "When the day is done, the Luthor name will be resurrected," and that Lex has a survived via a clone, made up of the best parts of himself. There was also another thing Lionel revealed here about Lex that is the one thing we saw in the footage we were asked not to talk about… (Sorry, guys!)

Lex Luthor confronting Clark in the burnt out Luthor mansion, telling him, "I can't say I love what you've done to the place." Lex tells Clark, "Out story hasn't been written yet, Kal-El," adding, "Every villain is only as great as his hero." Lex then reveals he knows about Darkseid and Apokolips and that Clark is needed to stop it – insinuating he wants Clark to save the day for all of Earth, before the two of them can commence their own battle. He tells Clark the Veritas journals spoke of a "chosen savior." When Clark says he alone can't stop Darkseid, Lex replies, "We both know who can."

While driving, Tess's car is run off the road and she is surrounded by men with guns. We also see her in a lab, showing her formidable fighting skills as she fights a man, pinning him down with her leg. We also see Tess walk into her office and her chair swivels around in front of her, revealing Lex sitting waiting for her.

At what looks to be Lois and Clark's wedding, Oliver hits someone, sending them smashing through a window – it was a quick shot, but it may have been Clark. We also see what appears to be Oliver (in his full Green Arrow costume) and Granny Goodness facing off.

There are a lot of appropriately apocalyptic shots for the aptly named Apokolips, as the entire planet approaches Earth – and the sky above the Daily Planet becomes red and hell-like, as a plane careens towards the ground.

The clips ended with some very intriguing shots – including one of Clark floating (flying?) high above the ground, and another of Clark running up the stairs at the Daily Planet, unbuttoning his shirt. Lastly, we hear the voice of Jonathan saying, "Son, it's time," over a shot of the Superman costume inside the Fortress of Solitude. So what else was revealed during the subsequent Q&A with Peterson and Souders? Let's take it topic by topic…

Lex Luthor
I asked the showrunners just how down to the wire it came to signing Michael Rosenbaum to return for the finale and Souders joked, "It was over the wire. It was past the wire," with Peterson noting they had written a version of the finale without him in it - though they would have always revealed Lex was orchestrating certain events behind the scenes, even if we never got to see him again on screen. Peterson also revealed, "There were a couple of things we had planned on planting in the season that we didn't, because we didn't know that we were going to have him."

As for what fans should expect now that Lex is firmly back in the finale, Peterson noted, "We only had Michael [Rosenbaum] for one day, so there was only so much we could do with him in the story. We really wanted to keep this Clark's finale. But Lex plays a very interesting role and there are a couple of big twists with Lex that we didn't show you."

Added Souders, "When we were thinking about Rosenbaum coming back and Lex, our Lex, what his purpose was, it was always kind of not quite what you expected and much more human and emotional than I think any of us starting out Smallville would have expected. We really went back to the pilot and thought, 'There's that guy who showed up and was totally personable and super sympathetic and just wanted to thank a guy for saving his life.' So when we looked at having him back for the finale, it was the same thing, which is they're going to go on to be huge enemies, so what is it that's pivotal in this moment that's our Lex Luthor and our Clark Kent and how do we wrap up their relationship, that has been so complicated and mixed with emotions for ten years?"

Jonathan Kent
Jonathan's presence is obviously pretty confusing at face value. Said Souders, "I think it'll become really clear what role Jonathan plays and why he shows up the way he does in this episode. Every time I see certain moments with Jonathan, I definitely get a tear in my eye after all these weeks of watching the footage." Peterson recalled how Clark spoke to Jonathan at the end of the Season 10 premiere and explained, "The whole point was to bookend the final season with Jonathan. So he's introduced [in the finale] in that same kind of way."

Chloe Sullivan
Peterson noted, "There are a lot of different ways people want Chloe to end, so I think we service her character in a way that is right for who she was and who she's becoming." Peterson promised a big moment for Chloe and Clark in the finale, which Souders said shows, "how she interacts with the overall mythology. And I'll say that Chloe fans should just definitely stay tuned through the whole show. There's a jewel." Said Peterson, with a smile, "There's a certain thing that we gave her that nobody [else] got."

Green Arrow
When it came to Oliver's role in the finale, Peterson remarked, "We wanted to service him, but this show is about Clark and Chloe and Martha. It started as one thing and we kind of wanted to end it [with that]." That being said, Peterson noted, "He has a big, heroic moment. He has a big arc. He has some complications, clearly."

Said Souders, "You really see what an impact that these heroes coming together has made on him and that having Clark as a friend. It's very clear in this episode… it defines that relationship and what it means to both of them. And I think there's a really great moment where you just see their friendship and that bond and that's what's going to get them through a lot of hard times in the future." Peterson also said that because Oliver wouldn't have as much time or focus in the finale, they purposely gave him a large role in "Dominion" and "Prophecy."

What You Won't See
Discussing elements they didn't get to include, Souders revealed, "We probably would have liked to have seen the JLA a little more this season. John Jones was somebody we really wanted to bring back and I think it just came down to was the finale had a lot of people in it and at a certain point, you tip the scale and you're not servicing the people that are on screen. But there were a lot of beloved characters that we wanted to see again that we didn't get quite to bring back." Added Peterson, "The VRA was supposed to be a vehicle to get as many people back as we could. But with the 200th episode and 'Booster' and the finale, our resources were maxed out."

Last week's "Prophecy" showed a glimpse of the Smallville version of the Legion of Doom, including characters like Captain Cold and Black Manta, but don't look for them in the finale. Explained Peterson, "We kind of saw this last run not as individual episodes, but kind of as a lead up. So we wanted to not try and pack everything into the finale. So that was kind of our cap off of villains, so we could have the villains in the finale be Darkseid and Lex and Lionel. That was to kind of show that villains will go on, heroes will go on, Kara will go on to her destiny… And kind of wrap up all of that to protect Clark and everything that was in the finale."

Peterson also noted that they were told definitively at the beginning of the season that Kristin Kreuk wouldn't be available to reprise her role as Lana Lang, but had she been, they would have incorporated her into "Homecoming," the 200th episode, with its high school reunion theme.

Facing Expectations
Superman has a history going back decades and decades, and Peterson noted, "The end of this show lines up with movies, a lot of comic books, a lot of other things. Unlike a lot of shows, we know where this story goes. So it kind of is a hand off to those other pieces of canon and those other pieces of mythology, rather than just an ending."

However, fans shouldn't look for everything to match up exactly with the comics, as Souders said, "Some things get reconciled and then some things, we worked with DC and DC said, 'This is Smallville, and there's a few things that don't quite get reconciled because it's its own mythology.'"

Peterson noted that with the comic books, there have been many incarnations of the Superman story. "There have been different artists, different writers. There have been many Crisis! So it's hard to pinpoint exactly one thing that you're supposed to line up to, so I think we're just one more of those different variations. But I think we have all been very reverent to the source material, even though we've taken slight liberties, we haven't gone way off the path."

Peterson and Souders are aware that after ten years, the passionate Smallville fandom has a lot of expectations for the finale, but Peterson said, "I think the finale hits 80-90% of what everybody's going to want. More than almost any episode we've done I think." As to how much all the expectations of others influenced them, Souders pointed between herself and Peterson, saying, "The pressure is just here. There's nobody calling us going, 'You better do this!' It's that we just don't want it to suck!"

What to Look out For:
Peterson was coy on a couple of specific questions. Asked if we might see any flash forwards, he replied, "That will be answered in the first five minutes of the show." And might we hear the John Williams Superman theme? Peterson laughed and said, "That will be answered in the last five minutes!"

Regarding their personal favorite moments from the finale, Souders said, "When Lois is about to walk down the aisle… I'll say I have a couple of great, favorite moments just on the aisle." Peterson meanwhile kept even more secretive, saying, "There's a very good scene with a door that is probably one of my favorite scenes in the show."

He also added, "There's one shot that… It's like the 'Smallville shot.' You'll see it and you're like, 'This is what we needed in the finale.' And you'll know it the second that you see it."


- Productores Ejecutivos de 'Smallville' sobre el final de la serie: 'Este es el Final de Clark' (zap-2-it):
Productores Ejecutivos de 'Smallville' sobre el final de la serie: 'Este es el Final de Clark'
Por Tierney Bricker 10 de Mayo, 2011 7:12 PM ET

When we arrived at the press Q&A with "Smallville" executive producers Kelly Souders and Brian Peterson on Tuesday, May 10, there was a letter waiting on our chairs which read, "Thank you again for all your interviews, reviews and general good will about a boy on a farm... who is all grown up now."

No, we're not crying. We have something in our eye.

While there has been a lot of talk on who -- cough Michael Rosenbaum cough -- will be returning for the final episode, Souders and Peterson want to make it clear that this finale will ultimately be about the boy we've slowly watched grow up to become Superman over the last ten years: Clark Kent (Tom Welling). Peterson says, "We really wanted to keep this Clark's finale."

Fans will still be watching Clark grow up on Friday, May 13, when "Smallville's" journey comes to a close. The boy has now sold the farm he grew up on -- much to his Martha Kent's chagrin -- and has pulled away from Jor-El, which Souders and Peterson explain is all part of Clark taking his final steps into Supermanhood.

"I think looking at his last step for us it was about the fact that sometimes your mentors and the people that you look to for help can also sometimes be holding you back or it can be your imagination that they're holding you back," Souders says. "He's still trying to figure out all those last relationships as he finally takes his step into complete manhood. It's still a complication in his life that he has to make peace with."

Peterson says the most challenging part of the show has always been "finding problems and character flaws for Superman because he's perfect," and in the series finale, "some of the problems he's facing are about him trying too hard to decide who he is and be hero and not kind of let it happen at the pace it should."

By now, fans know John Schneider is set to return as Jonathan Kent in the finale and Peterson says, "We purposely platformed Jonathan's role in the finale with what we did in 'Lazarus,' the premiere of this season. The whole point was to bookend the season, and he's introduced in that same type of way."

Regarding Jonathan's appearance, Souder teases, "It will become really clear what role Jonathan plays and why he shows up the way he does in this episode. Every time I see certain moments with Jonathan, I get a tear in my eye."

When asked what they hope the people will take away from the show, Souder's answer was so amazing that we are just going to post the whole thing because we love it that much.

"I honestly think it's the theme that emerged this year, which is believe in heroes. I think that has become incredibly important to us that we were able to work on a show that had such a positive message. I think the fact that we have such hardcore fans that have followed the show, I think that's why they watch. It's not because we're doing to have the biggest visual effects they'll ever see on a screen and it's not really anything other than they want to believe in heroes."

Peterson continues, "I think Superman was born out of a very tumultuous time in our history and I think we're facing a lot of other challenges right now and we will in the future. To me, it's inspiration."

http://blog.zap2it.com/frominsidethebox ... inale.html
- Smallville le da el adiós a Vancouver — y al mundo (The Vancouver Sun):
Smallville le da el adiós a Vancouver — y al mundo
La madura saga del superhéroe termina con la final de dos horas
Por Alex Strachan, Postmedia News 10 de Mayo, 2011 3:02 PM

VANCOUVER — Smallville was never a big deal on the primetime TV landscape, not in the same way Friends, ER, NYPD Blue and The West Wing were in October 2001.

That was the month Smallville, loosely based the DC Comics character Superman, debuted on the WB Network, home of teen-oriented dramas like Gilmore Girls, Charmed and Dawson's Creek.

Smallville, shot in Vancouver and environs, may not have made that deep an impression in the culture-at-large, but it will leave behind a sizable footprint behind just the same.

As Smallville prepares to fly off the TV landscape for good this week, the TV landscape itself has changed. The comic book-themed drama about Clark Kent's coming-of-age in the small town of Smallville, Kansas outlasted an entire TV network — The WB merged with UPN to form the present CW network in 2006 — and made it possible for superhero-themed dramas like Heroes, The Event, The Cape and No Ordinary Family to find a home on network TV.

Smallville never flew high in the ratings charts. It didn't win any mentions in high profile, prestigious categories of the major TV awards, despite a brace of Emmys for its sound editing. And TV historians rarely mention it in the same breath as similarly themed series like Lost, The X-Files or even Fringe.

It leaves a lasting legacy, though.

The Cape and No Ordinary Family face almost certain cancellation when the U.S. network unveil their fall schedules the week of May 16, but it appears equally certain that other action-driven remakes will replace them, including a reboot of Wonder Woman from veteran TV producer David E. Kelley, and a redo of Charlie's Angels, ironically from the same producers who created Smallville.

In its early, formative years, Smallville didn't change TV's rules as much as it adapted to them. It was only nominally about the Superman myth, despite its special effects and supernatural underpinnings. It was, first and foremost, a family drama, about friendship, loyalty and everyday challenges in a bucolic, small-town setting. Smallville was a rural, male-oriented version of Gilmore Girls and Dawson's Creek, and it earned praise from unlikely sources, such as the socially conservative Parents Television Council.

The late Christopher Reeve, who famously played Superman in Richard Donner's 1978 film of the same name, praised Smallville in the 2004 companion book Smallville: The Official Companion. Reeve told writer Paul Simpson that he was skeptical initially, but found himself won over by Smallville's writing, acting and special effects.

Smallville was at the vanguard of a sea change in TV technology: Reeve noted that what would have taken a week to film for the big screen in 1977 now only took a day or two on the small screen, thanks to advances in computer-generated imagery and the post-production process.

Reeve, too, had praise for actor Tom Welling. Reeve said Smallville did "a really good job following the mythology," and added, "Tom is doing a good job following the tradition."

In recent interviews, Welling — who was just 24 when he landed the role of Clark Kent — has said Smallville was never a show about Superman. In tracking Kent's progression from young adulthood to the Man of Steel, the series had much to say about personal growth, maturity and accepting new responsibility.

Details of Smallville's final two hours are being kept secret, but it's likely the series will end with a wedding, that of Kent with his one true love, reporter Lois Lane, played by Erica Durance.

Off-screen, Welling has matured, too: He directed half a dozen episodes, and ends the series as one its executive producers. In interviews, Welling likened filming the final scenes — in Smallville's hometown of Vancouver — to running the last mile in a marathon.

The final image, Welling says, symbolizes both the end of Clark Kent and the beginning of the Man of Steel.

Smallville's end is symbolic of just another TV show, but also something more: A drama of modest means that appealed to a small but loyal and devoted core of followers, that somehow found a way to cling to life even as the whole business model of network television changed. That's the wave of the future.

http://www.vancouversun.com/entertainme ... story.html

- Productores de ‘Smallville’: ‘¿Dónde encajamos dentro de la gran mitología?’ (herocomplex.latimes.com):
Productores de ‘Smallville’: ‘¿Dónde encajamos dentro de la gran mitología?’
Por Geoff Boucher May 10, 2011 | 8:12 p.m.

The end is near for “Smallville.” The two-hour series finale this Friday brings an end to the decade-long saga of Clark Kent, as portrayed by Tom Welling, a young man in search of a future that is, well, super. The rural youngster has grown up — he’s even sold the family farm — and the show’s final flight will be a major moment for The CW. Our Geoff Boucher caught up with executive producers Kelly Souders and Brian Peterson to talk about a show that is going up, up and away.

GB: This must be a bittersweet week for you. You must be going through a lot of complicated emotions right now.

BP: That is absolutely correct. It’s very sad to see it go but also there’s just great pride in seeing what everybody has accomplished in 10 years and over the course of the whole show — people who are here and people who may not be here right at the very end but have been a part of it.

GB: The show had different chapters to its run and as it went on we saw a widening of the hero and villain ranks with more and more characters from the DC universe. What were the challenges as you went along?

KS: The challenge is trying to bring two-dimensional characters to life. Sometimes it’s more successful than others. It’s very difficult to make a costumed character who can fly — or whatever it may be – seem organic to a television show that is being filmed on Earth with gravity and things like that. Luckily, we have been able to rely on our amazing wardrobe department and our incredible cinematographers that we’ve had and fantastic directors and fantastic actors who could really get in the head space of making this a real world. It’s one thing to sit there and imagine what Metallo is going to come to life as but it’s very different to see it on a screen and it’s always a huge risk and we’ve been very lucky to have great people we can lean on to make it fantastic and somewhat believable.

GB: The show moved away from “Smallville” in emphasis quite a while ago and even Tom Welling has said that the show’s title could have switched to “Metropolis” in a way. Was that a concern as you balanced your brand with the necessary trajectory of the story?

BP: In a weird way “Smallville” wasn’t just about where it was set even though he did live on the farm for almost the whole series. It was more about the coming-of-age birth of a hero and the spirit and growth of a hero. He was not ready to become the hero that everyone knows as Superman. We tried to stay true to a lot of the themes and the visual palette of the pilot but as he grew and Clark became a different person and came into his own the show had to do the same. We took all of that in. In the finale, in fact, Lois calls him [by the nickname] “Smallville” again.

GB: What sort of pressure did you feel as far as this finale — did you feel the need to put Clark in the Superman suit and tie up every single loose end or did you approach more from the idea of “What’s the best story we can tell?”

BP: At the heart of it, it’s always about Clark and his journey so that took the forefront of any other issues. But I think that, facing the finale, we had the season to wrap up, we had the series to consider and the more earnest, farm-bound origins of the show; and then we had to think about where do we fit into the greater mythology. At the heart of it, luckily, was Clark and Tom was a really good partner with us in finding that balance.

GB: Superman has become like ”Swan Lake” or Shakespeare, every generation revisits, remakes, revises and revamps the source material again and again. There’s going to be a new Superman film coming but then also a “Justice League” film and there may be a Superman television project down the line that connects back into this one. Would you be surprised if you saw Tom Welling in one of these other endeavors wearing the red-and-blue suit of Superman? Or do you think he will walk away for good?

KS: It’s funny I actually never think about the two [television and film] crossing over, in a strange way. “Smallville” had such a life of its own. So oddly, I never really think of it in that way.

BP: It’s interesting because he makes such a great Clark Kent and would make a great counterpart as well but I think he’s dedicated 10 years of his life to this era, in that story, and I feel like with this finale he’s really done it justice.

GB: He’s owned the role of Clark Kent longer than anyone, which is interesting since, onscreen, the character goes all the way back to the early 1940s. That’s impressive in and of itself, isn’t it?

BP: It’s not the easiest character to play. He’s the most amazing person on earth.

KS: It’s really difficult to write a character, too, that is so earnest and to do it without making him boring, honestly. I think it’s very easy to say, “Oh he always tells the truth” and “Oh, he’s always polite,” but Tom and the writers did an amazing job making him a well-rounded, three-dimensional character without making him a caricature of a simpleton. A lot of that was Tom and what he brings to it, who he is as a person. He has a sense of humor and all of those things went into making him the perfect Clark Kent and that’s something that is hard to duplicate.

BP: And the whole cast. What’s so funny is that, of course, sci-fi isn’t exactly a front-runner in the Emmys ever, but their performances have to bridge such an amazing range. They go to the Phantom Zone, they go to Earth 2, they die from kryptonite, they’re hung from wires — the range with which our actors have to embody their characters always impresses me. The way they rise to the occasion, from Erica Durant to Cassidy Freeman to Justin Hartley and Allison Mack — everybody on the show has done an amazing job.

http://herocomplex.latimes.com/2011/05/ ... vrit=63378

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¡¡¡¡AY, OMÁ QUÉ CALORES!!!! ¡Gracias por tu regalo, Nitta!

Clark Kent
Clark Kent
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Registrado: Vie Sep 04, 2009 11:47 pm
Ubicación: Venezuela

Re: 10x21-22 FINALE Spoilers, teorías, posibles argumentos

Mensaje por Alexakent »

Dios muna :smt022 :smt022 te veo escribiendo como lois en el cap del viernes pasado...

Bueno Chloe convence a lois para que se case , un gran momento de chloe y Clark, Y esa mention de un gran momento para chloe y mitologia...

De verdad Soy fans de chloe, sabemos que chloe tiene grandes seguidores.... Pero este cap No era para clark solamente...

Tengo miedo del final, se que ella no quedara con ollie... y me fuera gustado un final como Fortune Juntos y ya....

ahora que personaje la pueden acoplar a la mitologia???? :roll: :roll: :roll: :roll:

- Clarkista 100% - esperando que vuele :)

Mensajes: 32861
Registrado: Dom May 21, 2006 12:15 am

Re: 10x21-22 FINALE Spoilers, teorías, posibles argumentos

Mensaje por Shelby »

- ACTUALIZADO 10/05/11: (Ask Ausiello, TVLine) This is it Mike. Your last chance ever to give out Smallville scoop. Make it a good one worthy of the Man of Steel. —Joel
Ausiello: OMG, the pressure! OK, I’ve got two words for you Joel: Surprise. Cameo.

("Esto es Mike. Tu última oportunidad de darnos una primicia de Smallville. Haz que sea merecedora del Hombre de Acero. —Joel
Ausiello: ¡OMG, la presión! OK, tengo dos palabras para tí Joel: Sorpresa. Cameo").

http://www.tvline.com/2011/05/ask-ausie ... -and-more/

- ACTUALIZADO 10/05/11: (Megabuzz, TVGuide) Can you tell us anything about the Smallville finale? — Brad
NATALIE: Here's what we can tell you: As Darkseid's Apokolips speeds toward Earth, Clark and Lois will attempt to walk down the aisle — with a little help from Chloe and a little what's-the-opposite-of-help from Oliver. But it won't be that easy! Lois will find herself in peril yet again, in a scene that fantastically recalls one of the Superman movies. Meanwhile, back at the barn, you'll see another scene that will make your spirit positively... float.

("¿Puedes contarnos algo sobre el final de Smallville? — Brad
NATALIE: He aquí lo que podemos contarte: A medida que la Apokolips de Darkseid se dirige hacia la Tierra, Clark y Lois intentarán ir al altar — con una pequeña ayuda de Chloe y una pequeña lo-que-es-lo-opuesto-a-ayuda de Oliver. ¡Pero no será tan fácil! Lois se encontrará de nuevo en peligro, en una escena que fantásticamente recuerda a una de las películas de Supermán. Mientras tanto, de vuelta al granero, veréis otra escena que hará que vuestro espíritu positivamente... flote")

http://www.tvguide.com/News/MegaBuzz-NC ... 32933.aspx

Imagen Imagen
¡¡¡¡AY, OMÁ QUÉ CALORES!!!! ¡Gracias por tu regalo, Nitta!

Mensajes: 19
Registrado: Lun Mar 16, 2009 1:36 am
Ubicación: PERU

Re: 10x21-22 FINALE Spoilers, teorías, posibles argumentos

Mensaje por cristhianper »

("Esto es Mike. Tu última oportunidad de darnos una primicia de Smallville. Haz que sea merecedora del Hombre de Acero. —Joel
Ausiello: ¡OMG, la presión! OK, tengo dos palabras para tí Joel: Sorpresa. Cameo").

http://www.tvline.com/2011/05/ask-ausie ... -and-more/[/quote]

WOW un CAMEO... que lluevan las ideas, que o quienes seran?????? no puedo mas con tanta información que llega por todo sitio!!! :roll:

Soy de Perú Fanatico de Smallville Sigo la serie desde el primer capitulo jejeje 10 años jejeje.


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