¡¡¡Nuevo proyecto de la FOX sobre GOTHAM!!!

Moderadores: Shelby, Lore, Super_House, ZeTa, Trasgo

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Registrado: Dom May 21, 2006 12:15 am

Re: ¡¡¡Nuevo proyecto de la FOX sobre GOTHAM!!!

Mensaje por Shelby »

- GOTHAM | 2.08 "Tonight´s The Night" Promo:


- GOTHAM | 2.08 "Tonight´s The Night" Clip #1:


- GOTHAM | 2.08 "Tonight´s The Night" Clip #2:


- GOTHAM | 2.08 "Tonight´s The Night" Clip #3:


- GOTHAM | 2.08 "Tonight´s The Night" Clip #4:


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¡¡¡¡AY, OMÁ QUÉ CALORES!!!! ¡Gracias por tu regalo, Nitta!

Mensajes: 32871
Registrado: Dom May 21, 2006 12:15 am

Re: ¡¡¡Nuevo proyecto de la FOX sobre GOTHAM!!!

Mensaje por Shelby »

- Nueva y divertida imagen bts de la S2 (02-11-15):


(@ben_mckenzie: NO ! Put those back #wheelybum #dontplaywithprops)

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¡¡¡¡AY, OMÁ QUÉ CALORES!!!! ¡Gracias por tu regalo, Nitta!

Mensajes: 32871
Registrado: Dom May 21, 2006 12:15 am

Re: ¡¡¡Nuevo proyecto de la FOX sobre GOTHAM!!!

Mensaje por Shelby »

- Stills del 2.09 "Bitter Pill To Swallow":

Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen

Imagen Imagen
¡¡¡¡AY, OMÁ QUÉ CALORES!!!! ¡Gracias por tu regalo, Nitta!

Mensajes: 32871
Registrado: Dom May 21, 2006 12:15 am

Re: ¡¡¡Nuevo proyecto de la FOX sobre GOTHAM!!!

Mensaje por Shelby »

- Descripción oficial del 2.10 "The Son of Gotham":
2.10 "The Son of Gotham" (23/11/15): GORDON RETA A UN SOSPECHOSO VINCULADO A GALAVAN (8:00-9:00 PM ET/PT) - Gordon confronta a un sospechoso que está conectado con Galavan, pero no consigue obtener ninguna información. Mientras tanto, Bruce da un paso más hacia el descubrir el nombre del asesino de sus padres. Estrellas invitadas: Natalie Alyn Lind como 'Silver St. Cloud', Ron Rifkin como 'Father Creel', Richard Kind como 'Aubrey James', Ellen Harvey como 'Juez', Tommy Flanagan como 'The Knife'.

http://www.spoilertv.com/2015/10/fox-up ... es_27.html?

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¡¡¡¡AY, OMÁ QUÉ CALORES!!!! ¡Gracias por tu regalo, Nitta!

Mensajes: 32871
Registrado: Dom May 21, 2006 12:15 am

Re: ¡¡¡Nuevo proyecto de la FOX sobre GOTHAM!!!

Mensaje por Shelby »

- Erin Richards adelanta el clímax del triángulo amoroso '¡Babs se vuelve salvaje!' (TVLine):
Erin Richards adelanta el clímax del triángulo amoroso '¡Babs se vuelve salvaje!'
Por Matt Webb Mitovich / 08 Nov 2015, 1:16 PM PST

This Monday on Gotham (Fox, 8/7c), it’s no less than “Babs Gone Wild,” to hear Erin Richards tell it.

Having laid relatively low ever since the “Maniax” were first unleashed upon the metropolis, Barbara this week is finally tasked with a deadly mission, as part of Theo Galavan’s grand plan to seek revenge on those who hundreds of years ago erased the Dumas family from Gotham history.

Barbara, though, as we know, is highly unpredictable, so don’t be surprised this week when things go positively b-a-n-a-… actually, we’ll let the Brit beauty sing it for you in a moment.

TVLINE | What has Barbara been up to, besides eating bagels and sleeping? We have been told she sleeps a lot.
[Laughs] She’s just been recharging her batteries, yeah. Causing mischief. But this week, Theo finally lets her out of her cage. The thing about Gotham is there’s so much to do, there are so many other stories to tell, but now is Barbara’s moment. It’s Babs’ moment!

TVLINE | What is Theo’s mission for her, roughly?
[Plainly] To kill Jim Gordon.

TVLINE | Oh, geez. That’s a bit harsh.
Mmm-hmm. Yeah, it is harsh. It might not be what she wants to do, but it’s what Galavan wants her to do.

TVLINE | Oh, might Barbara deviate from the mission in the name of her own self interests?
She may have other plans…. She may not be doing exactly what she’s told — which shouldn’t come as too much of a shock to anyone!

TVLINE | [Executive producer] John Stephens told me that this episode is “bananas.” How so?
[Singing] “It’s bananas! B-a-n-a-n-a-s!” I haven’t watched the full episode but I ADR’d some of the lines, so I got a glimpse of how bananas it is. And I mean, it is just “Babs gone wild.” She has free reign in Gotham for the whole episode, so it was really, really fun for me to do. And I’ve heard that it looks really great, so I’m very excited to see it.

TVLINE | Is she totally unhinged at this point or is she holding on by a thread?
I think she’s completely sane, in a very insane way. If you were to ask her, she would say that she’s completely within her rights to be doing what she does, but from the outside it might look like she goes completely nuts. But she’s got a definite plan. She’s a woman on a mission, right from the start of the episode. Now, it probably doesn’t end exactly how she wanted it to, but…. There’s a definite ending.

TVLINE | In one of the photos they released, Bullock has her shackled up. That can’t be part of her plan, I imagine.
Well, it might be part of the plan. She works in mysterious ways. [Chuckles]

TVLINE | John also said that in this episode, the Jim/Lee/Barbara triangle “culminates in a beautiful, crazy way,” which has me worried for Barbara. Might one of these people not walk away…
…maybe not completely unscathed? It’s a high-stakes situation, for sure.

TVLINE | We talk about a triangle, but does Tabitha have any skin in this game? Are things at all serious between her and Barbara, or is it more about “stress relief” at the end of a day of treachery?
It’s probably, yeah, like a release. But also there’s intrigue there, because Tabitha’s a really strong woman with a lot of skill that Barbara could adopt. If Tabitha would teach them to her, I’m sure Barbara would be happy to learn. There’s a mutual respect that maybe isn’t so present with Theo, because Barbara is just straight up using him. But with Tabitha, she’s a bit more intrigued.

TVLINE | I know you put a lot of work last month into the Global Citizen Festival (a community of activists tackling poverty, inequality and climate change). For anyone who didn’t participate, what can they do to contribute?
That can go onto GlobalCitizen.org and there are constantly actions that people can take where they’re learning about different things that are going on around the world, where you can petition politicians and show your support for particular aid organizations…. There are so many things you can do if you go to GlobalCitizen org.

http://tvline.com/2015/11/08/gotham-sea ... -showdown/
- Richards desvela la retorcida mente de 'Barbara Kean' de "Gotham" para una demente boda (CBR):
Richards desvela la retorcida mente de 'Barbara Kean' de "Gotham" para una demente boda
Por Bryan Cairns, 09 Nov 2015

Erin Richards' career couldn't get any crazier. Best known for roles on "Being Human," "The Quiet Ones" and "Open Grave" -- projects which involve werewolves, vampires, ghosts, evil forces and zombies -- the British actress has discovered that for many characters, there's a fine line between reality and insanity. And though it didn't appear to be the case when she first appeared on "Gotham" as Det. James Gordon's- then-fiancée Barbara Kean, by the time Season 1 wrapped, Richards found herself exploring one of the darkest, most twisted minds on the pre-Batman based series.

Once an upstanding citizen from a wealthy family, Barbara snapped after being kidnapped by the serial killer Ogre, ultimately murdering her own parents. Sent away to Arkham Asylum, Kean quickly escaped the facitilty and has been hanging out with the equally twisted Theo and Tabitha Galvan, two whom she owes her current freedom. Now, Barbara's about to enjoy her dream wedding -- even if it means the death of her former betrothed.

Ahead of tonight's episode, "Tonight's the Night," Kean spoke with CBR News about Barbara's descent into madness, what she's learning from the Galavan siblings, and her ultimate goal for herself and Jim Gordon.

CBR News: Do you feel Barbara's encounter with the Ogre last season gave her a new lease on life?

Erin Richards: That encounter completely changed Barbara. It was such a turning point in her progression. Before that, she was obviously feeling like this trapped woman in this world where nobody was letting her breathe. She was with Jim, and he wasn't telling her what was going on in his life. She was with Montoya, but Montoya wasn't letting her in either. Barbara felt isolated. The Ogre comes at the perfect moment when she just wants somebody to see her -- and see the real her. That's what he did; he brought out this new dark character from inside her.

It's so much fun playing a villain. Even though I really enjoyed playing old Barbara, it was very important to see the progression and where she was and how isolated she felt. It was an important story to tell, and this new incarnation of her allows me to go into work and have the most fun.

This season, Barbara's been hanging out with Theo and Tabitha Galavan. How much is she exploiting them? Or are they using her?

I think it goes both ways. Even between Theo and Tabitha, they are exploiting each other, too. This is such an interesting dynamic. The three of them are very strong characters, and they all have their individual talents that they can use and be used for. Barbara is very intrigued by Tabitha and interested in learning from her the kind of skills that she has, the combative skills and maybe the more seductive skills.

The interesting thing about Barbara is if she had a superpower, it would be to tell everybody's weaknesses and use that knowledge against them. With Theo, she sees that he likes to be the big man, the one in charge, the one with the power, the one with the plan. She'll pretend to be his puppet for as long as she needs to in order to get what she wants. After that, she'll move on to the next power.

At one point, Barbara stops Helzinger from beating Jim Gordon. Where is Barbara's head and heart when it comes to her former fiancé?

She still loves him, very much, but she wants to bring out the dark in Jim. I like to think of her as hatched out of an egg. Season 1 Barbara was trapped in this hard shell, and then she was cracked open by the Ogre. Now, she's like this new, dark being. She wants to bring everyone into this wonderful dark space that she's inhabiting, and having so much fun with, because it's completely free. She sees Jim is just pretending to be this good cop. She's like, "I know you. I know who you really are. You're the same as me. You have this dark place inside of you, so why don't you just let it come out? Come over to the dark side with me, where it's so much more fun!"

What makes tonight the right night, not only for a wedding, but to try and kill Jim?

All the pieces of the puzzle have fallen into place. She's been waiting, and Galavan has been saying, "Don't worry. It's coming. It's coming." I think she's sort of on the verge of just lashing out at that point and doing something if Galavan hadn't said, "Okay, it's now." It came at the right time.

Barbara's gift includes messing with people's heads. In what ways does she push Jim's buttons?

She gets him and Lee in the same place as her. She brings both of them together into her madness. She's concocted this whole wedding situation, right from the beginning of the episode. She's going to get them both together -- and then try to bring out the dark Jim by using Lee as a means to do this. Some bullets fly, and Lee is in the middle of it. It's a dangerous situation for her.

This episode is very exciting, because this Barbara is completely unleashed. She's getting exactly what she wants, which is to get right to the heart of Jim. Plus, I get to wear a wedding dress, which is really fun. It's ridiculous, as well. It's such a Barbara-crazy wedding dress.

Barbara is ramping up the insanity factor?

Yes, she completely loses it. The thing about Barbara is, if you asked her if she was crazy, she wouldn't think she was. She's just a woman on a mission. From the outside, she looks pretty crazy. But she's free -- she's not crazy.

Lastly, what are your thoughts on redemption? Has Barbara crossed too many lines at this point to ever come back?

I think anybody can be redeemed. It would take a big event, which may happen at the end of this episode. There's a hint. She's gone pretty far into the dark side, so it would take a big thing to bring her back -- but anything is possible.

http://www.comicbookresources.com/artic ... ed-wedding
- EDWARD NYGMA sobre sus nuevos y 'oscuros' acertijos (newsarama):
EDWARD NYGMA sobre sus nuevos y 'oscuros' acertijos
Por Lan Pitts 09 Nov 2015

This season on Gotham has been dubbed “Rise of the Villains” and it’s no wonder why. With the confirmed additions of Hugo Strange, Mr. Freeze, and a genderbent Firefly, Gotham City is just getting a taste of what the future holds for the city’s rogues gallery. One of the more interesting revelations of the series this season though has been Cory Michael Smith’s Edward Nygma embracing his “Dark Nygma” persona.

Major spoilers inclosed for those not caught up, but for fans who saw last week’s episode know it’s quite a game changer for Smith’s future as the Riddler.

Previously on Gotham, Nygma had killed Officer Tom Dougherty, who was abusing Ed’s love interest Ms. Kristen Kringle, played by Chelsea Spack. With Dougherty removed, Ed sought after the mousey lab worker and after a night of passion, Nygma confessed to killing her former lover. Then, when Kringle tried to leave, realizing that Nygma’s mild mannerisms were a front to his potentially psychopathic tendencies, he accidentally choked her to death all the while professing his love.

Newsarama caught up with Smith to talk about Nygma’s double murders and what they mean for his character and if this is indeed the start of his criminal career, as well as where does his character go from here.

Newsarama: So, Cory, Edward kills Ms. Kringle in a crime of passion after he revealed to her that you were also behind the murder of Tom Dougherty. What do you think where his head is now? Do you yourself almost feel sorry for him?

Cory Michael Smith: [Pauses] Well, what do you mean? Because now this is two homicides, but done unintentionally. That’s pretty awful. He’s a murderer and doesn’t even intend to be. Do I feel sorry for him? I mean, I can’t. I think the only way for him to recover, or to move forward, is to make sure you don’t get caught doing something horrible and just buck it up and move on. So he’s not really taking care of the scar tissue, which I think will come back to bite him.

When you kill somebody, you know the next thing to do [laughs]...not that I know this personally...is figure out what to do and not cry over the body. What we’re going to see is his alter ego, which of course is Ed himself, but this other part of him is the one that is going to be instigated.

Nrama: Ed still has a long life ahead of villainy, but with this season is being called the "Rise of the Villains," do you think this is Ed’s turning point?

Smith: This is certainly one of them, yes. What was so exciting is where we started Ed Nygma, which was so far away from this as possible. He was nimble, light, giddy, well-meaning...and you want him to be this outrageous super villain, there’s still quite a ways to go. If we’re speeding down hill a large mountain, this is one of those times you get some air, you know? This is certainly a major turning point.

Nrama: What was your first reaction when you got the script? How much in advanced had you known this was their fate?

Smith: I knew it was coming. I had been warned of it. It was very, very sweet. I adore Chelsea Spack and we’ve had such a great time together and I hate to see her go. There were other ways for the story to go, on the other hand this is the more exciting choice. I love that it was another unintentional death. I love that the one person who had shown andy sincere fondness for me, I have destroyed. It’s quite tragic! This has now set up some exciting storylines for the rest of the season that stick.

Nrama: So what is the creative process of you making this transition from this mild-mannered individual to go to this person who has such...I don’t even want to say luck, but who is faced with these situations?

Smith: Well, it is pretty bad luck for sure. You know I feel like everything is dominoed into the next event. There’s a really exciting next step in the evolution of the Riddler that comes in episode 7 that will help him in the future adopt his identity of the Riddler. It’s really a brilliant surprising choice where the brilliance of the writing astound me. It’s a very unique choice and at first he’s very “I don’t understand it”....but what you’re asking though is that 7 plays a major part in the evolution of Ed moving forward having murdered Kristen and what that means to him in having to get rid of the body.

Nrama: Right! He’s not a career killer of any sort. He’s worked in forensics so he knows his way in that science, so where does he go from here? What is the next step in all of this for him?

Smith: We will see. It’s a very exciting episode because there are two parts to this story as well as Ed himself. Maybe, just maybe, they have different ideas on what to do with the body and how to respond after. Part of him wants to get away with it, but the other part wants him to quietly turn himself in because the horrible stuff he’s done will weigh on his conscience for the rest of his life. Or he could try to get away with it and try to move on and recover. These two options, these two parts of him, are going to be at war and we know one part of him is more aggressive and strong-willed than the other.

Nrama: Do you think Ed considers himself a villain?

Smith: No, I don’t think so. No, because he didn’t mean to do that and the whole reason for sharing with her that he killed Dougherty was because he thought she underestimated him. He loved her so much, he wanted her to know everything. He’s not a bad guy. Everything he’s done has been out of love including trying to keep her in the apartment and try to explain to her that he loves her. Everything has been out of love, so know, he doesn’t feel that way yet.

Nrama: Riddler hasn’t been seen in a lot of live-action interpretations. There’s Frank Gorshin, Jim Carrey, and you. So when you’re trying to get into the mind of Edward Nygma, not Riddler, where do you turn to?

Smith: In terms of his spirit, it’s not difficult for me to be enthusiastic and giddy about things. Where the fun comes in is when people respond to his childlike glee and the awkwardness that comes after. Now, the really fun part is in episode 6 he changes so quickly and working towards to becoming a supervillain and a lot of the qualities that this person has start adopting. His spirit darkens a little bit, his voice starts to change a little more into the other Nygma. They start to become the same, which has been really fun for me. This is him dropping all sorts of adolescence and start becoming into adulthood.

Nrama: There seems to be this dark evolution for most of the cast. Is that darkness something you want Nygma to embrace more?

Smith: What is going to be really fun is as Edward becomes engaged into the crime culture of Gotham, the people he gets enthusiastic about starts to shift. Work was the thing that I loved and the people I loved were at work. Now, or in the future, work can be a dangerous place to because I am a criminal, though unintentionally, so that’s not a happy comfortable place. How I behave there will be changing very quickly and the fun thing about the Riddler is that he’s such a joyful villain, but the joy is found in other ways and the type that people start to be attracted to.

Nrama: When you got the role and things started coming along, were you given any specific Riddler stories to look to if you needed it?

Smith: Yeah, absolutely! The first person who gave me comics was my rep, Darren. He gave me a little care package. One I really liked was Run, Riddler, Run! and one that really freaked me out was The Riddle Factory.

Nrama: Oh, that’s a good one.

Smith: Yeah, because that one in spirit is similar to episode three where Jerome locks everybody in and plays ringmaster and really just fucks with people. It was the one where, in a modern day context, that I understood how the Riddler can be the energetic, joyful character, but also cause a lot of havoc and be incredibly dangerous and in no way remorseful for his actions.

Nrama: I mean, I’m biased towards him, but I think he’s absolutely a legitimate threat.

Smith: Yeah! The thing is earlier on he was fun and games, you know, and as we’ve evolved and moved forward I guess the level of danger needs to be turned up a notch which I think is a good thing. For better or for worse, I think the media and storytelling today is incredibly aggressive and violent and for somebody to actually feel like a genuine threat, they have to be terrifying.

That doesn’t mean that they have to be automatically gorey or the person with the highest body count, but there has to be something sincerely disturbing about them. When you read The Riddle Factory...there’s something about that it is truly disturbing. It just shows how somebody’s whose trademark is a riddle, which arguably could be a very silly thing, how that could be transformed into something haunting.

Nrama: If there could be anything from the Riddler’s mythos, whether it’s Echo and Query, or a cane of some kind, issues with his parents, what would you want to bring into the show?

Smith: I like that question, thanks for asking that! I had initially thought that there would be a scene with parents and childhood as there’s certainly a theme of parents in the show. We’ve met Oswald’s parents and we know that his father is coming and Paul Rubens will be playing him. We know that Selina doesn’t have parents around and Bruce lost his. Ivy, her parents are gone as well. We haven’t touched or talked about Edward’s childhood, so maybe we’ll visit that, or maybe not. I don’t know if it’s necessary or helpful at this point. It almost seems like it would cloud the momentum going forward, but that was something I thought we would visit.

Query and Echo is something I am very interested in. Early on I was like I wonder if their intention with Kristen Kringle was to be one of these women, but that is clearly not what happens. I’m very interested in that because I think that’s so cool. I find their relationship so interesting personally because there’s these two beautiful women and there doesn’t seem to be a sexual relationship. Will we see Edward deal with reconciling losing the one love of his life and what that means for him? It’s very interesting to me because it seems like we could see Edward become asexual.

Nrama: See, I agree with that! That’s who Eddie is to me. He doesn’t care about that sort of thing because he just thinks on a higher plane than most people.

Smith: Right! Earlier on I had this woman scream at me [via Twitter] when we introduced Kristen Kringle “This is SO wrong! THIS IS SO WRONG!” saying he doesn’t have any romantic endeavors. So I texted her back and said do you wonder how somebody gets to be that way and that’s the story we’re telling. For him to swear it off as this is his one weakness...and if you don’t want to be a weak person anymore, you cut off anything that could potentially harm you.

Nrama: Completely agree there. So, lastly, I want to have some fun. I have a riddle for you, let’s see if you can solve it.

Smith: Oh, God! [laughs]

Nrama: What is the beginning of the end, the end of time, the middle of yesterday, but nowhere in tomorrow?

Smith: [pauses] Oh, E! [laughs] That’s awesome.

http://www.newsarama.com/26687-gotham-s ... ddles.html
- Erin Richards explora los lugares oscuros y aterradores de la mente de 'Barbara' (comicbook):
Erin Richards explora los lugares oscuros y aterradores de la mente de 'Barbara'
Por Lucas Siegel 09/11/2015

On the Monday November 9 episode of Gotham, "Tonight's the Night," it's Barbara Kean's show as she finally gets let off the proverbial (or is it literal?) leash by the Galavans, and sent after Jim Gordon. Her plot takes both a cerebral and physical turn, and to execute it, actress Erin Richards had to go to some pretty dark places.

"I tend to do quite a fair bit of meditation, so that I, as Erin, am very balanced, so that any decision I make to go into that crazy place comes from a very safe place in myself. I think sometimes that’s how people get a little lost in their characters," Richards told ComicBook.com in a phone interview. She made reference to Heath Ledger's now infamous losing of himself, and continued.

"But I think, sometimes, actors who go to those quite dark, scary places, find it hard to come back from them, because they lose themselves. So I make sure that I have myself very centered," she said.

If someone wants an unofficial soundtrack to Barbara Kean's mind, it's the soundtrack to the film Drive, which Richards said she often listens to while prepping for a scene. Richards sang and hummed a bit of "Nightcall," the first track on the album, and said she listens to it "because it's really dark."

Yoga had helped her, as well, finding a "low center of gravity" with use of the bottom two chakras, which helps her explain Barbara's state of being.

"The bottom one is like the grounded center, then the next one up is the more creative, more sexual chakra, so I tend to focus all my energy down into those, and be really low in my sense of self. I think that’s what Barbara’s like, she’s more animalistic than I am as a person, so that’s what I tend to do."

Of course, going to these places can be difficult no matter the preparation, and Richards said that the "safe environment" created by everyone from producers Bruno Heller, John Stephens, and Danny Cannon to the director of the episode, Jeffrey Hunt, helps her have fun with it.

"Jeff Hunt was great, giving me the space to explore different ideas, and made use of the time to find the different paths she took within this episode," Richards said. Her fellow actors and their stunt coordinator Norman Douglass help quite a bit with that, as well.

"Norm makes sure that we know what we're doing at all times," she said of the more physical scenes - of which there are plenty in the episode. She and her fellow actors, meanwhile "allow each other the freedom to express ourselves, with guns and knives or physically with our hands - everyone is really supportive and excited about being physical because of it."

While the bulk of her physical work tonight is with Ben McKenzie's Jim Gordon, she looks fondly on her first big physical moment, the fight scene with Morena Baccarin's Lee Thompkins at the end of season one, which really introduced her to the way stunts would be done on the show.

"When Morena and I did the fight at the end of the first season, I described it as like a dance; we were dancing with each other, because we were so careful with each other, within this whirlwind of madness. The end cut of the fight is mostly us, even though we had amazing stunt doubles, because we were able to be careful with each other but still display that madness. It’s amazing. I feel like everyone is just really trusting of each other and supportive of each other, so it’s fun to do the more physical stuff."

In the end, the physicality, the crazier moments, and the softer, more emotional moments are all parts of Barbara, and what Richards loves to explore.

"There are so many aspects of her that come through, which is why it's such a joy to do this episode."

Gotham airs Monday at 8pm on Fox. Check back tonight after the East Coast airing of the episode for some insight into the episode and what Richards was going through as Barbara had her big night.

http://comicbook.com/2015/11/09/gothams ... baras-min/
- Barbara quiere a Jim por ‘el sexo loco, salvaje y oscuro’ (zap2it):
Barbara quiere a Jim por ‘el sexo loco, salvaje y oscuro’
Por Chris E. Hayner 09 Nov, 2015

Though she’s fallen a bit into the background of “Gotham” as Theo Galavan (James Frain) took his spot as mayor of the city, Barbara (Erin Richard) is ready to rise once again.

In Monday’s (Nov. 9) episode, “Rise of the Villains: Tonight’s the Night,” Barbara takes center stage as she has big plans for her former fiance Jim Gordon (Ben McKenzie). It’s important to note that while Babs seems to bring Jim nothing but pain and turmoil these days, she only his best interests at heart (in her mind).

“Her love for him is all about this dark space that she’s inhabiting. She’s found this new freedom in this darkness that she’s found,” Richards tells Zap2it. “She wants to bring everybody else into that darkness. With Jim, she loves him but she loves the dark in him and wants to get that out of him.”

For argument’s sake, what would happen if she were able to coach that evil out of Jim? “Then he and her can be this phenomenal dark couple and go and have crazy, wild, dark sex or whatever she wants,” Richards says with a laugh.

The actress continues, “She sees that in him and that’s what she loves. She’s trying to say to him, ‘I see the real you. Stop pretending to be this good cop, boring man. Come into the dark place’ … She wants him killing everyone and being the best bad boy in Gotham.”

While that turn would certainly make for an exciting shift in the show — and one fans would surely enjoy seeing, if only for an episode or two — the odds of Gordon going to the dark side seem slim. After all, he’s already dabbled a bit in his dealings with Penguin (Robin Lord Taylor) and feels utterly awful about it every single time.

Still, there’s got to be a side of Jim that wouldn’t mind letting it all go and becoming what Richards describes as “free.”

“The way I look at it, the end of the first season [Barbara] has this encounter with the Ogre and he releases her from this trapped person that was pretending to be whoever she thought people wanted her to be,” she explains. “He’s released all that pressure and now she’s completely free to be who she is, this wonderful, dark, elemental human being.”

Shouldn’t the world want that for Jim as well? Everyone needs to be themselves at some point.

http://zap2it.com/2015/11/gotham-tonigh ... rbara-jim/
- Erin Richards sobre el por qué Barbara no puede dejar irse a Jim Gordon (THR):
Erin Richards sobre el por qué Barbara no puede dejar irse a Jim Gordon
Por Graeme McMillan 09 Nov, 2015 6:00pm PT

After remaining in the background for most of season two, Monday's Gotham allowed Barbara Kean — former fiancé of Jim Gordon turned murderer and all-round bad influence — to come to the forefront and create trouble for everyone around her … including herself, after tumbling from a building and ending up in critical condition in hospital.

To Erin Richards, who plays Barbara, that's only a mild setback in her character's new goal in life — which, despite appearances, isn't doing the bidding of current series big bad Theo Galavan. The Hollywood Reporter asked Richards about Barbara's new outlook on life, why she can't let Jim Gordon go and where she'd like to see the character end up (Hint: The White House).

Normally I'd ask what happens next for your character, but Barbara ended the episode with a fairly definitive moment …

Well, she's fallen out of a window and is in critical condition. Which is trouble for her. (Laughs.) There is something very fun that happens in episode 13.

Barbara has changed so much from the really restrained version that appeared in the pilot …

When she was "Old Barbara," she was so constrained in her life, she felt like a caged animal because she had all these people surrounding her that she didn't — not that she didn't trust them, but she didn't get anything from them. She kept asking Jim to let her into his life, and he wasn't, and she obviously wasn't part of her parents' lives, even Montoya wasn't letting her in anymore, so she just felt trapped. And now she's this new, dark being, and she can do whatever the hell she wants. She's the most free, dark, fun version of herself, and she's loving it.

Did you have any input into creating "new Barbara"?

I like to think that the new Barbara came from me as a person. Old Barbara is not really very similar to me, and — not that I would ever stab my parents! — but new Barbara is much freer, wilder, funner and closer to who I am or would want to be in my life. Someone who isn't scared to say what they mean or do what they want.

I love that you reassure that you wouldn't stab your parents. So, no confronting exes in terrifying ways either, I assume?

That scene in the wedding dress that I filmed with Ben [McKenzie] and Morena [Baccarin] was so much fun to film. I feel so wild playing Barbara, I feel like I could do anything. It's sometimes a little scary because I feel like she could lash out and do anything, and I've got all these props in my hands: I've got guns and knives, and I think, "Do people really want to trust me with these things? I'm Barbara right now."

Why does Barbara still feel drawn to Jim? Doesn't he represent her old life? Wouldn't she just want to move on?

No! Jim is her ultimate. She's seeing the world through these new eyes and thinking, "This is fantastic, I'm dark, I'm having fun, I get to run around using people and just relying on my base instincts!" She loves it so much that she wants to suck everybody into it. She thinks that the more people who are in her darkness, the more fun it is.

She wants to go back and tell Jim, "Listen, we were a great couple. I knew there was darkness within you, because otherwise we wouldn't have been together in the start anyway." She wants to pull him out of this goody-goody cop that he's pretending to be and bring him into her dark place so they can have fabulous sex and cause trouble in this new dark world together. (Laughs.) She wants to play with that, she wants to bring it out of him in the most crazy, violent way that she can, so that she can explode him open. She's so frustrated by who he's pretending to be.

You make it sound like she's trying to help him.

It's for his own good! If she could go out into the whole world and make them like her, she would. For her, she thinks this is a level everybody should be on. She's completely instinctual. Anything she wants, she'll do, which is surely how everyone wants to live their lives, but we can't, because of jobs and whatever else. She's doing it because she cares! She should be president. Barbara Kean for president! (Laughs.)

How do Theo and Tabitha Galavan fit into this, then? Are they part of Barbara's darkness?

With Tabitha, I think there's an intrigue there. Tabitha is a powerful woman and she has all these skills, and Barbara — if you think of her as having just come out of an egg as this new person, she needs to learn, she's kind of curious and excited and needs to learn all the different tools she can use in this new world. She thinks Tabitha is the one who can teach her that.

The relationship with Theo Galavan — she's very aware that she doesn't really have the means right now to do what she wants, especially to get Jim, so she needs to find the most powerful element in Gotham right now. I think Barbara's superpower is that she knows everybody's weaknesses and use that fully against them on purpose, and Galavan's weakness is that he wants to be the most powerful person, he wants to feel as if everyone is working for him, so she'll fill that role for now, until he is no longer useful.

Can you imagine her moving on to other villains in the show?

I would love her to hook up with some other villains! Once the Galavan story plays out, I think there might be potentially different people coming in and different things happening for her. I just want her to have as much fun as she can have.

To hear you talk, I'm beginning to wonder if Barbara is actually the real villain of the series.

Potentially. Wouldn't that be fun? (Laughs.)

http://www.hollywoodreporter.com/live-f ... don-837937
- Barbara ‘tiene un discurso en su interior’ tras la caída casi fatal (zap2it):
Barbara ‘tiene un discurso en su interior’ tras la caída casi fatal
Por Chris E. Hayner 09 Nov, 2015

That sure was a nasty spill Barbara (Erin Richards) took at the end of “Gotham,” landing her in critical condition. Still, that doesn’t mean you should expect the crazy character you’ve grown to love to disappear from your TV.

Speaking to Zap2it, Richards reveals Babs will be in plain sight while recovering from her many injuries.

“She’ll be healing. You’ll see bits and bobs of her, but she’ll be healing for three or four episodes,” the actress teases. “I just read 13 and there’s some absolutely hilarious stuff with her in it still in a healing state.” She adds, “[Barbara’s] not down yet. She’s got some pep in her.”

After all she’s been through though, what will Barbara be up to once she’s healthy again? While she clearly still has Jim (Ben McKenzie) on her mind, she also happens to be under the thumb of Theo Galavan (James Frain) — or is she?

“She’s incredibly instinctive. Her super power is she knows everybody else’s weaknesses and how to exploit them,” Richards says. “For Theo, he likes to be number one, the man with the plan. Everybody is under his control, so she’ll act like that is true until such time as he is no longer useful to her, then she’ll move on. She’s very shrewd in that way.”

No matter what, Barbara always has a plan.

http://zap2it.com/2015/11/gotham-season ... -richards/
- Actor de "Gotham" habla sobre la introducción de 'Flamingo': "No hay miedo en su interior" (THR):
Actor de "Gotham" habla sobre la introducción de 'Flamingo': "No hay miedo en su interior"
Por Graeme McMillan 16 Nov, 2015 6:00pm PT

When Gotham needs to push Jim Gordon to the brink, it calls in the professionals. Still recovering from the season's "rise of the villains" and last week's confrontation with his ex-fiancee, Jim's spirit almost broke this week when he had to deal with the attentions of Eduardo Flamingo, perhaps the city's deadliest hitman.

Based on a comic book character who debuted in 2007's Batman No. 666, Flamingo is not only known for his killer ways, but also his predilection for turning his victims into snacks. Played by Raul Castillo, the character marks a big departure from the actor's last role, on the HBO series Looking. THR spoke to Castillo about playing Gotham's newest troublemaker.

Even in a season that's had Jerome and Barbara being over-the-top in their own ways, Eduardo Flamingo still comes across as a wonderfully flamboyant bad guy. I really don't think Jim Gordon was expecting to come face-to-face with someone like him.

To me, it's appropriate that [the producers] chose now to introduce Eduardo to the world. The character of Gordon has been pushed to an extreme so far, and now the writers are bringing in the big guns — Eduardo's this fantastic character who can take everything Gordon's going through so far to the next level.

He really ends up pushing Jim's buttons.

(Laughs.) Yes, he does.

Jim ends up going to this very intense place when he has the showdown with Eduardo. What was that like to shoot? Were you and Ben McKenzie squaring off between takes?

Ben is such a gentleman — we're both Texas boys, so we kind of connected through that almost immediately — but when it came to our confrontation, we were grounded through this great fight choreography.

We got to play with this great fight that they had. It's like a dance or a ballet, it's its own kind of movement. We really worked together to find out what the conflict between these two men really was — the way that Eduardo can talk to Gordon, push his buttons and play with him. I tried my best to help that seem believable. Ben's a great scene partner, I had a really good time working with him.

He seems like the type of character that's maybe not fun to play, per se, but he's certainly fun to watch.

His theatricality and flamboyance were a lot of fun to play with. I read for the role and was starting to put the character together — luckily, we have Google these days, so I was able to find out a lot, as well as read the comic books. It was really, really exciting to tap into that darker side of things. I haven't had a chance to play a character like this before. Because it's the first time that we're seeing this character represented in any medium outside of the comics, as far as I know, I had this great blank canvas to work with, and all these different elements to bring in.

In some ways, he feels like the next generation of what the show's been doing in terms of villains all year. He's got the theatricality of Jerome, but he's even more dangerous. Jerome was insane, but Eduardo knows exactly what he's doing.

Absolutely. He's vicious and there's no fear inside him.

He seems to really enjoy what he does, as well. Beyond the whole "eating people" thing, I mean.

I think there's a certain sensuality to the way he approaches killing that I latched onto. There's a certain eroticism in his craft, which just so happens to be killing. He finds great pleasure in that, and I found that really fun to explore.

We keep on coming back to this being fun, despite Eduardo being this terrible villain, a cannibal hitman…

There's so much about working on Gotham that felt like being a kid, and playing in a way that I hadn't been able to since I was young. As a kid — I think we all do this, we all played cops and robbers, heroes and villains, and Gotham had the same fun as that, for me. Of course, there's a darker element now in this character, but I was able to find a lot of joy in playing the character. It's so much fun, and very liberating.

So, should we expect to see more from Eduardo in future episodes?

I don't know, but I really, really hope so! (Laughs.) I want to explore more of who this character is. He's so fascinating to me and we just scratched the surface. I want to know more about his background — he has this really interesting history [in the comic books] that I'd be curious to see how the creative team at Gotham would 'Gotham-ize' it — what made him such a ruthless character. There's so much more to play with! I'd be over the moon to be given the opportunity to do more with him.

http://www.hollywoodreporter.com/live-f ... iew-840217

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¡¡¡¡AY, OMÁ QUÉ CALORES!!!! ¡Gracias por tu regalo, Nitta!

Mensajes: 32871
Registrado: Dom May 21, 2006 12:15 am

Re: ¡¡¡Nuevo proyecto de la FOX sobre GOTHAM!!!

Mensaje por Shelby »

- GOTHAM | 2.09 "A Bitter Pill to Swallow" Promo:


- GOTHAM | 2.09 "A Bitter Pill to Swallow" Clip #1:

http://www.spoilertv.com/2015/11/gotham ... to_15.html?

- GOTHAM | 2.09 "A Bitter Pill to Swallow" Faturette "A friend in Need":

https://amp.twimg.com/v/3c9820c6-7b1f-4 ... 52c4e9ca44

Imagen Imagen
¡¡¡¡AY, OMÁ QUÉ CALORES!!!! ¡Gracias por tu regalo, Nitta!

Mensajes: 32871
Registrado: Dom May 21, 2006 12:15 am

Re: ¡¡¡Nuevo proyecto de la FOX sobre GOTHAM!!!

Mensaje por Shelby »

- Nueva imagen bts del elenco el día de los Veteranos (11-11-15):

Imagen Imagen

(@jwcortes: Proud & thankful of my cast mates for choosing to spend their day off with many of our nations active service members and veterans)

Imagen Imagen
¡¡¡¡AY, OMÁ QUÉ CALORES!!!! ¡Gracias por tu regalo, Nitta!

Mensajes: 32871
Registrado: Dom May 21, 2006 12:15 am

Re: ¡¡¡Nuevo proyecto de la FOX sobre GOTHAM!!!

Mensaje por Shelby »

- Stills del 2.10 "The Son of Gotham":

Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen

Imagen Imagen
¡¡¡¡AY, OMÁ QUÉ CALORES!!!! ¡Gracias por tu regalo, Nitta!

Mensajes: 32871
Registrado: Dom May 21, 2006 12:15 am

Re: ¡¡¡Nuevo proyecto de la FOX sobre GOTHAM!!!

Mensaje por Shelby »

- Descripción oficial del 2.11 "Worse than a crime":
2.11 "Worse than a crime" (30/11/15): QUIÉN SALVARÁ AL HIJO DE GOTHAM EN LA NUEVA FINALE DE OTOÑO (8:00-9:00 PM ET/PT) - Cuando Bruce Wayne es secuestrado, Gordon debe buscar algunos dudosos y peligrosos aliados para que le ayuden. Es una batalla de villanos, y no todo el mundo saldrá vivo. Estrellas invitadas: Nathan Darrow as Victor Fries/Mr. Freeze, Natalie Alyn Lind como 'Silver St. Cloud', Ron Rifkin como 'Father Creel'.

http://www.spoilertv.com/2015/11/fox-up ... eases.html

Imagen Imagen
¡¡¡¡AY, OMÁ QUÉ CALORES!!!! ¡Gracias por tu regalo, Nitta!

Mensajes: 32871
Registrado: Dom May 21, 2006 12:15 am

Re: ¡¡¡Nuevo proyecto de la FOX sobre GOTHAM!!!

Mensaje por Shelby »

- Nuevas imágenes bts en el set de la S2 con Ben McKenzie (16-20 Nov 2015):

Imagen Imagen

(@DAN_BAM2: Making my tv debut tonight at 8pm on #Gotham starring one of my favorite actors @ben_mckenzie #greatful
@donaldlogue: Work last night)

Imagen Imagen
¡¡¡¡AY, OMÁ QUÉ CALORES!!!! ¡Gracias por tu regalo, Nitta!

Mensajes: 32871
Registrado: Dom May 21, 2006 12:15 am

Re: ¡¡¡Nuevo proyecto de la FOX sobre GOTHAM!!!

Mensaje por Shelby »

- GOTHAM | 2.10 "The Son of Gotham" Promo:


- GOTHAM | 2.10 "The Son of Gotham" Clip #1:


- GOTHAM | 2.10 "The Son of Gotham" Clip #2:


- GOTHAM | 2.10 "The Son of Gotham" Clip #3:

http://www.spoilertv.com/2015/11/gotham ... sneak.html?

Imagen Imagen
¡¡¡¡AY, OMÁ QUÉ CALORES!!!! ¡Gracias por tu regalo, Nitta!

Mensajes: 32871
Registrado: Dom May 21, 2006 12:15 am

Re: ¡¡¡Nuevo proyecto de la FOX sobre GOTHAM!!!

Mensaje por Shelby »

- BD Wong comparte el posible 1er vistazo al 'Profesor Hugo Strange':
El mes pasado, supimos que el actor B.D. Wong había sido elegido para interpretar el papel del 'Profesor Hugo Strange' en la serie de la FOX "GOTHAM".

Ahora, el actor ha compartido en su cuenta de twitter una imagen con 7 posibles looks para el villano:
"@wongbd: ¿Cuál de estos hombres será Hugo Strange en Gotham?. Puede que no lo sepamos seguros hasta el último momento. Pero os diré una cosa. A este tipo definitivamente le gustan las máscaras de gas y los deportes de agua. Tened miedo."


Y un video durante las pruebas de maquillaje:


"@wongbd: UNA TÍPICA SESIÓN DE CÁSTING en @Gotham #hugostrange @gothamonfox /Gothamonfox #gotham"

Además, en otro post el actor ha insinuado una escena que involucra a 'Hugo Strange' y el 'Pingüino':
"@wongbd: Puede o no que haya estado en una habitación con @robinlordtaylor a las 2AM del sábado por la mañana. Puede que haya sido tensa y no haya quedado claro quién estaba al cargo. Para él"


¿Qué pensáis? ¿Cuál de los looks os gusta más para el personaje? :wink:

Imagen Imagen
¡¡¡¡AY, OMÁ QUÉ CALORES!!!! ¡Gracias por tu regalo, Nitta!

Mensajes: 32871
Registrado: Dom May 21, 2006 12:15 am

Re: ¡¡¡Nuevo proyecto de la FOX sobre GOTHAM!!!

Mensaje por Shelby »

- Gorilla Grodd Returns + Nygma Helps Penguin + iZombie + Arrow (DC Entertainment):

Imagen Imagen
¡¡¡¡AY, OMÁ QUÉ CALORES!!!! ¡Gracias por tu regalo, Nitta!

Mensajes: 32871
Registrado: Dom May 21, 2006 12:15 am

Re: ¡¡¡Nuevo proyecto de la FOX sobre GOTHAM!!!

Mensaje por Shelby »

- Robin Lord Taylor on "Wendy Williams" (17/11/15):

Imagen Imagen
¡¡¡¡AY, OMÁ QUÉ CALORES!!!! ¡Gracias por tu regalo, Nitta!

Mensajes: 32871
Registrado: Dom May 21, 2006 12:15 am

Re: ¡¡¡Nuevo proyecto de la FOX sobre GOTHAM!!!

Mensaje por Shelby »

- Stills del 2.11 "Worse than a crime":

Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen

Imagen Imagen
¡¡¡¡AY, OMÁ QUÉ CALORES!!!! ¡Gracias por tu regalo, Nitta!
