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Re: "THIS IS US", nueva serie de Justin para NBC

Publicado: Vie Ene 27, 2017 6:02 pm
por Shelby
- The Insider’s Keltie Knight chatted with the cast of ‘This Is Us’ on the red carpet of the Artios Awards (20-01-17):

https://theinsider.com/will-chrissy-met ... .2uwzvq7ps

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Re: "THIS IS US", nueva serie de Justin para NBC

Publicado: Lun Ene 30, 2017 7:53 pm
por Shelby
- Justin Hartley sobre el impacto romántico de Kevin (EW):
Justin Hartley sobre el impacto romántico de Kevin
Por Dan Snierson 30 enero, 2017 a las 1:07pm EST

Kevin Pearson is no stranger to moves big and bold. He put his shirt back on and quit his cushy sitcom job on The Manny in the middle of filming an episode. He relocated to New York City on a whim. He attempted to explain the wonder of life and mystery of death to his nieces through his Pollock-esque painting. And on Tuesday’s episode of This Is Us, the self-consumed but well-meaning actor played by Justin Hartley — who accounts for one-third of the Big Three — uncorked another curveball, this one leaving trail of exclamation points and question marks.

Sifting through the smoking rubble of his almost-relationships with Sloane (Milana Vayntrub) and Olivia (Janet Montgomery), Kevin was trying to figure out with which woman he should patch things up when his sister’s fiancé, Toby (Chris Sullivan), acting as his romantic guru, instructed him to close his eyes, picture the love of his life, and then imagine that he had 30 seconds and three sentences to win her back. “What are those sentences and who are you saying them to?” asked Toby. When Kevin (Justin Hartley) opened his eyes, he was transformed into a man of purpose, racing off to the city doorstep of (surprise!) his childhood sweetheart, Sophie, who, as it turns out, was also his ex-wife (double shock!) from whom he was divorced 12 years ago. After he delivered an endearing, semi-eloquent speech —“You were part of me, you were like my arm and when I lost you it was like I lost my arm… It’s like I’ve been walking around without an arm, for over a decade, comma, I really want my arm back…” — Sophie (Alexandra Breckenridge) still didn’t let him through the front door. But she left it open a metaphorical crack, agreeing via text to meet up with him later for a conversation.

What does this latest romantic wrinkle mean for Kevin? Is he now in some sort of love quadrangle? And what are we to make of that peek at Jack’s funeral, which revealed that the Big Three were only teenagers when he died? Let’s check with the man(ny) himself, Justin Hartley.

ENTERTAINMENT WEEKLY: So, in deciding between door No. 1 and No. 2, Kevin chose door No. 3. Did that surprise you as much as it surprised the audience?
JUSTIN HARTLEY: I loved it. Any time you can get the writers to write for your character, especially on this show where they’re so good, you savor that flavor. They have to service so many people. It tells a lot about why Kevin is where he’s at. I mean, he obviously had some kind of a tailspin after that. It affected him a lot if he’s going to go back to her. He’s in love with her. So instead of this guy being this shallow dude that is enjoying his workouts and his women, you see why he’s where he is. He’s broken. He’s hurt. He’s crestfallen. And instead of trying to fill his life with these empty things, he’s going to try to dig his heels in again. It’s nice to see him do that.

He’s searching for something and trying to fix a hole in his life. Were Olivia and Sloane the quick fixes? And is there a danger that door No. 3 is another quick fix?
I don’t think door No. 3 is the quick fix. I think it was like an epiphany. He got that advice from Toby, and it was like, “Oh my god…” It was very much in keeping with the This Is Us way of telling the story. It was right there in front of your face the whole time. We weren’t hiding anything from you. It’s just that you have to be willing to see it. Kevin opens his eyes, and he goes, “My gosh, it was staring at me in the face the whole time. I wasn’t ready to see it.”

We had a romantic triangle with Kevin, Olivia, and Sloane. Now it’s a quadrangle. Or will it not be because he’ll be pursuing this one particular line moving forward?
Yeah, I think if there’s a triangle, it would be him, Sophie, and his career. I don’t think it’s another girl. … He is doing a self-analysis, and he’s looking at where he’s at, and instead of just taking it, he’s saying, “What have I done to put myself here?” And a lot of that is, “If I fill the room with this girl, or if I have this party, or if I have this job, then I won’t have to think about the obvious,” which is, he’s just lonely, and he’s yearning for that special someone, and he’s trying to meet this girl that in his mind is ideal. And then it’s like, “Holy s—, I had the ideal girl! I know exactly what she looks like, I know what she smells like, I know what she feels like, I know how her laugh is, I know the way she looks when she’s sleeping.” He knows the girl — he was married to her.

You get the sense that he might have been the one who screwed up this marriage. What can you hint at?
I can tell you that good people do bad things. A lot of times, especially in careers or where it’s really very competitive, you start to put that ahead of relationships and people, and I think that also had something to do with it. He lost himself a little bit, and he lost his way.

Assess the level of fire that still exists between them. At first, you think it’s not going to well for him at her doorstep, but in the end, she relents a bit. How much of a flame is still there?
For him, it’s different. He’s in a different place. He’s realized it, and he’s like, “I know what it is now! I need this! This is exactly what I’m supposed to be doing with my life! I’m a 100 percent sure! I’ve never been more sure about anything in my entire life! This is what I’m doing!” And I think for her, as far the fire, it’s more like… remember Backdraft? I think that’s what it’s like. It’s a massive, massive fire that she has managed to put in a closet, and she’s got a door in front of it, and she’s protecting herself. And she knows what it means to get back involved with this guy. He’s got her number, and she does love him, but it’s like, “I’m finally okay now, and I’m supposed to sabotage everything I’ve worked on for the past [12] years so, what? We can go down this road again?” She loves him. But it’s that hissing underneath the door that you’re like, “What’s going to happen?” Is she even in control of what happens when she’s around the guy? It’s that relationship [where] you put them in a room and something’s going to happen.

She sends that text, and he’s got that feeling like, “So you’re telling me there’s a chance!” How will they proceed? Baby steps?
I think it’s tough. Like any relationship, you go in cautiously and responsibly, and with passion and love and with, “Oh, my god, I’m having so much fun.” And then you start to do things that are reckless and then you stumble and fall and you go, “Oh, my god, we went too fast. Slow it down. Back it down. Let’s go back to what that was.” It’s a lot of what we’ve seen Kevin do — trying, but then like, “Dude, calm down. Slow down.” But he has a hard time doing that.

Is there a secret kid that we should — or should not — know about?
I don’t know. [Laughs.] I’ve often thought about that. If there is, I want it to be a secret from Kevin. I want him to not know about it. Because I’d have a hard time wrapping my brain around the fact that Kevin knew he had a kid and he didn’t reach out and try to be a father to be that kid. I’m sure they could write a great story around that, but if there is a secret kid… the bad version of the story is that Kevin cheated on her and that’s why they broke up. It was all about betrayal and she’s standing on her soapbox, and lo and behold, talk about betrayal, she has this kid that’s his that she’s never told him about. So you even the playing field that way.

Or is she in another relationship now?
Kevin is on a mission to get his girl back, and he hasn’t thought that far ahead. [Laughs.] This is part of his charm. He’s like, “This is what I want and this is how I get it, and I can’t wait. We belong together.” And then he’ll ask all the questions later. He’ll mop up the mess when everything’s done.

Kevin has been known to deliver an unexpected, high-impact speech. Which of these three monologues ranks as your favorite: Quitting The Manny, explaining the meaning of life to his nieces with his painting, or his doorstep stand at Sophie’s place?
I’m so lucky to have a great costar to bounce lines off of, it’s hard for me not to say the “Three Sentences” one. I love Kevin so much, and I love what he did there, and he’s growing up, and he’s taking ownership. For Kevin, it would be that one, because I’m so proud of him for doing that. [Laughs]. But for me, selfishly, just because it literally changed the trajectory of my career and it made people see me in a different way than they hadn’t seen me before, I would say the Manny meltdown. But they’re all fun. And to be totally honest with you, there’s a fourth one coming up in the next show that might be my absolute favorite of all of them.

The Sophie scene has probably one of the best arm metaphors I’ve heard in awhile.
If not the only one.

What was the best fan reaction you heard to Kevin’s surprise move?
What I really loved was that everyone had a side because there were only two. There were two girls, and everyone was so much about Sloane or so much about Olivia that it got ugly a little bit. People were like, “No, how can you say that? This is the girl!” And then conversely, it’d be like, “No, how can you say that? This is the girl.” It’s so beautiful the way they tell these stories. When you introduce this brand new character that we know nothing about, you realize that you’ve known her, and Kevin’s known her his whole life. So you immediately accept that and go, “Oh, it’s got to be her.”

And which side did you stand on in the Olivia-Sloane debate?
Umm, I gotta… Honestly, I completely understand Kevin’s dilemma because they’re both so different and so great. I’m like Kevin, I couldn’t possibly make a choice because they’re so great. For me personally, I know them as actors and as people, and they’re lovely human beings and talented actors. So there’s no possible way I could make a choice.

When you first read that twist in the script, what was the first thing you said to Dan [Fogelman, the show’s creator] about it?
Probably “Oh, s—! Of course he does! Oh, god, can you imagine?” I probably said something like that. “Oh, it’s perfect! Of course he does. Of course he does! Yeah. And that’s why he’s doing everything he’s doing. Now everything makes sense! Of course! Yes, of course!”

How are Sloane and Olivia going to react to this? I assume this is something that they’re not going to take well?
Maybe they end up together. [Laughs.] I don’t think they would take it well. For both of them, they probably are aware that this is not their soulmate. Let me put it this way: If you’re on your way to someone’s house to break up with them, and on your way there, you get a phone call and they break up with you, it doesn’t feel good. Even though, “Wait a minute, because I’ve been mulling this over for four weeks and you call me on my way there?” So that might be what it is.

In the 10th birthday flashbacks, Sophie ditches her best friend Kate for Kevin. Will we see a complicated Kate-Kevin-Sophie relationship dynamic moving through time?
I would imagine that it has evolved. But I truly don’t know. I was in my head picturing that they were friends by this point, but maybe not.

Obviously Jack’s death impacted Kevin greatly, but how many of Kevin’s issues are attributed to this failed marriage? Seems like it’s going to play a pretty big role.
Yeah. Huge, I think. And as he got further away from it, he started to realize what a big mistake he made. He’s done that with a lot of things, hasn’t he? His brother. He’s like, “Let’s be friends again. Come on, it’s fine. I’m different.” And he is. He’s graduated from that sort of stupid state, but it’s not a quick fix, right? You gotta put in the time. Same thing with Sophie. Same thing with his sister. Same thing with his mom. Same thing with the death of his dad, which he still hasn’t dealt with yet. That’s kind of his M.O., isn’t it? He’s like, “Ah, put that in a box, let’s compartmentalize it, let’s move on. It’s going to be fine.” And it’s not fine.

When he breaks up with Olivia and Sloane is in the wings, you’re just like—
He can’t catch a break.

Why would he give that speech to Olivia on the stage, where anyone —especially Sloane — could overhear it so easily?
This is the backstory I built, that might not have even been what actually happened, but in my mind it made sense. I was working, I was on stage, I was sitting there, I was ready, and she came early and asked me these difficult questions. … Anybody in their right mind would be like, “Dude, you could have been on speakerphone, man! Didn’t you—? The echo of your voice? It’s obvious you’re—“ And it just goes out the door. He’s like, “No, no, I have two priorities here. No. 1 is to make sure I don’t hurt her feelings. And No. 2 is to make sure that everyone likes me. And everything else goes out the window.” So at least in my mind, I don’t think he was sitting there, saying, “Well, I’m pretty exposed right now. My back is to the front door, and the mob’s after me.” I don’t think his brain thinks that way, you know? He’s just in the moment.

Dan summed it up best. He said, “Every time Kevin really tries to do something good, it’s when he winds up being perceived as the biggest dick. He’s just not good at being good, even though he is good.”
I’ll take that scenario in particular. He’s breaking up with this girl but trying to do it in a way to not hurt her feelings. That’s all he saw. That’s the only foresight that he had. So if she wouldn’t have walked in the room, you would have looked at it and been like, “Oh, he’s trying as hard as he can not to hurt her feelings, and she’s going to go have sex with this guy,” and it’s like, ‘Oh, jeez, dude.” He wasn’t mean to her. But Sloane was in the room, so it’s kind of unfortunate that she heard that. It wasn’t meant for her ears.

You’d think he would try to launch a defense, saying, “I was just telling Olivia that to try to make her feel better.”
No, he owned up to it.

Even when he calls Kate in this episode, and she has a bigger problem, he’s put out by that: “Now I gotta do the right thing.”
“Great. I called you to get advice, and now I gotta do something nice.”

Do you view him, like Dan said, as he’s just not good at being good, even though he is good?
Ummm… he doesn’t have the tools. But he’s trying. If he had the tools, he’d use them. I mean, he’s not a bad guy. He’s just like, “What? I don’t understand. What is that?” He doesn’t have the tools. He’s not even aware of them. He just doesn’t know what’s wrong with everyone else. Why is everyone so touchy? [Laughs).]

Let’s talk about the big revelation at the end of the episode. In episode 5, we found out that Jack is dead. In this one, we find out more of a timeline: The Big Three were teenagers when he died. What was your reaction to that reveal? Did that seem like the right age for storytelling purposes where they’ll have lots of memories but still are at an impressionable, formative age?
Yeah. I’m fortunate enough that I have my father in my life, but I would imagine losing your father at 15, 16, 17 is a lot different than losing your father at 36, 37, 38. You have a lot of growing up to do, especially a father like Jack, who seems very hands-on. And this is how you be a man. … In those formative years, we lost our father, our center. It’s a great device for storytelling, to tell how Randall and Kevin drifted apart. I don’t think Jack would have let that happen. He would have put the kibosh on that, like, [snaps fingers] quick.

How did you feel when you read it? Was it a gut punch that we were finally seeing that funeral?
Oh, totally. And knowing what I know about the way they put the show together, the cinematography, like, the way they’re going to put that, , “It’s just going to rip your guts out.” It’s what we do. [Laughs.]… It answers a lot of questions for the audience, too. A lot of questions I was getting were like, “When did he die?” Because it does matter. It truly does matter. … It hits you when it’s like, “Oh my gosh, they were so young when he died.” It didn’t happen last year or four years. They were young. That time in a young man’s life, he needs his dad. And there’s a lot of questions that he has, ranging from schoolwork to drugs to alcohol to women, everything. To have him missing, and the fact that he was such a big part of their lives until that happened, all of the sudden, you’re like, “Oh, that’s where the family started having a problem.”

What struck you when you saw how they put the scene together? The audience sees just little wisps of the funeral.
What I got from it is it looked like something you weren’t supposed to be at. It was like a peephole. I love the way they shot that, where it was like you’re peeping in on this very intimate, private moment, this solemn thing. The door was cracked open, and you heard something you shouldn’t have heard.

We were given a hint about the age of the Big Three at the time of Jack’s death when Kevin has that strong reaction to the widower saying that her son is 15. Dan said he cut a line from the episode indicating that Kevin was the same age when his dad died, because he felt it was too early — and it would put you “ahead of it” when you saw the teenage Big Three for the first time. Did it feel like it was too early when you shot it, and if so, did it seem like a better move to you to wait and save that for later?
That’s a good question. I’m glad you’re asking me that now instead of before I knew Dan. Because I would have said to you, “Stick the line in. I mean, 15 — that is such a pivotal time in a young man’s life. That’s exactly when it should be, and that’s just great storytelling, and keep the line in. It’s a huge mistake to not say it. You’ve got to say when it happened.” And now that I know him and I know the way he tells stories — and he’s much, much, much better at it than anyone I’ve ever met — I would say to you that he’s absolutely right. I’m sure he’s absolutely right. I don’t second-guess anything that man does, ever. I totally understand what he’s saying. They look to be, what, 16, 17 18? Is that how old they are at the funeral?

That’s what he said.
So they’re right there anyway. Now on second thought you’re like, well, I know how I was at 15, but I also had friends of mine at 15 that were much less mature than my 12-year-old sister. And at 17, 18, there’s a huge difference between 15 and 18, you know? When you’re growing up, you’ve experienced a lot more, and that’s going to hit you a lot harder, so I think it’s the right decision. And I totally get what he’s saying, absolutely. Because then you have that beautiful peephole moment where you’re looking in, and everyone’s feeling that. These are young adults here, not children.

I know Dan said it will be a while before we get more answers about Jack — and they’ll come slowly — but now, any time that the teenage Big Three are on screen, it seems like it will be stressful. “Is this when Jack bites it?” “What about now?” There’ll be a tension every time we’re with the teenage Big Three.
That’s a good point. I hadn’t really thought about that until just now. “Is this the day before? Is this the morning before? Is this two weeks before?” Because we know it happens. It happens here in the next year or two. I don’t know this for a fact, but I would imagine that that was by design.

Breakthrough moments of grieving are coming out at strange times for the Big Three. It was the drum circle for Kate and, for Kevin, it was in the arms of the widower he didn’t know.
It’s weird. You find a safe place in someone who you feel like maybe they can’t judge you because they don’t know you. And he had an assumed name even at the funeral.

The next episode airs Feb. 7. Can you give us a three-word tease?
Anticipation. Hope. Promise.

http://ew.com/tv/2017/01/30/this-is-us- ... in-sophie/?

- Justin Hartley adelanta el 'intenso y doloroso' encuentro de Kevin con Sophie (EW):

Justin Hartley adelanta el 'intenso y doloroso' encuentro de Kevin con Sophie
Por Dan Snierson 06 Febrero, 2017 a las 3:24pm EST

On the last episode of This Is Us, in a fit of romantic clarity, Kevin unleashed a bolt from the blue: Instead of trying to repair things with Olivia or Sloane, he showed up at the doorstep of his ex-wife from 12 years ago.

After making a charming, rambling speech, Kevin (Justin Hartley) persuaded the skeptical if weary Sophie (Alexandra Breckenridge) to at least meet with him to talk further, and in a subsequent text message, she agreed to another conversation. In tomorrow’s episode, you’ll take a seat at their next meeting. “It gets pretty intense and heartbreaking,” Hartley tells EW. “You’re just going to want everyone to get what they want” — he pauses to laugh — “because they’re such good people. But it’s tough. They’re in a really tough spot.”

Sounds like Hartley is rooting for a rekindling this relationship. “I like her and Kevin together,” he says. “It is very much a story that when you’re along for the ride when you’re watching it, you realize what happened — why they’re not together anymore. But then there’s an explanation behind it too. You hear both sides of the story, which is rare. Even though there was wrongdoing, maybe [it was] on both sides. You will see absolutely how impossible it is to turn off the love, even though you’ve been betrayed. You still love the person and that’s the way it is.”

While Hartley isn’t revealing if the exes can heal their past traumas, he hints that the man who knows a good monologue (see: The Manny meltdown, the meaning-of-life painting explanation, the doorstep plea) will issue another one that he says will rival the others. “[It] might be my absolute favorite of all of them,” he says. “It’s one of those where it’s not even about the monologue as much as it is about the content of it, and what it is that he’s saying. Just to think that a few short months ago, we saw this guy having a meltdown on a sitcom set — kind of a spoiled brat, in a Hollywood freefall, if you will — and then we see him making these declarations and saying things that are like, ‘Wow, how far this guy has come is pretty cool.’”

Elsewhere in the episode, you’ll see Kevin’s sister, Kate (Chrissy Metz) receive a visit from fiancé Toby (Chris Sullivan) that perhaps doesn’t go as planned. “He’s such a good guy, and he’s always trying to do the right thing by her and trying to cheer her up and make her happy,” Hartley says. “And sometimes people forget that this moment is not about you, and it also has nothing to do with you, and it doesn’t mean, ‘I don’t love you and want you in my life.’ But certain things are getting opened up in her life that she needs to deal with – but separate from him. She almost needs him not to be there. That’s another tough spot.”

The same is true of the one Jack (Milo Ventimiglia) and Rebecca (Mandy Moore) find themselves in as their marriage is showing wear in the ’90s. (The episode also will jump farther into the past as you peek back at their wedding.) “That’s what we do on our show — you see both sides of everything, and that’s what makes it so heartbreaking,” says Hartley. “If you’ve lived long enough, you’ve been on both sides of pretty much every story that we tell or you know people that have.”

He cautions that as the finish line of season 1 approaches, it’s far from all warm and fuzzy. “The show takes a turn toward the end of this season. It gets a little darker a little bit toward the very end of the season,” he notes. “We’re still going to make you laugh, and it’s still going to be very much This Is Us, but it does get a little more intense. There are hard things that people deal with in life, and we come right to the front door and we tackle them. This is an episode that you’ll see a lot of that.”

This Is Us airs Tuesday at 9 p.m. ET/PT on NBC.

http://ew.com/tv/2017/02/06/this-is-us- ... e-preview/?

- Justin Hartley habla sobre la rocosa reunión de Kevin con su ex-mujer y avisa de un 'oscuro giro' (ETOnline):

Justin Hartley habla sobre la rocosa reunión de Kevin con su ex-mujer y avisa de un 'oscuro giro'
Por Philiana Ng 07 Febrero, 2017

There have been plenty of surprises on This Is Us. But none more so than Kevin’s shocking revelation that he was once married to his childhood sweetheart.

Tonight’s brand new episode, titled “I Call Marriage,” explores the theme of marriage in its all its beauty and ugliness, from Kevin’s desire to reunite with his ex-wife and Kate’s young engagement to Toby, to Jack and Rebecca’s big day and possible marital strife between Miguel and Shelly. For Kevin, attempting to start anew with Sophie (played by Alexandra Breckenridge) marks a new beginning for the former Man-ny star.

“The more you get to know him, he’s not at all what I thought he was at first glance,” Justin Hartley tells ET ahead of Tuesday’s episode. “This whole thing Kevin’s fighting is this perspective that other people have of him and him being like, ‘That’s not me.’ And yet, here we are as audience members looking at him and going, ‘He’s totally different than what I thought he was.’”

“As a viewer, you’re experiencing the same thing that Kevin is experiencing in his real life and you’re watching it all happen. It’s hard not putting people in boxes, right?” the 40-year-old wonders. “I like that he has an ex-wife and that he has textures and that he’s lived. He’s not just a guy who hasn’t had a lot of life experiences.”

So what can fans expect from Tuesday’s episode? Hartley took some time out of his Monday morning to dish on how his perspective on Kevin has changed since the ex-wife reveal, his theories on what pushed them apart and why there are more storm clouds ahead for the Pearson brood.

ET: We have so much to unpack! The last episode featured a surprise with your character, Kevin, who we find out was once married to his one true love, Sophie. How did finding that out change your perspective on Kevin?

Justin Hartley: It did, definitely. At first glance, he’s just this guy who had these meaningless relationships -- if you even want to call them relationships -- and he probably doesn’t have a lot of friends and he probably doesn’t have prospective girlfriends, nothing really going [in his life]. Then you start to dig a little bit deeper, and you realize he’s a very deep guy. The ex-wife thing is really cool -- his one true love who he’s been in love with since he was 10 years old. At first, you think that’s not that guy. But once you get to know him a little better, you’re like, of course that’s Kevin. He’s a huge love bug. This guy is all heart and I love that about him. To tell the story about why they broke up, what happened with their marriage, why aren’t they married anymore and what went wrong there, that’s going to be a cool story to tell.
'This Is Us' Sneak Peek: Jack and Rebecca's Wedding Day Is Finally Here!

Early in the season, it seemed Kevin had a relatively easy life and was going through the motions. Was his speech in on Sophie’s doorstep the first truly raw moment where saw the real Kevin?

It started when he was describing the painting to his nieces. That was the first time you may have thought, “Kevin thinks about things. He’s a thinker.” He kind of had that moment with William where William’s like, “You doubt yourself a lot.” And then decides to finance the play himself and not quit, which adds another layer, and then he gives the speech to his ex-wife. In the next episode, you see a lot more depth from him and the lengths that he will go to get what he wants. And you see how smart he is -- he’s a very bright guy, he’s just not taken very seriously. If he takes himself seriously, he’s bound by nothing and I think he falls into that trap. I look at him from the moment I met him when I read the pilot to where he’s at now, and it’s a completely different person.

How much progress do you think he’s made?

I think he’s done a lot in the past few months. We’ve walked along this ride with him, and we’ve laughed and we’ve cried. We’ve seen him making strides even though he stumbles and falls sometimes. He gets up and he continues to go forward. Maybe not at the pace at which he’s used to, which was easy breezy, but he’s also challenging himself with things that are a lot more serious. Look at his relationship with his brother [Randall], his relationship with his sister [Kate], his relationship with Sophie now, where he is with his job. He’s extending and challenging himself, which is kind of nice to see him do. And he’s winning.

Speaking of Sophie, we don’t know much about her at the moment -- only that she grew up with Kevin and became a couple. What is different about Sophie compared to Olivia and Sloane?

When you find your true love, I think it’s easier to explain the feeling -- the feeling that you get when you’re around the person that you truly do love, it’s palpable. You can see it from a distance and I think that’s what Kevin has with Sophie, it’s just a special bond. They grew up together so they have this familiarity that a lot of couples don’t have. For Sloane and Olivia, they were filling a void in Kevin’s heart that they were never going to be able to fill and in his heart of hearts, he knew that. It wasn’t like, “Boy, I’m in love with both girls, which one do I choose?” which is a ridiculous ultimatum he gave himself, which he sometimes does. It’s the feeling that you get when you can’t sleep, can’t eat and all you can do is think about them -- that’s Sophie for him.

We haven’t really seen Kevin’s romantic side. How far does he go to win her back?

Pretty far! He remembers a lot of stuff. Things stick with him and he understands important moments, why they’re important. He paints pictures in his head and he’s very in touch with the finer moments in life and how special they are, and he holds onto those. You definitely see a romantic side coming out in this next episode. You’ll just be like, “Wow, this guy is a romantic. I didn’t realize that.”

In an early sneak peek, we see Kevin winning Sophie back with a plate of lava fries, a clear reference to the past. Fair to say we’ll be getting more flashbacks to their childhood and courtship?

Yeah, and we touch more on that. You bring up the childhood and the past, we touch a little more on that and I think it’s going to melt your heart because you’ll be like, “Wow, this guy isn’t saying he’s in love with her… No one remembers stuff like that, how is he doing this? He must have been affected by this girl.”

Is Kevin’s ultimate goal to get back together with Sophie? Is he contemplating marriage again?

It’s to patch things up and try to pick up where they left off. That’s one of the things about Kevin that you realize; when he decided to patch things up with his brother, he’s like, let’s let bygones be bygones, what’s done is done, and we’re good here right? He fails sometimes to realize, or to take into account, the process. Just because you want to be friends with somebody again doesn’t mean it’s going to happen overnight. There’s a healing process and it takes time. He tries to do the same thing with Sophie -- let’s pick up where things left off, let’s get back together, but there are things to talk about. There is dirty laundry to be aired out. It’s not a fun thing, but to sometimes get what you really want, you have to talk about things that are uncomfortable and may be sad, and may be rotten, and things you can’t take back. But sometimes you need closure to open things back up.

Sophie mentions she hadn’t seen Kevin in over a decade, which means they married young and got divorced in their 20s. Is the cause of their split as simple as marrying too young or was it one big event that tipped the scales?

We talk about this very thing that we’re talking about in the next episode. It gets answered in the episode as to what happened and why they broke up. I don’t know that it’s one event, but it’s a series of things that led up to one event where you’re like, OK, this is not going to work. You hear both sides of the story, but we’ll touch on his side and her side as to what happened.

Kate is now engaged to Toby, so curious if there comes a moment when Kevin talks to Kate about his past experience or is that its own separate thing?

It’s its own separate thing. We haven’t had anything quite like that yet. All three of them grew up together and it’s a sore subject, as far as Kate is concerned, with Sophie. They were childhood friends and married to her twin brother and then divorced. That’s probably something Kevin’s not going to bring up or she’s going to bring up. (Laughs.) Are Kate and Sophie still on speaking terms? There was definitely something that happened in the relationship. It’s a weird thing, right? “I’m your best friend. You married my brother. You got divorced. Are you my best friend anymore? What am I supposed to do, abandon my brother?” It’s tricky.

Knowing now that Jack died when Kevin, Kate and Randall were teenagers, arguably the most pivotal time in a kid’s life when they need their parents the most, how devastating is that for The Big Three?

I love the way that they’re telling that story where he died at that pivotal time when they were 15, 16, 17 years old. There’s so much that you’ve learned from your father at that point in time, but there are so many more things that you would have to discover on your own in different ways somehow if you didn’t have your dad. It’s great for storytelling and it’s great for our show because we’re going to get people to cry a lot. (Laughs.) How did Kevin learn how to date? How did he propose? You’ll definitely see not only his death, but when it happened that will tell little stories as to why his kids act the way they do at certain times. They all have their own guilt and their own version of how it happened.

What sort of emotions should we expect to feel in the final five episodes of the season?

The show may take a dark turn. It may take a dark turn, so get ready for that. It gets real.

What's been the one scene that completely tore you up?

Oh boy. I loved the “Three Sentences” speech Kevin gives to Sophie, and Kevin’s got a speech in the next episode that will probably break me up a little bit when I watch it.

This Is Us airs Tuesdays at 9 p.m. ET/PT on NBC.

http://www.etonline.com/tv/209650_this_ ... dark_turn/

Re: "THIS IS US", nueva serie de Justin para NBC

Publicado: Mié Feb 01, 2017 3:44 pm
por Shelby
- Stills del 1.14 "I call marriage":

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Re: "THIS IS US", nueva serie de Justin para NBC

Publicado: Dom Feb 05, 2017 2:18 am
por Shelby
- Descripción oficial del 1.16 "Memphis":
1.16 "Memphis" (21/02/2017 09:00PM - 10:00PM): Randall y William hacen un viaje por carretera a Memphis, donde Randall se entera del pasado de su padre biológico.

http://www.spoilertv.com/2017/02/this-i ... press.html?

Re: "THIS IS US", nueva serie de Justin para NBC

Publicado: Mié Feb 08, 2017 12:34 pm
por Shelby
- "This Is Us" | 1.15 "Jack Pearson´s Son" Promo:

- "This Is Us" | Aftershow: Episode 15 (Digital Exclusive):
https://twitter.com/NBCThisisUs/status/ ... 5588177920

- "This Is Us" | 1.15 What Jack Pearson Would Do (Episode Highlight):

- "This Is Us" | 1.15 Valentine's Day Fight (Episode Highlight):

- Stills del 1.15 "Jack Pearson´s Son":

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Re: "THIS IS US", nueva serie de Justin para NBC

Publicado: Lun Feb 13, 2017 11:28 pm
por Shelby
- Entrevista de Justin en "Good Day L.A." (07-02-17):


(@justinhartley: on #GoodDayLA this morning! @FOXLA #JustinHartley)

- "NAACP Image Awards", Pasadena (11-02-17):

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Videos del evento: AQUÍ

Re: "THIS IS US", nueva serie de Justin para NBC

Publicado: Mar Feb 14, 2017 2:32 pm
por Shelby
- Descripción oficial del 1.15 "Jack Pearson´s Son":
1.15 "Jack Pearson´s Son" (14/02/2017 09:00PM - 10:00PM): A medida que Kevin se estresa por la premiere de su obra, recibe apoyo de una fuente inesperada. Randall se debate bajo la presión de su trabajo y su enfermo padre. El Día de San Valentín de Rebecca y Jack no va según lo planeado. Toby y Kate deciden ahondar profundo y conocer los mayores secretos el uno del otro.

http://www.spoilertv.com/2017/02/this-i ... rsons.html

- Descripción oficial del 1.17 "What Now?":
1.17 "What Now?" (07/03/2017 09:00PM - 10:00PM): Toda la familia Pearson se juntan en la casa de Randall por una inusual fiesta. La relación de Kevin y Sophie se hace más profunda en la noche de la premiere de su obra. Kate lidia por abrirse con Toby sobre la muerte de su padre. Las tensiones están altas entre Jack y Rebecca cuando ella se marcha de tour con su grupo.

http://www.spoilertv.com/2017/02/this-i ... press.html?

Re: "THIS IS US", nueva serie de Justin para NBC

Publicado: Mié Feb 15, 2017 11:57 am
por Shelby
- "This Is Us" | 1.16 "Memphis" Promo:

- "This Is Us" | Aftershow: Episode 16 (Digital Exclusive):
https://twitter.com/NBCThisisUs/status/ ... 7083708416

- "This Is Us" | 1.16 You Can Always Come Back to This (Episode Highlight):

- "This Is Us" | 1.16 Making Music for This Is Us (Featurette):

- Stills del 1.16 "Memphis":

Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen

Re: "THIS IS US", nueva serie de Justin para NBC

Publicado: Vie Feb 17, 2017 12:06 pm
por Shelby
- Imágenes de Justin Hartley con sus 'versiones menores' de Kevin y sus sobrinas televisivas en la wrap party de la S1 de "This is Us" (16-02-17):

Imagen Imagen Imagen

(@Chrishell7: I love my man @HartleyJustin in all his carnations! #thisisus thisisus
@FaitheHerman: It's FUN times wUncle Kevin @justinhartley & my sis @erisbaker #childactress #wrapparty #thisisus)

Re: "THIS IS US", nueva serie de Justin para NBC

Publicado: Mié Feb 22, 2017 12:27 pm
por Shelby
- "This Is Us" | 1.17 "What Now?" Promo #1:

- "This Is Us" | 1.17 "What Now?" Promo #2:

- "This Is Us" | 1.17 Beth's FUN-eral toast for William (Episode Highlight):

- "This Is Us" | Aftershow: Episode 17 (Digital Exclusive):

Re: "THIS IS US", nueva serie de Justin para NBC

Publicado: Mié Feb 22, 2017 12:35 pm
por Shelby
- "This Is Us" | "A Message from Mandy and Milo" BTS Promo:

- "This Is Us" | "A Message from Susan, Sterling and Justin" BTS Promo:

Re: "THIS IS US", nueva serie de Justin para NBC

Publicado: Mié Feb 22, 2017 3:01 pm
por Shelby
- Justin Hartley visits the Empire State Building vip 103rd floor observatory (21-02-17):

https://www.facebook.com/extra/videos/? ... e_internal

Fotos del evento: AQUÍ

- Entrevista de Justin Hartley en "Today Show", N.Y. (21-02-17):

http://www.today.com/video/spoiler-aler ... 1550403584

Fotos del programa: AQUÍ

- Entrevista de Justin Hartley en "ExtraTV", N.Y. (21-02-17):


Fotos del programa: AQUÍ

- Justin Hartley, entrevista en "US Weekly", N.Y. (22-02-17):

http://content.jwplatform.com/previews/ ... 5-qInh6Xrr

Video del programa: AQUÍ

- Justin Hartley, Interview on "InStyle":


Re: "THIS IS US", nueva serie de Justin para NBC

Publicado: Vie Feb 24, 2017 11:59 am
por Shelby
- Sí, Justin Hartley sabe exactamente cómo muere Jack Dies en "This Is Us" (popsugar):
Sí, Justin Hartley sabe exactamente cómo muere Jack Dies en "This Is Us"
Por Kelsie Gibson 23 Feb, 2017

This Is Us has quickly become one of the hottest new shows on TV, and its stellar cast is just one of the many reasons why. With so much emotional depth and sad twists packed in each episode, the show makes us cry like no other, but we always seem to come back for more. While this week's episode certainly hit us right in feels, the most talk has to be surrounding how the Pearson's patriarch Jack (Milo Ventimiglia) died. Even though we can't help but theorize every little detail, the cast already knows the answer, and spoiler: it's crushingly painful. We recently had a chance to talk with the show's star Justin Hartley in NYC, and aside from being just as charming as his character Kevin, he filled us in on some of our burning questions about the rest of this season.

POPSUGAR: I know there is a lot of speculation surrounding Jack's death. Do you or any of the other cast members know how Jack dies?
Justin Hartley: I do, I do. I think we all do. We have this thing at work where Dan Fogelman, our creator, has this policy where he'll tell you whatever you want to know. There are certain artists or actors that don't like to know certain things, but I like to know everything. I do know, but I'm not going to tell you, because you don't want to know, but you won't be disappointed. It is crushingly painful.

PS: What's the most interesting theory you've heard so far?
JH: Gosh, I've heard everything. My mom told me one — see, I don't want to tell you what they've told me, because then by process of elimination, you'll be able to narrow it down — but I've heard people think that there was a crime, people think it had to do with alcohol, people think certain people are to blame. I've heard one person say he hid and dies missing. That's not the case, but I've heard all kinds of strange theories.

PS: I always see Milo Ventimiglia referring to you and Sterling K. Brown as son on social media.
JH: Yeah, he really thinks that we're his kids.

PS: How seriously do Mandy Moore and Milo take their parental roles off screen?
JH: Not too seriously, I think maybe Milo a little more seriously — I actually think I'm older than both of them — it's all done in fun, but Milo definitely does a deep dive into his character, as does Mandy. But they also get to work with the little kids though, right? So they see them and they read the script, and then they see us and they watch the show, so it's probably hard not to. I don't call him dad much, but I'm gonna start doing that.

PS: Miguel recently told Kevin that he is a lot like his dad Jack, but who do you think is most like Rebecca out the Big Three?
JH: Randall, I guess. I think they were the closest, especially in recent years. And I'm sure that story will be told maybe in season two and throughout season three. But you know, This Is Us is one of those shows where just when you think something is happening, they turn it around and you're like, "Aha! It wasn't. It was right there in front of me the whole time and I just didn't see it." So, who knows? Maybe it's me.

PS: Speaking of Miguel, he had kids before he married Rebecca. Do Kevin's stepbrothers and/or sisters ever come into the picture?
JH: They probably should, right? There's definitely a story to be told there. I'm sure they will. Maybe there was a riff or something? I don't know much about it — or anything about it actually — about why they haven't been on the show yet, but maybe there's something there.

PS: I feel like the breakthrough with Randall and Kevin was one the saddest scenes on the show yet. On a scale of one to 10, 10 being the saddest, how would you rate the finale?
JH: Ten. Tied at 10. There are a few moments on the show where I would put them all at 10.

PS: Would you say it's more than 10?
JH: Can you go more than 10? I don't know. I would say it's tied as one of the most emotional. It's different. That's one of the things I love about our show is that they all tie together, but they're all so different. They all have their own sort of legs and they're individual pillars if you will.

http://www.popsugar.com/entertainment/J ... e-43212845

Re: "THIS IS US", nueva serie de Justin para NBC

Publicado: Dom Feb 26, 2017 1:08 pm
por Shelby
- 'This Is Us' Star Justin Hartley Jack's Death is 'Heartbreaking and Devastating' (TMZ):


Fotos: AQUÍ

Re: "THIS IS US", nueva serie de Justin para NBC

Publicado: Mar Feb 28, 2017 2:55 am
por Shelby
- Stills del 1.17 "What Now?":

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