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- Descripción oficial del 2.15 "Fellowship of the Spear":
2.15 "Fellowship of the Spear" (21/03/17): ES LA GUERRA — Las Legends deben idear un plan para recuperar los últimos fragmentos que quedan de la Lanza del Destino de la Legion of Doom. Se encuentran a sí mismos en Francia en el punto álgido de la I Guerra Mundial enfrentándose con el conocimiento de que deben destruir el objeto místico. Enlistan la ayuda de un soldado con el nombre de John Ronald Reuel Tolkien (la estrella invitada Jack Turner) y descubren que la Lanza les está levando directos al corazón de la guerra. Mientras tanto, todo el equipo debe resistirse a la tentación de la Lanza, y al regreso de un antiguo compañero. Victor Garber, Brandon Routh, Arthur Darvill, Caity Lotz, Dominic Purcell, Franz Drameh, Nick Zano y Maisie Richardson-Sellers protagonistas. Ben Bray dirige el episodio escrito por Keto Shimizu & Matthew Maala (#215).

http://dclegendstv.com/2017/03/02/legen ... the-spear/

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- Legends Of Tomorrow | 2.14 "Moonshot" Promo:

- Legends Of Tomorrow | 2.14 "Moonshot" Extended Promo:

- Legends Of Tomorrow | 2.14 "Moonshot" Inside the episode:

- Legends Of Tomorrow | 2.14 "Moonshot" Clip #1:


- Legends Of Tomorrow | 2.14 "Moonshot" Clip #2:


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Mensaje por Shelby »

- Stills del 2.14 "Moonshot":

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Mensaje por Shelby »

- Descripción oficial del 2.16 "Doomworld":
2.16 "Doomworld" (28/03/17): TRAICIONES — Tras obtener la Lanza del Destino, la Legion of Doom reescribe la realidad, dejando a las Legends cambiadas, quizá para siempre. Espantosamente, las esperanzas de las Legends y del mundo descansan en Rory (Dominic Purcell), pero el ser el “héroe” no es fácil para él. Mientras tanto, hay tensión en la Legion of Doom y se revela la razón por la que la Lanza del Destino necesita ser destruída. Victor Garber, Brandon Routh, Arthur Darvill, Caity Lotz, Franz Drameh, Nick Zano y Maisie Richardson-Sellers también aparecen. Mairzee Almas dirige el episodio escrito por Ray Utarnachitt & Sarah Hernandez (#216).

http://dclegendstv.com/2017/03/08/legen ... scription/

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Mensaje por Shelby »

- ¿Quién es el verdadero capitán ahora? Maisie Richardson-Sellers contesta (EW):
¿Quién es el verdadero capitán ahora? Maisie Richardson-Sellers contesta
Por Natalie Abrams 13 Marzo, 2017 at 8:21pm EDT

Now that Rip has returned to the Waverider, the question remains: Who’s the real captain now?

During Tuesday’s episode of DC’s Legends of Tomorrow, that question will come to the forefront as the Legends head to the 1970s, where Nate’s grandfather, Commander Steel (Matthew MacCaull), is protecting a piece of the Spear of Destiny. Will Sara (Caity Lotz) continue as the team’s de facto leader? Or does that power transfer back to Rip (Arthur Darvill).

“It’s a very interesting dynamic, because everyone is quite wary of him still because of what he’s done and the fact that it’s so fresh,” Maisie Richardson-Sellers tells EW. “He does accept a back seat and let Sara continue to lead for this mission.”

While the logline for the episode does tease tension between Sara and Rip specifically, Richardson-Sellers says the team doesn’t necessarily take sides. “For Amaya, Sara is the only captain she knows, so she very much sticks to Sara’s side,” she says. “It doesn’t divide the team, because he accepts he has been gone for a while and things have changed, but certainly it fuels new energy and changes the dynamic a bit between them.”

However, Amaya has her own uphill battle to face as her new flame Nate (Nick Zano) is reunited with his grandfather, and her former Justice Society of America partner, whom he knows perishes without ever meeting his child — a.k.a. Nate’s father. “Now that they’re romantically linked, she cares about Nate,” Richardson-Sellers says. “We find out that Commander Steel has the possibility of changing his future, which they’re not allowed to do. Nate tries to encourage that because it’ll change his life in a better way. But Amaya is very much the reverse, and she advises him not to do that. That changes their dynamic a little bit and tests their relationship.”

Though Amaya is vehemently against changing the future now, that could change soon. After all, Ray (Brandon Routh) recently revealed to Nate about Amaya’s own tragic destiny, which includes her village burning down and her granddaughter — the other Vixen (Megalyn E.K.) — being orphaned. “I can’t say if she gets told, but certainly if she did, it would be huge because it’s not a pleasant future,” Richardson-Sellers says. “The question would be: Does she therefore try to change it or not? And does Nate tell her or not? Because then she might be like, ‘I’ve got to go back,’ and then he loses her. He’s got a very personal interest, and he definitely stews in it for a while before he decides either way.”

DC’s Legends of Tomorrow airs Tuesdays at 9 p.m. ET on The CW.

http://ew.com/tv/2017/03/13/legends-tom ... -spoilers/

- Maisie Richardson-Sellers se pregunta si 'Vixen' regresará alguna vez al 1940 (comicbook):
Maisie Richardson-Sellers se pregunta si 'Vixen' regresará alguna vez al 1940
Por Russ Burlingame - 14/03/2017

On tonight's episode of DC's Legends of Tomorrow, Maisie Richardson Sellers -- who plays Vixen on the series -- Will find herself stuck between her commitment to the team and her affection for both a former JSA teammate and her current kinda-sorta boyfriend as Nate's grandfather Commander Steel seeks to alter his own future.

“Commander Steel decides that he might try and change the future, and I have to remind Nate quite forcefully that you can alter the future, because it alters everything, but of course we’ve altered my future already,” Richardson-Sellers told ComicBook.com. “You see Nate and Amaya’s relationship get tested [because] Commander Steel decides he’s going to change his future, which would mean Nate’s father has a much better childhood, so Nate is very pro-that, but I say he can’t because altering the future is wrong....It gives him a lot to think about, as to whether he tells me about my future or not.”

Amaya has arguably been the character who has grown and changed the most over the course of the season, and so as the season starts to wind down it's arguably not surprising to see so much of the story revolving around her.

“The JSA are very slick, professional, and sort of driven,” the actress told us, saying that was part of why her character was so disinclined to open up to the Legends at first. “Also, she didn’t realize how big the missions would be. she thought, ‘I’m only going to be on the ship for a short time, finish this mission, then go home.’ Then when it turned out to be part of a much larger mission with the Legion of Doom, she’s been on the ship a lot longer than she thought. Just having time around these new people in a very intimate space changed things. She’s learned a lot from them, as well, in the fact that you don’t have to be perfect as long as you get the job done, so I think she’s relaxed a lot and let go of her 1940s vibe.”

In terms of the romance, so far her relationship with Nate has been discussed almost entirely in terms of what could happen to the timeline if the two remain together for any length of time. We pointed out that it hasn't yet been asked -- what if that was always supposed to happen?

“It’s so true!” said Richardson-Sellers. “I think that’s a big question for Nate. He has to decide whether he tells Amaya or not, and what the possible consequences of that are. I can’t say whether he does or not, but that’s the problem with changing the future, is that it’s so complicated. You never know what has caused what.”

And, of course, throughout all of this she's dealing with seeing her old Justice Society teammates for the first time since she left them in 1945. Richardson-Sellers said that while the confrontation with Obsidian in the 1980s, in which he asked her why she "turned her back" on the team, was painful but that other encounters -- such as meeting Stargirl in Camelot -- have been easier for Amaya as the characters just slid into familiar dynamics.

“Certainly the question of if she's going to stay with the team or not” is an exciting element of the rest of the season for Richardson-Sellers. “The mission is going to be completed in one form or another, whether they're successful or not. And then the question is, what now? Does she return home and give up her new friends? Would she even fit in at home now, having changed so much that it sort of wouldn't be possible? Also, just in terms of having changed her mentality in becoming a much more modern woman, would it be in her best interest to continue? That's the biggest question.”

DC's Legends of Tomorrow airs on Tuesday nights at 9 p.m. ET/PT on The CW

http://comicbook.com/dc/2017/03/14/lege ... -sellers-/

- Legends of Tomorrow: ¿Cómo se sentirá el equipo sobre el regreso de Snart? (EW):
Legends of Tomorrow: ¿Cómo se sentirá el equipo sobre el regreso de Snart?
Por Natalie Abrams - 20 Marzo, 2017 a las 7:09pm EDT

It’s the moment fans have been waiting for: Leonard Snart is finally going to join the Legion of Doom during Tuesday’s episode of DC’s Legends of Tomorrow.

Ever since it was announced at Comic-Con that the former Legend who sacrificed himself last season would be joining the Legion, viewers have wondered when Captain Cold (Wentworth Miller) would reappear — and not just as a vision in Mick Rory’s (Dominic Purcell) head. The time has finally come, but Snart returns a very different man.

“What is fun about it is Rory’s reaction, because the last time Rory saw Snart, he was a hallucination,” executive producer Marc Guggenheim tells EW. “So when he sees Snart again, he very understandably thinks he’s hallucinating again. So, as with all things Legends, the moment is played for comedic effect.”

While the Legends find themselves in a Lord of the Rings-esque hour where they try to destroy the Spear of Destiny — they even get help from J.R.R. Tolkien! — Mick seeing a different version of his former partner in crime will certainly weigh heavily on him. That leads to confusion for newer teammates like Nate (Nick Zano) and Amaya (Maisie Richardson-Sellers), who don’t know Snart’s heroic side. “He returns as a part of the Legion, so he automatically, in her eyes, is a baddie,” Richardson-Sellers says. “But she cares a lot about Rory, so seeing how that affects Rory [is difficult]. He’s just a baddie to her, and that means one thing: that they have to eliminate him.”
Cate Cameron/The CW

Alas, for those fans who were hoping the show would address that surprising Sara (Caity Lotz) and Snart kiss before his death, Lotz says the show hasn’t gone there — yet. “It’s a bummer,” Lotz says. “I really wanted to, but hopefully they’re saving it for another time. The focus of Snart is his relationship with Rory, the original bromance, and I was really bummed, actually, because I wanted to, in the alternative reality [Doomsworld], for Sara and Snart to be dating like a little Bonnie and Clyde. But the Rory-Snart relationship is really important, and they had a lot of story left to do with that, so we don’t get to see any of that in this one, but hopefully later; hopefully we’re saving it for later.”

DC’s Legends of Tomorrow airs Tuesdays at 9 p.m. ET on The CW.

http://ew.com/tv/2017/03/20/legends-tom ... ld-return/?

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Mensaje por Shelby »

- Legends Of Tomorrow | 2.15 "Fellowship of the spear" Extended Promo:

- Legends Of Tomorrow | 2.15 "Fellowship of the spear" Inside the episode:

- Legends Of Tomorrow | 2.15 "Fellowship of the spear" Clip #1:


- Legends Of Tomorrow | 2.15 "Fellowship of the spear" Clip #2:


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Mensaje por Shelby »

- Stills del 2.15 "Fellowship of the Spear":

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Mensaje por Shelby »

- Descripción oficial del 2.17 "Aruba" (Season Finale):
2.17 "Aruba" (04/04/17): SEASON FINALE — Cuando las Legends están a punto de salir para su próximo destino, un enorme temblor de tiempo alcanza la nave. Para intentar arreglar lo que ha pasado, se ven obligados a romper una de las reglas cardinales del viaje en el tiempo. Pero si son capaces de destruir la Lanza, se enfrentarán con la última consecuencia. Protagonizado por Victor Garber, Brandon Routh, Arthur Darvill, Caity Lotz, Dominic Purcell, Franz Drameh, Nick Zano y Maisie Richardson-Sellers. Rob Seidenglanz dirige el episodio escrito por Phil Klemmer & Marc Guggenheim (#217).

http://dclegendstv.com/2017/03/17/legen ... ion-aruba/

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Mensaje por Shelby »

"PaleyFest 2017", L.A. (18-03-17)

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Mensaje por Shelby »

- ¿Quién traicionó al equipo? (EW):
¿Quién traicionó al equipo?
Por Natalie Abrams - 21 Marzo, 2017 a las 10:00pm EDT

Warning: This story contains major spoilers from Tuesday’s episode of DC’s Legends of Tomorrow. Read at your own risk!

The Legion of Doom was successful in its evil plan to obtain the Spear of Destiny during Tuesday’s episode of DC’s Legends of Tomorrow — and it’s all thanks to Mick Rory.

When the Legends set out to destroy the Spear in a Lord of the Rings-esque send-up — complete with J.R.R. Tolkien! — their old teammate Leonard Snart (Wentworth Miller) returned. However, Mick (Dominic Purcell) believes he’s just having another hallucination and unwittingly reveals the Legends’ plans to the bad guys.

See, this isn’t the heroic, willing-to-sacrifice-himself version of Snart that fans remember. The Legion plucked an earlier, still-evil Captain Cold out of the timeline for this express purpose. Thus, Mick reverted to his villainous ways, initially betraying the team inadvertently, but ultimately turning the Spear over to the Legion.

With the Spear in hand, the Legion is now able to rewrite reality — and boy will they! The penultimate hour is aptly titled “Doomsworld,” and the Legion has created a nefarious new world in which the heroes suffer their own personal punishments. So thanks, Mick!

RELATED: The Best CW Shows of All Time

“What a selfish d—,” Caity Lotz tells EW with a laugh. “Sara’s pissed. She’s super pissed. It’s not just turning his back on us and betraying us, it’s like every single person, their life is now messed up. She’s very upset with him, very disappointed and surprised. She trusted him.”

She’s not the only one who’s feeling betrayed, either. “He gets punched, I think, by no less than three different people in the course of this episode,” executive producer Marc Guggenheim teases of “Doomsworld.”

“I think he feels betrayed,” Brandon Routh adds of Ray. “But I think he feels bad because there’s a conversation that happens in [this] episode where we showed our lack of trust in him still after all this journey that he’s made, and I think that pushes him over the edge. I would say, if anything, Ray would probably feel guilty for not having spoken up and been more vocal and saying, ‘Hey, I trust you.'”

Even though the team is seething, there’s still one person in Mick’s corner. “Amaya takes it, if anything, hardest out of the team because she cares about him on a personal level,” Maisie Richardson-Sellers says. “Equally, she’s the most determined that there is still some good in him. Everyone else accepts it like, ‘Oh, well it’s Rory, and that’s what Rory does.'”

The question remains whether Mick can redeem himself once the Legends are trapped within Doomsworld. Stay tuned for more scoop on the Back to the Future 2-esque hour, which EW was on set for. DC’s Legends of Tomorrow airs Tuesdays at 9 p.m. ET on The CW.

http://ew.com/tv/2017/03/21/legends-tom ... -betrayal/

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Mensajes: 32839
Registrado: Dom May 21, 2006 12:15 am


Mensaje por Shelby »

- Legends Of Tomorrow | 2.16 "Doomworld" Promo:

- Legends Of Tomorrow | 2.16 "Doomworld" Extended Promo:

- Legends Of Tomorrow | 2.16 "Doomworld" Inside The episode:

- Legends Of Tomorrow | 2.16 "Doomworld" Clip #1:


- Legends Of Tomorrow | 2.16 "Doomworld" Clip #2:


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Mensajes: 32839
Registrado: Dom May 21, 2006 12:15 am


Mensaje por Shelby »

- Stills del 2.16 "Doomworld":

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Mensajes: 32839
Registrado: Dom May 21, 2006 12:15 am


Mensaje por Shelby »

- Felicity Smoak de "Arrow" conseguirá un traje y una máscara en "Legends Of Tomorrow":
Algo grande y emocionante para los fans de 'Felicity Smoak' (Emily Bett Rickards) Felicity Smoak ha sido revelado por el productor ejecutivo de "Legends of Tomorrow" y de "Arrow" Marc Guggenheim.

En el episodio de la próxima semana de "Legends of Tomorrow" titulado 'Doomworld' veremos versiones alternativas de algunos personajes, uno de los cuales fue insinuado hace varias semanas durante una entrevista por el productor.
“En el penúltimo episodio vamos a tener — no puedo ser específico sobre esto, pero creo que es una de las cosas más divertidas que hemos hecho jamás en la serie — un personaje de otra serie aparece en Legends de una manera en la que no ha sido visto nunca antes,” dijo Guggenheim.
Ahora, gracias a los tweets de Guggenheim, hemos sabido que a quien el productor se refería era a 'Felicity Smoak' con un traje y una máscara que recuerda al actual look en los cómics de 'Huntress'.
“Puede que nunca veáis esa versión del personaje de nuevo,” dijo Guggenheim en esa anterior entrevista. “Pero hará, creo, que los fans griten de alegría.”

Podéis ver los concept-arts de los diseños de Maya Mani para el personaje ilustrados por Andy Poon a continuación:

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Mensaje por Shelby »

- Legends Of Tomorrow | 2.17 "Aruba" Promo:

- Legends Of Tomorrow | 2.17 "Aruba" Extended Promo:

- Legends Of Tomorrow | 2.17 "Aruba" 1 Minute Promo:

- Legends Of Tomorrow | 2.17 "Aruba" Inside the episode:

- Legends Of Tomorrow | 2.17 "Aruba" Clip #1:

http://www.accesshollywood.com/videos/l ... e-trouble/

- Legends Of Tomorrow | 2.17 "Aruba" Clip #2:


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Mensaje por Shelby »

- Stills del 2.17 "Aruba" (season finale):

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