"SUPERGIRL", nueva serie en la CBS/CW

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Registrado: Dom May 21, 2006 12:15 am

Re: "SUPERGIRL", nueva serie en la CBS/CW

Mensaje por Shelby »

- Andrew Kreisberg sobre la Season 2 y las influencias del 'Superman' de Tyler Hoechlin (collider):
Andrew Kreisberg sobre la Season 2 y las influencias del 'Superman' de Tyler Hoechlin
Por Christina Radish 25 Agosto 2016

When Supergirl returns for Season 2 on The CW on October 10th, Kara Danvers (Melissa Benoist), has left the safety of being Cat Grant’s (Calista Flockhart) assistant to explore new possibilities, while as Supergirl she continues to work at the Department of Extra-Normal Operations (DEO), protecting the citizens of National City. She’ll also have a little extra help, teaming up with Superman (Tyler Hoechlin) to battle new villains, as she strives to balance her family life with the friends who have become her family.

While at The CW portion of the TCA Summer Press Tour, executive producer Andrew Kreisberg sat down with Collider to talk about what they learned from Season 1, the musical cross-over, how often viewers might see Cat Grant, whether Kara and James Olsen (Mehcad Brooks) can make a relationship work, who Mon-El (Christopher Wood) is, having a more traditional take on Superman (Tyler Hoechlin), what Miss Martian (Sharon Leal) will mean for J’onn J’onzz (David Harewood), Winn’s (Jeremy Jordan) new career, Project Cadmus, and how Supergirl is finally becoming what it should be.

Collider: What can you say about the story you’re telling in Season 2?

ANDREW KREISBERG: I don’t want to give too much away. We’re so excited, though, by everything we’re doing that we can’t wait for everybody to see it. We’re so grateful to CBS for giving us the launching pad that they did. We learned so much about the show, about the cast and about ourselves, in Season 1. We feel like The CW is going to be the beneficiary of everything that we’ve learned ‘cause we really feel like we’ve taken the show to the next level, creatively. We’re just so excited for everybody to see it.

What do you feel you can do with Season 2, that you couldn’t do in the first season?

KREISBERG: In a way, it’s almost like a sequel, and I don’t mean that in terms of it being dark. When you look at Empire Strikes Back compared to Star Wars, because you’d already introduced the characters and gotten that out of the way, you were able to go deeper with the characters and have more introspection, and watch them grow and learn. In some ways, the show is a little bit more comic book-y, with the addition of Superman and some of the things we’re trying, but it’s also gotten richer, with some of the characters and what they’ll be exploring this season.

It already seems beyond cool and crazy that you get to have superheroes on TV, running around in costumes with capes, but then you decided you’re going to do a musical episode. Are you at the point where you feel like anything goes?

KREISBERG: Yeah! We’ve already had cross-overs, which in and of themselves were these crazy things that we can’t believe that we did. Now, on The Flash, we’ve had alternate dimensions and timelines. So, it doesn’t actually seem that much more crazy to us because we’ve already done these crazy things. We do things that happen on one show that affect another show. That’s the fun of comic books, and that’s what was always so great about them for us, when we were kids. Even when DC did “Crisis on Infinite Earths,” or Marvel did “Secret Wars,” they made them seem like these big, giant events, and that’s what we try to emulate in the cross-overs. The musical will just be awesome. It’s gonna be fun. It’s funny, we have villains that can split the earth in half. We have villains that can run at the speed of light. What’s so crazy about a villain that can make you think your friends are singing and dancing in front of you? In face, if anything, it might seem pedestrian, by comparison.

Supergirl is about a character who has a secret identity, but she also has two very distinct lives and careers. Where are things at, in that regard?

KREISBERG: Last year, as far as the DEO was concerned, she was, in a way, just another agent there. This year, she’s going to be taking a little bit more of a leadership role and be driving the stories more. She’s also not going to be Cat’s assistant anymore. We resolved that, at the end of Season 1. What she decides to do at CatCo is going to be a big change, and an exciting change. She’s usually flexing muscles to beat the crap out of aliens, and now she’s going to be flexing career muscles, as a young career woman with a little bit of authority and autonomy. I think that’s going to be a lot more exciting for her, as a character, than just being a harried executive assistant.

With all of the great things that come with getting to continue the show on The CW, one of the things you lost was the ability to have Calista Flockhart on as a regular cast member. How often can we expect to see her?

KREISBERG: Well, she’s in the first two episodes and we’re talking to her about doing more. It’s funny because, from our perspective, we thought she wouldn’t do any. And it’s not because she doesn’t love the show. She’s such a huge fan of the show, but moving to Vancouver, we assumed that we would part as friends. But she’s so into the show and feels such an allegiance and a responsibility to it that she’s agreed to come back, so we’re very happy. We’re not focusing on what we don’t have. We’re focusing on what we do have, and it’s allowed us to have Ian Gomez, who’s playing Snapper Carr, come in, in a more supervisory capacity, which is fun. Kara has spent two years of her life learning to deal with Cat Grant’s idiosyncracies, foibles, short temper and mixed signals, and just when she finally got that down, she’s now introduced to a new boss who’s very different, has his own thing, and isn’t quite as impressed by her spunk as Cat always was, even if Cat wouldn’t admit it. It’s a journey, like any of us go on. We’ve all had different bosses, over the course of our careers. Just when you finally feel like you’ve nailed your job, you get promoted and you’re suddenly like, “I don’t know what I’m doing anymore!” That’s what’s going to happen to Kara this season.

Kara and James Olsen were finally starting to be honest about their feelings for each other. Where are things at with them, in Season 2? Is there time for a relationship while you’re trying to save the world?

KREISBERG: Part of whether or not that relationship can work makes up the first couple of episodes of the season. They definitely had a nice kiss at the end of last year, and when we pick up, they’re both going to be, separately and together, dealing with whether they can make this relationship work.

What can you say about the addition of Christopher Wood and how his character will fit in with things?

KREISBERG: We don’t want to say too much because we’re doing our own version of Mon-El. Obviously, he’s a character from the comic books and he’s much beloved, and we’re putting our own spin on it. What’s interesting about Mon-El joining the show, from Kara’s perspective, is that Kara has spent her whole life as someone who’s been mentored, first by her mother, and then by the Danvers and Superman and Cat. She’s always been somebody who’s been taken care of, in a way. Now, with Mon-El, he’s fresh off the boat. As far as he’s concerned, living on another planet happened yesterday, and suddenly, he’s on Earth and everything he knew was lost, just the way it was for Kara, but she’s had 12 years to process it and he’s struggling with it. So, Kara is now the one in the mentor position. Ironically, she even says in an episode, “I was sent to Earth not to be a hero. I wasn’t sent here to be Supergirl. I was sent here to protect Clark and take care of Clark. Now, in an odd way, with Mon-El here, I’m getting to fulfill that original mission that I had.” So, it’s a big change and a big growing experience for Kara, this season.

How daunting was it to figure out how you wanted to portray Superman, what you wanted the dynamic between Clark and Kara to be, and finding the right actor to take all of that on?

KREISBERG: I think our take on him is probably something a little bit more traditional. There’s certainly a little bit of the “Aw shucks” about him, but he’s been Superman for awhile, so there’s a savviness about him as Superman and as Clark. If he’s been Superman for 12 years, that also means that he’s been Clark Kent for 12 years. He knows how to interview somebody. He knows how to get a story out of someone. As always, with any of these things, we’re never doing a direct adaptation of a specific comic book. We cherry pick the best parts and things that we love. So, there’s a little bit of the Christopher Reeve Superman in there, a healthy dose of the Superman animated series, which we’re huge fans of, a little bit of Lois & Clark, a little George Reeves, and a little Super Friends. And as far as finding the right guy, as soon as we said we were going to do Superman, Greg [Berlanti] mentioned Tyler [Hoechlin]. We’ve been fans of his for years, and when we sat down with him, he is Superman. Not just with the looks, but he’s such a good guy, such a nice guy, and he’s so open and forthright and brimming with life. You just feel better when you’re around him, which I think is part of the secret of Superman. He is that ideal, but not in an unattainable way. Superman should make you feel like you can do anything, even though he’s the one that can do anything. And Tyler just had all that in spades. So, it was less a question of us reaching out. It was more a question of hoping he would say yes. After Tyler, I’m not sure what we would have done.

This show has a great balance between superhero and family, with the relationship between Kara and Alex being a particular stand-out. What can we expect from that, this season?

KREISBERG: That’s a lot of what’s happening in those first episodes. Kara is caught a little bit in the middle between Clark, who’s her family, and Alex, J’onn, Winn and James, which is this amazing family that she’s made for herself. There’s definitely conflict that arises that puts Kara squarely in the middle, which we’re excited about.

What’s in store for J’onn J’onzz?

KREISBERG: Part of the reason we’re bringing on Miss Martian is to give J’onn his own story this year and his own emotional ride, meeting her and having this tie to his home world that he thought he would never have again. As he has to keep reminding people, he’s been here for 300 years and isolated for most of it. Last year, with his relationship with Alex and his relationship with Kara, he started to come out of his shell a little bit and wasn’t quite so afraid to show who he really was. So, in getting to interact with M’gann, he’s going to have a whole new person with which to share his martian experience. We think it’s going to be a great story.

Are you surprised people became so emotionally attached to that character?

KREISBERG: No. If you’re a fan of the Justice League, if you’re a fan of the comics, or if you’re a fan of the animated show, you know that the irony of J’onn is that he’s the most alien looking of the Justice League, and yet he’s the one with the most human heart. He’s always been the character who had an openness and capacity for love and a sadness about him that was so compelling. All we tried to do was bring that to life on our show. We’re so glad that the fans responded to it, and David [Harewood] was so excited by it. There was a version of this show where David was just Hank Henshaw. Once we came upon the idea of having him really be J’onn, it just opened up a whole world of possibilities that we’re so excited about.

In Season 1, it seemed that Winn was having the most trouble finding himself. Will he be more secure in that, in Season 2?

KREISBERG: Yeah. One of the things we’re doing this season is that Winn is going to join the DEO. That’s going to allow him to be who he really is, which is the smart, creative one and the thinker. And watching Winn interact with J’onn and Alex, who are military people that are straight-laced and they’re used to doing things a certain way, while he has his comical moments and pop culture references, there’s already this great Mutt and Jeff routine. It just allows Winn to be more a part of the story. That’s one of the changes we made. That’s one of the things we learned from last season.

You’re also going to be delving deeper into Project Cadmus and the search for Jeremiah. What will be happening there?

KREISBERG: Cadmus rears its head, pretty thoroughly in the opening episodes. Fighting Cadmus makes up a big part of the first half of the season.

Do you feel like you’ve found the right balance between the over-arching stories you want to tell and the villains of the week?

KREISBERG: Yeah. We’re so proud of Supergirl last season, but it reminded us, a little bit, of Season 1 of Arrow. We knew there was a great show in there and, every once in awhile, we would make it great, but we didn’t know how to do it consistently yet. We really feel like this year, at least for us creatively, we’ve cracked the code and we’re coming out of the gate strong. It’s almost the same trajectory that we had on Arrow, where we started to figure it out towards the back half of Season 1, and we’re coming out of the gate really strong with Season 2. Season 1s are tough. There was also the added pressure of having the first female superhero on TV, in a long time. There was a lot of expectation that the audience had, that the network had, that the studio had, and that we had for ourselves. It took awhile to put all of that aside and just start telling the right stories. It’s always been my experience that shows tell you what they want to be. Now, with the stories that we’re telling, Supergirl is finally becoming what it should be.

http://collider.com/supergirl-season-2- ... interview/

- El episodio musical de ‘Supergirl’ & ‘Flash’ podría significar la llegada de 'Music Meister' (zap2it):
El episodio musical de ‘Supergirl’ & ‘Flash’ podría significar la llegada de 'Music Meister'
Por Lindsay MacDonald 25 Agosto, 2016

The upcoming CW crossover between “The Flash” and “Supergirl” is possibly the most anticipated event of the year because on top of being a crossover, it will also be a musical.

As exciting as it is to hear that these superhero shows will be taking advantage of their ridiculously multi-talented cast, we have been wondering just how the episode will manage to incorporate singing and dancing into the mix without seeming absurd.

In an interview with Collider, “Supergirl” showrunner Andrew Kreisberg revealed that it may just be all in their heads.

“It’s funny, we have villains that can split the earth in half. We have villains that can run at the speed of light,” he says. “What’s so crazy about a villain that can make you think your friends are singing and dancing in front of you?”

The news that a new villain will be coming to make National City a whole lot more musical is a great excuse to work some song and dance in there.

The fact that this villain can compel people to perform — or at least compel the hallucination that they’re performing — even harkens back to the musical episode of “Buffy,” when the vampire slayer and her friends were forced to sing and dance thanks to a demon’s evil influence.

We’re most interested to hear if this new villain will zero in on one of our heroes in particular when he or she arrives. As hilarious as it is to imagine everyone falling under the same musical sway, it’s almost funnier to imagine Kara (Melissa Benoist) or Barry (Grant Gustin) as the only ones hearing/seeing the musical production happening in their heads.

As for who this villain might be, we’re taking a close look at the Music Meister. Originally a Batman villain, the Music Meister works in much the same way that “Buffy’s” musical demon, Sweet, does. A villain who forces his victims to dance to whichever beat he chooses, the Music Meister uses the power of hypnosis to compel these impromptu musicals.

Hypnosis sounds just about right for a hallucination-type of episode, don’t you think?

“Supergirl” returns Oct. 10th at 8 p.m. ET/PT on the CW.

http://zap2it.com/2016/08/supergirl-the ... c-meister/

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¡¡¡¡AY, OMÁ QUÉ CALORES!!!! ¡Gracias por tu regalo, Nitta!

Mensajes: 32857
Registrado: Dom May 21, 2006 12:15 am

Re: "SUPERGIRL", nueva serie en la CBS/CW

Mensaje por Shelby »

- Nuevo póster promocional oficial de la S2:

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¡¡¡¡AY, OMÁ QUÉ CALORES!!!! ¡Gracias por tu regalo, Nitta!

Mensajes: 32857
Registrado: Dom May 21, 2006 12:15 am

Re: "SUPERGIRL", nueva serie en la CBS/CW

Mensaje por Shelby »

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¡¡¡¡AY, OMÁ QUÉ CALORES!!!! ¡Gracias por tu regalo, Nitta!

Mensajes: 32857
Registrado: Dom May 21, 2006 12:15 am

Re: "SUPERGIRL", nueva serie en la CBS/CW

Mensaje por Shelby »

- Frederick Schmidt se une a la S2 de "Supergirl" como 'Metallo':
CrIfp2TWIAAO0kB.jpg large.jpg
Cuando 'Superman' llegue a 'Supergirl' este otoño, el Hombre de Acero se enfrentará a uno de sus más antiguos enemigos de los cómics.

EW ha confirmado lo que ya habíamos visto en las fotos y videos bts que nos han llegado del rodaje de la S2: la llegada de 'Metallo'. Y además le ha puesto nombre, ya que anuncia que el actor Frederick Schmidt ha sido el escogido de interpretar al icónico villano de los cómics.

Cuando el asesino internacional John Corben es malherido tras enfrentarse a 'Supergirl' (Melissa Benoist) y 'Superman' (Tyler Hoechlin), renace por una 'organización fantasma' (que podría ser Cadmus ya que, como sabemos, va a jugar un papel fundamental en la nueva temporada) como el supervillano alimentado por Kriptonita 'Metallo'.

El personaje apareció por primera vez en Action Comics en 1959, pero ha sido mostrado en muchas versiones — todas normalmente involucrando alguna forma de traje alimentado por kriptonita o mejoras cibernéticas. Los fans de Smallville seguramente recordarán la versión que Brian Austin Green hizo de 'Metallo' en la 9ª temporada de la serie.

Schmidt se une a otros recién llegados de la season 2 de "Supergirl", entre los que están Hoechlin como 'Superman', Lynda Carter como 'POTUS', Chris Wood como 'Mon-El', Sharon Leal como 'Miss Martian', Katie McGrath como 'Lena Luthor', Ian Gomez como 'Snapper Carr', y Floriana Lima como 'Maggie Sawyer'.

Entre sus anteriores trabajos figuran "The Snow in Paradise" y "Taboo".

Metallo aparecerá al menos en dos episodios, comenzando en la premiere de la season 2, que se estrena el Lunes, 10 de Oct. a las 8 p.m. ET en la The CW.

http://www.ew.com/article/2016/08/30/su ... o-season-2

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¡¡¡¡AY, OMÁ QUÉ CALORES!!!! ¡Gracias por tu regalo, Nitta!

Mensajes: 32857
Registrado: Dom May 21, 2006 12:15 am

Re: "SUPERGIRL", nueva serie en la CBS/CW

Mensaje por Shelby »

- Nuevos detalles sobre el personaje de 'Maggie Sawyer' en la S2 de "Supergirl":
Poco a poco vamos sabiendo más cositas sobre lo que nos deparará la nueva temporada. Esta vez, de manos de TVline en su sección de sopilers, donde conocemos un poco más del personaje de 'Maggie Sawyer' en la próxima temporada de la serie de la CW "Supergirl":
Ausiello: En resumen, Maggie “es un aliado,” dice el showrunner Andrew Kreisberg. Como Detective con la Policía Científica — aka la división de la NCPD que trata con “todo lo que sea fuera de lo ordinario” — “Nos encontraremos mucho con Maggie, y surgirán preguntas en cuandto a la jurisdicción,” añade. “Maggie es una fuerte defensora de los derechos de los alienígenas, lo que va a ser un tema a tratar.” (Alas, cuando intentamos hacerle picar el anzuelo a Kreisberg con la idea de que Maggie y Alex al principio estarán enfrentadas sólo para que luego compartan chispas en otro sentido diferente, ñel... no indicó nada)

http://tvline.com/2016/08/31/nashville- ... -spoilers/

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¡¡¡¡AY, OMÁ QUÉ CALORES!!!! ¡Gracias por tu regalo, Nitta!

Mensajes: 32857
Registrado: Dom May 21, 2006 12:15 am

Re: "SUPERGIRL", nueva serie en la CBS/CW

Mensaje por Shelby »

- ¿Por qué Tyler Hoechlin tuvo problemas vistiéndose como Supermán? (EW):
¿Por qué Tyler Hoechlin tuvo problemas vistiéndose como Supermán?
Por Natalie Abrams 01 Sept 2016

Tyler Hoechlin may have landed the role of Superman faster than a speeding bullet (more on that soon!), but the real trouble came when the Teen Wolf star had to suit up for the first time in the iconic red and blue spandex for his upcoming turn as the Man of Steel on Supergirl.

“The first couple of times it definitely took longer to get into,” Hoechlin tells EW of trying on the super suit. “I started to think that Superman’s greatest power was actually being able to just jump into [the suit] as quickly as he does, because it’s not quite as smooth the first couple of times you do it.”

Though the actor is only slated to appear in the first two episodes of the season as Kara’s (Melissa Benoist) cousin Clark Kent, Hoechlin now has suiting up down to a science. “It’s kind of like putting on a wetsuit,” he says. “I’ve introduced an old surfing trick, so if put a plastic bag over my feet and hands when I put it on, that seems to cut down a little bit of time, so that’s been helpful in the process.”

Actually wearing the Man of Steel’s costume, however, is a different beast altogether, with Hoechlin calling the experience very surreal. “It’s one of those things where you put it on, and it’s the nicest Halloween costume you’ve ever worn,” he says. “Then, once you step on set, it becomes something different because people actually start addressing you as Superman. You’re in the scenes, and people are playing along that you are Superman, so that’s when it really hits you for a second. You have to then believe that you are this person, and just really own it and roll with it. That was really the moment that it hit closest to home.”

Stay tuned for more scoop from Hoechlin on joining Supergirl, which returns Monday, Oct. 10 at 8 p.m. ET on The CW.

For more from Hoechlin’s interview, pick up the new issue of Entertainment Weekly, on newsstands Friday.

http://www.ew.com/article/2016/09/01/su ... erman-suit?

- Cómo Tyler Hoechlin consiguió el papel de Supermán (EW):
Cómo Tyler Hoechlin consiguió el papel de Supermán
Por Natalie Abrams 02 Septiembre 2016 — 1:30 PM EDT

Meet your new Superman!

Teen Wolf alum Tyler Hoechlin ditches his fangs (and facial hair) to reach new heights on The CW’s Supergirl this fall as Clark Kent, a.k.a. The Man of Steel.

Few have had the honor of suiting up in the iconic spandex-and-red-boots combo before him, but it shockingly wasn’t that difficult for the 28-year-old California native to land the coveted role.

“Honestly, it was the strangest thing — there wasn’t an audition,” Hoechlin tells EW. “I had a great meeting with [executive producers] Greg Berlanti and Andrew Kreisberg [in June]. I had been told that the meeting would have something to do with Supergirl, but nothing really specific. Halfway through, they brought up the idea of introducing Superman to the show and asked if I’d be interested. I said, ‘Yeah, absolutely. I’m obviously a fan.’ I believe that was on a Monday. On Friday, we got a call with the offer, so it was very quick. It was very flattering, and I wish every job came about that way.”

For his part, Hoechlin was first introduced to the Man of Steel as a kid watching Dean Cain on Lois & Clark with his family, but he counts Christopher Reeve as his all-time favorite portrayal of the chiseled hero. However, during the meeting with the Supergirl bosses, Hoechlin says all were on the same page about doing their own version of Kal-El, the cousin of Supergirl (Melissa Benoist). “Obviously [we want to] honor the tradition that is the character without really emulating anything that somebody else has done before,” Hoechlin says, noting he avoided watching old Superman films after being cast. “I didn’t want to have any temptation to imitate.”

“It’s Superman as I think he was intended to be,” Hoechlin says of his version of the Supes, “which is just an incredible symbol of hope to kids that they can do anything, that they can be good people, and that good people can triumph over evil. You don’t have to be dark and brooding and always in this state of masculine toughness. He sits in that very hopeful and optimistic place that Kara tends to be in.”

Hoechlin will make his Supergirl debut in the Monday, Oct. 10 premiere on The CW. Read about his experience suiting up here, and stay tuned for more scoop from Hoechlin on what it’s like to fly.

For more from Hoechlin’s interview, pick up the new issue of Entertainment Weekly, on newsstands now.

http://www.ew.com/article/2016/09/02/su ... n-superman?

- Tyler Hoechlin: Aprender a volar como Superman fue 'doloroso' (EW):
Tyler Hoechlin: Aprender a volar como Superman fue 'doloroso'
Por Natalie Abrams 03 Septiembre 2016 — 11:00 AM EDT

Once Teen Wolf alum Tyler Hoechlin mastered the art of suiting up as Superman, his next heroic act in transforming into the Man of Steel this fall on Supergirl was just as trying: learning how to fly.

Spoiler alert: Hoechlin doesn’t actually possess the power of flight. Nor does Melissa Benoist, who portrays the titular heroine on The CW’s super series. To achieve that feat, there’s a bit of TV magic involving wires and green screen needed. So, just how difficult is it to fly?

“I wouldn’t use the word difficult,” Hoechlin tells EW. “I would use the word painful after hour seven or eight. It’s a harness that’s not necessarily the most comfortable thing to wear. It really only holds you up with two straps and they go from the back part of your waist, through the legs, up to the front part of the waist, and so it’s just not the most comfortable way to be supporting your entire body weight for that amount of time.”

Fortunately for the newbie superhero, Hoechlin suffered no major mishaps during his first time in the rig. “No falling upside down, none of that yet,” he says. “I’ve spared myself embarrassment for the moment. So far I’m one for one, so we’ll see if day two brings any problems.”

Hoechlin concedes, “At the end of the day, you’re flying around in a Superman costume — it’s really hard to complain.”

Hoechlin will make his Supergirl debut in the Monday, Oct. 10 premiere on The CW. Read about his experience suiting up here, and find out how he landed the role here.

http://www.ew.com/article/2016/09/06/su ... perman-fly

- ¿Por qué la segunda temporada de Supergirl es el momento correcto para presentar a Superman? (IGN):
¿Por qué la segunda temporada de Supergirl es el momento correcto para presentar a Superman?
Por Eric Goldman 6 de Septiembre de 2016 a las 19:10

En la primera temporada de Supergirl, Superman permaneció como un presencia etérea; pero esto cambiará pronto ya que Tyler Hoechlin hará el papel del hombre de acero.

¿Qué fue lo que cambió detrás de escenas para permitir que esto pasara? El productor ejecutivo de la serie Andrew Kreisberg, le dijo a IGN que no fue tan complicado como muchos asumen.

"Creo a la gente le encantaría escuchar que tuvimos que prometer a nuestros hijos e hicimos un pacto de sangre, y una cabra fue sacrificada, pero la verdad es que todos somos socios y lo que queremos es lo mejor, así que realmente no fue difícil de vender. Teníamos nuestro plan y se lo presentamos a Warner Bros. y DC, y ellos lo apoyaron totalmente, más que decir que sí, fue como: 'Oh,demonios, ¡ahora tenemos que hacer a Superman!' Teníamos que encontrar al actor correcto y escribir el mejor guión. Necesitábamos hacer el traje. Eso fue lo que más dolores de cabeza nos trajo. Pero detrás de escena, todos en Warner Bros., DC y CW, estábamos en la misma dirección".

Y acerca de por qué éste es el mejor momento para presentar al superhéroe, Kreisberg remarcó, "creo que hemos pasado un año estabilizando a Supergirl y ese período terminó triunfalmente, con ella liberando a el mundo; así que no había dudas de que pudiera actuar por ella misma. No se sentía como que lo fueras a traer a él para salvar el día. Lo incorporamos de la misma manera que con los crossovers con Flash y Arrow... se hacen compañeros. Crean una profunda relación, no como 'bueno, Arrow no puede hacerlo solo'. Así que se sintió como lo correcto".

Kreisberg también hizo notar, "habíamos desarrollado esto cuando todavía estábamos en CBS y sentíamos que, con el inicio de la segunda temporada, queríamos entrar por la puerta grande, a pesar de que había gente que se había dado por vencida o quien vio el show todo un año y dijo: 'Bien, he tenido suficiente'. Creemos que tenemos un enfoque único e interesante de Superman, porque en la continuación lo veremos a través de los ojos de Supergirl".

Acerca de la elaboración de la dinámica entre los dos personajes, el productor explicó: "cuando ambos caminan en una habitación, todos enmudecen por culpa de él. Y la reacción de ella es. '¡Oh, por favor!' Es como si tu hermano fuera una famosa estrella de rock o cine, todo lo que recuerdas en la vida es crecer con él y pelear por quién iría en el asiento trasero, compartir el baño y él jalando tu cabello. Y entonces vas a un restaurante y la gente le manda bebidas, ese es el tipo de interacción que tiene Kara. La gente nos ha preguntado cómo nos aseguraremos de que Superman no se volverá el protagonista de la serie. En lugar de alejarnos de eso, abrazamos la idea. Sí, él es más popular que ella. ¿Cómo Supergirl lidia con ello? Eso es lo que queremos resaltar de su relación".

Hasta el momento, sabemos que el hombre de acero estará en los primeros dos episodios de la segunda temporada, pero ¿habrá más? Kreisberg dice que, "francamente eso depende de Warner Bros., DC y la audiencia. Él tiene un gran lugar en este mundo, pero el show se llama Supergirl. Es acerca de ella. Si resulta tan bien como esperamos y el público responde, entonces veremos qué pasa en el camino".

La continuación de Supergirl se estrenará en octubre en The CW.

http://latam.ign.com/m/supergirl-tv/307 ... mento-corr

- Supergirl tratará con el cómo Superman es más popular (comicbook):
Supergirl tratará con el cómo Superman es más popular
Por Matthew Mueller 07/09/2016

For the team behind The CW's newest DC Comics addition Supergirl, the time has finally come to bring Superman into a more sizable role.

Executive Producer Andrew Kreisberg recently sat down with IGN to talk about just how that plan came about, and why they needed a full season under Supergirl's belt before her cousin made his in-person debut.

“I think we've spent a year establishing her, and the year ended triumphantly with her saving the world, so there wasn't any sort of doubt that Supergirl couldn't do it on her own. It felt like you weren't bringing him in to save the day. It was bringing him in the same way that the crossovers with Flash and the Arrow... it becomes about a partnership. It becomes about deepening the characters’ relationships, not “Well, Arrow couldn't do it alone!” or “Flash couldn't do it alone!” So that's why it felt right.”

Some worry that having Superman (Tyler Hoeclin) on the show will take away from Supergirl (Melissa Benoist), but Kreisberg assured fans that they are embracing that fear head on and that the show's focus is still firmly on Kara.

“When Supergirl and Superman walk into the room, everyone gets really quiet about him. And her reaction is, “Oh, please…” We sort of liken it to if your brother was a famous rock star, or a famous movie star, all you remember is a lifetime of growing up and fighting over who's sitting in the backseat, and sharing a bathroom, and he pulled my hair. And then you go to a restaurant, and people are sending him drinks, like, ‘Oh, right this way...’ and that's sort of Kara's interaction. People have asked us how do you make sure that Superman doesn't overwhelm the lead of your show? Rather than shy away from that, we're embracing it. It's kind of the idea like, yeah, he is more popular than she is. How does she deal with that? That's our take on that dynamic that’s between them.”

Supergirl returns to The CW on October 10th.

http://comicbook.com/2016/09/07/supergi ... e-popular/

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¡¡¡¡AY, OMÁ QUÉ CALORES!!!! ¡Gracias por tu regalo, Nitta!

Mensajes: 32857
Registrado: Dom May 21, 2006 12:15 am

Re: "SUPERGIRL", nueva serie en la CBS/CW

Mensaje por Shelby »

- Nuevas imágenes bts de la S2 (31 Agosto 2016):

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(@HillaryKennedy: Not only is @MelissaBenoist incredibly kind & beautiful, she brings @TheCWSupergirl to life with her joyful spirit!
@jakestakes: Today. Was. AWESOME. Had a blast hanging with @melissabenoist on the set of SUPERGIRL!)

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¡¡¡¡AY, OMÁ QUÉ CALORES!!!! ¡Gracias por tu regalo, Nitta!

Mensajes: 32857
Registrado: Dom May 21, 2006 12:15 am

Re: "SUPERGIRL", nueva serie en la CBS/CW

Mensaje por Shelby »

- Primera still oficial del 2.01 "The Adventures of Supergirl":


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¡¡¡¡AY, OMÁ QUÉ CALORES!!!! ¡Gracias por tu regalo, Nitta!

Mensajes: 32857
Registrado: Dom May 21, 2006 12:15 am

Re: "SUPERGIRL", nueva serie en la CBS/CW

Mensaje por Shelby »

- Nuevos detalles sobre las novedades de la S2:
Muchos son los interrogantes que tenemos aún sobre lo que nos encontraremos en la S2 y TVline nos ofrece un poco más de luz al respecto:

- El Proyecto Cadmus pondrá su mira en los primos kriptonianos, provocando “una cadena de acontecimientos que forzará a Supergirl y Supermán (Tyler Hoechlin) a hacer equipo,” dice el showrunner Andrew Kreisberg.

- Al hacerlo, “Consiguen pasar algo de tiempo en las vidas del otro, cosa que antes no habían conseguido hacer”.

- Kal-El le enseña a su prima a cómo “integrar ambas partes de su vida en una sola.”

- El nuevo supervisor de Kara, Snapper Carr, “va a hacer que Cat parezca cálida y cariñosa”.

- Lena Luthor “está tratando de cambiar la cara de su compañía,” empezando por cambiarle el nombre a LCorp.

- “Winn va a ser despedido,” dice Kreisberg, “e irá a trabajar para la DEO, lo que será realmente emocionante.”

"Supergirl" volverá a nuestras pantallas el Lunes, 10 de Oct. 10 a las 8/7c (The CW).

http://tvline.com/gallery/fall-tv-2016- ... supergirl/

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¡¡¡¡AY, OMÁ QUÉ CALORES!!!! ¡Gracias por tu regalo, Nitta!

Mensajes: 32857
Registrado: Dom May 21, 2006 12:15 am

Re: "SUPERGIRL", nueva serie en la CBS/CW

Mensaje por Shelby »

- Melissa Benoist visita el set de "Riverdale" (07-09-16):


(@ArchieComics Archie and Jughead meet Supergirl! #Riverdale @CW_Riverdale @TheCWSupergirl @kj_apa)

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¡¡¡¡AY, OMÁ QUÉ CALORES!!!! ¡Gracias por tu regalo, Nitta!

Mensajes: 32857
Registrado: Dom May 21, 2006 12:15 am

Re: "SUPERGIRL", nueva serie en la CBS/CW

Mensaje por Shelby »

- SUPERGIRL | Supergirl Season 2 Photoshoot | The CW:
https://twitter.com/TheCWSupergirl/stat ... 1575875584

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¡¡¡¡AY, OMÁ QUÉ CALORES!!!! ¡Gracias por tu regalo, Nitta!

Mensajes: 32857
Registrado: Dom May 21, 2006 12:15 am

Re: "SUPERGIRL", nueva serie en la CBS/CW

Mensaje por Shelby »

- Conoce mejor las nuevas caras de la S2 de "Supergirl":
Junto con el traslado a una nueva cadena, la segunda temporada de la serie "Supergirl" también está introduciendo muchos personajes cuando regrese en otoño y Andrew Kreisberg nos ha dado nuevos detalles sobre ellos:

Superman (Tyler Hoechlin)
Después de que tanto Kara (Melissa Benoist) como Clark aparezcan en la misma crisis, el dúo finalmente pasa algún tiempo de calidad juntos. “Ambos sienten un poco de tristeza sobre ellos, ambos tienen ese sentido de sentirse solos, ambos tienen ese sentido de sentirse diferentes, y amnos remarcan esa soledad, esa alienación, ese aislamiento se va cuando están juntos,” dice Kreisberg, mencionando que Alex (Chyler Leigh) se debatirá por la vinculación del dúo.

President Olivia Marsdin (Lynda Carter)
La antigua Wonder Woman ayudará a la serie a tratar los temas de inmigración, ya que POTUS firma un acto de amnistía hacia los aliens. “Ella cree mucho en esta causa, lo que va a ponerla en peligro, que es por lo que va a necesitar que Supergirl la proteja”, dice Kreisberg, que está emocionado por tener a Carter en la serie. “No podemos creer que dijera que sí.”

Mon-El (Chris Wood)
El misterioso ocupante de la nave, Mon-El es del mundo hermano de Krypton. “La destrucción de Krypton también resultó ser un día muy malo para Daxam — así es cómo escapó de ese cataclismo y llegó a la Tierra. Acaba de bajarse del barco. En cuanto a lo que le concierne, se metió en una nave en Daxam y el día siguiente estaba en la Tierra” dice Kreisberg. Así, Mon-El ayuda a cumplir la misión original de Kara de cuidar de Kal-El. “Ahora ella tiene a alguien para guiar”. La pregunta es, ¿es de confianza? “¿Puedes confiar en todo el mundo?” comenta Kreisberg.

Miss Martian (Sharon Leal)
La nativa del planeta rojo ayuda a J’onn J’onzz (David Harewood) a abrazar el ser Martian Manhunter. “J’onn de pronto va a tener esta conexión con Marte que le ha faltado durante los últimos 300 años. Está lidiando con la culpa del superviviente, y ha pasado los últimos cientos de años enterrando eso. Es sólo porque sus interacciones con Kara y su profunda relación con Alex que consigue empezar a abordar de nuevo eso. La llegada de Miss Martian va realmente a abrir las compuertas.”

Snapper Carr (Ian Gomez)
Muchos en CatCo magazine están deseosos de llenar el vacío de poder que rodea a la marcha de Cat Grant — Flockhart es ahora una estrella invitada recurrente — incluyendo a Snapper Carr, cuyo acercamientos sin barreras empuja a Kara de maneras inesperadas.

Lena Luthor (Katie McGrath)
Con su hermano Lex Luthoren prisión, Lena está lista para hacerse cargo de los negocios de la familia — y aparentemente quiere usar la compañía para hacer cosas buenas. Claaaaaaaaaaaaaro.

Maggie Sawyer (Floriana Lima)
La afluencia de los aliens facilita la introducción de la detective de DC Comics Maggie Sawyer, que trabaja para la Policía Científica. “Maggie es una estridente defensora de los derechos de los aliens. En su episodio de introducción dice que el crecer como una Latina y gay en Nebraska la hizo ser idealmente empática con las personas que son diferentes y con las personas que no encajan bien’”.

http://www.ew.com/article/2016/09/09/su ... 2-spoilers?

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¡¡¡¡AY, OMÁ QUÉ CALORES!!!! ¡Gracias por tu regalo, Nitta!

Mensajes: 32857
Registrado: Dom May 21, 2006 12:15 am

Re: "SUPERGIRL", nueva serie en la CBS/CW

Mensaje por Shelby »

- El crossover de la CW DC TV será una ‘historia de 3 horas’ y empezará en "The Flash":
Cuando las series de DC regresen a la televisión este otoño, la mayoría de ellos podréis encontrarlos en una única cadena – la CW. "Arrow" regresará a la cadena con su quinta temporada, "The Flash" con su tercera, "Legends of Tomorrow" con su segunda y "Supergirl" hará su traslado a la cadena con su segunda temporada, después de haberse estrenado en la CBS.

Con las cuatro series rodándose ahora en Vancouver, emitiéndose en la misma cadena y compartiendo el mismo "multiverso", las posibilidades para los crossover son interminables.

Uno de ellos es el enorme crossover que incluirá personajes de "Supergirl", "The Flash", "Arrow" y "Legends of Tomorrow". Poco sabemos acerca de qué villano será el que una a las cuatro series, o las circunstancias que traigan a Supergirl a la historia, pero Greg Berlanti nos ha dado nuevas pistas al respecto en una entrevista con "IndieWire":
“Realmente estás tratando de dirigir una única producción en tres producciones distintas. Pero funcionan como tres entidades separadas. Tenemos que averiguar cuándo tomamos prestado un actor y de dónde. Estamos contando una historia cohesiva; "Supergirl" participará, pero la historia no empieza activamente aquí. Hay algunos personajes que aparecerán en su episodio, pero la historia empieza con el episodio de "The Flash" y va a "Arrow" y a "Legends of Tomorrow". Estamos empezando a diseñar el villano para ello, y empezamos ahora pero no se emite hasta finales de Noviembre. Pondremos mucho tiempo entre ahora y entonces y así poder idear las secuencias de efectos visuales. Justo hoy estaba sujetando tres guiones uno detrás de otro – esos son 180 páginas de material. Es una historia de tres horas, casi una miniserie.”

http://www.indiewire.com/2016/09/greg-b ... 201725110/

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¡¡¡¡AY, OMÁ QUÉ CALORES!!!! ¡Gracias por tu regalo, Nitta!

Mensajes: 32857
Registrado: Dom May 21, 2006 12:15 am

Re: "SUPERGIRL", nueva serie en la CBS/CW

Mensaje por Shelby »

- Stills oficiales del 2.01 "Adventures of Supergirl":

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- Stills oficiales del 2.02 "The last children of Krypton":

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¡¡¡¡AY, OMÁ QUÉ CALORES!!!! ¡Gracias por tu regalo, Nitta!

Mensajes: 32857
Registrado: Dom May 21, 2006 12:15 am

Re: "SUPERGIRL", nueva serie en la CBS/CW

Mensaje por Shelby »

- SUPERGIRL | Season 2 "Taking Off" Teaser Promo:
https://twitter.com/TheCWSupergirl/stat ... 2389660675

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¡¡¡¡AY, OMÁ QUÉ CALORES!!!! ¡Gracias por tu regalo, Nitta!
