"ARROW" Nueva serie de la CW para TV basada en Green Arrow

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Registrado: Dom May 21, 2006 12:15 am

Re: "ARROW" Nueva serie de la CW para TV basada en Green Arr

Mensaje por Shelby »

- Un Villano Principal Regresa en la S3:
Parece que el mayor gran villano de "Arrow" regresa oficialmente al tablero.

La última vez que vimos a Slade Wilson (Manu Bennett), estaba prisionero en una prisión de supermáxima seguridad de A.R.G.U.S. en la isla de Lian Yu, jurándole a Oliver Queen (Stephen Amell) que un día se escaparía.

Ahora, nos llega la noticia de que Bennett regresará en su papel en el episodio 3.14.

No sabemos si este regreso se tratará de algún tipo de flashback, si Oliver le visitará en prisión, o si efectivamente se escapará y regresará a Starling City a sembrar el caos. Y de haberse escapado ¿podría haber intervenido en el asesinato de Sara?

Probablemente no lo sabremos hasta dentro de un tiempo, aunque estaremos preparados para saber mucho más cuando la serie regrese en el 2015.

http://www.mtv.com/news/2014105/arrow-m ... -3-return/

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¡¡¡¡AY, OMÁ QUÉ CALORES!!!! ¡Gracias por tu regalo, Nitta!

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Registrado: Dom May 21, 2006 12:15 am

Re: "ARROW" Nueva serie de la CW para TV basada en Green Arr

Mensaje por Shelby »

- Arrow 3.08 "The Brave and the Bold" Promo #2:


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¡¡¡¡AY, OMÁ QUÉ CALORES!!!! ¡Gracias por tu regalo, Nitta!

Mensajes: 32857
Registrado: Dom May 21, 2006 12:15 am

Re: "ARROW" Nueva serie de la CW para TV basada en Green Arr

Mensaje por Shelby »

- El episodio de 'The Flash' deja caer una noticia bomba de "Arrow·:
Durante la primera parte del crossover entre Flash-Arrow, Oliver Queen (Stephen Amell) se ha topado con una cara muy familiar (Anna Hopkins). Los fans la recordaréis de un flashback de la S2 como una de las conquistas de Oliver que terminó embarazada y a quien Moira (Susanna Thompson) pagó para que desapareciera y mintiera sobre el niño.

Hasta el momento, no se ha declarado específicamente que Oliver sea padre, aunque en el capítulo de "The Flash" de esta semana parece que se ha dejado bastante clara la confirmación de este suceso.

“Desde el episodio 2.20, la idea de que Oliver puede tener un hijo—y ahora lo estamos finalmente confirmando—es algo que puse bajo la misma categoría que la historia pasada de Felicity,” explica el productor Marc Guggenheim. “Tenemos ideas y sabemos lo que vamos a hacer, pero no necesariamente sabemos cuándo vamos a hacerlo.”

Aunque parece que los fans no tendrán que esperar mucho tiempo para saber quién es la chica misteriosa que aparece en el episodio, quien aún no tiene nombre pero que los fans de Green Arrow han especulado que se trata de 'Sandra Hawke'. “La persona ue vemos en el episodio de Flash-Arrow hará otra aparición en la serie esta temporada, pero no estamos seguros si va a ser en Flash o en Arrow,” dice el productor Andrew Kreisberg. “Eso es definitivamente algo en lo que vamos a escoger.”

La gran pregunta es cuándo Oliver va a saber la verdad. “No sé si Oliver será necesariamente el primero en descubrir que esa pequeña persona existe,” bromea Amell.

http://insidetv.ew.com/2014/12/02/arrow ... fcd3ad6c2e

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¡¡¡¡AY, OMÁ QUÉ CALORES!!!! ¡Gracias por tu regalo, Nitta!

Mensajes: 32857
Registrado: Dom May 21, 2006 12:15 am

Re: "ARROW" Nueva serie de la CW para TV basada en Green Arr

Mensaje por Shelby »

- Arrow 3.08 "The Brave and the Bold" Clip #1:

http://tvline.com/2014/12/03/arrow-the- ... rrow-cave/

- Arrow 3.08 "The Brave and the Bold" Clip #2:


- Arrow 3.08 "The Brave and the Bold" Clip #3:


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¡¡¡¡AY, OMÁ QUÉ CALORES!!!! ¡Gracias por tu regalo, Nitta!

Mensajes: 32857
Registrado: Dom May 21, 2006 12:15 am

Re: "ARROW" Nueva serie de la CW para TV basada en Green Arr

Mensaje por Shelby »

- Stills del 3.09 "The Climb":

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¡¡¡¡AY, OMÁ QUÉ CALORES!!!! ¡Gracias por tu regalo, Nitta!

Mensajes: 32857
Registrado: Dom May 21, 2006 12:15 am

Re: "ARROW" Nueva serie de la CW para TV basada en Green Arr

Mensaje por Shelby »

- 3.09 "The Climb" Promo:


- 3.09 "The Climb" Extended Promo:


Añadidos los enlaces y rátings del 3.08 "The Brave and the Bold". Podéis encontrarlos AQUÍ

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¡¡¡¡AY, OMÁ QUÉ CALORES!!!! ¡Gracias por tu regalo, Nitta!

Mensajes: 32857
Registrado: Dom May 21, 2006 12:15 am

Re: "ARROW" Nueva serie de la CW para TV basada en Green Arr

Mensaje por Shelby »

- Nuevas imágenes BTS de la S3 (03-12-14):

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(@Glen__Winter: Me and two victims of a great date gone shitty
@Glen__Winter: Arrow 301 And yes they are even sweeter in person than you think they are... @EmilyBett @BrandonJRouth
@Glen__Winter: 108 cast read through. History!)

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¡¡¡¡AY, OMÁ QUÉ CALORES!!!! ¡Gracias por tu regalo, Nitta!

Mensajes: 32857
Registrado: Dom May 21, 2006 12:15 am

Re: "ARROW" Nueva serie de la CW para TV basada en Green Arr

Mensaje por Shelby »

- 3.09 "The Climb" Warner TV Asian Promo:


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¡¡¡¡AY, OMÁ QUÉ CALORES!!!! ¡Gracias por tu regalo, Nitta!

Mensajes: 32857
Registrado: Dom May 21, 2006 12:15 am

Re: "ARROW" Nueva serie de la CW para TV basada en Green Arr

Mensaje por Shelby »

- Katrina Law habla sobre la Midseason Finale de ARROW, Lazarus Pits, Talia Al Ghul, Flashbacks, y más (schmoesknow):
Katrina Law habla sobre la Midseason Finale de ARROW, Lazarus Pits, Talia Al Ghul, Flashbacks, y más
Por Alex Welch 09 Diciembre 2014

Hey Schmoeville!

I have got a pretty cool interview for all of you Arrow fans out there. Ever since she popped up for the first time near the beginning of last season, I think it was pretty clear that fans definitely liked Katrina Law’s Nyssa Al Ghul. Even when she’s a villain in the scenario it’s hard to root against her and after the events that have happened this season and the effects they’ve had on her, she’s become even more of a threat to Oliver and his loved ones.

With the midseason finale of Season 3, titled, “The Climb” set to air tomorrow night and it looking like the League of Assassins are going to be playing a HUGE role in the rest of this season, I decided why not and talk to one of the royal members of the League? I got the chance to sit down and talk to actress Katrina Law regarding what we can expect in tomorrow night’s episode, how Lazarus pits might or might not play into the show, what she thinks her character’s history might be with the pits, what she would think of Barry Allen, and more!

Check out the full, awesome interview below!

Were you a fan of comics growing up? Were you familiar with the character when you originally landed the role?

“I never collected comics but I was as influenced by the DC and Marvel worlds as much as the next kid. I distinctly remember having Superman sheets and a Batman shirt.

When I auditioned for Arrow, I had no idea what role I was going out for and when I booked the job, I didn’t find out I was playing Nyssa Al Ghul until I saw a tweet about it from TV Guide! Like most people with regards to the Al Ghul family, besides Ra’s, I was only aware of Talia.”

What has it been like working on the show and the cast and the amazing reception it receives especially for your character?

“From Stephen Amell, to casting, to production, to crew, to the fans it has been nothing but a wonderful experience. Everyone is so happy and welcoming. Nick Tarabay, who plays Captain Boomerang, and I were talking just the other night about how friendly and easygoing the entire cast and crew of Arrow is. Nyssa is such a beautifully complicated character and it’s been fun and an honor bringing her to life. Also, knowing that I am now apart of the DC world just makes me geek out even harder!”

How has it been delving more into the League and getting to work with Matt Nable and seeing more of the lore of the league?

“Matt Nable has been a pleasure to work with; charming and sweet off screen and scary as hell on screen. The League has existed for over 600 years so the history of it is rich and complex. I am excited to see how much of this textured history the writers will be bringing into Arrow.”

Do you think if Nyssa had had the chance, she would have put Sara in the Lazarus Pit, even at the risk of possibly damaging her psyche?

“I think because Nyssa didn’t even attempt to try to put Sara in the Lazarus pits that means that it was never an option. Whether that is because the writers have decided that the Lazarus pits will not be existing in the Arrow world or because the guidelines of The League will not allow it for some reason is yet to be seen.”

What can you tease about the midseason finale? (Which looks amazing by the way)

“… Two ripped men fighting shirtless on a mountain top.”

What do you think Nyssa would think of Barry Allen?

“I think Nyssa would think Barry Allen highly amusing and end up finding herself harboring a soft spot for him. Like Arrow, she would be concerned about his lack of discipline but would fully understand that he is going to have to learn the hard way or die.”

Character you’d most like to fight in the DC Universe that you haven’t gotten to yet? And why?

“The person who killed Sara Lance.”

(NOTE: Now I’m just wondering if she knows who killed Sara or not…)

Do you think we’ll ever get to see flashbacks to when Nyssa found Sara and trained her?

“The writers have hinted at it so fingers crossed! I know Caity and I have talked about it and we really hope we get to bring those scenes to life.”

So when are we going to get to see Nyssa fight Slade? And who would win?

“I think if Nyssa fights Deathstroke, she would also find herself fighting Captain Boomerang. She would find both the boomerang and the Mirakuru roid rage adorable and then proceed to school both of them.”

Favorite stunt or fight you’ve done on the show so far?

“Season two finale tunnel fight scene: Team Arrow fighting the Mirakuru soldiers. James Bamford, the stunt coordinator for Arrow, was on fire that episode. There were so many moving parts and so many people fighting. When the soldiers turned to run at us, I knew they were going to stop before they slammed into us as we ran towards them, but I have to admit I was a little scared.”

Do you think your version of Nyssa has ever used a lazarus pit like her character did in the comics?

“Completely guessing, I feel as though Ras Al Ghul and the League of Assassins would have strict guidelines and rules as to when the Lazarus pits would be allowed to be used. Being as how Talia hasn’t been introduced, I don’t think Nyssa has used them on her sister yet. I also don’t know that this version of Nyssa would have been a prisoner in a Nazi concentration camp, but wouldn’t it be interesting if we got to see that in a flashback?”

Oh.. Hell. Yes it would be interesting! I’d absolutely lose my mind if an entire episode was dedicated to the history of the league and the things Ra’s and Nyssa have been through while their time alive. I’ve always been interested in knowing if Nyssa was the age she looks to be, or is older because of the regenerative properties of the Lazarus pit. The League has always been shrouded in mystery on this show, so the fact that we’re slowly getting to see more and more of their mythology and learn more about them, makes me more excited than you can possibly imagine.

I have a few theories of some shockers we might be getting in the midseason finale tomorrow night. I do think with the way Katrina talked about the character and the fact she has been kind of left out of the show up until this point, I believe we’re going to be introduced to Talia Al Ghul, Ra’s Al Ghul’s other daughter, by the end of this season. With the way the writers have clearly made Oliver the Batman of this TV Universe, I wouldn’t be surprised if Talia is introduced sometime soon. To which I would lose my mind. With the way the writers have written Nyssa as such a strong female character, I have a feeling Talia would be pretty cool too.

I can’t wait for the midseason finale tomorrow night Schmoeville. We’ve been promised big things in this episode, and plus, I always love it when the Al Ghuls pop up in this series. Count me in, I’m there.

http://schmoesknow.com/katrina-law-talk ... ive/32257/
- Marc Guggenheim adelanta la Midseason Finale, Oliver enfrentándose a Ra's al Ghul y más (IGN):
Marc Guggenheim adelanta la Midseason Finale, Oliver enfrentándose a Ra's al Ghul y más
Por Eric Goldman 10 diciembre 2014

On the heels of a very well received (and highly rated!) crossover with The Flash last week, Arrow is airing its midseason finale Wednesday night. It’s another big episode, as Oliver Queen will come face to face with Ra’s al Ghul for the first time.

I spoke to Arrow’s executive producer/showrunner Marc Guggenheim about the midseason finale, Ra’s al Ghul’s role, the continuing potential of Ray Palmer to become The Atom, Laurel’s transformation into Black Canary and more.

IGN: The description for this episode says Ra’s al Ghul makes a pretty big threat towards Starling City What is Oliver’s immediate reaction, especially given what Starling City has already gone through?

Guggenheim: His immediate reaction is “I’ve got to go Christmas shopping.” He’s not taking it too seriously. No, I’m kidding. It’s definitely a bit of a punch to the gut and a bit of a wake up call. Nyssa will sort of point out that Oliver’s focus has been split. He’s been so focused on protecting the city that she accuses him essentially of taking his eye off the ball as far as finding Sara’s killer is concerned. I think there’s an argument to be made that that’s a very fair accusation. That said, there’s some things we’ve put in motion in the first eight episodes that will come back to pay off. Certainly, STAR Labs’ analysis of the DNA on the arrow. Do not be surprised if you see that pay off in episode nine.

IGN: Now we’ve seen pictures and some clips that show of a big sword fight. There’s a pretty clear, visual reference there to a classic Batman story. Was that something where you guys were like, “Yeah, we’ve got to do this”?

Guggenheim: Yes. That was 100% intentional. That’s our little nod to the Neal Adams Batman Ra’s comic story from the 70s. Obviously, when people mention Ra’s, just because the Chris Nolan films, they think of Batman Begins. But certainly one of our touchstones has been those original Batman stories. So the shirtless duels are a staple of that. One of the other things is usually it’s a shirtless duel in the desert and you know we shoot in Vancouver so that wasn’t really -- there was no way to do that in a way that would look good so we leaned into the strengths of Vancouver, which are some pretty remarkable vistas.

IGN: I’m guessing that Oliver might find out that Ra’s Al Ghul is pretty formidable with a sword? Would that be a safe assumption?</strong

Guggenheim: I think so. I don’t think I’m spoiling anything to say that Ra’s is pretty damn good when it comes to using a sword. But we sort of made Ra’s… Ra’s is a very formidable figure. We’ve been keying that up basically for over a season now so seeing him fight, it had to live up to the hype as it were. I think Oliver is going to find he’s going to potentially get a little more than he bargained for.

IGN: We know there’s a storyline with Ray and Felicity this week as well. We’ve seen these glimpses of secrets he’s keeping from her, including a certain suit he’s building. My thought is Felicity might be pretty helpful with a suit like that.

Guggenheim: You know, certainly that’s within her wheelhouse. I guess you’ve got to sort of ask yourself what are the odds that she ends up working with two super heroes? I don’t want to spoil too much beyond that but we’ll also be dealing with the fallout from their kiss in 3x07.

IGN: Last time I spoke to you [see the video above] at the Arrow/Flash screening you said you were waiting on an update on Ray's suit. Anything you can say now?

Guggenheim: I’m starting to see pieces of it. I’m literally getting pieces of it emailed to me, photographs of it. So it’s coming. Slowly but surely. You’ll get a little bit more of a sense of it with episode nine.

IGN: I know you said you’ve kind of changed your tune a bit from back when the season began as far as keeping superpowers off of Arrow. Ray’s making a suit but can you talk about the possibility of some size-changing that might go with that?

Guggenheim: We have a master plan as far as Ray Palmer’s concerned and I haven’t even had the chance to discuss the master plan with Brandon so I certainly don’t want him reading about it on the internet. But we have a plan that we’re really, really excited about. I hope in the next week or so to actually have a chance to talk Brandon through it and let him know what we have up our sleeve and I’ll leave it at that.

IGN: So we’re getting Laurel fairly soon in her Canary costume. We’ve seen some photos of her sitting alongside Roy in his costume. Oliver’s obviously not been like, “Yeah, you train, you get in the costume!” He can’t stop her but once she starts doing it, how is he going to react to that?

Guggenheim: I’ll be honest, it is very hard to answer that question, believe it or not, without spoiling episode nine so I’m going to stand back on that.

IGN: We know we’re going to see Laurel’s mom again this week. Is that another step in the road for where Laurel’s going?

Guggenheim: Yeah, I think you’ll definitely be able to look back on one particular scene that the two of them have and say that that was another step on her journey. It’s a pretty intense scene that the two of them have together and it’ll definitely relate to Laurel’s journey to becoming Black Canary.

IGN: We’re going to see more of Cupid and Brick is coming. Anything you can say about those two characters and the role they’re going to play in the second half of the season?

Guggenheim: I think if you watch 307 carefully, you’ll have a pretty good idea as to what our plan is with Cupid. I’ll let people speculate. Brick, who’s played by Vinnie Jones, we’re actually doing something we’ve never done on the show before which is we’ve never had a multi-episode arc with a villain who wasn’t the big bad of the year. So we’re trying something new in Season 3 that I’m really excited about. Truth be told, something like that is only as good as its casting and Vinnie, he’s amazing. He really, really commands the screen and he is a very worthy adversary. I think it’ll be fun to spend three Guggenheim: A lot’s been made about how episodes ten, eleven, twelve are a very sort of Canary-centric arc. I don’t know where that idea came about. I really feel like ten, eleven, and twelve are really about Team Arrow. And Roy is a huge part of that. In fact, because of the events of episode nine, Roy is going to really have to step up in episodes ten and beyond. Roy not only does that but Colton [Haynes] anchored that and he delivers some of his finest work on the show including a real gangbuster scene in episode eleven between him and John Barrowman. There’s a lot of good stuff coming up for Roy. Ten, eleven, and twelve is not going to be all Laurel all the time. Certainly it has some pretty big character developments but there’s a lot of stuff for the rest of Team Arrow as well.

IGN: Congratulations on the ratings last week, by the way! I know you guys said at the screening for the crossover that there’s so much going on with both shows there’s not going to be another crossover of that type in the second half of the season but do you have ideas percolating for how you could, down the line, bring the shows together in either single character ways but also a bigger story down the line?

Guggenheim: We’re always talking. We’re always conversating. Andrew [Kreisberg] and I were talking today about something. For us, nothing’s ever off the table. It’s all about the idea and logistics and usually if the idea’s good enough, the logistics not take care of themselves but we make the logistics work. But I’m sorry I’m not going to say a crossover at the moment.episodes sort of exploring a villain who’s not the big bad, who’s not going to destroy the city, but at the same time isn’t going to end up in police custody by the end of the first episode.

IGN: I have to ask about Diggle and a mask. Because he’s worn one a couple of times here and there but in the grand scheme of things, what are your thoughts on Diggle disguising himself now that he’s running around with a lot of people in costumes?

Guggenheim: When appropriate, we’ve had him what’s called a balaclava, which is kind of like a ski mask. We’ve done it in situations where it looks like he’s really exposed. But he’s not going to get a super hero mask in the traditional sense. He’s not that kind of guy.

http://www.ign.com/articles/2014/12/10/ ... l-and-more?
- Marc Guggenheim adelanta un choque 'Cinemático', y un giro final digno de improperios (TVLine):
Marc Guggenheim adelanta un choque 'Cinemático', y un giro final digno de improperios
Por Matt Webb Mitovich / 10 Diciembre 2014, 8:24 AM PST

Oliver Queen is going to need a holiday, badly, after the events of Arrow‘s winter finale (airing tonight on The CW).

PHOTOSArrow Winter Finale First Look: Oliver’s Chilly Battle With Ra’s al Ghul

Having thus far eluded the wrath of League of Assassins overlord Ra’s al Ghul’s, Oliver will be delivered a message by Nyssa: Find League member Sara’s killer within 48 hours, or the people of Starling City will be executed, one by one.

And though Team Arrow has already worked diligently to find the person who silenced Canary, this challenge is not to one shrugged off. Says showrunner Marc Guggenheim, “The thing about the League of Assassins, but particularly Ra’s al Ghul, is that when he sets a deadline, you don’t get the opportunity to dismiss it as unreasonable.”

Regardless of what if any new intel Oliver, Diggle, et al are able to turn up, it all builds to a grand set piece well promoted in teasers and photos, as Oliver and Ra’s face off atop a snowy mountain using nothing but their brute strength (and swords, for good measure).

Versus Oliver’s previous clashes with Slade Wilson or Malcolm Merlyn, “This is a very different kind of fight,” Guggenheim says. “With Malcolm, it was a battle between two archers. And With Slade, it was an archer and a killer.

“This is very mano a mano,” he continues. “And it’s a sword fight, which is not something we’ve done with Oliver before.”

Superficially, the showdown also boasts a “cinematic venue,” as Guggeneim puts it — one that Mother Nature rendered unexpectedly Christopher Nolan-y. “Obviously we picked the location for its remoteness and epic quality,” Guggenheim notes, “but truth be told, the weather was not cooperative that day. It was less ‘Nolan-y’ and less grey if the weather was cooperating, but it was incredibly rainy and foggy. But when you shoot in Vancouver, that’s the trade-off you make!”

Further surveying the aesthetics of the fight, Guggenhem points out, “Oliver and Ra’s, with their shirts off, is a very intentional nod to the Neil Adams[-created] Batman/Ra’s al Ghul duels from back in the day.”

On the far lighter side of things — yet also related to Sara’s tragic death — the winter finale also finds Dinah Lance paying a surprise visit to daughter Laurel, courtesy of Quentin. In other words, Laurel now will need to keep that dark secret from both of her parents.

“The look on Katie Cassidy’s face, when Laurel discovers her mom is back in town, perfectly encapsulates, ‘Oh, no. I’m in trouble now,'” Guggenheim shares with a chuckle. Is there a theoretical scenario where Laurel in fact confides the sad truth in her mom while still sparing Quentin? All Guggenheim will say is, “There’s an outcome to that story that perhaps you’re not expecting.”

As the hour fades to black, given the 59 minutes that came before it, Guggenheim says that viewers will be saying — pardon the cliche — “‘What the f–k?!’ That’s the best way I can put it. In the very final moment, we go to a place that no one is expecting us to go.”

All told, he hails the winter finale as “a really big turning point” and a “pivotal” episode, adding: “So many big things happen that Episode 10 was designed to just deal with the aftershocks. And when you need an entire episode to deal with fallout, you know that quite a bit has happened!”

http://tvline.com/2014/12/10/arrow-seas ... hul-fight/
- Marc Guggenheim sobre el Midseason Finale: Todo el mundo va a decir "¿Qué diablos...?" (comicbook):
Marc Guggenheim sobre el Midseason Finale: Todo el mundo va a decir "¿Qué diablos...?"
Por Russ Burlingame 10/12/2014

Tonight, Oliver Queen will square off against Ra's al Ghul in the mid-season finale for Arrow, The CW's hit DC Comics adaptation.

Among the other stories aiming for some kind of resolution: Ray Palmer's creation of the A.T.O.M. Exosuit, and just what he hopes to do with it...and the murder mystery that has driven the first half of the season: who killed Sara Lance?

Executive producer Marc Guggenheim joined ComicBook.com to talk about these questions and tease a little bit of what's coming for Oliver Queen and company.

So...what about that Fallout 3 armor?

Little behind-the-scenes: Obviously there's a chunk of visual effects on the show and we always have to produce a rough cut to show the studio and the network and that's always long before any visual effects are done. So our editors and assistant editors basically temp in very temp effects. Like, there's temp explosions and there's temp muzzle flashes and there's temp arrows. In the case of Ray's super suit at the end of Episode 307 and in the case of the one that you'll see now that's been revealed in 309, they pull an image off the Internet. Because it's for purely internal purposes, it's not meant to be shown in public. It's really just meant to give the studio and the network a sense of what's supposed to go there so that the characters are not looking at a blank shot.

In 307, we used some of Iron Man's armor from one of the Iron Man movies. After that leaked online...leaked is not even the right word. Somehow, there was a miscommunication or a screw-up by someone in the international promo department. Normally what we do is every time we do these temporary visual effects we slug onto the shot, "TEMP VFX" right on it. The only time that doesn't occur is just to give international promotions a sense of what things are going to look like, we give them what's called a clean cut, so we give them the entire temp without all the slugs. And somehow, someone felt it was final and it ended up in an international promo and someone stuck their iPhone in front of it and lo! and behold it was on the Internet.

We're not ripping off someone else's super suit. We've got our own and I'm really excited about it and you'll definitely get a better glimpse of it tomorrow night but everyone got a little unintentional peek behind the curtain. I've had half a mind to release the temp visual effect of the Iron Man armor from 307. But for people who like to see how the sausage gets made, maybe it's interesting.

You've said that Ra's will change the show forever. Can you describe in a few words what the direction of the second half of the season will be?

You know, it's so hard to do without spoiling! I always like to say that there's definitely a connection between how difficult something is to tease and how spoiler it is as far as Arrow is concerned. I have to say I've been running out of ways of teasing 309 in a way that isn't spoilery.

It's definitely a game-changer kind of episode. I think everyone at the end of 309 is just going to be going "What the f--k?" I think the other thing they're going to be going is, "Did they just really do that?" And beyond that, I really would be spoiling it and that would be a shame because I think part of the fun of 309 are all the little surprises that are packed into it.

We've seen Ra's coming out of his tub. Is there a way to do the Lazarus Pit on Arrow or is that little bit of fanservice all we'll get without breaking the show?

Well, let me answer the question specifically, which is I think there's a way to do it. That's not necessarily to say that we will do it but yes, I think there's a way to do it that's in keeping with the show, but that's a far cry from me saying "Yes, we're going to do it."

Now, some fans have been suspicious that as soon as you hear the more general "genetic markers" as opposed to a DNA strand, that the answer S.T.A.R. Labs gives Felicity might be misleading, especially on a show where Oliver, his sister and her father are all key players. Is that a fair assessment?

You know, I'll be honest: if you've set up as we have that we're going to conduct a DNA test on evidence, I don't know how else to write it. I don't know what other phrase to use, because that's what you look for in a DNA test.

Maybe it's just my experience on Law & Order or CSI, you know? I came up as a procedural writer, really, doing all of these cop shows. If you're being technically correct, you don't talk in terms of DNA, you talk in terms of genetic markers if you're conducting a proper DNA test. So [laughs] it's funny, I don't know how to explain.

It's possible you're reading more into what was supposed to be an attempt to be semi-legitimate as far as the science was concerned than some over-arching cleverness on our part.

You've got Merlyn and Ray, who have been kind of in the background all season long. Will we see those two start to amp up with the mid-season finale?

Yeah. Certainly the mid-season finale sets up the back half of the year, as it typically does with us. If you look at seasons past there's been a shift between episodes one through nine versus episodes ten through twenty-three.

And whenever you have a shift, certainly with a cast of characters or an ensemble as large as we have, different people come to the fore. I think that you'll see there's some very big stuff coming up for Brandon Routh's character as well as some very big stuff for Malcolm Merlyn.

http://comicbook.com/2014/12/10/arrows- ... ryone-is-/
- Stephen Amell, Emily Bett Rickards sobre la 'Emocionalmente agotadora' Mid-Season Finale (ETOnline):
Stephen Amell, Emily Bett Rickards sobre la 'Emocionalmente agotadora' Mid-Season Finale
Por Philiana Ng 10 Diciembre 2014 8:48 AM PST

Things are about to get even more complicated for Arrow’s Felicity Smoak and Oliver Queen. Some of that may have to do with Ray Palmer.

“It’s escalating, that’s for sure,” Emily Bett Rickards tells ETonline of the maybe-romance brewing between Felicity and Ray ahead of the winter finale. “We ended on an awkward note because Ray walked away saying [their kiss] was a mistake. That is never good for anybody, and he’s going to have to either have to explain himself or there’s going to be an understanding between the two of them.”

Things were left at a standstill between the two Palmer Technologies colleagues, though Rickards says that their current status – whatever that may be – mirrors that of real-life relationships.

“A lot of us have been there before, the feeling of ‘I shouldn’t have done that,’ or being on the other side of it, like ‘What just happened?’ And she wasn’t really expecting it either, I don’t think,” Rickards says. “It was sort of like, ‘Oh, you’re kissing me! I’m not opposed… Why am I not opposed? Why does this feel right to a certain extent?’”

Factor Oliver Queen into the equation, not to mention The Flash’s Barry Allen, and you have yourself quite the dilemma. (ETonline spoke to Rickards back in October, where she weighed the pros and cons of Felicity’s eligible superhero suitors.)

“There is a little bit of a mathematical equation that needs to [be solved] between [Felicity and Ray’s] relationship status, because once you kiss somebody you can’t unkiss them,” the Canadian actress says, before pondering (jokingly, of course) Felicity’s superhero identity. “She should hit every country and magnetize one superhero to her. She could be The Magnet!”

The back and forth between Oliver and Felicity is an emotional rollercoaster for fans – it can be frustrating, exciting and devastating, often all at the same time. As Stephen Amell explains, the rocky road is what he prefers. “I've always strived for, on the show, making sure relationships are adult relationships. You can kiss someone and you can profess something to them but that doesn't mean you avoid eye contact with them,” he told reporters earlier this fall on the Arrow set, referencing Oliver and Felicity’s hospital hallway kiss.

Even so, there’s work to be done. “There is a bigger goal and a much bigger circumstance in play, so I'm sure things are awkward but they've got work to do,” Amell said of their professional relationship.

Big “Olicity” moments await in the mid-season finale – and beyond. “Stephen and I have some strong scenes coming up – the one right before Christmas break is really good,” Rickards says of the mid-season finale, offering a warning to fans: “But they’re emotionally taxing.”

Felicity’s romantic entanglements stretches beyond the borders of Starling City, but Rickards looks at her character’s varied relationships as a positive – considering how dark and dire her nights catching criminals with the Arrow can be.

“This almost dual life of saving the city, saving lives, seeing death all the time – that is so impending on her subconscious that diving into something like a love thing sometimes can be a break, can be an escape, can be a distraction,” Rickards explains. “I think she deserves love and I think she wants love, but she’s got so much weight in other aspects of her life that it’s a lot lighter than dealing with the death of Sara or having her mom in trouble. She goes home and has night terrors, so why not have Ray Palmer leave with you?”

At the moment, Ray and Oliver have yet to share any significant screen time, not counting their early-season boardroom bidding war when the two battled over Queen Consolidated. (Ray won that fight.) While the two have yet to come to blows, Amell hinted that that time is bound to come.

“We certainly haven’t seen it yet,” the Arrow star said. “I’m really excited for that character and his development because I think he’s been received really well. He’s doing a wonderful job and I think he’s bringing elements to the show that I would love to bring, but that’s not Oliver.”

Team Arrow’s search for Sara’s killer finally comes to a head when Nyssa al Ghul’s father, the iconic DC villain Ra’s al Ghul, offers Oliver an ultimatum, forcing the two in a shirtless swordfight atop a mountain. Let's just say, Oliver has a lot of explaining to do, especially after Felicity reveals the very surprising suspect behind Sara's murder in this clip.

Amell praised Katrina Law’s work thus far this season, saying her alter ego has become even more fully formed. “I think it's been … helpful for Matt [Nable], who's been playing her father and having such a strong, fleshed out character as his daughter has probably given him a really nice signpost for how to play Ra's,” he said.

http://www.etonline.com/tv/154969_arrow ... _felicity/
- Guggenheim sobre la llegada de R'as al Ghul's a "Arrow", Ray Palmer, Black Canary & Más (CBR):
Guggenheim sobre la llegada de R'as al Ghul's a "Arrow", Ray Palmer, Black Canary & Más
Bryan Cairns 10 Diciembre 2014

Despite not yet appearing onscreen with Oliver Queen, Ra's al Ghul has become the bogeyman of the "Arrow" universe. So far, viewers have only seen brief glimpses of the master assassin, but his name has instilled concern and fear in many of the show's characters. Now, on tonight's mid-season finale, Ra's steps out of the shadows, in full force. Along with his daughter Nyssa and the League of Assassins, he descends upon Starling City to determine once and for all who killed Sara Lance, and whatever the outcome, this does not bode well for Team Arrow.

With "The Climb" promising to forever alter the landscape of the hit CW series., we spoke with Executive Producer Marc Guggenheim about bringing Ra's, traditionally Batman's nemesis, into the "Arrow" fold, pitting him against Oliver. We also dig a little deeper into the development of Black Canary, how the "Arrow" take on R'as differs from Christopher Nolan and Liam Neeson's version of the classic character, Neal Adams' influence on the R'as/Oliver fight scene, Ray Palmer's agenda -- and the much anticipated first glimpse of the A.T.O.M. suit!

CBR News: It must have been difficult casting an actor for Ra's al Ghul. how did you settle on Matt Nable for the role?

Marc Guggenheim: Matt basically brings gravitas. He's a very formidable guy. He holds the screen. You feel like Ra's can hold his own against Oliver. You feel like he's on an even footing with Stephen Amell.

At the same time, he brings a noble malevolence. That's what's interesting about his Ra's. He's not the perfect gentleman that Liam Neeson was in "Batman Begins." He has a little bit of thug to him, but it's very regal. It's an interesting combination. It's a little bit as if you were to combine Liam Neeson and Bane from "Dark Knight Rises." If Bane and the Nolan Ra's had a kid, that would be a pretty reasonable estimation of our Ra's.

What can viewers expect from Ra's, Nyssa and the League of Assassins?

First of all, It's always fun to have Katrina Law comes back as Nyssa. She gives her best performance. We've always loved her on the show, obviously, but this is easily my favorite performance by Katrina. She has an interesting shape to her story. In large part, that comes from being the one who is, second to Laurel maybe, the most grieved by Sara's death and certainly the most out for justice.

With the League of Assassins, we get to see why they are so formidable. We've seen them in little batches, but we get to really dig into Ra's and what makes him a formidable fighter. Nyssa is right there at the center of it.

When he comes to Starling, Ra's is on a quest to discover who murdered Sara. It's an honorable gesture, even if his methods are twisted. Do you approach him as a 'villain' when writing him?

We always say that, on "Arrow," the villains are the heroes of their own story. By that, I mean Saddam Hussein didn't wake up every morning and go, "Oh, I'm evil today." He thought he was doing the righteous thing. Just to be realistic, and keeping with the gravitas of the show, villains don't consider themselves villains. Even in episode 309, Ra's gives a little speech where he talks about replacing evil with death. For him, all the murders that he's committed over the course of his life were really in the service of a greater good. Does that make him a villain? Quite frankly, I'd rather have the audience debate that than me weigh in on it for them. One of the touchstones for "Arrow" is that our villains are morally complex.

How does Malcolm Merlyn handle Ra's being in Starling City?

I'm just going to go with "unexpectedly."

One scene has Oliver and Ra's sword fighting shirtless. How much of that was inspired by Neal Adams' classic Batman versus Ra's al Ghul duel?

One hundred percent. We knew from jump that we wanted to pay homage to that epic fight. Truth be told, we probably would have set it in a desert as well, except for the fact it's very hard to do that convincingly in Vancouver in October.

You've stated the show will never be the same after "The Climb." Can you elaborate on that and how the stakes have been raised?

I would say, I don't know if Oliver has ever had as personal an agenda before. One of the things we tend to do with these big, epic episodes is that it's all about saving the city and saving hundreds of thousands of people. Here, there's only one person he's trying to save. That makes it a very intimate kind of fight.

As far as how the show will never be the same, you're going to have to watch.

In what ways do the ramifications of tonight's episode set up the Black Canary arc and lay the groundwork even beyond that?

The one thing I want to clarify -- and I don't know how this happened -- it got out there in the ether that we were doing a Black Canary arc. That's not really the case. In episodes 10, 11 and 12, there's some pretty huge growth for Laurel and big steps taken on the road to becoming the Black Canary. That said, it's not the Black Canary show. I'd say episode 10 is all about Team Arrow and dealing with the ramifications and the aftershocks of 309.

Roy, Felicity and Diggs really come to the fore in 10, 11 and 12, for reasons I think will be pretty clear by the time you see episode 9.

What kind of discussions has there been about the Lazarus Pits, which is an important part of Ra's al Ghul's mythology?

I think the best answer to that question is to direct you to the end of episode 4, and the very first time we saw Ra's. That's the best way I can answer without spoiling things.

This is also a big episode for Ray Palmer. What can you tease about his plans and how they'll impact Oliver?

We're going to see the ramifications of the kiss that Felicity and Ray had. We're going to learn a pretty significant piece of Ray's backstory. We're going to get a pretty nice glimpse of the super-suit he's been building.

As far as how those developments impact Oliver, I'll say in all honesty, I don't think they are going to impact him very much in 309. But, the track is being laid for further developments between Ray and Felicity. By the end of their last scene, you'll see what plans Ray has for Felicity.

http://www.comicbookresources.com/?page ... e&id=57672

- Stephen Amell Teases Arrow Winter Finale (TVFanatic):

http://www.tvfanatic.com/videos/stephen ... er-finale/

- Stephen Amell Set Visit Interview (TVFanatic):

http://www.tvfanatic.com/videos/stephen ... interview/

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¡¡¡¡AY, OMÁ QUÉ CALORES!!!! ¡Gracias por tu regalo, Nitta!

Mensajes: 32857
Registrado: Dom May 21, 2006 12:15 am

Re: "ARROW" Nueva serie de la CW para TV basada en Green Arr

Mensaje por Shelby »

- 3.09 "The Climb" Clip #1:


- 3.09 "The Climb" Clip #2:

http://uk.eonline.com/news/605092/arrow ... n-dreading

- 3.09 "The Climb" Clip #3:

http://www.spoilertv.com/2014/12/arrow- ... on_24.html?

- Arrow - Inside: 3.09 "The Climb" Featurette:


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¡¡¡¡AY, OMÁ QUÉ CALORES!!!! ¡Gracias por tu regalo, Nitta!

Mensajes: 32857
Registrado: Dom May 21, 2006 12:15 am

Re: "ARROW" Nueva serie de la CW para TV basada en Green Arr

Mensaje por Shelby »

- Arrow 3.10 "Left Behind" Promo (HD):


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¡¡¡¡AY, OMÁ QUÉ CALORES!!!! ¡Gracias por tu regalo, Nitta!

Mensajes: 32857
Registrado: Dom May 21, 2006 12:15 am

Re: "ARROW" Nueva serie de la CW para TV basada en Green Arr

Mensaje por Shelby »

- Revelado el título y créditos del episodio 3.14:
Ya tenemos el título y créditos de un nuevo capítulo gracias a Marc Guggenheim:


https://twitter.com/mguggenheim/status/ ... 6068291584

El episodio 3.14 de 'Arrow' tendrá por título "The Return". Está escrito por Mark Guggenheim & Erik Olenson y está dirigido por Dermott Downs.

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¡¡¡¡AY, OMÁ QUÉ CALORES!!!! ¡Gracias por tu regalo, Nitta!

Mensajes: 32857
Registrado: Dom May 21, 2006 12:15 am

Re: "ARROW" Nueva serie de la CW para TV basada en Green Arr

Mensaje por Shelby »

- CWTV - 2014 Holiday Sizzle:


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¡¡¡¡AY, OMÁ QUÉ CALORES!!!! ¡Gracias por tu regalo, Nitta!

Mensajes: 32857
Registrado: Dom May 21, 2006 12:15 am

Re: "ARROW" Nueva serie de la CW para TV basada en Green Arr

Mensaje por Shelby »

- Imágenes BTS de los episodios 3.09 - 3.14:

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(@Misskatrinakaw: Thank u all for tuning in last night! Love ya! @amellywood @KarlYune @CW_Arrow #MattNable @ThorFreudenthal #TheClimb
Episode 3.14, The Return - BTS Photo of Stephen Amell & Colin Donnel)

Añadidos los rátings del 3.09. Podéis encontrarlos AQUÍ

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¡¡¡¡AY, OMÁ QUÉ CALORES!!!! ¡Gracias por tu regalo, Nitta!

Mensajes: 32857
Registrado: Dom May 21, 2006 12:15 am

Re: "ARROW" Nueva serie de la CW para TV basada en Green Arr

Mensaje por Shelby »

- El actor Marc Singer se une a "Arrow" como el 'General Matthew Shrieve':
singer-detail-477f9.jpg (47.38 KiB) Visto 2628 veces
El actor Marc Singer se ha unido a la S3 de "Arrow" como otro personaje de DC Comics, el 'General Matthew Shrieve', personaje creado por el escritor J. M. DeMatteis y el artista Pat Broderick, que fue visto por primera vez en los años '80 en el nº93 de "Weird War Tales".

El personaje está previsto que sea recurrente tras su debut en el episodio 3.014 "The Return", que está previsto que se emita a finales de Febrero o principios de Marzo del 2015.

La descripción oficial del personaje de la Warner Bros. TV dice lo siguiente: "En DC Comics, Matthew Shrieve es el líder de un grupo conocido como 'the Creature Commandos'. En 'Arrow' jugará un importante papel en la última parte de la historia de los flashbacks de la temporada."

A pesar de haber existido durante casi 35 años, el personaje ha aparecido en relativamente pocos cómics. Su papel principal en los cómics ha sido el ser el líder humano del Comando de Criaturas de la II Guerra Mundial, una unidad militar que consiste en una serie de mostruos arquetípicos tales como Frankenstein, hombre-lobo, vampiro, górgola..., aunque dada la naturaleza de "Arrow" es difícil que vayamos a ver al Comando en sí.

Singer es un veterano del género, a quienes muchos recordarán como 'Donovan' de la serie original de "V" de los '80. También por protagonizar las películas de "El Señor de las Bestias", aparecer en la última versión de "V" y en "Mentes Criminales". También prestó su voz al personaje de 'Man-Bat /Dr. Kirk Langstrom' en la serie animada de Batman.

"Arrow" regresará a nuestras pantallas con nuevos episodios el 21 de Enero del 2015.

http://www.comicbookresources.com/?page ... e&id=57723

- Imágenes BTS del 3.13 "CANARIES":

http://canadagraphs.weebly.com/arrow-bl ... phen-amell

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¡¡¡¡AY, OMÁ QUÉ CALORES!!!! ¡Gracias por tu regalo, Nitta!
