"ARROW" Nueva serie de la CW para TV basada en Green Arrow

Moderadores: Shelby, Lore, Super_House, ZeTa, Trasgo

Mensajes: 33240
Registrado: Dom May 21, 2006 12:15 am

Re: "ARROW" Nueva serie de la CW para TV basada en Green Arr

Mensaje por Shelby »

- La actriz Charlotte Ross será la madre de 'Felicity' en la S3 de "Arrow":
La alumna de NYPD Charlotte Ross ha sido la escogida para interpretar a la madre de Felicity Smoak (Emily Bett Rickards) en la S3 de Arrow.

Ross, cuyos créditos incluyen "Nashville", "Days of Our Lives" y "Glee", está previsto que aparezca en al menos un episodio a principios de Noviembre.

Los detalles sobre la madre de Felicity — incluyendo su nombre y si aparecerá en flashback o en el presente — están manteniéndose fuertemente guardados.

Como ya comentamos, en esta temporada la serie está planeando hacer una serie de flashbacks centrados en Felicity que nos desvelarán más detalles sobre la vida de la rubia secretaria. También se desveló en el SDCC que el episodio centrado en Felicity se llamará "Oracle."

http://www.tvguide.com/News/Arrow-Felic ... 85088.aspx

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¡¡¡¡AY, OMÁ QUÉ CALORES!!!! ¡Gracias por tu regalo, Nitta!

Mensajes: 33240
Registrado: Dom May 21, 2006 12:15 am

Re: "ARROW" Nueva serie de la CW para TV basada en Green Arr

Mensaje por Shelby »

- "Arrow" añade al actor David Cubitt a su elenco de la S3:
Arrow acaba de añadir al actor David Cubbitt a su elenco en un papel invitado crucial que introducirá a otro personaje de DC Comics y que tendrá fuertes vínculos con Diggle.

Cubitt, a quien pudimos ver como protagonista de la serie "Medium", interpretará a 'Mark Shaw' aka 'Manhunter' (que no debe confundirse con Martian Manhyunter) en el tercer episodio de la tercera temporada, titulado "Corto Maltese" y será un operativo de A.R.G.U.S. que cruzará su camino con Diggle.

En DC comics, 'Mark Shaw' es uno de los muchos personajes que toman el nombre de "Manhunter" y tiene una conexión con el Suicide Squad. Creado por Jack Kirby, Shaw tomó el testigo de Manhunter como resultado de su descontento con el sistema judicial Americano, que él veía como la luz ante el crimen. Muchos personajes han usado el nombre a lo largo de la mitología de DC como vigilantes, pero también son conocidos por ser los androides precuersores de los Green Lanterns.

En la serie de la CW, ya han habido algunos guiños al personaje de 'Manhunter' en anteriores temporadas, como la abogada del distrito Kate Spencer que fue asesinada en la S2 (uno de los personajes que se convierte en Manhunter en los comics tiene el mismo nombre).

Cubitt está representado por Resolution, Kirk Talent Agencies y Open Entertainment. Recientemente hizo un papel recurrente como el marido difunto de Norma Bates en "Bates Motel" ya ha hecho varias películas.

http://www.hollywoodreporter.com/live-f ... ark-723166?

- Nueva imagen BTS (04-08-14):


(@WStanzler: A wonderful day, on a wonderful show with a wonderful cast that I love. Thanks @amellywood @MzKatieCassidy @CW_Arrow)

-Imágenes BTS (05-08-14):

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(@davidpaulramsey: Super tough morning on #arrowseason3
@amellywood: #Arrow been shooting
@Team_Barrowman: Officially part of the family with my own parking space #arrow @arrowprodoffice @ARROWwriters
@ArrowProdOffice: We support @Team_Barrowman! #Arrow #ArrowSeason3 #barrowmanforprez
@ArrowProdOffice: Our boyfriend's back and you're gonna be in trouble! #Arrow #ArrowSeason3)

Imagen Imagen
¡¡¡¡AY, OMÁ QUÉ CALORES!!!! ¡Gracias por tu regalo, Nitta!

Mensajes: 33240
Registrado: Dom May 21, 2006 12:15 am

Re: "ARROW" Nueva serie de la CW para TV basada en Green Arr

Mensaje por Shelby »

- Nuevos spoilers sobre Laurel, Felicity y otros personajes del elenco:
¿Alguna oportunidad de que vayamos a ver una amistad entre Laurel y Felicity en Arrow, ahora que Laurel sabe el secreto,en lugar de alguna ridícula tontería de pelea de gatas? —Samantha
Ausiello: El productor ejecutivo Marc Guggenheim dice que con Laurel ahora sabiendo el secreto de todos, la dinámica entre ella y Felicity será “muy divertida” — y decididamente no en plan pelea de gatas. “estos personajes [incluyendo a Sara] deberían ser todos más que tan sólo quiénes son para Oliver,” apunta Guggenheim. “Siempre estamos intentando darle vida al personaje de Felicity, de Laurel y de Sara más allá del si van o no a salir con Oliver esa semana.”

¿Alguna primicia sobre Arrow? —Seana, via Twitter
la tercera temporada explorará los temas de la identidad, pero eso no sólo se le aplicará a Oliver y su lucha interna entre ser un hombre o ser un héroe, según comenta el productor ejecutivo Marc Guggenheim. "Para Thea: ¿Soy Thea Queen o soy Thea Merlyn?" dice. "Con Diggle: ¿Soy un ayudante o soy yo mismo? Felicity: ¿Existo más allá de la cueva? ¿Existo como algo más que el ser el objeto de enamoramiento de Oliver? Lance: ¿si estoy confinado al trabajo de escritorio, ¿sigo siendo un policía?... Laurel: ¿Soy Laurel o soy mi hermana? ¿O puedo ser mi hermana?" ¡Esperemos que la respuesta a ésa pregunta sea sí!

http://tvline.com/2014/08/05/the-big-ba ... don-train/
http://www.tvguide.com/News/Mega-Buzz-T ... 85293.aspx

- Nueva imagen BTS (06-08-14):

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(@coltonhaynes: Arsenal mask mold. I'm gon make a bunch of dolls and gift them to ppl I know just to piss them off. #SpecialDelivery
@coltonhaynes: Never a dull moment wit this crazy kid @johnscotbarrowman #Arrow
@willaaaahh: First day back on set, everything's going smoothly, things are real casual #daddydaycare @coltonlhaynes @johnscotbarrowman)

- John Barrowman Orienta la Season 3 de ‘Arrow’ (nerdrepository):
John Barrowman Orienta la Season 3 de ‘Arrow’
Por Kyle Wilson 06 de Agosto, 2014

John Barrowman has a history a playing characters that defy death at every turn. From the immortal hero Captain Jack Harkness on Torchwood and Doctor Who to the villainous (and allegedly) Lazarus Pit-infused Malcolm Merlyn on Arrow, his characters just can’t be stopped.

In real life, Barrowman is also a man who can’t be stopped, and his tireless devotion to his fans and non-stop infectious energy has made him a beloved figure in the nerd community. Warner Bros. TV created a lot of highlights at Comic-Con 2014 and provided one my personal favorites when they generously gave me time with the cast of Arrow, including the incredibly gracious John Barrowman, where he teased the upcoming third season of the DC superhero show. You can check out the highlights below, and keep bringing your browser back to NerdRep.com for more Comic-Con interviews with the cast:

On whether Malcolm Merlyn is looking for redemption in Season 3:

John Barrowman: “I don’t know if Malcolm really cares about redemption. I don’t know if Malcolm really cares about what people think about him. But he does care about Thea (Willa Holland). Ironically he doesn’t care about Oliver (Stephen Amell). He does care about Tommy (Colin Donnell).

To jump back a little bit: The thing that Malcolm is good at – because he’s misunderstood, I don’t see him as a bad guy, right? – Malcolm can control and manipulate with his money. He can manipulate with his violence. He can manipulate and control with his destructive techniques. How he lost Tommy through emotion. Tommy became a hero because he loved somebody and wanted to save her. [Malcolm] lost Moira (Susanna Thompson), who he loved, for emotion. She sacrificed herself for [points to Stephen Amell at another table], right? He does not want to lose Thea.

So what does he have to do? He has to find a way to control people emotionally. So that, for me, is how I think it’s going to end this time… without giving you too much… [laughs] but I don’t think he wants redemption.”

On Malcolm’s motives and relationship with Thea in Season 3:

John Barrowman: “This is so difficult. It is going to be the most destructive, dysfunctional father/daughter relationship you’re ever going to see on television. It’s going to be shocking. It’s going to be amazing. And it’s going to be thrilling. There’s going to be a lot of jaw-dropping moments with this, because it’s not going to be what you expect. Him looking after her. Possibly him loathing her?

Malcolm comes from a place, we all know he’s been to Nanda Parbat – we all know what history that has [home of the League of Assassins/Ra's Al Ghul], we all know where Malcolm, shall we say, trained – had qualities… that’s why he was able to mimic dying. Everybody says he doesn’t look [old] enough to have Tommy, but where he was has rejuvenating qualities.

If you know your history of DC, as I do because I’m a huge nerd… so take all of that on-board on what he might have to do. But I’m telling you honestly, some of it I don’t know. This is John Barrowman, fan talking, and maybe that’s going to be brought in, I hope, with Thea and maybe something across to Ollie.

But if there’s a new big villain maybe arise? I don’t know if it does, I would love to see, as a fan, Malcolm and Ollie and Roy (Colton Haynes) and Thea banding to try to defeat [it]. Because it would be the most dysfunctional Justice League. ‘Dysfunctional League’. ‘Dysfunctional Justice’. #DysfunctionalJustice. Awesome. That’s mine. You can tweet it first, but say that I created it.”

On if Malcolm’s story this season will have flashbacks:

John Barrowman: “I don’t know. We will pick up with Malcolm and Thea where we left off. So her getting into the back of the limo, looking exceptionally hot – it’s kind of creepy to say that about my daughter – in the black leather coat and the boots, that conversation is going to happen.

We haven’t shot any of that yet, so I’m really looking forward to it. I just came back from the UK. I flew in two days ago. Then I drove to my house in Palm Springs. Unpacked my stuff. Packed again. Came here. I have all the scripts I have yet to read.

So I’m kind of going in, I know what they’ve told me, but I’m really excited to read them myself and start filming because I’ve been chomping at the bit. I’ve done the Commonwealth Games in the UK, I’ve launched my album, I’ve been in Australia doing promotional stuff for the last month and half. So I am ready to get my teeth into Arrow.”

On his love of the character of Malcolm Merlyn:

John Barrowman: “Here is my vision for what I would love to do. If you don’t know, my sister and I write together. We’ve done a couple of comic books and we also have done a Torchwood novel and we write a children’s/mid-teen series called Hollow Earth. Which we’ll now be doing the third book, which comes out in the States next year and then we’re starting with four more.

I would love, this is my dream for this year and I’m going to talk to DC about it, I would love for Carol, my sister, and I to do a Merlyn comic. I met [Geoff Johns] last night for the first time and I thought ‘I’m not going to use this opportunity now, but I will go in and meet with them.’ Because I’ve talked to [Arrow executive producer] Andrew Kreisberg about it and he thinks it’s a great idea. Because it would… I know Malcolm.

I went back to the guy who originally drew the first Malcolm Merlyn. I can’t remember his name now, I was at a convention, I went and sat down with him and he was drawing and I said ‘Look, can you take my face, my physique, my imagery…’ and he drew what I described to him and I’m going to show it to Andrew and them because it looks phenomenal. It looks amazing.

That’s why I’m trying to get a little bit of stubble because I really like the goatee. Bring back the retro-modern feel to it. We learned this with Doctor Who, you want to do stuff for the future you have to go back to the past and you revamp it. You kind of take stuff from the past to make them look futuristic.

I just had a geek moment, which is awesome! He not only just did a facial drawing, but he did a full body drawing of me, which is totally amazing, in a tight outfit – a leather, kind of darker version. I just lost it, because that one I wear right now is so freaking claustrophobic. As they say in Glasgow, Scotland ‘I’ve got a big head.’

Yeah it’s claustrophobic, they stitch me into that mask. So when I’m in, I’m in and when I do my dialogue, I’m the one who gets all the speeches. So I get all these speeches [puts hands over mouth and makes garbled noises] so I have to go in and dub them! [makes more noises] It’s like a gimp mask! So we’re going to have to work on that.”

On what his fans mean to him:

John Barrowman: “I’ve always said this, and this is not [a euphemism], I’m really upfront with my fans. I treat my fans probably very differently than a lot other… well, I am a celeb, right? A talent, you know what I mean? But I appreciate my fans, I adore my fans, my fans have changed my life.

For us to have this, you’re saying like a Comic-Con, that’s why I do them. That’s why I go to more conventions more than a lot of other actors because I love the interaction with my fans. It’s great when somebody comes up – this might sound weird to you guys – and says ‘watching you changed my life because I was ill and I watched the box set and I really focused on what you were saying as Captain Jack [on Doctor Who/Torchwood]‘ or something like me singing ‘Springtime for Hitler’ – they’d play it over and over again because it made them laugh.

So to have that, to meet them, and you’re making that impact is really important to me. And if I’ve changed, I’ve told my fans they have to slap me. So the day you see someone walking up to me in the street and slapping me, you’ll know something has gone really wrong.”

http://nerdrepository.com/interview-joh ... n-3-arrow/

- Colton Haynes habla sobre la relación de Roy/Thea, los Easter Eggs y más (tvovermind):
Colton Haynes habla sobre la relación de Roy/Thea, los Easter Eggs y más
Por Andy 07 Agosto, 2014

One of the biggest characters in the entire Green Arrow mythology has and always will be, Roy Harper, known as Speedy/Red Arrow/Arsenal and on CW’s hit show Arrow, the magnificent actor Colton Haynes portrays that character with grace.

Last Saturday afternoon at San Diego Comic-Con, TVOvermind was able to participate in roundtables at the Arrow press junket with other reporters and we got to ask Haynes a couple of questions of what is in store for Roy in season 3 as he is now suiting up himself, as Arsenal. The questions below are the ones that TVO specifically asked Haynes during the roundtable.

TVOvermind’s Andy Behbakht: Let’s say that in Thea would want to get back with Roy, would he be open to get back together with her or is he at this point to heartbroken after what she did to him in the finale, to even consider it?

Colton Haynes: I think Roy realized what he did was messed up and he lied to her, atop of her family line too and stuff. I think Roy would really want to salvage the relationship with her, I think at the beginning of the season he is starting to realize that he can’t keep hiding from the fact that she is gone.

He has tried to make himself busy to try not think about her. But he finally comes to the realization that he needs to start figure out a way to apologize to her in a way, IF he can find her.

TVO: I do hope you guys get back together because it’s a nice relationship.

Haynes: Oh I love the relationship; there is so much fun to do. We shot this cool emotional scene, really fast and it ended up being really cool in the finale.

TVO: On the subject of the Mirakuru, he did some nasty things last year when it was in his system, is that something that is going to haunt him throughout the season or is it something that he has resolved within himself?

Haynes: No one has told Roy yet because in that last scene with Felicity, I was basically out cold and she was like “yeah, you were out cold”. So no one has told Roy yet that he is basically a cop-killer, that he killed two cops. Eventually that’s going to come out and how that affects Roy, we don’t know yet, I haven’t read that far. Roy is going to have to deal with the repercussions of that and who knows what it is going to be, I actually don’t know.

TVO: Are we going to see any more hints towards some of the major comic events that Roy has gone through, like losing an arm or getting a baby?

Haynes: I have asked some of that to Marc [Guggenheim], Andrew [Kreisberg], about the drug addiction aspect, the Cheshire character and the losing an arm part. I don’t think we are going to see him losing an arm in at least the next few seasons, definitely because it’s probably a little bit too difficult, but I can say that are going to be some people from Roy’s past coming that everyone will know in the comic world.

http://www.tvovermind.com/arrow/sdcc-20 ... ggs-237711

- John Barrowman habla sobre la relación Malcolm/Thea, los Motivos y Flashbacks de la Season 3 (tvovermind):
John Barrowman habla sobre la relación Malcolm/Thea, los Motivos y Flashbacks de la Season 3
Por Andy 07 Agosto, 2014

One of the biggest actors in the geek culture is without doubt, the talented and charming John Barrowman, who played Captain Jack Harkness on Doctor Who and got his own spin-off show, Torchwood. For the past three years, he has played the wicked antagonist, Malcolm Merlyn aka the Dark Archer on CW’s hit show Arrow and this season you will be seeing lots of him as he is now a series regular on the series.

Last Saturday afternoon at San Diego Comic-Con, TVOvermind was able to participate in roundtables with Arrow and we got to ask what Merlyn’s relationship will be like this season with Thea (Willa Holland) and much more. These are the questions we specifically asked at the roundtable.

TVOvermind’s Andy Behbakht: So is Malcolm trying to back to being evil or is he perhaps going to seek for redemption this year?

John Barrowman: I don’t know if Malcolm really cares about redemption. I don’t know if Malcolm really cares about what people think about him. But he does care about Thea. Ironically he does care about Oliver, He does care about Tommy.

To jump back a little bit: The thing that Malcolm is good at – because he’s misunderstood, I don’t see him as a bad guy, right? Malcolm can control and manipulate with his money. He can manipulate with his violence. He can manipulate and control with his destructive techniques. How he lost Tommy through emotion. Tommy became a hero because he loved somebody and wanted to save her. He lost Moira, who he loved, for emotion because she sacrificed herself for Ollie, right? He does not want to lose Thea.

So what does he have to do? He has to find a way to control people emotionally. So that, for me, is how I think it’s going to end this time without giving you too much! [laughs] but I don’t think he wants redemption.

TVO: So there is a dark agenda behind him taking care of Thea?

Barrowman: This is so difficult. It is going to be the most destructive, dysfunctional father/daughter relationship you are ever going to see on television. It’s going to be shocking. It’s going to be amazing. And it’s going to be thrilling. There’s going to be a lot of jaw-dropping moments with this, because it’s not going to be what you expect. Him looking after her. Possibly him loathing her?

TVO: On the subject of flashbacks, will we actually get to see Nanda Parbat in flashbacks or in the present?

Barrowman: I don’t know. We will pick up with Malcolm and Thea where we left off. So her getting into the back of the limo, looking exceptionally hot – it’s kind of creepy to say that about my daughter – in the black leather coat and the boots, that conversation is going to happen.

We haven’t shot any of that yet, so I’m really looking forward to it. I just came back from the UK. I flew in two days ago. Then I drove to my house in Palm Springs. I unpacked my stuff, packed again. Came here. I have all the scripts I have yet to read.

So I’m kind of going in, I know what they’ve told me, but I’m really excited to read them myself and start filming because I’ve been chomping at the bit. I’ve done the Commonwealth Games in the UK, I have launched my album, I have been in Australia doing promotional stuff for the last month and half. So I am ready to get my teeth into Arrow.

http://www.tvovermind.com/arrow/sdcc-20 ... n-3-237717

- Paul Blackthorne Habla sobre el Capitán Lance y la familia Lance en la Season 3 (tvovermind):
Paul Blackthorne Habla sobre el Capitán Lance y la familia Lance en la Season 3
Por Andy 08 Agosto, 2014

One of the characters that have grown into one of the strongest voices of CW’s Arrow is Quentin Lance who is played by the great Paul Blackthorne, who this season is going to be known as Captain Lance rather than officer or detective Lance. Last Saturday afternoon at San Diego Comic-Con, TVOvermind was able to participate in roundtables with Arrow and we got to ask Mr. Blackthorne how Lance is dealing with being an captain now as well as whether or not the Lance family will be able to catch a break this season. These are the questions we specifically asked at the roundtable.

TVOvermind’s Andy Behbakht: How is Quentin dealing with being a captain now, I know there is going to be a time-jump, but how is he dealing with it? Is he happy about it or is overwhelming to him?

Paul Blackthorne: Well it’s tricky, Quentin is very much a man of the streets [as a cop] and he grew up in Starling City, very blue collar. One thing that he actually enjoyed last year about being the police officer was being back on the streets with the people. But this new position that he finds himself this year is a lot more administrative, paper pushing, politics, budgets and these sorts of tasks that come with the job that he has now. And that’s not something that a) massively appeals to him and b) he thinks he is actually good enough to do, in a sense.

He’s got this sort of insecurity about all that, whether he is really good to be that kind of guy and really whether that is his thing that he enjoys. He doesn’t [like it], he likes being out on the street, he knows everyone’s names in Starling City. But it was the only way for him to be back in the police force.

You see he be back in the police force, but he has to go by this rank so he’s got to reconcile that “you can’t be a player anymore” [out in the field], it’s time to be a coach and it’s a bit of a mid-life crisis. So yeah it’s a nice bit of shift for his character, but that’s one of the themes of this season which is identity, really for everyone. It’s going to be an ongoing thing so everyone is going to be like “who the hell am I?”

TVO: The Lance family has been having it rough for the past few years with Sara coming back – after being assumed dead -, Dinah left and Laurel had her drinking problems: are they finally going to get some peace this season?

Blackthorne: Peace? What are you going to say, happiness next? [laughs]

TVO: Yes, happiness! Anything!

Blackthorne: Drama is conflict, conflict is drama, right? Well you know, Andrew [Kreisberg] was saying on the panel yesterday [Arrow’s SDCC panel the day before] that there was a relative happy ending to season 2. You know, surprise, surprise, things were resolved and good, they beat the bad guys. But of course there is lots of murky things lurking around to pop up. I think the first season was obviously extremely unhappy for the Lances’: there was obviously Sara was “dead”, Lance was being castigated for his approach to try finding the Arrow.

So that was rough, but last year was, apart of Dinah running off and coming back telling us all about this Jeffrey character that she is with in Central City, which I thought was rather annoying. So apart from that little bump, it was relatively “happy”, Laurel sorted out her drug addiction aside. But there is no such thing as real “happiness” and that’s the thing actually, you have to worry about, as soon as you see a moment of happiness, you are like “Oh I don’t know if this is going to last because there is some stuff around the corner!”

TVO: I just want you guys to be able to catch a break very once in a while!

Blackthorne: Well just when you think that you can catch a break, that’s when you know that something is coming and there is some classic stuff coming that I can’t tell you about, but there is some classic stuff coming out in the first three episodes where everything is great so you know things are going to get greyer and greyer and you know there is going to be a bigger and bigger shock, because that happiness isn’t going to last. And again, that’s up to these guys with their excellent writing.

http://www.tvovermind.com/arrow/sdcc-20 ... n-3-237784

- Marc Guggenheim habla sobre los temas de los personajes y los Flashbacks (tvovermind):
Marc Guggenheim habla sobre los temas de los personajes y los Flashbacks
Por Andy 08 de Agosto, 2014

CW’s Arrow is successful for a number of reasons, it has an outstanding cast, but it also has one of the best creative team on television and one of them is show-runner/EP Marc Guggenheim.

Last Saturday afternoon at San Diego Comic-Con, TVOvermind was able to participate in roundtables with Arrow and we got to ask Mr. Guggenheim about the overall theme for all the characters this season as well as if we are going to see flashbacks to one of the new major players of the show, Ray Palmer who will be played by the great Brandon Routh. These are the questions we specifically asked at the roundtable.

TVOvermind’s Andy Behbakht: What is the overall theme for all the characters this season?

Marc Guggenheim: That’s a great question actually because usually it’s hard to answer, usually we just have a season long arc for Oliver and a season long theme for Oliver and theme doesn’t impact all the characters necessarily. This year is different, this year the theme is identity and the trailer that we released last night [referring to the Comic-Con panel for Arrow the day before], you know “man can’t live by two names”, a lot of season 3 is going to be about can Oliver be Oliver Queen or the Arrow? Can he be both? Which one is he, it’s the concept of identity. But what is cool about this theme is that every other character on the show is going through the same thing.

Every other character on the show is dealing with some question of identity. Who am I, what am I, what am I doing? Let me give you an example: Detective Lance who is now Captain Lance has basically taken a desk job and he is like “If I can’t be a cop the way I used to be a cop, what am I?” He is dealing with identity. Laurel is going to be dealing with this question of identity as she tries to walk the path that her sister walks. Is Thea Malcolm Merlyn’s daughter or Moira Queen’s daughter? Who is she? Diggle: “am I a sidekick, am I my own man?” Felicity: “do I have my own identity?”

All the characters are going to be wrestling with this in various different forms [of this question of identity]. It’s like a diamond that we are looking through all the different facets to all the different characters throughout the season and that to me is part of the fun of the most exciting aspect of season 3. Because like I said, we have never really had that kind of, really clear theme running throughout the entire year that affects everybody which I think is cool.

TVO: On the subject of Ray Palmer and before I ask the question, is Brandon Routh going to be in 14 episodes as reported?

Guggenheim: It’s funny, before it was reported as 14 [episodes], but my recollection quite frankly is that we made a deal for 16 episodes.

TVO: Even better! So now that we have that question out of the way, will there be any flashbacks to Ray Palmer perhaps because we saw a little sign in a recent Flash trailer about Palmer Industries is perhaps going to appear there. So will there be flashbacks to him since he is now going to be a very big character in the Arrow universe?

Guggenheim: He will be and we have talked about maybe doing a flashback oriented episode [for Ray].

TVO: Like The Odyssey?

Guggenheim: [thinks] we are definitely going to do an episode around the middle of the year like we typically do like “The Odyssey”, like “The Promise” where it’s mostly flashbacks as opposed to mostly present day We will probably do that centered around Oliver in Hong Kong. But one thing that we did a little bit, once in season 1 and we had success with that so we kept doing it more and more in season 2 and we had a lot of success with that.

And that was to do non-Oliver centric flashbacks or non-Island [centric flashbacks] and now non- Hong Kong centric flashbacks. We are going to do more and more of those and surely Ray is fair game. We have talked about flashing back to the night of the siege which was the season finale and seeing those events from a different perspective and that may include Ray.

http://www.tvovermind.com/arrow/sdcc-20 ... cks-237781

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¡¡¡¡AY, OMÁ QUÉ CALORES!!!! ¡Gracias por tu regalo, Nitta!

Mensajes: 33240
Registrado: Dom May 21, 2006 12:15 am

Re: "ARROW" Nueva serie de la CW para TV basada en Green Arr

Mensaje por Shelby »

- Revelado el título y créditos del 3.04:
Gracias a Marc Guggeheim esta semana tenemos un nuevo título y créditos de otro episodio.

El 3.04 tendrá por nombre "The Magician". Está escrito por Wendy Mericle & Marc Guggenheim y dirigido por John Behrin. El título no tiene nada que ver con la aparición de Zaranna, sino que está relacionado con el personaje de Merlyn.

https://twitter.com/mguggenheim/status/ ... 3938823169
https://twitter.com/mguggenheim/status/ ... 5199878144

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¡¡¡¡AY, OMÁ QUÉ CALORES!!!! ¡Gracias por tu regalo, Nitta!

Mensajes: 33240
Registrado: Dom May 21, 2006 12:15 am

Re: "ARROW" Nueva serie de la CW para TV basada en Green Arr

Mensaje por Shelby »

- Stephen Amell, The 50th Episode Q&A!! -Part 1-:


- Stephen Amell, The 50th Episode Q&A!! -Part 2-:


- Descripción de cásting de Ra´s al Ghul para la S3:
RA´S AL GHUL: Hombre, de 40-50. Raza abierta. Preferiblemente con acento. Un icónico villano de las páginas de DC Cómics. Líder de la League of Assassins. Regio, misterioso, de una era pasada. Orgulloso e implacable, Ra´s es un duro estratega, un maestro de las artes marciales, y alguien que hace historia. Lleva la sabiduría de la edad, y protege alguno de sus más grandes secretos. Piensa en el personaje de Bane de The Dark Knight Rises. Alguien aterrador. No a un zoquete, sino a un hombre inteligente e imponente físicamente. Un importante papel recurrente.

http://www.reddit.com/r/arrow/comments/ ... scription/

- Nueva imagen bts de Katie Cassidy en un set de boxeo con el nombre de Wildcat en la parte de atrás (16-08-14):


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¡¡¡¡AY, OMÁ QUÉ CALORES!!!! ¡Gracias por tu regalo, Nitta!

Mensajes: 33240
Registrado: Dom May 21, 2006 12:15 am

Re: "ARROW" Nueva serie de la CW para TV basada en Green Arr

Mensaje por Shelby »

- El elenco de "Arrow" se une a la campaña viral contra la esclerosis lateral amiotrófica (#ALSIceBucketChallenge):

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zwNpd-QLnC0 (Stephen Amell)
http://www.whosay.com/status/johnbarrow ... de=xVt92UQ (John Barrowman)
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=I9CuHdvXPFE (Colton Haynes y Emily Bett Rickards)
http://instagram.com/p/r0QeV5Bs5X/?modal=true (Katrina Law)
http://instagram.com/p/sL-y9HlS5R/?modal=true (Katie Cassidy)

La esclerosis lateral amiotrófica es una enfermedad neurodegenerativa progresiva que causa debilidad muscular, parálisis y finalmente fallo respiratorio.

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¡¡¡¡AY, OMÁ QUÉ CALORES!!!! ¡Gracias por tu regalo, Nitta!

Mensajes: 33240
Registrado: Dom May 21, 2006 12:15 am

Re: "ARROW" Nueva serie de la CW para TV basada en Green Arr

Mensaje por Shelby »

- Amell, Kreisberg y más sobre cómo "Arrow" Continúa haciendo crecer el Universo DC (CBR):
Amell, Kreisberg y más sobre cómo "Arrow" Continúa haciendo crecer el Universo DC
Por Kiel Phegley 18/08/14

At this year's Comic-Con International, "Arrow" star Stephen Amell was flying high. After two seasons of saving Starling City on The CW's superhero drama, the actor went about the work of launching DC Entertainment's massive slate of 2014 TV debuts. Throughout the weekend and into DC TV's big Hall H presentation, the actor was the face of the company's television division, and he felt quite comfortable in the part.

"It's really rewarding," Amell told CBR. "The WB Party that we had last night is at the same place it is every year, at the Hard Rock. And to be there last night, with five DC properties premiering in the fall and remembering being there in 2011 when I'd go up to people going 'Nice bag' when I was on the bag... it's extremely rewarding. I think that we, as a show -- as a cast and a crew and a creative team -- we can take a lot of credit for the fact that there are five DC television properties now. I'm willing to take ownership of that. We worked hard for it, and I think if we hadn't had the success that we've had so far, that wouldn't be the case."

Of course, the show that started it all has plenty of new ideas in its quiver as "Arrow" enters its third season. Amell joined fellow actors John Barrowman ("Malcolm Merlyn"), David Ramsey ("John Diggle") and Colton Haynes ("Roy Harper") as well as writer and executive producer Andrew Kreisberg for a series of round table discussions with the press to talk about how the introduction of DC mainstays like Ray "The Atom" Palmer (played by Brandon Routh) and serious villain Ra's Al Ghul will shape a season that sees the entire "Arrow" cast asking who they really are.

"We always look at these things as movies," Kreisberg said of the new season. "We had the first movie, and the sequel in Season 2 was a little darker and deeper. With Season 3 -- the third movie in a trilogy tends to go bigger with a few more characters added and a lot more humor. Those are the big things we're focusing on this year. Obviously, there will be the overarching emotional arc and the big bad and the villains of the week, but the changes we've made to the show, like changing the flashbacks and adding Brandon [Routh], make the show feel like a continuation of what's come before. But it's hopefully also going to feel like something new."

With League of Assassins leader Ra's Al Ghul playing this year's big bad, the classic Batman villain (teased in "Arrow" when his daughter Nyssa appeared last season) will help shape where Oliver Queen goes as a character. "We wanted to do something that we hadn't done before," Kreisberg said. "With Malcolm, it was a very specific villain who had a very specific agenda. That was designed where they didn't even necessarily know they were up against each other until the very end. In Season 2, Slade's plan was all about revenge. It was personal. It was something he blamed Oliver for.

"For Season 3, we wanted a new challenge for Oliver. [Ra's] really speaks to the emotional theme of the season, which is, 'Can I be both the Arrow and Oliver Queen at the same time?' The villain says to Oliver, 'The reason you're not able to fully be the Arrow and do the things you should be doing is because you're still holding on to Oliver Queen. I've left my identity behind to full commit to my cause. If you did that, you could rise as high as I am.' Knowing that was emotionally what we wanted to do, that was how we landed on [Ra's]."

"The big heavy is someone who will bring a lot of darkness -- even more so than Barrowman's Merlyn or Manu's Slade," Ramsey added. "I think darkness is part of the overall tone of the show. We've talked about some more humor coming in, in terms of what Oliver does. He'll start matching that more into the Green Arrow of the comics who's more humorous and quirky. But I don't think it changes the way the show is dark and brooding -- which is a great contrast to 'Flash' which has a completely different feel."

Speaking of "The Flash," The CW's spinoff drama will not merely run alongside "Arrow" but will continue to work with its sister show to expand the DCU on TV -- especially with the two-hour event that comprises the eighth episode of each show. "That's always fun," Ramsey said of the impending crossover. "I always loved the idea of crossing over shows from back when I was young. It's exciting. I'm curious though -- and I'm not even sure the writers have this all worked out yet -- because our show is so rooted in reality and theirs is so supernatural, how it'll all mesh if we do it too much. [The fear is] that all Arrow will have to do is call the Flash. 'What problems are you having this week with whoever? Just call up Barry.' I don't know if we'll do it too much, but it'll happen a couple of times this season."

While fans wait for that specific event, they'll have plenty of other DC guest stars to fulfill their needs -- primarily Ray Palmer as played by former Superman Brandon Routh. The super scientist character may not jump directly into the shoes of his size-shrinking alter ego, but he will bring some new sci-fi elements to "Arrow" according to Kreisberg. "Last season, with the Mirakuru and obviously with 'The Flash,' it's given us a little bit more license to have some less grounded stuff on 'Arrow.' That being said, Ray is actually coming in with a very grounded story," the producer explained. "Like a lot of the characters we see on the show, him actually putting on a costume and doing whatever it is that they do in the comics might be a long time coming. Right now, we're a lot more focused on Ray Palmer -- who he is and whether he's good or bad. The backstory will actually tie into things you've already seen that you might not have realized, and it does feel very real and very grounded. The best thing that Brandon is bringing on is humor. He has this old-style movie star quality about him, like Jimmy Stewart or Carey Grant, and it reminds us of an old 1930s movie where if Stephen is Clark Gable, Brandon is Jimmy Stewart, and Felicity is right in the middle between them. He adds so much to the show, it's amazing.

"We also have Devon Aoki playing Katana, a fun comic book character who originally appeared with 'Batman & The Outsiders,'" Kreisberg added. "We're very proud of our ass-kicking female characters, so to have another one is great. And we're really excited to add some swordplay this year. Her husband Maseo, as played by Karl Yune, becomes Oliver's companion in the flashback story."

The flashback sequences that take up a part of every "Arrow" episode will be vastly different this year, as last season's finale twist showed the Oliver of the past escaping his island prison to be recruited by Amanda Waller for a mission in Hong Kong. "The thing about the flashbacks is that we're not necessarily flashing back to the island, but we're flashing back to the five years between the crash of the Queen's Gambit and Oliver's return from the island," Kreisberg said. "There were hints all along the way that he hadn't been on the island the whole time. When we made the pilot, there were two ideas that Marc [Guggenheim], Greg [Berlanti] and I had from the very beginning. One was that Sarah was still alive and that she would be the Canary when we saw her next. And the other one was that at the end of Season 2, Oliver would wake up not on the island. It's amazing to now be here in Season 3 and have gotten to those changes. But as always, the flashback story will be the continuing evolution of Oliver becoming the person we saw in the pilot. For the first two years, even though he gained some of the skills we saw when he returned to Starling, he was very much still the young Oliver. This season, we're going to see him take a big step into darkness and change as the things he's up against in the flashbacks really challenge his morality and humanity. You'll understand a lot more of what we saw in the pilot."

Meanwhile, in the present, the early episodes of the season will see some conflict arise between Oliver and Diggle -- a development teased by a fight scene between the two in the show's Comic-Con sizzle reel. "You find us in a very good spot. It's all systems go," Amell said of where we pick up with Team Arrow after last year's finale. "But as you know, when things are good on the show it, means they're going to get really bad, really fast. It's an interesting thing for Oliver, because the dynamic has changed because Diggle has a kid -- or is about to have a kid. In the first episode, Oliver sees a version of himself that he doesn't like -- literally -- and that forces him to change his opinion on what he's willing to risk."

"You can expect Diggle with a Bjorn and a glock. It's Daddy Diggle," Ramsey joked, noting more seriously that, "He will have a child, and that will cause some tension on the team -- not so much with Diggle himself. He knows his purpose, and he doesn't see why a personal life should hinder that. But Oliver may have some issues with it as early as the first episode."

Expect Dig to have his own story this season, as he continues to have tensions with his baby mama Lyla Michaels. "The relationship with Lyla is a very adult relationship," Ramsey said. "They have a long history, back in the military. You'll see some of that at the beginning, but then we'll move forward as she's now the leader of A.R.G.U.S. We'll see how Diggle gets more involved with A.R.G.U.S. and the return of the Suicide Squad. You're going to see a lot more of Diggle's personal time this season. You'll see his story develop.

"It was almost like the first season was going to be the Arrow/Diggle story," the actor added of his own character's developing role in the show. "That was a very clear relationship, and then they started to peel back and look at other characters. In the second season, the Arrow cave got even more crowded. So it's different in terms of the tentacles -- there are more tentacles in terms of the storytelling. But in terms of Diggle, he's probably one of the most solid characters on the show. He's very clear about what he wants and who he is. He's the older stalwart. He's very centered, and I don't think he's going to go away from that. I think where he evolves is where he goes with his story -- his relationship with his family and the Suicide Squad and Deadshot. H.I.V.E.! There's his investigation of that group that put out the order to kill his brother. I think those layers will get peeled back in terms of challenging his very clear ideas of who he is as a person."

Speaking of the Suicide Squad, asked whether Season 3 would allow for a full appearance of team member Harley Quinn -- who was only teased in brief last year, Kreisberg was non-committal. "I don't know about that," the producer admitted. "There are very few things we've asked DC Comics for that we haven't gotten. That was something you asked for, and what you saw is a compromise that Geoff Johns and I came up with. To even get that much was a thrill for us. I know that they may have other plans for her, but it was certainly an Easter egg that thrilled us. But the Suicide Squad will definitely be back. Whether we see the 'deranged female killer' we saw before, we'll have to wait and see."

One villain that is returning for sure is Barrowman's Malcolm Merlyn, who has drawn his biological daughter Thea (played by Willa Holland) over to the dark side for the time being. The fan favorite actor said he'd been waiting for this opening up of his role since early in the show's run, and is hoping to play the villain with a sympathetic edge. "It's difficult, because when you're a nemesis -- as the show sees it, 'Good and Bad,' or as I see it, 'Good and Misunderstood' -- that's hard. I think the fans like Malcolm so much because I play him as someone who has a mission, but it's all going wrong for him. What happens in the future is going to be one of the most dysfunctional yet amazing relationships that you're going to come across. I think the fans are going to be shocked and thrilled at the same time with what's going to happen," Barrowman promised. "After Tommy died, it was then alluded to for a while until we found that Thea was Malcolm's daughter. Malcolm had two people at that time still in his life -- Moira and Thea. Although she's now gone, Malcolm loved Moira. He loved her because she would wind him up... Now, she's gone, and Thea is all that Malcolm has left. He lost Tommy because he could not control his emotions. He lost Moira because she gave herself up in an emotional sacrifice. Malcolm can control people with money, with violence and with destruction, but he can't control people emotionally. This is what he's got to learn how to do, and it all starts with Thea.

"But I do want to get together with Stephen," Barrowman admitted. "They're not going to put them together right away, because it's like a love relationship. Once Ross and Rachel in 'Friends' got together, people were like, 'They've done it, now. What's next?' We're going to be careful about that. Maybe it'll happen this season, or maybe later, but we do want to face off. There will be small stuff, I'm sure, we'll do together, and there will be some fights, I'm sure. But it'll be interesting to see how Oliver reacts to the Thea situation. Because I'm just going to stir it up."

Amell also expressed excitement at the possibility of mixing it up with Barrowman on screen. "I can't wait," he said. "I'm so excited, and without spoiling too much, John Barrowman and I have only done like two scenes together [in the show so far]. I was chained up for one, and one was us fighting, which doesn't really count. I'm a huge John Barrowman fan, and I want the real 'mano y mano' action showdown with John. I'm so fired up for that!

"In general, I think that Willa is incredibly talented, and it really excites me because for all intents and purposes, she's kind of been a bench player for the first couple of years," the star continued, shifting the topic back to Willa Holland's character, Thea. "This year, it's us saying, 'We know how much you're capable of. So here you go. Here's your episode.' I know that Diggle's had a couple episodes like that, but this year Willa is going to have an episode like that. And Emily [Bett Rickards as Felicity] is going to have an episode like that. That's the most exciting part for me -- aside from getting a couple of days off. I'm happy that everyone is getting their moment."

Amidst the Thea/Malcolm drama, Haynes' Roy Harper will also get his time to shine. "There is a scene coming up between [Thea and me] where Roy realizes he messed up," the actor said. "If there was one person who shouldn't have been lying to Thea, it's Roy, because they love each other. He's trying to busy himself right now by going on patrols with Team Arrow, but I think there's also an understanding between him and Thea that he really did want to go away with her. So we're going to see an interesting relationship between Roy and Malcolm because of that."

But it won't be all relationship drama for the "don't call me a sidekick" hero as Roy takes on the costumed role of Arsenal for the first time this year. "I tried a prototype of the costume which we were going to premier in the last episode of the second season, and it looked nothing like it looks now. It was still awesome, but this one is a whole new level of badass-ness," Haynes said. "We decided with the departure of a few of the characters that the storyline [last season] needed some breathing room and saved the costume for this year. But it's the coolest costume in the world. I lost a bunch of weight, but you can put a bunch of fake stuff in the costume and still look super buff!"

With a costume to match Oliver's, the relationship between the characters will start to resemble the "Green Arrow and Speedy" team of the comics more. "It's different but different in a good way," Haynes said. "Everyone was telling me last year that episode 20 -- 'Seeing Red' -- was going to be my big episode. I was hoping to get the script early so I could remember all my lines, and then I didn't have one line the whole episode! I was in every scene, but I didn't say anything. I ended up pulling a muscle from constantly making that angry face. I couldn't move my jaw. But now I don't have to do all that scowling because Roy has lightened up a bit. He has this real funny thing with Felicity. They've turned into this thing where it's like that scene in 'Bridesmaids' where they're all trying to one up each other. That's basically Emily and I this season. It's nice to see the lighter side, because if you go back to the cartoons and comics, Roy is a little quippy."

But is a dark turn ahead for Roy like in the comics, where he's been known to have an arm blown off? "I've asked about that myself, and I've asked about the drug addiction and the possibility of things like Cheshire," the actor teased. "They haven't ruled any of it out, but they have reminded me that it's very expensive to CGI someone's arm out, and I really don't want to cut mine off. So I don't think we'll see any of that very soon, but we will see a lot of people from Roy's past that are prominent and give the other characters a run for their money. We're going to see and hear about some of Roy's family this year."

Overall, the crew of "Arrow" expressed confidence that they've gotten their corner of the DCU lined up for another big year. "What's worked really well for us is asking early on, 'What does the villain want? What does the hero need to learn this season emotionally?'" Kreisberg said. "When you're in the weeds and trying to break an episode and can't figure it out, it helps so much to have that hook to latch back onto. Last season, any time we had trouble with an episode, we leaned back on the question of, 'Am I a hero or am I a villain?' That's how we realized Sarah could be going through the same things as Oliver. This year, it's identity. Every character is asking, 'Who am I?' or, 'Am I Thea Queen or Thea Merlyn?' Knowing that helps us along."

As for Amell, he's ready to take leadership not just of DC's TV slate but also of Oliver Queen -- wherever he may go. "Green Arrow's been around since 1941, and a lot of other people have had a much longer relationship with the character than I have. But for me, any representation there is of Green Arrow, I want to be involved with it," he said. "The whole Green Arrow universe is something we've taken ownership of, and that's important to me."

http://www.comicbookresources.com/?page ... e&id=54915

- Mark Guggenheim habla sobre el calendario de las 'Ideas Geniales' para Revisitar el tema del hijo perdido de Oliver (TVLine):
Hacia el final de la S2, supimos que Oliver tenía sin saberlo un hijo de su etapa como joven y despreocupado millonario playboy en alguna parte y que Moira Queen se encontró en privado con la madre de la criatura, ofreciéndole 2 millones de dólares a cambio de mentir sobre que perdió al niño y que se alejara para siempre de Starling City.

Aunque se pensaba que el tema de la paternidad murió con Moira, al parecer podría ser revisitado al primcipio de la S3.

Así, Marc Guggenheim explica: “La mitad de nuestro trabajo es venir con ideas, y la otra mitad es un ejercicio de juicio en términos de conseguir el momento adecuado para interpretar esas ideas.” “También necesitamos el que ese momento ocurra en el contexto adecuado. ¿Así es que es en el año 3, en el 10...? No lo sé. Lo hemos puesto ahí y tenemos algunas ideas geniales sobre el adónde ir con ello, cómo deberíamos hacerlo, pero no nos hemos comprometido en hacerlo en realidad o incluso en cuándo hacerlo.”

http://tvline.com/2014/08/18/arrow-seas ... ers-child/

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¡¡¡¡AY, OMÁ QUÉ CALORES!!!! ¡Gracias por tu regalo, Nitta!

Mensajes: 33240
Registrado: Dom May 21, 2006 12:15 am

Re: "ARROW" Nueva serie de la CW para TV basada en Green Arr

Mensaje por Shelby »

- 'Arrow' cambia el título del episodio de la historia pasada de Felicity y nuevos detalles del mismo (EW):
EW nos acaba de informar que el título del quinto episodio de la tercera temporada que se centraba en la vida de Felicity y que tenía por título "Oracle", ha cambiado su nombre al de “The Secret Origin of Felicity Smoak.”

En el mismo, finalmente conoceremos a la madre de Felicity, interpretada por la actriz de NYPD Blue, Charlotte Ross.

“Hemos establecido en el pasado que la madre es una camarera de cócteles en Vegas,” dice Marc Guggenheim. “Ella y Felicity son dos personas muy distintas. El episodio 5, que es cuando la madre de Felicity llega a la ciudad, realmente trata con las diferencias entre estas dos mujere y lo mucho que su relación es una lucha constante como resultado. Es un reto real para estas dos personas el encontrar algo en común.”

En cuanto al padre de Felicity, los fans tendrán que esperar un poco más para conseguir más información: “El misterio cel padre de Felicity probablemente se va a extender más que lo que se va a contestar,” añade Guggenheim.

*UPDATE*: La madre de Felicity se llamará "Donna".

http://insidetv.ew.com/2014/08/18/arrow ... -season-3/
https://twitter.com/mguggenheim/statuse ... 6953708544

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¡¡¡¡AY, OMÁ QUÉ CALORES!!!! ¡Gracias por tu regalo, Nitta!

Mensajes: 33240
Registrado: Dom May 21, 2006 12:15 am

Re: "ARROW" Nueva serie de la CW para TV basada en Green Arr

Mensaje por Shelby »

- Nuevas imágenes bts de la S3 (18-08-14):

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(@coltonhaynes: #MoodyMondays @willaaaahh
@davidpaulramsey: Arrow Fam!
@emilybett Coming to a YouTube channel near you @coltonlhaynes)

- Nueva imagen promocional de "ARROW SEASON 2.5 #2":


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¡¡¡¡AY, OMÁ QUÉ CALORES!!!! ¡Gracias por tu regalo, Nitta!

Mensajes: 33240
Registrado: Dom May 21, 2006 12:15 am

Re: "ARROW" Nueva serie de la CW para TV basada en Green Arr

Mensaje por Shelby »

- El actor Matt Ward será el villano 'Komodo" en la S3 de "Arrow":
Arrow continúa añadiendo villanos a su S3.

El actor Matt Ward (TRON: Legacy, Hellcats) ha sido el escogido para interpretar a 'Simon Lacroix' aka 'Komodo'.

'Komodo' aparecerá en el episodio 3.02, pero será parte de una historia mayor que está por venir. Su introducción llega cuando la serie hace un movimento para conectar a los villanos-de-la-semana más cerca a la historia general. “Sí, es el villano-de-la-semana para la segunda temporada de la serie, pero veréis que la persecución de él por parte del Team Arrow es parte y parcela de una historia larga de la temporada,” dice el productor ejecutivo Marc Guggenheim. “Váis a saber lo que pasa con Komodo al final del episodio, pero estará unido más con la mitología general de la temporada que los episodios de los villanos de la semana que hemos hecho en el pasado.”

Komodo es una más reciente incorporación a la tradición de los cómics, apareciendo por primera vez en los New 52 en Green Arrow #17 por Jeff Lemire y Andrea Sorrentino. Simon es un arquero y adversario de Green Arrow, aunque en la serie, será un mercenario mortal que usa el nombre en clave de 'Komodo' y que siempra el caos en Starling City.

http://insidetv.ew.com/2014/08/19/arrow ... -spoilers/

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¡¡¡¡AY, OMÁ QUÉ CALORES!!!! ¡Gracias por tu regalo, Nitta!

Mensajes: 33240
Registrado: Dom May 21, 2006 12:15 am

Re: "ARROW" Nueva serie de la CW para TV basada en Green Arr

Mensaje por Shelby »

- Imágenes bts de Stephen Amell y John Barrowman en el set de "Arrow" durante el rodaje del episodio 50, Vancouver (21-08-14):

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http://www.justjared.com/2014/08/22/ste ... he-making/

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¡¡¡¡AY, OMÁ QUÉ CALORES!!!! ¡Gracias por tu regalo, Nitta!

Mensajes: 33240
Registrado: Dom May 21, 2006 12:15 am

Re: "ARROW" Nueva serie de la CW para TV basada en Green Arr

Mensaje por Shelby »

- Nueva imagen bts de la S3 de Colton Haynes en el set (22-08-14):


(@Coltonhaynes: Night shoots wit my stunt double @curtbrac (the real Roy Harper) & stunt-fight coordinator @james2bambamford #Arrow)

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¡¡¡¡AY, OMÁ QUÉ CALORES!!!! ¡Gracias por tu regalo, Nitta!

Mensajes: 33240
Registrado: Dom May 21, 2006 12:15 am

Re: "ARROW" Nueva serie de la CW para TV basada en Green Arr

Mensaje por Shelby »

- Primeras imágenes bts de la madre de Felicity y de Digle como papá para la S3 (25-08-14):

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(@david_ramsey: #daddydiggle #arrowseason3 You're welcome
@EmilyBett: So this is THE BABE known as @charlotteross also known as #MamaSmoak)

- Créditos del 3.05 "The Secret Origin of Felicity Smoak":

Como cada semana, Marc Guggenheim nos ha desvelado los créditos del episodio 3.05, que ha empezado a rodarse hoy.

3.05 "The Secret Origin of Felicity Smoak", está escrito por Ben Sokolowski 6 Brian Ford Sullivan y dirigido por Michael Schultz.
https://twitter.com/mguggenheim/status/ ... 4903733248

- Nueva imagen BTS de Colton Haynes en el set de la S3 (26-08-14):


(@coltonhaynes: Me, myself, and tuna cup. Photo stolen from @emilybett . #Arrow #Arsenal #DontPopMollyRockLeatherHood)

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¡¡¡¡AY, OMÁ QUÉ CALORES!!!! ¡Gracias por tu regalo, Nitta!

Mensajes: 33240
Registrado: Dom May 21, 2006 12:15 am

Re: "ARROW" Nueva serie de la CW para TV basada en Green Arr

Mensaje por Shelby »

- La actriz Rila Fukushima se une a ‘Arrow’ en la S3 (Deadline):
Rila Fukushima (Wolverine) ha conseguido un importante papel recurrente en la serie de la CW "Arrow".

Fukushima interpretará a 'Tatsu Yamashiro', un personaje que apareció por primera vez en la serie de novelas gráficas de "Green Arrow" publicada por DC Comics.

Tatsu es una japonesa experta en artes marciales que blande una espada mortal, nombre del que se deriva su nombre en clave 'Katana'.

En "Arrow", Tatsu será uno de los mentores de Oliver en los flashbacks y una influencia crítica en su viaje hacia convertirse finalmente en 'The Arrow' en el presente.

Fukushima, sustituye a la actriz Devon Aoki, quien fue inicialmente contratada para el papel, pero que ha tenido que declinarlo debido a un conflicto de calendarios.

http://deadline.com/2014/08/rila-fukush ... or-825328/

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¡¡¡¡AY, OMÁ QUÉ CALORES!!!! ¡Gracias por tu regalo, Nitta!

Mensajes: 33240
Registrado: Dom May 21, 2006 12:15 am

Re: "ARROW" Nueva serie de la CW para TV basada en Green Arr

Mensaje por Shelby »

- Nuevo trailer promocional de la S3 de "Arrow" (Low quality) #Olicity:


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¡¡¡¡AY, OMÁ QUÉ CALORES!!!! ¡Gracias por tu regalo, Nitta!
