Noticias, proyectos, fotos sobre John Schneider (J. Kent)

Temas relacionados sobre los demas actores

Moderadores: Shelby, Lore, porre, Super_House, ZeTa, Trasgo

Mensajes: 32838
Registrado: Dom May 21, 2006 12:15 am

Re: Noticias, proyectos, fotos sobre John Schneider (J. Kent

Mensaje por Shelby »

- John Schneider Presentará Una Nueva Serie en CMT (

John Schneider Presentará Una Nueva Serie en CMT.

El estreno será el Viernes, 7 de Octubre a las 10:00 p.m., ET/PT

Trick My What? Es un nuevo show de los productores del éxito de la CMT “Trick My Truck.” Esta nueva serie de nueve epiodios de una hora estará presentado por John Schneider y le da a los obreros la oportunidad de equipar cualquier cosa con un motor que ayude a poner comida en la mesa para su familia. Desde barcas de gambas a cosechadoras o maquinarias de tala, Schneider trabajará para ayudar a equipar a estos afortunados obreros. TRICK MY WHAT? está producido por Varuna Entertainment con Jason Morgan y Melanie Moreau (CMT) como productores ejecutivos.

Trailer: ... view.jhtml ... k-my-what/

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¡¡¡¡AY, OMÁ QUÉ CALORES!!!! ¡Gracias por tu regalo, Nitta!

Mensajes: 32838
Registrado: Dom May 21, 2006 12:15 am

Re: Noticias, proyectos, fotos sobre John Schneider (J. Kent

Mensaje por Shelby »

- ¡John Schneider ha sido escogido para interpretar al padre de Sam en Glee! (
Glee ha contratado al patriarca de Smallville John Schneider para interpretar al padre del cantante del Coro Overstreet, según ha sabido TVLine en exclusiva.

La intervención reúne a Schneider con el co-creator de Glee , Ryan Murphy, por preimera vez desde que trabajaron juntos en Nip/Tuck de la FX (donde el veterano de los Dukes of Hazard interpretó al empresario del porno Ram Peters).

Schneider — que ha sido contratado para un capítulo hasta este momento — hará su debut en Glee en el episodio octavo de esta temporada, que es el primer episodio de la vuelta de Sam. ... -season-3/

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¡¡¡¡AY, OMÁ QUÉ CALORES!!!! ¡Gracias por tu regalo, Nitta!

Mensajes: 32838
Registrado: Dom May 21, 2006 12:15 am

Re: Noticias, proyectos, fotos sobre John Schneider (J. Kent

Mensaje por Shelby »

- "October Baby" de John Schneider en los cines el 23 de Marzo:

"OCTOBER BABY" de los directores Andrew y Jon Erwin que también escriben junto a Theresa Preston y Cecil Stokes, está protagonizada por Rachel Hendrix, Jason Burkey y Robert Amaya y narra la historia de una bella e ingenua universitaria que descubre que toda su vida es una mentira y se embarca en un viaje por carretera con un afitrión de los inadaptados para descubrirse a sí misma y las respuestas que anhela.

A medida que la cortina se levanta, Hannah pone temerosamente un pie en escena para su debut en la universidad. Pero antes de que pueda decir sus primeras líneas, Hannah—sin estar en el guión—se desploma delante de una atónita audiencia.

Tras incontables tests médicos, todos los signos apuntan a un factor inequívoco: el difícil nacimiento de Hannah. esta revelación no es nada comparado a lo que luego descubre de sus padres: en realidad fue adoptada... después de un fallido intento de aborto.

Desconcertada, furiosa y confusa, Hannah busca su apoyo en Jason, su más antiguo amigo. Animada por su aventuroso espíritu, Hannah se une a su grupo de amigos en un viaje por carretera de Primavera, embarcándose en un viaje para descubrir su antiguo pasado... y descubrir la esperanza para su desconocido futuro.

En mitad de su increíble viaje, Hannah descubre que la vida puede ser mucho más de lo que tenías planeado.

El veterano actor John Schneider interpreta al padre de Hannah, el Dr. Jacob Lawson.

[youtube] ...[/youtube]

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¡¡¡¡AY, OMÁ QUÉ CALORES!!!! ¡Gracias por tu regalo, Nitta!

Mensajes: 32838
Registrado: Dom May 21, 2006 12:15 am

Re: Noticias, proyectos, fotos sobre John Schneider (J. Kent

Mensaje por Shelby »

- BTS de 5.06 Exposed con John Schneider, Tom Wopat y sus dobles:


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¡¡¡¡AY, OMÁ QUÉ CALORES!!!! ¡Gracias por tu regalo, Nitta!

Mensajes: 32838
Registrado: Dom May 21, 2006 12:15 am

Re: Noticias, proyectos, fotos sobre John Schneider (J. Kent

Mensaje por Shelby »

- Video- preview de John Schneider como estrella invitada en la serie "Happily Divorced": ... der-video/

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¡¡¡¡AY, OMÁ QUÉ CALORES!!!! ¡Gracias por tu regalo, Nitta!

Mensajes: 32838
Registrado: Dom May 21, 2006 12:15 am

Re: Noticias, proyectos, fotos sobre John Schneider (J. Kent

Mensaje por Shelby »

- John Schneider con su padre en aguas del Pacífico (31-08-12):


- John Schneider junto a su hija de 18 años (09-09-12):


- Candid (26-09-12):


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¡¡¡¡AY, OMÁ QUÉ CALORES!!!! ¡Gracias por tu regalo, Nitta!

Mensajes: 32838
Registrado: Dom May 21, 2006 12:15 am

Re: Noticias, proyectos, fotos sobre John Schneider (J. Kent

Mensaje por Shelby »

- John Schneider Habla Sobre 'October Baby,' 'Smallville' y 'The Dukes of Hazzard' (
John Schneider Habla Sobre 'October Baby,' 'Smallville' y 'The Dukes of Hazzard'
Por Jami Philbrick Martes, 11 de Septiembre 2012 15:58

One of the perks of my job is that every so often I have the opportunity to speak with one of my childhood heroes such as Jeremy "Boba Fett" Bulloch (Star Wars Episode V: The Empire Strikes Back), Adam West (Batman) or Kermit the Frog (The Muppets). So you can imagine my delight when I recently had a chance to talk with the great John Schneider.

Schneider first gained attention for his legendary role as Bo Duke on the classic television series The Dukes of Hazzard. He would later go on to play another iconic role on television when he was cast as Jonathan Kent, the adoptive father of the boy who-would-be Superman, on the long-running series Smallville. Since then, the actor has appeared on several popular TV series such as Nip/Tuck, Curb Your Enthusiasm, Leverage, Desperate Housewives, and most recently Glee. But now Schneider can once again be seen playing an adoptive father in the new movie October Baby, which will be available on Blu-ray and DVD beginning September 11th.

October Baby was written and directed by Jon and Andrew Erwin and tells the story of Hannah (newcomer Rachel Hendrix), a college freshman who’s world is rocked when she discovers that she is the adopted survivor of an attempted abortion. When Hannah sets out on a road-trip to find her birth mother, it’s up to her adoptive father Jacob (Schneider) to try and protect her from being rejected for a second time. In addition to strong performances from Schneider and Hendrix, the film also features actress Jasmine Guy (Harlem Nights) in a very powerful role.

As I previously mentioned, I recently had the thrill of a life-time speaking with John Schneider about his work on October Baby, as well as Smallville and The Dukes of Hazzard. The iconic actor discussed his new movie, its difficult subject matter, what attracted him to the project, the abortion debate, Rachel Hendrix’s performance, his faith, his friendship with legendary musician Johnny Cash, the legacy of Jonathan Kent, his advice to Kevin Costner (Man of Steel), his disappointment over The Dukes of Hazzard movie, and owning his own General Lee.

Here is what the legendary TV actor had to say:

IAR: It’s a great pleasure to speak with you Mr. Schneider. I’ve been a big fan of your work for many years.

John Schneider: Well thank you very much. I appreciate that.

I love Smallville and The Dukes of Hazzard and in fact, Bo Duke was always my favorite Duke.

Schneider: Mine too. (Laughs) But the older I get the more I love Uncle Jessie.

To begin with, October Baby deals with some heavy themes such as forgiveness, the abortion issue, adoption, and Christianity, just to name a few. As a human being and also as an actor, which of those themes really spoke to you when you first read the script and made you want to be a part of this project?

Schneider: The biggest for me is the adoption issue. It’s a choice. I think we’re in such a black and white society, people want to say you’re either pro-choice or pro-life, but what about pro-adoption? So when I read that part of the script particularly because when my wife was sixteen she was pregnant and she had the opportunity to have an abortion, or have the child and keep it, or have the child and give it up for adoption. She had the child, she gave it up for adoption, and just this last January that child gave us our first grandbaby. So there are long term repercussions, good and bad through all of our choices whether they are good or bad choices. When I read it I thought it was a wonderful story giving people the other choice, which is to adopt or give your child up for adoption.

Do you find that a lot at times your own personal history helps inform you when you are choosing film and TV projects to be a part of?

Schneider: Good choice of words: inform. Yes, because your experiences make you what you are and they change. As an actor you don’t really have to look in your soul to try to find something to play off of. There’s an old school of actor thought that says, “Find a time when your dog was hit by a car.” You don’t have to do that. It’s in there. It’s in your soul. If the script is good and the people you’re working with are on their game, then all of those layers will leap out at you especially in this digital world we live in. They’ll leap out of you and be very obvious on the screen. That’s a year’s worth of acting for you right there. I love what they used to say, “Don’t act; just be!” There you go. There’s another year. But it’s easier said than done.

Obviously we’re in the midst of a political season right now and the abortion issue inevitably always seems to get brought up. I think the film shows a different side of the issue that we don’t always hear about and now that the movie is going to be on home media, do you think it’ll help shine a light on this issue and the overall debate?

Schneider: I hope so. I hope it helps to educate people on both sides of the issue. It’s an issue that people have been divided on forever, honestly until they have to deal with it in their own household and then it becomes a different story. It’s like a car accident. It’s always something that happens to somebody else. My hope is that October Baby will educate people. The movie never says, “Hey this is right, and this is wrong.” The movie just says, “Hey, have you ever just considered the following?” So my hope is that October Baby will cause people like me, like you, like anybody, to consider that issue from a perspective that they perhaps hadn’t considered before. Then, we live in a free country so you’re free to make up your mind from that point forward. But it’s silly to make up your mind without being as fully educated as you can on the subject.

The film’s director, Jon Erwin, was recently discussing the differences between film critics and the average moviegoer and was quoted as saying, “There’s a gap in values. There’s a large group of people who don’t see their values reflected in most movies.” What do you think about that comment and do you agree with that statement?

Schneider: I think their starting to see their values reflected more in film because, and I don’t want to say that it’s easier to make a movie now, but it’s more possible for a passionate person with a passionate idea to make a film these days than it ever has been before. So because of that, more people who are of the socio-economic background and the educational background that used to be considered part of the audience are making films today. So naturally if the audience demographic is making films, then they’re going to make films that are more palatable and speak more to their own demographic and to their own history. A committee does not make those types of movies and stockholders do not make them. They’re made by people who say, “Hey, I’ve got to tell this story because it’s burning a whole in my gut and Charlie has a camera, Billy has some lights and I’ve got a bar, so let’s put on a musical.” Occasionally, you’ll get movies like October Baby out of that. Jon (Erwin) and Andrew (Erwin) did a phenomenal job from beginning to end with this film. It’s beautifully shot, it’s beautifully edited, and the music is fantastic. It’s a wonderful piece of cinema made by people who ten years ago never could have made a movie.

First time actress Rachel Hendrick gives a very impressive performance in the film as your daughter, what was your experience like acting opposite her?

Schneider: It was great. It was like working with somebody who is completely natural, no apparent process, and no bad habits. No habits at all. It was like working with a completely fresh, uninhibited, beautiful human being, which usually takes years of corruption to achieve. (Laughs) Meryl Streep could not have given the performance that Rachel gave.

During the end credits of the movie, actress Shari Rigby bravely shares her own personal story of abortion and it is shockingly similar to the character she portrays in October Baby. Did the directors know Rigby’s personal history before they cast her in the film?

Schneider: No, they did not know her story at all. They did not know my story at all. It’s quite possible, and not to go all Christian on you, but it’s quite possible that God might have wanted this film to be made. There are just too many things that get in the way that can make movies bad. October Baby … I mean the first five minutes of it look like $800,000 was spent. The whole movie cost less than the coffee budget on Snow White and the Huntsman.

Since you just brought it up, and it is a theme of this film, I understand that the way you became a devote Christian involved your friendship with Johnny and June Carter Cash, is that correct?

Schneider: Yeah, I lived with John and June for about a year and some change, way back when. I was what you would consider a Christian before that, but the great thing about living with them was that Johnny exemplified a Christian-man who was still a MAN! He was a guy with scars, issues, problems and integrity but who happened to believe in Jesus. So it was a wonderful example because most of the examples I’ve seen prior to that kind of indicated that you had to check your masculinity at the door. Not so with Johnny Cash! Hopefully not so with anybody I’ve played since. I tried to bring some of him, in my own personal understanding of Johnny Cash and my friendship with Johnny, to who Jonathan Kent was (on Smallville). I wanted him to be strong, and full of integrity. If he’s going to make a mistake it’s going to be a big one because he thinks it’s the right thing to do and he’s going to be the first person to admit he was wrong. To me that is who we are supposed to be as parents and that’s what we’re supposed to be as children of God. That’s what I think God is to us. God is full of integrity and big. All I can say is God is Johnny Cash! In part of my mind God is Johnny Cash and Heaven is a better place for having Johnny in it.

Well, I’m glad you brought up Smallville because I wanted to ask you about playing Jonathan Kent. As you know, the Kents were always depicted in the comics and in films prior to Smallville as Grandparent-types, and you and actress Annette O’Toole really brought a much-needed youthfulness to the characters that had not been displayed before, which is now reflected in the comics. I’m sure you are also aware that director Zack Snyder has cast Kevin Costner and Diane Lane as Jonathan and Martha Kent, respectively, in his upcoming Superman movie: Man of Steel. As a fan, I have to imagine that their casting is a reflection on the work you and Ms. O’Toole did on Smallville. So I’m curious how you feel about having such a large impact on an iconic character that has been around for the better part of seventy years, and also, do you have any advice for Mr. Costner now that he is stepping into your shoes?

Schneider: Yeah, Kevin’s going to call me and ask me all about that. (Laughs) I think Kevin’s going to be great. Honestly I wish it were me. I really do. I wish it were me because I loved playing Jonathan Kent so much. It’s a tremendous honor because I was a Superman fan of the television show when I was a kid and to be able to be the human being that handed Clark Kent, not only the suit and the cape, but his blessing so the boy could become Superman, in all of Comicdom what other place of honor could there be than that? So I’m humbled by it. And my advice for Kevin, you know the thing that Jonathan Kent did more than maybe even Michael Landon (Little House on the Prairie) was hug his child. Hug your child a lot! My favorite scenes from Smallville are where Jonathan is hugging Clark. It’s an important thing. I think in the 10th Season when I first came back, Jonathon hugged him and gave him a kiss on the head, which is what loving parents do. So hopefully there’s a little bit of that in the new movie and it’s not just, “You can do this, son.” I didn’t read the Man of Steel, but I’m hoping there is some opportunity for the transference of affection. Superman is a lot of things, but one of the biggest things he is, is compassionate and I think what Smallville says is that he got that from his parents.

I mentioned earlier that in addition to being a big Smallville fan I also love The Dukes of Hazzard and I have to say that I was slightly disappointed by the recent movie version and the direction that they took with it …

Schneider: Only slightly?

Well, I was trying to be kind.

Schneider: Don’t be!

Then honestly, I was very disappointed in the film and I can tell you were too. Do you think that there’s life left in that franchise? Do you think its possible that they could make a better movie, or a revamp of the TV series that is closer to the spirit of the original?

Schneider: Oh sure! I mean they’ve done it with Dallas and that’s apparently doing okay. So yeah, there’s still life in it. Dukes is still a huge show on CMT. There are still seven-year olds who love to watch the Dukes and ride their bicycles around the house just like in ‘79. I think there’s life left in it, but I don’t know that the owners of the property realize that. I would think that had they realized that they couldn’t have made such an abysmal error when they made the movie. They went so far off track with regard to the relationships and again here’s that word, “integrity” of the characters. Uncle Jesse was an amazing man of integrity and playing him as a pot smoking old letch who grabs women’s butts and throws Molotov cocktails at the police was just a gross injustice as far as I’m concerned.

Finally, is it true that until recently you actually owned a General Lee?

Schneider: Oh yeah! I used to make them and then rent the cars back to Warner Bros. when we did the reunion movies. I’ve always loved cars.

Well Mr. Schneider, I don't want to take up any more of your time. You've been very gracious with me and it's been a real honor to speak with you.

Schneider: You're a good man and I appreciate your knowledge. It's really terrific!

Thank you sir.

Schneider: Thank you my friend!

October Baby will be available on Blu-ray and DVD beginning September 11th. ... zzard.html

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¡¡¡¡AY, OMÁ QUÉ CALORES!!!! ¡Gracias por tu regalo, Nitta!

Mensajes: 32838
Registrado: Dom May 21, 2006 12:15 am

Re: Noticias, proyectos, fotos sobre John Schneider (J. Kent

Mensaje por Shelby »

- John Schneider con una fan en Longhorn (05-10-12):


(Thanks to spooky-kisses)

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¡¡¡¡AY, OMÁ QUÉ CALORES!!!! ¡Gracias por tu regalo, Nitta!

Mensajes: 32838
Registrado: Dom May 21, 2006 12:15 am

Re: Noticias, proyectos, fotos sobre John Schneider (J. Kent

Mensaje por Shelby »

- John Schneider nuevo papel protagonista en "The Haves and the Have Nots" (TVGuide):
John Schneider está apunto d ehacer que J.R. Ewing parezca un pelele. El antiguo patriarca de Smallville y el favorito de los Dukes of Hazzard va a protagonizar "The Haves and the Have Nots" como el patriarca Jim Cryer, un juez fantásticamente rico y loco por el poder que intenta convertirse en el próximo governador de Georgia. Y aún así está feliz por arriegarlo todo por la compañía de prostitutas de alto standing.

"Este es el papel que puede finalmente hacer que la gente deje de llamarme Bo Duke," dice Schneider, quien apunta que no ha sido tan oscuro desde que interpretó al magnate del porno Ram Peters en Nip/Tuck. "Normalmente me contratan como el chico que vive en la carretera - el que estará allí para ayudar a proteger tu casa cuando necesites ayuda. Ése que no llora."

El personaje de Schneider odia a su mujer, Katheryn (Renée Lawless), y está exasperado por su hijo Wyatt (Aaron O'Connell), un habitual de la rehabilitación. "De la única de la que se preocupa de verdad es de la niña de sus ojos, su hija Amanda [Jaclyn Betham], que quiere ser abogadar," dice Schneider. "Hará todo lo posible para evitar decepcionarla." Oops — demasiado tarde para eso. En la premiere de dos horas (Martes, 9/8c), descubre que la nueva compañera de habitación de Amanda es su actual acompañante, Candace (Tika Sumpter), que ve esto como una oportunidad de oro para el chantaje.

"Tenemos constantes shocks y sorpresas, pero Tyler inteligentemente deja a la audiencia con ellos mucho antes de que los personajes lo pillen," dice Schneider. "Esta es una serie sobre personas que creen que tienen a la vida pillada por las pelotas, sólo para descubrir que no la tienen." ... 66101.aspx

- John Schneider, "Haves and Have Nots" First Peek (14-05-13):

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¡¡¡¡AY, OMÁ QUÉ CALORES!!!! ¡Gracias por tu regalo, Nitta!

Mensajes: 32838
Registrado: Dom May 21, 2006 12:15 am

Re: Noticias, proyectos, fotos sobre John Schneider (J. Kent

Mensaje por Shelby »

- John Schneider, "The Hollywood Show" (04-01-14):


- La más emotiva sesión fotográfica de John Schneider (por Jeremy Cowart):
Una Rara Conexion: Mi Photo Shoot con John Schneider
Por Jeremy Cowart 16 de Enero, 2014

Recientemente me dijeron que hiciera unas fotos para una serie llamada “The Haves and HaveNots” para la cadena de Oprah Winfrey. He fotografiado para muchas series durante mi carrera y siempre disfruto de esas sesiones porque hay muchos retos en ellas. Hay muchos “talentos” aka celebridades involucradas, todos sus equipos, la peluquería, el maquillaje y el vestuario, hay un tiempo muy limitado, hay que crear montones de fotos, hay un montón de presión al tener que “bordar” el concepto creativo y obviamente hay normalmente mucho dinero involucrado. Estas son sesiones de alto presupuesto con mucha presión. Es seguro nadar al límite, en cuanto se refiere a la fotografía. Y me encanta ese reto. Me encanta el ponerme en ello e ir a por el objetivo.

Pero una de las cosas que no me gusta de estas sesiones es que realmente nunca consigo conectar con la gente a la que estoy fotografiando. Vienen y se van en cuestión de minutos. Algunas veces literalmente soy el único que soy capaz de tomar algunas fotografías entes de que se marchen corriendo.

Esta es una de esas muy raras ocasiones en donde fui capaz de conectar. Y tengo mis razones para agradecer el haberme permitido el entrar en esta historia.

Uno de los miembros del elenco era John Schneider. Puede que los comozcáis por su trabajo en “Dukes of Hazard” o “Smallville”. John fue uno de mis muchos objetivos ese día y como el resto del elenco, fue extremadamente profesional, humilde y fue muy divertido el trabajar con él. Estaba bordando sus fotografías... sonriendo, bromeando e incluso posó como muchos actores famosos y presidentes. Estaba muy impresionado por su talento y buen humor. Podéis ver algunas de sus fotografías:

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Hacia el final de la sesión, trajimos a la protagonista de la serie, Tika Sumpter, para que interactuara con ellos. Estuvieron bailando, riendo y pasándoselo bien. De nuevo, estuve muy impresionado con su habilidad de iluminar la cámara y pasárselo bien.


Una vez que terminamos su sesión, Tika se fue del set y John vino a mí y me susurró en el oído “¿Hey, puedes tomarme unas cuantas fotos?” y dije “claro, por supuesto”. Y me contestó “está pasando algo y tan sólo necesito una foto.”

Así es que cogí mi cámara de nuevo y John regresó al set.

Inmediatamente comenzó a llorar. Era tan bueno haciendo las expresiones que creí que ésta era otra más y pensé “wow, qué alento para la actuación.”

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Finalmente, bajé mi cámara. Esto era demasiado real. No me sentía bien por seguir sacando fotos.

Así es que me dirigí hacia él y le abracé.

Él me dijo al oído “Mi padre acaba de morir hace una hora. Me enteré durante la pausa de nuestro almuerzo. Y quería que capturaras eso para mí.”

Entonces se dirigió a mi pantalla, miró las fotos y apuntó hacia la última y dijo “Eso es. Ése es mi padre.”

“Lo siento mucho.” Dije. Estaba anonadado. Impactado. Y, obviamente, profundamente emocionado. No quería hacer más preguntas al respecto.

John se fue poco después para regresar a su casa y empezar a planear los próximos pasos con su familia.

Desde entonces, recibí permiso oficial de John para compartir su historia y estas fotografías con vosotros. Nunca olvidaré este momento. Y quiero agradecerle a John por invitarme entrar en esta historia, icluso por un momento y por permitirme capturar esto para él.

Como padre que soy, lloré por él. Todos lo hicimos ese día.

- Trailers/videos de la nueva película de John Schneider "Smothered":

- John Schneider, Just The Good ‘Ol Boy (Popbuff interview): ... od-ol-boy/

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¡¡¡¡AY, OMÁ QUÉ CALORES!!!! ¡Gracias por tu regalo, Nitta!

Mensajes: 32838
Registrado: Dom May 21, 2006 12:15 am

Re: Noticias, proyectos, fotos sobre John Schneider (J. Kent

Mensaje por Shelby »

- John Schneider se une a la campaña viral contra la esclerosis lateral amiotrófica y reta a Tom Welling (#ALSIceBucketChallenge):

La esclerosis lateral amiotrófica es una enfermedad neurodegenerativa progresiva que causa debilidad muscular, parálisis y finalmente fallo respiratorio.

Podéis conocer más sobre la enfermedad y hacer donaciones:

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¡¡¡¡AY, OMÁ QUÉ CALORES!!!! ¡Gracias por tu regalo, Nitta!

Mensajes: 32838
Registrado: Dom May 21, 2006 12:15 am

Re: Noticias, proyectos, fotos sobre John Schneider (J. Kent

Mensaje por Shelby »

- A John Schneider no le gustó el 'Jonathan Kent' de "Man Of Steel":
John Schneider, quien interpretó a Jonathan Kent en Smallville, recientemente habló sobre la nueva interpretación del personaje en "Man of Steel" de Zack Snyder, interpretado por Kevin Costner.

Durante una entrevista con The Tony Tone Show en Vintage Sound 93.1, Schneider dijo que no le gustaba la nueva versión que vimos en la película:

“Adoro a Kevin, ay adoro lo que Kevin hace. Pero no me importó una escena ahí, donde Jonathan estaba advirtiendo a Clark que hiciera algo para protegerse a sí mismo, que contara una mentira, no puedo recordar exactamente lo que era. Pienso que Jonathan Kent es quizá el mejor padre que jamás se ha interpretado en televisión. Y no me refiero a mi trabajo, sino al hombre que tuve la fortuna de interpretar. Él era un gran padre, y no creo que el de Man of Steel fuera un gran padre. Tenía algunos defectos que no pertenecen a los cómics. Realmente hubiera deseado que hubiera sido yo.”

Schneider se refería a la escena en la que Jonathan le dice a Clark que quizá no debería haber salvado al autobús de niños de la escuela en lugar de arriesgarse a exponer sus habilidades. El Jonathan de Schneider puede que no fuera el Padre del Año, pero tiene razón en lo que dice.

Podéis escuchar la discusión de Schneider a partir del minuto 5:00: ... -interview

- John Schneider en el "Wizard World" de Raleigh, NC (14-03-15):

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(thanks to @rjasoncottrell & @versus1023)

- "What Would Jesus Do?", Featurette & Pics: ... eaturette/

- Comic Book Central Podcast, Ep 70 "John Schneider" (02-04-15): ... -schneider

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¡¡¡¡AY, OMÁ QUÉ CALORES!!!! ¡Gracias por tu regalo, Nitta!

Mensajes: 32838
Registrado: Dom May 21, 2006 12:15 am

Re: Noticias, proyectos, fotos sobre John Schneider (J. Kent

Mensaje por Shelby »

- Batman v Superman: Who Will Win? (Smallville - John Schneider):

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¡¡¡¡AY, OMÁ QUÉ CALORES!!!! ¡Gracias por tu regalo, Nitta!

Mensajes: 32838
Registrado: Dom May 21, 2006 12:15 am

Re: Noticias, proyectos, fotos sobre John Schneider (J. Kent

Mensaje por Shelby »

- John Schneider’s Five Year Divorce Battle is Finally Over (nashvillepublicity): ... Zhdg0pNn2M#

Imagen Imagen
¡¡¡¡AY, OMÁ QUÉ CALORES!!!! ¡Gracias por tu regalo, Nitta!


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