¡¡¡Nuevo proyecto de la FOX sobre GOTHAM!!!

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Registrado: Dom May 21, 2006 12:15 am

Re: ¡¡¡Nuevo proyecto de la FOX sobre GOTHAM!!!

Mensaje por Shelby »

- Cameron Monaghan stops by LA Daily, and he describes his role as The Joker on "Gotham" (EW):

https://soundcloud.com/ewradio/cameron- ... how-gotham

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¡¡¡¡AY, OMÁ QUÉ CALORES!!!! ¡Gracias por tu regalo, Nitta!

Mensajes: 32839
Registrado: Dom May 21, 2006 12:15 am

Re: ¡¡¡Nuevo proyecto de la FOX sobre GOTHAM!!!

Mensaje por Shelby »

- Stills del 3.14 "The Gentle Art of Making Enemies", con las primeras imágenes oficiales del regreso de Cameron Monaghan como 'Jerome':

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http://www.tvinsider.com/gallery/112622 ... er-gotham/

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¡¡¡¡AY, OMÁ QUÉ CALORES!!!! ¡Gracias por tu regalo, Nitta!

Mensajes: 32839
Registrado: Dom May 21, 2006 12:15 am

Re: ¡¡¡Nuevo proyecto de la FOX sobre GOTHAM!!!

Mensaje por Shelby »

- Nuevas imágenes bts de la S3 con Cameron Monaghan como 'Jerome' (23-30 enero 2017):

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(@cameonmonaghan: #Jerome lives for the fight
@seanpertwee: Approach with extreme caution geniuses at work @Gotham tonight #fox 8-7 @cameronmonaghan MichaelMaddi #faceonfaceoff Miss this at your peril
@BrianMcManamon: Nygma-Clayface and the Cobble-plot no one saw coming! #hooklineandsinker #nygma #clayface #gotham #dccomics @robinlordtaylor @mister_CMS
@seanpertwee: Happier times . When #jeromevaleska was alive . #Gotham
@seanpertwee: I've haven't seen that sign anywhere , you #gotham #HAHAHAHA
@gothamonfox: Study time, all the time. @davidamazouz #Gotham #BehindTheScenes #SetLife
@davidamazouz: First day back at work with this joy #bts #gotham
@davidamazouz: Rehearsing #bts
@davidamazouz: Why so serious, Bruce Find out this Monday #gotham #jerome
@baccarin.morena: @gothamonfox @donalflogue
@chalkchris: @ChelseaSpack and @maggiegeha be tweeting
@chalkchris: We are all met. Who will be the best #meme for #gotham @Gotham
@maggiegeha: Winter finale viewing party! Missing some faves but we're excited! Here we gooooo! @Gotham #gotham #winterfinale
@mister_CMS: We all really hope you suffered deeply from tonight's #Gotham episode
@robinlordtaylor: Special snowflake #Gotham squad assembled!
@seanpertwee: Live tweeting with Troop #Gotham @maggiegeha @chalkchris @ChelseaSpack @robinlordtaylor @mister_CMS #HAHAHAHA
@thedrewpowell: So much for that bromance... @robinlordtaylor @mister_CMS #Gotham
@seanpertwee: Brand spanking new app. Face swap @cameronmonaghan #gotham #HAHAHAHA
@thedrewpowell: More #Butchitabs witty banter on @Gotham tonight! @jessicalucas #Gotham
@cameronmonaghan: Face. Off. #Gotham
@cameronmonaghan: Let it out. #Gotham)

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¡¡¡¡AY, OMÁ QUÉ CALORES!!!! ¡Gracias por tu regalo, Nitta!

Mensajes: 32839
Registrado: Dom May 21, 2006 12:15 am

Re: ¡¡¡Nuevo proyecto de la FOX sobre GOTHAM!!!

Mensaje por Shelby »

- Cameron Monaghan gets the last laugh on new season of 'Gotham' - "Good Day L.A." (23-01-17):


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¡¡¡¡AY, OMÁ QUÉ CALORES!!!! ¡Gracias por tu regalo, Nitta!

Mensajes: 32839
Registrado: Dom May 21, 2006 12:15 am

Re: ¡¡¡Nuevo proyecto de la FOX sobre GOTHAM!!!

Mensaje por Shelby »

- Camren Bicondova: el mundo de fantasía de Selina está a punto de derrumbarse (screenertv):
Camren Bicondova: el mundo de fantasía de Selina está a punto de derrumbarse
Por Chris E. Hayner 23 enero, 2017

Selina Kyle (Camren Bicondova) is having a pretty good year on "Gotham," all things considered. She's kinda-sorta dating Bruce Wayne (David Mazouz), she's got her friend Ivy (Maggie Geha) back, if a lot bigger than she used to be, and her estranged mother (Ivana Milicevic) has returned. Unfortunately for the future Catwoman, the fantasy world she's living in is getting ready to come crashing down around her.

"Anything that's too good to be true is too good to be true -- especially for Selina," Bicondova says. "The moment her life is going right, something awful happens, and she has to get right back on the road dodging bullets."

With her mom back in town, it's natural to wonder if being around her is what helps build the Catwoman identity Selina will eventually take on. However, as Bicondova teases, "I think Selina would be more affected by the aftermath of her mother than the actual interactions with her."

"Once something happens -- the aftermath of what we will find out in episode 13, that is what's going to change Selina's path and take her on a course toward what she becomes," she says.

And that's a truly sad thing to hear if you're a longtime fan of "Gotham." Over the course of three seasons, Selina has opened herself up to her friends -- well, friend -- and viewers, displaying a subtle vulnerability that you wouldn't expect from the street-wise, tough-as-nails Kyle. Unfortunately, that Selina isn't long for this world.

"Life is going pretty good for her right now, so she has an excuse to be vulnerable, or be open-minded," Bicondova admits. "Once crap hits the fan, she's going to put that guard right back up and add a few more locks on it."

Whatever secret Selina's mother is hiding remains a mystery at this point, but it certainly sounds as if it's going to spell trouble for everyone involved. More importantly, it's going to make Selina a closed book once again. Who will Bruce Wayne be without his best friend?

"Gotham" airs Mondays at 8 p.m. ET/PT on FOX.

http://screenertv.com/television/gotham ... -crumbles/

- Cameron Monaghan sobre el rudo regreso de Jerome y los guiños a Joker (IGN):
Cameron Monaghan sobre el rudo regreso de Jerome y los guiños a Joker
Por Matt Fowler 23 enero 2017

This week's Gotham, "Smile Like You Mean It" -- airing Monday, January 23rd -- marks the big return of Cameron Monaghan's Joker-esque Jerome Valeska.

Back from the dead, Jerome's new reign of terror comes with a gaggle of new worshippers and a grotesque new look that includes nods to Joker's "Glasgow smile" from The Dark Knight, Nicholson's scarring from Tim Burton's Batman, and the comic book Joker's stapled-on "Death of the Family" face.

I spoke to Monaghan about his return to the series, Jerome's new look, new cult, and new arc with Bruce Wayne.

IGN: First off, from what we've seen in teasers and in an image you posted on Instagram, Jerome's new face is pretty damn freaky.

Cameron Monaghan: Yeah, it's very gruesome and I haven't even posted the really gruesome ones. We had four different prosthetic pieces. Each took around three hours, roughly, to apply each morning and an hour at the end of the day to take off. Obviously, it's difficult to add that amount of time because it means you're going from thirteen and fourteen hour days to seventeen, eighteen hours. It adds a level of exhaustion to it, but that being said it also adds a level of disconnect from the self, from my own image and body, that I thought was really freeing and exciting. Every time I was inhabiting this character and I looked in the mirror, I looked like a different person. You could see it in the faces of the people I was interacting with too. People look at you differently when you look like that. So it was an exciting opportunity not only because he's developing in a way that's referential to the comics but also because it was freeing as an actor.

IGN: Talk about that freedom a bit. What's it like to play someone so crazy and chaotic?

Monaghan: It's great how, as Jerome over the course of the show has sort of found himself and his persona and now adapted a new physical appearance, I've been able to develop him over a long period of time. I've had the unique opportunity to play this character for about three years now. I've been with him so long that he's become someone I know. With that amount of familiarity comes a certain amount of authorship and ownership, and defensiveness of the character too. I have an idea of who this guy is, of what he'd do and what he wouldn't do. The more I've been able to play him the more I've been able to mess around with him. Obviously, we have writers and producers on the show and cameras have to be in a certain spot at a certain time so there are elements to the show that are set in stone and you can't move. That being said, there was a certain amount I could play around with in dialogue and in physical performance. In taking my time with certain beats, punching my lines a little harder, screaming in certain spots. To push my fellow actors off guard as much as possible. That was ultimately how I accessed the character this season - I was trying to instigate everyone around me.

I wanted Jerome to be the kind of guy who not only do you not want to be in the same room as, you don't want to be in the same city as or maybe even the same country or planet as. The way to do that was trying to mentally joust with the people I was interacting with at all times. The best way to do that was to play around with him. He has a sick sense of humor so I'd knock people off guard whenever I could. And being able to make him funny, but in the nastiest, meanest way possible, was this really unique scenario that I'll probably never have with another character.

IGN: When Jerome comes back this time, he discovers that a new cult has built up around him. How does he feel about having devotees?

Monaghan: I think he sees it as an opportunity to access things that he might not be able to get in any other way. He has such contempt for the city, for order, for reality as we know it. He wants to introduce as much chaos and anarchy as he can and tear it all down as much as possible. And to have a group of followers who are willing to do that for him, he sees the opportunity to make that a reality. Obviously, he's always in service of himself. He is an inherently selfish and self-serving character. He's willing to work within this group as long as people are doing what he wants. He expertly navigates this over the course of these episodes to spark and explosive chain reaction across the city that introduces anarchy.

IGN: You're not playing The Joker, but you're Gotham's Joker, essentially. And obviously, people are going to treat your performance like a Joker performance. How does it feel to know that most fans really enjoy your take? Jerome's a character that a lot of people wanted to see come back.

Monaghan: It's very cool to touch the character at all. What's kind of unique about Gotham, and what plays to the strength of this story, is that Gotham is its own canon. Within the comics, anyone who's familiar with reading comics knows that many different canons exist. There's no specific one story for pretty much every character. Gotham has its own canon which then allows for volatility. Volatility for the story. Because we don't know for sure what's going to happen. We don't know who's going to live or die necessarily. Jerome killed Sarah Essen on the show and that character was around a long, long time in the comics only to be killed by the Joker way, way later, further down the line. So we know already that certain things aren't safe. That's what's exciting about telling a story like Jerome's. He's familiar but not so familiar that he feels like old hat. I see that as a positive. And the fact that people are enjoying the story is really freakin' cool. I'm a fan of the stuff myself so everything I'm doing is in service of my inner fan and so I'm trying to satisfy that guy. Obviously I'm not going to be able to satisfy everyone, but that goes with art, and especially with adapting comic book material. But the fact that people do like it and are excited about it makes my job great.

IGN: Is there anyone you got to work with this time around that you didn't before?

Monaghan: I worked with David [Mazouz] a little in the second season, but I was able to work with him more in depth this time around. There's an arc involving Jerome and Bruce Wayne's relationship that's really great. It really invokes a lot of stuff, the dynamic I always liked about Bruce Wayne's character. And working with David, who does a great job with it, was a phenomenal experience.

http://www.ign.com/articles/2017/01/23/ ... joker-nods

- Camren Bicondova adelanta más trajes de Catwoman para Selina después del parón de invierno (comicbook):
Camren Bicondova adelanta más trajes de Catwoman para Selina después del parón de invierno
Por Lucas Siegel 23/01/2017

SPOILERS For Gotham: Smile Like You Mean It!

Gotham fans had a creepy and crazy episode tonight as Jerome came back from the dead to terrorize the city once more, but the episode also pulled on the heart strings as Selina Kyle found herself betrayed - twice. Her mother Maria was nothing but a con artist, there for Bruce's money, and Bruce new - or at least strongly suspected - that was the case. Ouch.

Now Selina is going to go through some big changes and strike out on her own a bit more it seems, and Camren Bicondova is "definitely excited" for this new "dark phase" of her character's life. It also means a change in style that she hints could make Selina look a little more like the Catwoman we know from the pages of DC Comics.

"I think we will see some changes. After Episode 13, we will see some changes in Selina’s life," Bicondova teased to Comicbook.com, and from those life changes come look changes. "For me, as a young lady, when I go through a major change, I change my physical look. When I was 10, I shaved my head; you go through different phases of style, as well. So as a teenager, Selina, when she goes through changes, she’s going to, you know, find different ways to show that she’s this new person for however long it lasts."

So what would Bicondova like to see Selina start rocking? No, not black leather or a whip - at least not just yet. She wants a little of her own personal style in Selina's life.

"I would love to see her get some more cool jackets! That’s one thing that me and her have in common is our love of jackets. But I think she tends to like the dark stuff, and I think she could pull off a cool, colorful jacket!" she said with a laugh.

Check out the full interview in this video:

http://comicbook.com/2017/01/24/gotham- ... for-selin/

- Cameron Monaghan nos lleva al interior de la mente de 'Jerome' (screenertv):
Cameron Monaghan nos lleva al interior de la mente de 'Jerome'
Por Chris E. Hayner 30 enero, 2017

The return of Jerome (Cameron Monaghan) has turned "Gotham" on its head -- as the resurrection of a dead person should! -- but it's in his absence that his message of chaos truly spread. Gotham City is begging for a crazed leader to send them down the road of destruction.

Filling that void is a very different Jerome than the one we met in Season 2 -- and a man bent on destroying Bruce Wayne (David Mazouz). Monaghan took Screener into Jerome's mind, telling us all about what's changed in him since he was killed in Season 2 -- and giving us some hints about his coming showdown with young Bruce.

First and foremost, what was your first thought when the producers told said you were coming back without a face?

I knew I was going to be returning. We'd had a couple talks in the second season about coming back for the third. A couple months prior to actually filming it, I tried to get in contact with them to have some conversations with the head writer, and the producers -- whoever I could -- to discuss the direction of the character.

They gave me a rough outline, and some things ended up different -- in a way I think was actually better. But they did tell me about having an acolyte who was a really big fan of him, and a cult of followers, and someone taking his face and trying to wear it for himself. Then Jerome would kill him to get it back.

As soon as I heard that -- it was obviously very reminiscent of the New 52 Joker's storyline -- I knew exactly where it was from, and I was excited because that storyline wasn't what I was expecting, and it wasn't one I necessarily thought could be done in live action. I always pictured it as some strange offshoot arc you could do in a very dark, animated something, but I never thought it could be live action.

So when I heard it, I was initially excited -- and then wondering how the hell we're going to do this! I think ultimately, it worked... We pulled a lot of it off, you know?

In the comic it's very gruesome, and we wanted to retain some of the level of how grisly it is. But at the same time, there's a certain level of translation that's necessary for adapting something like that. I had a lot of conversations with Mike Maddi, the special effects makeup artist. We kind of had to skirt the line of what can an audience look at, and be horrified by -- but not so disgusted by that they immediately shut it off. Or so distracted by it that they're not able to pay attention to the performance or the story itself.

It was this tightrope act we were walking.

For me, it was exactly what you were aiming for. I was disgusted by it, but just couldn't look away. I was honestly surprised by how much you were able to get away with on network TV.

Yeah, I know! It's amazing what we were able to get away with on network.

Looking at the personality change, this is a very different Jerome, after going through his death. What sort of discussions did you have with the producers on what form he was taking this time?

We both kind of came in with similar ideas, personality-wise. We were lucky to be similar minds meeting on this. Obviously he's coming back from death -- that means he's seen the other side of something. He's seen a greater scope. So he is changed. He'd be darker, more succinct in what he wanted. He'd have a focus on something greater, a grander scale.

At the same time, he's more mature. The Jerome in Season 2 felt more boyish. In the third it feels like he's really come into his own as a man. I guess that's what dying will do for you.

We wanted to bump certain aspects of his personality, and mute others. We wanted to really bump the showman side of him, and really push the idea of twisting the world into a stage. At the same time we wanted to suppress some of the manic bits of him so they only come out in certain punctuations.

It was about making him feel older and darker -- and meaner. [laughs]

You mention the showman side of him, which stands out so much. You can hear other versions of the Joker in the way his voice sounds, but we've never really seen this level of "demented showman" portrayed in live action before.

Yeah! You know, the Joker's a clown. It's an element that's really not pushed. I think if anyone did it -- besides Cesar Romero, obviously, in [the] "Batman" 1966 series -- I think if anyone did it, Jack Nicholson's performance initially was the most gleefully over the top, and I wanted to retain the gleeful, over the top nature. Because the show "Gotham" itself is kind of gleefully over the top!

It's in this strange pocket of being very dark and very violent, but at the same time it embraces the more heightened aspects of comic books. It's willing to go the stranger, or sillier, or more fun places.

Jerome is a naturally heightened character, so he needs to feel even more heightened in the universe that he's in. So we had to find ways to kind of boost that part of him. At the same time, the word "joker" is a bit of a play on itself. Joker could mean someone that's crafting jokes -- or it could be the playing card, meaning that he's completely unpredictable. He's the wild card.

We wanted to introduce as many elements as we could into the Jerome character, and make him feel like a person that could go from one second making you laugh to the next second having a knife at your throat. We tried to make him feel as dynamic as possible.

In this episode, Jerome sets his sights on Bruce once again. Given that this is essentially young Joker tangling with young Batman, can you talk a bit about those scenes with David?

Obviously "Gotham" has its own canon and we're twisting and reflecting ideas that have already been established. One of those that has been established for a very, very long time -- and done very well -- is [that] Bruce becoming Batman creates, and escalates, the villains. His quest for goodness creates villains, like the Joker.

In this story, I think we're kind of coming at it from a different angle of, Jerome is introducing these elements earlier to Bruce, and he's twisting him earlier. He's showing him things that are so unabashedly awful that the only sane response is for Bruce to kind of embrace the insanity of dressing up as a big bat, you know?

That is such an insane idea in itself that I think it makes sense for it to be brought out in the insanity of the world around him.

"Gotham" airs Mondays at 8 p.m. ET/PT on FOX.

http://screenertv.com/television/gotham ... interview/

- Cameron Monaghan revela que Joker ha influenciado más a Jerome en Gotham (comicbook):
Cameron Monaghan revela que Joker ha influenciado más a Jerome en Gotham
Por Lucas Siegel 30/01/2017

Jerome is back in full effect on tonight's winter finale of Gotham, and while they may not officially call him "the Joker," there's little question now that the character, portrayed by actor Cameron Monaghan to great critical and fan acclaim, is about as Joker as you can get without carrying the name. In the winter finale, fans will see a Jerome with influences from many actors that have played the Joker before, but also see him truly come into his own as a character. And as far as those influences go, they're more subconcious than anything.

"There was never a moment where I was intentionally cribbing from another actor," Monaghan told ComicBook.com "More so, I grew up watching other actors design the character of The Joker to me and obviously the part was paying tribute to The Joker, and so I wanted to you know perform it to the best of my abilities in a way that it seemed to be paying homage to the character."

The actor found that as he continued to get to know the character, the writers did, as well, and got to know his portrayal. That all resulted in Jerome as a character being "able to find his own characterization in the scripts and also through my performance."

The actor told us that this season saw him really break away from any heavy influence in the writing, and that allowed him more freedom and connection in his acting.

"We get to do a lot of stuff with him that has never really been done with a live action version of the Joker before, so we were able to have some real fun with him this time around."

Still, Monaghan knows that the Jokers that came before him inform what everyone thinks of the character, and there is one that he thinks influences him more than others.

"If anyone was to inspire my performance, it would be Mark Hamill's animated Joker, which I think I might have mentioned to you before but his portrayal was the only one that I felt comfortable at all taking anything from, and that's because there was going to be such a difference in translating from animated to live action," Monaghan said. Other than Hamill and any subconcious influences, "the majority of my inspiration, when possible, came from the comic books themselves."

We don't want to spoil anything, but come back tonight after the episode has aired on the East Coast for a specific list of comics that influence this episode and arc itself, though Monaghan mentioned he has a stack of "well over fifty" trade paperbacks and hardcovers centered on the Joker that he reads regularly while preparing and shooting.

http://comicbook.com/2017/01/30/cameron ... rome-on-g/

- El Jerome de "Gotham" habla sobre el tener la última carcajada (CBR):
El Jerome de "Gotham" habla sobre el tener la última carcajada
Por Bryan Cairns 30 enero 2017

The joke is on Gotham City.

In “Gotham’s” first season, Jerome (Cameron Monaghan) was locked up in Arkham Asylum for killing his mother. Crime lord disguised as public servant/wealthy philanthropist Theo Galavan later staged a prison break, and Jerome was one of six inmates who escaped. Theo ultimately betrayed and killed Jerome, but the smiling lunatic is now having the last laugh. Thanks to the resurrection powers of Doctor Hugo Strange’s technology, Jerome is back, and poised to terrorize the city once again.

Ahead of tonight’s episode, the final Monaghan spoke with CBR News about Jerome’s resurrection, throwing Gotham City into chaos, why he’s targeted Bruce, and mastering all Jerome’s mannerisms.

CBR: In Season 2, it appeared that Jerome had been knocked off for good. How surprised were you to get the call about this arc?

Cameron Monaghan: I knew there was a possibility of me returning. We had talked about it back at the end of my arc in the second season, but I didn’t know exactly how I’d be returning. I was very excited when I got the call that they were going to go ahead with the story and bring me back. It was all about getting to the nitty-gritty and the best way to do it. I started forming ideas on what I wanted to do.

How does this resurrected Jerome 2.0 compare to the previous incarnation?

A lot of his ideals are still there. He has this ideology of wanting chaos and raising violence and freeing yourself from the constraints of civility or order. That was pretty well established in the second season, where he delivered that great monologue in the police station. We already had the fundamentals of the character in his ideology.

With that being said, he’s coming back from the dead this time around. He feels more mature and darker and more twisted with a more distinct, calmer approach to what he is doing. He has greater aspirations on a larger scale. He’s become an escalated version of what we introduced in the second season. He’s really come into his own now. The whole city and world is a lot worse off for it.

What makes Jerome such a deadly adversary?

There’s a lot that makes him deadly. First, and foremost, is the lack of fear. If you have a lack of fear and a lack of self-preservation, you are able to do pretty terrible things. He’s also extremely intelligent. We started to establish it in the second season ,and we really get to see him stretch his legs in that category. He’s always one step ahead of everyone else in the room. He’s extremely perceptive. He’s able to dissect the psychology of people around him. He’s able to push people really well and effectively.

He’s also very clever. He’s a trickster, so he always has something up his sleeve. We saw that a couple of times in 3.14. We see the sleight of hand of the character and how he is able to misdirect. He’s a deadly showman. The last thing that makes him such a deadly adversary is because he is a showman, he’s able to inspire. By inspiring, he has a personal army that he’s amassed. It brings a level of chaos to the city that’s never been established before on this show.

For Jerome’s first appearance, you practiced that maniacal laugh in front of a mirror. How did you go about nailing his voice and movements for this arc, or was it like riding a bicycle?

It’s different every time. Before we filmed the second season, I wanted the character to feel extremely comfortable in his body, in how he presents himself, and how he moves. I wanted him to feel light on his feet. I danced. I would take dance class, a couple of hours a day, every single day, wherever I had an opportunity.

This time, I wanted him to have that same lightness on his feet and athleticism, but I wanted him to be comfortable in confrontation and mentally jousting with the other characters So, I boxed. I would spar with people. Not only did that help because I wanted to lose as much weight as I could so that I physically looked lankier and had more pronounced features facially, but. it also helped that fighters have very quick eyes. I can’t even describe it, but there’s a certain quality to quickly breaking apart a circumstance. Boxers are able to perceive what other people are doing very quickly in a way that is reminiscent of Jerome.

I tried to find body and movement. The challenge this time around is, I had prosthetics for a lot of it. I couldn’t see properly. I was literally blinded by bandages and blocked by makeup, so I wanted to pay a lot of attention in my performance to voice and body. I recorded my voice a lot in speaking, just trying to figure out what I wanted to do with him and what I wanted him to sound like. Also, I would tape myself performing the scenes in a ski mask, so that you couldn’t see my face and I was purely body. I just did stuff that made sense for the character and the performance.

In “Mad City: Smile Like You Mean It,” Jerome plunged the city into darkness and encouraged the citizens to go crazy. What’s his endgame?

I don’t know if Jerome needs an endgame. What’s great about him is how he lives in the moment in such a strange way. His version of fun comes from this misery and destruction that he brings around him. He’s able to do it on a larger and larger stage each time. Right now, what’s propelling him is his desire to do that. As the story goes on, he’s going to need to gain a more distinct focus with his targets. He’s kind of found that now in Bruce. He had that a bit with Gordon, and he might continue to down the road. He really sees Bruce as an adversary he loves torturing and trying to corrupt. Ultimately, he’s trying to corrupt everyone. His goal is to bring out that level of violence he feels within himself.

What can viewers expect from the confrontation between Jerome and Bruce?

We see the formation of ideology within Bruce that is spurred on by the level of destruction and murdering that Jerome is creating around him. We plant the seeds of what has always been my favorite interaction between the Joker and Batman, and that we have in Jerome and Bruce, which is these dark reflections of each other. They are constantly pushing each other to escalate. Jerome sees so much of himself in Bruce. He also sees inherent goodness in Bruce. He hates that. He despises it and wants to twist it. So, we have the sense of that playing out within this episode. I got goosebumps. I got chills. This was my favorite thing about that interaction, about that dynamic.

What else can you tease about what kind of mark Jerome will leave on Gotham?

We have a climax that is on a scale that I’m not sure has ever been on the show before. It’s extremely ambitious. It’s a gamble. Fingers crossed they pull it off. It’s a really exciting moment for the show. The fact I had the opportunity to be part of it is special. I can’t wait for people to see it.

http://www.cbr.com/interview-gotham-jer ... -monaghan/?

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¡¡¡¡AY, OMÁ QUÉ CALORES!!!! ¡Gracias por tu regalo, Nitta!

Mensajes: 32839
Registrado: Dom May 21, 2006 12:15 am

Re: ¡¡¡Nuevo proyecto de la FOX sobre GOTHAM!!!

Mensaje por Shelby »

- GOTHAM | 3.14 "The Gentle Art of Making Enemies" Promo:

- GOTHAM | Nygma Kills Penguin's Body Guards | Season 3 Ep. 14 Clip:


- GOTHAM | The GPD Is Under Attack | Season 3 Ep. 14 Clip:


- GOTHAM | Jerome Breaks Into Wayne Manor To Kill Bruce | Season 3 Ep. 14 Clip:


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¡¡¡¡AY, OMÁ QUÉ CALORES!!!! ¡Gracias por tu regalo, Nitta!

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Registrado: Dom May 21, 2006 12:15 am

Re: ¡¡¡Nuevo proyecto de la FOX sobre GOTHAM!!!

Mensaje por Shelby »

- GOTHAM | "Jerome White Band" Trailer | Season 3:

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¡¡¡¡AY, OMÁ QUÉ CALORES!!!! ¡Gracias por tu regalo, Nitta!

Mensajes: 32839
Registrado: Dom May 21, 2006 12:15 am

Re: ¡¡¡Nuevo proyecto de la FOX sobre GOTHAM!!!

Mensaje por Shelby »

- GOTHAM | David Mazouz Reacts To The Jerome White Band Trailer | Season 3:
https://twitter.com/realdavidmazouz/sta ... 7416669184

- GOTHAM | Cameron Monaghan Talks About Jerome's Return | Season 3:

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¡¡¡¡AY, OMÁ QUÉ CALORES!!!! ¡Gracias por tu regalo, Nitta!

Mensajes: 32839
Registrado: Dom May 21, 2006 12:15 am

Re: ¡¡¡Nuevo proyecto de la FOX sobre GOTHAM!!!

Mensaje por Shelby »

- GOTHAM | 3.15 "How the Riddler got his name" Promo:

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¡¡¡¡AY, OMÁ QUÉ CALORES!!!! ¡Gracias por tu regalo, Nitta!

Mensajes: 32839
Registrado: Dom May 21, 2006 12:15 am

Re: ¡¡¡Nuevo proyecto de la FOX sobre GOTHAM!!!

Mensaje por Shelby »

- La Court of Owls "cambiará a Bruce para siempre":
Ahora que Jerome (Cameron Monaghan) está fuera del panorama de Gotham, la Court of Owls está lista para tomar el centro de la escena -- y tienen los ojos puestos en Bruce Wayne (David Mazouz).

La Court of Owls se hace "muy presente" en la segunda mitad de la teporada, según le cuenta Mazouz a TVGuide, y que todo el mundo debería estar en alerta máxima cuando su plan entre en acción.

Pero, como hemos comentado, Bruce es el que más tiene que preocuparse. "Ellos le hacen algo... que le cambiará para siempre, emocionalmente," apunta Mazouz. "Hay algunas cosas muy, muy emocionales que le pasan a Bruce."

Ya sabemos que la Court tiene sus garras clavadas en el doble de Bruce, lo que significa que pueden convencer a todo Gotham City de que Bruce es uno de ellos --¿pero qué más podrían tener planeado para el futuro Batman? Sea lo que sea, parece que va a ser otro paso importante en establecer al joven multimillonario como el Caballero Oscuro.

http://www.tvguide.com/news/gotham-spoi ... nge-bruce/

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¡¡¡¡AY, OMÁ QUÉ CALORES!!!! ¡Gracias por tu regalo, Nitta!

Mensajes: 32839
Registrado: Dom May 21, 2006 12:15 am

Re: ¡¡¡Nuevo proyecto de la FOX sobre GOTHAM!!!

Mensaje por Shelby »

- Póster de Lego de la serie por el estreno de la "Lego Batman Movie":


https://twitter.com/DCComics/status/828 ... 61/photo/1

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¡¡¡¡AY, OMÁ QUÉ CALORES!!!! ¡Gracias por tu regalo, Nitta!

Mensajes: 32839
Registrado: Dom May 21, 2006 12:15 am

Re: ¡¡¡Nuevo proyecto de la FOX sobre GOTHAM!!!

Mensaje por Shelby »

- Nuevas imágenes y videos bts de la S3 (14 Feb - 05 Junio 2017):

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(@realdavidmazouz: Thanks for the bday surprise @Gotham fam
@thedrewpowell: This geeza is always fightin fit! @seanpertwee @Gotham #gotham #Gilzean #Pennyworth
@dannyjohncannon: #selinakyle #gotham
@thedrewpowell: You talkin to us! #ButchiTabs @Gotham #Gotham
@seanpertwee: Now there's something you don't see everyday @Gotham
@seanpertwee: I'm out ! Just wrapped season 3 @Gotham Family I love you all . See you all on the flip side xxx #toomanytomention
@gothamonfox: Villains roll deep. @erinrrichards #Gotham #BehindTheScenes #SetLife
@gothamonfox: On both sides of the law. @erinrrichards #Gotham #BehindTheScenes #SetLife
@gothamonfox: A tip of the to Benedict Samuel. @baccarin.morena #Gotham #BehindTheScenes
@gothamonfox: #Gotham will keep you out of breath. @seanpertwee #BehindTheScenes #SetLife
@gothamonfox: Butch always has the freshest gear. @hossridesagain #Gotham #BehindTheScenes
@gothamonfox #Gotham has no heroes @baccarin.morena #BehindTheScenes #SetLife
@Gotham: Director @ben_mckenzie with his star @realdavidmazouz. #Gotham #BehindTheScenes
@GothamonFox: What a nice family portrait
@maggiegeha: Gee Pengy, what do you wanna do tonight Same thing we do every night, Ivy.Try to take over #Gotham
@maggiegeha: Another day, another damsel in distress to save! @camrenbicondova @Gotham #lastnight #gotham #bts
@Gotham: Someone's excited for Season 4 of #Gotham
@seanpertwee: Hugo and Alfred hanging . @Gotham @BD_WONG #tierack)

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https://twitter.com/maggiegeha/status/8 ... 9368989696
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¡¡¡¡AY, OMÁ QUÉ CALORES!!!! ¡Gracias por tu regalo, Nitta!

Mensajes: 32839
Registrado: Dom May 21, 2006 12:15 am

Re: ¡¡¡Nuevo proyecto de la FOX sobre GOTHAM!!!

Mensaje por Shelby »

- Alexander Sidding será 'Ra´s al Ghul' en la S2 de "Gotham":
“Gotham” ha encontrado a su 'Ra’s al Ghul'.

El veterano actor de “Star Trek” Alexander Siddig ha sido elegido para interpretar al líder de la organización criminal internacional de la Liga de las Sombras en la serie de la FOX como recurrente, según informa Variety.

A medida que Bruce (David Mazouz) quita el velo de la Court of Owls, descubre que el hombre que está tirando de los hilos es en realidad Ra’s al Ghul. Un hombre rodeado de misterio Ra’s al Ghul usa su astucia y engaño para hacer estragos entre sus enemigos, y probará ser el adversario más peligroso de Bruce hasta la fecha.

A diferencia de lo que vimos en la CW, es poco probable que en la versión de la FOX se introduzcan los elementos mágicos del personaje como el "Lazarus Pit', teniendo en cuenta que la serie siempre se ha basado en explicaciones científicas para todas las historias de orígenes de sus villanos para así mantener la serie asentada en la realidad, aunque aún no ha habido confirmación oficial al respecto.

Siddig es el último actor que interpreta al personaje en la pantalla. Liam Neeson interpretó al personaje en “Batman Begins” y “The Dark Knight Rises” de Christopher Nolan, y Matt Nable interpretó el personaje durante la tercera temporada de “Arrow” en la CW.

Ra’s al Ghul hizo su primera aparición en los cómics en Batman #232 en Junio de 1971. Desde entonces, se ha convertido en uno de los más conocidos villanos de las historias del superhéroe, incluso llegando a convertirse en el abuelo del hijo de Batman, Damian.

Además de su trabajo en “Star Trek: Deep Space Nine,” otros trabajos de Siddig incluyen papeles en “Peaky Blinders” y “Game of Thrones.”

“Gotham” regresa a la Fox rl 24 de Abril con el actor apareciendo más tarde en la temporada.

http://variety.com/2017/tv/news/alexand ... 202000348/

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¡¡¡¡AY, OMÁ QUÉ CALORES!!!! ¡Gracias por tu regalo, Nitta!

Mensajes: 32839
Registrado: Dom May 21, 2006 12:15 am

Re: ¡¡¡Nuevo proyecto de la FOX sobre GOTHAM!!!

Mensaje por Shelby »

- David Mazouz adelanta los planes de la Court of Owl para Bruce Wayne (CBR):
David Mazouz adelanta los planes de la Court of Owl para Bruce Wayne
Por Bryan Cairns 16/03/17

As “Gotham’s” Bruce Wayne, David Mazouz plays a character who keeps inching towards becoming Batman. In the last episode before the show’s current mid-season hiatus, Bruce defeated the psychopathic Jerome, aka the show’s proto-Joker, but not before he almost beat the grinning lunatic to death.

It was Bruce’s first major win against one of Gotham’s notorious villains, and a tough lesson learned about what lines should never be crossed. However, it’s the Court of Owls — a nefarious organization that may be responsible for the death of Bruce’s parents — that will test Bruce’s resolve and limits in the back end of the season.

Ahead of Mazouz’s appearance at this weekend’s Toronto ComiCon, the actor spoke with CBR about Bruce’s continuing evolution into Batman, the Court of Owl’s agenda, and the state of Bruce’s relationship with Selina when Gotham” returns.

CBR: When we last saw Bruce, Jerome nearly pushed him over the edge. Bruce was going to kill Jerome, but stopped himself. What did he learn from that encounter?

David Mazouz: He learned he wasn’t going to kill. Through that experience – and that very close encounter with crossing the sacred line that we all know that Batman holds dear – Bruce decided that was a line he didn’t want to cross.

One of Batman’s most-defining qualities, if not his most-defining quality, is that he does not kill. He will not do that for any purpose. Even though Joker escapes Arkham [Asylum] and creates mayhem and kills innocent people, Batman never kills him. He constantly just brings him back to Arkham. I think that’s because he believes nobody is beyond redemption. Once you take a life yourself, you are no better than the people you are trying to stop. It’s definitely a constant theme on Gotham. Jim Gordan went through the same kind of arc in Season Two. He did cross the line and he learned some of the differences between our heroes in the show.

Something else he learned is how evil people can be, how evil humanity has the potential to be, through Jerome and his maniac crew. That whole experience showed him the underbelly of Gotham. It was the first time Bruce was exposed to something so ugly, evil and disgusting on so many levels. There was a moment, that wasn’t really explored too much in the episode, where Jerome said, “Face it, Bruce. Gotham has no heroes.” I believe in that moment that Bruce begins to decide to do something about that. I don’t think he necessarily thought, “Okay, I’m going to go be the hero Gotham needs.” It gives Bruce a kick. Most people would have taken that and said, “Oh, crap. You’re right. I guess I’m screwed.” Bruce doesn’t. Bruce takes that and goes, “Well, I’m going to change that.”

Selina believes Bruce betrayed her after he paid off her mother. Where do they go from there?

Selina is mad, and she’s going to stay that way for a while. In the coming episodes, the Bruce/Selina relationship takes a back seat. Selina doesn’t want anything to do with Bruce because she’s very angry at him. It was a bad situation to be in for all of them. I don’t think Bruce regrets what he did. He withheld information Selina would have liked, but I think he was honestly trying to protect her. You are going to see he does try to make things work because he wants her to understand he only had the best intentions. But, Selina is going to need time to come back from this and Bruce will allow her that time. Things will continue when they are ready to continue.

At the end of the last episode, Alfred tells Bruce, “Let’s get to work.” What does Alfred have left to teach the young billionaire?

Loads. In the next episode, you see Bruce continue his training. Bruce is not nearly where he needs to be in order to be on that level of Batman caliber. He’s definitely a trained martial artist at this point, but he’s not Batman. There’s still loads to be taught mentally, physically, emotionally, and the most important thing he needs to be taught are the rules. There’s his guidelines and figuring out what he’s going to do. At this point, Brue is still figuring out who killed his parents and doing anything to get that answer and bring the people responsible to justice. I don’t think he’s made that decision to help save Gotham from the evil that transpires. He will make the decision, and it will happen fairly soon, but it hasn’t happened yet.

It appears the Court of Owls are grooming subject 514A for something big. What can you tease about where Bruce fits into their plans?

You will see that in the very next episode. The Court of Owls will become extremely present in the last eight episodes. At the center of their plans is Bruce Wayne — Bruce and 514A are instrumental to that plan. Something huge will happen with Bruce and the Court of Owls that will change him forever and ultimately help transform him into the man we know he has to become.

Bruce has other personae besides Batman, as the billionaire playboy and the world’s greatest detective. In what ways are we going to see more of those sides?

You are going to see those sides more in Season 4. As of now, Bruce isn’t really putting on a mask and saving Gotham. As long as Bruce isn’t hiding another persona, he doesn’t need the playboy persona to cover it up. In the coming season, you will get to see that side of him.

Bruce hasn’t spent much time with Jim Gordon this season. How important is that relationship to him?

It’s instrumental. It’s funny — I’ve been thinking of that, also. There hasn’t been a lot of Bruce/Gordon scenes. I’ve only had about four scenes with him the entire season. It’s weird. In Season 1 and 2, we had at least one scene every couple of episodes.

Bruce believes in Jim Gordon. At the start of the show, when Jim promises Bruce that he is going to find his parents’ murderer, Bruce really believes him. Bruce believes Jim can be the man who can save Gotham, who can be the man who can restore it to its original beauty. The relationship is so important because eventually Bruce will realize that Jim fails because he’s a man. He’s not a symbol. Gotham needs a symbol. Gotham needs the Bat. That’s why that relationship is so important. Bruce wants Jim to succeed, but, eventually, he doesn’t. Bruce needs to then take it upon himself.

What else can viewers expect in the remaining episodes?

Court of Owls. Court of Owls. Court of Owls. The last eight episodes are going to be very heavily Court of Owls. They have a plan. As I said, Bruce is going to be at the center of their plans. They do something to him that goes back to the very beginning of the show. It’s something I would say is emotional, but it’s beyond that. It shakes the core of Bruce’s being. He’ll never be the same. It will transform him, and that’s going to be his arc in the last eight episodes.

Toronto ComiCon is this weekend. What do you enjoy about interacting with the fans?

Everything. I love talking to the fans and hearing what they think about the show, or what they like, or don’t like. I love hearing their thoughts. We make the show for them. Gotham wouldn’t be anything without the fans. It’s all about our communication between us and them. These conventions serve as a perfect tool for that communication. I’m very thankful and can’t wait to come to Toronto.

“Gotham’s” third season returns Monday, April 24, at 8 p.m. ET/PT on Fox.

http://www.cbr.com/interview-gotham-dav ... t-of-owls/

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¡¡¡¡AY, OMÁ QUÉ CALORES!!!! ¡Gracias por tu regalo, Nitta!

Mensajes: 32839
Registrado: Dom May 21, 2006 12:15 am

Re: ¡¡¡Nuevo proyecto de la FOX sobre GOTHAM!!!

Mensaje por Shelby »

- GOTHAM | S3 "The Transformation Begins" Promo:

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¡¡¡¡AY, OMÁ QUÉ CALORES!!!! ¡Gracias por tu regalo, Nitta!
