Foro dedicado a Erica Durance que interpreta a Lois Lane

Moderadores: Shelby, Lore, porre, Super_House, ZeTa, Trasgo

Mensajes: 32857
Registrado: Dom May 21, 2006 12:15 am


Mensaje por Shelby »

- Make-up pic with Makeup Artist Candice Ornstein in "Saving Hope":



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¡¡¡¡AY, OMÁ QUÉ CALORES!!!! ¡Gracias por tu regalo, Nitta!

Mensajes: 32857
Registrado: Dom May 21, 2006 12:15 am


Mensaje por Shelby »

- Saving Hope returns after the Games:


- Sinopsis del 1.09 "Bea, Again":
16/08/2012 (09:00PM - 10:00PM) (Jueves) : Con Charlie habiéndosele sido retirado el ventilador, todo lo que él y Alex pueden hacer es esperar y preguntarse a sí mismos: ¿es esto realmente el final? Pero cuando una paciente llega para un seguimiento de rutina, sus nuevos síntomas podrían llevar a Alex y a Charlie a hacer un descubrimiento sobre el coma de Charlie. Mientras tanto, Joel no puede operar tras haberse roto la mano, y Maggie y Gavin tienen que tratar con las consecuencias de su beso.

http://www.spoilertv.com/2012/08/saving ... press.html?

- Sinopsis del 1.10 "A New Beginning":
23/08/2012 (09:00PM - 10:00PM) (Jueves) : Cuando Joel tiene dudas en la sala de operaciones, Kinney se lo lleva con ella a un trabajo de Continuación de Educación Médica en su ciudad natal para ayudarle a aclarar su mente. Durante su viaje, una mujer queda atrapada bajo un camión y Joel y Kinney dirigen los esfuerzos del rescate. Mientras tanto, Charlie se encuentra con una recién muerta terapista que sospecha que es un bloqueo emocional lo que lo mantiene en coma. Animada porque Charlie esté respirando por sí mismo, Alex continúa sus rondas y diagnostiva a un aficionado al fitness con una rara enfermedad.

http://www.spoilertv.com/2012/08/saving ... lease.html?

- Sinopsis del 1.11 "The Law of Contagion":
30/08/2012 (09:00PM – 10:00PM) (Jueves): La enfermedad de un pasajero fuerza a un avión a aterrizar; cuando Alex le realiza una operación de emergencia al paciente, se da cuenta de que un virus contagioso y mortal puede haber sido traído al hospital.

http://www.spoilertv.com/2012/08/saving ... aw-of.html

- New Stills 1.09 "Bea, Again":

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- En HQ:

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(gracias a @lovedearest)

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¡¡¡¡AY, OMÁ QUÉ CALORES!!!! ¡Gracias por tu regalo, Nitta!

Mensajes: 32857
Registrado: Dom May 21, 2006 12:15 am


Mensaje por Shelby »

- Colm Feore y Michael Shanks: Del Festival de Stratford Festival a 'Saving Hope' (ctv.ca):
Colm Feore y Michael Shanks: Del Festival de Stratford Festival a 'Saving Hope'
Por Lindsay Zier-Vogel 17/08/2012 3:55:25 AM

He’s played everything from a vicious cardinal, Pierre Trudeau and Glenn Gould, but veteran Canadian actor Colm Feore hasn’t ever played a ghost on a Canadian TV show, at least not until his role on “Saving Hope’s” ninth episode, “Bea, Again.”

“He’s a wonderful character,” Feore says about Mack, Charlie’s dead mentor. “He has no future – he’s dead and all – but the way it’s structured, there are so many discoveries (for him).”

Mack’s body has brought into the morgue while his spirit self joins Charlie in the Hope-Z hall wandering, where he arrogantly assumes a know-it-all role.

“But he has this journey of discovery . . . and realizes, regretfully, that some of the problems have been his – the arrogance was his, bullying his way through and being too quick to judge – mistakes were made,” Feore notes.

Though some fictionalized ghosts are granted omnipotent powers, Feore loves the lack of agency and awareness afforded to Mack and Charlie. “What’s wonderful about this alternate universe, this middle place that they find themselves in is they don’t have all the answers there either. We’re exploring in the fog a little bit together and all we can do is try and cobble together a sensible story out of the bits of information we have.”

Though Michael Shanks has said it can be lonely playing a ghost on the show, Feore says he hasn’t felt lonely once during the shoot. “I’m always stuck to the hip with (Michael), so it’s never been lonely for me,” he jokes.

He does note, however, that existing in this in between space has changed and shaped his acting. “We’re there and not there. It’s wonderful. It affects everything from the way you act and the way you think about things and the way you dress,” he says.

“The way we’ve decided to go with the wardrobe is that he looks like he belongs, he’s in scrubs, but there’s something missing – he’s not wearing a watch. He doesn’t look right somehow. If you glance once, it’s all cool, but if you look twice, you can tell he’s on a slightly different plane than everyone else.

“It does change some of the acting. You can allow it to get slightly odder.”

And Shanks agrees: “Actors are very used to occupying a space, a set, seeing what tools are around them. The problem is with this in between realm, you can’t use anything. When you lean on something, or grab hold of something, or sit on something, you have to ask yourself if you should be doing this and what the rules are.

“It’s all talking, there’s nothing to hide behind. It’s daunting! You do have to re-think every time you step into a space what you can and can’t do and what you can interact with, or more importantly what you can’t interact with,” he says.

Beyond existing in this limbo in Hope-Z, the pair have also both wandered the halls of the renowned Stratford Festival, though as Shakespearean actors, not as ghosts.

“We were at Stratford at slightly different times, but because we were both at Stratford, we share a vocabulary, which is enormously helpful because (these kinds of relationships require an) instant intimacy. (It’s difficult) to meet your wife, your lover, your best friend, five minutes before you shoot.”

And, he notes, that’s just what happened between him and Shanks. “We shot our first scene together followed by our last scene five minutes later, with nothing in between.”

But, he says because of their shared background, they were able to get to the meat of things without any hesitation. “The way we came to this place is similar. We don’t have to waste any time. We can get right to the point, which is enormously helpful.

“It’s difficult to make TV. You’ve got to make it quickly and how do you do that and still maintain the depth and intelligence required – you hire people who really know what they’re doing and have some kind of history and experience.”

http://www.ctv.ca/SavingHope/Articles/F ... hanks.aspx

- Charlie sigue respirando... y otros spoilers de 'Saving Hope' (ctv.ca):
Charlie sigue respirando... y otros spoilers de 'Saving Hope''
Por Lindsay Zier-Vogel 17/08/2012 3:55:25 AM

The good news is Charlie’s not dead! Not yet anyway…

Even though his old (and decidedly dead!) mentor returned and claimed initially to have come back to the Hope-Z halls to help Charlie die, it was actually because he had screwed up a case years ago and had things in his own past to atone for.

So Charlie’s still around, not awake yet, but at least breathing on his own…for now!

It wasn’t smooth-sailing for Alex though – she tried to get a lawyer to negate the court proceedings and get Charlie’s DNR order removed, and she even tossed a bunch of files at Kinney (the acting chief of surgery!), completely losing her temper.

Not the best move, it turns out, as Kinney then offered Alex’s Chief Resident position to Reycraft. It was easy enough to hate the guy for taking Alex’s job behind her back, but the elation in his voice at the end of the episode while he was telling him parents over the phone was pretty endearing!

I loved seeing young Alex rocking the bangs in the flashback to the first day of her residency where she saved the day, and a patient.

It was strange seeing Charlie and Dawn as a couple in that flashback, though she didn’t seem quite as awful and caustic back then as she does in the present tense.

Well, that’s not fair – she did end up taking the DNR off Charlie’s chart. Victory!

Joel’s hand was still messed up from throwing bar fight punches, and he was sporting a black eye, but that didn’t keep him from treating a woman’s broken hand and helping her walk again after two years of thinking she was paralyzed.

It was a pretty emotional scene, watching Joel help the woman out of her wheelchair, but my ultimate favourite scene was watching E.R. doc Zach Miller clapping and singing away with a gospel choir to cheer up the injured woman.

I was really hoping the picnic table smooch between Maggie and Gavin was going to pave the way for more cuteness between the two, but she made it pretty clear from the get-go that things weren’t on. I get the whole “bad boy as attractive” thing, but Gavin would be such a better boyfriend than the ever-aloof Joel, don’t you think?

I thought things might get going again with her offer of cafeteria tray sledding, and was surprised when Gavin shrugged it off. Can’t have your cake and eat it, too, Dr. Lin!

But then, was that jealousy on Maggie’s face when she saw Gavin chatting (flirting?) with a cute girl. Oh Maggie, when are you going to finally see what is right in front of you!?

Other girl flirting or not, I’m still rooting for Team Maggie-and-Gavin (Magvin? Gavgie?)

http://www.ctv.ca/SavingHope/Articles/F ... _blog.aspx

- Saving Hope - Episode 110 Supertrailer feat. The Sheepdogs "Feeling Good" :


- Saving Hope: Mentors *Web Extra*:


- Saving Hope: Meet Salvatore Antonio *Web Extra*:


- Saving Hope: Inside Episode 9 *Web Extra*:


- Links de descarga del 1.09 "Bea, Again":

- Ask Gavin (110) "Ask Gavin 2.0" *Vlog*:


- Ask Gavin (111) "One-Man Show" *Vlog*:


- Letters to Charlie #9:


- Música del 1.09 "Bea. Again":

“Lovesick Lullaby” (Andy Brown)

“Understand” (Essie Jain)

- Rátings:

1.09 "Bea, Again" 3.3 million viewers, demo 0.6 on NBC & 1.7 millions viewers on CTV (TVLine & CTVMedia.ca)

- More Stills 1.09 "Bea, Again":

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¡¡¡¡AY, OMÁ QUÉ CALORES!!!! ¡Gracias por tu regalo, Nitta!

Mensajes: 32857
Registrado: Dom May 21, 2006 12:15 am


Mensaje por Shelby »

- Sinopsis de los episodios 1.12 "Ride Hard or Go Home" y 1.13 "Pink Clouds":
1.12 - "Ride Hard or Go Home" (01/09/12): Shahir y Alex planean un procedimiento de último recurso para Charlie, pero Charlie tiene que primero asumir su pasado antes de que pueda despertarse. Mientras tanto, Joel le practica a una mujer jockey una operación de riesgo y Gavin cruza la línea cuando se encuentra con un paciente con Alzheimer.

1.13 - "Pink Clouds" (08/09/12): Tras un gran giro de los acontecimientos, Alex se enfrenta con una monumental pregunta "va su vida ahora a cambiar para siempre? Mientras tanto, Joel está en una carrera contra reloj para salvar a un joven paciente de una bacteria carnívora que está acelerándose rápidamente.

http://www.spoilertv.com/2012/08/saving ... s-and.html?
http://durancemagazine.org/2012/08/nbc- ... DSl4KD4V8F

Imagen Imagen
¡¡¡¡AY, OMÁ QUÉ CALORES!!!! ¡Gracias por tu regalo, Nitta!

Mensajes: 32857
Registrado: Dom May 21, 2006 12:15 am


Mensaje por Shelby »

- Saving Hope - Episode 110 Promo - CTV:


- Más stills del 1.10 "A New Beginning":

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Imagen Imagen
¡¡¡¡AY, OMÁ QUÉ CALORES!!!! ¡Gracias por tu regalo, Nitta!

Mensajes: 32857
Registrado: Dom May 21, 2006 12:15 am


Mensaje por Shelby »

- Wendy Crewson sobre un lado diferente aunque no-sin sentido jefa de cirugía (ctv.ca):
Wendy Crewson sobre un lado diferente aunque no-sin sentido jefa de cirugía
Por Lindsay Zier-Vogel 23/08/2012 3:30:10 AM

Even though she’s not the kindest person at Hope-Zion, Dana Kinney hasn’t had it easy since Charlie’s accident. And no one knows more than actress Wendy Crewson, who plays the acting chief of surgery.

“There’s all sorts of upheaval and we’ve seen her trying to find some sort of cohesion, trying to keep everyone in line and grab hold of the emotional reins of the place. It’s not about coddling, but about holding fast, keeping your head in the game and being professional,” Crewson says, standing in an E.R. room on a recent set visit.

But in Episode 10, we get a different glimpse into this tough, no-nonsense acting chief of surgery. “We see her in an emergency situation and we see her taking control of a field amputation. We see her experience and competence as a surgeon emerge and we also get to see the emotional undertones and how that does affect her.

“We see a break in the armour.”

But perhaps even more interesting to Crewson is that the episode confronts the idea of gender equality.
“In positions of power, women are often demonized – they’re immediately seen as a bitch. There’s something ferocious and fabulous about a man in power, but a woman is dangerous and I think we address that in this episode, which I think is significant.

“It’s okay for a woman to be strong and assertive and make a hard call and not be called down for it,” she says.

And this reality exists beyond the halls of Hope-Z, Crewson adds. “We’ve got a lot of really strong women working on this show and they really understand how important it is for our girls to see women in positions of power,” Crewson reflects.

“You can’t be what you can’t see. If young girls never see women in positions of power and authority, it doesn’t become part of their perception of what they could be. It’s really important in the film and television industry that we start showing our girls that there’s something to be other than a (socialite).”

And though Episode 10 highlights the disparity between men and women, Crewson notes that Kinney is stuck in a battle between being emotional as well as professional.

“Kinney’s grown up in years where being emotional has not been seen as a strength in women and it is hard for her to let that go, but it’s a huge part of her and something she’s learning to live (with). It’s something she still needs to continue to incorporate.”

http://www.ctv.ca/SavingHope/Articles/F ... ewson.aspx

- 'Saving Hope' spoilers: Una carretera de amputación, sexo escandaloso, y A road-side amputation, scandalous sex, y exhibiciones (ctv.ca):
'Saving Hope' spoilers: Una carretera de amputación, sexo escandaloso, y A road-side amputation, scandalous sex, y exhibiciones
Por Lindsay Zier-Vogel 24/08/2012 4:00:07 AM

A road-side amputation, scandalous sex, and ‘shrooms – now that was a doozy of an episode!

***Warning: Spoilers ahead!***

Charlie still hasn’t woken up, but he’s still breathing on his own, which is encouraging for Alex (and all of us!)

The fact that he’s still in a coma is a mystery to neurosurgeon Shahir Hamza, but the newly dead psychiatrist who overdosed on ‘shrooms and joined Charlie in the limbo space of Hope-Z has a few speculations as to why he hasn’t fully gone one way or the other.

She doesn’t buy that Charlie’s stuck in this limbo world because of a brain injury, but believes he’s holding on to something psychological. And she pushes Charlie – like, actually pushes him – into revealing why he isn’t waking up.

It’s the first time we really see Charlie lose his temper as he catches himself off guard, revealing that he’s not sure if he wants to wake up.

But is that really it? How could he not want to wake up? The love of his life is agonizing over him, he’s got an amazing job and a wedding ahead…

He did reveal in a flashback though that his parents died in a horrific car crash when he was a kid, and that he didn’t speak for a whole year afterwards. Could it really be the grief from all those years ago preventing him from waking up now?

Road trip!

It seemed at first like Kinney and Joel’s road trip up to a training day for rural doctors would lighten the emotional weight of the episode, but no dice.

(Though side note: I loved the Kinney-Joel road trip tunes. The Lynrd Skynrd on the drive up and Feist for the drive home made me want to hop in a car and find myself some “quilts, fudge and maple sugar!”)
But it was not an idyllic trip up north when Kinney’s childhood friend was pinned underneath a truck (gah!) and Kinney took charge and did a field amputation with Joel’s help (and by help, I mean cutting a femur with bolt cutters).

That was one graphic scene! I’m not squeamish, but there was a lot of peek out from between my fingers moments.

And no show would be complete without some sort of relationship scandal – and this week it was Kinney and Joel getting it on while playing darts at a small town bar post-amputation. What started as a smooch ended up with the pair fumbling to open the hotel room door.

Kinney and Joel!! Not only is Joel dating Maggie (who was back at the hospital), but Kinney is the Chief of Surgery, Joel’s boss. Is there a scandal ahead?

But it was like nothing happened once they got back to the hospital. Hrm.

The indiscretion with Joel aside, this episode confirmed the fact that Kinney is one of my favourite characters at Hope-Z. I love how aggressive and no-nonsense she can be. And in this episode, she also really revealed a softer, more emotional side. Oh Kinney! I really hope they give her the Chief or Surgery job. It’d be terrible if they took it away from her at this point.

And of course, I had to pull out the Kleenex at the end of the episode. Was anyone else all verklempt for that whole last scene with Alex shaving coma-Charlie in his hospital bed?

That was a heart breaker! It was so tender and intimate. So much love!

C’mon Charlie, wake up already!!

http://www.ctv.ca/SavingHope/Articles/F ... ilers.aspx

- Saving Hope - Episode 111 Supertrailer feat. Patrick Watson "Lighthouse":


- Saving Hope - Episode 111 CTV Promo:


- Saving Hope: Inside Episode 10 *Web Extra*:


- Saving Hope: Joel Has Issues *Web Extra*:


- Links de descarga del 1.10 "A New Beginning":

- Ask Gavin (112) "Woofstock" *Vlog*:


- Letters to Charlie #10:


- Música del 1.10 "A new Beginning":

“Feeling Good” (The Sheep Dogs)

“Bad Decisions” (Carleton Stone)

“You make me feel so good” (Clarence Nelson)

- Rátings:

1.10 "A New Beginning" 2.87 million viewers, demo 0.6 on NBC & 1.463 millions viewers on CTV (TVbyNumbers & SavingHopeTV)

- More Stills 1.10 "A New Beginning":

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Imagen Imagen
¡¡¡¡AY, OMÁ QUÉ CALORES!!!! ¡Gracias por tu regalo, Nitta!

Mensajes: 32857
Registrado: Dom May 21, 2006 12:15 am


Mensaje por Shelby »

- Primeros datos sobre el DVD de 'The Complete 1st Season' de Saving Hope:
El drama médico de Erica Durance debutó en NBC y la CTV el pasado junio y está a punto de terminar su primera temporada.

Ahora, aunque el estudio no ha finalizado nada y tampoco ha sido formalmente anunciado el título, se ha previsto la fecha provisional de publicación del "Saving Hope - The Complete 1st Season" en la primavera del 2013, y más aproximadamente la fecha de abril, aunque podría modificarse fácilmente.

El precio de venta se espera que sea de alrededor de los $30 para el DVD de los 13 primeros episodios, aunque no se ha establecido nada seguro hasta el momento.

No hay más información disponible por el momento, ni sobre el box art, o de si habrá una versión de Blu-ray. Estaremos al tanto para conocer nuevos detalles al respecto.

http://tvshowsondvd.com/news/Saving-Hop ... z24wv0Ixm6

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¡¡¡¡AY, OMÁ QUÉ CALORES!!!! ¡Gracias por tu regalo, Nitta!

Mensajes: 32857
Registrado: Dom May 21, 2006 12:15 am


Mensaje por Shelby »

- New Stills 1.11 "The Law of Contagion":

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- Nuevo cambio de fechas de emisión de "Saving Hope":
Según la última nota de prensa de la NBC,se ha dado un nuevo cambio de emisión de los dos últimos episodios, y serán el 8 Sept. y el 15 de Sept., y no el 1 y el 8 como previamente se había informado.

Así, la emisión quedaría:

U.S. (NBC):

• Jueves - 30 Agosto - 9/8c "The Law of Contagion" (1.11)
• Sábado - 8 Septiembre - 9/8c "Ride Hard or Go Home" (1.12)
• Sábado - 15 Septiembre - 9/8c (finale) "Pink Clouds" (1.13)

Canadá (CTV):

• Jueves - 30 Agosto - 9/8c "The Law of Contagion" (1.11)
• Jueves - 6 Septiembre - 9/8c "Ride Hard or Go Home" (1.12)
• Sábado - 13 Septiembre - 9/8c (finale) "Pink Clouds" (1.13)

Imagen Imagen
¡¡¡¡AY, OMÁ QUÉ CALORES!!!! ¡Gracias por tu regalo, Nitta!

Mensajes: 32857
Registrado: Dom May 21, 2006 12:15 am


Mensaje por Shelby »

- Tom Reycraft: Conoce al chico que tomó el trabajo de Alex como Jefe Residente (ctv.ca):
Tom Reycraft: Conoce al chico que tomó el trabajo de Alex como Jefe Residente
Por Lindsay Zier-Vogel 30/08/2012 7:55:14 AM AM

He started the season in the background, but Dr. Thomas Reycraft has replaced Alex as Chief Surgical Resident and actor K.C. Collins says he’s a force to be reckoned with at Hope-Z.

“He’s so direct and he’s ambitious, but sometimes it might be perceived as overboard,” says actor K. C. Collins. “He has his goals and he wants to achieve them.”

And the acting Chief of Surgery, Dr. Kinney, recognizes this no-nonsense, even cutthroat ambition. After she deems Alex unfit to continue as Chief Surgical Resident because her attention is focused on Charlie, Kinney offers the job to Reycraft.

So what does Collins think of Reycraft’s rise in the pecking order of Hope-Z? “I think Reycraft would think, ‘This is where I should’ve been since the beginning.’ I think he feels remorse because of the situation that Alex is in, but at the end of the day, he has to look out for himself and I think Reycraft is proud of that.”

Though he can come across as crass and abrupt, the scene right after he was promoted to Chief Resident and he called his parents and was gushing with excitement? That made him pretty endearing.

It’s clear Alex respects him as a doctor, and Reycraft doesn’t have loads of friends at the hospital. “Now he’s trying to mesh with everyone a little bit,” says Collins. “He can really be a solo act, he’s that kind of guy, but I think he’s starting to feel like some of these people could be his friends.”

Collins is thrilled “Saving Hope” has been renewed for Season 2 and though he doesn’t give away what might happen with Charlie, or if Alex will resume her role as Chief Surgical Resident, Collins does have great hopes for Reycraft.

“I definitely think he needs a love interest, maybe Maggie, who knows, but someone. It’s about time.”

http://www.ctv.ca/SavingHope/Articles/F ... craft.aspx

- Erica Durance reflexiones sobre el 'salvaje viaje' del Episodio 11 (ctv.ca):
Erica Durance reflexiones sobre el 'salvaje viaje' del Episodio 11
Por Lindsay Zier-Vogel 31/08/2012 4:00:42 AM

From surviving a contagion that sweeps through Hope-Z, to being stuck in quarantine, to being kissed (!) by Joel and then having Charlie move, Episode 11 was an intense one for Erica Durance’s character, Alex Reid.

“It’s a real wild ride for every character on the show,” says Durance. “It was particularly intense for Alex when the hospital went into lockdown and Victor was potentially going to die.”

It was that heightened state of both fear and intensity that led to Alex and Joel having an intense discussion about their relationship. “They have an explosive heart to heart and I like to think that it’s the first time Alex admits how much he hurt her,” Durance says.

“They’re forced to find a way to make their relationship work because they have to work together. It’s definitely an uncomfortable zone,” she says about Joel leaning over and kissing Alex, and her response of slapping him across the face.

“But there’s a solidification when people admit truthful and painful things (to one another),” Durance reflects.

“You can’t go back, so you have to find a way to move forwards.”

Not only did things with Joel shift considerably, Charlie moving after the electromagnetic therapy was also a huge milestone for Alex. “It’s one of the most significant changes,” Durance says.

But this shift is not singularly positive. “Along with the great amount of hope is coming along with her and that Charlie’s potentially coming back to her, there’s also a sense of skepticism – did he really do this on his own?

“It’s going to be a roller-coaster, really, really amazing and it also could be painful. Once again, I’ll probably end up bawling,” she laughs.

http://www.ctv.ca/SavingHope/Articles/F ... erica.aspx

- Spoilers para el Episodio 11: Un contagio azota al Hope-Z, la plantilla casi muere... y el coma de Charlie se hace más intenso (ctv.ca):
Spoilers para el Episodio 11: Un contagio azota al Hope-Z, la plantilla casi muere... y el coma de Charlie se hace más intenso
Por Lindsay Zier-Vogel 31/08/2012 4:01:42 AM

He moved! Charlie moved!

Now, I don’t really know what that means in the long term, but it wasn’t a seizure and he didn’t get the crazy contagion virus that took over Hope-Z, which is even better news.

He did, however, have that crazy electromagnetic contraption near his brain for way longer than he was supposed to, and in his dream state, things got a little crazy.

His flashbacks were strange – he wasn’t doing his usual hanging out with the dead and near-dead folks in Hope-Z, but ended up outside the hospital, with blood on his forehead and then in the backseat or a car with his dead parents. Except he couldn’t talk to them. Weird!

And then at the very end of the episode, he realized he had been in the car when his parents were in an accident – and he saw them die.


Hope-Z on lockdown

While Charlie was having his crazy parallel world experience, Hope-Z was contaminated with some sort of crazy virus that was killing people left, right and centre. There have never been that many deaths on the show yet this season and what was even scarier was when Joel, Alex and Victor were put in quarantine.

At first, Victor just seemed paranoid, assuming he had the virus after reading all of the symptoms on his phone, but when his fever started creeping up, it was clear that he had been infected.

Not my favourite scrub nurse!!

And the worst part about it was that he had just gotten into a huge fight with his boyfriend, neurosurgeon Shahir Hamza.

It was touch and go for a while, with Alex and Joel taking care of him, and thankfully, he was one of the few lucky ones who made it through the contagion. Whew!

Love was also contagious it seems...

Even with the contagion shutting down the hospital, there was plenty of relationship drama in this episode. Nothing happened with Joel and Kinney (in fact, I don’t even think they were ever in the same room!). He was cold and prickly to Maggie, calling her “Lin,” and brushing her off at any chance.

And then, of course, good guy Gavin showed up at all the right moments and was ever-gallant and sensitive to Maggie’s stress. (And that scene of them spooning on the narrow hospital bed was so sweet!)

I wanted to cheer when Maggie finally called Joel a terrible boyfriend at the end of the episode.

“I can do so much better than you,” she tells him. And he can only agree.

We finally got a glimpse into the inner-workings of the Shahir-and-Victor relationship as the ever-awkward neurosurgeon refused to introduce his boyfriend of nearly two years to his mom, not because he’s ashamed Victor’s a guy, but because he’s a nurse.

Yikes – that’s harsh!

But after the contagion scare that almost killed Victor, the two of them seemed to find a new level of understanding. I love those two together!

Joel kisses Alex (!!)

Maggie and Gavin were pretty chaste, though pretty flirty, and Shahir finally told Victor he loved him, but the Joel and Alex relationship stuff was next level.

They were in quarantine, when Alex called Joel out on cheating on Maggie, revealing that he had also cheated on her years ago. “It’s your pattern,” she called him out. “You take something really beautiful and you screw it up.”

And then she revealed that he had broken her heart all those years ago.

I’ve never seen Joel look so stunned. But he recovered by planting a big one on Alex.

Not his best move, really…and it resulted in her slapping him across the face.

Thank goodness the episode ended on a positive note, with the lock down lifted on Hope-Z and Alex’s discovery that not only did Charlie escape the contagion, but also had moved.

So he moved…what happens next?

http://www.ctv.ca/SavingHope/Articles/F ... _blog.aspx

- Saving Hope Episode 112 "Ride Hard or Go Home" Supertrailer :


- Saving Hope - Episode 112 "Ride Hard or Go Home" CTV Promo :


- Saving Hope: Joel And Alex *Web Extra*:

http://www.ctv.ca/SavingHope/video.aspx ... 7&pub=2814

- Saving Hope: Meet the ER Doctor *Web Extra*:

http://www.ctv.ca/SavingHope/video.aspx ... 9&pub=2814

- Saving Hope: Inside Episode 111 *Web Extra*:

http://www.ctv.ca/SavingHope/video.aspx ... 0&pub=2814

- Links de descarga del 1.11 "The Law of Contagion":

- Ask Gavin (113) "Jamboree (Finale)" *Vlog*:

http://www.ctv.ca/SavingHope/video.aspx ... 8&pub=2813

- Letters to Charlie #11:


- Música del 1.11 "The Law of Contagion":

“∆∆∆∆rasik∆∆∆∆ ” (Grimes)

“Lighthouse” (Patrick Watson)

- Rátings:

1.11 "The Law of Contagion" 2.540 million viewers, demo 0.5 on NBC & 1.463 millions viewers on CTV (TVbyNumbers & SavingHopeTV)

- More Stills 1.11 "The Law of Contagion":

Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen

Imagen Imagen
¡¡¡¡AY, OMÁ QUÉ CALORES!!!! ¡Gracias por tu regalo, Nitta!

Mensajes: 32857
Registrado: Dom May 21, 2006 12:15 am


Mensaje por Shelby »

- Stills 1.12 "Ride Hard or Go Home":

Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen

Imagen Imagen
¡¡¡¡AY, OMÁ QUÉ CALORES!!!! ¡Gracias por tu regalo, Nitta!

Mensajes: 32857
Registrado: Dom May 21, 2006 12:15 am


Mensaje por Shelby »

- Últimas noticias: la NBC deja de emitir los dos últimos episodios de "Saving Hope":
No son buenas noticias para los seguidores de "Saving Hope".

Según se ha confirmado, la NBC ha cambiado sus planes de emitir los dos episodios restantes de SAVING HOPE.

Dichos episodios - "Ride Hard or Go Home" y "Pink Clouds" - estaba previsto origininalmente que se emitieran este sábado 8 de Septiembre y el 15 a las 8:00/7:00c.

En su lugar, la cadena emitirá reposiciones de "America's Got Talent" y "The Voice" en sus fechas respectivas.

También se ha informado que la audiencia de U.S. podrá ver loe episodios online via NBC.com aunque los planes exactos no ha podido ser confirmados hasta el momento.

Otras alternativas legales son:

Itunes - SD Link ($1.99/episode) | HD Link ($2.99/episode)
Amazon on Demand - SD Link ($1.99/episode) | HD Link ($2.99/episode)
Hulu - Free Link
Vudu - SD Link ($1.99/episode) | HD Link ($2.99/episode)
xfinity - Free Link

La CTV en Canadá está siguiendo actualmente con "Saving Hope," y renovó por una segunda temporada de la misma en Julio.

http://www.thefutoncritic.com/news/2012 ... 9114/9953/
http://www.hollywoodreporter.com/live-f ... ine-368147

Imagen Imagen
¡¡¡¡AY, OMÁ QUÉ CALORES!!!! ¡Gracias por tu regalo, Nitta!

Mensajes: 32857
Registrado: Dom May 21, 2006 12:15 am


Mensaje por Shelby »

- Spoilers: Después de tener los dedos cruzados todo el verano para que Charlie se despierte... (ctv.ca):
Spoilers: Después de tener los dedos cruzados todo el verano para que Charlie se despierte...
Por Lindsay Zier-Vogel 07/09/2012 3:48:28 AM

For twelve episodes (and most of the summer!) we’ve been waiting, and hoping and crossing our fingers for Charlie Harris to open his eyes…


…and in the very last moment of Episode 12, he did just that!

“When we found out that Charlie was going to wake up at a table reading with the whole cast, I remember distinctly, blurting out, ‘I don’t have to cry anymore!’ and everyone cheered,” says Erica Durance who plays Charlie’s fiancée, Alex Reid.

“It was a breath of fresh air.”

After Charlie moved on his own volition in Episode 11, Alex decides she has nothing left to lose and convinces Charlie’s neurosurgeon, Shahir to try deep brain stimulation – putting electrodes inside Charlie’s brain (!) and cranking up the voltage.

It’s intense in the hospital room, as Alex insists Shahir keep upping the voltage even though he’s afraid of “frying” Charlie’s brain, but the tension in the hospital room is nothing like the intensity of Charlie’s world, where he’s having crazy flashbacks to the horrific car accident where his parents were killed.

“Until that point, Charlie didn’t know what was in the way (of him waking up),” says actor Michael Shanks. “It’s in Episode 12 that he realizes not only was he in the car accident with his parents, but he subconsciously he may feel he had been the cause of it.

“That’s the repressed memory that he has to resolve within himself before he can choose to live again.”

And that choice wasn’t an easy one for Charlie. “He comes literally to a crossroads where he can choose life or death,” Shanks says. “He really had to choose life.”

Though the Charlie who gets electrodes stuck into his brain looks exactly like Shanks, it was in fact a very lifelike prosthetic of the actor.

“I’ve had (a prosthetic made) about four times before, but it’s still pretty strange, especially when you see this version of yourself and how closely modeled it is,” Shanks says with a laugh. “It’s a little trippy and a bit freaky.

“I kind of want to take it home, but it’s hard to stick it in my luggage,” he jokes.

http://www.ctv.ca/SavingHope/Articles/F ... _blog.aspx

- El mejor día para Huse Madhavji en el set de 'Saving Hope' involucra una cirugía cerebral experimental (ctv.ca):
El mejor día para Huse Madhavji en el set de 'Saving Hope' involucra una cirugía cerebral experimental
Por Lindsay Zier-Vogel 07/09/2012 3:46:34 AM

Drilling holes into someone's skull and sticking electrodes into the brain isn’t everyone’s idea of a perfect day, but for actor Huse Madhavji, that’s exactly what he calls his favourite day on the “Saving Hope” set.

“That deep brain stimulation was one for the books,” says Madhavji, who plays neurosurgeon, Dr. Shahir Hamza. “We had to drill a hole into a fake Charlie’s head and stick these rods into this prosthetic. It was pretty rad!”

In the episode, Alex (Erica Durance) has reached her breaking point and deep brain stimulation is her last ditch effort at bringing Charlie out of his coma. “It’s normally done on people with Parkinson’s,” explains Madhavji. “It basically is taking a probe and sticking it inside a person’s brain.

“It’s super, super experimental to use this to get someone out of a coma. At this point, Alex doesn’t care about the potential for brain damage, but Shahir doesn’t want to mess it up.”

The tension between Shahir and Alex made the scene even more exciting for Madhavji. “It was a lot for my character to work through – having this battle with Alex and being pushed by a resident to do this experimental treatment.”

Not only was Shahir contending with the emotional reality of treating Charlie’s brain, Madhavji had to deal with the physical reality of drilling into Michael Shanks’ skull. Well, not quite the real Shanks, it was just a prosthetic, a very realistic prosthetic.

“It was crazy – the hair, the scruff, it was all exact!” Madhavji says with a laugh.

And to make the powerful scene as real as possible, Madhavji was coached through the procedure by neurosurgery resident, Dr. Nir Lipsman and two days earlier, Madhavji joined Lipsman in an OR to watch the very same surgery happen in real life.

“I saw it being done on a Parkinson’s patient. I saw the actual electrical rods going into the patient’s brain. I saw them turn up the voltage. It was incredible. Really, really incredible.”

http://www.ctv.ca/SavingHope/Articles/F ... rgery.aspx

- Gavin se opone al sistema y se convierte en el chico malo de 'Saving Hope' (ctv.ca):
Gavin se opone al sistema y se convierte en el chico malo de 'Saving Hope'
Por Lindsay Zier-Vogel 07/09/2012 3:43:44 AM

Joel usually gets the bad boy label, but in Episode 112 of “Saving Hope,” it’s corduroy-blazer wearing psych resident Gavin Murphy who bucks the system and breaks the rules.

He tries out his new treatment for Alzheimer’s patients and gives an elderly woman his phone number after her husband has his driver’s license taken away. Against hospital regulations, Gavin decides to make a house call when the wife of this patient calls in a panic.

“Gavin is not one to break the rules, but he ends up breaking them because he cares,” says actor Kristopher Turner. “He was doing it to help his patient even though he ended up dealing with the consequences of that.”

The consequences are pretty grim as the patient doesn’t recognize his own wife, gets aggressive and pushes her down, breaking her hip.

“Gavin feels remorse in a sense for what he did,” Turner says. “He feels badly for having caused this whole situation, but this is how he works. It’s the negative aspect to having a heart that’s a bit too big and following his instincts to care for a patient a little too far.

“He’s happy to break the rules to do what he thinks is right and I think Maggie really respects that about him.”
Even though Gavin started the episode flirting with his new girlfriend (!), his relationship with Maggie is undeniable and she comes with him on his house visit.

“Gavin and Maggie have a connection, they always have,” Turner says. “It seems to go back and forth but I think with Gavin stepping up and going out of the hospital and breaking the rules, and really seeing how much she has his back, that means a lot to Maggie.”

“We really do see a different side of Gavin in this episode and Maggie really supports him and his risk-taking as a doctor,” says actress Julia Taylor Ross. “It’s always exciting when you see a different side of someone, especially when it involves taking a bit of a risk. It was fun to shoot because we got to go out to this home with these two wonderful actors. It’s a pretty emotional story.”

She admits she’s always hoped Gavin would reveal his risk-taking side to Maggie, and is excited to see what might develop after their end-of-the-episode smooch.

“I love it – you see not only the risk-taking side of Gavin, but also this sweet, concerned side. He gets in trouble, too, which is sexy.

“Maggie likes a bad boy!”

http://www.ctv.ca/SavingHope/Articles/F ... gavin.aspx

- Saving Hope Episode 113 "Pink Clouds" Supertrailer :


- Saving Hope - Episode 113 "Pink Clouds" CTV Promo :


- Saving Hope: Charlie Wakes Up *Web Extra*:

http://www.ctv.ca/SavingHope/video.aspx ... 7&pub=2970

- Saving Hope: Gavin, The Bad Boy *Web Extra*:

http://www.ctv.ca/SavingHope/video.aspx ... 5&pub=2970

- Saving Hope: Inside Episode 112 *Web Extra*:

http://www.ctv.ca/SavingHope/video.aspx ... 1&pub=2970

- Links de descarga del 1.12 "Ride Hard or Go Home":

- Letters to Charlie #12:


- Música del 1.12 "Ride Hard of Go Home":

“Oh you” (Kinnie Starr)

- Rátings:

1.12 "Ride Hard or Go Home" 1.431 millions viewers on CTV (SavingHopeTV)

- More Stills 1.12 "Ride Hard or Go Home":

Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen

Imagen Imagen
¡¡¡¡AY, OMÁ QUÉ CALORES!!!! ¡Gracias por tu regalo, Nitta!

Mensajes: 32857
Registrado: Dom May 21, 2006 12:15 am


Mensaje por Shelby »

- Stills 1.13 "Pink Clouds":

Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen

Imagen Imagen
¡¡¡¡AY, OMÁ QUÉ CALORES!!!! ¡Gracias por tu regalo, Nitta!

Mensajes: 32857
Registrado: Dom May 21, 2006 12:15 am


Mensaje por Shelby »

- El espíritu se eleva: Charlie vuelve a la vida en una impresionante season finale de 'Saving Hope' (ctv.ca):
El espíritu se eleva: Charlie vuelve a la vida en una impresionante season finale de 'Saving Hope'
Por CTV 07 de Septiembre, 2012 3:15:10 PM

The monumental episode 12 of 'Saving Hope' concluded with Charlie (Michael Shanks) suddenly waking up from a season-long coma and calling out for his fiancée Alex (Erica Durance).

Now, the couple must confront life-changing questions in the stunning season finale, Thursday, Sept. 13 at 9 p.m. ET/PT on CTV, leaving viewers with an unexpected twist.

In the season finale, entitled "Pink Clouds," Charlie, out of coma, goes into full recovery mode, undertaking physiotherapy training to learn how to walk again. Charlie presses on as questions surrounding his relationship with Alex surface.

With the same determination that once made her Chief Surgical Resident, Alex takes charge of the situation – pressing onward. But while charting the course of her own life, she is faced with the grim task of telling a bride-to-be that she is going to die.

Meanwhile, Joel (Daniel Gillies) is also tasked with making difficult decisions when a young man is brought in with a heroin overdose. While examining track marks on the patient’s arms, Joel and Maggie (Julia Taylor Ross) make a shocking discovery: the patient has necrotizing fasciitis – flesh-eating disease. They rush him into the O.R. where Joel prepares to amputate above the infection, but the disease is advancing faster than he’s ever seen.

Incision after incision, Joel chases the bacteria up the arm but he can’t find a clean margin. Under extreme pressure, Joel must improvise if he is going to save this young man’s life.

Heading into next week’s season ender, 'Saving Hope' continues to rank as Canada’s #1 new summer series, #1 summer drama, and Top 5 summer series overall, with a season-to-date average of 1.7 million viewers.

Online, SAVING HOPE has seen more than two million video views, making it one of the most viewed shows on CTV.ca this summer. In July, CTV announced a 13-episode second season order for the hit drama from ICF Films/Entertainment One.

http://www.ctv.ca/SavingHope/Articles/F ... lease.aspx

- La primera temporada de 'Saving Hope' termina con un épico cliffhanger (ctv.ca):
La primera temporada de 'Saving Hope' termina con un épico cliffhanger
Por Lindsay Zier-Vogel 14 de septiembre, 2012 3:55:35 AM

That was a crazy episode! Not because of everything that happened (and all the questions left unanswered) but even just seeing Charlie wandering around the halls of Hope-Z not as a ghost was nuts!

“It was the most fun episode all season to shoot,” Michael Shanks, who plays the newly awoken Charlie, told me during a set visit. “It was incredible. Daniel and I hadn’t spoken to each other in a scene since the pilot that we shot a year and a half ago. We shot just one scene together, but it felt monumental.

“I was like a kid in a candy store. Charlie’s happy to be out of the coma and Michael’s happy to be out of a coma!”

“It really hit me that Charlie was going to really be awake when we were all reading it through together,” says Julia Taylor Ross, who plays Maggie. “It was a really exciting moment in the room. I think we all gasped or cheered with relief for Michael that he can maybe stand up!

“There’s such a great sense of camaraderie on the show. Of course we want him up and about and we want him in outfits other than a tux, even though he does look very charming. It’s time for some ripped jeans!”

Though he hasn’t busted out the ripped jeans (yet), he was sporting a quite fetching bandana. But it’s not all sunshine and rainbows for the newly awake Charlie. He went from being the chief of surgery at Hope-Zion to all of a sudden having to learn how to walk again. Not an easy transition, but it’s further complicated by the fact that he can’t quite figure out if his coma interactions were hallucinations or if they were real.

“I love that Gavin steps up for the Alex character and reminds her that there could be some psychological issues after coming out of a coma,” reflects Kristopher Turner, who plays Hope-Z’s psych resident, Gavin Murphy. “He offers his services to help go through that process with him.”

Though both Shanks and Charlie are thrilled to be out of that hospital bed, Erica Durance, who plays Charlie’s fiancée, Alex Reid says the transition was not all that simple for her character.

“It’s difficult to say what Alex felt (when Charlie woke up). Relieved, yes – it was such a long journey. It’s very surreal, it’s like being able to breathe again, and yet she’s afraid that it’s a mirage and that he’s not real.”

She’s hesitant and nervous, and understandably – the Charlie she’s known for months has been hooked up to machines, not wheeling around Hope-Z in a wheelchair eating pie for lunch.

Alex gets “all Carpe Diem,” Durance says, and she decides to propose she and Charlie finish what they started the day they were in the car accident and get hitched in the hospital garden (on the one condition that Charlie doesn’t have to wear a tux!)

And that’s not the only romantic re-kindling in the episode – Maggie and Gavin end up making out all over the place, admitting to each other that their connection is a lot more than the friendship Maggie kept insisting on all season.

Does this mean that Maggie’s finally given up on being treated poorly by bad boy Joel?

We’ll have to tune into Season 2 to find out if it sticks!

Joel, on the other hand, started the episode telling Alex he quit and was leaving Hope-Z. After a crazy surgery where he saved the life of a guy with an aggressive flesh-eating disease, he surprised everyone, especially Dr. Kinney (who he made out with when they took a road trip in Episode 10), by revealing that he was offered her job of Chief of Surgery.

I certainly didn’t see that one coming!

I did however wonder when Charlie was doing his pool physio if the woman he was chatting with, Pamela, was real or not. Turns out, she was in the morgue and Charlie can talk with ghosts and humans.

“I think he’s screwed,” laughs Shanks. “It’s going to be an interesting journey for Charlie. His personal and professional life might become a bit of a challenge as things march on.”

So heading into Season 2, Charlie can chat with ghosts, Kinney was ousted from her job by hot-shot Joel and who knows if Alex will take back her role as Chief Resident or if Reycraft will hang onto it.

Romantically, every relationship has fallen to pieces except for maybe Maggie and Gavin and the biggest cliffhanger of all is if Charlie will end up meeting Alex in the hospital garden…or not.

http://www.ctv.ca/SavingHope/Articles/F ... ature.aspx

- ¿Qué esperan los actores de 'Saving Hope' para sus personajes en la segunda temporada? (ctv.ca):
Season 1 ended with quite a bang at Hope-Z. Charlie’s up and at ‘em (and able to chat with dead people!), Kinney was usurped by Joel (!), Maggie and Gavin ended up together, and Alex was left waiting at the makeshift hospital garden altar for Charlie to join her…

There’s tons of unknowns going into Season 2, but what do cast members want for their characters next season?

Michael Shanks (Charlie Harris)

“There’s a lot of interesting stories that can be told with a doctor who’s actually functioning in a hospital who sees and talks to dead people. It can interfere with his personal and professional life, and can also help both – he can then help his patients and diagnose them and also communicate (that information) to other doctors.

“I’m excited to mine as much of these storylines as possible!”

Erica Durance (Alex Reid)

“I have no idea what’s going to happen next for Alex and Charlie, but I’m just happy that Charlie’s alive and well.

“Whatever happens between them, I want it to be truthful and real and I want him and Alex to find their way. I want there to be a lot of drama, so they’ll probably weave around a lot and hopefully come back together.”

Huse Madhavji (Shahir Hamza, neurologist)

“I imagine Shahir’s going to be really challenged somehow in the second season. He’s so intellectual and cerebral and everything’s scientific to him, and what’s been happening to his friend and patient, and the chief of Surgery, Charlie, is not very scientific at all, so I wonder if this will make for a challenge for Shahir.

“Also, I hope there’s a lot more fleshed out with Shahir and his partner, Victor!”

Julia Taylor Ross (Maggie Lin, surgical resident)

“I hope for Maggie, a real deepening of her medical expertise and to see her grow as a surgeon. I’d love to see her relationship with Erica’s character grow. Seeing female characters interact, especially a mentoring dynamic between a younger surgical resident and an older surgical resident would be great

“I’m also hoping for some serious road blocks for Maggie!”

Kristopher Turner (Gavin Murphy, pysch resident)

“I’d love to see Gavin and Charlie interact in the new season. There’s a lot of possibilities especially with Gavin being a psych resident and Charlie dealing with that whole talking to ghosts thing
K.C. Collins (Tom Reycraft, chief surgical resident)

“I don’t know if Alex will resume her role as Chief Surgical Resident, or if the job will stay with Reycraft.

“I definitely think he needs a love interest, maybe Maggie, who knows, but someone. It’s about time!”

http://www.ctv.ca/SavingHope/Articles/F ... ation.aspx

- Saving Hope: Next Season? *Web Extra*:

http://www.ctv.ca/SavingHope/video.aspx ... 7&pub=2970

- Saving Hope: Inside Episode 113 *Web Extra*:

http://www.ctv.ca/SavingHope/video.aspx ... 8&pub=2970

- Saving Hope: Defining Hope, Round 2 *Web Extra*:

http://www.ctv.ca/SavingHope/video.aspx ... 6&pub=2970

- Links de descarga del 1.13 "Pink Clouds":

- Música del 1.13 "Pink Clouds":

“Caught in a loop” (Royal Canoe)

"Firestruck" (Young Galaxy)

“Grand Optimist" (City and Colour)

- Rátings:

1.13 "Pink Clouds" 1.544 millions viewers on CTV (Bellmedia)

- More Stills 1.13 "Pink Clouds":

Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen

- BTS 1.13 "Pink Clouds":

Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen

Imagen Imagen
¡¡¡¡AY, OMÁ QUÉ CALORES!!!! ¡Gracias por tu regalo, Nitta!

Mensajes: 32857
Registrado: Dom May 21, 2006 12:15 am


Mensaje por Shelby »

- HQ Stills 1.11 "The Law of Contagion":

Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen

- HQ Stills 1.12 "Ride Hard or Go Home":

Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen

- HQ Stills 1.13 "Pink Clouds":

Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen

(gracias a lovedearest)

Imagen Imagen
¡¡¡¡AY, OMÁ QUÉ CALORES!!!! ¡Gracias por tu regalo, Nitta!


Volver a “Lois Lane (Erica Durance)”