¡¡¡Nuevo proyecto de la FOX sobre GOTHAM!!!

Moderadores: Shelby, Lore, Super_House, ZeTa, Trasgo

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Registrado: Dom May 21, 2006 12:15 am

Re: ¡¡¡Nuevo proyecto de la FOX sobre GOTHAM!!!

Mensaje por Shelby »

- GOTHAM | "Strange Days" Promo | FOX BROADCASTING:
https://amp.twimg.com/v/4b5cb4b2-7ded-4 ... 15cfc14a9e

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¡¡¡¡AY, OMÁ QUÉ CALORES!!!! ¡Gracias por tu regalo, Nitta!

Mensajes: 32857
Registrado: Dom May 21, 2006 12:15 am

Re: ¡¡¡Nuevo proyecto de la FOX sobre GOTHAM!!!

Mensaje por Shelby »

- Lori Petty se ríe como la última y colorida criminal de "Gotham" (CBR):
Lori Petty se ríe como la última y colorida criminal de "Gotham"
Por Bryan Cairns, 14 Marzo 2016

In 1995, "Orange is the New Black" star Lori Petty made the jump from starring in films like "A League of Their Own" and "Point Break" to comic book-based fare with the cult-classic "Tank Girl." In the animated realm, Petty is known for electrifying DC Comics fans as shock-jock DJ turned supervillain Livewire in the "Superman" and "The New Batman Adventures" animated series. Now, Petty returns to the DC Universe -- and her wicked ways -- as "Gotham's" newest bad apple, Jeri.

Though new to the Batman mythos, Petty's character proves to be a crucial one. Jeri and Bruce Wayne meet in tonight's episode, "This Ball of Mud and Meanness," when the young billionaire's growing thirst for vengeance leads him to the clown-faced Petty in search of information on his parents' killer, Matches Malone.

Ahead of her "Gotham" debut, Petty spoke with CBR about Jeri's flamboyant appearance, what she sees as the major differences between Bruce Wayne Jim Gordon, and whether she'd like to continue to bring Jeri's unique skills to life in future episodes.

Story continues below

CBR News: Jeri certainly has a provocative appearance. Did it evolve at all from when you were cast to what made it into the episode?

Lori Petty:Oh, it was just a blast creating her. That was the producers and makeup department. It was so much fun. I was still filming "Orange is the New Black" when I did "Gotham." To go from six months of wearing no makeup at all -- they even try to make you look worse than you actually look in real life -- to go from that to having Emmy Award-winning makeup artists making this beautiful character, I loved it. It took a whole day for everybody to decide on her costume and her look. It's really intricate. It took three people to put me in that outfit every time.

There's definitely a Harley Quinn/Joker vibe going on. Was that something that was openly discussed?

Jeri's look is definitely a cross between Joker and Harley Quinn, but that's only her appearance. I don't know about her relationship to those characters at all. She's in that pantheon of awful villains, so I'm sure they are all messed up in there somehow together.

Jeri's place of business isn't your typical evil villain hideout. What was it like, belting out some tunes in a club setting?

Oh, it was so cool. I was standing on the stage. First of all, they told me I had to stage dive. I was like, "I'll do it. I don't care." Then I see the stage isn't really that high. It's kind of low, and I said, "How do I stage dive when the stage is low?" Then this 22-year-old stunt girl jumps up in the air like a high jumper and lands on them. I'm like, "Okay, that's not going to happen." "You said you would do it." I was like, "I will do it. I will fall into the stuntman's arms. Of course I'll do it. But, I don't jump like that anymore," especially in five-inch heels, backwards and up -- and then I'm wearing about 10 pounds of clothes. We did it, it was great. I didn't have a double. I did it all myself, and it was super-fun.

When I was standing on the stage and looking out, these extras -- every single one of them -- could have been a guest star on the show. They looked so amazing and I felt like I was Prince in "Purple Rain" going, "Dearly beloved, we are gathered here today to celebrate this thing called life." I would do that to mess with them and just have fun. It was a live mic, so I was having a good time. I sang all that stuff. They may have over-dubbed it, but it was live guitars and drums. It wasn't like being locked up in my bunk with no makeup on!

What would you say Jeri's role in Gotham City is? Who is she, and why does Bruce Wayne track her down?

When you hear through the grapevine who to ask about something, people know that Jeri knows what is up. She's been dealing with the underworld forever, enough to have a huge fanbase and have people she could [crowd]surf over. It's like when game meets game. She's a bad guy who knows where the bodies are buried. She literally knows where they are buried. She does that for Bruce Wayne; Jeri lets him know who killed his mom and dad.

She realizes that once they get to talking, he's not some little punk. He made it all the way down there and through these people. He wasn't intimidated and held his own ground. Jeri could see this tough kid and respects that he's a real person to deal with. He wasn't just some silly boy.

Jim Gordon interrogates Jeri, but she's ends up getting under his skin. Is Jeri that good at reading people? What did you enjoy about the back-and-forth between them?

Here's the deal: it's kind of like how easy it is to make Donald Trump mad. It's like, "Really? You're that easy to get riled up?" Nobody can make you do anything. You can either behave like a normal person, or you can react and be an animal. Jim is just mad when he walks in. Jeri's like, "Well, what are you upset about? I'm a bad guy. You're a good guy. What do you want?" He's so upset, that kind of tickles her. "Really? A girl in a bustier makes you upset? I'm really sorry for you, dude." Bruce Wayne was the opposite. He wasn't put off or afraid. He was there to get his work done.

Jim appeared to lose his cool when he said, "Don't make me hurt you." And then Jeri responded, "Do you want to?"

I thought that was very "Tank Girl." "Oh, please. Come on. I'm bored."

There seems to be a lot of untapped potential when it comes to Jeri. Would you like to see her fleshed out further in future episodes?

Again, I'm here to service whatever they want to do. I'm down for it, of course. Would I love to see where she lives? Would I love for you to see her homies or friends? Would I love to see her do some dirty work? Yeah, but that's not on me. That's up to the writers.

Another project on your plate is the horror film "Dead Awake." What is it about, and how does make seeping scary?

It was a low-budget film, which these guys were really passionate about doing. In my life, I've had this three or four times, but there's sleep paralysis, when your brain wakes up and your body isn't awake yet. It's a real thing. When you go to sleep, your brain shuts down your body, so you don't walk around and fall out the window, like with sleep walking.

My character plays a doctor who says, "Look, it's okay. It's not a big deal." What we find out is there is a supernatural force at work doing this to people and it's not what they say it is. It's a monster kind of thing. There are a lot of dead people in this.

http://www.comicbookresources.com/artic ... l-criminal
- Caos, Locura y & Misericordia: el elenco de GOTHAM va a por todas en la segunda temporada de la S2
Caos, Locura y & Misericordia: el elenco de GOTHAM va a por todas en la segunda temporada de la S2
14 de Marzo, 2016March 14, 2016 FOX.

Up amongst the steel and nocturnal glow of New York City’s bustling Midtown, we sat down with the cast of GOTHAM ahead of the Season Two mid-season premiere. We asked the cast some of our most pressing questions about what else is in store for viewers during this second half of the season, GOTHAM: Wrath of the Villains. Read our conversations below and catch up on Season Two of GOTHAM On Demand at home and with DIRECTV Everywhere, and watch new episodes on Mondays at 8/7c on FOX.

You’ve played incredibly compassionate and educated mental health specialists in the past… Hugo Strange is neither of those things. Are you excited to sink your teeth into this evil character?

I am! It has nothing to do with mental health or anything like that, but more to do with the personality of the character. Mental health aside, there aren’t really any similarities between this role and others I’ve played and for someone who’s always hoping and looking for something different playing this character has been a gift to me.

How will Hugo’s work within Arkham Asylum change the game for the good guys of GOTHAM?

The “work” that he’s doing is by nature about measuring change. He’s really into the science of rehabilitation, and he’s obsessed with the human mind and how it can be manipulated. He’s using his “genius” experimenting on these people in lots of different ways—not just through therapy!

His greatest satisfaction comes from then turning them back out into the world. The criminally insane are flowing into the asylum, and it’s a revolving door back out into Gotham—and they’re completely changed when they go back out into the world. So the interesting thing is: what happens to each individual character when they’re in there, and what happens to them when they come out.

Detective Gordon has been moving further into the dark side of himself and GOTHAM—can viewers expect more shocking actions during the remainder of the season?

Absolutely! What happened at the end of the first half of the second season will definitely affect Jim moving forward, and he’ll pay a price for what he’s done. You’ll see him at the lowest he’s ever been, both professionally and personally. I think that’s a really nice, humbling way to reintroduce him as a harder edged man of power in Gotham—a man of influence who has to do what he has to do to get by.

You’re seeing him unleashed. I think it’ll be a really satisfying experience for the audience to see this “golden child,” morally composed guy fall to pieces—and have to put those pieces back together.

How do you define “good” and “evil” in the world of GOTHAM?

That’s a good question! I think one of the things we’re trying to do with the series is show how good and evil really don’t start from that different of a place. You see the origins of both the heroes and the villains. Mr. Freeze for example comes out of a good place, because he’s trying to save his wife. He’s trying to freeze her to allow for time for a cure to come about for her disease. Hopefully storylines like these provide viewers with sympathy and empathy not only for the heroes, but for the villains as well. Gotham is this society that’s collapsing, and people are clinging to whatever they can get their hands onto to survive.

Have you been reveling in your transformation into a much darker character this season?

Oh hell yeah! I was being very patient waiting to get to Season Two. The first half of Season Two was really fun, and this second half is just wild. Paranoia and discomfort have been building within my character—especially because he thinks that Jim knows something—and that tension will finally boil over when the two of us finally have a confrontation.

Your theater background must contribute to the ease in which you’ve tackled this transformation. What’s the biggest challenge you’ve found working in front of a camera as opposed to on the stage?

The biggest challenge for me in television vs. theater is when you’re working on a play or a film for that matter it’s a complete entity—you know the parameters of the cameras and the story. When we first started the series I was making choices that I thought were appropriate for the character, but the more I worked on the show the more I learned about my character. I felt so lost at the beginning just because of the nature of how a TV show and its characters are built.

Although my character is one that’s been around for a while, we’re telling the story in an age that hadn’t been touched yet. So I really feel like I’m enjoying my performance so much more now that I feel like I really have a fleshed out character—that’s been the biggest difference for me!

You have a knack at playing really complex and indefinable characters—like Declan Murphy on Law & Order: SVU, and of course Det. Bullock—what’s been your favorite part of playing Harvey?

They’re so different, but what’s interesting is when I first started filming the GOTHAM pilot I was doing those two really heavy episodes of Law & Order: SVU where Pablo Schreiber’s character [William Lewis] escapes, so I was literally filming both on the same day! I watched them both and it’s so weird to think I worked on both on the same day—they’re just such different worlds.

In GOTHAM there are a lot of other elements at play. Some of those being the look of the show, the production design—you have to kind of give yourself up to this super theatrical, colorful world. With Law & Order: SVU you’re faced with a different platform, and the grip that you get underneath your feet is coming from real life stories. In GOTHAM you want to have the same grounding, but you know with GOTHAM that it’s fantastical and larger than life. I also think that with GOTHAM one of my primary roles is to serve as a bit of comedic relief, which definitely hasn’t been the case for other roles I’ve worked on for Vikings, Law & Order: SVU, or Coppers.

Is there a specific villain you like playing opposite to the most?

I enjoy being surprised! I rarely know what’s coming down the pike until right before we shoot it. It’s been great acting alongside Nathan [Darrow] as Mr. Freeze—but I look forward to many years of the show so I don’t know who else might be coming. I’ve loved working with Robin Lord Taylor (The Penguin) and Cory Michael Smith (The Riddler), so I’m partial to the villains we know right now.

What do you think makes the best villain?

Sympathy. I always want to find something about my character that’s sympathetic. If he was just running around creating mischief for no reason, there would be nothing redeemable about him. To me there’s nothing more frightening than a villain that has some personality traits that you can see in yourself, because then you realize ‘Oh shit!’ if things had gone differently in my life would I be the one that does something horrible?! I’ve played my share of terrible people in my career, and that’s always the goal: to find something sympathetic.

You’re one of GOTHAM’s original villains—how’s the Penguin going to match up to some of the rest of the season’s newcomers?

We have yet to see how this really unfolds since we’re only in the second season and we’re still establishing so many of them, but I find it to be incredibly exciting! What I love about the show is how interconnected the characters are, and how the city itself really plays a role in shaping those relationships. So what’s so cool about these new villains is that their character trajectories will inform my character as well and that just makes it more fun, complex, and interesting to play.

http://news.directv.com/2016/03/14/mayh ... eason-two/

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¡¡¡¡AY, OMÁ QUÉ CALORES!!!! ¡Gracias por tu regalo, Nitta!

Mensajes: 32857
Registrado: Dom May 21, 2006 12:15 am

Re: ¡¡¡Nuevo proyecto de la FOX sobre GOTHAM!!!

Mensaje por Shelby »

- Stills del 2.16 "Prisoners":

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¡¡¡¡AY, OMÁ QUÉ CALORES!!!! ¡Gracias por tu regalo, Nitta!

Mensajes: 32857
Registrado: Dom May 21, 2006 12:15 am

Re: ¡¡¡Nuevo proyecto de la FOX sobre GOTHAM!!!

Mensaje por Shelby »

- Camren Bicondova Facebook Q&A (14-03-16):

https://www.facebook.com/GOTHAMonFOX/vi ... 213117133/

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¡¡¡¡AY, OMÁ QUÉ CALORES!!!! ¡Gracias por tu regalo, Nitta!

Mensajes: 32857
Registrado: Dom May 21, 2006 12:15 am

Re: ¡¡¡Nuevo proyecto de la FOX sobre GOTHAM!!!

Mensaje por Shelby »

- GOTHAM | 2.15 "Mad Grey Dawn" Promo #1 | FOX BROADCASTING:

- GOTHAM | 2.15 "Mad Grey Dawn" Clip #1 | FOX BROADCASTING:


- GOTHAM | 2.15 "Mad Grey Dawn" Clip #2 | FOX BROADCASTING:


- GOTHAM | 2.15 "Mad Grey Dawn" Clip #3 | FOX BROADCASTING:

https://amp.twimg.com/v/ecf81f8f-c081-4 ... 0e4ff059f3

- GOTHAM | 2.15 "Mad Grey Dawn" Clip #4 | FOX BROADCASTING:


- GOTHAM | 2.15 "Mad Grey Dawn" Clip #5 | FOX BROADCASTING:


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¡¡¡¡AY, OMÁ QUÉ CALORES!!!! ¡Gracias por tu regalo, Nitta!

Mensajes: 32857
Registrado: Dom May 21, 2006 12:15 am

Re: ¡¡¡Nuevo proyecto de la FOX sobre GOTHAM!!!

Mensaje por Shelby »

- GOTHAM | "Bruce's Letter" Promo | FOX BROADCASTING:

https://amp.twimg.com/v/4f5d80b1-866e-4 ... ce63933455

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¡¡¡¡AY, OMÁ QUÉ CALORES!!!! ¡Gracias por tu regalo, Nitta!

Mensajes: 32857
Registrado: Dom May 21, 2006 12:15 am

Re: ¡¡¡Nuevo proyecto de la FOX sobre GOTHAM!!!

Mensaje por Shelby »

- ¡Gotham renovada para una tercera temporada!:
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La historia de orígenes de Batman continuará en Fox. La cadena ha ordenado una tercera temporada de "Gotham", basada en los personajes de DC Comics.

Aunque ha bajado en número de espectadores con respecto a su primera temporada, Gotham ha sido un negocio sólido en los espectadores multi-plataformas, promediando un total de 9 millones en la Season 2, y ha ido bien en las demos entre hombres. La serie está entre la lista de los 10 programas de entretenimiento entre Hombres 18-49, y está entre los 5 mejores dramas entre hombres 18-49 y hombres 18-34, según Fox y Nielsen.

“Se necesita un equipo muy especial para contar las historias de Gotham. Durante las pasadas dos temporadas, Bruno, Danny y John han honrado de forma maestra la mitología de Gotham y la han traído a la vida con profundidad, emoción y un memorable alto drama,” dice David Madden, Presidente de la Fox.

http://deadline.com/2016/03/gotham-rene ... 201721827/

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¡¡¡¡AY, OMÁ QUÉ CALORES!!!! ¡Gracias por tu regalo, Nitta!

Mensajes: 32857
Registrado: Dom May 21, 2006 12:15 am

Re: ¡¡¡Nuevo proyecto de la FOX sobre GOTHAM!!!

Mensaje por Shelby »

- Brian McManamon será 'Basil Karlo AKA Clayface' en "Gotham":
Cd2ASgBUAAAaxPZ.jpg large.jpg
ComicBook.com acaba de informar que el actor Brian McManamon ha sido contratado como 'Basil Karlo, a.k.a. el original Clayface', en la segunda temporada de "Gotham" de la FOX.

Aunque ya el año pasado supimos que el personaje llegaría a la serie, la FOX no ha confirmado si él se convertirá en marrón y viscosa de los cómics.

'Basil Karlo' hizo su primera aparición en Detective Comics #40 (Junio 1940) y fue creado por Bob Kane. Fue un actor famoso que se volvió loco de ira cuando supo que "The Terror", una película clásica de terror que protagonizaba, iba a ser hecha de nuevo sin contar con él. Para precisar su venganza, Karlo se disfrazó como el villano de la película, Clayface, y mató a los miembros del elenco en el orden en el que sus personajes eran asesinados en la película.

En ese momento, Karlo no tenía ningún super-poder, pero todo cambió cuando reapareció en el arco histórico "The Mud Pack" de 1989 de Detective Comics. La serie de cuatro partes mostraba a Karlo uniendo fuerzas con las otras encarnaciones de Clayface — Preston Payne, Matt Hagen y Sondra Fuller — para derrotar a Batman. Después de que fueran derrotados ellos, Karlo se infundió a sí mismo capacidades para cambiar de forma tomando muestras de sus aliados caídos (a los que engañó) e inyectándose las muestras en sí mismo.

Entre los proyectos de McManamon en tv están ,"Project Beth", "Gossip Girl" y "Connect with English!".
https://twitter.com/BrianMcManamon/stat ... =twsrc^tfw

http://comicbook.com/2016/03/18/exclusi ... in-gotham/

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¡¡¡¡AY, OMÁ QUÉ CALORES!!!! ¡Gracias por tu regalo, Nitta!

Mensajes: 32857
Registrado: Dom May 21, 2006 12:15 am

Re: ¡¡¡Nuevo proyecto de la FOX sobre GOTHAM!!!

Mensaje por Shelby »

- GOTHAM | Riddle Me This: Supercut | FOX BROADCASTING:

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¡¡¡¡AY, OMÁ QUÉ CALORES!!!! ¡Gracias por tu regalo, Nitta!

Mensajes: 32857
Registrado: Dom May 21, 2006 12:15 am

Re: ¡¡¡Nuevo proyecto de la FOX sobre GOTHAM!!!

Mensaje por Shelby »

- Estrella de 'Gotham' habla sobre el "Nacimiento del Enigma" y los contratiempos que están por llegar (THR):
Estrella de 'Gotham' habla sobre el "Nacimiento del Enigma" y los contratiempos que están por llegar
Por Graeme McMillan 21 Marzo, 2016 6:00pm

[Warning: This story contains spoilers from Monday's episode of Gotham, "Mad Grey Dawn."]

Never mess with a forensic scientist. The latest episode of Gotham showed just how far Edward Nygma (Cory Michael Smith) would go to keep himself from being revealed as the man who killed GCPD records keeper Kristen Kringle earlier this season. Edward wentt to all the trouble of creating an elaborate series of crimes and threats designed to frame Jim Gordon (Benjamin McKenzie) for a murder he didn't commit.

As Gordon goes to jail, THR talked to Smith about what it's like to go from mild-mannered scientist to criminal mastermind — and whether Ed could ever find his way back.

Congratulations. After two seasons, you turned out to be the guy who finally manages to get Gordon out, and on your first major outing as a bad guy.

Yeah, I go directly for the jugular. I had to take him out.

I was surprised by how playful Ed's plan was. After all, his "evil" side has previously seemed… well, more evil.

We started off his criminal behavior by being a bit violent and grotesque, which certainly is in the comic books, but I think the Riddler most people love is the one that makes games and puzzles and traps. I was very happy when I first read the script, because he's creating quite a complex set-up to trap James Gordon and frame him. But I like this color of the Riddler. I think it's what sets him apart from other villains.

Despite all the games, he's still very focused in what he does, though. For all the elaborate scheming, his aim is clear: frame Gordon for the murder and make sure that he can't expose Ed for the death of Kristen.

Well, someone has to go to jail, and it's not going to be Ed. It can't be Ed. Even with Kristen's death being an accident, it's still homicide, and he knows he's going to go to jail [if he was caught]. He just doesn't want to. He's certainly sorry, but this has ignited something in him, and he's not quite figured out what he's going to do.

And, frankly, Jim has never been genuinely nice to him, the friend that Ed has wanted him to be, or the friend that Ed has tried to be for him. Ed's now in this place where he knows that he doesn't want to go to jail, so, basically, he has to take Jim down.

That sounds so clear-cut. It reminds me of the scene in this episode where the reformed Oswald shows up, and Ed essentially brushes him off, because he doesn't have any use for him anymore. Is that fair? Is Ed that much of a sociopath?

That scene with Oswald is difficult because he's a person that [Ed] has admired and looked up to so much, and now he's unidentifiable. He's completely changed, and it's really quite depressing. He was a model for me, I was striving to be like him, but something bad has happened to him.

I do qualify him as a sociopath. As he said to Oswald to break him out of his reverie about his mother, we're all alone in this. Everyone is meant to take care of themselves. That's kind of his outlook, you know?

Now that he seems to have gotten away with Kristen's death, do you think Ed is going to go back to being the lab tech for the Gotham PD? Can he stop what he's started? Outwitting the entire Gotham City Police Department and putting the man he was most afraid of in jail is a pretty great note to go out on.

I think that the fact that this goes off as planned is so cool. (Laughs.) It's really interesting, and the fact that it comes off is really a vote of confidence in himself, you know? I think he wants to stick around and enjoy how people respond to Jim Gordon being in jail, to make sure that he's covered all of his tracks — I think he wants to see everyone try and figure it out, and fail. He wants to relish that.

He has to figure out what he wants to do. He's embraced the idea of being a criminal — and also, this episode shows that he doesn't understand that he's exploring his trademark yet. It's not like he's decided, 'Oh, I am the Riddler, I'm going to be famous for puzzles and I'm going to use a question mark as my calling card.' It just kind of happens. It's the birth of the Riddler, and he doesn't know it yet. This is an exciting moment where he's like, "I'm really good at this!"

For almost all of Gotham's first year, Ed was this amazingly meek character who was, let's be honest, treated kind of terribly by his co-workers. Going from that version of the character to the one we saw this week had to have been fun.

Oh, certainly. I think there's a lot more confidence in him, which we'll be exploring more going into next season. He was very lost before, and then he got the confidence of, 'Oh, someone's attracted to me.' That was huge for him, and now that he has this faith in himself and his abilities even beyond that. There's a version of the Riddler where he's a showman, he's a villain who really enjoys the intricacies of his games, and of his presentation. I think we're starting to explore that flavor of him: the trickster.

Is that where you want to take him? In the comics, the Riddler has been a trickster, a psychopath, a lighthearted criminal who seems to care more about the puzzles than the crimes, there are so many ways he could develop.

I love this character so much. As I read the comic books, as I was researching the role, I saw that he's been all those things and more, and I think that, depending on what his job may be — as the season goes on he suffers some setbacks — but when he gets back on his feet, he has to make some choices about how to make money and whatnot.

I really like the guy who's creating puzzles and kind of mocking people. The more fun, spirited Riddler rather than the homicidal, murderous one. That's a color that's in our show a lot. As he embraces his talents, I think it adds an extra layer of fun to the show.

Is this some latent puzzler instinct in you coming out, when you say that?

I'm not really into puzzles. I don't have, like, a giant puzzle I pull out at home or anything. I said to Bruno [Heller, Gotham showrunner], "I love this episode so much. It's so smart and so interesting. And you guys did the hard work of working it all out. I just showed up and performed."

http://www.hollywoodreporter.com/live-f ... ing-876854?

- Paul Reubens habla sobre 'Gotham' (accesshollywood):
Paul Reubens habla sobre 'Gotham'
Por Jolie Lash 28 Marzo, 2016 11:46 AM PDT

Paul Reubens continues his guest arc as Penguin's pops, Elijah Van Dahl, on Fox's "Gotham" on Monday night.

It's the second time the actor has stepped into the shoes of Oswald Cobblepot's father. He previously played Tucker Cobblepot on the big screen in "Batman Returns."

On "Gotham," Oswald's father goes by the name Elijah Van Dahl, and he met his recently rehabilitated son, played by Robin Lord Taylor, at the grave of his ex, Gertrude (Carol Kane). The casual run-in turned serious when Elijah learned Oswald's age, which prompted the realization that the pair is father and son. He quickly took the Arkham Asylum graduate home to meet the Van Dahl family, who clearly had mischief on their minds when seeing their newest family member.

As he continued to pull double duty to promote his "Gotham" role and his new Netflix movie "Pee-Wee's Big Holiday," Paul told AccessHollywood.com more about the Van Dahl family and joining the Fox show for a guest arc.

Access Hollywood: Have you heard any reactions from fans of 'Gotham' to your intro on this show yet?
Paul Reubens: The only person I have talked to yet is Robin. I have not had a chance to talk to one person or even look at a text or an email. I'm in the middle of doing promotion for 'Pee Wee's Big Holiday' and I've just gone from one thing to another to another and I was on a TV show while the 'Gotham' episode aired and I was staying in a hotel that doesn't allow me to tape it so I have to wait 'til I get home to see it.

Access: Tell me what it was like when you met Robin. … Did you guys meet at a table read or had you met in advance? How did that go?
Paul: I am good, close, longtime friends with Carol Kane who was playing his mother and I was working on 'The Blacklist' in New York and called her to see if she was available to go have lunch, and she was working with Robin and asked if she could bring Robin along and I think they both had an ulterior motive… because about halfway through lunch, they said, 'Oh, the father's going to be coming soon and is there any scenario where you would consider playing it?' and I said yes immediately. I mean, it was so – I, at that time, thought I would get to work with Carol, which didn't happen. But yeah, it was super exciting, I have to say.

Access: Did you see any of Robin as Penguin before you jumped on to the show? Did you get to watch any of what he was doing with the character?
Paul: Oh yeah, I watched a bunch of episodes.

Access: Did you take anything from that? I'm curious if there was anything you wanted to borrow from his performance when you were joining 'Gotham'?
Paul: No, I didn't really, because I felt sort of like that was a little, maybe a trap. I thought that wasn't a great idea for me because they don't actually know each other. I don't want to give anything away, but he doesn't know he had a father and I didn't see anything that I thought would make sense to replicate like that.

Access: We only got a little bit of your wife and your other two children on the show in [last week's] episode. I'm curious how quickly we're going to get to learn more about the Van Dahls?
Paul: Next [episode]. We're going to learn a lot about them and you're going to be really, really freaked out by them soon. They are really freaky.

Access: It sounds like they're an evil family, but I'm getting the impression that your character is a bit more gray? Is that fair to maybe assume that at this point or are we going to see his darker colors as the episode roll out that you're on?
Paul: No, I think you're in the right ballpark.

Access: Had you finished your Netflix movie when this came up or did they overlap a little bit?
Paul: No, I finished the movie. We were in post-production, so we were still finishing the movie, but finishing the post on the movie.

Access: Were there a lot of questions [on the set of] 'Gotham' about your 'Pee-Wee' movie, because I imagine there are a lot of fans among the 'Gotham' cast?
Paul: Yeah, we talked about the 'Pee-Wee' movie a little bit, but mostly we'd just talk about the 'Batman' movies and the Batman universe and I talked more than they did, I guess, because I'm just so intrigued by it all and I have lots of questions, and everybody was so nice to me. It was a pleasure and people were super excited by my connection to the previous 'Batman' world and then Robin and I just really hit it off great and yeah, it was a really, really fun thing to do.

"Gotham" continues Monday night at 8/7c on Fox. "Pee-Wee's Big Holiday" is out on Netflix now.

http://www.accesshollywood.com/articles ... ks-gotham/

- Paul Reubens dice que Gotham es extremadamente gratificante y algunas veces es un reto (comicbook):
Paul Reubens dice que Gotham es extremadamente gratificante y algunas veces es un reto
Por Lucas Siegel 28/03/16

Paul Reubens joined the cast of Gotham last week, coming in as Oswald "the Penguin" Cobblepot's long lost father. The actor played the same role in 1992's Batman Returns, a comeback that wasn't lost on him or his new castmates.

"It was an incredible experience," Reubens told Comicbook.com in an interview. "It was an incredible situation to jump into. People were freaking out that I was there, that I’d played the role before and had the connection to the Tim Burton Batman universe. It was an amazing thing to come into." The actor said the cast was a bit part of that, and that he "felt an enormous amount of love and respect, and people could not have been nicer," and came away from it with "a lot of new friends."

The actor came into the show directly via actor Robin Lord Taylor, who portrays the Penguin, thanks to their mutual friend Carol Kane, who played Oswald's mother on the show. Taylor told us the story a couple of weeks ago, and Reubens told his side of it.

"I was in town working on The Blacklist, and I called Carol to see if she was available to have lunch. She said, ‘I’d love to bring this lovely young man I’m working with that I want you to meet!’ So we met, and had lunch, and halfway through the lunch, I realized they had a little bit of an ulterior motive," Reubens said with a laugh. "They mentioned to me that his father was going to come on soon, and was there any scenario where I’d want to do it, and I said yes immediately! I love Carol – I thought I was going to get to work with her. And yeah, I knew I liked Robin right away, and right after that, I watched some of the episodes of the show, saw some of his stuff on the show, and it was just this super exciting, out-of-left-field thing to happen for me."

Overall, coming into a show a season and a half in and having to have an instant bond with another character was "extremely gratifying, sometimes challenging," though he said Gotham "wasn't as challenging" as other projects. Reubens was very complimentary to producer Danny Cannon, his directors, co-stars, and even the crew in making it "an incredible experience."

"I was on a set that, everytime I looked off the set I could see the Batcave! It’s incredible, kind of staggering," Reubens said. "I had [the start of my filming] at a really wonderful time; I was there the week before Christmas break, and then the first week after the new year started. Everyone was caught up in the holidays and that spirit. They just have an amazing group of people who make that show, from the crew to the cast, everybody connected to it. It’s a finely-oiled, beautiful machine with a lot of really loving, caring people who really have a deep interest in making the show wonderful all the time. There aren’t many sets like that, that I’ve experienced.

"Gotham is run by some pretty amazing people," Reubens said.

As for his biggest challenge personally, it was "a situation of knowing what not to do, and not going too big or over the top or giving up too much information,"Reubens explained. "It’s a lot of subtle work going on, more than anything; knowing less is more."

http://comicbook.com/2016/03/28/paul-re ... mes-chall/

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¡¡¡¡AY, OMÁ QUÉ CALORES!!!! ¡Gracias por tu regalo, Nitta!

Mensajes: 32857
Registrado: Dom May 21, 2006 12:15 am

Re: ¡¡¡Nuevo proyecto de la FOX sobre GOTHAM!!!

Mensaje por Shelby »

- Cory Michael Smith Facebook Q&A (21-03-16):

https://www.facebook.com/GOTHAMonFOX/vi ... 735811214/

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¡¡¡¡AY, OMÁ QUÉ CALORES!!!! ¡Gracias por tu regalo, Nitta!

Mensajes: 32857
Registrado: Dom May 21, 2006 12:15 am

Re: ¡¡¡Nuevo proyecto de la FOX sobre GOTHAM!!!

Mensaje por Shelby »

- GOTHAM | 2.16 "Prisoners" Promo #1 | FOX BROADCASTING:

- GOTHAM | 2.16 "Prisoners" Featurette | FOX BROADCASTING:

- GOTHAM | 2.16 "Oswald´s New Family" Featurette | FOX BROADCASTING:

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¡¡¡¡AY, OMÁ QUÉ CALORES!!!! ¡Gracias por tu regalo, Nitta!

Mensajes: 32857
Registrado: Dom May 21, 2006 12:15 am

Re: ¡¡¡Nuevo proyecto de la FOX sobre GOTHAM!!!

Mensaje por Shelby »

- Nuevas imágenes bts de la S2 (21 Marzo - 23 Mayo 2016):

Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen

(@clarefoley_: What's Ivy up to now @Gotham
@mister_CMS: Pinkney sure did make a mess, didn't he, @CrescenzoVision #gotham #bloody
@thedrewpowell: #ButchiTabs back in action TONIGHT with a visit from and old friend. @Gotham @jessicalucas @robinlordtaylor #Gotham
@chalkchris: These guys are the smartest minds in #gotham
@MariaS_38: Niko making his appearance on #gotham tonight @camrenbicondova @robinlordtaylor @Gotham
@gothamonfox: #BehindTheScenes, everyone in #Gotham gets along. #SetLife
@seanpertwee: Ding Ding !@GothamOn5 Fight Club Tonight 10pm #00Alfred vs A couple of Cupcakes @TwtLG
@Gotham: #BehindTheScenes the cast of #Gotham likes to play cops and robbers
@Gotham: @ben_mckenzie worked hard on his swirly technique. #Gotham #BehindTheScenes
@BD_WONG: #hugostrange and the bloody annus. @Gotham #gotham
@jaegreenestunts: That time @robinlordtaylor smashed a vase on my head on @Gotham
@larefoley: Tomorrow night you may see Ivy sprout up again @Gotham
@clarefoley_: Happy Gotham Monday BTS with @realdavidmazouz shooting tonight's episode @Gotham
@camrenbicondova: An all new episode of #Gotham is on tonight and there are only TWO left for the season, so TUNE IN!
@BrianMcManamon: Big love to the incredible @BD_WONG and the make-up team of @Gotham for bringing me to life. #clayface #Gotham
@wongdb: #brucewayne & #luciusfox sneak up on #hugostrange. New @gothamonfox tonight. Two episodes till the Finale
@Gotham: #BehindTheScenes of @robinlordtaylor getting into character. #Gotham #SetLife
@thedrewpowell Thanks for watching Gothamites! See y'all next season.... #GilzeanOut @robinlordtaylor @jadapsmith @Gotham)

- Nuevo video bts de la S2 (22-03-16):

https://www.instagram.com/p/BDO54KXGs-o ... -by=wongbd

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¡¡¡¡AY, OMÁ QUÉ CALORES!!!! ¡Gracias por tu regalo, Nitta!

Mensajes: 32857
Registrado: Dom May 21, 2006 12:15 am

Re: ¡¡¡Nuevo proyecto de la FOX sobre GOTHAM!!!

Mensaje por Shelby »

- Descripción oficial del 2.17 "Into the woods":
2.17 "Into the woods" (11/04/16 9:00-10:00 PM ET/PT): GORDON DESCUBRE UNA PISTA, MIENTRAS QUE EL PINGÜINO TIENE UN CAMBIO DE PARECER - En un intento por limpiar su nombre, Gordon roba el dossier de su caso y le pide ayuda a Nygma. Mientras tanto, el Pingüino descubre el papel de su familia postiza en la muerte de su padre, y se despierta de su condición. Estrellas invitadas: BD Wong como 'Hugo Strange', Tonya Pinkins como 'Ethel Peabody', Melinda Clarke como 'Grace Van Dahl', Justin Mark como 'Charles Van Dahl', Kaley Ronayne como 'Sasha Van Dahl'.

http://www.spoilertv.com/2016/03/gotham ... press.html?

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¡¡¡¡AY, OMÁ QUÉ CALORES!!!! ¡Gracias por tu regalo, Nitta!
