"EMILY OWENS, M.D" (First Cut)

No es un viejo verde porque no es viejo, sólo eso. Flechazos mil.

Moderadores: Shelby, Lore, porre, Super_House, ZeTa, Trasgo

Mensajes: 32833
Registrado: Dom May 21, 2006 12:15 am

Re: "EMILY OWENS, M.D" (First Cut)

Mensaje por Shelby »

Añadidos los enlaces y rátings del 1.09 "Emily... and the love of larping". Podéis encontarlos AQUÍ

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¡¡¡¡AY, OMÁ QUÉ CALORES!!!! ¡Gracias por tu regalo, Nitta!

Mensajes: 32833
Registrado: Dom May 21, 2006 12:15 am

Re: "EMILY OWENS, M.D" (First Cut)

Mensaje por Shelby »

- Descripción oficial del 1.11 "Emily and... the Teapot":
1.11 "Emily and... the Teapot": EL MOMENTO CRÍTICO — Cuando Emily (Mamie Gummer), Will (Justin Hartley) y Cassandra (Aja Naomi King) compiten el uno contra el otro para ser el asistente de investigación de la Dra. Bandari (Necar Zadegan), los sentimientos duelen cuando tiene que describir los fallos de los otros. Emily está decidida a resolver el misterio médico de un joven paciente cuyos rayos-x revelan una bala alojada en su pulmón, pero no tiene signos de tener una herida por disparo o una cicatriz. Mientras tanto, Emily llega a una revelación sobre su vida personal tras diagnosticar a un temerario con una rara enfermedad que lo fuerza a cambiar toda su vida. Michael Rady y Kelly McCreary también aparecen. Anton Cooper dirige el episodio escrito por Joanna Johnson.

- Descripción oficial del 11.12 "Emily and.... the Perfect Storm":
11.12 "Emily and.... the Perfect Storm": HACIÉNDOSE CARGO — Cuando el hospital se ve inundado por las víctimas de un accidente de autobús durante una tormenta invernal, Emily (Mamie Gummer) es asignada a dirigir el área de selección de Urgencias. Durante el caos, Emily se ve forzada a hacer un procedimiento de emergencia en el cráneo de un heróico Marine que se desploma de pronto. Tyra (Kelly McCreary) se enfurece ante la falta de respeto de su padre hacia ella como doctora, pero más tarde experimentan un descubrimiento cuando tienen que hacer una cesárea de urgencia juntos. Mientras tanto, Will (Justin Hartley) y Emily trabajan en secreto para ayudar a un inesperado paciente dejando a Cassandra (Aja Naomi King) preguntándose sobre los verdaderos sentimientos de Will hacia Emily. Micah (Michael Rady) finalmente toma una valiente decisión en su vida privada. Necar Zadegan también aparece. Larry Shaw dirige el episodio escrito por David Babcock.

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¡¡¡¡AY, OMÁ QUÉ CALORES!!!! ¡Gracias por tu regalo, Nitta!

Mensajes: 32833
Registrado: Dom May 21, 2006 12:15 am

Re: "EMILY OWENS, M.D" (First Cut)

Mensaje por Shelby »

- Emily Owens M.D. 1.11 "Emily and... The Teapot" Preview:

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¡¡¡¡AY, OMÁ QUÉ CALORES!!!! ¡Gracias por tu regalo, Nitta!

Mensajes: 32833
Registrado: Dom May 21, 2006 12:15 am

Re: "EMILY OWENS, M.D" (First Cut)

Mensaje por Shelby »

- Emily Owens - Episode 1.13 "Emily and... the Leap" (CW):
1.13 "Emily and... the Leap": HACIENDO ELECCIONES — La decisión de Emily (Mamie Gummer) sobre el empezar una relación con Micah (Michael Rady) se convierte incluso más complicada cuando Will (Justin Hartley) se entera y comienza a sentirse celoso. Emily y Tyra (Kelly McCreary) tratan a una rebelde mujer, pero tras saber más sobre la situación de acaparamiento de su hogar, Emily se pregunta su los cambios de personalidad de la mujer pueden ser causados por sus múltiples gatos. Ahora que Cassandra (Aja Naomi King) y Will han roto, el estrictamente profesional comportamiento de Cassandra distrae a Will y le hace equivocarse en el diagnóstico de su paciente. Mientras tanto, la hermana de Micah viene a la ciudad tras descubrir la verdad sobre su madre. Necar Zadegan también aparece. Jann Turner dirige el episodio escrito por Paul Sciarrotta (#112).

http://www.spoilertv.com/2013/01/emily- ... -leap.html

- Stills 1.11 "Emily... and the Teapot":

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- Stills 1.13 "Emily... and the Leap":

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¡¡¡¡AY, OMÁ QUÉ CALORES!!!! ¡Gracias por tu regalo, Nitta!

Mensajes: 32833
Registrado: Dom May 21, 2006 12:15 am

Re: "EMILY OWENS, M.D" (First Cut)

Mensaje por Shelby »

Añadidos los enlaces y rátings del 1.10 "Emily and the social experiment". Podéis encontrarlos AQUÍ

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¡¡¡¡AY, OMÁ QUÉ CALORES!!!! ¡Gracias por tu regalo, Nitta!

Mensajes: 32833
Registrado: Dom May 21, 2006 12:15 am

Re: "EMILY OWENS, M.D" (First Cut)

Mensaje por Shelby »

- Emily Owens, M.D. : Emily and... The Teapot Producer's Preview:

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¡¡¡¡AY, OMÁ QUÉ CALORES!!!! ¡Gracias por tu regalo, Nitta!

Mensajes: 32833
Registrado: Dom May 21, 2006 12:15 am

Re: "EMILY OWENS, M.D" (First Cut)

Mensaje por Shelby »

- Nueva imagen del cast de Emily Owens durante una reunión (22-01-13):


@RadyMichael: Good times tonight with @JennieUrman @Hartleyjustin @Its_gray Mamie, Jann Turner, Bharat Nalluri, and Nate Goodman

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¡¡¡¡AY, OMÁ QUÉ CALORES!!!! ¡Gracias por tu regalo, Nitta!

Mensajes: 32833
Registrado: Dom May 21, 2006 12:15 am

Re: "EMILY OWENS, M.D" (First Cut)

Mensaje por Shelby »

- Emily Owens, M.D. : Emily and... The Perfect Storm Producer's Preview:

- Emily Owens, M.D. : Emily and... The Perfect Storm Promo:

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¡¡¡¡AY, OMÁ QUÉ CALORES!!!! ¡Gracias por tu regalo, Nitta!

Mensajes: 32833
Registrado: Dom May 21, 2006 12:15 am

Re: "EMILY OWENS, M.D" (First Cut)

Mensaje por Shelby »

Añadidos los enlaces y rátings del 1x11. Puedes encontrarlos AQUÍ.

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¡¡¡¡AY, OMÁ QUÉ CALORES!!!! ¡Gracias por tu regalo, Nitta!

Mensajes: 32833
Registrado: Dom May 21, 2006 12:15 am

Re: "EMILY OWENS, M.D" (First Cut)

Mensaje por Shelby »

- Emily Owens M.D. 1x13 Promo "Emily and... the Leap" (HD) Series Finale:

- Emily Owens M.D. 1x13 Producer's Preview "Emily and... the Leap" Series Finale:

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¡¡¡¡AY, OMÁ QUÉ CALORES!!!! ¡Gracias por tu regalo, Nitta!

Mensajes: 32833
Registrado: Dom May 21, 2006 12:15 am

Re: "EMILY OWENS, M.D" (First Cut)

Mensaje por Shelby »

Añadidos los enlaces y rátings del 1x12 "Emily... and the perfect storm". Podéis encontrarlos AQUÍ

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¡¡¡¡AY, OMÁ QUÉ CALORES!!!! ¡Gracias por tu regalo, Nitta!

Mensajes: 32833
Registrado: Dom May 21, 2006 12:15 am

Re: "EMILY OWENS, M.D" (First Cut)

Mensaje por Shelby »

- La estrella de EMILY OWENS, M.D. Justin Hartley habla sobre el final de la serie (assignmentx.com):
La estrella de EMILY OWENS, M.D. Justin Hartley habla sobre el final de la serie
Por ABBIE BERNSTEIN 6 de Febrero, 2013 / 09:44 AM

EMILY OWENS, M.D., the hour-long comedy/drama on the CW about a group of surgical interns including the title character played by Mamie Gummer, has its series finale tonight at 9 PM. (Those wishing to watch the entire thirteen-episode run can catch it on Hulu, Amazon and other streaming outlets.)

Justin Hartley plays Dr. Will Collins, Emily’s colleague and crush. The Knoxville, Illinois native had finished playing Oliver Queen, aka Green Arrow, in 2011 on the CW’s SMALLVILLE; previous credits include series regular runs on the gonzo daytime soap PASSIONS and in the police drama GEMINI DIVISION. Hartley says he was happy to dive into playing a doctor, especially on a show that mixes humor and heartache as EMILY OWENS, M.D. does.

AX: Did you do any research into playing a doctor, or did you just jump into the show?

JUSTIN HARTLEY: I sort of jumped into the show, because what happened was, I auditioned for the show, and then I went back and auditioned for the show again, and I think I went back three more times, and by the time I had gotten the show, it was so late in the game I had to go to work. I had to fight for this thing – it wasn’t handed to me. I had to fight for it.

AX: So it wasn’t a case of the CW saying, “We liked you in SMALLVILLE, we’d like you to stay on the network …”

HARTLEY: Oh, I don’t know. I think they liked me from SMALLVILLE. I just think that every show is different, every character is different, and I don’t have mountains of scripts piled on my desk that I’m sifting through, deciding which one to do. I have to fight for things still, so this is one of the ones I wanted.

AX: What did you particularly like about EMILY OWENS, M.D. and the role of Will Collins?

HARTLEY: Well, initially it was, I wanted to do comedy. And that was one of the main things I had in mind. And this show certainly offers that. And secondly, I didn’t want to get away from drama, because I like drama, and this show has plenty of drama as well. And then what happened was, I had that game plan and then I got this script and I just fell in love with the script and the character. I thought, “I want this role.” I tried my best to get it and on a selfish level, though, there is something to be said for playing something different. If you do the same thing over and over again, it’s kind of a trap, so I feel really blessed to be able to play this character, where I can be a little bit funny, a little bit dramatic – it’s not the same character, it’s something that people having seen me in and I’m excited to show them.

AX: Between the time you made the pilot and the time you went into regular production, did you have time to do any research into being a doctor?

HARTLEY: Yeah. I’ve had two physicals since [making the pilot], and one of them was work-related, and the other one was, I just get a physical every year, and I found myself sitting in there asking [the doctors] so many questions. I like to know, “How do you hold a thing? What do you look for when you’re doing this? Where are your hands supposed to be?” I want to look like a doctor, I don’t want to look like a doofus pretending to be a doctor. They have a certain way about them. Cops are the same way. A lot of times, when a cop walks into a room, you can tell it’s a cop, right? Doctors are the same way – they’re all different, but they all have similarities. So I found myself asking a ton of questions of him about his profession, which I never would have done before.

AX: There’s a scene in a pilot which is very, very awkward between your character and Mamie Gummer’s Emily, where she declares her interest in Will and Will has to declare lack of romantic interest …

HARTLEY: Yeah. I’m glad you thought it was awkward. We did our job, then [laughs]. It’s heartbreaking.

AX: Have you ever been in a situation like that in your own life, on either side of it, that you could draw from to play the scene?

HARTLEY: Yeah, I have, and it is not fun. I’ve been on both sides, actually, where you want to be with somebody and they don’t want to be with you, and you don’t know how you’re going to get through it. You feel like your life is going to end. And then on the other side, where someone wants to be with you and you don’t want to be with them, but if you really care about them, you don’t want to lead them on. You care about what they think, so you try to protect them, but what do you do, lie to them? You can’t lie to them, right? So it’s a tough situation. [Gummer] played that really well, didn’t she? She’s a good actress. She’s tremendous.

AX: Did you go up for the CW’s ARROW series at all?

HARTLEY: It’s not a [SMALLVILLE] spinoff, it’s a totally different show, so there’s no way I could have done it. No one contacted me about it – you can’t have the same character in a totally different world, played by the same actor that played the same character on a totally different show. It doesn’t make any sense.

AX: Is there any difference in doing something more rooted in reality, like EMILY OWENS, M.D., and something based in fantasy, like SMALLVILLE?

HARTLEY: Well, the only difference is dialogue and things you’re talking about. One of the things that we did on SMALLVILLE was, we tried to ground it as much as possible, so for us, it was reality while we were there. I don’t ever remember having a scene, doing the scene thinking, “God, this is so fake.” As an actor, you can’t relate to it if it gets too off your feet. But there’s definitely a difference. You’re not wearing a [superhero] costume – I wear scrubs [in EMILY OWENS]. If you walk into a hospital and saw somebody in scrubs, you wouldn’t stare.

AX: Does that make it a little bit easier for you?

HARTLEY: No, not easier, just different. I enjoy playing different characters. I loved SMALLVILLE. I loved every minute of it. But this show is so well-written and so well-done, and the cast is amazing.

AX: Do you have any other projects coming up that we should know about?

HARTLEY: Thank you. I have a boxing movie I just finished called THE CHALLENGER. I don’t know when it’s coming out, but I play the light heavyweight champion of the world, which is kind of fun. It’s fun to do a physical thing.

http://www.assignmentx.com/2013/exclusi ... ource=t.co

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¡¡¡¡AY, OMÁ QUÉ CALORES!!!! ¡Gracias por tu regalo, Nitta!

Mensajes: 32833
Registrado: Dom May 21, 2006 12:15 am

Re: "EMILY OWENS, M.D" (First Cut)

Mensaje por Shelby »

Añadidos los enlaces y rátings del 1x13. Puedes encontrarlos AQUÍ

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¡¡¡¡AY, OMÁ QUÉ CALORES!!!! ¡Gracias por tu regalo, Nitta!


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