¡¡¡Nuevo proyecto de la FOX sobre GOTHAM!!!

Moderadores: Shelby, Lore, Super_House, ZeTa, Trasgo

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Registrado: Dom May 21, 2006 12:15 am

Re: ¡¡¡Nuevo proyecto de la FOX sobre GOTHAM!!!

Mensaje por Shelby »

- Jessica Lucas habla sobre la brutal pelea entre Tabitha y Alfred (CBR):
Jessica Lucas habla sobre la brutal pelea entre Tabitha y Alfred
Por Albert Ching 23 Nov 2015

Much like "Gotham" viewers, Jessica Lucas has questions about her character's past, present and future. But there's no question that as Tabitha Galavan, the actor has cemented her place among Gotham City's most dangerous and intriguing residents. Which is no small feat considering her character is one created specifically for the television series, with no comic book counterpart to draw from for inspiration.

Along with her brother Theo (James Frain), Tabitha has been instigating chaos and causing bloodshed across Gotham City's pre-Batman-protected skyline. Ahead of tonight's episode, "The Son of Gotham," Lucas spoke with CBR about what happens as Tabitha continues to strike out on her own, getting physical with Alfred (Sean Pertwee) and the twisted sibling rivalry she and Theo have developed over Barbara Kean (Erin Richards).

CBR News: Tabitha Galavan doesn't exist in the comic books, so there was no source material for you to look to in preparing for the role. How did you go about finding her voice?

Jessica Lucas: I had an official conversation with Danny Cannon when I booked the role about what their plan for her was. Really, all I had to go on were the scripts in creating her. I had to slowly build her as information was given to me [in the scripts] because I didn't have a lot to go on.

Right away, Tabitha demonstrated a knack for guns, whips and sharp objects. How proficient were you with those various weapons beforehand?

Not at all. I've done a lot of genre projects, but I've never even shot a gun on set before. It was a very steep learning curve for me. I was thrown on set with a whip on the very first day. The stunt team on our show is tremendous and has been very patient with me. It's been great and a lot of fun.

For a while, there was a creepy love triangle developing between Tabitha, her brother Theo and Barbara Kean. What's your take on Tabitha's relationship with the two of them?

I initially thought that was going to be more of a thing. In reading the episodes as they went on, Barbara was manipulated by Tabitha to use against her brother, to make her brother jealous and just to mess with him. They are all a little crazy. In this last episode, it seemed on the surface like she really cared for Barbara. It was more of a battle between Tabitha and Theo. Tabitha finally has an opportunity to branch out on her own, and she's reckless. He needs to be there to rein her in.

Tabitha came across as jealous at times.

Yeah, but I think that's more about Theo and Tabitha. He's in charge, so there's a power struggle over Barbara. It's not necessarily about feelings. It's more like a piece of meat has been thrown into the pen, and they are both fighting over who is going to get it.

How on board is Tabitha with Theo's grand scheme of revenge against Bruce Wayne?

That comes to light very soon. She doesn't think about the overall plan. Tabitha's there to carry out the action. She's a woman of action, and I don't think she spends a lot of time thinking about it the way that he does. I'm not even sure how she's entrenched in this whole family back story like he is.

Tabitha broke Oswald Cobblepot's control over Butch, but much like the original process that placed Butch in Oswald's control, viewers didn't see how you borke him from it. Since that happened off screen, did you and Drew discuss what exactly went down?

No, we didn't, but that storyline is something that's not fully wrapped up yet. I honestly don't know. I think it was some sort of conditioning, some sort of torture. That's the thing -- it's supposed to be left up to the imagination.

Before they broke his control over Butch, the Galavans attempted to manipulate Oswald for their own ends. In what ways did they underestimate him?

Well, they just did. I don't necessarily think there was a lot of research on who Penguin was. They just saw an opportunity to use him to assist in their plan, or Theo did, anyways. It's just been so easy for them so far. They thought if they used his weakness, which was his mother, they'd be set. They were wrong. They severely underestimated his resilience.

Since she's the one who actually killed Oswald's mother, how afraid should Tabitha be of Penguin?

I think she should be very afraid, but that's not something you are going to see play out for a while. It will be interesting to see where Tabitha goes over the next few episodes. I think people are going to be in for a bit of a surprise.

In the wake of his control over the Penguin falling apart, just as he was taking over the office of Mayor, Theo found himself arrested and thrown in jail. How does his incarceration affect their plans?

At that point, it puts a damper on things. Tabitha is on her own and has been ousted from the penthouse. She's fighting for survival. In episode 10, there's a great sequence between her and Alfred. It gets pretty physical.

There's that, and Theo is going to trial. It remains to be seen whether he gets off, and, if not, do they have another trick up their sleeves? Probably.

What pits Tabitha against Alfred in "The Son of Gotham," and how does he fare?

Up until now, Tabitha has had a lot of opponents, and they've been no contest to her. Alfred is the first person who has given her a run for her money. It makes for an interesting dynamic. It's a very exciting physical sequence. I'm really proud of it; we worked our asses off.

What else is in store for Tabitha over the next few episodes before the winter break?

Big changes are coming her way. The Order of St. Dumas is going to come to a head. That represents a lot of change for Tabitha.

How much will viewers learn about Tabitha's upbringing and what shaped her? Do you still have your own questions about her past?

Yeah, I do. I don't know. That's not really a question for me. I'm not sure what the writers' intentions are going forward. It could happen and I hope that it does because it's something I'm curious about.

http://www.comicbookresources.com/artic ... and-alfred
- Jessica Lucas sobre la pelea de Tabitha con Alfred (accesshollywood):
Jessica Lucas sobre la pelea de Tabitha con Alfred
Por Jolie Lash 23 Nov, 2015 11:09 AM PST

After their meteoric rise in "Gotham," the Galavans have hit a rough patch.

Theo is in jail and Jessica Lucas' character Tabitha recently failed in her attempt to have Jim Gordon assassinated by one of The Lady's (Michelle Gomez) associates. Sending thugs after Gordon didn't sit well with Theo (James Frain) and it's made for frosty family relations.

"It's strained," Jessica told Access Hollywood of Theo and Tabitha's current relationship, ahead of Monday night's episode on Fox. "I think considering what happened last episode, considering that she did something reckless and went against what he would do and it all went horribly wrong… and he threatened her, and that created a lot of [strain] between them. And you'll continue to see that play out, and those cracks are going to get deeper and wider, and the resentment will continue to build between them. It's sort of been like a kind of undercurrent between them, but it's going to get a lot louder coming up."

But, before that happens, there's a big, physical conflict on the way between Tabitha and another character. Tabitha (Tigress) is about to take on Bruce Wayne's loyal and fierce butler Alfred (Sean Pertwee), when he comes looking for his young charge at the Galavans' penthouse. And as the preview reveals, things are going to get messy.

"It's the first time that Tabitha has come across someone who has given her a bit of a challenge," Jessica said, teasing the big match-up. "Everything has been easy for her so far, and borderline boring as she would say, but this is sort of the first time that someone has matched her in skills and so [it makes] for a really great sequence and it was a lot of fun and stressful to shoot. I mean, we had a very small amount of time to put it together, but Sean and I worked really hard and we had some amazing stunt doubles that helped us out and it's a great sequence. I'm really excited for people to see it."

While Tabitha takes on Alfred, Jim will need to be on the look out for Theo, who on Monday night is exonerated and released from jail.

"I think as long as Theo's around, Jim is in danger and he [will] be until he can eradicate the Galavans in some way, or get Theo off his back. So that's what the next episode really focuses on is can he bring Theo down? I don’t know if he can," she said.

Another person with the Galavans in their sights is Penguin, who wants to avenge his mother. He may be recuperating now, but don't count him out of the anti-Galavan faction in the episodes ahead.

"I think their paths diverge for the moment, but I don't think that he's finished with Tabitha, I wouldn't think, in any way," Jessica said.

Playing Tabitha this season on the Fox comic book-inspired drama has been a welcome challenge for the actress. As viewers have seen, Tabitha is the muscle of the Galavan family, while Theo's the politician, schemer and talker.

"I've been looking to do something physical for a long time, because I grew up playing sports and I love working out and things like that, so I wanted to do a role that was a bit more physical. And it's challenging because she speaks more through her physicality than she actually does speak, you know? She's more physical than auditory, so as an actor, that's incredibly challenging because you're trying to get across the same level of emotion or the same level of character without speaking much," Jessica said.

"So that was the challenge for me and it has been challenging, but really rewarding and fun and I'm really loving it," she added.

http://www.accesshollywood.com/articles ... ht-alfred/
- Jessica Lucas sobre la pérdida de Tigress de su "juguete" Barbara y la gran pelea con Alfred (IGN):
Jessica Lucas sobre la pérdida de Tigress de su "juguete" Barbara y la gran pelea con Alfred
Por Matt Fowler 23 Nov 2015

With Gotham's fall half-season nearing a close, Theo Galavan's plan to cleanse Gotham - to destroy the city so he can rebuild it in his name - is most certainly escalating. Theo may be behind bars, but his "brothers" have already arrived - violent monks out to perform blood rituals. But where does this leave his sister Tabitha? When we last saw the two of them, Theo was severely scolding her for defying his orders. Even going so far as to threaten her life.

I spoke to actress Jessica Lucas about what lies ahead for Tabitha. We spoke about this week's big episode, "The Son of Gotham," where she'll throw down with Sean Pertwee's Alfred, and what the future holds for the Galavan sibling who may not be all that into city-destroying and hundred-year-old grudges. We also chatted about Barbara and what feelings, if any, Tabitha may have had for crazy Ms. Kean.

IGN: Where do we find Tabitha in the next episode? What's her story for "The Son of Gotham?"

Jessica Lucas: Well, Tabitha has sort of been ousted from her home, so she's in hiding. And on her own and away from her brother and trying to survive. There's actually a great sequence that happens between her and Alfred where they get into a very physical altercation. A brutal interaction. And it was amazing. So much fun. If there's two characters you may not have thought would ever get into it on this show, it might be them. And so that's really what's coming up for her in the short-term. Obviously, there's other stuff going on in her mind because her brother's in jail and she wonders if he's going to get out.

IGN: The last time we saw Tabitha and Theo together, he threatened to kill her. Is this the first time he's done that, do you think?

Lucas: I guess, what I think, is that there's always been an undercurrent of resentment between the two of them in their relationship. And that sort of plays over everything no matter what they're doing and all their interactions. But I don't think he threatened her like that ever before. Not that specifically. But I also don't think she ever really went against him before either. Not like she just did. Or branched out on her own or done something so reckless before. So I think as much as that dynamic has existed, this was the first time he's voiced his disapproval in such a violent way. So it was surprising.

IGN: What about these monks that have shown up in the city. Is there any connection there to something like the League of Assassins from the comics?

Lucas: I don't know about that or what sort of stories they could be drawing from in the comics, but it's all tied into Galavan's plan and the Order of St. Dumas and the larger scheme. It's all part of his plan to bring down Gotham and then rebuild it. But I don't think Tabitha's as invested in all of this as Theo is. She's usually like "Yeah yeah, whatever. Wake me up when there's something exciting to do." So I don't know that this story is anything that will continue with her beyond the next couple of episodes. Her agenda isn't always going to be tied into her brother's plan, I'll just say.

IGN: The midseason finale is coming up quick. What can you say about it?

Lucas: A lot of this storyline will be tied up. But it will also represent new beginnings for some people. It's also going to lead into the introductions of some new characters like Victor Fries and Hugo Strange, who'll be a big part of the second half of the season. But it almost feels, for me anyhow, that it represents a new beginning for Tabitha, in a sense.

IGN: Tabitha defied Theo, basically, because of what happened to Barbara. Was she falling for Barbara? I know a lot of their relationship was off-screen, and we'd only see the remnants of the kinky things they were doing, but did she have deeper feelings for her?

Lucas: I don't know that she had deep feelings really. Tabitha's not a very emotional person. That's clear early on. I think she just developed an attachment to Barbara. And so it became "Something was taken from me." A possession. I doubt she truly cares about Barbara as a person. Barbara represented a certain companionship for her, but I don't know that their relationship was anything more than that. She was a toy. A device that could be manipulated by both Theo and Tabitha, and even be used in the power struggle between them. A toy, basically. And I think it was also her gaining some independence and stepping out on her own and thinking "This is my opportunity to do something without Theo." But she didn't succeed. But I think that whole moment with her hiring the assassins was more about doing something independent from Theo than it was about revenge for Barbara.

IGN: I have to know what it was like filming scenes with Richard Kind while his head was in a box. I imagine those were pretty funny parts to shoot.

Lucas: [laughs] What's interesting is, there was a scene that wound up getting cut out of the premiere that had Richard in the box and everything and we were all having dinner and he was sitting across from us. And so that was my only interaction with Richard Kind in the box. And it was amazing because he's such a great and funny actor. But that got left out of the episode. And so in the scene where we're whipping the guy in the box, it was a stunt double. So all that wasn't Richard, even though it was still fun to film.

IGN: What have been some of your favorite moments from this half-season?

Lucas: The physical stuff has been incredible. And something that I didn't know whether or not I'd ever get the opportunity to do. So that's been awesome. And getting to work opposite James Frain has been an amazing learning experience. I just respect him a lot as a person and as an actor and he's just been a great person to communicate with and try to build a relationship with.

IGN: Speaking of the physical stuff, I feel like there were episodes where Tabitha didn't speak at all. Did you ever get scripts with no dialogue and just all action? Did you like that?

Lucas: I did! It just presents a unique and interesting challenge. Because you have to be able to get things across without speaking. Which I don't think I've ever done before. Trying to build up a character who doesn't speak very often is a lot of fun and very different for me. It's about trying to find moments and looks and glances. And then using the few lines that she does have and make them mean even more.

http://www.ign.com/articles/2015/11/23/ ... fred-brawl

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¡¡¡¡AY, OMÁ QUÉ CALORES!!!! ¡Gracias por tu regalo, Nitta!

Mensajes: 32871
Registrado: Dom May 21, 2006 12:15 am

Re: ¡¡¡Nuevo proyecto de la FOX sobre GOTHAM!!!

Mensaje por Shelby »

- Nuevas imágenes bts de la S2 (23-11-15):

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(@seanpertwee: The Wild Bunch @Gotham Fall Finale #thebigpayback)

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¡¡¡¡AY, OMÁ QUÉ CALORES!!!! ¡Gracias por tu regalo, Nitta!

Mensajes: 32871
Registrado: Dom May 21, 2006 12:15 am

Re: ¡¡¡Nuevo proyecto de la FOX sobre GOTHAM!!!

Mensaje por Shelby »

- GOTHAM | 2.11 "Worse Than a Crime" Promo:


- GOTHAM | 2.11 "Worse Than a Crime" Clip #1:


- GOTHAM | 2.11 "Worse Than a Crime" Clip #2:

http://www.spoilertv.com/2015/11/gotham ... me_28.html?

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¡¡¡¡AY, OMÁ QUÉ CALORES!!!! ¡Gracias por tu regalo, Nitta!

Mensajes: 32871
Registrado: Dom May 21, 2006 12:15 am

Re: ¡¡¡Nuevo proyecto de la FOX sobre GOTHAM!!!

Mensaje por Shelby »

- Nuevas imágenes promocionales de la S2:

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¡¡¡¡AY, OMÁ QUÉ CALORES!!!! ¡Gracias por tu regalo, Nitta!

Mensajes: 32871
Registrado: Dom May 21, 2006 12:15 am

Re: ¡¡¡Nuevo proyecto de la FOX sobre GOTHAM!!!

Mensaje por Shelby »

- Habrá un nuevo sneak peek de "Batman V Superman" tras el episodio de "Gotham" del lunes, el elenco e la serie toma partido:

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¡¡¡¡AY, OMÁ QUÉ CALORES!!!! ¡Gracias por tu regalo, Nitta!

Mensajes: 32871
Registrado: Dom May 21, 2006 12:15 am

Re: ¡¡¡Nuevo proyecto de la FOX sobre GOTHAM!!!

Mensaje por Shelby »

- "Gotham" revela la primera imagen de Nathan Darrow como 'Mr. Freeze':
La Fox le ha dado hoy a USA Today la primera imagen del 'Mr. Freeze' de "Gotham" interpretado por el actor Nathan Darrow. Darrow se ha informado ya que ha rodado tres episodios de la serie de los lunes, debutando junto a su famoso rifle de hielo en el episodio de hoy, el 2.11 "Worse than a crime" que marca la finale de otoño de la S2 de la serie, empezando a contarse su mayor historia cuando la serie regrese el 29 de Febrero.
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Cuando le preguntaron a Darrow cómo sería introducido el personaje, lo describió como trabajando en un "proyecto independiente muy especial".
"[Victor Fries is] está muy centrado en lo que está haciendo. Está con un proyecto independiente muy especial. Siento que va a trabajar cada día, pero pienso que consigue tiempo para trabajar desde casa y parece que sus jefes están de acuerdo con eso porque es alguien especialmente talentoso y está trabajando en algo que podría tener potencialmente un gran valor para quien trabaja. Así es que está muy involucrado en esta actividad y es bastante solitario, como puedes imaginar."
Para el actor la parte más fascinante de ese personaje es su vínculo con su mujer:
"Victor tiene una íntima conexión humana central, y es la que tiene con su esposa. Hay algo real, realmente interesante y vulnerable y difícil sobre eso. Por supuesto, eso se ve amenazado por su enfermedad. En algunas de las búsquedas que hice sobre el personaje a medida que evoluciona en los cómics, tiene una conexión más ténue con la humanidad y con su propia humaidad, y ella es la causa. Él aplica todos sus talentos y habilidades y energías para mantener eso."
Cuando le preguntaron cómo se comparará su 'Mr. Freeze' con las anteriores interpretaciones del personaje en pantalla, Darrow promete que será algo nuevo:
"Te diré que váis a ver a Mr. Freeze haciendo algunas cosas que nunca le hemos visto hacer."

http://www.usatoday.com/story/life/tv/2 ... /76533764/

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¡¡¡¡AY, OMÁ QUÉ CALORES!!!! ¡Gracias por tu regalo, Nitta!

Mensajes: 32871
Registrado: Dom May 21, 2006 12:15 am

Re: ¡¡¡Nuevo proyecto de la FOX sobre GOTHAM!!!

Mensaje por Shelby »

- Productor ejecutivo de "Gotham" apunta a la llegada de 'Azrael', 'Mr. Freeze' & la alianza de 'Hugo Strange' (CBR):
Productor ejecutivo de "Gotham" apunta a la llegada de 'Azrael', 'Mr. Freeze' & la alianza de 'Hugo Strange'
Por Bryan Cairns 30 Nov 2015

This season has been all-out war on "Gotham," and the latest episodes have only ramped up the action and intrigue. In an effort to rescue a kidnapped Bruce Wayne, Jim Gordon formed an uneasy alliance with the Penguin in order to mount an assault on Theo Galavan and the Order of St. Dumas. However, with such high stakes and so many players involved -- including Alfred, Tabitha, Silver, Selina and Captain Barnes -- it's a guarantee that not everyone will make it out alive.

Ahead of tonight's winter finale, Executive Producer John Stephens spoke with CBR about Jim Gordon's shades of grey, Penguin's thirst for vengeance, a character's death and Bruce's evolution into Batman. In addition, Stephens talked about Mr. Freeze and Hugo Strange's connection to Gotham City, Nygma's descent into darkness, and a hint that Azrael might make "Gotham" his home before the season is over.

CBR News: Last week, "The Son of Gotham" culminated with Theo Galavan confronting Bruce Wayne. Theo could -- and would love to, it seems -- simply murder Bruce, but we know he's not allowed to. What does the Order of St. Dumas want with the young billionaire?

John Stephens: A lot of this goes back to the Batman lore. The Order of St. Dumas features pretty heavily into it. Anyone who is deeply involved in the Batman world knows the Order of St. Dumas is also the order of monks who created Azrael. That is sort of prefiguring where we're going to be going towards the end of the season, setting up certain ideas like proto-versions of what Batman might become. Bruce can start to see characters that are going to inform the costumed hero that he is going to be in the years to come. The Order of St. Dumas will almost provide a negative example which will guide him on a certain path.

From the start, Jim Gordon has straddled the line between right and wrong. How far over that line is he willing to step in order to save Bruce?

That's where we're going to see Jim make some really dark choices in the coming episodes. A lot of our thinking in creating this season was to put people on that spectrum, and see how far into the darkness they can all go and still come back. Some of our character go into the darkness and never come back. Some of our characters go into the darkness and do come back, but find themselves tainted.

A big part of our storyline stems from the idea that if there had been no Jim Gordon, there would be no Batman, so we're going to see Jim make some really dark choices to save Bruce. That's going to inform Bruce about the man he's going to become. The dark choices Gordon is going to make in the upcoming episode are there, in a sense, so that Batman himself doesn't go to those places. It's all part of that dialogue between those two characters.

Jim and Oswald have once again formed an uneasy alliance. How does that sit with them? Is it a last resort?

It's a last resort for Jim, but not a last resort for the writers. We love seeing the two of them together. When you have such strong actors as Ben [McKenzie] and Robin [Lord Taylor], you want to do everything possible to have them have scenes together. They also enjoy being with one another in scenes, which doesn't happen that often, so you try and make it happen.

It also keys in to the idea of the spectrum of light and dark that everybody in our show works on. Penguin helps to pull Jim towards that dark side. We also like the idea that Penguin actually has true affection towards Jim. Maybe, if push came to shove, he would sacrifice Jim for business. But out of all the people in our world, except for his mother and now Nygma, Penguin actually does consider Jim a friend. That causes him to make some interesting choices going forward, too.

Going into this, how clearly is Penguin thinking? Theo and Tabitha killed his mother. Is he all-consumed by vengeance?

He's pretty all-consumed by vengeance. I'd say he's a vengeance missile, at this point, heading towards Gotham. He's just going to leave destruction in his wake. I wouldn't get in his way.

Oswald and Nygma share more time together in the finale. What are you enjoying about their dynamic and where it's heading?

A lot of it is just seeing them together. When you have two characters who are so strong and are played by such actors, it decreases the need to give them large dramatic things to play. You could have Penguin and Nygma, like in last week's episode, talk about Penguin clogging the toilet and Nygma using up all the relish. Because we know who they are so well, they could almost play anything. The two of them could get together and read the phone book and I feel I would be interested in watching them.

Also, Nygma is not as far along the super-villain trajectory as Penguin is right now. In a sense, Penguin is going to be his godfather going forward, leading him along that journey and setting up what becomes a partnership in the coming seasons.

Between finding his dad's secret lair and masterfully manipulating Silver St. Clair, Bruce continues to take steps towards becoming Batman. How will this ordeal with Theo further push him in that direction?

He's going to have to trust himself in a different way. The minute he can trust himself that he can handle being in these morally perilous situations and know how he's going to react, he's going to be more and more likely to put himself in that situation. In the pilot, you watched Bruce basically say, "I was so scared, I couldn't do anything." What we're going to see in the next episode is Bruce confront that very fear of being so scared, and how he's going to get beyond fear and conqueror his own fears.

Through all of this, Selina is continuing to keep tabs on Bruce. In what ways might she prove to be a wild card in rescuing him?

She's always kind of a wild card. You're never sure what she's going to do in those situations. She desires that connection with Bruce, but she never wants to be seen as deserving a connection with another human being. She wants to be like a cat, completely self-sufficient, even though she wants to be around him. It's going to start to set up a bigger storyline in their developing relationship that we're going to play heavily in the back-half of the season.

We also saw Alfred go toe-to-toe with Tabitha in a truly violent fight. Alfred no longer seems comfortable remaining on the sidelines, so what can we expect from him in the latter half of the season?

The Alfred we saw in last week's episode is much more the vision of the Alfred we're going to see moving forward. His S.A.S. training is going to be more and more evident, especially as Bruce pushes harder to find what's been going on inside his company and inside Indian Hill. As those things come to the fore and Bruce is putting himself in more perilous situations, Alfred is going to be at his side.

Where is Tabitha while all this is going down?

She's in the thick of it. We're going to see the culmination and the climax of the tensions that have been arising between Tabitha and her brother Theo. The two of them will also come to blows in the finale. She's in the heart of the action.

The synopsis promises not everyone will make it out alive. How does this death -- or deaths -- affect the characters?

In an absolutely seismic way. The death that occurs will shape the second half of the season, both in the immediate way that affects everybody, and in an ongoing way in the later part of the season. It's really the starting pistol for the second half of the season.

What other big tease can you give about the winter finale?

Besides everything else that happens, we will also see the introduction of one of the big Batman rogues on the show that we have not seen yet: Mr. Freeze.

How long will viewers have to wait to see Hugo Strange? What can you share about "Gotham's" take on him and Mr. Freeze?

You won't have to wait long at all to see Hugo Strange. In fact, we'll be seeing him as soon as we come back in the New Year. We're going to see those two end up working together as we go forward. Both of them will be at the heart of this mystery that our characters have been investigating since last year, about what is happening inside Wayne Enterprises and how that is connected to the death of the Waynes. We'll be tying those two characters into the core mystery of the show.

After he debuted with a major story last season, we haven't seen much of Harvey Dent. What kind of plans do you have for him?

He's still a part of the world of "Gotham." We still use him, and we still always ask ourselves, "Is there a way we can bring Harvey into the show?" We spent so much time on this track of following the Galavans throughout the first half of the season, that we haven't been able to use him as much as we wanted to. Right now, we have him plugged in for a bunch of episodes going forward, but we don't have any big arc for him. We still continue to think about him all the time.

It's that case of, when we're dealing with the Batman world, of having an abundance of riches. Whenever you feel like you using one character, or developing a following character, you know you are always short-changing someone else. You just have to hope you are on the air long enough that you give everyone their due.

Barbara Kean took a well-received walk on the dark side earlier this season. Have we seen the last of her?

We have absolutely not see the last of Barbara. She'll be coming back in the middle of the second half of the season. We will continue to take her along a more dangerous path. Erin [Richards] was so wonderful in that version of crazy Barbara that we wanted to have as much of her as we possibly could. We are developing a storyline for her in the second half of the season that will be leading into next season as well.

What other characters should audiences keep an eye on in the future?

I'm really excited for everyone to see the real emergence of Nygma. He's the villain we've been putting on the slowest build. Now, we're going to see him take a couple more huge steps forward to becoming the Riddler. He's going to do it in a way that really impacts our main characters in a dramatic way.

I think the developing Bruce/Selina relationship can be very emotional and heart-wrenching. We will watch these kids develop and make the choices about who they are going to be as they grow closer together and then farther apart.

http://www.comicbookresources.com/artic ... s-alliance
- Chris Chalk sobre el traer de vuelta a Lucius Fox para la gran finale de Otoño (collider):
Chris Chalk sobre el traer de vuelta a Lucius Fox para la gran finale de Otoño
Por Christina Radish 30 Nov 2015

In the fall finale of the Fox series Gotham, entitled “Rise of the Villains: Worse Than A Crime,” Bruce Wayne (David Mazouz) is kidnapped and Jim Gordon (Ben McKenzie) must look to some unlikely and dangerous allies for help. And as the battle of the villains heats up, not everyone will make it out alive.

During this exclusive phone interview with Collider, actor Chris Chalk talked about how cool it is to play Lucius Fox on Gotham, being a comic book nerd himself, how excited his mother is about the whole thing, his approach to the role, the qualities he wanted Lucius to have, the dynamic between Lucius and Alfred (Sean Pertwee), his loyalty toward Bruce Wayne, wanting to learn more of his character’s backstory, and being used to working on shows that are so secretive (he previously had roles in The Newsroom and Homeland).

Collider: How much fun is it to get to play Lucius Fox?

CHRIS CHALK: It’s pretty fun! Being a comic book nerd and loving all of that, I was like, “I wonder if I’ll ever get on one of those.” Because it’s the ultimate moment for comic book movies and TV shows, I was like, “I wonder which one I’ll end up on.” And then, I was like, “Oh, the coolest one! Awesome!”

Because comic book movies and TV shows are so popular, who in your life is most excited that you’re getting to play this character on this show?

CHALK: Outside of myself, because I’m pretty excited about it, my mother is insanely excited about it. She’s known that I like comic books, but she never really paid attention. Then, I got Gotham and now she’s just like, “I can’t wait for more.” It’s hilarious!

How did you come to the show? Did you know you were up for this specific role, or was it all very secretive?

CHALK: I auditioned for the first season, and it was a cop character. I was like, “Oh, general cop. That doesn’t really seem like he’s going to last.” But, I wasn’t able to do it because of availability. And then, they called around the beginning of this year or the end of last year, and they were interested in me for Lucius Fox. I couldn’t even play coy. I was like, “Yes! Let’s just figure out a way it will work, and we’ll do it.” It’s interesting because it’s such a character heavy show with so many people. It’s definitely an actor passion, doing this show sometimes.

You said that you were a comic book nerd, but did you know anything specific about Lucius Fox before playing him, and do you consider yourself an expert on him now?

CHALK: In the comic book world, and in every variation of comics, he just shows up. He’s not Alfred. He’s not in everything, every time. But, there’s always really important things that he does. He creates things. And there’s the whole Batwing series where his son becomes the Batman in another place, in 20 years. I don’t know if the show will last that long, but maybe I’ll be there. So, no one is an expert because there’s not a ton of information about him. People are like, “He’s a young Morgan Freeman,” but I’m like, “No, it’s two different people playing the same character. It’s the same personality traits that two people are playing.” I think I’ve got a good amount of information on him, and I look forward to becoming an expert in Gotham’s version of Lucius. The fun of it is creating a new reality for this familiar character

From what we’ve seen of Lucius Fox, he’s still a bit mysterious and we don’t know exactly who he is. Were there specific qualities that you wanted to bring to this role?

CHALK: I just wanted to make sure, and I want to continue to make sure, that he’s eloquent and smart. Me and Sean [Pertwee] often talk about how Alfred and Lucius are the two smartest people in a room. Whereas Alfred will get down and dirty, Lucius is far too smart to get in fights and get his hands that dirty, as far as my knowledge of him goes. I don’t write it, so they may have me getting in a fight next week. So, I wanted him to be just as smart as he is and just as put together as he is. He’s a man who keeps it all very close, but is obviously very, very loyal to Bruce Wayne.

When you did the first episode in Season 1, did you know that things would expand beyond that?

CHALK: I knew that I’d be back in the second season because of the contract, but it’s all need to know. It’s being revealed as the scripts are being written. That’s more fun because it allows them their ultimate creativity, and they’re being inspired by the actors and their work, in creating this world.

Are you someone who’s always trying to get the writers to tell you things, or are you okay with what’s in each script?

CHALK: No, I don’t try to get the writers to tell me anything. I come from a bunch of shows where you don’t know, like The Newsroom and Homeland. You don’t get information. You get the information when they tell you the information, so I don’t even think to ask, to be honest. I’m like, “This is just how it works.” I’ve been well-trained by other shows that I’ve bene on.

The scene back in Episode 2, with Lucius and Alfred having a conversation at the bar, was really terrific and their interplay was so much fun to watch. What do you think Lucius thinks of Alfred?

CHALK: I think that Lucius admires Alfred’s passion for the Wayne family. I think that he respects how smart he is and that he gets things done. I don’t know if they go about it the same way, but that’s what makes a person an asset. Someone may go left when you go right, but you both end up at the same point. I think that’s how we both serve the Wayne family.

How was it to shoot that scene and get to banter back and forth?

CHALK: It was great. I think it had a 4 am call, or something terribly early. The space was just gorgeous with a beautiful view. It was actually really, surprisingly quick, to the point that Sean and I both were like, “Wait, we’re done? Did we do okay? Did we do all right?” But, we had so much fun. It fueled us and made us very excited, especially in TV, where there’s not a lot of talking sometimes. To have this awesome dialogue-heavy scene, where we got to play off each other and really size each other up, was very exciting.

Clearly, Alfred would like to be able to confide in Lucius. What can we expect to see from that relationship and how it will develop?

CHALK: A lot of that is yet to be written. Obviously, the comradery develops. I think there’s also a tinge of just making sure this person has everybody’s back. But Bruce trusts me, and that’s really all that matters.

How is it to work with Sean Pertwee?

CHALK: It’s fun because he’s just so vibrant and alive, which lets Lucius be really laser-focused and sharp. We got to share a little bit of that, in that scene. I really like that dynamics of the two.

For those who aren’t familiar with the history between Bruce Wayne and Lucius Fox, what is that relationship?

CHALK: You’ll see those seeds being planted this season. We planted the one big crop, and now it is setting its roots. That’s a weird analogy, but it makes sense in my brain.

What’s it like to do scenes with David Mazouz?

CHALK: It’s great! He’s such a pro. He’s always so on top of it. He remains youthful, charming and joyful, and he gets the job done. No one is ever waiting for anybody, really. On some sets, when there are younger people, there are lines forgotten or there are distractions with school. But he’s always prepared, and yet still having fun. It’s not surprising, but it’s really gratifying.

Will we learn more about who Lucius is, outside of his relationship with Bruce Wayne, and what his background is?

CHALK: Maybe we will. It’s such a huge world of characters. A similar but new history is being created, and it’s very exciting. I look forward to finding out more about everybody, but especially Lucius.

With this season being the Rise of the Villains, does Lucius know what going on with the villains in this city, and what do you think he would like to see happen with the city of Gotham?

CHALK: Lucius just wants to see peace. Whatever his relationship was, as it is revealed from the writers and through the show, with Thomas Wayne, he wants to see justice and peace, and have a little bit of distance from it.

http://collider.com/gotham-season-2-luc ... interview/
- Jefe de Gotham Boss sopesa la 'Mala Acción' de Gordon, el gran adelanto de Freeze y la 'Horrenda' Revelación que viene (TVLine):
Jefe de Gotham Boss sopesa la 'Mala Acción' de Gordon, el gran adelanto de Freeze y la 'Horrenda' Revelación que viene
Por Matt Webb Mitovich / 30 Nov 2015, 6:00 PM PST

This Monday in the fall finale of Fox’s Gotham, Bruce Wayne dealt with some monk-y business, a baby bombshell was dropped at a pivotal moment and a drastic move by Jim Gordon landed someone else inside the ominous Indian Hill laboratory.

And then, just before the sophomore drama bid us adieu for the winter, we felt a seasonally appropriate chill at the hands of a familiar DC Comics baddie.

Executive producer Bruno Heller spoke with TVLine about Gordon’s dark decision, Bruce’s next move, the Freeze tease and more.

TVLINE | You’re constantly surprising me with the dark places you take Jim Gordon. Was there any debate about having him pull the trigger and executing Theo Galavan?
Yeah, there was a lot of debate, right up and down the ladder. But that’s kind of what Gotham is all about, those kind of moral quandaries that someone like Gordon is put into — no bad deed goes unpunished any more than any good deed goes unpunished. The important thing about what he just did there is that there will be consequences. Serious consequences.

TVLINE | In your mind, why did he ultimately do it despite having so many reasons not to — including the risk of becoming the man Lee does not want him to be?
What Penguin said in the scene a little earlier is the truth, and it’s precisely the moral quandary heroes are put in: Do I do something that besmirches me morally but is for the greater good? Am I willing to do something immoral for a larger good?

TVLINE | Bruce had a line like that to Gordon earlier in the season, suggesting that sometimes the “right” way is the “ugly” way.
Yeah, yeah. Exactly.

TVLINE | Why did you decide to write in Morena Baccarin’s pregnancy? Was a Jim/Lee baby even in the back of your mind before the season started?
Spookily enough it was, prior to the actual, non-fictional pregnancy. I mean, it seems spooky but it’s not, really, since these two characters have a relationship on screen. They’re in love and moving forward, and that’s what happens.

TVLINE | Plus, it assigns greater stakes to the decisions Jim makes.
And not just him but Lee, as well. One of the things that we’re very conscious about — because the DC [Comics] world is born of such a masculine, macho place — is that this is a story about the men and women of Gotham. And Morena immediately brought such humanity and warmth and depth to that part, it was clear that what we would not do is make that a “Help me” part. Again, in these comic book worlds it’s very difficult to not make the spouse someone who’s just saying, “Jim I love you and I’ll support you on whatever you do.”

TVLINE | No, Lee challenges him.
Yeah, yeah. And the chemistry between them…. When I saw Ben and Morena together working, I knew very early on, “This is going to work. They feed off each other. Let’s build this relationship up.” Which leads to babies, and then all of the complications and moral dilemmas that babies bring to human life.

TVLINE | With Galavan seemingly out of the picture, is it back to “business as usual” for Penguin?
No, he’s going to have new challenges. He’s going to come out of this experience a profoundly changed man. We’re going to explore his psyche and his family background [via the introduction of Paul Reubens as his father], and that will bring us back to that original pathos that Robin [Lord Taylor] created so brilliantly in the first season.

TVLINE | What are the people of Gotham to make of Edward now that he has resurfaced with a strange Penguin association? Will he stay a CSI, working at the GCPD…?
For the moment. Because you and I and the viewing audience have the privilege of hindsight, we know where he’s going, we know that he’s not the innocent, guileless character that he seems to be. But he’s one of those characters that would have to walk in covered in blood before people would go, “Hey, wait a second….” He’s such a lovable, goofy presence, and he’s also very clever. But having said that, the second half of the season is every much about that persona unraveling and being revealed to the world at large.

TVLINE | Now that Bruce is no longer being sought for sacrificial slaughter, and his father’s hard drive is fixed, will he delve back into the Wayne Enterprises mystery?
Yes, he does. In the back end of the season, there’s going to be no vamping, no promised revelations that do not occur. We’re going to get to Indian Hill. Horrendous, huge, spectacular, dramatic things are going to happen. Bruce is going to get to the very heart of the mystery of who killed his parents, and there are amazing scenes coming up. One of the beautiful things that we’ve been watching over the last couple of seasons is David Mazouz growing up with such gravitas and dignity, but with all of his open, honest acting skills intact. You saw the stuff he was doing with Silver in [the fall finale], he has some weight on him. As a young actor, every day he surprises me how great he is.

TVLINE | Your whole young cast there is very solid. David, Natalie [Alyn Lind], Camren [Bicondova]…. I was very impressed with what they did in these past few episodes.
Because they work together, it really helps all of them. It only takes one of those “cheesy teenage individuals” in an ensemble to bring everyone down to that level, but they’re all so great it brings everyone up.

TVLINE | Speaking of Indian Hill: How soon will we first lay eyes on an example of whatever the Sam Hell Professor Hugo Strange (played by Law & Order: SVU alum BD Wong) is up to down there?
Very soon after we come back. And I don’t want to say more than that.

TVLINE | And lastly, will Mr. Freeze (House of Cards‘ Nathan Darrow) be operating off any specific agenda? Did we get any hint of it in the brief teaser, or was that just to show him to us?
He absolutely has an agenda. We’re telling the Freeze story in classic style, from its origins. What you saw there is the “beta test.” It’s very early on in the story of Mr. Freeze.

http://tvline.com/2015/11/30/gotham-sea ... s-galavan/
- David Mazouz habla sobre el ser el joven Bruce Wayne y la Season 2 (AssignmentX):
David Mazouz habla sobre el ser el joven Bruce Wayne y la Season 2

In Fox Network’s GOTHAM, which just aired its winter finale, Bruce Wayne is a young teen who is not yet Batman, though he gives every indication that he will be one day. David Mazouz, however, has thoroughly embodied Bruce from Day One of the dark series, adapted by Bruno Heller from the D.C. Comics.

Los Angeles native Mazouz (first name pronounced Dah-veed), now age fifteen, had previously starred as the preternaturally gifted son of Kiefer Sutherland’s character on two seasons of Fox’s TOUCH. The audience could hear his thoughts, but he only spoke aloud to other people at the very end of the series.

ASSIGNMENT X: When you first got GOTHAM, were you relieved to have a part where you were allowed to talk to your fellow actors onscreen?

DAVID MAZOUZ: Yeah, that was nice.

AX: Congratulations on Season 2 of GOTHAM. Can you tease any changes coming up for Bruce?

MAZOUZ: Yeah, tons. At the end of Season 1, Bruce finds a secret staircase by using a remote that has to do with the search for his father’s secret identity. So he’s going to find out a lot about his father through whatever is down that staircase. He’s going to find out a lot about his parents and about Wayne Enterprises, and it’s going to change the way he sees Alfred [Bruce’s butler/guardian, played by Sean Pertwee], it’s going to change the way he sees his parents, it’s going to change the way he sees Wayne Enterprises, it’s going to change the way he sees the criminal world of Gotham, and it’s going to change the way he sees himself. So it’s really powerful. And Season 2 is really going to focus on Bruce’s training and development in all areas.

AX: Because it seems like Bruce is going to get more physical, and the character is not particularly skilled at it to begin with, did you have to do a lot of fight training?

MAZOUZ: No, actually. I didn’t have to do anything like that. He will start to get a lot more physical, especially by the end of Season 2. You’re going to start to see him training with Alfred. We don’t really get scripts until right before we shoot them, so I don’t even know that much about it, but I know that Bruce will be training throughout this season, so probably I will have to do some training outside of the show later on.

AX: But you already kind of knew how to throw a punch and take a punch on screen?

MAZOUZ: Yes. I haven’t had any training with that, but it seemed pretty real.

AX: Is there any particular thing you’re looking forward to, like Bruce getting to drive?

MAZOUZ: Yeah. That would be awesome.

AX: Since he’s inherited the considerable Wayne fortune, he’s going to have a good car, no matter what …

MAZOUZ: He’s going to have a good car, he’s going to have probably a Ferrari and a Rolls-Royce and a Bentley.

AX: What do you want him to drive?

MAZOUZ: What do I want him to drive? I want him to have the Batmobile [laughs].

AX: How do you think Bruce views his relationships with Alfred and with Gotham City Police Department detective Jim Gordon, played by Ben McKenzie?

MAZOUZ: The thing about Alfred is, in Season 1, Bruce is constantly saying, “I want to go out and do things on my own, the GCPD is incapable,” and Alfred’s always saying, “Bruce, you’re not ready, it’s too dangerous, you can’t do this by yourself, you’re too young.” And so they’re constantly butting heads, they’re not agreeing on things. That tension eventually is going to explode, and it [drives Alfred] away at the beginning of Season 2, but then once they get past that, you’re going to see them really start to work together as a team. And it’s going to be amazing. That’s Alfred. With James Gordon, Bruce is going to loosen up a little bit. Ever since mid-Season 1, he’s had a tension with [Grodon] for slacking off on finding his parents’ killer. Bruce will realize that Gordon did his best. Yes, he didn’t fulfill his promise, but he’s still a good ally to have. So Bruce will loosen up a little.

AX: Does Bruce view Gordon as a friend at all, or more as a work ally?

MAZOUZ: I think both. Gordon means something to him. If something happened to Gordon, Bruce would be sad, Bruce would be devastated. Bruce cares about Gordon. But at the same time, he does need him for the missions that he wants to accomplish himself.

AX: And how does Bruce view Selina Kyle, the future Catwoman, played by Camren Bicondova?

MAZOUZ: Selina kind of took a dark turn at the end of Season 1, and so …

AX: Well, she did push a guy out a window …

MAZOUZ: Yeah. But Bruce doesn’t really know too much about what she’s been up to, so when he meets her again at the beginning of Season 2, their relationship is pretty much the same. But something happens.

AX: We know Bruce gets a love interest who is not Selina …

MAZOUZ: He does, Silver St. Cloud [played by Natalie Alyn Lind], who is in the comics. She is a socialite, she is the only one of Batman’s girlfriends who is able to figure out Batman’s secret identity without him telling her. And so that tells you already that’s she’s very intelligent. And she’s high society, and that’s pretty much how they meet, and there are immediate sparks.

AX: Can you say if Bruce gets to interact with the villains more in this season?

MAZOUZ: Of course. In Season 2, “The Rise of the Villains,” that’s what we’re calling it, the threat of the villains is going to be a lot greater. And so because of that, the rise of the heroes is needed to equal it out. So the heroes are going to need to unite and team up in order to take care of the villain problem. Eventually, they’re going to fail, because that’s where the need for Batman comes in. But Bruce is definitely going to get out there more, because he’s going to be involved with Gordon a lot more in that. He will start to get out there more. But his main purpose in Season 2 is to take down Wayne Enterprises – the corrupt side of Wayne Enterprises.

AX: It’s too early to ask about Season 2, but do you have a favorite episode or scene from Season 1?

MAZOUZ: I think my favorite scene from Season 1 is going over to Tommy Elliot’s [Cole Vallis] house and punching him with my dad’s watch.

AX: Do you have any other projects going on that we should know about?

MAZOUZ: We shoot ten months out of the year, and so I don’t have that much time to do anything else. So no, but maybe that will change.

AX: And what would you most like people to know about Season 2 of GOTHAM?

MAZOUZ: Season 1 really focused on a crime of the week, villain of the week, whereas Season 2 is going to be – there are going to be a lot of characters, there are going to be heroes, there are going to be villains, and there are going to be stories that intertwine. A lot of characters are going to meet each other that have never met before. We have a huge cast, we have, like, fourteen regulars in our cast, and I’ve only worked with four of them, so it’s going to be nice to [work with more of the other regulars]. I think everybody’s going to get out more and have more interaction with everybody, because we’re not going to bring in too many guest stars, too many villains of the week. It’s just going to be stories. You’re not going to feel trapped inside a forty-two-minute time limit. It’s going to be a Season 2 [arced] story.

http://www.assignmentx.com/2015/gotham- ... interview/
- Gotham Postmortem: ¿Ha ido Jim Gordon demasiado lejos? (TVGuide):
Gotham Postmortem: ¿Ha ido Jim Gordon demasiado lejos?
Por Adam Bryant | 30 Nov, 2015 9:05 PM EST

Gotham's midseason finale presented our hero Jim Gordon (Ben McKenzie) with a whole host of life-changing situations!

For starters, Gordon's main squeeze Lee Tompkins (Morena Baccarin) begged Jim not to pursue Theo Galavan (James Frain), who was moments away from murdering Bruce Wayne (David Mazouz) in a ritualistic killing meant to purge Gotham. But when Jim insisted it was his duty -- even if it involved working with Penguin (Robin Lord Taylor) -- Lee dropped a bombshell: She, like Baccarin in real life, is pregnant!

Although Gordon then agrees to sit this one out, he eventually gets sucked back in and, with Lee's blessing, manages to stop Galavan's plan. However, when Gordon tries to arrest Galavan, Penguin makes a convincing case that he will once again slip the charge and will continue to torment Gordon and Gotham. Convinced, Gordon allows Penguin to take Galavan to a remote location where Penguin beats Galavan silly for killing Penguin's mother.

However, when Gordon finally stops the beating, it's not out of mercy. Instead, he shoots Galavan several times at point-blank range and kills him. Finally, the episode ends with Gordon asking for Lee's hand in marriage and Galavan's body ending up at the laboratory of one Hugo Strange, who will be played by BD Wong. But is Jim's proposal to Lee motivated by his own guilt over what he's done? And has Gordon finally gone too far? TVGuide.com chatted with McKenzie to break down the finale and find out what's coming in the second half of the season.

What's going through Gordon's head when he shoots Galavan?
Ben McKenzie: I think he has been agonizing over how to handle Galavan since he escapes from his clutches and was cleared of all charges in Episode 10. When faced with letting him go again or taking extreme action, he gives into Penguin's fairly logical argument, which is: How can you be assured that if you arrest him again, he doesn't just escape again? So he goes down that path. ... He's really just done with it all, just over the feeling. He's surpassed the point of feeling guilt and remorse. He's simply going to do what he's got to do, and if that's killing a man in cold blood who deserves it, then that's what he'll do.

Is part of Jim also thinking of the goon he spared who then went on to kill a fellow cop a couple episodes back?
McKenzie: That's exactly right. The accumulative total of Season 1 and Season 2 bear down on him to a point where [he does this]. What we're trying to allow the audience to track is that it's not a quick descent into the muck for Jim Gordon. But it does have its sharp moments, and this is a sharp, defining moment for him. In the past [when Jim has killed], it's either been self-defense or sort of a random act. But in this case, there's a man on his knees pleading for his life. Jim Gordon stops him from being beaten to death but then shoots him three times in the chest. That's not an act of self-defense, that's cold-blooded murder. He'll pay for the repercussions of that in the second half of the season in many different ways -- not just literally, but psychologically. He'll deal with coming to terms with who he's become.

Do you think Jim has gone too far? We usually think of the Commissioner Gordon we know as a generally upstanding guy. Does this alter the mythology and make him more of a true antihero?
McKenzie: That's a really interesting question. I do think it alters the mythology a little, although I would argue that every new incarnation of Batman has altered the mythology in some way. We're exploring the origins of Gotham, and the way that we're exploring the city paints it as such a violent and corrupt and chaotic place that it's hard to imagine a law man like Jim Gordon surviving and much less rising to the top of our hierarchy without getting blood on his hands. He quite literally, has blood on his hands right now, so to that extent, we are changing it a little bit, what he is. But he's not Vic Mackey. He's a far cry removed from that. He's a burdened hero, out there in a lawless town trying to maintain order. If it means he has to walk into a saloon and kill all the bad guys point blank without the other guy even pulling his gun, then that's what he has to do.

You mentioned the consequences of this choice. What does this mean for his relationship with Capt. Barnes?
McKenzie: He obviously can't be open about what he's done, so that level of deceit and manipulation is a new wrinkle for Jim, and an unpleasant one. As you can imagine, it will burden him looking forward, because in the past he's always felt like, even if he did something that was bending the law, he was never explicitly violating it, at least not quite as openly and as severely, Now he has to protect his ass, basically. That will sow the seed of discontent between him and Barnes. Barnes may not be able to prove it, but he most likely will suspect that something's fishy here, no pun and they'll be at loggerheads.

As for the psychological consequences, how does making this choice impact Jim after he's just learned he's going to become a father?
McKenzie: It's not Disney's circle of life, as one bad man dies, there's the opportunity for rebirth and growth with the child. But maybe in its own Gotham dark way, there's a hint of that. Certainly Jim is digging his fingernails into whatever last vestiges of humanity he can kind of hold onto, and Lee is definitely a guiding light for him. He's trying to hold onto his life, and he's trying to hold onto some identity that he's created for himself. That's why I tried to show a hopefulness but a brokenness in the proposal. It's not as sweet and romantic as it might be because it's sort of clouded by all these evil deeds around it.

I saw a sense of desperation in the proposal. We've seen Lee try to convince him to let some of this darker stuff go, but he doesn't. Does he propose partly because he's worried about how long she'll stand by him?
McKenzie: I think that's exactly right. I think he's terrified that at some point he's going to have to be honest with her. I don't think he's told her yet as we leave that episode, probably because neither one of them want to have that conversation right now. But he is worried that he's going to lose her and lose the only good thing left in his life. So, that's a pretty dark walk down that aisle for the two of them.

Have we seen the last of Galavan or is one of Hugo Strange's experiments bringing people back from the dead?
McKenzie: [Laughs] Your curiosity is well placed. You can always have second lives for characters in Gotham! There's always the opportunity in Gotham for characters to re-emerge. But seriously, Hugo Strange is obviously in the mythology. His laboratory is really the breeding ground for the supervillains, as people who are already predisposed to crime of some nature become enhanced through his experimentation. They're allowed to flourish in a new Gotham, and that will be a big part of the second half of this second season.

We also got a sneak peek at Mr. Freeze. What can you say about his character?
McKenzie: He's a terrific villain. I think fans are really going to enjoy him, and he's yet another sympathetic villain, a villain who only gets into doing wrong for the right reasons. It's going to be a great, compelling series of episodes, and it'll bring us back with a nice little bang for the second part of the season.

Finally, it seems Gordon just can't get away from Penguin. Are they inextricably linked now?
McKenzie: Yeah, and their relationship will just continue to metastasize. It's a cancer that will keep spreading. Penguin argues in the middle of the episode to not turn in Galavan but allow Penguin and Jim to take matters into their own hands. You see Penguin actually getting inside of Jim metaphorically. That spirit, that way of looking at the world is starting to infect Jim. So at this point, whether or not they're tied together plotline, that philosophy is starting to infect Jim and they'll be forever intertwined.

http://www.tvguide.com/news/gotham-post ... s-galavan/

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Re: ¡¡¡Nuevo proyecto de la FOX sobre GOTHAM!!!

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- "Gotham" enlista a Michael Bowen como 'Matches Malone':
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Cuando escuchamos que 'Silver' mencionaba el nombre de "M. Malone" como la persona que le dijeron que había asesinado a los padres de Bruce Wayne, la inmediata conclusión fue que la "M" era una abreviatura de "Matches" y parece que se estaba en lo cierto.

Comicbook acaba de informarnos que el actor Michael Bowen, más conocido como el 'Tío Jack' de "Breaking Bad" (también en "Lost" y muchas películas de Quentin Tarantino), ha sido escogido para interpretar el papel de 'Patrick "Matches" Malone' en "Gotham", y que está previsto que aparezca por primera vez en la segunda mitad de la S2.

La descripción del personaje no nos ofrece mucho con lo que seguir, pero da un poco de luz sobre el mismo:

"Uno de los asesinos más letales de Gotham, Matches Malone es un sicario curtido y filosófico quien puede ser la persona tras el gatillo de uno de los más importantes crímenes de la historia de Gotham."

En los cómics, 'Matches Malone' es un estafador de poca monta que es realmente tan sólo un producto de Gotham City, cometiendo crímenes simplemente para poder arreglárselas. Cuando muere, Batman tapa su muerte, y asume la identidad de Matches cuando necesita ir encubierto contra el elemento criminal de Gotham. Incluso es metido en prisión (a propósito) como lo fue 'Matches Malone' antes.

Obviamente, Gotham se está tomando considerables licencias en cuanto al personaje, especialmente si es realmente el asesino de Thomas y Martha Wayne. También es difícil de imaginar que Bruce alguna vez pueda asumir su personalidad teniendo en cuenta la diferencia de edad que existe entre ambos.

http://comicbook.com/2015/11/30/exclusi ... es-malone/

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¡¡¡¡AY, OMÁ QUÉ CALORES!!!! ¡Gracias por tu regalo, Nitta!

Mensajes: 32871
Registrado: Dom May 21, 2006 12:15 am

Re: ¡¡¡Nuevo proyecto de la FOX sobre GOTHAM!!!

Mensaje por Shelby »

- "Gotham" se hace con la actriz Lori Petty con un ‘Enigmático’ papel invitado:
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“Gotham” ha contratado a la estrella de “Orange is the New Black” Lori Petty en un próximo episodio del drama de la FOX.

Petty (quien no es extraña a los papeles de cómics, habiendo interpretado a 'Tank Girl' en la película de culto de 1995 del mismo nombre) aparecerá en el episodio 2.14 del drama basado en los cómics de DC cuando regrese con su segunda mitad de capítulos de su segunda temporada a principios del 2016.

Petty interpretará a 'Jeri', la extravagante y enigmática anfitriona de un club clandestino donde el asesinato en masa y el arte son celebrados en igual medida. Jeri da pistas a Bruce Wayne (David Mazouz) durante su cacería del asesino de sus padres, pero ella y su banda de alegres maíacos son menos serviciales cuando Jim Gordon (Ben McKenzie) llama.

http://variety.com/2015/tv/news/gotham- ... 201650425/

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¡¡¡¡AY, OMÁ QUÉ CALORES!!!! ¡Gracias por tu regalo, Nitta!

Mensajes: 32871
Registrado: Dom May 21, 2006 12:15 am

Re: ¡¡¡Nuevo proyecto de la FOX sobre GOTHAM!!!

Mensaje por Shelby »

- GOTHAM | Season 2 "Mr. Freeze" Teaser:

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¡¡¡¡AY, OMÁ QUÉ CALORES!!!! ¡Gracias por tu regalo, Nitta!

Mensajes: 32871
Registrado: Dom May 21, 2006 12:15 am

Re: ¡¡¡Nuevo proyecto de la FOX sobre GOTHAM!!!

Mensaje por Shelby »

- Nuevas imágenes bts de la S2 (06-15 Dic 2015):

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(@seanpertwee: Heading into #WSCNYNJ for round 2.Cup of coffee & a taser to the boat & I'll be fine! See you there @Gotham
@thedrewpowell: Happy Birthday to this smooth operator! Glad to know you @chalkchris Hope it's a great year #Gotham #GilzeanandFox
@mister_CMS: my boys throwing shade #Gotham)

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¡¡¡¡AY, OMÁ QUÉ CALORES!!!! ¡Gracias por tu regalo, Nitta!

Mensajes: 32871
Registrado: Dom May 21, 2006 12:15 am

Re: ¡¡¡Nuevo proyecto de la FOX sobre GOTHAM!!!

Mensaje por Shelby »

- Clare Foley habla sobre Gotham, los villanos e 'Ivy Pepper' (telltaletv):
Clare Foley habla sobre Gotham, los villanos e 'Ivy Pepper'
Por Becky Peters 07 Dic, 2015, 1:02 pm

At the ripe age of 14, Gotham’s Clare Foley is already racking up an impressive resume.

She has appeared on hit TV shows such as Lena Dunham’s Girls and the ever-adored Netflix original series Orange is the New Black, as well as working alongside some serious heavy hitters (pun not intended) in the 2015 film Southpaw starring Jake Gyllenhaal.

It’s safe to assume that we may have a major up and comer on our hands here. I recently had the chance to speak with Foley about Gotham about Gotham and her budding career.

Foley said she caught the acting bug when she was very young, thanks to her siblings. “My older brothers — they started acting so, of course, I wanted to do whatever my older siblings did. I just kind of followed them into the business.”

That isn’t to say that she, like many other youngsters, didn’t dream of a million different career paths. “I wanted to be a clown at one point,” she said with a laugh. “I wanted to [join] the circus.”

That’s a fitting dream for someone working on a show based on the dark knight comics, given the career of one of Batman’s beloved comic book sidekicks, Dick Grayson of the Flying Graysons.

It’s no real secret that superheroes have taken over both the big and small screens. What was once considered nerdy has now become the epitome of cool, with shows like The Flash, Arrow, Jessica Jones, and Gotham becoming massive successes with TV audiences.

Foley credits her particular interest in the Superhero genre to the fact that she grew up with four brothers. “I’ve always been a fan of Superheroes, even of Batman, ever since I was younger because I do have four brothers, so we’ve always been [in to] Superhero stuff,” she explained.

However, even in the age of Superheroes, there is a certain allure to the villains that taunt and torment the heroes we love — and, boy, do we ever love our villains: “I like Ivy, obviously, but I actually think that Penguin is kind of cool — especially on the show, Gotham. He always has a good sense to him.”

For those unfamiliar with the show, the Penguin she refers to is none other than the fabulous Mr. Oswald Cobblepot, played by the outstanding Robin Lord Taylor, without whom the role would not hold nearly so much power over the show’s audience. Cobblepot is a master manipulator and always seems to have his finger on the city’s pulse. He may not look like much, but the man is certainly a force to be reckoned with.

“I think it’s kind of fun to play bad guys because, obviously, I’m not a bad guy in real life,” Foley said. “So, it’s kind of fun sometimes to pretend that you’re bad.”

Gotham is certainly a series with no shortage of fabulous nasties to play with — from Cobblepot himself, to the delightful Edward Nygma (Cory Michael Smith), to the morally ambiguous Selina Kyle (Camren Bicondova). However, one of the more noteworthy of the show’s villainous characters (although she was a true victim of circumstance if I ever saw one) would have to be Bridgit Pike (Michelle Veintimilla), a pyromaniac whose character was originally created male in the comics, then made female on the show, which made for an interesting and controversial twist.

“I would probably want to be Gordon,” Foley says when we discuss the gender-swapped casting, referring to the show’s main protagonist, Detective Jim Gordon, played by Benjamin McKenzie. “Because I think it’s so cool how they solve the cases and everything.”

As it turns out, Foley is a bit of a crime drama buff herself. “In a lot of shows, I always love how there’s a case and [seeing] how they get to the end of it,” she said. “Right now, me and my friends are watching Hawaii Five-0. That’s a really cool show, and I also really like the show Limitless. I just love seeing people solve different cases, I think it’s so cool.”

As for any hints as to what we can expect to see from Ivy in the coming episodes, Foley remained tight-lipped. “I can’t really give any hints, but Ivy’s always super mysterious and crazy. [She’s] just surviving on the streets,” Foley said.

Any fan of the show knows that surviving on those streets is one hell of a feat.

http://telltaletv.com/2015/12/clare-fol ... interview/

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¡¡¡¡AY, OMÁ QUÉ CALORES!!!! ¡Gracias por tu regalo, Nitta!

Mensajes: 32871
Registrado: Dom May 21, 2006 12:15 am

Re: ¡¡¡Nuevo proyecto de la FOX sobre GOTHAM!!!

Mensaje por Shelby »

- "Gotham" contará con una reunión de O.C.en la segunda mitad de la S2:
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E!Online acaba de informar que tendremos una súper reunión de O.C. ccuando la serie regrese para completar su segunda temporada.

La actriz Melinda Clarke, a.k.a. la ocasionalmente malvada y siempre confabuladora 'Julie Cooper' en la mencionada serie, se unirá a "Gotham" esta primavera con el personaje recurrente de la atractiva y culta 'Grace Van Dahl'.

Grace—quien no es un personaje de DC—está desesperada por el dinero y el poder. Mientras que es experta en interpretar a la perfecta esposa y anfitriona, mientras tanto está maquinando cómo puede mentir y engañar—¡e incluso asesinar!—para conseguir lo que quiere.

Clarke aparecerá por primera vez en el episodio 2.15.

http://www.eonline.com/news/722794/goth ... re-we-come

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¡¡¡¡AY, OMÁ QUÉ CALORES!!!! ¡Gracias por tu regalo, Nitta!

Mensajes: 32871
Registrado: Dom May 21, 2006 12:15 am

Re: ¡¡¡Nuevo proyecto de la FOX sobre GOTHAM!!!

Mensaje por Shelby »

- GOTHAM | "The Freeze is Coming" Spring Teaser Promo:

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¡¡¡¡AY, OMÁ QUÉ CALORES!!!! ¡Gracias por tu regalo, Nitta!

Mensajes: 32871
Registrado: Dom May 21, 2006 12:15 am

Re: ¡¡¡Nuevo proyecto de la FOX sobre GOTHAM!!!

Mensaje por Shelby »

- Nuevo video BTS del elenco compartido por Camren Bicondova (15-12-15):

https://www.facebook.com/CamrenBicondov ... =2&theater

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¡¡¡¡AY, OMÁ QUÉ CALORES!!!! ¡Gracias por tu regalo, Nitta!
