"Nuevo proyecto para la CW sobre 'THE FLASH'"

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Registrado: Dom May 21, 2006 12:15 am

Re: "Nuevo proyecto para la CW sobre 'THE FLASH'"

Mensaje por Shelby »

- THE FLASH | Season 2 "4 Days promo":

https://amp.twimg.com/v/c7fa8bf4-bdbf-4 ... bc85a28183

- THE FLASH | Season 2 "3 Days promo":

https://amp.twimg.com/v/adbda617-29b0-4 ... 68e7369407

- THE FLASH | Season 2 "2 Days promo":

https://amp.twimg.com/v/d3b4ad60-07f2-4 ... c2dadb8339

- THE FLASH | Season 2 " 1 Day promo":

https://amp.twimg.com/v/693256b0-b89c-4 ... ad35f1a3f9

- THE FLASH | Season 2 "All New Season Begins Tonight promo":

https://amp.twimg.com/v/587c64d9-393a-4 ... 36330911f4

- THE FLASH | 3 Days Trailer | The CW:


- THE FLASH | 2 Days Trailer | The CW:


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¡¡¡¡AY, OMÁ QUÉ CALORES!!!! ¡Gracias por tu regalo, Nitta!

Mensajes: 32871
Registrado: Dom May 21, 2006 12:15 am

Re: "Nuevo proyecto para la CW sobre 'THE FLASH'"

Mensaje por Shelby »

- Grant Gustin talks about "The Flash" S2 with Brasilian site @Papelpop:

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¡¡¡¡AY, OMÁ QUÉ CALORES!!!! ¡Gracias por tu regalo, Nitta!

Mensajes: 32871
Registrado: Dom May 21, 2006 12:15 am

Re: "Nuevo proyecto para la CW sobre 'THE FLASH'"

Mensaje por Shelby »

- THE FLASH | 2.01 "The Man Who Saved Central City" Clip #1 | The CW:

https://amp.twimg.com/v/3ba2a299-280c-4 ... 987115e5cd

- THE FLASH | 2.01 "The Man Who Saved Central City" Clip #2 | USA Today:

http://www.usatoday.com/videos/life/tv/ ... /73389632/

- THE FLASH | 2.01 "The Man Who Saved Central City" Clip #3 | CBR:

http://www.comicbookresources.com/artic ... miere-clip

- THE FLASH | 2.01 "The Man Who Saved Central City" Clip #4 | CBR:


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¡¡¡¡AY, OMÁ QUÉ CALORES!!!! ¡Gracias por tu regalo, Nitta!

Mensajes: 32871
Registrado: Dom May 21, 2006 12:15 am

Re: "Nuevo proyecto para la CW sobre 'THE FLASH'"

Mensaje por Shelby »

- THE FLASH | "Tomorrow" Trailer | The CW:


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¡¡¡¡AY, OMÁ QUÉ CALORES!!!! ¡Gracias por tu regalo, Nitta!

Mensajes: 32871
Registrado: Dom May 21, 2006 12:15 am

Re: "Nuevo proyecto para la CW sobre 'THE FLASH'"

Mensaje por Shelby »

- Danielle Panabaker sobre la Season 2 de ‘The Flash’ (zap2it):
Danielle Panabaker sobre la Season 2 de ‘The Flash’
Por Jay Bobbin 05 Oct, 2015 01:10 PM

Zap2it: How does it feel to be back on the set for Season 2 of “The Flash”?

Danielle Panabaker: Oh, it’s been wonderful! In some ways, it feels like we never left; we were back shooting at some locations where we were just three months prior. And it feels like we’re all a little bit more well-rested than we were at the end of last season, but otherwise, it feels great.

There’s also a sort of unspoken inner confidence in all of us as we’re coming back for Season 2. We worked really hard on Season 1 and people really responded to it, so it’s great now that we’re getting the opportunity to do it again.

Zap2it: Certain things have to change by necessity for Season 2, based on how Season 1 ended, plus you’re adding Shantel VanSanten and Teddy Sears as cast regulars. Does that process feel natural to you?

Danielle Panabaker: That’s what’s exciting. Our writers are so wonderful and so talented, they knew we couldn’t do the same thing all over again. We’re just trying to top it and do everything a little bit better.

Zap2it: You’ve done fantasy and horror acting before, in such movies as “The Crazies” and the “Friday the 13th” remake, but how has your current genre work been different for you?

Danielle Panabaker: It’s been so rewarding. That’s what’s great about being on TV — you’re in front of an audience on a consistent basis. People come up to me all the time, no matter where I am, and talk about the show. Even the guy at TSA, when I’m getting on an airplane, wants to know if I can tell him about Season 2.

My favorite thing is when parents come up and say, “We watch it as a family. We all watch it together.” I think that’s something that’s really special.

http://zap2it.com/2015/10/danielle-pana ... -season-2/
- Productores de "The Flash" revelan plabes para Earth-Two, Killer Frost y más (TVGuide):
Productores de "The Flash" revelan plabes para Earth-Two, Killer Frost y más
Por Sadie Gennis | 5 Oct, 2015 5:24 PM EDT

When The Flash returns on Tuesday (8/7c, The CW), viewers will finally get to see what happened after Barry (Grant Gustin) accidentally opened up a wormhole above Central City. As if Team Flash didn't already have enough on their plate, what they really needed now was to open Central City up to all the dangers of Earth-Two.

So what does the introduction of multiple universes mean for The Flash? Will we get to see Vibe and Killer Frost this season? See what co-executive producers Todd and Aaron Helbing revealed below:

How will Barry be changed by everything that happened in the finale?
Todd Helbing: That was a monumental experience for him. The way he's dealing with it is he's a little afraid of getting everyone brought into the fold and harmed. He's sort of taking everything onto his shoulders, so I think you're going to see him more determined than ever to keep Central City safe, especially his friends and family.
Aaron Helbing: After losing Eddie, it really has stuck with Barry all these months. So he wants to make sure nobody else gets hurt again.

Cisco (Carlos Valdes) has now learned he has meta-human abilities. But unlike Barry, who had a lot of fun with his powers, Cisco seems afraid of them. How are we going to see Cisco handling this?
Todd Helbing: His whole reaction to it is, "Harrison Wells was an evil guy. An evil guy gave me powers." So he's struggling with that idea of, "What is this actually going to mean for me?" Also, Barry's powers were very easy for Barry to understand. It's like, "I was struck by lightning. Now I can run really fast." Whereas Cisco's are more of a dreamlike nightmare at first. He's seeing things he doesn't want to see and he has to come to grips with that and learn how to control it.

This season is introducing Earth-Two. How are much will we get to see of that world and how will multiple universes be incorporated into the show?
Aaron Helbing: I think we'll probably tease Earth-Two for a little bit, but then further down the road it's something that we definitely plan on exploring.
Todd Helbing: We'll definitely see meta-humans from Earth-Two coming over and posing a threat to Barry and our team. But we will definitely explore Earth-Two as much as we can.

Does this mean it's possible that we will come face-to-face with alternate versions of Barry and the team?
Todd Helbing: Listen, we're dealing with doppelgangers so that's certainly a possibility.

We did get a glimpse of Caitlin (Danielle Panabaker) as Killer Frost in the finale. Could we see that version of her this season?
Aaron Helbing: When we see her, she's in the speed force and the speed force has no exact time frame. It's definitely something we've talked about. Everyone's meta-human powers manifest at certain times. Right now, we're exploring Cisco's.

The premiere introduces Jay Garrick. How will he change the dynamic of the group?
Todd Helbing: He provides something that Barry's never really had before, as being a mentor who was also a speedster. So unlike Harrison Wells teaching him how to be better and faster and improve his powers, he's actually had them.
Aaron Helbing: We also played with the dynamic last season of Barry having three fathers. And so we really wanted to explore the older brother-younger brother relationship between the two.

Zoom is this season's big bad. What separates him from all the villains we've seen before?
Aaron Helbing: I don't think we've seen a villain as evil as Zoom. Last season we had seen Reverse Flash, who was obviously Wells/Eobard Thawne, but he also grew to have this affinity towards Barry. Whereas with Zoom, this guy is just evil incarnate.

What's motivating Zoom?
Todd Helbing: He just wants The Flash dead.
Aaron Helbing: There can only be one true speedster, and Zoom has to be the best.

Barry and Iris (Candice Patton) have been through a lot. What does their relationship look like now?
Todd Helbing: Obviously, with Eddie's death she's reeling from that. And so while Iris has always been Barry's lightning rod, Barry's become that for Iris. You get to see a lot of their friendship and how they help each other through this time.

http://www.tvguide.com/news/the-flash-p ... -and-more/
- Jefes de "The Flash" adelantan el estado del Team Flash en la season 2 (EW):
Jefes de "The Flash" adelantan el estado del Team Flash en la season 2
Por Natalie Abrams 05 Oct, 2015

Team Flash will look very different when The Flash returns for its sophomore run.

In the wake of the singularity nearly swallowing Central City whole in the season 1 finale, Barry Allen (Grant Gustin) has decided to branch out on his own when we next see the scarlet speedster — though his friends and family won’t be particularly happy about that.

Since we’ve already learned all about the new characters coming in season 2, EW decided to get the skinny on what’s in store for the members of Team Flash from executive producer Andrew Kreisberg:

ENTERTAINMENT WEEKLY: When or where does the new season pick up?
ANDREW KREISBERG: We’re not picking up where people will think. We’re playing with time a little bit, but hopefully in a fun, cool way. You’ll definitely get all the answers to the questions you have from the end of the year — what happens to Central City? How does the Flash stop the singularity from destroying it?

What’s Barry’s mindset in the wake of Eddie (Rick Cosnett) sacrificing himself and being the hero in the finale?
Being the hero is actually what the episode is about, and Barry not feeling like he was the hero of the finale. A lot of this episode is about coming to terms with having made a mistake, trusting Wells and traveling back in time. Then, even though he didn’t save his mom, there were catastrophic consequences, and Barry’s struggling with them in the premiere. Like anybody who suffers a trauma, Barry has to learn to live with it. Joe says to him and one point in the show, “Yeah, you made mistakes. The question is what are you going to do now?” Like for anybody, it’s about processing the bad things that have happened and taking responsibility for your part in them, and then moving forward and making sure you do better.

You’re introducing the concept of Earth-Two. What can you tell us about that?
Year one was all about time travel. Time travel can be a very tricky concept if done poorly, and we took great strides and worked really hard to make our version of time travel easy to digest for the masses, but still complex and exciting enough for the diehard fans. We’re trying to do the same thing this year with Earth-Two and the concept of the multiverse, and the concept of doppelgängers. We’ve been having a lot of fun with that and getting glimpses of Earth-Two probably sooner than people would’ve thought. It’s still Flash. It’s still the same show. It still has those characters and that camaraderie, but our villains are coming from a brand new place, and we’re dealing with different concepts, and it’s just really exciting.

So we could be seeing some characters that we’ve already met before, but in different ways if they hail from Earth-Two?
Yeah. That’s the fun of a parallel world is all the differences. You’re a hero on Earth-One, but you’re a criminal on Earth-Two, and then vice versa. It’s them meeting some of these doppelgangers of people that we’ve already seen, and it’s, “Are they like the people that we’ve seen before?” and getting over our prejudices of seeing some people that you have an attitude about, whether it’s a good attitude or a bad attitude, to be able to see the true person for who they are.

Is that basically how we still have Tom Cavanagh around?
No comment.

Will we see a doppelganger Barry?
I don’t want to say who we see doppelgangers of, because I don’t want to give away surprises. You’re just going to have to wait and see.

Can you talk about how or why Barry gets a new suit?
It’s actually part of the season premiere. Everybody is moving forward from the terrible events of the season finale. Cisco gives Barry the new emblem, which they had seen in the future newspaper from Wells’ time vault last season. It’s a little bit of a way of them saying that we don’t have to be afraid of the future, which is a really poignant moment in the premiere.

Let’s talk about Team Flash. What is Cisco (Carlos Valdes) dealing with in the wake of the Vibe reveal?
Cisco is having episodes in the beginning of the season, which he’s keeping to himself. We’re going to start to see the seeds of what Wells told Cisco at the end of last season that he had also been affected by the particle accelerator. That, and Cisco’s role, is going to become a key part of season two.

What about Caitlin (Danielle Panabaker) and her Killer Frost potential?
It’s harder to talk about Caitlin, because we’ve just got lot of interesting things for her that we don’t want to spoil too much of. Danielle has been so amazing, and literally made me cry in the season premiere. She’s definitely kicked it up a new notch and I’m sure she’ll tell you how excited she is about everything that’s going to happen in season two.

What’s going on with Ronnie Raymond (Robbie Amell)?
Well, Ronnie is back in the premiere, and that’s about all I’ll say.

What role is Iris (Candice Patton) playing on Team Flash this season?
In an odd way, even though Wells was a bad guy, he was the team leader, and that role is now empty since he got erased from existence. Iris slides into it very naturally. She’s a born leader. One of the best things in the premiere is Barry decides that he wants to work alone because he doesn’t want to risk anyone else’s lives, and Iris is really the one who gets the band back together again. She’s the only one who can stand up to Barry, in a way, and say, “You’re being a dope.”

Since The Flash will be teeing up midseason spin-off DC’s Legends of Tomorrow, what can you tell us about Kendra Saunders’ (Ciara Renée) real introduction on the show?
She comes in a little bit under the radar. She is a denizen of Central City, as we saw in the finale, and she is going to slowly get involved with our team in a somewhat surprising way. We’ll be introducing her, and also we have Professor Stein, played by the incomparable Victor Garber, who becomes part of the team from the get-go.

Is there anything you can say about the crossover episodes that lead into Legends?
We’re really excited about the crossover. We worked so hard on the crossovers last year, making sure that they were exciting, entertaining and bold. The only way to top it is to go even bigger and even bolder. We’re going to be introducing part of the Hawkman (Falk Hentschel) mythology in those episodes, and Kendra will play a big part in those. The crossovers are really going to set the stage for Legends, but in a cool way so that if you don’t watch Arrow and Flash, and you didn’t see the crossovers, you would still really enjoy Legends.

What are some of the themes you’ll be exploring on The Flash this season?
For season 1, it was really about Barry becoming a hero and really figuring out what it means to be the Flash. Then, season 2 is really about now that he is the Flash, what does that mean? One of the things we didn’t really explore too much last year, and certainly we’ve never really explored on Arrow, is the Flash is becoming a public figure. There’s even, in the premiere episode, a Flash Appreciation Day, where there’s a giant rally in Central City Square to honor the Flash, to give him the key to the city. This idea of Barry dealing with the public and the public perception of him is a new thing for our show. The Arrow has always stayed in the shadows, and is more of an urban legend, but everyone has seen the Flash, and certainly everyone in Central City is living in a world now where metahumans exist. These things are not as out-of-the-ordinary, and everyone is coming to grips with that. That’s one of the big themes that Barry is dealing with, and then also Barry’s nemesis, the Reverse Flash, the man who killed his mom, is gone. He didn’t quite vanquish him, and Barry’s dealing a little bit with that — this feeling that his mission isn’t quite accomplished, and what that means.

Will we see Barry with any new powers this season?
Yeah. We’re going to be seeing him learn a couple of new tricks. One from the comic and one that we actually have come up with, and that we’re actually really excited about. The thing about the Flash that’s fun is there’s always something new to figure out for him to do with his powers, so that it’s not just him running in and running around really fast. It’s one of the endless gifts of the show.

http://www.ew.com/article/2015/10/05/fl ... 2-spoilers
- Adam Copeland sobre el meterse en "The Flash" como 'Atom Smasher' (IGN):
Adam Copeland sobre el meterse en "The Flash" como 'Atom Smasher'
Por Matt Fowler 5 Oct 2015

When The Flash returns on Tuesday, October 6th, Barry's got some nasty obstacles to overcome. In the Season 2 premiere, "The Man Who Saved Central City," a new villain makes a big sinister splash at a very inconvenient time. DC's Atom Smasher - played by former WWE Superstar Adam Copeland - aka Edge - hits the scene during a time when Barry's not really accepting outside help from friends and family. So to say The Flash is vulnerable is putting it lightly.

I spoke to Copeland about his season premiere role as Atom Smasher and got his thoughts on playing a super-powered heavy with a knack for absorbing radiation and growing into a giant. Copeland also gave his thoughts on Arrow's Stephen Amell entering into a wrestling feud with Stardust and his Syfy series Haven going into its final stretch of episodes.

IGN: How's Fall TV season treating you?

Adam Copeland: Very good. My favorite time of the year. My birthday's coming up, the leaves are changing colors, and great TV. So you can't go wrong.

IGN: You've obviously been doing TV for a while now, but how did the role of Atom Smasher cross your path?

Copeland: Well, my agent knew that this part was coming up and thought I'd be good for it. And he'd been in contact with the producers of the show before and they had kind of had me in mind for this character. So I auditioned for it and that was it. Got the call that same day and then immediately started picturing a character who can grow to be fifteen feet tall. It was a lot of fun to get that news and then start thinking "Wow, I'm going to be a part of telling a DC Comics story. This is pretty amazing."

IGN: Atom Smasher has his face covered much of the time. Was that a concern for you at all? Wondering how much time you'd spend inside a helmet?

Copeland: It didn't really matter to me simply because it's all just a matter of having fun at this point. And I knew no matter what, whether my face was covered or wasn't, it'd be a blast. But then in reading it I realized that there was a happy medium so there was enough of me in there to get recognized. And I think with my face being on TV for the last 20 years, it makes sense to almost try and take advantage of some of that. Now if there had been no mask, I would have been upset. Because you put that thing on and you feel like an absolute tank. Just indestructible. It sounds crazy, but when you put it on you're like "Oh yeah. I just entered a different realm of badassery."

IGN: It must be exciting to be a part of the first episode of Season 2. What is Atom Smasher chasing after in the premiere? What does he want?

Copeland: Yeah, I was pretty excited about being in the premiere obviously. Because you figure that they have to slot a heavy for the initial episode back so to try and grab viewers. So that was very exciting for me. And then in reading where this guy is coming from, it added more layers. He has good motivations. It's just that he's in a bad position. I won't give it away, but there is an emotional battle. It wasn't just cut and dry which is nice from a performance aspect. When there's more to it and you're not just playing a fifteen-foot tank that can destroy everything. I mean, there's that aspect too, which is a lot of fun, but at the end of the day there has to be some layers to the guy.

IGN: Who did you get to interact with, cast-wise? Who do you have scenes with?

Copeland: There's a lot of Atom Smasher and Flash so you're going to see a bunch of that. And it was awesome. And it was also great to be able to do a lot of the physical stuff involved so you won't have to see a stunt guy come in there and take over. I was doing the stuff that was asked, so that was cool. And everyone was great. Because you never know going onto a new set with new people. I'd just come off five years on a TV show that became like a second family for me so when you're the new guy coming in and you have to wonder. But the entire cast and crew were top notch. Usually when you see a show that that good, there's a reason. And it's because everyone's firing on all cylinders.

IGN: Have you heard anything about a possible return for Atom Smasher?

Copeland: I have no idea. I truly don't. The one thing I keep saying is that it's the DC Universe, so you can get away with anything or have anything happen. That's kind of the beauty of the comic book genre and one of the reasons I've enjoyed it all my life. There're no hard rules or parameters. No boundaries. Whatever you can imagine can actually be pulled off.

IGN: You're part of the DC TV shared universe now. What did you think of Stephen Amell's match back at SummerSlam with Stardust and Wade Barrett?

Copeland: I thought it was great. We briefly kind of chatted about it. And I texted him too. The best part about that was that he's a life-long fan. And there's nothing worse for the guys in the locker room when somebody would come in and they'd have no idea what any of it actually was but then you'd have to go out and try and make that person look like a million bucks. That's never really fun for anyone involved. But when you've got a person who's actually a die-hard fan who went to WrestleMania VI and actually appreciates and respects the product and everything that goes into it, then it's like, "Alright, let's have some fun." And it made for a great crossover and tie-in. And I watched it and he did great. You could tell he was nervous, but that he was also having the time of his life. Because it's a different type of pressure cooker. It's live and if anything goes wrong, it's all out there. There's no second take. But he's athletic enough so I knew he'd be fine. I didn't talk to him afterward though to see how he was feeling. I always said, "It's not the day after, it's the day after that."

IGN: You're on TV twice this week because Haven's kicking off its final season on Syfy. What's it like for you to have that show come to an end? You sort of leapt right into it after your retirement from WWE.

Copeland: It's the nature of the beast. I think you go into any of these things understanding that it's all going to end. It's all part of the process. I think because we actually filmed all these final episodes last year, I kind of stepped off from it at that point. With the second half of it airing now, I'm sure I'll re-live some part of that again. I will say that not being in Nova Scotia this past summer was initially strange. It was like "Whoa, we're home. And I can go do Flash." [laughs] I'm open to do more things this year and it's a lot of fun. Because truly I went from WWE right into the show and I never really had any time to see what other worlds there were. In a way, it was refreshing to try out new characters. With that being said too, I really love the character of Dwight. And I love the entire crew. After five years, you're having kids and your kids are being raised together so it's all bittersweet. I will say that I think fans will be happy with how it all turns out.

http://www.ign.com/articles/2015/10/06/ ... om-smasher?
- Productor ejecutivo de "The Flash" habla sobre los nuevos poders, Hawkgirl, Tierra-2 y más (CBR):
Productor ejecutivo de "The Flash" habla sobre los nuevos poders, Hawkgirl, Tierra-2 y más
Por Brett White 06 Oct 2015

Before "Flash" races back onto television screens tonight with its season two premiere, showrunner and executive producer Andrew Kreisberg spoke with Entertainment Weekly about what to expect in the show's sophomore season -- which will include Earth-2, a new powerset for Barry and a crossover with "Arrow" that will lead to the upcoming spinoff series "Legends of Tomorrow."

When it comes to "Legends," "The Flash" will introduce Hawkgirl (Ciara Renee), a character we briefly saw in the season one finale. "She comes in a little bit under the radar," said Kreisberg. "She is a denizen of Central City, as we saw in the finale, and she is going to slowly get involved with our team in a somewhat surprising way. We’ll be introducing her, and also we have Professor Stein, played by the incomparable Victor Garber, who becomes part of the team from the get-go."

This year's "Arrow" crossover will lead into "Legends of Tomorrow," a series that stars supporting characters from both shows. "We’re really excited about the crossover. We worked so hard on the crossovers last year, making sure that they were exciting, entertaining and bold. The only way to top it is to go even bigger and even bolder. We’re going to be introducing part of the Hawkman (Falk Hentschel) mythology in those episodes, and Kendra will play a big part in those. The crossovers are really going to set the stage for 'Legends,' but in a cool way so that if you don’t watch 'Arrow' and 'Flash,' and you didn’t see the crossovers, you would still really enjoy 'Legends.'"

Kreisberg spoke about Earth-2, the alternate reality that's home to new cast addition Jay Garrick (Teddy Sears). "Year one was all about time travel. Time travel can be a very tricky concept if done poorly, and we took great strides and worked really hard to make our version of time travel easy to digest for the masses, but still complex and exciting enough for the diehard fans," said Kreisberg. "We’re trying to do the same thing this year with Earth-2 and the concept of the multiverse, and the concept of doppelgängers. We’ve been having a lot of fun with that and getting glimpses of Earth-2 probably sooner than people would’ve thought. It’s still 'Flash.' It’s still the same show. It still has those characters and that camaraderie, but our villains are coming from a brand new place, and we’re dealing with different concepts, and it’s just really exciting."

What's also exciting? The new powers Barry will pick up for his season two adventures -- and one of them will be unlike anything comic fans have seen before. "We’re going to be seeing him learn a couple of new tricks. One from the comic and one that we actually have come up with, and that we’re actually really excited about. The thing about the Flash that’s fun is there’s always something new to figure out for him to do with his powers, so that it’s not just him running in and running around really fast. It’s one of the endless gifts of the show."

http://www.comicbookresources.com/artic ... 2-and-more
- Adam "Edge" Copeland adelanta las muchas capas de Atom Smasher (comicbook):
Adam "Edge" Copeland adelanta las muchas capas de Atom Smasher
Por James Viscardi 06/10/2015

Just when he thought he had seen it all last season on The Flash, Barry Allen is about to take on one his biggest (literally) threats yet. Season 2 of CW’s The Flash kicks off with an explosive premiere, “The Man Who Saved Central City,” as Barry is forced to go up against the Atom Smasher.

Fans who have been reading The Flash for a while might more commonly know the Atom Smasher as a hero, but when WWE Hall Of Famer Adam Copeland steps into the boots, fans will see a much more sinister take.

We had the chance to talk to Copeland about the role, how his time as “Edge” prepared him for his performance and even fantasy casted a wrestling match.

So, I have to ask, I can only imagine that you doing this has to be a major check off the bucket list, right?

Adam: Yes, that's exactly how I've been explaining it. From the nanosecond I found out that I got this part, that's what I was saying. I looked at Beth and I was like, "Okay, that's off the bucket list. I can check that off now." It was on there, trust me. Super villain and super hero was on there so yeah, it definitely was pretty huge for me to be able to do this.

Can I ask how it came about? Was it something that was on your radar, or was it put on your radar? How was auditioning?

Adam: I heard rumblings last year that there was a part that they had me in mind for but, you know, you hear that and it's four or five months removed so you never know. This was the first year where I wasn't already on a show so I didn't know really what auditioning even was because I'd been on a show for five years and I didn't have to audition for it. I didn't even really, truly know what the process was but then got word they were sending a script. I read for it. I did it in one take, sent it off and then got word that I was going to be Atom Smasher. It was a lot of fun to get that news, for sure.

I know you're a huge comics fan, and the Atom Smasher that you portray is a little bit different from his comics counterpart. When you heard the name Atom Smasher did you know who the character was from the start? Or was there a little bit of research you had to do?

Adam: I did but then I still did research because the last time I had kind of come across it I was in my teens. I've done a lot since then and had a lot since then. I figured I'd better brush up, bone up on my Atom Smasher-ism. It is a different take, too, so I didn't want to get too attached to what he is in the books because I knew there was going to be tweaks to it after reading the script and everything. It's always interesting, you know, finding that fine balance between the two because you do want to bring the elements of what he is in the book but then there is kind of differences too. You have to, at least for me, not get too attached to what you've kind of grown up reading.

You’ve been acting in dramas for awhile now but did you have to stretch different muscles for this part?

Adam: This was actually more of a recall back to my WWE days honestly, because you're playing this larger than life character where there's really no boundaries or parameters. You're supposed to be this super thing and the bigger you go the better because it's all kind of larger than life. So that was really kind of a call back to what I used to do at WWE because everything had to be big and everything had to translate to someone possibly 80,000 people away in the back seat or the Ford Field in Detroit. It was kind of going back to that while still keeping in mind that you can really see your nose hairs on some of those cameras. So if you go too crazy, you know, it might not work. I think with this it does. It lends itself to it because, gosh, you're talking about a guy who can run into different universes he goes so fast. The character I'm portraying can grow to 15 feet tall. So it has to be big and that was a lot of fun. That made me feel like I was back, really, in my comfortable skin.

If we had to compare the match-up of you as the Atom Smasher and Grant as Flash as a wrestling match, who do is Flash and who is Atom Smasher?

Adam: Okay, I would say that would be, let's see, Kane, Atom Smasher against Rey Mysterio as Flash.

We mentioned before that Atom Smasher in the comics was a hero, would you say that your portrayal of him has any redeeming qualities even though he's a "villain?"

Adam: Yeah, there's definitely more to this guy than just your prototypical, huge, destructive villain. There's layers to him which you see, once you get to it, and those were the relations I drew from the book. Thankfully they were there, so that was very cool because just having a big super villain, one trick pony, that's not necessarily what I think an audience wants to see. As a performer, you're always hoping for kind of deeper things that you can peel layers back on. This guy has them. It's not immediately evident, I don't think, but if you're watching, they'll be there. So that was pretty cool to understand that it wasn't a complete 180 from what people know him as if they came from the book to the show.

What was it like working with the cast? You had mentioned before that you're a fan of the show, when you're stepping on the set with everyone, are you star struck? Were any of them star struck that you were coming on board?

Adam: No. I'm trying to think, you know I came from a world where I was being put in the Hall of Fame the same night with Mike Tyson, so there's not really much that kind of ... You know, when you're a changer, Donald Trump one night and then ... It's such a surreal world I came from. So it's kind of par for the course. It was a lot of fun, though, to meet the people behind. We had this one scene and Carlo, who plays Cisco, we had this scene and I saw him, mid-take, because I didn't tell anybody what I did before, I was just Adam playing Atom Smasher, and I saw the penny drop for him half way through the scene. We had already met, talked, everything like that and I saw the realization, oh my god, that's Edge. He came up to me after the scene, you just blew my mind, you're Edge. So that was pretty funny because I said, I know, I saw it when that happened.

That's awesome.

Adam: You've got to understand, like those guys, they're in the early to mid-20s so when I was there age, I was wrestling the Rock.

Being a fan of the show and of comics, is there a particular storyline from Flash comics that you're hoping may pop up in the show at any given point?

Adam: There already are so many that are and I think there's already been some visuals and screen tests that perfectly recreate things from covers of the book and things like that where you just go, wow, okay, that's pretty amazing. Yeah, I don't think anyone who reads the books will be disappointed what this show does with it. It really stays very, very true. Like I said, even though a guy like Atom Smasher with his differences, at the base of it there's still that relation to the book. It looks awesome to ... It really stands up, the CGI stands up. Everything about it I was very impressed with this show.

http://comicbook.com/2015/10/05/adam-ed ... the-flash/
- 9 adelantos rápidos través de los que correr antes de la premiere de la S2 de "The Flash" (ET Online):
9 adelantos rápidos través de los que correr antes de la premiere de la S2 de "The Flash"
Por Leanne Aguilera 06 Oct, 2015 5:00 AM PDT

It's time for a speed-round of (mild) spoilers!

The Flash returns tonight with its highly anticipated sophomore season, and everyone is dying to know what's coming up next in Central City after that shocking season one finale.

To celebrate the return of the most addicting superhero series on TV, ETonline is bringing you nine quick-paced teases you should definitely speed through before tonight's premiere.

1. For a show that's all about speed, it should come as no surprise to you that we'll be fast-forwarding our story with a six-month time jump. Not to worry, you'll still find out what happened with the singularity.

2. Cisco will be getting some strange vibes in the first two episodes of The Flash, but he'll only confide the truth to one of his teammates. Better start shouting our your guesses!

3. Not only are we going to the return of some of our all-time favorite villains, (hellooo, Captain Cold!) we're also going to be treated to some brand-new, yet beloved DC Comics baddies, i.e. Zoom.

4. The Scarlet Speedster? More like the Solo Speedster. The heartbreaking repercussions of the Central City singularity will cause Barry to shut out those he loves the most.

5. We cannot stress this enough: Make sure you have at lease three boxes of tissues on hand! When Barry Allen cries, you will most definitely cry, and unfortunately this will happen at multiple points in the episode.

6. Jay Garrick -- aka the original DC Flash -- will be making his highly anticipated season two debut at the end of tonight's hour as Barry's newest high-speed mentor. We'll be giving you a plethora of more scoop on this Earth-2 resident before episode two, so check back next week for much more.

7. Thanks to Cisco, Barry will be rocking a flashy new suit in season two complete with a new lightening bolt emblem on a white background.

8. Dr. Harrison Wells (or should we say Eobard Thawne?) may not be such a completely horrible, childhood-ruining guy after all. Okay, fine -- he totally is, but he may have found a way to alleviate some of the hurt he caused…

9. Another DC favorite will also be making her debut in season two. Patty Spivot, who will appear in episode two, will definitely give you some serious Felicity Smoak vibes, while still being a wonderfully unique addition to the show.

http://www.etonline.com/news/173308_the ... premieres/
- Jefe de "The Flash" nos cuenta todo lo que necesitamos saber de la S2 (MTV):
Jefe de "The Flash" nos cuenta todo lo que necesitamos saber de la S2
Por Crystal Bell 06 Oct, 2015

Excuse us as we go shout from the rooftops because tonight, Oct. 6, “The Flash” is back — and Barry Allen and co. are back and flashier than ever.

Following the events of the epic season 1 finale — and some tragic events we become privy to in the season 2 premiere — the scarlet speedster is now acting solo. For the most part, Team Flash is now defunct. Obviously, things don’t stay that way for long, seeing as a new speedster villain named Zoom is wreaking havoc on Central City.

“I think for any superhero, the more they do it, the more they start to feel isolated from people because no one can do what they do,” executive producer Andrew Kreisberg told MTV News ahead of Tuesday night’s big premiere. But when a new speedster by the name of Jay Garrick comes to Central City to warn Barry about a dangerous new threat, Team Flash is thrown back into action.

Here’s everything you need to know about season 2, straight from Kreisberg himself:

Introducing Jay Garrick.

“As far as Jay is concerned, this is another speedster who’s come into their lives, and Jay’s been doing it for a while,” Kreisberg said. “He’s been doing it on his own. He’s a little bit older than Barry, so he’s experienced a little more. He’s seen more. He thinks that Barry can be a little naive. Jay has some Flash tricks up his sleeves — ways to use the speedster’s powers — that haven’t even occurred to Barry and his team yet.”

“Jay is there to be an older brother, an advisor, a new mentor — because Barry lost his old mentor last year when Wells disappeared,” he added. “It’s just a different kind of dynamic. “I think for any superhero, the more they do it, the more they start to feel isolated from people because no one can do what they do, and what’s interesting about Jay is Jay can do what Barry does.”

When asked if Jay and Barry’s friendly rivalry has sparked any on-set competitions between Grant Gustin and Teddy Sears, Kreisberg said that if they did, Grant and Teddy would keep things on the DL.

“I suspect any competition that they might have will be like Rocky and Apollo in ’Rocky 3,’ where they did it in privacy,” he joked. “It’s just for them. The winner will remain a mystery to the rest of us.”

Iris reunites Team Flash.

“I think we took some unfortunate bashing last year for keeping her in the dark, but now that she knows, she’s definitely a part of things,” Kreisberg said. “It’s really Iris who really brings the team together in episode 201, the season premiere.”

“We find everybody a little bit fractured from the events of the finale,” he added. “We see her out and about. We see her in investigative journalism, getting herself into some big trouble, but also, being what she’s always been, which is Barry’s star and the thing he’s guided by.”

As for Iris’ relationship with her dad, well, that’s an entirely different story. If last season was all about Barry’s family drama, then this season, it’s time for the Wests to take center stage.

“Iris has an extremely strong story this year, dealing with the West family and her dad,” he said. “It’s absolutely amazing — and we’re really excited for people to see what happens to her this year.”

Obviously, this involves Iris’ mom and one Wally West, who we know will join Team Flash in season 2.

Barry in the spotlight.

For the first time in forever, Barry doesn’t have to hide The Flash. In fact, the premiere episode finds Barry thrust into the spotlight by Central City, who wants to honor The Flash in the wake of the singularity.

“That’s part of what this season is about — when you look at all of the shows, most of them have never become true public figures. Arrow is a dark shadowy character, who, up until last year, could almost have been dismissed as an urban legend,” he said. “But Central City is a bright, sunny city, and they’ve got a bright, sunny hero.”

“The premiere episode is about Flash Day,” Kreisberg added. “The mayor wants to give him the key to the city, and there’s a big rally for the Flash. What the public thinks of Barry, both positively and negatively, makes up part of Barry’s emotional journey this season. How does he do what he does when he’s under the public eye and under public scrutiny? How much of what he does effects the heart and soul of the city? That’s the new challenge for him.”

There’s something about Patty.

“Patty Spivot’s been Barry’s girlfriend in the comics for many years,” Kreisberg said. “In the comic books, she’s a fellow CSI, but in the show, we decided to make her a police officer. She’s actually Eddie’s replacement, and she becomes Joe’s partner. She still has a strong science background, so she can still relate to Barry on all of the science stuff.”

“She’s keen and she’s brave, and like every character on these kinds of shows, she has a very interesting backstory that will come to light,” he added.

And yes, the “Flash” co-creator knows that this might emotionally WRECK shippers’ hearts, but Patty’s introduction isn’t meant to incite shipper wars. Instead, Kreisberg wants us to appreciate Patty for who she is as a kickass character.

“It’s really hard because I know there are so many people who are rooting for Barry and Iris, and there are people who are rooting for Barry and Caitlin, and there are still people who are rooting for Barry and Felicity, so to throw somebody else in there, hopefully, we’ve made all the right decisions,” he said. “We certainly know we’ve found the right girl, so there will be people rooting for them now.”

Eddie’s loss is felt.

“His loss is discussed at length throughout the course of the season, especially the first nine episodes, but [Patty] is a breath of fresh air,” Kreisberg said.

“One of the things I think is different this season is that everyone has grown up a little bit, and everyone has gotten used to the new world that they live in,” he added. “So the idea of keeping secrets from each other about work isn’t as important because now everyone on the show lives in a world in which there are metahumans — and they’re out there. People have seen them and people have seem the Flash. So much of last season was about keeping people in the dark, and keeping Barry’s identity as the Flash is always paramount, but Patty is living in the new world order, where there are metahumans and you need brave police officers to come in there and stop them.”

http://www.mtv.com/news/2340399/the-fla ... re_twitter
- Adam "Edge" Copeland Vuela las puertas de "The Flash" como Atom Smasher (CBR):
Adam "Edge" Copeland Vuela las puertas de "The Flash" como Atom Smasher
Por Bryan Cairns 06 Oct, 2015

Nobody enjoys a party crasher, but that's exactly what Barry Allen faces in "The Flash's" Season 2 premiere, "The Man Who Saved Central City."

Mayor Anthony Bellows (Vito D'Ambrosio) and the city's residents declare Flash Day, celebrating the new hero's contributions to and protection of Central City. However, the festivities abruptly end when Atom Smasher, played by former WWE World Heavyweight Champion Adam "Edge" Copeland, targets arrives at the festivities, and immediately makes it known that he's got other plans for the scarlet speedster.

Known to DC Comics fans as as a trusted member of Infinity Inc. and the Justice Society of America, Copeland's version of Atom Smasher appears to be on the side of the devils rather than angels -- but for what reason?

Ahead of tonight's season premiere, Copeland spoke with CBR about "The Flash's" spin on Atom Smasher, whether the character's comic book history with Jay Garrick is addressed, and filming his action-packed scenes in that hot leather costume.

CBR News: "The Flash" is one of the hottest shows on television right now -- how did you land your role on the series?

Adam Copeland: I am a comic book fan. My first memories of things I would draw as a kid were superheroes and KISS. (I was a strange little kid!) Growing up, I continued to read them. This, for me, was on my bucket list of things I could check off. This role was pretty huge for me.

So, yeah, I just auditioned for the role. I had a few auditions that day, and this was the shortest one. Originally, I was like, "I'm probably going to do this another day since the other ones were due earlier." But, I read it and felt like I connected pretty quickly with [the part]. I banged it out that day in 15 minutes, and then I got a call that afternoon.

In the comics, Atom Smasher is a valued member of Infinity Inc. and the Justice Society of America. What is "The Flash's" take on him?

It's a different take. He's in a bad position, so he has to do some things Atom Smasher normally wouldn't do. [He's a villain] because of the precarious position he's been put in.

How do Atom Smasher's powers make him a good match for a speedster?

Any time you can grow up to 14 feet tall and you can get a hold of someone, you are going to do some damage. I think it's great when you have a character with that power, because there's always the David versus Goliath, upper-dog role that works so well in comics.

I think playing the Goliath is a lot of fun. From my wrestling days, I was just an average-sized guy in that world. A lot of times, I was the David against the Goliath. It was a blast to truly be the Goliath in this one.

Though his actions differ greatly, Atom Smasher's costume remains fairly faithful to his comic book counterpart. What was your impression of it?

It's funny -- we joked around that the costume was called "The Flash diet suit" because it's leather, thick and looks amazing. But, by the end of the day, you sweat a lot.

There is this one scene, which is the big introduction of Atom Smasher. We were filming that day, and I knew it was all outdoors and it was hot. I weighed myself that morning. I was 250 pounds. I weighed myself that evening and I was 242. That will tell you what the costumes are like. I was drinking water all day, just making sure I stayed hydrated. This is probably too much information, but I only peed once. That will tell you how much you are sweating.

The costumes really do look good, though. I like the fact that the Flash's costume isn't spandex. I like that it feels gritty, and -- I don't know if urban is the right term for it, but the leather is a very cool step up.

Did wearing the costume help you get into the character?

It's strange, because you immerse yourself in it right away. You have no choice. You are in this costume, and you don't feel silly. You have to be in this world, because everybody else is.

Maybe being a comic book fan helped, but I was immediately like, "This is amazing. I feel like this guy." It's incredible. The nerd in me was pretty evident throughout production.

Atom Smasher/Albert Rothstein and Earth 2's Flash, Jay Garrick share a rich history. Will viewers see any of that dynamic on screen?

As of right now, no. There's nothing where they rub elbows. This is strictly an instance of Atom Smasher coming to do a job. It doesn't involve [Garrick].

You've got experience working with a CGI-heavy sow form your time on "Haven." Did that help prepare you for "The Flash?"

It was interesting to do some of the CGI and the instances where Atom Smasher grows. Then, to do the scans -- to recreate this and have it be you doing it -- was eye-opening. I was super-impressed with how it looks. It could stand up to being on the big screen. I was really intrigued to see how that was accomplished. It was pretty cool. You have this guy come out in this giant suit on stilts. You get to play a character that inhales nuclear energy and can grow to grab the Flash. It was quite incredible.

Earth-2 features prominently into Season 2. Have they left the door open for more Atom Smasher?

I like to think that with any alternate Earth like this, there's always that chance. That's one of the reasons I love comic books. You can always see these people come back. It's always a possibility. There's always a way to do it, so, we'll see.

http://www.comicbookresources.com/artic ... om-smasher
- Grant Gustin corre a través del test de Personalidad de la Cultura Pop de EW:
Grant Gustin corre a través del test de Personalidad de la Cultura Pop de EW
Por Marc Snetiker 06 Oct 2015

When he’s not speeding through Central City as Barry Allen on The Flash, 25-year-old Grant Gustin is devouring entertainment at a perfectly reasonable pace.

EW asked the super star to give us a taste of his zeitgeist diet in our Pop Culture Personality Quiz, just in case you were wondering whether he’s Team Piggy or Team Kermit.

The movie I always stop to watch when I see it:
Every time I see The Departed on TV, I’ll stop and watch that whole movie.

The movie I quote the most:
I’m really bad at remembering quotes from movies, actually, but the ones that stick with me are generally from Will Ferrell movies like Anchorman and Old School and Step Brothers.

The best Halloween costume I ever had and probably will ever have:
I used to go pretty full out as a kid. I’m pretty shitty about Halloween costumes in my adult life now. I was Marty McFly a few years ago. I was Ferris Bueller the year before that. I do a lot of movie characters. My ultimate Halloween costume, I’ve never done. Do you remember An Extremely Goofy Movie? I have to be Powerline. It’s such an iconic costume! I want to do it and see if people can spot it.

Flintstones or Jetsons?

Steal a Justice League weapon:
A. Wonder Woman’s invisible jet
B. Green Lantern’s ring
C. Batman’s utility belt
D. Aquaman’s trident
Probably Green Lantern’s ring. I’m probably not even sure what its full capabilities are, but the fact that it can basically become anything he wants it to become and can carry him around … that’s kind of crazy. I think that’d be pretty useful. There’s probably a lot more that I’m not even aware of.

The most surprising GIF I’ve ever seen of myself:
It’s probably not even remotely the craziest one, but the one that just popped into my head: there was one going around for a while that was me [speaking] on some panel and SpongeBob aggressively licking my face.

C-3PO or R2D2?

Pick a ‘90s nostalgia!
A. Disney movies
B. Nickelodeon cartoons
C. Nintendo games
I don’t know how to pick! Those were prominent aspects of my growing up. I love all of those things.

Video game I’ve always kicked ass at:
As I’ve gotten older, I play Playstation 4 mostly. I’m a sports videogame type person. But growing up, I was insane at Goldeneye and Mario Kart.

The last book I said I was going to read:
I read it! It was Ready Player One by Ernest Cline. Phenomenal.

The reality show I think I could actually win:
Okay, if I wasn’t an actor and I was living a different life and I wanted to be on a reality show, I would go all out, like I’m gonna train to be on this reality show, and it would definitely be American Ninja Warrior.

First R-rated movie I saw:
In theaters? I probably saw something at home that was rated R way before I was supposed to with my parents, but I think in theaters it was Glass House. Was that movie rated R? It should have been. It was probably PG and I was just terrified. [Ed. note: It was PG-13.]

Choose a horror villain:
A. Freddy
B. Jason
C. Michael Myers
D. Chucky
Ooh, Chucky. He’s a weird one. I used to love/hate those movies. And I was such an action figure kid and still am, and that thought was always really scary to me.

Batman or Superman?
Superman. I mean, I love Batman but I’ve always loved Superman.

My most prized action figure:
The Star Wars collection was probably my favorite to create scenarios with. But I hated that they didn’t bend. When I was a kid, my mom had found a Chris Reeves Superman 12-inch figure at a yard sale, and his arms didn’t really bend! But I thought that that was so cool that I even had that. I don’t know what happened to that.

TV couple I’m shipping right now:
Is it okay if it’s not current-current? I’m really late to the Parks and Rec party. Amy Poehler and Adam Scott, I’m like obsessed with right now. Don’t tell me what happens!

You danced across the country touring in West Side Story. Which classic show tune best describes you?
A. “Ya Got Trouble” – The Music Man
B. “I Feel Pretty” – West Side Story
C. “Send in the Clowns” – A Little Night Music
D. “Don’t Rain on My Parade” – Funny Girl

I’m gonna go with “Don’t Rain on My Parade.” I just like, “Don’t rain on my parade!” Like, don’t get in my way! I’m gonna do me, you do you!

Where is Glee’s Sebastian Smythe now?
That question I ask myself sometimes. He’s probably doing well. He’s sassy but he was always a “don’t rain on my parade” type of guy. My way or the highway, I’m gonna do me. He’s pretty driven, even though he was an a–hole. He probably succeeded at something in a big city, and I imagine he’s probably in a very unstable relationship with somebody.

What if Barry met Sebastian?
Sebastian would probably love Barry because they’d have the same face and Sebastian loves his face. Barry’s pretty open and can be friends with anyone. They’d find some way of getting along.

Team Kermit or Team Miss Piggy?
Kermit, I guess. They’re both great but Kermit’s Kermit.

The song I randomly break into on set:
First of all, I’m not a karaoke guy. Karaoke scares the s— out of me. But I will — at home, by myself, at work — go into Big Sean all the time and just rap.

My favorite moment filming Kid Fitness Jungle Adventure Exercise Video:
Oh my God, I haven’t thought about that in years. I had just started doing community theater in Virginia, and that was becoming my world, and I had recently got an agent in New York City … I don’t even know why we went to that audition or how that was on my radar. That was the first paying gig I did in New York. I felt like I was on Barney, although I was like … a little bit too old to be doing it? All the other kids were younger than me but I loved it because I was working, but I was embarrassed at the same time … I don’t remember much of that!

My jungle spirit would be:
A monkey, for sure. I’m a long, lanky person and I feel like a monkey for the most part. I can just relate the most to monkeys, I think.

http://www.ew.com/article/2015/10/06/th ... ality-quiz
- Adam Copeland dice que The Flash mejor se cuida de su Atom Smasher (zap2it):
Adam Copeland dice que The Flash mejor se cuida de su Atom Smasher
Por Larry Carroll 06 Oct, 2015 del 02:10 PM

Now is a great time to be someone like Adam Copeland. As superhero culture has taken over Hollywood, the industry has developed an unquenchable thirst for massive, muscular, larger-than-life actors. As Dwayne Johnson has ascended to the top of the food chain, directors and producers have realized that years in a wrestling ring can be just as effective a training ground as time spent in an acting school.

Now, the retired wrestler and former WWE champion is joining “The Flash” as Atom Smasher. And while speaking with Zap2it, he says that it’s good to be the right guy at the right time.

“The audience wants to see big guys, and that means Hollywood is saying ‘Okay, let’s take a look over here’,” he says of a wrestling renaissance that recently had John Cena in “Trainwreck” and has come a long way from “No Holds Barred,” “Hell Comes to Frogtown” and other sub-par acting opportunities.

“When you get on set, that’s when people notice,” he continues. “Every single person I’ve spoken with who has dealt with a former wrestler has raved over the idea that we’re so immediately credible. Because on WWE, you’re flying without a net. You have to ad-lib, you have to be ready for anything; it’s like theater in the round, being caught by 8 different camera angles at the same time.”

“You’re trying to tell a story without anyone seeing that you’re telling a story,” adds Copeland, who wrestled under the name “Edge” during his lengthy career. “So, when you put one of us in front of a camera and tell us we have multiple takes? That’s just great.”

“And then, they tell you between takes what to tweak and change, and you get to try it again?” he laughs. “That’s a luxury!”

“Being on live TV for ten years is great training,” Copeland adds. “I tell everybody, it’s all on the same entertainment tree, just different branches.”

Now, Copeland is branching out yet again in “The Man Who Saved Central City,” the Season 2 premiere episode of the beloved WB show about the world’s fastest man. “I play Al Rothstein, he can inhale nuclear energy,” he says of Atom Smasher. “And he can grow. He can grow up to 20 feet.”

“If I had Atom Smasher’s powers for a day, I would change all the lightbulbs on the third floor of my house,” Copeland says. “And, I live on a mountain, where there are a lot of dead trees that need to come down — I’d just rip them in half.”

Although Edge’s wrestling costume was pretty simple, he says he can appreciate how a suit can put you in character. And he felt that the first time he put on Atom Smasher’s sleeveless ensemble and metal helmet. “Once I put it on the first time, I felt like I was in a different world,” he laughs. “You look at yourself in the mirror and just go ‘woah’.”

“It’s a lot of fun doing these kinds of roles,” Copeland adds. “You feel like a little kid, dressing up for Halloween.”

http://zap2it.com/2015/10/the-flash-sea ... eland-wwe/
- Candice Patton habla de Iris uniéndose al equipo y los secretos de la familia West (variety):
Candice Patton habla de Iris uniéndose al equipo y los secretos de la familia West
Por Laura Prudom 06 Octubre 2015

“The Flash” ended its freshman season with a singularity threatening to destroy Central City, and when the top-rated CW show returns for Season 2, the effects of that finale will have far-reaching consequences for Barry Allen (Grant Gustin) and his team.

Iris West (Candice Patton) and her father Joe (Jesse L. Martin) must move on from the loss of Eddie Thawne (Rick Cosnett), after the cop sacrificed himself to erase his villainous descendant, Eobard Thawne (alternately played by Tom Cavanagh and Matt Letscher) from existence, and when Season 2 picks up — six months after the events of the season finale — Patton tells Variety that Iris has “had some time to deal with the repercussions of losing her fiancé.” While she notes that six months obviously isn’t long enough to get over losing a loved one, Patton says Iris’ priority when “The Flash” returns is attempting to “pick her life back up and move forward.”

In typical “Flash” fashion, things won’t stay quiet for long, thanks to the much-anticipated arrival of Jay Garrick (Teddy Sears), an alternate version of The Flash from a parallel universe known as Earth-2, along with a new villain, Zoom (voiced by Tony Todd), and the introduction of Barry’s eventual sidekick and Flash successor Wally West (Keiynan Lonsdale), who is Iris’ nephew in DC Comics canon but whose connection to the West family has yet to be confirmed on the show. Iris’ mother, Francine (played by Vanessa Williams) will also make her debut in an as-yet unspecified episode, so there’s plenty going on in Central City this year. Variety talked to Patton about what’s coming up for Iris in Season 2 and what we can expect from the West family.

How does it feel to finally be an official part of Team Flash after a season spent in the dark about Barry’s secret?

It’s a huge relief. As an actor, I was waiting on pins and needles to have a little bit more fun and join the team and be part of all the action and excitement that’s going on in Central City… It’s nice seeing banter between Iris and Cisco (Carlos Valdes), and Iris and Caitlin (Danielle Panabaker), and Iris and Dr. Stein (Victor Garber); there’s a lot more characters for her to interact with. She has a reason now to be in STAR Labs and not just wander in. I don’t have to explain to fans “how did she get in there?” [Laughs.]

At Comic-Con, Grant previewed that we’d start off Season 2 with Barry operating as more of a lone wolf, trying to distance himself from the rest of the team – how integral is Iris in helping him get through that?

We find Barry distraught after what happened with the singularity – lives have been lost and he’s really struggling to figure out if this is what he wants to do, and what’s really great is you see the dynamic between Barry and Iris — she kind of steps in and tells Barry, “you can’t give up; this is what you were meant to do.” It’s nice because you really see the power that Iris has with Barry in being able to motivate him and inspire him to keep going. It’s that friendship that we saw at the beginning of season one that I think we’ll see for seasons to come — they just have the ability to really ground each other, and that’s why I think Iris is so important to Team Flash in that way too. She’s one of the few people who can really speak to Barry’s heart.

Speaking of heart, we’re going to be delving deeper into the West family this season…

It’s always great to work with Jesse; he’s such a seasoned actor and we have a lot of really emotional family scenes digging up stuff from our past. People know by now that Mama West is going to be making an appearance and we have to deal with how Iris finds out about her mother. There’s a lot of family strain in the West house. It’s a lot of new information and a lot for Iris to process, but it makes for really good TV. I think people will be happy to see more of the West family coming to fruition this season… I know nothing about the Wally West storyline, I haven’t even seen him on set yet, so I think we’re just about to get into that. Everything around Wally is very hush-hush, so I think that’s the storyline that I’m most excited about this season.

How does Francine’s return affect the dynamic between Iris and Joe?

After having one secret that’s been held for so long with Barry being The Flash, Iris and Joe have moved beyond that, and any other hurdles that come up in season two, you find that – no matter what [the hurdles] are — they move through it very quickly. I think Iris has realized that everything her father does is out of love and protection, and while that’s very irritating, I think she has begun to understand why … It makes for a really interesting dynamic. There’s a lot more respect and understanding and confidence between Joe and Iris, and he’s giving her a little more freedom this season to be courageous and be this strong woman we know her to be.

The show is introducing the concept of alternate universes this season — do you think that revelation will pique Iris’ journalistic curiosity?

Oh I’m sure. To be honest, we haven’t really gone down that path of how she deals with these new revelations in her journalism career – I’m really hoping we get to that because it would be a really interesting dynamic of the moral issues of how you have integrity with your job as a journalist but also protect Barry and all of the citizens of Central City with all this crazy new information.

Season 2 is also introducing Patty Spivot (Shantel VanSanten) as a new partner for Joe and a potential romantic interest for Barry, which will probably put her in Iris’ orbit. What can you preview about their relationship?

So far, Patty and Iris haven’t shot many scenes together, but Iris becomes aware of Patty and I think you’ll find that she’s very supportive of that relationship. Iris has a lot going on in her life – she’s just lost the love of her life, she has all of this new information about metahumans and Barry being The Flash and then her career and her family and her mother, so she’s got a lot on her plate, and I think relationships for her are not at the forefront. She is very happy to see Barry happy, and she encourages him to stick with it in terms of that relationship.

Linda Park (Malese Jow), Iris’ coworker at Central City Picture news, is back this season – what’s coming up for her?

It’s really nice to have Malese back and it’s great for Iris because she has a friend and ally in Picture News. I think it’s really great to see female friendships on TV and on our show. I always call it Boys Club around set — there’s too many boys, I’m sick of fart jokes on set! [Laughs.] It’s really nice having Malese around, and Linda’s back for a bit so I think people will be really excited about her return.

http://variety.com/2015/tv/news/the-fla ... 201611874/
- Jefe de 'The Flash' sobre la muerte de la premiere de la S2 y la sorpresa final de Harrison Wells (THR):
Jefe de 'The Flash' sobre la muerte de la premiere de la S2 y la sorpresa final de Harrison Wells
Por Sydney Bucksbaum 06 Octubre, 2015 6:00pm PT

Everyone may be praising Barry Allen's (Grant Gustin) scarlet speedster as "The Man Who Saved Central City" on The Flash, but the true hero of the hour was Ronnie Raymond (Robbie Amell).

After saving the city from the singularity threatening to destroy everything in the season one finale, one half of the FIRESTORM duo sacrificed himself to ensure everyone else's survival, and only the STAR Labs team knows the truth.

The Flash executive producer Andrew Kreisberg spoke with The Hollywood Reporter about where this leaves the remaining half of the FIRESTORM duo, Dr. Martin Stein (Victor Garber), as well as Ronnie's wife Caitlin Snow (Danielle Panabaker). Plus, check out what else the showrunner had to say about season two below.

Everyone believes that Ronnie died saving the city, but did he really die in the singularity?

Yes, but as we've seen the entire time that The Flash has been on the air, just because you're dead doesn't mean you're gone. (Laughs.) Especially with time travel and introducing a world of doppelgangers as you'll start to see next week, so I wouldn't be surprised if Robbie Amell was on the show again one day.

Why did you decide to kill of Ronnie?

Robbie is amazing and is a friend of ours, and will hopefully continue to be a part of the show in some capacity, but given his amazing talent, he obviously has a lot of other projects on the horizon and we wanted to support him in that. But it also made sense to us story-wise, since we are going to be introducing a new FIRESTORM and give that character, along with Dr. Stein, something new to play as the FIRESTORM character moves into [spinoff] Legends [of Tomorrow].

What does this mean for Dr. Stein in the immediate future?

In the immediate future, he got a little bit of a taste of being the hero, in his brief time with Ronnie. Now that Ronnie is gone, he finds himself joining the STAR Labs team as the professor emeritus of sorts. Like all the best heroes, once they get a taste for it, whether they still have their powers or not, they still want to help. With Harrison Wells gone, he steps in as that paternal figure, that voice of reason, incredibly expert scientific explainer of complicated concepts role. (Laughs.) He's definitely part of the team and you're going to see that his connection to FIRESTORM is not over yet, though he might think it is.

How is this going to affect Caitlin moving forward, losing Ronnie for the second time?

What is interesting is in the premiere, everyone thinks that the other person is blaming them for what happened, and the truth is, she blames herself. Last year, she had the chance to leave with Ronnie and she didn't take it. She's more upset at herself. But Caitlin is not as broken as she was last time she lost Ronnie. She's gone through it once before and she's grown up and gotten stronger from it. She's going to find herself possibly opening herself up to the prospect of a new relationship.

Another shocking moment in the premiere is how Harrison Wells actually gave Barry what he wanted in the end, by revealing in his will that he killed Barry's mom, freeing Barry's dad from prison. What inspired him to do that?

The best part of Harrison Wells is he is always right. And even though he's been erased from existence, he still gets the last laugh. He gives Barry the very thing Barry has always wanted, but he tells Barry, "You're still not going to be happy." In a way, the only thing Barry couldn't fix last season was his dad still being in prison, and now he gets what he wants, but Wells put this idea in his head that he'll always be running, he'll always be chasing something he'll never catch. That's the earworm that is lingering in Barry's mind over the course of this season. Whether or not that proves to be true will be fun to watch.

It was heartbreaking when Barry's dad told him he was leaving town so soon after they finally reunited. Is the show going to lose those touching father-son moments now that he's gone?

You'll still get all those emotional, heartfelt scenes with Barry and his dad, it just won't be with them on the phone with a plate of glass between them. Henry will continue to be part of the show in the same capacity. But we did need to pay off the Harrison Wells of it all.

Jay Garrick (Teddy Sears) makes his big entrance into STAR Labs at the end of the hour. What does his arrival mean for Barry?

Last year, Barry was on the search for fathers, with his own dad, Joe and Harrison Wells. Jay represents more of an older brother. He's like the older brother who went to college and is coming back. He's been The Flash for a while and he certainly has more empirical knowledge about how to be The Flash than Barry does, and he's able to teach Barry new tricks that didn't even occur to Barry. But at the same time, Barry has friends and a family and a secret identity, and those are all the things that Jay never had as The Flash. He didn't wear a mask or work with a team. Just as Jay gives Barry the tools he needs to continue to grow into being the best Flash he can be, Barry is going to give back to Jay a connection to his humanity and to people that he's lost in his exploits.

By the end of the premiere, Team Flash was back together in STAR Labs. But after everything that has happened in season one, how is the team going to be different moving forward?

In general, the show has gotten more mature and the characters have grown up a bit. You'll see more adult conversations and adult choices for all the characters. And now that Iris is a full-fledged member of the team, she'll bring street smarts and common sense to the group of scientists that will really bring them down to earth this season.

http://www.hollywoodreporter.com/live-f ... ce=twitter
- Jefe de ‘The Flash’ sobre la última muerte y el sorprendente final de la S2 (Variety):
Jefe de ‘The Flash’ sobre la última muerte y el sorprendente final de la S2
Por Laura Prudom 06 Oct, 2015

“The Flash” returned for its second season with a literal bang (or five), revealing that Ronnie Raymond (Robbie Amell) and Martin Stein’s (Victor Garber) Firestorm were responsible for closing the wormhole that threatened to destroy Central City in last season’s finale, seemingly killing Ronnie in the process. Six months later, we found Barry Allen’s (Grant Gustin) titular hero attempting to work solo to protect the rest of his friends, but a powerful metahuman known as Atom-Smasher (Adam Copeland) soon reminded the Scarlet Speedster that there’s safety in numbers. Just as well, since the dust had barely settled before a mysterious newcomer called Jay Garrick (Teddy Sears) appeared in STAR Labs with a dire warning for Team Flash.

Another surprise in the hour came courtesy of Harrison Wells (Tom Cavanagh), who managed to both help and taunt Barry from beyond the grave, providing the confession that would help exonerate Barry’s father, Henry (John Wesley Shipp) for the murder of his mother and managing to squeeze in some gloating in the process.

Variety spoke to “Flash” executive producer Andrew Kreisberg about the premiere’s big reveals and what’s ahead for Team Flash this season.

We saw Barry trying to work alone to avoid endangering the team in the premiere, but has he moved past that impulse now, knowing that they’re so much stronger when they work together?

I don’t think, moving forward, it’s so much about Barry going it alone – obviously, he knows how important his friends are to him and how important his friends are to his work and to the show. I think Barry Allen, and the show itself, have grown up a little from season one — and I don’t mean that as a slight on season one, it’s probably the year of television I’m most proud of having done. Whereas [before] Barry would’ve pushed people away or made a slightly more immature decision when faced with the problems he’s gonna be faced with in season two, he’s tending to be more mature about his decisions and his reactions.

I think that for Barry, what’s really going on for him emotionally is what Wells said to him on that videotape: “you’re never gonna be happy.” I think that’s really the thing that’s eating at Barry all year long — it’s this belief that maybe he made a mistake, and maybe he should’ve saved his mother. That’s the thing that’s weighing on him as he faces all the challenges he’s facing this year: “if I had made a different decision, would everything be different now for everybody?” And it’s a little bit more heady, but it’s interesting, because it’s somebody who had the chance to heal their core wound and didn’t take it, and in some ways, at the time, everyone was so proud of him for making the heroic choice, but as the season goes on, it starts to wear on him … he begins to question whether or not he did the more heroic thing by not doing it.

When did you decide to have Wells help exonerate Henry after last season’s cat and mouse game?

It was sort of based on last year, trying to get Wells’ confession. It was one of the earliest ideas we had for the premiere as we were thinking about things: what could we do that was different and giving Barry a different start to the year … and not feel like “oh god, every time we go to the prison it’s gonna be depressing.” But the thing I love about the Wells character is that you literally never know what he’s going to do. He basically tells Barry, “even though I’m dead, you’re never gonna win, and to prove it I’m gonna give you the thing that you want, and guess what, you’re still not gonna be happy.” We just love the idea that even though he’s been erased from existence, he’s still Barry’s nemesis, and in giving him the gift that Barry has long desired, it still doesn’t quite feel like victory. That’s the thing that’s going to be haunting Barry.

What went into the decision to have Henry leave (at least temporarily) to let Barry fulfill his heroic potential?

It was part of the maturing of the show; Barry’s a grown-up now and he would’ve been infantilized if he was constantly having to be there for his dad.

Martin Stein (Victor Garber) has seemingly assumed the Harrison Wells role in STAR Labs, and he seems like a natural addition to the team, but we know he’s also signed on for “Legends of Tomorrow” at midseason, so what can you preview about his “Flash” arc?

He’s been dealing with the loss of his superhero self, and Professor Stein was really the perfect person to step into this world — he was one of those weirdo kooks who believed in time-travel and aliens and metahumans, so that he got to be part of it just made sense. Victor himself is such an amazing actor and he has this unbelievable ability to make the implausible sound plausible and the ability to ground the most crazy things that are going on around them and make them relatable to the audience. And that was one of the things that Tom’s character served last year. So in the early going, Victor is going to represent a little bit older, a little bit wiser, a little bit more cautious voice amongst the team. Obviously, his connection to Firestorm is not over and is going to continue in a fairly “Legendary” way, if I can make a horrible pun, but as long as we could have him on “The Flash,” we were so happy to do so, because he so feels of the “Flash” word.

Ronnie sacrificed himself to close the singularity, but since we’re dealing with Earth-2 and the idea of multiple universes, is there a chance we could see a version of him — or some of our other departed characters — again this year?

Yeah, that’s part of the fun of Earth-2 and introducing the concept of Doppelgangers and that’s part of what we’ll be exploring this season. We were really conscious of not wanting to repeat ourselves and last year was obviously all about time-travel. I think that whether people realized it or not, the whole series was about time-travel from the beginning… Looking back, you realize that there was a lot more time-travel in the pilot than you might’ve realized at first, and we wanted to do something different in season two, especially with “Legends” co-opting the time-travel concept. So obviously, the multiverse is a huge part of the DC Comics universe and it felt right to tackle it. And as we always do with “Arrow” and “Flash,” we laid the seeds of season two towards the end of season one, so creating the singularity and the breach and seeing Jay Garrick’s helmet were all portents of what was to come, and we’ve been having a lot of fun with it.

Getting to see who’s over there and who’s not, and getting to see some of our actors getting to portray different versions of their characters, that’s really the fun of when you look at the great sci-fi shows like “Star Trek” and “Doctor Who,” when they go into the mirror world. Not everybody will have a sharp Van Dyke to signify that they’re evil. [Laughs.] But that has been part of the fun of the show. Unfortunately our imaginations are far grander than the pile of money we have, because we would be going the whole hog on some of these things, but so far it’s been really great, we’ve had a lot of fun exploiting the idea. And the other great thing is that while we’re solely focusing on Earth-2 for the time being, there’s an Earth-3 and Earth-4 and Earth-5 and so on, and there’s definitely room to explore all of that, certainly over the life of the series.

We finally met Jay Garrick in the premiere; what does he add to the show, from your perspective, especially in regards to Barry’s journey?

It’s funny, Teddy looks more like what you’d think a comic book superhero would look like, but I think what’s so interesting about this is that last year Barry had mentors and fathers and [we explored] the search for fathers, and this year, Barry’s relationship with Jay is a little bit more like an older brother. Jay has already been to war, Jay’s been The Flash a little bit longer than Barry and he’s a little bit more hardened by experience and a little bit more solitary. But he knows things about being The Flash that Barry doesn’t know yet because he doesn’t have the wealth of experience, and Jay is able to teach Barry some new Flash tricks that didn’t even occur to him.

But by the same token, Jay has lost something and he’s a Flash without a secret identity; he’s a Flash who worked on his own; he’s a Flash who didn’t have a team at STAR Labs; and that’s something that Barry’s able to give back to Jay, that sense of community and a sense of what it is you’re fighting for and home and friends. Watching the two of them come together is some of the most heartwarming stuff. And there’s probably a romance on the [horizon]…

http://variety.com/2015/tv/news/the-fla ... 201612038/
- Jefe de The Flash sobre el descorazonador giro de la premiere (EW):
Jefe de The Flash sobre el descorazonador giro de la premiere
Por Natalie Abrams 06 Oct, 2015

Though he seemed like the obvious answer, Barry Allen (Grant Gustin) was not “The Man Who Saved Central City” in The Flash premiere.

After accidentally opening a singularity that threatened to not only swallow Central City, but the entire world, Barry needed help in disrupting the motion of the black hole. Firestorm flew into the eye of the storm before separating into its two entities — Barry was able to save Professor Stein (Victor Garber), but Ronnie Raymond (Robbie Amell) was lost in the aftermath, effectively giving his life to save Central City. But did Ronnie really die? EW turned to executive producer Andrew Kreisberg to find out:

ENTERTAINMENT WEEKLY: Is Ronnie Raymond actually dead? And what came with the decision to write him out?
ANDREW KREISBERG: Well, you’re never really dead when you’re on The Flash, a TV show where there are universes and time travel. He was, in fact, killed in that moment, but that doesn’t mean that we’ve seen the last of Robbie Amell on this show. Certainly, Greg [Berlanti], Robbie and I all hope to work together on The Flash again. Part of the decision was Robbie’s burgeoning film career. He’s on his way to being a very big star, which he completely deserves both professionally and personally. We didn’t want to stand in the way of that. As always, sometimes those tough decisions yield the best storytelling because obviously Ronnie’s death has a major impact on all the characters, Barry, Caitlin (Danielle Panabaker), Professor Stein. It also gave us a lot of our storytelling as we move forward. Everyone knows there’s a second spin-off coming with Legends of Tomorrow. They know the Firestorm legacy is far from over, so it just gave us a lot of rich storytelling to pursue.

With Ronnie dead, what does this mean for Professor Stein?
For Stein in the short-term, it means he’s a superhero without powers. But like the best heroes, you can’t keep a good scientist down. For his character, he had a taste of being a hero and found himself a little bit lost after the events of the finale and found his way again to the team full-time.

Will the belief that there could be another Ronnie on a different Earth push Caitlin toward becoming Killer Frost?
Everything that happens on this show is going to slowly push her there. How and when it happens is obviously something we’d like to keep on the down low. For those people who are hoping to one day see Caitlin do that, I can’t promise it’ll be as soon as you want, but it’s definitely in the future — or one possible future, he said devilishly. [Laughs]

Barry got a new suit in the premiere, but we still haven’t actually seen Barry with the white emblem on his suit face off against Reverse Flash in the past. Is that something you’ll explore this season?
Again, we don’t want to give away too many of our secrets, but yeah, obviously we used the white symbol last year to represent that’s where Barry’s story is in the future. That’s why we have Cisco (Carlos Valdes) sort of chicken-and-the-egg it: “Did we build that white symbol because we saw it?” It’s definitely meant that Barry is taking a step forward. We almost called the episode “Forward,” based on the Hebrew word Kadima, as part of the speech that Professor Stein gave at the end of the episode. It feels like not just the characters, but the show itself is taking a step forward and becoming more mature and advanced emotionally.

Can Team Flash still turn to Wells’ (Tom Cavanagh) A.I. Gideon for answers?
Gideon is no longer there.

Jay (Teddy Sears) appears in the closing moments of the episode. How does Barry feel about his arrival?
He’s very wary. The last time somebody said, “I came from another place and I’m here to help you,” it turned out to be the guy who tried to kill them all. Barry is dealing with a little bit of that. What’s interesting about their dynamic is last season Barry really saw Wells as another father figure. This year, Barry has grown up a little bit. He doesn’t need that as much. We’re looking at Jay as more of a bigger brother who went to college and has come back. He’s experienced what it’s like to be The Flash, and he’s able to teach Barry a whole bunch of new Flash tricks and new uses for powers that Barry and his team hadn’t even considered, some of which Wells probably never bothered to show him because he didn’t want him to get too strong. That’s exciting watching Barry as he learns to master some of these new talents.

Barry’s father is out of jail, but he left Central City. What role will he play this year?
You’ll see him just as much as you saw him last year. He’s already in a bunch of episodes coming up. We were really conscious of not wanting to repeat ourselves. Freeing Henry (John Wesley Shipp) gave us part of the Harrison Wells story for the beginning of the year, which is that even though he’s been erased from existence and couldn’t be more dead, he still got the last laugh. And it wasn’t by defeating Barry, it was by giving Barry what he wants and still telling him, “Guess what? You’re still not going to be happy. You’re still going to be running and chasing an enemy that you can’t beat.” Part of Barry’s journey this season is wrestling with the fact that he has gotten what he wanted, and he’s going to meet a girl, be happy and his dad is out of prison, but there’s still this ache inside of him and this echo that maybe he made the wrong choice in not saving his mother.

http://www.ew.com/article/2015/10/06/fl ... 9697b1b227
- Andrew Kreisberg habla sobre el giro de la premiere de la Season 2 (accesshollywood):
Andrew Kreisberg habla sobre el giro de la premiere de la Season 2
Por Jolie Lash 07 Octubre, 2015 12:01 AM EDT

"The Flash" came back strong in its Season 2 premiere on Tuesday night, which featured a number of big twists.

(Spoiler Alert: This story contains major plot details from the premiere episode, "The Man Who Saved Central City." Watch the episode before reading this story!)

Team Flash hasn't just lost Eddie Thawne. As The Flash (Grant Gustin) ran as fast as possible to contain the singularity that opened up in the skies above Central City (an event that began in the Season 1 finale), Ronnie Raymond (Robbie Amell) and Professor Stein (Victor Garber) combined into Firestorm during the Season 2 premiere. As Firestorm, they flew straight into the eye of the storm, where they separated and closed the fissure. But only the professor returned home.

"The Flash" Executive Producer Andrew Kreisberg spoke with Access Hollywood about Robbie Amell and the season premiere twist involving the actor's character, Ronnie.

"The fact that we got Robbie as long as we did, considering that he's on the verge of being a major movie star, you know, we're so grateful and thankful for his talents and his friendship and his commitment to the show over the course of last year," Kreisberg told Access. "But we obviously didn't want to stand in the way of any of that, and as always, we always try to take a negative and turn it into a positive. So Ronnie dying in the premiere and all of the ways in which that affects so many different characters -- with Barry, and with Caitlin, and with Professor Stein, and with the launch of 'Legends [of Tomorrow]' -- it just became a lot of great story fodder for us moving forward. You can't keep a good Firestorm down and I think that, you know, it's certainly our intention, and I know Robbie's too, to continue on on the show in some capacity down the road."

Although the EP used the word "dying" when talking about Ronnie's "The Flash" Season 2 premiere scene, he also seemed to hint that this may not be the last we'll see of Robbie and his character on The CW's DC Entertainment shows.

"Here's the thing, we're talking about a show with parallel universes and time travel, so, you know, I don't think anyone on these shows, across the two shows -- if you throw in the Lazarus Pit and some John Constantine black magic -- no one's ever really gone," the producer said, making a reference to "Arrow." "If we want them to come back, there's a way for them to come back."

But, there are no immediate plans to see Ronnie.

"Not in the short term, but certainly in the long term," Kreisberg added.

http://www.accesshollywood.com/the-flas ... cle_113383
- Teddy Sears habla sobre el llevar un cambio de ritmo a "The Flash" como Jay Garrick (CBR):
Teddy Sears habla sobre el llevar un cambio de ritmo a "The Flash" como Jay Garrick
Por Scott Huver 07 Oct, 2015

Even without any Speed Force-induced lightning crackle, Jay Garrick knows how to make an entrance.

The premiere of "The Flash's" second season on The CW wasted no time in teasing the promised and highly anticipated introduction of the show's take on the parallel world concept, a longtime DC Comics tradition first pioneered in a 1961 issue of the Scarlet Speedster's comic that first united Barry Allen and Jay Garrick, the Flashes of Silver Age and Golden Age, respectively.

And that multiversal tease featured the live-action TV debut of Garrick, in the form of actor Teddy Sears ("Blue Bloods," "Masters of Sex"). Sears recently sat down with the press to reveal his own experience stepping into the role of the older and more seasoned "Crimson Comet."

How was your first experience on a live-action superhero show?

Teddy Sears: It's thrilling, but I didn't anticipate how thrilling it was going to be when I said yes. Besides the sort of obvious stuff, that suddenly I'm eight years-old, running around in the backyard playing superheroes with my friends -- that's sort of a given that that would happen. But what I didn't anticipate was sort of how important it felt when I was doing it.

It's weird and hokey and maybe very actor-y, but there was something very important that began happening, especially and most specifically, putting on that helmet... I remember shooting it [for the first time]. There was a real awe and reverence for seeing this thing, and that was absolutely not acted at all. There really was such substance in that sort of moment, so I just keep coming back to this feeling of, wow, it just feels really important. And I can't sum it up any better than that, I guess.

Your costume has a retro quality that really plays well on screen while still looking modern and cool. Tell me the experience of making it work.

That was really fun. I wasn't sure what they were going to do, because when you look at the 1940s [comics] when he was introduced, I feel like you see -- was it an old football jersey that he puts on? Very red and very yellow going up. I wasn't sure how they were going to handle it.

So they have successfully modernized it with this really sort of cool, almost motorcycle jacket sort of aesthetic. The jacket's wonderful. Listen, it's all good. The pants, the boots, but it's really the helmet. The helmet sort of caps the whole thing off. And I love what they did to the helmet too. If you look at the helmet, and we'll certainly have enough opportunities to, it's been around. It's beaten up. It's got the dings. It's got a wonderful patina to it. It's seen its share of battles.

So the detail that the team put into those little things, to make it, I guess to have it arrive with a story and a history and a past, that's really what made it work for me. And as far as me making it work, they just took my measurements, man! And it just fit.

You've played a lot of lawyers, doctors and professional types. How has this transition into action hero gone for you?

I mean, it's very exciting, just in that it's a character that is no longer in the courtroom or wearing a lab coat or something. It's been a nice sort of progression. But yeah, this guy has a uniform like a handful of other characters I've played. And how does it feel? I don't know. It feels wonderful. It feels like such a tremendous honor to try to attempt to fill this guy out and give him a real third dimension. And that aspect of a third dimension, I think is maybe a little bit different than playing the foil in a three-piece suit on a law show or something. Someone who can tend to be two dimensional.

I think that the goal is to make this guy a 100% human being who has a past, who has a history and conflicting feelings and all sort of the things that make humans so wonderful to watch and so complex to watch. But yeah, that's an interesting point: it is another sort of getup off a different nature, but this one means a whole lot more this time, to me.

http://www.comicbookresources.com/artic ... ay-garrick

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¡¡¡¡AY, OMÁ QUÉ CALORES!!!! ¡Gracias por tu regalo, Nitta!

Mensajes: 32871
Registrado: Dom May 21, 2006 12:15 am

Re: "Nuevo proyecto para la CW sobre 'THE FLASH'"

Mensaje por Shelby »

- Nuevos videos bts de Rahul Kohli con Grant Gustin, Candice Patton y Stephen Amell promocionando la premiere (05-06 Oct, 2015):

https://twitter.com/RahulKohli13/status ... 5971470340

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¡¡¡¡AY, OMÁ QUÉ CALORES!!!! ¡Gracias por tu regalo, Nitta!

Mensajes: 32871
Registrado: Dom May 21, 2006 12:15 am

Re: "Nuevo proyecto para la CW sobre 'THE FLASH'"

Mensaje por Shelby »

- Nuevas imágenes bts en el set de la S2 (05-10 Oct 2015):

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(@chinoiskai: What's better than @EmilyBett w duck face gettin' ready for #TheFlash Correct answer is NOTHING. #Arrow #Flarrow
@grantgust: Singularities aren't easy to close. And at what cost #guesswhosbaaaaack #TheFlashSeason2
@KeynanLonsdale: It's Flash day Season 2 begins TONIGHT 8-7c @CW_TheFlash
@Tha_Los: Loved working w/ the legend @EdgeRatedR. Great guy. And 'cause you asked so nicely, here's your (my) moment of Zen)

Imagen Imagen
¡¡¡¡AY, OMÁ QUÉ CALORES!!!! ¡Gracias por tu regalo, Nitta!

Mensajes: 32871
Registrado: Dom May 21, 2006 12:15 am

Re: "Nuevo proyecto para la CW sobre 'THE FLASH'"

Mensaje por Shelby »

- THE FLASH | "Tonight" Trailer | The CW:

https://amp.twimg.com/v/331eaff9-3f6a-4 ... 53911bf222

- THE FLASH | Inside 2.01 "The Man Who Saved Central City" | The CW :


Imagen Imagen
¡¡¡¡AY, OMÁ QUÉ CALORES!!!! ¡Gracias por tu regalo, Nitta!

Mensajes: 32871
Registrado: Dom May 21, 2006 12:15 am

Re: "Nuevo proyecto para la CW sobre 'THE FLASH'"

Mensaje por Shelby »

- ¡Nuevo póster promocional de la S2!:


Imagen Imagen
¡¡¡¡AY, OMÁ QUÉ CALORES!!!! ¡Gracias por tu regalo, Nitta!

Mensajes: 32871
Registrado: Dom May 21, 2006 12:15 am

Re: "Nuevo proyecto para la CW sobre 'THE FLASH'"

Mensaje por Shelby »

Imagen Imagen
¡¡¡¡AY, OMÁ QUÉ CALORES!!!! ¡Gracias por tu regalo, Nitta!

Mensajes: 32871
Registrado: Dom May 21, 2006 12:15 am

Re: "Nuevo proyecto para la CW sobre 'THE FLASH'"

Mensaje por Shelby »

- THE FLASH | 2.02 "Flash of two Worlds" promo | The CW:


- THE FLASH | 2.02 "Flash of two Worlds" extended promo | The CW:


Imagen Imagen
¡¡¡¡AY, OMÁ QUÉ CALORES!!!! ¡Gracias por tu regalo, Nitta!

Mensajes: 32871
Registrado: Dom May 21, 2006 12:15 am

Re: "Nuevo proyecto para la CW sobre 'THE FLASH'"

Mensaje por Shelby »

- Candice Patton promociona la premiere de la S4 y reta a un "Guitar Hero" a un miembro del 'Team Arrow?(07-10-15):

https://amp.twimg.com/v/d5c5ce2e-45af-4 ... e7f3b7029d

Imagen Imagen
¡¡¡¡AY, OMÁ QUÉ CALORES!!!! ¡Gracias por tu regalo, Nitta!

Mensajes: 32871
Registrado: Dom May 21, 2006 12:15 am

Re: "Nuevo proyecto para la CW sobre 'THE FLASH'"

Mensaje por Shelby »

- THE FLASH | 2.02 "Flash of two Worlds" Canadian promo:


Añadidos los rátings finales del 2.01 "The man who saved Central City". Podéis encontrarlos AQUÍ

Imagen Imagen
¡¡¡¡AY, OMÁ QUÉ CALORES!!!! ¡Gracias por tu regalo, Nitta!

Mensajes: 32871
Registrado: Dom May 21, 2006 12:15 am

Re: "Nuevo proyecto para la CW sobre 'THE FLASH'"

Mensaje por Shelby »

- Descripción oficial del 2.04 “The Fury of Firestorm”:
2.04 “The Fury of Firestorm” (27/10/15): INTRODUCIENDO A FIRESTORM — Barry (Grant Gustin) y el equipo buscan a otro Firestorm que encaje con el Dr. Stein (Victor Garber). Cuando el equipo conoce a Jefferson “Jax” Jackson (la estrella invitada Franz Drameh), Caitlin (Danielle Panabaker) tiene sus reservas sobre si Jax es la pareja adecuada para el Dr. Stein. Iris (Candice Patton) sorprende a Joe (Jesse L. Martin) mientras que Barry y Patty (la estrella invitada Shantel VanSanten) se acercan más. Stefan Pleszczynski dirige el episodio escrito por Kai Yu Wu & Joe Peracchio (#204).

http://flashtvnews.com/flash-2-4-spoile ... torm/21658

Imagen Imagen
¡¡¡¡AY, OMÁ QUÉ CALORES!!!! ¡Gracias por tu regalo, Nitta!

Mensajes: 32871
Registrado: Dom May 21, 2006 12:15 am

Re: "Nuevo proyecto para la CW sobre 'THE FLASH'"

Mensaje por Shelby »

- THE FLASH | ARROW | "Team Arrow vs Team Flash: The Guitar Hero Challenge" Clip | 2015:

Imagen Imagen
¡¡¡¡AY, OMÁ QUÉ CALORES!!!! ¡Gracias por tu regalo, Nitta!
