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Re: "SUPERGIRL", nueva serie en la CBS/CW

Publicado: Lun Ene 09, 2017 1:51 am
por Shelby
- 'Music Meister' confirmado como el villano del crossover musical entre "The Flash" y "Supergirl":
Tras saberse la noticia de que tanto "The Flash" como "Supergirl" han sido renovadas para la temporada 2017-2018 durante la Television Critics Association winter press tour este domingo junto a otras dos series de la DCTV ("Arrow" y "Legends Of Tomorrow"), el productor ejecutivo Greg Berlanti ha confirmado que, como se especulaba, Barry y Kara se enfrentarán a 'Music Meister' en el crossover musical de dos partes que se dará entre las dos series en esta temporada. “Va a ser Music Meister. Estamos terminando de escribir el guión este fin de semana”, ha dicho.

Y aunque el actor Neil Patrick Harris dio voz al villano de DC en la serie animada "Batman: The Brave and the Bold" — y por lo tanto se ha estado especulando/esperando que asumirá el papel en su versión en acción — aún no se ha hecho el cásting del personaje “Aunque es la pregunta adecuada”, dice Berlanti. “Somos ciertamente grandes fans de él y a medida que el proceso de cásting proceda ya veremos lo que pasa.”

“Va a haber gente de ambas series cantando. El escuchar a Melissa [Benoist] y a Grant [Gustin] cantar. ... Escucho a Melissa cantar todo el tiempo, así es que que vosotros la escuchéis finalmente será genial. Por mucho que esperemos que estas series le hablen a la gente, ya sea socialmente o la historia de Alex y lo que significa para la gente, al final del día estamos intentando entretener a la gente... Ser capaces de hacer un episodio musical es muy emocionante para nosotros. En todo caso, es lo que siempre adoraría de lo que Joss Whedon haría [en Buffy] con “Hush” o “The Body.” Tendría esos episodios muy especiales, pero son intrínsecos a la historia que está pasando”, comenta el productor ejecutivo Andrew Kreisberg.

“Cuando lleguemos al episodio musical, tanto Barry como Kara se encuentran a sí mismos en una encrucijada importante en sus respectivas series. La experiencia de ir a través del crossover musical tendrá un gran impacto en ambas series a medida que siguen adelante” dice Kreisberg, apuntando que el crossover empezará en Supergirl y se resolverá en The Flash.

En cuanto a la música, aún no está claro si se tratará de canciones originales o de covers. “Aún estamos trabajando en eso ahora. Estamos aún escribiendo el guiñon e intentando idear exactamente lo que vamos a hacer,” dice Kreisberg.

El presidente de la CW Mark Pedowitz también ha comentado durante la conferencia de prensa que acababa de ver el guión para el crossover, añadiendo: “Estamos realmente emocionados con ello. Hay grandes talentos musicales en ambas series,” incluyendo a sus protagonistas Melissa Benoist y Grant Gustin, que aparecieron en la serie musical "Glee".

En los cómics, el personaje usa su voz cantando para crear un tono tan alto que hipnotiza a la gente. En su estado de hipnosis, las víctimas son obligadas a cantar y bailar.

Mientras tanto, en la segunda mitad de la temporada, la principal prioridad de Kara sigue siendo enfrentarse a Cadmus y desvelar el misterio de Mon-El: "Pienso que mucho del tirón de los próximos episodios es el misterio de Mon-El y lo que está escondiendo y quiénes son estas personas que lo persiguen. Eso coincide con el que los dos se están acercando más y el ver hacia dónde va la relación. También van a regresar un par de villanos: Livewire regresa, Parasite regresa y ella va a enfrentarse a Mr. Mytzlplk [que será interpretado por Peter Gadiot de "Once Upon a Time in Wonderland]".

Y en cuanto si podrían abordar en la serie la historia de "La muerte de Supermán", Kreisberg comenta:

“No es que me hayan dicho que no podemos hacer eso, sino que se siente que se está pisoteando el territorio […] No sé lo que espera al futuro de las películas de DC, sólo lo que está pasando, pero intentamos evitar cosas que ya están ahí afuera. Tenemos un elenco tan increíble en Supergirl que pueden manejarlo todo, pero los tonos más oscuros a veces funcionan mejor cuando tienes unos cuantos años en el cinturón, y te preocupas realmente por estas personas. Así es que cuando las cosas tomen un giro más oscuro se siente como que te lo has ganado un poco más, no es tan sólo sobre el torturar a tus personajes. Así es que pienso que el tono de Supergirl permanecerá constante durante esta temporada, y veremos lo que ocurre en el futuro.”

http://tvline.com/2017/01/08/supergirl- ... crossover/
http://ew.com/tv/2017/01/08/flash-super ... illain/?!2
http://www.ign.com/articles/2017/01/08/ ... er-villain
http://www.ign.com/articles/2017/01/08/ ... erse-shows
http://collider.com/supergirl-flash-mus ... ossover/?s

Re: "SUPERGIRL", nueva serie en la CBS/CW

Publicado: Lun Ene 09, 2017 2:44 am
por Shelby
- Greg Berlanti habla sobre la posibilidad de que 'Superman' pueda conseguir un Spinoff:
Superman fue muy bien recibido durante su inclusión en la S2 de "Supergirl", ¿Pero podría el Hombre de Acero conseguir su propio?

Durante la TCA (Television Critics Association) press tour que se celebró este domingo, se le hizo esta misma pregunta al productor de "Supergirl" Greg Berlanti, a lo que éste contestó:

“Fuimos realmente afortunados. Les pedimos [a la WB/DC] el tenerlo en los primeros dos episodios [de Supergirl] y fueron geniales al respecto. Nos encantaría tener a Tyler [Hoechlin] de vuelta. Es increíble. Estuvo genial en el papel.”

Berlanti añadió que no hubieron conversaciones con la CW sobre una serie ahora mismo, aunque comentó:

“Con le éxito, pienso que todas esas cosas podrían ser posibles. Siempre soy el tipo que dice ‘sí’ si parece haber un apetito por ello y la gente que está involucrada es realmente agradable”.

“No hay planes de hacer una serie. No hay planes en este momento para que él regrese [a ‘Supergirl’]. Si desean hacerle regresar, nos encantaría tenerlo”, dice el presidente de la CW Mark Pedowitz.

Y en cuanto a si depende de lo que pase en el Universo Cinemático de DC, contestó: "No puedo ni siquiera contestar a la pregunta aún, porque en este momento no hay planes para hacerlo y no han habido discusiones al respecto."

http://www.ign.com/articles/2017/01/08/ ... -a-spinoff
http://www.cbr.com/the-cw-has-no-plans- ... an-series/?

Re: "SUPERGIRL", nueva serie en la CBS/CW

Publicado: Mar Ene 10, 2017 8:59 pm
por Shelby
- Stills del 2.09 "Supergirl Lives":

Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen

Re: "SUPERGIRL", nueva serie en la CBS/CW

Publicado: Vie Ene 13, 2017 1:36 am
por Shelby
- SUPERGIRL | "Did you know..." S2 BTS Featurette:

Re: "SUPERGIRL", nueva serie en la CBS/CW

Publicado: Sab Ene 14, 2017 1:29 am
por Shelby
- Descripción oficial del 2.10 "We can be heroes":
2.10 "We can be heroes" (30/01/17): LIVEWIRE SE DESATA SOBRE CENTRAL CITY — Después de que Livewire (la estrella invitada Brit Morgan) parece que se ha fugado de prisión, Supergirl (Melissa Benoist) está intentando recapturarla. Después de entrenar a Mon-El (Chris Wood), Supergirl se lo lleva con ella cuando ve a Livewire atacar a la NCPD pero las cosas se ponen feas cuando Mon-El pone a Supergirl por delante de los ciudadanos de National City. Mientras tanto, James (Mehcad Brooks) decide sincerarse con Kara y M’Gann (la estrella invitada Sharon Leal) tiene un ataque psíquico y cae en coma. Rebecca Johnson dirige el episodio escrito por Caitlin Parrish & Katie Rose Rogers (#210).

http://www.kryptonsite.com/supergirl-sp ... scription/

Re: "SUPERGIRL", nueva serie en la CBS/CW

Publicado: Mié Ene 18, 2017 7:47 pm
por Shelby
- CW 2017 Midseason Sizzle Promo (HD):

Re: "SUPERGIRL", nueva serie en la CBS/CW

Publicado: Jue Ene 19, 2017 12:20 pm
por Shelby
- Kevin Smith regresará para dirigir un segundo episodio de la S2 de "Supergirl":
El próximo lunes, "Supergirl" regresa a la TV para continuar con las aventuras de la S2 con un episodio llamado “Supergirl Lives,” que fue dirigido por el escritor/director Kevin Smith. Sin embargo, parece que éste no será el único episodio que Smith dirigirá en esta temporada, ya éste le ha confirmado a Comicbook.com que regresará para llevar las riendas del episodio 2.17 y que regresará a Vancouver para empezar a trabajar en él a final de mes:
“El unes, se emite el episodio de Supergirl que dirigí, lo que es emocionante,” dice Smith. “Voy a Sundance mañána y estaré allí para IMDb durante toda la semana, regreso a casa el Martes, luego unos cuantos días después de eso, voy a Vancouver de nuevo para dirigir otro episodio de Supergirl.”

Smith dice que a mitad del episodio, los productores empezaron a tantear su calendario. Al final, le ofrecieron el episodio 17, el cual describe como "dulce", diciendo que fue agradable el que a los productores les gustara el trabajo que estaba haciendo lo suficiente como para traerlo de vuelta durante la temporada:
"Me enamoré de todo el mundo allí, así es que fue muy fácil decir 'sí,'" dice Smith. "Se necesita algo especial para sacarte de tu propia mierda cuando estás creativo. Cuando tienes la habilidad de hacer las historias que quieres hacer, es divertido el ver las historias de los demás, es tan sólo que es mucho más divertido hacer las tuyas propias. Así es que cuando dejas tus cosas de lado, tiene que ser para algo que merezca la pena. Trabajar en Supergirl es como un mes de tu vida, pero lo daría en un instante porque la última experiencia que tuve fue tan gratificante y estaba tan feliz con lo que hicimos. Me gusta toda la gente de allí, y creo en la serie a lo grande. Es increíblemente acogedora. Es un entretenimiento tan bien hecho, y tiene algo en ella. Es un poco nutritiva, no es tan sólo comida rápida. Siempre hay algo de corazón en ella."

http://comicbook.com/2017/01/18/kevin-s ... 2-episode/

Re: "SUPERGIRL", nueva serie en la CBS/CW

Publicado: Vie Ene 20, 2017 8:45 pm
por Shelby
- Se revelan los primeros detalles del crossover musical entre The Flash y Supergirl:
Desde el pasado verano se ha estado prometiendo que este año tendríamos un crossover musical entre las series "The Flash" y "Supergirl", lo que tiene lógica dado que muchos de sus actores han participado en musicales de Broodway y sus dos protagonistas (Melissa Benoist y Grant Gustin) participaron también en la serie "Glee".

Ahora, la WB ha anunciado los primeros detalles de lo que será el próximo crossover del universo DC de la CW.

El nombre del episodio musical es "Duet" y tendrá lugar el 21 de Marzo en el episodio 3.17 de "The Flash", tras contar con una introducción en el episodio 2.16 del 20 de Marzo de "Supergirl", similar a cómo empezó el gran crossover de la temporada con una escena corta en la serie de la superheroína. Como tendrá lugar casi completamente en Star City, se presume que se desarrollará en Tierra-1, aunque no sabemos si la historia se contará en ambas Tierras o si los otros personajes que aparecen de "Supergirl" simplemente la seguirán a Tierra-1.

“Duet” será dirigido por el director veterano del Arrowverso Dermott Downs, quien se ha encargado de múltiples episodios en “The Flash,” “Supergirl,” “Arrow” y “Legends of Tomorrow.” El episodio contará con números musicales de las estrellas de “The Flash” Grant Gustin, Jesse L. Martin y Carlos Valdes; de las estrellas de “Supergirl” Melissa Benoist y Jeremy Jordan; y de la estrella de “Legends of Tomorrow” Victor Garber y el regular de “Arrow” John Barrowman, lo que muestra que el episodio incluirá veteranos de ese universo conocidos por sus dotes como cantantes, incluso aunque no sean parte de los elencos de ambas series. Los actores de “Supergirl” David Harewood y Chris Wood también aparecerán en el episodio como invitados aunque no cantarán.

A primeros de mes, el productor ejecutivo de amnas series Greg Berlanti confirmó que el villano del crossover sería 'Music Meister", quien tiene el poder de controlar a la gente a través de las canciones. Por el momento no hay noticias sobre qué actor dará vida al personaje.

http://variety.com/2017/tv/news/the-fla ... 201965071/

Re: "SUPERGIRL", nueva serie en la CBS/CW

Publicado: Sab Ene 21, 2017 3:13 am
por Shelby
- Descripción oficial del 2.11 "The Martian Chronicles":
2.11 "The Martian Chronicles" (06/02/17): LOS WHITE MARTIANS ATACAN LA DEO — Armek (la estrella invitadar Terrell Tilford), un White Martian, desciende en National City intentando llevar a M’gann (la estrella invitada Sharon Leal) de vuelta a Marte para enfrentar su castigo como traidora. Hank (David Harewood) y Supergirl (Melissa Benoist) determinan que la mejor manera para mantener segura a M’Gann es llevarla a la DEO. Sin embargo, cuando se revela que Armek adoptó la forma de M’gann y que anda ahora suelto en el edificio, el equipo se da cuenta de que podría estar disfrazado como cualquiera de ellos. David McWhirter dirige el episodio escrito por Gabriel Llanas & Anna Musky-Goldwyn (211).

http://www.kryptonsite.com/supergirl-sp ... scription/

Re: "SUPERGIRL", nueva serie en la CBS/CW

Publicado: Lun Ene 23, 2017 4:30 pm
por Shelby
- Kevin Smith: Dirigir "The Flash" me preparó para "Supergirl" (IGN):
Kevin Smith: Dirigir "The Flash" me preparó para "Supergirl"
Por Jesse Schedeen 22 Enero 2017

Supergirl is making its long-awaited return on The CW next week, and the mid-season premiere is shaping up to be an eventful one for Kara and the gang. Not only will "Supergirl Lives" feature Kara and Mon-El fighting for their lives on an alien moon, it's directed by none other than Kevin Smith, the man once tapped to write the screenplay for the aborted Superman Lives reboot in the late '90s.

We were able to chat with Smith over the phone recently, and he had plenty to say about his love for the series and how directing two episodes of The Flash in 2016 helped prepare him to make the jump to National City. Like with his Flash debut, "The Runaway Dinosaur," Smith told us that executive producer Andrew Kreisberg was responsible for bringing him on board for "Supergirl Lives."

"Early on, when they made the move to Vancouver in [Supergirl] Season 2 and I was up there doing my second episode of Flash, I said I’d love to," Smith explained. "So it finally came around and I was able to do it, and I was a little intimidated, because when I did my first episode of Flash, it wasn’t a typical episode of Flash, inasmuch as there was a lot of running around. Not a lot of special effects, because Barry was kind of quasi-dead in that episode and inside the Speed Force. There was a lot of talking in that episode to people in the person of the Speed Force, and not a lot of like, 'Okay, we gotta do green screen and do this.' So we moved through it briskly and it was kind of in my sweet spot."

Smith continued, "Supergirl is way more complex. The moment she’s in that suit, almost anything she does is a special effect, whether she breathes, whether she looks at something, whether she leaves the room, there’s a special effect involved. It’s a special effects-heavy show, and thank god I did that second episode of The Flash in between the first episode of Flash and the first episode of Supergirl. The second episode of Flash, 'Killer Frost,' was very effects-heavy and much more in keeping with what they do in terms of spectacle in an episode. So it was very good training going into Supergirl."

Smith said that his goal with "Supergirl Lives" was the same as with his two Flash episodes: filming something that would fit into the larger framework of the season rather than stand out stylistically. Smith wanted "to be able to do it with Supergirl - which sounds dirtier than I meant it, of course - but to be able to play with the character."

"Most people think of me like, 'He’s the guy who does guy stuff and Jay and Silent Bob and stuff like that.' Supergirl is a feminist icon, and to be able to come play with that character and not get it dirty or make it stupid and male and let it be what it is and do an episode that feels like that show as opposed to 'Hey, you can tell the one I directed,'" said Smith. "I don’t want my s*** to stick out. I want to go in there and color within the lines, you know? Maybe that doesn’t sound thrilling to people, but as a fan of the show, I don’t want to create something where people go, 'Well, that doesn’t feel like the rest of it.' I want to stand shoulder-to-shoulder with strong episodes that I’ve come to love and made me show up in the first place."

Smith also revealed exactly how the episode will tie into his infamous Superman Lives script. He said, "There was one joke in an early draft of the script where Winn doesn’t want to go to outer space. At one point in this episode he’s forced to leave the planet. He doesn’t want to go on the journey and he’s listing the things that could be on the other side of the stargate. 'They’re could be anything over there!' He lists two things and then the third one was 'A giant spider!' We didn’t wind up shooting it. We cut the scene because it was just kinda long, so that went away."

Smith continued, "But Eric [Carrasco], one of the writers of the episode, was able to find another place. At one point you will hear someone say 'Thanagarian snare beast.' It’s not used in any sort of 'Look out! Here comes one!' way, but it’s dropped very casually. And not in a way that interrupts the episode, if you’re like 'Hey, man, I hate inside jokes.' It’s a nice little Easter egg placement if you know that old story. And if you don’t, it’s just a reference to Thanagar. So even if you don’t know s*** about Kevin Smith, it’s still 'I heard him say Thanagarian! That’s cool!'”

http://www.ign.com/articles/2017/01/22/ ... -supergirl

- El director de "Supergirl" Kevin Smith adelanta 'Bonitos' momentos Alex/Maggie y lamenta el condenado amor entre Kara/Mon-El (TVLine):
El director de "Supergirl" Kevin Smith adelanta 'Bonitos' momentos Alex/Maggie y lamenta el condenado amor entre Kara/Mon-El
Por Andy Swift / 23 enero 2017, 7:00 AM PST

“We go to space, we have special effects, she even blows up a ship at one point,” director Kevin Smith tells TVLine of Monday’s Supergirl (The CW, 8/7c). “But my favorite scene we did was just Kara and Mon-El sitting on the couch.”

A self-proclaimed Arrow-verse fanboy, Smith — who has also directed two episodes of The Flash — believes the shows are at their best when the characters lift their masks (where applicable) and relate to each other as people, resulting in “relationship dramas that just happen to have costumes in them.”

“What you’re seeing on Supergirl is this budding relationship between Kara and Mon-El that’s starting to feel [like The Flash‘s Barry and Iris],” Smith explains. “The writers are going to make us fall in love with these guys, and I hope they really nourish that story, because I think they’re wonderful together. There’s something very exciting and star-crossed there. … And the actors! Whenever Melissa [Benoist] and Chris [Wood] film a scene, it’s Charm City.”

But Smith is also aware of the relationship’s built-in tragedies, assuming the writers decide to stick with Kara and Mon-El’s original storyline from the comics.

“Unfortunately, I don’t know if we’ll get them forever, because I know the comic books,” he says. I’m not saying they can’t be together, but… yeah, they can’t be together. But I’m hoping we get the best of both worlds: We’ll watch the dance as we lead them towards a relationship, then deal with them when they can’t be together — if they end up playing things out like they do in the comics. The good news is that they can take liberties on the show. They’re not beholden to particular storylines.”

Of course, Kara wasn’t the only Danvers sister whose love life Smith couldn’t wait to explore. In many ways, he says, “Alex is the heart and soul of this show.”

“The Alex and Maggie relationship starts turning into something really beautiful,” he teases. “We got to do a couple of scenes with them, early in the relationship, where they start to figure out who they are as a couple.”

Another highlight for Smith was getting to film at the DEO with J’onn J’onzz, “one of [his] favorite characters in the DC pantheon,” as the gang discusses how to rescue Supergirl and Mon-El from Roulette’s clutches on Slaver’s Moon.

“Hank turns to Alex, and in that perfect intonation — deep and rolling — he says that Slaver’s Moon has a red sun,” Smith recalls. “Me and Eric [Carrasco], who wrote the episode, our nipples got hard. We lost our fluids.”

At the end of the day, Smith says, “I’m there because I watch the show on a regular basis, so getting to go up there was a privilege. For me, it’s dream-come-true territory. I often describe it as being like Make-A-Wish. It’s ridiculous that they cut you a check for this sort of thing.”

http://tvline.com/2017/01/23/supergirl- ... interview/

- Kevin Smith entusiasmado con dirigir "Supergirl" (CBR):
Kevin Smith entusiasmado con dirigir "Supergirl"
Por Bryan Cairns 26 enero 2017

Can life get any better for Kevin Smith?

The prolific filmmaker and self-professed nerd previously directed two “Flash” episodes, and followed up those excursions into The CW superhero universe for tonight’s “Supergirl” episode, the tongue-in-cheek titled “Supergirl Lives.”

The episode finds Kara (Melissa Benoist) and Mon-El (Chris Wood) stuck on another planet where the red sun has robbed them of their powers. To make matters worse, Roulette (Dichen Lachman) runs a trafficking ring there and sells slaves to the highest bidder.

Ahead of tonight’s mid-season premiere, Smith spoke with CBR about stretching his directing muscles, and attacking the action. We also discussed why he prefers the quieter moments, and the Easter eggs longtime DC Comics fans will discover throughout the episode.

CBR: Congratulations on two well-received “Flash” episodes!

Kevin Smith: Well, thanks. I wish I could take credit. I got very lucky with two insanely, well-written scripts. You are working with cast and crew that make brilliance week in and week out, without your fat ass. That’s the beauty of going to these shows. It’s foolproof. I’ve found it’s a scam. I could go up there and people go, “Oh, my Lord. You did a great job on that episode.” But, honestly, even if I went up there and specifically made every wrong choice and shot myself in the foot, you are surrounded by people who are so good at this, and do this on a regular basis, that they won’t let it suck. You are safe as a kitten.

I got very lucky on two scripts on both episodes of “The Flash.” They were fan-favorites. Then, on this episode of “Supergirl,” I got lucky as well. This is the first one back after the break. Secondly, they are jumping off planet in this episode. This is the first one where it’s like, “Alright. Let’s see how far we can take the alien thing.” I remember when I read the script, I was scared. I said, “Andrew [Kreisberg], I’m not the guy who does the big stuff. I was hoping for a chatty episode and here you have us going to another planet and there’s makeup. There’s people with ray guns and there’s a battle and spaceships. This might be a little big for me, dude. You might want to think about giving it to somebody else.”

So, what advice did Andrew give you?

Andrew was very sweet. He said, “If you can do ‘Dogma,’ you can make this.” We went forward and made an ambitious hour of television. While we were making it, I kept turning to Eric Carrasco, the episode’s writer, and going, “This is crazy, dude. It’s kind of like making ‘Star Wars.’” Yeah, it’s not “Star Wars,” but we’ve got ray guns. We have people in rubber masks. We’re in a rock quarry pretending to be on a different planet. We built an alien fortress. An alien ship is involved at one point. It’s crazy.

As a person who grew up watching these things, but don’t really work in this milieu – Most of the stuff I write or direct is about people who watch these things, or the characters in these things. It’s nice to be able to jump into something where you can do a little part of your childhood. Being involved in Supergirl scratches that itch a little bit, where you’re like, “Ohhh. Now, I’m playing with the big toys without hurting anybody.” I would never want to do a comic-book movie. I feel very comfortable in this world on The CW. They built this amazing infrastructure for all these wonderful stories. They have the audience built in, so I don’t have to try to deliver an audience. When I show up, I’m just trying not to drop the ball. I don’t go up there trying to direct the episode in my style. I try and make it look like their episode as much as possible because I don’t want to derail it.

As a lover of the superhero genre, why was this a perfect script for you? What were some of the story elements you gravitated towards?

Interestingly enough, like most episodes of “The Flash” and “Supergirl,” there’s a lot of heart and relationship. They make you think you’re watching a superhero show for 42 minutes, but you’re watching about 11 minutes of superhero show. The rest of it is character and relationship drama. That’s what drives the show.

How does that apply to “Supergirl Lives?”

The episode has a lot of character stuff in it. Even though we go to space and have aliens and an interplanetary slave ring, there’s a lot of relationship development that I was thrilled about. I was scared by all the shit in space and the action. In the third act, it says, “They fight.” It was a quarter-page description of this gun battle and I’m like, “I don’t know how to do this.” What made me feel safer was all the scenes between the characters. Melissa and Chris, who play Kara and Mon-El, had wonderful chemistry. They get to fight together, but they also get real with each other and have this real heart-to-heart conversation. Chyler [Leigh], as Alex, got to engage with Floriana [Lima], who plays Maggie. They had a really emotional scene that would be as at home in any drama as it was in this episode. I was programmed for those scenes insanely well. Those scenes were the sweet spot for me.

The rest of it was them going to space on this big adventure. Even though I’m not programmed to do that stuff, that’s the shit I grew up watching. I’ve never got to exercise many of those muscles. “Dogma” is a bit of a fantasy. That’s as far as I might have gone in terms of unreal characters. In this episode, we have a Daxamite and a Kryptonian discovering a different race, Maaldorians, and finding intergalactic trafficking, and finding people from Earth and different planets. You are dealing with big comic-book elements, but at the heart of it is an interpersonal story between characters that love each other at the end of the day. I love this episode so much. One of my favourite things in the entire episode is a great scene towards the end after they get back from space. Kara and Mon-El are sitting on a couch, having a conversation about him wanting to do the right thing. It’s beautiful. It’s insanely well-acted. It’s wonderfully written. It’s a warm reward for having gone on this journey together with them. There’s a lot of in-jokes that pay off throughout the episode. It’s almost like them starting to date in that scene. That’s not what they are doing at all, but that’s kind of how it plays out.

And I can do that stuff in my sleep. That’s what I do. It’s the other stuff — “This alien has to shoot him with a ray gun.” I’m like, “Please show me how to do that. I don’t normally do that on my day job.” What’s nice about going to work on something like “Flash” or “Supergirl” is there’s a comfort level, for sure, particularly because you are a fan of the show and you’ve seen it many times, but it also pushes you in subtle ways. That makes you a stronger storyteller. One day, when I go back to doing my stuff, I’ll bring some of those skills.

In the meantime, how comfortable are you getting with certain elements like the VFX that you need on shows like “The Flash” or “Supergirl?”

I’m getting way more comfortable working with visual effects. That was always my kryptonite. “Oh, that’s expensive. That’s time-consuming.” I’d rather just have people talking. That’s my special effect. But, after two episodes of “Flash” and one of “Supergirl,” I trust that process. I know when I’m done shooting, I’m going to hand this over and visual effects supervisor Armen [V. Kevorkian] is going to make it all come together by putting in a creature that didn’t exist, or by making Barry run fast, or by making Supergirl take flight or shredding a starship in outer space with laser vision.

Taking a page from your late-night talk show, what Easter eggs made you geek out?

Before Andrew sent me the script, he goes, “You’re going to love the title. It’s ‘Supergirl Lives.’” It’s an in-joke and reference to the “Superman Lives” script that I wrote. Then, he’s like, “You are going to love what’s inside.” This was before the crossover event, and the script referred to a Dominator. I went nuts. I bought “Invasion” when it was on the stands.

In the earlier drafts, they had Winn [Jeremy Jordan] go to space as well. At first, he doesn’t want to go because he’s nervous about getting hurt. Alex was saying, “Suit up. You’re going to space.” He was like, “I can’t go. You don’t know what’s on the other side of this portal. It could be anything. It could be a giant spider.” It was cute, but it didn’t end up making the cut when we were shooting. Instead, we referenced the giant spider later on in the episode. There’s a reference to the Thanagarian Snare Beast. The red sun – and having Supergirl depowered by one – is an amazing DC staple. Watching everyone react to that – “What? A red sun? She’s screwed!” – was fantastic.

http://www.cbr.com/interview-kevin-smit ... directing/

- Por qué el episodio de "Supergirl" de Kevin Smith es lo más cerca que va a estar de ‘Star Wars’ (screenertv):
Por qué el episodio de "Supergirl" de Kevin Smith es lo más cerca que va a estar de ‘Star Wars’
Por Chris E. Hayner 23 enero, 2017

After directing two episodes of "The Flash," filmmaker Kevin Smith is ready for his "Supergirl" debut and he's shooting for the stars with the midseason premiere of the CW series. "Supergirl Lives," which Smith admits is a nod to an unproduced "Superman" script he wrote once upon a time, takes the Girl of Steel off Earth for one of her first interplanetary adventures. It was a tall order for the director, but one executive producer Andrew Kreisberg was confident he could knock out of the park.

"He says, 'We're gonna take a journey. This will be our first journey into outer space, and we're going to do it by way of a "stargate" kind of thing,'" Smith recalls Kreisberg explaining. For the director, he fears being the one to make the show jump the shark. Kreisberg, on the other hand, wants to "see how far we can take the show."

And take it far is exactly what they did.

"I'm telling you, when we're working on the episode I kept turning to Eric [Carrasco], who wrote the episode, and was like, 'This is nuts, dude. I know we're not making 'Star Wars' -- but this is the closes to making 'Star Wars' I've ever come in my life.'"

By his own estimation, the episode includes intergalactic slavery, "people in rubber masks," and laser gun fights. "Motherf***ers get shot with lasers!" Smith exclaims. While "Supergirl" has always gone above and beyond when it comes to the stranger and more outlandish corner of the "Arrow"-verse, this is a huge shift even for it.

Luckily for Smith, he doesn't feel out of his depth with the material. While his first stint on "The Flash" was the dialogue-heavy Season 2 episode "The Runaway Dinosaur," his next outing was "Killer Frost" -- which was loaded with superpower battles and lots of visual effects. "Thank God I had that 'Killer Frost' episode. If I'd gone from that first episode of 'The Flash' right to this episode of 'Supergirl,' I would've been mindf***d."

Still, it's not as if Smith would have floundered in the "Arrow"-verse, regardless of which episode he was helming. While he will endlessly give all the credit for the episode to his cast and crew -- claiming time and again that he's more of a cheerleader on set than anything else -- what he brings to the shows is undeniable.

Screener had the opportunity to be on the "Supergirl" set when Smith directed this particular episode, and it was a truly unique experience. From the multiple rounds of applause for practically everyone working on the show, to the '80s rock music playing in between takes and reminders of how thankful the fans are for the episodes, Smith was more than a cheerleader -- he was a source of inspiration.

"We work crazy long hours, and the energy that he brings is only positive," star Melissa Benoist (Kara Danvers) says. Mehcad (James Olsen Brooks elaborates, "Kevin is an actor's director. He's a crew director. He's a lighting director. He's a camera director. He's everything. He's everybody's favorite. And he makes you understand that it doesn't have to take eleventy-billion hours to get the right thing."

So while Smith may not want to take much credit for what he brings to this superhero TV universe, he's definitely not someone any of the producers, writers, casts or crews are taking for granted. After all, he's already booked his next trip to National City to direct his second "Supergirl" episode...

http://screenertv.com/television/superg ... star-wars/

- Kevin Smith espera trabajar de nuevo con el co-escritor del episodio de esta noche de "Supergirl" (comicbook):
Kevin Smith espera trabajar de nuevo con el co-escritor del episodio de esta noche de "Supergirl"
Por Russ Burlingame 23/01/17

Tonight's episode of Supergirl was directed by Kevin Smith, but the fan-favorite writer/director had little to do with the script.

Instead, the episode was written by Eric Carrasco, writer of the Star Wars: Hoshino short and the Supergirl episode titled "Survivors," and Jess Kardos, a veteran of Covert Affairs.

Kardos remained in the writers' room during shooting, but Carrasco headed to the set, where he worked with Smith during production to make sure the episode was the best it could be.

"We spoke the same language, we had all the same reference points, the same material. It wasn't like, 'What scene was that?' and I had to explain it. We absolutely understood each other," Smith said of Carrasco. "He's in the writers' room, so that's insanely helpful. I didn't feel like I was taking any great liberties on my own where I'm like, 'Hey, I'm changing dialogue here without any writers present.' I had Andrew [Kreisberg]'s proxy, right there so we were able to move quickly. It also helps production as well because you can go, 'Look, we may eliminate this scene because it's not going to make the final cut, there's some information in here and we could work it into this scene.' Makes editing easier as well, a little more efficient."

While having a knowledgeable member of the writing staff on hand would have been helpful no matter what, Smith said that he particularly appreciated Carrasco's input, and plans on working with him in the future.

"Having Eric there was a blast, helpful on a professional level and on a personal level because we got the same references and we were both geeking out over taking Supergirl to space," Smith said. "It was good times across the board, man. He was a real find for me. I'm going to keep working with Eric, certainly here in this capacity whenever they let me, but we're going to do some other stuff together too. He's a smart cookie."

http://comicbook.com/dc/2017/01/23/kevi ... s-supergi/

- Harley Quinn Smith adora trabajar con su padre Kevin Smith como Director (comicbook):
Harley Quinn Smith adora trabajar con su padre Kevin Smith como Director
Por Lucas Siegel 23/01/2017

On tonight's mid-season premiere of Supergirl titled "Supergirl Lives," director Kevin Smith returns to the "Arrowverse" to helm another episode, his first of this series. In an episode that promises interstellar adventure and hijinks, his own daughter, Harley Quinn Smith (yes, she's proudly named after the Batman character), guest stars as a pivotal character named Izzy.

It's not the first time daughter and father have worked together, by a long shot. Most recently, Harley starred in Kevin's Yoga Hosers, which took a smaller role into a full-fledged film

"Yeah, he's all right," Harley said with a laugh when Comicbook.com asked about working with her dad repeatedly. "It's really a unique thing to be able to work alongside someone that you love so much, doing something that you love so much as well."

The thing she loves is film, and that certainly comes from growing up in Kevin Smith's household, which she'll readily tell you. while it's "definitely important" to Harley that she's able to build her own career away from her father, she said it's equally important that they keep working together.

"It's such a special part of our lives, and it's not something that many fathers and daughters are able to do together. Being able to collaborate together, and sharing what we love so much with each other is really an amazing part of our lives," Harley said.

When she's on set with Kevin directing her, she said she's absolutely just one of the other actors - and she's thankful he's able to separate the father-daughter relationship from the director-actor one as much as possible.

"He treats me the same as every single other person on set, which I wouldn't want any differently. Well, actually, just to use this as an example, when we went to go do Supergirl, a lot of people didn't know that we were father and daughter, so I would say dad sometimes and one guy came up to me and was like, 'why did you just call that man dad?' I was like, 'oh well you see, this is the case,'" she said with another laugh. The jovial actor clearly enjoys their working relationship.

"We're able to form a friendship outside of our father-daughter relationship, and get to know each other on a completely different level, which I really appreciate," she said. She also sees it all as training for working with other directors - with whom she shares no familial relationship - as her career continues.

http://comicbook.com/2017/01/23/supergi ... -kevin-sm/

- Dogma convenció a Andrew Kreisberg de que Kevin Smith era el adecuado para "Supergirl" (comicbook):
Dogma convenció a Andrew Kreisberg de que Kevin Smith era el adecuado para "Supergirl"
Por Joseph Schmidt 23/01/2017

Kevin Smith might have a couple episodes of the Flash under his belt (and another episode of Supergirl on the way) but he was a little apprehensive to direct superhero stories on film or television.

Until producer Andrew Kreisberg gave him the shot in the arm he needed.

“For me, to get to play in that world, I was a little scared by virtue of the fact that my first thing I did for [DC’s TV universe] was Flash and that episode wasn't effects-heavy,” Smith said, “and Supergirl, everything she does ... she breathes in that costume and it's an effect that costs money and stuff. I was a little trepidatious going into that.”

Smith said that he even tried to back out of the episode before production began.

“I said to Andrew, I was like, ‘Dude, I love the script but you're going to space, this is ambitious. You're going off-planet. Are you sure? You might want to get somebody who does this regularly.’”

But Kreisberg knew he had the man for the job.

“He goes, ‘Kevin, you did Dogma, you can handle this.’ I got to go into it feeling good.”

Smith elaborated that the production crew was a great help for his episode.

“This is a new crew for season two because the show moved from Los Angeles to Vancouver,” Smith said, “so by the time I got up there, it was episode nine, they'd been working together for eight episodes prior to me and finding their footing together as a cast and crew coalescing.”

He said he really enjoyed his time making the episode and leaving his first mark on the Supergirl mythos.

“I got there and they were fantastic,” Smith said. “It was a real collaborative experience, not just me and the crew, but me and the cast across the board.”

Kevin Smith directed the midseason premiere episode with story by Andrew Kreisberg and teleplay by Eric Carrasco & Jess Kardos. "Supergirl Lives" airs Monday, January 23 at 8 p.m. ET/PT on The CW

http://comicbook.com/2017/01/23/dogma-c ... supergirl/

- La serie de "Supergirl" hizo a Kevin Smith amar al personaje (comicbook):
La serie de "Supergirl" hizo a Kevin Smith amar al personaje
Por Joseph Schmidt - 23/01/2017

Supergirl director Kevin Smith revealed that prior to the CW television show, his familiarity with the character stemmed from one specific comics moment—her death.

“As much as I love the character of Supergirl,” he said in an interview with ComicBook.com, “honestly, prior to the show, Supergirl's greatest contribution in my opinion—not saying this is the only contribution she's had in comics—but when I think of Supergirl, I think of the death of Supergirl.”

Smith said it wasn’t until recently that he realized he loved Kara.

“I used to just respect the character of Supergirl as part of DC's long list of legendary superheroes and characters,” Smith said. “But now, oh man, I love Supergirl.”

Until the Supergirl TV show, he elaborated, he thought the “most important thing” about the character was the memorable moment when Superman held her lifeless body in his arms during the comic Crisis on Infinite Earths.

“[But] Andrew Kreisberg and [Greg] Berlanti and the folks over here at CW and WB have turned that character into gold. It's legitimized,” he said. “She stands apart from Superman. Superman was in two episodes of the show this year and he left and it didn't crumble. She was still the most compelling character in her own show. They've done wonders with that character.”

Smith said the work Kreisberg and Berlanti have done on the show has propelled her into the spotlight, highlighting her turn as one of the main characters in the forthcoming Injustice 2 video game.

“Look at all the potential. Look at every place you could go,” Smith said. “That’s strong work that they've been able to do with that character, man.”

Smith added that he’s approaching his director role as both a comic book fan and a fan of the Supergirl show, and that the network move from CBS has really allowed the producers “let their hair down.”

“They've been able to do so much more in this season two … they're reaching full potential because it feels like on CW, they're allowed to just do that thing that they can do so well,” Smith said. “Mix it up with comic book lore and soap opera storytelling. The episodic storytelling that makes you tune in every week and care about the characters.”

http://comicbook.com/2017/01/23/supergi ... character/

- Entrevista con la escrtora de "Supergirl" Paula Yoo (tvsunsungheroes):
Entrevista con la escrtora de "Supergirl" Paula Yoo
Por tvsunsungheroes 23 enero 2017

When did you realize you wanted to work in television?

Originally, I never dreamed of working in television. I just liked to watch TV. I was an English major at Yale, and my dream was to become a novelist. Which did thankfully happen – I am a published children’s book author and YA novelist. My books include the YA novel Good Enough (HarperCollins 2008) and my latest children’s picture book biography is Twenty-Two Cents: Muhammad Yunus and the Village Bank (Lee & Low Books, 2014).

But before I sold my first book, I was a journalist. After graduating from college, I attended Columbia University’s Graduate School of Journalism. I then worked as a reporter for The Seattle Times, The Detroit News, and PEOPLE Magazine.

While I was working at PEOPLE in Los Angeles, a TV writer friend casually suggested I should pursue TV writing because I loved writing fiction but was also very good at deadline writing, given my journalism background. She said TV writing was like fiction writing with strict journalism deadlines. Plus, she knew I watched a TON of TV.

I couldn’t get that idea out of my head. During a summer vacation camping trip, I impulsively decided to write my first TV script ever. I bought a legal pad and handwrote an episode of one of my favorite shows at the time, the Buffy the Vampire Slayer spin-off series Angel. I then typed it up on my computer after my camping trip ended and sent it off to the Warner Bros. Television Writers’ Workshop for drama writers. To my shock, Warner Bros. called a few months later to say I had been accepted into the program!

As soon as the program ended, I was signed to an agent. I was very lucky and grateful to have my first TV staff writer job on the fourth season of NBC’s The West Wing. So that’s how I got started in this business!

What advice do you have for college students who are looking to pursue the television industry?

I actually want more advice myself! I am always learning and growing as a writer with each job in this industry. My advice is to remain positive and work hard, because this industry is very competitive and has long, demanding hours. I also strongly advise aspiring TV writers to write ALL THE TIME. Obviously your job responsibilities come first – but once you have finished a script deadline for your job, be sure to carve out time to work on your own craft. Because this industry is very capricious and unpredictable, you always need fresh writing samples for the next gig… and hopefully that one pilot spec sample that could be “The One” and become your OWN TV series. As a TV writer for other shows, you also have to be able to mimic that show’s voice and tone. But always remember to hone your own voice for your own passion projects – you are the only person in the world with your particular point of view and life experience. Use those unique qualities to create a fresh new voice and vision for your own future TV series!

What was your first job in the industry? What did you learn from it?

My first job was as a staff writer for NBC’s The West Wing. Unlike most other TV writers, I was older when I started out in TV. Many writers start out right after college. I spent the first ten years after college as a working journalist. My unusual background was what helped me get hired on this show. So I was definitely a novice and had no idea how a writers’ room worked, or how TV shows were made. I was thrown into the deep end of the pool and had to work hard to stay afloat! My background as a journalist helped – I’m used to observing and quickly learning how to adapt and bond with an interview subject, so I used that to figure out how to survive this industry! I learned a lot from this first job in terms of writing craft issues, especially dialogue, which is a totally different type of writing style from books. It was an honor and privilege to work for this acclaimed show.

Something you wish someone had told you about the industry?

I wish someone had told me never to be discouraged during the TV staffing season frenzy. The rejections can be brutal – but never take them personally. Instead, learn and grow from these rejections and move forward. Today’s rejection could be tomorrow’s future job offer. This has happened to myself and other friends, where we were passed on a project the first time around, only to be offered that same job later when room opened up on staff! Whenever you are rejected from a job, take that time to WRITE. It’s hard to write when you’re unemployed… I am also a K-12 certified substitute teacher in the public school system because I need to keep working between TV jobs. But I always make sure I carve out time to write a fresh spec script. The times when I would substitute teach and write were really depressing… until that new script I wrote got me hired on a new show! I always think about Tim Allen’s line in Galaxy Quest when it comes to TV staffing season – “Never give up, never surrender!”

What is your writing process like?

My writing process is similar for both writing books and scripts. The first stage is just to THINK. I will read and re-read books or watch certain TV shows before writing a book or script because reading good writing helps influence your own process. I then brainstorm ideas and figure out basic story structures. The most important writing usually happens during the time you are NOT writing but just thinking. Writing is a very reflective and introspective process. It’s vital to get to that “quiet space” in your head to let a story – and the voice and the characters and emotional journeys – develop. Afterwards, I will do the famous “vomit draft” where I just write a terrible first draft. To me, the real writing is the REWRITING of a script or book. But you can’t get there if you haven’t FINISHED a rough draft. So finishing a rough draft is very important to my process.

However, because I’ve been working forever in both books and TV, I sometimes find myself NOT doing the “vomit draft” and instead just slowly cobbling out a scene or a page here and there in a very careful and thoughtful manner.

In other words, my writing process changes constantly. It just depends on the project and my mood. And if I’m hungry or not. So I have learned not to beat myself up if I find myself writing a project in an unusual manner because every project is different. So I guess I don’t really have a “set” writing process. My process is more organic – I let the project dictate the process!

How has your time been working on Supergirl?

I started writing for Supergirl in May 2016 for the second season. It is such an honor and privilege to write for this show that is both family friendly AND empowers young women with positive images and storylines. The writers’ room is filled with incredibly talented and super smart people whom I also consider my friends. We have a very supportive and caring group of writers – we all work hard together as a team to put forth the best show possible every week. I’m also honored to work with the show’s amazing cast and production crew. This is that rare job where you actually look forward to going to work every day!

How was it in the writers’ room to work on an arc that has been so important to so many people? How did you all approach Alex’s storyline and eventually decide to handle it the way you did?

It was very exciting when we were told by our show’s creators, Greg Berlanti, Andrew Kreisberg and Ali Adler about their idea for Alex’s storyline. I applaud our show creators for addressing LGBTQIA+ stories and issues in a positive and compassionate manner. Many young people and their families watch our show, and we are grateful Alex’s storyline has had such a powerful and positive impact on our LGBTQIA+ youth.

What’s your favorite thing that you’ve ever written? (From The West Wing, Eureka, or Supergirl)

I am very proud of the episode “Han” from The West Wing, which aired in 2003. I am Korean American, and I wanted to write a diverse storyline involving a North Korean pianist who wants to defect at the White House. Peter Noah and Mark Goffman wrote the teleplay, and I received a Story By credit. It meant a lot to me to have diverse Asian characters onscreen, which was rare back then. (Things have improved since then for Asian Americans in front of and behind the camera, but I believe Hollywood still needs to work hard to showcase even more diverse media representation and inclusion).

What shows made you fall in love with television? What shows are you currently loving?

I am an aging Gen Xer, so wow, I can’t even begin to list all the TV shows I’ve watched over the past 200 years. But seriously, I would say some of the classic shows that I worshipped back in the Mesozoic Era (haha) included all the Star Trek series (I’m a diehard Trekkie/Trekker), especially Star Trek: The Next Generation. I also love character-driven dramas, and I LOVED thirtysomething in college. I even bought all the DVDs of that iconic series! I am also a huge horror buff, so of course I loved Buffy the Vampire Slayer and Angel. Off the top of my head for current (or recently finished) series, I loved watching shows like The Walking Dead, Westworld, Black Mirror and Mad Men. And of course, let’s not forget all the shows I’ve worked on (including Mozart in the Jungle, Defiance and Eureka) plus the awesome lineup of Supergirl, The Flash, Green Arrow and Legends of Tomorrow on The CW! As an Asian American, it has also been a thrill to see such shows as Fresh Off the Boat, Dr. Ken, and Master of None. I’m sure I’m missing a ton of shows, but this is what I could think of off the top of my head.

https://tvsunsungheroes.wordpress.com/2 ... paula-yoo/

Re: "SUPERGIRL", nueva serie en la CBS/CW

Publicado: Lun Ene 23, 2017 6:41 pm
por Shelby
- El crossover musical de "The Flash"/"Supergirl" encuentra a su 'Music Meister':
Parece que la música volverá a unir a los chicos de "Glee".

En una elección perfecta de cásting, el actor Darren Criss se reunirá con sus antiguos compañeros de "Glee" Grant Gustin y Melissa Benoist cuando aparezca como estrella invitada en el crossover musical de dos partes de "The Flash"/"Supergirl" como el gran villano 'Music Meister', según ha sabido TVLine.

“Con nuestro Flash y nuestra Supergirl siendo alumnos de 'Glee', ¿cómo podríamos no tenerlos yendo contra otro favorito de 'Glee' como Darren Criss?” comenta el productor ejecutivo Andrew Kreisberg. “Nos ha maravillado su talento durante todos estos años y no podemos esperar para ver lo que aporta a Music Meister.”

Como ya informamos la semana pasada, el crossover se emitirá el Lunes, 20 de Marzo y el Martes, 21 de Marzo a las 8/7 cada noche, comenzando en "Supergirl" como introducción y reservando la mayor acción musical para el episodio de "The Flash", apropiadamente titulado “Duet.”

Los actores que se han confirmado que cantarán son Jesse L. Martin (Joe), Victor Garber (Dr. Stein), John Barrowman (Malcolm Merlyn), Jeremy Jordan (Winn) y Carlos Valdes (Cisco) junto a Gustin, Benoist y Criss.

http://tvline.com/2017/01/23/darren-cri ... l-episode/

Re: "SUPERGIRL", nueva serie en la CBS/CW

Publicado: Lun Ene 23, 2017 8:53 pm
por Shelby
- Kevin Smith Talks "Supergirl" on DC Entertainment:

Re: "SUPERGIRL", nueva serie en la CBS/CW

Publicado: Lun Ene 23, 2017 10:46 pm
por Shelby

Re: "SUPERGIRL", nueva serie en la CBS/CW

Publicado: Lun Ene 23, 2017 11:17 pm
por Shelby
- Melissa Benoist on 'Supergirl' | LIVE with Kelly (23-01-17):

- Melissa Benoist on 'Supergirl' | Late Night with Seth Meyers (23-01-17):

Re: "SUPERGIRL", nueva serie en la CBS/CW

Publicado: Lun Ene 23, 2017 11:19 pm
por Shelby
- SUPERGIRL | Midseason Recap | The CW: