"Nuevo proyecto para la CW sobre 'THE FLASH'"

Moderadores: Shelby, Lore, Super_House, ZeTa, Trasgo

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Registrado: Dom May 21, 2006 12:15 am

Re: "Nuevo proyecto para la CW sobre 'THE FLASH'"

Mensaje por Shelby »

- Stills del 2.17 "Flash Back":

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Registrado: Dom May 21, 2006 12:15 am

Re: "Nuevo proyecto para la CW sobre 'THE FLASH'"

Mensaje por Shelby »

- Andy Mientus explica el "ciego deseo de venganza" de Pied Piper (cbr):
Andy Mientus explica el "ciego deseo de venganza" de Pied Piper
Por Bryan Cairns, 29 Marzo 2016

The Pied Piper (Andy Mientus) has a score to settle with Team Flash. After previously targeting Dr. Wells (Tom Cavanagh) and escaping Cisco's (Carlos Valdes) custody, Pied Piper dropped off everyone's radar. Tonight's all-new episode on The CW, "Flash Back," sees the Flash (Grant Gustin) travel back in time where he encounters former S.T.A.R. Labs employee-turned-villain Hartley Rathaway. As always, Pied Piper is one step ahead of our heroes -- which could spell doom for Team Flash.

Mientus recently spoke with CBR News about the Pied Piper's return to the series, his rivalry with Cisco, matching intellect with Team Flash and whether fans can expect to see him join up with the Rogues.

CBR News: Viewers have been curious when they'd be hearing from Pied Piper again. However, they might not realize how busy you have been in the theatre. Has your schedule kept you away from "The Flash" or is this the first time producers approached you about coming back?

Andy Mientus: It was the first time they've approached me about coming back. It just so happens I went back four days after we closed "Spring Awakening," which ["Flash" Executive Producer] Andrew Kreisberg saw in Los Angeles. I don't know if they were waiting for me to be available or not, but the timing was pretty perfect, one way or the other. It was serendipity. I closed "Spring Awakening" and a few days later, I was in Vancouver. I had to dye my hair because my hair was bleach blonde for "Spring Awakening." It was a big process to get me back to Pied Piper.

Hartley was last seen escaping Cisco. In "Flash Back," we know he returns to settle the score, but how does he go about wreaking havoc on S.T.A.R. Labs?

The episode actually involves the Flash returning to events which had previously taken place. I can say the episode is a big gift to the fans, especially the fans of Season One. It's this great little grace note because Season Two has been so plot packed. So much has happened and so many elements were introduced into the universe. This episode is the real glass [of] water from all of that where you get to check in with people from Season One that you might have been missing. You are reminded who they are, where they were, and how they've affected Barry -- and in turn, where they are now.

In that case does Team Flash only encounter Pied Piper in the past, not in the present?

It is in fact in the past. Time travel is involved and that is how you meet me again.

Is Pied Piper better prepared in this episode or has he learned nothing from previous encounters with Team Flash since they won't technically have happened yet?

What sets him apart from the other villains -- and the reason why people really like to watch him -- is that he's got a personal score with every single person that he's dealing with in S.T.A.R. Labs. He knew Cisco and Caitlin [Danielle Panabaker] and Wells for quite some time before the explosion. He doesn't know Barry, but he knows what the Flash is to Wells. It's all very personal to him.

When you first met him, he was acting from a really emotional place, trying to get revenge. In this episode, you get to see him slow down and do that great thing he can do, where he is a move ahead of everybody. You get to see how his mind works against Cisco and Caitlin's, and how they complement each other. You get to watch these scientists, these great minds, having this chess game. I think you get to see him release his blind desire for revenge and really look at his long-game situation.

There's bad blood between Hartley and Cisco. How does that boil over and will they participate in some meaty banter?

It's one of my favorite parts to play because Carlos and I went to school together. I've known Carlos for almost a decade. It's a blast for us to do that stuff together. There's definitely more of it. There's a humor to it that I really enjoy. I'll say there's some real fan-service in this episode to the fans who responded positively to that. You get to watch them interact together and have this verbal sparring, in addition to the actual action that's going on. It's not only from a place of them trying to one-up each other, but there is a weird affection there. There's more of a rivalry than just being bitter enemies. They do respect each other's intellect. It's a whole lot of fun and it's definitely still present.

As the Pied Piper, Hartley employs a deadly bag of tricks. What new gizmo or gadget does he bring to the fight?

Without giving too much away, you actually get to see him stripped of his gadgets. You get to see him rely on his intellect, which I think is the most interesting part of a lot of the characters on the show. Even someone a bit villainous like Hartley can actually be something of a role model. You are watching these characters that are endowed with superpowers like Barry, but before the powers, he was somewhat of a genius. He was a scientist and really good in forensic science. You're watching Pied Piper get through this situation and fight this battle with only what's between his ears.

"The Flash" can be heavy on special effects. What were some of the challenges of filming this episode?

This was the first time that I've had to do that thing that you hear about as an actor, where you're doing a scene with an "X" on a stick, a tennis ball on a stick. You're working with something that's not actually there. I was actually surprised when I shot the Season One episodes and how much the effects were practical and real. A lot of those cars blowing up and flipping over in that bridge scene was really happening in front of me. I was shocked by that. I thought for sure it was all going to be CGI. This time I had to do some acting with literally a tennis ball on a stick. It's one of those actor challenges that you have to chuckle at and then commit to fully. It felt like some milestone in my personal career, to finally get to that point.

Do you feel your background in stage acting prepared you in that department?

Absolutely. Most stage actors are so game for anything. Most of them love training where they had to do some silly exercises on the floor that felt really dumb at the time, but taught you to let go and not be so literal and not judge yourself. If somebody tells you, "Hey, this tennis ball on this stick is really dangerous and coming for you," you just let go and don't question it and pretend.

Hartley is a smart guy, but everyone has a weakness. What's his kryptonite?

I think his kryptonite is the lack of control over his own emotions. He is, I think, the smartest guy in the room all the time, even among these scientific giants. Maybe Cisco is his match, but I like to think he's at least the smartest one in the room always. In Season One, we saw him get really blinded a lot of the time by how badly he wanted to enact his revenge on Dr. Wells, even putting other people in danger. I don't believe that Hartley -- in that scene where he's on the bridge and sending those cars over the bridge -- is a murderer because he knows the Flash is going to come and collect the people and no one is going to be harmed.

Tonight's episode involves The Flash time traveling... and that means the return of evil Harrison Wells

I don't believe he's a typical villain in that way, that he has no regard for people getting hurt. You see in scenes when he's talking about the accelerator exploding that he's actually quite worried about the people in the city. But, he doesn't think that through when he's trying to get to his endgame of having revenge on Dr. Wells. I do think there are certain glitches in his logic that in the end, make him lose the game.

Audiences expected Hartley and the Rogues to assemble by now. Is that team something you've boned up on and would be up for exploring?

When I was first cast, they were very generous and sent me this big old stack of comics. They pulled all the Pied Piper stuff for me. Most of those stories were to do with the Rogues. Now that almost everybody has been introduced, it would be a shame not to get them all together. Just me having read those stories, I would love to see it. The fans would go wild for it. I hope it happens. Obviously, they'd be wrangling a lot of elements and actors' schedules, but there's a lot of story to touch on.

Would the Pied Piper make a good member of the Rogues as envisioned on TV?

I don't know. Even in the comics I was sent, he isn't a full member. He's with them, but he feels like the outcast of the group. He doesn't get along with them. I feel he has more in common with Team Flash if he could get over his own issues and learn to like, and work, with everyone. I do hope he finds his path. There's something really interesting about him being the lone wolf, who appears and disappears, pops in and out, and is always lurking in the shadows. Me, as the actor, I want to see him interact with all these great characters. It's such an amazing ensemble cast. I would love to team-up with those guys.

http://www.comicbookresources.com/artic ... or-revenge

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Registrado: Dom May 21, 2006 12:15 am

Re: "Nuevo proyecto para la CW sobre 'THE FLASH'"

Mensaje por Shelby »

- THE FLASH | 2.18 "Versus Zoom" Promo:

- THE FLASH | 2.18 "Versus Zoom" Extended Promo:

- THE FLASH | 2.18 "Versus Zoom" Clip #1:


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¡¡¡¡AY, OMÁ QUÉ CALORES!!!! ¡Gracias por tu regalo, Nitta!

Mensajes: 32831
Registrado: Dom May 21, 2006 12:15 am

Re: "Nuevo proyecto para la CW sobre 'THE FLASH'"

Mensaje por Shelby »

- Stills del 2.18 "Versus Zoom":

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¡¡¡¡AY, OMÁ QUÉ CALORES!!!! ¡Gracias por tu regalo, Nitta!

Mensajes: 32831
Registrado: Dom May 21, 2006 12:15 am

Re: "Nuevo proyecto para la CW sobre 'THE FLASH'"

Mensaje por Shelby »

- Descripción oficial del 2.18 “Versus Zoom”:
2.18 “Versus Zoom” (19/04/16): BARRY ESTÁ LISTO PARA ENFRENTARSE A ZOOM; LA HISTORIA DE HUNTER ZOLOMAN ES REVELADA – Equipado con el dispositivo de taquiones, Barry (Grant Gustin) cree que es lo suficientemente rápido para detener a Zoom (la estrella invitada Teddy Sears) y quiere abrir las grietas para atraparle. Harry (Tom Cavanagh) le advierte fuertemente en contra del plan pero después de Barry lo convenza, Harry revela que Cisco (Carlos Valdes) tiene el poder para re-abrir la grieta. Mientras tanto, la dolorosa historia de Hunter Zoloman (Teddy Sears) e Tierra-2 es revelada. Stefan Pleszcynski dirige el episodio escrito por Joe Peracchio & David Kob (#218).

http://flashtvnews.com/the-flash-offici ... zoom/24309

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¡¡¡¡AY, OMÁ QUÉ CALORES!!!! ¡Gracias por tu regalo, Nitta!

Mensajes: 32831
Registrado: Dom May 21, 2006 12:15 am

Re: "Nuevo proyecto para la CW sobre 'THE FLASH'"

Mensaje por Shelby »

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¡¡¡¡AY, OMÁ QUÉ CALORES!!!! ¡Gracias por tu regalo, Nitta!

Mensajes: 32831
Registrado: Dom May 21, 2006 12:15 am

Re: "Nuevo proyecto para la CW sobre 'THE FLASH'"

Mensaje por Shelby »

- ¡Revelado el papel de Katie Cassidy en "The Flash"!:
Parece que los dobles continuarán llegando a "The Flash".

La estrella de "Arrow" Katie Cassidy aparecerá como estrella invitada en el spinoff como la versión de Laurel Lance de Tierra-2, según ha confirmado el productor Marc Guggenheim en un screening para la prensa.

En el universo paralelo, Laurel tiene el alias de 'Black Siren' aka Dinah Drake, que fue un miembro de la Justice Society y la madre de Dinah Laurel Lance en el canon de los cómics de DC.

Cassidy aparecerá en el penúltimo episodio de "The Flash" de la Season 2, que se emite el 17 de Mayo.

Adicionalmente, Cassidy también estará prestando su voz a Laurel Lance en la segunda temporada de "Vixen", donde se explicará cómo ella y Mari McCabe (Megalyn Echikunwoke) se conocieron por primera vez

http://tvline.com/2016/04/04/the-flash- ... earth-two/
http://www.ew.com/article/2016/04/04/ar ... lash-vixen

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¡¡¡¡AY, OMÁ QUÉ CALORES!!!! ¡Gracias por tu regalo, Nitta!

Mensajes: 32831
Registrado: Dom May 21, 2006 12:15 am

Re: "Nuevo proyecto para la CW sobre 'THE FLASH'"

Mensaje por Shelby »

- The Flash | The Visual Effects of The Flash: Part 5 | The CW:

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¡¡¡¡AY, OMÁ QUÉ CALORES!!!! ¡Gracias por tu regalo, Nitta!

Mensajes: 32831
Registrado: Dom May 21, 2006 12:15 am

Re: "Nuevo proyecto para la CW sobre 'THE FLASH'"

Mensaje por Shelby »

- Imágenes bts de los últimos días de rodaje de la S2 de "The Flash" (05-14 Abril 2016):

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(@teddysears: Final Flash table read of the season. Lots of happy people. Hugs all around
@candicekp: Happy Birthday Pretty Ricky! @RickCosnett
@grantgust: As always, @bettydubney is getting me ready for the last shot at the end of a very emotional, long day. But we went out smiling
@grantgust: Got to feel like The Flash today when I put my face in this cutout. Cool moment. #TheFlash
@mariannamakeup1: When #theflash was visiting #supergirl @cwtheflash @grantgust @melissabenoist #lastlooks
@grantgust: First day of the season 2 finale for me. With the one and only JLM
@cwtheflash: Don't sleep on #TheFlash
@dpanabaker: #tbt to laying on the floor of the cortex with @Tha_Los & @CavanaghTom (episode 16 I think)
@violettbeane: This cold-ass night shoot got us like ##Mafia##Cough)

- Video bts de los últimos días de la S2 (17-28 Abril 2016):

https://twitter.com/violettbeane/status ... 2533877764

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¡¡¡¡AY, OMÁ QUÉ CALORES!!!! ¡Gracias por tu regalo, Nitta!

Mensajes: 32831
Registrado: Dom May 21, 2006 12:15 am

Re: "Nuevo proyecto para la CW sobre 'THE FLASH'"

Mensaje por Shelby »

- Descripción oficial del 2.19 “Back to normal”:
2.19 “Back to normal” (26/04/16): WELLS ES ATACADO POR EL PERSONAJE DE DC COMICS GRIFFIN GREY – Un meta-humano con super fuerza llamado Griffin Grey (la estrella invitada Haig Sutherland) confunde a Harry (Tom Cavanagh) con el Harrison Wells de Tierra-1 y lo secuestra, demandando que Wells lo cure de su actual condición. Dándose cuenta de que otro brillante Wells podría ayudar a rastrear la localización de Griffin, Barry le pide a Jesse (la estrella invitada Violett Beane) que le ayude. Mientras tanto, Wally (Keiynan Lonsdale) acorrala a Joe (Jesse L. Martin) sobre The Flash. John Showalter dirige el episodio escrito por Brooke Roberts & Katherine Walczak (#219).

http://flashtvnews.com/the-flash-back-t ... tion/24381

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¡¡¡¡AY, OMÁ QUÉ CALORES!!!! ¡Gracias por tu regalo, Nitta!

Mensajes: 32831
Registrado: Dom May 21, 2006 12:15 am

Re: "Nuevo proyecto para la CW sobre 'THE FLASH'"

Mensaje por Shelby »

- Podríamos ver a una Kara de Tierra-1 en "The Flash":
Aunque no hay confirmación oficial al respecto, más aún cuando la S2 de "Supergirl" aún no ha sido anunciada oficialmente, al parecer hay una gran posibilidad de que podamos ver a la Kara de Tierra-1 en un futuro crossover con "The Flash", según informa EW en su sección semanal de sopilers:
¿Hay una Kara Danvers en Tierra-1? ¿Podríamos verla en The Flash? — Timothy
Sí, pero... “Cualquier Kara que exista en Tierra-1 también tendría que ser alienígena,” dice el productor ejecutivo Andrew Kreisberg. “No puede ser tan sólo Kara Danvers de Poughkeepsie.” ¿Significa esto que ella podría ser una potencial super (o quizá una poderosa) chica en esta Tiertra también? “Seguro, diferente traje, pero seguro” añade Kreisberg.

http://www.ew.com/article/2016/04/08/sp ... s-spoilers

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¡¡¡¡AY, OMÁ QUÉ CALORES!!!! ¡Gracias por tu regalo, Nitta!

Mensajes: 32831
Registrado: Dom May 21, 2006 12:15 am

Re: "Nuevo proyecto para la CW sobre 'THE FLASH'"

Mensaje por Shelby »

- Panel de "The Flash" en la "Emerald City Comic Con" de Seattle (09-04-16):
SEATTLE – A trio of The Flash stars graced the Emerald City Comic Con main stage to a packed audience for their panel. Keiynan Lonsdale (Wally West), Danielle Panabaker (Caitlin Snow/Killer Frost), and Robbie Amell (Ronnie Raymond/Firestorm/Deathstorm) discussed all things The Flash and Robbie talked a bit about his crowd funded feature Code 8.

When asked about how much they knew about their characters, Panabaker said very little of her and The Flash universe. Once cast, Panabaker did as much research as possible but also wanted to “put own interpretation” on Caitlin.

Amell was asked to play Ronnie Raymond/Firestorm and had no clue who he was. While home in Toronto, he got a care package filled with tons of Firestorm comics. Meanwhile, Lonsdale originally auditioned for DC’s Legends of Tomorrow but instead got offered Wally West. Once Lonsdale got the part, he read a lot of New 52 comics on Kid Flash and watched Young Justice.

As for when Wally will become Kid Flash, Lonsdale doesn’t know but knows the writers will do a good job and is excited to see how it all plays out. And will Wally find out that Barry is the Flash? Lonsdale hopes so. “He is the only person that doesn’t know on the show.”

Talk soon turned to Code 8 the crowd funded feature film that Amell hopes to make with his cousin Stephen Amell. A short was shot to help kick off the campaign and it soon hit its fundraising target.

“I really wanted to work with Stephen. I got a taste during The Flash/Arrow crossover but didn’t have anylines together. With Code 8, we get to work together,” said Amell.

In addition, Amell announced at the panel that Victor Garber will e part of the Code 8 cast. “We are going to make something that you love with the people that you love.”

Speaking of crossovers, Panabaker said she would love to crossover to Legends of Tomorrow as she feels that Killer Frost and Captain Cold would be best friends. Lonsdale would love to crossover too. Amell listed the recent Supergirl/The Flash episode as the best Supergirl episode. Of course it doesn’t hurt that Amell’s fiancé Italia Ricci payed Silver Banshee in it. Supergirl is another show Panabaker would love to be on.

Even though his character is dead (a fact that Amell kept on bringing up during the panel), he would come back anytime if asked. If Ronnie does come back, he would prefer to come back as Firestorm than Deathstorm. “I love playing the Ronnie Raymond side of the character. To ground something as a real person is good on the acting side.”

Panabaker enjoyed playing Earth-2 Killer Frost “Good to do something different and be bad for a couple of episodes.”

As for the love life of Caitlin and Wally. Panabaker believes no actor would want to play her love interest since they all due. Lonsdale actually wants to see Wally’s comic book love interest, Linda Park, actually be part of the show. But Lonsdale added he hopes the show explores the spark tha Wally had with Jesse (Violet Beane) too.

On upcoming episode director Kevin Smith, Lonsdale said he brought such an energy to the set and Panabaker agreed and that his glee reinvograted the cast and crew.

On Carlos Valdes, Panabaker calls him her little brother and so proud to see how far along he has come since filming their Arrow guest shot that introduced their characters.

During the panel, Panabaker suggested that perhaps Wally’s Earth-2 counterpart could be the man in the iron mask. This is something I’ve theorized but now don’t think it is true since Panabaker wouldn’t drop such a massive spoiler during the panel.

As for how season two will wrap, even though he is not returning this season, Amell recently had dinner with executive producer Greg Berlanti and asked him to spoil everything for him and he did.

“You guys are in for an incredible stretch for season 2.”

https://theworldgoespop.com/2016/04/09/ ... ash-panel/

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¡¡¡¡AY, OMÁ QUÉ CALORES!!!! ¡Gracias por tu regalo, Nitta!

Mensajes: 32831
Registrado: Dom May 21, 2006 12:15 am

Re: "Nuevo proyecto para la CW sobre 'THE FLASH'"

Mensaje por Shelby »

- Panabaker, Lonsdale & Amell comparten sus secretos y deseos por el Team "Flash" (CBR):
Panabaker, Lonsdale & Amell comparten sus secretos y deseos por el Team "Flash"
Por George A. Tramountanas, 12 Abril 2016

When Emerald City Comicon began in 2003, the adventures of people with superpowers were primarily found in comics books. If fans were lucky, there was an occasional movie, and even more rarely, the film was a good one. now, we live in a world where there's a quality superhero film every three months, and television provides us with weekly live-action adventures of some of our favorite heroes.

Last weekend, ECCC attendees were treated to a discussion with several stars from one of the most successful shows in this genre: "The Flash." In the convention's largest hall, thousands gathered to hear Danielle Panabaker (Caitlin Snow), Robbie Amell (Ronnie Raymond/Firestorm), and Keiynan Lonsdale (Wally West) share stories about their experiences on the CW series' set. Actress Clare Kramer ("Buffy the Vampire Slayer") moderated the panel, and began by asking all the actors how much knowledge they had of the Flash comics before they started on the show.

"None. Absolutely none," Panabaker answered. "It was like, 'Welcome to the most confusing world ever!' I'm always asking Carlos (Valdes) or Grant (Gustin), 'Can you explain it to me again what this Speed Force thing is?'"

"I had just finished shooting 'The Duff' and 'The Tomorrow People' had just been cancelled," Amell said of his introduction to the Flash universe. "Greg Berlanti -- producer of 'The Tomorrow People,' 'The Flash,' 'Arrow' and 'Supergirl' -- phoned me and asked, 'Do you want to play Firestorm?' I said, 'I have no idea who that is, but I definitely do!'"

Unlike his costars, Lonsdale had the fortune of coming on to the show after it had been on the air for a while. "[Before I was hired] I had watched Season 1, and I was a fan. So when they said they wanted me to come in and audition for Wally West, I was like, 'Okay. Cool!' I had originally auditioned for 'Legends of Tomorrow,' so that's how they initially got to know me."

Amell's character dies at the end of Season 1, but as comics fans know, superhero death's aren't always permanent. This is especially true in "The Flash," as there are 52 alternate realities where a Ronnie Raymond might still be around. The Earth-2 Ronnie (a.k.a. the evil Deathstorm) has already appeared, and Amell indicated that he's up for more.

"Whenever I see [Producer Greg Berlanti], I'm like, 'When am I coming back?' And his answer is always, 'Whenever you want to.' And I'm like, 'I want to!'"

On the topic of Amell's current workload, Kramer asked the actor about another project he is involved in, "'Code 8,'" Amell replied, explaining that's the title of a film that he and his cousin, actor Stephen Amell ("Arrow") are trying to make together. The pair started an Indiegogo campaign for the project about three weeks ago. Their initial goal was $200,000, and they reached this within the first three days of the campaign. At present, they are at $675,000, with over a week to go.

The plot of the film involves a world where 4% of the population have developed super-powers. These abilities range from Class One to Class Five, with Five being the most powerful -- and the most dangerous. It's illegal to use powers in public, and the police have implemented the Guardian Program as a result. Unfortunately, these officers have become oppressors and use more force than they should. The people with powers aren't considered heroes or celebrated, and they live under the poverty line. This film tells the story of their struggle.

A short film was made as a proof of concept, and it can be seen at the Indiegogo site. Due to Stephen's involvement in the latest "Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtle" movie, however, he was unable to participate in the sample. Actor Sung Kang (best known as Han Seoul-Oh in the "Fast and Furious" franchise) stepped in for the short, and everyone was pleased with the result.

"We're getting our dream cast for the feature, though, thanks to you guys. Victor Garber has already said he'll do part of it, and I'm not going to tell you the rest… The nice thing is,because we have to work around Stephen's schedule, the timing is the same for all the 'Flash' and 'Arrow' actors. So essentially, we have an off-season to shoot, and we're going to call in as many favors with as many people that we love working with as we can."

Amell said he is really looking forward to filming because he and his cousin Stephen have wanted to work together for some time. The two have had the chance to share screentime together, but it wasn't quite the experience they had been hoping for. "We got a little taste of it on the 'Flash'/'Arrow' crossover, but we didn't even get to say anything to each other. There were different iterations of the script where we had lines to one another, and some of them poked fun at us being related while others didn't. But then they were like, 'We just can't have you saying anything to each other because it's just too weird."

He and the other actors laughed at this, but agreed it was probably for the best. Panabaker discussed how one of her desires came to fruition -- the chance to play Killer Frost. She knew about her character's link to the villain, but it wasn't until they started shooting Season 2 that she found out she would get to play the evil metahuman.

Panabaker said playing a supervillain is much more fun than playing what she calls "Sad Caitlin." It's almost a running joke on the set about the "unlucky in love" status of her character. Her first love, Ronnie, dies, and her next boyfriend, Jay Garrick, turned out to be the sinister Zoom. She hopes for more luck with her next romance.

Steering the conversation to a happier topic, Kramer asked the cast about their experience working with one of comicdom's biggest fans, Director Kevin Smith. Panabaker said she doesn't have many scenes in Smith's episode, but she thoroughly enjoyed the time she did get to work with him.

"It was an amazing experience," Lonsdale added. "To have a director who's so excited to be involved with what we were doing -- it brought such amazing energy to the set. He was just as eager as we were, and as eager as the fans, to create and to honor something people love."

The conversation then turned to all the directors they have worked with this season and their favorite episodes. Amell mentioned his favorite, and although it wasn't one he appeared in, he still had a special connection to the episode.

"The 'Supergirl'/'Flash' crossover was the best episode of 'Supergirl' I've ever seen. My fiancée was the Silver Banshee, which was awesome! So now I'm trying to get my way over there. There was the shout-out [to my character] when Grant [said to Supergirl], 'You don't know these people?' and he's like, 'Blah-blah, Firestorm?" And I was like, "Oh, yeah!" And she's like "Nope." And I went, "Argh!"

"I want to go to 'Supergirl' so badly," Panabaker said. "And 'Legends of Tomorrow!' I feel like 'Legends of Tomorrow' has so many Flash people, And -- ohmigosh! -- Killer Frost-Caitlin and Captain Cold would totally be friends!"

"Whoa. I hadn't even thought about that," Lonsdale said.

"Oh, I've thought about it!" Panabaker said enthusiastically. "I would love to go over to 'iZombie,' too. They've got pretty attractive zombies…"

"Hey, I could be over there and be dead!" Amell added to much laughter.

Asked about the things they were passionate about outside of the Flash world. Amell expressed his love for "The Walking Dead," Lonsdale described himself as a "Final Fantasy" fanboy, and Panabaker said, "'Downton Abbey' just ended, and it made me cry."

Next, a fan asked the group what was their least favorite thing about the characters they play. Panabaker replied, "I hate when Caitlin says you can't do something, because that's not in my nature. She does seem to shoot some ideas down pretty quickly."

"Wally has some trust issues," Lonsdale said. "That's not something I really hate though, it's just something he has to grow from."

"Well, I hate to sound like a broken record, but I hate how often I die!" Amell offered.

As for which DC character the actors would like to see appear on the show, Lonsdale thought Aqualad would make a great addition, but Amell felt a darker turn would be fun.

"This is a weird question for me, because I would pick Batman, but I would have to play him. I'm already dead, so why not? Earth-3 -- there's Batman! And he looks a hell of a lot like Ronnie Raymond!"

The next fan to the Q&A microphone wanted to know if Wally West might have some romantic entanglements in the future. "I would love for the Wally/Linda Park thing to happen," Lonsdale responded. "But in one of the recent episodes, there was a scene at a club where Wally and Jessie [Wells] had some kind of spark, so that would be fun to play as well."

On the topic of Wally, an audience member expressed the hope and expectation that his character will eventually gain super speed. They were curious though as to how Wally might handle such a responsibility.

"Wally is young and he's still learning so much," Lonsdale replied. "But I would say before anyone becomes a superhero, they should become a hero first. Wally needs to figure out what that means to him, and once he does, I think he'll be ready."

http://www.comicbookresources.com/artic ... team-flash
- Teddy Sears adelanta el pasado de Zoom (EW):
Teddy Sears adelanta el pasado de Zoom
Por Natalie Abrams 12 Abril 2016

At long last, The Flash will finally unveil the true story behind Zoom.

As Barry Allen (Grant Gustin) is doggedly determined to face his dark-suited nemesis, viewers will learn exactly what’s been going on with the man who pretended to be The Flash’s mentor in an attempt to steal his speed. As recently revealed, the man Team Flash believed to be Jay Garrick (Teddy Sears) is actually Zoom, otherwise known as Hunter Zolomon. (More on that here.) What’s really going on? And who is the man in the iron mask? EW turned to Sears to get the scoop:

ENTERTAINMENT WEEKLY: We’re finally going to learn about Hunter Zolomon’s past. What can you tease of what we’re learning in Tuesday’s episode?
TEDDY SEARS: What’s really exciting about going and looking at Hunter Zolomon’s origin story is that it very closely mirrors the Barry Allen origin story. We’re going to see what happened to Hunter as a child look almost exactly like what happened to Barry when he was a child. One man went one way and one man went the other. The template was set at a very early age for both characters. Hunter goes the opposite way that Barry goes; that’s what I can tease about where it all began, which of course gets into some really exciting stuff when Hunter and Barry begin to interact, because there’s a lot of stuff that bubbles up to the surface for Hunter that he didn’t realize was there.

Will this actually make the audience feel any sympathy toward him? In the promo, it doesn’t seem like he has any regret over what he did. It almost seems like he’s sociopathic.
Oh, you’re absolutely right. He’s 100 percent sociopathic, 100 percent obsessed, very much a megalomaniac, someone who is obsessed with his own power. However, there was a really wonderful scene that I did with Grant where that opportunity for the audience to experience an understanding or a pathos for Hunter exists — at least that’s what we were attempting. Honestly, just as an actor, that began to happen in the shooting of this scene. I think there’s this whole other thing here. We all agreed that that was a really fun to way to go; also one that would make some sense too. I’m personally hopeful that that happens. I don’t think that that needs to happen for the audience to enjoy the face-off between these two from now until the end of the season, but that would certainly add another dimension and make it more rich and interesting. My hope is that it’s there.

What can you say of why Hunter really became Barry’s mentor? Was it purely to steal his speed or did he get a kick out of watching another speedster struggle to take him on?
We’re going to flesh that out. We’re shooting the finale right now. Between what’s about to air and what we’re shooting now, a lot of that will be fleshed out. Without saying too much, Hunter absolutely is there on Earth-1 to steal Barry’s speed; that’s what takes him there. What begins to happen, too, is something that you’ve alluded to that perhaps, like a truth sociopath would, Hunter would begin to enjoy the game; the game that one can play with another human being. If you’re in a sociopathic state, that’s one thing that you get a great kick out of; the hunt, the game, the chase. The seeds are planted for that when he gets there. It’s a two-hander, but we will get into the specifics of that as the rest of the season unfolds.

Did Hunter ever really care for Caitlin at all?
Absolutely. That’s something that Andrew Kreisberg, from the beginning, wanted to hammer into me. While there were games being played on all the other members of S.T.A.R. Labs, what he felt for Caitlin was the real deal. That adds a really interesting dynamic to this moving forward. He essentially is one gigantic liar who has played them all, but he never played her. There are real feelings there. There’s even an under-layer based on where he came from in his life — his origin story — that plays a big part in why he wants her, why he needs her, why he loves her.

Did you always know that Jay was ultimately the bad guy?
I was told when I got the job that this is what they were thinking, so I had this secret I had to keep. It’s funny because you specifically came to mind just the other day, because you were the one person in the early episodes like, “It looks like Jay might be up to no good. There’s just something…” I remember saying to you, “No, as far as I know, Jay is on the level.” That was not entirely true. I couldn’t obviously say what was coming. It was early enough, too, that they told me this in June when we were about to go into production, and then there was not a whiff of it for many months. I really thought maybe they changed their minds, maybe they were going to go get someone else to play Zoom. I was hoping against hope because I was really enjoying being Jay Garrick. I had grown quite attached to him. But then in the episode where Caitlin and I are in the park and I point out my doppelgänger Hunter Zolomon, as soon as I read that, I thought we’re going to follow-through on this plan. That was my first indication that they were making good on what they said we were going to do before we started production. So, I knew. I hoped it wasn’t going to happen, but here we are.

Is there anything you can say about the man in the iron mask and why Hunter has him locked up?
If you’d asked me this question last week — my answer still has to be the same because it’s just such a big reveal; we reveal it in the finale — I had no clue last week. I didn’t know who the guy was. I didn’t even have a clue. Well, of course, now I know because we’re shooting the finale and we’ll get to that stuff next week. All has been revealed to me. I don’t even know what to say because it’s such a fun thing to me being nice and vague and untouched. I can promise that it will be revealed and it will be quite satisfying.

http://www.ew.com/article/2016/04/12/fl ... s-spoilers

- Robbie Amell quiere interpretar a Firestorm de nuevo en The Flash (Screenrant):
Robbie Amell quiere interpretar a Firestorm de nuevo en The Flash
Por Kevin Yeoman 10 Abril 2016

Over the last few years, Robbie Amell has played a string of different characters ranging from the teleporting protagonist on the short-lived CW television series The Tomorrow People to the jock with a heart of gold in The DUFF to Agent Mulder’s conspiracy-loving doppelgänger in The X-Files revival. But perhaps the role he’s most associated with is that of Ronnie Raymond, one half of the nuclear-powered hero Firestorm, who was last seen on The Flash.

Although Ronnie met his end helping to close the wormhole over Central City in the season 1 finale, Amell was brought back in season 2 as his deceased character’s interdimensional counterpart Deathstorm, during the two-part Earth-2 storyline that unfolded earlier this year. The experience gave Amell a chance to step back into a familiar role (with an attitude adjustment, of course) and to once again work side-by-side with Danielle Panabaker, who joined Amell on the dark side in her depiction of Earth-2 Caitlin Snow as the villainous Killer Frost. That Bonnie and Clyde-like duo was just the tip of the iceberg it seems, as the seemingly limitless possibilities of the DC Multiverse being teased throughout The Flash season 2 present a very real possibility of Amell returning to the role in some capacity – a possibility the actor would very much welcome.

While speaking at Emerald City Comic Con 2016, along with Panabaker and Keiynan Lonsdale (Wally West), Amell turned Ronnie’s all-too-common penchant for dying into a running joke, but assured those in attendance that he’s ready to play Ronnie again, just as soon as executive producer Greg Berlanti asks him.

In answering a question as to whether or not he’ll be flinging flames at evildoers in the near future, Amell had this to say:

“I hope so. I am not back this season. They’re just finishing up the season [2] finale, and I wasn’t available… and they didn’t ask me. There were a lot of really big storylines to tie up and I had dinner with Greg Berlanti the other night and I asked him for all the spoilers and he gave them to me, and you guys are in for one incredible final stretch of season 2. But I would love to go back. I told him: ‘Whenever I’m available, whenever you want me, I’m there.’ I would prefer to go back as Firestorm [rather] than Deathstorm. I loved playing Deathstorm but I think it’s tougher to have a serious arc if I’m going back as a bad guy, because I just won’t last as long.”

Although Amell was never far from cracking wise about his appearance at the Con for playing what is ostensibly a dead character, he was adamant about his desire to return to The Flash, even if it means playing a non-nuclear Ronnie Raymond.

“I’ve had a lot of fun playing Ronnie, so even if there were a version of my character without superpowers, I would love to go back and play that. I actually really love playing the Ronnie Raymond side of the character, getting to do scenes with Danielle and the rest of the cast. The Firestorm stuff is really fun to do and fun to see on TV, but to ground something as a real person is nice for the acting side of things.”

While nothing regarding Amell’s return is set in stone at the moment, it’s clear he’s maintained a relationship with Greg Berlanti, who has shepherded the DC TV Universe from one to four shows across two networks. And given the success of his appearance as Deathstorm earlier in the year, it would be shame for that to be the last anyone saw of Ronnie Raymond.

http://screenrant.com/the-flash-firesto ... comic-con/

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¡¡¡¡AY, OMÁ QUÉ CALORES!!!! ¡Gracias por tu regalo, Nitta!

Mensajes: 32831
Registrado: Dom May 21, 2006 12:15 am

Re: "Nuevo proyecto para la CW sobre 'THE FLASH'"

Mensaje por Shelby »

- Descripción oficial del 2.20 “Rupture”:
2.20 “Rupture” (03/05/16): EL PERSONAJE DE DC COMICS RUPTURE LLEGA A CENTRAL CITY CON ZOOM – Zoom (la estrella invitada Teddy Sears) llega de vuelta a Tierra-1 intentando hacerse con Central City. Barry (Grant Gustin) y Wells (Tom Cavanagh) idean un plan para detener a Zoom once de una vez por todas pero es extremadamente peligroso. Inseguro de si debería arriesgarse, Barry acude a sus dos padres para que le aconsejen. Henry (la estrella invitada John Wesley Shipp) se opone fuertemente a que Barry arriesgue su vida de nuevo pero Joe (Jesse L. Martin) piensa que puede manejarlo lo que enfrenta a ambos el uno con el otro.Mientras tanto, Cisco (Carlos Valdes) se queda impactado cuando siente al villano de Tierra-2 Rupture, quien resulta ser el doble de su hermano Dante (la estrella invitada Nicholas Gonzalez). Rupture llega a esta Tierra buscando justicia por la muerte de Reverb. Iris (Candice Patton) decide que finalmente está lista para abrirse a Barry sobre sus sentimientos hacia él. Kevorkian dirige el episodio escrito por Kai Yu Wu & Lauren Certo (#220).

http://www.comicbookresources.com/artic ... h-synopsis

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¡¡¡¡AY, OMÁ QUÉ CALORES!!!! ¡Gracias por tu regalo, Nitta!

Mensajes: 32831
Registrado: Dom May 21, 2006 12:15 am

Re: "Nuevo proyecto para la CW sobre 'THE FLASH'"

Mensaje por Shelby »

- Stills del 2.19 "Back to Normal":

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¡¡¡¡AY, OMÁ QUÉ CALORES!!!! ¡Gracias por tu regalo, Nitta!
