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- Legends Of Tomorrow | ""History Gets a Remix" S3 Promo | The CW:

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- Legends Of Tomorrow | "Inside DC's Legends: Season 3 Behind The Scenes" | The CW:
https://twitter.com/TheCW_Legends/statu ... 8971520000

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- Revelados título y créditos del 3.07:
El productor Marc Guggenheim ha compartido en su cuenta de twitter el título y los créditos del séptimo episodio de la S3 de "Legends Of Tomorrow", cuya producción acaba de comenzar:


https://twitter.com/mguggenheim/status/ ... 7216988160

El episodio 3.07 tiene por título "Welcome to the Jungle", está escrito por Ray Utarnachitt & Tyron B. Carter, y dirigido por Marizee Almas.

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- Legends Of Tomorrow | "Super Season: Cold Brew" | The CW:

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- Stills del 3.01 "Aruba-Con":

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- Descripción oficial del 3.01 "Aruba-Con":
3.01 "Aruba-Con" (10/10/17): THERE’S NO PLACE LIKE HOME — Cuando las Legends se dan cuenta de que rompieron la línea temporal, Rip Hunter (la estrella invitafa Arthur Darvill) llega con su nueva organización – the Time Bureau – para liberarlos de la tarea. Las Legends están encantadas de tener la oportunidad de reunir de nuevo al equipo pero una nueva amenaza surge cuando Rory (Dominic Purcell) ve a Julio César (la estrella invitada Simon Merrells) en Aruba. Sara (Caity Lotz), Nate (Nick Zano) y Ray (Brandon Routh) idan un plan para robar de nuevo a la Waverider del Time Bureau para intentar detener a Julio César de conquistar el mundo moderno. Victor Garber, Maisie Richardson-Sellers y Franz Drameh también aparecen. Rob Seidenglanz dirige el episodio escrito por Phil Klemmer & Marc Guggenheim (#301).

http://dclegendstv.com/2017/09/19/legen ... aruba-con/

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- Crossover del Arrowverso: título, póster, confirmación de una boda, Russell Tovey como "The Ray" y más:
Ya es oficial. El crossover de este año de la DCTV entre "Arrow", "The Flash", "Supergirl" y "Legends of Tomorrow" se titula “Crisis on Earth-X” y, en él, los héroes de las cuatro series de la CW se reunirán para celebrar la boda de Barry e Iris, aunque nada irá según lo esperado ya que varios villanos de Earth-X interrumpen las festividades con una agenda mortal.

Earth-X (que también aparece en la próxima serie animada de la CW Seed "Freedom Fighters: The Ray") es una Tierra paralela donde Alemania ganó la II Guerra Mundial y en la que Green Arrow, The Flash y Supergirl son malvados.

Para marcar el evento especial, que empieza ahora con su producción, la CW y la WB le han encargado al legendario artista de cómics Phil Jimenez (Wonder Woman) que haga un póster personalizado para el mismo y en el que se pueden ver todos los personajes que intervendrán en la historia:

Basándonos en el póster, podemos deducir que The Flash (Grant Gustin), Green Arrow (Stephen Amell), y Supergirl (Melissa benoist) se enfrentarán a las versiones malvadas de ellos mismos. Es más, es más que probable el decir que Gustin, Amell, y Benoist también interpretarán a sus dobles, dado el hecho de que se ha anunciado hace poco que Benoist dará voz a 'Overgirl', la homóloga malvada de Supergirl de Tierra-X, en la serie animada de la CW Seed "Freedom Fighters: The Ray". Sin embargo esa no es la única conexión con "Freedom Fighters", ya que en el póster también se revela que “Crisis” introducirá al personaje de 'The Ray' en el Arrowverso de acción. El Capitán Cold puede verse en la esquina inferior inzquierda, lo que significa que Wentworth Miller regresará seguramente para el gran evento, y Zari (Tala Ashe), la nueva hacktivista del futuro de "Legends of Tomorrow", lleva puesto u misterioso amuleto en la portada.

“Concebimos el crossover de este año para que evoque los crossovers anuales de la Justice League/Justice Society con los que crecimos y esperábamos cuando éramos niños,” dicen los productores ejecutivos Marc Guggenheim y Andrew Kreisberg en un comunicado. “Phil fue el la elección perfecta para llevar a la vida la idea de esta versión de la portada del cómic. Puedes contar con una mano el número de artistas que podrían reptresentar de forma convincente tantos personajes en una única imagen. Phil es uno de ellos. Y su diseño invoca la portada de la Justice League #207, que fue el 20th Annual JLA/JSA crossover. Nuestros 'yo' de 10 años están en el cielo.“

“Algunos de los primeros cómics de DC que he leñido nunca fueron esos increíbles crossovers con una docena de personajes de tierras y dimensiones alternativas — ¡el tipo de cosas por las que después me hice conocido!” añade Jimenez. “Así es que cuando la CW me pidió hacer una portada homenaje inspirada por esas increíbles portadas clásicas, no pude resistirme, la oportunidad de dibujar a todos los superhéoes de DC de la CW en una loca secuencia de acción fue increíblemente divertido y emocionante. ¡Y los colores de Romulo Fajardo trajeron todo a la vida!.”

Junto a las noticias propias del crossover, la CW también ha anunciado que el actor Russell Tovey ("Quantico", "Looking") ha sido escogido para interpretar al superhéroe gay 'The Ray' en el crossover, además de prestarle su voz al personaje en la próxima serie animada de la CW Seed "Freedom Fighters: The Ray".

La descripción oficial del personaje es la siguiente:
Raymond “Ray” Terrill era un periodista que descubrió a un grupo de científicos del gobierno que trabajaban en un proyecto secreto para convertir la luz en un arma de destrucción masiva. Pero antes de que pudiera desvelar sus descubrimientos, el jefe del proyecto expuso a Ray a una “bomba genética de luz.” La bomba no le mató y en su lugar le concedió a Ray poderes basados en la luz. Con estas habilidades, Ray se dio cuenta de que podía ir más allá del informar sobre la injusticia — podía actuar para ayudar a detenerla. Lammándose a sí mismo 'The Ray', fue reclutado por el Tío Sam y los Freedom Fighters para luchar contra la violencia y la opresión dondequiera que exista.
'The Ray' apareció por primera vez en un número de la "Justice League of America" de 1973.

El crossover se emitirá en dos noches, empezando con "Supergirl" y "Arrow" el Lunes, 27 de Nov a las 8/7c, y concluyendo con "The Flash" y "Legends of Tomorrow" el Martes, 28 de Nov a las 8 pm.

http://deadline.com/2017/09/cw-dc-super ... 202175158/
http://tvline.com/2017/09/22/the-flash- ... ode-photo/
http://ew.com/tv/2017/09/22/arrow-the-f ... crossover/
http://tvline.com/2017/09/22/russell-to ... -cast-gay/

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- LEGENDS OF TOMORROW | "Season 2 Gag Reel":

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- Descripción oficial del 3.02 "Freakshow":
3.02 "Freakshow" (17/10/17): ES SIEMPRE UN CIRCO — Las Legends se encuentran a sí mismas en 1870 para arreglar el anacronismo que resulta estar en el nuevo circo de P.T. Barnum. Sin embargo, Nate (Nick Zano) y Ray (Brandon Routh) accidentalmente liberan un tigre de dientes de sable, creando un mayor problema. Mientras tanto, P.T. Barnum (la estrella invitada Billy Zane) está en una cacería para capturar a Nate y a Ray para hacer su show incluso más emocionante para la multitud. Caity Lotz, Maisie Richardson-Sellers, Victor Garber, Dominic Purcell y Franz Drameh también aparecen. Keith Tancharoen dirige el episodio escrito por Keto Shimizu & Grainne Godfree (#302).

http://www.spoilertv.com/2017/09/legend ... e-302.html?

- Stills del 3.02 "Freakshow":

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Registrado: Dom May 21, 2006 12:15 am


Mensaje por Shelby »

- Legends Of Tomorrow | "Super Season: Waverider Parking" | The CW:

- Legends of Tomorrow | "Time Remix" Extended Trailer | The CW:

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Mensaje por Shelby »

- Nuevo póster promocional de la S3:

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- Jefe de "Legends of Tomorrow" adelanta grandes cambios por delante en la season 3 (EW):
Jefe de "Legends of Tomorrow" adelanta grandes cambios por delante en la season 3
Por Natalie Abrams - 03 Oct, 2017 at 1:00pm EDT

After breaking time in the season 2 finale, the Legends of Tomorrow re-team to fix the many anachronisms — people, places, and things displaced in history — left in their wake when DC’s Legends of Tomorrow returns. But they’re no longer the only game in town as Rip Hunter (Arthur Darvill) establishes his own much more strict team.

“The Time Bureau is the scalpel, whereas the Legends are the chainsaw,” says executive producer Marc Guggenheim. “They do it without all the consequential damage to property and time, but probably also with a lot less fun.” How will the Legends handle this new turn of events, especially with a new team member in future hacker Zari (Tala Ashe) joining the fray? Read our full interview with Guggenheim below to get the scoop.

ENTERTAINMENT WEEKLY: Where are we picking up with the team? With the introduction of the Time Bureau, are you returning to that season 1 feel that the Legends aren’t good enough?
MARC GUGGENHEIM: My hope is that we’ve touched on that at least in season 2. For us, it’s always been this consistent idea that these guys, as the saga sell says every week, they’re outcasts and misfits. We always approach the name Legends, both in terms of dialogue and in terms of the title, as ironic, because we always say, “They’re not heroes, they’re legends.” They’re something a little left of center. So what the Time Bureau represents is the proper way to do things. We say this a lot in the premiere, the Time Bureau is the scalpel, whereas the Legends are the chainsaw. They fix time, but they’re not pretty about it and they break a lot of eggs on the way to their omelets, whereas the Time Bureau is much more proper and they turn sharp corners and they do it without all the consequential damage to property and time, but probably also with a lot less fun.

Can you describe the difference between anachronisms and aberrations?
The way we describe anachronisms is it’s people, places, and things that are displaced in time, which is different from aberrations, which was like something happened, it wasn’t supposed to happen, or something didn’t happen that was supposed to happen. We did that last year. This is people, places, and things that shouldn’t be where they are.

So how much harder are they to fix than aberrations?
I wouldn’t say that they’re harder or easier. I would just say they are very different, because what makes the stories more interesting is it’s not just about whether or not Julius Cesar is removed from his time and you’ve got to put him back in the box, it’s what did he do when he was displaced that has screwed things up? So now there’s multiple problems to solve.

The Time Masters were controlling time. Is the Time Bureau much more about following the rules?
Yeah. Well, they were founded by Rip, and he was always telling the Legends, “You’ve got to follow the rules. You got to be careful.” The Time Bureau is his wish fulfillment. It’s like, “Finally!” The Time Masters were kind of immoral, so the Time Bureau isn’t. They’re very law-abiding and moral. The Legends were screw-ups. The Time Bureau isn’t. They’re super-efficient and professional, so this is the best iteration that Rip could ask for. The example we always use is it’s like Beverly Hills Cop. The Beverly Hills Police Department is an awesome, awesome institution. They turn sharp corners also and they’re very proper and always doing the right thing, but every now and again you need Axel Foley to really get things done. That relationship, the antagonism between Axel Foley and the Beverly Hills Police Department, is kind of what we’re going for in season 3 with Legends and the Time Bureau.

You’re doing another group of villains this year. Did Damien Darhk take note from the Legion of Doom in creating this new cabal?
I wouldn’t say that. I would say that he’s definitely learned from all of his mistakes, because this is a Damien that is not only post-Legends season 2, it’s also a Damien that’s post-Arrow season 4.

Why does he decide to create this group? What is he after?
Oh. I can’t. Come on. That’s the season. That would be like if a year ago I said, “Oh, the Legion of Doom want to get the Spear of Destiny so they can rewrite reality.”

Fair, but he came in with pretty grandiose plan when he was on Arrow. He literally wanted to destroy the world.
Yes, but I didn’t tell you that for a while.

Does he have similar motivations?
Suffice it to say, he has a very specific plan and a very specific agenda, and part of the fun of the season, of course, is our slow reveal of what that is.

How does bringing in Kuasa emotionally mess with Amaya? But also, how does that affect time and whether her village is destroyed?
Well, this is one of the central themes and questions of the season, which is we really want to explore the question of — for the last two years, certainly last year, the Legends were all about fixing time, but they’ve never actually taken the extra step of actually improving time and engineering history. If you’re going to go back in time and you’re going to fix history, what’s wrong with tweaking a little bit and improving it a little bit? And with Amaya having a granddaughter who is “evil,” that really personalizes that question, because it really dramatizes what could be a rather heady debate in a very, very grounded personal way, which is it’s not about just fixing time, which is this esoteric concept, it’s about fixing one specific person. At least for Amaya, obviously.

Did the events of the Vixen animated series happen for her? Because she died, and also, at one point, fought alongside Ray Palmer. Is that going to be addressed?
Yes, it will. I think if you go back and you look at Vixen season 2, I wouldn’t exactly call her fighting alongside Ray. She’s always been morally questionable, but I think that’s what makes it interesting as far as Amaya’s concerned is Ray would accurately, at the appropriate moment in the season, tell her like there were moments when Kuasa was capable of selfless good. So I think that gives Amaya a little bit of hope. We’re very much beholden to the stories that were told in Vixen season 2, and our approach is very similar to the Marvel movies where you didn’t have to watch Civil War to appreciate Spider-Man: Homecoming. You get a little bit extra, but they give you all the information that you need to watch that movie. You didn’t have to watch Civil War. It’s the same thing. I would love for everyone to watch Vixen season 2, because I’m really, really proud of it, but we’ll provide all the information you need.

Can you talk about some of the time periods you’re going through, and also some of the historical figures you guys will be introducing?
For us, it’s always a balance because we don’t want the show to turn into the historical figure of the week. That was something that was always at the forefront of our mind, certainly starting in season 2. It’s a tonnage question, and also the way you see them. Like for example, in episode 302, P.T. Barnum is a major character in the episode. There are other episodes where we may see a historical figure just as a one-off joke. There’s a bunch of different ways for us to do it, but we really do have to calibrate the number of instances and the different ways we do it. Otherwise, I think the show risks being very predictable and formulaic and we obviously never want to do that.

What can you tell us about Zari and her journey this season?
When we meet Zari, her brother will have been killed and the rest of her family is presumed missing. However, when she joins the Legends, she is surprised to learn that their rules prevent her from using time travel to save her brother. A computer hacker by training, Zari then sets out to see if she can find a loophole to these rules and, essentially, hack time.

What’s in store for Sara this season?
Sara’s really come into her own, and in many ways I think Sara probably best dramatizes the overall arc that the Legends have gone on, which is she’s found her place as the captain of the Wave Rider, so unlike last season where it was a little bit of a learning curve, she’s happy to be the captain. At the same time, it was really fundamentally her idea and her decision to violate the prime directive of the show and have the Legends travel back to a time that they had already participated in, thereby breaking time. So one of the things that hangs over the whole year, not as a pall, but just as another layer to Sara’s already complicated character, is the fact that she has some measure of responsibility for all the anachronisms that they are dealing with.

What will we see for Ray?
We feel like Ray functions best when he’s the beacon of light of the show. We’ve done dark stuff with Ray before — we did it on Arrow, done it occasionally on Legends, particularly in season 1. Ray’s a lot like the show itself, which is you can occasionally go a little dark, but the show really lives in the light and it lives in the fun. The thing about Ray is that he really does find the bright side in everything and I think that’s why he’s so lovable.

What about for Stein?
We’re really continuing Stein’s story this year from last year, which is last year he discovered he had a daughter and this year he’s really feeling the tension of what does it mean to be away from his family on this time ship? It’s something we actually talked about in the very first episode when Stein decided to leave and go aboard the Wave Rider with Rip. I describe Stein’s storyline this year as something we’ve always flirted with and made little nods to here and there, but never truly, truly dealt with, and never really dramatized in a significant way. We’re doing that this year given the fact that he now has this daughter, and how that is a pull back for him to 2017.

It’s very hard to talk about Stein without talking about Jackson, vice versa, because they are tied together. So one of the things that’s really interesting to us is they’re like Siamese twins, and what happens when one wants to go left and the other wants to go right? And if you watch the trailer, you’ll see that Ray and Jax are paired up as Siamese twins in P.T. Barnum’s circus. That’s not random. That’s part of Jax coming to realize that, wow, this decision to be time-traveling superheroes, it’s not just the decision that Jax is making for himself, it’s a decision he’s making for Stein.

What about for Amaya?
Clearly the elephant in the room, no pun intended, with Amaya is this destiny that she learned about at the end of season 2. We really didn’t have the screen time to tell the story of what does it mean to discover that you’ve got this destiny and if you don’t fulfill this destiny that your village will be lost and the world will be short one superhero? So we’re really exploring that this year in a fun way, and we’re certainly exploring it from the vantage point of how does that affect her relationship with Nate?

Speaking of, what’s next for Nate?
Nate’s just a blast. This year really sees Nate embracing the superhero side of his life. Last year, he functioned very much as the historian, he was always providing the historical exposition, and there’s certainly an element of that in his character this year, but we’re really leaning into the Citizen Steel superhero side of him. We are also having a lot of run with his relationship with Ray. There’s this budding bromance that’s a lot of fun to play between those two guys.

And lastly, what’s coming for Mick?
Mick’s a lot of fun to write this year because of the story we told with him last year. Last year, by the end of the season, we pretty much had him come to terms with the fact that he thinks they’re lame, he thinks being a hero is lame, but gosh darn it, these people are his team and they’re his crew and he’s going to back them up. So what I think is a lot of fun about Rory is he’s sort of the most unadulterated version of Rory that we’ve seen on the show thus far, because he’s not conflicted by any questions of loyalty. He’s still Mick, and he’s still a criminal, and he’s still all the things you love about him, but we’re not playing this — like we said in the season premiere last year — “What am I doing on the show?” He knows the answer to that question. He may not be happy with the answer, but he’s at least moved on from it. It takes a character who’s already, I think, one of the funniest aspects of the show and makes him even funnier.

DC’s Legends of Tomorrow returns Tuesday, Oct. 10, at 9 p.m. ET on the CW.

http://ew.com/tv/2017/10/03/legends-tom ... -spoilers/

- Productor ejecutivo de 'Legends of Tomorrow' adelanta un diablo sobrenatural en la Season 3 (comicbook):
Productor ejecutivo de 'Legends of Tomorrow' adelanta un diablo sobrenatural en la Season 3
Por Matthew Mueller | 08 Oct, 2017

You might think the Legends' biggest enemy would be time itself in season 3, but a much darker evil lurks beneath the surface.

Breaking time itself caused Rip Hunter to create a new team, a group known as the Time Bureau. While the Legends will try and fix time, showrunner Phil Klemmer explained there is a bigger mission that will reveal itself over the course of the season.

"The premiere is all about them sort of trying to get the band back together and trying to prove to Rip that they’ve still got what it takes," Klemmer told Rotten Tomatoes. "For a while, it seems like the season is gonna be about cleaning up their own mess."

It will quickly become apparent though that there is another force at work behind the scenes.

"Given what the consequences are of having gone back in last year’s finale and interacted with their former selves and created a time paradox, as we get deeper into the mythology of season three we’ll realize that there’s more at stake than just these anachronisms. There’s a deeper evil afoot," Klemmer said.

That last line is especially noteworthy and will make a true departure for the series.

"We wanted the villains of season three to be different, so the whole aesthetic is much more about magic and the world of the supernatural instead of fighting speedsters and former League of Assassins guys. We’re dealing with some supernatural evil, which is super cool," Klemmer teased.

Legends is no stranger to outside the box themes and circumstances, but the supernatural is one they haven't really tackled. There were aspects of it in the first season with Vandal Savage, but the focus was more on Savage manipulating time.

In season 3, it seems magic will play a more prominent role, which makes the recent announcement of John Constantine appearing on the show this season makes much more sense.

Fans love seeing more Constantine, so it would be noteworthy regardless, but now that magic is going to be so heavily involved, it gives the appearance some context.

Legends of Tomorrow returns to the CW on October 10th.

http://comicbook.com/dc/2017/10/08/lege ... -season-3/

- Legends of Tomorrow: 6 adelantos de la Season 3 (ign):
Legends of Tomorrow: 6 adelantos de la Season 3
Por Chris E. Hayner - 08 Oct 2017

If there's one thing the Legends of Tomorrow aren't great at, it's keeping the timeline intact. As the Season 3 finale came to a close, the team of misfits arrived back in modern day Los Angeles, only to find dinosaurs roaming the planet. That leaves them with a big problem to solve when Season 4 kicks off -- and some tough lessons to learn.

Perhaps the Legends aren't the ones that will be saving the world this year, though. Phil Klemmer, who serves as Executive Producer on Legends of Tomorrow, spoke with IGN about the new season, the scary villains it will bring and explains what, exactly, a Time Bureau does.

Rip Hunter and the Time Bureau

It should come as no surprise that Rip Hunter (Arthur Darvill) doesn't fit in with the Legends anymore. The rigid former Time Master is a stickler for the rules, which is where his new crew comes in.

"In our premiere, more horrifying than dinosaurs is the prospect that the Legends are no longer needed. We quickly put to bed the threat of these dinosaurs in LA by introducing Rip Hunter and his Time Bureau," Klemmer says. "He quickly announces he's gone back in time and founded this organization that's dedicated to dealing with these anachronisms that were caused by our team."

Unlike the Legends, led by Sara Lance (Caity Lotz), the Time Bureau sticks to the rules to fix problems with the timeline. As far as Klemmer is concerned though, it's a good thing that an alternative team has arrived to show the Waverider crew the errors of their ways.

"The Legends really needed a foil. They needed somebody to remind them of just how bad they were at doing this. This season is different in that the anachronisms we're trying to fix are a direct result of what they did in last year's finale," he says. "There's a conflict of interest when you're cleaning up your own mess. I think the team's journey this season is trying to figure out what purpose they serve."

Don't Count the Legends Out

The arrival of the Time Bureau is going to mean facing a very harsh reality for the Legends.

"Our team, within the span of a minute, goes from, 'Oh God, we're going to get eaten by dinosaurs' to 'Oh God, Rip just told us we're done,'" Klemmer explains. "It's an existential crisis for our Legends. What do they do? Go back to their regular lives? And what do those lives look like?"

For most of the team, they wouldn't even know what lives to return to, as the executive producer adds, "the fact is they've been traveling through time for so long that none of them really remember who they were before they left." There is an exception though. Martin Stein (Victor Garber) has a newfound interest in his life outside of the team.

"He now has a daughter and will soon realize he has a grandbaby on the way," Klemmer reveals. "He's the only one who even yearns for a straight life. The rest of our guys, starting with the premiere, are fighting for their existence as time travelers and trying to prove to Rip they still have what it takes."

Thankfully, they aren't down for the count just yet, if only because Rip has a mission that his Time Bureau alone can't pull off.

"Once we get deeper in the season, we're going to find out there is a big bad and Rip wasn't just feeling sorry for them when he let them keep the Waverider," Klemmer teases. "He suspected there would come a time when he would need the Legends. He would need someone a little more unorthodox than his men in black Time Bureau guys. Sometimes you have to fight chaos with chaos."

About That Big Bad

"We didn't want our ultimate big bad to be human because we've had humans, we've had speedsters," Klemmer says. "We basically wanted to take all of our CG money and flush it down the toilet with a version of a non-human villain who is pulling all the strings."

So where did that money go? It's already been revealed that Gorilla Grodd will be making the jump from The Flash to Legends of Tomorrow as he builds a group of villains to combat his time traveling foes. That said, Grodd isn't the only major villain coming in Season 3.

Meet the New Damien Darhk

After playing second fiddle to Reverse Flash (Matt Letscher) in Season 2, Damien Darhk is back and he's different. Instead of being a past version of the character plucked from the timeline, this is the Damien that waged war on Oliver Queen (Stephen Amell) on Arrow and paid for it with his life.

How does he make his return? That bit of information is a secret. However, Klemmer does tease, "we wanted him to be darker. We wanted to lean into his dark magical powers." That means the version of Darhk the Legends will be battling has retained at least some of his magic powers from Arrow and that's going to help in shaping the season.

"We wanted the big bad to be much more drawing from the world of the supernatural and the occult,” he says. "We wanted to have the backdrop of a horror movie. It seemed like Damien Darhk, that's a fun side of him to explore."

Amaya vs. Her Own Granddaughter

One of the people joining Grodd and Darhk on their mission to destroy the Legends has a truly heartbreaking connection to one of our heroes. Kuasa (Tracy Ifeachor) was first introduced as the granddaughter of Amaya (Maisie Richardson-Sellers) in the Vixen animated series and will make her live action debut in Season 3. Pitting Amaya against her own granddaughter is bound to make things much more difficult for her.

"She starts to realize that not only is history more complicated and nuanced and shades of grey, but so is her family's legacy," Klemmer explains. "That's our overarching theme -- realizing a lot of history is really awful. If it's just their job to return history to the status quo, does that make them culpable?"

The Crossover Will Be Tough for the Legends

This year's crossover features the wedding of Barry (Grant Gustin) and Iris (Candice Patton) from The Flash, which should be a happy occasion. For the team though, it's going to be a bit rough going.

"The crossover is a hard dose of reality," Klemmer says. "We do have some really fun episodes. We have an Amblin alien that young Ray discovers in the '80s. We have Helen of Troy in Hollywood, a wacky Caper in the '30s. The crossover is a reminder that it's not all a big lark. There are some evils that really take a personal toll on our team."

The event also takes a toll on producers every year, as they try to coordinate the schedules for four different shows worth of cast and crew to create one big event. This time around though, the event sounds more seamless than ever.

"The crossover for us, it's not a Legends episode. It's not an anything episode," he explains. "Last year I felt like each of the shows maintained their spirit with other characters. This year we made a real concerted effort to make it an amalgam of all the shows. It's something unto itself and that's the thing that's really cool and really scary about it. It's not four episodes of TV. It's like a movie."

Legends of Tomorrow premieres Tuesday, Oct. 10, at 9 p.m. on The CW.

http://www.ign.com/articles/2017/10/08/ ... n-3-teases

- Phil Klemmer habla sobre el regreso de "Legends of Tomorrow" (rotten tomatoes):
Phil Klemmer habla sobre el regreso de "Legends of Tomorrow"
Por Jean Bentley | 06 Oct, 2017

Rotten Tomatoes: The show has reinvented itself every season. How do you think it’s reinventing itself this year?

Phil Klemmer: It’s funny because it happens so gradually, you don’t really realize it’s happening until you go back and look at any random old episode, and realize how far you’ve come. We’re not forcing it in a way that it’s not a conscious thing. In a way, this season, to me, feels like what the show was always meant to be, and last season feels like a transitional one. It really feels like it found its creative stride. Everybody’s having so much fun. It’s like for the first time everybody is on the same wavelength, and it’s kind of a magic moment for us.

Do you think that has just come with time and getting to know these characters, and also forging a role for these heroes within the larger Arrowverse?

We are the only ensemble show. In order for all of our actors to figure out where they belong, and for us as writers to figure out what to do with these characters, it almost took this incubation period because there’s so much of their actual personalities, and their actual dynamics with one another to come through in the show.

This season, is the Legends’ main goal to fix the anachronisms and aberrations they’ve caused?

It starts out that way, although even before that their first mission is to prove to Rip that they still belong in the time policing game. Because pretty early on in the premiere he makes the announcement of like, “Oh, it’s cool guys. I actually went back in time and created this Time Bureau, and we don’t need you anymore. So, thank you for everything.” And it’s our guys realizing like, “God, wait what do we if we’re not Legends? I’m no good at being a regular person in real life.”

So, the premiere is all about them sort of trying to get the band back together, and trying to prove to Rip that they’ve still got what it takes. For a while it seems like the season is gonna be about cleaning up their own mess. Given what the consequences are of having gone back in last year’s finale and interacted with their former selves and created a time paradox, as we get deeper into the mythology of season three we’ll realize that there’s more at stake than just these anachronisms. There’s a deeper evil afoot.

We wanted the villains of season three to be different, so the whole aesthetic is much more about magic and the world of the supernatural instead of fighting speedsters and former League of Assassins guys. We’re dealing with some supernatural evil, which is super cool.

What are some of the fun eras you’ll visit this season?

We get Billy Zane and the circus [in the second episode]; we get a little Julius Caesar on the beach in Aruba in the premiere. We meet [new team member] Zari in this sort of dystopian future. We get to do a little Amblin alien episode back in the ’80s; we do some Jack the Ripper Victorian London; Golden Age of Hollywood; John Constantine doing an exorcism. We do a Freaky Friday episode. The only thing we haven’t been able to do: We really wanted to do an Abba “Waterloo” in then Napoleonic wars but we could not get the rights for the song.

You can’t say much about the crossover, but what can you say about how everybody’s going to come together?

Getting to do the final episode is a huge treat. This season more than last, they’re all like part of a two-hour movie and, which means that we have the gigantic third act Avengers fight in the middle of the city. We also get to do the most tragic and heart-wrenching part of the story, which is weird ’cause normally we’re the funny show. We’re supposed to be the silly goofballs traveling through time, but just the way the story broke this year, we deal with the most heart-wrenching moment of [the episode]. The whole point of doing this show is doing something new every week, and with the crossover the new thing that we try on is tragedy.

https://editorial.rottentomatoes.com/ar ... in-2017/3/

- El elenco de "Legends of Tomorrow" adelantan la pelea entre las Legends-Time Bureau (EW):
El elenco de "Legends of Tomorrow" adelantan la pelea entre las Legends-Time Bureau
Por Natalie Abrams - 09 Octubre, 2017 a las 6:05pm EDT

The Legends of Tomorrow are no longer the only heroes in town. In the wake of the Legends breaking time last season, Rip Hunter (Arthur Darvill) has created a new government-sanctioned Time Bureau, which plans to fix all the anachronisms — persons, places, or things displaced in time — caused by the team.

The third season of DC’s Legends of Tomorrow picks up roughly right where we left off, with a T. rex horde roaming the streets of Los Angeles, which has been littered with iconic landmarks displaced in time, like Big Ben. But it won’t be long before Rip arrives and relieves the Legends of duty. See, it’s been mere minutes for them since they broke time, but it’s been years for him — during which he created the by-the-rules Time Bureau.

“By the end of last season, he realized that his true calling is keeping time safe and that he can do it without them,” Darvill tells EW. “Actually they messed things up so much that there’s no point in hanging around with them, in using them anymore to keep that going. So he sets up this well-oiled machine, the Time Bureau. It’s really official. Everyone’s in suits. Having been a Time Master, I think he was right: If we’re going to do this, we need to do this properly, and it’s like a proper big government agency. By comparison to the Legends, they get things done quickly, quietly, and get out of there with no hassle. It’s like Legends version two. It’s what he wanted to do originally with them, I think, but has realized that he can do it a little bit more calmly with a bit less drama.”

Hence, the Legends are no longer needed, so most of them go their own way. “It’s a bit of a shock, because suddenly we’re defunct,” says Maisie Richardson-Sellers, who plays O.G. Vixen Amaya. “We’re not the important team that we used to once be. However, not everyone has a place to go back to, which we see in these hilarious little scenes. It’s really confronting what our purpose is. Do you want to be here?”

In the ensuing six months, we find Ray (Brandon Routh) has been working for a big tech company, Stein (Victor Garber) is spending more time with his daughter, while someone like Amaya struggles with whether to return home knowing the greater affects it would have. “That puts her in a really tricky predicament because should she go home and continue her timeline even though she knows that ends up with a quite sad history, but then also in the development of Mari [Megalyn E.K.], which is crucial,” Richardson-Sellers says. “Or does she stay with Nate [Nick Zano]? That’s the big decision that she has to decide, and I think that then translates to the rest of the season. She’s either going to stay for good, or not.”

Sara, however, is less inclined to return to Star City, and we instead find her working for a Sink, Shower and Stuff. “Maybe because her sister’s gone and she doesn’t really have any friends or family,” Caity Lotz says. “She doesn’t feel so connected with anybody there and probably is a maybe a little ashamed.” That’s because it was ultimately Sara’s decision in the finale to return to a time the Legends had already interacted with, thus breaking time. “As of right now, there’s a little bit of like, this was your decision that made all of this happen,” Lotz says, explaining that the Legends don’t necessarily question her judgment, but it’s more about self-deprecation. “Sara’s usually the first to blame herself.”

Everything changes when Mick (Dominic Purcell) spies an anachronism while taking some R&R in Aruba, realizing that the Time Bureau hasn’t fixed everything, so he sees it as an opportunity to get the band back together. But doing so puts them in direct competition with the Time Bureau. “Before we only had to deal with the bad guys, but now it’s like we’re dealing with the bad guys and the cops,” Lotz says. “The Time Bureau is well equipped, and so they make things very difficult. The fact that it’s Rip is hard because he used to be our friend, and now he is our foe. I think Sara feels a little betrayed by Rip. This Bureau is basically saying like, ‘You guys suck.’ When he left, he’s like, ‘You guys are great, good job. You don’t need me.'”

“It is really tricky,” Darvill defends. “I think Rip knows that, he knows that she feels like he’s betrayed them and also when he sees them again, he himself realizes that actually they have a lot of fun, and he has a real bond with them, but there’s so much water under the bridge that I don’t know if that’s ever going to be reconciled. It’s a really interesting dynamic because they both still need each other in certain ways and for certain things. Rip still needs their help at times, and so the relationship’s completely changed, and it is a lot of tension there.”

But their time apart really cements the Legends as a team once again, forcing them to confront what they’re all really doing together. “Before it was kind of like, ‘Oh well, we’re here because we have no choice, we’re thrown together,’ and now it’s, ‘Actually, we kind of like this,'” Richardson-Sellers says. “When we come back together, it’s a new energy that everyone is here by choice.”

DC’s Legends of Tomorrow returns Tuesday at 9 p.m. ET on The CW.

http://ew.com/tv/2017/10/09/legends-of- ... poilers-2/?

- Jefe de "Legends of Tomorrow" sobre el vivir más cerca de la 'línea del no retorno', el nuevo papel de Rip y el amplificar las voces femeninas (TVLine):
Jefe de "Legends of Tomorrow" sobre el vivir más cerca de la 'línea del no retorno', el nuevo papel de Rip y el amplificar las voces femeninas
Por Matt Webb Mitovich / 10 Oct 2017, 10:10 AM PDT

In Season 1, the Legends of Tomorrow battled Vandal Savage. After that, they got dogged by the Legion of Doom. Now, in Season 3 (premiering tonight at 9/8c, on The CW), yet another wild mission stands before them.

TVLine spoke with co-showrunner Marc Guggenheim about the Legends fixing what they done broke, the addition of some new faces and the joy of “taking the piss out of” its world-saving heroes.

TVLINE | As fun as “rebooting” Legends each season is, are you starting to find it’s difficult?
This year, maybe more so than other years on our shows, I feel like there’s a challenge to provide something new but at the same time not change si much that people aren’t finding the things they loved last year. In the case of Legends, we always say that there’s a line where shows “jump the shark” and Legends two inches in front of that line. As long as were always flirting with disaster and going too far, that’s where the show is at its best. If you maintain that element, you can actually mix up all the other elements and it still feels like the show. With Legends, the approach this year was to take everything that worked last year and double down. To go further with it, push the envelope, make it zanier. Last year we lived maybe five inches from that Jump the Shark line, and now we’ve moved up three inches.

TVLINE | Would you say that Arrow is more about the hero reacting to what’s happening to him, whereas Legends is about them reacting to what they are doing?
Definitely. Both shows have an overarching season mythology, but certainly you’re right. A lot of the currency of Arrow comes form things happening to Oliver, and a lot of the currency of Legends is things that the Legends do to screw something up. I always say that Legends, both in dialogue and in the title, is meant ironically.

TVLINE | The “Legends” of Tomorrow.
Exactly, with quotes around it.

TVLINE | Season 3 is about fixing anachronisms created by the events of the Season 2 finale. To help crystallize that idea for readers, an you give an example of one “wrong” they’re going to right?
It’s about people, places and things that are displaced in time, and the example I am using — and we may do this episode, we may not — is Genghis Khan showing up in 1980s Wall Street, where we do a literal “Wolf of Wall Street.” Or like in the season premiere, Julius Caesar is displaced and ends up where he shouldn’t be [in modern-day Aruba]. It’s the fun of not just the fish out of water but us trying to get the fish back into water, and what damage did that fish do while it was out of water? A lot of what makes Legends fun and unpredictable is we usually have some sort of problem or issue to solve in the first act, but our attempts to solve it create new problems, or new problems organically arise from the first problem…. The episodes of Legends that work best are the ones that end with a very, very different problem than the one it began with.

TVLINE | Will Rip (played by Arthur Darvill) and his newly formed Time Bureau do more than finger-waving, and be more of an adversary?
They’re going to be a lot more adversarial. One of the many, many, many lessons we learned about Season 1 is Rip’s role was very finger-waving, and that didn’t work for us because the show is fun. The show is all about having fun. We want the audience to have fun, and the characters in their own way are having fun. If you have one character saying, “No, no, no, don’t have fun…”

TVLINE | I’m not going to like that person.
It’s like saying, “Don’t like the show.” So the model that we always reference in the writers room is [the Time Bureau] is the Beverly Hills police department — they’re also solving crime, they’ve got the gleaming headquarters and the fancy uniforms and they turns sharp corners — and our characters are Axel Foley. It’s the fun of that antagonistic relationship.

TVLINE | What can you say about Jes Macallan’s (Mistresses) role within the Time Bureau?
We love Jes. We had a lot of people come in and read for this role, because it was important for us to have someone who represented the Time Bureau in addition to Rip, because Arthur is recurring this year but also Rip brings with him a certain amount of baggage. We wanted someone to just come in and really create sparks with our characters, and she’s great. You’ll be meeting other members of the Time Bureau as well, but we’re very, very lucky to have Jes.

TVLINE | What does Tala Ashe’s character — Zari, a Muslim hacktivist from the year 2036 — bring to the show hat was perhaps missing?
Certainly another female voice. We’ve always said that the show is very male-centric. Maisie [Sellers’ Amaya] was a wonderful addition to Caity [Lotz’s Sara], but we lost Kendra [at the end of Season 1] so in terms of number of women it was a bit of a push. We wanted to add another woman, and the idea of a character from the future was really interesting to us, because fundamentally our heroes are running around saying, “Every season we save the world!” and she’s like, “Well, I’m from the future and I’m here to tell you that you didn’t do a very good job!” What’s fun about Zari is because she’s from the future and because she s a little too cool for school, she kinda takes the piss out of our heroes. She’s like, “Legends? Really?”

TVLINE | How will Damien Darhk and Leonard Snart (Neal McDonough and Wentworth Miller) each throw a wrench into the mix this time around?
I can’t really talk too much about Leonard… but Damien’s really interesting because this is a Damien Darhk that’s very different from last year, from the one who hadn’t been through all the decades of life and particularly the season of Arrow where he got defeated. [This Damien] not only got killed, he lost the love of his life, his daughter…. Things didn’t end so well for him, plus he also has a wealth of experience now under his belt that he’s going to be able to bring to bear. And he also uses magic now.

TVLINE | Lastly, what new or amplified dynamics might we see this season between characters?
I’ll start with the stuff from last year that were carrying forward because it worked very well. We have always enjoyed the relationship between Amaya and Rory (Dominic Purcell) — “the woman with animal powers who can sort of control the beast.” We’re also going to be exploring not just the Nate/Amaya relationship but the effect that Amaya’s discovery that she has this destiny has on it — that’s going to come back in a really big way, and is a fun thing to play. And we’re doubling down on the burgeoning bromance between Ray and Nate, because those two guys are fun together. We’re playing a lot more of that partnership than we did last year.

http://tvline.com/2017/10/10/legends-of ... 3-preview/

- Por qué la nueva recluta de "Legends of Tomorrow" le dice al equipo que se vayan al diablo (CBR):
Por qué la nueva recluta de "Legends of Tomorrow" le dice al equipo que se vayan al diablo
Por Bryan Cairns - 10 Oct 2017

Sometimes, saving the world requires making hard choices. For example, in order to permanently take down the Reverse-Flash and stop the Legion of Doom from controlling all of reality, DC’s Legends of Tomorrow used the Spear of Destiny to rewrite history — something that they’ve been warned time and time again to never do. Though they won their battle, the war has been changed; the Legends’ actions caused a time storm that has damaged the entire time stream. Dinosaurs are running rampant across Los Angeles, and futuristic buildings popped up in the skyline.

Someone’s gonna have to fix this mess — might as well be the heroes who screwed it up in the first place.

Ahead of tonight’s Season 3 premiere, DC’s Legends of Tomorrow showrunner Phil Klemmer spoke with CBR about the team’s time-bending blunder, and what’s going on with Rip Hunter’s Time Bureau. We also delve into what’s happened to result in a tormented Mick Rory, and why the first response from the Legends’ new recruit, Zari Tomaz, is to tell the team to “fuck off.”

CBR: At the end of last season, Sara stated, “Guys, I think we broke time.” What exactly does that mean? how large is the mess the Legends made?

Phil Klemmer: There are a lot of words to describe the ways that time can be screwed up. This year, we’ve gone with “anachronism.” The fun of anachronism is, it’s not just somebody who has gone back in time and made a change to the timeline. If all time was a jigsaw puzzle and you shook up the box, and the pieces landed in the wrong place… You can tell by our teaser that you have Julius Caesar showing up in Aruba, or P.T. Barnum finding a saber-tooth tiger in 1870s Wisconsin.

Breaking time is something our team is responsible for. Going into Season 3, they are not dealing with a Vandal Savage — they are dealing with the consequences of their own mistake. Obviously, it was a mistake [made] to save the world, but that doesn’t get them off the hook with Rip and the Time Bureau.

Rip has gone back in time and formed a proper organization to deal with all of theses tears in the timeline. He’s telling our guys to retire. “Cool. Thanks Legends, but we don’t need you anymore.” In every finale, we have our guys triumph and save the world. The Legends are always at their best when they are underdogs. For us, it’s always a question of coming up with new ways of humiliating them for the next season.

So, how does one repair the timeline? There can’t be a handbook.

No, it’s pretty improvisational. Rip and his “Men in Black” have a way of being able to get in and get out. They can get the dinosaurs off the streets of 2017, Los Angeles, without any mess. Our Legends are the chainsaw. They do not do anything subtly. When they go into a time period, they tend to rub up against the people and the times. Rory is going to take some souvenirs. Sara is going to have sex. What’s the fun of traveling through time unless you get to enjoy it?

This season begins with the Legends disbanded and scattered across the globe. What brings the gang back together?

They all realise – although they wouldn’t admit it – they actually miss each other, and they miss doing what they do. We do have everybody trying to return to a normal life and it’s painfully boring or unfulfilling. After you’ve gone on these adventures, regular life is a little bit boring. They are looking for an excuse to get back in the game and get the gang back together. Although they wouldn’t admit it, they are also looking for a chance to be with one another.

Sara is now the Legends’ leader. How responsible does she feel for the current time crisis?

I don’t think she had much of a choice. It was either let Doomworld continue, or breaking the cardinal rule of time travel. She chose the lesser of two evils. As we get into Season 3, we find out Damien Darhk didn’t continue on with the timeline as he was supposed to when Sara dropped him off in his linen suit in the ’80s. He’s breaking the rules again, and for Sara, that’s when it becomes painful. That’s when she starts to feel responsible, knowing that the man who killer her sister is still wreaking havoc in the world.

Mick Rory has been conflicted about what side he stands on. Is that still a still concern?

Mick is really trying to deal with some of his demons in Season 3. We can certainly trust him, but he’s a very damaged dude. One of the things we’re having him do in Season 3 is go back to his childhood. We even have an episode where he has a chance to reconcile with his father, the guy who is responsible for molding Mick into the monster that he was. It’s also a chance for Mick to atone for having burned this guy up in a house fire. Mick Rory is a horrible man, but they key for us is to always justify everything he’s done. His life hasn’t been easy.

Amaya’s granddaughter, Kuasa, is evil, and will weigh into the season’s over-arching storyline. How much does Amaya weigh family versus duty, and the right thing to do?

At the end of last season, we had Nate and Maya very much in love, with Amaya knowing her destiny required her to go back to 1942, so that she could have a daughter, who would have a daughter, who would then become Vixen. Then, at the end of the season, she and Nate said, “Screw it. We want to be together. We don’t care where or when that is. Let’s change our destiny.”

This season, we’ve learned it’s not quite so simple. Amaya might think, “Yeah, I have to grow up to be this great person.” Anyone who can google Kuasa will find out that Amaya’s other granddaughter ain’t so great. Amaya’s legacy, her destiny, is a little bit of a mixed bag. Everybody’s is. This year, Amaya realizes there is no good without the bad. The big theme of Season 3 is, “Do we simply repair these mistakes in history? What if we could make things better?” The truth is, lots of history was screwed up to begin with. What Amaya realises is that her future, her descendants, are messed up as well. They are going to be tempted to not just make the world a better place, but to make their own futures a better place, which obviously puts them into direct conflict with Rip and the Time Bureau.

These guys do things by the book. They do not have to try to engineer history. They simply restore it to the way it was. Our guys gradually start to feel like, “What are we? Time janitors? We just fix things?” Looking back at Season 2, with zombies in the Civil War, you can fix that problem of war and slavery, but should you? There’s all manner of horrible facts that are part of the history books. Our team will start to wonder, “What if we could make history better?”

The Legends will introduce a new member this year. Who is Zari Tomaz, and what does she add to the team?

Most of all, she’s a woman. We were getting very dude-heavy. She’s from the future, which is also interesting in that she’s pretty much a contemporary compared to the rest of our team. She comes in and looks at the people from 2017 as a bunch of stodgy old fools. She’s from a really screwed up 2042 world, in which Metas are persecuted, religion is banned. As a Muslim, and someone who has a Meta-family member, her life has been rough. Her brother was killed. Her family has effectively been turned into refugees. She’s sort of a computer hacker who lives on the fringes of society, trying to survive.

When our guys come into her world and say, “Hey, we’re time travelers and we fix history,” she’s like, “Fuck off. My world is terrible. How can you pat yourselves on your backs and think you are making things better when the world I’m from is horrible?” She’s like, “You guys are the age of my grandparents. I blame you for making the world the way it is.” And she’s got a good point.

http://www.cbr.com/legends-tomorrow-sho ... -season-3/

- Phil Klemmer sobre la Season 3, el arreglar el tiempo y el nuevo gran villano (collider):
Phil Klemmer sobre la Season 3, el arreglar el tiempo y el nuevo gran villano
Por Christina Radish - 10 Oct, 2017

The CW series Legends of Tomorrow is back for Season 3 and the Legends have to try to fix the timeline that they broke, all while Rip Hunter (Arthur Darvill) and his new organization, the Time Bureau, are ready to relieve them of duty. And with a new evil rising up, it’s more important than ever for Sara Lance (Caity Lotz), Ray Palmer (Brandon Routh), Mick Rory (Dominic Purcell), Martin Stein (Victor Garber), Jax (Franz Drameh), Nate (Nick Zano) and Amaya (Maisie Richardson-Sellers) to stick together.

During this 1-on-1 phone interview with Collider, executive producer Phil Klemmer gave hints about what’s to come this season, just how serious it is that the Legends broke time, the creation of the Time Bureau, the big bad for Season 3, how Leonard Snart (Wentworth Miller) is always the big question mark, and what Legends fans can expect from the upcoming four-show cross-over.

Collider: I’m very excited about Season 3 because it seems like all of these crazy characters in all of these crazy places is going to be so much fun!

PHIL KLEMMER: It really is! It shouldn’t be this much fun. I don’t know what I did to deserve it, but I’m gonna enjoy it, as long as I can.

The Season 2 finale gave a real indication of the damage for Season 3. Just how serious is what the Legends have done, and what exactly does it mean to break time?

KLEMMER: Well, it’s serious enough that Rip had to go back in time and found a new federal institution of time policing and reparation. It’s bad enough that he’s effectively rendered our Legends obsolete. He’s retired them from their service. They saved the world, but they broke the cardinal rule – not that Sarah had a choice – by interacting with their former selves. Instead of it just being mistakes to history, these anachronisms are people, objects, inventions, or whatever that have been shaken loose from one part of time and popped up in another, a la Julius Caesar on a beach in Aruba or Helen of Troy on a soundstage in 1938 at Warner Bros. It’s so much fun because it allows you to tell these stories. What would happen, if Helen of Troy showed up in 1938? What if she did have this quasi power of creating turmoil, wherever she goes? What if, instead of the Trojan War, you had a studio war? It’s bizarre, but at the same time, it’s a world that lends itself to really fun stories and really crazy, different genres. It’s been a blast!

Do you think viewers will see the Time Bureau and Rip Hunter as villains, this season, or is it just the Legends that see them as the villains?

KLEMMER: You have to think back to ‘80s movies. It’s like the Cobra Kai vs. Ralph Macchio, or Axel Foley vs. the LAPD. In ‘80s movies, there was the sergeant that always screamed at Mel Gibson, and he was not wrong. It’s no fun to be the straight guy. Rip starts out as the straight guy, but eventually, he’s gonna realize that he misses the Legends way of doing things, which is certainly more fun. It’s messier, but way more fun. As we start to delve into the season’s big bad, we’ll realize that it’s more than these anachronisms. When time was broken, there is an underlying evil out there that’s on the rise. And eventually, Rip will realize that leaving the Legends out there, in possession of the Waverider, might not have been the worst decision that he made. Yes, they create all manner of mayhem, but there are certain adversaries where the Legends are better suited than the men in black Time Bureau guys who do things by the book. Fixing time with the Legends is like doing brain surgery with a chainsaw, but when we reveal who the big bad is, Rip will come to realize that he’s damn glad that he has the chainsaw.

You had such great villains last season, with the Legion of Doom. How did you decide where to go next, with your big bad for Season 3?

KLEMMER: When you have three very handsome, middle-aged white guys, there wasn’t a lot of diversity going on. It was fun to watch them snipe and snark at each other and stab each other in the back, but this year, we wanted it to be different. We didn’t want it to feel like it’s the same idea, just with different faces. So, instead of doing a human evil, we wanted it to have more of a supernatural element to it. Yes, Damien Darhk becomes the first face of that evil, but he’s certainly not the last. He’s more of a minion of the big bad, this season. We’re gonna have our Gorilla Grodd episode, when we find him displaced. We also wanted all of our villains to have personal ties to our Legends. We’ve announced that we’re gonna have Kuasa on our show, and people familiar with the Seed show know that that’s Amaya’s granddaughter. You can’t just be a bad guy or bad woman. They have a personal hold over the Legends, like with Damien Darhk having killed Sara’s sister. We wanted to get into that with other characters, this year. We want it to be intensely personal for our Legends ‘cause they’re at their best/worst when making decisions based on emotions. And that’s the opposite of the Time Bureau, who do everything by the work. The Legends operate off of their guts, for better or for worse, and usually worse.

I love how Leonard Snart has continued to be a big question mark, in terms of never really knowing what we’re going to get with whatever version we come across. Will that hold true, this season?

KLEMMER: Oh, a thousand times over. I defy anyone to try to predict who old Leo is gonna be, when we meet him this year. He’s certainly not who the Legends are expecting, and he’s definitely not the partner that Rory has been mourning for, for the last two years. The same way we had Arthur Darvill get to play the dipshit film student Phil, our performers are too talented to just do one role. We’re doing a Freaky Friday with Stein playing Jax and Jax playing Stein. Our actors are just too talented to give them only one version of their characters to play. So, we’re doing as Freaky Friday of a version of Leonard Snart as you can imagine.

We know that the four-way crossover between Arrow, The Flash, Supergirl and Legends of Tomorrow will include the long-awaited WestAllen wedding. What can you say to tease the Legends’ role in that crossover, and whether there are any particularly fun moments involving the Legends cast that most stand out for you?

KLEMMER: I don’t think fun is the word that people are using. Cross-overs are fun, in retrospect. They’re fun to watch, but they’re a logistical nightmare. For us, I guess it’s fun to have a single shot that costs more than a house, in an episode of TV. That’s pretty cool. It’s cool to have 22 superheroes in a scene. It was cool for me to write something that was terribly sad ‘cause we do so much fun on our show. For the cross-over, we’re living in the world of the other shows, which is not fun times, but it’s powerful and it’s emotional. I think it’s a good reminder for people that our show doesn’t always have a happy ending. That’s what this year’s cross-over is for Legends. It’s a really moving, two-hour movie. Instead of just having characters go to other shows, it really is the shows sharing their DNA with each other, and I think that’s gonna be incredible.

Legends of Tomorrow airs on Tuesday nights on The CW.

http://collider.com/legends-of-tomorrow ... r/#big-bad

- Phil Klemmer habla sobre la Season 3 de "Legends Of Tomorrow" (dclegenstv):
Phil Klemmer habla sobre la Season 3 de "Legends Of Tomorrow"
Por Craig Byrne

The third season of DC’s Legends of Tomorrow is headed our way on Tuesday, October 10, and recently at the Television Critics Association press tour, we sat down with Executive Producer Phil Klemmer to get some intel about what we can expect from Season 3 — a season of circuses, a Time Bureau, new faces, and “Sink, Shower & Stuff.”

You can find the interview below; for the sake of space, we’re splitting this into two pages.

DCLEGENDSTV’s CRAIG BYRNE: With Rip creating this new “Time Bureau,” are the Legends tempted to just go back to their normal present-day lives?

LEGENDS OF TOMORROW EXECUTIVE PRODUCER PHIL KLEMMER: Yeah. They’re actually, in a way, forced to, and we get to see their varying degrees of success in doing so.

I guess it’s safe to say that Professor Stein is the only one who has a burning desire to remain, and it’s a pretty sweet irony, because he’s the one who created this child that he shouldn’t have had, but now that there’s this aberration child, Lily, who he loves as a real child now – he wants to go back and make up for lost time.

You get this beautiful symmetry. When we started the pilot, Stein was the one who wanted it the most, because it was this unparalleled chance for adventure and scientific exploration. Of course, he roofied Jax when Jax didn’t want to go, and now Jax is like “okay. Now that I’ve grown up on this ship, I don’t want to go back and be a stupid college student. That sounds like the most boring thing on Earth.” So now they’re in completely different headspaces. Of course we know that they have to remain together, just because of their shared nuclear powers. Stein will die unless Jax goes with him. So you have this tense negotiation, where Jax is like “come on, man. Let’s do this. I’m finally getting invested and you want to go home and be a father? No!”

Is this present-day talk concerning a situation after they solve whatever they end up with in the season finale?

Yes. They get to go back. There are no dinosaurs in Star City.

How does Mick’s trip to Aruba pan out?

The first six months are great. Six months, one day into it? Things take a turn. He’s the first Legend who realizes that the Time Bureau, for all their professionalism and competency, that there is one anachronism that they have missed, and for Mick, it’s just like “aw, seriously? Do I have to? I could spend another six months on this beach, just getting tanned and drunk.”

But for the rest of the team, it’s kind of their golden ticket; a chance to prove themselves, and that’s really the dynamic for Season 3: Our team justifying their existence, proving to their foils the Time Bureau that they’re still needed and necessary, that their unorthodox ways of doing things still serves a purpose.

What can you say about Amaya’s granddaughter Kuasa showing up?

Amaya’s destiny isn’t quite as cut and dried as we laid it out to be in Season 2, where it was all like “you’ve got to go back because your granddaughter’s the greatest. She’s so cool…” Obviously that’s at the crux of her relationship with Nate, that they can’t have a future because her future is already written in the history books. Season 3 is her realizing that nobody’s destiny is all good or all bad. Family trees all have gnarled branches in trying to understand the consequences of her lineage.

Is there any chance we might see Mari at some point?

We’ve certainly entertained the idea countless times ourselves. It’s not for lack of desire.

Might Black Siren and White Canary meet?

I don’t know. We haven’t broken that story yet. Our docket is full of characters that we know we have to see. We haven’t really been able to get to the ones that we would like to see.

Is Sara aware that Black Siren is running around, at least?

I would save that question for Marc and the Arrow [writers]. We unfortunately don’t get to get that deep into her backstory before she’s pulled back in, Godfather III style, into the world of being a time traveling captain.

Any chance of either Jonah Hex or Connor Hawke coming back?

Yeah. For sure. I feel like if we make it back the Old West… I mean, we did have a crazy pitch for Jonah Hex appearing as a future bounty hunter in a Blade Runner-shaped story. We haven’t broken that story yet, but it’s certainly up there on a 3×5 card.

You’ve seen the Hex comic book, yes?

Yeah. I mean, come on. It’s certainly on our wish list, as is a Constantine crossover. It’s on the wish list; we can’t promise it, but you know what – how cool would that be?

Especially with Damien Darhk coming up.

Yes! We’re going to be living in certainly a magical world of the occult. Last season was more grounded in real-life baddies. This season is going to be in a much darker supernatural milleiu.

The Season 3 trailer had a cameo by the B’Wana Beast. Can you talk about how that came about, and are there other Easter eggs we can look forward to in the early episodes?

If you look hard enough at that, it’s PT Barnum’s Greatest Show on Earth which we weren’t allowed to say for legal purposes, but yeah. It’s sort of a freak show episode, and there are a number of Easter eggs. There’s actually one massive one that we got the wink-wink okay to put in the background. It’s Marc’s pride and joy, so watch carefully.

You mentioned in the TCA panel that a character like Superman is intimidating, but if you had the chance to write the character in an episode of Legends, would you enjoy that?

I would enjoy it, because I do like putting a mirror up to our Legends and forcing them to channel their best inner selves. I would love that. I would say I would love writing him; it’s just I find it easier to relate to the superheroes that are a little banged up. The Mick Rorys of the world. The people who are still trying to find their purpose. I love an origin story, and that’s why I love having Zari’s character. I loved having Nate Heywood’s discovery in Season 2. I always related to a more coming-of-age, Spider-Man type story. I guess I’m still into somebody who’s just trying to understand what their purpose is with these powers. To me, that’s juicy.

What can you tease about Snart’s return?

It will be about as polar opposite as the Snart that he’s played on our show. We’ve got a cool pitch to justify that version of him, which I don’t want to give away. But it’s going to be really traumatic for Mick Rory, because he has deified this version of his dead partner in his head, and in a way, Snart’s return is his greatest wish come true, but the fact that he doesn’t get the version that he’s held in the back of his mind is deeply unsettling. Rory’s made a lot of progress as well in the meantime, but he’s certainly not ready to call himself a hero.

http://dclegendstv.com/2017/08/21/ep-ph ... legendstv/

- Maisie Richardson-Sellers sobre el nuevo viaje de Amaya (EW):
Maisie Richardson-Sellers sobre el nuevo viaje de Amaya
Natalie Abrams - 16 Oct, 2017 a las 6:42pm EDT

DC’s Legends of Tomorrow returned last week, but one member of the team was missing in action.

Tuesday’s new episode of DC’s Legends of Tomorrow will swiftly answer why Amaya (Maisie Richardson-Sellers) left the team behind as they look to her for an assist in one last mission. TL;DR: Ray (Brandon Routh) and Jax (Franz Drameh) accidentally set a saber tooth tiger loose, so they need an animal expert.

As viewers saw in the premiere, Amaya had left Nate (Nick Zano) to return to her village, knowing full well the grim future that awaits Zambesi. “She sees Mari for the first time on TV, and she sees what an incredible superhero she is and realizes that her happiness has to be sacrificed in order for Mari to exist,” Richardson-Sellers tells EW. “She has to stay true to what the timeline says.”

However, as teased in the premiere, Amaya’s powers have grown in the interim, as we saw not one manifestation of an animal, but at least four at the same time. “She discovers some new powers in her totem, which changes everything for her, and really makes her question what it means to be a hero, and is she still a hero now that she can’t control her powers any more?” Richardson-Sellers says.

If Amaya is to return to the team, it will certainly be awkward for Nate since she left at, let’s say, an inopportune moment. “You have this great scene where you see what our life was, because we were living together, and it’s this beautiful, fun, faithful, romantic relationship,” Richardson-Sellers says. “Then suddenly I disappear, so he’s pissed basically. She totally ghosted him, and he has no idea why.”

Amaya’s power overload aside, viewers know that Amaya’s granddaughter Kuasa (Tracy Ifeachor) — who was the villain on the CW Seed animated series Vixen, then voiced by Anika Noni Rose — is among the villains facing off against the Legends this year. For the time being, however, Amaya will be unaware that their foe is family. “That [reveal] hasn’t happened yet, but I assume it’s going to be really confronting because the reason I went back to the timeline was because I knew my granddaughter Mari was going to be a hero,” Richardson-Sellers says. “Now going back also means I have an evil granddaughter. So it’s like, what can I do? Either way it’s going to lead to creating a murderer and a hero. So I think it’s going to be hugely confronting for her.”

DC’s Legends of Tomorrow airs Tuesdays at 9 p.m. ET on The CW.

http://ew.com/tv/2017/10/16/legends-of- ... -season-3/

- Marc Guggenheim habla sobre la elección de Amaya (dclegendstv):
Marc Guggenheim habla sobre la elección de Amaya
Por Craig Byrne - 17 Oct, 2017

The Legends reunited last week for the Season 3 premiere of DC’s Legends of Tomorrow, but one key member of the team wasn’t seen with the crew: Amaya, as played by Maisie Richardson-Sellers, who left the present day to fulfill her destiny in 1942.

Executive Producer Marc Guggenheim tells DCLegendsTV that the Amaya/Vixen situation as well as her relationship with Nate will be tackled very quickly, and we’ll be seeing more of what exactly happened with that story in tonight’s episode, “Freakshow.”

“We address very directly the elephant in the room, which is that at the end of Season 2, she learned that she’s got this destiny and she is supposed to go back to 1942, and go back to Zambezi and start up a family, and have two [descendants], one of whom becomes a superhero as the present-day Vixen,” Guggenheim says. “We deal with the question head-on: How can she have this destiny, and at the same time remain on the Waverider?”

Once Amaya is back with the Legends, we’re going to see the team encountering one of her descendants: Kuasa, sister of Megalyn EK’s Vixen from Arrow and the Vixen animated series who has powers of her own. Kuasa appeared in Season 2 of the CW Seed Vixen series, though Guggenheim promises that it’s not critical to have seen the animation prior to Kuasa’s Legends debut.

“The approach we take with the Arrowverse shows is, I think, very similar to the approach that Marvel does with their movies and TV shows,” he says. “The example that I always like to use is that you could have enjoyed Spider-Man: Homecoming without having seen Captain America: Civil War. You probably gain a slightly more in-depth or nuanced understanding of what’s going on in Spider-Man, but they’re very good about giving you all of the information you really need in the story that you happen to be watching, and we try to take the same approach. For example, with Kuasa, we knew from Vixen Season 2 that Ray Palmer has actually met Kuasa, so there will be an acknowledgement of that in the body of Legends, but you won’t have had to watch Season 2 of Vixen in order to understand or appreciate that reference.”

“They’re all designed to stand on their own, even though they do interconnect, and that’s because we never want — especially as the universe grows bigger and bigger, we never want any of the shows or animated spinoffs to be required viewing. We don’t want people to feel like they’ve got to do their homework before watching any of these shows, or any individual episode,” Guggenheim promises.

http://dclegendstv.com/2017/10/17/legen ... as-choice/

- Billy Zane sobre el por qué lo atrajo 'Legends of Tomorrow', wl trabajar de nuevo con su compañero de 'Titanic' Garber, y si quiere un papel de superhéroe (comicbook):
Billy Zane sobre el por qué lo atrajo 'Legends of Tomorrow', wl trabajar de nuevo con su compañero de 'Titanic' Garber, y si quiere un papel de superhéroe
Por Russ Burlingame | 17 oct, 2017

Tonight on DC's Legends of Tomorrow, Hollywood staple Billy Zane (Back to the Future, Titanic, Twin Peaks) steps into the shoes of iconic showman P.T. Barnum, and the actor tells ComicBook.com that he was pleased to get an opportunity to join the DC Universe, and even more pleased to do so in a role that offered him a lot of creative leeway.

Zane, who says that is “always open” to superhero roles, which he believes are “great mythology,” did not come to Legends as a result of his existing relationship with his Titanic co-star Victor Garber — Garber told us at Comic Con that he didn’t even know Zane had been cast until they were ready to start filming. Instead, Zane told us, he is a fan of DC in general and of Legends of Tomorrow in particular.

“My time doesn’t allow the most loyalty to programming on the whole, but I had seen the show and was a fan of the tone, I have to say,” Zane told ComicBook.com. “It’s remarkably light and fun in an era where I think a lot of heroics in the comic book vein at times suffer from a lingering kind of post-modern, antihero, sociopathic behavior. I kind of like white-hat hero antics and wholesome, good fun….And I felt that this show does a great job of keeping it light, exciting, funny, and a great show about personalities and friendships that happen to time-travel and do some amazing things.”

All that said, of course, Zane told us he was happy to be working with Garber again, even if the pair do not share much in the way of screen time in tonight's episode.

“He’s ageless, timeless, and one of the nicest people on the planet, I have to say,” Zane said. “One of the highlights of my experience in making Titanic and that was immediately revisited while working on Legends. A fantastic human being.”

The role of Barnum -- which is being tackled by Hugh Jackman in the upcoming biopic The Greatest Showman -- is one that Zane relished not only because Barnum himself was a complicated and iconic character, but because he found it interesting to adapt the man's larger-than-life persona into something more human and believable.

“I think every performer owes something to PT Barnum,” Zane said. “His methods, while at times questionable, produced entertainment as we know it and continue to, certainly in the live space....It seemed an honor to take a swing, and I discovered through performing that it was just immensely fun.”

That does not mean that his take on Barnum -- who here kidnaps people at gunpoint to join his traveling freakshow and at one point targets several of the Legends -- is wholly realistic; it's the liberties that make it fun, and the honesty that makes it accessible.

“The nice thing about taking these kinds of liberties is that you always have to ground it,” Zane said. “You can create a false sense of security with an audience and then pull a fast one, especially if he is a nemesis-like character, as was crafted. Forgivable to some degree, gray certainly, not too dark, but it was a great opportunity to play with creative liberties and push the envelope a bit, but that never works unless it’s rooted in some sincerity. You can have all the theatrics, but it has to reverberate back to something grounded, or its just pantomime.”

DC's Legends of Tomorrow airs Tuesday nights at 9 p.m. ET/PT on The CW, immediately following episodes of The Flash.

http://comicbook.com/dc/2017/10/17/bill ... pt-barnum/

- Marc Guggenheim habla sobre la S3 de "Legends of Tomorrow" (dclegendstv):
Marc Guggenheim habla sobre la S3 de "Legends of Tomorrow"
Por Craig Byrne - 20 Oct 2017

DC’s Legends of Tomorrow are back with what has so far been a very successful start to their third season.

We spoke with Executive Producer Marc Guggenheim about what to expect from coming episodes of the series that features a ratgag team of time-traveling misfits, previewing new characters like Zari and asking about an inevitable meeting between the Lance sisters. Enjoy!

DCLEGENDSTV’s CRAIG BYRNE: What can you say about Legends’ newest addition Zari (played by Tala Ashe)?

MARC GUGGENHEIM: She is awesome. She’s a real breath of fresh air, both in terms of Tala’s performance and in terms of, I think, the character. We always like it when there are people who can come in and sort of “take the piss” out of our not-so-heroic Legends. What’s fun about Zari is that she’s got this different perspective because she’s from the future. She’s seen that, despite everything the Legends have tried to do, the world’s still a pretty crappy place. So, she looks at things with a bit more of a jaundiced eye, and I think we play that for some comedic effect.

What kind of abilities does Zari have?

She basically can control air, so her powers are a little bit like Avatar the Last Airbender. As a practical matter, it means that she can fly. She can create wind blasts. She can manipulate the air around her. It’s a very nature-based power, which is a good contrast to our “water witch” Kuasa and her water powers. I think you’ll find that there are some interesting things going on with Zari and her power set.

Did you enjoy teasing fans earlier this year with the notion of a character that didn’t first appear in DC Comics?

I think any question that begins with “did I enjoy teasing fans” gets a resounding “yes” from me. But I particularly enjoyed this specific tease. Because it’s fun! The DC Universe has got such a length and breadth to it, and there are comic books, and there are movies, and there are TV shows… I grew up loving the Shazam! and Isis live-action shows on Saturday morning, and having this character be inspired by the Isis character of that live-action show… it tickles me enormously.

Speaking of comics, is it ever jarring going from writing the X-Men (in the X-Men: Gold comic book series) to playing with the characters of the DC Universe in Legends?

Yes, it can be. In my comic book writing, I jump back and forth between the DC Universe and the Marvel Universe, and I always say that as a writer they “handle differently,” as if they were two different kinds of cars. So it can be a bit jarring, in the same way it can be jarring in my day to go from Arrow to Legends and back and forth because they’re so tonally different.

When I first started out with my career, it was very difficult to go from one project to another in a single day, and now I’ve had so much experience doing it that it’s relatively easy. One morning I’ll be working on an X-Men script, and then jumped from that straight into the Trollhunters series that I’m doing on Netflix, and then straight from that to Legends. So, it is jarring, but it gets a lot easier with experience.

Do you have different approaches to how you handle the powers of Nate Heywood compared to, say, the powers of the X-Men’s Colossus?

The beauty of doing Colossus is that I don’t have to think twice whenever I want Colossus to steel up, because it’s free, whereas every time Nate steels up, it’s expensive. So, that’s probably the biggest difference: One is a little easier to achieve, or at least cheaper to achieve than the other.

I think the other thing is that they’re very different characters. I mean, yes, the powers are the same, but Peter [Colossus] is so different from Nate, and Nate is so different from Peter. Peter’s such a serious guy, and Nate’s a little bit more of a kook, so their voices as characters are different.

How long will we have to wait to see the White Canary and the Black Siren meeting, and what might that mean for both characters?

That’s a good question. I would say right now we don’t have a story planned, to have Sara and Laurel together… we always love to do that, and obviously that’s a confrontation that would be really awesome… it’s just a little tricky because the Legends are running around time, and because of the nature of the crossover this year, we just didn’t have the opportunity to tell that story.

I would say it’s on our bucket list, but we don’t have any plans to do it at the moment. We’d certainly like to!

Can you tease anything about upcoming love interests for Sara Lance, either male or female?

I can tell you that she will have love interests of both genders in upcoming episodes.

What can we expect from Damien Darhk’s role in Legends Season 3?

I would say Damien is very much the “Thawne” of the season, in the sense that last year, Thawne was driving a lot of what the Legion of Doom was doing. Even though Malcolm or Damien wouldn’t want to admit it, Thawne was very much in charge, and he was calling the shots.

This is Damien’s year to shine. He’s also the Damien Darhk of Arrow Season 4, so he’s got memories of all of the things that have happened to him, not just in Legends Season 2, but also in Arrow Season 4, and that also includes his command of magic. So, there are some fun things going on with Damien. Obviously, Neal McDonough is really wonderful in that role. You could see he’s always enjoying each of the scenes that he’s shooting. I’m looking forward to people seeing more and more episodes so that you can really see how Damien’s master plan is coming together as well as the team of super-villains that he is in the process of recruiting is coming together.

The critical response to Legends Season 2 was so good. How good are you feeling about Season 3, and what are you most excited for people to see?

I feel really good. I would say I’m just really excited about the episodes that we’ve got coming. I want to say that episode for episode, the episode’s that we’ve got coming up are stronger episode per episode than the first episodes of Season 2. They’re a little zanier; they’re a bit funnier… they’re even more emotional. I would say if you enjoyed the first half of Season 2, you’re really going to love the first half of Season 3.

http://dclegendstv.com/2017/10/20/inter ... -season-3/

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Registrado: Dom May 21, 2006 12:15 am


Mensaje por Shelby »

- Nuevas imágenes bts de la S3 (03-31 Oct 2017):

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(@LotWritersRoom: Get your party duds ready, only one week until the premiere! @caitylotz @talaashe @maisie_rs @TheCW_Legends
@maisie_rs: This is how we support each other during a closeup #itmustbelove @caitylotz @officialfranzd
@NICKZANO: Listen to my friend #BillyZane tune in TONIGHT for a new episode of @TheCW_Legends
@maisie_rs: Caught up on the wrong side of the PT Barnum circus tonight
@jesmacallan: Epic eve with this crew... #carvingskillz #happyhalloween
@brandonjrouth: This isn't a game! Ray & Young Ray are in deadly trouble on tonight's #Halloween episode of @cw_legendsoftomorrow!)


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¡¡¡¡AY, OMÁ QUÉ CALORES!!!! ¡Gracias por tu regalo, Nitta!

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Registrado: Dom May 21, 2006 12:15 am


Mensaje por Shelby »

- Descripción oficial del 3.03 "Zari":
3.03 "Zari" (24/10/17): FORAJIDOS — Cuando Sara (Caity Lotz) recibe una lamada de auxilio de su “amistoso” agente en el Time Bureau, descubre que se les ha sido encomendados con el ir al futuro a capturar a un solitario viajero del tiempo . Desafortunadamente, las Legends empeoran las cosas intentando proteger a una fuera de la ley llamada Zari (Tala Ashe), para con suerte atraer al asesino.pero Nate (Nick Zano) descubre un tratamiento inusual al que Amaya acepta a regañadientdirected the episode written bes. Brandon Routh, Dominic Purcell y Franz Drameh también aparecen. Mairzee Almas dirige el episodio escrito por James Eagan & Ray Utarnachitt (#303)

http://www.spoilertv.com/2017/10/legend ... -zari.html?

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¡¡¡¡AY, OMÁ QUÉ CALORES!!!! ¡Gracias por tu regalo, Nitta!

Mensajes: 32857
Registrado: Dom May 21, 2006 12:15 am


Mensaje por Shelby »

- Constantine aparecerá en la S3 de "Legends of Tomorrow":
Constantine aparecerá en la S3 de "Legends of Tomorrow"
Por Aahil Dayani - 08 Octubre, 2017

El detective sobrenatural de los fans 'John Constantine' aparecerá en la S3 de la serie de la CW "Legends of Tomorrow".

Según informan desde ComicBook.com, Matt Ryan repetirá en su papel de Constantine apareciendo en uno de los episodios de la nueva temporada de la serie de viajes en el tiempo. No está claro cuándo aparecerá o en qué capacidad, pero los fans no querrán perderse su inigualable regreso al Arrowverso.

Ryan originalmente empezó a interpretar a John Constantine en el drama de la NBC "Constantine" que sólo duró una temporada. Aunque la crítica y los fans adoraban la serie, las audiencias generales no eran demasiado entusiastas, y la NBC canceló la serie. A pesar de la cancelación, los fans pìdieron que Constantine se uniera al Arrowverso y sus plegarias fueron escuchadas cuando Constantine apareció como invitado en "Arrow".

En el episodio de "Arrow", Constantine ayudó en la resurrección del alma de White Canary, quien actualmente aparece en "Legends of Tomorrow".

ACTUALIZADO: Matt Ryan aparecerá en "Legends Of Tomorrow" como 'John Constantine' en un arco de dos episodios en los episodios 3.09 y 3.10. Phil Klemmer ha hecho un resumen de lo que podemos esperar de este arco, diciendo lo siguiente:
"Su aparición en el episodio 3.10 involucrará lo siguiente: volver a visitar la S4 de Arrow y los eventos que siguieron el episodio final de esa temporada; una confrontación con el Gran Villano de esta temporada de Legends — ek nombre que sólo hemos oído susurralo hasta ahora Mallus; algo de sexo — algo que se ha dado en pequeñas dosis en la Waverider hasta ahora en la season 3; y Damien Darhk (Neil McDonough), porque ¿cómo puedes hacer un episodio de magia negra y no tener a Damien Darhk? Más que nada, el episodio promete ser aterrador como sabéis que es — tonalmente es El Exorcista mezclado con One Flew Over The Cuckoo’s Nest. Posesión demoníaca en una institución mental, ¿qué no puede adorarse?"

http://comicbook.com/dc/2017/10/08/lege ... matt-ryan/
http://tvline.com/2017/10/09/legends-of ... -season-3/
http://www.hollywoodreporter.com/live-f ... rc-1047123

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¡¡¡¡AY, OMÁ QUÉ CALORES!!!! ¡Gracias por tu regalo, Nitta!

Mensajes: 32857
Registrado: Dom May 21, 2006 12:15 am


Mensaje por Shelby »

- Legends Of Tomorrow | "S3 Sizzle Reel" (Extended) | The CW:

- Legends Of Tomorrow | 3.01 "Aruba-Con" Inside the episode | The CW:

- Legends Of Tomorrow | 3.01 "Aruba-Con" Clip #1 | The CW:


- Legends Of Tomorrow | 3.01 "Aruba-Con" Clip #2 | The CW:

http://www.accesshollywood.com/articles ... -tomorrow/

Imagen Imagen
¡¡¡¡AY, OMÁ QUÉ CALORES!!!! ¡Gracias por tu regalo, Nitta!
