Información y renovados para la Décima Temporada

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Registrado: Vie Sep 19, 2008 7:49 pm

Re: Información y renovados para la Décima Temporada

Mensaje por Nitta »

Gracias por los scans y las fotos de Erica, Alexa. :smt023

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Hasta siempre, Smallville...

Clark Kent
Clark Kent
Mensajes: 1279
Registrado: Vie Sep 04, 2009 11:47 pm
Ubicación: Venezuela

Re: Información y renovados para la Décima Temporada

Mensaje por Alexakent »

mas fotos

Imagen Imagen ImagenImagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen

- Clarkista 100% - esperando que vuele :)

Mensajes: 2216
Registrado: Vie Sep 19, 2008 7:49 pm

Re: Información y renovados para la Décima Temporada

Mensaje por Nitta »

Espectaculares todas las fotos de Erica! :shock:

Mil gracias, Alexa. :wink:

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Hasta siempre, Smallville...

Clark Kent
Clark Kent
Mensajes: 1118
Registrado: Dom Ago 16, 2009 2:22 am
Ubicación: Barcelona

Re: Información y renovados para la Décima Temporada

Mensaje por Dev-Em »

:bb :bb :bb :bb :bb :bb :bb :bb :bb :bb :bb :bb :bb :bb :bb :bb
Un par de licuosos icons por cada foto de mi bella diosa Erica... :smt055

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Clark Kent
Clark Kent
Mensajes: 1279
Registrado: Vie Sep 04, 2009 11:47 pm
Ubicación: Venezuela

Re: Información y renovados para la Décima Temporada

Mensaje por Alexakent »

ire poniendo noticias Shelby cuando llege las traduce repito dia de Loco :smt005 :smt005 :smt005

Smallville Stars Promise Comic-Con (and Thousands of Fans!) a Fabulous Final Season
If you're feeling a teensy bit emotional about the impending end of Smallville—well, join the club.

Sorry, wish we could offer you some solace, but after the nine-season retrospective (new footage from year ten included!) at Sunday morning's Comic-Con panel, we're still sitting here like blubbering idiots trying to pen this oh-so-informative scoop-fest for you. Wait, there actually is some solace in that, huh?

So sit back, relax and put your Chlollie/Clois/Clark Kent thinking caps on, because boy do we have some Comic-Con induced fun for you...

Since you asked (and asked and asked via hundreds of Twitter @replies), we did our best to get the dirt on your favorite Smallville lovebirds, Chloe (Alison Mack) and Oliver (Justin Hartley). And luckily, we did!

According to show runner Kelly Souders, Alison fans need not fret—that kickass chicky will be back in a big way.

"We have a really strong story for her this season," Kelly tells us. "You will see Chloe this season again [beyond the premiere]. Plus, she has a relationship with Oliver and she's got to tie that up. That's just flowing in the wind! Chlollie fans will be happy—they will get their time onscreen."

Go ahead—we'll give you guys a minute to regroup after that joyous news.

"That relationship has been a lot of fun for us to write," Kelly continues, "and I know it's been really fun for Justin and Alison. They've had a good time evolving, and [that relationship] is not going to stall out. They're so interesting together, we love them onscreen. So we're Chlollie fans, too!"

As for the actual number of episodes Alison will appear in, it's still up in the air, but both Kelly and show runner Brian Peterson promise it will be for as many as humanly possible. Plus, Chloe will be introduced in int comic books soon too, so be on the lookout for that.

Justin Hartley is eager to get his onscreen galpal back, too. "The way it starts off is Oliver's looking for Chloe, trying to find out who took her, what happened," he spills, "He gets those answers rather quickly. And from then on it's a quest to find her or prove those people wrong. He doesn't believe them. But I love Chlollie. It works, right?"

Oh, and did you guys want some news about Lois (Erica Durance) and Clark (Tom Welling), too?

Erica tells us Clois will be in a good place with Smallville returns Sept. 24. "Lois knows Clark's secret, and that's mind-blowing but it's an affirmation she has because I believe she's always known they was the same person," she laughs.

"I would go up against anyone about that. And now Lois is embracing it and finding out where she fits in his world now that he's this rockstar."

But ever the feminista, Erica has plans for her alter beyond the romance: "Hopefully she will continue to go forward, and continue her individual path and being that undercover reporter and believing in herself—not just relying on the fact that he's a superhero. I want her to still continue to save herself." Have we mentioned that both Erica and Lois are pretty badass?

Comic-Con's Smallville panel was bubbling over with too much scoop? Not possible, but here's your quick fix on everything else you need to know:

• John Schneider (Jonathan Kent) is back, and popped up on the panel to surprise fans!" I wish I were more like him in my real life," John gushed of his character. What you might not have known is that he'll be back for more than one episode and told us that how he reappears is still a mystery to him. "I don't know if that means I'm a spirit. I'm not really sure exactly what I am; real, imaginary, memory? But it's the best written scene I've ever done on Smallville."

• Lionel (not Lex!) Luthor appeared in the new footage for season ten, but that doesn't mean they've given up on Michael Rosenbaum's return. "I know he's thinking about it," Tom tells us. "I know he knows that we want him and we don't feel like we can end it without it. He threatened he'd be in audience and make himself known, but he kept quiet if he was even out there." And for the record, Tom said he'll sign our petition to bring the baddie back, so let's get going on that.

• Tess lives! For better or worse, Cassidy Freeman ain't goin' nowhere. "I'm sitting here in this panel, so it looks good," she teased. "There are no goodbyes for me right now, I'm coming back to say hello."

• Brian Peterson says they're bringing in Darkseid as a villain this season, but in a way we've never seen before. Also, members of the Suicide Squad will pop up.

• Some form of the real Superman suit popped up in the promo, so which Tom said he hadn't seen it in person yet, and Brian promised we'd see Clark in an outfit other than the black one we're seeing now. "Whatever we do, I want to make sure we earn the suit at the end," Tom told us after the panel.

• 22! Erica will be in 22 episodes this season. And Justin will be in 17.

• To answer many Twitter Q's: ""I don't think we need a symbol or bracelet to know who Clark's true love is," per Brian.

That's all the Smallville scoop we've got for now—how are you feeling about it? Let us know below!

Read more: ... z0ujNzXtGs ... z0ujMXKJ8O

‘Smallville’: A Peek at the Final Season at Comic-Con
At the “Smallville” panel at Comic-Con on Sunday, fans got a sneak peek at the coming 10th and final season of the show, which will begin airing in September on the CW Fridays.

The show will reach its 200th episode this year, making it the longest-running sci-fi series on television. The exclusive footage from the coming season included a glimpse of the new, traditional blue-and-red Superman suit, which will replace the black and silver uniform that actor and director Tom Welling has worn in past seasons as Clark Kent. “I make the new suit look fantastic,” said Welling with a grin.

Cast members and show producers at the panel included Erica Durance (Lois Lane) and John Schneider (John Kent). Schneider, who plays Superman’s father on the TV series, made a surprise appearance several minutes into the session. When he realized he didn’t have a name card at his seat, he took his driver’s license out of his wallet and propped it up in front of him. “That’s my superhero haircut,” he joked, as cameras zoomed in on the license. “It’s also your address,” Welling reminded him. Schneider’s jaw dropped open and he removed the license. “I don’t live there anymore!” he fibbed, to laughter. Then, in resignation, he added, “So I guess I’ll be seeing you all later.”

During the Q & A session, when a man began telling Welling that his daughter’s 18th birthday was that day, tech staff cut off his voice, presumably because he was going to make a personal request of a member of the panel — a big no-no at Comic-Con. Schneider insisted that the man be allowed to finish. He said he knows the importance of a daughter’s 18th birthday. The man returned to the stage with his daughter, and Welling gave them his autograph.

When asked about training for the action sequences in the TV series, Durance said she often just “falls into” the correct positions because of her clumsiness. Cast members were also asked which character they would be, if they could play another actor’s role. “I just wish I were more like John Kent in real life,” Schneider said. “He’s the best-written character I’ve had the absolute honor to be associated with.” Schneider also informed fans that he has auditioned for a role as an ex pro-golfer alcoholic named Ronnie Barnes on the Spike TV show “The Back Nine,” and that the role is the complete opposite of his part on “Smallville.” Welling interrupted, “Going back to what you said about being more like John Kent - how does Mr. Barnes fit into that?” “Well, I’m really more like Ronnie Barnes,” Schneider admitted.

When asked about funniest scenes, Schneider said it was when Welling couldn’t say the word “macrame” no matter how much he tried. He ended up having to say “hanging potted plant.” When fans yelled that they wanted to hear Welling try to say “macarame” he leaned into his microphone, paused, and said: “Hanging potted plant.”

Welling said the funniest scene for him was when Lex Luthor (Michael Rosenbaum) died. He was clutching actor Rosenbaum in his arms and he refused to die because it was his last scene and he didn’t want to leave the set. “He wouldn’t shut up,” Welling said. His favorite scene, he said, was when he got to work with Christopher Reeve when he made a special appearance in Season 2.

Producer and writer Kelly Souders told fans to expect a lot from the last season — especially episode 4, the 200th one. “We’re trying to throw everything under the kitchen sink into this season,” she said, adding that the 200th episode will contain a lot of what’s on their list of things to do before the show ends. When asked why the show’s Clark Kent has worn a black-and-silver suit instead of the traditional suit in past episodes, Souders said: “Before Clark Kent really becomes Superman, he has to go through some trials and tribulations,” she said. Now that he has gone through them, he can really become Superman, she said. She added that the suit Welling will be wearing is the same one from the “Superman Returns” movie. Show producers also announced that the 9th season will be released on Blue-Ray and DVD in September. ... comic-con/

Ks entrevisto a Tom welling
In nearly ten years of writing about Smallville, between companion books and running KryptonSite, I (webmaster Craig Byrne) have interviewed almost every cast member of the series - except one.

Today, after a fantastic panel at the Comic-Con International in San Diego, I've finally been able to check that off the list, talking to someone who was incredibly gracious both on the panel and in the press room - someone where the show wouldn't be possible without him - Mr. Tom Welling. The interview was short, but, hopefully you'll be pleased with what he had to say.

Please do not duplicate this interview onto other websites. Instead, just place a link to this page. Thank you!

KRYPTONSITE: At the CW Upfronts in May, you talked a bit about wanting to get people from the show's past back onto the show. Can you tell me a bit more about what you've tried to get Michael back?

TOM WELLING: Well, I have tried a few things with Michael. I've twisted his arm, I've taken him to dinner, I've gotten him drunk... I've tried to get him to sign papers that he didn't know what they were... so, I'm trying everything that I can. Michael wants to come back, but there are just some things to iron out, and I think he understands that we can't end the show without Lex Luthor. We're even teasing the idea that he's going to be on already, with the idea of clones, or [the idea] that Lex has developed these bodies that he could then tap into to heal himself later in life.

Supergirl will be back, Jonathan will come back... I just want to see all of these people come back, so that we can all get closure on all of them.

K-SITE: Do you think we'll have any closure with Lana by series' end?

TOM: I would love to see Clark in a situation where he's got Lois to his left and Lana to his right, and it's like a very awkward scene. I think it would be a great scene.

Thanks again to Tom for the interview and for doing a fantastic job bringing Clark Kent to life for nearly a decade.

- Clarkista 100% - esperando que vuele :)

Mensajes: 4541
Registrado: Mié Jun 06, 2007 4:43 pm
Ubicación: Roca Casterly

Re: Información y renovados para la Décima Temporada

Mensaje por Bertu »

Fuente, KS
Cassidy Freeman nos dijo que Tess quizá esté tomando un papel más "Watchtower" y quizá posiblemente se una al lado de Clark y Oliver.También dice que su personaje tiene un secreto de su pasado que sabremos más tarde en la temporada.She also teases her character has a secret from her past that we will learn later in the season.


Mensajes: 2082
Registrado: Lun Oct 02, 2006 11:28 am
Ubicación: España

Re: Información y renovados para la Décima Temporada

Mensaje por Restart »

Bertu escribió:Fuente, KS
Cassidy Freeman nos dijo que Tess quizá esté tomando un papel más "Watchtower" y quizá posiblemente se una al lado de Clark y Oliver.También dice que su personaje tiene un secreto de su pasado que sabremos más tarde en la temporada.She also teases her character has a secret from her past that we will learn later in the season.
WatchTower, hubiera preferido Que fuese Brainiac, que se meta en un ordenador y guie a los de la JLA..
Tess, esperaba ver algo relacionado con Lex, pero esto ya se aleja bastante...


Clark Kent
Clark Kent
Mensajes: 1436
Registrado: Lun Abr 09, 2007 10:30 pm
Ubicación: Venezuela

Re: Información y renovados para la Décima Temporada

Mensaje por shellbys »

Restart escribió:
Bertu escribió:Fuente, KS
Cassidy Freeman nos dijo que Tess quizá esté tomando un papel más "Watchtower" y quizá posiblemente se una al lado de Clark y Oliver.También dice que su personaje tiene un secreto de su pasado que sabremos más tarde en la temporada.She also teases her character has a secret from her past that we will learn later in the season.
WatchTower, hubiera preferido Que fuese Brainiac, que se meta en un ordenador y guie a los de la JLA..
Tess, esperaba ver algo relacionado con Lex, pero esto ya se aleja bastante...
:roll: :smt102 :roll:
Tiene razon ahora mo regresa brainiac, tengo entendido q la legion se lo llevo al futuro cuando se lo sacaron del cuerpo de Chole.


Clark Kent
Clark Kent
Mensajes: 1279
Registrado: Vie Sep 04, 2009 11:47 pm
Ubicación: Venezuela

Re: Información y renovados para la Décima Temporada

Mensaje por Alexakent »

In the Smallville promo reel from Season 10 shown at Comic-Con, Kara and Jonathan weren't the only returning faces that we saw... there was another clip, that we now know was from a previous season, of John Glover as Lionel. What's the deal? Here's a quick snippet from Executive Producer Kelly Souders...

"We are hoping for him to come back, and we have a story that we really wanting to tell with him, that we're talking about right now. Hopefully there will be more news soon," Souders tells us.

More full interviews will be posted soon; some audio issues got into the way with some of the roundtable episodes, so they're taking a little longer to transcribe than usual. Thank you for your patience!

- Clarkista 100% - esperando que vuele :)

Mensajes: 4541
Registrado: Mié Jun 06, 2007 4:43 pm
Ubicación: Roca Casterly

Re: Información y renovados para la Décima Temporada

Mensaje por Bertu »


En el vídeo de la décima temporada mostrado en la Comic-Con, Kara y Jonathan no eran las únicas caras que vuelven que vimos... hubo otro fragmento, que sabemos que era de otra temporada previa, de John Glover como Lionel. ¿Qué pasa? Aquí un fragmento de lo que nos dijo la productora ejecutiva Kelly Souders...

"Esperamos que vuelva, y tenemos una historia que realmente queremos contar con él, que hemos estado hablando ahora mismo. Afortunadamente habrá más noticias pronto", nos dijo Souders.


Clark Kent
Clark Kent
Mensajes: 1279
Registrado: Vie Sep 04, 2009 11:47 pm
Ubicación: Venezuela

Re: Información y renovados para la Décima Temporada

Mensaje por Alexakent »

Seguimos :smt005 :smt005 :smt005 Y me gusta hacer el post porque es de mi querido ausiello ha sacado dos entrevistas una de brina y kelly y otra de Erica durance, si puedo en la tarde subo los videos a youtube deben verlos directo en su pag ... comic-con/

Por cierto ha puesto esta foto en su blog sencillamente Hermosa
Última edición por Alexakent el Lun Jul 26, 2010 5:53 pm, editado 2 veces en total.

- Clarkista 100% - esperando que vuele :)

Mensajes: 4541
Registrado: Mié Jun 06, 2007 4:43 pm
Ubicación: Roca Casterly

Re: Información y renovados para la Décima Temporada

Mensaje por Bertu »

Y es que uno no puedo parar a repostar ni un momento. Kryptonsite ha subido la entrevista a Erica Durance.

A lot of your fans are very excited that you will be in 22 episodes this year. How does it feel to have that finally happening?

I am very excited, myself. I was joking that I just waited for the rest of the cast to die off, and they finally let me in the door, just with pure perserverence. No. I'm excited to be in every story, and see where they can take my character, and hopefully flesh out a nice, big arc for her. I'm looking forward to it.

Did you look to anyone who inspired your portrayal of Lois Lane?

I relied on the guys that were writing on the show, and where they wanted to take her. And then just trying to clear my mind of the fact that she is Lois Lane, and do my best, and just see her as her own entity; a new character, and go from there. It helped that I had really interesting storylines to go from. I haven't specifically taken from the other Loises. Actually, I got a lot of inspiration from my mom. She's very similar.

On the panel you alluded to Lois's reaction to knowing Clark's secret. Can you talk a bit more about that?

I'm not allowed to say too much, but to be fair, they've made it safe for themselves, because they haven't told us a lot of stuff. So it's moreso the idea that I get where she's knows, so there's the power shift. She has to decide how she fits in and whether she'd be more of a hindrance to him, or a help to him. She knows she's like a bull in a china shop, and she realizes that he has this huge destiny and "How can I be a part of it?" But in true Lois fashion, the way that she helps isn't the normal, helpful way [laughs], and then she'll get impatient with the whole situation of keeping the secret.

Would you like to see more of Lois's family, like General Lane, on the series again at some point?

I would. I'd like to see a little bit more of Lois's family back. And [Michael Ironside] was a lot of fun to work with, so it'll be really great to have him back.

Have the producers told you what Lois Lane's final scene in the show will be?

No. We know nothing!

If it were up to you, what do you think Lois's fate should be?

She should be with Clark.


Ehhh.... Marriage always does weird things, doesn't it?

But you're happily married!

I am. But the character wouldn't. It's always better to keep that mystery.

The second episode of the new season is said to have a sequence with Lois and Carter Hall in the desert. What's going on there?

Lois has a chance meeting with Carter Hall, and gets a little inspiration from him on how to deal with this whole situation. Which was really fun. I really enjoyed working with Michael.

Do you think they'll eventually stop saying The Blur and start saying Superman on the show?

I hope so. I said "Superman" [in the preview]. So maybe it'll take.

Luego os la traduzco :smt023


Clark Kent
Clark Kent
Mensajes: 1279
Registrado: Vie Sep 04, 2009 11:47 pm
Ubicación: Venezuela

Re: Información y renovados para la Décima Temporada

Mensaje por Alexakent »

Escuchando la Entrevista de Kelly-brina y luego erica... mas o menos dice esto...

Viendo la entrevista y comentando con foreros, y tw la entrevista encierra esto...

BYK: que los roles va a a estar intercambiado por q ahora ser lois la q tendra el poder por que ella sabe el secreto de clark y lo mantedra para ella, a si mismo el roll de clark antes de cuidar su secreto
antes clark engañaba a lana por su secreto y a lois ahora sera ella quien lo haga
es divertido pro que ella es terrible manteniendole secretos a el
el braniac que bien es el braniac bueno, cat jugara un papel de triangulo entre lois y clark
irritara mucho a clark
KyB sobre qUE lois ba a tenER a Clark castigado por un rato jajaajaj

ERICA: erica dice .. lois sabe el secreto y no va a morir
qeu van a tener momentos comicos cuando ella trate de ayudarlo a el pero se de cuenta que ella sabe para que el pueda hacer su trabajo de super heroe

Igual ausellio comneto sobre s11 y ellos comentaron esto:
Kelly dijo en el mundo de Smallville todo es posible y por eso ella no dice NUNCA

- Clarkista 100% - esperando que vuele :)

Mensajes: 4541
Registrado: Mié Jun 06, 2007 4:43 pm
Ubicación: Roca Casterly

Re: Información y renovados para la Décima Temporada

Mensaje por Bertu »

Hay más...
Martha Kent también vuelve
"Kelly también ha mencionado que vuelve Martha Kent".


Clark Kent
Clark Kent
Mensajes: 1128
Registrado: Vie Ene 12, 2007 9:27 pm

Re: Información y renovados para la Décima Temporada

Mensaje por Vader_el »

a estas alturas la pregunta es quien no vuelve..., a si, ya, Lex XDDDD



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