"ARROW" Nueva serie de la CW para TV basada en Green Arrow

Moderadores: Shelby, Lore, Super_House, ZeTa, Trasgo

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Registrado: Dom May 21, 2006 12:15 am

Re: "ARROW" Nueva serie de la CW para TV basada en Green Arr

Mensaje por Shelby »

- "DC Week Crossover BTS Cast Interviews" Featurette | The Flash, Arrow, Supergirl, DC's Legends of Tomorrow:
https://twitter.com/CW_TheFlash/status/ ... 6132675586

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¡¡¡¡AY, OMÁ QUÉ CALORES!!!! ¡Gracias por tu regalo, Nitta!

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Registrado: Dom May 21, 2006 12:15 am

Re: "ARROW" Nueva serie de la CW para TV basada en Green Arr

Mensaje por Shelby »

- Revelados título y créditos del 5.13:
El productor Marc Guggenheim ha desvelado en su cuenta de twitter el título y créditos del episodio 5.13, que empieza su producción:


https://twitter.com/mguggenheim/status/ ... 5063698432

El episodio 5.13 tiene por título "Spectre of the Gun". Está escrito por Marc Guggenheim, y está dirigido por Kristin Windell.

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¡¡¡¡AY, OMÁ QUÉ CALORES!!!! ¡Gracias por tu regalo, Nitta!

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Registrado: Dom May 21, 2006 12:15 am

Re: "ARROW" Nueva serie de la CW para TV basada en Green Arr

Mensaje por Shelby »

- ARROW | 5.08 "Invasion" Promo:

- ARROW | 5.08 "Invasion" Inside the Episode:

- ARROW | 5.08 Cast Interviews "Invasion!" Featurette (Crossover Event & 100th Episode):

- ARROW | 5.08 "Invasion" Clip #1:


- ARROW | 5.08 "Invasion" Clip #2:

http://comicbook.com/2016/11/30/exclusi ... r-meet-th/

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¡¡¡¡AY, OMÁ QUÉ CALORES!!!! ¡Gracias por tu regalo, Nitta!

Mensajes: 32840
Registrado: Dom May 21, 2006 12:15 am

Re: "ARROW" Nueva serie de la CW para TV basada en Green Arr

Mensaje por Shelby »

- Arrowverse Crossover Opening Credits:

https://twitter.com/CW_TheFlash/status/ ... 2697702400

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¡¡¡¡AY, OMÁ QUÉ CALORES!!!! ¡Gracias por tu regalo, Nitta!

Mensajes: 32840
Registrado: Dom May 21, 2006 12:15 am

Re: "ARROW" Nueva serie de la CW para TV basada en Green Arr

Mensaje por Shelby »

- Stephen Amell habla sobre lo que piensa del Ep. 100 en su cuenta de Facebook (30-11-16):

https://www.facebook.com/stephenamell/p ... 1128375152

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¡¡¡¡AY, OMÁ QUÉ CALORES!!!! ¡Gracias por tu regalo, Nitta!

Mensajes: 32840
Registrado: Dom May 21, 2006 12:15 am

Re: "ARROW" Nueva serie de la CW para TV basada en Green Arr

Mensaje por Shelby »

- ARROW | 5.09 "What we leave behind" Extended Promo:

- ARROW | 5.09 "What we leave behind" Inside the episode:

- ARROW | 5.09 "What we leave behind" Clip #1:

http://www.cbr.com/arrow-exclusive-clip ... on-finale/

- ARROW | 5.09 "What we leave behind" Clip #2:


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¡¡¡¡AY, OMÁ QUÉ CALORES!!!! ¡Gracias por tu regalo, Nitta!

Mensajes: 32840
Registrado: Dom May 21, 2006 12:15 am

Re: "ARROW" Nueva serie de la CW para TV basada en Green Arr

Mensaje por Shelby »

- Nueva Q&A en Facebook de Stephen Amell centrado en el episodio 100 (02-12-16):

https://www.facebook.com/stephenamell/v ... 758101289/

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¡¡¡¡AY, OMÁ QUÉ CALORES!!!! ¡Gracias por tu regalo, Nitta!

Mensajes: 32840
Registrado: Dom May 21, 2006 12:15 am

Re: "ARROW" Nueva serie de la CW para TV basada en Green Arr

Mensaje por Shelby »

- "Arrow", Concept-art de 'Vigilante' por Andy Poon:



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¡¡¡¡AY, OMÁ QUÉ CALORES!!!! ¡Gracias por tu regalo, Nitta!

Mensajes: 32840
Registrado: Dom May 21, 2006 12:15 am

Re: "ARROW" Nueva serie de la CW para TV basada en Green Arr

Mensaje por Shelby »

- CW Crossover Behind-the-Music (DC Entertainment):

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¡¡¡¡AY, OMÁ QUÉ CALORES!!!! ¡Gracias por tu regalo, Nitta!

Mensajes: 32840
Registrado: Dom May 21, 2006 12:15 am

Re: "ARROW" Nueva serie de la CW para TV basada en Green Arr

Mensaje por Shelby »

- ¿Revelará la nueva novia de Arrow su mentira? (TVline):
¿Revelará la nueva novia de Arrow su mentira?
Por Matt Webb Mitovich & Vlada Gelman 07 Dic 2016, 11:33 AM PST

Tonight on Arrow (The CW, 8/7c), Oliver realizes that the elusive Prometheus knows each Team Arrow member’s true identity. But that is not the only secret Oliver need worry about seeing the light of day.

After all, as established prior to the crossover episode, reporter Susan Williams (guest star Carly Pope) has reason to suspect that the onetime billionaire/onetime playboy did not spend his entire five-year “death” stranded on the island of Lian Yu, but at the very least also set foot in Russian. Will Susan dig deeper and ultimately share this news with the people of Star City? Or will she do the man she is dating a solid and run her theory by him for comment?

“Where they go is interesting,” Stephen Amell says of the Oliver/Susan relationship. “Susan appears to be up to no good, but in reality she’s just following a very interesting story. I mean, the mayor of the town … was clearly not on island for five consecutive years.”

Amell then references the first Batman film directed by Christopher Nolan, “Where I think it’s Ra’s al Ghul who says, ‘The world is too small a place for someone like Bruce Wayne to disappear.’ Even if Oliver Queen wasn’t as famous [as Bruce Wayne] — and he wasn’t — he did perish in a very famous incident within our story. I always thought when he was in Hong Kong, someone would stop him and be like, ‘You look like Oliver Queen.’ So I’m glad that [this story beat] is happening.”

Mulling Susan’s options once armed with more clues, Amell says, “Maybe she threatens [Oliver] with it, but maybe his counter is different than what we’ve seen before? I also think that it would be most interesting if Susan Williams wasn’t just a spy in the weeds, in the way that there was no redeeming quality in Isabel Rochev (played by Summer Glau), who was there to play Oliver from the beginning. Maybe Susan Williams is learning something, but concurrently, maybe her relationship with Oliver will become dynamic” as a result.

As for the secret of Team Arrow’s true identities, we had to wonder: Did the splashy ceremony led by the President of the United States at the close of the “Heroes v Aliens” crossover event run the risk of outing the very private Oliver, if not other superfriends?

Arrow/Legends of Tomorrow EP Marc Guggenheim assured us that said ceremony was “relatively private,” attended strictly by POTUS plus military and ARGUS types. Also, “It’s not televised, and everyone’s in their costumes.” And once the champagne starts popping and Oliver, Barry et al return to street clothes, “No one else is around,” Guggenheim notes. “Hopefully, we’ve sufficiently maintained their identity.”

http://tvline.com/2016/12/07/arrow-seas ... an-secret/

- Joe Dinicol trae a la vida a Arrow el vigilante Sobrenatural Ragman (CBR):
Joe Dinicol trae a la vida a Arrow el vigilante Sobrenatural Ragman
Por Bryan Cairns 07 Dic 2016

Though they fight super villains and wear costumes, the members of Team Arrow have always been grounded in reality. They may be lean, mean, human fighting machines, but Diggle, Felicity, Speedy and the rest of the crew have continually relied on tech and an arsenal of weapons to give them their edge over crime. However, they’ve never met anyone quite like their recent recruit, Ragman.

When Felicity redirected a missile towards Havenrock in “Arrow’s” fourth season, Rory Regan’s father wrapped him in ancient rags from the time of Devarim. Somehow, those rags protected him from the explosion and fire, and a few months later, Rory emerged as the supernatural vigilante Ragman, seeking revenge against the company responsible for manufacturing the missile. His enhanced strength, durability and mystical ability to manipulate the rags that comprise his costume made him a formidable foe for Green Arrow, and now make him an invaluable ally. However, exactly how the rags saved him and whether their thirst for vengeance has truly been quenched remains to be seen.

Ahead of “Arrow’s” winter finale, actor Joe Dinicol spoke with CBR about the origins of the supernatural character he brings to life every week. We discuss Ragman’s unique costume, Evelyn’s betrayal and what could happen if he ever loses control.

CBR: Before we dive fully into your “Arrow” work, I want to talk about another costumed vigilante. You’re a big Batman fan. What is it about the Caped Crusader that speaks to you, and how does that help you with your work as Ragman?

Joe Dinicol: It’s the most interesting journey to me. It’s not unlike the Ragman’s journey, other than he has these rags with magical properties. To me, the idea of someone making something out of themself by sheer force of will, stamina and fortitude is endlessly fascinating from a character standpoint. From the outside, it’s interesting to look at people with magical abilities and cool to watch. But, as an actor, the psyche of Batman – we’re very fascinated with what compels a person do things.

Batman is endlessly interesting because he’s someone who will constantly battle with his reasons and ability to do what he’s doing. What are the moral implications and how do those change? The longer you do it, the more people you bring in and make complacent to what you’re doing, which is something that comes up with the new team as they see Oliver and learn what he’s done in the past. That becomes an interesting dialogue and moral hurdle to get over. Mostly, as an actor, and a fan of character-based stuff, I just find it the most intriguing.

Ragman’s supernatural abilities have not been clearly defined. What exactly are they?

There are some different opinions in the comic books, and it’s something that’s going to come out gradually [on “Arrow”]. What’s sort of fun for us is they are also largely a mystery to Rory. This was something at an inflection point in his life. Those rags were passed down at a moment’s notice from his father to protect him from this [missile] blast. Rory was left with no one to fully explain them to him. There’s some stuff coming up where we’ll hint at the dynamic between him and his father as they were being passed down, but they are largely a mystery to him. There’s differing opinions in the comic books about them being the souls that have been trapped. The specifics of the powers are the fun stuff to discover as we go.

How did Ragman’s unique costume evolve from your first fitting?

My first fitting was basically what you see. Other than making the pants a little stretchier so I can do things in them, that concept was fully realized. In genre, you really worry about things like special effects, costume and action scenes because they are insanely hard to do well. They do all of those things well on “Arrow.” Certainly, when I first saw the mask, I thought we’d be fine. I have a couple of the comic books and I was like, “How are they going to do this? What is TV’s Ragman going to look like?” The more fantastical characters are hard to ground in reality. I got there and I was blown away. The costume was cool and gritty. I could also see the magical meta- element of the costume coming to life. It didn’t seem like a big jump for those tendrils to be flying around. It didn’t like a big stretch based on what the costume looked like, so I was very thrilled.

Then to see the special effects on the rags, which was the biggest worry – that it would kind of silly with these tentacles coming out of the costume – but it looks so good. I’m constantly blown away visually by the show because they do these episodes in eight days and they are so big. There are people working around the clock figuring out how to do them. I watched the premiere of “Westworld” last night and I was like, “We’re in an era where the big canvas is on TV now.” To see all that stuff, especially with the special effects of Ragman, I was super-thrilled by the finished product.

One of Ragman’s distinct features is his creepy, distorted voice. How do you achieve that? Are you locked in an ADR (automated dialogue replacement) booth for hours?

Yeah, fortunately one of my better skills as an actor is ADR. I always joke that I’m not much of an actor, but I’m great at dubbing my performance. It’s interesting that the voice is evolving, too. We played around with different voices, and then they would layer other voices over top of it. We’ve actually started playing with a new way to do it, which I think sounds a lot better. It involves a little more work for me, but because I know my own rhythms, it synchs up a little better. It’s a fun thing to play with because you want it to sound right. To be able to balance that with Ragman is a difficult line because the properties of the rags do something to him. They are draining. They are a driving force as much as his own will. They sort of have a life of their own. To find the balance of how to make him sound like a very different person, but still be him, is a fun thing as an actor. It’s an evolving process.

Ragman was initially a solo act. What does it mean for him to be part of Team Arrow?

I’m a big fan of his introduction because his whole family was wiped out. He’s at this inflection point. That’s the most interesting time to meet someone. When he meets Oliver/Green Arrow, Rory is offered a choice. He can go one of two ways. He can let the darkness and tragedy consume him. Or, he can take a step forward and reach out and be a part of a team and find a new family. It’s what he desperately needs. It’s the most important thing to happen to him since the death of his parents, is to have a new family. It’s interesting how serious he takes it and how slowly he takes it. This gives him purpose and a home.

Ragman and the newbies appeared to be a close-knit group. How does Rory process Evelyn’s [Artemis] betrayal?

We’re all pretty shocked by it. For the newbies, we’re each other’s touchstones. Rick Gonzalez and I have become really close off camera, simply by nature of us being the two new guys. We’re the only ones who know what that’s like right now on set. Of course, Madison McLaughlin as well. It really rocks them.

I also think it has a galvanizing effect in that it also brings us together in a lot of ways. It’s a big, devastating thing because it means that Prometheus potentially knows who we all are. What’s great is it really ups the stakes. It makes things much more dangerous for us, not just as vigilantes, but as human beings. It really puts things on lockdown and puts the search for Prometheus and the need for us to take him down a million times higher. It has a great effect on the dynamic of the group because we all have to band together. All of a sudden, we’re in the same boat where this villain knows who we are. It makes for a cool dynamic.

What can viewers expect from Rory when “Arrow” returns in January?

You’ll see him engaging a lot more. Felicity revealing what her part was in Havenrock had an interesting effect on their relationship. Because she told Rory, and he forgives her, they then share this bond, and they were able to get past this thing. They have this respect and genuine likeness for each other. There’s some cool stuff between them working together, which is fun for me because Emily is just a dream actor. She’s so good and fun and playful. You’ll see him coming out of his shell a little bit and exuding a bit more personality. You’ll find out more about his Jewish faith as the season goes on. That becomes a nice element that he offers to the team.

In the comic books, the rags house fallen souls, and their quest for vengeance has occasionally taken over Rory. What kinds of conversations have you and the producers had about that bloodlust, or the strength and stamina required to keep it in check?

We talked briefly about that in the beginning. What I like about him, and one of the reasons he’s a quieter character, is I like to think not only does Rory have a healthy prayer life, but he probably meditates. One of the reasons he’s a lower energy, or a more-centered character, is that’s something he has to do to make sure he can control the rags. My interpretation is that his overall energy and focus is constantly in tune with that and not letting them get away from him.

Oliver has to be amped up and have the vengeance to do the things he does. Rory does it because the rags do a lot of the work for him. His job is actually the opposite. It’s not to get amped up and seek vengeance, but to keep a moral compass and center, and let the rags do what they can do. He has to be a calm conduit for them

Bruce Banner has temper problems – and we know what happens when he gets angry…

That makes for a cool area to potentially go. In his first episode, Rory is distraught and devastated. That character is much different than when he’s given a home and a family and a reason to keep himself in check. That’s an interesting area to dip into.

http://www.cbr.com/joe-dinicol-brings-a ... n-to-life/

- McLaughlin sobre la traición al Team Arrow de Artemis y los objetivos de Prometheus (CBR):
McLaughlin sobre la traición al Team Arrow de Artemis y los objetivos de Prometheus
Por Bryan Cairns 07 Dic 2016

In “Arrow’s” fifth season, the team expanded its ranks by recruiting new members Artemis, Wild Dog and Ragman. All three freshmen heroes have their own sense of right and wrong and are committed to protecting Star City. However, it was recently revealed one of them is a traitor; it turns out Evelyn Sharp, aka Artemis, has been working with Team Arrow’s current nemesis Prometheus, learning all her colleagues’ secrets and turning them over to the anti-Green Arrow. In Prometheus’ hands, that information could spell Team Arrow’s doom.

Ahead of tonight’s episode, the mid-season finale, actor Madison McLaughlin spoke with CBR about Madison’s betrayal, superhero costumes and Prometheus’ identity. We also discuss how she was versed in Artemis’ lore before landing the role thanks to being a fan of the animated “Young Justice,” and exactly when she realized her brief appearance in Season 4 was meant to lead to bigger, and potentially badder, things.

CBR: Katie Cassidy is on record as saying that putting on the Black Canary costume is a series highlight for her. What was that like for you in Season 4’s “Canary Cry?”

Madison McLaughlin: Among all of the shows that I have done, among all of the roles I have played, one of the most-special moments of my life will always be standing in the fitting room, looking in the mirror and having 17 people whizzing around me as they are sewing me into the Canary costume. There was a moment when I looked into the mirror and said, “This is definitely happening.” It was really cool. It was such an awesome thing.

It’s funny. When I met Katie, one of the first things she said was, “It’s cool, right?” We got to share that a little bit.

At the time, did the producers give you any indication Evelyn would be back for a more prominent role?

They did. When I auditioned, I knew there was a chance of coming back. It’s “Arrow.” We are very secretive. We don’t want to let anything out and spoil it for the fans. I didn’t know that Evelyn was going to go on to become Artemis until later in the game. It was after I shot my first episode. I knew there was a chance of coming back. Stephen [Amell] was really awesome, too. When we were filming the last day of that episode last season, I was saying goodbye. He was like, “Oh, no. You’re going to be back.” Sure enough, when I came back, he said, “What did I tell you?” I knew I might come back, but I could never imagine in what way.

How familiar were you with “Young Justice’s” version of Artemis?

I was pretty familiar. I had actually watched “Young Justice.” I have three little sisters, so we had watched the cartoon. It’s great having three sisters and having them be able to look up to someone who is this strong, kick-ass female. When I found out that’s where they were going with Evelyn, I was very excited.
Article Continues Below

How do you feel about how Evelyn changed between “Canary Cry” and Season 5?

I really liked what they did with it. You are still going to see a little of Evelyn’s backstory, and why things happened the way that they did. You have to remember – this is a teenage girl with no family. She’s just trying to do what she thinks is the right thing. I’m really proud of how it turned out.

Curtis is a tech wiz. Rory is this supernatural force of nature. What does Evelyn bring to the team?

Besides her sarcastic jabs at everybody? It’s really special. We’ve formed such a bond off camera. The writers are amazing. They’ve brought that into our characters. You can see our dynamic in real life on screen.

As far as the team aspect, Evelyn brings a lot. She’s been on the streets. She’s coming in with a different perspective than the others. That’s why she and Wild Dog formed a bit of a bond. They both have that history of being on the streets and fending for themselves. It’s cool to see where she started and where she is now. As a fan of the show, what’s great is seeing Oliver help mold her into something better than she already is. It’s special to see that bond.

It took a few episodes, but Artemis eventually received her own costume. How did it compare with the Black Canary one?

The Black Canary costume was amazing, because, for me, it was similar for what it was for Evelyn. It was a mantle. It was something already established, and I love what Katie did with the role. She’s super-sweet in real life, so doing that was an honor. Then, having my own was special in a different way. It was like, “This is where we’re going from here.” Plus, I love the color green, so it all worked out.

At one point, Evelyn has words with Oliver. How does she view him?

Evelyn sees Oliver in a similar way that I view Stephen, which is as a total big brother and as a mentor. Stephen took me under his wing when I joined the show, with everything from sharing tips with me on how to carry the bow in a scene, to how to handle this new life of being a superhero and what it entails, to the long hours. Oliver is the same for Evelyn. It’s cool for her to finally have a sense of family. Obviously, she’s been through a lot because she doesn’t open up right away. It really says something that Oliver sticks in there and gives her what she needs to come out of her shell. It’s a special relationship that they have.

Artemis goes toe-to-toe with Prometheus on a train – and survives. What did you enjoy about filming that sequence?

That was so much fun. They built a train on a stage and it was actually moving the entire time. It was rocking back and forth. That was one of my favorite days ever on set. We were shooting arrows. Just being me and Stephen that day, it felt like Season 4 again. It was just us and it kind of felt like the old days a bit. It was really fun to do.

It was recently revealed Evelyn is a traitor working with Prometheus. What was your reaction to that bombshell?

Oh, my gosh. It was actually the day we were filming the train scene. Stephen pulled me to the side and he told me a little bit about it. He was the first one to talk to me about it. I was shocked. I was so excited, though, because it opens up a whole new door for the show. Not just for Evelyn, but for everyone involved. I’m excited for the audience to see where we went with it.

In this week’s episode, “What We Leave Behind,” Prometheus finally makes his big move. In what way is Evelyn instrumental in bringing her teammates down?

I can’t say too much because I don’t want to spoil it. It’s written so beautifully. What I will say is that you will definitely see by the end of that episode where Evelyn stands. I’m really excited to see how everyone takes it, so I don’t want to spoil anything. We will see a bit more Evelyn and Prometheus and what exactly is happening and what their plan is.

Evelyn seemed to bond with Curtis, Rory and Renee. Are they collateral damage or does Evelyn lump them in the same category as Oliver?

Evelyn and the boys, the other newbies, are close. I can’t think she set out to hurt them. This is what she had to do for her family in regards to avenging them. They are not equal with Oliver, shall we say.

How much are we going to learn about how Prometheus recruited Evelyn and also her motivations?

Over the course of the season, they are going to uncover that and reveal a bit more. All of the answers will come. It’s a waiting-it-out thing. Every time I would talk to Marc [Guggenheim] or Wendy [Mericle], I would get excited with where they were going with it. I’m excited that you guys are finally getting to live the same anticipation I’ve been having for months.

Prometheus’ true identity remains unknown. How shocked were you when you discovered who was underneath the mask?

I was very shocked. I was probably more shocked than everyone else. A few of us were together when I found out. It’s something I definitely did not see coming. I’m a fan of the show. I’ve watched it since the pilot and I had no idea where they were going to go with it. I was so caught off-guard. I love that. I’m really excited that nobody else has been able to guess it, either. It’s something that you really have to pay attention to. I think everyone is going to be just as shocked as I was.

What else can you tease about the winter finale? How does it set up the back half of the season?

So much happens. The important thing is you really get to see this team as a family. You get to see why they are all doing what they are doing. You see that they are heroes behind the masks, too. It’s not just when they gear up and go outside. They are in it for the right reasons. With the betrayal of Evelyn, it really brings that out in all of them. It’s going to be a good back half of the season. I’m so proud of what they’ve put together for us.

http://www.cbr.com/madison-mclaughlin-a ... bombshell/

- El giro de la finale de Otoño Arrow 'legitimamente me asustó,' dice Stephen Amell (TVLine):
El giro de la finale de Otoño Arrow 'legitimamente me asustó,' dice Stephen Amell
Por Matt Webb Mitovich / 07 Dic 2016, 6:19 PM PST

The midseason finale of The CW’s Arrow featured a rather tragic death, as well as an equally (perhaps more?) surprising return. And few were left as gobsmacked as series lead Stephen Amell.

In short: In the course of tracking Prometheus and an ever-growing trail of clues tied to Oliver’s early days as The Hood, Oliver fwip!‘d several arrows into his leather-clad foe — only to discover that he had been duped Dark Night-style, that inside the costume/mask was a gagged Detective Billy Malone aka Felicity’s boyfriend!

Oliver reports back to Felicity, at the lair, on his role in killing Billy, then accepts Prometheus’ postulate — Oliver Queen kills everything he touches. Oliver later shares a version of his no-good, horrible day with Susan Williams, as we see a montage of Felicity sobbing over dead Billy… Curtis crying over Paul walking out on his lying vigilante husband… and on-the-lam Diggle being nabbed by authorities, after being lured into a trap by Prometheus. Susan echoes some advice that Thea gave earlier, that people leave two legacies behind them, good and bad, and Oliver needs to not fixate on the latter. She also says he should not shut out people — including a certain “superhot reporter” (as Felicity herself put it), who proceeds to soothe Mister Mayor’s emotional wounds with kisses.

Some time later,arrow-season-5-laurel-returns Oliver returns to the lair, where he comes face to face with… a seemingly alive-and-well Laurel Lance. “Hi, Ollie….”

“Is Laurel really alive? I guess we’ll have to tune in [next episode],” Amell teased during a Facebook Live chat following the midseason finale. “People don’t just come back from the dead. Obviously there will be some sort of vetting process [to determine if it’s really her]. We delve into that when we come back in the New Year.”

Amell went on to say, “This was the first script in a long time where I read what happened in Act V and it legitimately freaked me out,” adding: “Ultimately where we go in [Episodes] 10, 11, 12, 13,” starting Jan. 25, “is a very cool development. And it certainly raises the stakes for Mr. Prometheus.”

Elsewhere in the episode:

* In fighting Prometheus, Oliver noticed that hie adversary employed a very specific move that Oliver himself learned years ago from a woman in Russia. Oliver also realized that Evelyn is in cahoots with Prometheus.

* Rene and Diggle bonded some over the latter’s discovery that he had a daughter in Flashpoint. Rene also seemed to indicate he might have a kid of his own out there. Rene also wondered if he and Thea dated in Flashpoint — “fat chance,” Rory more or less says.

http://tvline.com/2016/12/07/arrow-reca ... l-returns/

- La Tragedia de Arrow empujará a Felicity a un lugar más oscuro y 'Moralmente cuestionable' (TVLine):
La Tragedia de Arrow empujará a Felicity a un lugar más oscuro y 'Moralmente cuestionable'
Por Matt Webb Mitovich / 11 Dic 2016, 12:55 PM PST

Before Arrow let fly with Season 5, co-showrunner Marc Guggenheim teased “big things” for Emily Bett Rickards’ Felicity in the back half of the season. Now, in the wake of the fall finale’s tragic twist, we can shed more light on her “dark” destination.

Before the superhero series entered its seven-week hiatus, Oliver (played by Stephen Amell) gave chase to and put several arrows into a costumed someone he was led to believe was new nemesis Prometheus. But once the target’s mask was removed, Oliver discovered he had been duped into slaying ex-fiancee Felicity’s new beau, SCPD Detective Billy Malone (guest star Tyler Ritter).

As the hour came to close, Oliver recounted for Susan Williams (Carly Pope) how someone from his past had suggested that he ruins the lives of everyone he comes in contact with, while a montage of sorrowful images included a sobbing Felicity, a news report on Billy’s death at her side.

Moving forward, when the series returns on Jan. 25, “One thing Felicity is not going to do, I can tell you for sure, is blame Oliver. She recognizes the manipulations that have led to this situation,” co-showrunner Wendy Mericle told TVLine as part of our in-depth 2017 Preview Q&A. “Her heart is broken in that last moment for Oliver and for Malone and for herself.”

Rather, when it comes to directing her anger, “Felicity has set her sights on Prometheus,” Mericle makes clear. “This season we have said we’re going to take her to a darker place, and you’re seeing the genesis of the reason why, right here.”

To that highly, dangerously ambitious end, Felicity “is going to meet some people who are both a bit tied to her past but also very much tied to this new future she’s contemplating,” Mericle teases, “and that’s going to draw her away from the team and lead her to do some things that are pretty morally questionable.”

Surveying this long-planned shift for Team Arrow’s heretofore reliably sunny, quippy Overwatch, Mericle says, “It’s a color for Felicity that we’ve always known she had the potential for, but we never had the right story to play. We’re excited about it.”

http://tvline.com/2016/12/11/arrow-seas ... one-death/

- Show-Runner de "Arrow" habla sobre el regreso de Laurel Lance y el arco en la segunda mitad de la S5 (TVline):
Last week in the packed mid-season finale of Arrow Season 5, Oliver Queen was stunned to see someone standing in the Arrow Cave that he didn’t expect to see ever again, his good old friend, Dinah Laurel Lance. She will be appearing in the mid-season premiere which is the tenth episode titled “Who Are You?” which might be referring to Laurel as it still remains to be seen which Laurel this is.

During a Facebook LIVE event with TV Line’s founder and editor-in-chief Michael Ausiello, he was joined by his editor-at-large Matt Mitovich who gave a couple of intriguing teases about what Arrow fans can expect to see in Laurel’s storyline. To begin with, he was asked on a scale from 1-10 how emotional Laurel’s return would be when the show returns from the hiatus.

“Laurels return will be a 9 on the emotional scale, that’s what [executive producer] Wendy Mericle told me. She said to me specifically that the Laurel storyline – or should we say “Laurel” -, depends on what you believe…”

As he was explaining that, Ausiello asks in the background “who is she?!” and Mitovich confirms that it will be revealed eventually which version of Laurel this is, but not specifically in what episode. He went on then to tease what impact Laurel’s return will have on characters beside Oliver who will be quite happy to have her in his life again.

“That storyline, as a whole, will have an emotional resonance for not just Oliver, but Oliver and Felicity. Felicity, actually, is going to be the biggest skeptic about “Laurel” while Oliver is little bit more into seeing his old friend again, under whatever circumstances he thinks she came back.”

So how is Laurel back from the dead after she got killed off in Season 4? It was confirmed by Mericle back in October in an interview with TV Guide that The Flash will actually play a role in Laurel’s return as Flashpoint has a “little bit” to do with her return. Here is what the show-runner said back in October as well as talking about getting to work with Katie Cassidy again who has a new contract as a series regular on Arrow, The Flash and Legends of Tomorrow.

“I can tell you that we’re really excited about having her back. You will see in the episodes where she appears – Episode 510 definitely, our midseason premiere. Keep your eyes out for that. We’re so excited about getting to work with her again and her willingness to come back. It’s one of the fun parts of the show. People can leave and get killed and you can still find new and crazy ways for them to come back. I can definitely tell you that there’s a way we’re going to bring her back and she’s going to be alive and well. And Flashpoint might have a little bit to do with that.”

https://www.facebook.com/tvline/videos/ ... 688938735/

- Oliver y Susan de "Arrow": Qué está — y qué no está — pasando entre ellos (TVLine):
Oliver y Susan de "Arrow": Qué está — y qué no está — pasando entre ellos
Por Matt Webb Mitovich / 30 Dic 2016, 9:42 AM PST

First things first: Arrow‘s Oliver did not bed reporter Susan Williams in the immediate wake of accidentally killing Felicity’s boyfriend. So, whew on that one.

As the CW series brought its fall run to a close, Susan (played by Carly Pope) offered a sounding board to distraught, increasingly despondent Oliver, before urging him to not shut people out — and then pulling him in for a warm kiss. Some time later, Oliver would return to the Arrowcave, where he bumped into Laurel (!). But in the time between, he and Susan had not consummated their nascent relationship.

“I understand that some on Twitter have a radically different opinion…,” co-showrunner Wendy Mericle noted with a laugh during TVLine’s in-depth midseason preview Q&A. “But in my mind, they did not [have sex]. The intention was that

Mericle’s opinion echoes that of series lead Stephen Amell, who soon after the fall finale aired assured a fan via his Facebook page that Oliver and Susan had not done the deed.

That said, “They had that kiss,” Mericle reminds. And after Season 5 resumes on Wednesday, Jan. 25, “They’re going to go ‘all in’ [on the relationship] at some point, for sure. But one of the things that’s interesting about [Susan] is that they do have a genuine relationship — she really does care about Oliver, and vice versa — and yet she has been on this track of trying to find out who he is and what he’s up to. And not just as the mayor, but beyond that.”

In exploring the man behind Mayor Handsome (including his apparent side trip to Russia while “stranded” for five years on Lian Yu), Susan “is going to be asking some hard questions,” Mericle previews, “and that’s going to put both of them into physically and emotionally dangerous territory.”

As for what we should make of the camera conspicuously lingering on the Russian vodka label in Susan’s apartment during the aforementioned clinch, “Were we too obvious with that?” Mericle asks with a chuckle. “I would call that foreshadowing, more than anything else.”

http://tvline.com/2016/12/30/arrow-seas ... -spoilers/

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¡¡¡¡AY, OMÁ QUÉ CALORES!!!! ¡Gracias por tu regalo, Nitta!

Mensajes: 32840
Registrado: Dom May 21, 2006 12:15 am

Re: "ARROW" Nueva serie de la CW para TV basada en Green Arr

Mensaje por Shelby »

- Stephen Amell midseason finale Facebook Live Chat (07-12-16):

https://www.facebook.com/stephenamell/v ... 867301578/

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¡¡¡¡AY, OMÁ QUÉ CALORES!!!! ¡Gracias por tu regalo, Nitta!

Mensajes: 32840
Registrado: Dom May 21, 2006 12:15 am

Re: "ARROW" Nueva serie de la CW para TV basada en Green Arr

Mensaje por Shelby »

- ARROW | 5.10 "Who are you?" Extended Promo:

- ARROW | 5.10 "Who are you?" 1 Minute Promo:

- ARROW | 5.10 "Who are you?" Clip #1:


- ARROW | 5.10 "Who are you?" Clip #2:


- ARROW | 5.10 "Who are you?" Clip #3:

http://www.tvinsider.com/article/113647 ... fic-video/

- ARROW | 5.10 "Who are you?" Clip #4:


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¡¡¡¡AY, OMÁ QUÉ CALORES!!!! ¡Gracias por tu regalo, Nitta!

Mensajes: 32840
Registrado: Dom May 21, 2006 12:15 am

Re: "ARROW" Nueva serie de la CW para TV basada en Green Arr

Mensaje por Shelby »

- Revelados título y créditos del 5.14:
El productor Marc Guggenheim ha desvelado en su cuenta de twitter el título y créditos del episodio 5.14, que empieza su producción:


https://twitter.com/mguggenheim/status/ ... 6175975425

El episodio 5.14 tiene por título "The Sin-Eater". Está escrito por Barbara Bloom & Jenny Lynn, y está dirigido por Mary Lambert.

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¡¡¡¡AY, OMÁ QUÉ CALORES!!!! ¡Gracias por tu regalo, Nitta!

Mensajes: 32840
Registrado: Dom May 21, 2006 12:15 am

Re: "ARROW" Nueva serie de la CW para TV basada en Green Arr

Mensaje por Shelby »

- Marc Guggenheim nos ofrece nuevos detalles sobre Connor Hawke:
Tras el Flashpoint y el cambio de sexo del bebé de Diggle, muchos fans se han quedado confusos sobre si John Jr. será el Connor Hawke futuro que vimos la temporada pasada en el episodio de "Legends Of Tomorrow" titulado “Star City 2046”. Podría parecer algo lógico, pero el productor Marc Guggenheim les ha explicado a EW en su sección de Spoiler Room que eso es algo que está aún por confirmar:
“Vamos y venimos con eso,” dice Marc Guggenheim. “Esa fue ciertamente nuestra noción. Es difícil para mí el contestar sinceramente a la pregunta sin comprometerme a una versión del viaje en el tiempo, porque para que eso fuera el caso, entonces Flashpoint debería haber tenido que pasar. Empiezas a meterte en las muy, muy complicadas reglas del tiempo que, con toda franqueza, yo como escritor no tengo apetito de responder a menos que contemos una historia un día que trate de John Jr., e incluso entonces, no sé si podríamos mencionar directamente ese tema abiertamente. Todo el que ve Legends sabe que, por diseño, no pasamos mucho tiempo discutiendo las mecánicas temporales — alguna gente adora eso y eso cabrea a otra gente.”

http://ew.com/tv/2016/12/23/spoiler-roo ... supergirl/

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¡¡¡¡AY, OMÁ QUÉ CALORES!!!! ¡Gracias por tu regalo, Nitta!

Mensajes: 32840
Registrado: Dom May 21, 2006 12:15 am

Re: "ARROW" Nueva serie de la CW para TV basada en Green Arr

Mensaje por Shelby »

- Nuevos spoilers sobre la S5 de "Arrow":
TVLine nos ha ofrecido en su adelanto del regreso de las series nuevos spoilers sobre la S5 de "Arrow":
Ver a Laurel (?!) “es una muy bienvenida sorpresa” para Oliver, dice la showrunner Wendy Mericle. “Pero habrá... lo que sea que es lo opuesto a un ‘aspecto positivo’… cuando descubra lo que está pasando realmente. Tendrá mucha resonancia emocional, particularmente para él y Felicity.” Por encima de eso están los “significantes efectos colaterales” del asesinato de Malone, un trágico accidente que conduce a Felicity a “un lugar más oscuro” ya que pone sus miras en Prometheus. Eso, unido a la pregunta de la identidad del Gran Villano, “es un regalo que sigue aportando cosas durante el resto de la temporada,” dice Mericle. En otro lugar, Diggle emerge de su último encarcelamiento “con un impulso mucho mayor, y no el mismo fatalismo que tenía al principio de la temporada,” adelanta la productora ejecutiva. “Va a ir en contra del Coronel Walker” y también a “acercarse más a Adrian Chase.” Entre las nuevas caras, Talia al Ghul juega un “papel crucial” en resolver el misterio de Prometheus, mientras que la detective de la SCPD Tina Boland formará una conexión con Oliver, viendo que “ella ha pasado por su propio infierno, su propio tipo de ‘isla.'”

http://tvline.com/gallery/tv-spoilers-2 ... -behind-4/

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¡¡¡¡AY, OMÁ QUÉ CALORES!!!! ¡Gracias por tu regalo, Nitta!
