Foro dedicado a Erica Durance que interpreta a Lois Lane

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- Saving Hope Season 3 Premiere - eTalk (13-09-14):


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- Erica Durance: la Dra. Reid ‘cambia irrevocablemente’ en la nueva temporada (news1130):
Erica Durance: la Dra. Reid ‘cambia irrevocablemente’ en la nueva temporada
Por Laura Kane, 18 Septiembre 18, 2014 2:00 am

TORONTO – The last time “Saving Hope” fans saw Dr. Alex Reid, her heart had stopped beating during emergency surgery after being stabbed in the chest.

So it’s no surprise to star Erica Durance that viewers are waiting with bated breath for the season 3 premiere, which is airing in two parts on Sept. 22 and 25 on CTV.

“Well, you know that she’s back because I’m back filming,” said Durance during a summer phone interview from the show’s Toronto set. “We do know that she’s not gone forever.”

In last season’s dramatic finale, Alex was stabbed with a pair of scissors by a sleepwalking patient. Just after she flatlined during surgery, she appeared as a spirit standing behind Charlie (Michael Shanks) — her former fiance and a doctor with the unique ability to see ghosts.

Durance wouldn’t say whether Alex remains a spirit for long, but she said she does start the season in a “transition place.”

“What’s happened is that they’ve allowed my character to have a new exploration and a new viewpoint of Charlie and what he experiences and sees, kind of a little bit through his perspective,” she said.

She added that Alex’s journey back from this traumatic experience “completely and irrevocably” changes her personality.

“More is revealed about her past and what’s made her who she is. And some of the devastating things that have happened to her in her past,” said Durance.

“They’re playing with that a little bit, which creates a completely different dynamic for season 3, which has been fun. It’s something quite different. It shakes up the relationships.”

And even more drama is ahead for Alex’s explosive love triangle with Charlie and Joel (Daniel Gillies), another of her former lovers who also works at Hope Zion Hospital.

“Her love life becomes a little more tumultuous and unexpected. She makes some interesting decisions. It’ll be great for all the Team Joel versus Team Charlie people. They’ll get to really get out there and start cheering for their side,” she said.

“You’re allowed to see a little bit more about Joel’s character that is incredibly lovable and honourable, and a little window into what their life would have been like before all of the baggage.”

Asked whether she’s on Team Charlie or Team Joel, Durance replied with a laugh, “I’m on my team!”

She added: “What I like about those two relationships she has is the example that you can love a lot of people in your life just as passionately. It’s just a different type of love. At the end of the day, you choose the love that’s good for you.”

Durance, 36, lives in Vancouver and flies to Toronto to film the series. She said when she first read the “Saving Hope” pilot a few years ago, she knew there was something special about the romantic medical drama.

“I couldn’t quite necessarily put my finger on it, but I believe it is the overall human theme that goes through each episode — the idea that we’re all connected by the same desires. We’re all connected by experiencing tragedy and triumph and joy and wanting to maintain a sense of hope,” she said.

“That has been what has brought people together because it’s such a universal thing. So I think it’s the heart of that which has allowed people to gravitate to it and fall in love with the characters.”

She’s looking forward to watching season 3 with her husband and 15-year-old son — who she said don’t hold back when they have criticism of her performance.

“(My son) thinks it’s a lot of fun. He’s my best critic. Him and my husband, I always get the best from them. So it’s been great,” she said. “It’s very grounding, actually. They’ll tell you what’s what.”

http://www.news1130.com/2014/09/18/savi ... ew-season/

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¡¡¡¡AY, OMÁ QUÉ CALORES!!!! ¡Gracias por tu regalo, Nitta!

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- Erica Durance, rueda de entrevistas promocionales de la S3 (19-09-14) -
-CTV Canada AM-

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Video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5e3v7aZCReA

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Video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yd0WDJjMios

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Video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=V_xfNxlvDlQ

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Video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mEPFUmZP7RE

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Video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=I2iXEz7LPz4

- Gate Magazine -

Video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QLyIuhwVyl4

- Saving Hope star Erica Durance on Andrew Carter Mornings (Radio) -

https://soundcloud.com/andrew-carter-cj ... tion-lep22

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¡¡¡¡AY, OMÁ QUÉ CALORES!!!! ¡Gracias por tu regalo, Nitta!

Mensajes: 32846
Registrado: Dom May 21, 2006 12:15 am


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- Erica Durance sobre el luchar por su vida en la Season 3 de "Saving Hope" (realstylenetwork):
Erica Durance sobre el luchar por su vida en la Season 3 de "Saving Hope"
22 Septiembre, 2014

Erica Durance starts season three of Saving Hope with a bang as her character, Dr. Alex Reid, is stabbed in the heart. Saving Hope returns for its third installment beginning with a special two-night, two-hour premiere, airing Monday, Sept. 22 (Part 1) and Thursday, Sept. 25 (Part 2) at 9 p.m. ET/PT on CTV and the CTV GO app. This season features the passion, pressures, and power plays viewers have come to know and love from the Hope Zion Hospital dream team. Real Style spoke to Erica about how fighting for her life changes her relationship with Charlie and what we can look forward to this season.

Real Style: What’s in store for Dr. Alex Reid in season three of Saving Hope, and will she be a spirit only Charlie can see?

Erica: So, season three is almost kind of a direct cut from season two where it’s just right back into the action. She’s basically fighting for her life, and she ends up in this liminal state where only her and Charlie are aware of each other, which is a really interesting experience for them. Finally, she can really see firsthand what he can see, so it’s an incredibly bonding experience and then the fight is “is she going to come back?” So that kind of question hovers for quite some time, trying to get her back into this realm, this world. He takes a little side trip into a little bit of her past… She does take another little journey, which basically reveals some of the terrible things that happened when she was younger.

Real Style: How does this experience change her relationship with Charlie?

Erica: Well, it kind of changes her in so many ways. I wanted to hit on the fact that because of what she went through, her ability as a doctor is challenged and her belief in her abilities. She has a little bit of PTSD from that experience of being so victimized. She’s trying to dive right back into work and do that, but her relationship with Charlie becomes very tumultuous and there are some very sad things for people to tune in and watch, basically. But she just starts to question everything about herself and her choices, and that sort of thing, so it really causes a lot of shaky ground and that sort of thing for them.

Real Style: There’s still a love triangle happening between Alex, Charlie and Joel, so is there going to be more romance this season?

Erica: Well, we’ve actually used this season to develop that side more with our characters. So, specifically as it applies to my character, you’re going to see more of that love triangle explored. You’re able to, actually because of that, see this other side of Joel that we haven’t really been allowed to see yet, a little window into the kind of relationship they would have had before all of the bad stuff happened, you know. The way I look at it is you can love a lot of people in your life, and you can love them madly and passionately, but at the end of the day, you choose the person that’s good for you to love. It’s all about choices, and every choice you make will lead to a completely different destiny. And I think she’s dealing with kind of big questions because of her near-death experience.

Real Style: What part of Alex do you like playing the best?

Erica: I love her tenacity and I love her ability to accept her fallibility.

Real Style: What can fans look forward to in season three of Saving Hope?

Erica: My goodness, OK! So we start off full-tilt with a lot of really interesting surgeries and all of that medical stuff… There are so many of our fans who love that. So there are really interesting cases that come into the hospital that they have to deal with. There’s a lot more on the relationship side. We’ve also introduced some new doctors into the mix, which will really shake things up. We’re allowed to explore the character, each character a little more, and see a little more of them. As often happens in hospitals, you’re going to see a lot of different relationships burgeoning and then parting ways. I’m sure people will be picking their Team Joel, Team Charlie kind of thing this season a little bit more, you know, and you just get to see how great both characters are and it just really depends on what kind of love you want.

http://www.realstylenetwork.com/celebri ... -season-3/

- El cambio llega a "Saving Hope" (thetvjunkies):
El cambio llega a "Saving Hope"
Por Eleni Armenakis | 22 Septiembre, 2014

Saving Hope ended on quite the Season 2 cliffhanger with Alex’s life in danger in the OR after she’d been stabbed in the heart by a patient. And, for the first time, she had proof Charlie (Michael Shanks) could actually see the hospitals ghosts—a shocking, if welcome, conclusion to the problems between the two that had been building up ever since Charlie made the decision to tell Alex the truth about his abilities. But since the screen faded to black almost immediately after, viewers have been left wondering all summer about what that means for Hope Zion’s lead doctor.

So when The TV Junkies visited the expansive Mississauga, Ont. set that acts as the year-round home for Saving Hope (and looks exactly like a real hospital on the inside, we might add), star Erica Durance had a bit of a laugh when we asked how Alex was doing.

“Well you know, there’s certain things that I’ve never been able to completely escape because people know that I’m working,” she said coyly about how her character was holding up, which hopefully means Alex isn’t going to die anytime soon. But the star, who came home to Canada to take the part and work as a producer on the show behind the scenes, wouldn’t say how long she and Charlie have alone in the spirit world.

“They’ve provided a really interesting place for Alex to come to when she is back around because she has to deal with the trauma of the injury, she has to deal with the loss of something left behind in the other world, and just trying to find herself,” Durance explained instead. “She’s become kind of a new person, which I think anybody going through that kind of victimization does. They start to question who they are and their life choices, so that creates all sorts of havoc and heartbreak for everybody.”

One of those choices now facing her is the show’s long-standing love triangle, which Durance promised would intensify this year. “People will be choosing sides,” she said, getting excited. “Maybe making T-shirts. Who knows? What’s great is we give them the option.”

From the sounds of it, that’s going to be a tough choice for audiences too as the show finally explores the relationship between Alex and Joel (Daniel Gillies) from before their breakup. Freed from the baggage of their “young” love, Durance hopes fans will see a different side of the doctor and admits she found Joel’s storyline in the first couple of episodes as he sorted out his guilt over Alex’s attack to be the most compelling part.

But Durance seems to be looking forward to the changes all that will bring and the new perspective Alex will have after going through that kind of trauma, something she thinks is the most relatable part of the show.

“We sometimes take it to an exaggerative place to say something, but it’s always some kind of humanistic theme,” she added. “What do you do when tragedy strikes? What do you do when there is trauma? How it can completely alter you as a person, it can alter your relationships and you have to reconnect or re-find each other and those are all things that people deal with on a day-to-day basis. It may not be as heightened as being in the realms of [the show’s] kind of tragedies, but it gives people something tangible to connect to.”


- Una Conversación con la estrella de "Saving Hope" Erica Durance (thetelevixen):
Una Conversación con la estrella de "Saving Hope" Erica Durance
Por Melissa 22 Septiembre, 2014

Season 3 of Saving Hope premieres tonight on CTV, and I had a chance to speak with star Erica Durance last week in Toronto about what’s coming in Season 3 following that cliffhanger of a Season 2 finale. Read our full interview below, and tune in to CTV tonight at 9pm ET for the first hour of their two-part season premiere!

That ending of Season 2 … I have to tell you, I don’t think I breathed during those final scenes.

Me neither!

When did you find out that was going to happen for Alex, and what was your initial reaction to that turn of events?

I was really excited. I was ready for some drama. I’d spent years before doing things that had a little bit more physicality and being wounded and that sort of thing, so it was exciting to dive back into there, and also play the patient because I’m always playing the doctor. I wanted that role reversal, just to flip everything on its ear again and get things going again for the show. The revelation at the end where she sees Charlie, I had a little bit of a fan geek moment myself. I was like, “This is so great.” I was so excited when I was filming. I’m like, “Oh, they’re going to love this!”

Playing spirit Alex versus Alex the doctor that you’ve been all along — what are some of the highlights or differences of playing that change to the character?

This whole season has been a really interesting journey because they’ve really forced her to look at all of those kind of things. For her to be in this world and not know if she’ll ever escape it and either go to the other side or be able to come back, it was quite a lonely feeling. It’s not something I would have imagined, but being an observer and nobody else can see you — of course Charlie can — but just that sense of the fear of “Where am I going, what’s happening, there is this other side to things,” and how much of that knowledge she carries back with her is the question of the whole show now they unraveled that. It’s really interesting and I think the fans will really like it.

I think one of the big questions is whether or not this will strengthen the relationship between Alex and Charlie.

When they are on the spiritual side together, she sees the perspective so differently and she sees the strength of that relationship and the finite quality of time. So she realizes that she has to make steps forward and at the end is a really beautiful, promising moment, and then you have her kind of coming back and that’s where things aren’t all as they seem to be, and it creates a bit of heartbreak for both of them.

Joel has always been a part of the picture, and it feels like there’s unfinished business between him and Alex. What can you share about how that relationship will be explored in the coming season?

What I loved about the way they unfolded this season so far is that because of what she’s gone through, because of the questions that she’s going through about herself, she irrevocably changed by going through this experience, she realizes how finite time is and that your choices can lead you down all sorts of different paths and create different destinies for you. She’s going through all that which causes her to need to take a step back with herself, so they’ve explored this other relationship in such a beautiful manner that you get to see the qualities of Joel, and how great he is, and a little window into how they did fit well before everything went wrong. I think of it more as you can fit with a lot of people, you can madly love a lot of people, but they bring out and make you a different person, and you have to decide what kind of person you want to be and love the people that are good for you. So you see this push-pull with their characters throughout this season.

The flashback scenes are always great and add such richness to the storyline. There’s one coming up for Alex that gives me goosebumps just thinking about it.

It’s a really wonderful way to let the audience get to know Alex a little bit more and understand why she is the woman she is.

That being said, we’ve seen some of Alex and Charlie’s past, but we’ve never really seen Alex and Joel’s past. Is that something you would like to see, or do you know if there are any plans for that in the upcoming season?

Now that I don’t know yet, but I should go talk to the writers. I say “never say never,” because especially within this season, you’re starting to see some of the flashes to those kinds of things from Alex’s perspective, so some of those time shifts as I like to refer to them are through her perspective, and last couple of years it’s been Charlie. Now he’s in the real world and he’s dealing with his stuff in a very tangible way, and she’s in that transitionary stage. You just never know who I’m going to be flashing about.

Hospitals are joyous and sad places at the same time. There’s illness, there’s death, but there’s also birth, and there’s been talk of babies on this show in the past. Is that conversation going to come up again this season?

[The writers have] done a couple of things. They brought in another character, Dr. Sydney Katz, who works in gynaecology and obstetrics, and has this really interesting relationship with Maggie. It’s really great, really dynamic, and so with some of those storylines, you get the beauty of birth and rebirth, because you always have the tragedy stuff, and so we wanted to create new life as well. We work to balance those themes so that you can walk away from an episode going, wow, I really felt connected to that storyline, or that group of people, or I’m so incredibly sad but at the same time I felt hopeful. As far as it goes with my character, they haven’t specified exactly what they’re doing. I know that in the first six [episodes] it’s so about her coming back and trying to work through being in this in-between world, that’s really what that’s encapsulating, and then as far as the back 12 go, I’m not sure, but i’ve given them something interesting to consider. (By that, Erica’s referring to her pregnancy.)

When this series first started, I wasn’t sure if I’d watch, but it was your passion and enthusiasm at the Upfronts before it launched that made me watch it. I’m glad that I watched it because I connect with it and it makes me “feel.” Would you say that Saving Hope going into a third season is because of that connection it makes with viewers?

I would say that the fans are what keep you going, so I’m very grateful for their dedication and their interest and love for the show. What drew me to the script was that intangibility of the human connection. That’s what was so funny when we were talking about promoting it, it was one of those, “Watch it, you’ll see that you love the characters. I don’t have a big plane flying in. It’s so much more than that, it has layers, and it’s almost older storytelling again where you fall in love with a character and it talks about things that really matter. When I read the script and I had other things coming in, I said, “This has something special to it and I love it.” It spoke to me, so I knew this was going to work for other people.

Any final thoughts on the upcoming season?

If viewers thought that they had emotional turmoil last season, they’ll have it tenfold this season. You’re going to see it from the perspectives of all the relationships. It’s so relationship-heavy this year. I think they’re going to fall in love more and more with these characters, and characters that you would have written off — like Joel or Dawn — you’ll see these other sides to them that are so beautiful and make them human.

http://thetelevixen.com/2014/09/convers ... a-durance/

- 'Saving Hope' Season 3: Amor, Pérdida y Mucha Confusión para la Dra. Alex Reid (huffingtonpost):
'Saving Hope' Season 3: Amor, Pérdida y Mucha Confusión para la Dra. Alex Reid
Por The Huffington Post Canada 22/09/2014 2:58 pm EDT

Nobody wants to hear screaming in a hospital. It's never a good sign and sitting in "Saving Hope"'s Hope Zion Hospital cafeteria set, the loud howls are coming in rapid, short bursts. The supernatural medical drama has seen pain, loss and sorrow, but not this time.

Down the hallway in the show's morgue, Dr. Charlie Harris [Michael Shanks] is helping his latest spirit case move on. Today's scene involves the skilled doctor persuading a teenage girl to recall some joyous memories and expressing some buried emotions by yelling. Rolling her eyes, she gives a half-hearted attempt before going another round and triumphantly belting out a cathartic scream. That's the breakthrough.

"Scream as loud as you can," encourages Charlie. "Let it all out."

At this point, Charlie lifts his arms and screams at the top of his lungs along with the girl. A few seconds later, she runs out of the room, so that with some masterful editing, it will appear she disappeared on camera. Once again, Charlie is alone. Then… Cut!

As the cast and crew reset for another take, leading lady Erica Durance, who plays Dr. Alex Reid, sat down with HuffPost TV to discuss "Saving Hope"'s third season, her character Alex's death and that kiss with Dr. Joel Goran [Daniel Gillies].

Huff Post Canada: In the jaw-dropping season-two finale, Alex was fatally stabbed by a patient, passed away and then shared a moment with Charlie in her ghostly state. What was your reaction when you received the script and the implications it could mean for Alex and the show?

Erica Durance: I was very excited. I remember it was like big fist pump. 'Yes!' For me, I knew anything could be a possibility now. To allow my character to be in jeopardy, it shifts the paradigm of the show. Then there's the revelation in season two, but it's so much more poignant when you’re the one in the experience of it. The fact that she's outside of her body looking at herself, and he sees her, is fantastic. It gave us a great launching point for this season, to come up with new surprises for the audience and a new direction to take the show in. The writers are constantly coming up with creative ideas. I'm really impressed by the writing think tank.

Do they tackle that development head-on in the season premiere? What does that mean for Alex and Charlie moving forward?

It allows Alex to be in a different place. It's kind of a painful experience for the two of them to go through. It keeps the theme of our show strong going forward, which is not only keeping your hope alive, but for this couple in love, is it going to see them through all these different things? It's done an interesting mirror image of each other between the first and third season. In the first season, it's Charlie dealing with the tragedy in the sense it's him that's going through it. In the second season, he gets to experience what really happens to somebody. Are you irrevocably changed? Now, this gives Alex the chance to experience that as well. What happens to you when you are victimized in that way? How and when do you recover? It will completely cause a ripple effect. It will create a lot of interest, and make some fans happy, or some fans sad. And it allows me to move and explore all my relationships.

Obviously, you aren't going to stay in a dead-state long. One point that needs addressing was that smooch between Joel and Alex last year. He still has strong feelings for her. What have you enjoyed about how the writers have handed that romantic tension because they could have just had Alex cheat on Charlie?

It's something that, we as a group, as an entity, decided that's not going to happen. It's not right for the situation. It's not right given where we started with our characters. It's been in the mix for a long time, but how to execute it is the trick. It's always interesting to showcase the different faces and sides of love.

You can love both people passionately because it brings out something different in you. There are different ways that you click. We got a little bit of that in the second season. In the third, what's interesting is because of all the things that happened, because of what she's been through, you see another side to Joel. It's the Joel she would have fallen in love with, instead of the Joel that has all the baggage attached. He was originally introduced as this ex-boyfriend that broke her heart, which is fine, but this allows another window into their relationship. We get to explore that a little bit more this year. I think we're going to end up having people with different t-shirts that say "team this" or "team that." Is one wrong or not? Who knows. It’s just where you end up.

Besides the personal turmoil, there's the professional side of her life. How is Alex going to be tested this year?

There's a lot of second guessing of herself and her abilities because of what she's been through. There's a little bit of trauma that she experiences going back into this world, where you see so many physical problems. It causes a little bit of a PTSD , which is too intense of a term, but there's definitely the trauma. She has a hard time dealing with some of the cases.

One tricky bit is Dawn [Michelle Nolden] has to supervise Alex on a shift. That's a really interesting relationship so far this season. You get to see the humanity in Dawn. You get to see all these great levels. Dawn is incredibly compassionate and supportive and actually quite soft.

Once again, Alex does the thing she always does. You dive into work to let it be your anchor, except this time it's not quite an anchor for her. She's not as sure of her abilities. There's talk that she's getting ready for the surgical board, so it's also about trying to get to that next stage in deciding what kind of fellowship she wants to be in, or what kind of surgeon she really wants to be.

There are some new faces in the hospital. How much interaction does Alex have with them?

I don't have massive interaction with all of them as of yet. We have a psychologist that is coming in that is new. I have to go head-to-head against him on a specific case that's going on. He has a whole different flavour. We have a new resident general surgeon that comes in. You get to see what he does and the mistakes he makes.

They are juicing up the pot really. Of course, Maggie [Julia Taylor Ross] has more of a storyline and there's Dr. Katz [Stacey Farber]. She's basically a genius doctor, kind of like a Doogie Howser. She's really smart and an OB/GYN.

The season is being split up again. There are six episodes and then a winter break. Is there an arc for the first block?

They've done their best to do that. They've done their best to create a mini-series. It gives the audience a first part and something to get really invested in and also set up for the last half.

Looking back, have you given much thought to where this series started and where it is now? "Saving Hope" could have been the medical version of "Ghost Whisperer", but somehow it's managed to grow every season.

It doesn't just follow what everybody assumes it's going to do. They've been very creative in bringing in that otherworldly element, which I love. They always use it to tell the heart of the show, which when all is said and done – the medicine, the relationships and the otherworldly part – they tie it into the idea of 'What happens when tragedy strikes? Is there a need for forgiveness and how do you let go?' It's all these things that actually drew me to the project in the first place, which I believe also draws people to the show. I really admire that as our theme, this sense of hope.

http://www.huffingtonpost.ca/2014/09/22 ... 62966.html

- Erica Durance habla sobre la S3 de ‘Saving Hope’ (thegate):
Erica Durance habla sobre la S3 de ‘Saving Hope’
Por W. Andrew Powell 24 de Septiembre, 2014

The third season of Saving Hope kicked off on September 22 by spinning things around for Dr. Alex Reid, played by Erica Durance, and the two men that are fighting for her. Sitting down to chat earlier this month about the new season, which airs on CTV, Durance gave a few hints about where the show is headed, and what’s new for Alex and the rest of the characters.

“You know, they had an interesting story problem, because how do you carry her [Alex] character forward, in what way are we going to make it interesting for the audience, and they’ve done a really spectacular job this year,” Durance said.

At the end of season 2, Alex was attacked by a man with a knife, who stabbed her in the heart. After surgery that left Alex in a coma, for the first time we now see the “other side” through Alex’s eyes, where secrets from her own past are revealed while Charlie, played by Michael Shanks, wonders if she will pull through.

“So, she ends up kind of in this limbo state, and the question is how long is she going to be there for, is she going to transition over, and because, also, it develops a different side to the relationship with Charlie… and as the season progresses you start to see how this experience has titled everything once again in their lives and in their relationship.”

“They’re kind of an unlucky couple at this point–unlucky in love,” she adds.

As Durance mentioned as we talked about the show, “You kind of wonder, ‘how are they going to continue the story forward, and keep it fresh for everyone,’ but this season is a rebirth as well and… because of the things that Alex has been through, now this other world is seen through her perspective and not Charlie’s as much, even though he’s in the everyday, and he’s still dealing with the ‘liminal state’, I like to call it.”

“But, here Alex is the one that’s having these different journeys and seeing that through her eyes,” Durance said, “and you’re allowed to learn a little bit more about her character that way.”

Following Alex “behind the veil” is a big change for Saving Hope, and one that flips things from the first two seasons where Charlie helped tell that side of the story. When I asked Durance about that she said, “Yeah, absolutely,” before adding, that she is “really proud of the way they reinvented this season.”

“There’s a lot of upsets and surprises,” she added, “and crazy medical stories coming up, and they’ve just really done a great job of balancing all of that, plus really bringing in more relationships for everybody–that last a long time, that don’t last a long time–but you’re able to fall in love with some of these other characters that are also part of our ensemble, which is great.”

The first six episodes of Saving Hope air Thursdays on CTV at 9:00 PM (ET/PT). Saving Hope will return with 12 more episodes in early 2015, plus catch the new digital companion series Saving Hope: Psychic Healing on the CTV website.

http://www.thegate.ca/television/022229 ... -season-3/

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- Screencaps del 3.01 "Heaven can wait":

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(Thanks to @SavingHopeTV & @ericadurancetv)

- Nuevas imágenes BTS:

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(@dave_lester: @SavingHopeTV airs tonight on @CTV_Television. You'll be watching; we'll be filming. #SavingHope)

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Mensaje por Shelby »

- Saving Hope 3.02 "Kiss Me Goodbye" Promo:


- Música del 3.01 "Heaven Can Wait":
"No One Knows Who We Are" (Kaskade & Swanky Tunes feat. Lights)
"Robotic" (Hannah Georgas)
"Lift Me Up" (MREE)

- Música del 3.02 "Kiss me Goodbye":
"I Found" (Amber Run UK)
"See through heart" (Sebell)

Podéis encontrar los enlaces y rátings del 3.01 y 3.02: AQUÍ

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Mensaje por Shelby »

- Erica Durance y Michael Shanks discrepan sobre Alex en coma…y sus gustos de los '80s (ctv.ca):
Erica Durance y Michael Shanks discrepan sobre Alex en coma…y sus gustos de los '80s
por Lindsay Zier-Vogel 25/09/2014 8:00:00 AM

The bad news is that Alex is still in a coma, the good news is that at least she has Charlie to hang out with in the spirit world!

“He’s mostly helping her be patient with her situation – what no one did for him,” says actor Michael Shanks.

“He’s the best guide for her, telling her to let the doctors do their job, and stay positive and patient, keep her distracted enough to keep her mind off being negative.

“Alex as a person is quite positive and hopeful, and at this point, she a bit more pessimistic, until she finally does come around.”

Charlie is spending time with Alex’s ghost and they’re back to being in love. And now she fully understands what he’s been dealing with.

So what was it like for actress Erica Durance to be stuck in the spirit world, unable to really engage or talk with anyone at Hope-Zion?

“It’s a bit surreal and quite strange,” Durance says with a laugh. “Usually I’m involved in everything all the time, so not interacting brought a new element into things. It really made that feeling of being a bit lost and out of touch real.”

So how was it, flashing back to the ’80s in the premiere episode, station wagon with wood paneling and all?

“It was fun to do, even though I’m not sure anyone really wants to go back to ’80s land. There were certain things I was not into – the high-waisted pants, no way, but the boyfriend jeans I could do.”

But even more than the fabulous ’80s fashion, Durance says it was the character development in the flashback that was the most fun to explore. “I loved the twist in it – that you think it’s Alex exploring what it would be like to have kids, but then you find out that she’s actually her mom, seeing a perspective of herself and what she would’ve done if she had been able to stop herself from going down there.”

So will there be more flashbacks in the second episode?

Durance smiles and remains tight-lipped. So what can we expect?

It looks like Alex will still be in a coma when the episode opens, and Charlie and Joel will come face-to-face for the first time after their fight.

While Charlie encourages spirit Alex to enjoy the time they have together in the spirit world, their relationship begins to deepen, all leading to one enormous revelation…

http://www.ctv.ca/SavingHope/Articles/F ... pe302Story

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¡¡¡¡AY, OMÁ QUÉ CALORES!!!! ¡Gracias por tu regalo, Nitta!

Mensajes: 32846
Registrado: Dom May 21, 2006 12:15 am


Mensaje por Shelby »

- Screencaps del 3.02 "Kiss me Goodbye":

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(Thanks to @SavingHopeTV)

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¡¡¡¡AY, OMÁ QUÉ CALORES!!!! ¡Gracias por tu regalo, Nitta!

Mensajes: 32846
Registrado: Dom May 21, 2006 12:15 am


Mensaje por Shelby »

- Saving Hope 3.03 "Awakenings" Promo:


- Descripción oficial del 3.03 "Awakenings":
3.03 "Awakenings" (10/04/14): Alex (Erica Durance) está fuera del coma, pero lucha con su memoria hasta que una crisis en el hospital le recuerda quién es realmente. Charlie (Michael Shanks) y Joel (Daniel Gillies) se ven forzados a dejar sus diferencias a un lado cuando un edificio se derrumba y los tiene a los dos trabajando en dos pacientes fundidos. Además, los doctores del Hope Zion intentan el darle a una súper emocional Maggie (Julia Taylor Ross) sabio consejo.

http://ericadurance.tv/2014/09/26/savin ... ings-3-03/

- Stills del 3.03 "Awakenings":

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¡¡¡¡AY, OMÁ QUÉ CALORES!!!! ¡Gracias por tu regalo, Nitta!

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Mensaje por Shelby »

- Alex se despierta del coma, ¿pero elegirá a Charlie o a Joel? (ctv.ca):
Alex se despierta del coma, ¿pero elegirá a Charlie o a Joel?
Por Lindsay Zier-Vogel 02/10/2014 8:00:00 AM

Alex opened her eyes! So she’s not doomed to wandering around the spirit world of Hope-Zion’s hallways like Charlie had to in the first season, but it looks like she’s not out of the woods quite yet.

Moments before she opened her eyes, she and Charlie decided they wanted to start a family when she woke up (cutest babies, ever, am I right?!)

“There was a sense of urgency that really solidifies what she wants to have, so she talks about having a future with Charlie and having children,” explains actress Erica Durance, who recently announced her own pregnancy on Twitter.

“It’s a whole new dimension in their relationship.”

But then, it wasn’t Charlie who kissed her moments before she woke up. It was Joel.

“He came in and it was this beautiful confession because of all the guilt that he carries,” says Durance. “He was moved by that. He gives her a kiss and she happens to wake up just at that moment.”

So, will she remember the baby conversation she had with Charlie, or does this mean Joel is her Prince Charming?

The love triangle continues to get more and more complicated…

http://www.ctv.ca/SavingHope/Articles/F ... glefeature

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Mensaje por Shelby »

- Stills del 3.04 "Stand by me":

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- Descripción oficial del 3.04 "Stand by me":
3.04 "Stand by me" (09/10/14): Charlie Harris (Michael Shanks) y Alex Reid (Erica Durance) intentan retomar su camino como pareja, mientras que Alex se enfrenta a su primer día en el campo como doctora en el Hope Zion Hospital. No es otra más que la Jefa de Cirugía Dawn Bell (Michelle Nolden) la que actuará como su “colega de trabajo” durante sus rondas. Durante su tiempo juntas, Dawn empieza a darse cuenta de que puede también tener algunos temas sin resolver de ella misma relativos al apuñalamiento de Alex. Mientras tanto, Charlie es visitado por uno de los espíritus más alegres con los que jamás se haya encontrado, quien le recuerda lo que la vida puede ofrecerle. Mientras que intenta ser un buen samaritano, Joel Goran (Daniel Gillies) inesperadamente se encuentra a sí mismo en mitad de una situación de secuestro en una clínica de calle loca. Él y la doctora dura y directa de la clínica, confían en su "experiencia en las calles" para salvar a un paciente muy herido. Además, el psiquiatra Dr. Gavin Murphy (Kristopher Turner) se encuentra a un nuevo colega en el Hope Zion, que es capaz de ayudarle a dirigir sus sentimientos – lo que le lleva a una muy bienvenida “revelación”. Estrellas invitadas: Mac Fyfe (BEING ERICA), Lexa Doig (CONTINUUM), Rick Roberts (REPUBLIC OF DOYLE). Michael Shanks dirige el episodio escrito por Waneta Storms.

- Promo del 3.04 "Stand by me":


Añadidos los enlaces y rátings del 3.03 "Awakenings". Podéis encontrarlos AQUÍ.

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Mensaje por Shelby »

- Revelado el título y descripción oficial del 3.05 "Breaking Away":
3.05 "Breaking Away" (16/10/14): Un accidente de coche lleva a una madre y su hijo al hospital. Alex (Erica Durance) y Joel (Daniel Gillies) descubren que la madre necesita un transplante y su hijo es muy insistente en estar involucrado en la cirugía. Mientras tanto, el espíritu de la madre le hace saber sus propios sentimientos a Charlie (Michael Shanks), mientras que el nuevo residente Rian (Danso Gordon) y Maggie (Julia Taylor Ross) son pillados en una situación peligrosa.

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¡¡¡¡AY, OMÁ QUÉ CALORES!!!! ¡Gracias por tu regalo, Nitta!

Mensajes: 32846
Registrado: Dom May 21, 2006 12:15 am


Mensaje por Shelby »

- Stills oficiales del 3.05 "Breaking Away":

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- 3.05 "Breaking Away" Promo:


Añadidos los enlaces y rátings del 3x04. Podéis encontrarlos: AQUÍ

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¡¡¡¡AY, OMÁ QUÉ CALORES!!!! ¡Gracias por tu regalo, Nitta!

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Mensaje por Shelby »

- Especial de "Saving Hope" en Etalk para la semana de Acción de Gracias:
La CTV Invita a los Espectadores al Interior del Hope Zion Hospital en un nuevo y original especial "ETALK PRESENTA: SAVING HOPE"

TORONTO (9 Octubre, 2014) – Siguiendo al comienzo cargado de emoción de la SEASON 3 en la CTV, los espectadores ahora van a conseguir un vistazo behind-the-scenes al Hope Zion Hospital en el nuevo y original especial "ETALK PRESENTA: SAVING HOPE", que se emitirá el Lunes de Acción de Gracias -Thanksgiving- (13 de Octubre a las 7 p.m. ET/PT en la CTV y CTV GO).

Con una duración de 30 minutos y presentado por la co-presentadora de ETALK Tanya Kim, el especial incluye entrevistas con las estrellas del drama médico de éxito de la CTV (Erica Durance, Michael Shanks, Daniel Gillies, Julia Taylor Ross, and Stacey Farber) en las que echarán un vistazo atrás para reflexionar sobre sus momentos más memorables de la actual temporada, y nos cuentan lo que está por llegar.

SAVING HOPE es el drama original más visto de Canadá con una media de 1.4 millones de espectadores por temporada.

“Está claro por qué SAVING HOPE ha desarrollado una base de fans tan fuerte y leal que sintoniza esta pegadiza serie cada semana,” dice Tanya Kim. “La química del elenco es palpable y me tuvieron metida en el bolsillo en el set durante toda la entrevista – ¡qué grupo tan divertido!”

http://www.bellmediapr.ca/Network/CTV/P ... ctober-13-

- Etalk's Saving Hope Season Three BTS Special Promo :


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Registrado: Dom May 21, 2006 12:15 am


Mensaje por Shelby »

- eTalk Special: "eTalk Presents: Saving Hope" (S3):


- Nuevo póster promocional de eOne de la S3:


(Thanks to @ericadurancetv)

- 'Saving Hope': Erica Durance y Michael Shanks sobre la caída de Charlie y Alex (ctv.ca):
'Saving Hope': Erica Durance y Michael Shanks sobre la caída de Charlie y Alex
Por Lindsay Zier-Vogel 16/10/2014 8:00:00 AM

Though Charlie realized he never wanted to spend another night apart from Alex, “for the next 70 years,” opening up a ring box and re-proposing to Alex, things didn’t go quite according to plan.

“I don’t know who I am anymore,” Alex told him, clearly distraught. “I don’t think I love you anymore.”


So what’s next for Chalex?

“She’s forever scarred, both physically and emotionally,” actress Erica Durance says about Alex. “She’s irrevocably changed and she can’t just jump back to who she was before.

“She needs to find who she is now and the intensity and history of her relationship with Charlie will keep her from that.”

So does this mean things are really done between the two of them?

“Charlie’s still in love with her and he’s going through his own confusion about what happened and why,” says actor Michael Shanks. “He’s having to deal with this person who has tried to care about him, but whatever feelings she had are gone.”

And though he stays tight-lipped on which characters he’s referencing, Shanks teases to future love affairs: “But as things progress, and time heals, other relationships begin.”

http://www.ctv.ca/SavingHope/Articles/F ... 01614.aspx?

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Volver a “Lois Lane (Erica Durance)”