"ARROW" Nueva serie de la CW para TV basada en Green Arrow

Moderadores: Shelby, Lore, Super_House, ZeTa, Trasgo

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Registrado: Dom May 21, 2006 12:15 am

Re: "ARROW" Nueva serie de la CW para TV basada en Green Arr

Mensaje por Shelby »

- Stephen Amell adelanta el crossover de la S4 con "The Flash":
La estrella de "Arrow" Stephen Amell ha posteado una imagen en su cuenta de Facebook y de Instagran en donde ha adelantado la aparición invitada de Grant Gustin en la S4 de "Arrow" que, como recordaréis, acaba de empezar la producción del episodio 4.07 “Brotherhood”, que parece que será el gran crossover de la S4 con "The Flash": i
(@amelladventures: Game changing scenes are fun)

https://www.facebook.com/stephenamell/p ... permPage=1

¿Pero qué está pasando en el episodio? Poco sabemos de él por el momento poco más que su título, pero por los trajes oscuros de ambos y el césped que se ve atrás... ¿podría tratarse de un funeral? :shock:

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¡¡¡¡AY, OMÁ QUÉ CALORES!!!! ¡Gracias por tu regalo, Nitta!

Mensajes: 32861
Registrado: Dom May 21, 2006 12:15 am

Re: "ARROW" Nueva serie de la CW para TV basada en Green Arr

Mensaje por Shelby »

- Descripción oficial del 4.02 “The Candidate”:
4.02 “The Candidate” (14/10/15): JERI RYAN ESTRELLA INVITADA; INTRODUCIENDO A ECHO KELLUM — Cuando una vieja amiga de la familia, Jessica Danforth (la estrella invitada Jeri Ryan), les dice a Oliver (Stephen Amell) y Thea (Willa Holland) que va a entrar en la campaña para alcaldesa, los dos Queens se preocupan considerando que los últimos tres alcaldes han sido asesinados. A pesar de sus protestas, Jessicahace su anuncio así es que Green Arrow y Speedy juran protegerla. Mientras tanto, Thea empieza a mostrar los efectos del Lazarus Pit. Además, Felicity (Emily Bett Rickards) se enfrenta con una dura decisión de negocios y busca a uno de sus empleados, Curtis Holt (la estrella invitada Echo Kellum), para que la ayude. John Behring dirige el episodio escrito por Marc Guggenheim & Keto Shimizu (#402).

http://www.greenarrowtv.com/arrow-4-2-t ... scription/

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¡¡¡¡AY, OMÁ QUÉ CALORES!!!! ¡Gracias por tu regalo, Nitta!

Mensajes: 32861
Registrado: Dom May 21, 2006 12:15 am

Re: "ARROW" Nueva serie de la CW para TV basada en Green Arr

Mensaje por Shelby »

- Nueva imagen bts con Katie Cassidy (25-09-15):


(@MzKatieCassidy: That's so Madonna @caitylotz #fridays)

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¡¡¡¡AY, OMÁ QUÉ CALORES!!!! ¡Gracias por tu regalo, Nitta!

Mensajes: 32861
Registrado: Dom May 21, 2006 12:15 am

Re: "ARROW" Nueva serie de la CW para TV basada en Green Arr

Mensaje por Shelby »

- FOX8 Australia Promo "The Home of Heroes":

http://www.spoilertv.com/2015/09/fox8-a ... me-of.html?

- "Supergirl", "Arrow" "The Flash" & "Heroes Reborn" Philippines Promo:


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¡¡¡¡AY, OMÁ QUÉ CALORES!!!! ¡Gracias por tu regalo, Nitta!

Mensajes: 32861
Registrado: Dom May 21, 2006 12:15 am

Re: "ARROW" Nueva serie de la CW para TV basada en Green Arr

Mensaje por Shelby »

- Nuevas imágenes bts de la S4 (28 Sept-03 Oct 2015):

Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen

(@emilybett: Get surrounded. @therealvictorgarber @caitylotz @karibeeander
@arrowwriters: Monday shenanigans, @johnscotbarrowman style! #ArrowSeason4
@amellywood: Monday
@MzKatieCassid:y Bad ass bitches @EmilyBett @willaaaahh #arrow
@emilybett: HEADLINE Real life action figure @willaaaahh lunges around treadmill.
@davidpaulramsey: OTA in black-tie #arrowseason4
@emilybett: And in walks this girl @katiecassidy
@MzKatieCassidy: my gurls @dpanabaker @EmilyBett
@MzKatieCassidy: Thank you @daniellejfowler and @jeddoreboy best hair and makeup team! #arrow
@paulblackthorne: Everyone got a little dolled up for shooting yesterday. I love going to work with these people. xoxoxox
@wilaaaahh: the real speedy and I my body is thankful for you everyday @melissajin92
@amellywood: Nailed Thursday.
@amellywood: Hey @BookerT5x -- Dig and I are holding it down for you
@james2bambamford: To serve and protect......stone cold.
@james2bambamford: Who you gonna call......!!
@james2bambamford: Moody nights on #Arrow
@james2bambamford: Carnage from above.......photo by
@james2bambamford Look! A distinguished visitor came to set today! @johnscotbarrowman
@james2bambamford: Just prior to shooting a most epic of epic shots. One for the record books.
@james2bambamford: One big happy family of ass kickery. @willaaaahh @melissajin92 @curtbrac
@MzKatieCassidy: Girls just wanna have fun... @EmilyBett)

- Video bts de Willa Holland (28-08-15):


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¡¡¡¡AY, OMÁ QUÉ CALORES!!!! ¡Gracias por tu regalo, Nitta!

Mensajes: 32861
Registrado: Dom May 21, 2006 12:15 am

Re: "ARROW" Nueva serie de la CW para TV basada en Green Arr

Mensaje por Shelby »

- Los secretos del vestuario de la nuevas temporadas de "Arrow" y "The Flash":
La diseñadora de vestuario de "Arrow" y "The Flash" Maya Mani ha compartido con Fashionista algunos detalles sobre los cambios de vestuario de las nuevas temporadas:

Sobre "Arrow": "Quería ser táctica, así es que los hombros son un poco más resistentes", explica. "También quería que él fuera capaz de quitar una capa o que tuviera la capa y que siguiera siendo Arrow, pero que no tuviera el traje completo." El rediseño del traje original de Mani incluía mangas, pero el productor ejecutivo Greg Berlanti y la estrella Stephen Amell la convencieron con que intentaran un look sin mangas más cercano al de los cómics.

Felicity también tendrá un cambio de vestuario, ahora que es C.E.O., pero no esperéis un look de trabajo todo el tiempo. "Queríamos mantener ese sentido divertido," dice Mani. También adelantó que en la S4 mostrará un lado de Felicity a los fans que no han visto antes. "Ahora que la vemos en su casa, tenemos más oportunidades de ver su lado casual, lo que en el pasado no hemos tenido ocasión de hacer.”

Sobre "The Flash": El super-traje fue originalmenmte diseñado por Colleen Atwood, y ahora está también en manos de Maya Mani quien ha hecho algunos cambios al diseño original de la serie, "añadçi un poco más a los brazos, el pecho ha sido más curvado desde el diseño original y ha cambiado el color de su escudo", siendo ahora más fiel a los cómics con un fondo blanco tras el rayo.

Además, este año llegarán nuevos villanos a Central City, "Miré al icónico personaje de los cómics y luego lo que intento hacer es extrapolar desde él y llevarlo a un universo más asentado en la realidad," dice Mani.

http://fashionista.com/2015/09/fall-tv- ... gn-october

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¡¡¡¡AY, OMÁ QUÉ CALORES!!!! ¡Gracias por tu regalo, Nitta!

Mensajes: 32861
Registrado: Dom May 21, 2006 12:15 am

Re: "ARROW" Nueva serie de la CW para TV basada en Green Arr

Mensaje por Shelby »

- ARROW Season 4 Promo "Aim Higher":

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¡¡¡¡AY, OMÁ QUÉ CALORES!!!! ¡Gracias por tu regalo, Nitta!

Mensajes: 32861
Registrado: Dom May 21, 2006 12:15 am

Re: "ARROW" Nueva serie de la CW para TV basada en Green Arr

Mensaje por Shelby »

- Stephen Amell´s New Facebook live Q&A:

https://www.facebook.com/stephenamell/v ... =2&theater

En ella el actor afirmó que, ahora mismo, las series de "Arro", "The Flash" y "Legends of Tomorrow" son "básicamente una serie", que no hay planes de que "Supergirl" entre en ese universo (aunque le encantaría) y, en cuanto a la nueva temporada de su serie dijo que el nuevo traje es muy guay, que las secuencias de acción son aún mayores, que está disfrutando mucho sobre el aspecto de 'equipo' de este año y del comportamiento de Oliver, que los flashbacks de este año son geniales, al igual que las escenas con David Ramsey y Katie Cassidy. También ha mencionado las excelentes incorporaciones de Neal McDonough y Echo Kellum.

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¡¡¡¡AY, OMÁ QUÉ CALORES!!!! ¡Gracias por tu regalo, Nitta!

Mensajes: 32861
Registrado: Dom May 21, 2006 12:15 am

Re: "ARROW" Nueva serie de la CW para TV basada en Green Arr

Mensaje por Shelby »

- Concept arts de 'Speedy' y 'Katana':

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¡¡¡¡AY, OMÁ QUÉ CALORES!!!! ¡Gracias por tu regalo, Nitta!

Mensajes: 32861
Registrado: Dom May 21, 2006 12:15 am

Re: "ARROW" Nueva serie de la CW para TV basada en Green Arr

Mensaje por Shelby »

- 5 Cosas estupendas que ocurrirán en "Arrow" esta temporada (TVInsider):
5 Cosas estupendas que ocurrirán en "Arrow" esta temporada
Por Damian Holbrook 30 Septiembre, 2015 8:00 am

Arrow is going green in Season 4, and we’ve got the five things fans need to know.

1. Green is the new bleak. This season will see Oliver (Stephen Amell) rechristened as the Green Arrow and embracing his lighter side after years of post-island PTSD. “He has healed and is now, like Felicity [Emily Bett Rickards] said in the season finale, a different person,” says executive producer Marc Guggenheim. “A great surprise this season is Stephen’s performance. He’s done something really, really hard, which is to correctly adjust for Oliver’s [healthier] mental state.”

2. But there will be Darhk-ness. Justified’s Neal McDonough storms the premiere as Damien Darhk, this year’s nemesis. The DC Comics villain was briefly mentioned last season and will trigger a supernatural storyline that also involves the Lazarus Pit resurrection of Sara Lance (Caity Lotz) and the appearance of demon hunter John Constantine (Matt Ryan, reprising his role from NBC’s canceled drama Constantine). “How magic and mysticism fit into the universe of Arrow is explored a lot in Season 4,” Guggenheim says.

3. Same city, different name. Oliver isn’t the only one undergoing a moniker change. His beloved but beleaguered Starling City will now be known by its comic book name, Star City. Why rebrand? “The town needed to do something to keep people from moving out because of the past three season finales,” laughs Guggenheim, adding that the tweak also honors the presumed-dead Ray Palmer (Brandon Routh), who “back in [last year’s premiere] had the idea of changing Starling City to Star City.”

4. “Olicity” forever? When asked how long Oliver and Felicity could last as a couple, Guggenheim jokes they’ll make it “longer than the first episode, which would beat our record!” Actually, the producers plan to “explore the nature of their relationship as a couple, and we have no desire to break them up before [that].”

5. DC’s Legends of Tomorrow won’t run rampant. Yes, the midseason Arrow-Flash spinoff will take shape in the early episodes of both shows, but Guggenheim swears our heroes won’t be edged out by the returns of Lotz and Routh. “There is a weird contingent on the Internet who think the first seven or eight episodes are all leading up to Legends,” Guggenheim notes. “And what I like about this batch of episodes is that Sara’s return is central to the arc for Laurel (Katie Cassidy) and Ray’s return is essential to Felicity and Oliver’s storyline. There is a lot of Arrow story to be told with these characters coming back.”

http://www.tvinsider.com/article/40723/ ... -season-4/

- Productores Ejecutivos de "Arrow" adelantan la Season 4 (ksitetv):
Productores Ejecutivos de "Arrow" adelantan la Season 4
Por Craig Byrne 01 Oct, 2015

The fourth season of Arrow premieres in less than a week – Wednesday, October 7 on The CW – and we just got back from a screening of the season opener that preceded a Q&A with the show’s Executive Producers, Marc Guggenheim and Wendy Mericle.

Spoiler warning: The premiere is quite good, and in it, “Team Arrow” is quickly brought together after there’s a major threat to what is now called Star City. There’s a lot of teamwork… but there’s still a fracture between Oliver Queen (Stephen Amell) and John Diggle (David Ramsey), which will be dealt with very early on.

“We’re going to resolve that. It’s something that we wanted to explore, seeing them at odds, and really honoring what Oliver did at the end of Season Three, which was pretty egregious,” Wendy Mericle says of the Oliver-Diggle conflict. “It’s going to take some time, but they will get back on the same track,” she promises.

Part of what might bring the team back together is Oliver’s new approach as Star City’s hero — he is no longer the Arrow, he is the Green Arrow, and since the Arrow is considered dead, maybe the new hero will be better received by the people.

“We’re hoping that this will be a change in that they will embrace him, but it’s not going to be easy,” Mericle says. “We can’t make it easy for him. But it’s speaking to him trying to be more of an inspiration and less of the judge, jury, and executioner that we’ve seen in the past,” she teases.

The Green Arrow name change was always in the cards for the series. “We were always very upfront, I think, about our intention that this was an origin story, and we are very deliberate in our choice of ‘he’s not the Arrow, he’s the Hood at first,’ and then he becomes the Arrow, and eventually, he was going to become the Green Arrow. We didn’t have a specific season in mind, as to when it would happen, but certainly, for us, it felt very organic to make this the season that he’d be Green Arrow. Certainly, we’ve been developing… if you look at Laurel’s trajectory… we always said, we were headed towards her becoming Black Canary. There’s just been a slow, organic incorporation of the comic book elements,” Marc Guggenheim explains, before assuring that there is no checklist dictating what they do.

“We don’t ever bring in the comic book elements just to bring in comic book elements,” he assures. “We don’t sit here with a checklist. I think a lot of fans think that we’ve got a checklist of the comic book tropes, like the chili, and the jokes, and the romance with Black Canary, and go ‘okay, we’ve got that, we’ve got that, we’ve got that.’ It’s really just like we’ve got the comics in the back of our mind… we know where we’re headed with the character. The comic books are there as inspiration, but not as a to-do list.”

And speaking of the Black Canary, Mericle assures that Laurel’s alter ego is now the “full-fledged” Black Canary who will be a crucial part of the team going forward — and that’s not all that will be happening for her. “The overarching theme of the season is about family, and chosen family versus blood family, and she’s going to be dealing not just with Sara coming back, but also with her family on the team, and also with her dad,” she promises.

We will see Felicity Smoak’s mother Donna in Season 4, and the producers also hope to reveal some more information about Felicity’s dad at some point. “I think Felicity’s dad remains that topic — we were talking about it in the room yesterday. We’re always talking about it. But, again, we have to find the right story and the right moment. I guess we trust our own process, that it will come to us when it’s meant to come to us… just like with the comics, we don’t sit there with a checklist. We don’t sit there with a list of cards we want to turn over; we have a deck of cards that we know we can turn over, but it’s about finding the right moment, not just doing it to do it,” Guggenheim explains.

http://www.ksitetv.com/interviews-2/arr ... n-4/79578/

- Arrow Season 4 Premiere: La Felicidad de 'Olicity' se interrumpe, Oliver vs. Dig, Flashbacks, Easter Eggs y 7 adelantos más (TVLine):
Arrow Season 4 Premiere: La Felicidad de 'Olicity' se interrumpe, Oliver vs. Dig, Flashbacks, Easter Eggs y 7 adelantos más
Por Vlada Gelman / 01 Octubre 2015, 4:45 PM PDT

Domestic bliss interruptus?

The Season 4 premiere of The CW’s Arrow (airing Wednesday at 8/7c) finds partners in crimefighting (and more) Oliver and Felicity very much in love and living in the ‘burbs — but can that last when they’re needed back in Star City?

Having screened the season opener, TVLine is here to share some teasers about the lovebirds’ future, a bromance gone bad, this season’s mysterious flashbacks and more.

♦ As much as we know about this season — and let’s be honest, we know a lot thanks to months of press, promos, Cons, etc. — there are still a couple of major surprises in the hour.

♦ While Felicity is “deliriously happy” with Oliver, their suburban life of brunching with new friends — who bring up kids! — secretly bores her to tears. As the pair come back to Team Arrow, some revelations will come out. FYI: the ring in the souffle belonged to Oliver’s mother. (Bad omen, perhaps?)

♦ Thea’s lack of restraint in the field gives Oliver pause for concern — but has anyone else on the team noticed the younger Queen’s eagerness to pummel?

♦ Brrr! No, Captain Cold doesn’t make an appearance in the opener, but Oliver and Dig’s relationship is majorly frosty, with Dig lobbing a particularly harsh statement Oliver’s way about the darkness inside him.

♦ Oliver and Felicity may have more privacy at the Queen loft than they anticipated. Turns out Speedy has been staying elsewhere, given that Ra’s stabbed her in the living room and left her to die and all.

♦ This season’s Big Bad, Damien Darhk, makes his powerful presence and grand plans known quickly to Star City’s top leaders. It’s no wonder that no one, including Walter Steele, wants to be Mayor. (Side note: Darhk kind of reminds me of Buffy‘s Mayor — but more sinister.)

♦ If you’ve noticed there hasn’t been a lot revealed about this year’s flashbacks, that’s for good reason. What we can tell you: expect an Easter egg and a big twist.

♦ Laurel is kicking butt, saving her dad from an attack. And it’s her and Thea, sans Dig, who decide to ask for Oliver’s help in saving their city from Damien Darhk’s “ghosts.”

♦ Guess who said it and to whom: “If Oliver Queen always made the right choice, he wouldn’t need you.”

♦ At least two characters are keeping important secrets.

http://tvline.com/2015/10/01/arrow-seas ... lashbacks/

- Showrunner de "Arrow" sobre la Season 4 Introduciendo a Damien Darhk, "Green Arrow" y más Humor (IGN):
Showrunner de "Arrow" sobre la Season 4 Introduciendo a Damien Darhk, "Green Arrow" y más Humor
Por Eric Goldman 04 Oct, 2015

Having been with Arrow as a writer/producer from the show’s first season, Wendy Mericle is now serving as co-showrunner, alongside Marc Guggenheim, for Season 4, which premieres on Wednesday.

There’s a ton of new elements coming this season, starting with a new identity and costume for Oliver Queen, as he officially becomes Green Arrow. On top of that, there’s the new villain, Damien Darhk (Neal McDonough), new allies like Curtis Holt -- AKA DC Comics’ Mr. Terrific -- played by Echo Kellum and a promise from all involved that Season 4 will begin to lighten the tone of Arrow a bit – especially coming off a particularly angst-filled Season 3.

I sat down with Mericle to discuss Arrow: Season 4 and how the show is juggling their new inclusions with what’s already set up, keeping different sects of the fandom happy (including those deeply invested in “Olicity” vs. those wanting the comic book/action elements) and much more.

IGN: Last time I spoke to you, at Comic-Con, was just a few hours before the panel where you had the big reveal of the new costume and the name “Green Arrow” finally being used on the show. Obviously Oliver has gone through a lot and changed a lot. Now that he’s taken on the Green Arrow identity, how different will his approach be and persona be?

Mericle: It’s going to be very different. We like to think of the first three seasons as Oliver the soldier coming back from war. We never explicitly said PTSD but the implication certainly was there. In the pilot, he’s sleeping on the floor, he doesn’t have any appetite. This season, we’re going to see him in a very different place. When he leaves at the end of Season 3, he’s hung up the mantel, he’s very loved. He’s very happy where he is and that happiness and lightness and the new found faith in humanity that he has, as a result as this relationship with Felicity, is going to redefine how he approaches his mission and how he approaches his life in general and we’re excited about that. It’s a different Oliver. It’s still the same show and the same character but we’re seeing new colors in him.

IGN: The name change alone is one big thing but might we see bits of some of the facets that people traditionally identified with the comic book character a little more prominently?

Mericle: The humor. There’s a little bit more humor - and coming from Oliver as well. Stephen [Amell] plays a great straight man. He’s really good at that stuff. The other thing is the costume. It’s not sleeveless, but we tried to split the difference between where he was as the Arrow at the end of Season 3 and moving him towards the Green Arrow, which is the sleeveless costume and the lighter color. It’s fledgling on the Arrow so there’s a slightly different color green as kind of a nod to the comic book character. Those are the biggest things that change the most.

IGN: On the heels of several different prominent villains, what’s your approach to Damien Darhk? Obviously his skill set is very different but what sort of man is he and what sort of attitude does he bring and Neal bring to the show?

Mericle: Neal brings a very different energy and a very sort of -- it’s both grounded and supremely confident. Malcolm Merlyn was a very confident villain but Malcolm was vulnerable and has suffered loss. Damian doesn’t have those vulnerabilities. He is absolutely dedicated to his mission. We really wanted to explore someone who is a bona fide sociopath and he has a god complex and Neal brings this kind of very interesting grounded energy but he has those eyes that when he wants to be a badass, it’s like he could kill you with a look. It’s a nice balance. It’s different than anything we’ve seen in the show in the past. He’s amazing. He really is. He’s a tremendous actor and a joy to have on set. He’s been amazing.

IGN: Emily [Bett Rickards] has talked about the fact that she didn’t love that Felicity was in more of a morose, frequently crying place last season, and some fans shared that opinion. What is your approach with Felicity in Season 4? With Oliver and Felicity together and Oliver happier, is there a happier vibe for Felicity in general?

Mericle: There is. We hear that and it’s interesting to get that feedback and I know Emily had the same -- we’ve talked about it. The thing that I’ll say is sometimes your characters, like anybody in life, go through crucibles and you come out and now she’s in a very happy place with Oliver. She too is reenergized and excited and in love. Whereas with Oliver, it’s a new thing for him, it’s sort of bringing us back to the first two seasons of Felicity, where she’s not in that headspace where she’s upset or worried all the time. She’s happy. She’s enjoying life and she’s excited about whatever the future is going to bring.

IGN: What’s it like for you guys approaching the balancing act where you’ve got an element like Oliver and Felicity that’s hugely beloved by a big part of the fanbase, while there are going to be other parts of the fanbase that say, “I want the comic book, action stuff and I don’t want romance to take over the show”? How do you juggle what’s the right push and pull on that?

Mericle: It’s always a balancing act. And I feel on the show, having been there from the beginning, it’s always kind of been -- there are really three elements. There’s a procedural element, there’s a comic book element, and then there’s the grounded, relationship elements. The show, I think one of the reasons it’s been such a success, is we’re constantly shifting grounds between the three of those. I totally understand the fans -- if I was a comic book fan, I come from a more drama side of television and I understand there’s passion there and we need that. That informs the show in a big way. Half the staff is very well versed in the comic book universe and we always have DC there as a resource. But I think, by the same token, I come from the point of view of, hey, there are people that like action shows that might not know the mythology all that well, and we want to have some relatability on the show and people that can bring in people that don’t know that as well and I think that’s a viable aspect. There are a lot of fans of the show that don’t know that Green Arrow and Laurel Lance are supposed to be together forever and ever. That said, there is a balance. At the end of the day, we start our stories from an emotional place. That’s a [Greg] Berlanti thing and if we feel it’s emotionally right for Oliver and Felicity to be in a relationship now, that doesn’t rule out anybody else down the road But that’s kind of a process of us checking our guts and going “This feels right.”

IGN: Last time we spoke I was asking you the Constantine question so I’m very happy that it’s confirmed he's coming to the show now. Can you talk about bringing him in and should we just assume that this is literally the character from that TV show?

Mericle: Absolutely. He is coming in fully as who he was on the show. We’re getting wardrobe. We’re very excited to have him. He’s a tremendous actor. It’s so cool to have that cross-pollination. We are very lucky and DC was very generous letting us have him. It was born more out of the storyline for Sara Lance. We needed someone to come in and help bring her back. He felt like the most exciting possibility and we’re just thrilled to get him. He brings such a different element to the show.

IGN: Right now, it sounds like just a one off but is there a possibility of him returning to the show?

Mericle: Right now, it really was -- it’s born out of necessity for this particular story. I think Mark [Pedowitz] said, and Mark was right, it is a one off and this is what we’re focusing on right now.

IGN: You mentioned Sara. She’s coming back into the mix before going off to Legends of Tomorrow. Can you talk about how that’s going to affect the Lance family at this point? That is a messed up family!

Mericle: It’s a super messed up family! [Laughs] I mean, I think it’s really going to be about having her come back and exploring what it means to both Laurel and Captain Lance and what’s cool about it is we’re playing around with the emotional places that both those two characters are in, with respect to Sara. We’re going to end in some surprising places and we’re excited about that. I can’t give away too much because it’s a cool twist that Laurel and Lance will... When Sara does come back and moves on to Legends, it will have some big emotional impact.

IGN: What is the overall dynamic of the team this season? When Oliver left, he and Diggle were having some issues and Thea had just put on the costume for the first time. So how is that team working?

Mericle: I’m excited about that piece of it. Dig has obviously been in charge when Oliver was gone but I think it’s a more democratic way of working. Yes, Dig is in charge but Black Canary is a full-fledged bad ass and Speedy is as well. We’re going to come in and there’s two bad ass -- Speedy and Black Canary kicking ass with Dig and they’re fully capable of working without Oliver and he’s going to have to deal with that reality. We explored that a little bit in [episode] 312, when he had to come in after “The Climb” and was wounded. It’ll be a much bigger piece of the beginning of the season.

IGN: What about the flashbacks this season? Last year had a pretty specific, geographic switch up. What are we looking at this year?

Mericle: We’re going to be doing a similar geographic switch up, but really it’s a chance to explore magic and mysticism, which is part of Constantine coming onto the show and why we’re excited about it. It fits into this new element that we’re exploring. We started out with the show being very grounded. There was no magic, no metahumans, no superpowers. In Season 2, we had the Flash, so we had metas and in Season 3 we explored the League of Assassins and what kind of universe that is and now we get to go and skirt some bigger questions that are more about -- not necessarily religious but morality questions and questions of faith. Faith and humanity, specifically.

IGN: There’s been a lot of guest star announcements for a lot of new characters. You hear some fans say, “I hope they don’t take over the show the main cast have enough time.” How do you juggle introducing new characters to bounce off of but still make sure your main characters have their own storylines?

Mericle: It’s always a challenge and we have a show that obviously has been around for a while and one of your tasks I guess, or more your tools for reinventing, is bringing new people on. One of the characters we're really excited about is Curtis Holt and having Echo Kellum there and it's a new dynamic for Felicity to have scenes with but I think ultimately, in our mind, the season is about the core team -- it’s about Dig, Felicity and Oliver, and Laurel and Speedy. None of the new people are going to… They’re all there to explore and deepen our core [cast]. There’s no worries about anyone getting overrun .

IGN: You left off last season with Malcolm in a powerful new position. Can you talk about that storyline and how much that’s going to weave in and out of what’s happening in the city?

Mericle: Malcolm is definitely going to be a wild card. We like the idea of him reverting to the really scary, badass Malcolm. I don’t know if he’s going to keep that promise to Oliver. We’re not at the point in the season yet where we’re really breaking those stories but I think our intention is to have him come in and be a source of surprise and mess with Oliver. He knows all these characters better than Damien does. He also has ties to Damien, because they were both in the League. So we have a lot of opportunities for bringing him in it’s just finding the best and most surprising and fun ways to do it.

IGN: You’ve got a couple characters you've introduced that are moving to Legends of Tomorrow. What’s it like laying the seeds for them to go off to another series and incorporating the various crossovers?

Mericle: One of the things we did this year was really have someone in charge of just tracking all the different-- we have such a big universe now. The crossovers are so exciting but they’re challenging as well because you’re balancing where everybody is and these various places in the season. We really do arc stuff out in groups of nine. 1-9 and 10-18 and then the finales. If you don’t know where Barry is, you run the risk of… If you have him in episode 408, you have to make sure all the storylines line up. It gets complicated because you want to make sure you’re honoring the evolution of all these characters. We’re definitely doing that and it’s going to be fun and complicated.

http://www.ign.com/articles/2015/10/04/ ... e=facebook

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¡¡¡¡AY, OMÁ QUÉ CALORES!!!! ¡Gracias por tu regalo, Nitta!

Mensajes: 32861
Registrado: Dom May 21, 2006 12:15 am

Re: "ARROW" Nueva serie de la CW para TV basada en Green Arr

Mensaje por Shelby »

- Charlotte Ross extiende su contrato para múltiples episodios de la S4:
Parece que la madre de Felicitu va realmente a regresar, ya que esa visita que se suponía que iba a hacer en la S4 de ha extendido a múltiples episodios, según nos informa TVLine.

El mes pasado, saltó la noticia que Charlotte Ross regresaría para el episodio 4.06, pero ahora se confirma que 'Donna Smoak' también aparecerá en los episodios 4.09 y 4.10.

Parece que madre e hija tendrán muchas cosas que discutir tras su regreso a la serie...

http://tvline.com/2015/09/30/arrow-seas ... -episodes/

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¡¡¡¡AY, OMÁ QUÉ CALORES!!!! ¡Gracias por tu regalo, Nitta!

Mensajes: 32861
Registrado: Dom May 21, 2006 12:15 am

Re: "ARROW" Nueva serie de la CW para TV basada en Green Arr

Mensaje por Shelby »

- Nuevas imágenes promocionales de la S4:

Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen


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¡¡¡¡AY, OMÁ QUÉ CALORES!!!! ¡Gracias por tu regalo, Nitta!

Mensajes: 32861
Registrado: Dom May 21, 2006 12:15 am

Re: "ARROW" Nueva serie de la CW para TV basada en Green Arr

Mensaje por Shelby »

- Primeras imágenes oficiales de Echo Kellum como 'Curtis Holt':

Imagen Imagen

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¡¡¡¡AY, OMÁ QUÉ CALORES!!!! ¡Gracias por tu regalo, Nitta!

Mensajes: 32861
Registrado: Dom May 21, 2006 12:15 am

Re: "ARROW" Nueva serie de la CW para TV basada en Green Arr

Mensaje por Shelby »

- ARROW | 4.01 "Green Arrow" Producer´s preview:
https://amp.twimg.com/v/3c56c517-7bfb-4 ... fac7da1840

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¡¡¡¡AY, OMÁ QUÉ CALORES!!!! ¡Gracias por tu regalo, Nitta!

Mensajes: 32861
Registrado: Dom May 21, 2006 12:15 am

Re: "ARROW" Nueva serie de la CW para TV basada en Green Arr

Mensaje por Shelby »

- ARROW | 4.01 New Zealand Trailer:

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¡¡¡¡AY, OMÁ QUÉ CALORES!!!! ¡Gracias por tu regalo, Nitta!
