"Nuevo proyecto para la CW sobre 'THE FLASH'"

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Registrado: Dom May 21, 2006 12:15 am

Re: "Nuevo proyecto para la CW sobre 'THE FLASH'"

Mensaje por Shelby »

- The Flash & Arrow | "Heroes Join Forces" Two Hour Event Promo:

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¡¡¡¡AY, OMÁ QUÉ CALORES!!!! ¡Gracias por tu regalo, Nitta!

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Registrado: Dom May 21, 2006 12:15 am

Re: "Nuevo proyecto para la CW sobre 'THE FLASH'"

Mensaje por Shelby »

- The Flash & Arrow | Extended Crossover 1 Minute Trailer | The CW:

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¡¡¡¡AY, OMÁ QUÉ CALORES!!!! ¡Gracias por tu regalo, Nitta!

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Registrado: Dom May 21, 2006 12:15 am

Re: "Nuevo proyecto para la CW sobre 'THE FLASH'"

Mensaje por Shelby »

- Concept arts de la guarida de 'Zoom' en una estación de tren abandonada (por John Gallagher):

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¡¡¡¡AY, OMÁ QUÉ CALORES!!!! ¡Gracias por tu regalo, Nitta!

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Registrado: Dom May 21, 2006 12:15 am

Re: "Nuevo proyecto para la CW sobre 'THE FLASH'"

Mensaje por Shelby »

- "THE FLASH" Fire & Ice Panel at the "Heroes & Villains Fan Fest San Jose HVFF":

- HVFF | Arrow's Paul Blackthorne Chats Zombie Apocalypse & Quentin’s Ability To Deal With Magic:

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¡¡¡¡AY, OMÁ QUÉ CALORES!!!! ¡Gracias por tu regalo, Nitta!

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Registrado: Dom May 21, 2006 12:15 am

Re: "Nuevo proyecto para la CW sobre 'THE FLASH'"

Mensaje por Shelby »

- Stills del 2.08 "Legends of Today" (crossover Part 1):

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Podéis ver las imágenes de la 2ª parte en "Arrow": AQUÍ

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¡¡¡¡AY, OMÁ QUÉ CALORES!!!! ¡Gracias por tu regalo, Nitta!

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Registrado: Dom May 21, 2006 12:15 am

Re: "Nuevo proyecto para la CW sobre 'THE FLASH'"

Mensaje por Shelby »

- Nuevo póster promocional del crossover centrado en 'Vandal Savage':

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- Nuevo póster promocional del crossover para las oficinas de producción de las series (24-11-15):


(@ArrowProdOffice: Check out the new #LegendsofFlArrow poster we got today from @CW_Arrow! #Arrow #Flash #LegendsofTomorrow #crossover)

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¡¡¡¡AY, OMÁ QUÉ CALORES!!!! ¡Gracias por tu regalo, Nitta!

Mensajes: 32865
Registrado: Dom May 21, 2006 12:15 am

Re: "Nuevo proyecto para la CW sobre 'THE FLASH'"

Mensaje por Shelby »

- Nuevas imágenes bts de la S2 (24-11-15):

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(@dpanabaker: I love this lady - she's beautiful inside and out)

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¡¡¡¡AY, OMÁ QUÉ CALORES!!!! ¡Gracias por tu regalo, Nitta!

Mensajes: 32865
Registrado: Dom May 21, 2006 12:15 am

Re: "Nuevo proyecto para la CW sobre 'THE FLASH'"

Mensaje por Shelby »

- The Flash | 2.08 "Legends of Today" New Zealand Promo:

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¡¡¡¡AY, OMÁ QUÉ CALORES!!!! ¡Gracias por tu regalo, Nitta!

Mensajes: 32865
Registrado: Dom May 21, 2006 12:15 am

Re: "Nuevo proyecto para la CW sobre 'THE FLASH'"

Mensaje por Shelby »

- Rumor: ¿Posible crossover entre "Supergirl" y "The Flash"?:
Desde la página de Bleeding Cool nos llegan con más rumores sobre el futuro de las series de DC en la CBS y la CW.

Al parecer, desde una fuente fiable, les llega la noticia de que deberíamos esperar a ver un crossover entre "Supergirl" y "The Flash" y los miembros de STAR Labs alrededor de los May sweeps, si finalmente la CBS ordena los 9 episodios adicionales para la serie de la superheroína (recordad que ahora tiene una orden de 13 episodios por parte de la cadena con la opción de otros 9, que completarían la temporada completa y que es una apuesta casi segura en base a los rátings que está teniendo la serie en sus primeros capítulos).

De hecho podría ser todo parte de un arco que lleve a la historia de "Supergirl" a los cómics sobre New Krypton – en donde se vio a 100.000 kriptonianos llegando a la Tierra después de que Braniac los liberara de la botella de la Ciudad de kandor, construyéndose un nuevo planeta para ellos. También reproduciría una línea de historia actual de Dark Knight III: The Master Race.

Aunque cuánto de esa historia se puede llegar a hacer con un presupuesto televisivo supondría que puede que, de producirse, finalmente veamos una forma muy distinta de contar esa historia.

http://www.bleedingcool.com/2015/11/26/ ... fo.twitter
http://www.bleedingcool.com/2015/11/27/ ... nstantine/

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¡¡¡¡AY, OMÁ QUÉ CALORES!!!! ¡Gracias por tu regalo, Nitta!

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Registrado: Dom May 21, 2006 12:15 am

Re: "Nuevo proyecto para la CW sobre 'THE FLASH'"

Mensaje por Shelby »

- The Flash & ARROW | "Heroes Join Forces" Crossover Event Australian Promo:

- ARROW | 2.08 "Legends of Yesterday" Asian Promo:

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¡¡¡¡AY, OMÁ QUÉ CALORES!!!! ¡Gracias por tu regalo, Nitta!

Mensajes: 32865
Registrado: Dom May 21, 2006 12:15 am

Re: "Nuevo proyecto para la CW sobre 'THE FLASH'"

Mensaje por Shelby »

- ¿Introducirá "The Flash" el 'Velocity 9'?:
Esa es una pregunta que seguramente muchos se han hecho tras leer la última columa de spoilers de EW, ya que sin duda así lo parecen dar a entender por el contexto, que en el próximo crossover 'Jay Garrick' recuperará sus poderes gracias a introducir el 'Velocity 9' en la serie:
Cuando Jay Garrick regrese, puede que haya en realidad encontrado algún punto en común con Wells por una vez, aunque no será fácil. “Jay es convocado en los S.T.A.R. Labs por Wells debido a un asunto urgente,” le cuenta Teddy Sears a EW. “Jay aparece sólo para descubrir que Wells quiere que Jay sea su conejillo de indias. Ha estado jugando con una substancia que tiene su historia en la tradición de The Flash, así es que es algo de los cómics. Quiere probarla con Jay para ver si funciona porque quiere usarla con Barry en su lucha para derrotar a Zoom. Jay no reacciona muy bien a eso. No quiere ser parte de los planes de Wells. Habrán algunos momentos que amenzarán la vida ahí y tenemos que usar una combinación de ciencia e ingenuidad y la misteriosa substancia de Wells para conseguir una conclusión segura.”

El 'Velocity 9' es, en los cómics, un serum que puede otorgar (o en el caso de Jay restaurar) poderes de super-velocidad. Es tan sólo una de un número de maneras artificiales de conseguir esos poderes, uno de los cuales es la Fórmula de la Velocidad -- una ecuación matemática literal que Johnny Quick y su hija Jesse Quick usan para conseguir velocidad.

Por supuesto, en la serie el padre de Jesse Quick es Harrison Wells quien, por lo que podemos decir hasta ahora, ayudará a desarrollar el serum.

Obviamente no lo nombran directamente, aunque si combinamos lo que han dicho en esta ocasión con las otras pistas que dieron anteriormente y que apuntaban a que Jay podía recuperar sus poderes durante el crossover, todo parece indicar que es una buena posibilidad.

El serum tiene algunos poderes de salud a largo plazo, afectando a la gente que no está preparada para conectar con él. El usuario regular más familiar era 'Inertia', el archi-enemigo de 'Impulse' y un diabólico velocista quien perdió sus poderes en un momento dado.

En los cómics 'Velocity 9' fue desarrollado por 'Vandal Savage', quien terminó dirigiendo un pequeño imperio de drogas después de sus ventas del sérum a jóvenes de éxito, lo que lo enfrentó a otros tratantes de drogas más tradicionales.

http://www.ew.com/article/2015/11/27/sp ... w-spoilers

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¡¡¡¡AY, OMÁ QUÉ CALORES!!!! ¡Gracias por tu regalo, Nitta!

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Registrado: Dom May 21, 2006 12:15 am

Re: "Nuevo proyecto para la CW sobre 'THE FLASH'"

Mensaje por Shelby »

- Estrellas de "The Flash" adelantan la llegada de Wally West, la acción bajo el muérdago y un nuevo poder (TVLine):
Estrellas de "The Flash" adelantan la llegada de Wally West, la acción bajo el muérdago y un nuevo poder
Por Vlada Gelman / 28 Noviembre 2015, 10:45 AM PST

A Santa Claus metahuman won’t be coming down the chimney during The Flash‘s Christmas-themed fall finale on Dec. 8 (The CW, 8/7c) — but there will most definitely be an intriguing new visitor on the scene.

At the moment, Joe doesn’t know that he has a son, but that will change when he and Iris meet Wally West (played by Dance Academy‘s Keiynan Lonsdale) during the pivotal installment.

The hour is “a lot about family, which is a big plot point for Iris this season, so that’s really exciting,” her portrayer Candice Patton shares. “It’s a good Christmas episode, just like the last one. Good villain, good love and good heart.”

Barry, meanwhile, is facing a turning point in his romance with girlfriend Patty. “Things are shifting with their relationship,” leading man Grant Gustin previews. While their courtship has been effortless thus far, the actor warns that it may be “getting a little harder.”

As the hero’s love life is possibly taking a turn for the worse, Caitlin’s may finally be looking up. She is, in fact, celebrating the holiday “with some mistletoe,” Danielle Panabaker teases with a laugh. Could Earth-Two’s Crimson Comet be the one locking lips with the fellow scientist? Panabaker hints that she has “some fun dialogue with Jay.”

Elsewhere, some of Central City’s most infamous Rogues — Mark Hamill’s Trickster, Wentworth Miller’s Captain Cold and Liam McIntyre’s Weather Wizard — make their returns, putting a damper on the festivities. With so many foes to battle, it’s a good thing the speedster has a new trick up his costume sleeve.

“Barry does another thing with his powers that he, in the moment, discovers and that he’s never done before,” Gustin teases. “It’s kind of goofy in a way where it’s very comic book-y. It’s cool.”

http://tvline.com/2015/11/28/the-flash- ... -spoilers/
- El crossover de Superhéroes sienta las bases del spinnoff 'Legends' (USAToday):
El crossover de Superhéroes sienta las bases del spinnoff 'Legends'
Por Brian Truitt, 01 Dic 2015

CW’s superheroes of today are giving rise to the next crop of Legends.

This week The Flash (8 p.m. ET/PT Tuesday) and Arrow (8 ET/PT Wednesday) share casts for their second annual two-part crossover, but its actually a three-way dance this time that introduces key members of the new spinoff DC’s Legends of Tomorrow, premiering Jan. 21.

In the upcoming show, time traveler Rip Hunter (Arthur Darvill) rounds up a group comprised of Arrow and Flash favorites, from good guys Ray Palmer (Brandon Routh) and Sara Lance (Caity Lotz) to rogues Captain Cold (Wentworth Miller) and Heat Wave (Dominic Purcell), to visit various times in history in order to stop immortal villain Vandal Savage (Casper Crump) from ruling the world.

Before that, however, Vandal makes a big move in the crossover, attacking Central City barista Kendra Saunders (Ciara Renée) and Cisco (Carlos Valdes), a member of the S.T.A.R. Labs crew with the super-fast Flash, Barry Allen (Grant Gustin). To keep Kendra safe, Barry and his team take her to see their friends on Team Arrow in Star City — including Oliver Queen (Stephen Amell), aka Green Arrow — and she’s suddenly taken away by the mysterious winged Hawkman named Carter Hall (Falk Hentschel).

He drops a big bomb on Kendra, telling her that they are soulmates who’ve been reincarnated over and over again for the past 4,000 years, even though Kendra doesn’t remember any of it and Carter does.

“She’s always been someone who’s felt something wasn’t quite right in her life,” says Flash and Legends executive producer Andrew Kreisberg, adding there’s a certain Jason Bourne quality to Kendra. “She’s starting to suspect that maybe this disconnect is because she does have this great destiny.”

Flash fans saw a future glimpse — through Cisco’s “vibe” powers — of Kendra in the Hawkgirl suit she’ll wear on Legends. But she’s not there yet, and it’s up to Carter to get her up to speed, even if it means tossing her off a building to make her take flight.

“She is a pretty lost human,” Renee says. “She didn’t really have a plan about what she was doing, and now she’s been thrown into this.” Yet getting involved with Carter and her new hero friends “ignites a fire in Kendra.”

It creates a love triangle of sorts since Kendra is starting to like Cisco romantically, she dislikes Carter and thinks he’s an oaf, and Carter is set in getting her up to speed since “he remembers being in love with her 206 times already,” Kreisberg says.

“Kendra doesn’t obviously reciprocate those feelings, and he’s trying to be patient just as he has through many lifetimes. But now that Vandal is here and threatening to kill them, the clock is ticking and he doesn’t really have time to be an encyclopedia.”

Savage has killed Kendra and Carter repeatedly through their many lives to maintain his immortality, and even though his dark aristocratic look doesn’t quite scream modern fashion, Vandal adapts to whatever period he’s in, even calling Cisco “dude.”

“Sometimes you see villains portrayed where they want a nuclear bomb or money or power,” Crump explains. “Vandal wants that but it’s just to teach humanity a lesson. If there are periods in time he just doesn’t find interesting, he just kicks back and relaxes and you don’t see him for 30 years.

“He doesn’t need gadgets and cool suits and spaceships. All he needs is a coat, some knives and time. That’s the coolest badass you can get, in my opinion.”

Vandal’s an ancient guy but “he’s not trying to attack our heroes from his rocking chair,” adds Marc Guggenheim, executive producer of Arrow and Legends. “He has 4,000 years of experience dealing with all the great evils. He’s learned from really the best and quite frankly the worst history has to offer.”

Hawkgirl and Vandal will play significant roles throughout the first season of Legends, which offers a combo of Arrow’s moral ambiguity and Flash’s hope and inspiration. But it has a comedic side, too, and Guggenheim promises it’s different from every other superhero show on TV.

“It’s very, very ambitious,” Renee says. “We’ve got relationships, we’ve got action, we’ve got drama — we’ve got all the things.”

http://www.usatoday.com/story/life/tv/2 ... 63f7fdcf60
- Preparáos para el gran crossover de este año de Arrow y Flash, cuando Hawkman y Hawkgirl llegan (IGN):
Preparáos para el gran crossover de este año de Arrow y Flash, cuando Hawkman y Hawkgirl llegan
Por Eric Goldman 01 Dic, 2015

While guest appearances between the two shows have become fairly commonplace on Arrow and The Flash, this week sees the second true mega-crossover (a year after the first), with the shows bringing together a ton of the characters from both series for a two-night event.

I attended a screening of the crossover this week at the CW, and what sticks out first and foremost is that there is much more of a true unified story this time out, rather than the more standalone adventures that occurred last year that brought Team Arrow and Team Flash to each other’s cities for unrelated reasons (which happened to occur right on top of each other).

Discussing that fact, executive producer Andrew Kreisberg remarked, “I think this time around, given the success that we’ve had previously and how people are viewing this as much more of a collective, shared universe, that we felt emboldened. And our partners at CW and Warner Bros. were more supportive so we were able to really have a two-hour true event with one story and one villain and one storyline and not having to worry so much about the mechanics of how it would air.”

Said EP Greg Berlanti, “I also think story-wise, it was appealing to us to try and do something different than we had done previously and they felt very episodic in their nature last year and a contained villain for the episode, and I think we wanted to challenge ourselves to see if we really had two hours’ worth of storytelling and could follow everybody all the way through, what would that look and feel like? So that was also just our goal, to try and do something different.”

Added DC Comics’ Geoff Johns, “The Hawks and Vandal Savage kind of deserve a two-hour introduction – they’re big characters.”

Yes, this crossover will bring Hawkman, Hawkgirl and Vandal Savage into the mix. While Kendra Saunders (Ciara Renee) has made a few appearances on The Flash, the crossover will see her true transformation into Hawkgirl, while also introducing Carter Hall/Hawkman (Falk Hentschel) and the immortal villain Savage (Casper Crump), before all three characters move over to the new spinoff, Legends of Tomorrow, beginning in January

When it came to using the crossover to establish these major elements of Legends of Tomorrow, Berlanti noted, “The studio and the network were asking us from the very beginning of the year which characters from Legends are going to be in the two-hour, and were encouraging us. We wanted to have some, a couple, but not all in it, so it also felt right that we would use the characters that we hadn’t introduced on the individual series yet, with the exception of Rip Hunter, who we saved for the pilot of Legends.” Kreisberg couldn’t resist throwing in, “And he’s awesome!” about Hunter, who will be played by Doctor Who’s Arthur Darville.

The crossover was a giant undertaking and began production after Legends of Tomorrow had already begun filming as well. This gave them some story opportunities they might not have otherwise utilized, with Berlanti revealing, “We had known what we had already written into the introductions of Legends, so there were several times… There are characters that I want to wait until people start to watch Legends that you see and stuff that we set up in Legends and then went back and put into this that then will pay off again in Legends.”

With all three shows filming simultaneously and cast members from all three needed for the crossover, EP Marc Guggenheim said, “I don’t think that it’s possible to overstate the incredible amount of difficulty it was for just about everyone involved. Certainly for the actors, just being asked to shuttle from literally one set to two other sets, oftentimes in the course of a single day to the crews of the 3 different shows.” All the EPs had high praise for the Arrow, The Flash and Legends of Tomorrow Assistant Directors and Line Producers who made it work to get the actors from one show to another, across Vancouver.

It was also a bit odd, continuity-wise, for the actors, with Kreisberg noting, “You had actors who were not only, as Marc said, working on different things, but you had Falk and Ciara and Casper who had already been filming episodes of Legends, who were then asked to go back and play the characters.... They'd already established them on Legends, and then had to go back and sort of introduce them.”

Said Hentschel, “It was an acting marathon! It was great fun. Like you guys said, being carted from one set to another, it was a whirlwind, but it was really amazing to see it come together. When you guys all told me about this first, I was like, ‘How's this going to happen?’ And the costumes have to be shipped here and there and then they have to be back and at some point, I have to say to you, like, ‘Alright, where do I stand? What do I say? Who am I?’ I was like, ‘Wait, was that this?’ ‘No, we're on Flash right now.’ But it was a blast and I have to say that it was very admirable to see it come together and everybody pulling it together. It was very creative.”

This will be the first time fans will see Hentschel in costume as Hawkman. Asked what it felt like to don the costume, he replied, “It's a very simple answer. It was awesome! It wasn't the first time. The first time was at my fitting and I was like 11 years old, standing there. It's just like a dream come true. You get a costume that's fit for you and you just feel really good about life. You're like ‘This is cool!’ And then you get the helmet on. It was awesome.”

http://www.ign.com/articles/2015/12/01/ ... irl-arrive?
- Por qué el último crosover entre 'Flash' y 'Arrow' está a punto de convertirse en Legendario (ETOnline):
Por qué el último crosover entre 'Flash' y 'Arrow' está a punto de convertirse en Legendario
Por Philiana Ng 01 Dic, 2015

It’s that time of year again! The Arrow and The Flash crossover is here, and it’s bigger than ever.

The CW’s anticipated two-night event kicks off on Tuesday’s Flash when Barry Allen (Grant Gustin) seeks the help of Oliver Queen (Stephen Amell) and Team Arrow after the villainous immortal Vandal Savage (Casper Crump) becomes more than they can handle. Vandal’s unwelcomed presence in Central and Star Cities isn’t without reason: The 4,000-year-old soul is dead set on going after winged warriors Hawkgirl (Ciara Renee) and Hawkman (Falk Hentschel), with whom his history is fraught with tension.

While last year’s Arrow and Flash crossover was less a two-parter, that’s simply not the case this time around. Miss the first or second hour, regardless of which show you have an affinity to, and you’ll be having a serious case of FOMO.

That’s all by design, due in large part to the upcoming midseason spinoff DC’s Legends of Tomorrow.

“This time around, given the success that we’ve had previously and how people are viewing this as much more of a collective, shared universe, we felt emboldened to really have a two-hour true event with one story and one villain and one storyline,” executive producer Andrew Kreisberg says.

“Story-wise, it was appealing to us to try and do something different than we had done previously,” executive producer Greg Berlanti adds. “We wanted to challenge ourselves to see if we really had two hours’ worth of storytelling and could follow everybody all the way through. What would that look and feel like?”

In a word: epic.

Nearly all of Star City and Central City’s masked heroes play integral roles in the explosive two-hour jaunt, which sets the table for Legends with the origins of Vandal Savage, Hawkgirl and Hawkman -- though not everyone from Legends comes along for the ride.

“We wanted to have some [characters] but not all in it,” Berlanti explains, “so it also felt right that we would use the characters that we hadn’t introduced on the individual series yet -- with the exception of Rip Hunter, who we saved for the pilot of Legends.”

Flash fans have already begun peeling back the layers on Hawkgirl, aka Kendra Saunders, but it’s Hawkman, aka Carter Hall, who they’ll see in action for the very first time. For Hentschel, who auditioned for various parts on Arrow and The Flash before snagging this one, the role was meant to be even if it took a long time coming.

“My name Falk, literally means hawk in German. And not to be too serendipitous, it was like, ‘OK, this makes sense,’” the East Germany native tells ET. “I saw the character description and showed it to a friend and they said, ‘Oh, that’s sort of you!’ I’m sort of hippie-dippy and into reincarnation and all of that. It all fell together and felt very natural. It was right.”

Hawkman, like Vandal Savage, is centuries old and he’s lived -- and died -- through more than 200 lifetimes. Fated to be with Hawkgirl, the winged hero does just about anything for his soulmate, including an entrance that can only be described as “brash.”

“He’s just like, ‘Here I am and this is what I do,’” Hentschel says of his alter ego’s memorable arrival. “Before, he’s never encountered any opposition -- this time it’s Flash and Arrow. I love this girl and she loves me, so [get] out of the way.”

“At first, Oliver, Barry and Carter don’t get along because they think he’s a dangerous person who wants to harm Kendra. Then, they start to warm up to him. If you don’t know him and don’t know that he’s right, he sounds crazy.” Hentschel adds.

Playing one half of a couple who’s destined to be soulmates for the rest of time is a daunting task, but one Hentschel is intrigued by.

“You get to see that really play out. In movies, you usually go, ‘This is my soulmate,’ and then you get the Notebook ending and it all works perfectly. But these guys have done it,” Hentschel says. “They’ve done it 206 times and I’m sure they’ve gone through all scenarios. They’ve lived together and probably had 10 lifetimes of happy love, but is it still that intense? There’s potential for these two characters to really get into it and mess around with that subject.”

It helps that the chemistry between Hentschel and Renee, with whom he shares many of his scenes in the crossover, is undeniable. “All the good things you can say about a person, I will say about her,” he marvels. “We had a natural liking for one another.”

That mutual admiration extends to the Arrow, Flash and Legends casts. A former professional dancer, Hentschel shared that he and members of the cast engaged in an intense dance-off during downtime while filming the crossover.

“Grant Gustin made me laugh a lot. We had a tap [dance]-off. I wouldn’t even say it was a tap-off, I would just say that he annihilated me and I tried to defend myself and lost,” Hentschel concedes, chuckling at the thought. “Next time, I’m going to challenge him in hop-hop -- let’s see if he still does well. I’ll get him back in a different style.”

Producers have been up front about using the early part of Arrow and The Flash's current seasons to lay the groundwork for Legends, and the crossover event is no different. Once the spinoff launches next year, however, it’s back to business as usual for the Green Arrow and scarlet speedster.

“Once Legends is born in January, there’s really no intersection on the other shows,” Berlanti says. “Legends is its own wacky, crazy kind of thing that allows for some fun surprises, in terms of who may visit and how because they’re flying through the timeline, but not on Arrow or Flash.”

http://www.etonline.com/news/177118_why ... legendary/
- Productores y elenco de ‘Arrow’ y ‘The Flash’ sobre los Crossovers, ‘Legends of Tomorrow’ y más (collider):
Productores y elenco de ‘Arrow’ y ‘The Flash’ sobre los Crossovers, ‘Legends of Tomorrow’ y más
Por Christina Radish 01 Dic, 2015

On The CW’s The Flash and Arrow cross-over episodes, called “Legends of Today” and “Legends of Yesterday” respectively, Vandal Savage (Casper Crump) arrives in Central City with his sights set on Kendra Saunders (Ciara Renée), and after he attacks Kendra and Cisco (Carlos Valdes), they turn to Barry Allen (Grant Gustin) for help. Realizing how dangerous Vandal is, they go to Star City to get help from Oliver Queen (Stephen Amell) and his team to figure out how to stop this seemingly indestructible man. It is a massively epic story with big action, cinematic effects, the introduction of Hawkman (Falk Hentschel) and Hawkgirl, laughs and love.

Collider was invited, along with various other press outlets, to screen the episodes at The CW offices, after which there was a Q&A to discuss all of the major events, as well as what’s to come. In Part 1 of the interview, executive producers Greg Berlanti, Marc Guggenheim and Andrew Kreisberg, along with actors Teddy Sears (“Jay Garrick”) and Falk Hentschel, talked about wanting to tell one big two-hour story, having this story lead into Legends of Tomorrow, deciding which characters to include and which to hold back, the challenges of pulling it all off, introducing Hawkman and Hawkgirl, keeping death impactful, and whether there’s been any conversations about a Supergirl cross-over. Be aware that there are some spoilers.

Question: This cross-over feels much more unified than last year’s did. Was the goal to make it feel like a two-hour movie?

ANDREW KREISBERG: Last year’s cross-over was the first time we had ever done it. We were very conscience that not everybody who was watching The Flash was watching Arrow, and vice versa, so we wanted to make sure that they both were self-contained episodes. This time around, given the success that we’ve had previously, and how people are viewing this as much more of a collective and shared universe, we felt emboldened and our partners at The CW and Warner Bros. were more supportive, so we were able to really have a two-hour true event with one story and one villain, and not have to worry so much about the mechanics of how it would air.

GREG BERLANTI: I also think that story wise it was appealing to us to try to do something different than we had done previously. They felt very episodic and contained in their nature, last year, with a contained villain for the episode. I think we wanted to challenge ourselves to see, if we really had two hours of storytelling and could follow everybody all the way through, what that would look and feel like. It was just our goal to try to do something different.

Because you had Legends of Tomorrow coming, did you also want to have this cross-over lead into that, as well?

BERLANTI: The studio and the network asked us, from the very beginning of the year, which characters from Legends were going to be in the two-hour, and they were encouraging us. We wanted to have a couple, but not all. It also felt right that we would use the characters that we hadn’t introduced on the individual series yet, with the exception of Rip Hunter, who we saved for the pilot of Legends.

What were the challenges inherent to constructing this cross-over?

BERLANTI: We had already started to shoot the first couple of episodes of Legends before we shot this episode, and we also knew there were characters who had been on The Flash and Arrow, who we were shooting out of those shows before shooting Legends, and then having to come back and do the introductions of some of the characters [for the cross-over]. So, it was about as out of order as you can imagine, and most of it was happening concurrently. There were a lot of conference sessions and logistical sessions with everybody, to discuss how we could pull this off on a basic level, let alone making it interesting, entertaining and coherent. There was stuff that we had set up in Legends, that we went back and put into this, and then will pay off again in Legends. They really speak to each other, in that way. We love that challenge, but the most rewarding part is when it’s over and done.

MARC GUGGENHEIM: I don’t think it’s impossible to overstate the incredible amount of difficulty for everyone involved. The actors are asked to shuttle from one set to two other sets, often in the course of a single day, to the crew of three different shows, to the ADs. Among their many responsibilities, the ADs have to handle scheduling, and they put together schedules that were like higher mathematics. People were bleeding inside of their skulls to make this work.

KREISBERG: It is one universe, but they really are three different shows with three different production teams. As much as we’re all friends, it was asking three different TV shows to coordinate.

GUGGENHEIM: It was unlike anything that’s been asked of three different productions before. This was new territory for everyone involved. The fact that it came off the way it came off was a testament to everyone that had a hand in it.

KREISBERG: You had actors not only working on different things, but Falk [Hentschel], Ciara [Renée] and Casper [Crump] had already been filming episodes of Legends, and were then asked to go back and introduce characters that they’d already established on Legends.

FALK HENTSCHEL: It was an acting marathon. Going from one set to another was a whirlwind, but it was really amazing to see it come together. When they told me about this, I was like, “How is this going to happen?!” The costumes had to be shipped here and there, and then they had to be back. I was like, “Okay, where do I stand? What do I say? Who am I? Oh, we’re on The Flash right now.” But, it was a blast. It’s great to see it come together and to see everybody doing something very creative.

Falk, what was it like for you to put on the outfit?

HENTSCHEL: The very simple answer is awesome. The first time was at my fitting, and it was like I was 11 years old. It’s just a dream come true. You get a costume that’s fit for you, and you feel really good about life. You’re like, “This is cool!” And then, you get the helmet on. It was awesome.

For people who aren’t familiar with Hawkman and Hawkgirl, what can you say about those characters?

HENTSCHEL: They come as a team, Carter and Kendra. For me, that’s what I enjoy most and what I think is most fun. Their dynamics are like a bickering old couple. He’s gone through four thousand years of loving her and having her love him back, but she doesn’t know about it yet, so there’s this fun dynamic of him being like, “You’ll love me. It will be good. I’ve seen it.” Underneath that, I think he’s always terrified of losing her. Imagine that you’ve seen everyone you know die. It’s pretty lonely. And then, here’s that one person who is always constant. I hope everyone will enjoy that couple dynamic between the two of them as much as I did.

KREISBERG: The thing that’s interesting about Carter is that he remembers loving Kendra and he remembers all of the adventures they’ve had. Now, he’s staring at this woman who’s look at him like he’s crazy. There was that Channing Tatum movie where his wife got knocked in the head and didn’t remember their lives. That’s what it always reminds me of. And one of the things I love about watching Falk is that he literally has the patience of that guy, in that situation. He’s like, “It’s gonna happen. It’s gonna come.” But there’s a sadness about the whole thing because he knows how great it can be, but he’s looking at her, looking at him like he’s a stranger.

Teddy, what’s it like for you to just drop into the story and learn about your character’s backstory, as you go?

TEDDY SEARS: It’s wonderful just to drop into the universe that already exists and slowly have these things revealed over time. For an actor, it’s a lot more fun. When you get the script, you’re like, “Oh, I didn’t know that. I didn’t realize we were going to do that this week.” It’s really exciting, especially to come into a world where so much has already happened, and there’s a voracious appetite from the fans to peak in on the lives of the guys and gals around S.T.A.R. Labs. For me, it’s the most ideal way to join a show.

KREISBERG: It’s under-rated how difficult it is for actors to step onto a fast-moving train, like all of these shows are, and just own it from the get-go.

With so many different ways that people have been brought back to life on The Flash and Arrow, whether it was through the Lazarus Pit, time travel or reincarnation, how do you keep death impactful?

GUGGENHEIM: Well, we’ve certainly taken care of the Lazarus Pit. Legends will explain why time travel can’t be used in a deus ex machina way, and not just with respect to death, but with respect to any plot contrivance. We’re going to answer that question very definitively. It will be part of the rules of time travel on Legends.

BERLANTI: It’s different than other TV shows. To me, it’s much more like the comic books. There are characters that would die, and sometimes they’d die for 20 years. So, dead will still mean dead, but it doesn’t always mean dead forever. With some characters it will, but with some character it won’t. We even say that sometimes when we sit down with the actors to let them know their fate for the season. If something comes to us that’s a really cool, organic way to bring the character back and is exciting to us and doesn’t devalue the death, but introduces them into the narrative in an interesting way, the genre that we’re making is different from other shows, in that way. I think that’s part of what makes it interesting. We try to hold ourselves to certain standards, but when a character is lost, they could be lost forever, or they could not be, if we can find a valid, cool way to bring them back.

KREISBERG: The key is the consequences. When Sara was brought back, when Thea was brought back, when Barry changed the timeline, or any of these things that feel like the right thing to do, there’s always a price to be paid. Whether or not that price is paid immediately, or whether that price gets paid later on, in ways that you don’t foresee, it always comes back to haunt you. On Legends, Vandal is the big bad, but the big bad truly is time itself. Time wants to go in one direction. When people die, the universe wants them to stay dead. Anything you do to change that is going to have a cost, and these characters are constantly paying that price. As much as they have these powers, abilities and technologies that they have, there’s always a price to be paid for using them.

Have there been any conversations about possible cross-overs with Supergirl?

BERLANTI: Only because we just received the pick-up, not at this point.

http://collider.com/arrow-the-flash-cro ... rrow-cast/?
- Preview del evento del Crossover de THE FLASH & ARROW (seat42f):
Preview del evento del Crossover de THE FLASH & ARROW
Por Tiffany Vogt 01 Dic, 2015

Tis the season for giving and receiving gifts. This week, the CW does its part as it doles out goodies in the form of another epic two­ hour crossover event featuring Teams Flash and Arrow.

On THE FLASH, Barry and the group rally around one of their own. Kendra Saunders might be new to Central City but she quickly captured Cisco’s heart. Protecting the future Hawkgirl from the villainous Vandal Savage becomes the main mission that also draws in Oliver and company. Meanwhile, Caitlin helps Earth­2’s Harrison Wells create a serum that could enable Barry to run faster than ever. Jay, of course, has something to say about this development.

Over on ARROW, the set­up for DC’s LEGENDS OF TOMORROW continues as much of the action involves everyone working together to defeat someone seemingly invincible. The trick is for the teams to find the right plan and then hope and pray nothing goes spectacularly wrong. This is the episode where some of Kendra and Carter Hall’s (aka Hawkman) ancient backstory is given, so look for a brief hiatus on Oliver’s island flashbacks.

In a Q&A with press, Executive Producers Greg Berlanti, Geoff Johns, Andrew Kreisberg and Marc Guggenheim as well as actor Falk Hentschel, talked about these crucial episodes.

The crossover felt unified – was it always the goal to make it feel like one big movie?
ANDREW: With last year’s crossover, obviously it was the first time we’d ever done it, and we were very conscious of not everybody who was watching FLASH was watching ARROW, and vice versa, so we wanted to make sure that they both were self­ contained episodes that if you didn’t watch THE FLASH, you could enjoy the ARROW, and vice versa. I think this time around, given the success that we’ve had previously and how people are viewing this as much more of a collective, shared universe, we felt emboldened. And our partners at CW and Warner Bros. were more supportive so we were able to really have a two ­hour true event with one story and one villain and one storyline and not having to worry so much about the mechanics of how it would air.

GREG: And I also think story­wise, it was appealing to us to try and do something different than we had done previously. They felt very episodic in their nature last year and a contained villain for the episode, and I think we wanted to challenge ourselves to see if we really had two hours’ worth of storytelling and could follow everybody all the way through, what would that look and feel like? So that was also just our goal, to try and do something different.

GEOFF: The Hawks and Vandal Savage kind of deserve a two­hour introduction – they’re big characters.

What were some of the challenges inherent in wrangling this crossover?
GREG: To give you guys an idea of the picture of what was happening: We had already started to shoot the first couple of episodes of LEGENDS before we shot this episode, and we also knew that there were characters who had been on FLASH and ARROW that we were also shooting out of those respective shows before we went into then shooting LEGENDS, to then have to come back and do the introduction of some of the characters here. So it was about as out of order as you can imagine, and some of it—most of it—happening concurrently. Just as a production, there were a lot of conference sessions of everybody and logistical sessions of how do we actually, on a basic level, pull this off, let alone hopefully make it interesting and entertaining and coherent.

MARC: I don’t think that it’s possible to overstate the incredible amount of difficulty it was for just about everyone involved. Certainly for the actors, just being asked to shuttle from literally one set to two other sets, oftentimes in the course of a single day to the crews of the three different shows to the ADs (associate directors) — I really do have to give credit where credit is due ­­ to the ADs of LEGENDS, FLASH and ARROW. The ADs, among their many, many responsibilities, they have to handle scheduling. These guys put together schedules that were like higher mathematics. Literally in meetings where people were bleeding inside of their skulls in order to make this work.

ANDREW: And all three of our line producers, too. It is one universe and whatnot, but they really are three different shows with three different production teams and as much as we’re all friends, it was asking three different TV shows to coordinate.

MARC: Unlike anything that’s ever been asked, I don’t think, of three different productions before. This really was a new territory for everyone involved. The fact that it came off the way it came off I think is a testament to everyone who had a hand in it, and there were a lot of people.

ANDREW: You had actors who were not only, as Marc said, working on different things, but you had Falk and Ciara (Renée) and Casper (Crump) who had already been filming episodes of LEGENDS, who were then asked to go back and play the characters…they’d already established them on LEGENDS, and then had to go back and sort of introduce them. So I think it was…Falk can probably speak to that.

FALK: It was an acting marathon. No, it was great fun. Like you guys said, being carted from one set to another, it was a whirlwind, but it was really amazing to see it come together. When you guys all told me about this first, I was like, ‘How’s this going to happen?’ And the costumes have to be shipped here and there and then they have to be back and at some point, I have to say to you, like, ‘Alright, where do I stand? What do I say? Who am I?’ I was like, ‘Wait, was that this?’ ‘No, we’re on FLASH right now.’ But it was a blast and I have to say that it was very admirable to see it come together and everybody pulling it together. It was very creative.

Falk, this is the first time that we saw you in the outfit. I don’t know if it was your first time in the outfit, but how was it?
FALK: It’s a very simple answer. It was awesome! It wasn’t the first time. The first time was at my fitting and I was like 11 years old, standing there. It’s just like a dream come true. You get a costume that’s fit for you and you just feel really good about life. You’re like ‘This is cool!’ And then you get the helmet on. It was awesome.

Going into the crossover, what can we expect from Carter and Kendra?
FALK: They come as a team, Carter and Kendra and I think that’s what I enjoy most and I think is the most fun ­ their dynamics. In my mind they’re like a bickering old couple. And he’s gone through 4000 years of loving her and having her love him back so there’s just fun… She doesn’t know about it yet, though, so there’s always this fun dynamic of him being like, ‘You’ll love me! It’ll be good! I’ve seen it.’ And I think underneath it, terrified always of losing her, because imagine you’ve seen everyone that you know die. It’s pretty lonely and here’s that one person that is always constant. So I just think that couple dynamic between the two of them…I hope everybody will enjoy it as much as I did.

ANDREW: I think what’s also interesting about Carter’s character is he remembers loving Kendra and he remembers all the adventures they had. Not just the bickering, but he remembers all the fun they had. And now he’s staring at this woman who’s looking at him like he’s crazy and it’s like…there was that Channing Tatum movie where his wife got knocked in the head and she didn’t remember their lives. That’s what it always sort of reminds me of. I think one of the things I love about watching Falk is he literally has the patience of that guy in that situation. That he has to… It’s gonna happen, it’s gonna come but there’s a sadness about the whole thing, because he knows how great it can be and how sad it is for him to look at her looking at him like he’s a stranger.

5 More Thoughts on “Legends of Today” and “Legends of Yesterday” ­

The ARROW hour is surprisingly emotional

­Because this crossover centers around Kendra, Cisco’s a big part of both episodes. One of his interactions with Oliver is really great plus he gets to work through some of his own issues

­Look for some quality Barry/Oliver banter, especially in a scene towards the end of ARROW. ­On THE FLASH, Felicity and Barry reconnecting is so very Felicity. It’s awesome.

It’s adorable how Thea reacts to finding out about Barry

http://www.seat42f.com/the-flash-arrow- ... eview.html
- Hawkman toma vuelo y busca el amor en el crossover de "Flash"/"Arrow" (CBR):
Hawkman toma vuelo y busca el amor en el crossover de "Flash"/"Arrow"
Por Albert Ching, 01 Dic 2015

"The Flash" and "Arrow' tie their shared universe even tighter this week with the second annual crossover between the shows, a two-part installment introducing Hawkgirl (Ciara Renée, who's already appeared on "Flash" as civilian identity Kendra Saunders), Hawkman (Falk Hentschel) and immortal villain Vandal Savage (Casper Crump). It's a prelude to the upcoming "DC's Legends of Tomorrow" series, and with production schedules of three different shows to juggle, it was about as tricky to pull off as you might guess.

"I don't think it's possible to overstate the incredible amount of difficulty it was for just about everyone involved," Marc Guggenheim, "Arrow" co-showrunner and "Legends of Tomorrow" executive producer, told a group of reporters including CBR News during a press event Monday at The CW headquarters in Burbank. "Certainly, the actors being asked to shuttle from literally one set to two other sets, often times in the course of a single day, to the crews of the three different shows, to the ADs -- these guys put together schedules that were like higher mathematics."

"It was an acting marathon," added Hentschel, who had already started production on "Legends" when filming the crossover episodes. "It was a whirlwind, but it was really amazing to see it come together. When [the executive producers] all told me about this, at first I was like, 'How is this going to happen?'"

There was a race to the finish line on the post-production side as well, with visual effects completed just a couple days before this week's airdates. But it should all be worth it for "Flash" and "Arrow" fans, who will witness a true two-parter this week, rather than last year's crossover, which was more two loosely connected standalone episodes featuring characters from both shows.

"With last year's episode, obviously it was the first time we'd ever done it, and we were very conscious of not everybody who was watching 'Flash' was watching 'Arrow' and vice versa, so we wanted to make sure they both were self-contained episodes," "Flash" showrunner and "Arrow" and "Legends" executive producer Andrew Kreisberg told the assembled press. "This time around, given the success that we've had previously, and how people are viewing this as much more of a collective, shared universe, we felt emboldened, and our partners at CW and Warner Bros. were more supportive. We were able to have a two-hour, true event with one story and one villain, one storyline, and not having to worry so much about the mechanics of how it would air."

"The Hawks and Vandal Savage deserve a two-hour introduction," said DC Entertainment Chief Creative Officer Geoff Johns, a man very familiar with Hawkman and Hawkgirl from writing stints on DC Comics like "Justice Society of America." "They're big characters."

The crossover episodes -- collectively promoted as "Heroes Join Forces" -- are a direct prologue to "Legends of Tomorrow," which debuts Jan. 21 on The CW. But don't look for the full cast of that show in these episodes -- there's no Atom, White Canary, Firestorm, Captain Cold or Heat Wave present, as the focus is on detailing the 4,000 year history between the Hawks and Vandal Savage. Along with the usual fun of seeing Team Arrow working alongside the S.T.A.R. Labs crew, of course.

"The studio and the network were asking for us from the very beginning of the year, 'Which characters from "Legends" are going to be in the two-hour?' We wanted to have a couple, but not all," Greg Berlanti, executive producer of all three series, said. "It also felt right that we would use the characters that we hadn't introduced on the individual series yet, with the exception of Rip Hunter, who's saved for the pilot of 'Legends.'"

Hentschel, who already had some experience with comic book-based TV after a guest spot on a "Marvel's Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D." episode in 2014, is especially looking forward to fully exploring the unique dynamic of the continually reincarnated Carter Hall and Kendra Saunders, and the complications that creates.

"They're, in my mind, a bickering old couple," Hentschel said. "He's gone through 4,000 years of loving her, and having her love him back -- and she doesn't know about it yet, so there's always this fun dynamic of him being like, 'You'll love me, it'll be good, I've seen it.' I think underneath it, too, I'm terrified always of losing her. Imagine you've seen everybody that you know die. It's pretty lonely, and here's that one person that is always constant."

"He remembers loving Kendra, and he remembers all the adventures they've had," Kreisberg added. "Not just the bickering, but he remembers all the fun they've had. Now, he's staring at this woman who's looking at him like he's crazy."

While that's a fairly complex relationship, Hentschel had a simple answer to how he enjoys appearing in the Hawkman costume, which is comic book-y even by "Flash" and "Arrow" standards. "It's awesome. I was like, 11 years old, just standing there -- it's like a dream come true. You've got a costume that's fit for you, and you feel really good about life. And then you get the helmet on -- it's awesome!"

http://www.comicbookresources.com/artic ... -crossover
- Falk Hentschel y Andrew Kreisberg adelantan su debut en el Crossover The Flash-Arrow (TVInsider):
Falk Hentschel y Andrew Kreisberg adelantan su debut en el Crossover The Flash-Arrow
Por Marisa Roffman 01 Dic, 2015 1:53 pm

The second annual The Flash and Arrow crossover will introduce audiences to a new face: Carter Hall (Falk Hentschel), AKA Hawkman, who will then play a part in the upcoming CW series, Legends of Tomorrow.)

When viewers meet Carter, he's very aware of his long history—he and Kendra (Ciara Renée) began their lives in ancient Egypt, and have been reincarnated many times since then. Complicating matters is the fact that an immortal villain, Vandal Savage (Casper Crump), is out to get them…but unfortunately for Kendra, she has no awareness of her past lives.

"They come as a team, Carter and Kendra and I think that's what I enjoy most and I think is the most fun - their dynamic," Hentschel told reporters. "In my mind they're like a bickering old couple. And he's gone through 4,000 years of loving her and having her love him back so there's just fun [there]. She doesn't know about it yet, though, so there's always this fun dynamic of him being like, 'You'll love me! It'll be good! I've seen it.'"

"There was that Channing Tatum movie [The Vow] where his wife got knocked in the head and she didn't remember their lives," Arrow/Flash/Legends of Tomorrow executive producer Andrew Kreisberg said. "That's what it always sort of reminds me of. I think one of the things I love about watching [Carter] is he literally has the patience of that guy in that situation. That he has to [acknowledge], 'It's gonna happen, it's gonna come.' But there's a sadness about the whole thing, because he knows how great it can be and how sad it is for him to look at her looking at him like he's a stranger."

That isolation leads to another element of grief/concern for Carter. "I think underneath it, [he's] terrified, always, of losing her," Hentschel noted. "Imagine you've seen everyone that you know die. It's pretty lonely and here's that one person that is always constant."

http://www.tvinsider.com/article/57099/ ... crossover/?
- The Flash: Un Nuevo Héroe toma las alas (DC Comics):
The Flash: Un Nuevo Héroe toma las alas
Por Tim Beedle 01 Dic, 2015

Hawkman may be new to the #DCTV Universe, but he has a long history of heroics. How long? Try 4,000 years.

Tonight’s eagerly anticipated new episode of The Flash kicks off this year’s two-part crossover with its sister show Arrow. In the process, it introduces a character arriving on the small screen after first being introduced on the comic page 75 years ago—the winged warrior known as Hawkman. Brought to life by actor Falk Hentschel, Hawkman will make his debut in this week’s crossover before reemerging in a big way as part of next year’s DC’s Legends of Tomorrow. For fans of the high-flying hero, it’s a moment that’s been many years in the making. But for Green Arrow, the Flash and the rest of their friends and allies, it’s a harbinger of likely doom, since hot on Hawkman’s heels is the immortal despot known as Vandal Savage.

We recently had a chance to speak with Hentschel about tonight’s blockbuster episode, which manages to outdo last year’s crossover in both action and stakes. Here’s what he had to say.

So how did you find yourself playing Hawkman? How did that come about?

I was in Germany, visiting my niece, and I got this notice about the Hawkman character. We went back and forth a couple of times. We did a few tapes. Then I got the notice in Europe that I was going to start working in September. It actually happened really fast. Usually it’s a long process.

Did you know anything about Hawkman at the time?

I did. To be honest with you, I don’t think I’ve ever read a comic of his, but I knew his backstory, which is also what drew me to him. However, the version I knew is the one we didn’t go with, and that’s the one where he’s an alien with the Nth metal.

Yeah, there are a few different versions of the character, and I know the fans are curious about which variation they might see on the show. It’s Carter Hall, right?

Yes, Carter.

So how does he find himself in Central City?

He is actually after Kendra, Hawkgirl, who doesn’t know yet that she’s Hawkgirl. He tracks her down to Star City and she’s with Flash and Arrow. They actually see him as a major threat because he just swoops in and picks her up, and she has no idea who he is. So when we start out, we’re not friends.

Hawkman and Hawkgirl certainly have an interesting relationship in the comics, how would you describe it in the crossover and in DC’s Legends of Tomorrow?

Bickering! Carter comes into this telling Kendra, “Oh, we’ve done this hundreds of times. You’ll love me. You’ll get there. You may not love me now, but you’ll remember.” And meanwhile, she’s just like, “Who are you? You’re nuts.”

That dynamic keeps going. I feel like we disagree most of the time, but in a fun, loving way. Obviously, as we go on, there’s that 4,000-year-old attraction that’s just sort of undeniable.

In the comics, Hawkman often has a contentious relationship with many of the other heroes. How does Carter get along with the Flash and Green Arrow?

To be honest with you, pretty well. We start out with a major fight—Flash and Green Arrow against Hawkman. They also think he’s a bit crazy at first. Arrow is the one who eventually points out that what he’s saying actually makes sense—Cisco’s seen Kendra with the wings and we’ve seen him with them as well. Flash is the one who’s uncomfortable with Hawkman’s ideas about getting Kendra to become Hawkgirl. I mean, I just want to throw her off the roof and tell her to fly!

So they take some time to warm up to me, but they eventually do.

Vandal Savage is the villain in the crossover, and he’s going to be a big character as well on Legends. How would you describe him to people who aren’t familiar with him?

Intense. Intense, but also fun. He’s friendly most of the time, and then he’ll switch on a dime and turn on that sort of satanic evil of his. He’s just extremely unpredictable, and Casper Crump is doing a terrific job at that. Plus, he looks perfect. I saw the comics and then looked at him and was like, “You’re the guy.” He looks exactly like the comic.

How big of a threat would you say he is to the people of the world?

Huge. He’s one of those bad guys who really believes that what he’s doing is good for the world. He doesn’t want world domination for selfish reasons. He believes he needs to cleanse the world to make it a better place. He thinks he’s altruistic, ultimately. I think that is always the most dangerous villain that you can have—somebody that’s purely convinced that this is the right and loving thing to do for the planet.

Does Carter have a history with Vandal Savage prior to the crossover?

Oh yes, they go back 4,000 years. What we’re doing [on the show] is that they got intertwined when these comets hit and their life forces are now shared. We reincarnate, Hawkman and Hawkgirl, and he becomes immortal. He’ll die and just come right back. There’s also a sort of love triangle that’s been going on for 4,000 years.

What are you most excited for Hawkman fans to finally see on the screen?

What I hope is that we found a good mix of everyone’s intentions. My personal intention that I was fighting hard for was that I wanted him to have a sense of humor. He’s been around 4,000 years, and I’ve see him as if you don’t get it by now, that you need to let go a little bit and be lighter with life, then you might never get it. But at the same time, he has this gravitas. He has a lot of really important things to share about some dangerous things to the world that everybody really needs to hear and understand. I’m hoping that we struck a really nice balance between a serious super hero and someone lighter. I mean, he’s died 206 times. If he died again, he probably wouldn’t be too worried about it.

Finally, what can you tell us about DC’s Legends of Tomorrow?

As a fan and as an actor, to be on a show with nine super heroes was pretty inspiring and also a little shocking. It’s ginormous. You have nine awesome, big personalities that you’re working with all the time. Especially in the pilot. We have a lot of nine-people scenes. Just from an actor’s point of view, that was pretty mind blowing. We were wondering how we were going to even get it done. Also, I love the fact that the cast they put together for this couldn’t be more different from one to the next—from Victor [Garber] to Franz [Drameh] to Wentworth [Miller]. Everybody is amazing and very unique. I love that about it. I’m just very grateful and thankful for the cast, the team and the crew.

http://www.dccomics.com/blog/2015/12/01 ... takes-wing
- Cómo el Crossover lanza ‘Legends of Tomorrow’ y 4 Revelaciones más (thewrap):
Cómo el Crossover lanza ‘Legends of Tomorrow’ y 4 Revelaciones más
Por Linda Ge 01 Dic, 2015 @ 10:54 am

Oliver Queen and Barry Allen are set to join forces once again, but their heroics take a back seat in the “Arrow”-“The Flash” crossover event that’s becoming an annual tradition on The CW.

Green Arrow and the Flash must come together this time around in order to protect Kendra Saunders (Ciara Renee), a new arrival to Central City who’s drawn the affection of Cisco (Carlos Valdes) and the unwanted attention of a new villain, an immortal named Vandal Savage (Casper Crump).

Recognizing that this is no mere meta-human, Barry (Grant Gustin) enlists the help of Oliver (Stephen Amell) and Team Arrow, who have coincidentally been dealing with things like mysticism and immortality over in Star City thanks to Season 4’s big bad Damien Darhk (Neal McDonough).

Following a screening of the crossover episodes, executive producers and actors spilled on what to expect.

1. A much more cohesive crossover event
While last year’s inaugural “Arrow”-“Flash” crossover was more like a pair of standalone episodes that featured appearances from both casts, this year’s two-parter is one story that will play out over two nights, first as Savage is introduced on “The Flash” Tuesday, and then continuing onto “Arrow” on Wednesday.

“With last year’s crossover, it was obviously the first time we’d ever done it and we were very conscious of not everybody who was watching ‘Flash’ was watching ‘Arrow,’ and vice versa. We wanted to make sure they were self-contained episodes,” said Andrew Kreisberg, who serves as an executive producer on all three shows. “This time around, given the success we’ve had previously, and how people are viewing this as much more of a shared universe, we felt emboldened — and our partners at The CW and Warner Bros. were more supportive — so we were really able to have a two-hour true event with one story, one villain and one storyline, and not so much worry about the mechanics of how it would air.”

2. Introducing “Legends of Tomorrow”
Because The CW “Arrow”-“Flash” spinoff “Legends of Tomorrow” is premiering in January, the timing seemed especially right to focus on launching that story with this crossover.

“The studio and network were asking us from the very beginning which characters from ‘Legends’ were going to be in the two-hour, and were encouraging us,” said EP Greg Berlanti. “We wanted to have some but not all [of the characters]. It also made sense that we would use characters we hadn’t introduced on the series yet.”

“Legends of Tomorrow” features a cast of characters who are familiar to fans of “Arrow” and “The Flash,” including Wentworth Miller as Captain Cold, Dominic Purcell as Heat Wave, Victor Garber and Franz Drameh as Firestorm, Caity Lotz as White Canary and a newcomer, Rip Hunter, played by Arthur Darvill, who has not yet been introduced.

“The Hawks and Vandal Savage deserve a two-hour introduction,” said DC Comics Chief Creative Officer Geoff Johns. “They’re big characters.”

3. The shared universe gets complicated
On screen, the heroes all feel like genuine friends occupying the same world, but coordinating their various visits to each others’ series is more work than appearances might suggest.

“We had already started to shoot the first couple of episodes of ‘Legends’ before we shot these [crossover] episodes, and we also knew there were characters who had been on ‘Flash’ and ‘Arrow’ who we were also shooting out of those respective shows before we went into ‘Legends,’ to then have to come back and shoot some of the introductions of some of the characters here,” explained Berlanti. “It was about as out-of-order as you can imagine, and most of it happening concurrently.”

“It is one universe, but they really are three different shows, with three different production teams,” said Kreisberg. “As much as we’re all friends, it was asking three different TV shows to coordinate.”

“It was an acting marathon,” added Hentschel. “Being carted from one set to another, it was a whirlwind, but it was amazing watching it come together … At some point, you do have to say, ‘OK, where do I stand? What do I say? Who am I? Was that this? Oh, wait, we’re on ‘Flash’ right now,’ but it was a blast and very admirable seeing it come together.”

4. No more crossovers for “Legends”
Even though “Arrow” and “The Flash” feel more intertwined than ever, once “Legends of Tomorrow” premieres in January, fans shouldn’t expect many crossovers with its parent series.

“As of right now, once ‘Legends’ is born in January, there’s really no intersection on the other shows,” said Berlanti. “‘Legends’ is kind of its own wacky, crazy thing that allows for all sorts of fun surprises in terms of who may visit and how, because they’re just flying through the timeline, and you’ll start to see more of that. But not on ‘Arrow’ or ‘Flash.'”

But no one ruled out the possibility of “Arrow” or “The Flash” characters showing up on the spinoff.

“There really is opportunity for all sorts of insane things,” Berlanti teased. “Which is one of the challenges we put forth for ourselves that makes the show its own thing.”

5. Consequences for “Arrow” and “The Flash”
Though the episodes served mostly as an introduction to the visiting “Legends” gang, there are developments that will have continued consequences for the leads on both shows.

As “Arrow” EP Wendy Mericle previously told TheWrap, “Oliver will have a very emotional and surprising storyline with Felicity in [episode] 408 that will have huge repercussions the rest of the season.”

Over on “The Flash,” this season’s Earth 2 newcomers Harrison Wells (Tom Cavanagh) and Jay Garrick (Teddy Sears) are the ones who find themselves amid events that may impact their usually frosty relationship going forward. Meanwhile, Cisco’s blossoming romance with Kendra puts him and his new Vibe abilities to the test as well.

http://www.thewrap.com/arrow-the-flash- ... velations/
- Falk Hentschel sobre la épica introducción de Hawkman en el Crossover de 'Flash'/'Arrow' (accesshollywood):
Falk Hentschel sobre la épica introducción de Hawkman en el Crossover de 'Flash'/'Arrow'
Por Jolie Lash 01 Diciembre, 2015 7:13 AM PST

The life of Jitters' newest barista, Kendra Saunders, is about to get a lot more complicated on Tuesday's "The Flash."

As the two-night crossover event begins on The CW (it continues on Wednesday on "Arrow"), the espresso expert will find herself at the center of an ancient mystery when the villainous Vandal Savage (Casper Crump) floats into town in a knife coat, bent on causing her major harm.

Ever-heroic Cisco Ramon (Carlos Valdes) will step up to help protect the lady he's been courting, by taking her to Team Flash, where Barry Allen (Grant Gustin) decides this isn't a task they can handle on their own. Keeping Kendra safe is a job they can share with Oliver Queen and Team Arrow over in Star City. But, Vandal isn't the only one coming for Kendra. Falk Hentschel is set to make an epic entrance as Hawkman/Carter.

"I'm going to literally fly into the show, I believe… and swoop Kendra off her feet," Falk told Access Hollywood when he sat down for an interview on Monday afternoon. "I'm not going to say how or if she likes it or not, but that's how I sort of come into the show and I come in very strong. I want to be with her, I want to save her, I want to do what I've been doing for 4,000 years and she has no idea of it, but you'll see that in Carter's manner he's like, 'You'll love me, it's going to be great!'"

If that sounded confusing, let us explain a little more: Carter, who also happens to be Hawkman, believes Kendra is a woman he's had a relationship with for centuries – she just doesn't remember it (look for a full explanation of the mystery in the episodes).

If Carter is ready to rekindle an ancient romance with the beautiful Central City barista, that's certainly going to present some complications for Cisco.

"To be honest with you, my take on it, and I don't know how it'll come through ultimately with the edit and everything, but you know, he's seen this happen probably 100 times," Falk said of how Carter views Kendra's romantic life when they meet (are reunited) on "The Flash." "I'm assuming he saw her [before] and was like, 'Oh, she's married and she's got kids,' so I think he has to be a bit more relaxed about this stuff. He's a bit new-age-y on it, I would say, and then also, with Cisco in general, he's just so different from Carter that I think he's sort of like… 'Give it a shot. I'm her soulmate and I'm pretty sure it'll be the same way it's been for the last 4000 years.' So that's sort of the take that I had. There wasn't really a scene that pointed that out, but I always looked at it and was like, 'You're a funny, cool guy. Give it your best shot and we'll see who she picks.'"

While Carter does have (rekindling their) romance in mind when he sees Kendra (again), a woman Cisco knows is special (thanks to seeing her as Hawkgirl in a vibe), what's at the center of the crossovers drama is keeping her safe from Vandal Savage.

"He is my arch enemy and has been after the Hawks for quite a while and I think he's zeroing in on Kendra's location, and so is my character, and it's sort of a race to get there before and try my best," Falk told Access.

"He's extremely dangerous," Falk continued of Vandal. "To me, he's extremely dangerous, especially the way -- what Casper Crump is doing with the character. He genuinely believes he will save mankind and I think those are always the most dangerous villains -- the ones that really think they're actually doing something good for humanity by doing all the nefarious horrible things that they're doing."

We'll have to wait and see whether Team FlArrow can expand to include Hawkman or if they'll come at the Vandal problem from different angles. One thing we do know, thanks to the promo photos, is there are a lot of heroes ready to fight the baddie.

"Coming on set, getting ready for a scene and seeing eight other superheroes all lined up -- it's fun and it's been a lovely experience across the board," Falk said.

http://www.accesshollywood.com/articles ... crossover/
- Teddy Sears y Andrew Kreisberg hablan sobre la pelea del Crossover y 'Velocity 6' (CBR):
Teddy Sears y Andrew Kreisberg hablan sobre la pelea del Crossover y 'Velocity 6'
Por Albert Ching 01 Dic 2015

The first half of this season's crossover between "The Flash" and "Arrow" just wrapped on the east coast, and though the main story -- focused on the introductions of Hawkman, Hawkgirl and Vandal Savage -- is a prelude to "DC's Legends of Tomorrow," there were plenty of "Flash"-specific developments. One of the biggest shocks came when Earth-2's Harrison Wells (Tom Cavanagh) was shot by Patty Spivot (Shantel VanSanten) in what was effectively a rather massive miscommunication -- and solved by Jay Garrick (Teddy Sears) temporarily regaining super-speed and phasing through Wells' chest to remove the bullet.

"The Flash" season two has made the animosity between Jay and Wells clear, but now Earth-2's former Flash is responsible for saving his rival's life. During a press event earlier this week at The CW's headquarters in Burbank, CBR News asked Sears how the dynamic between the two may change going forward.

"Jay's still very dubious of Wells," Sears replied. "The carnage he's created on Earth-2, just with him being behind the particle accelerator explosion. But there is a growing understanding, respect -- I don't want to call it a shift, but these two will begin to work side-by-side as members of Team S.T.A.R. Labs going forward, and fighting metahumans. They're not going to be buddies or great friends, but something does happen for the good after that."

Sears also shared his take on whether or not Jay's temporary reunion with super-speed -- provided by the experimental drug Velocity 6, created by Wells and Caitlin (Danielle Panabaker) will cause him to crave more of it, in order to fully return to the speedster he once was.

"I think Jay shows up with this struggle with, 'Who am I now that I'm not this guy?' This guy that was able to do a lot of good when he had the Speed Force," Sears said. "He's wrestling with his identity in a way, and adapting to life without it. He's not jonesing for a fix or anything, but he's aware of what potential Velocity 6 has on his life, but he's also very clear about, 'I don't want to go down that path.' But I think like anyone who has seen the other side, there are haunting memories of what could have been."

Speaking of Velocity 6 -- it's a deliberate reference to "Velocity 9," a drug from the DC Comics source material that grants the user temporary super speed, though at a great physical toll.

"If you're a fan of the comics, you know that a big part is 'Velocity 9,' and today you met 'Velocity 6,'" "Flash" showrunner Andrew Kreisberg told the press. "It's safe to say that there will be a few more iterations of that formula. How it plays out, and how it works, and who uses it, and the effects that it has, that's something you'll have to watch [for]."

As far as Patty goes -- even though she almost killed Wells, her relationship with Barry (Grant Gustin) will continue, with the title character potentially learning some lessons from the show's first season.

"You see it moving forward, especially with Barry's interactions with Iris, where Iris is telling him, 'As your friend, I'm telling you that the way you handled things last year was terrible, and you caused a lot of unnecessary hurt and you caused people to be in danger, and you have to do things differently if you really care about this girl,'" Kreisberg said. "On the other hand, he has this new version of Wells telling him, 'If you really care about this person, you keep her as far away from all of this as possible, because if Zoom finds out, he'll kill her.' Barry is really wrestling with those two things moving forward."

Plenty more happened on "Legends of Today" -- including Oliver (Stephen Amell) discovering his long-lost son -- so check back very soon with CBR for our full recap of the episode, and keep reading for more tomorrow from the "Arrow" installment of the crossover.

http://www.comicbookresources.com/artic ... velocity-6
- Jefes de ‘The Flash’ y ‘Arrow’ hablan sobre las repercusiones del Crossover y el desenlace de Vandal Savage (Variety):
Jefes de ‘The Flash’ y ‘Arrow’ hablan sobre las repercusiones del Crossover y el desenlace de Vandal Savage
Por Laura Prudom 01 Diciembre 2015

After the first hour of this year’s “Flash” and “Arrow” crossover, Barry (Grant Gustin) and Oliver (Stephen Amell) have faced Vandal Savage (Casper Crump), discovered Kendra Saunders’ (Ciara Renee) hidden past as Hawkgirl and met her reincarnated soulmate, Carter Hall (Falk Hentschel). And somehow, the episode still found time to see Patty (Shantel VanSanten) shoot Harrison Wells (Tom Cavanagh), prompting Caitlyn (Danielle Panabaker) to use an experimental speed-enhancing drug on Jay Garrick (Teddy Sears) to save Wells’ life, and managed to leave us with the cliffhanger of Oliver seeming to realize that the young boy he spots with his ex-girlfriend Samantha (Anna Hopkins) at Jitters is around the right age to potentially be his son, despite her previously telling him that she miscarried their baby.

While that particular plot point will be explored in the “Arrow” installment of the crossover on Dec. 2, the executive producers of “The Flash,” “Arrow” and the upcoming midseason spinoff “DC’s Legends of Tomorrow” (along with stars Teddy Sears and Falk Hentschel) spoke to reporters earlier this week to shed some light on the other twists of the crossover event.

Animosity of two Earths

Jay may have grudgingly saved Wells’ life by taking the Velocity 6 serum, but that doesn’t mean he and the scientist are about to become BFFs.

“Jay is still very dubious of Wells, and the carnage he’s created on Earth-2; just him being behind the particle accelerator explosion,” Sears notes. “There is a growing understanding, respect. There is a nice — I don’t want to call it a shift, but these two will begin to work side-by-side, as members of Team STAR Labs, going forward and fighting metahumans. They’re not going to be buddies or great friends, but something does happen for the good after that.”

A new kind of speed

Sears also admits that although Jay won’t be “jonesing for a fix” of the new speed-enhancing drug, “he’s aware of the potential Velocity 6 has on his life. But I also think he’s clear that, ‘I don’t want to go down that path.’ But I think like anyone who has seen the other side, there are haunting memories of what could be, and what could have been.” The inability to be useful is particularly challenging for Jay, Sears notes. “This guy who was able to do a lot of good when he had the Speed Force. He’s wrestling with his identity in a way, and his life without it.”

As for whether Barry will eventually take the serum, executive producer Andrew Kreisberg hints, “If you’re a fan of the comics, you know that a big part of the comics is Velocity 9. And today you guys met Velocity 6. So it’s safe to say that there’ll be a few more iterations of that formula … How it plays out and how it works and who uses it and the effects that that have — that’s something that you’ll have to watch.”

Close encounters of the Earth-2 kind

Patty has already had a few brushes with Barry’s secret identity and the many secrets the STAR Labs team is keeping, but this week certainly put her in an untenable situation after she shot Earth-2 Wells. It seems like she’s long overdue for someone, either Barry or Joe (Jesse L. Martin) to clue her in, which Kreisberg says is an ongoing part of Barry’s storyline this year, especially given the secrets they kept from Iris (Candice Patton) last year.

“Can he actually have a relationship with somebody, and what does having a relationship with somebody mean?” Kreisberg ponders. “You see it moving forward, especially with Barry’s interactions with Iris where Iris is telling him, ‘I’m telling you as your friend that the way you handled things last year were terrible, and you caused a lot of unnecessary hurt and you caused people to be in danger, and you have to do things differently if you really care about this girl.’ Then on the other hand, he has this new version of Wells ironically telling him, ‘if you really care about this person, you keep her as far away from all of this as possible, because if Zoom finds out, he’ll kill her.’ So Barry is really wrestling with those two things moving forward.”

Savage plans

While we know that Savage is fixated on Hawkman and Hawkgirl for reasons that will become clearer in the “Arrow” episode of the crossover, exec producer Marc Guggenheim admits that there’s a lot about the character that they’re saving for “Legends of Tomorrow.”

“He has a very clear plan and trajectory. The thing about Vandal is that for him a lifetime is an eye blink. He thinks in thousand-year-old terms. He’s a very much a master of the long con,” he notes. “Yes, he does have his own personal agenda vis-a-vis the Hawks. But he’s got much bigger plans for the world, which you’ll have to watch ‘Legends’ to find out. ”

Building a ‘Legend’

The crossover was always intended to set up “Legends of Tomorrow,” according to executive producer Greg Berlanti: “The studio and the network were asking us from the very beginning of the year, which characters from ‘Legends’ are going to be in the two-hour, and were encouraging us. We wanted to have some — a couple, but not all in it, so it also felt right that we would use the characters that we hadn’t introduced on the individual series yet, with the exception of Rip Hunter [Arthur Darvill], who we saved for the pilot of ‘Legends.’”

But that set-up also required a lot of logistical maneuvering from all three shows, since “Legends of Tomorrow” had already started filming before the crossover episodes were shot.

“We had known what we had already written into the introductions of ‘Legends,’ so there were several times — and there are characters that I want to wait until people start to watch ‘Legends’ [to talk about] — that you’ll see that there was stuff that we set up in ‘Legends’ and then went back and put into this that then will pay off again in ‘Legends.’ So they really speak to each other in that way,” Berlanti notes.

That process was particularly challenging for the actors, especially Hentschel, Renee and Crump. “You had actors who were not only working on different things, but you had Falk and Ciara and Casper who had already been filming episodes of ‘Legends’ … They’d already established them on ‘Legends,’ and then had to go back and introduce them,” Kreisberg adds.

Hentschel describes the process as “an acting marathon,” before amending, “No, it was great fun. Being carted from one set to another, it was a whirlwind, but it was really amazing to see it come together. When [the producers] all told me about this at first, I was like, ‘how’s this going to happen?'” he laughs. “But it was a blast and I have to say that it was very admirable to see it come together and everybody pulling it together. It was very creative.”

Starcrossed lovers

While Carter had a somewhat aggressive introduction (pushing his supposed soulmate off a roof was certainly an ice-breaker), Hentschel notes that Carter and Kendra “come as a team,” adding, “in my mind they’re like a bickering old couple. And he’s gone through 4000 years of loving her and having her love him back … she doesn’t know about it yet, though, so there’s always this fun dynamic of him being like, ‘You’ll love me! It’ll be good! I’ve seen it.’ And I think underneath it, terrified, always, of losing her because imagine you’ve seen everyone that you know die. It’s pretty lonely and here’s that one person that is always constant. So I just think that couple dynamic between the two of them… I hope everybody will enjoy it as much as I did.”

Kreisberg notes that as well as the fun side of Hawkman and Hawkgirl’s banter, there’s also a bittersweetness that will be explored through these episodes and into “Legends.”

“What’s interesting about Carter’s character is he remembers loving Kendra and he remembers all the adventures they had. Not just the bickering, but he remembers all the fun they had. And now he’s staring at this woman who’s looking at him like he’s crazy,” he notes. “There’s a sadness about the whole thing, because he knows how great it can be and how sad it is for him to look at her looking at him like he’s a stranger.”

http://variety.com/2015/tv/news/flash-a ... 201651462/
- Productores ejecutivos habla sobre los Easter Eggs de 'Legends' , la sorprendente alianza de Wells (THR):
Productores ejecutivos habla sobre los Easter Eggs de 'Legends' , la sorprendente alianza de Wells
Por Sydney Bucksbaum 01 Dic, 2015 6:00pm PT

When Arrow and The Flash debuted the first ever crossover event last year, the showrunners had no idea that it would be anything more than a one-time thing. So when they sat down to plan out this year's two-night crossover run, executive producer Greg Berlanti and co. decided to go even bigger this time around. Instead of just combining the casts and story from Arrow and The Flash, they also decided to throw the upcoming series Legends of Tomorrow into the mix.

Part one of the crossover introduced Carter Hall, aka Hawkman (Falk Hentschel) on The Flash. He is the latest reincarnation of an Egyptian Prince who is fated to reincarnate throughout time for centuries along with his soul mate, Kendra Saunders, aka Hawkgirl (Ciara Renée). While Carter can recall all the memories of their past lives, it took pushing Kendra off a roof for her powers to emerge, and her memories slowly started to come back. But their story will continue in Wednesday's Arrow episode, as immortal villain Vandal Savage (Casper Crump) follows the Hawks from Star City to Central City.

Of course, introducing Legends of Tomorrow characters provided a new set of challenges for the crossover, logistically-speaking. Arrow executive producer Marc Guggenheim recalled one meeting in which a whole room of assistant directors tried to make the schedules for all three casts for the crossover which resulted in everyone "bleeding from the brain," he joked.

"We had already started to shoot the first couple of episodes of Legends before we shot these episodes," Berlanti told a small group of reporters after an screening of the crossover. "We also knew that there were characters who had been on Flash and Arrow that we were also shooting out of those respective shows before we went into shooting Legends to then have to come back and do the introduction of some of the characters here.

"So it was about as out of order as you can imagine and most of it happening concurrently," he continues. "There were a lot of conference, logistical sessions of, how can we, on a basic, basic level, pull this off? Let alone make it interesting and entertaining and coherent."

But that didn't stop The Flash and Arrow bosses from having their own particular brand of fun with the episodes, either. Berlanti reveals that there are Easter eggs hidden in the crossover episodes that will pay off when Legends of Tomorrow debuts in January.

In addition to kick-starting Legends, part one of the crossover also dropped some huge revelations for both The Flash and Arrow's individual storylines. Oliver (Stephen Amell) discovered what viewers have known since season two: he might have a son in Central City. But producers say this won't be the DC Comics character Connor Hawke, who is Oliver's son in the comic books and eventually becomes the second Green Arrow.

"When we came up with the whole idea of it, we didn't want to be tied into a character like Connor, and not be able to have him be a part of the show if we made him so young," Kreisberg says. "To give us the leeway to still have Connor Hawke be a part of the universe, that was the biggest reason we made that decision."

Expect that storyline to advance in major ways in part two of the crossover, including how it will affect Oliver's relationship with Felicity (Emily Bett Rickards).

As for The Flash, viewers saw Harrison Wells (Tom Cavanagh) successfully create a serum to replicate the speed force, Velocity 6. As a result, Jay Garrick (Teddy Sears) momentarily got his powers back and used them to save Wells' life after Patty Spivot (Shantel VanSanten) shot him.

"If you're a fan of the comics, you know that a big part of the comics is Velocity 9, and today you met Velocity 6," Kreisberg says. "So it's safe to say that there will be a few more iterations of that formula. How it plays out and how it works and who uses it and the effects that would have, that's something you'll have to watch for."

But now that Jay got a taste of his old powers, will he stick to his guns of not wanting anything to do with the serum? "He's not jonesing for a fix or anything," Sears says. "He's aware of what potential Velocity 6 has on his life. But he's very clear that he doesn't want to go down that path. But like anyone who has seen the other side, there are haunting memories of what could be or what could have been."

One unexpected outcome of Wells' injury is that the animosity between Wells and Jay might actually dissipate. "Jay is still very dubious of Wells and the carnage that he's created on Earth 2," Sears says. "But there is a growing understanding and respect. These two will begin to work side-by-side as members of Team STAR Labs going forward. But it's not like they're not going to be buddies or great friends."

http://www.hollywoodreporter.com/live-f ... ce=twitter
- The Flash/Arrow Crossover, Parte 1: ¿Qué es lo próximo para el Quick Fix de Harry? ¿Y se enterará Patty del secreto de Barry? (TVline):
The Flash/Arrow Crossover, Parte 1: ¿Qué es lo próximo para el Quick Fix de Harry? ¿Y se enterará Patty del secreto de Barry?
Por Vlada Gelman / 01 Dic 2015, 6:01 PM PST

With The Flash (meaning: Barry) not quite up to speed, the first half of the CW hit’s annual crossover with Arrow turned to comic book lore for help on Tuesday night.

To briefly recap of the spinoff-launching special event:

Barry and Cisco whisked Kendra Saunders off to Star City to protect her from Vandal Savage, but the immortal baddie wasn’t the only one looking for the barista. Her similarly re-re-re-reincarnated lover Carter Hall, aka Prince Khufu to her Priestess Shiera, flew in and literally snatched her up before being taken down by Barry and Oliver. Over the past 4,000 years, Carter eventually revealed, Vandal killed him and his soulmate 206 times, growing more powerful with each of their deaths.

To help push Kendra over the edge into acceptance, Carter shoved her off a roof so that she would take flight and emerge as Hawkgirl. However, it was a talk with Cisco — who was definitely the episode’s MVP for one-liners — that actually did the trick and got the young woman to embrace her destiny. The bad news? Savage got his hands on and made off with The Staff of Horus, an ancient weapon located in Central City. Afterwards, Oliver spotted his former fling with a young, superhero-worshipping boy who just may be his son. (More on that whammy coming Wednesday night!)

There was also plenty of action back at S.T.A.R. Labs as Caitlin and Harry collaborated to create a serum – one that might sound very familiar to Flash readers! – to help Barry run faster and thus have a better chance of defeating Zoom.

“If you’re a fan of the comics, you know that a big part of the comics is Velocity 9,” which was developed by Savage in canon, executive producer Andrew Kreisberg says. Seeing as how the scientists dubbed their concoction Velocity 6, “It’s safe to say that there’ll be a few more iterations of that formula. How it plays out and how it works and who uses it and the effects, that’s something that you’ll have to watch” to discover.

For now, we know that guinea pig Jay Garrick — who briefly used the serum so he could phase through Wells and remove the bullet Patty put in him (!) — is not a fan of the drug, strongly warning the docs to keep it away from Barry.

“He’s not jonesing for a fix or anything,” his portrayer Teddy Sears shares. “But he’s aware of the potential Velocity 6 has on his life. I also think he’s clear that ‘I don’t want to go down that path.’ But like anyone who has seen the other side, there are haunting memories of what could be and what could have been.”

Meanwhile, Patty got dangerously close to the truth about her boyfriend’s double life after coming face-to-face with Wells-Two, before Joe raced to the scene to abruptly intervene. That close call will leave Barry to wonder, “‘Can he actually have a relationship with somebody, and what does having a relationship with somebody mean?'” Kreisberg previews. A shame, since Oliver just clued him in to the fact that the hero can get the girl!

Coming off her own season of being kept in the dark, Iris will have the following advice for her pal: “‘I’m telling you, as your friend, that the way you handled things last year was terrible, and you caused a lot of unnecessary hurt,'” Kreisberg previews. “‘You have to do things differently if you really care about this girl.’ Then on the other hand, [Barry] has this new version of Wells, ironically, telling him, ‘If you really care about this person, you keep her as far away from all of this as possible, because if Zoom finds out, he’ll kill her.’ So Barry is really wrestling with those two things moving forward.”

But being the clever and curious cop that she is, Patty “doesn’t need any help getting herself into trouble,” the EP continues. “Patty loves the metahumans, and she loves the danger. She loves the science of it all, so in some ways, she’s being presented as the perfect girl for Barry Allen. So what’s it going to take for him to let her in?”

http://tvline.com/2015/12/01/the-flash- ... ots-wells/
- The Flash-Arrow Crossover: Productores ejecutivos y Teddy Sears sobre 3 noticias bomba de 'Legends of Today' (TVInsider):
The Flash-Arrow Crossover: Productores ejecutivos y Teddy Sears sobre 3 noticias bomba de 'Legends of Today'
Por Marisa Roffman 01 Dic 2015

Executive producers Andrew Kreisberg and Greg Berlanti, plus Teddy Sears (who plays Earth 2 speedster Jay Garrick), broke down a few key moments from the first hour of the Flash-Arrow crossover:

Oliver now suspects his son with an ex is actually alive.

The Flash dropped the mother of all bombshells on Arrow's Oliver (Stephen Amell) in the final moments of "Legends of Today": Oliver saw his ex-fling, Samantha (Anna Hopkins)…with her son. (Years ago, Oliver's mother paid off Samantha to tell Oliver she lost their child; Samantha complied.)

"Anna's very talented and has lots of opportunities, and she really [put faith in] us when we said, 'Hey, you do one scene for us…and we promise in two years we will make this a real part and have it really be part of the show,'" executive producer Andrew Kreisberg said after a recent screening of the crossover. "And to her credit, because she's an amazing person, she said yes."

Now that Oliver is aware Samantha has a son around the same age their child would have been if she hadn't lied about the miscarriage, the ramifications will play out. "It's obviously a very emotional storyline," executive producer Greg Berlanti acknowledged. "It was nice to pay off, especially watching Stephen do a lot of the work that he did…It was really exciting for all of us to see."

Jay managed to save Harrison Wells (Tom Cavanagh) from a bullet.

Patty (Shantel VanSanten) shot Wells—after thinking he was reaching for a gun during their confrontation—and Jay was needed to save his life. Unfortunately for Jay, in order to accomplish that, he had to take a dose of Velocity 6, a drug Wells developed to increase Barry's (Grant Gustin) speed. The hit of Velocity 6 was enough for Jay to, temporarily, regain his speed and maneuver a bullet out of Wells' body.

But this step won't completely change the relationship shared by the two men from Earth 2. "Jay is still very dubious of Wells and the carnage he's created on Earth 2; just knowing he's behind the particle accelerator explosion [is a huge deal]," Sears said. "[But] there is a growing understanding and respect. There is a nice—I don't want to call it a shift—but these two will begin to work side by side, as members of Team S.T.A.R. Labs, going forward and fighting metahumans. They're not going to be buddies or great friends, but something does happen for the good after that."

As much as Jay might miss his speedster powers, the hit of Velocity 6 won't change the way he goes about on Earth 1. "He's not jonesing for a fix or anything," Sears said. "But I think he's aware of the potential Velocity 6 has on his life…I also think he's clear: 'I don't want to go down that path.' But I think like anyone who has seen the other side, there are haunting memories of what could be, and what could have been. "

Patty learned the truth about Earth 2 Harrison...but not about Barry.

Patty firmly established herself as part of Joe's (Jesse L. Martin) metahuman task force, but he kept a few vital things from her: Barry is the Flash, and that Harrison Wells from Earth 2 is wandering around on our Earth. Now that the Wells cat is out of the bag, Barry will have to figure out where to go from here.

"I think a little bit of Barry’s storyline this year is Patty. Can he actually have a relationship with somebody, and what does having a relationship with somebody mean?" Kreisberg said. "And you see it moving forward, especially with Barry’s interactions with Iris, where Iris is telling him, 'You know, I’m telling you as your friend that the way you handled things last year was terrible, and you caused a lot of unnecessary hurt, and you caused people to be in danger. You have to do things differently if you really care about this girl.'"

But Iris isn't the only one weighing in. "On the other hand, he has this new version of Wells, ironically, telling him: 'You know, if you really care about this person, you keep her as far away from all of this as possible, because if Zoom finds out, he’ll kill her,'" Kreisberg noted. "So, you know, Barry is really wrestling with those two things moving forward. But Shantel is amazing, and I think just like with Iris last year, it’s like Patty doesn’t need any help getting into trouble; she loves the metahumans and she loves the danger and she loves the science of it all, so in some ways, she’s being presented as the perfect girl for Barry Allen. So what’s it going to take for him to let her in?"

Plus: A teaser about another Flash two-part episode next year.

"There’s a two-part episode, 13 and 14, which I think is definitely the most fun pair of episodes that we’ve ever done," Kreisberg said. "And [it] has my favorite Cisco moment in the history of the series so far."

http://www.tvinsider.com/article/57320/ ... ostmortem/?
- Arrow-Flash Crossover: Esperad un 'cambio seísmico' y efectos especiales en la conclusión de esta noche (TVInsider):
Arrow-Flash Crossover: Esperad un 'cambio seísmico' y efectos especiales en la conclusión de esta noche
Por Damian Holbrook 02 Diciembre 2015

The heroes of The Flash and Arrow are really getting their feathers ruffled in this week's two-part crossover. Not only did they see Cisco's new flame Kendra Saunders (Ciara Renee) "emerge" as Hawkgirl during The Flash last night, they met a wild new villain and Oliver Queen (Stephen Amell) saw someone he suspects might be that kid of his we all learned about in Season 2 of Arrow. In addition, there were enough action set pieces and storylines established for tonight's conclusion that we no longer doubt Arrow executive producer Marc Guggenheim's claims that this year's event is "so much bigger than last year...it really feels like a two-hour movie over two nights.”

So far, the mega-story has found Barry (Grant Gustin) and Co. sort of battle-befuddled by Vandal Savage (Casper Crump), an immortal killer out to exterminate Kendra. “He clearly has something mystical about him,” says Andrew Kreisberg, an executive producer on both shows. But the Flash squad is “used to science and metahumans; dealing with things mystical and ancient is what Oliver [Stephen Amell] and his team do. So they all [skedaddled] to Star City for help.”

Once there, it became clear Savage wasn’t the only one hunting Ms. Saunders, who soon learns that she’s an oft-reincarnated superhero warrior from a winged hottie who just so happens to be Kendra’s soulmate and fellow Legends character, Carter Hall, aka Hawkman (Falk Hentschel). “She has no idea that she is a character in a spinoff show!” jokes Kreisberg, adding that "everything that happens in the crossover happens because Kendra is in danger." It also happens to be serving as a nice set-up for the midseason spinoff, DC's Legends of Tomorrow, which will feature Kendra, Carter and Vandal. "It's a little bit of a proto-pilot for Legends."

After what Guggenheim called a jaw-dropping cliffhanger on The Flash, the events move tonight to Arrow, where Carter and Kendra’s origin story and Savage’s reign of terror with the Staff of Horus won’t be the only action Oliver and friends must deal with. Not to spoil anything, there is some heart-achingly emotional work by Amell and Emily Bett Rickards (Felicity), a massive fight scene featuring pretty much every active character in the Arrowverse, and a cinematic effects sequence that will quite literally leave you wondering if you just saw what you think you saw. “We do something I don’t think anyone is going to anticipate,” Guggenheim teases. “One of the biggest seismic changes we have ever done happens in the Arrow half of the crossover.”

http://www.tvinsider.com/article/57235/ ... 2-preview/
- Tras el Crossover, qué es lo próximo para Arrow, The Flash y Legends of Tomorrow (IGN):
Tras el Crossover, qué es lo próximo para Arrow, The Flash y Legends of Tomorrow
Por Eric Goldman 02 Dic, 2015

So now that this year’s big Flash and Arrow crossover is over, what’s next for the two series and for the upcoming spinoff, Legends of Tomorrow, which got some big set-up in this event?

We attended a screening of the crossover this week and spoke to the executive producers of all three shows about what the future holds…

Legends Set-Up is Set

Even prior to this two-night event, both The Flash and Arrow had done a lot of set-up for Legends of Tomorrow this season – some would say too much, given how much screen time was given for characters like The Atom, Sara Lance, Captain Cold and Firestorm who are all moving to that new series. However, now that Hawkgirl, Hawkman and Vandal Savage have been introduced, expect that to change.

Asked if there would be less intersections involving the Legends characters appearing on Arrow and The Flash in the second half of the season, Greg Berlanti replied, “Absolutely. In fact, once Legends is born in January, there’s really no intersection on the other shows. Legends is kind of its own wacky, crazy kind of thing that allows for some fun surprises in terms of who may visit and how because they’re flying through the timeline and you’ll start to see more of that. But not on Arrow or Flash.”

A Savage Return

Regarding keeping the Legends characters on that show going forward, Vandal Savage was seemingly destroyed by the end of Arrow, only for Malcolm Merlyn to retrieve his ashes - and we already know Savage is the main villain on Legends of Tomorrow. Despite Merlyn’s involvement, look for this story to be picked up on Legends, with Berlanti noting, “As of right now, we’ve almost always saved it for Legends. But we’re not done with the seasons on those two shows yet so I don’t want to say we wouldn’t come up with some kind of way to reference it.”

As for what Savage’s greater motivations are, Marc Guggenheim remarked, “I think that's something you'll see in Legends. He has a very clear plan and trajectory. The thing about Vandal is that for him a lifetime is an eye blink. He thinks in thousand-year-old terms. He's a very much a master of the long con. Yes, he does have his own personal agenda vis a vis the Hawks. But he's got much bigger plans for the world, which you'll have to watch Legends to find out.”

Legendary Opportunities

Given the time travel nature of Legends of Tomorrow, the producers were asked if we might be able to meet earlier incarnations of Hawkman and Hawkgirl. Said Berlanti, “There really is an opportunity for all sorts of insane things, which is kind of one of the challenges that we put forth to ourselves, which is what makes the show different in its own way.”

As far as possibly seeing different version of Green Arrow and The Flash, Guggenheim said,” You might. I mean, we’re obviously not going to spoil what we’re going to be doing with future episodes of Legend, but like Greg was saying, part of the fun of Legends is the fact that it takes place all throughout history, future and past so the great thing about Legends and one of the things we’re having so much fun with is that everything is up for grabs. Anything is possible.”

Added Kreisberg, “Legends might as well be called DC Bonkers. That really is what it is.”

Getting Speedier

Regarding whether any liberties have been taken with the Speed Force or if it works just like in the comics, Kreisberg noted, “I think there’s always liberties – I think just the general concept of the Speed Force is just a living entity from which all speedsters derive their powers and that there’s a morality to it and there are consequences to using it and all of that is at play in the show. None of the shows is a specific adaptation of any one comic book, it’s always an amalgamation, bits of this, bits of everything Geoff [Johns] does and also put through our filter…”

Said DC’s Johns, “The reason these shows are so great – one of the many reasons for fans is that they get it. There’s so few people out there that get it, so all the characters – although there might be slight changes to it here and there, from the Speed Force to the Hawks to everything in these shows, these guys are always true to the DNA of the comic books.”

As for whether Barry might take the serum Wells has developed, Kreisberg said, with a grin, “Well, if you're a fan of the comics, you know that a big part of the comics is Velocity-9. And today you guys met Velocity-6. So it's safe to say that there'll be a few more iterations of that formula. How it plays out and how it works and who uses it and the effects that that have -- that's something that you'll have to watch.”

Jay and Wells: BFFs?

Given Jay Garrick has helped save Wells’ life, might their relationship improve? Said Teddy Sears, who plays Jay, “There is a growing understanding; a respect. There is a nice -- I don't want to call it a shift, but these two will begin to work side-by-side, as members of Team STAR Labs, going forward and fighting metahumans. They're not going to be buddies or great friends, but something does happen for the good after that”

Added Kreisberg, “I think this version of Wells does not suddenly have a kumbaya moment and want to join the party, but there are little chinks in his armor along the way, and watching that relationship with [Jay], and especially that relationship with Cisco and Barry as it moves forward, just as he’s seeing these people be selfless around each other and these people who are honest and strong enough to admit their flaws and admit how weak they are and how strong they are, it is having an effect on him. That’s the big thing for Cisco. [Carlos Valdes] and Tom have some great scenes coming up, and especially Tom and Grant as that relationship [Barry and Wells] progresses. You know, everybody wants him to be the Wells from last year before they knew [the truth]. No matter how much time has passed, they’re all still craving that bond, and that friendship and that love and that support that he would give them. No matter how many times this version of Wells kicks dirt in their face and pulls the football away, they keep coming back for it, just like we all want our parents’ love and adoration and respect.”

Patty's Role

Patty Spivot came face-to-face with Earth-2 Wells this week, introducing her to more of Barry’s world. Asked if Patty will begin to become even more involved, Kreisberg remarked, “I think that’s a little bit of Barry’s storyline this year is Patty, and can he actually have a relationship with somebody and what does having a relationship with somebody mean, and you know you see it moving forward, especially with Barry’s interactions with Iris where Iris is telling him, you know, I’m telling you as your friend that the way you handled things last year was terrible, and you caused a lot of unnecessary hurt and you caused people to be in danger and you have to do things differently if you really care about this girl. Then on the other hand, he has this new version of Wells ironically telling him, you know, if you really care about this person, you keep her as far away from all of this as possible, because if Zoom finds out, he’ll kill her. Barry is really wrestling with those two things moving forward. But Shantel [VanSanten] is amazing, and I think just like with Iris last year, it’s like she doesn’t need any help getting herself into trouble, and Patty loves the metahumans and she loves the danger and she loves the science of it all, so in some ways, she’s being presented as the perfect girl for Barry Allen, so what’s it going to take for him to let her in and you guys will have to see how it plays out.”

Son of Arrow

The crossover finally fully dealt with Oliver Queen having a son he didn’t know about, after introducing the idea a couple years back on Arrow. Regarding the decision to make his son, William, not be a version of DC’s Connor Hawke, Andrew Kreisberg said, “I think when we came up with the whole idea of it, part of it was we didn’t want to be tied in necessarily to a character like Connor not being able to be part of the show if we made him so young; to give us the leeway to still have Connor Hawke be part of the universe. That was sort of the biggest reason we made that decision. It’s actually one of things I think all of us are most proud of and, again, having the kind of partners that we have that we’re able to basically have one scene in one episode in season two knowing that we were eventually going to get to this point and that it is all set up and that it is all tied in to Oliver’s mother. And Susanna [Thompson] hasn’t been with the show for a while now and yet her presence is still felt all throughout this story. There are some things that happen when you do a show for a long time that are just sort of happy accidents and then there are other things that you plan on and this is one that we really planned on.

Kreisberg had a lot of praise for Anna Hopkins, who plays Samantha, the mother of Oliver’s child, noting, “Obviously, Anna's very talented and has lots of opportunities and really took a flyer on us when we said, ‘Hey you do one scene for us in Season 2 and we promise in two years we will make this a real part and have it really be part of the show!’ And to her credit, because she's an amazing person, she said yes. So I just want to make sure that we give her her props, too, because she's does such a great job and was so great in that one scene...and, again, her and her people, we're like, look this is a very small moment but we promise it will pay dividends down the road.”

The Secret

Another big moment for Oliver came at the end of the crossover, when he chose to not tell Felicity about his child. Said Wendy Mericle, “Well, for Arrow, it's definitely going to come to a head in the middle of the season. I can't tell you how or exactly how that's gonna happen. But obviously for the arc of Oliver and Felicity's relationship this season, the fact that he's keeping this from her... True to what we've done on the show, if there's a secret somewhere, it's going to come out and it's going to have some serious consequences. We're really excited about how that's going to change things and it's really going to raise the stakes and throw some wrenches into the works of their relationship, which so far this season has been pretty smooth sailing. True to form, we're gonna really mine that. There'll be some fallout for both of them.”

Making Death Count

One reporter asked how, given what we’ve seen on these shows, death can still feel impactful, given there are several ways for characters to return.

Said Guggenheim, “Well, we've certainly taken care of the Lazarus Pit at the end of Episode 3 of [Arrow] Season 4. And Legends will explain, basically, why time travel can't be used in a deus ex machina kind of way, not just with respect to death, but with respect to any plot contrivance. It's like, ‘Why can't we just go back to Episode X and do that episode differently?’ We're going to answer that question very definitively. It'll be part of the rules of time travel that are a part of Legends.”

Berlanti said they treat death more like the comic books do than other TV shows and when Johns brought up how Barry Allen in the comic books was dead for about 20 years, before his return, Berlanti replied, “Exactly. Why that's a perfect example is they all waited long enough, and Geoff chose to bring him back the right way. So dead will still mean dead, but it doesn't always mean dead forever. Some characters it will, and some characters it won't. I think that is part of... We even say that sometimes when we sit down with actors to let them know their fate at the end of a season. We describe it to them - sometimes in this universe, if something comes to us that's a really organic, cool way to bring a character back and is exciting to us and we feel like doesn't sort of devalue the death, but introduces them in another interesting way into the narrative, I do think that this genre that we're making is different than other shows in that way. So I think that's part of what makes it interesting. We try and hold ourselves to certain standards, but when a character's lost, I think part of the question mark is they could be lost forever and they could not be if we could find a valid, cool way to bring them back.”

Said Mericle, “What we try to do also is make sure even if death is not always permanent that it has an emotional impact on the characters regardless of whether we ever decide to bring them back. And on Arrow, we can do that in the flashbacks, and obviously now that we have kind of one universe, we can do it in all kinds of ways on the other shows. But for us, at least in terms of when we're talking about the storylines on Arrow, it always boils down to, ‘What kind of impact will this have on the characters? And is that something that is worth exploring?’

Kreisberg agreed, saying, “I think that's the key is the consequences. When Sara was brought back, when Thea was brought back, last year when Barry changed the timeline, this year when Barry changes the timeline, any of these things that feel like the right thing to do, there's always, always a price to be paid, and whether or not that price gets paid immediately like it did with the character at CCPN who got killed or whether that price gets paid later on in ways that you don't foresee, it always comes back to haunt you. Again, whether it's by magic or it's by time travel, we always talk about, on Legends, Vandal is the Big Bad, but truly the Big Bad is time itself. Time wants to go in one direction, and I think that ethos... When people die, the universe wants them to stay dead. Anything you do to change that is going to have, as Geoff said, a cost. And that's what these shows are, these characters constantly paying that price for as much as these powers and abilities and technologies that they have, there's always a price to be paid for using them.”

http://ca.ign.com/articles/2015/12/03/a ... f-tomorrow
- ‘Arrow’-‘Flash’ Crossover: los productores discuten el secreto de Oliver y las consecuencias del viaje en el tiempo (variety):
‘Arrow’-‘Flash’ Crossover: los productores discuten el secreto de Oliver y las consecuencias del viaje en el tiempo
Por Laura Prudom 02 Diciembre 2015

In the second part of The CW’s two-night “Arrow” and “The Flash” crossover event, Oliver (Stephen Amell) and Barry (Grant Gustin) took on Vandal Savage (Casper Crump) for a second time, in an attempt to stop the immortal villain from killing Hawkman (Falk Hentschel) and Hawkgirl (Ciara Renee).

The heroes faced off with Vandal early on in the episode with disastrous results. With Oliver distracted by the discovery that he has a son and his ensuing fight with Felicity (Emily Bett Rickards) once she found out that he’d tried to hide the truth from her, the heroes went into battle under-prepared, allowing Vandal to get the upper hand and kill everyone except Barry, before destroying Central City with the Staff of Horus. Thankfully (for the future of both shows), Barry managed to run fast enough to travel back in time and warn Oliver of their fates, enabling them to undo many of the mistakes they made in their previous confrontation with Vandal, eventually obliterating him. Oliver also got to spend some quality time with his son, William, while the Hawks prepared to go off and get to know each other better in the lead up to “DC’s Legends of Tomorrow.”

As for what happens next, the executive producers of all three shows weighed in on the “serious consequences” that will result from Barry and Oliver’s actions in Wednesday’s episode.

Sins of the father

In both versions of the timeline, Oliver chose to keep his son’s existence a secret from Felicity – the only difference is that the second time around, Felicity didn’t inadvertently find out the truth from Barry. But it’s only a matter of time before Oliver’s decision rears its head again, according to “Arrow” executive producer Wendy Mericle.

“It’s definitely going to come to a head in the middle of the season. We can’t tell you how that’s gonna happen. But obviously for the arc of Oliver and Felicity’s relationship this season, the fact that he’s keeping this from her … true to what we’ve done on the show, if there’s a secret somewhere, it’s going to come out and it’s going to have some serious consequences,” she noted. “We’re really excited about how that’s going to change things and it’s really gonna raise the stakes and throw some wrenches into the works of their relationship — which so far this season has been pretty smooth sailing. True to form, we’re gonna really mine that. There’ll be some fallout for both of them.”

Comic book fans of Green Arrow might’ve been surprised to hear that Oliver’s son was named William Clayton, and not Connor Hawke, as many had been expecting, but exec producer Andrew Kreisberg explained that the choice was made in order to keep the door open for Connor somewhere down the line, rather than closing it.

“When we came up with the whole idea of it, part of it was we didn’t want to be tied in to a character like Connor not being able to be part of the show if we made him so young,” he explained. “So to give us the leeway to still have Connor Hawke be part of the universe without [being too young], that was the biggest reason we made that decision. It’s actually one of things I think all of us are most proud of and, again, having the kind of partners that we have that we’re able to basically have one scene in one episode in season two, knowing that we were eventually going to get to this point and that it is all set up and all tied in to Oliver’s mother… And Susanna [Thompson] hasn’t been with the show for a while now, and yet her presence is still felt all throughout this story. There are some things that happen when you do a show for a long time that are just happy accidents and then there are other things that you plan on and this is one that we really planned on.”

Be kind, rewind

Barry’s last couple of experiences with time travel have had grave repercussions — especially when Barry has changed the past to avert a death. The producers played coy on what the fallout might be from Barry’s do-over with Vandal Savage, with Marc Guggenheim teasing, “I think you’re gonna have to watch upcoming episodes of ‘Arrow.'”

Ashes to ashes

Because of Barry’s trip back to the past, he and Oliver succeeded in incinerating Vandal Savage, but we already know that the immortal bad guy will be the primary antagonist in “DC’s Legends of Tomorrow,” and apparently Malcolm Merlyn (John Barrowman) has a part to play in the villain’s unlikely revival, judging by the way the new Ra’s al Ghul gathered up what was left of him. Don’t expect to see much explanation for that on “Arrow” or “The Flash,” though, per executive producer Greg Berlanti.

“As of right now, we’ve almost always saved it for ‘Legends.’ But we’re not done with the seasons on those two shows yet so I don’t want to say we wouldn’t come up with some kind of way to reference it,” he said.

On a related note, Berlanti confirmed that aside from this week’s crossover, “once ‘Legends’ is born in January, there’s really no intersection [with it] on the other shows. ‘Legends’ is kind of its own wacky, crazy kind of thing that allows for some fun surprises in terms of who may visit and how because they’re flying through the timeline and you’ll start to see more of that. But not on ‘Arrow’ or ‘Flash.'”

That means past versions of our existing heroes and future versions could make appearances, although Guggenheim declined to give specifics, noting, “part of the fun of ‘Legends’ is the fact that it takes place all throughout history, future and past, so … one of the things we’re having so much fun with is that everything is up for grabs. Anything is possible.”

Good vibrations

Sadly, while the crossover allowed Kendra to discover her hidden history as Hawkgirl, it also prompted her to pump the breaks on her burgeoning relationship with Cisco (Carlos Valdes), who remains pretty unlucky in the dating department.

Luckily, Kreisberg promised that there are plenty of other developments to distract our tech wizard from his heartache in upcoming episodes.

“The two interesting things that are happening for Cisco are, one, a further exploration of his abilities as Vibe, and what he can do and what he’s capable of. The other thing — which you got a little bit of a glimpse of in episode 7 — is his relationship with new Wells [Tom Cavanagh],” he teased. “The Eobard Thawne version of Wells liked having a team, he liked having people around him, he liked cherry picking the best [parts] of other people and using their knowledge. And did it in a way that made them all feel good about themselves. And this Wells thinks everyone else besides him is an idiot … And like Cisco said, he’s a dick; he doesn’t make any apologies for that. And so much of that is coming from Tom’s talent and imagination. And his willingness to play someone who is kind of unpleasant.”

While we shouldn’t expect Wells to suddenly have a change of heart or, as Kreisberg said, “a kumbaya moment,” the EP did hint that “there are little chinks in his armor along the way, and watching that relationship with [Jay], and especially that relationship with Cisco and Barry as it moves forward — just as he’s seeing these people be selfless around each other … it is having an effect on him. That’s the big thing for Cisco.”

The producers said that Cavanagh has “great scenes” coming up with both Valdes and Gustin, and Kreisberg noted, “There’s a two-part episode, 13 and 14 this year, which I think is definitely the most fun pair of episodes that we’ve ever done, and has my favorite Cisco moment in the history of the series so far.”

Deathly serious

Between Barry’s time-travel do-over and Vandal Savage’s impending resurrection, you’d be forgiven for wondering whether death has lost its sting in the world of “Arrow” and “The Flash,” but the producers insisted that they’ve found ways to keep the stakes high.

“‘Legends’ will explain basically why time travel can’t be used in a deus ex machina kind of way, not just with respect to death, but with respect to any plot contrivance,” Guggenheim promised. “It’s like, ‘Why can’t we just go back to Episode X and do that episode differently?’ We’re going to answer that question very definitively. It’ll be part of the rules of time travel that are a part of ‘Legends.'”

Berlanti pointed out that in the comics, characters would die and stay dead for decades — “Barry Allen; he died for like 20 years,” DC Chief Creative Officer Geoff Johns noted.

Berlanti agreed, “Why that’s a perfect example is they all waited long enough, and Geoff chose to bring him back the right way. So dead will still mean dead, but it doesn’t always mean dead forever. Some characters it will, and some characters it won’t.”

He added, “We even say that sometimes when we sit down with actors to let them know their fate at the end of a season. We describe it to them, sometimes in this universe, if something comes to us that’s a really organic, cool way to bring a character back and is exciting to us and we feel like doesn’t devalue the death, but introduces them in another interesting way into the narrative, I do think that this genre that we’re making is different than other shows in that way.”

Mericle agreed, “[We try to] make sure it has – even if death is not always permanent – an emotional impact on the characters, regardless of whether we ever decide to bring them back, and on ‘Arrow,’ we can do that in the flashbacks, and obviously now that we have one universe, we can do it in all kinds of ways on the other shows. But for us, at least in terms of when we’re talking about the storylines on ‘Arrow,’ it always boils down to, ‘What kind of impact will this have on the characters? And is that something that is worth exploring?'”

The key to pulling off an effective death, according to Kreisberg, is “consequences. When Sara was brought back, when Thea was brought back, last year when Barry changed the timeline, this year when Barry changes the timeline, any of these things that feel like the right thing to do, there’s always a price to be paid, and whether or not that price gets paid immediately … or whether that price gets paid later on in ways that you don’t foresee, it always comes back to haunt you,” he noted. “We always talk about, on ‘Legends,’ Vandal is the Big Bad, but truly the Big Bad is time itself. Time wants to go in one direction, and I think that ethos… When people die, the universe wants them to stay dead. Anything you do to change that is going to have a cost. And that’s what these shows are, these characters constantly paying that price. For as much as these powers and abilities and technologies that they have, there’s always a price to be paid for using them.”

http://variety.com/2015/tv/news/arrow-f ... 201652241/
- Productores de 'The Flash,' 'Arrow' hablan sobre la impactante conclusión del Crossover y la futura riña 'Olicity' (THR):
Productores de 'The Flash,' 'Arrow' hablan sobre la impactante conclusión del Crossover y la futura riña 'Olicity'
Por Sydney Bucksbaum 02 Dic, 2015 6:00pm PT

And just like that, another The Flash-Arrow crossover event is in the books.

Part two of the second annual crossover event aired as an episode of Arrow, and the hour wrapped the introduction of the Legends of Tomorrow cast to a close until the show premieres in January. Oliver (Stephen Amell) and Barry (Grant Gustin) worked together to use the staff of Horus to vaporize the "immortal" villain Vandal Savage (Casper Crump), saving Hawkman (Falk Henstchel) and Hawkgirl (Ciara Renée) from his wrath. But in the final moments, Malcolm Merlyn (John Barrowman) was seen collecting Vandal's ashes, for no doubt some nefarious resurrection purpose.

Seeing as Vandal Savage is set to be the main villain for spinoff Legends of Tomorrow, it's clear that his story isn't done, no matter how "dead" Oliver and Barry think he is. But don't expect to see that story play out on Arrow or The Flash again anytime soon.

"As of right now, we've almost completely saved that for Legends," executive producer Greg Berlanti told a small group of reporters after a screening of the crossover. "But we're not done with the seasons on those two shows yet so I don't want to say we won't come up with some kind of way to reference it."

And taking out the Hawks for his own personal revenge after Hawkgirl chose Hawkman over Vandal in their first life in ancient Egypt is just a small part of Vandal's ultimate goal.

"For him, a lifetime is an eye blink," executive producer Marc Guggenheim said. "He thinks in thousand-year-terms. He's very much a master of the long con. He does have his own personal agenda vis-à-vis the Hawks but he's got much bigger plans for the world which you'll have to watch Legends to find out."

Something else that the showrunners decided to save for Legends of Tomorrow is one of the main characters, time-traveler Rip Hunter (Arthur Darvill). Although every other Legends character had an arc on either The Flash or Arrow, Berlanti said they decided to save Rip's introduction for the pilot episode of the new series.

But the hour also dropped some major bombs on a fan-favorite Arrow couple when Oliver discovered he had a son in Central City and that his mother had paid off his ex-girlfriend to keep the boy's existence a secret from him. Oliver was able to negotiate a deal with his ex: he can continue to visit and be in his son William's life, as long as he doesn't tell anyone about it, including his girlfriend Felicity (Emily Bett Rickards). Expect that monumental secret to shake up "Olicity" going forward.

"It's definitely going to come to a head in the middle of the season," executive producer Wendy Mericle said. "For the arc of Oliver and Felicity's relationship this season, the fact that he's keeping this from her, and true to what we've done on this show, if there's a secret, it's going to come out and it's going to have some serious consequences.

"We're really excited about how that's going to change things and it's really going to raise the stakes and throw some wrenches into the works of their relationship," she continued. "So far this season, it's been pretty smooth sailing. True to form, we're going to really mine that and there will be some fallout for both of them."

There will also be fallout for all of Team Arrow thanks to Barry. He traveled back in time after their first attempt to take out Vandal backfired, and everyone died. Barry saved all their lives by turning back the clock and refining their plan, but as he learned last season, there will be consequences for changing the future.

But, warned Guggenheim, "you're going to have to watch" to find out what those consequences are.

http://www.hollywoodreporter.com/live-f ... ce=twitter
- Jefes de Arrow Bosses sobre el cómo el secreto de Oliver elevará las apuestas 'Olicity' — Plus: El costo del gran movimiento de Barry (TVLine):
Jefes de Arrow Bosses sobre el cómo el secreto de Oliver elevará las apuestas 'Olicity' — Plus: El costo del gran movimiento de Barry
Por Vlada Gelman / 02 Dic 2015, 6:01 PM PST

The paternity results are in on Arrow, and Oliver Queen, you are the father.

During the conclusion of the superhero series’ crossover with The Flash on Wednesday night, Oliver confronted his former fling after running a DNA test to confirm that her kid is, indeed, his child.

But the mother-son duo aren’t Sandra and Connor Hawke — as some fans have speculated since the baby mama’s first appearance in Season 2. Instead, the show’s producers chose to have them simply be Samantha and William Clayton, instead of iconic comic book figures.

Executive producer Andrew Kreisberg says the creative teams didn’t want to be restricted by “a character like Connor not being able to be part of the show [because] we made him so young.” The eventual compromise, he adds, allows for “the leeway to still have Connor Hawke be part of the universe.”

“That was the biggest reason we made that decision,” the EP continues. “It’s actually one of the things all of us are most proud of… that we were able to, basically, have one scene in one episode in Season 2, knowing that we were eventually going to get to this point, and that it is all set up and all tied in to Oliver’s mother. [Her portrayer] Susanna [Thompson] hasn’t been with the show for a while now, and yet her presence is still felt all throughout this story. There are some things that happen when you do a show for a long time that are just happy accidents, and then there are other things that you plan. This is one that we really planned.”

Adds EP Greg Berlanti: “It’s, obviously, a very emotional storyline. It was nice to pay off, especially watching Stephen [Amell] do a lot of the work that he did in the episode.”

Read on for scoop on the challenges ahead for Oliver and Felicity, the aftermath of Barry’s time trip and more.

OLICITY’S BUMPY ROAD | Oliver’s decision to keep the truth from Felicity about his son — that is, after Barry erased the timeline where she found out on her own, resulting in had a huge fight — is “definitely going to come to a head in the middle of the season,” Arrow co-showrunner Wendy Mericle previews. “True to what we’ve done on the show, if there’s a secret somewhere, it’s going to come out, and it’s going to have some serious consequences. We’re excited about how that’s going to change things.” After a run of mostly smooth sailing this season for the couple, the covert curveball is “really going to raise the stakes and throw some wrenches into the works of their relationship,” the EP continues. “We’re going to mine that. There’ll be some fallout for both of them.”

TINKERING WITH TIME | Barry’s trip back in time after Savage destroyed Central City, killing both Teams Arrow and Flash (!), will have consequences, per the EPs. “When Sara was brought back, when Thea was brought back, last year when Barry changed the timeline, this year when Barry changes the timeline, any of these things that feel like the right thing to do, there is always, always a price to be paid,” Kreisberg warns. And relying on magical or fantastical fix-its to undo death won’t necessarily be possible in the future. “We’ve certainly taken care of the Lazarus Pit at the end of Episode 3 of [Arrow] Season 4,” EP Marc Gugggenheim says, adding that spinoff DC’s Legends of Tomorrow will explain “why time travel can’t be used in a deus ex machina kind of way, not just with respect to death, but with respect to any plot contrivance.”

VANDAL’S RESURRECTION | As seen in the closing minutes — when Malcolm gathered Vandal Savage’s ashes — the villain’s story is far from over. But the details of how he’ll resurface to haunt Legends will be saved for the offshoot rather than upcoming episodes of Arrow or The Flash. However, Berlanti notes that the current seasons of those mothership shows are far from done, “so I don’t want to say we won’t come up with some kind of way to reference it.”

http://tvline.com/2015/12/02/arrow-oliv ... -spoilers/
- Jefes de Arrow-Flash sobre el giro Olicity, el futuro de Vandal y más (EW):
Jefes de Arrow-Flash sobre el giro Olicity, el futuro de Vandal y más
Por Natalie Abrams • 02 Dic 2015

The big twist from this year’s epic The Flash-Arrow crossover? Everyone died. Seriously.

After Vandal Savage (Casper Crump) gave the heroes an ultimatum to turn over Hawkman (Falk Hentschel) and Hawkgirl (Ciara Renée), Barry (Grant Gustin) and Oliver (Stephen Amell) attempted to take the immortal villain down without the team, resulting in the deaths of pretty much everyone. Fortunately, the scarlet speedster raced back in time and helped change the outcome, leading to the death of Vandal Savage instead. (More on that below.)

However, as fans remember from last season’s Groundhog Day-esque outing on The Flash, there will always be consequences for time travel — like when Iris’ (Candice Patton) mentor at Central City Picture news died instead of Cisco (Carlos Valdes). Considering everyone died, how big will the consequences be this time around? “You’re going to have to watch upcoming episodes of Arrow,” executive producer Marc Guggenheim teases. Ruh-roh.

But there were other effects from Barry’s jaunt back in time, particularly when it came to Oliver discovering that he has a son, William, with his former fling Samantha Clayton (Anna Hopkins) — that’s right, it’s not Sandra Moonday Hawke, as everyone had speculated. “When we came up with the whole idea of it, part of it was we didn’t want to be tied in necessarily to a character like Connor [Hawke] not being able to be part of the show if we made him so young,” EP Andrew Kreisberg says. “To give us the leeway to still have Connor Hawke be part of the universe, that was the biggest reason we made that decision.”

Despite Barry’s warnings about Oliver keeping this secret from Felicity (Emily Bett Rickards), the emerald archer stays mum. Basically, instead of the quick and heated breakup Olicity had in the first timeline, now there’s a simmering slow burn to what may be in store — unless she’s in that grave. It probably doesn’t help either that we’ll be seeing more of Samantha in coming episodes.

“It’s definitely going to come to a head in the middle of the season,” EP Wendy Mericle says. “Obviously for the arc of Oliver and Felicity’s relationship this season, the fact that he’s keeping this from her — true to what we’ve done on the show, if there’s a secret somewhere, it’s going to come out and it’s going to have some serious consequences. We’re really excited about how that’s going to change things and it’s really going to raise the stakes and throw some wrenches into the works of their relationship, which so far this season it’s been pretty smooth sailing. True to form, we’re really going to mine that. There will be some fallout for both of them.”

As for that other twist — in which Malcolm Merlyn (John Barrowman) gathered Vandal’s ashes while calling him “buddy,” even though he swore he never met him — we’ll have to wait to find out how Savage will be resurrected. “As of right now, it’s saved for Legends,” EP Greg Berlanti says. “Once Legends is born in January, there’s really no intersection on the other shows. Legends is its own wacky, crazy kind of thing that allows for some fun surprises in terms of who may visit and how, because they’re flying through the timeline. But not on Arrow or Flash.”

We’ll also find out in Legends that Vandal’s plans don’t just include killing the Hawks in every lifetime. “He has a very clear plan and trajectory,” Guggenheim says. “The thing about Vandal is that for him a lifetime is an eye blink. He thinks in thousand-year-old terms. He’s very much the master of the long con. He does have his own personal agenda vis a vis the Hawks, but he has much bigger plans for the world. You’ll have to watch Legends to find out.”

In the wake of Vandal’s death, and the Hawks’ subsequent departure from Central City, Cisco’s attention will now be focused on honing his powers. “The two interesting things that happen for Cisco, first is a further exploration of his abilities as Vibe, and what he can do, and what he’s capable of,” Kreisberg says. “The other thing that starts to happen… is his relationship with this new Wells [Tom Cavanagh]… This Wells thinks everyone else besides him is an idiot, and thinks everybody is a jerk, and is kind of horrible. Seeing these people be selfless around each other, and these people who are honest and strong enough to admit their flaws, to admit how weak they are, and to admit how scared they are, it’s starting to have an effect on him.”

“There’s a two-part episode, [episodes] 13 and 14 this year,” Berlanti adds. “[It’s] definitely the most fun pair of episodes we’ve ever done and has my favorite Cisco moment in the history of the series so far.”

Cisco isn’t the only member of S.T.A.R. Labs dealing with lady issues. After Patty (Shantel VanSanten) came thisclose to uncovering the truth about Barry when she shot Earth-Two Harrison Wells, he’s now faced with a harsh reality. “Can he actually have a relationship with somebody and what does having a relationship with somebody mean?” Kreisberg says. “You see it moving forward especially in Barry’s interactions with Iris, where Iris is telling him, ‘Look, as your friend, the way you handled things last year was terrible. You caused a lot of unnecessary hurt and you caused people to be in danger. You have to do things differently if you really care about this girl.’”

“On the other hand,” Kreisberg continues, “He has this new version of Wells ironically telling him, ‘If you really care about this person, you keep her as far away from all of this as possible, because if Zoom finds out, he’ll kill her.’ Barry is really wrestling with those two things moving forward. Just like with Iris last year, [Patty] doesn’t need any help getting herself into trouble. Patty loves the metahumans, she loves the danger and she loves the science of it all. In some ways, she’s being presented as the perfect girl for Barry Allen, so what’s it going to take for him to let her in? You guys will have to see how it plays out.”

http://www.ew.com/article/2015/12/02/ar ... oliver-kid
- Productores de Arrow hablan sobre el hijo de Oliver & la pelea de “Olicity” (ksitetv):
Productores de Arrow hablan sobre el hijo de Oliver & la pelea de “Olicity”
Por Craig Byrne 02 Dic 2015

Nearly two seasons since the plot was first hatched in Arrow Season 2, this year’s crossover between Arrow and The Flash brought back Oliver Queen’s child and revealed that he is not the comic book character Connor Hawke, as many had expected.

So who is “William,” and why not go with the familiar character from the comics?

(Warning: Plot points for tonight’s “Legends of Yesterday” are being discussed within.)

“Part of it was that we didn’t want to be tied in necessarily to a character like Connor not being able to be a part of the show, if we made him so young; to give us the leeway to still have Connor Hawke be part of the universe without tying that in, that was the biggest reason we made that decision,” Executive Producer Andrew Kreisberg said in a press Q&A earlier this week.

“It’s actually one of the things that I think all of us are most proud of,” Kreisberg added, praising the production partners the show has at Warner Bros. Television, DC, and The CW network. “We were able to basically have one scene in one episode in Season Two, knowing that we were eventually going to get to this point, and that it is all set up, and it is all tied in to Oliver’s mother. Susanna [Thompson] has not been with the show for a while now, yet her presence is still felt all throughout this story. I mean, there are some things that happen when you do a show for a long time that are happy accidents, and then there are other things that you plan on, and this is one that we really planned on, and we were really proud of,” he enthused.

Kreisberg added that Anna Hopkins, who played the mother of the child, William, has a lot of opportunities but “really took a flyer on us” when taking the role, being promised that she would return in Season 4. “I just want to make sure that we give her her props, too, because she does such a great job, and was so great in that one scene [in Season 2],” he said.Kreisberg wasn’t the only fan of Anna Hopkins in the crew. “All anyone could talk about after wrapping 408 was ‘Anna. Anna’s so great!’ We were literally on the mix stage, and our sound supervisor was going ‘Anna Hopkins came in for ADR! She’s wonderful!’ I don’t think I’ve seen an actor come in and be so beloved so quickly!” Marc Guggenheim raved.
Greg Berlanti praised the work of the show’s lead actor in the storyline. “It’s obviously a very emotional storyline, and it was nice to pay off, especially watching Stephen do a lot of the work that he did in the episode,” Berlanti added. “It was really exciting for all of us to see.”
Now, we see Oliver is keeping things a secret from Felicity… could this lead to trouble for the “Olicity” ‘ship? “It’s definitely going to come to a head in the middle of the season,” Wendy Mericle said. “I can’t tell you exactly how it’s going to happen, but obviously for the arc of Oliver and Felicity’s relationship this season, the fact that he is keeping this from her… true to what we’ve done on the show, if there’s a secret somewhere, it’s going to come out, and it’s going to have some serious consequences.”
“We’re really excited about how that’s going to change things, and it’s really going to raise the stakes and throw some wrenches into the works for their relationship, which so far this season has been pretty smooth sailing,” she continued. “True to form, we’re going to really mine that. There’ll be some fallout for both of them

http://www.ksitetv.com/interviews-2/arr ... ity/89231/
- Jefes de 'Arrow' hablan sobre el hijo secreto de Oliver y las brutales ramificaciones para Olicity: habrán 'Serias Consecuencias' (EW):
Jefes de 'Arrow' hablan sobre el hijo secreto de Oliver y las brutales ramificaciones para Olicity: habrán 'Serias Consecuencias'
Por Philiana Ng 02 Dic 2015 6:00 PM PST

Oh baby!

The Flash and Arrow crossover came to an epic conclusion with the (temporary) death of Vandal Savage, but that wasn’t the moment that left fans in a tailspin. That honor went to Oliver Queen’s soul-crushing decision to keep his 9-year-old son, William, a secret -- and the aftermath is going to be brutal.

After bumping into his son at Jitters, Oliver agrees to keep his unexpected fatherhood a secret from everyone close to him (save for Barry Allen) -- a condition made by his ex, Samantha (guest star Anna Hopkins), as the only way he can maintain any type of relationship with his child.

“It's obviously a very emotional storyline,” executive producer Greg Berlanti says. “It was nice to pay [it] off, especially watching Stephen [Amell] do a lot of the work that he did in the episode.”

The repercussions of Oliver’s decision will immediately be felt on Arrow, and it certainly won’t be pretty.

“It’s definitely going to come to a head in the middle of the season,” confirms executive producer Wendy Mericle, keeping mum on details. “ can’t tell you exactly how that’s going to happen.”

What we do know is Oliver’s secret will have a major impact on his romance with Felicity (Olicity fans, brace yourselves!), who, up until this point, hasn’t faced any major obstacles.

“The fact that he’s keeping this from her – true to what we’ve done on the show, if there’s a secret somewhere, it’s going to have some serious consequences,” Mericle says.

In the episode’s most soul-crushing scene, Felicity confronts Oliver after he lies about running a paternity test on his son’s DNA, a moment that would be conveniently undone thanks to Barry’s jump back in time. “Stop, I cannot hear another lie,” she tells Oliver, as their world crumbles. “It’s more complicated than that,” Oliver tries to justify, but Felicity – more unnerved that he lied than him fathering a child -- isn’t hearing it: “You are the only person on the planet that considers the truth complicated.”

“We’re really excited about how that’s going to change things and it’s really going to raise the stakes and throw some wrenches into their relationship,” Mericle says, “which, so far this season, has been pretty smooth sailing. There will be some fallout for both of them.”

Theories swirled over the identity of Oliver’s son ever since it was revealed in last season’s Flash crossover that his ex kept the baby against Moira’s wishes and $1 million bribe. The most popular theory among fans was that the then-unnamed child was Connor Hawke, who in comic lore follows in his father’s footsteps and eventually assumes the Green Arrow mantle. The decision to go a different route was partially so producers could keep the character in their arsenal.

“When we came up with the whole idea of it, part of it was we didn’t want to be tied in necessarily to a character like Connor not being able to be part of the show if we made him so young,” executive producer Andrew Kreisberg says of having Oliver’s son be William. “To give us the leeway to still have Connor Hawke be part of the universe -- that was the biggest reason we made that decision.”

“It’s one of the things all of us are most proud of -- having the kind of partners that we have -- that we’re able to have one scene in one episode in season two knowing that we were eventually going to get to this point and that it’s all tied to Oliver’s mother,” Kreisberg continues. “Susanna [Thompson] hasn’t been with the show for a while and yet her presence is still felt throughout this story.”

Speaking of Barry’s trip into the past, which erased the fiery deaths of Team Arrow and Team Flash in their first failed attempt versus Vandal Savage, manipulating the space-time continuum and keeping everyone alive will have serious backlash, as Barry warned Oliver at the end of the episode. How it will affect everyone’s futures, however, remains to be seen.

“There’s always a price to be paid -- whether or not that price gets paid immediately or whether that price gets paid later on in ways that you don’t foresee, it always comes back to haunt you,” Kreisberg says. “Whether it’s by magic or it’s by time travel, truly the Big Bad is time itself. Time wants to go in one direction -- when people die, the universe wants them to stay dead. Anything you do to change that is going to have a cost.”

http://www.etonline.com/tv/177260_arrow ... ty_future/

- Productores de ‘The Flash’ y ‘Arrow’ Producers, el elenco sobre Vandal Savage, Consecuencias, y más (collider):
Productores de ‘The Flash’ y ‘Arrow’ Producers, el elenco sobre Vandal Savage, Consecuencias, y más
Por Christina Radish 02 Dic 2015

The massively epic cross-over episodes of The CW’s The Flash and Arrow had so many big moments, surprises and shocks that it’s both exciting and a little bit scary to see where it will all go next. Thankfully, Collider (along with various other press outlets) was invited to screen the episodes at The CW, after which there was a Q&A to discuss all of the major events, as well as what’s to come.

In Part 2 of the interview, executive producers Greg Berlanti, Marc Guggenheim, Andrew Kreisberg and Wendy Mericle, along with actor Teddy Sears (“Jay Garrick”) talked about consequences, the Speed Force, Vandal Savage’s greater motivations, that anything and everything will be possible on Legends of Tomorrow, how Oliver’s secret will affect his relationship with Felicity, what’s next for Jay Garrick, and where Cisco goes from here. Be aware that there are some major spoilers discussed.

Question: With the last time travel jump on The Flash, there were consequences. Now that everybody died this time, what will the consequences be for that?

MARC GUGGENHEIM: I think you’re going to have to watch upcoming episodes of Arrow.

We’ve seen a little bit more of the Speed Force now and how that works. Is it going to work like it does in the comics, or are you taking some liberties with that?

ANDREW KREISBERG: There’s always liberties. Just the general concept that the Speed Force is a living entity from which all Speedsters derive their powers, and that there’s a morality to it and consequences to using it, is at play in the show. None of the shows are a specific adaptation of any one comic book. It’s always an amalgamation, put through our filter.

After meeting The Flash, does Damien Darhk take an interest in him?

KREISBERG: That was Marc’s idea. I was working on The Flash side of it and Marc was like, “Oh, Damien Darhk wants a chemical bomb, for some reason.” We’re all working on each other’s shows, but that was a real sit-down collaboration. Damien Darhk likes a good bomb.

Will we see more of Vandal Savage on The Flash and Arrow, or will his story only be continuing on Legends?

GREG BERLANTI: As of right now, we’ve saved it for Legends. But we’re not done with the seasons on those two shows yet, so I don’t want to say that we won’t come up with some kind of way to reference it.

What are Vandal Savage’s greater motivations?

GUGGENHEIM: That’s something you’ll see in Legends. He has a very clear plan and trajectory. The thing about Vandal is that a lifetime is an eye blink. He thinks in thousand year old terms. He’s very much a master of the long con. So, he does have his very own personal agenda with the Hawks, but he’s got much bigger plans for the world. You’ll have to watch Legends to find out what they are.

You’ve been setting up the characters that will be leaving The Flash and Arrow for Legends. Will they continue to cross back and forth, or are they making the move for good?

BERLANTI: Once Legends is born in January, there’s really no intersection on the other shows. Legends is its own wacky, crazy thing that allows for all sorts of fun surprises, in terms of who may visit and how because they’re just flying through the timeline. But, you won’t see them on Arrow or The Flash.

With Legends going through time, will we see earlier or later versions of Barry Allen or Oliver Queen?

GUGGENHEIM: You might. We obviously aren’t going to spoil what we might be doing on Legends, or any of the shows quite frankly, but part of the fun of Legends is the fact that it takes place all throughout history, future and past. One of the things we’re having so much fun with is that everything is up for grabs and anything is possible.

KREISBERG: Legends might as well be called DC’s Bonkers. That really is what it is.

How did you decide who Oliver’s son would actually be?

KREISBERG: When we came up with the whole idea of it, part of it was that we didn’t want to necessarily be tied to a character like Connor Hawke not being able to be a part of the show, if we made him so young. To give us the lee-way to still have Connor Hawke be a part of the universe, that was the biggest reason we made that decision. It’s actually one of the things that all of us are most proud of. Having the partners that we have, we’re able to basically have one scene in one episode in Season 2, knowing that we were eventually going to get to this point, and it is all set up and tied into Oliver’s mother. When you do a show for a long time, there are some things that are happy accidents, and there are other things that we plan on. This was one that we planned on, and it’s something that we’re really proud of. Anna Hopkins, who plays Samantha, is very talented and has lots of opportunities. When we said, “Hey, will you do one scene for us in Season 2? We promise that, in two years, we’ll make this a real part and have it really be a part of the show,” to her credit, because she’s an amazing person, she said yes. I want to give her the props she’s due because she did such a great job and she was so great in that one scene

BERLANTI: It’s a very emotional storyline that was nice to pay off. Especially watching Stephen [Amell] do the work in the episode, it was cool to see.

What will the fall-out be, with Oliver ultimately deciding not to tell Felicity about his son?

WENDY MERICLE: It’s definitely going to come to a head in the middle of the season, but I can’t tell you how that’s going to happen. For the arc of Oliver and Felicity’s relationship this season, the fact that he’s keeping this from her is going to come out and it’s going to have some serious consequences. We’re really excited about how that’s going to change things. It’s really going to raise the stakes and throw some wrenches into their relationship, which has been pretty smooth sailing so far, this season. True to form, we’re going to really mine that. There will be some fall-out for both of them.

What will the fall-out be, for Jay Garrick taking Velocity 6 and then asking for them not to give it to Barry?

KREISBERG: If you’re a fan of the comics, you know a big part of the comics is Velocity 9. You’ve met Velocity 6, so it’s safe to say that there will be a few more iterations of that formula. How it plays out, how it works, who uses it and the effects that has is something you’ll have to watch to see.

Teddy, with Jay having saved Harrison Wells, will we see a change in their dynamic?

TEDDY SEARS: Yes. Jay is still very dubious of Wells, just with the carnage that he’s created on Earth-2, just with being behind the Particle Accelerator explosion. But there is a growing understanding and respect. I wouldn’t call it a shift, but these two will begin to work side by side, as members of team S.T.A.R. Labs, fighting meta-humans. They’re not going to be buddies or best friends, but something does happen for the good.

Now that he’s had a taste of the Speed Force again, will he crave more?

SEARS: I don’t know. Jay showed up with this struggle of, “Who am I, now that I’m not this guy who was able to do a lot of good when he has the Speed Force?” He’s wrestling with his identity and adapting to life without it. He’s not jonesing for a fix, or anything. He’s aware of what potential Velocity 6 has on his life, but I also think he’s very clear that he doesn’t want to go down that path. But like anyone who has seen the other side, there are memories of what could be and what could have been.

What can you say about what’s to come for Cisco, after this heartbreak?

KREISBERG: There are two interesting things that happen for Cisco. First is a further exploration of his abilities as Vibe, and what he can do and what he’s capable of. The other thing that starts to happen, which you got a little bit of a glimpse of in Episode 7, is this relationship with this new Wells. That version of Wells did everything on his own. The Eobard Thawne version of Wells liked having a team and he liked having people around him, and he used their knowledge in a way that made that feel good about themselves. This Wells thinks that everyone else besides him is an idiot and he thinks everybody is a jerk. He’s horrible. Like Cisco said, he’s a dick and he doesn’t make any apologies for that. This version of Wells does not suddenly have a moment and want to join the party, but there are little chinks in this armor, along the way. Everybody wants him to be the Wells from last year, before they knew. No matter how much time has passed, they’re all still craving that bond, that friendship, that love and that support that he would give them. No matter how many times this version of Wells kicks dirt in their face and pulls the football away, they keep coming back for it, much like we all want our parents’ admiration and respect.

BERLANTI: There’s a two-part episode, with 13 and 14, that is the most fun pair of episodes we’ve ever done, and it has my favorite Cisco moment in the history of the series, so far.

http://collider.com/the-flash-arrow-cro ... interview/

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¡¡¡¡AY, OMÁ QUÉ CALORES!!!! ¡Gracias por tu regalo, Nitta!

Mensajes: 32865
Registrado: Dom May 21, 2006 12:15 am

Re: "Nuevo proyecto para la CW sobre 'THE FLASH'"

Mensaje por Shelby »

- The Flash | 2.08 "Legends of Today" Clip #1 | The CW:


- The Flash | 2.08 "Legends of Today" Clip #2 | The CW:


- The Flash | 2.08 "Legends of Today" BTS Featurette | The CW:

https://twitter.com/CW_TheFlash/status/ ... 9206354944

- The Flash | 2.08 "Legends of Today" Producer´s `Preview | The CW:


Imagen Imagen
¡¡¡¡AY, OMÁ QUÉ CALORES!!!! ¡Gracias por tu regalo, Nitta!

Mensajes: 32865
Registrado: Dom May 21, 2006 12:15 am

Re: "Nuevo proyecto para la CW sobre 'THE FLASH'"

Mensaje por Shelby »

- Greg Berlanti desmiente los rumores sobre el crossover entre "The Flash" y "Supergirl":
Tras un screening para la prensa del crossover de esta semana de "The Flash" y "Arrow", un periodista le preguntó al productor ejecutivo Greg Berlanti sobre los recientes rumores que apuntaban a que su nueva serie "Supergirl," podría recibir una visita de Barry Allen en su primera temporada y si ha habido incluso alguna discusión preliminar en relación a un posible crossover, a lo que Berlanti respondió:
"No, sólo porque acabamos de recibir la orden de una temporada completa. No en este momento."
Desde que "Supergirl" fue anunciada, han corrido los rumores sobre que habría un crossover con "Flash." En una entrevista el pasado mes de enero con Tara Butters y Marc Guggenheim, Berlanti dijo que ese crossover era "posible," con THR declarando directamente que se había enterado que un crossover entre "Supergirl" y "Flash" o "Arrow" estaba escrito en el contrato de Berlanti.

También ayudó a avivar los rumores una entrevista de Berlanti en "Variety" el pasado mes de Mayo, ya que iba acompañada de una sesión fotográfica con las estrella de ambas series Grant Gustin (The Flash) y Melissa Benoist (Supergirl).

Pero, como véis, por lo pronto habrá que seguir esperando para ver a los superhéroes juntos.

http://www.comicbookresources.com/artic ... ver-rumors

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¡¡¡¡AY, OMÁ QUÉ CALORES!!!! ¡Gracias por tu regalo, Nitta!

Mensajes: 32865
Registrado: Dom May 21, 2006 12:15 am

Re: "Nuevo proyecto para la CW sobre 'THE FLASH'"

Mensaje por Shelby »

- Falk Hentschel Talks Taking On Hawkman For 'The Flash'/'Arrow' Crossover (accesshollywood):


- Sesión de Q&A de Falk Hentschel en FB sobre "Arrow":

https://www.facebook.com/CWArrow/posts/ ... 688?_rdr=p

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¡¡¡¡AY, OMÁ QUÉ CALORES!!!! ¡Gracias por tu regalo, Nitta!
