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Re: "ARROW" Nueva serie de la CW para TV basada en Green Arr

Publicado: Mié Oct 14, 2015 1:39 am
por Shelby
- ARROW | Willa and Emily Season 4 Interview | The CW:
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Re: "ARROW" Nueva serie de la CW para TV basada en Green Arr

Publicado: Mié Oct 14, 2015 4:18 pm
por Shelby
- Neal McDonough sobre el llevar a la vida al megalomaníaco Damien Darhk (EW):
Neal McDonough sobre el llevar a la vida al megalomaníaco Damien Darhk
Por Natalie Abrams 13 Oct, 2015

Now that Oliver Queen (Stephen Amell) is sticking around town, he’ll have to find some way of taking down new Arrow villain Damien Darhk (Neal McDonough) — which is basically impossible since he has mystical powers. What’s in store for the residents of Star City? EW turned to McDonough to get the scoop on season 4’s big bad:

ENTERTAINMENT WEEKLY: What’s your take on Damien Darhk?
NEAL MCDONOUGH: Misunderstood completely. [Laughs] I’m kidding. He’s a megalomaniac who has to rule the world, and anyone else who tries to come between that is going to suffer the consequences quickly, or sometimes he’ll torture you for a long time. He has a definitive agenda, and that is to be the ruler of the world. In playing that, it’s great because I treat everyone else like they’re so beneath me. It’s so fun to play. I keep saying, it’s a comic book story, so I try to keep the comedy up. If I play him completely dark, no one is going to want to watch him. I’m making him like this 9-year-old kid who, if he doesn’t get his ice cream, he’s just going to throw a tantrum. He throws really bad tantrums. I just want to make him more Lex Luther, kind of fun, comical to start with and then build upon that. Not just make him dark. Make him a little Joker-ish.

Are we going to get into his history and how he got his powers?
It’s so funny you say that. I just got off the phone with [executive producer] Marc Guggenheim, and we’re going to get into it later on and see why he is who he is. I can’t wait. The great thing about Darhk is that he was such a smaller character in the DC Universe that the great mind of Marc Guggenheim, he can just go to town on this thing and really create something that’s just really epic. I’m so looking forward to it. It’s been so much fun thus far. I can’t even tell how great of a time I’m having up here. I’m a kid in a candy store.

Do you think he has any weaknesses?
Oh yeah, absolutely. The ego gets the better of him at some point. When he wants something so badly, and someone else figures out that you want that thing so badly and they work on taking that thing away from you, that’s what happens with villains and good guys. It’ll get the best of him at some point.

What can you tell us about his organization, H.I.V.E.?
Oh, it’s great fun. I basically make these guys take this medication that makes them acquiesce to anything that I want them to do. It’s kind of like I give them the Kool-Aid and they say, “Yup,” and their brains stop and I say, “Why don’t you just go over there and kill those six people? I’ll be over here having a glass of wine.” It’s so absurd in what it is that if I play it so serious, then it becomes really absurd. If I play it funny, then this is hysterical that I can get these guys to do what I want them to do. He’s a dictator, but he realizes that, as puppet master, he can do anything he wants and no one can kill him.

Is he immortal?
Not immortal, but when he slices his arm open as we saw in episode 1, whatever happened thereafter fixes his body. If you shoot a bullet at him, he’ll just flick it back at you. If you try to hurt him, he’ll just crush you. If he touches you, you die. He’s not immortal. There are a couple in the universe who, obviously at some point, figure out the best of me. But until then, I’m going to rule the world and get it as quickly as possible. Every time I talk about Darhk for more than five minutes, I start to think, “Holy cow, this is crazy,” but it is.

I’m guessing Captain Lance (Paul Blackthorne) did not drink the Kool-Aid. What threat does Darhk have over him?
Oh, his children. I will make sure that his family pays if he doesn’t pay allegiance to me in perfection, and that’s what happens. The scenes between Paul and myself get darker and darker and darker. It’s pretty great. Paul’s fantastic.

What will his next face-off with the Green Arrow look like?
Very messy. If you’re talking about episodes 2-4, I try to befriend Oliver Queen, and that just backfires. The scenes between the two of us get deeper and darker. About halfway through the season, it’s just nails-and-teeth fighting. It’s going to be great stuff.

Does he know Oliver is the Green Arrow when he’s trying to befriend him?
Nope, not yet.

What would you say is his ultimate goal and how far he’s willing to go to achieve it?
There’s no stopping him. If I have to destroy the whole world… He’s such a megalomaniac, no one’s going to stop him. As the year progresses, he gets more impatient and childish in his antics and he starts to really unravel. We’re starting to get at that now, but the second half of the season will be very fun to play. He won’t be looking as polished as he has been in the first third of the year. By the end of the season, I’m sure he’ll be crazy.

How is this role different from what you’ve played before?
He’s so precise. He knows exactly what he wants and he’s going to get it. He messes with people, and he definitely enjoys the power that he has and the pain he inflicts on some people. It’s fun to play that. I’ve never played that powerful of a character before. It’s been really great. I’ve been enjoying the heck out of it.

http://www.ew.com/article/2015/10/13/ar ... k-spoilers
- Katrina Law habla sobre Nyssa al Ghul en Arrow y la resurrección de Sara Lance (superherohype):
Katrina Law habla sobre Nyssa al Ghul en Arrow y la resurrección de Sara Lance
Por Spencer Perry 12 Oct, 2015

The CW’s Arrow has not been shy about pulling from deep within the vault of DC Comics to find characters that suit the stories they’re telling. Sometimes they bring out characters we seen before and sometimes they breath life into a character in live-action for the very first time. Among those that “Arrow” has brought to life is Nyssa al Ghul, as played by Katrina Law. The daughter of the notorious Ra’s, “Arrow’s” version of Nyssa was given a few alterations from the page to the screen, which we bought up in a recent chat with Law. You can read our full interview with her below!

SuperHeroHype: I want to go back to the beginning when you got the role. How much secrecy was there in the casting?

Katrina Law: Oh my gosh, there was so much secrecy. So much so that I didn’t even find out what part I was playing until TV Guide announced my casting. (Laughs) When it originally started, I got called in for “The Tomorrow People,” and they decided that I was really wrong for that part but to please come back in the next day to audition for this other character and keep the quasi-British accent that I was doing. So I said, “Okay cool,” and I go in and I’m reading for the part and I think it was called “Greta,” and it was a scene with Oliver. So I’m doing the whole scene and they’re like “Great! We want to call you back and we want you to come in and do a chemistry test with this woman named Caity Lotz.” I said, “Okay, where are my new sides?” and they said “No, use the same sides.” I said, “Oh okay, because these sides are very flirty, should I change it? So that they’re friends or sisters?” And they said, “No, just do it exactly the same,” and I asked, “Oh, am I a lesbian?” and they said “We can’t tell you that.”

So then I basically walked into the chemistry read and here comes Caity Lotz with her beautiful blue eyes and she turns around and there was a moment were we looked at each other and it was like “Yeah, okay , it’s on.” Then they told me I booked it and we didn’t know what character it was. Between a couple of friends who run podcasts for DC Comics and comics in general, so between all of us we were trying to figure out what character it was, and the closest thing we came up with was Lady Shiva. So then when TV Guide announced Nyssa al Ghul, I was like, “Wait, what? Whoa.” Of course then everyone had to go and do their research and do the backstory, and they ended up handing me pages and pages of Nyssa al Ghul back story, Talia back story, Ra’s al Ghul back story, Batman back story. I feel like I got the cliffs notes version of DC Comics, but it was a fun process.

SHH: I can imagine. Now how was it to stepping into the shoes of this character, when you first book it at least. Because you’re playing a character that has been swinging a sword since she was seven or eight-years old.

Katrina Law: Well fortunately to me, I grew up a dancer. So in a lot of ways fight choreography is very similar to dance choreography, it’s just a little more violent. In that aspect it’s an easy process, but also the first two seasons I was an “Arrow,” I had a wonderful stunt double named Atlin Mitchell, who was under James Bamford’s stunt team and James is an amazing stunt coordinator and Atlin used to be a part of Cirque du Soleil, so I couldn’t have asked for a more fierce and physically-fit woman who is super coordinated, more than I have been in my entire life. So whenever it comes down to the real gnitty gritty and doing the hard stuff, she kind of does it for me and then I take the credit and then I say, “Look at me! Look at how good I look.” But it’s really all Atlin Mitchell, who I really appreciate.

SHH: The thing that is really great about the character is that her sexuality in the series is a big deal because it’s treated as not a big deal, so what has it been like to bring that performance and importance to life and how have people reacted it?

Katrina Law: You’re always going to get the people that push back and say, “Why do you have to change people’s sexuality?” The original character as written by Greg Rucka was very much a straight character, in fact she had children, and she tried to give them away but there’s a whole back story about that. I’m actually honored and I think it’s so important that the LGBT community is represented on television and not as the outcasts or the derelicts of society or the comedic relief of society. They are just as valid and important. I love how the writers and producers of “Arrow” have handled her sexuality in that they haven’t made a big deal (out of it). There’s no “excuse” for why she is a lesbian, she just is. She was born that way, it’s her sexual orientation, and there’s no mention of it other than her love for Sara given towards it. The way I ended up approaching it was love is love, and if you happen to love a man or a woman, it’s love. There was no distinction for me between playing a lesbian and playing straight characters.

SHH: Building off of that, I’m curious what your reaction was when you found out Nyssa and Oliver would be getting married last season.

Katrina Law: Normally as an actor when we get scripts, especially on series, there are very few things that surprise you, because you can always kind of guess where they might be going or if it goes a certain way you’re just not surprised. When I got that script and I read at the very end that the two of us were getting married, I dropped the script and I just started giggling maniacally. Because in my head I heard fandom all over the place exploding and losing their mind, which is exactly what happened. From the writer’s point of view I just thought it was such a brilliant choice. I know there was a lot of backlash online between the fans saying that this was a disgrace to her homosexuality and forcing a woman to marry a man that she didn’t love and forcing a lesbian to marry a man, but my argument to that is, things like that are still happening in real life. This isn’t so far off the world, especially in that part of the world. I think it’s a very real issue that they dealt with very briefly in that scenario, and yes my character wasn’t happy about it and she didn’t want to marry Oliver, and she didn’t love him, and she didn’t want to marry a man. I don’t think she wanted to get married. But when it comes to my father’s point of view, Ra’s al Ghul, I think it was more about him wanting to see his line and the succession of his family lineage, more than it was him being homophobic. I don’t think he was exactly excited to find out that his daughter was a lesbian, but I think that lack of excitement probably came more from, “Where am I going to get my heir from?” At the end of the day, I think Ra’s first priority has always been the League of Assassins and if that meant throwing his daughter under the bus to make sure the league is well-protected, then that’s what’s going to happen. I don’t think it was a personal thing, I think he was more appalled that she didn’t see it as a continuation of the League of Assassins the way he did.

SHH: As I understand it, we’ll be seeing you in the first couple of episodes of the new season?

Katrina Law: You will see me in 4.03, that’s when my character is reintroduced.

SHH: I’m going to venture a guess since we already know that Sara is going to be in Legends of Tomorrow, that that’s probably the episode where she comes back?

Katrina Law: I think they’ve alluded to that. I don’t want to say for sure, because I’m not sure what they have said or not said, but in the trailer you definitely see that she looks together.

SHH: It’s got to be peculiar for something like that to occur considering the whole point of season three was finding her killer and then characters such as Nyssa coming to terms with the loss of her presence on the series.

Katrina Law: Yes… I do think the fans are going to be really surprised by the course of events and what happens and what goes down in the resurrection of Sara and also Nyssa’s reaction. I think it’s a great episode, and when they do finally explain everything and show everything, I think people are going to come to a full understanding why certain characters went in the directions they went into. Again, I thought it was really brilliant on the writer’s part, the storylines where they’re going.

SHH: Are you going to be popping up anymore in this season of Arrow or do you think you might be appearing in Legends of Tomorrow?

Katrina Law: I can’t say for sure for “Legends of Tomorrow,” but I will be in and out of “Arrow” throughout the season.

http://www.superherohype.com/news/35549 ... l-on-arrow
- El Villano de Arrow Neal McDonough sobre Damien Darhk, su relación con Lance y Vandal Savage (comicbook):
El Villano de Arrow Neal McDonough sobre Damien Darhk, su relación con Lance y Vandal Savage
Por Russ Burlingame 13/10/2015

With just one appearance so far on the series, Arrow's Neal McDonough has already brought a new flavor to the show.

Rather than the brooding, brutal, street-level villains we're used to seeing on the show, McDonough's Damien Darhk is a preening, murderous supernatural threat who really just seems to enjoy what he's doing a tiny bit too much.

As the season unfolds, McDonough told us in this interview, we'll get to see more of that sensibility -- as well as what sets him off and sends him down the road of brooding brutality.

Arrow airs Wednesdays at 8 p.m. ET/PT on The CW.

You are no stranger to these big universes; you've been in some of the DC animated stuff and things like that. What attracted you to Arrow?

Marc Guggenheim. It's as simple as that. Marc and I have talked so many times on the phone over the last couple of months, and we've never met face to face yet, which is shocking. I feel like I know him so well, and I'm sure he'd feel the same way about me.

I just got off the phone with him an hour ago discussing the flashbacks and what we're going to do with Damien Darhk to explain who he is later on in the season. But what he devised for me is truly awesome and instead of just playing a dark Damien Darhk, we're making him light and comical and comic booky and making him more a Nicholson Joker, Hackman Luthor type of villain.

I like entertaining on the screen and I love comedy, which I never get to play, so my villains are always a little comical because that's the only time I get to get my comedy jones out of my system. So we've really built this kind of nine-year-old kid who just wants that toy and if he doesn't get that toy, he's going to throw that monumental temper tantrum. That's kind of the mindset for Damien Darhk. It's not ruling the world; it has nothing to do with ruling the world. It's "This is my plan, and I'm going to get it. And if I don't get it, I'm going to be really mean to you. And I'm going to enjoy it."

Which is kind of great because that's kind of what he did to the League of Assassins.

Right! They wouldn't give him the shiny new bicycle.

Do you feel like you're conscious of wanting to play it a little different, or do you think it's good because it establishes a pattern of behavior?

It's great for going back to when the League of Assassins gave him the boot. They wouldn't give me a shiny new bicycle. Oh, really? Well, I'll take my show on the road like LeBron James and find a shiny new bicycle in Miami. So if he wants to show to everyone that although he's not immortal, he's got these powers that can kill everybody but they can't kill him. So he's going to be around forever, but he wants it right now: "I want my Oompa-Loompa and I want it now, Daddy."

So he's going to get it and whoever comes across me, I will have to do whatever it takes and sometimes I really enjoy it because, gosh, it feels so good just to off three guys with the palm of my hand in ten seconds. In one of the scenes that we shot last week, I did do just that after I kill a gentleman: "Oh! I could do that all day! Gosh, that's fun!" And then, in comes Green Arrow and all the minions, and I'm like "Please kill them." And when they can't, I'm like "Augh! Let me show you idiots how it's done." And I go in there and I have to do it.

No one can do what I do. No one can be as great and awesome as Damien Darhk. You have to understand that, and I have to knowing that everyone else are imbeciles compared to myself. And then this guy named Arrow shows up and just ruins my universe. And it's just great drama. It's just fun.

Those kinds of characters usually precipitate their own downfall becuase they underestimate everyone. Is it more fun to play the start of that where you're kicking everybody's ass or the part where you're trying to humanize him a little bit down the line?

Oh, I'm not trying to humanize everything. In fact, even at a point coming up where Green Arrow finds out there's something that's very special to me in my life and I just snap, and then I snap him like an old G.I. Joe doll, and I just beat him -- it's going to be an awesome scene. And then he tells me something and I realize -- it's the only time you see Damien Darhk pause and have a heart. You'll see why, but it's great because every villain can't be just dark; there has to be some reason why he is who he is. Like I was saying with Marc, we're going to go back and figure out why 122 years ago, how the became this guy and has not aged in 122 years.

You go back to the League -- I did an episode of Legends last week -- and I look exactly the same in 1975 but you see he's not as confident and doesn't have such an agenda forty years ago as he does now. So it's fun to play the different times, you know? Going back in time with Legends, and The Flash, with The Flash, I'm just this crazy, fun, enjoy everything while I kill everybody type of character. It's just nuts. So it's playing the humor in that very dark soul that I have but then as the season progresses, that humor starts to fade becuase Green Arrow is getting the best of me a bunch of times and that really is going to cause the unraveling of Damien Darhk.

I always assume when you're entering into a show that's ongoing, it's a little bit of an adjustment period for the actor...but your character is changing the dyhamic and the rules of the show so much, is there just a lot of experimentation going on across the board?

Well, I've never watched it. The first time I sat down and watch an episode of Arrow for the first time was the [Season Four] premiere. I didn't want to have any preconceived notions of who Ra's al Ghul was, of who [Vandal] Savage is, who Malcolm is. I didn't want to know anything about any of those characters and how they play them.

I told that to Marc and Marc was like, "Oh! That's kind of a great idea." Even when I read the scripts, I try not to read much more about the other characters because when I meet the other characters, I want it to be fresh. So it's a different take on the villain. If you're the good guy, you have to know everything. The villain is just so about himself that everything else doesn't really matter.

I'd think that really gels with a character who's so powerful. When you walk into the room, it's like, "Well, I could just kill that person if they're a pain in the ass." You don't exactly have to scout them.

Exactly. The first time I saw Lance with his arm in the sling, I didn't know who he was in the confines of the show becuase I hadn't watched the show. As far as I knew, he's just another minion that was in my way that I'm going to have to obviously crush. But then I pull him in and use him as one of my pawns, and now seeing Paul do what he does, he's phenomenal. We have a wonderful time working with each other.

Paul Blackthorne is great in this role. Has that been a fun relationship to explore?

Paul's awesome, yeah. In the first few issues he's literally my pawn doing my dirty work, and then it happens that he doesn't exactly tell me the truth and I then hold his family over him and threaten him and do all kinds of nasty, evil things. Which is so much fun watching Paul unravel in front of me as an actor; it's just awesome.

That's a character who's been through the wringer quite a bit. Is that one of the things that Damien likes to do is to kind of play with his food a little bit?

Yes, absolutely. There's no question; I do enjoy playing with my food but at some point when I see that buck that's in front of me, I need to spear it in the head as quickly as possible and that's when my patience starts to unravel. The first third of the season, I'm enjoying offing people. I'm enjoying the power that I have because it's my time. It's not Savage's time, it's not Ra's al Ghul's time; it's Damien Darhk's time.

But as the season progresses, and Green Arrow starts messing with me more and things start to unravel and Lance starts to figure out things, it's like the fun of killing people is gone and now it's time to kill everybody so I can get the job done tomorrow. That's it; today's the day. I have to figure out how to rule the world immediately. And that's what I'm using as an actor; the ticking clock is great.

http://comicbook.com/2015/10/10/arrow-v ... onship-wi/
- Neal McDonough habla sobre el encargarse de Green Arrow (accesshollywood):
Neal McDonough habla sobre el encargarse de Green Arrow
Por Jolie Lash 14 October, 2015 01:07 AM EDT

He may be working to bring pain and destruction to the recently renamed Star City, but villainous Damien Darhk is a lot of fun to watch on "Arrow."

Neal McDonough joined the cast of the show to play Damien, Ra's al Ghul's former rival, on The CW drama for its fourth season.

New villain Damien faced off with members of Team Arrow in the show's season premiere. He had a very interesting face-to-face encounter with two of them -- John Diggle and the newly renamed Green Arrow – just before they foiled his plot to blow up the train station. At this point, Damien isn't worried about the man in the hood. But he will be.

"I know the Arrow's dead. I'm like, 'Who is this guy in this new Arrow outfit, trying to pretend that he's the Green Arrow?' For me, he's just another clown in the middle of the circus that I just need to get rid of. But this clown turns out to be the ringleader and I can't get rid of him, which drives me bonkers," Neal said.

Damien may have many more run-ins with the Green Arrow in the weeks ahead, but one person who presents fewer complications is Quentin Lance (Paul Blackthorne), who is squarely under Mr. Darhk's thumb. So how much pain will Damien put Lance through as he manipulates Star City's top cop?

"As much as humanly possible. Paul deserves every ounce of pain that I'm going to throw upon him. Every bit," Neal joked. "Paul is not only one of my favorite actors I've ever worked with… he's a phenomenal talent no question, but he is so passionate about the process, and about what we're doing and he's just great to be around. It's infectious. He's tremendous. But yes, I'm going to torture him as much as I possibly can."

WATCH: ‘Arrow’: John Barrowman On Playing The New Ra’s Al Ghul

Damien appears to be on a path to interact with all the characters on the show, including the new Ra's al Ghul, Malcolm Merlyn (John Barrowman).

"We are going to have a beautiful scene coming up... It's beautiful. It is on! The line is drawn in the sand and I fully intend on keeping everyone on that other side of the line, kicking them and killing them and doing whatever I have to do," Neal said. "Malcolm also has more of a heart than I do, so I am more ruthless in whatever's going to happen next and will do whatever it takes to take anyone down, to prove to the world that I am the greatest human being -- which is fun to play in itself."

WATCH: Emily Bett Rickards Teases Season 4 Of ‘Arrow’

Although he is human, as the season premiere revealed, Damien has the power to heal himself. Neal hinted that answers are coming about Damien's mystical powers.

"We're getting into that more and more," he said.

"When I cut my arm open… it's kind of like super-serum," Neal added.

"We're getting into something that down the line, we're going to see how did Damien Darhk become this guy? And it was obviously something with Ra's al Ghul and the League of Assassins -- that something happened all those years ago to convert him," he added.

http://www.accesshollywood.com/arrow-ne ... cle_113704
- Katie Cassidy sobre Laurel como una luchadora con corazón (buddytv):
Katie Cassidy sobre Laurel como una luchadora con corazón
Por Carla Day 14 Octubre, 2015

As Arrow Season 4 opened, fans saw a fierce Laurel Lance entirely transformed into and embodying her existence as the Black Canary. This summer, Katie Cassidy spoke with reporters about becoming the Black Canary, Laurel's emotional state and the workouts necessary to complete the transformation from Laurel to the Black Canary.

We've seen Laurel in costume, we've seen Katana and The Huntress is out there. Are we going to see them as the Birds of Prey sometime?

I would love that. I actually don't know. I think it would be really cool. I actually thought it would be awesome if they did a spinoff for the Birds of Prey, but I don't know. I have a feeling they'll probably be playing around with them at little bit.

On Laurel's emotional state in Season 4

When we saw Laurel last year, she obviously is a fighter and has a lot of heart and I've always said that and felt that way about her. Definitely this season, we'll see her a lot more polished. She's been training. She's been working on her skills as much as possible and we'll see her develop and becoming stronger.

I also think that Andrew Kreisberg made a good point, he said, "Laurel will always see the light at the end of the tunnel as opposed to Oliver who can get into dark place." Laurel always tries to see the positive in everything and she'll continue to do that and I think that she's going to be a big part of the creation of Legends [of Tomorrow].

On training during the hiatus

I love training, I love working out, I love action and I kind of realized that I can determine my own destiny. I've realized that "Okay, I love working out, I love being healthy," and they're basically saying "You've got to look like you're in superhero shape." It makes the character on the show a lot more realistic, the more I can do.

And, as an actor, I just feel like it's in my brain that's what I would do is train and work out and work hard. It's been really hard, but it certainly has paid off. It's so much fun. ... I take it really seriously, but I love it and it makes you feel good too. Being strong and having biceps. ... [Laughs] If anyone tries to mess with me, I can throw down.

How proud do you think Sara would be of Laurel's trajectory?

Oh, I feel like she would be so proud. Also, maybe a little worried. She cares about her sister, but I think-- I'm proud so I think she would be proud.

How does it feel as an actress to deal with Laurel's missteps in becoming Black Canary and gradually grow to where she is?

As an actor, it honestly worked out perfectly and it was a dream come true because, for me, I like to make any character I play as legitimate as possible doing the back story and creating as much detail as possible after script analysis to make the script and the story more legitimate.

When they actually write that for me, it's genius, because that's exactly-- it makes it that much more realistic. I think the writers were really smart. We didn't come out of the gates then all of the sudden, I'm Black Canary. Laurel had to go through hardship to be able to come out on the other side and for it to be believable. So I think the slow, steady pace was definitely a good thing and now I can just go crazy and kick some ass and it'll be awesome!

http://www.buddytv.com/articles/arrow/a ... 57752.aspx
- Showrunner de ‘Arrow’ sobre los personajes LGBT y las Dinámicas de familia en la Season 4 (variety):
Showrunner de ‘Arrow’ sobre los personajes LGBT y las Dinámicas de familia en la Season 4
Por Laura Prudom 14 Oct, 2015

Oliver Queen (Stephen Amell) took another step towards his DC Comics destiny in episode 402 of “Arrow,” making the decision to run for mayor of Star City after yet another candidate, Jessica Danforth (Jeri Ryan) was intimidated into dropping out of the race by Lonnie Machin (Alexander Calvert) aka DC Comics villain Anarky.

While Oliver was trying to step into the light, his ally Laurel (Katie Cassidy) seemed to be taking a darker path in this week’s episode. After learning about Thea’s (Willa Holland) resurrection in Nanda Parbat via the Lazarus Pit, we saw her become determined to try and save her own sister, Sara (Caity Lotz), who was murdered last season, by similarly mystical means.

“In keeping with our general theme of family this year, we’re going to keep her in the family, dealing with her sister, dealing with her father, and where do those relationships take her?” previews “Arrow” co-showrunner Wendy Mericle. “It’s a big part of her story for the season, the return of Sara… Lance and Laurel have made peace in the intervening months… When Sara comes back, each of them are gonna have surprising reactions to it, and we’re not gonna replay the rift of last season but we’re going to find new ways to deepen that relationship and complicate it, because this is a central part of her life and her story this season.”

With Laurel and Thea headed to Nanda Parbat in next week’s episode, the show is also sowing the seeds of John Constantine’s (Matt Ryan) first appearance on “Arrow,” which will occur in episode 405. “We knew Sara was coming back and we wanted to have her soul… she needed to be resurrected, and even in the world of the comic books, he’s the guy to do it,” Mericle says of Constantine’s cameo. “We weren’t sure it was all going to work out, but DC was very generous and Matt Ryan’s schedule worked out and we’re very excited.”

“The Candidate” featured plenty of other callbacks to the DC Comics universe — including the introduction of Curtis Holt (aka the future Mr. Terrific), played by Echo Kellum.

“We’re very excited about him, and not just because he’s LGBT and we have an opportunity to explore that, but also he’s just a great character and Echo Kellum is phenomenal,” Mericle says. “He has good scenes with Felicity. He brings a new, fresh dynamic. Obviously Ray [Brandon Routh] is leaving the show so we wanted a new superhero in that vein… It wasn’t necessarily to come at it from any particular angle in terms of gender or sexual orientation. It was more, it’s season four and one of the obvious secrets of keeping your show alive is you’ve got to repopulate, and Mr. Terrific was somebody that we discussed with DC and we were excited about. He’s smart and athletic and cool.”

Curtis’ introduction is also part of widening Felicity’s world outside Team Arrow, after last season saw her spend a lot of time worrying about her relationships with Oliver and Ray. “One of the things we’re excited about is getting more into her past and also seeing more of what drives her,” Mericle admits. “She’s hugely important… We’re all very protective, not just the women in the room, everyone has the objective of making sure she has her own agenda and her own drive and her own opinions and it’s not tied to ‘am I gonna get the boy?'”

The hour also saw Diggle (David Ramsey) open up to Laurel about his brother Andy’s connection to HIVE, which Mericle says will be a pivotal story for Digg this season. “With HIVE on the scene, he’s gonna get answers about his brother… this is the season where we’re gonna dig into that, no pun intended. He really wants to get these answers and he’ll stop at nothing to get them,” she notes, admitting that the show will explore, “what kind of impact does that have on his relationship with Lyla [Audrey Marie Anderson] and his relationship with the team? He’s a man on fire and a man on a mission and it’s about his brother, so it hits him where he lives in a way we’ve not really seen him have to grapple with these moral issues and the idea of revenge.”

http://variety.com/2015/tv/news/arrow-m ... 201618389/

Re: "ARROW" Nueva serie de la CW para TV basada en Green Arr

Publicado: Mié Oct 14, 2015 8:54 pm
por Shelby
- Nuevas imágenes bts de la S4 (14-17 Oct 2015):

Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen

(@MzKatieCassidy: #roadtrip @amelladventures @EmilyBett @willaaaahh
@dpanabaker: It's that time again #flarrow
@falkhetschel: On the #Arrow set making some movie magic #hawkman #legendsoftomorrow #ilovemyjob
@ciararenee8: Lunchtime chill. #HawkLife #Hawkman #Hawkgirl #OnSet #SunnyDay #Arrow #100HappyDays #Day23
@james2bambamford: Arrow survey time....scope it is.....
@MzKatieCassidy Love @dpanabaker
@Caitylotz: ADR for #Arrow seeing some stuff for episodes coming up and Sara is....wow
@MzKatieCassidy: Super friends doing super things. (Even though we're literally just sitting on the floor) Lets never grow up @grangustin
@amellywood: Working on a Saturday Made Easier, by Maverick Amell)

Re: "ARROW" Nueva serie de la CW para TV basada en Green Arr

Publicado: Jue Oct 15, 2015 3:42 pm
por Shelby
- ARROW | 4.03 "Restoration" Promo | HD:

- ARROW | 4.03 "Restoration" Extended Promo | The CW:

- ARROW | 4.03 "Restoration" New Zealand Promo | :

- ARROW | 4.03 "Restoration" Asia Promo:

Re: "ARROW" Nueva serie de la CW para TV basada en Green Arr

Publicado: Jue Oct 15, 2015 4:10 pm
por Shelby
- ARROW 4.03 "Restoration" Stills:

Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen

Re: "ARROW" Nueva serie de la CW para TV basada en Green Arr

Publicado: Jue Oct 15, 2015 4:17 pm
por Shelby
- Revelado título y créditos del episodio 4.09:
Marc Guggenheim ha compartido el título y créditos del episodio 4.09 coincidiendo con el inicio de la producción de mismo.

https://twitter.com/mguggenheim/status/ ... 7754626049

El episodio 4.09 tendrá por título “Dark Waters”. Está escrito por Wendy Mericle & Ben Sokolowski, con dirección de John Behring.

Re: "ARROW" Nueva serie de la CW para TV basada en Green Arr

Publicado: Vie Oct 16, 2015 5:29 pm
por Shelby
- Descripción oficial del 4.05 “Haunted”:
4.05 “Haunted” (04/11/15): MATT RYAN REPITE EN SU PAPEL COMO JOHN CONSTANTINE EN ARROW — Cuando las cosas toman un giro a peor con Sara (la estrella invitada Caity Lotz), Oliver (Stephen Amell) llama a un viejo amigo que trata con lo místico para pedirle un favor, John Constantine (la estrella invitada Matt Ryan). John Badham dirige el episodio escrito por Brian Ford Sullivan & Oscar Balderrama (#404G).

http://www.greenarrowtv.com/arrow-3-5-h ... e-is-back/

Re: "ARROW" Nueva serie de la CW para TV basada en Green Arr

Publicado: Vie Oct 16, 2015 5:52 pm
por Shelby
- ARROW | David Ramsey's Road to Victory | The CW:

Re: "ARROW" Nueva serie de la CW para TV basada en Green Arr

Publicado: Sab Oct 17, 2015 1:38 am
por Shelby
- ARROW | Stunts: 4.01 "Green Arrow" | The CW:
https://amp.twimg.com/v/71b61c82-118f-4 ... ea1a5eaa09

Re: "ARROW" Nueva serie de la CW para TV basada en Green Arr

Publicado: Sab Oct 17, 2015 1:52 am
por Shelby
- Nuevo video bts del crossover #Flarrow (16-10-15):


Re: "ARROW" Nueva serie de la CW para TV basada en Green Arr

Publicado: Mar Oct 20, 2015 2:56 am
por Shelby
- ARROW | 4.03 "Restoration" Producer´s Preview | The CW:

- ARROW | 4.03 "Restoration" Clip #1 | The CW:

https://amp.twimg.com/v/544fdaed-423d-4 ... 1ee7dea4b3

- ARROW | 4.03 "Restoration" Clip #2 | TVGuide:

http://www.tvguide.com/news/arrow-seaso ... er-diggle/

- ARROW | 4.03 "Restoration" Clip #3 | MTV:

http://www.mtv.com/videos/news/1253317/ ... clip.jhtml

Re: "ARROW" Nueva serie de la CW para TV basada en Green Arr

Publicado: Mar Oct 20, 2015 11:07 am
por Shelby
- Cartel promocional en la Watertower de la WB de #Flash #Arrow:


Re: "ARROW" Nueva serie de la CW para TV basada en Green Arr

Publicado: Mar Oct 20, 2015 12:32 pm
por Shelby
- Nuevas imágenes bts de la S4 (19-23 Oct 2015):

Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen

Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen

(@MzKatieCassidy: Love these 2 gentlemen.. @johnscotbarrowman @therealvictorgarber @TheCW
@PaulBlackthorne: Ramsey arrives in BC
@PaulBlackthorne: Frank, my new love
@PaulBlackthorne: KC taking it easy
@PaulBlackthorne: Mr Bamford doubles up for Mr Barrowman
@PaulBlackthorne: My beautuful TV daughter
@PaulBlackthorne: The mighty Willah
@PaulBlackthorne: Frank & John & Jen
@amellywood: Pull up a chair. Watch some #Arrow tonight.
@katrinalaw: Thanks for live tweeting w me during tonight's episode of @CW_Arrow!!! Hope you all enjoyed! #Nyssa Love ya! #arrow
@PaulBlakthorne Lance & three fabulous ladies @katiecassidy @emilybett @charlotteross2 #Arrow 22-10-15
@PaulBlackthorne: You like this @WilliamShatner ? #CharlotteRossWithoutHeels @charlotteross
@charlotteross: w/ @amellywood on set today #arrow
@EmilyBett: When Darkness sets in
@EmilyBett: When you wanna duck face but bae is legit scared. @amelladventures
@caitylotz: Lazerus hot tub treatment got me like... @Willaaaah
@charlotteoss: On set w/ Mr @PaulBlackthorne #arrow #arrowseason4 #mamasmoak #smoaknlance
@Caitylotz: Me and my awesome double @atlinvera keeping warm between takes for #arrow #CanaryLives
@charlotteross: @emilybett #duckfaceofolicityfan #arrow #mamasmoak #arrowseason4 #duck
@PaulBlackthorne: Oh what a lovely couple @amelladventures @emilybett @amellywood @EmilyBett #Olicity #Arrow
@MzKatieCassidy: We are a Ka-mi-ly #arrow)

http://www.justjared.com/2015/10/23/par ... et-photos/

Re: "ARROW" Nueva serie de la CW para TV basada en Green Arr

Publicado: Mar Oct 20, 2015 10:17 pm
por Shelby
- John Barrowman adelanta el 'bizarro' dilema de Malcolm y un giro que nos dejará 'con la boca abierta' en Nanda Parbat (TVLine):
John Barrowman adelanta el 'bizarro' dilema de Malcolm y un giro que nos dejará 'con la boca abierta' en Nanda Parbat
Por Matt Webb Mitovich / 20 October 2015, 1:38 PM PDT

This week on The CW’s Arrow (Wednesday, 8/7c), the League of Assassins’ lair in Nanda Parbat gets a pair of surprise visitors, when Laurel Lance (played by Katie Cassidy) shows up with Malcolm Merlyn aka Ra’s al Ghul’s troubled daughter Thea, as well as quite-dead Sara, in tow.

How might Malcolm react to the unexpected visit and the even-more-unexpected favor to be asked of him? The always entertaining John Barrowman shared with TVLine a peek at what’s to come.

TVLINE | How has life as Ra’s al Ghul been treating Malcolm?
It’s complicated. [Laughs] It’s complicated but it’s good, because where we left him, he had the League kneeling at his feet, Nyssa included. Six to seven months have passed, so you do don’t know whether he’s in control or not, but something happens [this week] where you realize that these fighters, these men and women, are under his control.

TVLINE | Has he made any changes to the place? Maybe some curtains to soften it up, or…?
Oh God, no, it’s still as hard as ever. He wanted it just the way it was. Malcolm doesn’t want to change anything, and he’s not really a decorator!

TVLINE | How would you describe his current dynamic with Nyssa?
All I will say to that is it’s going to take a twist and a turn. Obviously, Malcolm was involved with the death of her father, so she has a bit of a grudge and she’s very vocal about it. But she does something that is one of the episode’s jaw-dropping moments, where people are going be like, “Ohhhh…. Myyyy…. God.”

TVLINE | Obviously, Laurel and Thea are on their way. Does Malcolm welcome these visitors?
Malcolm doesn’t know that they’re going to waltz through his door, and when they do, a dilemma is put in front of him. There’s his daughter, who he knows has been having some trouble and he didn’t really want her going in the Pit in the first place. And then you have Laurel, a girl who blatantly turned to Malcolm when he saved her life and said, “I wouldn’t do the same for you” — and she’s brought her sister, who is someone Malcolm had killed to obtain his objectives. And Laurel’s back to ask him to resurrect Sara! That is probably one of the most bizarre dilemmas that he will ever come across, and what’s interesting is how he deals with it and explains it to Laurel. It becomes a moral and ethical issue with Laurel, and I think the audience is going to be like, “What?!” — which I love, because it shows complexity.

And he knows something is going on with Thea, that she’s got this bloodlust in her, this violent streak, so he turns to her and says, “I’m concerned about this.” But what he does with her is completely unethical and has no morality attached to it. That’s again the complexity of Malcolm, that within those two situations, the audience is going to be like, “O-M-G.” He’s offering two different solutions for two different people.

TVLINE | So, the League has no “hangover cure” for Thea, for Pit people?
Uhhh, you don’t know that. That question may be answered tomorrow.

TVLINE | As for the whole Sara thing: Unlike when Thea went into the Pit freshly dead, Sara… has seen better days. Do we turn the Pit to “11”?
[Laughs] I think it goes up to “55.” Yeah, that’s a little bit more of a “risk,” shall we say. Malcolm has said before that when somebody goes into the Pit, a piece of everybody’s soul who has been in there prior goes into that person. Well, Sara’s going to need a lot more than just a piece of everyone’s soul. It’s going to need to fill her a lot more than it did Thea, so Malcolm is very intrigued by how she might come out. But would he want her to come back when he got rid of her in the first place?

TVLINE | Basically, this is the wrong favor asked by the wrong person.

TVLINE | Are the days of any hint of paternal warmth between Malcolm and Thea gone?
Without giving too much away, I think you’re going to see that Malcolm’s love and concern for Thea has grown, and it’s almost like he’s trying to prove it to her and make her realize that what he is doing is not only for the benefit of his family but for her, because he is adamant about protecting her. It’s an unconditional, parental love. Malcolm just goes about it in a unique way!

TVLINE | Might we ever see Malcolm back in Star City? Has the new Ra’s earned vacation days yet?
Malcolm is Ra’s al Ghul now, he can do whatever he likes! Malcolm’s been watching what’s going on, he knows that Damien Darhk (played by Neal McDonough) is causing havoc, he knows that it’s getting close to harming his daughter and it’s also getting close to harming the man out there that he always wanted his son to be like, Oliver. Malcolm’s just waiting for that right moment, either to be asked or to step in — and when one of those moments happens, again the audience is going to go, “Oh my God, there he is!” Again, I can’t tell you what’s going to happen, but Malcolm will always be there when they need help.

TVLINE | I’m sure viewers would relish a John Barrowman/Neal McDonough face-off.
Heh-heh-heh…. “Keep watching.” [Laughs]

http://tvline.com/2015/10/20/arrow-seas ... zarus-pit/
- Echo Kellum adelanta la transformación de Curtis en 'Mr. Terrific' (TVGuide):
Echo Kellum adelanta la transformación de Curtis en 'Mr. Terrific'
Por Sadie Gennis | 20 Oct, 2015 7:33 PM EDT

Though no one can ever replace Ray Palmer, Curtis Holt's introduction in last week's Arrowhas definitely helped ease our pain. Played by comedian Echo Kellum, the Palmer Tech employee's easy banter with Felicity (Emily Bett Rickards) had us smiling through every scene they shared.

But according to Kellum, there's tragedy in Curtis' future. The star revealed that it will take an unfortunate turn of events to inspire the computer genius to suit up and eventually become the superhero Mr. Terrific.

Find out more of what Kellum said about Curtis' evolution, as well as whether or not he'll be joining Team Arrow anytime soon:

What is Curtis' journey like this year?
Echo Kellum: I would definitely describe it as an adventure. He was this guy who was working at Palmer Tech in the innovation design department, and him getting to work closely with Felicity definitely helps him get a sneak peek into what's been going on in the city as far as Green Arrow's concerned. He finds out in this episode that Felicity's working with the Green Arrow and that definitely piques his interest. He goes on this trajectory where he starts experiencing things he's never experienced before in the city, helping her figure out certain situations and meta-humans like Double Down, figuring out some secrets that are happening at Palmer Tech and actually going out in the field and helping along with a couple of things like that. So he definitely goes on a pretty big adventure that's kind of new and fresh to him in Star City.

How would you describe Curtis' relationship with Felicity?
Kellum: I'll say they're very, very good friends. They hit it off very quickly. They have a intellectual respect for each other and deeply care for each other as friends.

She really took a big bet on Curtis last week. So what's next for their plan to save Palmer Tech?
Kellum: Curtis is an extremely smart guy. He loves learning and computers and definitely knows how to work well with them, building different things and whatnot. So he's back at work trying to pump up ways to have some type of groundbreaking technology. He definitely gets right into that forefront with different experiments, trying to figure out exactly what they can do. But then the world starts affecting him, so they have to put some of their time to actually coming up with this world-changing technology, but then also dealing with all the dangers in the city.

Curtis has his first major run-in with a villain this week. What can you reveal about Curtis and Felicity's encounter with Double Down?
Kellum: This meta-human tracks down Felicity, and Curtis is with her, and they kind of go through a sequence where Felicity's badass-ness has to come into the forefront. She has to shut down that situation and save the day. So I think it's a really cool moment because you get to see Felicity really be the hero that she is.

How does that experience change Curtis?
Kellum: I think it makes him realize that the person that he's working for is doing the exact same thing he wants to do in his life. He wants to help people in the city and people in general. He loves to live by the model of fair play and one of his goals in life is to do something for mankind, to help humanity for the better and protect people and do the right thing. So I think once he finds out Felicity is involved in that life, it definitely motivates him to help out more.

Are we going to see him get more involved with Team Arrow soon?
Kellum: He definitely has involvement with them, through just helping Felicity out. But you will see Curtis out in the field.

Are you excited to eventually become a member of Team Arrow?
Kellum: For me, being a fan of the show and falling in love with those characters, that would definitely be a dream come true. Also, very surreal. But absolutely, I would love that to become a part of Team Arrow. This character is so much fun to play and I feel like he brings a cool aspect to the team through helping Felicity.

How might we see him start evolving into actually becoming Mr. Terrific this season?
Kellum: I can talk in the comic book aspect of it, because I can't tease too much about this season. Tragedy helps motivate him to want to do more. And I think sometimes when you're dealt with overwhelming odds it can push you to either shrink in or really break out of yourself and become something greater. And I think that's something that will really influence Curtis as well.

Will we see a lot of aspects from the comic books incorporated into your character?
Kellum: Definitely. Not every aspect. Obviously, the show wants to take a different spin on him, but they're definitely parts of the comic book character that we pull from. We wanted to still do justice to that character. He'll be his own unique Mr. Terrific, but we'll definitely be using some of the comics.

It was great to see how much of a non-issue Curtis' sexual orientation was last week. How do you feel about playing the first open gay male character on the show?
Kellum: For me, it's truly an honor. I think there needs to be representation of everyone on TV. Personally, I have very close people in my life who are in the LGBT community, I was partially raised by someone in the LGBT community, so it means a lot to me. And a lot of my friends come up to me and they are so thankful that they can be represented on TV. So I'm completely honored and enamored by the support that everyone has given to me. I feel like it's a privilege to play this character and to help some young kid who sees him and says,"I want to be like that," or they can see themselves in him and think, "I could do that." So that's super important to me and I love it.

Will we get to meet Curtis' husband any time soon?
Kellum: Absolutely, yeah. You get to meet him in the first half of the season. So look out for that!

Once Curtis and Oliver (Stephen Amell) meet, what's their dynamic going to be like?
Kellum: I think they definitely have a mutual respect for each other, an admiration for each other. Curtis definitely likes Oliver in the aspect of being Felicity's boyfriend. And he thinks there's something special about Oliver.

You have a strong comedy background and we saw some of that in your scenes last week. Are we going to see a lot of your comedic side in Curtis as the show goes on?
Kellum: Yeah, I think so. They're having a lot of fun with him, and I'm just a silly dude, as well. So that definitely comes out through the character. Also, the writing is just smart and funny too. I definitely have to give them a lot of credit that they write a lot of that for him. And definitely this season has a lighter tone. It's silly, but still gets into the nitty-gritty of family dynamics and loss and stopping bad guys.

http://www.tvguide.com/news/arrow-seaso ... -terrific/
- John Barrowman habla sobre Malcolm Merlyn como el nuevo Ra’s al Ghul y el cruzarse con "THE FLASH" (seat42f):
John Barrowman habla sobre Malcolm Merlyn como el nuevo Ra’s al Ghul y el cruzarse con "THE FLASH"
Por Tiffany Vogt 21 Oct, 2015

Currently occupying a position of absolute power, Malcolm Merlyn (John Barrowman) as the new Ra’s al Ghul is a man that the world should tremble before, and as the ruthless leader of the League of Assassins, he will not hesitate to unleash that force on anyone who stands in his way. Even the new villain in Star City, Damien Darhk (Neal McDonough) appears to be but a shadow of the man who Malcolm now is and the power he wields. But every villain has one soft-spot or weakness, and in the case of Malcolm Merlyn, that just may be his daughter Thea Queen (Willa Holland).

In order to get some answers about what Malcolm is up to these days in Nanda Parbat and if he dares show his face again in Star City, in an exclusive interview John Barrowman shared just a few delicious teasers.

How heavy is the crown that Malcolm Merlyn wears as the new Ra’s al Ghul?
JOHN: [Laughs] Literally or figuratively?! It’s everything that Malcolm ever wanted — thus far — to be the leader of the League. He is raring to go. Where you find him [in tonight’s episode], he has got the League under his control and you will understand that more — there is an event that happens as you will see why the League will do anything he says they should do so you know he is in complete control. So from when you last saw him ’til now, that’s what has happened with the League. He has got them under his thumb. What he doesn’t expect is that his daughter and Laurel (Katie Cassidy) are going to show up at his doorstep to ask a massive favor.

We know Thea is having some problems. Is Malcolm going to possibly be able to help her?
JOHN: Laurel has come with an issue that she wants help with and Malcolm is under the dilemma of here is the girl, who last season when he saved her life basically told him, “I wouldn’t do the same for you.” Yet she has come in and she is asking, with his daughter, to resurrect her sister [Sara] — the girl that Malcolm had killed by his daughter [Thea]. Malcolm gives this moral, ethical reason as to why that should not happen, which is just something new for him and the audience is going to be like, “Whoa!” He’s being all fatherly and ethical about it. But then with Thea problem, he knows that he cares about her and he will do anything in order to help his daughter — and the audience knows that too, but what they don’t expect is what he does for her is completely unethical and against anything if you had any type of morals, and that is where the shocker comes. Because you see two sides and the complexity of Malcolm: one way for one person and another way for another.

That sounds like Malcolm. He always did exactly whatever he wanted.
JOHN: Of course he did!

I can foresee that Malcolm would want to sacrifice his own daughter just to save her. Would he go to those lengths, or would not go that far?
JOHN: You saw a little bit of that last season. Because when she was going to be resurrected, he again did not want it to happen. He knew what would happen when Thea came out of the pit. The one thing — and I’m not sure if he said it already or if it is upcoming because, as Malcolm, I do a lot of speeches — but he says (and I’m paraphrasing here), “Everybody that goes into this pit has a bit and piece of everybody’s soul who has already been in their prior to them.” And what they come out with and what part of those souls take over their spirit and their soul, we don’t know. So that is the one thing that he didn’t want to happen to his daughter because he has seen it go incredibly wrong. He was willing to let her go.

So Malcolm could still just do something we would not expect, which would be to end the life of his own daughter.
JOHN: [Laughs] Yes. I’m not going to say anymore, but: yes.

Obviously, we suspect that Sara (Caity Lotz) is going to be resurrected. Could she come back normal, or is that not even likely?
JOHN: Anything is likely to happen with the Lazarus Pit. Listen, we all know Sara comes back. It’s not a secret anymore. But how it happens and what happens to her is one of the big impacts. I think that is where Malcolm is watching carefully. Because here is a girl that he had murdered, so she would be out the way of what he was doing, and he can always get rid of her again — Sara doesn’t scare Malcolm — but he needs to know what she is going to be like when she comes out.

It sounds like he might be a little hesitant and fearful. Is there any reason for him to be afraid?
JOHN: I don’t want to give away his moral dilemma is with Laurel, but he is not thrilled that this could happen. Because this is another obstacle for him and he got rid of her before, and does he really want another obstacle back?

Particularly one that might influence Nyssa (Katrina Law), who is working for Malcolm at the moment.
JOHN: And that is another jaw-drop moment with Malcolm and Nyssa. Something happens that, literally, the audience’s jaws are going to hit the floor.

So Nyssa does have a part to play!
JOHN: Well, for Nyssa, her father is gone and she is loyal to the League and she bowed before the new Ra’s al Ghul and we just have to see what her abilities are to stand up for herself.

The show is obviously visiting Nanda Parbat this week. Will we possibly see Malcolm returning to Star City anytime soon?
JOHN: Malcolm is watching what is going on at the moment. There’s a huge thing happening with Damien Darhk and Damien kind of frightens Malcolm because Malcolm understands him. I think Malcolm has been in the background watching. He’s always got his feelers out, seeing what’s going on and what’s happening because at some point he knows he may have to step in and help, or fix the situation, and he needs to have that information behind him.

Damien has proven to be quite formidable. Would Malcolm actually be able to stand up to somebody with that kind of mysticism power?
JOHN: You’re just going to have to wait and see. Never under-estimate the puppet-master or the magician.

Another thing we are curious about is Malcolm as Ra’s al Ghul should not just be a man as a figurehead, but he should be a man. Could there be a romance on the horizon for him?
JOHN: Oh god, I don’t know! I think that would be something that Malcolm would least expect and it might be something that takes him from left-field. But the thing with villains and troubled-heroes, the trouble-heroes are the way they are because of romances and loves that have gone really wrong or have been disrupted or are cut-off before their peak, shall we say, and that is what gives this type of character complexity. So if something like that came along, it might be difficult for him to give over to it. But I think it would be interesting.

We know that Malcolm is going to Central City on THE FLASH, so is it possible that we might see Malcolm in the LEGENDS OF TOMORROW universe as well?
JOHN: I have no idea. But what is interesting about all these three shows is a lot of the characters were born within one or the other, so whatever happens in the future, it could be possible. I can say that the current crossover that we are doing for THE FLASH is going to be an awesome one and I’m really chuffed that I’m part of that and going to be part of their stuff there in the future because it also is showing another side of Malcolm because that world is different from the ARROW world. So it’s exciting in that it is an epic crossover that we are doing.

Does Malcolm just roll with all those meta-humans rolling around over in Central City?
JOHN: [Laughs] Meta-humans don’t scare him.

What can you tease about this week’s episode?
JOHN: Malcolm’s complexity grows. His ruthlessness comes back. His manipulation comes back. The Malcolm that everybody loves is back with a vengeance and there are going to be jaw-dropping moments, as always, when Malcolm returns.

http://www.seat42f.com/exclusive-arrow- ... flash.html
- John Barrowman: Malcolm "regresa por todo lo alto" (THR):
John Barrowman: Malcolm "regresa por todo lo alto"
por Sydney Bucksbaum 21 Octubre, 2015 8:00am PT

Malcolm Merlyn (John Barrowman) is about to shake things up again for everyone on The CW's Arrow.

Last seen six months ago in Nanda Parbat taking on the role of Ra's al Ghul, the leader of the League of Assassins, things have been going well for Malcolm. But when Laurel (Katie Cassidy) convinces Thea (Willa Holland) to resurrect her dead sister Sara (Caity Lotz) via the Lazarus Pit, their request will "throw things into a tailspin" for Malcolm.

The Hollywood Reporter spoke with Barrowman about how Malcolm will react to their plan, what he's been up to with his new army and more. "Malcolm makes his big return and he returns with a smash and a bang," the actor says.

Malcolm hasn't been on the show since he became the new Ra's al Ghul, and it's been about six months since that happened. How has he been adjusting to his new role?

He has been adjusting quite well. There's been a time [jump], so you are finding Malcolm when he has all the men bowing to him: Nyssa [Katrina Law] is bowing to him, and Malcolm is in complete control. Something happens in the episode that proves that. What happens when Thea and Laurel walk through the door is he's not expecting that, so it throws a bit of a spanner in the works. That's where the, shall we say, the fatherly instinct comes out because with one, he's being a father, and with the other he's being Ra's. Both have two different issues.

Is this dilemma going to affect his standing as the new Ra's? He can't really be a good father and the leader of the League of Assassins at the same time, right?

Of course you can! Laurel's coming back to ask him to resurrect his sister, who Malcolm murdered, using his daughter to get her out of the way to help him with a situation that he needed to manipulate. So now Malcolm becomes very ethical and, I'm not sure if this is the right word but, moralistic about the whole thing. Then he turns around to his daughter, who has an issue herself, which is this bloodlust she has, and he knew this was going to happen. So he turns to her and he does something completely without ethics or morals. So yes, you can be a father and yes you can be Ra's al Ghul at the same time [Laughs]. It's just very complex.

Nyssa has never been a fan of Malcolm's, since he murdered Sara and especially now that he's taken over the League, which she saw as her birthright. Has she been following his orders or has she been fighting back in any way?

She has to follow his orders to a certain extent. Well, she has to follow his orders. If she goes out rogue, he'll have to deal with it. But that doesn't mean she won't throw obstacles in his way. Something happens in the episode that Nyssa is involved in that is going to be a jaw-dropping moment. Nyssa is putting obstacles in Malcolm's way.

How is Nyssa is going to react to Laurel's plan of resurrecting Sara?

Both Nyssa and Malcolm's reactions are going to be surprising to the audience. It's interesting as to how they both react to it, with the passion and severity of their reactions. Remember, Malcolm wasn't a fan of the pit for his daughter. He was going to let her go. He only wanted the pit for himself, for selfish reasons. So for it being used for other things now, it's a dilemma for him.

We've seen a lot of different sides to Malcolm over the past few seasons, from loving father to grieving husband to evil villain to helpful ally. Which side is your favorite to play?

What I love most about Malcolm is his complexity. The audience allows me to give that complexity to a villain who I see as a misunderstood hero. It's a different kind of villain to play. But you will see the return of the puppet master and the magician this season, as well as the passionate father. You're going to get a combination of every side we've seen prior all wrapped up in one season.

Which side comes most naturally to him?

He has to work harder to be a loving father. That's something he learns every time he does it. But it's the manipulator that comes very easy for him. The ruthless side. It's the father side he has to step back and think about.

It's interesting to see how he approaches fatherhood differently this time around vs. when Tommy (Colin Donnell) was still alive.

Yes, he has. He was always very angry with Tommy because he saw Tommy as being useless. The fact that Tommy died a hero, but Malcolm was the cause of it, he does regret that in the latter part of Tommy's life he was finally getting to bond with him and get him to be more like him, and then all of a sudden it went all wrong. That's why Malcolm doesn't want to make the same mistakes with Thea. But he wants Thea to be strong, and to be like the son he never had, who is her half-brother Oliver [Stephen Amell]. That's why he has such a strong affection for Oliver, because of his drive, his passion, what he has become. That's what he wants Thea to be so she can protect herself and be strong enough to turn to him and ask for help.

What is going to surprise fans the most about what Malcolm goes through this season?

The way that he deals with things in two different cities. He's watching and learning an awful lot about other people in other cities.

Does that have anything to do with Damien Dahrk (Neil McDonough)?

[Laughs] I can't say!

http://www.hollywoodreporter.com/live-f ... rns-833455
- Echo Kellum adelanta una 'genial' Transformación y el ser el nuevo compañero de Oliver (ETOnline):
Echo Kellum adelanta una 'genial' Transformación y el ser el nuevo compañero de Oliver
Por Philiana Ng 21 Octubre, 2015 8:06 AM PDT

Curtis Holt, Felicity’s Palmer Tech employee and future Mr. Terrific, made quite a splash last week when he nearly fired himself and suggested to company VIPs that he was in the midst of inventing game-changing technology -- a fib Felicity told to save his job from unemployment.

In tonight’s all-new episode, “Restoration,” Curtis gets a front-row seat to the danger that regularly follows Team Arrow when he comes face-to-face with his first baddie, Double Down (played by Teen Wolf's J.R. Bourne) – a position the tech wiz is “definitely not used to,” Echo Kellum admits.

The actor, who starred in Ben and Kate and Sean Saves the World, jumped on the phone earlier this week with ETonline to chat all things Arrow!

Fans have only seen you in one episode so far, but even before your debut, it seems they’ve embraced your character.

Echo Kellum: It’s the best feeling in the world. These fans have been watching the show for three years and given their all to it. This fandom is one of the most passionate fandoms I’ve ever seen. So to come on as a new guy and for them to be showing how much they appreciate it and how welcoming they are to me, it really means everything to me.

We still miss Ben and Kate – we’ve got to give props to that show.

Kellum: Aww, Ben and Kate!

When it was first announced that your character was joining Arrow, his similarities to Felicity were really celebrated But, how is he different?

Kellum: Even though he and Felicity share similarities with their love of science and computers, he definitely stands out as his own person. He has his own stuff going on – he’s a big guy, he works out and goes to the gym, he’s very dedicated to his husband. But he does connect with Felicity in terms of wanting to do more for the city and try to help the people at Palmer Tech and everyone around him. He believes everyone should have a fair shot.

We really got the sense that Felicity and Curtis’ friendship is only going to blossom as time goes on. What can you tell us about where they go as friends and colleagues?

Kellum: At Palmer Tech, he works for Felicity so he’s definitely trying to help develop the new groundbreaking technology for the board in the next six months. What’s really cool is that through working together, and by proxy dealing with the Green Arrow through Felicity, he starts to get involved with some of the shenanigans that they go through. So you’ll see their camaraderie out on the field on a mission and at the lab. There is a fun scene when Curtis and Felicity are out in the field at night in one of the early episodes that’s pretty awesome. (Laughs.)

I would imagine Curtis isn’t used to being out in the field. What does that look like for him?

Kellum: (Laughs.) Definitely not used to that. He’s used to seeing all the news reports and what’s been going on the last three years in the Glades and not involved with the core group who is saving Star City. Initially, it’s very perplexing for him, but I think at a certain point, he starts to get comfortable with doing what’s right for the city and trying to help Felicity and by proxy, Team Arrow.

Curtis is really just scratching the surface when it comes to the chaos that goes into crime-fighting in Star City. How does he handle that without actually knowing what’s really going on just yet?

Kellum: It’s true, it’s true. But I think as a Star City denizen, you just kind of get it. (Laughs.) There is a lot happening in Star City and if you stay there, you gotta just know that it’s going to come with some form of danger after everything that’s gone on. He takes that into perspective being a citizen there, but Curtis is motivated to help – he really wants to help humanity move forward. Seeing that possibility of being with the people who actually are making the city better is something that excites him and [that] he gravitates toward.

There was one funny scene between you and Stephen Amell in a recent trailer where your character chooses not to believe that Oliver could be the Green Arrow. Is that indicative of Curtis and Oliver’s dynamic?

Kellum: (Laughs.) It’s definitely indicative of their relationship early on. Curtis is a very smart guy, so does he really believe that’s not the Green Arrow? Who knows? But he’s always thinking a couple steps ahead, that’s for sure. They do have a very interesting relationship. I can’t wait for you guys to see that scene, because it’ll also reveal some of Curtis’ other feelings [about the situation].

What can we expect from Curtis and Oliver's relationship as the season unfolds?

Kellum: It’s definitely one of mutual respect. From Curtis’ standpoint, he admires Felicity’s boyfriend. To him, he is just Felicity’s boyfriend, Oliver Queen. Curtis definitely likes him and I think Oliver likes him as well, and they have a good friendship.

At some point down the line, Curtis becomes his comic-book alter ego, Mr. Terrific. What can you reveal about Curtis’ transformation to that new identity?

Kellum: I can’t give too many specifics on how the show will deal [with it] but in the comic books, Curtis met with tragedy and that was formative on him wanting to do something about it and become Mr. Terrific. There will definitely be a point where he’s motivated to become that hero.

http://www.etonline.com/tv/174398_arrow ... _terrific/
- John Barrowman habla sobre el dilema moral de Malcolm y los peilgros del Lazarus Pit (Variety):
John Barrowman habla sobre el dilema moral de Malcolm y los peilgros del Lazarus Pit
Por Laura Prudom 21 Oct, 2015

“Arrow’s” Malcolm Merlyn (John Barrowman) isn’t a man who is known for his moral compass, but in the Oct. 21 episode of The CW drama, we’ll see the new Ra’s al Ghul faced with an ethical quandary when Laurel Lance (Katie Cassidy) and his daughter Thea (Willa Holland) arrive at Nanda Parbat with the body of Sara Lance (Caity Lotz) and a harebrained scheme to resurrect the long-dead vigilante. But as Thea’s own dip in the Lazarus Pit has proved, messing with the laws of nature always comes with a cost.

Below, Barrowman tells Variety about Malcolm’s new position as the leader of the League of Assassins, his relationship with Thea and what Oliver’s (Stephen Amell) mayoral bid means for Malcolm’s grand plans.

How has Malcolm taken to leadership of the League; is it all he dreamed of, or a case of be careful what you wish for?

Barrowman: It’s a combination of both, because our return to Nanda is through the eyes and the storyline of Thea and Laurel, and so we pick up however many months later… they come to him with a reason. We all assume that the League now is his, he is in control of that, and you’ll see in the episode how they are loyal to him. But the reason the girls have come back is to resurrect Sara, and Malcolm’s in a dilemma, because there his daughter is in front of him, and he was prepared to let her go and die because he knows the effect the Pit has on someone who’s brought back. So he’s reluctant to do it for Laurel, and there’s no love lost between him and Laurel, because she’s coming to ask for this favor and in the last season she turned to him during a big battle and said, in so many words, “thank you for saving my life, I wouldn’t do the same for you.” So it’s like, “girl, you’re coming into my house – what do you want me to do?” It’s very interesting, because you will see Malcolm being, in one way, ethical and moral with Laurel, and the audience is gonna go, “oh my God, Malcolm’s preaching here,” and then he has something that happens to his daughter in the episode, and he sees the change, and he does something that is totally the opposite of the morals and ethics he’s just preached to Laurel .So it’s the complexity of Malcolm and the reasoning behind why he does what he does – that’s what I love about him.

How concerned is he by Thea’s violent streak following her dip in the Lazarus Pit?

She is turning. [Laughs.] He’s not frightened, he’s not scared – very few things frighten Malcolm, as we know – he’s concerned. It’s his daughter, and as he’s made clear to everyone, if any harm comes to his daughter, he will lash out at them, he will get revenge. He’s very concerned that he takes care of her, and this is where that other moral dilemma comes in, because he does something, and the audience is gonna go “oh my God,” it’s gonna take them aback. It may shock some people, it may be like “well, I saw that coming,” whatever — it’s that flip of the morality that, for his daughter, he’ll do anything.

He spent a lot of time training Thea – would he ultimately like her to join the League as his heir, or does he want to keep her away from that life?

Even though she’s a young woman, I think he looks at her as a younger girl – he’s very proud of the fact that she’s come along leaps and bounds in the fighting aspect of it. We haven’t looked into that, whether he wants to see her as an heir, but what’s interesting about what’s to come is there will be a lot of obstacles in his way within his time in the League and as Ra’s — that’s all I’ll say.

Showrunners Marc Guggenheim and Wendy Mericle have said that they hope to explore a different side of Malcolm this season, in terms of who he is as a father to Thea – how have you seen him change in that respect so far?

That is starting, and he’s always been caring and always tried to get her to respond to his… not really affection, because you don’t really see much affection from them [but] … there are certain things that will happen that will make people go “oh my God, they’re father and daughter,” and then there are other things that will happen where they’ll be like “I totally understand and get why he’s doing it, it’s because [of] his love and his passion for his daughter” … It’s the future for him, really. The first part of it comes tonight in the episode, and that’s all I’ll say, because he does something that’s just off the wall for his daughter, really off the wall.

Wendy and Marc also said that even as his relationship with Thea is deepening, we’ll see a return to Season 1 Malcolm in terms of messing up Oliver’s plans and being more of a puppet-master behind the scenes. What’s he up to outside of his relationship with Thea?

Malcolm will be a great manipulator again, and I love the term “puppet-master” because that is exactly what he’ll be doing. As we all know with Damien Darhk [Neal McDonough] at the moment, chaos is falling on the city, and Marc and Wendy, I’ve always said to them when I go into the writers’ room and we sit and do read-throughs and stuff, in my head, Malcolm’s always watching. His eyes are in the dark shadows, letting this all happen and gathering all the information to figure out how to move forward, because when the time comes, he knows that that there’s going to come at some point a need for help, or he’s gonna have to step in. And that’s where the manipulation comes in, because you know that Oliver is thinking of running for Mayor, and that could be a great point for Malcolm to do some manipulating, that’s all I’m saying.

Is there any part of him that has considered trying to resurrect Tommy (Colin Donnell), or does he think the consequences would be too severe?

That’s something that’s never been written, but I know that Malcolm is greatly affected and hurt by what happened to Tommy. But as I’ve always said, Oliver is the son that Malcolm always wanted, and the fact that Oliver [was] returning and coming to him for advice and help in previous episodes, Malcolm is thrilled by that. But when you watch tonight, you’ll see where Malcolm stands on the fact of this resurrection thing, because it’s not like it’s a spa where he’s like, “hey, come on in, let me resurrect you!” He wanted control of that for himself.

Nyssa (Katrina Law) obviously wasn’t on board with Malcolm replacing her father – what’s their dynamic like this season? Is she openly trying to undermine him, or biding her time?

Watch – that’s all I can say, because it’s awesome, what’s going to happen, because it’s unexpected. She bowed to Ra’s last season, she’s on her knees in front of him, but shall we say the pancake flips in the pan.

Damien Darhk was someone that the previous Ra’s saw as a huge threat; what’s Malcolm’s take on him and HIVE?

He’s a huge threat, but Malcolm is gathering information, and he’s figuring things out. He does realize how dangerous this man is, and how ruthless. Malcolm’s ruthless, but … Malcolm can’t figure him out, and that frightens Malcolm… When it’s something where Malcolm can’t walk in and deal with it, that scares him a little bit, because – and this is a word I don’t use very often with Malcom – it affects the people around him that he loves. Malcolm doesn’t show that love very much, but his way of doing it and fighting for them, he does love and care about certain people, and that’s what he fears the most, that his family that he’s finally got back is in danger.

http://variety.com/2015/tv/news/arrow-s ... 201623023/
- Malcolm Merlyn es ahora el que tiene "moral", adelanta John Barrowman (EW):
Malcolm Merlyn es ahora el que tiene "moral", adelanta John Barrowman
Por Billy Nilles 21 Oct 10:30 AM PDT

It's time to go back to Nanda Parbat, Arrow fans. And that means one thing: We're checking in with that manipulating son of a gun, Malcolm Merlyn—err, excuse us, Ra's al Ghul.

With Thea (Willa Holland) and Laurel (Katie Cassidy) returning to mysterious island with Sara's (Caity Lotz) corpse in tow, we're in for one heck of a family reunion. Not to mention one epic bout of butting heads, as Ra's himself John Barrowman tells E! News.

"He is taken by surprise...the reason we go back there with Laurel and Thea is because they show up. And they have a plan," he tells us, before laughing. "And Malcolm is not really into the plan, I would say."

Laurel may be hellbent on resurrecting Sara with the help of the Lazarus pit—girl's got a spin-off to get to, after all!—but Barrowman reminds us that even when it was Thea (Willa Holland) who needed the pit, Malcolm wasn't on board. "Remember, when Thea was brought back, Malcolm was the one who said, ‘You can't do this. They don't return the same,'" he says.

"He doesn't want to do it. And this is what's really interesting. There's a moral reason behind it to why Malcolm doesn't want to resurrect her," Barrowman continues. "And that's the dilemma because I think the audience is going to go 'Whoa, whoa, whoa!' We know Malcolm is a very complex character, but he's bringing this kind of ethical/moral thing into it now as to why not to bring her back. Of all people."

While the episode will be the first time Malcolm sees firsthand exactly what effect the pit is having on his daughter, Barrowman warns that one should expect Malcolm to be entirely in the dark when it comes to Star City's goings on. "One thing I will say: Although Malcolm has not been in episodes…and this is how I play Malcolm...I think that Malcolm is always around," he says. "Whether he's got somebody watching or himself, he's in the background and nobody knows he's there—and you get flavors of that coming up in the future, in other episodes, but in this one in particular, he already knows what's going on."

The changes Malcolm sees in his daughter, which Barrowman says are less of a shock and "more of a great concern," push him into action. "He is concerned about Thea and that's his main objective, to fix it. And that's again where the audience is going to have a problem," he tells us. "They're going to go, ‘Whoa, whoa, whoa' questioning his decision."

"But what happens is Malcolm, without giving too much away, takes his daughter aside and basically gives the explanation [of what's happening to her] and also gives the solution," Barrowman elaborates. "And the solution, which is really interesting, again going from that moral/ethical standpoint that he's telling Laurel why he can not bring her sister back, turns around to his daughter and just breaks all moral and ethical rules by telling her what to do! That's what I love about him...the fact that he doesn't shy away from being one way to somebody else, but then it's a different rule for someone because it works for him. It's whatever works for the people or for himself."

With Star City currently under siege from new big bad Damien Darhk (Neal McDonough)—and with Malcolm keeping tabs on the city from his post in Nanda Parbat—Barrowman admits there's concern there, especially now that Oliver (Stephen Amell) has announced his intention to run for mayor.

"Malcolm, when he's concerned, if it's with Thea, if it's with Oliver…he does care about them," Barrowman says. "He would fight for them, but he also would kill them if he had to, if they were in the way."

"Malcolm knows, having been a prominent leader in the city before, he knows how dangerous [Oliver's plan] is," he adds, before teasing, "I am sure if he does have involvement it will be for, shall we say, the benefit of an objective he has. But he'll make others think it's for their benefit. He's a great manipulator. But also, remember, there is something going on in Star City at the moment that is devastating...things are falling apart. He's waiting for his call, if that makes any sense."

Something tells us that call may come sooner than later.

http://uk.eonline.com/news/708501/just- ... man-teases
- Echo Kellum está listo para hacer Star City genial (cbr):
Echo Kellum está listo para hacer Star City genial
Por Bryan Cairns 21 Oct, 2015

Introduced in last week's "Arrow" episode, "The Candidate," actor Echo Kellum's technological wizard -- and future Mr. Terrific -- Curtis Holt finds himself in hot water at Palmer Industries when he creates an algorithm used to determine which workers should be fired from the company. So far, Curtis has seen little action outside of the boardroom, much less as a costumed superhero. But that's all about to change when the evil metahuman known as Double Down (JR Bourne) pays Curtis and Felicity a visit.

Though Kellum's background is in comedy, as a former performer at the Upright Citizens Brigade Theatre and member of the Groundlings, as Holt, he'll bring to life serious moments, including some that hew a bit close to home. "I was partially raised by LGBT parents," Holt says, expressing his important it is to him that his character is both gay and married. "I have close friends in the LGBT community. All of them come up to me and tell me how proud they are that I can represent that on TV."

Ahead of tonight's episode of "Arrow," Kellum spoke with CBR about reinterpreting Mr. Terrific for The CW's burgeoning Arrowverse. In addition to Kellum teasing the debut of an early iteration of his character's signature T-Spheres ("possibly in this week's episode"), we discussed the never ending debate of science versus magic, the chemistry he quickly found with co-star Emily Bett Rickards, and which Mr. Terrific costume accessory is sacred.

CBR News: The comic book version of Mr. Terrific can be rather intense. What is your sense of "Arrow's" take on the character?

Echo Kellum: In the breakdown, they really touched upon his intelligence. He did have this charismatic aura about him. At first, when I auditioned for it, they didn't say who the character was. It was a codename, but they definitely said he was incredibly smart and charismatic. So when I went to audition, that was something that drew me into the role.

Was it a challenge to master Curtis' high energy and rapid dialogue?

It really just comes so naturally from the dialogue. The way that they write it, that really played suit to the energy I bring to the character. He's pretty smart and fast. He has a lot of intricate things to say. That was something else that pulled me in, too. I love science in my real life. I don't feel it was too hard to tap into, and to tap into that energy, but it was something I felt I could bring naturally to the role.

Curtis doesn't make the first best impression on Felicity. What's been fun about exploring the dynamic between your characters?

Emily is such a talented and fun actress to play off of. Our natural silliness as people rubbed off on our characters. From day one, scene one, we just felt like, "Oh, this is really working." The producers kind of got that when I went in and auditioned. Casting director David Rapaport mentioned, "You'll play really well off each other." You kind of got some of that from my personality in general, and with hers. We meshed well.

As it turns out, Curtis is happily married with a husband. What does it mean to you to be an openly gay character on a superhero television series?

It means a lot to me. I was partially raised by LGBT parents. I have close friends in the LGBT community. All of them come up to me and tell me how proud they are that I can represent that on TV, that I could bring that to light. It's important to make sure that we have representation on media. Media really paved the way for society's acceptance in a lot of ways. It's an amazing honor, responsibility and privilege to be able to play this kind of character.

In the comics, the modern era Mr. Terrific was born out of tragedy when his wife and child were killed. How would Curtis handle his husband's murder?

I think pretty similar to how Michael probably handled it. Curtis' husband means a lot of him. To have to deal with that loss might push him in a similar trajectory that it pushed Michael, which was a dark place. He then just delved deeply into science and science only. I feel Curtis could possibly have the same trajectory.

In tonight's episode, Double Down confronts Curtis and Felicity while searching for Green Arrow. How does Curtis fare in a scrap, much less one against a metahuman?

Initially, Curtis is very shocked and perplexed. He's never had to experience any of this up close and personal, even though, being a citizen of Star City, you'd think he would have to on a regular basis. He has no idea the Green Arrow is in any way connected to Felicity. Obviously, he's aware of this hero that has been involved in the city for years and years. At first, he's taking it all in. But, Curtis is no slouch. He can still kick ass. He can pull some things that Michael had in the comic books.

What else is in store for Curtis over the next few weeks?

You can expect to see why he is doing any of this; his true perspective of what he wants to accomplish in life, and what he wants to do for the city and people in general. You see a little glimpse into his origins of wanting to do more, of wanting to help people. You'll get a little slice of that.

I'm really excited to see whether he gets to that place where he wants to become Mr. Terrific. Obviously, I don't know what's going to happen yet. I'm sure the producers will do things differently and have their own way they want to see him go there. I loved to see these characters transition into becoming heroes, whether it was Laurel finally taking on the mantle of Black Canary or Roy when he became Arsenal. I just love seeing them step into that fray, that they wanted to put themselves on the line to protect the city.

With Damien Darhk lurking in Star City, are you looking forward to seeing how science performs against magic?

Absolutely. That's always a phenomenal subject to broach in fantasy because science is trying to make sense of everything and magic throws all those rules out the door. It will be interesting to see Curtis, Felicity and Team Flash not only rely on strength, arrows and brute force, but also have to use their brains and science to try to figure out a way to contain the supernatural aspects of Damien Darhk.

What kind of discussions have you had with the producers over Mr. Terrific's weapon of choice, his T-Spheres?

We have discussed them. They make an appearance -- possibly in this week's episode, or at least one of the earlier iterations of them. They are definitely something we are talking about that Mr. Terrific will probably have at his disposal when he becomes a hero.

If Curtis does go down the superhero path, which Mr. Terrific costume should he adopt?

All of them are pretty dope. Regardless of the costume, you've got to have a "T" on the face. I hope. Got to have that. But, I'd be happy if it was sleeves off with "Fair Play" tattoos on his arms. There will be a lot of fun little spoilers to his future in these first couple of episodes.

http://www.comicbookresources.com/artic ... y-terrific
- Echo Kellum sobre los gadgets de Mr. Terrific, el traje y el futuro (comicbook):
Echo Kellum sobre los gadgets de Mr. Terrific, el traje y el futuro
Por James Viscardi 21/10/2015

Ever since he first appeared on screen during last week's episode of Arrow, "The Candidate," Echo Kellum has been nothing short of...terrific (we had to). We here at ComicBook.com had the opportunity to chat with Kellum ahead of tonight's episode about what he's looking forward to the most in the role and what the future holds for his character. Kellum is a die hard comics fan and just hearing about him talk about his character, Curtis Holt, so enthusiastically was an absolute blast.

Will we see him in a costume? What is his relationship with Oliver really like? Well read on dear reader and find out for yourself.

To get started, were you much of a Mr. Terrific fan to begin with or did you go into this role fresh, and do some deep diving into the comics as prep for the role?

Echo Kellum: Yeah, I had definitely been aware of the character through the the Justice Society Of America comics and then once I auditioned for it then I went out and bought as much as I could. I absolutely loved the stuff I read from the JSA run and it’s the kind of thing that gets you really energized for the role. Getting to play this role is an opportunity of a lifetime and a dream come true. Plus I’ll get to be a super hero, what’s not to like about that?

What about Mr. Terrific struck a chord with you and what are you hoping that you'll get to play with during your time on Arrow?

Echo Kellum: I think one of the most enduring qualities of the character to me is was that he was driven, through tragedies, to science. His devotion to science and trying to figure out how to right the wrongs of the world and fix some of it's biggest issues is admirable, you know? I’m a huge science nut, I love talking about like how Earth got here and just going through all these theories and what not. It's just super exciting to me to be at a place like that and try to bring through that aspect of him from the comics, really through him in the show. That's really important to me because I feel like it's personal to me too. I definitely have a love, a great love affair with science and I know that, that character does too so that's something I hope I can portray.

So on set, especially this season, you must be surrounded by a bunch of people in costume. Are you itching to get one of your own?

Echo Kellum: I mean, I think, I think every, everybody is itching to get a costume. That's like a dream to be able to suit up and be a hero our in the field. Oh my God I want that so bad, so this is my dream job, I'm still pinching myself oh like holy crap. The next morning I'm like this isn't a dream, cool, cool I'm still living you know?

Arrow is a show with phenomenal interpersonal relationships. What's the relationship that you're looking to see or most excited for fans to see between your character and anyone else?

Echo Kellum: I really like the relationship him and Oliver have. You know, he's my girlfriends best friend and he's my best friend’s boyfriend. We obviously have a mutual respect for each other. I think I kind of push all of his buttons just a little bit, a touch, you know what I'm saying? I have to get certain reactions from him and not what in a playful way. I think they definitely have a mutual respect for each other and have a friendly respect for each other. I think fans will really dig that.

Mr. Terrific is a character that is known for his gadgets and it certainly has been teased that we'll be seeing some big innovations coming up. Are you excited to get to play with some T spheres?

Echo Kellum: Oh man, when they teased them in the trailer,the first thing I thought was “Yes! T Spheres!”


Those T spheres are so damn cool. Especially everything they do! You can fly with them, they help him with his inventions, and all stuff like that. It's just also exciting just to even see those even teased about. I can not wait for them to show up. I’m so nerdy, that when I went back to set I took so many pictures of the T spheres, I was like “Oh my God, I can’t believe this is actually happening.”


But it’s not only T-Spheres, there’s other gadgets too.

And see I was just going ask about those. It feels like your character, and to use a James Bond reference for a second here, is the Q for Team Arrow. Is that an accurate statement?

Echo Kellum: I would definitely say early on that's definitely an accurate description of him because he is really just bringing his skill to the forefront trying to decipher different things and break different codes or build certain things for the team to use and stuff. So he definitely is that kind of “Q” type of character.

Before I let you go, since this is a recurring role, are you looking to potentially rub elbows with the Flash or the Legends of Tomorrow cast?

Echo Kellum: Oh man oh absolutely, definitely that's something I would love, love, love to do and you know we do touch on that. Some of these first couple of episodes I definitely think there could be room for other features for them to be definitely be involved in those worlds.

http://comicbook.com/2015/10/21/arrow-e ... d-future-/
- Echo Kellum sobre el interpretar a un superhéroe gay casado: "¡Es la quinta cosa más interesante sobre él!" (newnownext):
Echo Kellum sobre el interpretar a un superhéroe gay casado: "¡Es la quinta cosa más interesante sobre él!"
Por Jim Halterman 21 Oct, 2015

Where’s the gay bar in Star City?

We might be asking that question soon if Arrow keeps adding more LGBT characters: Besides Nyssa al Ghul (Katrina Law) and the soon-to-be-resurrected Sara Lance (Caity Lotz), the show just introduced us to Curtis Holt (Echo Kellum), an employee at Palmer Technologies who will eventually become the heroic Mister Terrific.

Curtis is loosely based on Michael Holt, the Mr. Terrific from the DC Comics universe, but Kellum says the show will have its own take on the character.

“I’ve definitely looked to Michael Holt in the comic books for inspiration into how I was going to play him,” he tells NewNowNext.

“[But] I like that I have the free reign to go places that are different… And I think comic book fans will actually like where we go.”

In the comics, for example, Holt is heterosexual—and haunted by the death of his wife. On Arrow, though, Curtis is openly gay, and happily married to another man—who is very much alive.

“I can’t say which episode in particular but I can say in the first half of the season you will meet the husband,” Kellum reveals.

Another difference: The comic-book Mr. Terrific is super-rich, super-successful and super-smart. Arrow finds Curtis Holt closer to the start of his journey.

“We’re taking it from a really cool origins aspect: He’s not the billionaire CEO yet, but seeing what Curtis has to go through to become a superhero like Mister Terrific.”

Mr. Terrific will be the first gay male hero in the Berlanti-verse, but Kellum insists it won’t be his defining characteristic.

“It’s the fifth-most interesting thing about him!” he teases. “He has so much else going on. It is an important part of him, but it’s not what defines him. He’s just a person who is out here helping Team Arrow, and he happens to be gay. I think that’s just like real life.”

We’ve already seen Curtis click with brainiac Felicity Smoak (Emily Bett Rickards). Besides both being mega-smart, Kellum says the two share “the love of wanting to do the right thing, and do right for the people of the city.”

Given how unforgiving most super-suits are, is Kellum worried about how he’ll stack up to Stephen Amell and Colton Haynes?

“I’m always having to watch those carbs—but I love being healthy and fit and working out,” he says.

“[But] it’s not like anyone is saying ‘Echo, we have to make sure you’re pumping iron. You’re not going to see me on [Stephen Amell’s] salmon ladder.”

http://www.newnownext.com/arrow-curtis- ... re_twitter
- Las estrellas de "Arrow" hablan sobre la misteriosa escena de la tumba y las teorías de los fans "Puedes matar a cualquiera" (TVLine):
Las estrellas de "Arrow" hablan sobre la misteriosa escena de la tumba y las teorías de los fans "Puedes matar a cualquiera"
Por Vlada Gelman / 24 Octubre 2015, 7:09 PM PDT

The “Who’s in the grave?” cliffhanger that capped Arrow‘s Season 4 premiere has the CW series’ cast playing conspiracy theorists as avidly as viewers.

“As castmates, we’re all like, ‘Is it you?! Is it you?! Oh, it could be you!” star Emily Bett Rickards describes. “‘No, you know what, it’s definitely me. It has to be me! It’s has to be you! It has to be me! It’s going to be them! It’s going to be no one! No one‘s in the grave!’ Like, that conversation happens daily,” she adds with a laugh.

Like the clue-collecting fans – and TVLine – “Everyone proves that it’s not, and everyone proves that it is [any given character],” the actress continues. “‘But then there’s this! And nobody can die because there’s the [Lazarus] Pit. And there’s time travel, and if we travel to The Flash, we’d just bring them back to life.'”

Even leading man Stephen Amell is not immune to the theorizing. “Well, of course, I have suspicions…,” he says (while sadly not sharing any).

One possible contender for the death is Felicity Smoak, but could the show really axe Oliver’s current love? “You can kill off anyone,” Amell replies. “Modern television has proven to us that you can literally kill off anyone.”

Captain Lance seems a more likely target, not that his portrayer Paul Blackthorne is worried about his odds of survival.

“One has to be philosophical about these things if you’re an actor on a TV show and you see various characters dying each year,” Blackthorne explains. “You have to think, ‘What if it’s going to be mine this year? If it’s going to be mine this year, it’s going to be mine this year.'”

And should this prove to be “his” year, Blackthorne believes he had a solid run. “I’m just thinking, ‘That’s four years in. Can’t complain, I’m very happy,'” he says. “If you’re propping up the daisies at the end of it, then so be it. But hopefully not. It’d be nice to keep going. It’s a nice show to work on.'”

Even though the mystery means the potential loss of a longtime cast member, the actors have nothing but praise for the twist. For Amell, the flash forward reveal was a welcome surprise because “there’s not one huge swerve in the first nine episodes, like there have been in almost the first three seasons,” he explains, noting that the early run of Season 4 nonetheless is “excellent.”

But reading the script for the premiere was “the only time that I was really cracked over the head,” he shares. “One of my favorite shows of all time is Lost, and my favorite episode ever is when they flash forward for the first time. So for us to do that … was very cool.”

Adds Rickards: “It’s good storytelling, and the flash forward was a really smart idea. They surprised me, and I like story for story, so I was happy to see that.”

http://tvline.com/2015/10/24/arrow-seas ... ity-lance/

Re: "ARROW" Nueva serie de la CW para TV basada en Green Arr

Publicado: Mié Oct 21, 2015 3:01 am
por Shelby
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