"Nuevo proyecto para la CW sobre 'THE FLASH'"

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Registrado: Dom May 21, 2006 12:15 am

Re: "Nuevo proyecto para la CW sobre 'THE FLASH'"

Mensaje por Shelby »

- THE FLASH | 3.14 "Attack on Central City" Promo:

- THE FLASH | 3.14 "Attack on Central City" Extended Promo:

- THE FLASH | 3.14 "Attack on Central City" Inside the episode:

- THE FLASH | 3.14 "Attack on Central City" Clip #1:


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¡¡¡¡AY, OMÁ QUÉ CALORES!!!! ¡Gracias por tu regalo, Nitta!

Mensajes: 32845
Registrado: Dom May 21, 2006 12:15 am

Re: "Nuevo proyecto para la CW sobre 'THE FLASH'"

Mensaje por Shelby »

- Nuevo póster promocional de la S3, 3.14 "Attack on Central City":


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¡¡¡¡AY, OMÁ QUÉ CALORES!!!! ¡Gracias por tu regalo, Nitta!

Mensajes: 32845
Registrado: Dom May 21, 2006 12:15 am

Re: "Nuevo proyecto para la CW sobre 'THE FLASH'"

Mensaje por Shelby »

- Stills del 3.14 "Attack on Central City":

Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen

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¡¡¡¡AY, OMÁ QUÉ CALORES!!!! ¡Gracias por tu regalo, Nitta!

Mensajes: 32845
Registrado: Dom May 21, 2006 12:15 am

Re: "Nuevo proyecto para la CW sobre 'THE FLASH'"

Mensaje por Shelby »

- Descripción oficial del 3.16 "Into the Speed Force":
3.16 "Into the Speed Force" (14/03/17): BARRY ACUDE A LA SPEED FORCE – Desesperado por detener a Savitar y salvar a sus amigos, Barry (Grant Gustin) recurre a la speed force a por respuestas. H.R. (Tom Cavanagh) le da a Jesse (la estrella invitada Violett Beane) consejo. Gregory Smith dirige el episodio escrito por Brooke Roberts + Judalina Neira (#316).

http://flashtvnews.com/the-flash-spoile ... orce/27960

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¡¡¡¡AY, OMÁ QUÉ CALORES!!!! ¡Gracias por tu regalo, Nitta!

Mensajes: 32845
Registrado: Dom May 21, 2006 12:15 am

Re: "Nuevo proyecto para la CW sobre 'THE FLASH'"

Mensaje por Shelby »

- La CW busca hacer un verdadero crossover de superhéroes a cuatro bandas la próxima temporada:
Si pensábais que el crossover de este año entre Arrow, The Flash, Legends of Tomorrow, y Supergirl fue épico, esperad hasta que veáis lo que tienen planeado los productores para la próxima temporada.

En el de este año, muchos fans se quejaron porque el mismo no tuvo lugar propiamente en las cuatro series, ya que en "Supergirl" apenas vimos un epílogo de lo que iba a ocurrir en las otras tres series. Sin embargo, los productores ya están trabajando duro para poder rectificar eso la próxima temporada:

“El próximo año, esperamos hacer un verdadero crossover a cuatro bandas”, dice el productor ejecutivo Andrew Kreisberg. “Lo genial sobre nuestros queridos amigos de la CW y de Mark Pedowitz renovando las series tan temprano como lo hicieron, es que nos permitieron empezar a construir los calendarios para la próxima temporada.”

“Una de las grandes cosas que hemos aprendido desde hace dos años, y que hizo que los crossover de este año fueran u poquito más fáciles de hacer, fue el hacerlos en días en los que las series no se estaban rodando. El factor más complicado al hacer los crossovers es la disponibilidad de los actores porque las series siguen haciéndose. Básicamente tienes que jugar con los calendarios de cuatro series.”

“Lo que realmente no planeamos — porque no estábamos al tanto de que íbamos a cambiar a Supergirl de la CBS a la CW y que íbamos a ser parte realmente de esto — hizo que fuera la única serie que realmente no habíamos construído en días de no rodaje, y que las otras sí. Melissa [Benoist] terminó estando mucho en Flash y luego en Arrow, así es que Supergirl fue la que necesitaba dejar de rodarse más y fue de la que no teníamos oportunidad de hacerlo. Ahora que nos han renovado tan pronto y que hemos empezado a diseñar las temporadas, estamos construyéndolos en esos días sin rodaje, y hay más días sin rodaje en Supergirl que en las otras series, para hacerlo un poco más fácil.”

Así es que, aunque aún no está confirmado oficialmente, podemos esperar a un gran crossover de las cuatro series la próxima temporada.

Los productores también han hablado sobre el poder ver cameos de los dobles de otros universos alternativos de los personajes, pero “el problema con eso es que si lo hacemos una vez, vamos a abrir las compuertas a la locura,” dice Kreisberg, añadiendo que tendría que haber “una historia realmente bueba” para tales apariciones.

http://ew.com/tv/2017/02/24/arrow-flash ... crossover/
http://tvline.com/2017/02/25/supergirl- ... egends-cw/

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¡¡¡¡AY, OMÁ QUÉ CALORES!!!! ¡Gracias por tu regalo, Nitta!

Mensajes: 32845
Registrado: Dom May 21, 2006 12:15 am

Re: "Nuevo proyecto para la CW sobre 'THE FLASH'"

Mensaje por Shelby »

- The Flash Preview: ¿A medida que la guerra de Gorilla se vuelve Personal, matará Barry a Grodd? (TVLine):
The Flash Preview: ¿A medida que la guerra de Gorilla se vuelve Personal, matará Barry a Grodd?
Por Matt Webb Mitovich / 27 Feb 2017, 1:02 PM PST

This Tuesday on The Flash (The CW, 8/7c), it’s “kill or be killed” for Grodd’s invading gorilla army — and maybe for Barry as well.

In Part 1 of the Gorilla City storyline, Barry and friends were imprisoned on Earth-Two and duped into doing sentient Grodd’s bidding, ousting Solovar as leader of the apes. Now, with Gypsy’s help, Grodd is about to launch an attack on his onetime home, Earth-One’s Central City — and to that end, he will hit a bit too close to home for the scarlet speedster.

Here, co-showrunner Aaron Helbing teases what’s ahead, as well as drops an interesting clue about Barry’s trip to the near-future.

TVLINE | Which came first, the assorted news headlines you wanted to Barry to see when he landed in the near-future, or the things you actually wanted to do in Season 3?
Oh, we wanted to do this type of two-part episode since Season 1, when we first introduced Grodd in Episode 5. We ask everyone on the show, “What do you absolutely have to see? If you could see anything, what would it be?” And “Barry against Solovar in an arena,” that alone is a headline we were definitely going to strive for. That’s something we’ve been building towards.

TVLINE | I appreciated the throwaway line of dialogue establishing that Earth-Two’s Africa is cold. Was that because you knew we’d be seeing the actors’ breath outside?
[Laughs] You know, we’re just dealing with the realities of Vancouver. And it being Earth-Two, anything’s possible. The actors are serious troupers, though, it was very, very cold. But we just went for it. This is what Mother Nature has given us, so we’ll march forward.

TVLINE | You took a Flashmoment in that episode to let Caitlin and Julian have that talk. Why was it important for that conversation to happen?
Because Julian has feelings for Caitlin and she’s important to him. He’s kind of an old-school guy going against a woman is clearly formidable and able to take care of herself, so he’s just trying to be a gentleman. He wanted to make sure that, since she’s a woman he cares about, he would be there for her in this alternate world. Plus, he got the opportunity to go to another Earth!

TVLINE | Ballpark figure, how many gorillas will we see storm Central City?
I think you’ll see about a legion. I’m just going back to my Spartacus days, where we would talk in those terms. I would say it’s about “a Roman legion” in the beginning.

TVLINE | The gorillas seem a bit fixated on setting fire to things. “Your city will burrrnnnn” and all that. Is that just because that’s what apes are gonna do? They’re not going to hack our computers?
I think Grodd could maybe hack a computer, since he’s a supergorilla, but the rest of them still fall under the laws of nature and “kill or be killed.” And since Grodd right now is telepathic, they’ll do whatever he tells them to. But I wouldn’t underestimate Grodd. Because of his telepathic abilities, he is able to overtake General McNally, who’s in charge of the military. Grodd has a lot of tricks up his sleeve.

TVLINE | I suppose they could also freely poop in the streets. That’s a threat.
[Laughs] I don’t know is that is visually exciting to us as a viewer, but that could be a possibility!

TVLINE | Is it safe to say Gypsy is not acting on her own free will, getting the gorillas to our Earth?
Yes, she is basically under Grodd’s control, and that will serve as a clue to Barry and the team that Grodd is no longer on Earth-Two, that he’s made his way onto Earth-One.

TVLINE | What uniquethe-flash-season-3-photos-3 challenges will Team Flash face going up against a legion of apes?
Since Grodd has the ability to overtake anyone, he’s going to overtake someone very close to Barry, and almost kill him. That’s really going to affect Barry and make him question: “Do I allow Grodd to live, or should I just kill him and put an end to it? Maybe that will change the future?” You’ll see Barry and Kid Flash and Jesse Quick, along with Vibe and Gypsy, take on the army of gorillas and do what they can. The gorillas aren’t as fast as speedsters, but when you’re going against 10 gorillas at a time, one of them is bound to get a punch in.

TVLINE | I don’t know if you saw Hulu’s 11.22.63 or read the novel, but one of the precepts there is “Time wants to happen,” and if you try to screw with the timeline, “Time pushes back.” Does that idea hold true for The Flash?
I think time does want to happen, but in our universe it’s malleable. So because of that, anything is possible.

TVLINE | What might Iris herself do, in the name of changing her future?
Honestly, I don’t want to give anything away on that front at this moment.

TVLINE | Lastly, a reader wanted to ask: Was it pure coincidence that Barry landed where and when he did in the future, to witness Savitar killing Iris?
I would say that Savitar has a plan. Since Savitar was kind of tethered to the Philosopher’s Stone, he sent Barry to a time that he needed him to go to.

http://tvline.com/2017/02/27/the-flash- ... tral-city/

- ¿Es Barry Allen realmante un héroe? (EW):
¿Es Barry Allen realmante un héroe?
Por Natalie Abrams 27 Feb, 2017 at 7:37pm EST

Barry Allen may be the hero of The Flash, but he’s certainly left a lot of destruction in his wake.

Over the course of three seasons, Barry’s (Grant Gustin) actions have led to devastating consequences. In the season 1 finale, he literally opened an Earth-swallowing breach in the universe while trying to prevent his mother’s death, leading to the arrival of Zoom (Teddy Sears) and the events of season 2. Then, in the season 2 finale, he created an entirely new timeline, Flashpoint, by following through and saving his mother. And he was also inadvertently to blame for the particle accelerator explosion — Eobard Thawne made it happen in order to turn Barry into The Flash in the first place.

Each incident has led to more tragedy, and yet Barry has continued to tinker with the timeline for his own gain. While he’s made mistakes, Barry has always been relatively pure of heart, but his body count begs the question — first raised by our friends over at Screener — is Barry actually the villain of The Flash?

“I can agree with that in a way,” Gustin tells EW. “It’s almost like no matter what choice he makes, he’s set up this domino effect that just being The Flash has created this world of problems for him for the rest of his life.”

But Barry’s sometimes unwise choices are all part of The CW’s super series telling the origin story of the Scarlet Speedster; he’s not yet a finely tuned hero and is still learning from his mistakes. “We always look at The Flash as The Flash Begins,” executive producer Andrew Kreisberg says. “The Flash from the comic books is something we’re going to get to, and that we’re really seeing him from the beginning.”

“Part of the hero’s journey is screwing up really badly,” Kreisberg continues. “The end of last season was about Barry screwing up really badly. The journey for anyone in life because we’ve all made terrible mistakes and we’ve all hurt other people, whether intentionally or not. It’s what you do then that’s what separates you from whether you’re a hero or a villain.”

After creating Flashpoint, the repercussions of which have played out throughout season 3, the question really is how Barry will learn from what he’s done. “Is he realizing that with great power comes great responsibility, as another superhero so eloquently said?” Kreisberg says. “That’s really Barry’s lesson for this season that he takes forward to make him a better hero.”

Barry Allen may be the fastest man alive, but his journey to becoming a full-fledged hero is a series-long arc. Still, Gustin believes Barry has certainly come a long way since the show’s debut. “Barry wears his heart on his sleeve for sure, lets his emotions dictate his actions,” Gustin says while addressing how far Barry will go to save Iris (Candice Patton) from her fate at the hands of Savitar. “I think he’s matured a lot over the past three years. Hopefully he’s growing and making more calculated choices, but we still often are seeing him— I think the emotions get the best of him, and he makes some irrational choices. We’re going to see that, but we’re also going to get a little look through a window at what it would be like if he made some bad choices.”

The Flash airs Tuesdays at 8 p.m. ET on The CW.

http://ew.com/tv/2017/02/27/flash-barry ... o-villain/

- Aaron Helbing adelanta la venganza de Grodd, la incómoda charla de Harry & Wally y el regreso de Savitar (screenertv):
Aaron Helbing adelanta la venganza de Grodd, la incómoda charla de Harry & Wally y el regreso de Savitar
Por Chris E. Hayner 28 Feb, 2017

After battling super-apes on Earth-2, “The Flash” is bringing the trouble home with the return of Grodd to Central City on Earth-1 -- and he's not coming alone. In “Attack on Central City,” Grodd is bringing his army of super-apes to do some serious damage thanks to a little help from Gypsy (Jessica Camacho)... And we're a little afraid of what that will mean for Team Flash.

While the ensuing war will certainly be an epic sight to behold, just as “Attack on Gorilla City” was, the question remains: Why would Gypsy help Grodd out in the first place? Luckily, executive producer Aaron Helbing is putting those worries at ease. “You'll realize she's under Grodd's control, which gives Barry the clue... If she's under Grodd's control on Earth-1 then he must be on Earth-1,” he explains.

That's good news for Cisco (Carlos Valdes), who was pretty obvious about his feelings for the fellow vibing metahuman. Still, just because Gypsy may not be a believer in what Grodd is doing to Central City doesn't necessarily mean she'll be quick to jump sides and help out Team Flash. “Vibe will do his best to get her on board to help them take down Grodd, but she's very devoted to her job as a collector and it's going to take a lot of convincing from Cisco to get her on board,” Helbing continues.

That said, Grodd isn't the only drama our heroes are facing in the episode. As a matter of fact two of them -- Wally (Keiynan Lonsdale) and Jesse (Violett Beane) - are dealing with a bit of relationship drama that certainly isn't helped by the return of Harry (Tom Cavanagh). You'll remember that Wally's wish for Jesse to move to Earth-1 to enrich their love -- but will it work? It's certainly something Jesse is considering, but there's still the issue of her dad standing between them.

“She respects her father and what he went through last season to keep her safe and bring her home,” Helbing says. “She wants to respect her father, and essentially wants him to be okay with her moving to Earth-1 to further her relationship with Wally.”

While that's perfectly understandable, it's something Harry is going to have a good time with as Helbing continues, “He brings Wally in and really has the father-slash-boyfriend conversation that I think many of us have experienced and it's a lot of fun.” That's something we truly cannot wait to see.

It can't all be fun and games, though. While super-apes and budding relationships are entertaining, the threat of Savitar and the possible death of Iris (Candice Patton) are still hanging over the team's dead. And while the two-part Gorilla City excursion has taken up most of their time, the reality of the situation is about to come crashing down around them.

"The end of the episode will definitely kickstart the Savitar of it all. You'll see Kid Flash have a moment with Savitar and that's going to basically lead into the arc of the next few episodes,” Helbing reveals. “Savitar is, I would say, the most formidable adversary that Barry has had. I would say he's sort of a chess master, where he has all of the pieces laid out. He created Wally for a reason, and you'll see why he created Wally further down the road.”

What piece does Wally play in this puzzle? Knowing that Savitar has a plan for him is a scary thought -- and it's something we can't wait to see unfold.

“The Flash” airs Tuesdays at 8 p.m. ET/PT on The CW.

http://screenertv.com/television/the-fl ... y-savitar/

- Aaron Helbing adelanta 'Attack On Central City' (accesshollywood):
Aaron Helbing adelanta 'Attack On Central City'
Por Jolie Lash 28 Feb, 2017 9:15 AM PST

Grodd is bringing an army to Central City in Tuesday night's "The Flash," and the multiverse team will have to band together to stop them.

The meta-gorilla will use the powers of recent Team Flash friend Gypsy (Jessica Camacho) to reach Earth 1, setting up an epic match-up between Grodd, his army and our heroic gang.

Flash, Kid Flash, Jesse Quick, H.R. Wells, Harrison Wells, Iris West, Joe West, Caitlin Snow, Cisco Ramon/Vibe and Julian need a creative idea to stop them. For more about what we can expect in the second of the Grodd two-parter, airing at 8/7c on The CW, AccessHollywood.com hopped on the phone with Executive Producer Aaron Helbing.

AccessHollywood.com: Tell me about Accelerated Man in this episode [Note: he's featured in the promo photos]. Is he a friend or foe of Team Flash?
Aaron Helbing: He's more of an Easter Egg. We don't necessarily have plans to use Accelerated Man. We wanted to see Cisco kind of appeal to Gypsy. … We always try to make every scene as interesting as we can, and it just felt really cool to have it, and in a ... Central City/Grodd episode.

Access: So he's not around for very long then, if he's an Easter Egg? That's usually like a snippet, right?
Aaron: Yeah, just a snippet. I mean, it could be interesting to maybe do an Accelerated Man episode, but we just don't have plans at the moment.

Access: I wanted to know about Gypsy and whether or not she's a willing participant in Grodd's plans to go back to Central City or if she's sort of being strong-armed into doing this? Does he have some leverage over her?
Aaron: Well, as we saw in Episode 13, Grodd and Solovar have the ability to take over other people and so you'll learn that Grodd has taken over Gypsy -- but for a reason. And, the team will quickly realize when Gypsy attacks that the only way she would have attacked them is if she was under someone's control and that's a clue that they get to learn that Grodd is on Earth 1.

Access: How is that going to impact Cisco because obviously he has developed a connection with [Gypsy in a previous episode]?
Aaron: He doesn't fault her for attacking. He's a little surprised by it, but he quickly realizes she was under Grodd's control and … his main goal is to get her to help the team and selfishly further his relationship with her. But he doesn't think that she was guilty of attacking them of her own volition. He knows Grodd's abilities and how powerful he is and how it can take over anyone. And you'll see Grodd takeover someone else close to the team and how that impacts Barry and Iris and the team.

Access: [Trying to save Iris] comes up at different points in the episodes. It's something they're figuring out as [they go along]. Is that pretty strong drive in this episode as well? Obviously … the gorillas were in the future headlines.
Aaron: Yeah, I mean, Barry thinks when they escaped Earth 2 and Gorilla City that all is well in the world. But, he'll quickly realize all is not well in the world once Gypsy comes and attacks. And so, he's starting to get frustrated because he's realizing that the future is essentially set at the moment and no matter what he tries to do, no matter how many things he does or how many Gorillas he defeats, it's not changing the future and that's really frustrating him.

Access: I want to know about the Gorilla attack on Central City. Obviously that would be very expensive to do in a second episode with all those [special effects-made] gorillas, but I imagine you guys are probably pulling out all the stops still. What kind of a situation are we going to see gorilla-wise in Central City. What's the scope of it?
Aaron: I would say it's pretty epic. It's not an arena, but you'll see Grodd with his legion army of gorillas as they're approaching Central City, and you'll see Flash and Kid Flash and Jesse Quick take on gorillas, you'll see Flash take on Grodd, you'll see Solovar. We planned on doing a two-part Grodd episode, so you just have to plan accordingly when you're going to do these massive episodes. So that's kind of what we do because we plan – 'OK, we need to build up to this, from a fiscal standpoint.' That's pretty much what we do, and then we entrust a lot to Encore and Armen Kevorkian, who's our VFX supervisor, and they just continue to blow us away.

Access: Do we get to see more of H.R. and [Harry] talking to each other in this episode? What fun challenge to give to Tom Cavanagh.
Aaron: Oh yeah, you'll definitely see them. It's a lot of fun. I mean, Harry being gruff and H. R. -- he wants everybody to like him. So they kind of come at loggerheads with each other, but Harry will realize that there's a reason why the team has kept H.R. around. Regardless of being a genius, he provides a spark that Harry provided in Season 2, and so there has to be a mutual respect between them.

Access: I've got to ask you about Caitlin and Julian. Are you guys moving towards something of a romantic nature between those two? Clearly they have chemistry, but she has some serious things to deal with, with her powers. So, was curious if you could hint at what's next for those two.
Aaron: Well, I think they're -- just like any pair of friends that start to have feelings for each other, they're navigating a minefield. This is on a heightened level because Julian was Dr. Alchemy and created a lot of metahumans and Caitlin is struggling to have any control over her powers, and she doesn't want to go down the slippery slope where she becomes Killer Frost, so it's kind of a balancing act between the two. And that's kind of the way we're playing it is, they have feelings for each other -- more so, I would say he has more feelings for her at the moment, based on her past and just dealing with what happened with Zoom and what happened with Ronnie. So they're kind of tap dancing, I would say. But you know, they'll get closer by the end of this episode, and that will kind of launch them further into the future.

"The Flash" continues Tuesday at 8/7c on The CW.

http://www.accesshollywood.com/articles ... tral-city/

- Productor ejecutivo de "The Flash" adelanta la invasión de Grodd a Central City (variety):

Productor ejecutivo de "The Flash" adelanta la invasión de Grodd a Central City
Por Jacob Bryant 28 Feb, 2017 | 12:08PM PT

Last week, Barry (Grant Gustin), Cisco (Carlos Valdes), Caitlin (Danielle Panabaker), and Julian (Tom Felton) headed to Earth-2 on a mission to save Harry Wells (Tom Cavanagh) from Gorilla City. Now the fight is coming to them.

Along with saving Wells from Gorilla City, Barry had hoped he could change another news headline — the one mentioning Central City recovering from a gorilla attack — he saw from the future where Savitar kills Iris (Candice Patton). However, in taking down Solovar, the gorilla’s leader, his old enemy Grodd was put into power with a singular goal of returning to Earth-1 Central City and wreaking havoc.

Variety spoke with executive producer Aaron Helbing about Grodd’s army coming to town, and how the city — and the Flash — handles it.

Grodd got his introduction in Season 1; in Season 2 you brought him back, and surprised a lot of people by introducing King Shark. Now you’re doing this mini-event with an army of gorillas. Have these episodes with big CG characters become easier? Have you grown more confident in making them?

I wouldn’t say they become easier. I think every episode has its own unique challenge, but we always strive to swing for the fences. When you have a team like Encore — who does our visual effects — honestly anything is possible. You see what they did last week with the arena fight against Solovar, and what they did with King Shark last season, and it gives us confidence.

Changing the future is a pretty complicated process. Last week he thought stopping Solovar would stop the gorilla army from coming to Earth-1, but it actually put Grodd into power so they could attack the city. Is Barry starting to worry that him trying to change the future is what leads to what he saw there happening?

Barry is mindful of it, but at the same time — because the woman he loves life’s hangs in the the balance — he’s going to do whatever he can to save her. Whether it was Solovar or Grodd, he knew gorillas attacked Central City and for him that was enough to try and change the future.

Grodd has amassed quite the army to bring to Central City — which has seen its fair share of unusual things. I’m curious how the city itself reacts.

It’s definitely a new level of insanity. The thing about the city, though, is they have the Flash, they have Kid Flash (Keiynan Lonsdale), they have Jesse Quick (Violett Beane). They always sort of feel that, whatever comes their way, the Flash will save the day.

Will he be working at all with the CCPD against Grodd, or is it basically speedsters vs. gorillas?

The CCPD is definitely involved. You’ll see Joe (Jesse L. Martin) involved as a cop and they’re doing whatever they can to stop the gorillas from overrunning the city.

At the end of last week’s episode we saw Gypsy (Jessica Camacho) working with Grodd. Is she being forced to work with him?

Gypsy has feelings for Cisco, so I don’t think she’d want anything to happen to him. When we first see her this week, she tries to take on the team, but the team realizes she’s under Grodd’s control, which tips them off that he’s no longer on Earth-2.

Jesse mentioned staying on Earth-1 to be with Wally. Is she committed to that choice or is she still on the fence?

She’s committed to Wally, but she also has a father. She would like to get his blessing, especially after everything he did for her last season. She wants to make sure he’s okay with it, but Harry Wells being who he is, he’s not going to let her off the hook that easily.

The interaction between Harry and H.R. last week was great. How do they get along as they spend more time together?

There will definitely be some headbutting. This is Harry’s first encounter with H.R. for an extended period of time, and the two quickly realize how different they are even though they share the same face.

There were some promo images released last week and one of them included the Accelerated Man from Earth-19. Can you tease what his role in the episode is?

He’s more of just an Easter Egg to be honest. As of now, this will be the only time we see Accelerated Man.

http://variety.com/2017/tv/news/the-fla ... 201999001/

- ¿Va Gorilla Grodd a llevar el Apocalipsis a 'The Flash'? (TVInsider):

¿Va Gorilla Grodd a llevar el Apocalipsis a 'The Flash'?
Por Damian Holbrook 28 Feb, 2017 2:30 pm

Grodd in the 'Attack on Gorilla City' episode of 'The Flash'

It's about to get legit bananas in Central City Tuesday when Gorilla Grodd swings from Earth 2 to Barry's world in "Attack on Central City," the conclusion of The Flash's epic two-part Gorilla City story that began with last week's "Attack on Gorilla City."

Having survived their entrapment in Grodd's homeland, where Team Flash was able to oust the gorilla leader Solovar, it's now time for them to face one angry ape on their own turf.

"Grodd is basically not satisfied that the Flash escaped at the end of [last week], so he basically intends on destroying all of Central City by any means necessary," says executive producer Aaron Helbing with a laugh. "And you know, he has telepathic abilities where he can take over anyone at will, so we’ll see him take over General McNally, who has access to the nuclear missile transportation site. Yeah...Grodd is definitely planning the apocalypse."

'Early pickups of these seven series now allow our producers to plan ahead for next season, and gives us a solid base to build on for next season,' said Mark Pedowitz, President, The CW.

And Grodd is not monkeying around. "I would say Grodd brings a legion" with him, continues Helbing of the brewing battle royale. "But if Grodd has his army, the Flash has his own army, which is Kid Flash (Keiynan Lonsdale), Jesse Quick (Violett Beane), Vibe (Carlos Ramon) and Gypsy (Jessica Camacho). And because they’re speedsters, I think they’re just as formidable as an army of gorillas....you’ll see the Flash against Grodd, and you’ll see Kid Flash and Jesse Quick against a bunch of gorillas that are pretty big, formidable gorillas—but they’re not as massive as Grodd."

And for those keeping track, yes, Helbing did just say that Gypsy will be on the white-hats side, even though we saw her at the end of last week's episode in cahoots with the furious furry ones. Damn that sentient ape's telekinesis! "When you first see Gypsy in the beginning of the episode, she is taking on the team, trying to destroy them, and we’ll realize it wasn’t Gypsy on her own volition," previews Helbing. "She was under control by Grodd, and that gives Barry the clue that if Grodd is somehow controlling Gypsy, then he has to be here in Central City."

In addition to this primate throwdown and the threat of a nuclear catastrophe, the hour will also include a visit by Earth 19's Accelerated Man (Sean Poague). "It’s the closest to comic book of any character that we’ve done," he says of the alt-world's speedster, although, unfortunately, it's only a "really cool" tease. "For now, it’s just an easter egg." Helbing admits. "We don’t plan on seeing Accelerated Man anytime soon."

The Flash, Tuesdays, 8/7c, The CW

http://www.tvinsider.com/130538/gorilla ... tral-city/

- Grant Gustin habla sobre el romántico momento decisivo de Barry e Iris': '¡Es realmenmte dulce!' (EW):

Grant Gustin habla sobre el romántico momento decisivo de Barry e Iris': '¡Es realmenmte dulce!'
Por Leanne Aguilera 6:15 PM PST, 28 Feb, 2017

WARNING: We're about to spoil a huge romantic surprise from this week's all-new episode of The Flash! If you do not want to know what happened or you have not watched the episode, leave now -- but we suggest avoiding the telepathic gorillas…

Iris West might have a flashy new ring on her finger!

At the very end of this week's episode of The Flash, "Attack on Central City," Team Flash successfully defeated Grodd (again!) and to celebrate Barry decided to pop the question to Iris in one of the sweetest TV proposals we've seen in a long time.

ET caught up with series star Grant Gustin earlier this month on the show's Vancouver set, where the TV superhero shared his initial reaction to Barry's proposal to Iris after the chaos of Grodd's attack. "I thought it made sense and it makes sense that it comes when it does," he shared. "And then, obviously, it's Barry Allen so then he just went full out -- like candles and rose pedals everywhere in their home."

"It's really sweet because it's not too over-the-top and I like what Barry talks about," he continued. "He's giving a really detailed story about where the ring came from that had belonged to his mom and just the whole story behind it, which I thought was a really sweet thing to focus on for a proposal."

In the couple's new loft, Barry got down on one knee and pulled out a dazzling three-stone diamond ring, explaining to Iris that it once belonged to his great grandmother. "After my mom passed away, Joe held on to this for me -- until tonight," Barry told his stunned girlfriend. "Iris West will you marry me?

The episode ended before fans could hear Iris' response, but The Flash executive producer Andrew Kreisberg confessed that having Barry propose is a key turning point in this season.

"We really wanted these Grodd episodes to really matter," Kreisberg explained. "He's not just our everyday villain. He's one of the biggest villains we have and these episodes are impactful, so we really wanted them to have gone through this crazy adventure and have it really have changed them -- and really changed Barry."

http://www.etonline.com/tv/211724_the_f ... milestone/

- La culpa de Julian lo conducirá a The Flash (comicbook):

La culpa de Julian lo conducirá a The Flash
Por Jenna Anderson 01/03/2017

When Doctor Alchemy was unmasked in the seventh episode of The Flash's third season, his identity - Julian Albert (Tom Felton), Barry's CSI partner and a result of the new post-Flashpoint timeline - was met with a mixed response from fans. While many were shocked by the reveal, some felt it was the show simply repeating itself, as past big bads Reverse Flash and Zoom both ended up being people within Barry Allen's (Grant Gustin) inner circle.

But as the show has gone on, Julian has grown to become an asset to Team Flash, in part to make up for the wreckage he caused while brainwashed into being Doctor Alchemy. And according to one of the show's executive producers, Aaron Helbing, this remorse will continue to be a large part of Julian's character, especially in the coming episodes.

"As you saw in episode 12," Helbing explains, referencing the episode 'Untouchable', "[guilt] definitely played into his psyche. He created Clive Yorkin, and Yorkin was trying to kill Joe and almost killed Iris, and he killed Julio Mendez and some other folks."

This motivation for a big bad-type villain is a new thing for The Flash, as both Reverse Flash and Zoom were motivated to become evil by their own personal desires, and openly expressed how little remorse they felt for those around them. In contrast, Julian was essentially brainwashed by the season's real big bad, Savitar, to become Doctor Alchemy, and commit nefarious actions like bestowing metahuman powers on many of the villains in The Flash's third season. Even though Julian himself wasn't committing those actions, he still has placed the blame on himself.

"He’s essentially a conduit to Savitar. He doesn’t really enjoy the fact that that’s who he is." Helbing clarifies. "He’s trying to figure out how to help the team with them knowing, and he knowing that he created a lot of the villains they’re facing off with."

This includes, as recent episodes have shown, a budding dynamic between Julian and Caitlin Snow (Danielle Panabaker), who has been struggling with her own disconnect to her metahuman abilities as Killer Frost. Julian even accompanied Barry, Caitlin, and Cisco (Carlos Valdes) to Earth-2's Gorilla City, which he later admitted was because he wanted to keep Caitlin safe. Although his and Caitlin's relationship has yet to turn romantic, it sounds like his dynamic with her and the other members of Team Flash - and his desire to make up for Alchemy's past actions - will factor into his future appearances on the show.

http://comicbook.com/2017/03/02/the-fla ... otivation/

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Registrado: Dom May 21, 2006 12:15 am

Re: "Nuevo proyecto para la CW sobre 'THE FLASH'"

Mensaje por Shelby »

- THE FLASH | 3.15 "The Wrath of Savitar" Promo:

- THE FLASH | 3.15 "The Wrath of Savitar" Extended Promo:

- THE FLASH | 3.15 "The Wrath of Savitar" Inside the episode:

- THE FLASH | 3.15 "The Wrath of Savitar" Clip #1:


- THE FLASH | 3.15 "The Wrath of Savitar" Clip #2:

http://screenertv.com/television/the-fl ... lly-barry/

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¡¡¡¡AY, OMÁ QUÉ CALORES!!!! ¡Gracias por tu regalo, Nitta!

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Registrado: Dom May 21, 2006 12:15 am

Re: "Nuevo proyecto para la CW sobre 'THE FLASH'"

Mensaje por Shelby »

- Stills del 3.15 "The wrath of Savitar":

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Registrado: Dom May 21, 2006 12:15 am

Re: "Nuevo proyecto para la CW sobre 'THE FLASH'"

Mensaje por Shelby »

- Descripción oficial del 3.17 "Duet":
3.17 "Duet" (21/03/17): DARREN CRISS (“GLEE”) ESTRELLA INVITADA COMO MUSIC MEISTER EN EL CROSSOVER DE THE FLASH Y SUPERGIRL – Barry (Grant Gustin) y el equipo se sorprenden cuando Mon-El (la estrella invitada Chris Wood) y Hank Henshaw (la estrella invitada David Harewood) llegan a su Tierra llevando a una comatosa Supergirl (la estrella invitada Melissa Benoist) quien fue golpeada gravemente por Music Meister (la estrella invitada Darren Criss). Incapaz de despertarla, recurren al Team Flash para que la salven. Sin embargo, Music Meister sorprende a The Flash y lo pone en un coma similar, uno que el Team Flash no puede curar. Kara y Barry se despiertan sin sus poderes en una realidad alternativa donde la vida es como un musical y la única manera de escapar es siguiendo el guión, completado con cantar y bailar, hasta el final. Dermott Downs dirige el episodio con historia de Greg Berlanti & Andrew Kreisberg y guión de Aaron Helbing & Todd Helbing (#317).

http://flashtvnews.com/flash-duet-descr ... -fun/28087

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¡¡¡¡AY, OMÁ QUÉ CALORES!!!! ¡Gracias por tu regalo, Nitta!

Mensajes: 32845
Registrado: Dom May 21, 2006 12:15 am

Re: "Nuevo proyecto para la CW sobre 'THE FLASH'"

Mensaje por Shelby »

- Violett Beane habla sobre ‘The Flash,’ Super Trajes, y la aclamada por la crítica en los SXSW ‘Tower’ (telltaletv):
Violett Beane habla sobre ‘The Flash,’ Super Trajes, y la aclamada por la crítica en los SXSW ‘Tower’
Por James A. Windley 06 Marzo 2017

When last we saw Jesse Wells, a.k.a. Jesse Quick, on The CW’s The Flash, things were getting interesting up as she gained super-speed and began fighting crime just like her father always wanted hated.

Now she’s back, honing her speedster skills to help Team Flash defeat Savitar while rekindling her star-crossed trans-universal romance with Wally West.

We caught up with Violett Beane during her hiatus from The Flash and had a few questions for the young starlet about her role as Jesse Quick as well as her starring role in the film, Tower.

Tell-Tale TV: Before the mid-season hiatus, we saw Jesse exploring the beginnings of a relationship with an initially reluctant Wally. Will we see more romantic moments between the two?

Violett Beane: Jesse and Wally have both recently realized how important they are to each other, so YES you will absolutely be seeing more Quickwest in the future. I think their relationship is really sweet and innocent, and it adds a positive touch to the show!

Tell-Tale TV: Most people dream of having a super suit. What was your first thought when you saw your Jesse Quick suit?

Beane: I absolutely loved it! I only had one fitting before the final product so I didn’t know what to expect, and when I first put it on, it felt amazing. I had been waiting for so long for Jesse to finally have super-speed so when it finally happened it was pretty great!

Tell-Tale TV: What types of scenes would you like to see for Jesse in the future on The Flash?

Beane: Jesse is incredibly intelligent, so I would love to see more scenes where Jesse is able to use her brains in battle to help the team. She’s also got super-speed now, so I want to see her start kicking some butt!
Related Kylie Bunbury, Mark-Paul Gosselaar, Rick Singer, and Kevin Falls Preview 'Pitch'

Tell-Tale TV: In the critically acclaimed Tower, a documentary about the 1966 massacre at the University of Texas, you play a role with some pretty extreme emotional gravitas. How did you prepare for such a heavy role?

Beane: Our director, Keith Maitland, conducted on-camera interviews with all of the witnesses and survivors of the shooting, including the woman I played, Claire Wilson. I was able to watch the videos and get input from Keith about Claire’s personality and feelings towards the whole experience.

That was incredibly helpful, because re-enacting such a pivotal moment in someone’s life is not to be taken lightly, so having something to go off of really made the difference.

Tell-Tale TV: In addition to being an actor, you also direct and edit your own material. Could you eventually see yourself taking a more permanent role behind the camera?

Beane: I recently directed, edited, and starred in a music video “Landscape” for the band Eyelid Kid. It was really fun and challenging to be on the other side. Directing can be a lot more creative in a way, but it’s also very managerial. I would love to experience it again!

Tell-Tale TV: Lastly, you have a bunny as a pet! How did Milo get his name?

Beane: I do! He’s so fluffy and cute! His name actually came from a character in The Legend of Korra, Meelo. He looks exactly like a miniature Appa, but we didn’t think the name was as cute as Milo, Aang’s airbending grandson!

http://www.telltaletv.com/2017/03/viole ... ash-tower/

- Jefe de "The Flash" y Grant Gustin diseccionan esos impactantes giros (EW):
Jefe de "The Flash" y Grant Gustin diseccionan esos impactantes giros
Por Natalie Abrams 07 Marzo, 2017 at 9:00pm EST

Well, that was quick!

As fast as the Scarlet Speedster’s engagement happened, it was also put on hold during Tuesday’s episode of The Flash — and for good reason. It turns out, Barry (Grant Gustin) didn’t just propose because he wanted to spend the rest of his life with Iris (Candice Patton). It’s because he knew she wasn’t wearing an engagement ring in his original flash to the future, meaning he hoped that by asking her to be his wife, he could prevent her death at the hands of Savitar.

“That’s a moment that Barry then has to own up to the reality of, which is, he does love Iris more than anything, but he did propose because he wanted to save her life and change the future,” Gustin tells EW. “Initially, he denies that to himself and everyone around him. But Wally calling him out on that, it ticks him off and he pushes Wally away a little bit for sure. But I think he knows that it’s true and that he did have a motive that pushed him to propose that wasn’t necessarily just from the heart — it was out of fear.”

While somewhat noble in its intention, the move was part and parcel of Barry’s rash decision making in the wake of seeing a grim future. “Barry’s so desperate to save Iris that he is starting to lose it a little bit,” executive producer Andrew Kreisberg says. “So this beautiful engagement, which I think every one of us dreams of getting — whether we’re married or we’ve been engaged or you’re out there and you’re hoping one day to be engaged — you’re hoping that the person who asks you, asks you 100 percent because they love you and they want to spend the rest of their life with you. It’s not that Barry doesn’t want those things with Iris, it’s not that she doubts her love for him, it’s just that’s not exactly every girl’s dream. The stress of what they’re facing starts to damage their relationship.”

That becomes true for everyone on Team Flash as they also face Savitar’s dreaded prophecy — “One shall betray you, one shall fall, one will suffer a fate far worse than death” — nearing complete fruition. “They start coming true,” Kreisberg says. “We start seeing one suffering the fate worse than death. We will find out who the betrayer is” — Caitlin (Danielle Panabaker) believes it’s her after keeping a piece of the Philosopher’s Stone — “and then the real question is if the one will fall will be Iris?”

“As they get closer and closer to the date, it really starts to affect all of them, especially Joe,” Kreisberg continues. “Barry has his powers and his experience fighting metas to fall back on, but Joe’s just a cop; he’s just a guy with a gun and if a serial killer or some bank robber was after him, he’d know what to do. But how does this simple man, who doesn’t have these powers, fight the future? That’s the thing that really starts to weigh on this triumvirate.”

What proves more difficult is the ever-changing nature of the future. “It’s hard because if you could know your future, would you want to know?” Gustin says. “They almost kind of know their future, but they don’t. They know a really vague representation of what the future is, so it’s even worse because it’s more ominous. There’s these three awful things that are going to happen to these people and they don’t know what’s going to happen to who other than Iris getting impaled through the chest by Savitar, which Barry has seen happen to way too many people. It’s weighing heavily on everyone. You don’t want to know your future.”

But there’s certainly more to the prophecy than even they realized as viewers discover Iris wasn’t necessarily Savitar’s main target. “You realize in episode 15 that Barry thought this whole season had been about him, and you realize that Savitar’s ultimate plan is about Wally,” Kreisberg says. “It was about giving Wally speed and making Wally a Flash, because Savitar couldn’t escape the Speed Force prison unless he had a speedster take his place, sort of like out of an old Greek myth. So he designed everything that happened to get Wally fast enough so that Wally could take his place, which is the one who will suffer a fate worse than death. So when Wally is sucked into the Speed Force in episode 15 and Savitar escapes, that’s how Savitar is freed.”

Once again, it’s a case of Barry’s decisions coming back to haunt him. “Barry’s emotions can kind of get the best of him and he can make choices that seem clear and helpful in the moment that end up having ramifications that he didn’t necessarily expect,” Gustin says. “That’s one of those moments.”

Thus, Barry must head into the Speed Force to save Wally during next week’s episode, which Kreisberg likens to a semi-sequel to last season’s Kevin Smith-directed “The Runaway Dinosaur.” “Barry makes another journey into the Speed Force and it’s a very different kind of journey,” Kreisberg says. “Last time, in a way, it was like he went to heaven, and this time it’s more like going to hell — it’s more about descending deeper and deeper into levels of hell. We get a little bit more about the Speed Force mythology and speedsters’ connection to it.”

The Flash airs Tuesdays at 8 p.m. ET on The CW.

http://ew.com/tv/2017/03/07/flash-wally ... -spoilers/

- Dentro de la super-reunión de Glee en el crossover musical de "Glee" con "The Flash" (EW):
Dentro de la super-reunión de Glee en el crossover musical de "Glee" con "The Flash"
Por Natalie Abrams 09 Marzo, 2017 a las 11:00am EST

For more on The Flash–Supergirl musical crossover, pick up the new issue of Entertainment Weekly on stands Friday, or buy it here now — and don’t forget to subscribe for more exclusive photos and interviews.

Darren Criss is singing his heart out. Grant Gustin and Melissa Benoist are tap dancing. “It’s literally a Glee episode,” Gustin jokes. No, the Fox series hasn’t been revived. The trio are actually reuniting for the first time since their days on the Emmy-nominated hit series for a different kind of musical — and Criss may finally get his revenge.

His Glee character, Blaine Anderson, received a slushy facial from Gustin’s Sebastian Smythe back in 2012, but now the tables have turned, with Criss assuming the mantle of the dastardly DC Comics villain Music Meister in the highly anticipated Flash/Supergirl musical crossover. “It is funny that the last time I worked with Grant, he was the bad guy and he was singing at me, and now I’m the bad guy singing at him,” Criss says. Though it’s a different set, with the quick turnaround and prep, Criss concurs that this all feels familiar. “It’s just Glee,” he says.

In the March 21 episode of The Flash, Barry (Gustin) and Kara (Benoist) find themselves trapped in a movie musical of the Meister’s creation — an hour that has been years in the making. “We’ve always talked about doing it, from the very beginning, more in a joking way,” says executive producer Andrew Kreisberg. Gustin, however, was initially curious. “I didn’t ever think it would be a real thing, so when they told me it was real, I was like, ‘How?!‘”

Here’s how: As the Scarlet Speedster and Girl of Steel experience turmoil in their interpersonal relationships, they’re whammied by the Music Meister, a less mustache-twirling, more manipulative villain who causes victims to break into song. The character was famously voiced by Neil Patrick Harris in the Batman: The Brave and the Bold animated series. “I have made a pretty decent career of only taking over roles as made famous by child stars,” jokes Criss, who also played the titular wizard in the Harry Potter musical.

“I could not be happier that he’s here,” gushes Benoist, whose Glee character Marley Rose was mentored by Blaine. “He’s killing this role. He’s bringing such a fun energy, the way he did on Glee as well.”
Jack Rowand/The CW

Being fans of movie musicals as kids, the power-stripped heroes end up trapped in a golden-age send-up involving rival gangs and their kids falling in love — though expect many of the couples to come with a twist. The only way out? Follow the Meister’s script till the end. It may be a prison to them, but it’s heaven to Benoist. Noting she was born in the wrong era, the actress takes delight in the vintage ambience while sitting on a ’40s-era nightclub set. “Not that I don’t love the [Supergirl] suit, but it just feels good playing the same character in a completely different setting,” she says. “I’m eating this up.”

The Glee alums aren’t the only big names attached to the special episode. In a nod to Kara’s favorite film Wizard of Oz, everyone else in the vocally impressive cast is playing a character within this movie, from Jesse L. Martin, Victor Garber, and John Barrowman as rival mob bosses to Jeremy Jordan’s club pianist and Carlos Valdes’ aspiring artist busboy. Cherry-picking the movie musical genre — West Side Story, Singing in the Rain, and Guys and Dolls among the show’s inspirations — the hour also features some original songs, including “Runnin’ Home to You” from Oscar-winning La La Land duo Benj Pasek and Justin Paul, as well as the bubbly and playful Rachel Bloom co-penned tap duet “Super Friend.” “It’s a goofy song and it’s very consistent with that style of Crazy Ex-Girlfriend,” Gustin says.

“We were approached by Rachel Bloom, who reached out to us and she really wanted to write a song for us,” Kreisberg explains. “And Greg [Berlanti] had a relationship with Pasek and Paul, so we sat down with them — we hadn’t even seen La La Land with them, but Greg had been such huge fans of theirs.”

The episode also includes several covers, among them the Benoist solo “Moon River,” and an ensemble performance of Jackie DeShannon’s “Put a Little Love in Your Heart” that brings the denizens of the ’40s nightclub to their feet as the Meister conducts Jordan, Valdes, and John Barrowman in an epic, upbeat dance number choreographed by Glee’s Zachary Woodlee. “Some things are just star-crossed,” Valdes says of his two worlds — superheroes and musicals — colliding. “Some things are just destined and written in the stars. This felt like one of those instances where it was just something that was going to happen.”

Jordan concurs: “Ever since they announced the cast of our show — plus the casts of Flash and other shows having so many musical theater people in them — it was only a matter of time before they harnessed those talents and made something into it.”

All involved have unquestionable talents when it comes to singing, but Barrowman says the DeShannon piece doesn’t play to his strengths: “I’m exceptionally confident vocally, but they show me the dance steps and I’m not a hip-hopper, no way,” says Barrowman, who practices his moves on set between takes. “I panicked.” Still, Barrowman was determined to be involved once he learned of the crossover. “I hadn’t heard anything and I just basically then said, ‘I think you would be daft or stupid not to have me in this, really,'” he says. “But they planned on it all along.”

On the flip side, Gustin says he was excited about slipping back into his dance shoes. “More than anything else, my true foundation was tap dance,” the actor says. “It’s been cool to get back to it.” Adds Benoist: “It’s funny how things stay in your muscle memory. It was fun to pick it back up again and see your body and be like, ‘Oh, we remember how to do this.'”

With everyone in one room, Barrowman admits, “I’m a bit fan-boying out to be honest,” explaining that he watched his castmates’ former projects Glee and Smash. “What a nerd,” Jordan responds upon hearing the news. “He plays it super cool backstage, so you wouldn’t know he was geeking out.”

Beyond Glee, the hour marks an even bigger reunion as Gustin and Supergirl‘s Chris Wood — who, along with co-star David Harewood, will guest in the crossover, but not sing — went to school together, while Criss counts Valdes, Pasek, and Paul as classmates. “It’s been a very sentimental crossover on so many levels,” Criss says. “Every day, every scene my mind is being blown. I can’t believe I’m here with Melissa Benoist and Carlos Valdes. ‘How do you guys even know each other? Oh, that’s right, you’re both superheroes!'”

Fun fact: Another classmate of theirs, Andy Mientus, also previously played a villain on The Flash, with Criss joking it’s about damn time he appeared in the Berlanti-verse. “I was wondering why everybody else I knew had been on the show but me,” Criss says with a laugh. In truth, Kreisberg says Criss was destined to play this role. “Darren so brings him to life,” the EP says. “I’m not sure who we would have gotten to do it if Darren had said no, but it turned out to be one of those things where we wanted Darren and Darren actually wanted the part. It was very kismet.”

Should the crossover prove successful, Kreisberg even has hopes for a sequel, and Criss would be elated to return to the wild, wild world of singing superheroes. “I would have liked to have written some songs,” quips the actor and musician, who landed the role too late in the process to do so. “I want to come back, I’m not done — then I’ll have my true payback!” Watch out, Flash!

The musical crossover will kick off at the end of Supergirl‘s March 20 hour, with the majority of the action taking place during The Flash‘s March 21 episode, both airing at 8 p.m. ET on The CW.

http://ew.com/tv/2017/03/09/flash-super ... -spoilers/?

- Andrew Kreisberg adelanta el episodio del Crossover musical (variety):
Andrew Kreisberg adelanta el episodio del Crossover musical
Por Maureen Ryan - 20 Marzo, 2017 | 10:30AM PT

When it comes to “The Flash,” it wasn’t really a case of if the CW show would do a musical episode, but when.

The cast of the show, which is midway through its third season, is loaded with actors with a great deal of song and dance experience: When you have a “Glee” alumnus (Grant Gustin) and an original “Rent” cast member (Jesse L. Martin) as series regulars, well, “The Flash” was as destined to break into song as Barry Allen was to become a superhero and repeatedly save Central City from villains.

The episode is also a Andrew Kreisberg Previews among various CW superhero shows: Melissa Benoist from “Supergirl,” John Barrowman from “Arrow,” and Victor Garber (“DC’s Legends of Tomorrow”) — all of whom have extensive musical theater experience — are just a few of the characters who will appear in “The Flash’s” tune-intensive episode, which airs Tuesday.

But the crossover begins in Monday’s “Supergirl,” explains Andrew Kreisberg, who is an executive producer on all of the CW’s superhero dramas.

“We set it up this way — that both Barry and Kara are at romantic crossroads with their respective love interests,” Kreisberg explains. As he notes, the big multi-show crossover event that occurred last fall was, while fun, largely cut off from each show’s ongoing narrative.

“It was its own thing, divorced from what was going on,” Kreisberg notes. “What I love so much about the musical is it really gives our characters an opportunity to address what they are going through. They’re going to address their romantic problems and [the experience will] help them get over it, because there’s nothing more romantic than a musical.”

Of course, they don’t engage in all the singing and dancing voluntarily. Darren Criss plays the Music Meister in Monday’s “Supergirl” and in Tuesday’s installment of “The Flash,” and he brings about the whole music-pocalypse. Not that the characters don’t enjoy it: Benj Pasek and Justin Paul, who were part of the “La La Land” music team, and the songwriters of “Crazy Ex-Girlfriend” — including co-creator Rachel Bloom — contributed songs to the episode, which also features classics like “Moon River.”

“We actually have a flashback in the beginning of the ‘Flash’ episode to Barry and his mother when he was a kid — they used to watch movie musicals together. She says, ‘Everything’s better in song,’” says Kreisberg, who shares story credit for the episode with executive producer Greg Berlanti (the teleplay is from co-executive producers Aaron Helbing and Todd Helbing)

The musical episode of “The Flash” — “Duet” — airs Tuesday at 8 p.m. ET/PT on the CW.

http://variety.com/2017/tv/news/the-fla ... 202012021/

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¡¡¡¡AY, OMÁ QUÉ CALORES!!!! ¡Gracias por tu regalo, Nitta!

Mensajes: 32845
Registrado: Dom May 21, 2006 12:15 am

Re: "Nuevo proyecto para la CW sobre 'THE FLASH'"

Mensaje por Shelby »

- David Dastmalchian será el villano 'Abra Kadabra' en la S3 de "The Flash":
DCComics.com ha revelado que el actor David Dastmalchian ha sido escogido para interpretar el papel de 'Abra Kadabra' en la S3 de la serie de la CW "The Flash", apareciendo en la serie más adelante en la temporada. Descrito como un criminal de un lejano futuro cuyos poderes avanzados tecnológicamente parecen magia, el viajero del tiempo Abra Kadabra (David Dastmalchian) guarda un secreto y Flash no se parará ante nada para descubrirlo.

En los cómics, el personaje apareció por primera vez en 1962 en THE FLASH #128. Un mago del siglo 64, Kadabra viaja hacia atrás en el tiempo hasta nuestro presente para hacerse famoso, sólo para verse continuamente frustrado por Flash. Aunque Kadabra es un mago de escenario y su aparición lo refleja, la 'magia' que usa para impresionar al público actual y luchar contra el velocista escarlata es en realidad tecnología del siglo 64. No tiene poderes mágicos reales, aunque en una importante historia, se le dio temporalmente el poder de la hechicería gracias a un acuerdo que hizo con el villano de Green Lantern 'Neron'.

Abra Kadabra también ha jugado un papel fundamental en Rebirth. En la serie mensual de TITANS, se reveló que era el villano responsable de la desaparición de Wally West del Universo DC. Así es que Barry y Wally en "The Flash" harían bien en tener cuidado cuando Kadabra aparezca en la serie.

David Dastmalchian es una cara familiar en las series de cómics, y que este año ha aparecido en otra de las series de DC, "Gotham" como el acólito de Jerome 'Dwight Pollard' y también tuvo un pequeño papel en la película de Christopher Nolan "The Dark Knight" y en "Ant-Man".

La CW aún no ha anunciado el papel del actor en la serie ni en qué episodios aparecerá.

http://www.dccomics.com/blog/2017/03/06 ... 60542630=1

Imagen Imagen
¡¡¡¡AY, OMÁ QUÉ CALORES!!!! ¡Gracias por tu regalo, Nitta!

Mensajes: 32845
Registrado: Dom May 21, 2006 12:15 am

Re: "Nuevo proyecto para la CW sobre 'THE FLASH'"

Mensaje por Shelby »

Imagen Imagen
¡¡¡¡AY, OMÁ QUÉ CALORES!!!! ¡Gracias por tu regalo, Nitta!

Mensajes: 32845
Registrado: Dom May 21, 2006 12:15 am

Re: "Nuevo proyecto para la CW sobre 'THE FLASH'"

Mensaje por Shelby »

- Stills del 3.17 "Duet":

Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen

Imagen Imagen
¡¡¡¡AY, OMÁ QUÉ CALORES!!!! ¡Gracias por tu regalo, Nitta!

Mensajes: 32845
Registrado: Dom May 21, 2006 12:15 am

Re: "Nuevo proyecto para la CW sobre 'THE FLASH'"

Mensaje por Shelby »

- THE FLASH | 3.16 "Into the Speed Force" Promo:

- THE FLASH | 3.16 "Into the Speed Force" Extended Promo:

- THE FLASH | 3.16 "Into the Speed Force" Inside the episode:

- THE FLASH | 3.16 "Into the Speed Force" Clip #1:


- THE FLASH | 3.16 "Into the Speed Force" Clip #2:


Imagen Imagen
¡¡¡¡AY, OMÁ QUÉ CALORES!!!! ¡Gracias por tu regalo, Nitta!
