10x21-22 FINALE Spoilers, teorías, posibles argumentos

Spoilers, teorías, posibles argumentos.

Moderadores: Shelby, Lore, Super_House, ZeTa, Trasgo

¿Qué te ha parecido el capítulo? Ponle nota

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Registrado: Sab Dic 09, 2006 12:32 pm

Re: 10x21-22 FINALE Spoilers, teorías, posibles argumentos

Mensaje por K-Fabio »

Me parece imposible que esto se acabe...

me es complicado leer todo lo que pones, Shelby, pero gracias por llenarnos de tantas cosas...algunas muy emotivas...
Y gran trailer de mejor calidad...

Yo también me esperaba más de la décima temportada, creo que ha tenido demasiados altibajos, con un gran pico en todo lo alto, Homecoming, y algunos tambien muy arriba, como Beacon o Lazarus, en mi opinion.

Veremos el último capitulo...aunque por lo menos ya pinta muy bien.

Aish, me pongo nostálgico...

Lois Lane
Lois Lane
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Registrado: Sab Sep 04, 2010 3:55 pm
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Re: 10x21-22 FINALE Spoilers, teorías, posibles argumentos

Mensaje por NuLane »

Un día para el final... :smt022 :smt022 :smt022

He leído taaantas entrevistas que en lugar de saber más o menos lo que va a pasar, lo único que he conseguido es tener la cabeza hecha un lío. :smt102

Pero eso sí tiene pinta de ser una final genial!! Lo único que sé seguro es que pase lo que pase voy a necesitar kilos y kilos de pañuelos. No sé sí seré capaz de enterarme de algo cuando vea el capi en directo, porque problablemente empezaré a gimotear cuando oiga a Tom decir "and now, the series finale of Smallville" y ya no pararé hasta que se acabe. :cry: :smt005 :smt005

Gracias Shelby por recopilar toda la información, tiene que haber sido una semana movidita para tí. GRACIAS. :smt058

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Hawkman: Good, you're here. I've got something for you.
gifs: onebreath

Lois Lane
Lois Lane
Mensajes: 835
Registrado: Lun Jun 19, 2006 5:34 pm

Re: 10x21-22 FINALE Spoilers, teorías, posibles argumentos

Mensaje por lane-kent »

Esto ya se acaba, solo queda un dia para el gran final :smt022

NuLane yo estoy como tu ya ni siquiera ser que va a pasar en este capitulo final, mi cabeza esta hecho un lío. SOlo espero que sea un gran final.

Muchas gracias Shleby por el curre que te has pegado este semana.


Mensajes: 39
Registrado: Lun Oct 05, 2009 9:54 pm

Re: 10x21-22 FINALE Spoilers, teorías, posibles argumentos

Mensaje por tiken10 »

pensaba que nunca llegaria el final de smallville!!! a disfrutar de este ultimo capitulo!!

Mensajes: 3
Registrado: Dom Feb 13, 2011 2:58 pm

Re: 10x21-22 FINALE Spoilers, teorías, posibles argumentos

Mensaje por Lutti »

Hola! ¿Alguien me puede decir cómo ver el capítulo online mañana y a qué hora (hora española)? Un saludo.

Mensajes: 32861
Registrado: Dom May 21, 2006 12:15 am

Re: 10x21-22 FINALE Spoilers, teorías, posibles argumentos

Mensaje por Shelby »

Y aún estoy maldiciéndome a mí misma por no haberlo podido traducir todo, pero es que no me da tiempo y estoy jodidísima con la espalda, así es que perdonadme... :sad:

Bueno, otras más, pero creo que incluso deja más claras algunas cosas. :wink:

- Los Productores de SMALLVILLE Sienten la Presión del Final de la Serie (Newsarama.com):
Los Productores de SMALLVILLE Sienten la Presión del Final de la Serie
Por Jenna Bush 12 de Mayo, 2011

“And now, the series finale of Smallville.' I'm going to have to hear those words twice. I was lucky enough to be part of a small group of Lois Lane-wannabes [reporters] who got a chance to watch a sizzle reel made up of bits of the series finale and speak to producers/show runners Kelly Souders and Brian Peterson. I'm going to be honest. When I heard that voice over from Tom Welling, it was hard to swallow. If you're reading this, the show probably means as much to you as it does to me. Because of that, I'm giving you all the juicy bits of what was a long interview. I know you'll want to know it all.

In that spirit, let me tell you what we saw. Granny Goodness (Christine Willes) tells Lutessa, better known as Tess (Cassidy Freeman) that the Apokolips is upon us. In fact, we see it heading towards Earth. (We even get a glimpse of Darkseid!) Lois (Erica Durance) is still having doubts about marrying Clark, though it will happen. She and Chloe (Allison Mack) share a scene at the Daily Planet where Chloe explains that Clark is not a god. He can't listen to pleas for help all the time. He needs to rest and he needs someone to bring him back to Earth when he “takes to the skies.” (Have you read Mark Waid's Irredeemable? I bet he'd agree.) Martha Kent (Annette O'Toole) lets Clark know that he wasn't supposed to sell the farm, though they're a few days from escrow. She says that you don't have to let go of your past to have your future. Clark disagrees. Oh yes, we do get to see Pa Kent (Jonathan Schneider) again. (More in the interview below.) But the big scenes were really between Clark (Tom Welling) and Lex (Michael Rosenbaum). It seems that Lex has reanimated himself with bits of the clones and he's helping Clark rid the world of Darkseid. (See below for more on that as well.) There is a car chase, a plane crash, Tess and Lex together, lightning during the wedding...and a glimpse of Clark floating. We didn't see it, but I'm going to guess there is flying...in the suit. I don't want to say any more. Seriously though...cut onions or something during the finale so you have an excuse for bawling.

Newsarama: Besides the plot points you have to hit, what were your favorite smaller moments to include in the finale?

Kelly Souders: There are a couple of moments in the church, because obviously you saw the church [in the trailer]. There is one...I'll just say...[Peterson makes shushing noises]...I'm not saying what it is! But when Lois is about to walk down the aisle. Just the whole aisle. I'll just say I have a couple favorite moments, just on the aisle.

Brian Peterson: And there's a very good scene with a door. It's probably one of everybody's favorite scene in the show. [laughter] We wanted to kind of show you the scope, but we saved a lot of the little interpersonal moments that I think really make the show. There's one shot that is just like the Smallville shot. You'll see it, and you're like, "This is what we needed in the finale." And you'll know it the second you see it.

Nrama: What can you tell us about Lex's return? Because he seems to be trying to help stop Darkseid with Clark? But we know that he is the villain.

Peterson: Right. Well, as we already revealed, we only had Michael for one day. [laughs] So there was only so much we could do with him in the story. We really wanted to keep this Clark's finale. But Lex plays a very interesting role, and there are a couple of big twists with Lex that we did not show you.

Souders: And I think the other thing that's interesting...obviously because Rosenbaum hasn't been on the show for the last couple years, we needed to tie up the last couple of years. And obviously the season, so we had Darkseid looming out there. But for us when we were thinking about Rosenbaum coming back, and our Lex, Smallville Lex, what his purpose was, it was always kind of not quite what you expected. Much more sort of human and emotional than I think any of us starting out the Smallville series would have expected. We really went back to the pilot and we thought, there's the guy who showed up and was totally personable and super sympathetic, and just wanted to thank a guy for saving his life. And so when we looked at having him back in the finale, it was the same thing. They're going to go on to be huge enemies, so what's pivotal in this moment that's our Lex Luthor and our Clark Kent?" And how do we wrap up the relationship that's been so complicated and so mixed with emotions for 10 years?

Nrama: How down to the wire was it, finding out that he was coming back and had you prepared the non-Lex version?

Souders: It was over the wire.

Peterson: It was over the wire. I mean we had published and prepped an entire finale without him in it. Not that we didn't want him. We just thought that was never going to happen. And honestly there were a couple of things that we had planned on planting in the season that we didn't, because we didn't know we were going to have him. So we wrote the scenes...I won't say hurriedly because we spent all weekend writing these big scenes for him, but it did throw some of the other story lines for the season into a bit of a tailspin.

Nrama: The promotions have been showing a lot of Jonathan Kent. Can you give us any explanation about his return?

Souders: Yeah, I think it will become really clear what role Jonathan plays and why he shows up the way he does in this episode. Every time I see certain moments with Jonathan, I definitely get a tear in my eye after all these weeks of watching the footage.

Peterson: We very purposely platformed his role in the finale with what we did in the premiere, in “Lazarus,” and that final scene that Clark has with him in “Lazarus” The whole point was to bookend the final season with Jonathan. So he's introduced in that same type of way.

Nrama: With getting all of the Michael Rosenbaum story in...were there things that you didn't get to that you wanted to?

Souders: Yeah, I think we would have liked to see the JLA more this season. John Jones (Phil Morris) is someone we really wanted to bring back. And I think what it came down to was, the finale had a lot of people in it, and at a certain point you tip the scale and you're not servicing the people that are on screen. But there were a lot of beloved characters that we wanted to see again that we wanted to bring back. But in general we were pretty happy with what we got to do.

Peterson: It's always hard when another hero shows up, because every moment that hero is on screen, it takes time away from Clark. By it's nature. The VRA was supposed to be a vehicle to get as many people back as we could, but with the 200th [episode] and Booster (Eric Martsolf) in the finale, our resources were maxed out.

Nrama: What extras are you planning for the DVD set?

Souders: Oh my gosh, this DVD set is insane! I...think it's the biggest one Warner Bros. has ever brought out.

Peterson: It is. I know they've gone back...the whole series...we've seen it. It's really cool looking. They've gone back and they've interviewed people who were on those first seasons with us, like Al (Gough) and Miles (Millar) and there's, I believe...some of the stuff is still in negotiations right now. There is definitely...they did two featurettes that are going to go on this season. One is about fathers....

Nrama: What can you tell the Chloe fans about how you're wrapping her story line? And Oliver...he's been marked.

Peterson: I don't want to give anything away. Alison was doing a play so we got her for half of the show. [laughs] I think there are a lot of different ways people want Chloe to end, and so we, I think, serviced her character in a way that is right for who she was and who she's becoming. And she has one big moment with Clark where we get to see her shine.

Souders: And how she interacts with the overall mythology. And I will say that Chloe fans should definitely stay tuned through the entire show. There's a jewel.

Peterson: Yes, there's a certain thing that we did for her that nobody [else] got.

Nrama: And Oliver?

Peterson: It's hard, because Oliver came in so late in the series, we wanted to service him, but this show is about Clark and Chloe and Martha...it started as one thing and we wanted to end it...he has a big heroic moment, he has a big arc, he has some complications...hopefully people feel satisfied with the little conclusion in the finale.

Souders: You really see what an impact that these heroes coming together has made on him and having Clark as a friend. It's very clear in this episode...it defines that relationship and what it means to both of them. And there's a really great moment and you really see their friendship and that bond, and that's what's going to get them through a lot of hard times in the future.

Nrama: Will there be any little flash forwards? Any glimpses of what's coming?

Peterson: That will be answered in the first five minutes of the show.

Nrama: Many fans have been watching since the pilot. Do you feel additional pressure to make sure you get everything in the fans might want versus what the source material said happens in that last two hours?

Peterson: Well the good thing is, we're as big of fans as everyone else...but yes. There is a lot of pressure.

Souders: Yes. To wrap up ten years...just to do a finale every season is literally...it takes everything out of everyone who is working on it. We just collapse. The next day everyone is on planes, trying to get on a beach, as far away as they possibly can...to try and do that for ten years and really wrap up ten years...yeah, there was a lot of pressure.

Peterson: We know we'll never hit everything. It's impossible. I think the finale hits 80 to 90 percent of what everybody is going to want. More than almost any other episode we've done, I think.

Nrama: Can you describe how the final moments of the episode affected you?

Souders: I still get really choked up, just because it feels like there is such a history. And obviously we have such a history with it too. It feels like high school. You're ending a whole period of your life that you know you will never ever get to go back to that just had highs and lows, but was just so spectacular in every way. It just won't ever be duplicated in that same way, so it's pretty emotional.

Peterson: We also didn't just want to do an ending; we wanted to do a beginning a little bit. And so I think what we were aiming for was giving people the emotion of knowing what's to come because the end of this show lines up with every movie, a lot of comic books, a lot of other things. Unlike a lot shows, we know where this story goes. And so it's kind of a handoff to those other pieces of canon and those other pieces of mythology, rather than just an ending.

Well my friends, it's almost time. I have my red and blue tissues at the ready. And if it helps soften the blow, Peterson and Souders told us that there are plans for a comic book to continue the story.

http://www.newsarama.com/tv/smallville- ... 10512.html?

- Póster promocional que acaba de publicar la CW:


[youtube]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=efttczf- ... ture=share[/youtube]

[youtube]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Rvcoxspe ... ture=feedu[/youtube]

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¡¡¡¡AY, OMÁ QUÉ CALORES!!!! ¡Gracias por tu regalo, Nitta!

Mensajes: 233
Registrado: Sab Feb 13, 2010 9:48 pm
Ubicación: normalmente en Sevilla, aunque paso mucho tiempo por metrópolis

Re: 10x21-22 FINALE Spoilers, teorías, posibles argumentos

Mensaje por manukent »

:super11 ¡Qué hemorragia de acontecimientos!!

La emoción y la nostalgia crecen por momentos. Por mucho que pensemos que Smallville va a finalizar, creo que no estamos preparados para ello.

y mañana qué?, pufff! pues dentro del enorme lío mental, tras tanto clip; tengo el pálpito de que la boda no se finalizará, y tendrán que dejarlo para el futuro y de que en la batalla final con Darksaid, alguien va a sacrificarse, muriendo por el bien.
Aunque no me gustaría, la escena del niño con el comic, puede que sea la última de la serie. :smt102

Y por supuesto, MIL GRACIAS SHELBY!, tu trabajo en éstos años ha sido ejemplar e inigualable! :super14

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Lana Lang
Lana Lang
Mensajes: 322
Registrado: Vie Mar 02, 2007 1:45 pm

Re: 10x21-22 FINALE Spoilers, teorías, posibles argumentos

Mensaje por joseuv27 »

pues nada ha llegado el dia mañana acaba esta gran serie que ha tenido como toda serie altos y bajos pero no he perdido ningun capitulo aunque unos me ha parecido mejor que otros espero que el ultimo capitulo no nos deje un mal saber de boca. un saludo


Mensajes: 11
Registrado: Lun Oct 02, 2006 3:11 pm

Re: 10x21-22 FINALE Spoilers, teorías, posibles argumentos

Mensaje por donan »

¿Alguien sabe la hora exacta española? Generalmente los capítulos son a las 2am pero no quiero cagarla y que este empiece antes por ser de 2 horas :smt007


Lionel Luthor
Lionel Luthor
Mensajes: 124
Registrado: Jue Jul 05, 2007 11:26 pm
Ubicación: En un rincón apartado de Valencia

Re: 10x21-22 FINALE Spoilers, teorías, posibles argumentos

Mensaje por manolillo »

Ni idea, solo sé que para nosotros quedan menos de 24 Horas... :smt022

I'm Big Boss!!

Lois Lane
Lois Lane
Mensajes: 871
Registrado: Sab Sep 05, 2009 3:54 pm
Ubicación: en el tur de la galacia con Clark Kent

Re: 10x21-22 FINALE Spoilers, teorías, posibles argumentos

Mensaje por Svmarines »

donan escribió:¿Alguien sabe la hora exacta española? Generalmente los capítulos son a las 2am pero no quiero cagarla y que este empiece antes por ser de 2 horas :smt007
La hora de comienzo es igual que siempre a las 2 de la mañana hora de españa y en vez de terminar a las 3 termina a las 4 de la mañana siempre hablando hora de españa :smt058


Mensajes: 32861
Registrado: Dom May 21, 2006 12:15 am

Re: 10x21-22 FINALE Spoilers, teorías, posibles argumentos

Mensaje por Shelby »

- Entrevistas en "The Futon Critic":

[youtube]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rtwEneKw ... er&list=UL[/youtube]

[youtube]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Zk2vo2cb ... er&list=UL[/youtube]

[youtube]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SNNFthPy ... er&list=UL[/youtube]

- Tom Welling - MTV "The Seven":

[youtube]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1ucxdvGC ... ture=share[/youtube]

Imagen Imagen
¡¡¡¡AY, OMÁ QUÉ CALORES!!!! ¡Gracias por tu regalo, Nitta!

Lionel Luthor
Lionel Luthor
Mensajes: 72
Registrado: Vie Abr 18, 2008 10:59 am

Re: 10x21-22 FINALE Spoilers, teorías, posibles argumentos

Mensaje por Fran50 »

pero es ahora 2am? o mañana 2am como esta esto '?? xD :smt022

Lois Lane
Lois Lane
Mensajes: 871
Registrado: Sab Sep 05, 2009 3:54 pm
Ubicación: en el tur de la galacia con Clark Kent

Re: 10x21-22 FINALE Spoilers, teorías, posibles argumentos

Mensaje por Svmarines »

Fran50 escribió:pero es ahora 2am? o mañana 2am como esta esto '?? xD :smt022
Bueno vamos a ver si lo aclaramos un poco con la hora del capitulo siempre comenzo a las 2 de la mañana (madrugada) y la final es a la misma hora de siempre. En USA SV va a las 8 de la noche si le agregamos 6 horas las matematicas dicen 2 de la madrugada como siempre :wink:

Edito: estoy hablando siempre hora de España
Última edición por Svmarines el Vie May 13, 2011 12:24 am, editado 1 vez en total.


Mensajes: 28
Registrado: Vie May 09, 2008 6:01 am

Re: 10x21-22 FINALE Spoilers, teorías, posibles argumentos

Mensaje por chacarita »

Svmarines escribió:
donan escribió:¿Alguien sabe la hora exacta española? Generalmente los capítulos son a las 2am pero no quiero cagarla y que este empiece antes por ser de 2 horas :smt007
La hora de comienzo es igual que siempre a las 2 de la mañana hora de españa y en vez de terminar a las 3 termina a las 4 de la mañana siempre hablando hora de españa :smt058
El horario es el mismo de la semana pasada. Igual no creo que sirva de mucho saber a que hora empieza a no ser que los quieras ver online en vivo, la verdad que cada vez tienen mejor calidad las transmisiones online pero yo prefiero verlos sin cortes comerciales y con los subs de acá.
Digo que no sirve de nada saber el horario porque no hay forma de saber a que horas van a sacar el o los ripeos, habrá que estar 1 hora y media o mas pegado a la compu hasta que salgan, jajaja.


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