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"The music of DC Comics: 75th anniversary collection"

Publicado: Vie Jul 08, 2011 12:29 am
por Shelby
"The music of DC Comics: 75th anniversary collection"
El álbum reúne las canciones más emblemáticas de los personajes creados por la editorial estadounidense DC Comics, que se encuentra festejando en este año 2011 sus 75 años de existencia.

La compilación comienza con el tema principal del Hombre de acero, "Superman march", creada por Sammy Timberg en el año de 1941, y el cual ha sido usado en las incursiones de Kal-El en series animadas de televisión y en el cine.

El legado sonoro del héroe originario del planeta Krypton continúa con "Theme from Superman", "The new adventures of Superman", "Lois and Clark / The new adventures of Superman", "The adventures of Superboy", "Superboy" y "Smallville. Season 8 (End title)".

El álbum también incluye "Batman: The electrical brain", pieza que da paso a las canciones emblemáticas del personaje, que fue creado por Bob Kane y Bill Finger en 1939, y que se ha consolidado como uno de los emblemas de DC Comics. "The Batman theme", "The adventures of Batman", "Batman TV series theme", "Batman: The brave and the bold", "Batman beyond (Main title)", "Molossus from Batman begins", también son parte de la música de la historia de Bruce Wayne.

La reconocida Liga de la Justicia se une al aniversario de los emblemas de la editorial con "Justice League of America", "Super Friends" y "Justice League unlimited", entre otras melodías creadas para las distintas apariciones en televisión del equipo principal de superhéroes de DC.

Asimismo, destacan los temas que fueron creados para Aquaman, Shazam, Swamp thing, The Atom, El Hombre Halcón, El Hombre Elástico, Flash, La Mujer Maravilla y Linterna Verde, este último, tema original para la próxima película protagonizada por el actor Ryan Reynolds.

Os dejo la lista completa de las canciones del disco:

1. Superman March - Sammy Timberg (1941)
-Previously unavailable. Digitally remastered. From the Academy Award Nominated cartoon series “Superman” produced by Max Fleischer. This was the first Superman cartoon.

2. Theme From Superman (Album Version) - John Williams (1978)
- From the live-action film “Superman.” Digitally remastered.

3. The New Adventures of Superman - John Gart (1966)
- Previously unavailable. Digitally remastered. From the Filmation cartoon “The New Adventures of Superman.”

4. Lois and Clark / The New Adventures of Superman - Jay Gruska (1993)
- From the live-action TV Series “Lois and Clark”. Digitally remastered.

5. The Adventures of Superboy - John Gart(1966)
- Previously unavailable. Digitally remastered. From the Filmation cartoon “The Adventures of Superboy.”

6. Superboy - Kevin Kiner (1988)
- Previously unavailable. Digitally remastered. From the live-action TV series “Superboy.”

7. Smallville Season 8 (End Title) - Louis Febre (2008)
- Previously unavailable. Digitally remastered. From the live-action TV series “Smallville.”

8. Batman: The Electrical Brain - Lee Zahler (1943)
- Previously unavailable. Digitally remastered. From the live-action serial “The Batman.” This was the first filmed appearance of Batman.

9. The Batman Theme (Album Version) - Danny Elfman (1989)
- From the live-action film “Batman”. Digitally remastered.

10. The Adventures of Batman - John Gart (1967)
- Previously unavailable. Digitally remastered. From the filmation cartoon “The Adventures of Batman.”

11. Batman TV Series Theme - Neal Hefti (1966)
-From the live-action TV series “Batman”. Digitally remastered.

12. Batman: The Brave and the Bold - Andy Sturmer (2008)
-From the cartoon “Batman: The Brave and the Bold”. Digitally remastered.

13. Batman Beyond - Kristopher Lee (1999)
-From the cartoon “Batman Beyond”. Digitally remastered.

14. Molossus from Batman Begins - Hans Zimmer & James Newton Howard (2005)
-From the live-action film “Batman Begins”. Digitally remastered.

15. Justice League of America - John Gart (1967)
- Previously unavailable. Digitally remastered. From the Filmation cartoon “Justice League of America.”

16. Super Friends - Hoyt Curtin (1973)
- Previously unavailable. Digitally remastered. From the Hanna-Barbera cartoon “SuperFriends.”

17. The All New Super Friends Hour - Hoyt Curtin (1977)
- Previously unavailable. Digitally remastered. From the Hanna-Barbera cartoon “The All-New SuperFriends Hour.”

18. Justice League Unlimited - Michael McCuistion (2004)
- Previously unavailable. Digitally remastered. From the cartoon “Justice League Unlimited.”

19. Legends of the Superheroes - Fred Wener (1979)
- Previously unavailable. Digitally remastered. From the live-action TV special “Legends of the Superheroes.”

20. The Teen Titans - John Gart (1967)
- Previously unavailable. Digitally remastered. From the Filmation cartoon “The Teen Titans.”

21. Aquaman - John Gart (1967)
- Previously unavailable. Digitally remastered. From the Filmation cartoon “Aquaman.”

22. Swamp Thing - Christopher Stone (1991)
- Previously unavailable. Digitally remastered. From the live-action TV show “Swamp Thing: The Series.”

23. Shazam! - Norman Prescott & Yvette Blais (1974)
- Previously unavailable. Digitally remastered. From the live-action TV series “Shazam!”

24. The Flash - John Gart (1967)
- Previously unavailable. Digitally remastered. From the Filmation cartoon “The Flash.”

25. Green Lantern - John Gart (1967)
- Previously unavailable. Digitally remastered. From the Filmation cartoon “Green Lantern.”

26. Green Lantern First Flight - Robert J Kral (2009)
-From the animated movie “Green Lantern: First Flight.” Digitally remastered.

27. The Atom - John Gart (1967)
- Previously unavailable. Digitally remastered. From the Filmation cartoon “The Atom.”

28. Hawkman - John Gart (1967)
- Previously unavailable. Digitally remastered. From the Filmation cartoon “Hawkman.”

29. Plastic Man Comedy Adventure Show - Dean Elliott (1979)
- Previously unavailable. Digitally remastered. From the Ruby-Spears cartoon “The Plastic Man Comedy/Adventure Show.”

30. Wonder Woman The Animated Movie End Title - Christopher Drake (2009)
-From the animated movie “Wonder Woman.” Digitally remastered.

31. Wonder Woman - Charles Fox & Norman Gimbel (1976)
-From the live-action TV series “Wonder Woman.” Digitally remastered.


Parte 1: http://www.megaupload.com/?d=A8XYUB9P
Parte 2: http://www.megaupload.com/?d=DUJVSA0C

Re: "The music of DC Comics: 75th anniversary collection"

Publicado: Dom Jul 17, 2011 1:47 am
por el_esteban
Gracias por tan excelente post, múscia descargada, todo excelente como siempre, mil gracias por este disco, se va directo a favoritos, jeje, saludos!!!! :cool:

Re: "The music of DC Comics: 75th anniversary collection"

Publicado: Dom Jul 17, 2011 1:53 pm
por Shelby
Me alegro que haya más gente a la que le interesa... Ya empezaba a pensar que era la única friki. :smt005 :smt005

Re: "The music of DC Comics: 75th anniversary collection"

Publicado: Dom Jul 17, 2011 5:46 pm
Está muy bien. Yo también me lo he descargado. Me ha parecido muy divertida la de la serie de tv de Batman :smt005 Y la banda sonora del Batman de Tim Burton es magnífica y hay que reivindicarla. :wink: