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Publicado: Dom Dic 10, 2006 1:42 pm
por Mister_durance
He encontrado una entrevista antigua de los creadores de Smallville sobre Erica Durance y su mítico personaje de Lois, creo que es bastatne interesante aquí os la dejo:

Creators of Smallville/Creadores de Smallville

"The introduction of Erica Durance as Lois Lane has really given the show a new energy," notes Millar. "Lois has brought a fun comedic element to the show that we didn’t really have before. There’s been a lot of sparring between Clark and Lois, which has been really fun to do, and the chemistry between Tom and Erica has been great. Tom is a natural comedian, and he’s fantastic with Erica." - Miles Millar

“La introducción de Erica Durance como Lois lane realmente ha dado la demostración una nueva energía,” anota Millar. “Lois ha traído un elemento divertido añ show que realmente no teníamos antes. Ha habido muchos de sparring entre Clark y Lois, que ha sido realmente diversitido de hacer, y la química entre Tom y Erica ha sido grande. Tom es cómico natural, y él es fantástico con Erica.” - Millas Millar

"We were getting tired of the Clark/Lana relationship. We sort of, like, strip-mined that relationship. So we wanted to bring in some new faces and reenergize the romance in the show and get some new triangles going." - Miles Millar.

“Nosotros estábamos cansados de la relación de Clark/ Lana. Clasificamos de, como, pelar-minado esa relación. Deseamos traer en algunas caras nuevas y reenergizar el romance en la show y conseguimos algunos nuevos triángulos.” - Millas Millar.

"Erica is stunningly beautiful. She's clearly a different to Lana. She's very sophisticated and very funny and sassy, energetic and urban. Clark and Erica together, they shot their first scene today, and it's just awesome, the chemistry. So it's going to be really exciting to see that relationship." - Miles Millar.

“Erica es imponentemente hermosa. Ella es claramente diferente a Lana. Ella es muy sofisticada y muy divertida y sassy(sexi), enérgica y urbana. Clark y Erica juntos, tiraron a su primera escena hoy, y es apenas impresionante, la química. Va a ser tan realmente emocionante ver esa relación.” - Millas Millar.

"Lois Lane is her cousin. Well I have been saying this for two years now. It is true, Lois Lane is Chloe's cousin. Chloe doesn't morph into Lois." - Al Gough, Devoted to Smallville interview, February 2004

"Lois Lane es su prima. Bien he estado diciendo esto por dos años. Es verdad, Lois Lan es prima de Chloe. Chloe no se transforma en Lois.” - Al Gough, dedicado a la entrevista de Smallville, febrero de 2004

"Lois is in college. She's just a few years older than Clark, Lana and Chloe. But Lois is in college, and I don't think Lois and Clark get along at all." -- Al Gough, Wizard Magazine, 2002

“Lois está en universidad. Ella es justa algunos años más mayor que Clark, Lana y Chloe. Pero Lois está en universidad, y no pienso que Lois y Clark consiguen adelante en todos.” -- Al Gough, Wizard Magazine 2002

In the mythology of Superman, he never does get together with Lana; he ultimately goes off to Metropolis and ends up with Lois Lane. We're remaining true to that." -- Al Gough.

En la mitología del superman, él nunca se reúne con Lana; él se apaga en última instancia a Metrópolis y al final con Lois Lane. Somos verdaderamente restantes con esto. “ -- Al Gough.

"Lois is very funny and one of the few people who can tell Superman where to get off, and he will listen. There's a spark there - that's always been there - so, whether they were dating or married, it doesn't matter - they can have fun. I see it as a combination of The Thin Man movies, Moonlighting and the current animated series (something for every generation). Great couples having great fun." - Jeph Loeb

“Lois es muy divertida y una de las pocas personas que puede decir a superman adónde bajar, y él la escuchará. Hay una chispa allí - que está siempre allí - así pues, si ellos estuvieran dating o casados, no importa - ellas pueden tener diversión. Lo veo como combinación de las películas finas del hombre, de Moonlighting y de la serie animada actual (algo para cada generación). Grandes parejas que tienen gran diversión.” - Jeph Loeb

Aquí os dejo unas palabras de Tom Welling también:

"I know that Lois isn't exactly a romantic addition, but you're right, there's a spark, a chemistry between Clark and Lois where they can't stand each other but at the same time, they can't stand not being around each other." - Tom Welling.

“Sé que Lois no es exactamente una adición romántica, pero tienes razón, hay una chispa, una química entre Clark y Lois donde no pueden estarse parados pero al mismo tiempo, ellos no puede estar parado uno alrededor del otro.” - Tom Welling

Continuará, tengo más cosillas por ahí...

Publicado: Dom Dic 10, 2006 2:11 pm
por boffy
:smt006 Gracias mister Durance!!!, me encantaron las entrevistas!!! viva lois!!!

Publicado: Dom Dic 10, 2006 2:13 pm
por --[Sacred-Kripton]--
A ver cuando meten alguna entrevista de Erica en el comic mensual de Smallville de Planeta porque son muy buenas y aunque son algo antiguas, conoces cosas que antes no sabias de los personajes, una que me encanto fue la de Allison. Es una crack!!!

Publicado: Mar Dic 12, 2006 12:44 am
por Miss_Lane
Gracias por la entrevista, está muy bien!

Publicado: Mar Dic 12, 2006 3:52 am
por Dragonety
me encanto! muy buena entrevista!" :smt003

Publicado: Mié Dic 13, 2006 4:21 pm
por Miss_Lane
No se si lo recordáis pero en abril del año pasado Erica Durance y Allison Mack acudieron al festival de Jules Verne, uno muy famoso en Paris, Este año, para concretamente el 20 de abril, por lo visto acudirá todo el cast, Tom Welling, Erica Durance, Kristin Kreuk, Michael Rosenbaum y Allison Mack. John Glover recibirá un premio honorífico por su larga carrera.

Como ya sabemos por experiencia, la lista de actores no siempre es fija, asi que hasta última hora, cuando lo cofirmen, no sabremos si en realidad se presentan todos. Podríamos organizar un viajecito a París si al final va todo el cast y ver el Festival (venden entradas y pases vips ya) ya que no nos pilla tan lejos como Vancouver... :smt001

Publicado: Mié Dic 13, 2006 5:17 pm
por vegetto
gracias por la entrevista es muy interesante, demuestra lo importante que es erica para la serie, a ver si lo leen los kristianos

Publicado: Mié Dic 13, 2006 9:13 pm
por Mister_durance
He encontrado esta interesantísima entrevista publicada en el Calgary Herald fechada en 7 de diciembre, es bastante larga pero merece la pena leerla y entenderla, pues repasa la vida de Erica, desde el colegio hasta la actualidad, incluso habla uno de sus profesores del colegio. Siento no poder traducirla completamente pero es que es demasiado extensa.

Alberta's Lois Lane
Three Hills' native Erica Durance puts her stamp on famous role
Article Tools
Eric Volmers, Calgary Herald
Published: Thursday, December 07, 2006

Smallville airs tonight at 6 p.m. on Ch. 37 and at 9 p.m. on Ch. 60. It also airs Mondays at 9 p.m. on Access (Ch. 13)

- - -

Erica Durance does not seem the type to be easily rattled.

As one of the stars of the teenage Superman drama Smallville, the actress has brought the beloved character of Lois Lane into the 21st century as a butt-kicking would-be journalist who can serve up karate kicks and one-liners with equal aplomb. As a rising star, she has traded sexy quips with radio host Howard Stern, posed alluringly on the cover of lad-mag FHM and fought zombies in the fright flick House of the Dead.

But the 28-year-old Three Hills native admits she wasn't prepared for her entry into that curious world where obsessed Smallville fans congregate: The sci-fi convention.

"I had a fan who tried to kiss me once," says Durance, in a phone interview from her home in Vancouver. "And that was a little bit too aggressive. . ."

Since signing on as the feisty Lois Lane two years ago, the small-town Albertan has found herself judging nerdly costume contests, discussing detailed plot points and fending off unwanted advances from amorous sci-fi geeks all over North America.

Not that the actress is one to complain. Durance realized she was entering a ready-made culture when she joined the ranks of actresses Margot Kidder, Teri Hatcher and Kate Bosworth in putting her stamp on the Lois Lane character.

She just didn't realize how intense the fan attention could be.

"It's quite overwhelming, how much they know," she says. "They know so much about these characters. You never want to assume you know more than they do, because they'll beat you every time."

Since starting as a recurring character, Durance has been upgraded to full-time cast member.

As such, she has become more of an integral part of the show's story arc -- often acting as a wise-cracking foil to young Clark Kent and developing a romance with future superhero Green Arrow.

As an actress, the role has been her biggest break so far, pushing her into the stratosphere of sexy, up-and-coming TV star.

A number of gushing fan sites have sprouted up on the Internet dedicated to the actress.

She has starred in the straight-to-DVD release Butterfly Effect 2 -- a film that has gained attention for its steamy sex scenes.

For the past two years she has graced the FHM's Sexiest Women in the World list, rising to No. 38 in 2006 from 63 last year.

And she has also been a guest on Howard Stern's famously raunchy radio show on two occasions, the latter of which spurred much web chatter when the shock jock grilled her about her sex life.

All of which has no doubt raised a few eyebrows in her hometown of Three Hills, a settlement of under 4,000 located an hour northeast of Calgary that is best known as the home of the Prairie Bible College.

The town -- which grew around the 1922 formation of the college by farmer and American circuit preacher L.E. Maxwell -- is a deeply religious community. Durance's upbringing was suitably wholesome.

Erica's paternal grandfather, Leon Durance, was the town's resident hymn expert, known for his iron grip knowledge of sacred music. Her mother was the town librarian, her father a trucker.

"I went to a tiny little high school and grew up on a turkey farm," she says. "I'd make my foray into Calgary if I wanted to see a movie or do something crazy."

She caught the acting bug at a young age, appearing in plays launched by the church congregation attached to the college.

"There's no doubt about it, she was a little star the first time I met her," says Kathy Covert, a teacher at the college who was Durance's private voice and acting coach in Three Hills during the actress's formative years.

"Even in the fourth grade, she lit up a room. She still does that -- totally apart from her industry persona."

Covert says Durance was an enthusiastic student and performer -- taking on roles such as the Scarecrow in the Wizard of Oz and one of the Von Trapp children in The Sound of Music. She also participated in the 1994's Canadian Badlands Passion Play in Drumheller, playing one of Christ's followers. After attending the Baptist college, she migrated to Vancouver and began landing commercials and film roles that often relied on her sexy screen presence.

Which begs the question: Just how does Three Hills -- a town that also claims devoutly Christian "humourist" Phil Callaway as one of its own -- feel about Durance's increasingly edgy persona?

"No matter what she does and doesn't do, people are going to love her regardless," says Covert. "It was like that ever since she was little. It's a close community.

"Like so many of her classmates, whatever choices they make and continue to make, we'll love and support them."

Which is good. Because Durance's career is not likely to become more family friendly in the near future.

Along with an increased -- and increasingly sexy -- role in Smallville, she is next scheduled to appear in Ecstasy -- the film version of Trainspotting author Irvine Welsh's darkly comic novella about sex and drugs in the Scottish underground.

"I would say that I'm open to what ever is out there," Durance says. "Right now, it's Smallville. As opportunities arise, if they are interesting, I'll go after them."

Still, when asked if she will continue to pursue roles that highlight her sexy reputation, Durance's small-town humility seems to kick in.

"It's just kind of odd for me," she says.

"It's just so different from what I am at home. I just don't think of myself along those lines. I mean, if it's there, it's nice. But we all know what it is."

Publicado: Jue Dic 14, 2006 7:00 pm
por Miss_Lane
Gracias por la entrevista es realmente curiosa e interesante... Erica es una persona muy aunténtica.

Publicado: Sab Dic 16, 2006 8:47 pm
por Miss_Lane
Según he leido, Erica rodará una nueva película "No Time Like the Present" (2008) interpretando el papel de Raine. A ver si encontramos más información al respecto, un saludo para todos los Ericanos.

Publicado: Jue Ene 04, 2007 11:56 am
por Miss_Lane
Aquí os dejo una entrevista que le han hecho a Erica, publicada en World Wrestling Entertaiment, espero que os guste.

Layla interviews Erica Durance

Written: January 3, 2007

For the third installment of WWE.com’s Superstar to Superstar, 2006 Diva Search winner Layla took a few minutes to catch up with Erica Durance, a.k.a. Lois Lane on The CW’s hit show Smallville. The Canadian actress, who also stars in the popular direct-to-DVD feature The Butterfly Effect 2, tells Layla who she thinks Lois Lane really is, and how she'll fit in when Smallville returns with new episodes starting January 11.

Layla: WWE Divas represent strength, independence, beauty, sex appeal and class. How do you think Lois Lane fits into these characteristics?

Erica: When I grew up, one of the things I loved about the Lois Lane character was her independence. The fact that she has this inner strength that basically says, “If anything goes wrong, I’m going to turn to myself first. I’m not a victim. Let’s see how I can get myself out of this.”

The beauty that Lois has is that she doesn’t view herself as a beauty or sex symbol. Her beauty comes from the confidence she has within, and the fact she can rely on her wit and her strengths. As a result, it comes across as confidence that people find beautiful.

Layla: Madonna was my first inspiration. Who were yours? As a child, was there anyone who you saw on TV that inspired you to become an actress?

Erica: Well, I don’t want to steal Madonna from you…

Layla: Go ahead, she’s an icon!

Erica: She’s an independent woman who didn’t take crap from anyone. She went out there and did her thing. But, over the last few years, another woman who I think is unbelievable is Angelina Jolie. She doesn’t apologize for who she is. It’s take it or leave it, and she’s not going to change. I really admire that. They are both people who make their own decisions and stick to them, and I really find that attractive.

Layla: Favorite Lois Lane actress?

Erica: Margot Kidder. She brought so much strength and class to the character.

Layla: What are some of the obstacles you had to overcome to win the role on Smallville?

Erica: I’m not sure how many actresses auditioned, but it was a long process. They were looking for a good six months before I even auditioned. I didn’t expect much; I expected it to go to some beautiful girl from L.A., so I figured I'd just give it a shot and see what happens. I had no idea what was going on behind the scenes. I auditioned on a Friday, and got the part on a Monday.

Layla: That’s a great accomplishment. Y'know, the Divas welcomed me into WWE with a cold shower at SummerSlam. How did the Smallville cast initiate you?

Erica: Well, we didn’t have any cold showers, thank God. They welcomed me in with a sense of humor, and taught me to laugh at myself and not take myself too seriously. The whole cast was very welcoming. I went to Paris with Allison Mack, who plays my cousin Chloe, for a Smallville thing. She took me out to dinner, which was really nice; it was just one of those things that helped break the ice.

Layla: At WWE, we never know what’s going to happen, but many of the Smallville episodes for this season have already been recorded. Can you tell us what’s in store for Lois Lane for the rest of this year?

Erica: Lois is going to keep getting herself into trouble, but she’s also going to grow up a little more. She’s been investigating more stories and getting into some sticky situations, so she will definitely have to do a little more fighting. And there will be more between her and her new love interest, Oliver Queen [played by Justin Hartley]. I don’t know if I can give away too much.

Layla: My personal kryptonite is desserts. What’s yours?

Erica: My personal kryptonite is probably chips and dip. Or In-N-Out Burger when I’m in L.A. Every time I’m there I have to go.

Layla: I love that place! Have you been to Fatburger?

Erica: No, I haven’t been there yet, but I’ll have to give it a shot.

Layla: You don’t look like you eat a lot of burgers.

Erica: We all need to make time for a burger once in a while.

Layla: Erica, thank you so much for taking the time to talk with us. We'll keep watching you on Smallville.

Erica: Thanks, Layla.

Layla and Erica Durance

(La traduciré en cuento pueda)

Publicado: Jue Ene 04, 2007 12:36 pm
por Miss_Lane
Ahí va la traducción:

Layla se entrevista con a Erica Durance

Escrito: El 3 de enero de 2007

Para la tercera instalación superestrella de s de WWE.com la' a la superestrella, ganador 2006 de la búsqueda del Diva Layla tomó algunos minutos con Erica Durance, a.k.a. Lois Lane en el show Smallville. La actriz canadiense, que también es estrella en el popular DVD del Efecto Mariposa 2, dice a Layla que ella piensa que el papel de Lois realmente está, y en cómo ella cabrá cuando Smallville vuelva con los nuevos episodios que comienzan el 11 de enero.

Layla: Los Divas de WWE representan fuerza, independencia, belleza, sex appeal y la clase. ¿Cómo piensas que el papel de Lois se ajusta a estas características?

Erica: Cuando crecí, una de las cosas que amé sobre el carácter de Lois era su independencia. El hecho de que ella tiene una fuerza interna que diga básicamente, “si va cualquier cosa mal, voy a dar vuelta a mi misma primero. No soy una víctima. Veamos cómo puedo conseguir esto.”
La belleza que Lois tiene es que ella no se ve como símbolo de la belleza o del sexo. Su belleza viene de la confianza que ella tiene dentro, y del hecho ella puede confiar en su ingenio y sus fuerzas. Consecuentemente, parece que esta confianza la gente encuentra hermosa.

Layla: Madonna era mi primera inspiración. ¿Quiénes eran el tuyo? ¿Como niña, había cualquier persona que viste en la TV que te inspiró a que fueras actriz?

Erica: Bien, no deseo robarte a Madonna…

Layla: ¡ella es un icono!

Erica: Ella es una mujer independiente que no tomó el crap de cualquier persona. Ella salió allí e hizo sus cosas. Pero, sobre los últimos años, otra mujer que pienso es increíble es Angelina Jolie. Ella no se disculpa por quien es ella es. Tómalo o déjalo, ella no va a cambiar. Realmente admiro eso. La gente que toma sus propias decisiones y se pega a ellas, y realmente encuentro eso atractivo.

Layla: ¿Actriz preferida que interpretó a Lois Lane?

Erica: Margot Kidder. Ella trajo tanto fuerza y la clase al papel.

Layla: ¿Cuáles son algunos de los obstáculos que tuviste que superar para ganar el papel en Smallville?

Erica: No estoy segura de cuántas actrices fuero a la audición, pero fue un proceso largo. Estuvieron buscando unos buenos seis meses antes de que incluso yo fuera audicionada. No esperaba mucho; Yo esperaba que fuera a alguna muchacha hermosa de L.A., así que calculé, yo probaría y a esperar a ver qué sucedía. No tenía ninguna idea qué iba ocurriendo detrás de las escenas. Yo audicioné el viernes, y conseguí la parte el lunes.

Layla: Eso es una gran realización. Yo sé, los Divas me dieron la bienvenida en WWE con una ducha fría en SummerSlam. ¿Cómo el cast de Smallville te inició?

Erica: Bien, no teníamos ninguna ducha fría, gracias a Dios. Me dieron la bienvenida adentro con sentido del humor, y enseñándome a reírme y de no tomarme demasiado seriamente las cosas. El cast al conjunto me dio una muy buena bienvenida. Fui a París con Allison Mack, que interpreta a mi prima Chloe, para una cosa de Smallville. Ella me llevó a cenar fuera, fue realmente agradable; fue una de las cosas que ayudó a romper el hielo.

Layla: En WWE, nunca sabemos qué va a suceder, pero muchos de los episodios de Smallville para esta temporada se han grabado ya. ¿Puedes decirnos que está en el almacén para Lois para el resto de este año?

Erica: Lois va conseguir meterse en apuros, pero ella también va a crecer un poco más. Ella ha estado investigando más historias y ha estado metiéndose en algunas situaciones pegajosas, así que ella tendrá que definitivamente luchar. Y habrá más entre ella y su nuevo interés amoroso, reina de Oliver [interpreta por Justin Hartley]. No sé si puedo dar mucho más.

Layla: Mi kryptonita personal es el postre. ¿Cuál es la tuya?

Erica: Mi kryptonita personal son probablemente las patatas y dip. O la hamburguesa cuando estoy en L.A. cada vez estoy allí yo tengo que ir.

Layla: ¡Amo ese lugar! ¿Has estado a Fatburger?

Erica: No, no he estado allí todavía, pero tendré que probarlo.

Layla: No miras como comes muchos de hamburguesas.

Erica: Nosotros necesitamos hacer la hora para una hamburguesa de vez en cuando.

Layla: Erica, gracias por tomar un tiempo para hablar con nosotros. Esperaremos viéndote en Smallville.

Erica: Gracias, Layla.

Publicado: Vie Ene 05, 2007 11:23 am
por Mister_durance
Eyy la entrevista no tiene desperdicio, muchas gracias.

Publicado: Vie Ene 05, 2007 3:20 pm
por lane-kent
Muchas gracias por la entrevista!!!!!! Erica es genial!!!

Publicado: Dom Ene 07, 2007 12:22 pm
por Miss_Lane
Ahí va otra entrevista publicada en Comics Continuum:

In some ways, water has been Erica Durance's personal Kryptonite.
And it hasn't helped that her Lois Lane character always seems to be facing a watery grave in The CW's Smallville.

Lois hit her head on a dive and had to be rescued by Aquaman in "Aqua," was paralyzed with water rushing in on her in "Recruit" and was dunked repeatedly by thugs in "Arrow."

"No, I don't like water," Durance said during The Continuum's recent visit to the Smallville set. "But each time I'm becoming more and more comfortable, so that's good.

"I mean, it's like facing a fear."

Durance said that "Arrow," which was rebroadcast on Thursday night, is one of her favorite episodes.

"It was all over the place," she said. "I got to do some wirework and I got rescued. And I had to go in and there and fight it up. And, of course, they had the drowning."

So the good news is Durance is getting used to the water work. The bad news is that the next new episode of Smallville is called "Hydro," and it appears Lois will be at least getting wet again, as evidenced by the image released by The CW this week.


En cierto modo, el agua ha sido la Kryptonita personal de Erica Durance. Y no ha ayudado a que su carácter de Lois Lane parece siempre hacer frente a un sepulcro acuoso en Smallville.

Lois golpeó su cabeza en una zambullida y tuvo que ser rescatada por Aquaman en “Aqua,” fue paralizada con agua que acometía dentro de ella en “Recruit” y ahogada en varias ocasiones por los gamberros en “Arrow.”

“No, no tengo miedo del agua,” dijo Durance durante la visita reciente de The Continuum's al set de Smallville. “Pero cada vez estoy más y más cómoda, así que es bueno".

“Significa, como hacer frente a un miedo.”

Durance dijo que “Arrow,” que se emtió en la noche de jueves, es uno de sus episodios preferidos.

“Estaba por todas partes,” ella dijo. “Conseguí hacer un cierto wirework y conseguí ser rescatada. Y tuve que ir adentro y allí y luchar. Y, por supuesto, tenían que ahogarse.”

Las buenas noticias son que Durance están consiguiendo utilizar el trabajo de agua. Las malas noticias son que en el nuevo episodio siguiente de Smallville llamado “Hydro,” y en que el parece Lois, por lo menos conseguirá la mojaran otra vez, según lo evidenciado por la imagen lanzada por la CW la esta semana.