"Nuevo proyecto para la CW sobre 'THE FLASH'"

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Re: "Nuevo proyecto para la CW sobre 'THE FLASH'"

Mensaje por Shelby »

- Tom Welling dice estar abierto a la idea de aparecer en "The Flash":
Tras años de desinterés en aparecer en cualquiera de las series de la DCCW de superhéroes, el veretrano de "Smallville" Tom Welling parece ester dispuesto a meter de nuevo el pie en el universo de los superhéroes - si los productores de "The Flash" están dispuestos a hacerlo a su manera.

Durante la fiesta de la Fox’s Fall TV lineup, incluída "Lucifer", en la que el actor es personaje recurrente esta temporada, Nuke The Fridge dice que estuvo hablando con Welling durante una hora y que, aparentemente, pasó la pelota a la CW.
“Estoy dispuesto a ir a The Flash y tengo unas cuantas ideas de cómo puede pasar si la cadena me lo pide. De hecho, creo que puedo hacerlo posible”, ha declarado el actor.

Welling podría ciertamente hacer que se diera un cameo, ya que tanto "The Flash" como "Supergirl" tienden a abrazar a los antiguos actores de las películas y series de DC, y sin duda es la mayor estrella de ese tipo que aún no ha aparecido en las nuevas series aún.

Además, hay que tener en cuenta que esto podría producirse en una serie como "The Flash" que juega con el multiuniverso de distintas Tierras alternativas.

En cualquier caso, tendremos que esperar para ver si finalmente esta idea se cristaliza.

"The Flash" regresa el Martes, 10 de Oct a las 8 p.m. ET/PT en la CW. "Lucifer" regresará el Lunes, 02 de Octubre en la FOX.

http://nukethefridge.com/exclusive-tom- ... mallville/

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¡¡¡¡AY, OMÁ QUÉ CALORES!!!! ¡Gracias por tu regalo, Nitta!

Mensajes: 32833
Registrado: Dom May 21, 2006 12:15 am

Re: "Nuevo proyecto para la CW sobre 'THE FLASH'"

Mensaje por Shelby »

- Andrew Kreisberg habla sobre 'Elongated Man', 'The Thinker' & 'Killer Frost':
Cuando Barry Allen (Grant Gustin) finalmente regrese de la Speed Force en la Season 4 de "The Flash", tendrá que lidiar con muchos nuevos aliados, enemigos y alguna gente que hay entre ambas cosas.

Durante una entrevista con TV Insider, Andrew Kreisberg habló un poco sobre algunos de los personajes que jugarán papeles importantes en la próxima temporada. Primero, habló un poco sobre cómo Ralph Dibny, aka Elongated Man (interpretado por Hartley Sawyer), se llevará con Barry:
“Van a haber muchos conflictos entre ellos en términos de cómo ser un buen chico. Ralph coquetea con todos todo el tiempo. Es descarado, claro y no escucha.”
Kreisberg también revela que Dibny está escondiendo algo sobre cómo consiguió realmente sus poderes, diciendo: “Ese es uno de los misterios de la temporada.”

Kreisberg luego habló sobre cómo el Gran Villano de esta temporada, The Thinker (Neil Sandilands), es “una amenaza a la inteligencia,” que no está realmente tratando de destruir a The Flash:
“Tiene una necesidad hacia él, diría que eso es más preciso.”
Finalmente, el productor habló sobre Caitlin Snow (Danielle Panabaker), quien dejó Central City la pasada temporada para lidiar con la nueva personalidad de Killer Frost que viene junto con sus poderes heladores. Kreisberg dice:
“[Caitlin] está continuamente luchando con el monstruo helado que acecha en su interior, pero definitivamente regresará al redil en la premiere.”

"The Flash" regresa a nuestras pantallas con su cuarta temporada el 10 de Octubre a las 8/9c en la CW.

https://www.tvinsider.com/404538/the-fl ... haracters/

- Jefe de "The Flash" adelanta una season 4 menos seria (EW):
Jefe de "The Flash" adelanta una season 4 menos seria
Por Natalie Abrams - 03 Oct 2017

After sacrificing himself to save Central City, the Scarlet Speedster, quite literally, will be going through a rebirth in season 4 of The Flash.

“The experience of being in the Speed Force was a bit of a baptism for him,” executive producer Andrew Kreisberg tells EW. “His experience in there has really washed away a lot of his sins, cleansed him of his doubts, fears, and his guilts, and he really loves being The Flash again.”

But will the team feel the same? In Barry’s (Grant Gustin) absence, Iris (Candice Patton) has become the new leader of Team Flash as they’ve struggled to stay afloat over the last six months — which lends for some comedy over who’s really in charge upon his return. “They wind up going to couples therapy to work through it,” Kreisberg says with a laugh, noting those moments are part and parcel of The Flash leaning back into a lighter tone this year.

Even so, Team Flash will face one of its toughest foes yet in The Thinker (Neil Sandilands), whose ultimate objective will initially be shrouded in mystery. “There’s a chess match going on, and in the beginning, our guys don’t even realize that they’re playing against him,” Kreisberg says of the fastest mind alive. “You watch as they’re realizing that somebody is manipulating events and pulling the strings as it’s all building to a big confrontation.” Good thing the fastest man alive is back then!

Read our full interview with Kreisberg below about the season ahead.

ENTERTAINMENT WEEKLY: What’s Barry’s mindset when we pick back up with him?
ANDREW KREISBERG: Barry is not exactly the same as when we last saw him, and he’s going to go on a bit of a journey in the premiere episode. But the most important thing about Barry this year is that the experience of being in the Speed Force was a bit of a baptism for him. The premiere episode is called “The Flash Reborn” and Barry, in a way, has been born again. His experience in there has really washed away a lot of his sins, cleansed him of his doubts, fears, and his guilts, and he really loves being The Flash again. It really is leaving him free and clear to have an open road and a fresh start, and he’s just not upset the way he’s been these past two seasons.

It’s not in the titles, but every one of these shows — whether it’s Supergirl or Arrow or Flash — it really is like Begins; it’s really Arrow Begins, and Flash Begins, and Supergirl Begins. Now it’s season 4 and he’s really become The Flash in the comic books, the one who really is in full mastery of his skills and has the emotional maturity that he has in the comics.
Katie Yu/The CW

How has the team been operating without him? And how will the team feel upon his return since Iris has taken charge?
Well, it’s a lot of fun in episode two. Barry and Iris keep comically clashing inadvertently because she’s used to being in charge, and he’s used to being in charge, and so they wind up going to couples therapy to work through it. The two of them with the therapist is some of the funniest stuff we have ever done on this show, but it also leads to a deepening of their relationship.

Grant is so funny this season. We’ve been having him do the funniest things, and Candice is really — making her the team leader, which unfortunately didn’t occur to us until this season, has really given her the agency on the show that she hasn’t always had. She’s always been smart, and funny, and proud, and brave, and eager, but she didn’t always have the authority that she has this season. It’s really nice to see her making decisions, and telling people where to go, and what to do, and Candice has really risen to the challenge, as we knew that she would.

Will there be trust issues between Barry and Iris upon his return since he didn’t really discuss sacrificing himself with his fiancée?
He is so happy to be back, and so happy to be The Flash, and so happy to be with her. There are some things that she experienced in the last six months, because from his perspective, he went into the Speed Force and then he was out, so for him no time has passed at all, but she had to spend six months living without him, and as she says, living with having to explain that he disappeared, it’s been a hard six months for her. So obviously she’s happy he’s back, but they do have some things to talk about.

Other than not being a speedster, what makes The Thinker a different villain than what we’ve seen on the show before? Can you talk about his motivations?
It’s been interesting because none of us are geniuses, so it’s been interesting putting all of our writer brains together to come up with something that is worthy of somebody who is supposed to be the world’s fastest mind. Last season, by the back half of the season, we really zeroed in on Savitar and his motivations and whatnot, but I think early on in the season, it wasn’t as clear to us, and I think that showed on screen. This season, we worked really, really hard to really understand what the Thinker wants, and why he’s doing it, and how he’s going about it. As you’re watching these first episodes you really see that there’s a chess match going on. In the beginning, our guys don’t even realize that they’re playing against him, but then you watch as they’re realizing that somebody is manipulating events and pulling the strings, watching them move and countermove in episodes as it’s all building to a big confrontation.

What can you tease about Breacher’s arrival and what kind of dynamic he has with both Cisco and his daughter, Gypsy?
Well, we just thought it would be a great episode. Gypsy and Jessica [Camacho], they’re so tough and so strong. We’re like, “Obviously she came from somebody strong,” and we just thought it would be a hilarious idea for Cisco, who’s managed to melt Gypsy’s heart, being unable to do the same with her father. We were in the room and we were like, “Who could we get?” and someone said Danny Trejo and we all started laughing like, “He’d be great, but of course Danny Trejo’s not going to do this.” But as I’ve discovered over these past few years, if you don’t ask, you don’t get it. So we reached out to him and his people, and it turned out he was a fan, and he was eager to do it, and he loved the character. I feel like we wrote him a great script. His character and his storyline with Cisco and Gypsy, it’s part of this slight redirection of the series this year — it’s just doing much more fun stories and much more just out and out hilarious things to match Barry’s newfound optimism and lightness.

What is Caitlin’s journey this year and how much has she changed since the end of last season?
I don’t want to give too much away, just because how Caitlin reintegrates with the team is part of the fun of the first episode. All I’ll say is that for the people that love Caitlin, they’re going to be really happy, and for the people who love Killer Frost, they’re really going to be happy, too.

What can you tell us about Wells this year? Are we seeing another one, or are we just picking up with Harry, who was sticking around at the end of last season?
We’re picking up with Harry. We felt like we managed to pull off three different Wells in three years, and rather than just going and doing another Wells, we definitely felt there was more meat on the bone with Harry. Harry is a genius, and his daughter is safe, and she’s The Flash on Earth-3, and he’s one of those people who’s realizing that he doesn’t have a life. So season 4 for Harry is really realizing what he’s missing in his life and what it is he needs to become a better, more complete person. So he’s going to be going on a fairly epic emotional journey this season that is tied to The Thinker’s plan, and we’re really excited about it. It’s probably something a little bit more emotional than we’ve ever done for that character, but Tom is such a phenomenal actor, we know he’ll knock it out of the park. I’ll also say that Harry won’t be the only Wells we’ll see this season.

What themes are you’re exploring this season? Are you inspired by any certain comic book storyline, because a lot of people assumed you guys would be doing Rebirth?
Yeah, we’re not doing Rebirth based on that title. We were actually going to call it Rebirth, and then realized everybody was going to think we were doing Rebirth, which is why we changed it to “The Flash Reborn.” These first three years were really about growing up and now they’re all adults, which is both good and bad. They’ve all become pretty expert at what they do and they’re not as wide-eyed about everything that’s happening to them. For Barry and Iris, they are finally going to get married this season and then it’s going to be: Can they stay married with everything that’s coming up against them?

The Flash returns Tuesday, Oct. 10 at 8 p.m. ET on The CW.

http://ew.com/tv/2017/10/03/flash-seaso ... -spoilers/?

- Todd Helbing habla sobre la S4 de "The Flash" (Rotten Tomatoes):
Todd Helbing habla sobre la S4 de "The Flash"
Por Jean Bentley | 06 Octubre, 2017

Rotten Tomatoes: How much time has passed when we catch up with Team Flash in the premiere?

Todd Helbing: When we start season 4, it’s six months later, so Barry’s been gone for six months now and the team has been adjusting as much as they can. Iris has stepped up, she’s the team leader. Cisco and Wally are out as Kid Flash and Vibe, taking down all the metahumans or the humans or just the everyday Central City robberies that happen. They’re protecting the Central City Bank that gets robbed like every other month, and they’ve been working with Joe and CCPD. So it’s nice, this new dynamic, but when Barry eventually does come back, there’s a lot of adjustments that happen.

How long until we find out about this year’s big bad?

Along with all the other shifts that we made this year, we’re pretty into just not necessarily showing all of our hands, but you know pretty quickly we’re not hiding as much as we have in the past.
(Photo by The CW)

How is Iris as a leader in Barry’s absence, especially after being a victim all last season?

Last year from episode 9 on, she was in this defensive position and not only did that become problematic story-wise and how to keep up that tension for 13 episodes, but I think as a character, it was hard for Candice to play that. So we really wanted to do a nice shift. We wanted to do a lot of shifts on this show, but to make her more proactive this year and from what we’ve seen with Candice, she really shines like she never has before. It’s fantastic to see her in this authority position. So having her as the team leader and driving these missions, it’s been a lot of fun. She’s a phenomenal actress and I think what we’re giving her this year, she’s really taking it and redefining her role. It’s great.

This season’s big bad is The Thinker. There’s mind control involved with this guy, yes?

Like always, we take the villains and put them through our Flash television blender. It’s not that we fully reimagine every single one of these guys or girls, but we certainly give them powers that we think fit better organically in our show. So we’ve done the same thing with DeVoe here. It’s not so much mind control as it is just he is the ultimate chess master. There’s some metahuman capabilities on top of his thinking capacity, but I can’t spoil it for you.

At the end of last season Iris was ready to marry Barry and then Barry went and sacrificed himself again. But we’re still seeing a wedding, right?

When he comes back, he has to make up for that time that he was gone and emotionally they have to get back to where they were, so that’s going to take some time. There’s the path for these two that we’ve been building since season one. The relationship is going to eventually take the next step.

At the end of last season, Caitlin was still figuring out how to embrace her meta powers and she declined the cure. What is her journey going to be at the beginning of this season? Is she still learning to embrace the Frost?

Well, much like everybody else on the team, she had her own journey that happened in those six months, so when we see her come back to the team, she has a lot of explaining to them to do to show why and how she is Caitlin Snow.

Which version of Wells will we see this season?

It’s Harry. You’ll see Harry quite a bit, but it’s not exactly the same Harry. I’ll just say you’re going to see different versions of him as well.

How are Wally as The Flash and Cisco as Vibe fighting the metas in Barry’s absence?

Everybody has taken a step forward to collectively fill Barry’s shoes when he’s gone, so Vibe is out there in the field a lot more than he was previously. Over the last couple seasons, he’s been hesitant to go out in the field, but when you see him, he’s not so hesitant anymore. It’s also nice with Wally because he’s not just the only speedster. He’s the leader of the superhero contingent, I would say, with Team Flash.

https://editorial.rottentomatoes.com/ar ... in-2017/2/

- El elenco de "The Flash" adelantan el regreso de Barry de la Speed Force (EW):
El elenco de "The Flash" adelantan el regreso de Barry de la Speed Force
Por Natalie Abrams - 09 Oct, 2017 a las 1:00pm EDT

Spoiler alert: Barry Allen will return from the Speed Force when The Flash returns on Tuesday. For him, the trip has gone by in the blink of an eye, but for the rest of Team Flash, the last six months have been, well, tough.

In Barry’s absence, Iris (Candice Patton) has become the new leader of Team Flash as they’ve struggled to stay afloat over the past six months. “There’s a lack of confidence for sure in the team, but they’re doing the best they possibly can,” Patton says, explaining that Iris has set aside her heartbreak for the good of the group. “She’s devastated that Barry’s gone.”

But it’s actually a lack of that emotion that has many on the team a little concerned. “Joe is really, really worried about Iris and thinks that she has taken this too easily,” Jesse L. Martin says. “That doesn’t sit right with him; something’s not right. If she’s just accepting this, then something’s not right. He’s trying to encourage her to express herself.”

When a new foe threatens Central City, the team must move forward with their plans to get Barry out of the Speed Force — something not everyone agrees on. “Cisco, being the technology genius god that he is, always has a trick up his sleeve,” Carlos Valdes says. “So as far as Barry being trapped in the Speed Force is concerned, he definitely has a plan for that. The thing that he struggles with the most in the episode is Iris’s wishes. Her M.O. is more along the lines of accepting the fate that was handed to her, accepting that Barry is gone, and willing the team to move on. However, there is a strong part of him that wishes Barry were back. Iris, as the leader of the team, has her leadership challenged by Cisco. Cisco is the main proponent of getting Barry back. He is the one who believes in the team’s ability to get him back from the Speed Force, and his confidence and his optimism is in sharp contrast to Iris’s fatalism.”

The team is, of course, able to get him back. But when Barry does return, he’s scrambled, forcing everyone to rally around him. “Barry comes back from the Speed Force, and he’s a madman,” Valdes says. “He’s spouting all these crazy, nonsense words and dialogue that just doesn’t make any sense, and it’s all chopped up from different semblances of conversations. As far as the team’s skill set is concerned, there’s nothing that they can do about this, so episode 1 is basically just about figuring out how to get the Barry that they know and love back. They get him in the physical form, but he’s not the same.”

Once Barry is back in action, Gustin stresses that despite small hurdles ahead — like Barry and Iris landing in couples therapy — the duo are really a solid couple this season, which is not surprising considering the upcoming four-way crossover will feature their nuptials. “We do fall right back into wedding planning,” Gustin says. “It’s all good in Barry and Iris land right now. He feels confident in moving forward with the wedding. It’s been fun for me just because it’s back to the optimistic guy that we all got to know Barry as, that he lost a little bit the last couple years.”

That’s all part and parcel of the show leaning back toward its season 1 roots in tone. “The producers and writers are pretty hands-on this season about changing the tone of the show and getting back to a lot of the humor that we had in season 1,” Patton says. “I’ll even venture to say that there’s way more than even season 1, just in terms of the lightheartedness and jokes and funny scenarios that happen on the show. It’s really fun. I know me and Grant have had a couple of those scenes where it’s just been him and I, and we’ve both gotten to really put our comedy chops on the line. I’ve spent three seasons crying so much, and I haven’t really gotten to do a lot of that lighthearted stuff, so it’s really fun. We’re trying to go back to this more lighthearted comic-book-y version of The Flash.”

While it’s quickly back to business as usual, Barry’s return does raise a number of questions, namely what this means for Wally (Keiynan Lonsdale), who has taken up the mantle of the Flash in his absence. Cisco also stepped up while Barry was gone, which means seeing more of Vibe in the field this season. “Along with that field experience comes a natural growth of power,” Valdes teases. “Much in the same way that Barry got more comfortable with his powers at the beginning of the show and during season 1, there’s definitely some growth in that respect — but honestly, most of Cisco’s growth is more personal than it is with regards to his powers.”

Along those lines, the premiere is not just about getting Barry back from the Speed Force. There’s also another wayward member of the team who has been MIA this summer: Caitlin Snow (Danielle Panabaker). “Cisco feels the loss of his best friend, and that’s not just accounting for Barry, it’s accounting for Caitlin as well,” Valdes says. “As far as the audience knows, Caitlin is nowhere to be found. However, there might be some surprises with regards to what Caitlin’s doing with her life when we pick up in season 4.”

Though details on Caitlin’s journey in season 4 have been scarce, Panabaker teases that we’ll see a much more withdrawn version of the character. “At the top of season 4, Caitlin has been apart from Team Flash for a good six months, she’s taken a different job, and she’s really focusing on other things when Cisco comes to try and recruit her to bring her back to Team Flash,” Panabaker says. “Caitlin is a little bit more reserved, at least at the top of the season. It’s not the Caitlin we’ve seen in past seasons. At this point, obviously she’s been through some traumatic things, particularly the loss of her husband, but this one’s different; this one has affected her in a very specific way, and in a much more internal way.”

The Flash returns Tuesday at 8 p.m. ET on the CW

http://ew.com/tv/2017/10/09/flash-seaso ... eed-force/

- La Season 4 de "The Flash" no será tan deprimente (TVGuide):
La Season 4 de "The Flash" no será tan deprimente
Por Lindsay Macdonald | Oct 9, 2017 9:00 AM EDT

<p></p><p>Grant Gustin, <em style="">The Flash</em></p>
The Flash: Barry Will Be More Zen in Season 4

Season 3 of The Flash was a bit of a downer, to say the least, but that's what happens when your super-powered future self turns evil and time travels into the past to kill your fiancee. Luckily, Season 4 sounds like it will bring back some of the lighthearted whimsy that launched the show in the first place.

When speaking with TV Guide, executive producer Todd Helbing promised more jokes and a speed-less villain for Season 4. Plus, he shared some dish on Barry (Grant Gustin) and Iris' (Candice Patton) journey to the altar in the four-way crossover with Arrow, Supergirl and Legends of Tomorrow!

When Barry returns, how long has he been gone and how has his time in the Speed Force affected him mentally and emotionally?
Todd Helbing: When we start the first episode, he's been gone for six months. When he comes out, he's not quite the same Barry that you saw go in. It sort of allowed him to deal with all of the baggage that he's been carrying around for the first three seasons. You get to see the sort of Season 1, fun-loving, 'I love being a speedster' Barry Allen, which is nice and fun to get back to.

You've said Season 4 won't be as dark as Season 3, so how did you guys go about lightening up the show?
Helbing: The first episode is probably the closest tonally to the past three seasons, and even that shifts a little bit. It really kicks off in Episode 2. Everything starts with Barry as far as his tone... When he sort of comes out and has let everything go, it certainly has a trickle down effect with the team. There's a lot of jokes, there's a lot of fun scenarios. We're really swinging for the fences as far as the fun factor is concerned.

How will the team react to Barry's return after saving Central City without him for 6 months?
Helbing: When he comes out, he just wants to be The Flash again, so he's happy to go take down the villains or go save the day by himself. He's very eager to do that. But Wally (Keiynan Lonsdale) is still part of the team, and Iris is in charge, and Vibe (Carlos Valdes) has been going out. They've been working as this unit without him for six months. So when somebody's gone and they come and they step into the leadership role, there's some bumps along the way and that's what happens. It's not a smooth transition, really, for anybody. So Barry starts to realize his decisions and how they're starting to affect the team. A lot of that plays out with his relationship with Iris.

Speaking of that relationship, we know we're getting a wedding in the crossover episode. What can you say about how Barry and Iris get to that point?
Helbing: Obviously they were engaged at the end of the season and they sent out the save the date cards, but there's a big gap in what has happened from that point when he left. So they really have to work on getting back to the place where they left off, and that's not something that happens overnight. It's going to take a few episodes to lead up to the point where they're both ready to say, "I do."

How does Killer Frost (Danielle Panabaker), who's also still Caitlin, factor into this season?
Helbing: Caitlin had to try to figure out who she was exactly. Was she Killer Frost? Was she Caitlin Snow? She kind of went on her own journey -- kind of like Barry went on his when he went into the Speed Force -- figuring out how to deal with this power that she has and that she doesn't really want to have. So when she comes back, she's definitely not the goody-two-shoes Caitlin that you've known and loved for three years. She's got a little bit more edge to her, I would say. And slowly you start to realize why exactly she's changed a little bit.

She's had such bad luck with romance the past three seasons. Is that anywhere on the horizon for her in Season 4 or is she taking time for herself?
Helbing: She's going to take some time for herself this year. I think dealing with the Killer Frost and the Caitlin Snow of it all, that's more than enough for her. She doesn't need a relationship on top of it.

We're also going to see Gypsy (Jessica Camacho) again, so what brings her back around? What's her relationship with Cisco looking like?
Helbing: Those two have steadily been dating for that six months and their relationship is blossoming, you could say. Like any relationship, it has its ups and downs and Cisco, in an early episode, kind of does something that rubs Gypsy the wrong way, which is kind of fun. And in an episode in the near future, you get to meet Gypsy's father, Breacher. That whole storyline is one of my favorites so far this season. It's hilarious.

What can you tease about The Thinker and how he'll be different from previous villains?
Helbing: Well, he's obviously not a speedster, so his methodology is completely different. He's really more of the long game villain, who is playing chess. What you see is exactly the pieces that he's playing with and where he puts them, and he's controlling the moves. He's sort of created the problem for Barry and simultaneously solving the problems he needs solved when he needs them. So it's a lot of fun, and it's probably the most psychological-based villain we've had so far on the show.

Poor H.R. (Tom Cavanaugh) is no more, so does this mean we get Harry back full time?
Helbing: Harry comes back, and there's a reason why he shows up. [There's a reason] why he's come back and why he'll be sticking around. He's a little gruff, so there's a lot of growth for him personality-wise, but it's Tom Cavanaugh, and seeing him play as many different versions of Wells is what we love. So there's a nice array of different Wellses you get to meet this year.

And what can you tease about the Felicity (Emily Bett Rickards) crossover in Episode 5?
Helbing: She comes for a bachelorette party, and Iris and Felicity and Caitlin and Cecile have a night out on the town that does not go as most bachelorette parties go. They sort of get themselves in some interesting situations that they need to fight their way out of.

The Flash premieres Tuesday, Oct. 10 at 8/7c on The CW.

http://www.tvguide.com/news/the-flash-s ... -spoilers/

- Todd Helbing sobre regresar a la atmósfera de la Season 1, la nueva aproximación al Crossover, y más (collider):
Todd Helbing sobre regresar a la atmósfera de la Season 1, la nueva aproximación al Crossover, y más
Por Christina Radish - 10 Oct, 2017

The CW series The Flash is back for Season 4, and while Barry Allen (Grant Gustin) has spent six months in the Speed Force, Iris (Candice Patton), Wally (Keiynan Lonsdale), aka Kid Flash, Joe (Jesse L. Martin) and Cisco (Carlos Valdes), aka Vibe, have taken over protecting Central City. But when Cisco decides to break Barry out of the Speed Force to help them fight off a powerful villain, they quickly realizes that Barry is not the same Barry as before, and that that will take some adjustment for everyone.

During this 1-on-1 phone interview with Collider, executive producer Todd Helbing shared some insights into Season 4, what it means for a hero to be reborn, what kind of leader Iris has become in Barry’s absence, WestAllen couples therapy, the upcoming four-hour cross-over episode, tension with Wally, getting to learn more about Harry Wells (Tom Cavanagh), the Cisco-Gypsy-Breacher dynamic and what Danny Trejo brings to that, and what makes The Thinker a different kind of villain.

Collider: We’ve seen a hero being born, when Barry Allen first became The Flash, but what does it mean for him to be reborn this season?

TODD HELBING: Well, the last season got pretty dark. We started to see that, as it was happening, and we had a lot of discussions about how to get back to the real fun of having Barry Allen love being The Flash and to get that baggage that he’s been carrying around off of his shoulders. When he made that sacrifice, at the end of Season 3, whatever experience he had in the Speed Force, allowed him to deal with all of that. So, when he comes out of it, he really is like a new guy. He’s a new Barry Allen. He’s much more akin to the Season 1 Barry Allen, and he loves being The Flash and loves his powers and loves being a part of the team. It’s been a lot of fun and really a lot of joy to write this version of Barry Allen.

In Barry’s absence, what kind of leader has Iris been, and how will Barry feel about her leading the team, when he returns?

HELBING: Iris stepped up and became team leader. It’s so fun to see her in STAR Labs, driving the ship, calling the shots and being the team leader. Vibe stepped up. Kid Flash stepped up. They’re the Central City resident superheroes, and they’re working with Joe. Seeing that team work as they do, for six months, they’ve become a well-oiled machine in Barry’s absence. So, when Barry comes out, you can imagine if, all of a sudden, the leader reappears and is more than willing, ready and happy about taking down the bad guys as The Flash, that he’s not really used to this new dynamic, at all, and he has to figure out what his role is going to be on the team now, moving forward. It’s a lot of fun to see how all of that works itself out.

Especially knowing that they are headed down the path to a wedding, how do Barry and Iris get back on the same page? What does WestAllen couples therapy actually look like?

HELBING: They have a lot of work to do. It’s not like you can just disappear for six months, after sending out save-the-date cards, and then come back and be like, “Let’s go pick out our wedding gifts!” It’s gonna take some time and some conversations and some emotional work, and it felt like putting them in couples therapy would be the perfect place for them to work out their issues while also simultaneously letting us have a lot of fun with those two and their new dynamic. You’ll see exactly what they have to work through to get back on track.

We know that the four-way crossover between Arrow, The Flash, Supergirl and Legends of Tomorrow will include the long-awaited WestAllen wedding. What can you say to tease Team Flash’s role and the wedding in that crossover, and whether there are any particularly fun moments involving The Flash cast that most stand out for you?

HELBING: I don’t know if there is any one moment. We’re telling a four-hour movie. In the past, an Arrow episode felt like an Arrow episode, a Flash episode felt like a Flash episode, and Legends felt like Legends. With this cross-over, we’re telling it like a collective story. It’s so fun to see them all together, working together and being together for four hours. While we’re progressing the narrative on all four shows, it’s really this amazing throughline for everybody. I don’t think I have a favorite moment. I haven’t watched all of the dailies. We’re still shooting it. The stuff I’ve seen is amazing. Every year, we have to outdo ourselves and it’s a huge challenge, but I think that we did, this year.

How does Wally feel about being the only speedster around Central City, at least for a little bit, and then how does he feel about no longer being the only speedster around again?

HELBING: Barry doesn’t have to just do work with Iris. He has to do work with everybody, and Wally is no exception. When you are the speedster in town and you’re still Kid Flash, but you want to be The Flash, and then The Flash returns, it’s an interesting dynamic. This guy taught him. He was his mentor, in a lot of ways. So, to have your mentor return and want to lead the ship again, Wally is gonna bristle a little bit.

We know that we’re going to get to delve a little bit deeper into Harry this season. What was it about the Harrison Wells of Earth-2 that made you want to stick with him, in particular, and what will his journey be, in Season 4?

HELBING: One of my favorite relationships is the Harry-Cisco relationship. It’s so fueled with annoyance, on both sides, so that was certainly attractive. We felt like there was still more story to tell with Harry, and that we could take him on a great emotional journey, this year, where maybe Harry needs to work on his interpersonal skills, a little bit. We’re going to round him out, as a person, and that’s been a lot of fun. When he shows up, there’s a reason why he’s come back to Earth-1 and why he is folded into the team that really speaks to his journey, throughout the season.

I’m good with as many versions of Harrison Wells are necessary to keep Tom Cavanagh on the show.

HELBING: Well, we certainly do not disappoint this season, in that regard. All I can say is that Tom outdoes himself, every time. Some of the stuff that he’s done this year, so far, is unbelievably hilarious.

What can you say to tease the Cisco-Gypsy-Breacher dynamic, and what does Danny Trejo bring to that, just simply by being Danny Trejo?

HELBING: I’ve gotta be honest, it was crazy being on set with him. I’ve been such a fan, for so long. There’s one classic shot with him, that I can’t get into, but that you’ll know when you see it because it’s classic Danny Trejo. His comic chops are so great. He’s Gypsy’s father, and Cisco and Gypsy’s relationship has blossomed. They’ve been dating for eight months now, but I don’t think he enjoys anybody dating his daughter, much less Cisco. That creates a little bit of tension between the two. Their storyline in Episode 4 may be one of my favorite things that we’ve ever done on the show.

What makes The Thinker a different kind of villain than we’ve seen on The Flash, and what does he want?

HELBING: I can’t really get into what he wants yet, but this guy is the smartest man in the world. He’s not a speedster. He can’t compete with Barry, physically. It’s the fastest man alive vs. the fastest mind alive, so he can out-think anybody. He knows where people are gonna be, he knows how they’re gonna react, and he knows what scenarios he can put them in to create other scenarios that he needs. It’s not like he can see the future, but he has thought through every outcome. He is not only the man who built the chess board, but he built the chess pieces, and then he puts them on the board where he wants them, so he can play the moves when he needs to. It’s a lot of fun, psychologically, in how that washes over the team.

The Flash airs on Tuesday nights on The CW.

http://collider.com/the-flash-season-4- ... ng/#reborn

- Grant Gustin sobre el regresar de la Speed Force, la próxima boda de Barry, y qué le hizo llorar (parade):
Grant Gustin sobre el regresar de la Speed Force, la próxima boda de Barry, y qué le hizo llorar
Por Paulette Cohn - 10 Oct 2017

The Flash (Grant Gustin) is reborn when he returns from speed force on tonight’s Season 4 premiere, but first we learn that in his absence, Iris (Candice Patton), Kid Flash (Keiynan Lonsdale), Joe (Jesse L. Martin) and Vibe (Carlos Valdes) have taken over protecting Central City.

But when a powerful villain threatens to level the city if The Flash doesn’t appear, Cisco makes a risky decision to break Barry out of the speed force. However, the Barry that comes out isn’t the same Barry that went in.

Following is what Gustin had to say at a roundtable for The Flash about its upcoming fourth season:

Will we see Barry in the speed force when we return?

We will not see Barry in the speed force when we pick up. He has been in there six months, so I think it has honestly been harder on Team Flash because they’ve had to pick up the pieces and carry on. The way I see it, time is nonlinear in the speed force, so it has not been the same experience of pastimes when we’ve seen people in his life embodying the speed force and talking him through his experience. I think more or less, he has been there by himself. Having things all come at him at once, I think, he has experienced his life from start to end, infinity times over.

So when he comes out, it is like an awakening in some ways. He has an understanding of things he hasn’t had before. He is also kind of scrambled and not really himself because it has been a jarring experience.

What else can you tease?

I think Barry is in a good place. The team is going to have to find a way to forgive him almost for his sacrifice and fall in line again and move forward. I think Barry’s more than ready to move forward when he comes out and he has had a chance to let go of the mistakes he’s made the last few years, especially last year with the spiral of impending death with Iris and losing HR. Obviously, Barry so blamed himself for a lot of that. And I think because of this experience, he has been able to let go of a lot of that and let go of the loss of his family and friends over the last few years. Barry will be stronger than he’s ever been, and everybody else will have to find a way to forgive him in their own time.

What can you say about Wally being kind of sucked into The Flash’s shoes?

Barry is, I think, going to come out more mature than you have ever seen him. Barry has always appreciated what Wally is trying to do. They butt heads, obviously. It is like a big brother/little brother relationship, but he has always respected Wally. I think the fact that he has taken over while he was gone will create even more respect for Wally in Barry’s eyes.

What about Barry and Iris?

Barry’s happy to be back with the love of his life. I think Iris was left heartbroken, but she picked up and moved on and took over as the leader of Team Flash while Barry was gone and ran things with Kid Flash out in the field. She’s in the Cortex manning everything. It is harder for her to understand when Barry comes back why he made that decision, to not take it personally that he left her behind but Barry is going to let her go through that. He is ready to move on. They are looking forward to their wedding. I think it is going to be a fun, much happier season.

It is what we want and what we are hearing from the creators. It is back to kind of Season 1, but we’ve all grown as actors since then, so I think it will be our strongest season.

Is it exciting to face a very different kind of nemesis in DeVoe?

I don’t really know much about DeVoe to be honest, from the comics. We’re going to have to find ways to outsmart him or her when we figure out who it is, a he or she. It will be cool. Barry will actually be the fastest man alive in this season.

How did you deal with the darkness last season?

I have said this to the creators. Nothing against the show, but it was absolutely the hardest season. It was a dark season. In Season 1 when I shot the scene with Nora where I go back in time, I want to save her, but then I watch her die. That was the hardest scene I have ever shot on the show. When I went home, I was still affected by it. I was in the shower crying. We shot it for four hours and I just remember being rocked by it. I felt like we had really lost somebody because we had done it for so long. There were a lot of days like that last year. You go home in a bad mood because you’ve been playing these dark things all day and you become aggravated easily. It was just a hard season.

The Flash premieres tonight at 8 p.m. ET/PT on The CW.

https://parade.com/608466/paulettecohn/ ... e-him-cry/

- Todd Helbing sobre el tono más ligero de la S4 y The Thinker como el primer gran villano no velocista (variety):
Todd Helbing sobre el tono más ligero de la S4 y The Thinker como el primer gran villano no velocista
Por Jacob Bryant - 10 Oct, 2017

One of the biggest issues when people talked about the third season of “The Flash” was the shift in tone. The first two seasons saw Barry Allen (Grant Gustin) excited by the thought of protecting the city and curious about his powers – a stark contrast to the show’s sister series, “Arrow.” But then the third season got progressively darker – necessitated by Team Flash’s frantic search to save Iris (Candice Patton) from a future death by Savitar and ending with Barry sacrificing himself to the Speed Force to protect Central City from being destroyed.

“In the midseason finale – where we saw the future, and Iris dying – it was a great midseason finale but the problem it made for us was that we started to realize that to keep up that tension it sort of had to get darker and darker. I don’t think it was anybody’s intention to take it as dark as it got,” series executive producer Todd Helbing tells Variety.

Helbing and the team at “The Flash” know that a lot of what set the show apart as something special in its origins was that it was lighter fare. So they are taking great lengths to get back to those essential basics of the show.

“When conversations started about Season 4, everyone had a desire to get back to the fun – and have Barry be fun,” Helbing says. “Barry going into the Speed Force, it was a heroic sacrifice, but it also allowed us a way to bring him out of it and have an experience that will make him more light going forward.”

Here, Helbing talks with Variety about the new season 4 Barry,

Barry certainly looks like he has seen some s–t while in the Speed Force. What’s his mindset like when he gets out?

When he gets out he’s not exactly the same. What he experienced has a long-lasting effect on him and changes who he is. It lets him finally move past all the baggage he was carrying. I would say tonally the Season 4 premiere feels more like the first three seasons, and it’s episode two where the fun quotient really kicks in.

Iris has taken on a leadership role in Team Flash. Is this her just helping to pick up the slack with Barry gone, or has she found her calling leading and coordinating the team?

I think both. On top of Barry being gone, Caitlin [Danielle Panabaker] is gone. With Kid Flash [Keiynan Lonsdale] and Vibe [Carlos Valdes] as the resident super heroes, they need someone back in the cortex, and it was the perfect opportunity for Iris to come in and become team leader and drive the ship. It also allowed her to sort of deal with Barry not being there.

How are Kid Flash and Cisco handling being the resident super heroes?

Cisco was always sort of hesitant to go out in the field, but he doesn’t have much of choice. He’s been thrown into fire and he rises about it. He and Kid Flash are a great team, and to see them work in tandem is a lot of fun.

Last season we saw the rise of Killer Frost, and then she left at the end of the season. Is she still trying to find a permanent cure, or is she learning to deal with the Killer Frost side of herself?

Like Barry, Caitlin had to go figure out this new life that she had. In the six months she’s sort of figured out who she is. It’s a little bit different than Caitlin Snow. When we find her she’s working in a bar that’s not quite the most upstanding bar around, and it’s a nice hint at what’s happened to her and how she’s going to move forward.

There were multiple references last season from characters who traveled from the future that The Flash would face off against Clifford DeVoe aka The Thinker. Why was he the choice for the first non-speedster villain?

In the long list of metahumans that we can have, some feel like they work better in an episode, some feel like they have more of an episodic arc, but The Thinker has been a guy who’s been on the board since Season 1. When we knew we didn’t want to do a speedster, there was such a breadth of new challenges that somebody with super intelligence could pose to Barry and the team. His powers sort of allow us to not have Barry fight the same sort of villain. He presents a completely new set of obstacles, and tonally that was exactly what we were looking to do.

“The Flash’s” fourth season debuts on the CW Oct. 10 at 8 p.m.

http://variety.com/2017/tv/news/the-fla ... 202585873/

- Keiynan Lonsdale sobre lo que podemos esperar de Wally West esta temporada (vulture):
Keiynan Lonsdale sobre lo que podemos esperar de Wally West esta temporada
Por Angelica Jade Bastién - 11 Oct 2017

The Flash is a show with many delights: Its effortlessly optimistic tone, the Silver Age zaniness that harkens to its comic-book roots, and the camaraderie of its cast members. But one of its greatest strengths is undoubtedly Keiynan Lonsdale as Wally West, a.k.a. Kid Flash. The fourth season — which premiered Tuesday night — sees Wally grappling with living in the shadow of Barry Allen, even after he returns to Central City from the Speed Force. Lonsdale capably brings the wit and heart of the iconic character to life. Vulture caught up with the actor to discuss what to expect of Wally’s journey this season and how he learned to love himself.

Wally West was actually the character who got me into comics when I was a kid, so the kid in me is slightly freaking out.
That’s so cool how it kind of comes full circle.

Has it sunk in how historic it is for you to play this character? Both because he’s very beloved, and also because audiences are very vocal about wanting diversity, and it’s nice to see such an iconic character played by a black actor. Do you feel any pressure?
No. I did feel pressure in the beginning, and also at the same time, I’ve played a character before that was based off of a book series that already had really dedicated fan support. This was even larger than that because there’s so much history. I really just reminded myself that giving myself the narrative of such pressure was not going to help my performance. So I thought what would be best is to make sure I was approaching the character with love, the same love that other fans have for him, and then honoring the history of it, but also honoring what I was being given with the script each week, because what we’re doing is obviously different. But of course, you sort of go in and out of feeling the weight of it, you know? It comes in waves.

Speaking of pressure, Wally West has a lot going into the season, considering Barry’s temporarily gone in the speed force, and he’s obviously still growing into his own abilities as a speedster. What can we expect of Wally’s arc this season?
I think we’re happily surprised for him, because he could really be feeling the weight on his shoulders, but he’s actually feeling quite light. Because he’s coming into his own, it’s this bittersweet opportunity to find himself in a strange way. Also, he’s not really processing his own emotions as much because he’s really looking out for his sister, and he knows that at the end of the day, she’s hurting the most. He’s able to see the big picture because he loves her so much, and she’s really struggling, whether or not she shares that. But he’s very aware of what’s going on.

The chemistry between the West family — between you and Candice Patton, who plays Iris, and Jesse L. Martin — is honestly pretty amazing. How is it working with them and creating such a real-feeling familial dynamic?
It’s really organic because we do feel like a family on and offscreen. We hang out a lot. Candice and I feel like brother and sister; Jesse feels like our dad.

Oh, that’s adorable.
It’s cool. It sort of progressed that way because I had such heavy scenes with them, so we were always together. They really took me under their wing, and it just so happens that we play family onscreen, so that was perfect. Sometimes we forget that we aren’t actually a family, especially when the three of us go to the movies together.

Oh, what was the last movie y’all went to?
I know we saw Moana together. We saw Get Out together.

Last season, we had the Flashpoint episode and got to see Iris and Wally as a sibling detective-slash-superhero duo, which was really fun to watch. Are we gonna see something like that? How does the team dynamic change without Barry?
It does feel like, in a sense, the team has really come together. There isn’t a specific leader. Iris is sort of manning the team — it’s really using all of her knowledge and technique that she’s learned over the years from her job [as a journalist]. But the team as a whole, we’re still used to having Barry as our leader. We’re used to having a leader who’s been doing this for ages, so we definitely stumble along the way. But at the same time, people are really brought closer through tragedy.

The Flash is great at mixing action and drama scenes. What are your favorite scenes to play as an actor when it comes to the show?
I like both. I love that we get to have that mix. My favorite scenes probably are the family scenes. They’re the juiciest. I love scenes with my dad, or my mum, Francine [Vanessa Williams]. Probably my favorite scene last year was when Francine came back. That was just a really meaty scene, and it was heartbreaking to read. It was really fun as well, as much as I was crying and stuff. And that’s what I love about being an actor, the joy that you can find in these heart-wrenching moments.

You’re very active and political on social media. I was wondering if you could give advice to some of your younger fans about living their own truth and being open about their own lives, especially at such a politically fraught time right now.
We spend so much time creating a character for ourselves that we want to present, and sometimes a character we don’t even want to present, but we feel like that’s what we’re supposed to do. As a teenager and as a young adult, and even continuing on from there, we feel like that’s what we’re supposed to do in order to be successful or for people to like us.

But we have to live with this person that we are each day, so my advice would be that, make sure the person you live with each day is the real you and is the you that makes you feel joy. Because that’s very possible, and if you are living your authentic self, especially in this world that we live in now, you’re going to not just be an awesome human, you’re gonna inspire so many other people. Sometimes I look at things I’ve done and even recently, I’m like, “Oh, that doesn’t look that cool,” or “I sounded like an idiot,” or this or that. But at the end of the day, it doesn’t matter. If I was living truly in that moment, then that’s what matters, and then I move forward. As cliché as it is, be yourself. But also, take the time to figure out what that means.

That’s very beautifully put, and it’s something very, very hard to do, no matter if it is clichéd.
Yeah. I realized that this year so much because I was able to not just like myself for the first time, but love myself, and I was like, “Whoa, this is so cool.” I always thought it was just me who wasn’t a big fan of the innermost me, but in fact pretty much everyone I come across struggles with self love, and it’s not about selfishness.

So how does being in this space, and finally coming to this point when it comes to loving yourself, affect how you look at your career?
It has really shifted. I was very obsessed with significance. I guess because I grew up watching Michael Jackson, I wanted to be this icon, and I thought that that was my destiny and that’s what I had to be, and If I’m not that then I’m not worth anything. If I didn’t become that then I failed. And so I’ve just been going along this path, (1) because I’m in love with performing and creating, but (2) because I’m addicted to this dream and really scared of being insignificant and leaving this world not having been the best in the entire world. And it’s beautiful that we have such passion, but it’s also crazy.

We’re all just as significant as each other, we’re all just figuring it out. And so that’s given me a lot of balance in terms of the way I view my career. It doesn’t mean I want it any less. In fact, I’ve been able to figure out more things that I want on top of it simply because I got to a place where I’m like, I’m gonna put in every effort I can, and if for whatever reason I don’t end up where I want, I have to be okay with that, and I should be excited about that because life takes you to cool places and, I mean, I never thought I’d be playing a superhero.

http://www.vulture.com/2017/10/flash-ke ... -west.html?

- Jessica Camacho habla sobre & Vibe enamorados y el Breacher de Tejo (cbr):
Jessica Camacho habla sobre & Vibe enamorados y el Breacher de Tejo
Por Bryan Cairns - 17 Oct 2017

Jessica Camacho’s Gypsy may not be interested in becoming a member of Team Flash, but she’s more than happy to have Vibe stand by her side.

Of course, this wasn’t always the case. As Earth-19’s unrivaled bounty hunter, Gypsy originally ventured to Earth-1 to retrieve a version of H.R. Wells who had disobeyed the ban on inter-dimensional travel. During that visit, she encountered Cisco — and lost to him in combat. The two have subsequently bantered and verbally sparred since then, but it was obvious a spark was igniting between them.

In The Flash‘s Season 3 finale, Gypsy pitched in to help defeat Savitar and Killer Frost, cementing her feelings for Cisco in the process. Of course, the pair’s current lovey-dovey phase will soon be tested by none other than her father, Breacher.

Camacho recently spoke to CBR about Gypsy’s growing affections for Cisco, working with Danny Trejo as Breacher, and whether she will be a part of the upcoming Arrowverse crossover, “Crisis on Earth-X.”

CBR: There’s a bit of a time jump between Seasons 3 and 4. Where do Gypsy and Cisco stand in terms of their relationship when we see them next?

Jessica Camacho: When we pick up with them, we see a lot has transpired. We left off with them establishing these feelings for each other, but not knowing where that was going to go, or what it was exactly. When we pick back up, it’s like, “Boom!” They are in the midst of mushy, gushy sweet love. It’s awesome. They have feelings for each other. They are a part of each other’s lives. It’s interesting to see this new side of their relationship, this normalcy between them. They go on dates. They are crushing on each other, and they are both okay with that.

Is Gypsy still off doing her own thing? How involved is she with Team Flash’s adventures?

Gypsy is a bounty hunter. That is what she does. She is still off doing her thing. She pops in and checks on the team. For the most part, Cisco is doing his thing with his team. She’s off doing hers. I’m sure they’ve handled a couple of cases together, but for the most part, she’s clocking into her job. Then, when she can, she gets over to his Earth to pick up where they left off. They go on a date and then head back to work.

In what way does Gypsy’s father, Breacher, complicate her romance with Cisco?

Her dad is quite terrifying. He is quite protective of his baby girl. In his eyes, no man is going to be good enough for his little baby girl. Enter Cisco, who abruptly meets him. Cisco is forced to prove his worthiness to Breacher. Just as bad ass as Gypsy is, the apple doesn’t fall far from the tree. We see the source of her intensity. We see that in Breacher. He’s ready, upon meeting Cisco, to see what he’s made of.

Gypsy comes off strong-willed and independent. How does Breacher’s attitude sit with her?

Gypsy is independent, and she has her own agenda. She’s strong, capable and fierce. But it’s really cool to see that with her dad, she’s very much his little girl. Gypsy is okay with that. We see the love between Breacher and Gypsy. It’s really beautiful. She’s putty in his hand to a certain extent, but he’s putty in hers, even more so. They have that sincere love for one another. Gypsy allows herself to be vulnerable with very few people. Cisco, being one, and her dad being the other.

Everyone’s powers keep increasing and progressing. How will Gypsy’s abilities evolve, if at all?

That remains to be seen. I’m curious to see that as well. You open a script, and you learn more about the character and the world. Right now, we’re seeing Gypsy in love. That’s a new thing for her and for the audience to see. We’re seeing her enamored and exploring these tender qualities. Just like when you get into a relationship, that becomes the forefront of all of your thoughts. As soon as you wake up in the morning, you may have 10,000 things to do that day.

But once that special person makes it into your heart, they’re all you want to think about. You want to talk to them. She’s still kicking ass, but she’s totally wrapped up in her newfound love and the joy that brings. I don’t want to say that gets old, but once newness, that sweetness becomes a little more normal, then, the tension returns. “Babe, we do have work to do. We have jobs. We’re saving mankind here.” That creates tension. It will be interesting to see what comes next, what pops up and how their relationship is put to the test.

Now that Gypsy has been established in the Arrowverse, what are you excited to see for her arc?

I’m excited to see where it goes. Right now, I’m working on a show [Taken]. That’s why I’m in Toronto. It’s taking up so much of my time, which is amazing, but it’s been interesting trying to juggle that. Gypsy got solidified in such a cool way in The Flash. Then I got pulled away for work. I’m itching to see what has happened in the time from where we pick up with Gypsy in the new season, to where she finally comes to see what has gone on. Where have you been? What have you been doing? We still have to see how that plays out.

The big crossover finds unwanted dimension-hopping guests crashing Iris and Barry’s wedding. Stopping those kind of offenders is Gypsy’s schtick. How instrumental will she be in setting things right?

Because of my schedule, I am not able to take part in that. It’s such a bummer. You’re right. That is her schtick. Again, it’s going to be interesting to come back and to find out everything that has transpired. Where was Gypsy? What was she doing? What has she been busy with? There’s a lot I don’t know. It will be exciting to fill in those gaps.

http://www.cbr.com/interview-flash-gyps ... a-camacho/

- Jessica Camacho sobre el trabajar con Danny Trejo y el por qué está emocionada por el futuro de Vixen (comicbook):
Jessica Camacho sobre el trabajar con Danny Trejo y el por qué está emocionada por el futuro de Vixen
Por Russ Burlingame | 17 Oct, 2017

Gypsy returns to The Flash tonight, and her relationship with Cisco is still going strong...at least until he opens his mouth.

Througout the episode, Cisco's job with Team Flash puts a strain on his relationship with Vixen, and the result is that there is a lot of drama between the usually no-nonsense couple.

Jessica Camacho, who plays Vixen on the series, joined ComicBook.com to chat about her character, where that relationship goes next, and what to expect when we meet her father, Breacher, played by iconic Hollywood tough guy Danny Trejo.

Do you think the kind of complications we saw in tonight's episode will carry through the season, or has that kind of normalized at this point?

I think in any relationship, there's absolutely that period of growing pains because you're getting to know all these new feelings that you have for this person. You're feeling vulnerable. You're feeling totally enamored, which leaves you feeling insecure a lot of times, so I think that Gypsy's just grappling with that. I don't think that she's very comfortable feeling vulnerable because of another person; I think this is a thing that is new to her.

So, yes, she understands that she is trying to save mankind, but you know what? She does the same thing. They live in this reality where that is their lives. It's always like the world on the verge of destruction, and it's up to them. So yes, she understands, but there's a sense of, like, it's so normal that she's like "okay, I get it, Babe. So when are you gonna be done? Are we gonna make that movie tonight?"

There's that kind of normal, "okay, so you have to work an extra hour or two at work." This is their job, so she gets it. She's understanding to a certain degree, but at the same time, her feelings are a little hurt.

I think there's all of that conflict in there. Certainly I think the fact that the fate of the world resides in their capable hands. I definitely think that's going to continue to come into play as a source of conflict. It has to, because these two people want to be together, they want to play and they want to do all of these romantic things, but the fate of humanity calls.

Is it hard to switch gears and play this character kind of vulnerable since last year the dynamic was just her going "I can kick your ass," and then mostly doing it?

Definitely. When I got the scripts and I realized "oh, this is Gypsy in love, and this is them in this really sweet part of their relationship," I was like "this is really cool," and I was discovering that, too.

I didn't know what to expect from this season, and when I saw that they were bonded, and their relationship had progressed, I thought that that was really cool.

Getting to play those moments of vulnerability, I'm schooled and well-versed in relationships and love, so for me getting to pull from those emotions and remembering what it feels like to be embarrassed to tell someone how you feel because you don't want to get hurt, and you don't want to look dumb, and you don't want them to walk away, and you don't want to come on too strong, but you want them to know how you feel.

So there's all these different levels that you can play with, and that, yeah, as an actor is really fun to play with.

Do you feel a little bit like last year we got to know her at work and this year we get to know her personality?

Yeah. Definitely. I think that she is guarded because her lifestyle and her job and her skill set requires that from her, so she's kind of grown accustomed to being guarded. I think it's been a while since she's found herself at ease and comfortable enough with a group of people, to kind of allow bits of her personality and her charm and her sweetness and all of these other parts of her to come out.

I think that now that they've kind of solidified what they are to each other, and now that she's kind of found herself as part of this team, she is able to ease in to -- not fully, but ease into a little more of, like, not being so serious all the time, and having fun, and getting to experience all those other parts of her that maybe she's had to stifle, and maybe she's been wanting for so long, but never had the opportunity to let those sides of her come out.

Is it challenging to come into this very fully formed cast and to kind of be the only "new" element that gets to stick around? You have all this unspoken backstory while everyone else's backstory is out there for the audience to see?

It's definitely challenging, because we don't necessarily know where it goes from now. Like I said, you open a script and you're discovering, like "oh! This is where they see it. This is where the writers and the producers and the creatives of the show, this is where they see it going."

You do have to fill in those gaps, right? You really have to connect those dots, and say "well, this is how they went from Point A to Point B, and this is how it's changed my character," or "this is how my character has grown." So it is challenging.

But that's part of what I love about my job, is that it's unexpected. We're dealing with a lot of unexpected things, and it's our job as actors to fill in those gaps. It's our job as actors to flesh out the palette and start painting with all those colors and bring life to what's on the page. And that's why in this episode, where we pick back up with Cisco and Gypsy, I feel it's given me a more varied palette to paint with, because it's like "okay. So we now we started off seeing Gypsy with this set of traits, and now she's not this other person, but she's showing all of these other sides to her."

So the character actually starts to become more fleshed out which is so amazing as an actor, because you can pull from not just what's expected of this character, but now it's like they're starting to become a fully-realized person. It just makes it more interesting.

Coming up soon, we get to meet Gypsy's dad...!

Very true. Maybe we see the root of it all!

It's totally awesome. I think meeting Breacher, meeting his character...we definitely see the similarities, and I think that that it's an interesting thing, too, to see Gypsy's relationship with her dad.

He's this ass-kicking, really scary, imposing dude, but he's her Daddy, you know? And she's his baby girl. So I think that that's going to be a cool thing for fans to see, the unique relationship that they have together."

What was your reaction when you found out Danny Trejo was playing your dad?

Oh, I flipped out. [laughs] I geeked out, for sure. I completely geeked out!

I have been such a big fan of his for years, and, man. He's just the coolest. He's iconic in his badass-dom; I just thought that that was a perfect fit....They couldn't have nailed it any better.

And once he showed up, seeing what he brings -- it was such a pleasure to work with him, because he brings so much. He strikes fear into anybody who looks at him, but also, because I get to play his daughter, I got to see him be lovey, and he's just really funny. He's so many things, so it was such a joy to work with him and to see him fill out and flesh out his character.

Is there ever a consideration that what she is doing whenever she comes to Earth-1 is a serious crime with huge repercussions back on her homeworld?

To me, that's always been the subtext. That's always been in the back of my mind with Gypsy as she develops Cisco's relationship.

I don't necessarily think that that's been fully explored, but I think that that would be really interesting to unearth a little bit more, because certainly every time she comes to see him, she's taking a risk. She is breaking the rules.

I have always had that -- but that goes to show, to me, how special he is to her, that she is willing to face whatever punishments may await her if she's caught. I think that that says a lot to how much Cisco means to her.

http://comicbook.com/dc/2017/10/18/jess ... -interview

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Registrado: Dom May 21, 2006 12:15 am

Re: "Nuevo proyecto para la CW sobre 'THE FLASH'"

Mensaje por Shelby »

- Descripción oficial del 4.02 "Mixed Signals":
4.02 "Mixed Signals" (17/10/17): BARRY E IRIS VAN A TERAPIA DE PAREJA — Barry (Grant Gustin) tienen las manos llenas cuando se hacen cargo de una peligrosa meta (la estrella invitada Dominic Burgess) quien puede controlar la tecnología, mientras que también se enfrentan con un obstáculo en su vida personal: las ramificaciones de abandonar a Iris (Candice Patton) durante seis meses para equilibrar la Speed Force. Mientras tanto, Gypsy (la estrella invitada Jessica Camacho) llega para tener una cita sexy con Cisco (Carlos Valdes), pero se enfada cuando su trabajo les mantiene separados. Alexandra La Roche dirige el episodio escrito por Jonathan Butler & Gabriel Garza (#402).

http://www.spoilertv.com/2017/09/the-fl ... gnals.html?

- Stills del 4.02 "Mixed Signals":

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Registrado: Dom May 21, 2006 12:15 am

Re: "Nuevo proyecto para la CW sobre 'THE FLASH'"

Mensaje por Shelby »

- Nuevo póster promocional de la S4 de "The Flash":

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Registrado: Dom May 21, 2006 12:15 am

Re: "Nuevo proyecto para la CW sobre 'THE FLASH'"

Mensaje por Shelby »

- THE FLASH | Super Season: "Big Belly Burger" S4 Trailer | The CW:

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Registrado: Dom May 21, 2006 12:15 am

Re: "Nuevo proyecto para la CW sobre 'THE FLASH'"

Mensaje por Shelby »

- Descripción oficial del 4.03 "Luck be a lady":
4.03 "Luck be a lady" (24/10/17): EL PERSONAJE DE DC COMICS 'HAZARD' VIENE PARA ACTUAR EN CENTRAL CITY — Barry (Grant Gustin) y el equipo son golpeados por una serie de mala suerte y se dan cuenta de que es el trabajo de una nuevo meta, Becky (la estrella invitada Sugar-Lyn Beard) con el sobrenombre de 'Hazardck', mientras que hace caja con los beneficios para sí mima. Mientras tanto, Harry Wells (Tom Cavanagh) regresa a Tierra-1 para darle a Wally (Keiynan Lonsdale) un mensaje de Jesse. Armen V. Kevorkian dirige el episodio escrito por Sam Chalsen & Judalina Neira.

http://www.spoilertv.com/2017/10/the-fl ... -lady.html?

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Registrado: Dom May 21, 2006 12:15 am

Re: "Nuevo proyecto para la CW sobre 'THE FLASH'"

Mensaje por Shelby »

- El villano 'Kilg%re' aparecerá en la Season 4 de "The Flash":
Uno de los villanos más extraños que jamás ha amenazado al Universo DC llegará a la televisión cuando el villano 'Kilg%re' llegue a nuestras pantallas en la Season 4 de "The Flash".

Durante una entrevista con CBR, el showrunner Todd Helbing reveló que Killg%re llamará pronto a Central City su hogar cuando el alien basado en tecnología se alce como una nueva amenaza para Barry Allen y el Team Flash. Y mientras que la serie de la CW-DCTV ha estado promocionando a 'The Thinker' como el gran villano de la temporada, si Kilg%re se parece lo más mínimo a su versión de los cómics, resultará ser tan peligroso como éste, si no más.

Aunque Helbing no aportó muchos detalles sobre el villano, dijo que el personaje “es muy divertido,” y los fans deberían disfrutar llegando a conocer a uno de los más extraños chicos malos que se enfrenta al velocista escarlata en los cómics. Descrito como una “forma de vida electro-mecánico-orgánica,” Kilg%re es esencialmente un virus informático consciente. El personaje debutó en el número Flash #3 en 1987, como creación de Mike Baron y Jackson Guice para enfrentarse al entonces nuevo Flash, Wally West.

Un ser alieníegena que habría consumido su anterior planeta en un esfuerzo por saciar su hambre de formas de vida alimentadas eléctricamente, Kilg%re estaba ligeramente fuera de sincronía con las vibraciones de la Tierra cuando llegó; por lo tanto, sólo aquellos que pueden moverse a súper velocidad (como Flash) pueden verlo. Tras ser sincronizado con nuestra realidad por accidente tras uno de sus encuentros con Wally, Kilg%re rápidamente se ajustó a su nueva realidad, haciéndose más y más poderoso a medida que forzaba su camino en la red eléctrica e intentaba hacerse con la Tierra como hizo en su planeta de origen.

Wally eventualmente derrota a Kilg%re, aunque el personaje regresa muchas veces a través de los años. Su perfil se alza a sus más altos niveles cuando se reveló que era la razón por la que Maxwell Lord creó la Justice League International. Kilg%re se hizo cargo del control de la mente de Lord, manipulándole para que aumentara su poder por todo el planeta desarrollando una red de alta-tecnología de superhéroes.

Más recientemente, a Kilg%re se le ha visto en el cómic de Cyborg de la era del Rebirth de DC, donde se ha hecho con un enorme cuerpo robótico y ha hecho equipo con otros villanos de DC basados en la tecnología tales como Calculator y Gizmo.

La nueva temporada de "The Flash" regresa a nuestras pantallas el Martes, 10 de Octubre del 2017.

http://www.cbr.com/flash-debut-dc-villa ... -season-4/

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Registrado: Dom May 21, 2006 12:15 am

Re: "Nuevo proyecto para la CW sobre 'THE FLASH'"

Mensaje por Shelby »

- THE FLASH | 4.02 "Mixed signals" Promo | The CW:

- THE FLASH | 4.02 "Mixed signals" Extended Promo | The CW:

- THE FLASH | 4.02 "Mixed signals" Inside the episode | The CW:

- THE FLASH | 4.02 "Mixed signals" Clip #1 | The CW:

http://ew.com/tv/2017/10/17/flash-barry ... apy-video/

- THE FLASH | 4.02 "Mixed signals" Clip #2 | The CW:


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Registrado: Dom May 21, 2006 12:15 am

Re: "Nuevo proyecto para la CW sobre 'THE FLASH'"

Mensaje por Shelby »

- THE FLASH | "Therapy" S4 Promo | The CW:

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¡¡¡¡AY, OMÁ QUÉ CALORES!!!! ¡Gracias por tu regalo, Nitta!

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Registrado: Dom May 21, 2006 12:15 am

Re: "Nuevo proyecto para la CW sobre 'THE FLASH'"

Mensaje por Shelby »

- Nuevas imágenes y videos bts del crossover apuntan a una posible doble boda (10-18 Oct 17):

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- Nuevas imágenes y videos bts del rodaje de la S4 (11-31 Oct 2017):

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(@dpanabaker: Behind the scenes from last nights episode of @CW_TheFlash with @Tha_Los & Jesse
@tengstagram: That’s a wrap on the #SG hour of the Crossover! Many long hours spent making this 1. Glad I got the chance to work w these 2 amazing individuals
@jesmacallan: Epic eve with this crew... #carvingskillz #happyhalloween
@CavanaghTom: The scene is more frightening than it appears. So is Danny. #FlashEpisode404)


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Registrado: Dom May 21, 2006 12:15 am

Re: "Nuevo proyecto para la CW sobre 'THE FLASH'"

Mensaje por Shelby »

- Descripción oficial del 4.04 "Elongated Journey Into Night":
4.04 "Elongated Journey Into Night" (31/10/17): TOM CAVANAGH DIRIGE; DANNY TREJO ESTRELLA INVITADA COMO BREACHER — Cisco (Carlos Valdes) se queda en shock cuando el padre de Gypsy (la estrella invitada Jessica Camacho), Breacher (la estrella invitada Danny Trejo), aparece en Tierra-1. A Breacher inmediatamente no le gusta Cisco y decide atormentarlo. Mientras tanto, Barry (Grant Gustin) se topa con su propio antiguo némesis, Ralph Dibny (la estrella invitada Hartley Sawyer). Tom Cavanagh dirige el episodio escrito por Sterling Gates & Thomas Pound (#404).

http://www.spoilertv.com/2017/10/the-fl ... urney.html?

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¡¡¡¡AY, OMÁ QUÉ CALORES!!!! ¡Gracias por tu regalo, Nitta!

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Registrado: Dom May 21, 2006 12:15 am

Re: "Nuevo proyecto para la CW sobre 'THE FLASH'"

Mensaje por Shelby »

- Stills del 4.03 "Luck be a lady":

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- THE FLASH | 4.03 "Luck be a lady" Promo | The CW:

- THE FLASH | 4.03 "Luck be a lady" Extended Promo | The CW:

- THE FLASH | 4.03 "Luck be a lady" Inside the episode | The CW:

- THE FLASH | 4.03 "Luck be a lady" Clip #1 | The CW:


- THE FLASH | 4.03 "Luck be a lady" Clip #2 | The CW:


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Registrado: Dom May 21, 2006 12:15 am

Re: "Nuevo proyecto para la CW sobre 'THE FLASH'"

Mensaje por Shelby »

- Descripción oficial del 4.05 "Girls Night Out":
4.05 "Girls Night Out" (07/11/17): KATEE SACKHOFF (“BATTLESTAR GALACTICA”) Y EMILY BETT RICKARDS (“ARROW”) ESTRELLAS INVITADAS — Habiendo recibido una ominosa amenaza de su antiguo jefe, Amunet (la estrella invitada Katee Sackhoff), Caitlin (Danielle Panabaker) teme que su anterior tiempo como Killer Frost pueda volver para atormentarla. Felicity (la estrella invitada Emily Bett Rickards) llega a Central City para ayudar a las chicas a celebrar la fiesta de despedida de soltera de Iris (Candice Patton), mientras que Cisco (Carlos Valdes), Joe (Jesse L. Martin) y los chicos llevan a Barry para pasar la noche en la ciudad. Laura Belsey dirige el episodio escrito por Lauren Certo & Kristen Kim (#405).

http://www.spoilertv.com/2017/10/the-fl ... t-out.html?

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¡¡¡¡AY, OMÁ QUÉ CALORES!!!! ¡Gracias por tu regalo, Nitta!

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Registrado: Dom May 21, 2006 12:15 am

Re: "Nuevo proyecto para la CW sobre 'THE FLASH'"

Mensaje por Shelby »

- Nuevo póster promocional de la S4 (Oct 2017):


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¡¡¡¡AY, OMÁ QUÉ CALORES!!!! ¡Gracias por tu regalo, Nitta!

Mensajes: 32833
Registrado: Dom May 21, 2006 12:15 am

Re: "Nuevo proyecto para la CW sobre 'THE FLASH'"

Mensaje por Shelby »

- The Flash: explicados esos nuevos metahumanos (EW):
The Flash: explicados esos nuevos metahumanos
Por Natalie Abrams - 24 Oct, 2017 a las 9:00pm EDT

Warning: This story contains major spoilers from Tuesday’s episode of The Flash. Read at your own risk!

Who’s to blame for the new influx of metahumans in Central City? It turns out, it’s Team Flash!

When a second metahuman appears in town in as many weeks, the team investigates how they gained their powers, uncovering that Barry’s exit from the Speed Force unleashed dark matter that hit a nearby bus. Yes, there’s a literal bus full of people who now have powers that the team will have to hunt down.

“Obviously, we all feel responsible,” Candice Patton tells EW. “We took Barry out of the Speed Force and because of that, we have this bus filled with metahumans, and now it’s our responsibility to find out who these people are, track them down, and keep the city safe. Iris feels like these metahumans are victims themselves. They didn’t ask for this. We did this, and it’s our responsibility to help them and find them and keep the city safe, so there’s a moral dilemma of going after these metahumans, but also having compassion for the fact that they didn’t ask for this, and it’s our fault, really.”

It’s for that very reason that this turn of events strikes a chord with Caitlin (Danielle Panabaker) in particular. “That’s a very sensitive topic,” Panabaker says. “She is someone who most recently has been affected by powers and certainly didn’t ask for it and certainly doesn’t love all of the ramifications that came with these powers, so I think she is very sensitive to what they’ve done to these people and how they’ve changed their lives.”

“It’s kind of weird, because in contrast to previous seasons, where Barry is usually left to hold himself accountable for mistakes that he’s made, such as was the case in Flashpoint, this season, conversely, is about how Team Flash has to hold themselves accountable for something that they did,” Carlos Valdes adds, noting that Cisco is far less remorseful for their actions considering they unleashed the dark matter for good reason. “In his point of view, that’s something that they needed to do — they had no choice, they had to bring Barry back. The city was not doing great, even though Kid Flash and Vibe were trying to combat all the crime that was going on at the city, ultimately, they couldn’t do it without Barry. So that was something that they needed to do, and the repercussions of opening that breach, they’re more of a welcome challenge, really. You take a risk and you do what you need to do, and you deal with the repercussions as they come.”

Of all people, however, Barry is the least perturbed about this new development in the wake of his rebirth from the Speed Force. “The rest of the team’s a little bit more bummed out about it than he is,” Gustin says. “It’s like, ‘This is our fault, we pulled you out of the Speed Force and because of that, we’ve created all these metahumans,’ and Barry really quickly brushes it off and is like, ‘No, we can’t blame anyone. It happened, but we’ve got to focus on just finding them and seeing if they’re bad or what their deal is.’ That’s what’s been nice about Barry this year. It’s not like, ‘Oh God, what are we going to do?!’ He’s a little more even-keeled and level-headed.”

The number of metas totals 12, which is the same amount of metas The Thinker has been hunting down. Hence, the viewers are first to realize The Thinker used Team Flash to create these new metas for as yet unknown reasons, and it’s not long before Team Flash suspects that there’s someone pulling the strings — they just don’t know who yet. But like Harry (Tom Cavanagh) was the first of the team to put together the puzzle pieces, expect him to make headway on that front in an upcoming episode thanks to some, ahem, friends.

Suffice it to say, not all of the 12 will be bad, but certainly the first two metas the team has faced have used their powers for evil or selfish reasons. “I’m just like, ‘Can’t we create 12 good guys so we don’t have to work so hard?'” Jesse L. Martin jokes. “But I guess there wouldn’t be a show if there weren’t constant bad guys.”

In next week’s episode, Barry will encounter an old nemesis named Ralph Dibny (Hartley Sawyer). If that name sounds familiar, that’s because Ralph Dibny is known in the comics as the Elongated Man, a fast-talking private investigator with skills that rival those of Batman. As teased before the season began, after he discovers he has the power to stretch his body to any shape or form, Dibny uses his new abilities to help Team Flash solve one of Central City’s greatest mysteries. Presumably that means he’ll be helping them track down The Thinker, but not everyone is a fan of Ralph, especially considering his past with Barry.

“This is a guy who was at CCPD when Barry was just starting out as a CSI and they didn’t have a great relationship at all,” Gustin teases. “It’s the first time since Barry comes out of the Speed Force that we see him go back to being blinded by his hatred for this guy and he’s not really happy-go-lucky. He just wants to get Ralph and put him away.”

The team will concur, with Patton and Valdes both using adjectives like seedy and sleazy to describe Ralph. Panabaker, however, is a bit torn. “Personally, I’m thrilled,” the actress says. “I’ve known Hartley for a long time, and I’m so excited to have him as a part of Team Flash. But how does Team Flash feel about him? That’s a different story. Dibny and Barry Allen actually have a history together, and so both Barry and Joe are actually a little hesitant about having Ralph around at all to begin with, so it’s going to be interesting to see how the dynamic of Ralph Dibny’s character fits in into Team Flash.”

The Flash airs Tuesdays at 8 p.m. ET on The CW

http://ew.com/tv/2017/10/24/flash-metah ... explained/

- Carlos Valdes adelanta el debut de Danny Trejo (EW):
Carlos Valdes adelanta el debut de Danny Trejo
Por Natalie Abrams - 26 Oct, 2017 a las 7:52pm EDT

Cisco will be in hot water during Tuesday’s episode of The Flash when Gypsy’s father comes to town.

As revealed over the summer, Danny Trejo will play the role of Breacher, a feared bounty hunter from Earth-19 and the imposing father to inter-dimensional bounty hunter Gypsy (Jessica Camacho), a.k.a. Cisco’s (Carlos Valdes) girlfriend. While that sounds like the perfect role for the man whose credits include Machete and From Dusk Till Dawn, Valdes reveals Trejo is actually very different in real life.

ENTERTAINMENT WEEKLY: What can you tease of what’s next for Cisco in his relationship with Gypsy, especially since her father Breacher is coming in?
CARLOS VALDES: Honestly, my favorite thing to explore as an actor this season has been the relationship with Gypsy. We’ve been able to discover so many fun colors, and the thing about this relationship that’s really interesting to me is how playful it can be, and I think Jessica Camacho also relishes in that. The relationship is sort of a long-distance relationship, you could say, a trans-dimensional relationship, if you will, but unlike in real life, these characters have the luxury of being able to see each other whenever they want, for the most part, considering the fact that their powers include breaching, and so they can go from A to Z in a split second. But I think naturally, as part of a growing relationship, some obstacles have to get in the way, and Breacher is definitely one of those obstacles. It’s sort of a classic meet-the-parents situation, with the disapproving, menacing, bloodthirsty father. I wouldn’t call him bloodthirsty, though.

What threat does he pose when he comes in?
Honestly, it literally is just as simple as a father being threatened by his daughter’s boyfriend. It really is that simple, but I think that encounter forces Cisco to man up and weigh whether her psychopathic father’s blessing is really something that he needs in the first place.

What was it like working with Danny Trejo?
Awesome. He’s the sweetest man. I expected him to just be that hard-ass, that type that he plays so well on screen, but he really is just a sweet man. His life is incredible. We’ve heard so many stories about his life. He’s regaled us with these tales, and we’ve told him time and again, “You should write a book, your life is incredible,” just the trajectory that got him here in the first place. His whole M.O. is just doing things for other people, and everything good that he’s ever gotten in his life has been the direct result of doing something good for somebody else that needs it, you know? And I think that is something so inspirational and so out of left field when compared to the kinds of characters that he plays in TV and in movies, but man, he’s a blast to work with. He’s full of life. He’s full of stories, and as soon as they yell, action, he switches and he becomes that deranged man.

The Flash airs Tuesdays at 8 p.m. ET on The CW.

http://ew.com/tv/2017/10/26/flash-breac ... os-valdes/?

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