¡¡¡Nuevo proyecto de la FOX sobre GOTHAM!!!

Moderadores: Shelby, Lore, Super_House, ZeTa, Trasgo

Mensajes: 32857
Registrado: Dom May 21, 2006 12:15 am

Re: ¡¡¡Nuevo proyecto de la FOX sobre GOTHAM!!!

Mensaje por Shelby »

- Sinopisis oficial de la S3 de "Gotham":
Con motivo de la TCA press tour, la FOX acaba de publicar la sinopsis oficial de la S3 de "Gotham":
"GOTHAM (Lunes, 8:00-9:00 PM ET/PT) La historia de orígenes continúa en la Tercera Temporada de GOTHAM, y las apuestas están más altas que nunca, ya que se introducen villanos más ambiciosos y depravados, y un realineamiento de las alianzas agita la lucha por el poder en Gotham City.

La tercera temporada apartará el telón de la infame organización criminal conocida como la Court of The Owls. Con los fugados de Indian Hill sueltos, JIM GORDON (Ben McKenzie) debe tomar el asunto con sus propias manos como un cazarrecompensas en Gotham. Hace de su misión el encontrar a HUGO STRANGE (la estrella invitada BD Wong), la mente maestra tras los horribles experimentos de Indian Hill, y FISH MOONEY (la estrella invitada Jada Pinkett Smith), uno de los sujetos de Strange. Mientras tanto, el detective de la GCPD HARVEY BULLOCK (Donal Logue) y el capitán NATHANIEL BARNES (Michael Chiklis) se mantienen a la cabeza de la lucha contra el crimen en esta ciudad llena de monstruos. También BRUCE WAYNE (David Mazouz), con la ayuda de su mayordomo de confianza y mentor, ALFRED PENNYWORTH (Sean Pertwee), y el antiguo empleado de Wayne Enterprises, LUCIUS FOX (Chris Chalk), descubre que aún hay más secretos que descubrir sobre el asesinato de sus padres.

Mientras la ciudad se hunde más profundamente en el caos, GOTHAM continuará siguiendo la evolución de las historias de los villanos más malévolos de la ciudad: THE PENGUIN (Robin Lord Taylor); EDWARD NYGMA/el futuro RIDDLER (Cory Michael Smith); SELINA KYLE/la futura CATWOMAN (Camren Bicondova); BARBARA KEAN (Erin Richards); TABITHA GALAVAN/TIGRESS (Jessica Lucas) y BUTCH GILZEAN (Drew Powell). La serie también se pondrá al día con la futura POISON IVY (Maggie Geha) quien, tras un encuentro con un monstruo de Indian Hill, se encuentra a sí misma renacida como una joven mujer que ha alcanzado todo el poder de sus encantos; y también buceará en las historias de origen de JERVIS TETCH/MAD HATTER (Benedict Samuel), un hipnotista con mucho talento al borde de la locura; y los TWEED BROTHERS".

http://screencrush.com/gotham-season-3- ... oison-ivy/
http://comicbook.com/2016/08/08/gotham- ... vys-age-c/

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¡¡¡¡AY, OMÁ QUÉ CALORES!!!! ¡Gracias por tu regalo, Nitta!

Mensajes: 32857
Registrado: Dom May 21, 2006 12:15 am

Re: ¡¡¡Nuevo proyecto de la FOX sobre GOTHAM!!!

Mensaje por Shelby »

- "This Fall on GOTHAM & LUCIFER" Promo:
https://amp.twimg.com/v/a0c72024-2142-4 ... 152c840da2

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¡¡¡¡AY, OMÁ QUÉ CALORES!!!! ¡Gracias por tu regalo, Nitta!

Mensajes: 32857
Registrado: Dom May 21, 2006 12:15 am

Re: ¡¡¡Nuevo proyecto de la FOX sobre GOTHAM!!!

Mensaje por Shelby »

- "TCA Summer Press Tour" (08-08-16) -


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https://www.facebook.com/GOTHAMonFOX/vi ... 631427990/

Sean Pertwee & David Mazouz Tease New "Gotham" Season | E! Live from the Red Carpet:


- Fish Mooney regresa (aparecerá en los dos primeros episodios de la temporada y regresará en la segunda mitad de la misma en primavera) y su pelea con el Pingüino crecerá de forma descontrolada.

- Gordon continuará lidiando con su futuro.

- Lee Thompkins encontrará un nuevo interés amoroso en uno de los hijos de Falcone.

- Se explica el cambio de 'Poison Ivy': "La idea de Poison Ivy llegó porque uno de los huídos de Indian Hill tiene el poder de que cuando te toca te quita años de vida, te envejece inmediatamente. Así es que él toca a Ivy al principio pero no la sujetó durante mucho tiempo así es que él la envejece un poco. Así es que para nosotros realmente queríamos jugar con la idea de la transformación. Versión una del personaje, versión dos. Y para mucho del canon de Ivy con lo que queríamos jugar, teníamos que hacerla un poco mayor."

- Sobre los superpoderes de 'Ivy': "No creo que vayamos a ver ningún tema de superpoderes. Pienso que eso iría mucho más adelante especialmente cuando esta es una serie de historias de orígenes," dice Maggie Geha, quien interpreta a la nueva Ivy "Pamela" Pepper. "Así es que pienso que va a ser más sobre el descubrir cómo otras personas la perciben y lo que significa. Mucha gente está centrada en su sexualidad. Pienso que Ivy, en mi opinión, realmente no se siente sexual sobre nadie. Pienso que se da cuenta de que esa persona se encuentra atraída por ella, que la encuentra atractiva de manera sexual, y entonces usa eso en su beneficio. Se más que nada un tema manipulativo."

- Bruce experimentará un cambio en esta temporada, empezando a abrazar su lado de playboy. Cruzará una línea de la que puede que no sea capaz de regresar.

- Mad Hatter no cruzará su camino con 'Harvey Dent' por el momento. En cuanto a su inspiración, no está muy influenciado por los video juegos de Arkham: "No, no realmente si soy sincero. Siento como que el personaje es una amalgama como todo lo demás. Hay un poco de la realidad de los libros de Brubaker pero también de los New 52 y los libros de Snyder. Hay algo de eso también. De las Batman Mad series en términos del impulso emocional que tiene. Benedict es definitivamente más alto que la mayoría de las versiones de Jervis pero lo hace con un nivel de locura natural que pienso que realmente lena ese panteón muy, muy bien. Pero no, no hay influencia de los juegos."

- Poison Ivy y él no tendrán una relación amorosa: "Definitivamente van a tener relación el uno con el otro. No va a ser una relación romántica, necesariamente. Va a ser más como la figura de una hermana para él. Estarán muy involucrados el uno con el otro. Y tendrán grandes influencias en la vida del otro. Ella será una gran parte en su vida, especialmente hacia la mitad de la temporada", dice David Mazouz.

- 'Alfred' tendrá un interés amoroso: "Alfred encuentra el amor. Tiene un chico de 16 años [Bruce] quien, mientras estas cosas ocurren, naturalmente se distancia de él. Y de pronto alguien entra en su vida que está conectado con otro personaje y Alfred se queda con la idea de la posibilidad de que haya otra vida ahí y eso nos da una gran historia", dice John Stevens

- Indian Hill será explorada en más profundidad, siendo el puente que permita la llegada de nuevos super-villanos de Batman mediante los exprimentos de Hugo Strange.

- Se añadirán más villanos a la serie como 'Solomon Grundy' y ahora podrían incluir a 'Harley Quinn' y 'Killer Croc' (con éste último apareciendo en esta temporada y la primera quizá más adelante). Estos icónicos personajes se introducirán de forma similar a como se introdujo a 'Jerome', quien puede que no sea 'Joker' aún, pero que tiene todas las carcaterísticas del personaje. "Muchos de estos personajes, al estar en el Suicide Squad, no vamos a verlos en esta temporada. Veremos las proto-versiones de algunos de estos personajes; veremos una proto-version de Killer Croc. Y veremos a un personaje — quizá no en esta temporada, pero más adelante — que puede ser la precursora de Harley Quinn".

- Harley Quinn: Los productores expanden su respuesta sobre el icónico personaje diciendo, "Puede que ya hayas visto a Harley como una persona con la que pensabas que te habías encontrado y conocías desde hace mucho tiempo. Así es que siempre nos reservamos el derecho de hacer ese tipo de cosas también," dice Woodruff. A diferencia de Killer Croc que será introducido al principio de la temporada y cuyo cásting ya se ha hecho (aunque los productores no quieren revelar el nombre del actor aún), "la Harley Quinn de todo es un poco más complicado pero es algo que ya habíamos pensado sobre el personaje. No queremos desvelar demasiado pero definitivamente es alguien conectado al culto del mundo de Joker que hemos establecido. Pero ahora va en camino, más adelante en la S3."

- Salomon Grundy y cuándo aparecerá: "Es difícil hablar sobre eso sin desvelar demasiado pero la primera idea es la reencarnación, que es una donde obviamente ya hemos cruzado la valla. ¿Y la idea de que alguien quisiera crear una reencarnación? ¿Quién estaría interesado en la reencarnación?" Oh, ¿digamos quizá Hugo Strange o Fish Mooney? Stevens descarta la idea de ser un personaje existente y vivo que es asesinado y luego vuelto a traer a la vida como : "Cuando Solomon Grundy aparezca, será un personaje al que no hemos conocido aún."

- Veremos más de 'Jerome' (Cameron Monaghan) en la S3. "Realmente imaginamos el desarrollar el mito de Joker al mismo tiempo que estamos desarrollando el mito de Batman. Realmente queríamos estirarlo a lo largo de mútiples temporadas. El culto de Joker empieza, y exploraremos cómo eso se profundiza y cambia este año. Hay esos movimientos clandestinos que han empezado a hablar de Jerome y lo que representaba, preparando el camni para, quizá si hay season 4, con suerte traeremos eso de nuevo de una manera mucho mayor; veréis estas versiones distintas del mito de Joker que se desarrolló con Jerome y otros personajes, y que cuando unas todas esas piezas, dirás, 'Oh, al final eso es en lo que Joker se convertirá'", comenta el productor ejecutivo Ken Stephens.

- El breve regreso de 'Hugo Strange': "Está de vuelta en el segundo episodio. Ahora mismo es un arco más corto. Es como dije en el panel la idea que queremos de contínuamente poblar nuestro mundo para que podsamos apartar a esa gente, especialmente cuando podemos usar actores de New York y están disponibles y podemos traerlos. Porque si puedes traer a Fish y a Hugo Strange una y otra vez, entonces hace que el mundo parezca lleno."

http://www.comicbookresources.com/artic ... re-seasons
http://heroichollywood.com/suicide-squa ... ed-gotham/
http://www.ign.com/articles/2016/08/10/ ... n-season-3
http://www.ign.com/articles/2016/08/11/ ... t-season-3

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¡¡¡¡AY, OMÁ QUÉ CALORES!!!! ¡Gracias por tu regalo, Nitta!

Mensajes: 32857
Registrado: Dom May 21, 2006 12:15 am

Re: ¡¡¡Nuevo proyecto de la FOX sobre GOTHAM!!!

Mensaje por Shelby »

- Primera imagen de Benedict Samuel como 'Mad Hatter':


http://www.ew.com/article/2016/08/11/go ... muel-photo

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¡¡¡¡AY, OMÁ QUÉ CALORES!!!! ¡Gracias por tu regalo, Nitta!

Mensajes: 32857
Registrado: Dom May 21, 2006 12:15 am

Re: ¡¡¡Nuevo proyecto de la FOX sobre GOTHAM!!!

Mensaje por Shelby »

- Primer vistazo y nuevos detalles sobre 'Valerie Vale' en la S3 de "Gotham":

'Valerie Vale' llega a nuestras pantallas este otoño y Jamie Chung nos ofrece más pistas sobre su personaje:
Cuando la serie regrese a nuestras pantallas el 19 de Septiembre, "Gotham está un poco en caos tras la gran escapada de los sujetos de Indian Hill. Encontraréis a Valerie en mitad de todo haciendo las preguntas difíciles, intentando llegar al corazón de la historia. Pienso que la pregunta es de la piel de quién no se mete. Les da una pista a los policías, pero continúa apareciendo — y eso pone las cosas difíciles para que ellos hagan su trabajo. Valerie rápidamente se da cuenta de del tipo de peligro que alguien puede experimentar cuando ‘sale’ con Jim Gordon….”

http://tvline.com/2016/08/15/gotham-sea ... erie-vale/

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¡¡¡¡AY, OMÁ QUÉ CALORES!!!! ¡Gracias por tu regalo, Nitta!

Mensajes: 32857
Registrado: Dom May 21, 2006 12:15 am

Re: ¡¡¡Nuevo proyecto de la FOX sobre GOTHAM!!!

Mensaje por Shelby »

Ben McKenzie sobre el llevar a Jim Gordon al lado más oscuro (TVInsider):
Ben McKenzie sobre el llevar a Jim Gordon al lado más oscuro
Por Damian Holbrook 15 Agosto, 2016 2:00 pm

Don’t call him an antihero—yet! Gotham’s leading man, Ben McKenzie, has taken Jim Gordon from Boy Scout with a badge to a rogue crime fighter with a lot of blood on his hands. But while this season’s walk on the dark side may have cost Batman’s future bestie a life with true love Lee Thompkins (Morena Baccarin) as well as his standing within the GCPD, McKenzie says it’s all good as long as Jim gets to be a little bad.

Jim’s dark turn this season gave you so much great stuff to play.
Yes, it did! One of the things I think we did was learn from things we could’ve done better in the past. After the first season, we felt we needed to lean into the serialization way harder, so I’m proud of this season in terms of how it really focused on the characters. Not just Jim but the evolution of Oswald (Robin Lord Taylor) and Nygma (Cory Michael Smith). Bruce (David Mazouz) has evolved a lot too.

Between Oswald in Season 1 and Galavan (James Frain) this year, Jim is the guy who can’t kill people for good.
[Laughs] I know. He’s awfully ineffective for such a heroic guy. As much as we want to dig into the characters and give them the sort of pathos that helps ground the series in reality, we also wanted to open it up to do really fun reversals and rebirths and body swapping–type things.

This season was all about the villains. Who’s your favorite bad guy?
It’s always been Nygma. I’ve always had a soft spot for him, and I think what Cory Michael Smith’s doing is great. He’s been brilliant this year and last year. I think we’ve got some plans for him next season. And there’s one villain I’m really excited about that I cannot share with you. [Laughs]

What about a favorite scene this season?
That’s a tough one. It’s not one scene, but the episodes where Jim goes to prison and we see him reorient his life and then emerge anew. It was a really enjoyable journey to go on as an actor. So much superhero lore is about overcoming a loss through fantastical elements, but Jim’s just a man. So to experience the loss of Lee and his child—I can imagine going through something similar in my personal life—was a powerful experience.

Without Lee or the GCPD, where does Jim go now?
The plan is to kick him into Season 3 unmoored from all of the things she helped him hold on to and, in some dark way, enjoying a life free from any attachment to anybody. We could [see] him roam the streets at will for a bit and come back [to the GCPD], possibly as a leader of men. I think that’s what we’re aiming for.

You weren’t a comic book kid growing up. Have you gotten better versed in the Batman business since the show started?
I definitely feel more learned in this world, for sure. Don’t quiz me on it, though! [Laughs]

Gotham, Season Premiere, Monday, September 19, 8/7c, Fox.

http://www.tvinsider.com/article/94449/ ... rker-side/

- Ken Woodruff sobre la 'Court of Owls', la nueva Poison Ivy, y más (collider):
Ken Woodruff sobre la 'Court of Owls', la nueva Poison Ivy, y más
Por Christina Radish 15 Agosto 2016

With the subtitle of Season 3 of the Fox series Gotham being “Heroes Will Fall,” the stakes are higher than ever, the super-villains are more ambitious and depraved, and a realignment of alliances shakes up the fight for power in the city. The Indian Hill escapees are on the loose and Jim Gordon (Ben McKenzie) is taking matters into his own hands as a bounty hunter, while Bruce Wayne (David Mazouz), his butler and mentor Alfred (Sean Pertwee), and former Wayne Enterprises employee Lucius Fox (Chris Chalk) begin to peel back the curtain on the infamous criminal organization known as the Court of Owls.

During this exclusive interview, co-executive producer Ken Woodruff sat down with Collider at the TCA Summer Press Tour to preview what’s to come in Season 3. He talked about why many of the heroes we’ve come to know will have to fall, how dangerous the Court of Owls is, what to expect from Bruce Wayne’s doppleganger, the strained friendship between Jim Gordon and Harvey Bullock (Donal Logue), and just how much Ivy (Maggie Geha) has changed. Be aware that there are some spoilers.

Collider: What can you say about the story you’re telling with Season 3, since “Heroes Will Fall” seems very ominous?

KEN WOODRUFF: For the second season, we really wanted to show how villains became the super-villains that they are in the world of the comic books. The other side of that is that you also have to have your heroes fall. There needs to be that vacuum of power and the fight needs to be one-sided. In order to take Gotham from the place that it was in Season 1 to the place that it needs to be for Batman to arrive, one of the biggest pieces of that was the heroes falling off, dying and turning evil. The people that were making up the army that was fighting these super-villains is falling off, one by one.

How dangerous will the Court of Owls be, not only to the heroes of Gotham, but also to the villains?

WOODRUFF: What’s interesting about the Court of Owls is that it operates, weirdly, in the best interest of Gotham, or in the best interest of themselves. Sometimes those interests are counter to the heroes of Gotham, but sometimes they’re aligned with them. So, what’s nice about a group like the Court of Owls is that you can really keep their motivations and actions mysterious. You never know, from one move to the next, if they’re going to be aiding these villains, banding them together and helping them, or are they going to feel like these villains are gaining too much power and throwing off the balance in Gotham. That’s the most interesting part about it. They can really play God and act as the devil.

What are you looking to achieve with the Bruce Wayne doppleganger?

WOODRUFF: There are some plot moves and story stuff that we’re getting into, in the second half of the season. At this show’s core, if it weren’t for the actions and the stories that we see on screen, there wouldn’t be a Batman. That’s the thing we always go back to. That’s why the relationship that Bruce Wayne has with James Gordon is so important. He gets to learn the lessons that James Gordon learned the hard way. And it’s the same thing with this doppleganger. We’re bringing him in to show Bruce Wayne a lot of things. It’s easier to see things in someone else than it is to see them in yourself. The whole idea of split personalities, like the playboy persona of Bruce Wayne that he uses, to great effect, later on in his life, are the kinds of things that we wanted to have Bruce Wayne learn from this doppleganger. This double comes in and he’s like, “You’re rich! This is great! Why don’t you spend all your money? Let’s go buy a Ferrari!” It’s what a normal 13- or 14-year-old kid should say, especially when you don’t come from money. It just shows everything from a different perspective. It also is a real danger, going forward, because there is this double out there. I can imagine that anyone from the Court of Owls to villains would want to get their hands on him because, if you can pretend to be Bruce Wayne, you can control Wayne Enterprises and you can influence a lot of important people around the city. That could be pretty lucrative and powerful, if you want it to be.

What does Jim Gordon, bounty hunter, look like?

WOODRUFF: Physically, he’s out of the uniform. There have been a couple times, over the years, like in the first episode of Season 2, where he had a civilian look. So physically, he looks a lot different, but it’s much more about his emotional and mental make up. He is a lot more brooding, a lot more intense, and a lot more heartless, in some ways. If James Gordon, the detective for the GCPD, had to be a moral anchor for the people of Gotham, James Gordon, the bounty hunter, is not. He can be much more ruthless in his actions and transactions. He’s really more mercenary in his attitude, which is rough. It’s hard for people like Bruce Wayne, Harvey Bullock and Captain Barnes to see that because, all of a sudden, somebody you thought you could count on is not there anymore.

And it all leaves Harvey Bullock in charge, in a way that he’s never wanted to be.

WOODRUFF: Yeah, absolutely. He’s in charge in a way that he definitely does not want to be. All of a sudden, he’s the man. If you’re a guy that’s made your life being the class clown, it’s hard to be the teacher, all of a sudden. It also puts Harvey in a compromising position with Gordon. Gordon wants to access some of the resources of the GCPD, like files, information and evidence, and the only person he’s going to be able to really go through is Bullock, and that’s going to put Bullock in a really compromising position, again and again and again. The question is, at what point does Gordon become a bad friend for asking Harvey to do the things he’s doing. We really want to play that balance throughout.

At Comic-Con, Michael Chiklis said that the journey his character goes on this season is why he signed on to do the show, and that Episode 4 will be a big episode for him. What can you say about his arc, this season?

WOODRUFF: I think people who were fans of Michael Chiklis before Gotham are going to be thrilled. He really gets to go to a big place, and by that I mean not specifically to the mythology of the show, but to a big character place. Barnes will be going through a real transformative process, and not just in Episode 4, but in 4, 5, 6, 7, 8 and 9, and then again, later on, in the middle of the season. You’re going to see him become someone completely new and take on an entirely new personality. The question is, is that going to be for good or for evil, or somewhere in the middle. But, you’re going to have to wait to see. I don’t want to ruin it.

Also at Comic-Con, Ben McKenzie said that he might become another iconic DC character before this season of Gotham is finished. What does that mean?

WOODRUFF: Both Gordon and Barnes fall under the theme of fallen heroes, and fallen can mean a number of things. It can mean a hero becoming a villain, but it also can mean a villain dying and it can also mean a hero losing the thing that made them a hero, in the first place. There’s lots of different levels. We’re not killing both Barnes and Gordon, but it goes back to the story we’re telling this season, that the heroes of Gotham are losing. There’s different ways for them to lose that, and we’re going to explore different ways with each of those characters. For both of them, it’s going to be really transformative. As actors, they’re going to get to play things they’ve never played before. We’re really going to take them to some dark spots.

We’re going to see a very different Ivy this season. What will that allow you to do with that character?

WOODRUFF: She’s not just older and physically different, but she’s also changed. The events that occur in the end of the first episode and the second episode really change her from that socially odd, abrupt kid to a young woman who is much closer along the path towards the Poison Ivy from the canon that we all love. Part of the change was that Ivy’s signature characteristic power as a villainess is the power of seduction. It helped, in our world, to make Ivy older, or appear to be older, and also have a much more cunning guile to it that the Ivy Pepper we’d established in the show didn’t have.

Will we get to see more of unhinged, crazy Barbara?

WOODRUFF: Yes. I can’t wait for people to see Barbara now. We did that big change with her, from Season 1 to Season 2, and we’ve taken it to 11 with her this season. She’s really, really fun. Every time she’s on screen, she just pops.

And Fish Mooney is back now.

WOODRUFF: Yeah, and not only is she back, but she’s back with a power that is incredible for Fish to have. It’s probably her dream power.

Gotham returns for Season 3 on Fox on September 19th.

http://collider.com/gotham-season-3-ken ... interview/

- Edinburgh TV Fest: Showrunner de 'Gotham' Showrunner dice que los Superhéroes no "funcionan muy bien en TV" (THR):
Edinburgh TV Fest: Showrunner de 'Gotham' Showrunner dice que los Superhéroes no "funcionan muy bien en TV"
Por Georg Szalai 25 Agosto 2016

"You have to keep it real and unreal at the same time," Bruno Heller says in explaining what's tricky about the hit show.

“I don’t think superheroes work very well on TV," Bruno Heller, showrunner of Fox drama Gotham, told the Edinburgh Television Festival on Thursday. "Probably because of the costume thing."

In a "Gamechanger" session of the fest, he agued: "TV is about real people and faces, and not so much about magic and the supernatural things.” That’s why he chose James Gordon as the focus character of the show, he added.

Heller, also known as the creator and showrunner behind HBO's Rome and The Mentalist, discussed how he creates characters and crafts his storytelling and how he shapes and reinvents the world of DC Comics.

The tricky thing about Gotham is that “it has to be both a crime procedural and a mythic, epic, grand comic book saga,” he told the audience. “It’s a tricky combination, because you have to keep it real and unreal at the same time.”

Read More 'Gotham': 7 Rogues Gallery Villains That Should Be Introduced in Season 3

Season 3 of the show, which debuts in September, will introduce an adult version of Poison Ivy and The Mad Hatter. “Every season is moving towards the world, in which Batman has to emerge to save the day," Heller said. "So every season is doubling down on the chaos and anarchy that is overtaking Gotham. So, things keep getting worse.”

As far as the main character goes, Gordon "becomes a bounty hunter, looking for those monsters that escaped” at the end of season 2, he told the session about season 3. And he shared: “What’s fun to write is the morale and sort of psychological collapse of Gordon.”

Who does Heller write the show for? “The comic book constituency has become so large and visible with the whole Comic-Con thing that it is very easy to assume that the audience is purely comic book enthusiasts," he said. "But I operate the show on the basis that it is a mistake to just go there.”

So he tries to write for both comics fans and a broader audience interested in the characters and storylines. “What we are trying to do is always give little Easter eggs, little gifts every episode to the real cognoscenti, but you don’t need to know more than the basic Batman myth," Heller said.

http://www.hollywoodreporter.com/news/e ... ner-922848

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¡¡¡¡AY, OMÁ QUÉ CALORES!!!! ¡Gracias por tu regalo, Nitta!

Mensajes: 32857
Registrado: Dom May 21, 2006 12:15 am

Re: ¡¡¡Nuevo proyecto de la FOX sobre GOTHAM!!!

Mensaje por Shelby »

- Nuevas imágenes bts del rodaje de la S3 (15-24 Agosto 2016):

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(@thedrewpowell: Corrupting the children(and a nun) of @Gotham @mister_CMS @robinlordtaylor #Gotham #gothamseason3
@missmorenab: What could these two possibly be up to @mister_CMS
@corymichaelsmith: Don't mess with us #Gotham #baddies
@corymichaelsmith: Getting pretty. #Gotham #EasyBreezyBeautiful
@erinrrichards: Never STOP lurking @hossridesagain #Gotham #ButchLurk #TabsAndBabs
@corymichaelsmith: Waiting out the storm #GOTHAM
@thedrewpowell: Chiklis & Powell One Night Only! Steiner Studios Stage 1! @MichaelChiklis #Gotham
@maggiegeha: Aw! (Some of) my new @Gotham family! I love them! #gotham
@corymichaelsmith: love these people. #GOTHAM
@maggiegeha: The new kids on the block #gotham)

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¡¡¡¡AY, OMÁ QUÉ CALORES!!!! ¡Gracias por tu regalo, Nitta!

Mensajes: 32857
Registrado: Dom May 21, 2006 12:15 am

Re: ¡¡¡Nuevo proyecto de la FOX sobre GOTHAM!!!

Mensaje por Shelby »

- Primer vistazo de Maggie Geha como 'Poison Ivy' en la S3 de "Gotham":


http://www.tvinsider.com/article/95292/ ... -season-3/

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¡¡¡¡AY, OMÁ QUÉ CALORES!!!! ¡Gracias por tu regalo, Nitta!

Mensajes: 32857
Registrado: Dom May 21, 2006 12:15 am

Re: ¡¡¡Nuevo proyecto de la FOX sobre GOTHAM!!!

Mensaje por Shelby »

- Nuevas imágenes bts del tour de prensa en el set de la S3, incluída la guarida de 'Mad Hatter' (19-08-16):

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- Backstage & Tras las puertas cerradas del set de GOTHAM (Newsrama):
Backstage & Tras las puertas cerradas del set de GOTHAM
Por Lan Pitts, 26 Agosto 2016

Fox’s Gotham is about to start it’s third season and the power struggle to be at the top is about to intensify.

The junior TV show had started production back in July and premieres its third season September 19. Newsarama was invited along with a handful of reporters to witness brand new sets as well as interview the cast of what’s to come in the new year for Gotham City’s heroes and villains, and everyone in between in a rare set visit. For a complete gallery of all of our Gotham set photos, click here.

Before the studio tour started, Fox gathered the guests in the library of Wayne Manor, surrounded by fine art and a plethora of books ranging from subjects about architecture to science fiction art of the 1970’s.

Newsarama was treated to several brand new sets for this season, the first of which was Jim Gordon’s new apartment. It was in shambles, surrounded by old newspapers, case files, and portfolios of hardened criminals. Fox’s representatives didn’t reveal much about why he’s in the new location or why things are in such disarray.

The second new set on the list was the cramped chambers of the Mad Hatter, Dr. Jervis Tetch (played by Benedict Samuel). In the series, he is a deranged hypnotist trying to find his missing sister, aptly named Alice (Naian Gonzalez Norvind). The room was filled with doll houses of various sizes and resembled more of a craft room or an attic than, say, an actual living lair. On tables, it had several cakes and other pastry sculptures, and of course, a tea set.

As you can tell, the sweets appear very realistic.

There were also an assortment of dolls and mannequins that lurched about from the ceiling.

Next up was the parlor of the Penguin himself, played by Robin Lord Taylor. It had very little light in it, but a new oil portrait of his father, played by Paul Reubens, was framed ornately on the wall with an uncanny likeness to the actor. A stuffed peacock and a blue kimono bookended the fireplace. It had class and a bit of an eccentric appeal.

Afterwards, Newsarama ventured around common locations such as the Gotham City Police Department headquarters and the city morgue, but the last new set to show off was the Sirens Club, which will be run by Tabitha Galavan (Jessica Lucas) and Barbara Kean (Erin Richards).

Returning to Wayne Manor, Cory Michael Smith (Edward Nygma) and Robin Lord Taylor, welcomed us back. Newsarama's conversation began with Smith, who talked about about Nygma’s evolution into a career criminal and how it was clearly a push from destiny.

“When he met Kristen Kringle he felt like a normal person. I never felt like this before. I have a girlfriend and we get to make out and she thinks I’m funny and she’s hot,” he laughed. “That’s what he wanted, but he messed that up somehow so it’s felt like fate for Edward. Fate has chosen his life for him as he’s accidentally killed two people.”

Smith mentions now that Nygma has started to embrace this fact, and while in Arkham Asylum he accepted the fact that he’s a criminal. “When he gets out he has a clean slate, which is really exciting because he can choose who wants to be and how he gets there.”

Nygma and Penguin have a rocky relationship and coming out of Arkham, Smith said that Eddie realizes that his only friend is the Penguin, but that’s only if Cobblepot can forgive Nygma for rebuking him when they momentarily lived together.

“That’s the only friend he can count on, so things might be a little bleak for him when he gets out. It’s different for me to talk about where he goes because there’s a bunch of wild turns and they happen very quickly.”

As far as where Smith would love to see Nygma’s character go this season, he only has vague details so far, but said he’d love to see him become his own man and more self-reliant.

“There’s the adage that we talked about and how he’s doesn’t want to get close to anyone. I would love to see that tested. To truly realize that yes, this is the way. I am an independent and can ally myself with people for the common good and benefit, but not to be really attached to anybody. I think that’s what propels him to be this brilliant kingpin.”

Switching gears, Newsarama then talked to Robin Lord Taylor, who was in his full Penguin prosthetic makeup and styled hair. Penguin is Gotham’s first famous criminal from Batman’s rogue gallery to make a name for himself and what that means to him.

“Of all the villains to start with, they were starting with mine and it was just all about where Penguin got his start and how he got here, but with Cory, it’s been a much slower burn. I was a little afraid that after everything that Oswald went through the first and second seasons it would peak too soon. I don’t know if you ever saw The Comeback with Lisa Kudrow, but she has this great line about ‘what do they want me to do next? Explode?’ and that’s how I feel, where can we go next?”

“I can’t speak for Cory’s character,” he added, “but the way I saw it was here this person who is a little odd and strange and wants to make people laugh with these riddles and make people think. Everyone ends up shutting him out and so he breaks and in that break, he went through all that Oswald went through. All that bullying and being shut out happened to Penguin before the pilot even happened. It’s only when he makes his first kill in the first episode, the fisherman, that he finally feels like he has agency and control of his own destiny.”

Lord mentioned that while the show was on hiatus, he was invited to the writer’s room and he saw what they had coming and all the fear went away.

“They’re taking it to the next level and it’s exciting.”

When asked about what he wants from Oswald out of season three, he replied is to not make the same mistakes he made in season two.

“He started the season two as the King of Gotham and lost all of it. He even lost part of his personality and in doing that with the brainwashing, we see who he could have been if he had been loved by his peers and accepted. Even when he is that way though, he still faces the horrors of Gotham City. He’s learned that he made the right choice and accepts the fact that the only way he’ll have power is to be ruthless.”

Taylor said that seeing Jada Pinkett-Smith's Fish Mooney again gives him purpose, especially with her in the position of being this ringleader of monsters created by Dr. Hugo Strange. “It gives him focus and something to inspire others to rally around him with that fear of the monsters and the fear of being unsafe.”

Next up was Erin Richards, in her cocktail dress and costume jewelry that was used in the scene filming that day, who plays Barbara Kean on the show. She gave some insight on where Barbara is currently going into the third season.

“I would say she is in her element,” said Richards. “She’s reached a point in her journey that she deserves to be there and taking that and running with it. I’m really enjoying her playfulness and she’s a bit of a loose cannon, but at the same time, powerful and great at running this club. I guess she’s the hostess with the mostess and created herself as a debutante.”

Richards lastly put that Barbara is positioning herself to be “an important part” of Gotham’s criminal underworld.

Fox had more of the cast come in as they finished filming scenes elsewhere on the set. Drew Powell, who plays Butch on the show, talked about his character’s evolution from goon to legit boss, to brainwashed lackey to something else entirely.

“Butch, after having his moment on top, realizes that maybe he didn’t like it that much, is back to finding his way. Danny Cannon, one of our writers, said to me last season that Butch is a survivor. He finds a way to survive through Gotham. That’s how he’s always done,” Powell said. “When you first meet Butch, you just think of him as a henchman, but then you realize pretty quickly and is much more clever, which is something being played up in the scene we’re doing today.”

Powell said that the first part of the season is this interesting dynamic between Butch, Penguin, and Nygma and where those three can coexist. Apparently, it doesn’t go very well. “We’re on episode five now and it’s a heavy episode for me and it’s been so fun to get a chance to do a different kind of things. I’ve really enjoyed every minute of it. You guys are here at a cool time as we’re doing all sorts of fun stuff.”

Before Newsarama’s time was up, Powell talked about Butch’s reaction to Fish Mooney returning again this season and what he has in store for her.

“It’s funny because Butch needed to try and forget Fish. He really did love her, whatever that love was, he really did and had to figure out how to survive. Her coming back is hard for him to process as you’ll see in the first couple of episodes she’s back and hopefully by the end of the season, there’ll be some sort of reckoning. He’s in a weird place as I think he’s also in love with Tabitha as well, but that’s more in the physical sense where with Fish it was more like a family member. It’s going to be interesting to see where it plays out.”

Up next was Camren Bicondova, who plays the young Selina Kyle. In the first season, Selina was in Bruce’s life as she claimed to be a witness to his parents’ murder. Of course, that was false and since then, she’s aligned herself with villainous types in order to survive,. The actress told Newsarama about where Selina’s allegiances actually lie at the start of season three and that Bruce and Selina’s relationship will truly be tested.

“I guess she would be on the good side now, if we’re talking in black and white. Her and Bruce’s relationship is evolving into a more teenage relationship than it has been, but I don’t think it’ll last very long,” she laughed. “She’s going to find her way to the dark side sooner or later, especially in this season. “

As for what makes Selina walk that tightrope of good and bad, Bicondova replied that she thinks it’s all about her genetics.

“Her backstory and her parents, it all goes back to that, but I think she struggles between the good and bad because she would be 15 or 16 right now and living on her own in Gotham since she was a toddler. Not having someone to explain the differences between good and bad and so for her, she’s trying to do the right thing, but in doing that, she might have to do some wrong things first.”

Talking about Selina and Bruce’s relationship, Bicondova says that it’s difficult with him because it’s not just Bruce realizing he doesn’t need her, it’s more of the opposite.

“I think Selina will realize Bruce is not what she needs and I say that because of what will happen later in the season and I’m excited for that to happen. I love working with David, but I think Selina deep down in her core depends on Bruce, but when they part ways again, she’ll have to depend on herself and I’m super excited to see that.”

Following a small break, Fox brought us over to to Ben McKenzie, Gotham’s own Jim Gordon. He was dressed in all black, with a prop gun holstered to his waist. The first question was about how McKenzie was taking more charge in the show changing Jim’s story from more procedural to a more overreaching arc.

“It’s a collaborative process so I wouldn’t want to take credit where it’s not deserved. The show is so organic and at its best is a dysfunctional family of 200+ people trying to figure out all the kinks.” He mentioned that the show started out more procedural than what fans had wanted and it eventually started doing the more long-form storytelling, which helped tell the origins of some of its most famous characters and how they interact with one another. “I think delving into those characters have been a big part of that.”

When Gotham started, Jim wanted to become a cop and help the system, but now this season, the future Commissioner becomes a bounty hunter for these monsters that Dr. Hugo Strange created. McKenzie talked about if the show could go even darker from there.

“I want to play with the audience’s expectations of who will become Commissioner Gordon and he had to go this route full of soul searching and this form of soul searching involves him working on the outside, which is his lowest point. He’s trying to find a reason to being, but when he gets his mojo back, it reinvigorates him, but also allows him to operate differently within the GCPD.”

McKenzie stated that he thinks Jim believes in the rule of law as much as the rule allows him to work. When it doesn’t, Jim finds ways to work outside of it, especially dealing with bigger fish to fry instead of going after Nygma and Cobblepot once more.

“One of the things he realizes after the crime families ceased their reign, it created a power vacuum that resulted in the anarchy that’s taking place now,” he said. “There’s the devil you know and the devil you don’t, and the one you know can be a benefit. In a weird way, he’s not pleased, but far passed the point of railing against Oswald.”

The actor talked about the new pieces in Jim’s arsenal to defeat these monsters, and said he’s relying on his skill set to keep him alive, but mentioned that eventually Gordon will have to return to the GCPD and how he adjusts is something he looks forwards to.

Conversation then turned to the Wayne murders and how that’s fallen on the backburner for now. McKenzie said that he and Bruce will go off in their separate quarters, but what that promise his character made to David Mazouz's Bruce still mattered.

“The promise he made to Bruce was somewhat satisfied at the discovery of the labs of Dr. Hugo Strange and Bruce is not as focused on it as well. The notion that finding the Waynes’ killer, we realized, is not the point anymore. It’s more of a MacGuffin at this point and we’re looking at the darker sides of Gotham.”

Going back to the beginning, McKenzie talked about how this isn’t just a Batman origin story, but a character piece on Gotham City itself and how certain people came into power as well as reiterating origins of certain people’s relationships. Mentioning Barbara and how her character has evolved, it was brought up if McKenzie thought she could still find redemption.

“I don’t know if the relationship could be healed, but there’s some chance for personal redemption for all of these characters. There’s a way of empathizing with them and it’s unique. We play with the thin line of heroes and villainy. If Oswald hadn’t been beaten up all the time by Fish Mooney, would he be the killer he is now? If we hadn’t poked and prodded at Nygma making fun of him, would he be where he is?”

Lastly, he mentioned that it’s been very satisfying to work with the cast and see a team of primarily unknowns become such stars.

Heading back into Wayne Manor one final time, young David Mazouz and newly-hired Benedict Samuel sat to talk with the press. First up was Mazouz, who was in a dress shirt and pants and had just gotten done doing the previously mentioned club scene.

“The point of Gotham has been to show how these characters got from point A to point B. From a rookie to a jaded Commissioner. From a small-time thug to the crime lord of Gotham. For Bruce, he’s making his way to becoming Batman but the show, in regards to Bruce, is the supernatural journey from being a kid to a man. In season three, he is making that transition from boy to Batman, and he is gaining confidence to become this man.”

Mazouz talked about Selina’s relationship and where he saw it going this season. Having recapped what Bicondova told Newsarama, Mazouz agreed to an extent.

“It’s just fascinating. It’s evolved so much. In the first season Bruce was this sheltered rich kid and he kinda needed Selina to help be exposed to what the real Gotham was like. He had no connection to that, but going into season three, he doesn’t need her to bridge that gap anymore. They still have their unexplainable connection, but that realization will cause Bruce to question about bringing things to the next level with Selina.”

The young actor talked about their friendship that began as simply she traded supposed intel for shelter and he provided for her, but this time around the trade-off doesn’t exist anymore and he feels that Bruce doesn’t really need her anymore.

“I don’t think it matters at this point, though. Their friendship is passed two parts of a deal and even more so in season three,” he said.

Finally, Mazouz talked about what steps Bruce was taking with the next level of his training into become Gotham’s Dark Knight.

“His training will only intensify with Alfred as the season goes on. He will slowly step away from the investigations because he realizes that he cares about might get hurt. He kind of dials that part of his dedication down a bit. Season three is where he checks himself and realizes he’s accelerating too fast and in season three he takes a second, but by the end something happens that he realizes he needs to refocus and make Gotham a better place. If it’s not me, it’s nobody.”

Lastly, talking to Samuel who sat in a folding chair as he was coincidentally drinking iced tea. The Walking Dead alumni joins the cast of Gotham this season as the Mad Hatter. Fox had already released a promotional photo of Samuel in costume, but Newsarama wanted to learn what we could about the man under the hat starting with how he landed the role.

“The audition process was incredibly quick. I was living in Sydney, Australia at the time and I did a self-tape so with the time difference, I woke up to a flurry of emails of notes and suggestions that I send in another tape. I did and was in the mix with two other people, but got the call. I had to get a visa which took two weeks. I got it on a Friday, flew out the next day and started work that Wednesday.”

With the numerous Jokers, Penguins, Catwomen, Riddlers, it’s interesting to note that Samuel will become the only second live-action version of the character to grace the screen, small or silver. Talking about inspiration where he pulled from to get inside his character, he gave credit to the writers for providing such a unique take.

“There are some incredibly talented writers on this show and I was very fortunate that they had written amazing scenes that provided deep thought and forced you to think of what you’re doing. I don’t really create things externally; I’m not that kind of actor. Me getting into this character has been a mix of fabulous hair, makeup and costumes that helped guide me along the way.”

Samuel said that he’s mentioned in previous interviews that the most exciting thing for him as an actor has been that Jervis is full of inconsistencies and there’s great freedom in his portrayal.

“He has a very interesting mind,” Samuel laughed.

Gotham’s third season begins Monday, September 19 on Fox.

http://www.newsarama.com/30817-backstag ... m-set.html

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¡¡¡¡AY, OMÁ QUÉ CALORES!!!! ¡Gracias por tu regalo, Nitta!

Mensajes: 32857
Registrado: Dom May 21, 2006 12:15 am

Re: ¡¡¡Nuevo proyecto de la FOX sobre GOTHAM!!!

Mensaje por Shelby »

- Nuevo póster promocional de la S3:


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¡¡¡¡AY, OMÁ QUÉ CALORES!!!! ¡Gracias por tu regalo, Nitta!

Mensajes: 32857
Registrado: Dom May 21, 2006 12:15 am

Re: ¡¡¡Nuevo proyecto de la FOX sobre GOTHAM!!!

Mensaje por Shelby »

- The Gotham Cast Are Friendship Goals And It Will Melt Your Heart (MTV):

http://www.mtv.co.uk/gotham/videos/the- ... your-heart

- Gotham Cast Talk Season 3’s New Villains & Bane Joining (MTV):

http://www.mtv.co.uk/gotham/videos/goth ... ne-joining

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¡¡¡¡AY, OMÁ QUÉ CALORES!!!! ¡Gracias por tu regalo, Nitta!

Mensajes: 32857
Registrado: Dom May 21, 2006 12:15 am

Re: ¡¡¡Nuevo proyecto de la FOX sobre GOTHAM!!!

Mensaje por Shelby »

- Nuevas imágenes bts del rodaje de la S3 de "Gotham" (22-08-16):

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En las imágenes se revela que el actor de "Jessica Jones" Kieran Mulcare (vestido de blanco en las imágenes) parece que se ha unido al universo de televisivo de DC-CW. No sabemos qué papel interpretará, pero hay muchas posibilidades de que sea 'Solomon Grundy', precisamente dado el aspecto que el personaje presenta en las fotos. Los representantes de la FOX no han hecho aún ningún comentario al respecto.

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¡¡¡¡AY, OMÁ QUÉ CALORES!!!! ¡Gracias por tu regalo, Nitta!

Mensajes: 32857
Registrado: Dom May 21, 2006 12:15 am

Re: ¡¡¡Nuevo proyecto de la FOX sobre GOTHAM!!!

Mensaje por Shelby »

- "Gotham" encuentra a la hermana de 'Mad Hatter':
Como sabemos, 'Mad Hatter' llega a la S3 de “Gotham” y también lo hará su hermana.

Variety acaba de informarnos que el drama de la FOX ha contratado a la actriz mejicana Naian Gonzalez Norvind para que interprete el papel invitado recurrente de 'Alice Tetch', la hermana menor de 'Jervis Tetch' (aka the Mad Hatter), interpretado por Benedict Samuel.

El personaje está previsto que aparezca por primera vez en el episodio 3.03. 'Alice' nació con una poderosa habilidad que no puede controlar — una habilidad que su hermano cree que es un don, pero que ella siempre ha visto como una maldición. Así, se ha pasado la mayor parte de su vida sola, huyendo de su hermano — que no parará ante nada para reunirse con ella y dar rienda suelta a su don sobre el mundo.

Entre los anteriores trabajos de Gonzalez Norvind están la obra de teatro “Her Requiem”, la películas “Las siertas muertes” y “Rebel In the Rye” junto a Nicholas Hoult y Kevin Spacey, y su papel en “Everybody’s Got Somebody…Not Me” por el que le fue concedido el premio a Mejor Actriz en el Festival de Cine de Guanajuato. También ha aparecido en las series “Cronica de Castas”, “Pacientes” y “Blue Bloods.”

http://variety.com/2016/tv/news/gotham- ... 201842030/

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¡¡¡¡AY, OMÁ QUÉ CALORES!!!! ¡Gracias por tu regalo, Nitta!

Mensajes: 32857
Registrado: Dom May 21, 2006 12:15 am

Re: ¡¡¡Nuevo proyecto de la FOX sobre GOTHAM!!!

Mensaje por Shelby »

- Productores de "Gotham" confirman que escuchamos la risa de 'Jerome' en el final de la S2:
En el final de la segunda temporada de la serie de la FOX "Gotham" se reveló que 'Hugo Strange' (B.D. Wong), el jefe de Psiquiatría y director del Arkham Asylum estaba haciendo locos experimentos científicos sobre humanos en Indian Hill. Aparentemente, incluso creó un clon bizarro del joven Bruce Wayne.

Cuando los sujetos de estos experimentos finalmente se escaparon y huyeron en la oscuridad, algunos pensamos que se había escuchado la risa maníaca del favorito de los fans 'Jerome'.

Ahora, el productor ejecutivo Ken Woodruff le ha confirmado a TVGuide.com que fue definitivamente la risa de Jerome, pero que éste no va a regresar aún:
"[La risa] fue realmente para mantener a Joker vivo, para mantener a Jerome y esa amenaza de Joker vivos. Queríamos asegurarnos de que los fans no sentían que habíamos acabado completamente con la mitología de Joker porque estamos seguros al 100% de que no. Pero no es algo en lo que vayamos a ahondar inmediatamente al comienzo de la temporada," explica Woodruff.
Es decir, que aunque la S3 ahondará más en la mitología del icónico villano, tristemente no sucederña hasta el final de la temporada. "Gotham" está empezando su historia con 'Mad Hatter' (Benedict Samuel) como el villano principal, aunque veremos el comienzo del alzamiento de 'Joker' en esta temporada, pero en la segunda mitad, lo que tiene sentido ya que Monaghan está actualmente muy ocupado rodando la S7 de la serie de Showtime "Shameless", por lo que no estaría disponible si el equipo de la serie quiere que regrese.
"Estamos totalmente planeando en la Season 3 -- pero principalmente hacia la mitad - segunda mitad de la Season 3 -- el ahondar d enuevo en la mitología de Joker, y los personajes que pueden o no ser Joker -- pero más probablemente los personajes que son una amalgama de lo que llegaremos a conocer como Joker," promete Woodruff. "Definitivamente vamos a abordarlo."

Se sentarán así las bases para un mayor desarrollo de la historia de cara a la S4.

http://www.tvguide.com/news/gotham-ep-e ... ugh-joker/

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¡¡¡¡AY, OMÁ QUÉ CALORES!!!! ¡Gracias por tu regalo, Nitta!

Mensajes: 32857
Registrado: Dom May 21, 2006 12:15 am

Re: ¡¡¡Nuevo proyecto de la FOX sobre GOTHAM!!!

Mensaje por Shelby »

- David Mazouz adelanta que la relación entre Bruce y Selina va a pasar al siguiente nivel:
La relación entre Bruce y Selina es una relación larga, extraña y de la que mucho se ha contado en los cómics, incluso trasladada a la televisión, películas, animación e incluso a los videojuegos. Ahora, parece que veremos también a sus versiones más jóvenes acercarse más en la S3 de la serie de FOX "Gotham".

Aunque en la serie se han ido dando pistas de lo que será su relación en el futuro, los dos se han mantenido como amigos, pero parece que ahora esta dinámica va a empezar a cambiar:

"Es genial. Pienso que es exactamente lo que ahora mismo necesita Bruce," comenta David Mazouz a la prensa durante una visita reciente al set. "Está dando un paso atrás de investigar en este momento, y pienso es que está madurando. Lo que [los showrunners] Bruno [Heller] y Danny [Cannon] siempre dicen es que Bruce va a madurar al mismo tiempo que yo lo hago. Me estoy convirtiendo en un hombre, y lo mismo hace Bruce. ¿Y qué viene con la madurez? Confianza en sí mismo, romance, esas son las cosas que va a explorar con Selina."

Como hemos mencionado, esta relación no llega de la nada. Mazouz dice que mientras que Bruce necesitaba que Selina lo guiara al principio en los aspectos más duros de Gotham City, siendo "un chico que vivía protegido en la Mansion Wayne y que realmente no conocía nada más allá de esos muros," ahora está empezando a reconocer que hay más en ella, y en su relación, que esa necesidad superficial.

"Ahora, en este momento, realmente él no la necesita más [para eso], pero sigue siendo amigo de ella. Así es que la pregunta es ¿Por qué?" adelanta Mazouz. "La respuesta es que tienen esta conexión, y esta conexión sólo continúa creciendo. Esa conexión llevará a Bruce a estar decidido a llevar las cosas al siguiente nivel.”

Camren Bicondova, quien interpreta a Selina Kyle en "Gotham", se hace eco de que "ya no son más pre-adolescebtes; ¡se están convirtiendo en un hombre y una mujer jóvenes!" Sin embargo, dice que toda la situación es abrumadora para Selina.

"Definitivamente ella se va a quedar descolocada [por el nuevo acercamiento de Bruce], porque está empezando a sentir ciertas emociones que nunca ha sentido antes. Vimos un pequeño vistazo de ello en la segunda temporada cuando se introdujo a Silver St. Cloud; Selina se sentía un poco celosa, pero no entendía por qué. Ahora, se ve abrumada por las diferentes emociones que están ocurriendo. Pienso que esa es la cuestión principal."

Por supuesto, esto es Gotham City, así es que no esperéis que las cosas vayan como la seda. Tendrán que explorar sus nacientes sentimientos de adolescentes mientras que también lidian con un autrobús lleno de monstruos que se han dado a la fuga, la Court of Owls, y todo un número de otros villanos nuevos y que regresan.

http://comicbook.com/2016/08/24/gothams ... lina-rela/

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¡¡¡¡AY, OMÁ QUÉ CALORES!!!! ¡Gracias por tu regalo, Nitta!
