Proyectos y noticias de Kristin Kreuk

Foro dedicado a Kristin Kreuk que interpreta a lana Lang

Moderadores: Shelby, Lore, porre, Super_House, ZeTa, Trasgo

Mensajes: 5444
Registrado: Sab Abr 22, 2006 8:31 am

Mensaje por NwK_08 »


Os dejo la Descripción Oficial de STREET FIGHTER: THE LEGEND OF CHUN-LI

Powerful forces are converging on the streets of Bangkok. They are warriors, some of whom possess extraordinary abilities, all of whom are determined to see their side prevail. Some fight for us; the others for unlimited power. Now, they are preparing for the ultimate battle - of terror versus beauty, light versus darkness, and good versus evil.

The forces of darkness are led by Bison (Neal McDonough), a crime boss of seemingly limitless power, and whose past holds a shocking secret. Bison's syndicate, Shadaloo, is taking over the slums of the Thai capital, a task overseen by Balrog (Michael Clarke Duncan), a massively built enforcer and killer. Also in Bison's employ is the assassin Vega (Taboo, of the group The Black Eyed Peas), a masked talon-wielding warrior, whose weapon is tailor-made for slashing and stabbing attacks. Bison's attache is the beautiful but deadly Cantana (Josie Ho).

As Bison instigates a wave of violence in the slum districts, grabbing power and land no matter what the costs to its residents, a team of heroes emerges. Chun-Li (Kristin Kreuk) is a half-Caucasian/half-Asian beauty who gave up a life of privilege to become a street fighter, battling for those who cannot fight for themselves. Her kung fu master, Gen (Robin Shou), once a feared criminal, now fights for the forces of good. Equally determined to stop Bison is Interpol cop Charlie Nash (Chris Klein), who has tracked the crime boss all over the world, and Nash's partner, gangland homicide detective Maya Sunee (Moon Bloodgood).

These vivid characters and their world are long known to fans of the iconic videogame "Street Fighter," which Capcom released in 1987. At the time, the 1-2 player game set a new precedent in two-dimensional interactive entertainment. In 1991, Capcom released to arcades, "Street Fighter II," featuring new characters and fighting styles.

The games' action and imaginatively staged fight scenes are a natural fit for a big screen translation, a fact embraced by noted producer and Hyde Park Entertainment chairman Ashok Amritraj - but only after his children, then aged 13 and 10, brought "Street Fighter" to his attention. "They really loved the game and told me I should make a movie based on it," says Amritraj. "I have them to thank for STREET FIGHTER: THE LEGEND OF CHUN-LI."


Os dejo también una noticia de la pagina ¿Recordais el Top a Babes de otros años? Pues aqui esta kristin en el puesto 19!!

"19. Kristin Kreuk
From Lana Lang to Chun-Li, how could we resist?
Why we heart her: Because she's Lana Lang. Boom, done. It's that simple.

Smallville took this relatively unknown Canadian actress and transported her into our living rooms on a weekly basis. She was the girl next door for Clark, and the girl of our dreams. She's the former cheerleader with sass and intelligence, who can hold her own with anyone and transform from intense and stoic to cute and alluring with a simple smile. Nevermind it took her a long time to place Kal-El in Clark's shoes...she's purdy, and that's why she can get away with it. "

Mensajes: 32833
Registrado: Dom May 21, 2006 12:15 am

Mensaje por Shelby »

Kristin Kreuk en la revista de Marzo de Mens Fitness Magazine:
Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen

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¡¡¡¡AY, OMÁ QUÉ CALORES!!!! ¡Gracias por tu regalo, Nitta!

Mensajes: 4805
Registrado: Jue Oct 26, 2006 9:37 pm
Ubicación: Las Palmas

Mensaje por --[Sacred-Kripton]-- »

¡¡¡Sale realmente guapa!!!

PD: ¿Que he dicho...? ¡Ah! Que esta no es Lana. :smt003

Imagen Imagen Imagen

Lois Lane
Lois Lane
Mensajes: 716
Registrado: Mié Sep 27, 2006 11:56 pm
Ubicación: Palma (Mallorca)

Mensaje por inesvw »

Dios mio!!! Es preciosa esta mujer!!! y eso que to tambien lo soy!!! Entiendo que Willy y demas hombres del foro, fans de KK, les guste tanto, jejejeje. Que envidia me da, de verdad... natural, guapisima!!!! y creo que sale muy, muy sexy en las fotos.

Gracias Shelby!!!


Mensajes: 5444
Registrado: Sab Abr 22, 2006 8:31 am

Mensaje por NwK_08 »

Ai DIOS!!!!!! A mi me da algo!!! Sin lugar a dudas, cuando mas guapa la he visto!!!

PD: Me encanta la foto de 1º plano de su culo!!! Aing oma que rica!!!

Mensajes: 3676
Registrado: Jue Mar 08, 2007 5:07 pm
Ubicación: España - Almeria

Mensaje por daredevil »

:smt007 :smt007 :smt007 :smt007 :smt007

Pero que preciosaaa!!!!! :smt003

Sí, de las mejores fotos de ella!!!

Joder como quisiera que este Lana cerca en una como hoy :smt005 :smt005 :smt005


Clark Kent
Clark Kent
Mensajes: 1346
Registrado: Jue Sep 07, 2006 9:10 pm

Mensaje por ronald320 »

Dios mio!!!!!!! :bb :bb :bb :bb :bb :bb y ese culo como dice Willy (aunque no me fije en esoo, solo por que lo mencionaste :smt005) estaaa.... :bb :bb
Excelente foto!! me encatoo, de una para mis carpetas de KK :smt007 :smt007
P.D se me ah alegrado el dia gracias shelby!! :smt002


Mensajes: 32833
Registrado: Dom May 21, 2006 12:15 am

Mensaje por Shelby »

Kristin Kreuk Talks Chun-Li's Moves, Legs And Sequels
By Meredith Woerner, 11:30 AM on Fri Feb 20 2009, 16,589 views

Even though Kristin Kreuk's Street Fighter origins story is a realistic approach to the beloved video game, that didn't stop her and Michael Duncan from recreating the game, costumes and all, on their own time.

We got a chance to talk to the delightful Kristin Kreuk about starring in the action-packed video game adaption and origins story Street Fighter: The Legend Of Chun-Li. Kreuk spilled about recreating a true-to-the video-game spoof clip with some cast-mates, challenged those that said she's too tiny to be Chun-Li's leg and explained why you won't be hearing her say "yup yup" in this film - but who knows, maybe in the sequel?

Were you nervous taking on this beloved character? Although, surely you've dealt with fan expectations before?

I think the reason I decided to take this character was because of the Spiritual arc of the script, even though in the movie you see her street fighting, for me that was what was appealing, and I thought it was a way to encourage people, in our own little way, to do that in their own lives.

So, when taking on the character, I didn't think of it as "Millions, millions and millions of people love her," but I did go, "Do I want to do another one of these characters?" Because I've done so many, and I know what it's like. I know that people are going to hate me as the choice, and I know that people are going to love me as the choice and I know that it's going to be split. And I don't know how game fans are, but I know how comic-book fans are. So I know how it's so brutal and so amazing at the same time. And I get that, so at least I'm versed in it.

Whenever we write about you and Chun-Li, people always bring up the difference in body types between you and the video game character. Although, I don't really know anyone who's that size. And she is a video game character, after all. Is that hard for you hearing [criticisms about your body type] when you're making a realistic translation of the game?

I actually can't think of any Asian women that fit that body figure - maybe some halfies - but nope, not even close. And it's funny, because my proportions are... Well, I'm small, which is totally fine with me. I think it's more important to have a believable character than somebody who fits what the physical is. It's sort of like going outside in, instead of inside out. And I think inside out is more important.

This is a pretty tormented character. How did you try and understand who Chun-Li is, and did you explore any of the past Street Fighter mythology?

Well I think some of the mythology is there, and Justin [the screenwriter] was on set and I drilled him, because I signed on about a week or two before I left for Thailand. So the character, she's one of those crazy characters with a perfect childhood, which is funny because I'm familiar with this character. She has this wonderful childhood and these great parents who are encouraging of her. And at a very important age, her father is taken away, right in front of her eyes by this really horrible man, and she doesn't know how to deal with that.

And I think there's a shift in her at that point, and she becomes a little angrier and a little wanting things to be different. I honestly think that her mother kills herself after that experience. I mean she dies from cancer, but I think that was a part of why her mom left as well. I mean, I made all this stuff up in my head. But really, her arc is learning to let go not only of her physical attachments but more importantly her emotional attachments as well. Losing her family was so important to her, but [she's] understanding that getting revenge won't change what happened, and that her anger did not make anything better. By doing, that she was blinding herself. When we're driven by emotion, our filters are on.

In the end of the movie, Chun-Li kind of blows off the possible set up for a sequel, does that mean you won't be involved in a possible sequel?

I have no idea what will happen, if they do a sequel, they're going to do whatever they're going to do. I'm signed on, so if they want me I am obligated to be there. But apart from that, it's all up to the producers.

So you have a contract for multiple Street Fighter movies?

I believe it's only one more. I believe so.

So I noticed you did the spinning kick.. but I didn't see the other special moves for your character, or any yup-yupping?

[Laughs] No, there's not going to be any yupping - "Yup yup." It would have been odd. It would have been unintentionally funny. We did some choreography with the side kicks at one point. But we ran out of time to shoot it.

Who was your favorite character to fight with, because you tackle everyone really?

It was fun fighting with Neal [McDonough who plays the evil Bison] because he's such a good fighter and our fight is much more hand-to-hand combat, which I think is more fun than the wire work. The fight with Taboo, who's Vega, was more wire-work-oriented, and he and I didn't fight too much. It was mostly me and his double, or he and my double.

Did you at any point consider putting on the costume and having some fun, I mean no one is in the Street Fighter-wear on set. But just for kicks?

We were actually reading what was online and everyone was saying, "This isn't realistic, it's not like the game." So we thought, we should do something that's just like the game, that would be hilarious. So what we actually did, and I don't know where this footage is. We bought gloves for Michael [Duncan, who plays Balrog], who is the loveliest man. We thought it would be really funny if Chun-Li and Balrog had a fight on the street in the style of Street Fighter, where you fight on a straight line. And we did it! We filmed the whole thing. I wore an Asian mandarin collar, I put my hair in the buns, we went out to the pool and we shot it with the temple in the backdrop by the hotel. And he's in short shorts and the whole kit and caboodle. I do the side kick and I say "spinning bird kick" and we did the whole thing. It's somewhere, I don't know where it is. What we wanted to do is put in all of the power bars and all of the video FX, it was all planned.

So to change gears for a quick second, if Smallville gets another season will you guest star again?

If they go, I don't know. I think that the character is pretty much done, unless it's really necessary, I think that it might...I just think that the show has changed so much that it would be weird to have Lana come back and be all super powered.

Did you get irritated as an actress that after you left, they started hinting at your bigger destiny on the show.

That's a funny question. I've never been asked that before. I haven't thought about it. After I left, I left. It would have been nice to have that development for Lana, not necessarily with superpowers. I would have loved to played her growth earlier.

Imagen Imagen
¡¡¡¡AY, OMÁ QUÉ CALORES!!!! ¡Gracias por tu regalo, Nitta!

Mensajes: 6066
Registrado: Sab Sep 22, 2007 9:09 pm

Mensaje por elementokr36 »

Gracias por la ¿info? podrias aclara que es eso para los que no cazamos una de ingles :smt017 Es una entrevista, una noticia? :smt017 :smt017

Willy ven aqui y traduceee! :smt005

Mensajes: 6956
Registrado: Lun Sep 25, 2006 7:01 pm
Ubicación: California

Mensaje por Super_House »

Que guapa sale en las fotos, no? :smt003

Las dos últimas son muy buenas, sobre todo la segunda, que natural!! :smt003

Willy, Lore, Lur, Seph, Anna, ancksunamun, meiryan, **** y dare

Mensajes: 5444
Registrado: Sab Abr 22, 2006 8:31 am

Mensaje por NwK_08 »

Video Game Vixen

After winning hearts on Smallville, actress Kristin Kreuk is breaking them (literally) as a sexy femme fatale in Street Fighter

Kristin Kreuk is not your typical Hollywood starlet. Though the 26-year-old star of Street Fighter: The Legend of Chun Li grew up in the public eye, she prefers her quiet Canadian hometown to the paparazzi-filled streets of L.A. "I'm not looking to be in the tabloids," says the fresh-faced beauty. After lighting up the big screen in her latest role, Kreuk's going to have a hard time staying out of the spotlight. So what does it take to get this self-professed shy girl to open up to a man? MF lets you in on the secret.


Superpowers Not Mandatory
You don't have to be the Man of Steel to impress. Quite the opposite. "I'm much more interested in developing deep relationships with people than anything else. Physicality is not necessarily an aspect of that. In fact, it's completely irrelevant."

Keep It Real
It's still advisable that you plead the fifth to questions like, "Do I look fat?" But truth-telling is paramount. "I'm looking for honest communication with someone who is interested in being the best person they can be."

Opt for a Night In
A laid-back girl, she prefers a chill, low-key evening to a big night out on the town. All she needs for the perfect date is "great conversation, laughter, and a glass of wine."

Renew Your Passport
"A big part of what I love is to experience other cultures and learn new things," says Kreuk, who is of Chinese-Indonesian and Dutch descent. "I've been all over the world, and I love it."

Allow Girl Time
"I adore women. It's important for us to come together, to talk without men around." Sorry, fellas. We're sure she'll make it up to you somehow.

PD: Luego vengo y os traduzo las dos, o al menos lo intento jajaja :smt002 :smt003 :smt006

Mensajes: 5444
Registrado: Sab Abr 22, 2006 8:31 am

Mensaje por NwK_08 »

Chicos!!! ya tenemos sitio oficial en español de la pelicula Street Fighter en la que podreis ver el trailer!! :smt002 :smt003

Mensajes: 32833
Registrado: Dom May 21, 2006 12:15 am

Mensaje por Shelby »

Entrevista de KK para "LA.Times":
Six questions with Chun-Li (Kristin Kreuk)
03:14 PM PT, Feb 27 2009

Kristin Kreuk has long been known as Lana Lang, the angsty high school student and focus of Clark Kent's romantic attention on the CW's "Smallville." As the show flies through its eighth season, Kristin has shed the role and is now embarking on a Superman-free (for now) career. Her female-empowering Girls By Design organization takes up a lot of time, but she's back on screen now, taking on an video game icon in her latest film as she becomes Chun-Li in "Street Fighter: The Legend of Chun-Li" (out in theaters today). We were able to track down the Canadian actress in Los Angeles and ask a few questions.

So, it's well known that you're into martial arts (purple belt!), though you gave it up at a young age. How was training for the "Street Fighter" movie, and why did you quit martial arts as a kid?

I was going in [to 'Street Fighter'] with the want to learn. And when I was a kid I was really defiant about it. So this time, I went in everyday and was really excited to build my skills with these people. And these people were sooo good. Every single person on Dion's [Lam -- fight choreographer] team was skilled in some form. There were people who were proficient in wire work and some who were excellent in acrobatics ... and people who were amazing at wushu. So I got to see all of them and learn from all of them. Many of them didn't speak English with me, so I learned from them in a very sort of visceral way. They would show me something and I would try to copy it. They would say something to me and I would try to communicate back. It was a lot of fun.

I quit karate originally because it wasn't something that I was initially passionate about ... So, I had the opportunity in school to do a social studies class that was advanced, and I knew my mom would like that, so I bartered to take the advanced socials class and drop karate!

Jumping around ... have you heard the "Twilight" sequel rumors and comments, and do you have any position on it?

I have not really heard much about that. I read something somewhere that someone liked me, on some random site somewhere, but I don't think that means anything necessarily. No one official has ever spoken to me about "Twilight." ... I read the books, though, and I think they're fun.

How did you approach Chun-Li? Go back to video games or look at comic-book story lines, or did you just go straight from the scipt?

I went straight from the script. Justin Marks, who wrote it, is a Street Fighter nut and knows everything there is to know about it, and he was on set for a while so I to ok advantage of that... It's not a really complex story, though. I wanted to give her some depth so that people could relate to her with all of the fighting going on, I guess because I'm a woman and I really do appreciate -- even in an action movie -- people that I can connect to. And that was important to me.

Tell me what you think about the direction of "Smallville" from the beginning to where it is now.

Well ... I look at the kids on the CW now and the kids don't seem like kids, they seem like adults, but on "Smallville," in the beginning they were always kids. Clark was dorky and he tripped, and we all looked pretty young and it just seemed so different. "Smallville," for I think about three seasons, was all about small-town kids and about this kid growing up and struggling with his identity. And then it shifted into much more -- well, not that it wasn't always sci-fi because there was always the 'freak of the week' as we call them -- but then it got into more dark and twisted stuff for a few years after they graduated. Through Lana's witchiness and Lex's development and Lana and Lex's marriage.... now it's much more about Clark becoming a superhero. He's now at the Daily Planet and you can see him interacting in an environment with Lois, and I think that's the direction that it's going in now. They're getting into much more Lois-and-Clark territory now. But I've left, so I don't know what their vision is for Season Nine.

How was that split?

I was ready to go, so I don't have any anxiety about leaving or anything ... and I don't think the show needed Lana at that point, so I think it was a good thing. I will continue to see a lot of the people because I adore them, we all live in Vancouver and Allison [Mack] will be around for another year, which is great 'cause she's one of my dearest friends. But it was hard to say goodbye.

I'm sure you get this a lot, but what kind of role would you like to get into, besides Chun-Li, now that Lana's in the rearview?

People ask me this a lot, so I should come up with a really good answer. I just want to portray a very honest character that displays traits that people can truly relate to and can help them -- the audience and myself because I learn from the characters as well -- help them see themselves in a perspective that is outside of what they know already, and grow from that experience. So, I know it's really broad, but there aren't a lot of roles that fit into that category. There isn't a specific person in my mind that I'd want to play. Yet.

Imagen Imagen
¡¡¡¡AY, OMÁ QUÉ CALORES!!!! ¡Gracias por tu regalo, Nitta!

Clark Kent
Clark Kent
Mensajes: 1436
Registrado: Lun Abr 09, 2007 10:30 pm
Ubicación: Venezuela


Mensaje por shellbys »

:smt002 :smt002 :smt002
Kristin Kreuk sera la hermana de Ben-Hur
Pero sera en una nueva miniserie que se empezara a rodar esta semana en Marruecos, esta miniserie Ben-Hur es un remake del clasico de 1959. Kristin Kreuk (Lana en smallville) interpretara al personaje llamado Tirzah, la cual es hermana de Ben-Hur, y el papel del protagonico Ben-Hur sera interpretado por Joseph Morgan.

En esta miniserie veremos los origenes de Ben-Hur. Pueden ver mas informacion en

Esta miniserie de Ben-Hur tendra un coste de $30 millones de dolares.

Asi que Kristin Kreuk trabajo no le falta, ya que vuelve pronto al trabajo despues de la pelicula de Street Figther donde interpreto a la protagonista Chun-Li.

Aqui le dejo un video de la serie..


Lois Lane
Lois Lane
Mensajes: 716
Registrado: Mié Sep 27, 2006 11:56 pm
Ubicación: Palma (Mallorca)

Re: Proyectos y noticias de Kristin Kreuk

Mensaje por inesvw »


Hace unos dias aparecio la lista de las 100 mujeres mas sexys segun la revista FHM. Y nuestra querida Kristin esta en el puesto nº:

Si, si, segun los votantes KK es la 8ª mujer mas sexy del planeta!!!

Aqui is dejo el link de la revista:



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