Matt Nable Habla sobre Ra’s Al Ghul en la S3 de ARROW
Por Alex Welch 09 Oct 2014
Hey Schmoeville!
Alright everyone, I’ve been promising something big for all of you Arrow fans out there, and here it is, a Schmoes Know Exclusive interview with actor Matt Nable who will be playing Ra’s Al Ghul in Season 3 of the show, which just premiered last night. I was really lucky to get to talk to Matt in Australia, actually as he was leaving to go to the airport to fly to Vancouver and start filming for Arrow! He was really awesome and I have a strong feeling he is going to kill it as Ra’s in this season Schmoeville. I already thought he would before I got to talk to him, but after chatting with him for a little bit, oh yeah, I feel like we’re in store for something special with this incarnation of the character.
Also, just a heads up, but if you haven’t seen the Season 3 Premiere of Arrow that aired last night yet, you can still read the interview, but I do speculate on what some of the things we talk about in the interview could mean following some of the events of the premiere. So feel free to read the interview as I got some really awesome info and insight on the character of Ra’s this season and how much of a part he’ll be playing, but afterwards you might want to go and watch the episode and then come back and read the rest!
And now without any further ado, you can check out my full interview with Matt Nable below!
What was the audition process like for the role? This part has been rumored for so long now on the show, so I’m wondering what the process was like for you to get it?
“Yeah, like to be completely honest, I didn’t audition for it. They had seen a film I’d done called ‘Riddick’ with Vin Diesel where I played the lead with him in that, which was released last year. So then we just started having discussions about it and it sort of went from there. I think they had, from what I understand, a fairly good idea of what they wanted. So I guess the character I played in ‘Riddick’ was enough for them to be confident enough that I can hopefully do the job.
But in saying that as well, they had a lot of my other material as well, they had seen a lot of my work. So I probably had that going for me coming off of ‘Riddick’ I think made a big difference. So that’s how it happened, not that I had been asked to audition for it, I obviously would’ve jumped at the opportunity for it, but I think they had a fairly clear idea in their head of what they wanted and how I fit into that. So I’ll be doing my best to not let anyone down.”
Awesome! Were you familiar at all with the character before you got the role, have you started doing research after you got the role, or are you going into kind of blind?
“No no, not at all. I mean ‘Arrow’ over here as well and my boys watch it, though I hadn’t been watching until a little later and they’d record it. But since then obviously I’ve gotten up to speed with it as much as I can with what’s going on and obviously the DC Comic world is a big world and something that I think everyone has either grown up with or is very aware of so I’m definitely aware of what sort of a world we’re playing in and what Ra’s Al Ghul means to the whole world within the DC Comics set-up. You know since then I’ve done as much reading up on the character and watch what reference material I can as well so I’ve made sure I’ve crossed every finger as best I can going into it.
Yeah, you know it’s funny you say that because there aren’t a lot of onscreen versions of the character. There have been a few animated appearances in some of the Batman animations, but as far as I know, the only other live-action person to play the character is Liam Neeson. So that must be crazy to be the guy picked for him when the most recent and vivid representation of the character for a lot of people is Liam Neeson?
“Yeah, it’s certainly very big shoes to fill so like I said mate you know, hopefully I get it right! As an actor you go in with all of the best intentions and you know sometimes it doesn’t work, so having watched Liam in the role he’s of course very very good. You know, to be honest, I do feel some pressure and I don’t think that’s a bad thing, I think it prepares you well and makes you very focused on what you have to do. So I don’t mind the pressure, I think it’s a good leveler and it’s also useful to help keep yourself grounded as well and to realize how lucky you are to be doing what you’re doing in the first place. Definitely filling for those shoes is going to be a task, but like I said mate, hopefully I’ll do the job!”
Oh I have confidence you will. I mean just from the show alone, I have a feeling this version is going to be very memorable, and I’ll just say that.
“[Laughs] Yeah I hope so mate! I hope so! I know the producers are very excited and obviously that’s the goal is to make a memorable character and someone people will remember and talk about so that’s the goal.”
So you’re going to Vancouver now or will be soon, do you know how much you’re going to be working with Katrina Law (Nyssa Al Ghul in the show) or any of the other League of Assassins?
“Yeah they’ve been sending me scripts obviously with the way production works with the show. So I’ve been given one script and some other material. So yes, I will be working with Katrina quite a bit upfront. Which is great! I think she’s great and she’s very good in the role as well as the daughter. I mean, he’s going to have a significant part to play. I’m booked there until April and that’s off and on, I won’t be there the whole time, but I can say it will be a very meaty role, which is really exciting.”
Yeah! I’m excited for it because coming off a villain like Manu Bennett’s Slade was, I mean they built him for a good season and a half or so before he actually turned and became Deathstroke. So I’m looking forward to seeing how Ra’s does this season, just as a fan of the show myself.
“Yeah it’s going to be good mate! [Laughs] I can’t wait either.”
So you know, speaking of Manu and Slade, do you think we’re going to be getting a lot of backstory with Ra’s? Like maybe flashbacks and stuff like we did on the island, or do you think we’ll meet him and there will be more mystery behind him than there was with Slade?
“From what I can gather, it’s pretty upfront and laid out in front of you on who he is and what he is, but other than that I really don’t know mate. I’m kind of in the dark as much as you guys are, which is not a bad thing for an actor because then you get to sort of play with what’s in front of you. Sometimes I think that you can overthink things, so for me kind of coming into it fresh this way is a good approach. I’ll see it unfold just before my eyes like you mate, just a few weeks before you all see it. So I’ll enjoy that process as well.”
Yeah that’s really cool man. You mentioned that you’ve been researching for the role, has there been any certain or specific incarnations of the character that you’ve been focusing on or the creators told you to focus on?
“No, there’s obviously the very comic-y ones you know in the animations and the Batman animations, and I’ve looked at a lot of drawings of him over the years. Obviously, the reference material I’ve got for him onscreen is Liam Neeson’s character, so you know I’ve been across those and they’re all very quite different, so I’m not too sure about what the producers have in mind for what I’m actually going to look like or which side of that fence I’ll actually lean, I would imagine more to the comics side of it, which I think is good fun. So I’m well-versed in what he looks like and all the different incarnations that he’s had, and so it will be very interesting to see what they come up with mate. I mean, costume is my first point of call when I get to Vancouver, so I’ll know a little more in about 24 hrs and what he’s [Laughs] what’s he’s going to look like.”
Absolutely! The show has done a great job of balancing the comic book looks and lore with what works in live-action TV shows, and from what I can tell, it looks like the perfect mix of Neeson’s very grounded, Nolan take on the character and then the perfect comic book representations as well. Have you talked to any of the actors yet that you’ll be working with?
“No mate, not at all, so I’m going in pretty blind. Which isn’t a problem mate, again actors are pretty good to work with so no, not at all mate, I’m looking forward to it.”
You know, we talked about Manu’s Slade a few times already and his arc. He started out as a hero and you fell in love with the character so that when he turned it was kind of heartbreaking honestly, so are we going to be getting the same kind of arc that we got with Slade from Ra’s from what you know, or is it going to be more of a straight line?
“You know mate, like I honestly don’t know! I wish I could help you out with that. I mean, I know he’s not a, well he’s a villain, but Ra’s is a different type of villain. There’s good parts of that character as well, he stands for something. So I don’t really know where it’s going to go. I know obviously Manu’s character took a turn and I’ll actually get to talk to Manu at some point about it, I know Manu pretty well. I’m sure in keeping in routine with ‘Arrow’ I’m sure, they’ll throw a few curveballs in there as well for sure, just to keep it interesting. So it will be interesting to see what they come up with.”
Ra’s is probably one of the tentpole villains of the DCU, and I know Stephen Amell said for months that he wanted him to pop up at some point in the show, but are there any other characters or villains in the DCU or show that you’d want to do a scene with?
“Oh you know, there’s so many characters in the DC world, I grew up with all those people. Within the contexts of ‘Arrow’ I’m happy enough to be able to do with the Green Arrow! You know I think that’s going to create a good buzz and I don’t know who else they’ve got in mind. I’d like to see exactly what they come up with because they’ve got such a scope there to explore it with what they’re doing. You know I thought Tom Hardy’s Bane was fantastic, The Riddler, Mr. Freeze, etc. and you know there’s so many characters there in the DC world and there’s so many good people as well. So I’ll leave it up to those guys mate, but anyone they put in front of me would be a blast! You know, like I said I grew up with these people so I’d be as excited as anyone to be coming up against any of those guys.”
I just know that if I see a scene with Slade and Ra’s I’ll freak out, probably stand up and start dancing or something.
“[Laughs] Well it might happen! Who knows?”
I’m just so excited because this is going to be such a different type of villain for the show. Like you said he has a code of honor and Ra’s has this sort of royal sensibility about him that is going to be interact with Oliver and Felicity and all of these people. It’s going to be interesting to see especially since the League helped them at the end of last season, so it will be interesting to see where on the picket fence Ra’s lies.
“Yeah exactly! It’s going to be a blast mate. I can’t wait to see as well, and I’ll get the scripts week by week Alex so you know I imagine it will sort of change before my eyes as well. I’ve got every confidence mate that they’ll something special so it’s very exciting.”
Okay, so what can you tease to fans of the show about Ra’s in this season that they might not already know?
“Well you can bet that he’s not real happy when you meet him to put it that way and he’s not happy with The Arrow so that’s about as much as I’m going to tell you, but yeah…. they’re not on very good terms.”
Alright, that’s good for enough for me! Also, I just really hope you get a few scenes with John Barrowman’s Merlyn as well…
“Yeah! Hopefully as well mate, and you know all this DC Comic world crossover into each other, it’d be really nice to get a few years and really explore this character. It’s really nice too because it’s one of the first things of mine that my children can watch, since I traditionally do much different material than this which is also why it is so appealing as well. I can’t wait to get to play around in this make believe world and having a great time mate and hopefully create something that all the fans will respond to and which is usually important and weighs heavy on my shoulders, which as I said before mate, I don’t mind. So fingers crossed I do a good job mate!
Oh I have confidence you’re going to kill it sir.
“Thank you sir.”
I told you I got some good stuff didn’t I Schmoeville? But seriously, Matt was so awesome for agreeing to do this and talk to me while he was on his way to the airport! If that isn’t being a class act then I don’t know what is Schmoeville, and I really can’t wait to see him pop up at some point in this season! Now, the only real question I have regarding the character in this season is what could possibly make him angry at Oliver? You want my opinion?
So there have been rumors that both Ra’s and Nyssa will be popping up in the fourth episode of Season 3, or the show’s 50th overall episode. Now, I’m pretty sure recently that one of the producers made a comment that that will be Katrina Law’s last episode on the show? So do you want my opinion on why Ra’s might not be happy with Oliver? I think Nyssa comes to Starling City looking for vengeance and answers in the wake of (Seriously, if you haven’t seen last night’s episode last night TURN AWAY, last warning!….. Okay) Sara’s murder on the rooftop. Then I think something happens to Nyssa, whether it be she dies, or is seriously injured and it will either be Ollie’s fault, or be projected to be Ollie’s fault… bringing on the wrath of the Demon to Starling City, and as Oliver said last season…. they will all pay.
Just some speculation, but that’s what I see possibly happening in the season. But I’m curious to hear all of your thoughts Schmoeville, on both the interview and how you think Ra’s will be interacting with the characters in this season! ... ive/30101/