"ARROW" Nueva serie de la CW para TV basada en Green Arrow

Moderadores: Shelby, Lore, Super_House, ZeTa, Trasgo

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Registrado: Dom May 21, 2006 12:15 am

Re: "ARROW" Nueva serie de la CW para TV basada en Green Arr

Mensaje por Shelby »

- "Arrow" ficha al actor Nolan Funk para la S3:
El drama de la CW "Arrow" ha fichado al alumno de "Awkward" y "Glee" Nolan Funk como estrella invitada de la S3.

Funk aparecerá en el episodio 3.05, “The Secret Origin of Felicity Smoak,” interpretando a 'Cooper Seldon', el novio hacker de Felicity de sus días en la Universidad. No está claro si aparecerá sólo en flashbacks o también en el presente.

La actriz Emily Bett Rickards fue la primera en adelantar la noticia a través de su instagram:

Funk es la última incorporación a los nuevos personajes de esta temporada, entre los que están Atom/Ray Palmer (Brandon Routh), Wildcat/Ted Grant (J.R. Ramirez), la madre de Felicity (Charlotte Ross), Maseo (Karl Yune), Katana (Rila Fukushima), un nuevo Count Vertigo (Peter Stormare) y Mark Shaw/Manhunter (David Cubitt). Arrow también introducirá a Ra’s al Ghul como el villano principal de la temporada.

http://www.hollywoodreporter.com/live-f ... son-729012

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Registrado: Dom May 21, 2006 12:15 am

Re: "ARROW" Nueva serie de la CW para TV basada en Green Arr

Mensaje por Shelby »

- "Arrow" ya tiene a su "Cupido" para la S3:
Amy-amy-gumenick .jpg

"Arrow" va a conocer a su fan Nº1, ya que la serie va a añadir a 'Carrie Cutter' (a.k.a. Cupido) a su ya larga lista de personajes para la S3 y la actriz Amy Gumenick ha sido la elegida para dar vida al personaje en la serie de la CW, quien hará su debut en los espisodios 6 y 7 de la nueva temporada.

Como en los cómics, 'Cupido' será una villana letal con un peligrosamente obsesivo enamoramiento hacia 'Arrow'.

El productor ejecutivo de la serie, Andrew Kreisberg creó el personaje durante su etapa en la serie de cómics de Green Arrow/Black Canary. “Siempre me encantó la idea de que Green Arrow tuviera una fan loca,” comenta Kreisberg. “Cuando estaba escribiendo los cómics, mi gran objetivo era crear un villano que pudiera durar. 'Cupido' ha aparecido desde entonces en los cortos de DC Nation en Cartoon Network, y tenerla luchando en nuestro Arrow de TV es mucho más de lo que nunca hubiera podido esperar para el personaje.”

Gumenick (quien interpretó a la joven Mary Winchester, madre de los hermanos Winchester de Supernatural en flashbacks, se une así a las recientes estrellas invitadas de la S3 de "Arrow" entre las que están, Nolan Funk como el ex-movio de Felicity Smoak, Brandon Routh como Atom/Ray Palmer, J.R. Ramirez como Wildcat/Ted Grant y David Cubitt como Mark Shaw/Manhunteron, entre otros.


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Registrado: Dom May 21, 2006 12:15 am

Re: "ARROW" Nueva serie de la CW para TV basada en Green Arr

Mensaje por Shelby »

- Trailer promocional de la S3 de "Arrow" en HD "Some things never die" #Olicity:

http://cms.springboardplatform.com/prev ... 2403/0/0/1

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Registrado: Dom May 21, 2006 12:15 am

Re: "ARROW" Nueva serie de la CW para TV basada en Green Arr

Mensaje por Shelby »

- Scans de la revista "STARBURST MAGAZINE" (Sept 2014):

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Registrado: Dom May 21, 2006 12:15 am

Re: "ARROW" Nueva serie de la CW para TV basada en Green Arr

Mensaje por Shelby »

- Paul Blackthorne, Caity Lotz, & Katrina Law en la "DragonCon 2014", Press Conference (31-08-14):


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Mensajes: 32871
Registrado: Dom May 21, 2006 12:15 am

Re: "ARROW" Nueva serie de la CW para TV basada en Green Arr

Mensaje por Shelby »

- Productores de "Arrow" revelan un gran secreto en la serie de cómics ‘Season 2.5′ (MTV):
Productores de "Arrow" revelan un gran secreto en la serie de cómics ‘Season 2.5′
Por Alex Zalben 01/09/2014

Unfortunately, the agonizing wait until the third season of “Arrow” starts on The CW isn’t over yet… You’ll still have to wait until October 8 to see the adventures of Oliver Queen (Stephen Amell) and his trusty allies. But until then, you can check out some decidedly less animated escapades in the pages of DC Comics’ “Arrow: Season 2.5.”

The digital first comic, written by “Arrow” Executive Producer Marc Guggenheim and Executive Story Editor Keto Shimizu (who both also write for the show), connects the events of the second season finale directly to the opening of season three.

The comic hits stores today, but in advance of the release MTV News hopped on the phone with Guggenheim and Shimizu to talk about the inspiration for the book – and found out a whole lot more about how the comic picks up on cliffhangers from season two, and foreshadows just what will go down in the next season:

MTV News: What’s the idea behind 2.5, and how does it dovetail with the show proper?

Marc Guggenheim: We really tried to recreate the narrative experience the show offers in comic book form. And to that end, we were trying to tell the kinds of stories we tell on “Arrow,” but at the same time take advantage of the seemingly limitless budget, and limitless scope the medium of comic books offers.

We’re telling similar stories, but we’re telling them in a way that takes advantage of action sequences, and locales, and set pieces, and all the things we can’t afford to do on a TV schedule, and a TV budget.

MTV: It’s interesting to hear you say that, because “Arrow” tries hard to stay grounded despite the occasional foray into mild superpowers. So even with the unlimited budget, I imagine you’re not saying, “Eh, let’s throw a dragon in there.”

Guggenheim: We’re definitely not going to change the grounded tone of the show, so the creative voice remains the same. it’s one of the reasons Keto and I are writing this, we both write on the show itself. One of the two things we wanted from the writing was that the stories matter, these stories are in canon in the story of the show. And also, the tone of the show was well represented by the comics. We’re our own quality assurance program.”

MTV: Because you’re doing this between seasons, do you have the opportunity to move the story forward at all? Or is it just seeking to connect the season finale to the next season premiere?

Keto Shimizu: What it’s doing is setting up Oliver’s headspace for where he is, coming into season three. Every year when we start the show we have an Oliver that’s facing different challenges, and grappling with different questions, and that is exactly what we’re setting up through this comic, and into season three: getting him to where we’re going to get some really big challenges thrown at him, at the start of the season.

MTV: So what is Oliver’s head like, in “2.5?”

Guggenheim: Everything is pretty good, which is pretty rare for him. He’s just defeated Slade, and he managed to do so in a way that didn’t compromise his values as a hero. Everything is going pretty well, and in fact, Team Arrow is operating at peak efficiency.

Everyone is at the top of their game when we meet our characters. And we really wanted to open the comic series, much the way we open a typical episode of “Arrow.” A lot of times we open with Team Arrow in some kind of cool action sequence, that just immediately drops you into the middle of the action.

We’re going to do the same structure in the comic book, but hopefully with a bigger scope than we could accomplish given our TV limitations.

MTV: At the same time, there were a number of cliffhangers in the second season premiere. One that comes to mind is Detective Lance dying of internal injuries… Will we have to wait for the season premiere, or is that dealt with in the comic?

Shimizu: No, that will absolutely be dealt with. We’ll see exactly what happens those moments following, and where he is.

Guggenheim: Because that’s such a direct cliffhanger, it really gives us the opportunity to most directly resolve the cliffhanger. We typically do our broadcast series premiere narratively takes place five months after the previous season’s finale. We’re doing the same thing in season three where you’ll pick up, it’s five months since Lance collapsed.

But only in the comic book were we able to tell the story about what happened to him immediately thereafter. In fact there are events that are referenced in the first episode, the season premiere that specifically refer to what happened in the comics.

MTV: How about the whole Olicity angle? Oliver didn’t exactly declare any feelings for Felicity in the finale – quite the opposite, in fact – but in the season three premiere, we know they’re going on a date.

Guggenheim: We’re certainly moving him and her in that direction, and over the course of the comic we’ll see them growing closer and closer. That will tie in pretty nicely for the season premiere.

MTV: What about the bad guys for the comic? Anyone new, anyone old?

Guggenheim: We’ve got a couple of bad guys. One of them is Brother Blood, who fans of the show will recognize from season two. We also have a new character named Caleb Green, who has a mysterious agenda and a mysterious connection to Oliver’s father.

MTV: Brother Blood was pretty, you know, dead at the end of last season. So how is he coming back?

Guggenheim: We’ll absolutely explain it. I would say that the answer to the question has a lot to do with season three, which is also the theme of season 2.5, and that is identity.

MTV: Anything from Brandon Routh’s Ray Palmer in the comic, given he’s also new in season three?

Guggenheim: Probably not, only because he gets a proper introduction in the broadcast premiere, and we’re being consistent with what we’re doing. There will be some characters, like Peter Stormare’s Vertigo who will make an appearance in the comic that lays the foundation for their appearance in the show. But, we wanted to make this additive, and not conflicting.

MTV: Assuming this comic does well, is this something you’d only want to do transitory between seasons, or could you see an ongoing, monthly “Arrow” comic happening from DC?

Guggenheim: Anything is possible… It’s funny, your question, it relates more to our workload, and our bandwidth than anything else. This all started way back before we launched the show. Geoff Johns, Andrew Kreisberg and I wrote an “Arrow” comic to give away at Comic-Con. We made the decision back then that all the tie-in materials done for the show would always connect up with the broadcast storyline.

In other words, everything would be canon, and all the stories would matter. In order to do that succesfuly, it takes a bit of time, and it takes the work of all the writers on the staff who frankly are busy writing the show itself. But if successful, things are possible, there’s certainly a lot of desire on our parts. I just don’t know how much time there is!

MTV: DC is also launching a “Flash: Season 0″ comic in a few weeks. Since we’ll see the shows crossing over, could the comic books do so as well?

Guggenheim: Unfortunately, I don’t know how we would swing that. “Arrow: Season 2.5″ takes place before episode 301 of “Arrow.” And “Flash: Season 0″ takes place between episodes 101 and 102. So they don’t line up chronologically. In “Season 2.5,” Barry Allen is still comatose, and only wakes up during the first episode of “Flash.” It would be very tricky, unless we want to have a crossover with a comatose Barry.

http://www.mtv.com/news/1917121/arrow-s ... -interview

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Mensajes: 32871
Registrado: Dom May 21, 2006 12:15 am

Re: "ARROW" Nueva serie de la CW para TV basada en Green Arr

Mensaje por Shelby »

- Stills 3.01 "The Calm":

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Mensajes: 32871
Registrado: Dom May 21, 2006 12:15 am

Re: "ARROW" Nueva serie de la CW para TV basada en Green Arr

Mensaje por Shelby »

- Arrow Season 3 New Trailer "High Speed Chase":


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¡¡¡¡AY, OMÁ QUÉ CALORES!!!! ¡Gracias por tu regalo, Nitta!

Mensajes: 32871
Registrado: Dom May 21, 2006 12:15 am

Re: "ARROW" Nueva serie de la CW para TV basada en Green Arr

Mensaje por Shelby »

- Matt Nable será 'Ra's al Ghul' en la S3 de Arrow:
Por fin se desvela uno de los grandes secretos que se estaban guardando de la S3 de Arrow...

El actor de "Riddick" Matt Nable ha sido el escogido para onterpretar al prolífico villano de DC Comics 'Ra's al Ghul' en al drama de la CW, uniéndose a la tercera temporada en un papel recurrente. Aparecerá por primera vez en el episodio 3.04 "The Magician," que marca el hito de los 50 episodios de 50th.

Líder de la 'League of Assassins' y padre de 'Nyssa al Ghul' (Katrina Law), Ra´s es orgulloso y despiadado. Un implacable estratega, maestro en artes marciales y forjador de la historia, lleva consigo la sabiduría de los años y protege algunos de sus más grandes secretos.

Star Stephen Amell ha sido el primero en revelar la noticia a través de su twitter:
https://twitter.com/amellywood/status/5 ... 9759972352

Nable es un actor australiano y antiguo jugador profesional de rugby, cuyo más notable crédito en USA ha sido en "Riddick", pero también protagonizó las series de TV "Underbelly" y "Bikie Wars: Brothers in Arms".

Ra's al Ghul ha sido una figura que ha estado presente en Arrow desde el principio de la serie, con su presencia haciéndose sentir de forma más astuta en la segunda tenporada. Su hija, Nyssa, fue la primera de la familia al Ghul que apareció en Arrow, aunque otros personajes que han aparecido tienen vínculos con la 'League of Assassins'.

http://www.hollywoodreporter.com/live-f ... -is-726121

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Mensajes: 32871
Registrado: Dom May 21, 2006 12:15 am

Re: "ARROW" Nueva serie de la CW para TV basada en Green Arr

Mensaje por Shelby »

- Colton Haynes & Emily Bett, Teasers Arrow T3 (Calle13):


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¡¡¡¡AY, OMÁ QUÉ CALORES!!!! ¡Gracias por tu regalo, Nitta!

Mensajes: 32871
Registrado: Dom May 21, 2006 12:15 am

Re: "ARROW" Nueva serie de la CW para TV basada en Green Arr

Mensaje por Shelby »

- Austin Butler se une a la S3 de "Arrow":
El alumno de "The Carrie Diaries" Austin Butler se ha unido a la tercera temporada de "Arrow" de la CW en un papel recurrente.

Butler interpretará a 'Chase', un carismático disc jockey cuyo talento y artimañas captan la atención de 'Thea' (Willa Holland). Su relación profesional rápidamente se convertirá en romance. Butler aparecerá por primera vez en el episodio 3.07.

Butler es la última incorpiración a un elenco de estrellas invitadas entre los que están Ra's al Ghul (Matt Nable), the Atom/Ray Palmer (Brandon Routh), Wildcat/Ted Grant (J.R. Ramirez), la madre de Felicity (Charlotte Ross), Maseo (Karl Yune), Katana (Rila Fukushima), un nuevo Count Vertigo (Peter Stormare), el ex de la Universidad de Felicity (Nolan Funk) y Mark Shaw/Manhunter (David Cubitt).

Además de "The Carrie Diaries", Butler apareció en "Switched at Birth" y "Life Unexpected". Recientemente, el actor también ha terminado el rodaje de las películas "The Intruders" y "Yoga Hosers" junto a Johnny Depp.

http://www.hollywoodreporter.com/live-f ... son-730470

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¡¡¡¡AY, OMÁ QUÉ CALORES!!!! ¡Gracias por tu regalo, Nitta!

Mensajes: 32871
Registrado: Dom May 21, 2006 12:15 am

Re: "ARROW" Nueva serie de la CW para TV basada en Green Arr

Mensaje por Shelby »

- Título y créditos del capítulo 3.06:
Marc Guggenheim, vuelve a desvelarnos el título y créditos de un nuevo capítulo:
https://twitter.com/mguggenheim/status/ ... 1377022976

El episodio 3.06 de "Arrow" tendrá por título "Guilty". Está escrito por Erik Oleston & Keto Shimizu y está dirigido por Peter Leto.

El rodaje ha comenzado hoy.

- Nuevas imágenes BTS (02-05 Sept 2014):

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(@Ramirez8JR: WildCat's in Da House #Arrow #TedGrant #CW #Season3
@EmilyBett: Dreamboat Mama Smoak @charlotteross
@coltonhaynes: I'm gonna eat ur face @emilybett
@emilybett: Foundry Fridays @davidpaulramsey @amelladventures)

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¡¡¡¡AY, OMÁ QUÉ CALORES!!!! ¡Gracias por tu regalo, Nitta!

Mensajes: 32871
Registrado: Dom May 21, 2006 12:15 am

Re: "ARROW" Nueva serie de la CW para TV basada en Green Arr

Mensaje por Shelby »

- Stephen Amell Panel Salt Lake Comic Con (06-09-14):


- Manu Beckett Panel Salt Lake Comic Con (06-09-14):

He may be locked in a jail on an isolated island, but have we seen the last of Deathstroke/Slade Wilson on the CW’s “Arrow?” We caught up with actor Manu Bennett at the Salt Lake Comic Con to find out.

“I’m trapped in purgatory right now – but I think I’m going to get out,” he tells SpoilerTV. “We’ll see what happens. Deathstroke’s not going anywhere quick.”

In a panel at the convention, Bennett said the show will be focusing its villainous efforts on Ra’s al Ghul this season (played by Matt Nable). But he told the audience Deathstroke wouldn’t be afraid of Ra’s al Ghul - he would stare him in the face and say, “This is my town!” That face-off may not happen just yet, but Bennett is thrilled at the fan reaction to his character over the last two seasons.

“The fans have been hugely responsive,” he tells us. “I do a lot of these conventions now and so many people come dressed up as Deathstroke. So the fans are responding to the character. When I’ve talked to the guys from the actual comic book world – the artists themselves – they’re all really excited that Deathstroke is making a comeback. He’s the only guy that ever beat Batman, you know. So there’s a real enigma around his character that we’re flushing out now.”

Bennett says he enjoyed playing both the good and bad in the dual characters of Slade and Deathstroke. When it comes to Slade, he says, “I liked that Oliver and I actually became so close that it took almost a Shakespearean tragedy to tear us apart. It took kind of like Iago whispering in the ear to make Othello lose his mind, you know what I mean. It’s sort of a double-edged sword when you get good writing like that because the audience loves the character but then the character goes so much into the dark that it becomes tragedy. It’s always good to be an actor with those kind of roles.”

At the convention’s press conference, Bennett generously announced he would be donating the first $1,000 he made at Salt Lake Comic Con to a local family whose child was receiving cancer treatment. Salt Lake Comic Con sponsored two events that raised money for families with kids fighting cancer.

At Manu Bennett’s panel, we also learned more about the actor’s “Arrow” audition, along with his thoughts on playing a comic book character, his praise for his co-star and what it was like to film “The Hobbit” movies. Check out his comments and a great video clip below:

On his “Arrow” audition:
“I was in Kuwait doing a USO tour. I got to meet a couple of the Special Forces guys and one of them showed me this headlock. A couple of days after I met him, I flew back to Los Angeles. On my last day my manager said, ‘Can you be at this audition for ‘Arrow?’’ And so I got there and I’m half jetlagged. In the military boys were all drinking 5-hour Energy drink. So I chugged this thing. And I walked into this casting agency and it started hitting me immediately. This 5-hour Energy drink was surging through me like Mirakuru. When I heard there was a chokehold in the scene, this Special Forces guy had just showed me this chokehold – I wanted to use it! So the director in the casting for ‘Arrow’ says, “Are you ready, Mr. Bennett?’ I said, ‘Yeah, I’m ready.’ So I grabbed this guy around the head and as I started the scene and I got to the [line], at that point the guy collapsed onto the ground – out cold! I said, ‘Is this part of the audition?’ The director said, ‘No, I think you just choked him out.’ I wasn’t sure that was gonna be the last audition I was ever gonna do in Hollywood. But the director said, ‘Don’t apologize. It was perfect.’”

On finding out he’d be playing Deathstroke:
Bennett had auditioned for a character called Holloway. So when he landed at the Vancouver airport and read an article stating he would be playing Deathstroke, he was confused.

“I said, ‘It’s wrong. I read for Holloway – not Deathstroke.’ And literally the guy behind the counter at immigration in Vancouver said to me, ‘Are you playing Deathstroke? Man, Deathstroke is like the badass of the DC comic world!’ And the journey began.”

On how he taps into the darkness of Deathstroke:
“I used to play piano. I wanted to be a classical piano player but I put my focus on acting. Sometimes I think about, when you get to a Rachmaninoff piece and you’ve got to start hammering the keys and really getting intense, it’s the time where as an actor that you’ve got to dig deep and find a whole bunch of stuff. A lot of people don’t know but my life hasn’t been so easy when I was young. My mother and brother both died in car accidents. My brother died in my hands. That was a very, very shocking thing for me when I was a 15-year-old kid. But the arts are what gave me a positive expression. I didn’t go down the drug and alcohol road but I found my strength in playing rugby and acting. I’ve managed to take all of that and be able to channel it positively like an instrument would. So all that stuff from a 15-year-old kid, I can store it.”

On how he doesn’t ever initially know where his TV character is headed:
“Television scripts come to you a couple days before you have to film. Television moves really fast. The writers are always adjusting the scripts. [In earlier ‘Arrow’ episodes] they said, ‘Hey, you’re in love with Shadow.’ I was like, ‘Really? I’ve been treating her like a young girl who needs to be protected.’ They said, ‘No, we’re going to try to put it into a love triangle. So you’ve been in love with her. Start putting it into this episode.’ And the death of Oliver’s mother – I think I had 48 hours tops before I had to play the scene where I killed Moira. It comes fast. And you’ve got to be ready and on your feet to just change directions.”

On “Arrow” star Stephen Amell:
“Stephen Amell honestly has done such a great job as a young actor who has been thrust into the limelight. He was born to play Oliver Queen. When you play a lead actor in a series, you don’t get any sleep. You don’t get a day off. You’re working all the time. He has a huge load on his shoulders. And I saw him go through the process in the year and a half that I’ve worked with him as being a young guy who has a great look and sort of having to be stoic and be this heroic model, to a guy who really became an incredible actor internally. When I actually killed his mother in that episode, the acting that he did around that, to emotionally go through that particular episode, was just phenomenal. He’s the perfect Oliver.”

On playing a TV role from the comic world:
“When I first met [Deathstroke co-creator and artist] George Perez, I said, ‘I’m playing Deathstroke.’ And he almost immediately said, ‘You’re not old enough.’ And he said it quite pointedly. I felt devastated, to be honest. I actually followed George out of the convention in Ottawa and caught up to him in the cab he was in and he was like, ‘No, you don’t look like him; I’m not going to tell you you look like him.’ Then probably six months later I ran into [Deathstroke’s other co-creator] Marv Wolfman and Marv was the guy who actually created the character and wrote the character and sort of made it the mind of the character. And he told me that I got it exactly right. When it comes down to actually doing these roles, the way they’re written on television, it’s a very different story arc. You can only do so much in terms of trying to be accurate to the DC comic world and be accurate to the television show ‘Arrow.’ You just got to keep on staying true to the script that comes in front of you. If you read the comic books, you’ll see a different variation.”

On what it was like shooting the motion capture scenes for the character of Azog in “The Hobbit” films:
Bennett didn’t initially win the role. A friend of his from high school filmed the part wearing a costume and prosthetic. But a year and a half later, director Peter Jackson decided the costuming and prosthetic procedure wasn’t effective enough. So three months before the first film was supposed to debut, Jackson re-cast Azog and chose to create the character through CGI. That’s when Bennett came on board.

“Because I was pulled in so late, I never worked with any of the other actors. I was totally isolated in a studio where I was trying to find the motion capture of Azog. Then after about two months, I was sent to a sound stage to do the voice. I got to the studio and they’d taken the motion capture animated Azog and put him on top of the film so you can see the scenes as they’re actually going to look. And then I have to put the voiceover on top of it. They dropped my voice about an octave. It was all very abstract filmmaking and I didn’t really know what any of it was going to look like. But at the end of the day it was one of the most incredible experiences of using film technology that I’ve been involved in. Inside that [motion capture world], you’ve got to make some decisions to get more out of the character. I watched ‘Jaws’ the night before I went in to do Azog. I thought, ‘What makes it scary is you can’t see the shark.’ So in the opening scene I turned away from the camera because I didn’t want the audience to see. I wanted them to be going, ‘What is that?’ It was just coming up with some dramatic choices and trying to create stuff like that in a completely sterile environment, without other actors. It’s very different than live filming. It was fantastically testing in terms of the decisions.”

http://www.spoilertv.com/2014/09/arrow- ... nnett.html?

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¡¡¡¡AY, OMÁ QUÉ CALORES!!!! ¡Gracias por tu regalo, Nitta!

Mensajes: 32871
Registrado: Dom May 21, 2006 12:15 am

Re: "ARROW" Nueva serie de la CW para TV basada en Green Arr

Mensaje por Shelby »

- Jefe de 'Arrow' sobre la vida amorosa de Oliver: No Hay muchos superhéroes que "Estén Casados" (THR):
Jefe de 'Arrow' sobre la vida amorosa de Oliver: No Hay muchos superhéroes que "Estén Casados"
Por Philiana Ng 7:00 AM PDT 09/09/2014

Oliver Queen is getting in touch with his feelings in Arrow season three — just don't expect it to trump his nightly crime-fighting in Starling City.

Picking up months after the finale, the premiere addresses Oliver's "I love you" to Felicity Smoak by putting them in a less professional, more romantic setting: a date. Let's just say, it goes "horribly" awry. Arrow and The Flash executive producer Greg Berlanti promises that while Oliver and Felicity's progression as a pair may be exciting for a portion of the fans, it won't dominate the season.

"None of us like to throw stuff out there and then not deal with it in some way. It doesn't mean it occupies the story and that's all we deal with, but you want to be fair to the audience," Berlanti tells The Hollywood Reporter.

Charting that particular relationship has been "something that we've been working toward and building toward since she first showed up on the show," he says. "We deal with it head-on in the premiere, but there aren't a lot of superheroes who are married. It's more that we're dealing with the finale than we are with them."

While most superheroes tend not to have spouses, a few have gotten hitched (though not always permanently as is often the case with comic lore). The Avengers had a married couple with The Vision and the Scarlet Witch, while Peter Parker was married to Mary Jane Watson for decades, as were Clark Kent and Lois Lane, to name a few.

With two seasons behind them, Arrow has started to embrace the humor, albeit in small spurts — something that would not have happened in its rookie year. "There's more of that [humor] throughout," Berlanti says of Oliver's change in demeanor in the new episodes. "He doesn't have Slade hunting him any more. Things are in a happy place for everybody."

Which won't stay for long.

Prominent DC villain Ra's al Ghul (Riddick's Matt Nable) casts a dark shadow on Starling City starting in episode four.

"There are some great twists and turns in terms of what their dynamic is," hints Berlanti of Ra's and Oliver, only to say that Ra's is "looming" in the background at the start of the season. "We try with the big bads to make every season feel different and for them to be reflective of what we want to put the hero through and characters through.

Berlanti didn't divulge much about Thea's reinvention, coupled with a new love interest Chase (The Carrie Diaries' Austin Butler), a DJ whom she first meets for work. "A lot of secrets with Thea," says Berlanti, highlighting the scenes between Thea and her father Malcolm as being particularly "great." One of the trailers showed a brief glimpse of Thea training to become a possible killing machine — a sign of a tougher, meaner Queen to come. "You'll see more of that," Berlanti promises. "It's a great twosome to watch onscreen."

Is Thea well on her way to becoming Speedy? Berlanti was mum: "She went away to become someone else. The question is, did she?"

http://www.hollywoodreporter.com/live-f ... ras-731022

- Marc Guggenheim sobre el cómic digital "ARROW: SEASON 2.5" (The Nerdist):
Marc Guggenheim sobre el cómic digital "ARROW: SEASON 2.5"
Por Joseph McCabe 08 Sept, 2014

In its second season, Arrow cemented its reputation as the finest live-action television adaptation of a comic book superhero yet. So anticipation for the show’s return on Wednesday, October 8th is at a fever-pitch, with each new piece of casting news bringing fans closer to a foaming frenzy. Fortunately, showrunner Marc Guggenheim has just the thing to feed that fever – the Arrow: Season 2.5 digital comic. Co-written by Arrow‘s co-producer Keto Shimizu, penciled by Joe Bennett, and inked by Jack Jadson, Arrow: Season 2.5 finds Oliver Queen battling the notorious Church of Blood in an epic that bridges the gap between seasons 2 and 3. I chatted with Guggenheim and Shimizu about their plans for the digital series, and the two told me how it will explore the fate of favorite characters left unresolved in the season 2 finale, while introducing new faces to Starling City.

Note: Arrow: Season 2.5′ is available now via the DC Comics App, comiXology.com, ReadDCEntertainment.com, iBooks, Google Play, Kindle Store, and the Nook Store for $0.99.

Nerdist: How will the structure of Season 2.5 differ from the first season’s digital comic?

Marc Guggenheim: That was definitely more of an anthology. It was short stories by different people, written by different writers. It all connected with Arrow, but it was much more of a looser connection of narratives. Here we’re taking the completely opposite approach. We’re going to have a theme for the entirety of the story. Keto and I are the only writers working on it, so it’s one cohesive serialized story that bridges seasons 2 and 3.

N: How long will it run?

MG: It’ll run twenty-four digital chapters and twelve print chapters. So about a year’s worth of story.

N: My understanding is that it divides at some point into two arcs.

MG: Yeah, it was really meant to be divided into two arcs. We may play a little fast and loose with that, because of various different publishing changes. But generally speaking, yes, that is correct

N: You’ve said the comic will touch on some elements of last season’s finale, like Detective Lance’s collapse.

MG: That’s right. Detective Lance, he ended up collapsing, and bleeding through the mouth as it were, at the end of season 2. We’re going to show what happened to him directly thereafter. It’s actually one of our best opportunities to directly resolve a cliffhanger from season 2, because this takes place in the weeks after our season 2 finale, as opposed to our season 3 premiere, which takes place five months after. If everything goes according to plan it will begin a few weeks after the finale and it will take you straight into the opening set piece of episode 301.

N: What other elements from the show will be featured?

Keto Shimizu: Certainly we get to go bigger and bolder in this format, doing things that we can’t really accomplish with our production schedule and with our production budget – really spectacular action sequences, huge explosions. In addition to that we can go places we can’t go in the show. We’re going to be doing a Suicide Squad [story] throughout this series that will be pages here and there and then wrapping up with a double digital issue/single print issue. That will take us to [the country of] Kahndaq, which is something we could never do on the show just because it’s impossible to shoot it. We’ll get to get into some geopolitics that we normally don’t really do on the show, a political fantasy of “What if the Suicide Squad could go in and fix some of these awful things that are happening in the world?” [Laughs.]

N: Will the digital series offer any flashbacks like those regularly featured on the TV show?

MG: No, there’s no plan to do so. [But] the nature of the comic allows us to travel to Hong Kong, which is where Oliver found himself at the end of season 2 in flashbacks. And Chapter 4 will flash us back to the events of episode 221.

N: The Suicide Squad was a huge hit with fans last season – will we see them again on the show this season?

KS: Oh absolutely. Absolutely.

N: You’ve said that the digital comic’s storyline will introduce characters we’ll see in season 3. Can you hint at who they might be?

MG: Peter Stormare’s character Vertigo, for sure. Some of the things he does in the season premiere will get [introduced] in the digital comic. That’s just one example. That’s just the most immediate. There’s a character in the works specifically for the digital comic named Caleb Green, he has a mysterious agenda that ties back to Robert Queen.

N: How did you select your artists for the digital comic?

MG: Joe [Bennett] and I actually did a Superman digital comic last year. I really enjoyed working with him. He’s just a phenomenal, phenomenal artist. I’ve always been a fan of his work. What we really wanted to do with the digital comic is raise the bar in terms of the quality of the art. And I feel like Joe and [inker Jack Jadson] have more than done that.

N: The monthly print comic collecting Arrow: Season 2.5 will be out in October?

MG: Yes, October 8th. So the comic will be released the same day as the TV show [season premiere]. The first digital chapter [was released] on September 1st. So for five weeks we’re your only source for an Arrow fix. [Laughs.]

N: One last question – How did you guys decide on which issues from the cliffhanger you wanted to resolve in the digital comic and which ones you wanted to leave for season 3 of the TV show to resolve?

MG: A lot of it really had to do with where the story’s taking place. In the case of Detective Lance, season 2.5 takes place in the weeks after his collapse whereas episode 301 takes place five months after he collapsed. So really we’re not so much making choices like “We better reveal this in the comics” versus “We better reveal this in the TV show.” Rather what it is is there were lots of stories that happened to these characters while the show was not on the air, and we’re doing our best to reveal what those stories were. We sort of treat these characters as if they are real. [Laughs.]

N: Thank you both so much.

KS: Our pleasure!

http://www.nerdist.com/2014/09/exclusiv ... tal-comic/

- Greg Berlanti sobre Olicity, el Humor, y Ra’s al Ghul en la Season 3 (TVOvermind):
Greg Berlanti sobre Olicity, el Humor, y Ra’s al Ghul en la Season 3
por Chris King 09 Sept, 2014

Arrow is going to be having a little bit of a lighter tone this season, at least to start.

As we know from The CW superhero show’s numerous trailers, a big part of at least the premiere of season three will focus on Oliver and Felicity and the potential romantic relationship that they may have, as the two of them go out on a big date, one that has Oliver smiling and even making jokes. In a recent interview with The Hollywood Reporter, Arrow executive producer Greg Berlanti discussed Oliver and Felicity and how the series will deal with their romance throughout season three.

“None of us like to throw stuff out there and then not deal with it in some way,” Berlanti said told THR. “It doesn’t mean it occupies the story and that’s all we deal with, but you want to be fair to the audience.”

Berlanti went on to say that Oliver and Felicity are “something that we’ve been working toward and building toward since she first showed up on the show. We deal with it head-on in the premiere, but there aren’t a lot of superheroes who are married. It’s more that we’re dealing with the finale than we are with them.”

So will Felicity’s sense of humor start rubbing off on Starling City’s superhero, even allowing him to crack a few more jokes himself?

“There’s more of that [humor] throughout,” Berlanti said about Oliver in season three. “He doesn’t have Slade hunting him any more. Things are in a happy place for everybody.”

But fans who love Arrow’s dark and serious tone need not worry. The levity that the show is bringing to the start of season three is only temporary and won’t be around for too long thanks to one particular person: Ra’s al Ghul (Matt Nable), this season’s major villain, who first appears in episode four.

“There are some great twists and turns in terms of what their dynamic is,” said Berlanti of Ra’s and Oliver. “We try with the big bads to make every season feel different and for them to be reflective of what we want to put the hero through and characters through.”

One thing is for sure. With all of the changes happening in both Oliver’s personal and professional (crime-fighting is a legit profession, right?) lives, Arrow will certainly feel different and unique when the series returns to The CW for its third season on Oct. 8.

http://www.tvovermind.com/arrow/arrow-c ... n-3-239987

- Stephen Amell adelanta la S3 de "Arrow" (CBR):
Stephen Amell adelanta la S3 de "Arrow"
Por Bryan Cairns 10 Septiembre, 2014

"Arrow's" Stephen Amell was all smiles for Fan Expo Canada 2014. Not only is Toronto the actor's hometown, but, as he noted at the Arrow panel, this was his third consecutive year at the convention.

As Amell settled in, moderator Morgan Hoffman immediately kicked things off by asking how long Starling City would remain safe now that Slade Wilson had been defeated.

"I don't know," said Amell. "Fifteen, 20 minutes. We do mention the fact. It is a big story point in season three. We don't gloss over the fact that there was an earthquake and a siege, in consecutive Mays, in a major, fictional metropolitan place. We go over that. That's actually a focal point for Brandon Routh's character, Ray Palmer. We talk a lot about how nobody wants to live in Starling City anymore, despite the fact that we have criminals on the run at the beginning of season three.

When Amell was listing all the comic book properties coming to television this fall -- "Arrow," "The Flash," "Gotham," "Constantine," "Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D." and "Agent Carter" -- he pitched his own Arrow spinoff.

"Instead of doing 23 episodes of Arrow, I'd love to do 17," Amell said. "Then, in the middle of the year, we could do six episodes of the Suicide Squad. Then I could go on vacation."

The big elephant in the room was Oliver and Felicity's relationship status. Fans hoping for the duo to become a couple have dubbed them "Olicity" and the spark between them has been growing. Will that eventually lead to dating and romance?

"We learn a lot about Oliver and his relationship with Felicity and the feelings -- or lack thereof -- for one another in the season premiere," promised Amell.

Fans were thrilled that this season's fifth episode is titled The Secret Origin of Felicity Smoak. Actually, no one was more thrilled than Amell. "I have four out of eight days off," quipped Amell. "Unprecedented."

At this point, Amell turned to answering questions from the two line ups of fans that had formed on either side of the stage. One fan wanted Amell to say Arrow's classic line, "You have failed this city," which he did.

"That line is coming back into the show this year," said Amell. "I give the credit for that to you guys because it was an intricate element for the show in season one. Then we stopped saying it in season two. People would come up and say, 'Why aren't you saying it anymore?' So, I went to the producers and said, 'Why aren't we saying this anymore?' They said, 'We always thought of that as a season-one thing.' And I said, 'Really?' And here it is. It's back."

The topic turned to Zack Snyder's ever-growing roster of superheroes in "Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice." Wonder Woman and Batman are already in the mix, setting the stage for the highly anticipated "Justice League" feature film. Green Arrow was the team's first recruit in the original run of the Justice League of America comic book. Once again, Amell addressed whether there was any possibility Arrow might show up in DC Comics' cinematic universe.

"We are creating a Justice League on TV for us," Amell said. "I don't think there is a logistical reality to us participating in the feature side. That being said, I never wanted to have to feel like the show was justified, just because we participated in the movie. I don't think my character would participate on the cinematic side. What's that saying? Is it six seasons and a movie? Our show right now has me, Arsenal, Flash. There's going to be Firestorm and Atom. The Justice League elements of it are very present on our shows ['Arrow' and 'The Flash'] already."

Amell's cousin, Robbie, joined the cast of "The Flash" as Ronnie Raymond. In the comics, Ronnie fused together with Professor Martin Stein to become Firestorm, the Nuclear Man. It seems Amell had some insider knowledge about the casting well before his cousin.

"I had dinner with Greg Berlanti, who created our show and is also the creator of 'The Flash' television show," Amell said. "He told me about Robbie and Firestorm about two months before Robbie knew about it. Robbie texts me and goes, 'I GOT A JOB ON 'THE FLASH!'' All capitals and exclamation marks. I wrote back, 'I know,' and then welcomed him to the Justice League of America. Robbie and I, for being in the same business, the only time we've ever teamed up is in beer pong. We've never actually teamed up on screen together. I think eventually there's a chance that Oliver Queen and Mr. Firestorm may cross paths."

Amell could barely contain his enthusiasm when asked about working with co-star John Barrowman. The former "Torchwood" star plays the devious Malcolm Merlyn and will be a series regular this season.

"He's Captain Jack," Amell said with a smile. "He's had a show. He has taught so much about using all of the energy you guys give us and harnessing that when it's 4 a.m. and it's raining and you're on a rooftop and you're shooting a scene you've been shooting for eight hours. He's taught me so much. Working with him…it's usually very cold and wet. No. My wife sent me a text the other day of him holding my daughter with the evilest grin. And she couldn't have been happier. For being on a show together now for three seasons, we've had precious few moments together. There was a quick moment in our sixth episode, our ninth episode and then the end of the year, 22 and 23. Then we didn't see each other all last year. This year, we see each other. I've never been so fired up as I was to shoot the first scene between Oliver and Malcolm. We had 275 extras there for the scene. Big stuff."

A female fan credited "Arrow," and Amell, for introducing her to conventions and superheroes. She was curious which character Amell would bring into the "Arrow" universe. For the longest time, he said his top pick was Ra's al Ghul. The villain is already slated for an arc, so Amell's second choice was a familiar ring bearer from the DCU.

"Now, boy we've referenced Ferris Air a lot," said Amell. "It would be really cool to have Green Lantern. Hopefully, that happens. I have no inside information, unless I do."

The discussion shifted to the overall tone of the season -- which will be both darker and lighter at the same time.

"Well, we're going to see Ra's al Ghul," Amell offered. "Actually, season three opens on a much lighter note. I'm enjoying playing Oliver this year because he's a little bit closer to a proxy of me. I'm not serious. I'm not a brooder. We find Oliver in that position at the beginning of season three."

One of the other topics touched upon was Oliver's relationship with Roy Harper (Colton Haynes) and how it continues to progress now that Roy will be adopting a costumed identity of his own.

"That is my favorite part about season three so far," said Amell. "The relationship between Colton Haynes' character and my character, we're in a really good spot. We're in a big brother/little brother spot. We have been trying to find little moments where I do everything short of giving him a noogie."

Flashbacks have been an essential storytelling device on Arrow. They've filled in the gaps of what Oliver was up to while missing during his years away from Starling City. As teased in the season-two finale, the flashbacks will be shifting in location from the Island to a much more familiar locale.

"Our third season is very much the Hong Kong chapter of the show," Amell revealed. "It adds a different element to the show."

Arrow is no slouch in hand-to-hand combat. He's held his own, and even bested, such expert fighters as China White, Malcolm Merlyn and Slade Wilson. Oliver has obviously received extensive training and will be mastering another martial art soon.

"One of the cool things we are going to do this year is we have never, in the present day, seen Oliver learn anything new, except maybe how to smile more. In terms of combat, Oliver is going to learn something new this year, which I'm very excited about."

An attendee then asked if there was anything Amell would like Oliver to do that he hasn't done before. A heckler yelled out, "Felicity." After the laughter died down, Amell offered, "Other than that, I would like to see Oliver get his own place to live." He hinted a change of residence could indeed be in the pipeline.

At the end of the panel, a good-natured Amell honored an earlier request by taking a selfie with the room's crowd cheering in the background.

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¡¡¡¡AY, OMÁ QUÉ CALORES!!!! ¡Gracias por tu regalo, Nitta!
