¡¡¡'PARKLAND' Nuevo proyecto de Tom Welling!!!

Foro dedicado a Tom Welling que interpreta a Clark

Moderadores: Shelby, Lore, porre, Super_House, ZeTa, Trasgo

Mensajes: 32833
Registrado: Dom May 21, 2006 12:15 am

¡¡¡'PARKLAND' Nuevo proyecto de Tom Welling!!!

Mensaje por Shelby »

¡¡¡'PARKLAND' Nuevo proyecto de Tom Welling!!!


Tras diez años llevando la capa en la serie de la CW Smallville, Tom Welling se está tomando un descanso en la televisión y pasándose al cine.

Acaba de unirse en un papel co-protagonista (Roy Kellerman) en el drama "Parkland", basada en el libro "Reclaiming History: The Assassination of President John F. Kennedy" de Vincent Bugliosi, cuyo guión y dirección está siendo llevada a cabo por Peter Landesman (en su debut directorial) y que está siendo rodada actualmente en Austin, Texas.

Ahora, según una fuente interna (ahora confirmado) Welling interpretará el papel de “Roy Herman Kellerman”. Kellerman era el Agente del servicio secreto de los EEUU asignado a proteger al Presidente John F. Kennedy cuando fue asesinado el 22 de Noviembre de 1963. En sus declaraciones, último testimonio y entrevistas, Kellerman resume en detalle su papel en los inmediatos momentos tras el asesinato, controlando las evidencias principales del crimen y guiando a los doctores durante la autopsia oficial en el Hospital Naval Bethesda. Como el Agente Asistente Especial al Cargo el 22 de Noviembre del 63, Equipo de Turno #3, Kellerman fue en el asiento del pasajero delantero de la limusina presidencial. Mantuvo la compostura inmediatamente tras la violenta muerte del presidente al que se le había asignado proteger, gestionando los eventos a medida que se desarrollaban. Kellerman estificó que jugó un papel en la autopsisa de Bethesda, que incluyó el guiar a los dictores hacia las conclusiones específicas sobre las localizaciones de la bala. Con Kellerman al cargo de los eventos locales (y con la asistencia de Greer, el conductor de la limusina), el Servicio Secreto mantuvo la cuestodia de las más importantes evidencias del crimen, incluyendo el cuerpo del presidente, la ropa, la limusina, los tejidos forenses y las fotografías y radiografías de la autopsia, devolviendo todo a la Casa Blanca antes de que el sol cayera el 23 de Noviembre de 1963, menos de 15 horas después de que el primer disparo fuera ejecutado. También fue una de las personas que creyó que había una conspiración tras la muerte de JFK.

Junto a Paul Giamatti (Abraham Zapruder), Zac Efron (Dr. Jim Carrico), Billy Bob Thornton (FBI agent Forrest Sorrels), Jacki Weaver (Marguerite Oswald), Marcia Gay Harden (Nurse Doris Nelson), Jeremy Strong (Lee Harvey Oswald), James Badge Dale (Robert Oswald), Jackie Earle Haley (Father Huber), Colin Hanks (Dr. Malcolm Perry), David Harbour, Austin Nichols, Gil Belows, Mark Duplass (Kenny O’Donnell), Matt Barr (surgeon Paul Mikkelson), Ron Livingston (FBI agent James Hosty) y Brett Stimely (President Kennedy) recrearán el drama sobre las horas siguientes al asesinato de JFK en el hospital Parkland, con Tom Hanks, Gary Goetzman y Bill Paxton como productores.

Open Road está en negociaciones para distribuirlo en el otoño para el 50 aniversario de JFK.

"PARKLAND" narra los caóticos eventos que ocurrieron en el hospital de Parkland en Dallas en día en el que el Presidente John F. Kennedy fue asesinado, el 22 de Noviembre de 1963. Parte thriller, prate drama en tiempo real, es la historia feroz y sobrecogedora de unas personas excepcionales luchando por la supervivencia y que buscaron el heroismo en un momento excepcional y explorará el impacto que el asesinato tuvo en un amplio abanico de personajes en Dallas y sus alrededores en ese fatídico día, entre los que se incluyen un agente del FBI, un joven doctor, un periodista, varios miembros del Servicio Secreto, el personal de Kennedy, el hermano mayor de Oswald, Jackie Kennedy y Abraham Zapruder.

Exclusive Media ha cerrado acuerdos con numerosos mercados para la película, incluyendo un acuerdo multi-nacional con Sony Pictures Worldwide Acquisitions y ha vendido los derechos de licencia a SPWA para Europa del Este, Escandinavia, Islandia, Grecia, Turquía y Latinoamérica. Además, también ha vendido los derechos para Australia y New Zealand (Roadshow), Francia (Metropolitan), Italia (RAI), Israel (United King), Hong Kong (Golden Harvest), India y Pakistán (Tanweer), Indonesia (PT Amero), Filipinas (Captive), Singapur (Golden Village), Taiwan (Catchplay), Tailandia (M Pictures) y la Repúblicas Bálticas (ACME). Koch Media ha acquirido la distribución en UK y se planea un lanzamiento masivo para el 8 de Noviembre. Remstar ha adquirido los derechos para Canadá y se planea el estreno el 13 de Septiembre.

"Parkland" tendrá su premiere norteamericana en el TIFF (Toronto International Film Festival) que se celebrará durante los días 5-15 de Septiembre del 2013 en Toronto, Canadá (se estrenará el Viernes 6 Sept, 9:30pm en el Roy Thomson Hall con un 2º screening el Domingo 8 Sept, 12:30pm en el Winter Garden Theatre).

Tras el festival, la película se estrenará en New York el 04 de Octubre.

La PREMIERE MUNDIAL tendrá lugar en competición en el "Festival de Cine de Venecia", que se celebrará entre los días 28 Agosto -07 de Septiembre del 2013 en Italia. Los screenings de la película en dicho Festival serán el 1 de Septiembre a las 17:00 (en la Sala Grande del Venezia 70, salón con el que cuenta el festival con capacidad para más de mil espectadores, construido en el 1930s. Será exclusiva para celebridades y críticos de cine) y 20:00 (en la PalaBiennale, una locación adjunta que es la mayor en capacidad con más de 1700 asientos. Abierta al público general).

También será presentada en el "57th BFI London Film Festival (FBI)" (9th-29th October 2013, screenings Oct 16th 8:45pm & Oct 17th 3:00pm at Odeon West End and Oct 19th, 9:00pm at Curzon Mayfair), en el "39th Deauville American Film Festival" (30 Agosto - 8 Sept, screenings 4 de Sept a las 8pm y el 5 de Sept a las 9pm, y una conferencia de prensa/photocall el 4 de Sept a las 2pm con el director Peter Landesman y el productor ejecutivo Guy East), Francia, en el "25th Cinéfest Sudbury International Film Festival" (14 - 22 Sept) en Ontario, Canada y en el "Atlantic Film Festival" en Halifax, Ontario, Canada (18 Sept a las 7pm), en el "2013 Festival de Cinema de la Ville de Quebec" (18 Sept a las 7.30 pm), en el "Calgary International Film Festival", Canada (20 Sept, 7:00 pm at Eau Claire), en el "Zurich International Film Festival 2013", Suiza (27 de Sept 21:00pm, 02 Oct 20.30pm, 04 de Oct 20.00pm y el 06 Oct 19.15pm), en el "26th Tokyo International Film Festival" en Japón (18 de Octubre, 10:35 pm) y en el "Film Fest Gent" en Gent, Bégica (08-19 Octubre).

La película dura 93 minutos y ha sido clasificada como Mayores de 13 por secuencia sangrientas o procedimientos de trauma de emergencia, algunas imágenes y lenguaje violentos, y por fumar durante la película.


"De los productores Tom Hanks y Gary Goetzman y del escritor/director Peter Landesman, PARKLAND es la verdadera historia tras un trágico día en la historia que pensábais que sabíais, pero no, y no podíais, hasta ahora... 50 años después.

22 de Noviembre, 1963 fue un día que cambió el mundo para siempre - cuando el joven presidente americano John F. Kennedy fue asesinado en Dallas, Texas. Seguimos en tiempo casi real a un grupo de individuos forzados a tomar decisiones en segundos tras este incomprensible evento que cambiaría sus vidas y alteraría para siempre nuestro escenario del mundo: los jóvenes doctores y enfremeras del Hospital Parkland, el jefe del Servicio Secreto de Dallas, el involuntario cámara que capturó lo que se ha convertido en la película más vista y examinada de la historia, los Agentes del FBI que tenían al pistolero Lee Harvey Oswald en su mano y el Vice Presidente Lyndon Johnson que tuvo que tomar el control de un país en el momento de la noticia. Lanzados en un escenario de un drama sin precedentes con inimaginables consecuencias, estos personajes clave respondieron con shock, rabia, determinación y coraje. Todos juntos, sus distintas perspectivas hicieron la más apasionante y poderosa historia jamás contada".

Podéis pre-ordenar el Blue-Ray-DVD (05-11-13): AQUÍ y AQUÍ . Nota de prensa: AQUÍ

Podéis pre-ordenar la OST (30-09-13): AQUÍ

Páginas oficiales:
http://www.exclusivemedia.com/news/view ... hotography
http://www.youtube.com/channel/UC6ic1dI ... nomobile=1
https://www.facebook.com/pages/Parkland ... 5251522159


http://tiff.net/filmsandschedules/festi ... 3/Parkland
http://tiff.net/thefestival/filmprogram ... edule/day1
http://cdn.media.tiff.net/contents/fest ... /ofs-s.pdf
http://s3.amazonaws.com/tiff-prod/press ... iginal.pdf
http://www.don411.com/entry/2013-toront ... s-pictures
http://www.labiennale.org/en/cinema/70t ... rentpage=1
http://www.labiennale.org/it/cinema/70- ... /1set.html
http://www.festival-deauville.com/DEV/i ... =1997&c=30
http://atlantic.festivalgenius.com/2013 ... lantic2013
http://www.purepeople.com/article/tom-w ... _a127311/1
http://fr.get-the-look.ca/article/tom-w ... iff_a554/1
http://www.hollywoodreporter.com/news/d ... ing-623172
http://www.filmfestival.be/en/2013/park ... #speeldata

Twitters del Elenco:

Confirmación oficial del elenco gracias a Marcia Gay Harden (@Beloving2):

Imagen Imagen

- Official title cards:

Imagen Imagen Imagen

- Official posters:

Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen

- Official Blu-Ray & DVD USA Covers:

Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen

- LINKS de "Parkland":

http://thepiratebay.sx/torrent/9059826/ ... 264_Ganool (1080p, 1.41gb)
http://thepiratebay.sx/torrent/9058372/ ... AC3_UNiQUE (1.41gb)
http://thepiratebay.sx/torrent/9059732/ ... _AAC-RARBG (1080p, 1.24gb)
http://thepiratebay.sx/torrent/9058644/ ... ViD_UNiQUE (720p, 2.53Gb, Xvid)
http://thepiratebay.sx/torrent/9058604/ ... ViD_UNiQUE (720p, 2.53gb)
http://thepiratebay.sx/torrent/9057981/ ... ublicHD%5D (720p, 3.27gb)
http://thepiratebay.sx/torrent/9057949/ ... 264-GECKOS (720p, 3.32Gb)
http://thepiratebay.sx/torrent/9057981/ ... ublicHD%5D (3.27gb)
http://thepiratebay.sx/torrent/9058231/ ... 264-GECKOS (1080p, Blu-Ray, 6.64gb)
http://thepiratebay.sx/torrent/9058224/ ... ublicHD%5D (6.54gb)
http://thepiratebay.sx/torrent/9058383/ ... _AAC-RARBG (720p, 791.57mb)
http://thepiratebay.sx/torrent/9059709/ ... p.XviD-S4A (Xvid, 699mb)
http://thepiratebay.sx/torrent/9060419/ ... B-Micromkv (Mkv, 699mb)
http://thepiratebay.sx/torrent/9059800/ ... 0MB_Ganool (698mb)

Direct downloads (1080, 6.54GB, mkv, 7parts):
Netload: http://nfo.rlsbb.com/view/259f114b
Uploaded: http://nfo.rlsbb.com/view/55dede52
Rapidgator: http://nfo.rlsbb.com/view/e02fdee8
Ryushare: http://nfo.rlsbb.com/view/1eef4dbe

(password: parkland)

Direct downloads (720, 3.30GB, mkv):
Netload: http://nfo.rlsbb.com/view/ebdefeb1 (3 parts)

(password: parkland)

Direct downloads (1080, 1.5GB, mkv, 5 parts):


http://rapidgator.net/file/f81e1c9969c9 ... 1.rar.html
http://rapidgator.net/file/74fb1af1bc41 ... 2.rar.html
http://rapidgator.net/file/812f9da33264 ... 3.rar.html
http://rapidgator.net/file/9e39ceca254b ... 4.rar.html
http://rapidgator.net/file/98ce31a0e6d1 ... 5.rar.html

Direct downloads (570mb):

(password: zaipoc)

Direct downloads (569.8mb, subs spanish):
http://rapidgator.net/file/c12980835b18 ... n.rar.html

(password: zaipoc)

Direct downloads (1080p, 1.60GB, mkv, subs spanish):
http://freakshare.com/files/a3w4wmwb/P4 ... U.rar.html
http://u32563901.letitbit.net/download/ ... U.rar.html

Direct downloads (1080, 1.60GB, mkv, subs spanish, 4 parts):



http://rapidgator.net/file/4e2af41351b8 ... 004e792934
http://rapidgator.net/file/4917d9f427a2 ... e882bdab6a
http://rapidgator.net/file/ec66fa3c2953 ... 2bc518e10f
http://rapidgator.net/file/5f1564cfba2c ... e75e5b4a64


http://www.podnapisi.net/en/parkland-20 ... s-p2674756 (eng)
http://www.subs4movies.com/Spanish-subt ... 432eba1f20 (spa)

Imágenes BTS:
- BTS (14/01/13):


(thanks to @texasobverver)

- Imágenes del elenco (16-01-13):

Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen

(Thanks to @MattrKing, @coledipp, @sara_adkison, @Beloving2, @chiefsherpa, @hansamakeherdance)

- BTS (25/01/13):

Imagen Imagen

(Thanks to @watersd13)

- BTS (29/01/13):

Imagen Imagen

(Thanks to @watersd13)

- Primera imagen BTS de Tom Welling en "Parkland" (31-01-13):

Imagen Imagen

(@TravisPMartin: Tom Welling…..like, do I say HI?!?!)

- BTS (01/02/13):

Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen

(Thanks to @AUS10NICHOLS, @travistaylor, jeanniefanofzacefron)

- BTS (04/02/13):

Imagen Imagen Imagen

(Thanks to @spyderbaby)

- BTS (05/02/13):

Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen

(Thanks to @spyderbaby, @TravisPMartin)

- BTS (06/02/13):

Imagen Imagen Imagen

(Thanks to @bridginoodle, @LIFEasCameron, @Emily_lovesyou)

- BTS (07/02/13):


(Thanks to @TenOneEnt)

- BTS (08/02/13):

Imagen Imagen

(Thanks to @spyderbaby, @travistaylorr)

- BTS (09/02/13):

Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen

(Thanks to @ZacEfron, @samueldavis28, @travistaylorr, @natalienouri, @ThatDonnaBrown, @Beloving2, @PrivtZacEfron, zachefronnews, @cadiegaubatz, @fafita_efron )

- BTS (10/02/13):

Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen

(@Beloving2: #derby fun w @tomwelling and da cast of #parkland. Love those tough wenches.!
linzmcclendon: Sad to leave Austin after the best weekend with @beloving2 and my boys Zac Efron and Tom Welling. #Parkland is going to be incredible.
@BensonMarieGrey: @Beloving2 Hope you're having fun!” Buh-last! @ZacEfron and Tom Welling and #hotties in cast!
the Texas Rollergirls, Ashley Hoffmann on FB, morningdandylions on tumblr)

- BTS (11/02/13):

Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen

(thanks to ava_nation, @jennyzurita, @katy_erin, hskiser, soniasing, _tiger_lil_, @MalloryAMoye)

- BTS (12/02/13):

Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen

(Thanks to @MalloryAMoye, @BitsieTulloch, bootlegmarket, @Beloving2, samueldavis28)

- BTS (14/02/13):

Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen

(Thanks to @kayse_g, @spyderbaby, @natashavdm)

- BTS (15/02/13):


(Thanks to @spyderbaby)

- BTS (23/02/13):


(Thanks to @365Bastrop)

- BTS (03/06/13):


(Thanks to @movieshotsla)

-BTS (18/06/13)


(Thanks to @VickyShilling)

-BTS (24/08/13)

Imagen Imagen

(@patnich52: At the Premier of Parkland
Larry Jack Dotson with James Badge Dale at Austin screening)

Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen

- Screencaps de Tom Welling como "Roy Kellerman" en "Parkland":
Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen

(thanks to @Kimmiecoomd, @AchtungBecca, @Chrisluvstom & @Shelby_Huesario)

- Gifs de Tom Welling como "Roy Kellerman" en "Parkland":

Imagen Imagen

(thanks to @Kimmiecoomd & DTTW)

Trailers y Videos sobre la película:
Parkland - Brett Stimely

Marcia on Zac and Parkland, The Talk on CBS


MARCIA GAY HARDEN Discusses New JFK Assassination Drama PARKLAND

"ET Tonight" Parkland First Look (Sneak Peek)

Theatrical Trailer 1 (HD)

Trailer de "Parkland" HD (subtitulado al español)

Parkland: Sneak Preview

Parkland Movie CLIP - My Story Too (2013)

Parkland Movie CLIP - Her Husband Killed The President (2013)

Parkland Movie CLIP - Just You (2013) Youtube link: HERE

Parkland Movie CLIP - I Will Never (2013)

Parkland Movie CLIP - 30 Yards (2013) - Zac Efron, Billy Bob Thornton Movie HD

Parkland: We Had Him Movie Clip

Parkland Movie Clip - The Fight to Save Lee Harvey Oswald Youtube link: HERE

Parkland: We All Know Movie Clip

Parkland Sneak Peek (FoxNews)

'Parkland' Clip — Local Jurisdiction

Parkland: Behind the Scenes (Broll) - Zac Efron, Marcia Gay Harden, Colin Hanks

Parkland Movie CLIP - I´d Consider Changing my name (2013) Youtube link : HERE

Parkland - TV Spot (Koch Media Films)

VIDEO Director of 'Parkland' discusses new film (wfaa.com)

Tom Hanks Dishes on Parkland (accesshollywood)

Dana’s Dish – Gravity, Parkland (Morning News)

'Parkland' director explains new film

Interview: Peter Landesman Talks JFK Drama 'Parkland'

Parkland - Director Peter Landesman Interview (Sneak Peek)

VIDEO: Paul Giamatti on JFK and “Parkland”

ABC News Parkland Review

`Parkland' Not About Conspiracy Theories: Landesman (Bloomerang)

Actress Marcia Gay Harden describes the premise of her latest film, Parkland (Tavis Smiley)

Marcia Gay Harden Talks about Parkland & Zac Efron (accesshollywood)

A look behind the scenes of PARKLAND

Paul Giamatti talks about "Parkland on "Colbert reports"

Parkland - interview with Peter Landesman (Koch Media Films)

Interview with Parkland Director Peter Landesman (KTXD-47) -Part I-

Interview with Parkland Director Peter Landesman (KTXD-47) -Part II-

Zac Efron Parkland set interview

Film shows JFK's death from unseen angles, interview with Peter Landesman (CNN)

Evelyn O´Rourke interview with Parkland director Peter Landesman (RTE Radio1)

Deleted scenes (Escenas borradas):

- RECAP DEL "FESTIVAL DE CINE DE VENECIA" (Fotos, Videos, Entrevistas e Info): AQUÍ


http://www.deadline.com/2013/01/smallvi ... -parkland/
http://www.onlocationvacations.com/2013 ... austin-tx/
http://www.theamericanfilmcompany.com/a ... -parkland/
http://www.exclusivemedia.com/news/view ... 3I.twitter
http://www.variety.com/article/VR111805 ... LatestNews
http://www.filmschoolrejects.com/news/c ... -nadam.php
http://www.tomhanks-online.com/news/new ... s-release/
http://www.deadline.com/2013/01/mark-du ... -parkland/
http://www.deadline.com/2013/02/hatfiel ... e-casting/
http://hollywood-elsewhere.com/2013/02/ ... at_bac.php
http://www.variety.com/article/VR111806 ... s|FilmNews
http://www.ropeofsilicon.com/2014-oscar ... d-pines/3/
http://www.ramascreen.com/international ... l-giamatti
http://www.hollywoodreporter.com/news/j ... ron-498878
http://www.getscreening.com/free-movies ... nse/tweet/
http://www.sheknows.com/entertainment/a ... d-parkland
http://blog.zap2it.com/pop2it/2013/05/j ... -more.html
http://www.movieweb.com/news/exclusive- ... iron-man-3
http://www.previewfreemovies.com/Defaul ... tabid=1058
http://filmmusicreporter.com/2013/06/20 ... -parkland/
http://www.usatoday.com/story/life/movi ... 3/2456253/
http://www.screendaily.com/news/koch-to ... 26.article
http://remstarfilms.com/en/press-releas ... rk-places/
http://s3.amazonaws.com/tiff-prod/press ... iginal.pdf
http://www.indiewire.com/article/tiff-l ... m-festival
http://blogs.indiewire.com/theplaylist/ ... n-20130723?
http://theartsscene.ca/tiff-2013-the-fi ... announced/
http://www.larry411.com/2013-toronto-in ... ik.twitter
http://tofilmfest.ca/films/?by=Film&at= ... 3#Parkland
http://www.deadline.com/2013/07/venice- ... tion-pics/
http://variety.com/2013/film/internatio ... 200567905/
http://www.larry411.com/2013-venice-int ... Dc.twitter
http://www.hollywoodreporter.com/news/v ... ced-592893
http://variety.com/2013/film/internatio ... 200568083/
http://www.freenewspos.com/notizie/arch ... star-video
http://mag.sky.it/mag/cinema/2013/07/25 ... corso.html
http://www.deadline.com/2013/07/parklan ... tember-20/
http://blog.thefilmstage.com/post/56559 ... -september
http://www.usatoday.com/story/life/movi ... n/2537111/
http://www.usatoday.com/story/life/movi ... g/2594227/
http://www.usatoday.com/story/driveon/2 ... l/2596899/
http://movies.mxdwn.com/news/parkland-s ... ssination/
http://www.ropeofsilicon.com/dallas-buy ... aa-rating/
http://www.pastemagazine.com/articles/2 ... final.html
http://www.ropeofsilicon.com/a-look-at- ... -and-more/
http://www.hollywood-elsewhere.com/2013 ... e-hotties/
http://variety.com/2013/film/news/parkl ... 200579215/
http://www.ew.com/ew/gallery/0,,2048313 ... l#21371985
http://www.larry411.com/post/2012_toron ... I0.twitter
http://www.awardscircuit.com/2013/08/20 ... ark-horse/
http://www.awardscircuit.com/2013/08/20 ... ark-horse/
http://www.hitfix.com/in-contention/ven ... s-violence
http://blogs.indiewire.com/theplaylist/ ... n-20130823?
http://www.deadline.com/2013/08/venice- ... ds-season/
http://variety.com/2013/film/news/parkl ... 200590855/
http://www.elmundo.es/elmundo/2013/07/2 ... 53945.html
http://www.hollywoodreporter.com/galler ... 6-parkland
http://okmagazine.com/photos/ok-exclusi ... 000665954/
http://popcultureblog.dallasnews.com/20 ... ater.html/
http://nuovavenezia.gelocal.it/foto-e-v ... 663840?p=0
http://www.film.it/cinema/venezia-70/de ... one-38790/
http://variety.com/2013/film/reviews/fi ... 200593720/
http://blogs.indiewire.com/thompsononho ... w-parkland?
http://www.look-dei-vip.it/articolo/ven ... ng_a4440/1
http://www.kikapress.com/gallery/festiv ... -parkland/
http://www.theguardian.com/film/2013/se ... l-parkland
http://www.look-dei-vip.it/articolo/mos ... to_a4444/1
http://www.deadline.com/2013/09/venice- ... ation-pic/
http://www.hollywoodreporter.com/movie/ ... iew/618840
http://www.reuters.com/article/2013/09/ ... inmentNews
http://www.socialitelife.com/tom-wellin ... al-09-2013?
http://www.bestmovie.it/news/venezia-20 ... dy/249329/
http://www.vogue.es/celebrities/galeria ... age/742302
http://www.movieplayer.it/eventi/news/t ... oto_26256/
http://www.vanityfair.it/show/cinema/13 ... smallville
http://www.screenslam.com/why-zac-efron ... -parkland/
http://www.deadline.com/2013/09/london- ... -lineup-2/
http://www.annarbor.com/entertainment/t ... -festival/
http://theartsscene.ca/tiff-2013-parkla ... le-review/?
http://nypost.com/2013/09/05/parkland-t ... -was-shot/
http://www.hollywoodreporter.com/galler ... om-welling
http://www.look-dei-vip.it/articolo/mos ... to_a4444/1
http://www.cbc.ca/player/Radio/Local+Sh ... 407396628/
http://www.foxnews.com/entertainment/20 ... head-50th/
http://www.shockya.com/news/2013/09/25/ ... ie-review/
http://www.bostonglobe.com/arts/movies/ ... story.html
http://rogersmovienation.com/2013/09/27 ... -parkland/
http://www.film3sixtymagazine.com/index ... the-world/
http://www.wordandfilm.com/2013/09/park ... ssination/
http://sg.movies.yahoo.com/blogs/movie- ... -1.1477860
http://www.monstersandcritics.com/movie ... -Speak-Out
http://observer.com/2013/10/in-parkland ... on-of-jfk/
http://www.suntimes.com/entertainment/m ... kland.html?
http://www.cleveland.com/moviebuff/inde ... nt_of.html
http://www.nytimes.com/reuters/2013/10/ ... .html?_r=0
http://philadelphia.cbslocal.com/2013/1 ... -parkland/
http://www.dfw.com/2013/10/03/832322/an ... esman.html
http://www.rollcall.com/news/parkland_f ... 094-1.html
http://wegotthiscovered.com/movies/excl ... n-parkland
http://www.reddit.com/r/IAmA/comments/1 ... _here_ama/
http://www.latimes.com/entertainment/mo ... 9504.story
http://www.sandiegoreader.com/weblogs/b ... Ok.twitter
http://observer.com/2013/10/in-parkland ... on-of-jfk/
http://www.thewrap.com/parkland-james-b ... one-ranger
http://artandseek.net/2013/10/03/qa-par ... landesman/
http://mccannsmoviechat.blogspot.com.es ... eview.html
http://www.timesherald.com/arts-and-ent ... assination
http://www.sfgate.com/movies/article/Pa ... 867170.php
http://www.edmontonjournal.com/entertai ... edia+Group
http://collider.com/jacki-weaver-james- ... interview/
http://www.fashionablyaustin.com/2013/1 ... he-movies/
http://www.zekefilm.org/2013/10/04/film ... -parkland/
http://www.philly2philly.com/entertainm ... _the_presi
http://www.theeagleonline.com/article/2 ... f-parkland
http://www.thetvaddict.com/2013/10/04/g ... -parkland/
http://www.filmthrasher.com/2013/10/rev ... kland.html
http://madisonmovie.wordpress.com/2013/ ... sidelines/
http://www.filmschoolrejects.com/review ... review.php
http://townhall.com/news/world/2013/10/ ... d-n1717175
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http://www.saveland.ca/news/movies/park ... ie-review/
http://cwatlanta.cbslocal.com/2013/10/0 ... nd-review/
http://www.nydailynews.com/entertainmen ... -1.1474321
http://www.oregonlive.com/movies/index. ... l#comments
http://www.businessweek.com/news/2013-1 ... -63-movies
http://www.austinchronicle.com/blogs/sc ... -parkland/
http://www.clevelandmovieblog.com/2013/ ... r-4th.html
http://lastmovienews.com/news/parkland- ... -revisited?
http://www.tomwellingunlimited.com/revi ... rkland.php
http://movies.yahoo.com/news/box-office ... 00592.html
http://www.devotedtotomwelling.com/firs ... e-numbers/
http://variety.com/2013/film/news/parkl ... 200724353/
http://vickster51corner.wordpress.com/2 ... land-2013/
http://www.dailynews.com/opinion/201310 ... on-opinion
http://www.bina007.com/2013/10/parkland ... l?spref=tw
http://www.latimes.com/entertainment/mo ... z2ilO0dzX0
http://uk.eonline.com/news/475778/zac-e ... -scene-now
http://www.buzzfeed.com/aj8/this-actor- ... times-cfe3
http://www.independent.co.uk/arts-enter ... 15490.html
http://readin2this.wordpress.com/2013/1 ... -jizzfest/ (Tom)
http://www.movieramblings.com/2013/11/1 ... -parkland/
http://www.bigissue.com/features/interv ... nspiracies
http://www.huffingtonpost.co.uk/2013/11 ... ertainment
http://whatculture.com/film/parkland-5- ... m-ever.php
http://www.superstarmagazine.com/entert ... 3-parkland
http://www.themoviebit.com/2013/11/park ... w.html?m=0
http://www.breitbart.com/Big-Hollywood/ ... m-Parkland?
http://www.huffingtonpost.co.uk/2013/11 ... ertainment
http://www.chroniclelive.co.uk/whats-on ... ew-6330545
http://metro.co.uk/2013/11/22/actor-col ... s-4196066/
http://www.indiewire.com/article/the-to ... s-the-list
http://www.theguardian.com/film/2013/no ... view-fargo
http://www.cleveland.com/moviebuff/inde ... cart_river
http://whatculture.com/film/parkland-5- ... m-ever.php
http://www.superstarmagazine.com/entert ... 3-parkland
http://www.hollywood.com/news/celebriti ... m-parkland?

Review del Guión (Spoilers):
En 2.6 expresé mi desilusión con que la película de Peter Landesman Parkland, un drama que se está grabando actualmente sobre el asesinato del Presidente John F. Kennedy el 22.11.63, no se centrará estrictamente en las actividades del Parkland hospital de Dallas (lo que el título obviamente implica) sino que involucrará varios lugares y perspectivas. Pero cuando me enviaron un borrador del guión de Landesman, el cual terminé la noche pasada, tengo que decir que es un esfuerzo robusto, convincente y bien estructurado.

No se puede decir cómo terminará siendo la película. Hay probablemente 50 maneras de las que Landesman puede estropear las cosas y es un genio si puede pensar en 35 de ellas, pero conozco un dialógo que suena auténtico y una buena arquitectura del guión y cuando las escenas tienen la duración adecuada, y no hay duda alguna que sobre el papel al menos Parkland es una recreación firme y apasionante de un día oscuro y horrible. Huele a realidad.

Un Día Horrible y Oscuro es un título más fiel que Parkland ya que el guión de Landesman sigue cuatro líneas de historia con cuatro grupos distintos de personajes en un grupo de localizaciones de Dallas. (La película ha sido rodada en Austin pero irá a Dallas a rodar algunas tomas, o eso he leído.)

Aproximadamente la mitad del guión lidia con el equipo de Parkland que incluyen al Dr. Jim Carrico (Zac Efron), Dr. Malcolm Perry (Colin Hanks), Dr. Jerry Gustaffson y la enfermera Doris Mae Nelson (Marcia Gay Harden), quienes atendieron al mortalmente herido JFK y también a su asesino, Lee Harvey Oswald, el 24.11. Otro personaje de Parkland es el Padre Huber (Jackie Earl Haley), quien admistró la extrema unción al Presidente.

La otra mitad está dividida entre tres grupos. Alrededor del 25% ó 30% se centra en Abraham Zapruder (Paul Giamatti), el tipo que rodó la famosa película en color en 8mm del asesinato de JFK, y toda la gente que trató con él ese día -- un par de chicos que procesaron la película, el editor del "Dallas Morning News" Harry McCormick, el agente del FBI Forrest Sorrels (Billy Bob Thornton), el editor de "Life" Richard Stolley. Quizá un 15% trata sobre Lee Oswald (Jeremy Strong), su hermano mayor Robert (James Badge Dale) y su solitaria madre, Marguerite Oswald (Jacki Weaver). Y un 5% ó 10% se centra en dos agentes del FBI -- Gordon Shanklin y James Hosty (Ron Livingston) -- que destruyeron las cartas y otros papeles documentales que concernían a Oswald y a su esposa Marina.

Fuertemente basada en el libro "Reclaiming History" de Vincent Bugliosi, Parkland es definitivamente una película sobre "Oswald actuó solo".

Si estáis de acuerdo con la definición de Howard Hawks de que una buena película debe contener "tres grandes escenas y ninguna mala," entonces Parkland será una buena película porque tiene muchas muy... bueno, quizá no necesariamente "geniales", pero muchas escenas fuertes.

Una escena fuerte es una que va de un lado a otro y te hace sentarte en tu sillón y decir "wow, eso fue impresionante" o "whoa, que escena más intensa." Es un momento que sabes que recordarás. Hay al menos tres escenas así en el hospital de Parkland (los intentos de Carrico y Perry por salvar la vida de Kennedy en la sala de traumas #1, los furiosos chicos del FBI y del Servicio secreto sacando el ataúd de JFK desafiando a los oficiales de policía de Dallas que querían realizar una autopsia, Oswald siendo llevado a Parkland y la reacción de los trabajadores), al menos dos o tres ecenas con Zapruder, dos intercambios en el cuartel genera de la policía de Dallas que involucran a Robert Oswald (una con Lee, la otra con un oficial de policía), una escena que nos a scene presenta la demencia de Marguerite Oswald, una escena en la que se está haciendo sitio para el ataúd en el Air Force One, y la escena del entierro de Oswald al final. ¿Cuánto es eso, diez?

Alguna de las descripciones de las heridas de JFK y de ciertos procedimientos en la sala de trauma indican que Parkland será lo suficientemente sangrienta y gráfica aquí y allá. No es para los delicados a menos que, por supuesto, intervenga la edición.

Parkland saldrá en algún momento alrededor del 50 aniversario del asesinato de JFK.

http://hollywood-elsewhere.com/2013/02/ ... at_bac.php

Opiniones sobre los primeros screenings (Spoilers):
- 16/05/13:@CheekyNerdette: Por cierto, ¡Parkland fue excelente! Estoy muy orgullosa de Tom en su papel. Además...¡¡UNF!!. Digamos tan sólo que veréis a Supermán en acción ;) En serio, no puedo esperar a que veáis la película cuando sea estrenada. Oh Dios, las ruedas de prensa. Él sera parte de ellas, estoy segura. ¡Tom estuvo INCREÍBLE! Guhhh básicamente muy Supermán. Ha crecido tanto en su actuación... Claramente lo ves en esta película. Él se lo demuestra a aquellos que dudaban de él.

- 17/05/13: kimberlymichelle21: Vi Parkland la otra noche. ¡Fue genial tener a Tom Welling y a Zac Efron en la misma pantalla! Babas. Oh... si recuerdo correctamente, están juntos en escena un par de veces. No puedo recordar si intercambian diálogo. Aunque estuvieron definitivamente en una buena cantidad de escenas juntos, sólo que los mostraron en tiempos separados. Zac definitivamente tiene un papel mayor que Tom. No tiene un papel tan grande y no fue un personaje del que supiéramos nada. Sin embargo, es mostrado de forma continua durante toda la película. No tenía ni idea de que Tom ni siquiera iba a estar en la película hasta que lo vi. Me emocioné un poquito. Haha. Le había mencionado a mi amiga antes ese día sobre él y me preguntaba qué le había pasado. Ellos podrían estar en pantalla haciendo nada absolutamente y me encantarían sus actuaciones. haha Ya en serio, asumiendo que 1 es terrible y 10 es fabuloso, le daría a Zac Efron un 7 y a Tom Welling un 5 ó un 6. Zac definitivamente tiene más oportunidad que Tom para darle vida a su ppersonaje, simplemente porque Zac tiene un mayor papel que interpretar. Creo que lo hizo realmente bien. Fue agradable el verle interpretar un papel serio. Sin embargo, Tom no tenía mucho papel con el que trabajar y hubo momentos en los que, personalmente, malinterpreté a su personaje y realmente siento que es por la manera que escogió de interpretarlo. Aunque quizá hizo exactamente lo que querían, quién sabe. La película en general fue lo suficientemente buena y mantuvo mi interés durante todo el tiempo. :) ¡Espero que os guste cuando la veáis!

http://hcd-1.imgbox.com/abbsNFwe.jpg?st ... 1368839845
http://hcd-1.imgbox.com/acpVM8Eo.jpg?st ... 1368840656

- 06/06/13: @TaraNotTahra: Una película absolutamente excepcional. No hay ni una mala interpretación en el elenco de más de 12 actores. Respetuosa y profunda también. Giamatti, Weaver, y (no sorprendente para mí) Badge Dale son los más destacados aquí. En mi opinión, esperad aprobaciónes a los Oscars para ellos. ASÍ de buena. Incluso Efron estuvo mejor de lo que esperaba en un papel que no se merecía. Tom no tiene una gran cantidad de tiempo en pantalla, por cierto. Pero tiene un papel importante y una línea MUY prinicpal en la película. Tan sólo está alrededor de 1/3 de la película, pero tiene un papel importante y lo hace muy bien. La película fue excelente, gran película en general.

@tariel22: @TaraNotTahra Muchas gracias por compartir tus impresiones de Parkland, ¡especialmente sobre Tom Welling! ¡No puedo esperar a verla!
@TaraNotTahra: @tariel22 ¡No hay problema! Él estuvo genial; gran papel para reiniciarse a sí mimso tras Smallville. Definitivamente un papel pequeño pero conmovedor.

@greeneyedgirly3: @tariel22 @TaraNotTahra Estoy de acuerdo. Fantástica película. Cada actor hizo un gran trabajo. ¡Por supuesto mi favorita es la interpretación de Tom Welling!
@TaraNotTahra: @greeneyedgirly3 @tariel22 cuando llega a la sala de los examinadores médicos me dije "es mejor que te apartes tío, ese es Supermán, no ganarás en esto"
@greeneyedgirly3: @tariel22 @TaraNotTahra Esa fue una interpretación fantástica. ¡Me encanta la escena en la que se enfrenta a los Examinadores!
@TaraNotTahra: @tariel22 Es una escena intensa, ¡y el está imponente!
@tariel22: @TaraNotTahra ¡Eso es genial! Leímos sobre esa escena en una review del guión, nos emocionamos mucho al darnos cuenta del papel que Tom interpretaría en ella.

@kerlytx: @TaraNotTahra Gracias por darnos a conocer los detalles... adoramos a Tom y le deseamos lo mejor.
@TaraNotTahra: @kerlytx No hay problema. Es un buen actor que claramente valora la substancia sobre la fama. Es difícil no desearle lo mejor en su carrera sabiendo eso.

Tweets sobre la película:
- 14/01/13: @texasobverver: Spot our office in the upcoming movie "Parkland" where Zac Efron is staring http://instagram.com/p/WDAbZoggfa/

- 25/01/13: @AUS10NICHOLS: Just finished my first episode of Ray Donovan. Catching a plane to Texas today to go make a movie. The movie I'm doing is called PARKLAND. It is a very moving story about the JFK assassination. That's all I can say right now.

- 27/01/13: @AUS10NICHOLS: I'm headed to Dallas to drive the fatal JFK motorcade route. Dark and sad research for a beautiful movie. Eerie.... http://fb.me/1rzHoOpZD

- 29/01/13: @watersd13: Day one on set of #Parkland! Col. James Swindal http://instagr.am/p/VEaP4poJeZ/

- 30/01/13: @TravisPMartin I'm crying so hard I can't handle the presence of these celebrities #TomHanks #TomWelling

- 31/01/13: @TravisPMartin : Tom Welling.....like, do I say HI?!?! pic.twitter.com/yPhJlOZb

In North Austin on the set of Parkland. It was so fun!!

@TravisPMartin : Damn Tom Welling's fans go hard!! Haha for all of you asking, yes I got to have a brief but great conversation with him! He's a good guy

@TravisPMartin : Just said goodbye to Billy Bob Thornton, Tom Welling and Colin Hanks.....brb sobbing forever
@TravisPMartin : I'm unfortunately not allowed to say what character Tom Welling is playing for legal reasons I believe, but y'all will definitely enjoy it!
@tgrimsley81 : @TravisPMartin awww good exp though. Remember it for life. Are you done for good or are they done?
@TravisPMartin : @tgrimsley81 No they still have a few weeks of filming left! I believe I am going back next Tuesday to work on a scene with Zac and others!
@tgrimsley81 : @TravisPMartin how long they shooting for?
@TravisPMartin: @tgrimsley81 a good chunk through February and then I think they're done
@tgrimsley81: @TravisPMartin Did Tom seem happy in today´s shoot?
@TravisPMartin @mabelenda: He just seemed like a happy guy in general! Lots of positive energy

@Shelby_Huesario @TravisPMartin: What do you bring out of each actor... and especially of our Tom, of course? ;)
@TravisPMartin: @Shelby_Huesario everyone had a great sense of professionalism, but were still having a blast while doing it! It was a fun environment :)
@TravisPMartin: Big thank you to all you Tom Welling fans out there! Y'all put a smile on my face today as well :) he sure has a dedicated group of fans!

@heathallyn: On set! My favorite place to be!

- 01/02/13: @JennaRaeHousson On. Set. With. Tom. Welling.
@melbelle30 : @JennaRaeHousson I must find him... Every right about Clark Kent was everything right about him. #dying
@JennaRaeHousson : @melbelle30 He's beautiful. So beautiful.

@JennaRaeHousson : Was in a scene with Tom Welling today and on set with Zac Efron and in Hanks, so I pinched myself to make sure today was even real.

@TravisPMartin: ColProps to @JennaRaeHousson for having an awesome time on #Parkland today :D can't wait to talk with you about it!!!
@JennaRaeHousson : @TravisPMartin Thank you, Travis :) I heard that yesterday was the best day on set, so I'm sure you'll have some awesome stories! Yay!

@JennaRaeHousson : He's beautiful ** RT @brianne1017: @JennaRaeHousson You're so lucky to work with those guys! Any Tom Welling tidbits you can share? #parkland

@travistaylorr: Back in the movie set today. Lights camera action. Scene with Zach Efron today.

@travistaylorr: Just kickin it with Zac Efron off set. @ Austin Studios http://instagr.am/p/VM1mEdzHHd/

@AUS10NICHOLS: First week of shooting on PARKLAND. Here's a little tease. http://fb.me/2gMUG11yw

@heathallyn: Went to the store forgetting that after filming, my hair was shellacked like I just walked off an episode of Mad Men. I can't really say much about today's shoot yet, but it made me want to go back and watch the Quantum Leap episode about JFK. Exhausted, feet and back sore, sunburned, possibly windburned. Doing it all again tomorrow. Then playing tunes at "Lovefest" tomorrow night.

- 02/02/13: @TravisPMartin : BAH! Just got word that I could go back for filming on Tuesday and Wednesday #TomWelling #ZacEfron #ColinHanks #BillyBobThornton #Parkland

@heathallyn: Despite aching feet and back, sunburn, chapped lips, and exhaustion, I had a blast as a Secret Service agent on Parkland the last two days.

- 04/02/13:@TravisPMartin : Gearing up and getting pumped to go back to #Parkland tomorrow :D

@TravisPMartin : 11 more hours to go and I'll be filming with Zac Efron! Gonna be a crazy day

- 05/02/13: @TravisPMartin : Up and at em! Heading to set once again

@TravisPMartin : Zac has arrived! Hold on, DYING

@TravisPMartin : Spent a majority of the morning with @AUS10NICHOLS .Such a nice guy and talented actor

@TravisPMartin : Props to @MalloryAMoye and @AUS10NICHOLS for keeping my morning interesting! Great job y'all #Parkland

@mbethmason: @travispmartin have you seen tom welling again. what was it like to see him in person.
@TravisPMartin: @mbethmason worked with him last week! He was a really cool guy!

@TravisPMartin: Tom Welling unfortunately wasn't filming today y'all. :/ I'm sorry! It was still an awesome day though!!

@_JonMichael_: Getting to do a little extra work on Tom Hank's Parkland. Hopefully I can ask Zac if we can get matching YOLO tats. pic.twitter.com/rPXg3YJU

- 06/02/13: @TravisPMartin: Lady bird Johnson and I on set yesterday! pic.twitter.com/pFUDsE9h

@mbethmason: @travispmartin is this the real lady bird johnson or the actress playing the part in the film. is tom welling still filming or is he done.
@TravisPMartin: @mbethmason Just the actress who plays her! As far as filming for Tom I'm honestly not sure. They only have about a week of filming left

@tariel22: @brianne1017 Parkland was filming on the Austin State Hospital campus today. Zac Efron and Tom Hanks spotted, but no word about Tom so far.

@bridginoodle: #collinhanks #tomwelling and #zacefron WITH my #bestfriend? Yes, please http://instagr.am/p/Vatt-3oztc/

- 07/02/13: @ColinHanks: Apparently, all set trailers in Texas smell the same. Came to set today, walked in my trailer and it reminded me of filming The Good Guys

- 08/02/13: @tariel22: Tom Welling was still in Austin as of last night, he was spotted leaving Kenichi. Hope that means he was filming again yesterday.

@Beloving2: #Parkland #movie so impressed w @zacefron. Working hard, bringing it to each scene..each moment. I am his newest fan!

@SuperSteel: I'm at Parkland.. Where my man crush Tom Welling will soon be here shooting. My heart just jumped a lil. :D

@travistaylorr: Back on Parkland set getting fitted as an orderly. #BoutIt

@travistaylorr: Orderly #parkland #onset http://t.co/QeOVhXBd

@spyderbaby: Work, wait, work, wait! #onset #production #film #filming #movies #movie #iatse #austin #moviemagic #backintime #parkland #scenic #sets #setpainter
@alexakkent: Any pic #tomwelling
@spyderbaby: @alexakkent I can't post anything before the movie
@alexakkent: @spyderbaby i just would like to know wich character is he playing..would you help me? please, that info is not at imdb.. Tom welling
@spyderbaby: @alexakkent it's for privacy they'll post later some of actors have crazy fans lurking sets lol
alexakkentOk thanks for replying good luck
@spyderbaby: @alexakkent Tom Welling= RoyKellerman ;)


- 09/02/13: @bridginoodle: Didn't know what to do with ourselves on the set of #Parkland with #tomwelling and #collinhanks in the… instagr.am/p/VhjYlxIzjF/

@JenniferBrofer: #Parkland is gonna be SUCH an amazing movie! I'm so fortunate to be an intern on the film! #UTAustin

@JenniferBrofer: @ColinHanks Stellar performance on the #Parkland set today!

@JenniferBrofer: @ParklandFilm I had a GREAT day on the #Parkland set today! Learning so much as a #UTAustin intern. Thankful to be part of the team.
@ParklandFilm: @JenniferBrofer Happy to hear that you're having a good time on set. We're all keeping our fingers crossed for a great end result.

@ZacEfron: Marcia Gay Harden @Beloving2 is a SAINT... So lucky to be working with her. She makes me want to be a better man. - Z say.ly/NAm58PU

@samueldavis28: @On set of Parkland. instagr.am/p/VhYDvWnRCn/

@travistaylorr: Another day another dolla instagr.am/p/VhxxyxzHKE/

@natalienouri: Just...casually happened upon the set of Parkland! pic.twitter.com/GTMhLs9u

@ThatDonnaBrown: I'm at Parkland Movie Set (Austin, TX) [pic]: http://4sq.com/UQzJ8c
@ThatDonnaBrown: @good_plain_jane I saw Tom Welling on set many times today. Could that man be any more tall, dark, and handsome?!! :-P
@good_plain_jane: @ThatDonnaBrown he's a rare species of gorgeous! Some are luckier than others to have seen him up close and personal.... ;D
@ThatDonnaBrown: @good_plain_jane It was almost too much to take. :-D I was an extra today only, and my first time. Very interesting but tedious and tiring.
@good_plain_jane: @ThatDonnaBrown Were there a lot of retakes or just in general waiting to film a scene?
@ThatDonnaBrown: @good_plain_jane Both. But mostly lots of retakes. The movie is about two days in history so very granular and super detailed.
@good_plain_jane: @ThatDonnaBrown Everything has to be close to perfect I'm sure, so yeah, I can see how that can get tiring. :/ Any funny bloopers though? :p
@ThatDonnaBrown: @good_plain_jane No funny bloopers...serious/intense scenes today. Almost every one of the main characters was covered in blood all day.
@good_plain_jane: @ThatDonnaBrown sounds brutal! The actors must have been emotionally drained after their scenes today. Not to mention in need of a shower!
@Gottara: @ThatDonnaBrown @good_plain_jane so looking forward to see this movie!
@ThatDonnaBrown: @Gottara @good_plain_jane Me too!! Look for me and my friend... 8-)
@good_plain_jane: @ThatDonnaBrown @gottara :D Will do! We'll be the first to ask for you're autographs! lol thank you for the nice chat! Sorry for keeping you so late after the long day you had.
@ThatDonnaBrown: @good_plain_jane @gottara You are welcome & thank you too! Still wound up from the day but bet when my head hits the pillow, I will be OUT!

@Beloving2: @ZacEfron doing the #work! Scenes terrific, and a gentleman to all, esp my 75 yr old mom.:) #Parkland #movie

@Beloving2: So impressed w @ZacEfron. Bringin it to each scene..each moment. I am his newest fan. #Parkland #movie

@Beloving2: #Parkland #movie I am now @ZacEfron newest fan! Hard working, dedicated, doing great job playing Dr. Carricio.

@Beloving2: #parkland #movie remains of the day... Sad moment in history. pic.twitter.com/KxMYeTEW

@Beloving2: #austin #pedicab #parkland #movie headed out for a nite w da cast... Transpo? Pedicab! Thx charles! pic.twitter.com/YENwRP2g

@travistaylorr: Tom Welling swag

@travistaylorr: Met and shot a scene with Tom Welling (superman for the show smallville) and Colin Hanks (Tom Hanks son) #LegitDay

@travistaylorr: "Colin Hanks, Zac Efron, Tom Welling. #parkland #movie #set" http://t.co/TsrLs4J9

@MalloryAMoye: Great evening off with some @ParklandFilm cast tonight. So good to have a relaxing night out. We all needed a good unwinding. #BigThings
@BrandiBurkhardt: @MalloryAMoye didn't know Tom Welling was in this!!! I LOVE him! Make friends.
@MalloryAMoye: @BrandiBurkhardt He is! And he's a super nice guy!!

Robert Catrini (fb): Very emotional week on the set. Trauma Rm 1 at Parkland; JFK´s body; the angst in the room. Everyone brought their A-Game.

@cadiegaubatz: So my dad met Zac Efron..... Wtf... http://instagram.com/p/VhrmVnOk7q/

- 10/02/13:@Beloving2: Took @tomwelling @ZacEfron @mattbarr to @TXROLLERGIRLS tnite. Never seen flat track only banked. Go #Derby strategy! pic.twitter.com/aet0lZZ2

@Beloving2: #derby fun w @tomwelling and da cast of #parkland. Love those tough wenches.! pic.twitter.com/yuYXfreS

@Beloving2: NurseCarol #parkland proving ordinary people r extraordinary actors whn compassion n commitment fill moment #lesson pic.twitter.com/PCukbmY7

linzmcclendon: Sad to leave Austin after the best weekend with @beloving2 and my boys Zac Efron and Tom Welling. #Parkland is going to be incredible. http://instagram.com/p/VlDvQ8yKbe/

@jennyzurita: This is my pathetic attempt at putting my hair in foam rollers. Let's see how this turns out tomorrow... #parkland #extras
@clarkthepervertkent: @jennyzurita you nervous about tomorrow?
@jennyzurita: @clarkthepervertkent no, not really. More excited! Should be fun!!
@clarkthepervertkent: @jennyzurita from what I hear from other extras on set, it's a a lot fun, a good atmosphere with good people! Hope you have a scene with a certain actor. Double the fun! ;D
@jennyzurita: @clarkthepervertkent yeah, thanks! Unfortunately, Tom is done filming here in Austin so he won't be on set tomorrow
@clarkthepervertkent: @jennyzurita aw, that's too bad. I'm sure that won't damper your experience though. Lots of other good actors to work with. :) can I have your permission to share this post on twitter? I have a lot of other friends that are interested in this movie.
@jennyzurita: @clarkthepervertkent yeah, sure. I understand, huge Tom fan myself. To clarify: they're not done filming the movie though, just done in Austin this week.
@clarkthepervertkent: @jennyzurita thank you. I figured that. I had heard on other sites that filming ends around Feb. 13-15th.
@jennyzurita: @clarkthepervertkent Tuesday is the last day here in Austin! Idk anything about other locations though
@clarkthepervertkent: @jennyzurita wow, sooner rather than later. They'll probably do the reshoots etc, in LA. Gotta add some Hollywood magic to the movie, heh!

@Beloving2: In #austin for #parkland #movie went to fave reastaurant #gueros. Oh this is going to b dangerous! All vegan plate! pic.twitter.com/jTrgomBk

- 11/02/13: @AUS10NICHOLS: I have finished shooting Parkland. One of the most powerful experiences I've had on a movie. Very sad to walk away.

@MalloryAMoye: With the very talented, top Hollywood producer #GaryGoetzman on set @ParklandFilm!! instagr.am/p/VnGTaVgqa0/

@Beloving2: #parkland this cast kicks ass! So proud to work w ALL! #austin pic.twitter.com/FKkR8Itr

@Beloving2: Page 2 #parkland great cast. #austin pic.twitter.com/adnrdYlT

@Gottara: if @Beloving2 starts to deliver all kisses twitterverse sends to the Parkland boys she might never end...I volunteer to help with Welling :p
@Beloving2: @Gottara haha im workin on it!

- 12/02-13: @MalloryAMoye: Last day on set for @ParklandFilm! Here I am with the fabulous makeup artist Randy Westgate! http://instagr.am/p/VoxAjPAqSR/

@PiloteXYZ: @MalloryAMoye @ParklandFilm Did you work w/ #TomWelling?
@MalloryAMoye: @PiloteXYZ I did!! Great person & actor. Super kind, generous guy. I'm a #LuckyGirl!

@BitsieTulloch: Me and Paul Giamatti on the set of #Parkland. Shooting in Dealey Plaza, Dallas TX. pic.twitter.com/IAQyPPfN

@MalloryAMoye: And that's a wrap! I wrapped @ParklandFilm today. Big thank u to #PeterLandesman, @ExclusiveEMG, and #Playtone for an incredible experience.

@MalloryAMoye: wrapped on @ParklandFilm. :( Had an amazing experience, & #PeterLandesman is a terrific director. http://instagr.am/p/Vpkk5LAqaY/

@MalloryAMoye: Um... I got to kiss @ZacEfron today at work. #dropthemic #bestdayever #ILoveMyJob @ParklandFilm

@Beloving2: Goodbye nurse Nelson #parkland movie pic.twitter.com/3TWkui4p

@BensonMarieGrey: @Beloving2 Hope you're having fun!” Buh-last! @ZacEfron and Tom Welling and #hotties in cast! pic.twitter.com/0gNEWmMH

@Beloving2: Things i love abt #austin #hottest #crewguy ever! wifes #lips tat on his neck talks of her w luv n pride #parkland http://t.co/z19C6PCt

@Beloving2: #bestproducerever @garygoetzman and amazing #director @peterlandesman #parkland #film last day of shoot. Goodbye all pic.twitter.com/HhYL8Up1

@Beloving2: Things I Love about #Austin @ZacEfron working w this young man made ME a better woman! pic.twitter.com/hubBGqXS

- 14/02/13: @kayse_g: Picture wrap on #parkland. Never have I been more proud of a project or a team. Grateful for all. http://instagr.am/p/VtzOl0JCr7/

@spyderbaby: y fav set deck boyz hangin at the wrap party @bradhaviland and Dave! #parkland #setdec #scenic #movie #goodtimes instagr.am/p/Vt0G3AsVpr/

@spyderbaby: All that work and that's it. Wrap, and tearing it down. #film #moviemagic #iatse #production #parkland #movies #onset #set #texas #scenic #setpainter #props http://instagram.com/p/VsCgomsVvF/

@JenniferBrofer: #Parkland has finished filming. It's bittersweet! So thankful for the opportunity to work with so many talented people.

- 15/02/13: @spyderbaby: That's it.... #parkland #peterlandesman #film #iatse #production #moviemagic #movie #setpainter #scenic #artdept #artdepartment #sets #work #texas #austin #history #goodtimes instagr.am/p/Vw1_v8MVgd/

@robertcatrini: Back from 2 weeks in Austin, TX. Filmed the Tom Hanks'-produced PARKLAND. Shot an ACE Hardware commercial while I was there too.

- 16/02/13: @natashavdm Wrap party pic from Thursday - my proof for those asking for it. http://yfrog.com/oequdoyj @ZacEfron #Parkland

- 18/02/13: @TravisPMartin: Apparently Tom Welling hasn't left Austin yet. I need to find him so we can grab some pizza and discuss life

- 22/02/13: (fb) Bastrop Brewhouse Here's The Deal for all of you who keep asking:
Zac Efron and Tom Welling from Smallville were at the Brewhouse yesterday for a few hours. Here's why they're around http://m.deadline.com/2013/01/smallvill ... -parkland/ and they'll be back again to Bastrop. Cheers!

http://www.facebook.com/photo.php?fbid= ... 453&type=1

@samantha_ashtin: ZAC EFRON IS TEXAS! My cousin just met him and Tom Welling in a little town called Bastrop where they're filming a movie. So jealous. She said he's even more gorgeous in person, I can't handle it.

- 23/02/13: @dagnythesmiff: Anyone spotted Zac Efron or Tom Hanks yet?! They're currently filming for the new movie, Parkland, a block away from us right now..

Amanda Zimmerly (fb): Saw Zac at Lost Pines 8 that night too, but no sign of Tom. Oh well.

@365Bastrop: Awww! Check out this pic of Zac Efron with one of his littlest fans in #Bastrop #TX. #ZacEfronPic #starstruck pic.twitter.com/lMvYUOp3xd

- 25/03/13: @FruitPunch10: @jackieearle Did you get to work with Tom Welling in your movie #Parkland? Can you please reply? Any chance for some details? @ParklandFilm
@jackieearle: @FruitPunch10 @ParklandFilm Yeah, we did a short scene together. He's super nice, and an awesome actor. We had fun.
@FruitPunch10: @jackieearle @parklandfilm Thanks so much for replying? It means a lot! :-) Can you tease anything about the scene with Tom Welling? Please!
@jackieearle: @FruitPunch10 @ParklandFilm It was a very emotional moment.
@FruitPunch10: @jackieearle @parklandfilm If you have anything to share about Parkland, It'll be much appreciated! I'm really interested! :-) Please Reply!
@jackieearle: @FruitPunch10 @ParklandFilm It was a trip walking onto the set. It was such a tragic time, and we we're reenacting it. #Goosebumps

- 26/03/13: @FruitPunch10: @MalloryAMoye Please Reply! I’m a HUGE Tom fan! What was he like as a person? Actor? Anything you can tease about character’s interaction?
@MalloryAMoye: @FruitPunch10 Tom is a super cool, very nice guy! I loved getting to work with him.

- 03/04/13: @ThatDonnaBrown: @FruitPunch10 Was just a 1 day extra in last week of filming. I will never forget seeing Zac E & Collin Hanks! But esp Tom, beautiful man!. Tom in person is indescribable. Tall, dark and handsome for sure but his star quality and magnetism was off the charts!!!!

@FruitPunch10: @JenniferBrofer Did you meet Tom Welling on the set of @ParklandFilm!? How’s the filming? Any details?
@JenniferBrofer: @FruitPunch10 I didn't meet Tom Welling officially, but I did get to watch him work on set. He was very good! Filming ended in February.

- 15/03/13: @Wisewisker08 Got to see an extremely advanced screening of @ParklandFilm tonight with @ZacEfron. Can not express how well it was put together and shot!

- 16/05/13:@CheekyNerdette: Btw, Parkland was excellent! So proud of Tom in his role. Also...UNF!!
@OfficialThad: @CheekyNerdette spill whatever deets you can!
@CheekyNerdette: @OfficialThad let's say you see Superman in action ;)
@CheekyNerdette: Seriously I cannot for you guys to see the movie when it's released.
@Gottara: @CheekyNerdette November cant be here soon enough
@CheekyNerdette: @Gottara oh my word the press junkets. He will be part of it I'm sure.
@legendaryduo: @CheekyNerdette ahhh so excited!!!! how was tom??
@CheekyNerdette: @legendaryduo AMAZING! Guhhh basically Superman.
@OfficialThad: @CheekyNerdette I guess my main concern is Tom's improvement as an actor. I mean big casting directors said "yes" to his audition reel.
@CheekyNerdette: @OfficialThad he has grown so much in his acting. You clearly see it in this film. He proves to those who doubt him. Suck it haters!!

- 17/05/13:kimberlymichelle21: Saw Parkland the other night. It was great having Tom Welling and Zac Efron on the same screen! Swoon. Oh man…if I Remember correctly, they were on screen together a couple of times. I can’t remember if they exchanged any dialogue. They were definitely in a good amount if scenes together though, just shown at separate times. Zac definitely had a bigger role than Tom. He didn’t have that big of a role and was not a character that we learned anything about. However, he was steadily shown throughout the entire movie. I had no clue Tom was even going to be in the movie until I was watching it. I freaked a little. Haha I had just mentioned him to my friend earlier that day too and found myself wondering what ever happened to him. They could stand on screen doing absolutely nothing and I would love their performances. haha In all seriousness, assuming 1 is terrible and 10 is fabulous, I would give Zac Efron a 7 and Tom Welling a 5 or 6. Zac definitely had more of an opportunity than Tom to make his character come to life, simply because Zac has a bigger role to play. I just think he did really good. It was nice seeing him play a serious role. However, Tom didn’t have much of a role to work with and there were times where I, personally, misread his character and I really feel it was the way he chose to play it. Maybe he did exactly what they wanted though, who knows. The movie was overall good though and held my interest all the way through. : ) Hope you like it when you see it!

http://hcd-1.imgbox.com/abbsNFwe.jpg?st ... 1368839845
http://hcd-1.imgbox.com/acpVM8Eo.jpg?st ... 1368840656

- 23/05/13: @FruitPunch10: @robertcatrini Did you meet Tom Welling while you were in Austin, Texas shooting #Parkland!? Please Reply! I’m a HUGE Fan!
@robertcatrini: @FruitPunch10 Yes, I worked with Tom Welling for the 2 weeks I was in Austin. Tom plays Secret Service Agent Roy Kellerman.

- 18/06/13: @VickyShilling: From the catwalk to... @AbbeyRoad Studio 2 w/ @philharmonia, James Newton Howard's soundtrack 4 new film Parkland. pic.twitter.com/dOLIperLQX

- 21/06/13: @filmmusicrep: James Newton Howard scores the JFK assassination drama 'Parkland' starring Zac Efron, Paul Giamatti & Jacki Weaver. http://bit.ly/13VGuXa

- 08/07/13: @angietet93: oh hey they made a movie about the hospital my dad works att and tom welling tom hanks and zefron are in it hmmm smells like a meetin chance. I feel like maybe they'll do a dallas promo event idk and at least someone from the film will be in dallas.

- 19/07/13: @tariel22: Tom Welling's return to acting in Parkland will be released in Canada byRemstar Films on September 13 2013 http://remstarfilms.com/en/catalog/parkland/

- 25/07/13: @Beloving2 @ZacEfron @ParklandFilm yay x2! TIFF and Venice film festival! Zac will u n tom welling plz b my gondaliers? :)

@JAXMAKEUP: Parkland at the Venice Film Festival!! What an honor it was to work with talented artists on such a… instagram.com/p/cNnUefBBMB/

- 26/07/13: @MalloryAMoye: It's official!! @parklandfilm will be released September 20th!!! http://instagram.com/p/cP76OngqRy/ http://www.deadline.com/2013/07/parklan ... tember-20/

- 27/07/13: @Beloving2: #parkland opening sept 20! And now in London festival too! Way to go #peterlandesman director! @ZacEfron @ColinHanks

- 01/08/13: @ExclusiveEMG: #Parkland fans! Keep your eyes peeled for trailer and new posters!

- 06/08/13: @ExclusiveEMG: #Parkland TRAILER will debut in the the next two weeks! Who's ready?

- 13/08/13: @YahooMovies: Exclusive #Parkland poster reveal to get you ready for our trailer premiere next Monday, August 19: http://yhoo.it/16GQGTl

@ParklandFilm: Another festival for #Parkland! The movie will also screen at the Deauville American Film Festival (30 Aug - 8 Sep) in Deauville, France http://www.festival-deauville.com/DEV/i ... =1997&c=30

@ParklandFilm: #Parkland gets a sweet spot on @ropeofsilicon's "Must See" list for TIFF next month: http://bit.ly/1eHq3k2

@tariel22: Bigger version of the Parkland poster. So happy to see Tom Welling listed! bit.ly/16J0yMt Detail: pic.twitter.com/Zli78HTgIo

@ExclusiveEMG: #RUSH #Parkland #CASSYL as "#unmissable #powershot #films" by @wellshwood via http://www.hollywood-elsewhere.com/2013 ... e-hotties/

- 14/08/13: @Don411_com: 2013 Toronto International Film Festival: DALLAS BUYERS CLUB, DON JON, FELONY, PARKLAND, WORDS & PICTURES, http://www.don411.com/entry/2013-toront ... s-pictures

@ParklandFilm: Rumor: #Parkland will have its TIFF premiere on Sep 6, 2013 at 9pm. http://bit.ly/17Oj7h6 Full official schedule comes next Tuesday.

- 16/08/13: @tariel22: Parkland poster in UHQ: http://bit.ly/18zlgzy #TomWelling

@moviegeeksunite: Oscar winning actress Marcia Gay Harden speaks to us about her upcoming JFK assassination drama PARKLAND:... http://fb.me/1DQRgAk2u

@Variety: 'Parkland': Will Audiences Want to Relive JFK Assassination? http://on.variety.com/14DIznV

- 20/08/13: @ParklandFilm: The official #TIFF13 schedule is out: #Parkland will premiere on Friday, Sep 6 at 9:30pm with a second screening on Sunday, Sep 8 at 12:30pm

@ParklandFilm: You can find the schedule and a new programmer's note on #Parkland's #TIFF13 page: http://bit.ly/1eZA6RD

@ParklandFilm: Tickets for #TIFF13 screenings can be bought through the TIFF website: http://bit.ly/14lqOdI

@ParklandFilm: #TIFF13 also announced expected festival attendees today: Peter Landesman, Zac Efron, Paul Giamatti & Jackie Weaver. http://bit.ly/19vmuNp

@ParklandFilm Note: The expected TIFF attendee press release is typically only an excerpt. More cast members might be present but have not confirmed yet.

@AwardsCircuit: The Potential of 'Parkland' - Dark Horse? http://wp.me/p2xcTa-em9

@Shelby_Huesario: #Parkland - Official Trailer 1 [HD] - Movie 2013 - #ZacEfron #TomWelling youtu.be/SgPjt_BRLvY via @YouTube

@ParklandFilm: The #Parkland trailer is finally here! Watch it on @YahooMovies: http://yhoo.it/1bRmkAT

- 21/08/13: @ParklandMov: Parkland Official Trailer (2013) HD: http://youtu.be/--y0wwiVMEk?a via @YouTube

@Beloving2: Love this @ParklandMovie! Great job to #cast and #peterlandesman & whole team! pic.twitter.com/E4sOQ6TjUo

- 22/08/13: @karivierimaaCTV: Parkland starring Marcia Gray Harden and Zac Efron will be screened at @CinefestSudbury http://prod3.agileticketing.net/websale ... a292ae081a&

- 23/08/13: @tariel22: New #Parkland poster from Remstar Films. #TomWelling #ZacEfron pic.twitter.com/XvqnbA17xn

@ParklandFilm: #Parkland will screen at the Deauville Film Festival on Sep 4, 2013 at 8pm and Sep 5, 9pm. http://bit.ly/1bZXqPt

@ParklandFilm: #Parkland will also have a press conference & photocall on Sep 4, 2pm with director Peter Landesman and executive producer Guy East.

- 24/08/13: @JenniferBrofer: So excited to attend an advance screening of #Parkland tonight!! Looking forward to seeing my fellow crew members again. #artdept #intern

@JenniferBrofer: Just watched #Parkland, and I am so honored to have worked with such an amazingly-talented crew! See it in theaters Oct. 4! #artdept #intern

@ParklandFilm: And last but not least, #Parkland will screen on Sep 18 at the Atlanic Film Festival in Halifax, Ontario, Canada. http://bit.ly/18S80GA

@Spyderbaby: Just got out of the "Parkland" movie premier, it was so good I think I cried through almost the whole film. This was by far the best thing I've ever worked on and I was honored to see my name in the credits. I'm looking forward to the release so I can see it again https://www.facebook.com/MissSpyderBaby ... 9929877912

@Ashley Harkrider: Got to attend a cast and crew screening of "Parkland" tonight. It turned out really good. It was filmed here in Austin and a lot of it was filmed at the production lot I interned at. Good acting, good cinematography, good sound and music, and great editing. I was an intern on the production. I even got a screen credit at the end for "Trip Trainee", whatever that is! Lol. It's just cool to see someone take a whole new approach to the JFK assassination instead of retreading on the same old stuff. Barry Ackroyd's style of shooting (The Hurt Locker) does make you feel like you're there and intertwines almost seamlessly with archival footage. Worth checking out. https://www.facebook.com/ashley.harkrid ... 5347640493

- 25/08/13: @JenniferBrofer: #ZacEfron #MarciaGayHarden #BillyBobThornton #PaulGiamatti fans will definitely like what they see in #Parkland. In US theaters Oct. 4!

@JenniferBrofer: @KatSteffens Saw #Parkland last night and was blown away by your performance as #JackieKennedy. You're a star!

@JenniferBrofer: #TomWelling plays Secret Service Agent Roy Kellerman and does a fantastic job! He definitely has some powerful moments. #Parkland

@jason2040: Riveting, visceral experience at @ParklandMov cast screening in #Austin last night. History comes alive again. @ParklandUK
@jason2040: Still haunted by the nuanced, redemptive portrayal of Robert Oswald by the brilliant James Badge Dale in #Parkland.
@mbethmason: @jason2040 @ParklandFilm @ParklandMov @ParklandUK what actors for the movie showed up for the preview
@jason2040: @mbethmason It was mostly the Texas based supporting cast & crew, + producers and guests of @ExclusiveEMG
@mbethmason: @jason2040 thank you for the information I can not wait to see this movie did you like the movie did you work on it
@jason2040: @mbethmason You're welcome. And yes, privileged to be part of such a luminous cast.

@efronsnavy: New Atlantic film festival parkland poster pic.twitter.com/7FgQYZE6Xs

@tariel22: James Badge Dale attended the #Parkland screening for cast and crew in Austin last night: https://www.facebook.com/larryjackdotso ... 1573615740

- 26/08/13: @tariel22: #Parkland joins the 2013 Festival de Cinema de la Ville de Quebec (FCVQ): http://www.fcvq.ca/programmation/4539 … #TomWelling #ZacEfron

@ChristopherFCVQ: @ParklandFilm will open Quebec City Film Festival on september 18th ! http://www.fcvq.ca/programmation/4539

@tariel22: Fandango's (tiny) #Parkland poster image. Their own creation, or a new official version? #TomWelling #ZacEfron pic.twitter.com/xob1nHQxjg

- 27/08/13: @ParklandFilm: #Parkland on page 3 RT @ThePlaylist: 10 Awards Season Movies That Could Be Surprise Contenders http://dlvr.it/3sg2GY

@ParklandFilm: @HitFix' In Contention also has a look at #Parkland as part of their Venice preview: http://bit.ly/18izYsL

@ParklandFilm: And the AwardsCircuit recently speculated if #Parkland might be a dark horse in this year's awards race: http://bit.ly/18iAqr4

- 28/08/13: @ExclusiveEMG: #Parkland will be released October 4th. Follow @ExclusiveEMG for the latest news

@THRmovies: Venice Film Festival: 42 Movies to Know http://j.mp/17iGnsK

@Variety: ‘Parkland’ Totes Up Slew of Sales http://on.variety.com/16SfDZS

@Deadline: Venice Film Festival: Will The Lido Shuffle Into Awards Season? http://dlvr.it/3sk7wT

@tariel22: #Parkland DVD/Blu-Ray release set for Nov 5, 2014! http://www.cduniverse.com/productinfo.asp?pid=9018519 … Available for pre-order on Amazon now! #TomWelling #ZacEfron

- 29/08/13: @ParklandUK: #Parkland has 20/1 odds of winning the Golden Lion Award at the Venice Film Festival @la_Biennale, says @PaddyPower: http://www.paddypower.com/bet/hollywood ... ids=802041

@OKMagazine: #OKExclusive! First Look At @ZacEfron As A Doctor In His New Film, #Parkland http://goo.gl/PE35bB (PICS) @exclusiveEMG @TOfilmfest #swoon

@ParklandFilm: #Parkland has now also an official Instagram and Pinterest. Follow them here: http://instagram.com/parklandmovie & http://pinterest.com/parklandmovie/

@ParklandMov: Our #Parkland OFFICIAL Accounts: http://fb.com/parklandmovie , http://instagram.com/parkandmovie , http://pinterest.com/parklandmovie , http://parklandmovie.tumbr.com

@ParklandFilm: USA Today's fall movie preview brings us a new #Parkland image: http://www.usatoday.com/story/life/movi ... w/2678243/ pic.twitter.com/fTny5ZLxFV

- 31/01/13: @la_Biennale: A seguito delle numerosissime richieste arrivateci, vi confermiamo la partecipazione di Tom Welling alla 70.... http://fb.me/Isu31e0S

@crlmion: #venezia70 Tom #Welling e le ragazzine impazziscono pic.twitter.com/UOzolzFMqY

@FRAG0L1NA: #TOMWELLING press conference at Venice Film Festival set on Sunday 01 Sep at 2:00 pm Italian Time raimovievenezia.rai.it/dl/portali/sit…

@nuova_venezia: Tom Welling (@TomyWell) è già a #Venezia70: domani presenterà la sua interpretazione in #Parkland Il nostro liveblog: bit.ly/12Hgrnh

@FRAG0L1NA: I Heard rumors of a possible new release date 4 #PARKLAND 27SEPT .Let's wait for OFFICIAL confirmation b4 #GETTINGTOOEXCITED ;) #TOMWELLING

@crlmion: #Venezia70 #TomWelling http://nuovavenezia.gelocal.it/foto-e-v ... -1.7663840

@ParklandMov: Tom Welling in PARKLAND! Regram, RT, or share if you want more #TomWelling stills! Use hashtag #PARKLAND http://instagram.com/p/dsCKRZly9w/

@crlmion: #venezia70 #TomWelling The actor is very popular on the internet. #Parkland #venicefilmfestival pic.twitter.com/nGEeQuu7Di

@ParklandMov: #PARKLAND #TomWelling http://instagram.com/p/dsvv_tlyz7/

- 01/09/13: @la_Biennale: Oggi in concorso a #Venezia70 (1/3): Parkland di Peter Landesman (Sala Grande h 17.00) Leggi la scheda: bit.ly/199f8hN

@naimablu: * il motivo per cui non è mai stata fatta un'autopsia a Kennedy? Tom Welling. #Venezia70

@ParklandFilm: #Parkland press conference at the Venice Film Festival starts at 2pm CET/8am ET/5am PT. You can watch it live here: raimovievenezia.rai.it

@fabio_falzone: A #venezia70 intervista con #tomwelling tra i protagonisti di #Parkland. Le fans di #smallville non lo hanno dimenticato @01Distribution
@chiara_mars: @fabio_falzone andrà in onda da qualche parte qst'intervista?
@fabio_falzone: @chiara_mars certo, ma tra qualche giorno. Trovi tutto su effettonotte.tv2000.it

@Variety_Tech: Venice Film Review: ‘Parkland’: This JFK assassination retelling makes "Bobby" look like a masterpiece by comparison. bit.ly/17d9KH0

@MargotSwonji: #parkland intervistando #PeterLandesman e l'amore per #Jkf ..capisci di essere per metà americana! #Venezia70 pic.twitter.com/tcAEWXP7si

@_MirrorOfSoul: NEWS: 'Parkland' got a standing ovation on its first screening.

@_MirrorOfSoul NEWS: Tom Welling & Peter Landesman are being interviewed just now. Reporter said Landesman's passion about JFK story is admirable.

@VeronikaZajdela: From big ang great cast only Tom Welling is present at Lido. #parkland #venezia70 #missingPaulGiamatti

@_MirrorOfSoul: NEWS: According to the audience, Efron & Welling's performances were shockingly good. Giamatti, Thornton & Weaver's were extraordinary.

@iortizgascon: #PARKLAND refleja muy bien la excepcionalidad del asesinato de un presidente. Correcta y con un gran reparto. #Venezia70

@_MirrorOfSoul: Jsyk guys, critics are coming from the Italians. The international film critics seem to have loved 'Parkland'.

@efronsnavy: Parkland screening this morning pic.twitter.com/wtUTNU0v2b


@Lips_Loose: Parkland is EXCELLENT. An ensemble cast of epic proportions incl @ColinHanks Zac Efron, Jacki Weaver, Marcia Gay Harden & more! #VFF #Venice

@_MirrorOfSoul: NEWS: Quoting TG1: 'Parkland recreates November 22, 1963 facts in a beautifully way, with star filled scenes and great acting'

@CinemaErrante: #TomWelling saluta! #Parkland #Venezia70 instagram.com/p/dt7GH6yhNE/

@_MirrorOfSoul: NEWS: The selection said theyre shocked by how beautiful Parkland is and how Landesman was able to make it look like a completely new story.

@_MirrorOfSoul: NEWS: Landesman spent time with one of the real agents during his last days alive.

@_MirrorOfSoul: NEWS: The JFK assassination clip used in the movie is the real clip filmed by Zapruder.

@_MirrorOfSoul: NEWS: 50000$ were paid to get Zapruder's clip.

@_MirrorOfSoul: NEWS: Zapruder's family was on set with Paul Giamatti.

@_MirrorOfSoul: NEWS: ''I would like to tell the director your movie is a spilling of blood on historic facts.''

@_MirrorOfSoul: NEWS: Zapruder's family decided 2 help Landesman on this movie because they felt like it wasnt the most honest one, but the most passionate.

@veneziatoday: Su RaiTre il 22 nov 2013 il film "Parkland"andrà in onda per ricordare la morte di John Kennedy #Venezia70 #50anni bit.ly/15gdYnA

@isabellapreuer: latest addition to "isabella's obvious celebrity pictures": tom welling - superman was too fast, hence… instagram.com/p/dt7JlMJStg/

@veneziatoday: Tom Welling presente alla conferenza stampa di "Parkland". Ma #ZacEfron??? #Venezia70 DIRETTA bit.ly/15gdYnA pic.twitter.com/YySTCw3Fb2

@VenezianiMT: Porkland sull'assassinio Kennedy a Dallas. Su Rai tre il 22 novembre. Segnate. #venezia70 pic.twitter.com/iqZqdySrez

@CriticMinds: Direttamente da #smallville #tomwelling protagonista di #parklend presentato stamane alla stampa di #venezia70 fb.me/6sZgtB7KU

@_MirrorOfSoul: News: ''Parkland has a spiritual meaning. (...) I don't talk about theories nor I want to.''

@_MirrorOfSoul: NEWS: There were reportedly tears and applauses at the end of the movie 'Parkland'.

@_MirrorOfSoul: ''It made us relive the emotion everybody in the world felt when JFK was killed'' - Critic reviewer about Parkland

@FesthomeEnglish: Venice Film Festival 2013 Review: 'Parkland' bit.ly/15LNnvW

@_MirrorOfSoul: NEWS: ''The worst part of this experience was the last day of filming. (..) I was really lucky to be a part of it'' - Tom Welling

@_MirrorOfSoul: NEWS: ''I never really took notice of those people mentioned on the script. They're all very human.'' - Tom Welling

@_MirrorOfSoul: NEWS: ''At some point somebody said 'where's the camera' and Peter said 'it's always on you!' " - Tom Welling

@_MirrorOfSoul: NEWS: " 'Dont look for us, we have to find you' cause the actors should have lived in their characters'' - Peter Landesman

@_MirrorOfSoul: NEWS: "We ended the movie with Oswald's funeral cause it's all about us. (...) Robert Oswald is the key to the movie'' - Peter Landesman

@_MirrorOfSoul: NEWS: ''James Badge Dale lived in this character in a way I could never imagine. His perfomance was one of the best ever'' - Peter Landesman

@_MirrorOfSoul: NEWS: P.D.B. said the acting is amazing and he thanked Landesman and the entire cast for delivering such a great, touching movie about JFK.

@_MirrorOfSoul: Tom Welling & Peter Landesman, VFF press conference pic.twitter.com/ZhPc9xUHbz

@_MirrorOfSoul: Tom Welling & Peter Landesman, VFF press conference pic.twitter.com/Zxf4INqJYk

@robertabaldini: #TomWelling a #Venezia70 per #parkland pic.twitter.com/7G8kbyB0Q5

@_MirrorOfSoul: Tom Welling & Peter Landesman, VFF press conference pic.twitter.com/wWxYg7Z6Z4

@_MirrorOfSoul: Peter Landesman & Tom Welling, VFF Press Conference pic.twitter.com/1snD4pvHGQ

@_MirrorOfSoul: Tom Welling making faces at VFF, Press Conference pic.twitter.com/vq8eQev3Y6

@FRAG0L1NA: for those interested in what TOM said, he talked about how great filming Parkland was, wonderful cast, wonderful experience ..They were all sad last day of set. Plus, one of the things that he mostly liked, was to get to know more about the JFK assassination tragedy through the eyes of ordinary people, of people involved in the event, of whom he had never heard of until that moment. He complimented with the director at some point, for giving the cast the freedom to act and make mistakes. Tom is Such a wonderful guy and talented actor :) So proud and happy to be his fan!!!!! tl.gd/n_1rm7ifu

@_MirrorOfSoul: Tom Welling & his faces, VFF Press conference pic.twitter.com/kg6EXxRrlw

@_MirrorOfSoul: Tom Welling talking about his role as JFK personal bodyguard in #Parkland, VFF press conference pic.twitter.com/rU1YvsPHW8

@_MirrorOfSoul: Tom Welling on his role as Roy Kellerman, VFF press conference pic.twitter.com/UFn0UofkNE

@_MirrorOfSoul: Tom Welling, VFF press conference #Parkland pic.twitter.com/AL9A4O2AL9

@_MirrorOfSoul: VFF press conference, Tom Welling talking about his role in Landesman's Parkland pic.twitter.com/u6Dbw9NY2z

@_MirrorOfSoul: Tom Welling, Parkland Press Conference, #Venezia70 pic.twitter.com/kcIJ7n7iiy

@_MirrorOfSoul: Tom Welling & Peter Landesman, VFF press conference, #Parkland pic.twitter.com/7xYCvtQrml

@_MirrorOfSoul: Tom Welling & Peter Landesman at the end of #Parkland press conference, #Venezia70 pic.twitter.com/egdvNJVtaK

@_MirrorOfSoul: Tom Welling signing autographs at the end of #Parkland Press conference, VFF pic.twitter.com/NNibc5vZSr

@_MirrorOfSoul: Tbh people should stop using Zac's name to promote Parkland. It's not all about him, it's an ensemble cast! They all gave their best!

@_MirrorOfSoul: Tbh, I think Tom Welling gave a good performance as JFK's bodyguard. He has the body & the seriousness. #sounderrated

@LookDeiVip: #Venezia70: #ZacEfron grande assente, ma ci consoliamo con #TomWelling (#Smallville) bit.ly/19Y3FCX

@chiara_mars: "Il divo, elegante con la sua giacca scura, si è dimostrato gentile e disponibile, lasciandosi fotografare dai fan." #TomWelling ♥♥♥♥

@chiara_mars: #Parkland: conferenza stampa - Venezia 70 rai.tv/dl/RaiTV/progr… #TomWelling

@_MirrorOfSoul: News: quote "the ad oc acting gave the film a touch of bitterness that elevates it to a more than interesting level" #Parkland

@ParklandUK: Tom Welling is at the Venice Film Festival @la_Biennale for the world premiere of #Parkland! pic.twitter.com/uL1vs7t92b

@kikapress: Festival di Venezia: Tom Welling presenta Parkland goo.gl/fb/kD3uS

@ceccatoz: Il più bello del mondoooooo mi ha anche sorriso #tomwelling #mostradelcinema pic.twitter.com/hMbf5BYlWf

@RealGiorgia_I: Me and Tom Welling at the "Parkland" premiere. pic.twitter.com/HpK8FkCcCk

@cinecasella: Sono qui con Tom (Welling) #moltomegliochelavorareinminiera #Venezia70

@TerranovaSimone: Mary e #TomWelling #SmallVille instagram.com/p/duMhQFExPo/

@sr_culture: Parkland: JFK conspiracy theories muddy the water, says director bit.ly/15Ml80f | Guardian

@_MirrorOfSoul: Despite what "everyone" is saying, Parkland is a crude & crucial movie. The acting is incredible & so is the photography.

@nuova_venezia: #venezia70 E' Tom Welling il nuovo bello della Mostra: da "Parkland" alle fan del red carpet. Guarda le foto bit.ly/15MszV6

@enricomagrelli: Now ad #HollywoodParty #Venezia70 pic.twitter.com/PhhUg01QfT

@LookDeiVip: Due bellissimi sul red carpet di #Venezia70: #DanielRadcliffe e #TomWelling... voi chi preferite? bit.ly/18vpne9

@NikkiFinke: Venice: ‘Parkland’ Helmer Peter Landesman On Conspiracy-Free JFK Assassination Pic dlvr.it/3tyjJP via @Deadline

@ParklandFilm: The Hollywood Reporter's review says #Parkland is "engrossing, quietly revelatory, and often profoundly moving": bit.ly/17wTcMB

@fasmag247: 'Parkland' Photocall - The 70th Venice International Film Festival , fashionmagazine247.com/photos/72798/p…

@ParklandUK: We are delighted to report that #Parkland received a standing ovation at the Venice Film Festival @la_Biennale! Thanks for the support!

@fabio_falzone: In un'unica sera cocktail con #tomwelling, dinner con #sabrinaferilli e after dinner con... #mal. Il bello di #venezia70

- 02/09/13: @clav111: Tom Welling about his role on Parkland: "...I did a lot of research to actually understand what brought Roy (cont) http://tl.gd/n_1rm8096

@clav111: Tom Welling talking about his experience on the set of Parkland: "I'm curious to know what Kennedy would (cont) http://tl.gd/n_1rm824o

@clav111: Tom Welling talking about Smallville: "When I think at those ten years...it was a wonderful journey. I've (cont) http://tl.gd/n_1rm8260

- 03/09/13: @VanityFairIt: #Venezia70, Tom Welling di #Parkland: «Casa Bianca? No grazie».L'incontro al Lido con l'ex Clark Kent di #Smallville> bit.ly/1a2PfS0

@ParklandUK: Here's an animated gif of #Parkland star Tom Welling. Say hello everyone! bit.ly/17x3bmZ

@Metropolitan_Fr: PARKLAND : découvrez l'affiche définitive française ! Le 2 octobre au cinéma ! #parkland #Deauville2013 @la_Biennale pic.twitter.com/pgul8DzKEw

@Modadivas: Tom Welling Elegant ensemble of Cinema and Fashion for the Venice Fashion Night in the Maserati Te pinterest.com/pin/5559131477…

- 04/09/13: @PremierFests: Peter Landesman’s Parkland, starring Zac Efron, Tom Welling and Paul Giamatti #OfficialCompetition #LFF

@ParklandFilm: #Parkland will play in competition at the 57th BFI London Film Festival on Oct 16, 17 & 19: http://bit.ly/14iFeku http://bit.ly/14iHgAU

@Deadline: London Film Festival Unveils Lineup dlvr.it/3vkyMv #Parkland #TomWelling #ZacEfron

@ParklandMov: Must-see screenings at the Toronto International Film Festival that could hit local theaters soon http://www.annarbor.com/entertainment/t ... wR.twitter

@ParklandUK: #Parkland is based on 'Four Days in November: The Assassination of President John F. Kennedy' by Vincent Bugliosi: http://amzn.to/17uTYvj

@iFan: Conférence de presse de Parkland avec Peter Landesman et Guy East. http://instagram.com/p/d1prEmtATC/

@lpscinema: [Conf de presse] #Deauville2013 Peter Landesman : "tout ce qui est dans le film est vrai et prouvé. Ce ne sont que des faits"

@lpscinema: [Conf de presse] #Deauville2013 Peter Landesman & Guy East pour PARKLAND @Metropolitan_Fr pic.twitter.com/2ajza1rKlE

@lpscinema: [Photocall] Peter Landesman, réalisateur de PARKLAND, projeté en avant-première à #Deauville2013 @Metropolitan_Fr pic.twitter.com/YvCKgKFf88

@ParklandMov: Tom Welling and Zac Efron will be at #TIFF for #PARKLAND http://instagram.com/p/d2dBrZFyy8/

@CColliat: 39e Festival du cinéma américain Deauville présentation de #Parkland #deauville2013 #deauvilleus #deauville pic.twitter.com/YaLQ8GIaE1

@ParklandFilm: #Parkland in Deauville - check out the press conference & pictures: bit.ly/17CoFib & bit.ly/17CoIdM & bit.ly/17CoFid

@getthelookCA: Mesdames, le charmant Tom Welling est attendu au #TIFF2013 #gentelamn #TomWelling #premiere #Toronto bit.ly/17Ilow0

- 06/09/13: @televisionet_tv: We interviewed Tom #Welling and Peter #Landesman at #Venezia70 #Parkland #televisionet bit.ly/18zfhub pic.twitter.com/iaEcd24kfE

- 07/09/13: @ParklandFilm: New Festival! #Parkland will screen at the Calgary International Film Festival, Canada on Sep 20, 2013. http://bit.ly/156g07f

- 12/09/13: @ParklandFilm: #Parkland will play in competition at the Zurich Film Festival in Switzerland on Sep 27 (also Oct 2, Oct 4, Oct 6): http://bit.ly/18Uc5t8

- 13/09/13: @AmericanFilmCo: Film Production Fact: Costume Designer Kari Perkins was tasked w/ outfitting 80+ actors & 100s of extras in authentic period clothing....

- 15/09/13: @ALEXccastillo: "HOT BUT COOL TOM WELLING" http://feedly.com/k/15uLSTx

- 16/09/13: @AmericanFilmCo: Producer's Notes: It took 2months to build the famous 1961 midnight blue Lincoln Continental that Kennedy rode through Dealey Plaza#parkland

- 17/09/13: @AmericanFilmCo: #Parkland producer, Bill Paxton's fascination with the JFK assassination stems from the fact that as a kid he saw JFK speak in TX that day.

- 18/09/13: @ParklandLive: #AgentKellerman The President's car is waiting for JFK to land. The sun is shining, so we don't need the bubble top #parkland #TomWelling

@ParklandUK: Here is a @CSPAN interview from 2003 with the real #Parkland surgeon Dr. James Carrico (@ZacEfron in the film) http://www.c-spanvideo.org/program/179175-1

@bbcnewsvideo: Shooting history: JFK and Parkland http://bbc.in/1eqm6nW

@ParklandLive: #AgentKellerman I'm ready to act as a human shield. It's a shame the Service haven't convinced JFK to be more cautious #parkland #TomWelling

- 19/09/13: @xeresdan2: #fcvq #parkland #succes #bravo http://instagram.com/p/ecJWR9ipTT/

@ParklandLive: #AgentGreer (Presidential Driver) The President and Jackie Kennedy get in the limousine, with Agent Kellerman in the front seat #parkland

@FilmMusicSite: Rhino will release on September 30th 'Parkland' composed by James Newton Howard http://www.filmmusicsite.com/soundtracks.cgi?id=22633 … pic.twitter.com/YLcO2BXUMu

@ChristopherFCVQ: #FCVQ Ovation hier soir pour Parkland / Standing ovation for @ParklandFilm yesterday at Quebec City Festival ! pic.twitter.com/Ll7tGETeXo

‏@AmericanFilmCo: #Parkland Notes: Jackie Weaver was the 1st actor cast. Director Peter Landesman said "if she said no, I didn't have a second choice."

@ParklandLive: #AgentKellerman It's a shame JFK won't allow additional agents to stand on the car running boards for protection #parkland #TomWelling

@tariel22: Great #Parkland radio interview with Peter Landesman from the Festival de Cinéma de la Ville de Québec. http://www.cbc.ca/player/Radio/Local+Sh ... 407396628/

- 20/09/13: @FLScreenings: Free Advance Movie Screening of Parkland (@ParklandMov) in Miami, FL via @43KIXMiami (Printable Pass) - http://bit.ly/18gfRgg

- 21/09/13: @ParklandUK: "Real heroism is when people who are not being watched do the right thing under impossible circumstances.” - #Parkland's Peter Landesman

@ParklandFilm: Peter Landesman & Paul Giamatti talk to WFAA about #Parkland. Watch here: http://bit.ly/19oyqiN

- 22/09/13: @ParklandLive: #AgentYoungblood The agents in the follow-up car behind us are making "unnatural movements". Panic consumes me. Something's wrong #parkland

@ParklandFilm: Another festival! #Parkland will be screened at the Tokyo International Film Festival (Oct 17-25) in Japan. http://bit.ly/16RW5JG

- 23/09/13: @ParklandMov: I posted 26 photos on Facebook in the album "TIFF "Parkland" Grey Goose Party" http://fb.me/2AwO1hLgL

@ExclusiveEMG: How good does #TomWelling look at @TIFF_NET "#Parkland" @GreyGoose Party?! pic.twitter.com/lOeM2nKOlU

@VictorOchoDiaz: 1st in my series of interviews for Austin-made JFK assassination drama PARKLAND. Dir. Peter Landesman http://austin.ynn.com/content/news/2953 ... ing-scenes … @ParklandMov

@doppleseth: @tariel22 you can listen Wednesday at 220 ET. Streaming here. http://www.wtop.com/?nid=984

- 24/09/13: @soleilpat: Confirmation - Parkland - Concours http://vtele.ca/concours/parkland/

@afs1985: Tickets are now on sale for the Austin Premiere of PARKLAND! It's this Sunday at 4 PM at the Paramount Theatre. http://www.austintheatre.org/site/Calen ... l&id=36022

@tariel22: Audio interview with Tom Welling from the Venice Film Festival! #Parkland http://uk.fred.fm/tom-welling-parkland-venezia70/ … via @FredFilmRadio

@tariel22: Audio interview with Peter Landesman from the Venice Film Festival! #Parkland http://uk.fred.fm/peter-landesman-parkland-venezia70-2/ … via @FredFilmRadio

@ParklandFilm: The official website for #Parkland has been updated with photos, cast profiles & a link to buy tickets. Check it out: parkland-themovie.com

@ParklandFilm: #Parkland opens on Oct 4th. Buy your tickets now through Fandango (bit.ly/14EM3ee) or Movietickets (bit.ly/14EM3ut).

@tariel22: The Tom Welling and Peter Landesman interviews are also available in podcast form on iTunes. #Parkland itunes.apple.com/us/podcast/tom…

@tariel22: #Parkland TV spots from Remstar Films! English: http://vimeo.com/75243480 http://vimeo.com/75243567 Français: http://vimeo.com/75243569

- 25/09/13: @ParklandLive: #AgentKellerman From the front seat, I hear a sickening shower of brain matter blow into the air above my head #parkland #TomWelling

@TheMacJew: JFK assassination drama 'Parkland' aims to spotlight new details http://entertainment.foxnews.mobi/quick ... pageNum=-1

@MPAA: The MPAA & Exclusive Media welcome writer/director Peter Landesman for an #EveningWith to discuss/screen “Parkland” @ParklandMov #PARKLAND

@MPAA: Peter Landesman on @ParklandMov “This film is a movie about the rest of us.” #EveningWith #PARKLAND

@BerZHERKmode: Just watched the premiere of Parkland, it's really good and intense and I recommend it when it comes out in theaters

@MPAA: Landesman: “When Tom Hanks and I conceived this film...agreed on two things…nothing that anyone has ever seen before and everything true"

@MPAA: Landesman: “Wanted to make a movie about what happened…did not want any judgment” #EveningWith @ParklandMov

@hardball_chris: Just saw Parkland-the new movie about hours/days after JFK was shot. All facts-no theories. Compelling treatment. @MPAA @ParklandMov

- 26/09/13: @AmericanFilmCo: Filmmakers used a closed wing of the Austin State Hospital to stand-in for Parkland Hospital (which has been renovated beyond recognition).

@ParklandMov: @MPAA hosted #Parkland director Peter Landesman for a screening and Q&A last night with @Hardball's Chris Matthews! http://on.fb.me/16tt7T1

@43KIXDenver: #Parkland opens in select #Denver theaters on 10/4. Here's a look at the trailer: http://ht.ly/pfioT

@ParklandMov: FBI agent James Hosty comes to a difficult realization in a new clip from #Parkland. See it on @Hulu now: http://bit.ly/1fJiKvx

@afs1985: Sunday's Premiere of PARKLAND will benefit the Austin State Hospital, where scenes of the film were shot. http://www.austintheatre.org/site/Calen ... l&id=36022

@FeedDallas: WFAA: VIDEO Director of 'Parkland' discusses new film http://bit.ly/1bfRncY #dallas

- 27/09/13: @tariel22: Paul Giamatti will be a guest on @LateNightJimmy on Oct 2nd! #Parkland http://www.nbcumv.com/mediavillage/netw ... n/episodes

@tariel22: Marcia Gay Harden @Beloving2 talks with @tavissmiley on Oct 2nd! #Parkland http://www.pbs.org/wnet/tavissmiley/coming-soon/

@AmericanFilmCo: Costume Designer Kari Perkins built 3 different versions of the famous pink suit worn by Jackie -each covered in a different amount of blood

@ParklandMov: She remained calm in the face of a crisis. #Parkland pic.twitter.com/h0XoaX5RsO

@WeLiveFilm: TIFF 2013: "Parkland" - Review by Nick Iacobucci http://fb.me/2Kqd74hNC

- 29/09/13: @PaulSalamoff: MOVIE A DAY: SEPT. 27, 2013 – PARKLAND (2013) http://wp.me/p1WaLf-b9

@ExclusiveEMG: 5 DAYS! RT this #EXCLUSIVE #Parkland photo! #OCT4 #TomWelling pic.twitter.com/bewwX4Ht9C

@ParklandFilm: The Boston Globe talks to Peter Landesman & Marcia Gay Harden about #Parkland: http://b.globe.com/17eStlh

@SAGFoundation: NYConversations screening of @ParklandMov w/ @Badge_Dale & director #PeterLandesman 10/2 7PM @NYIT_AOB RSVP:ow.ly/phVSk

@luria: At the @afs1985 screening of Parkland benefiting the Austin State Hospital! pic.twitter.com/RpW7UVs27i

@Marc_Stephens: Austin premiere of "Parkland" with AFS's Rebecca Campbell and writer/director Peter Landesman introducing the movie. http://fb.me/2U5riZRDl

@YorkshireTX: Director Peter Landesman explaining the drive behind Parkland, his JFK drama shown by @afs1985 pic.twitter.com/ZKKdtFz4hL

@janetaucoin: Saw @ParklandMov last week at the film fest. Highly recommend it to any history buff or Tom Welling fan. #TomWellingParkland

@Letsbecrazy_94: Parkland was such a great movie! The cast & crew did a phenomenal job at retelling the story of JFK's assassination.

- 30/09/13: @cooney_writes: Writing up my #parkland review this week. Delighted to see #tomwelling back on the big screen. @ExclusiveEMG

@Poni_Boy: Time for #Parkland. Been really lookong forward to it http://instagram.com/p/e49vUJDLXj/

@Film3Sixty: Parkland - A Shot Heard Around the World http://bit.ly/19c01rv #Parkland #ZacEfron #JFK

@ParklandMov: #Parkland director Peter Landesman will be on @reddit this Thursday, Oct. 3 for an AMA! Don't miss the event at 3PM ET.

@ExclusiveEMG: 4 DAYS! RT this #EXCLUSIVE #Parkland photo! #OCT4 @ZacEfron pic.twitter.com/IQGcBw2vA3

@MJMendell1: Went to the #Parkland premiere last night. Amazing, rattling, a must-see. The Zapruder family attended... #tomwelling, well done Okemos boy!

@ParklandMov: #Parkland director Peter Landesman is interviewed on the grassy knoll by Robert Wilonsky of @dallasnews. #BTS pic.twitter.com/QVcDNDRkS7

@jennyzurita: Just got back from my interview with Peter Landesman, director of @ParklandMov! What an awesome dude! Had a blast talking to him! #parkland

- 01/10/13: @CP24: JFK drama 'Parkland' feels the weight of history, aims to tell simple truths. http://www.cp24.com/entertainment-news/ ... -1.1477860

@tariel22: Saw an advance screening of #Parkland last night! Grabbed me from the first moment and never let go. So much I never knew. Engrossing film.

@tariel22: Tom Welling fans will not be disappointed. Emotional, compelling performance in a role unlike anything he's done before. #Parkland

@tariel22: Many memorable performances in this truly ensemble film. So impressed by the cast Peter Landesman was able to attract. #Parkland

@tariel22: James Badge Dale stood out, in the heartbreaking story of a good man trapped in an unimaginable situation. Beautifully nuanced. #Parkland

@tariel22: Go see #Parkland, the untold story of ordinary people caught up in the extraordinary circumstances of the JFK assassination, on Oct 4th!

@tariel22: And now for the unabashed fangirl review of #Parkland: Tom Welling was amazing, incredibly hot, and I only wish he had more screen time! :)

@ParklandFilm: #Parkland will also screen at the Film Fest Gent (8-19 Oct 2013) in Gent, Belgium. http://bit.ly/19ULEEg

@AmericanFilmCo: Abraham Zapruder's family never publicly shared their story until this movie - thinking this might be their last chance to tell the story.

@cinedelphia: Enter to win tickets to see Parkland at the Ritz Bourse: http://cinedelphia.com/content-parkland ... -screening

@annebrodie: #Parkland – The Stars Speak Out - Monsters and Critics http://shar.es/KzjQ1 #ZacEfron #PaulGiamatti #JackiWeaver #ColinHanks

@robdriscoll1: Just out of #Parkland. Fascinating, unsensational view of events following the JFK shooting w decent turns from Zac Efron (yes!), Giamatti

@ParklandFilm: Review: "Parkland is well worth seeing—an absorbing new footnote to a history lesson that will never fade." http://bit.ly/171IJYi

- 02/10/13: @SAGFoundation: NYCers! Did you RSVP for screening & Q&A of @ParklandMov yet? w/ @Badge_Dale & #PeterLandesman 10/2 7PM ET http://ow.ly/pp4pO

@vipfanauctions: 'Parkland' Director talks about the chilling scenes in film. http://ow.ly/poJHn #Parkland in theaters Oct. 4th

@ParklandFilm: Tom Hanks dishes on #Parkland to Access Hollywood: http://bit.ly/1eYmMS1

@tariel22: New Tom Welling still! #Parkland pic.twitter.com/wgTurwJi1A

@tariel22: @VivianBloom Tom's role isn't big, but he makes the most of it. He's so good! Great performances throughout in this film.

@CinemaReel: Sun-Times: Zac Efron challenges himself as doctor in ‘Parkland’: ... http://bit.ly/16fzneW

@tariel22: New #Parkland still featuring @AUS10NICHOLS pic.twitter.com/gfn1YJQjL5

@KavonneW: @ParklandMov I saw #Parkland last night. A tremendous and moving film! @hitRECordJoe

@ParklandFilm: France! #Parkland is opening today in French cinemas. Don't miss it! http://youtu.be/y8JBEMigqsg

@EfronFr: @ZacEfron I just saw Parkland. It's one of the best movie I've ever seen. Peter and the whole cast did an amazing job, I'm proud of you Zac.

@MalloryAMoye: @ParklandMov opens this Fri, Oct 4th!! Here I am with the lovely and amazing @Beloving2. Go see it!! pic.twitter.com/OTbrtAHByT

@ParklandFilm: Clint O'Connor gives #Parkland an "A" and calls it "'a riveting account of the JFK assassination." http://bit.ly/1hkIXhQ

‏@ParklandMov: #Parkland director Peter Landesman will be answering your questions TOMORROW on @Reddit! Tune in for his AMA at 3PM ET.



@AmericanFilmCo: Director Peter Landesman spent 3 days interviewing FBI agent Jim Hosty (played by Ron Livingston) before he died in June 2011. #parkland

@ParklandFilm: Marcia Gay Harden (@beloving2) stops by @tavissmiley to talk #Parkland. Check it out tonight on @PBS. http://to.pbs.org/18sKaBV

@ParklandFilm: Paul Giamatti stops by the Late Night with @jimmyfallon tonight to talk about #Parkland. 12:35am ET/11:35pm CT on @NBC. Don't miss it.

@ParklandMov: @MovieTickets.com has a new clip from #Parkland! Watch it now and see the film in theaters tomorrow: http://bit.ly/1557PI1

@MrKrisInfante: Caught a screening of #Parkland. Outstanding ensemble cast and acting. Most deserving of #Oscars all around! @TheAcademy

@RosieBillTeam: Just saw a screening of "Parkland". It's Brilliant!!

@JFKElmStreet: Finished watching "Parkland." Well done film. Thanks to the producers for arranging an advance screening. Opens nationwide Friday

@ParklandFilm: Find out how Paul Giamatti approached his character in #Parkland in an interview with the NY Times: http://nyti.ms/18Rj9a5

@jaycebartok: Great film Parkland, great conversation with Peter and Badge. Thanks! @SAGFoundation @Badge_Dale

@ParklandFilm: Another interview with Peter Landesman about #Parkland! Read what he tells CQ Roll Call about making this movie: http://bit.ly/18RiPYW

@tariel22: Just saw a #Parkland trailer on MSNBC that started with a Tom Welling scene that hasn't been in any clip so far!

@Count3D: I saw an early screening of the #JFK film #PARKLAND tonight. Well-shot, great cast. Very interesting… http://instagram.com/p/e_qV1MRoeQ/

@KYWNewsradio: Movie Review: 'Parkland' http://cbsloc.al/15K87qt

@PhiladelphiaCP: Movie Review: ‘Parkland’: By Bill WineKYW Newsradio 1060PHILADELPHIA (CBS) — Parkland takes its title from the... http://dlvr.it/44P0s1

@tariel22: Great interview with #Parkland director Peter Landesman! http://www.dfw.com/2013/10/03/832322/an ... esman.html … via @Carydar

- 03/10/13: @MalloryAMoye: 1 MORE DAY till @ParklandMov premieres!!! On set with fellow southerner and actor @GaryGrubbs. pic.twitter.com/cMTw6ZgVMG

@ParklandFilm: Missed Paul Giamatti talking #Parkland on @jimmyfallon last night? Catch up here: http://bit.ly/GBcY2g & http://bit.ly/GBd1em

@FilmWatchNB: Exclusive Interview With Peter Landesman On Parkland http://dlvr.it/44bQwm #movies

@reddit_AMA: Join director of Parkland Peter Landesman for his AMA live now: http://redd.it/1no8j9

@BitsieTulloch: Me and Paul Giamatti filming @ParklandMov in Dallas. It opens tomorrow! @ParklandFilm @ParklandUK #Parkland #JFK pic.twitter.com/pQYMzygSWW

@JarettSays: Tom Welling is so good in 'Parkland' you guys -- sneak peek clip: http://et.tv/16IVU6b

‏@ETonlineAlert: #Smallville's Tom Welling soars on the big screen in #Parkland, watch a sneak peek: http://et.tv/16IVU6b

@tariel22: #Parkland director Peter Landesman talks about casting Tom Welling on @reddit_AMA pic.twitter.com/1madFdCZS8

@ParklandMov: "Parkland is an absorbing new footnote to a history lesson that will never fade." - @NewYorkObserver http://bit.ly/1eZVCtK

@latimesent: Review: 'Parkland' falters in showing days after JFK's assassination http://lat.ms/18VBG5a

@mlickona: Interview with Parkland writer-director Peter Landesman, by Matthew Lickona, http://www.sandiegoreader.com/weblogs/b ... Ok.twitter …, @SDReader

@TimesHeraldPA: Review: ‘Parkland': Sober-minded reenactment of the John F. Kennedy assassination http://www.timesherald.com/arts-and-ent ... assination

@tariel22: Audio: KERA radio interview with #Parkland director Peter Landesman http://artandseek.net/2013/10/03/qa-par ... landesman/ … via @artandseek

@TheWrap: 'Parkland's' James Badge Dale on Playing Lee Harvey Oswald's Brother, 'Lone Ranger's' Bad Reviews http://bit.ly/1589HQz

@GCMcCannMovies: My written review of 'Parkland'. http://mccannsmoviechat.blogspot.com/20 ... eview.html

@wordpresshosts: 'Parkland' review: Looking back at JFK assassination: With fidelity to the true personality and essence of the... http://binged.it/18VO456

@BryunRoo: Peter Landesman (Writer/director of PARKLAND) at NYU Tisch School of the Arts! pic.twitter.com/JZTHTGbNd0

@Kazi_Canada: #Movie ▪ Parkland's director Peter Landesman stives to tell honest story about JFK: Everyone knows the images ... http://kazi.info/1aPZHfe

@carriestf: Saw Parkland and heard from the writer/director afterward. Felt like a Tischie... Also go see the movie it's amazing pic.twitter.com/BOwn5Arx64

@analiesa: @ParklandMov was just beyond words!! One of the best films of the year, hands down. Recommending for EVERYONE to go watch!

@cooney_writes: My review of @ExclusiveEMG #Parkland. An amazing cast including #zacefron and #TomWelling http://fb.me/UrXEr0tr http://fb.me/UrXEr0tr

@larry411: My pics of @ParklandMov N Am Premiere Q&A #TIFF13 w wr/dir Peter Landesman + trailer + capsule review @ExclusiveEMG http://www.larry411.com/pictures-parkla ... RU.twitter

@ParklandFilm: Jacki Weaver & James Badge Dale chat with Collider about #Parkland: http://bit.ly/15LAkx8

@Alltop_fashion: Hat Designer Laura Del Villaggio Creates Iconic Hat for Parkland Movie http://bit.ly/18WnDwc http://Alltop.fashion.com

@marizvd37: http://34st.com/2013/10/review-parkland … ..The subtleties of their performances, especially Welling’s and Giamatti’s show the depth of despair and desperation

@Zekefilm: #ErikYates reviews #Parkland Read it here: http://www.zekefilm.org/2013/10/04/film ... -parkland/

@CraigsContinuum: @ChasingC00per in TheGuardian today - free film magazine. Article on new JFK movie PARKLAND. pic.twitter.com/gAk6KkMsJQ

- 04/10/13: @AlejoEC: Saw "Parkland," a detailed, poetic panorama of days and people directly caught up in the assassination of President Kennedy. 3.5 of 4 stars.

@greeneyedgirly3: Finally Parkland Premiere Today!Saw the Screening months ago.Loved how Tom Welling played a Great Strong Role. He is Truly a Talented Actor!

@greeneyedgirly3: Parkland must c movie! TOM WELLING played a STRONG ROLE! TALENTED ACTOR! He really did such a great job! Can't wait to c him do more work!

@FilmThrasher: @Wandering_Lily's review of #PARKLAND, starring Paul Giamatti, Tom Welling, Zac Efron & many more http://www.filmthrasher.com/2013/10/rev ... kland.html

@punchycritic: Review: 'Parkland' Starring Paul Giamatti and Zac Efron http://www.punchdrunkcritics.com/2013/1 ... l?spref=tw

@PreviewThis: My review of Parkland, the story of the JFK assassination through the eyes of the people who experienced it. http://cwatlanta.cbslocal.com/2013/10/04/parkland

‏@marc_mohan: My review of PARKLAND, a new perspective on the JFK assassination. http://www.oregonlive.com/movies/index. ... l#comments

@Hannamiller777: New post: 'Parkland': Movie review http://bit.ly/1fOo6Iy

@Sean_OConnell: My Parkland review for http://CinemaBlend.com . The movie gets a 4/5 star rating. http://shar.es/KR8EE via @cinemablend

@MalloryAMoye: @ParklandMov out TODAY!!! With the handsome and talented @ZacEfron. Go see it!! @ExclusiveEMG @ParklandUK pic.twitter.com/8OTAObiymZ

@robt77: PARKLAND (@ParklandMov) finds telling moments in the periphery of the JFK assassination. http://madisonmovie.wordpress.com/2013/ ... sidelines/

@JansingCo: On set with "Parkland" director @peterlandesman #JFK.Watch intvu here: http://on.msnbc.com/1hqeajL pic.twitter.com/gKWJCdmznn

@140Celebrity: #entertainmentnews 'Parkland' Review: Of Course the JFK Assassination Needed the Multiple ... -... http://bit.ly/1bESSya #celebritynews

@ExclusiveEMG: TODAY'S the day! RT this #EXCLUSIVE #Parkland photo! @ZacEfron #OCT4 #SeeYouAtTheMovies pic.twitter.com/kbdrhGJnjW

@wordpresshosts: Paul Giamatti takes on Zapruder in 'Parkland': TORONTO (AP) — When Dallas businessman Abraham Zapruder set up ... http://binged.it/1aSTGyx

@IsthmusTDP: R.I.P. J.F.K.: #Parkland zeroes in on details of assassination, screening @SundanceMadison, review by @KennethBurns http://isthmus.com/r/?r=3556

@_Movieland_ : PARKLAND – MOVIE REVIEW http://goo.gl/fb/FbpxC

@AUS10NICHOLS: PARKLAND comes out in theaters today in the USA. Let me know what you think of it.

@mbethmason: I just finished seeing #TomWellingParkland a very intense movie go see for yourself great acting by everyone #tomwelling as well he is back

@ParklandMov: He knows something that he shouldn't, and he has a decision to make. #Parkland pic.twitter.com/1fFCf3Px0g

@GlobalBC: VIDEO: Dana Gee reviews Gravity and Parkland http://ow.ly/pvFyS
View summary

@blackboxoffice: Interview: Peter Landesman Talks JFK Drama 'Parkland' http://dlvr.it/44wmST

@MoonBeam353: #GRIMM Preview Star Bitsie Tulloch Gives the Inside Scoop on Season 3 and Previews Her Film “Parkland” http://shar.es/KBwDr via @sharethis

@ChuckieTwoGlove: Just saw the movie #Parkland - the day it was released. Excellent. @BillyBobThornton was awesome. #JFK #ZapruderFilm #OswaldDidIt

@jennyzurita: My interview w/ Parkland director, Peter Landesman is up! Had a great time talking to him on & off camera. #Parkland

@SuperGossip_ : Movie Review: Parkland - Fifty years after... http://j.mp/19X0IzV #AbrahamZapruder #BobOswald #DallasParklandHospital #LeeHarveyOswald

@Jriefe: @paulgiamatti VIDEO: Paul Giamatti on JFK and “Parkland” | BLOUIN ARTINFO http://www.blouinartinfo.com/news/story ... d-parkland … …

@hoggal: Parkland was very good but very intense. #Parkland

@AJmnz89: Saw #Parkland this afternoon. It's better than how it was advertised. Great, enlightening storytelling.

@AJmnz89: And Tommy got me giddy in my seat :D Yummy close-ups of his fine hot face :D

@Jake_Lester: #Parkland was an interesting film, but not well made. Actors were great cinematography was not my cup of tea. Bounced around a lot. 3/5

@Jake_Lester: I'll tell you who surprised me, and that is Tom Welling. He's come a long way acting wise from #Smallville.

@LisaRosenof: Parkland was honestly the most powerful movie I've ever seen

@Chrisluvstom: Just got out of #Parkland Tom killed it so proud

@ryan_buell: Everyone should see the movie, "Parkland," about the aftermath of the JFK assassination. Emotional and gripping!

@enian: Saw Parkland tonight. Wow. Hats off to Peter Landesman and the wonderful cast. Very powerful film. Very moving, with goosebumps and tears. It grabs you and doesn't let go until the end. *Spoiler* Every actor delivered. Everyone had a short part, but there were no small roles. Like Tom Welling said, it truly is a film about Humanity. Tom Welling was wonderful! A perfect fit for the role and such a sincere performance. So proud!

@DressMeChris: Parkland made my feel so nauseous and sad. I'm still shaking, I'm just sitting in my car in the… http://instagram.com/p/fEzDoGsVjc/

@oxbreanaxo: @ielenaaa if you see the new JFK movie Parkland I promise you all you're going to do is cry. Like seriously I couldn't handle it

- 05/10/13: @_Christine2013: loved #Parkland such an amazing emotional fantastically acted film, Tom killed it in that role he was heroic just amazing @ExclusiveEMG

@KristelKatou: It's time!!!! #Parkland #MajesticCinema #TomWelling @ZacEfron <3 pic.twitter.com/Cphp79BSmJ

@AD_TO: Movie Review: Parkland (@ParklandMov) - http://buff.ly/18EBAQK #ZacEfron @ParklandUK #Parkland

@MattHillyer1: 'Parkland' the movie came out yesterday. If you go see it, keep your eyes peeled. I'm in there as FBI agent #2. #mybigbreak

@ParklandMov: #Parkland is now playing! Get tickets here: http://bit.ly/17si8a9 pic.twitter.com/8MYKc04Ub9

@YorkshireTX: My chat with #Parkland director Peter Landesman on making Austin fill in for Dallas in @ParklandMov http://bit.ly/1fQLiFR

@Kimmiecoomd: Tom Welling did an outstanding job. He was perfectly cast as Secret Service Agent Roy Kellerman. Welcome back to the silver screen Tom

@ParklandFilm: Missed Marcia Gay Harden (@Beloving2) on @tavissmiley? Watch it here: http://to.pbs.org/18sKaBV . #Parkland is PLAYING NOW.

@lastmovienews: Parkland Review: JFK Assassination Revisited: The assassination of John F. Kennedy has been looked at by more ... http://bit.ly/1aXj7in

@IreneLaneKent: #Parkland... The only reason I saw it was to see #TomWelling back in action. It was so worth the… http://instagram.com/p/fGtf5fNw6J/

@lewisshepherd: Saw film Parkland today, emotionally powerful. JFK assassination weekend events are among my earliest memories, I found myself crying again.

@ParklandFilm: Peter Landesman talks to Bloomberg's "Talking Stock" about #Parkland and its take on conspiracy theories. Watch: http://buswk.co/15OK0H8

@tariel22: It's been very gratifying to see so many critics single out Tom Welling's #Parkland scenes as among the best in the film.

@keithbaldrey: Just saw the film Parkland. Totally recommend it. Glad to see a JFK assassination film without conspiracies. Great details about people.

@manganator12: I highly recommend PARKLAND great acting great intensity great music #parkland

@BreitbartNews: BH Interview: 'Parkland' Director Avoids Conspiracies in Retelling Kennedy Assassination: First-time director ... http://bit.ly/17K0YVt

@Robert Calder: I just went and saw Parkland this afternoon. A very interesting take on the chaotic events surrounding those days. I was fortunate to have shot some of the behind the scenes for the project and interview the main characters.
https://www.facebook.com/zodiacstudios/ ... 1336872918

- 07/10/13: @ReelChanger: Now at @MovieMezzanine, my latest post about "Parkland," a JFK asassination movie for the 9/11 generation. http://moviemezzanine.com/parkland-911-movie/

@ParklandUK: Here's Abraham Zapruder with the movie camera that captured one of the darkest moments in US history in #Parkland pic.twitter.com/CbTE2j4SWw

@brianne1017: Just saw #Parkland. I really liked it. I learned a lot & I'm curious to learn more. I thought #TomWelling was excellent, of course.

- 08/10/13: @ParklandUK: Hi @_Christine2013, so far the director Peter Landesman is confirmed for the @BFI London Film Festival. #Parkland

@moVies_to_See: Video Interview with "Parkland" Director Peter Landesman and Actors Paul Giamatti and Jacki Weaver: "Parkland"... http://adf.ly/X9fer

@BFI: @_Christine2013 Hi Christine, he's not currently confirmed to attend. You can find info on who we're expecting here: http://bit.ly/1dZhzGv

@ParklandMov: He had to find out what went wrong. #Parkland pic.twitter.com/1Rm9UgqAhT

@D2TomWelling: Tom Welling News: First Parkland Box Office Numbers http://bit.ly/19e9s5S #TomWelling

- 09/10/13: @molly_ohalloran: #Parkland was probably one of the greatest movies I've seen recently, such a whirlwind of emotions #speachless

@molly_ohalloran: honestly though, my mind is still running at a mile a minute from that movie

@molly_ohalloran: ita amazing I was able to pay attention in that movie with Zac Efron, Tom Welling and all the hot secret service agents on the screen

@ParklandMov: The President's motorcade begins its journey through downtown Dallas at approximately 11:45 AM. #Parkland pic.twitter.com/1yFzURFF0r

@LiveAccess: Marcia Gay Harden: Did She See Any Signs Of Trouble Working With Zac Efron On New Film #Parkland? -WATCH: http://www.accesshollywood.com/marcia-g ... eo_1805137 … @Beloving2

@ParklandMov: He could have stopped him if he knew. #Parkland pic.twitter.com/fDH8J02gxn

@vipfanauctions: #Parkland Auctions are going on now | Own screen worn wardrobe items from the cast. http://bit.ly/17oltmo pic.twitter.com/dX2dUgCMPe

@vipfanauctions: There will be some Tom Welling items. New items will post every week and will go on for several weeks.

@ParklandFilm: Missed Paul Giamatti on @ColbertReport talking #Parkland last night? Watch here: http://on.cc.com/15mufEQ

- 10/10/13: @vipfanauctions: A Secret (and True!) Lie of JFK Assassination Revealed in 'Parkland' http://yhoo.it/15W4gGW #Parkland

@ParklandMov: "You did this to all of us." #Parkland pic.twitter.com/PI0y5n2nBw

@jacendaburkett: Tom Welling in Parkland, loved working with this talented cast.. pic.twitter.com/EthnF6igW4

@ParklandMov: His actions changed history forever. #Parkland pic.twitter.com/InDAO6RcbJ

- 11/10/13: ‏@ebayrt: Parkland Cast Signed 12 X18 Movie Poster Zac Efron Thorton Hanks Giamatti Welling (Austin) USD 499.99 http://www.ebayrt.co/collectibles/parkl ... 1225273095 … #eBay #eBayUS

@filmfanWA: #Parkland was absolutely riveting. Didn't lose my attention for one second, Paul Giamatti needs to be nominated.

@jllovett: Saw "Parkland" tonight. It was fast-paced, intense and really well done. Thoroughly enjoyed it.

@ParklandMov: The motorcade turns onto Houston Street at 12:29 PM on November 22, 1963. #Parkland pic.twitter.com/JZwKGrCvR8

- 12/10/13: @VivianBloom: Finally got to see Parkland! Enjoyed it very much. Tom excellent & especially loved the scene between Zapruder & the Life magazine guy.

@tariel22: The director said he did a commentary, and one of the crew said on FB he shot BTS footage and interviewed actors. https://www.facebook.com/zodiacstudios/ ... 1336872918

- 13/10/13: @Jkraemer22: The other night, I went to see the movie Parkland. Great movie! http://tinyurl.com/ljqotkp I give it a 9.2! #movies pic.twitter.com/fAsLKew1rD

- 14/10/13: @WillasRamblings: Saw Parkland tonight. Absolutely incredible piece of film!

@ParklandUK: Here is a new still of Billy Bob Thornton as Forrest Sorrels in #Parkland: pic.twitter.com/62a1g7QsOt

@Variety: 'Parkland' U.K. release to coincide with the anniversary of the assassination of JFK | http://on.variety.com/1bRM2Jn

@ParklandMov: Your son, my brother, has apparently killed the most important man in the world. - Robert Oswald #Parkland pic.twitter.com/4c7lP0QnYx

@efronholic: #Parkland was amazing! it was really good filmed and the cast was fantastic! I felt what americans felt at this time pic.twitter.com/64lROEHmPA

- 15/10/13: @tariel22: #Parkland DVD/Blu-ray press release confirms deleted scenes will be included: http://www.highdefdiscnews.com/2013-pet ... -november/ … Hope we see more of Tom Welling!

@ParklandUK: Don't miss #Parkland director Peter Landesman speaking with @BBCBreakfast about his new film: http://bbc.in/194KMxU

@ParklandMov: Some things are too horrible to imagine. #Parkland pic.twitter.com/4UxzWip2D9

- 16/10/13: @Lips_Loose: Zac Efron & Tom Welling in Parkland is playing tonight at BFI London Film Festival - here is our review #LFF http://wp.me/s2Mgrj-parkland

@ParklandLive: Agent Kellerman: The President's car is waiting for JFK to land. As the sun's shining we don't need for the bubble top #parkland #TomWelling

@ParklandUK: We interviewed #Parkland's Peter Landesman today. Stay tuned for live coverage of the UK debut at @BFI #LFF tonight! pic.twitter.com/yqOJPJ2Z7t

@ParklandUK: Here is a #Parkland poster. Tonights @BFI #LFF screening must be close by! pic.twitter.com/gu1uxFEdfg

- 17/10/13: @ParklandLive: Agent Kellerman: The crowds scream as JFK & Jackie shake hands along the fence. I follow, worried for their safety #parkland #TomWelling

@ParklandUK: Peter Landesman just introduced #Parkland. It's showtime! pic.twitter.com/EdY6LNfoVo

@ParklandUK: Here's a photo from the post-film Q&A at @BFI #LFF with #Parkland director Peter Landesman: pic.twitter.com/zImT5yPQ8P

@MerylMelodies: Peter Landesman #Parkland #BFI #Competition #LFF Brilliant movie !! pic.twitter.com/J94GFcrHTs

@ParklandLive: Agent Kellerman: I'm ready to act as a human shield. It's a shame we haven't convinced JFK to be more cautious #parkland #TomWelling

@AndrewNation1: Premier of amazing after story to the assassination of JFK - PARKLAND http://instagram.com/p/fkEo9oQPsW/

@robbyrichmond: Parkland is breathtakingly real. A thoughtful and intelligent film marking of one of Americas worst days.

@andrewmnash: Saw Peter Landesman last night at the Parkland Premiere. What a brilliant movie. Congratulations @ParklandUK pic.twitter.com/Q76SwzauSz

@ParklandLive: Agent Greer (Presidential Driver): JFK and Jackie Kennedy get in the limousine, with Agent Kellerman in the front seat #parkland #TomWelling

@ParklandLive: Agent Kellerman: Because of the crowds, I wish JFK had allowed additional agents to stand on the car running boards #parkland #TomWelling

@sighs_of_fire: Parkland -an interesting exploration of people involved on the day of JFK's assassination. Needed more time/character development though

@ParklandMov: "This is the first time the secret service has lost a president on its watch." - Roy Kellerman #Parkland pic.twitter.com/2lwjrtaZEo

@ParklandUK: #Parkland made its UK debut at the @BFI London Film Festival last night. Check out our photo gallery! http://on.fb.me/19auBiu #LFF

- 18/10/13: @ParklandFilm: Scotland! #Parkland will screen on Nov 7th at the 11th Inverness Film Festival in Inverness, Scotland: http://bit.ly/19YpP94

@vipfanauctions: ‘Parkland’ the right movie to begin JFK assassination anniversary season http://bit.ly/19ONSTv #Parkland

@ParklandMov: “I’ve been doing this job for 30 years. I have never lost my man. This was not supposed to happen." - Forrest Sorrels pic.twitter.com/t8ap0BQoqC

@ParklandUK: Here's @vickster51's thoughts on #Parkland, fresh from @BFI #LFF! http://bit.ly/19aK16t #Parkland

@tariel22: Great interview with #Parkland director P.Landesman! Calls Tom Welling "a f*cking rock star" http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gMdtDNTM07k via @KMFilmUK

- 21/10/13: @ParklandMov: At Parkland Memorial Hospital, Doris Nelson receives a call about the President at 12:33 PM. #Parkland pic.twitter.com/1stVfdXTku

- 22/10/13: @moviegoersphile: New Release on Blu-ray Reg.A (US) @moviegoersphile: PARKLAND (2 Disc / Zac Efron) pic.twitter.com/NsSc3WtoGA

@ParklandMov: James P. Hosty's unexpected connection to Lee Harvey Oswald is discovered in this deleted scene now on @indiewire: http://bit.ly/17IO4UP

@ParklandMov: #Parkland is now available to buy exclusively at @AmazonVideo! http://amzn.to/1eGIAPk

- 23/10/13: @theSwimBack: @theshortandlong truth, surprisingly inspired casting. fluid camerawork. all involved should be proud of the finished product. @ParklandMov

@theSwimBack: @theshortandlong tom welling was biggest shock. so commanding, all grown up. material was vivid, freshly told. has kc connection. #parkland

@moviegoersphile: New Release on Blu-ray Reg.A (US) @moviegoersphile: PARKLAND (2 Disc / Zac Efron) pic.twitter.com/NsSc3WtoGA

@ParklandMov: James P. Hosty's unexpected connection to Lee Harvey Oswald is discovered in this deleted scene now on @indiewire: http://bit.ly/17IO4UP

- 24/10/13: @ParklandFilm: Sweden! #Parkland will also screen at the Stockholm Film Festival on Nov 9th, 12th & 16th. http://bit.ly/1aGBXZ7

- 25/10/13: @UKFilmNews: UK quad for Parkland pic.twitter.com/AQjBhVos3Y

@latimesmovies: Director of 'Parkland' tries to re-create history's human drama http://lat.ms/1aju7G6

@ParklandMov: The President arrives at Parkland Memorial Hospital at 12:36 PM. #Parkland pic.twitter.com/snLsOnMjkk

@ParklandLive: Agent Kellerman: Arriving at Parkland I shout for 2 stretchers & tell the Governor that it'll be ok #parkland #TomWelling

- 28/10/13: @ParklandLive: Agent Kellerman: I try to help Mrs Kennedy up out the car, but she won't leave, saying she wants to stay with the President #parkland

@ExclusiveEMG: #PARKLAND fans! Enter to win #ParklandSweeps! #ZacEfron #TomWelling http://pages.simonandschuster.com/parkland-sweeps

@ParklandLive: Image - #Parkland still. Agent Kellerman and Jackie Kennedy rushing JFK to Trauma Room One @parklanduk #TomWelling

- 30/10/13: @ExclusiveEMG: #TomWelling is back and hotter than ever! #PARKLAND http://www.buzzfeed.com/emilyhennen/why ... ened-to-to … via @BuzzFeedCeleb

@ParklandMov: "The world is going to say we had him, and we could have stopped him." - James Gordon Shanklin, #Parkland pic.twitter.com/CTetkaHqio

@ParklandMov: Don't miss Zac Efron as Doctor Jim Carrico in this deleted scene from #Parkland! See it now on @EOnline: http://eonli.ne/17tOmVb

- 31/10/13: @ParklandUK: Don't miss @EmpireMagazine's interview with #Parkland's Peter Landesman in their latest issue! http://bit.ly/19eXriO pic.twitter.com/g8z3YrnWtZ

- 01/11/13: @DeanHoffmeyer: Much of Dallas buzzing about new movie Parkland. Local retired docs say "they got it right" & "meh" pic.twitter.com/RxeCxmuJie

@ParklandMov: The President receives the last rites of the Catholic Church at 12:57 PM on November 22, 1963. #Parkland pic.twitter.com/1XySfoBEex

- 03/11/13: @hallowswitch: #Parkland is amazing, and it really makes you think. #lovedit Also, I totally didn't recognize Tom Welling. #fail

@ParklandUK: Here's @GMANews interview with #Parkland director Peter Landesman: http://bit.ly/19X2SlS

@ParklandFilm: Ireland! #Parkland will play on Nov 17th at the Cork Film Festival in Cork, Ireland. http://bit.ly/HAs4FB

@ParklandFilm: Australia! #Parkland will play the BOFA Film Festival in Launceston, Tasmania on Nov 9th: http://bit.ly/HAslIL

- 04/11/13: @JFK50Texas: Please Retweet: Interview with Parkland Movie Director Peter Landesman Part I [VIDEO] http://bit.ly/LandesmanPart1 #jfk50 #jfk

@ParklandFilm: Paul Giamatti talks #Parkland and says he's typecast in an interview with The Independent: http://ind.pn/HAsBr7

@ParklandUK: Who is going to the @SkyMovies special preview screening of #Parkland today? http://bit.ly/19usiId

@ParklandMov: The President is pronounced dead at 1:00 PM. #Parkland pic.twitter.com/POQc9WB3SX

@ParklandMov: Fifty years ago, we lost a President. #Parkland is the story of what happened next. See it on DVD tomorrow! pic.twitter.com/os3WOIYZub

@michelerye: Tom Welling is amazing in #Parkland. Wow.

- 05/11/13: @ParklandLive: Agent Kellerman: The doctors say we can't take JFK to Washington as the body has to remain under local jurisdiction #parkland #TomWelling

@ParklandFilm: Brett Stimely talks about playing JFK in #Parkland: http://bit.ly/1iKiZ8f pic.twitter.com/8hOywaneye

@ParklandMov: Assistant Press Secretary Malcolm Kilduff announces to the press that the President has died at 1:31 PM. #Parkland pic.twitter.com/rDqgBgTdRY

@tariel22: "I love Tom, I love his presence, I love his ferocity." Peter Landesman on Tom Welling. Hear more on the #Parkland DVD commentary!

- 16/11/13: @ParklandMov: Robert Oswald coordinates his brother's funeral in this deleted scene from #Parkland. See it now on @Moviefone: http://aol.it/1a6pcJS

@vipfanauctions: #Parkland Movie Auctions are going on now! Featuring #ZacEfron screen worn wardrobe @ParklandFilm @ParklandLive pic.twitter.com/a0HMXe3ltk

@vipfanauctions: Own this great Emerson All-Transistor Radio from the movie #Parkland http://bit.ly/17oltmo pic.twitter.com/uGR1o9dhN3

@ParklandMov: Lee Harvey Oswald is taken into custody at 1:45 PM in Dallas. #Parkland pic.twitter.com/31ZLfQgpqu

@ParklandMov: See James Badge Dale as Robert Oswald in #Parkland! RT if you enjoyed his performance. pic.twitter.com/63jR6mOBrU

- 07/11/13: @melissacts1267: PL on #TomWelling -Fantastically strong, powerful presence + tariel22's post.

@melissacts1267: PL-#TomWelling "Wanted his years as playing young superman on Smallville aside the small screen tv I Love Tom, tariel22 post

@ParklandMov: See Billy Bob Thornton & Ron Livingston in an exclusive new deleted scene from #Parkland on @MSNMovies: http://binged.it/17fv7hK

@ollyog: A feature I designed for the latest issue of Empire Magazine on 'Parkland' and JFK... pic.twitter.com/x9wmf25aCZ

- 08/11/13: @Millennium_Ent: Parkland is the #1 indie film on iTunes Movies! Let's keep the momentum going: http://bit.ly/GNs44S http://fb.me/2wiFltXja

@mrchrisconner: Watched the movie Parkland tonight. Pretty good movie about a dark time in American history. I can’t imagine what those people went through.

- 10/11/13: @ParklandFilm: Want to own the 1963 Lincoln Continental built for & used in #Parkland as presidential limousine? Here's your chance: http://bit.ly/1az9mEs

@ParklandFilm: Or perhaps the 1956 Cadillac Limousine Convertible used as Secret Service Follow-up car? You can get it here: http://bit.ly/1az9uDV

- 11/11/13: @egoistetx: I realize JFK just died, but tom welling is looking haaaaawt in Parkland. he is aging so nicely

@RoadshowAU: #Parkland is out on DVD, Blu-Ray & Digital this week, starring Jacki Weaver, @ZacEfron & Paul Giamatti.

@good_plain_jane: I loved and adored this review of #Parkland (SPOILERS) #TomWelling http://readin2this.wordpress.com/2013/1 ... -jizzfest/

- 12/11/13: @ParklandLive: Agent Kellerman: Robert Kennedy rushes to greet Jackie when they land. They board the ambulance so next to the casket #parkland #TomWelling

@ParklandLive: Agent Kellerman: As we make our way to Bethesda, the streets are lined with people holding handkerchiefs to their eyes #parkland #TomWelling

@zefronxobsessed: @ParklandUK article in @vuecinemas magazine. Out next Friday (November 22nd) and you NEED to see it! pic.twitter.com/WTUApQoG5W

- 13/11/13: @GCTee: #Parkland out on DVD today in Australia!! So proud of my man @zacefron #getbetterZac pic.twitter.com/3yAyWU7y2t

@LuaIzzie: It seems they showed bits of Tom Welling during his time in Venice on an Italian show last night.

@ParklandUK: "#Parkland manages to convey a deeper message of reconciliation and redemption" - @FilmComment's @ParklandUK review: http://bit.ly/1aps98A

- 16/11/13: @ParklandLive: Agent Kellerman: I know the bullet must be recovered so I tell Burkley there must be an x-ray. He's furious #parkland #TomWelling

@ParklandUK: In UK cinemas on 22nd November, check out this new #Parkland TV spot! http://bit.ly/1auA0Sa #Parkland

@HoboClaus: Tom Welling makes one badass secret service agent.... #notclark #Parkland

- 19/11/13: @UKFilmPremieres: To celebrate #Parkland's UK release on Friday, here's an exclusive new @ZacEfron still, courtesy of @ParklandUK! http://twitpic.com/dlt5lr

@Team_ZacEfron: To celebrate the UK cinema release of #Parkland on Friday, here's a new @ZacEfron still, courtesy of @ParklandUK! pic.twitter.com/zmm8DkayCI

@MovieRamblings: In cinemas Friday - we review Parkland http://www.movieramblings.com/2013/11/1 ... -parkland/

@ParklandUK: "Engaging and moving, I would recommend it" said @GlamUK in their #Parkland review: http://bit.ly/1aDK8rZ

@ParklandLive: Agent Kellerman: I sign for the photographs & x-rays from the autopsy. They'll be delivered to the White House tomorrow morning #parkland

@BibliotecaTSSJ: Film shows JFK's death from unseen angles: Becky Anderson speaks with the director of the new film "Parkland" ... http://bit.ly/1dfh5PP

- 20/11/13: @ParklandUK: Here's an insightful @BigIssue interview with #Parkland director Peter Landesman: http://bit.ly/17L2fOL #JFK50

- 21/11/13: @Eclipse_Picture: Parkland director Peter Landesman talking to @cooper_m now @todayfmofficial . Listen live here http://www.todayfm.com/player/

@GitachuDavid: Parkland's re enactment of the JFK assassination hits the Venice film festival: http://youtu.be/wejfTnBQKhI?a

@danmc2: On the day the world marks #JFK50, They'll Love It In Pomona reviews 'Parkland'. http://loveitinpomona.blogspot.co.uk/ @moviehouseni @Leyburn #JFK @USAinNI

@larry411: I highly recommend watching @ParklandMov in honor of the 50th anniversary of JFK's assassination. Respectful & enlightening. #JFK #112213

@westendreport: Parkland "deeply moving and evocative" says Ruth Allen, the Woman in Seat F13 on http://westendreport.com http://wp.me/p2N1CY-wE @ruthmedia

@Eclipse_Picture: Director Peter Landesman will be discussing his latest film Parkland @Newstalkfm with @patkennynt at 11.30am Listen > http://www.newstalk.ie/player/

- 22/11/13: @ZactuNews: Nouvelle photo behind the sçene (très marrante) sur le tournage de Parkland :) pic.twitter.com/2in32y6TNh

@Lips_Loose: To celebrate today's release of the film Parkland here's a photo we took of star Tom Welling pic.twitter.com/fg4RuRkpKf #JFK #JFK50 #tomwelling

@TrendStyleDaily: 'Parkland' Director Peter Landesman Calls Oliver Stone's 'JFK' Film 'An Interesting Fairytale, Bullsh*t' The di... http://ift.tt/1aM0hf6

@comingsoonit: #Parkland: stasera in TV il film sull'assassinio di Kennedy. Guarda l'intervista a #TomWelling: http://goo.gl/dpJ2Jk

@MalloryAMoye: Emergency room 1. Remembering #JFK. On set of @ParklandMov. http://instagram.com/p/hBgU35AqSs/

@ParklandUK: At this time 50 years ago, Jacqueline Kennedy finally leaves #Parkland Hospital with her husband's body. #JFK50 pic.twitter.com/5SmbB3lYMI

@RaiTre: #SerataKennedy #JFK #Parkland -L'ultimo saluto dei fratelli Oswald - pic.twitter.com/AuP1E45Pq6

- 23/11/13: @_MirrorOfSoul: More than 1.000.000 and a half viewers last night for #Parkland on Italian television. Yay!!

@TomWhite1982: My take on Parkland http://www.themoviebit.com/2013/11/park ... w.html?m=0

- 25/11/13: @clav111: "Well, I have to say that if it wasn't for Smallville, I wouldn't be here today." - Tom Welling

@FilmGazer: Review: LFF 2013: Parkland*** http://www.superstarmagazine.com/entert ... 3-parkland

@iwannabeastarc: EXCLUSIVE: 'Grimm' Star Bitsie Tulloch Tells All: Details about 'Grimm,' 'Parkland,' and so much more! http://bit.ly/1jBAjgf

- 26/11/13: @ExclusiveEMG: #Parkland: 5 Reasons Why It’s The Best #JFK Film Ever http://po.st/dfNt9E via @whatculture @ZacEfron #TomWelling

- 27/11/13: @Eclipse_Picture: Do we have any Smallville fans here? See Tom Welling star in Parkland. Out in cinemas now. pic.twitter.com/1GfzJM7FfL

- 28/11/13: @KMFilmUK: Billy Bob Thornton discusses working with @ParklandUK co-star Paul Giamatti in @GuardianFilm's interview: http://bit.ly/1dyyZ04 #Parkland

@ParklandUK: Meet the characters of #Parkland in our Facebook gallery: http://on.fb.me/1cHP4M1

- 29/11/13: @KatSteffens: @foghornrobinson @ParklandUK @AUS10NICHOLS got to know me before filming. #tomwelling felt like a cousin, Gil was very kind, All were great!

- 30/11/13: @ParklandUK: Want a free #Parkland wallpaper? Well, you are in luck! We've created one just for you in a variety of sizes: http://bit.ly/1eCIuZr

@ParklandLive: Agent Kellerman: As late as 11pm people the line of people waiting to pay respect to JFK's coffin is 9 miles long #parkland #TomWelling

- 02/12/13: @RedSunDestroyed: I just watched Tom Welling's performance in Parkland and it blew me away

- 03/12/13: @FirstGlanceFilm: The Top 10 Indies in the iTunes Store This Week: 'Parkland' Tops the List http://www.indiewire.com/article/the-to ... s-the-list … via @indiewire

@ParklandLive: Agent Kellerman: The procession is a bodyguard's nightmare. We are in plain view of any potential sniper's #parkland

- 04/12/13: @ParklandUK: Here's an entertaining @MetroUK interview with #Parkland star @ColinHanks: http://bit.ly/1clhFZk

- 06/12/13: @ParklandUK: Here's @EveningChron's ★★★★ review of #Parkland, hailing its "brilliant cinematography": http://bit.ly/1cpL5FX

- 07/12/13: @cadlymack: "Parkland" is a great movie. So smartly directed. Painful, urgent, respectful. See if you've got it on demand.

- 15/12/13: @Seth_Everett: Watching "Parkland," and saw Tom Welling. He looks more like Superman than the dude who played him in "Man Of Steel." #superman

- 18/12/13: @ParklandUK: Listen to @RTE's @Evelyn_ORourke interview with #Parkland director Peter Landesman: http://bit.ly/1bXobpg

- 31/12/13: @ParklandUK: Check out our #Parkland gallery for all the latest stills from the film: http://bit.ly/19DWWOq

- 12/01/14: @MalloryAMoye: Just found this on set photo with #TomWelling during the filming of @ParklandMov. What a great guy! @ExclusiveEMG pic.twitter.com/QdxXUuSyuM

@MalloryAMoye: I'm a HUGE fan of these two talented women. @Beloving2 and @KatSteffens on the set of @ParklandMov. pic.twitter.com/yDbxpL4RPh

- 21/01/14: @MalloryAMoye: “@NikkiOncer815: @MalloryAMoye How was it working on Parkland with Tom Welling?? #HartofDixie” he's so nice!! And handsome!

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¡¡¡¡AY, OMÁ QUÉ CALORES!!!! ¡Gracias por tu regalo, Nitta!

Mensajes: 32833
Registrado: Dom May 21, 2006 12:15 am

Re: ¡'PARKLAND' Nuevo proyecto de Tom Welling!

Mensaje por Shelby »

- Se confirma oficialmente el papel de Tom como "Roy Kellerman":
Mucho se habia especulado sobre el posible papel de Tom en su próxima película "Parkland". Habíamos tenido pequeños indicios que nos habían hecho sospechar que el actor interpretaría a algún miembro del equipo de seguridad de JFK y se barajaron varios nombres.

Por fin, ayer la actriz Marcia Gay Harden en twitter (@Beloving2) confirmó oficialmente el papel de Tom como "Roy Kellerman" así como de el resto del cast, mediante las imágenes del cast completo de la película:

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Si queréis tener más detalles sobre el personaje, no tenéis más que mirar en el primer post, donde tenéis una descripción detallada sobre el mismo y el papel que jugó en los acontecimientos del fatídico día del asesinato de JFK.

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¡¡¡¡AY, OMÁ QUÉ CALORES!!!! ¡Gracias por tu regalo, Nitta!

Mensajes: 32833
Registrado: Dom May 21, 2006 12:15 am

Re: ¡'PARKLAND' Nuevo proyecto de Tom Welling!

Mensaje por Shelby »

- "Parkland" entre la lista potencial de películas de 'Rope of silicon' a los Oscars 2014:
Una vez concluída la edición de los Óscars de este año, los medios no pierden tiempo para empezar a hacer sus listas de candidatas para la edición del 2014.

Y, entre ellas, "Parkland" en la que participa Tom Welling ha sido una de las elegidas para entrar en la lista de películas potencialmente candidatas a los Oscars del 2014:

DIR. Peter Landesman / TBA 2013

El Escritor/director Peter Landesman adaptó y dirigirá Parkland basada en el libro "Reclaiming History: The Assassination of President John F. Kennedy" de Vincent Bugliosi y tiene todo un elenco de estrellas para ayudarle a hacerla. El único problema en términos de Oscars es que no tiene distribuidor, pero la producción empezó en Enero dándole tiempo para ser vendida en el mercado de Cannes y quizá encontrar por sí misma un bonito lanzamiento a finales de año y una premiere en Toronto.

ACTUALIZACIÓN: Open Road Films será la distribuidora de Parkland.
POTENCIALES CATEGORÍAS A LOS OSCAR: Categorías secundarias, Cinematografía (Barry Ackroyd), Vestuario
http://www.ropeofsilicon.com/2014-oscar ... d-pines/3/

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¡¡¡¡AY, OMÁ QUÉ CALORES!!!! ¡Gracias por tu regalo, Nitta!

Mensajes: 32833
Registrado: Dom May 21, 2006 12:15 am

Re: ¡'PARKLAND' Nuevo proyecto de Tom Welling!

Mensaje por Shelby »

- Screening especial de "Parkland" en California:
Los fans del área de California, están de suerte...

Este miércoles, 15 de Mayo a las 7:30, habrá un screening especial para grupos reducidos en Huntington Beach, CA de la esperada película de "Parkland" protagonizada por Tom Welling, Zac Efron y Billy Bob Thorton, entre otros y que narra los acontecimientos que siguieron al asesinato de JFK.

La película no está previsto que se estrene hasta el aniversario de la muerte de Kennedy en Noviembre, pero al parecer se están emezando a hacer uan serie de screenings como sondeo de opinión.

Si vivís o estáis esta semana en el área de California, podéis reservar vuestros tickets aquí:

http://previewfreemovies.com/Default.as ... 255&rc=y78

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¡¡¡¡AY, OMÁ QUÉ CALORES!!!! ¡Gracias por tu regalo, Nitta!

Mensajes: 32833
Registrado: Dom May 21, 2006 12:15 am

Re: ¡¡¡'PARKLAND' Nuevo proyecto de Tom Welling!!!

Mensaje por Shelby »

- ¡¡¡Parkland Será presentada en el TIFF Festival en Septiembre!!!:
Durante la presentación a la prensa del TIFF (Toronto International Film Festival), se ha anunciado que "Parkland" tendrá su premiere norteamericana en dicho festival, que se celebrará entre los días 5-15 de Septiembre del 2013 en Toronto, Canadá (se rumorea que la premiere será el 6 de Septiembre a las 9:00 pm y los días de prensa el 6-7 septiembre).

Tras el festival, la película se estrenará en New York el 20 de Septiembre.

El festival es uno de los más prestigiosos del medio y entre las películas que se han presentado en el pasado durante el mismo contamos con títulos tales como Downfall, El Discurso del Rey o Argo.

Aún no tenemos noticias de si Tom Welling asistirá o no al festival aunque, por ahora, los actores cuya asistencia se ha anunciado son: Paul Giamatti, Colin Hanks, Zac Efron, Billy Bob Thornton, Jacki Weaver y Marcia Gay Harden.

Los días en que será emitida la película en el TIFF se darán a conocer el 20 de Agosto.

Anuncio de prensa oficial: http://s3.amazonaws.com/tiff-prod/press ... iginal.pdf

Podéis ver la presentación del festival en youtube:

Se pueden ya comprar los tickets AQUÍ

http://www.indiewire.com/article/tiff-l ... m-festival
http://blogs.indiewire.com/theplaylist/ ... n-20130723?
http://theartsscene.ca/tiff-2013-the-fi ... announced/
http://www.larry411.com/2013-toronto-in ... ik.twitter
http://tofilmfest.ca/films/?by=Film&at= ... 3#Parkland
http://www.don411.com/entry/2013-toront ... s-pictures

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¡¡¡¡AY, OMÁ QUÉ CALORES!!!! ¡Gracias por tu regalo, Nitta!

Mensajes: 32833
Registrado: Dom May 21, 2006 12:15 am

Re: ¡¡¡'PARKLAND' Nuevo proyecto de Tom Welling!!!

Mensaje por Shelby »

- ¡¡¡Premiere Mundial de "Parkland" en el Festival de Cine de Venecia!!!:
Tras el anuncio de que “Parkland” tendría su premiere norteamericana durante el TIFF Festival (05-15 Septiembre en Toronto, Canadá) y el saber que se estrenará en NYC el 20 de Septiembre, ahora nos llegan las noticias de que la película tendrá su PREMIERE MUNDIAL durante la competición en el 70º Festival de Cine de Venecia, Italia.

El Festival se celebrará durante los días 28 de Agosto - 07 de Septiembre del 2013.

El screening de la película en dicho Festival será el 1 de Septiembre a las 17:00 y a las 20:00 en la Sala Grande del Venezia 70.

Aún no hay noticias sobre si Tom Welling asistirá o no al festival. La única respuesta 'oficial' por el momento del festival es que: "Se espera que Tom Welling asista a 'La Biennale' pero no podemos confirmar su participación aún (Es aún demasiado pronto para decirlo)."

La película ya ha sido considerada por "Vanity" como una de las 10 películas que no puedes perderte del Festival.

Podéis encontrar la lista completa de películas en competición del 70º Festival de Cine de Venecia: AQUÍ

Podéis conseguir los tickets: AQUÍ, AQUÍ y AQUÍ

http://www.deadline.com/2013/07/venice- ... tion-pics/
http://variety.com/2013/film/internatio ... 200567905/
http://www.larry411.com/2013-venice-int ... Dc.twitter
http://www.hollywoodreporter.com/news/v ... ced-592893
http://www.freenewspos.com/notizie/arch ... star-video
http://www.labiennale.org/it/cinema/70- ... /1set.html

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¡¡¡¡AY, OMÁ QUÉ CALORES!!!! ¡Gracias por tu regalo, Nitta!

Mensajes: 32833
Registrado: Dom May 21, 2006 12:15 am

Re: ¡¡¡'PARKLAND' Nuevo proyecto de Tom Welling!!!

Mensaje por Shelby »

- ¡¡¡Estreno oficial de Parkland en USA el 20 de Septiembre, 2013!!!:
Exclusive Media ha anuciado oficialmente el estreno de 'Parkland' para el 20 de Septiembre en USA.

La noticia nos llega tras la confirmación de la premiere mundial de la película en el Festival de Venecia y su premiere norteamericana el Festival de Cine Intrenacional de Toronto.

La película narra los eventos en el Parkland Hospital de Dallas el día en el que John F. Kennedy fue asesinado.

Tom Welling interpreta al agente del servicio secreto del Presidente, Roy Kellerman.

http://www.deadline.com/2013/07/parklan ... tember-20/
http://blog.thefilmstage.com/post/56559 ... -september

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¡¡¡¡AY, OMÁ QUÉ CALORES!!!! ¡Gracias por tu regalo, Nitta!

Mensajes: 32833
Registrado: Dom May 21, 2006 12:15 am

Re: ¡¡¡'PARKLAND' Nuevo proyecto de Tom Welling!!!

Mensaje por Shelby »

- ¡¡¡Parkland en el Festival de Cine de Londres, 2013!!!:
Siguiendo la estela de noticias que nos llegan esta semana sobre Parkland, ahora nos llega la noticia de que la película será también presentada en el 57th BFI London Film Festival (FBI) que tendrá lugar durante los días 09-29 de Octubre del 2013.

La película, que está oficialmente en competición, se proyectará los días 16-17 de Octubre (8:45 pm y 3:00 pm, Odeon West End) y el día 19 de Octubre (9:00 pm, Curzon Mayfair).

Así nos lo ha confirmado la actriz protagonista de la película Marcia Gay en twitter hace apenas unos minutos:

Como ya ocurriera con los otros Festivales, aún no hay noticias de si Tom Welling asistirá o no al evento. El Festival anunciará su lista completa de invitados a principios de Octubre.

Podéis comprar los tickets: AQUÍ

Seguiremos al tanto de todas las novedades que se vayan conociendo :wink:

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¡¡¡¡AY, OMÁ QUÉ CALORES!!!! ¡Gracias por tu regalo, Nitta!

Mensajes: 32833
Registrado: Dom May 21, 2006 12:15 am

Re: ¡¡¡'PARKLAND' Nuevo proyecto de Tom Welling!!!

Mensaje por Shelby »

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¡¡¡¡AY, OMÁ QUÉ CALORES!!!! ¡Gracias por tu regalo, Nitta!

Mensajes: 32833
Registrado: Dom May 21, 2006 12:15 am

Re: ¡¡¡'PARKLAND' Nuevo proyecto de Tom Welling!!!

Mensaje por Shelby »

- Póster oficial de "Parkland" y anuncio del trailer para el 19 de Agosto:

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https://twitter.com/YahooMovies/status/ ... 6341890050

- En HQ :


(thanks to @tariel22)

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¡¡¡¡AY, OMÁ QUÉ CALORES!!!! ¡Gracias por tu regalo, Nitta!

Mensajes: 32833
Registrado: Dom May 21, 2006 12:15 am

Re: ¡¡¡'PARKLAND' Nuevo proyecto de Tom Welling!!!

Mensaje por Shelby »

- ¡¡¡Parkland en el Festival de Cine Americano de Deauville, 2013!!!:
"Parkland" continúa con su gira Europea.

Ahora sabemos que la película se presentará en el "39th Deauville American Film Festival" de Deauville, Francia, que se celebrará durante los días 30 Agosto - 8 Septiembre.

Los screenings serán el 4 de Septiembre del 2013 a las 8pm (en el C.I.D) y el 5 de Septiembre a las 9pm (en el Casino). También habrá una conferencia de prensa y un photocall el 4 de Septiembre a las 2pm con el director Peter Landesman y el productor ejecutivo Guy East.

Como recordaréis, la película será presentada también en el "Festival de Cine de Venecia" (28 Agosto - 07 Sept), el "Toronto International Film Festival" (05 -15 Sept) y el "57th BFI London Film Festival (FBI)" (9-29 Octubre 2013).

Como ya ocurriera con los otros Festivales, aún no hay noticias de si Tom Welling asistirá o no al evento.

Seguiremos al tanto de todas las novedades que se vayan conociendo :wink:

Podéis conseguir los tickets para asistir al Festival: AQUÍ

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¡¡¡¡AY, OMÁ QUÉ CALORES!!!! ¡Gracias por tu regalo, Nitta!

Mensajes: 32833
Registrado: Dom May 21, 2006 12:15 am

Re: ¡¡¡'PARKLAND' Nuevo proyecto de Tom Welling!!!

Mensaje por Shelby »

- Anuncio de la website oficial, media y cambio de fecha para el estreno de "Parkland":
Exclusive Media acaba de anunciar que la página oficial de "Parkland" está online:


También contamos con nuevas cuentas oficiales en Twitter , Instagram , Pinterest , Tumblr y Youtube.

Y parece que contamos con un cambio de fecha del estreno en USA del anteriormente anunciado 20 de Septiembre al 04 de Octubre del 2013 (como así aparece en la website):


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¡¡¡¡AY, OMÁ QUÉ CALORES!!!! ¡Gracias por tu regalo, Nitta!

Mensajes: 32833
Registrado: Dom May 21, 2006 12:15 am

Re: ¡¡¡'PARKLAND' Nuevo proyecto de Tom Welling!!!

Mensaje por Shelby »

- ¡¡¡Calendario oficial y lista de Invitados de "Parkland" en el TIFF Festival!!!:
Hace unas semanas, supimos que "Parkland" tendría su premiere norteamericana en el TIFF (Toronto International Film Festival).

Hoy, la organización ha desvelado el calendario oficial del certamen y hemos podido saber las fechas del screening de la película durante el mismo.

"Parkland" se se estrenará el Viernes 6 de Septiembre (9:30pm, Roy Thomson Hall) con un 2º screening el Domingo 8 de Septiembre (12:30pm, Winter Garden Theatre)

En cuanto a la lista oficial de invitados, por el momento, los actores cuya asistencia se ha anunciado son: Peter Landesman, Zac Efron, Paul Giamatti & Jackie Weaver.

Aún no tenemos noticias de si Tom Welling asistirá o no al festival aunque hay que tener presente que normalmente la nota de prensa de los invitados al TIFF es normalmente tan sólo un extracto y que puede haber más miembros presentes y que no se hayan confirmado aún.

Podéis encontrar el calendario completo del evento: AQUÍ

http://www.larry411.com/post/2012_toron ... I0.twitter

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¡¡¡¡AY, OMÁ QUÉ CALORES!!!! ¡Gracias por tu regalo, Nitta!

Mensajes: 32833
Registrado: Dom May 21, 2006 12:15 am

Re: ¡¡¡'PARKLAND' Nuevo proyecto de Tom Welling!!!

Mensaje por Shelby »

- "ET Tonight" Parkland First Look (Sneak Peek):

- Theatrical Trailer 1 (HD):

- Screencaps de Tom Welling como "Roy Kellerman" en "Parkland":

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(thanks to @Kimmiecoomd, @AchtungBecca, @Chrisluvstom & @Shelby_Huesario)

- Gifs de Tom Welling como "Roy Kellerman" en "Parkland":

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(thanks to @Kimmiecoomd & DTTW)

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¡¡¡¡AY, OMÁ QUÉ CALORES!!!! ¡Gracias por tu regalo, Nitta!

Lois Lane
Lois Lane
Mensajes: 852
Registrado: Lun Dic 04, 2006 2:16 am

Re: ¡¡¡'PARKLAND' Nuevo proyecto de Tom Welling!!!

Mensaje por isma20 »

No conocía mucho la historia del asesinato de kennedy. En el post viene explicado excelente. Es como 1 manera alternativa de ver lo q se veía x detrás de la muerte. Tom seguro q lo hará muy bien. Será interesante verle en este registro. :smt023


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