Información y renovados para la Novena temporada.

Spoilers, teorías, posibles argumentos.

Moderadores: Shelby, Lore, Super_House, ZeTa, Trasgo

Lois Lane
Lois Lane
Mensajes: 852
Registrado: Lun Dic 04, 2006 2:16 am

Mensaje por isma20 »

No. Me refiero a que Lex cambie de cuerpo de forma provisional, es una línea del comic. Solo que ahi finge ser hijo de si mismo, osea de Lex. Aquí obviamente tendrian que modificar eso ya que Lex no podria haber tenido ya un hijo de 20-30 años :smt005

Clark Kent
Clark Kent
Mensajes: 1161
Registrado: Lun Feb 11, 2008 1:55 pm
Ubicación: Argentina

Mensaje por smallet »


Ahora sí entendí.. :smt005 :smt005



Clark Kent
Clark Kent
Mensajes: 1128
Registrado: Vie Ene 12, 2007 9:27 pm

Mensaje por Vader_el »

Shelby escribió:Y parece que se aumentan las posibilidades de que finalmente Joe Manganiello acabe haciéndose con el papel de "Mason". Esto es lo que acaba de poner en su twitter:

"Regresando a L.A. esta noche para una reunión de Smallville mañana".
si a fInal no lo cogen x lo menos al menos habremos sabido como es el proceso de un casting en sv gracias a su cuenta en twitter xD


Mensajes: 3424
Registrado: Jue May 03, 2007 9:21 pm
Ubicación: Argentina

Mensaje por Akkane »

isma20 escribió:...
Akkane escribió: ¿Para que caguen tambièn a Darkseid luego con una pelea pedorra? :smt017 Espero que no :smt005 :smt005 :smt005 :smt005 :smt005
Pues mira Akkane, pongan el villano que pongan, si hay una pelea, sera pedorra... Aún asi prefiero que halla alguna pelea pedorra como tu dices, a que la serie ya carezca de cualquier pequeño momento de acción... :smt018
Pues, no sé Isma.
La pelea con Bizarro no fue tan mala, y la que tuvo con Zod cuando poseyó el cuerpo de Lex tampoco fue tan tan mala.
A lo que me refiero a que sea pelea pedorra, es que para tener un Darkseid hecho y derecho tienes que usar bastantes efectos especiales, ya que es onda un muñeco como Doomsday (tan feo no :smt005 :smt005 :smt005 :smt005 ). Por eso digo. SV no se lleva bien con "muñecos".
Más vale que sigan apostando por villanos con figura humana que se ve que los efectos para peleas entre "figuras humanas" son más económicos :smt005 :smt005 :smt005 :smt005

Y en lo que estoy de acuerdo contigo es en la acción. ¡¡Obvio que debe haber más!!! Si llenan SV de peleas pedorras... bueno, tampoco estará tan mal, no serán de calidad pero habrá cantidad. ¡Alguna de las dos cosas compensa! :smt005 :smt005 :smt005 :smt005 :smt005

Sin firma.

Lois Lane
Lois Lane
Mensajes: 852
Registrado: Lun Dic 04, 2006 2:16 am

Mensaje por isma20 »

Lo que m encantaría ver es un salto en el tiempo de unos 3-4 años, en el momento que él al fin empiece su entrenamiento y transición a superman... :smt016
Algún día.... :smt009

Mensajes: 7
Registrado: Jue Jun 11, 2009 3:05 pm

Mensaje por Dagurasu »

Yo creo que seria la mejor forma de acabar la serie, un episodio final X años despues de los otros episodios de la temporada que lo deje todo listo y mas o menos como estan las cosas cuando Superman comienza a actuar.

Lex vuelve y recupera Luthorcorp (si no acaba volviendo antes), Clark por fin vuela y esas cosas.

Si la novena temporada no es la final, pues se rueda otro episodio en su lugar y se deja ese almacenado hasta la que sea la temporada final, como X años en el futuro deberia de servir igualmente.

Mensajes: 33034
Registrado: Dom May 21, 2006 12:15 am

Mensaje por Shelby »

El último rumor en Kryptonsite:
¿No Sam Witwer Para la Novena Temporada?

El personaje de Sam Witwer Davis Bloome fue asesinado en la final de la 8ª Temporada, "Doomsday," pero muechos fans esperaban que pudiera continuar en la serie como el personaje de Zod cuando la serie regresara para la novena temporada. Una fotografía infiltrada que mostraba a Sam con perilla parecía confirmar estas sospechas.

La primera mención de Sam-como-Zod fue apuntada por primera vez en el episodio "Bloodline," cuando Faora comentó que Davis se veía "igual que su padre."

Desafortunadamente, parece cada vez más y más que Sam-como-Zod no va a ocurrir. Unas cuantas fuentes independientes pero sin confirmar nos dicen que no va a ocurrir, pero por supuesto, esto no ha sido confirmado ni negado por la cadena o por los productores de la serie.

Una teoría es que Sam estuvo siempre contratado sólo para una temporada, ya que muchos pensaban que la 8ª temporada sería la última; la otra teoría es que el contrato de Witwer explícitamente detallaba que era para interpretar a Davis Bloome y no a otro personaje.

El hecho de que actores como Joe Manganiello estén siendo considerados para el papel de "Mason" - y que se parezca bastante a Sam - pueden también confirmar que no va a pasar, ya que es dudoso que la serie tenga dos actores que se parecen tanto el uno al otro.

De cualquier manera, las noticias oficiales o la confirmación debería tener lugar en el Comic-Con a lo más tardar; desafortunadamente para los fans de Sam Witwer, no tiene buena pinta por el momento.
Última edición por Shelby el Sab Jun 13, 2009 1:07 pm, editado 1 vez en total.

Imagen Imagen
¡¡¡¡AY, OMÁ QUÉ CALORES!!!! ¡Gracias por tu regalo, Nitta!

Lois Lane
Lois Lane
Mensajes: 759
Registrado: Vie Oct 13, 2006 2:36 pm
Ubicación: España

Mensaje por boffy »

:smt010 :smt010 Pucha!!! Yo que quería a Sammmm ..y que se parecen los actores? :smt017 siiiiiii en lo blanco del ojo!! j,aja .

Gracas Shel!!!

p.d: Yo tambien creo que SV necesita un salto de tiempo e 4 años años lo podrían hacer a mitad de temportada :smt005 .


by Loisshadow y Nihue

We want cloisex!!!
AA siempre serás nuestro verdadero Jimmy!!!

Mensajes: 4805
Registrado: Jue Oct 26, 2006 9:37 pm
Ubicación: Las Palmas

Mensaje por --[Sacred-Kripton]-- »

Hombre, es una pena...Writer es un gran actor pero tal y como acabaron con su personaje, es lógica su salida. Verlo en el papel de Zod puede gustar o no, pero lo mas probable es se le relacione inmediatamente con Davis Bloome y quizás no interese. Yo prefiero a otro actor para Zod antes que Writer.

Imagen Imagen Imagen

Mensajes: 3424
Registrado: Jue May 03, 2007 9:21 pm
Ubicación: Argentina

Mensaje por Akkane »

Jo! Realmente, una pena que no esté :smt009 verdad, esperaba que en la novena participara Sam, no como regular (eso hasta quedaba mal, regular como otro presonaje). ¡¡A ver si con algo (más) recreaba mi vista!!! :smt005 :smt005 :smt005 :smt005 :smt005

Bueno, al parecer no... esperaremos la confirmación. :smt009

Ahora, no chamuyen con que buscan un actor "tan parecido" por que ¡vamos!... no digo más que citar lo que a dicho boffy:
boffy escribió: ..y que se parecen los actores? :smt017 siiiiiii en lo blanco del ojo!! j,aja .
:smt005 :smt005 :smt005 :smt005 :smt005 :smt005 :smt005

Ahora, si resulta que Mason es Zod... ¿va a ser un playboy?
Ya, no voy a decir nada al respecto. Sólo: :smt012

Sin firma.

Mensajes: 33034
Registrado: Dom May 21, 2006 12:15 am

Mensaje por Shelby »

"The entertaiment Wrap-up" ha publicado una entrevista sobre la rueda de "preguntas y respuestas que hicieron Phil Morris (martian Manhunter) y Justin Hartley (Green Arrow) en la "Superman Celebration 2009, Metropolis IL, 13 de junio de 2009" junto a Beverly Washburn y Noel Neill:
Justin Hartley:

Question: A little boy asked a question regarding Smallville asking “do you really like Lois Lane in real life? “ Big applause to the question from the boy as it was really funny.
Justin laughs and says “we’re friends. We’re both married….to different people. Yeah, she’s lovely. She’s great. My wife is actually here” Crowd laughs.
Host: “Which had nothing to do with the way you answered the question."

Any truth to the rumors of a Green Arrow spinoff after season nine of Smallville?
Justin: “I don’t know. Some people talk about it and I always just say that right now I’m doing Smallville. It’s not something that I would want to spend my time thinking about when I’m doing Smallville. I think it would be a disservice to my Green Arrow on Smallville and I’m just focusing on that right now.”

Question: A boy asks, can you really shoot a bow and arrow in real life?
Justin: “I could shoot you right now kid. (laughs) Yeah, I can. I couldn’t before the show. I took a class in high school for like two weeks that you have to take after swimming and right before basketball. I did some really intense training cause you gotta look like you kinda know what you’re doing but yes, I can. Thanks for the question.“

Question: What is your favorite part about being Green Arrow?
Justin: “I like playing Oliver to be honest with you. When I’m doing the Green Arrow thing and killing bad guys or whatever, it justifies everything that Oliver kind of does. Oliver is not that smooth around the edges and he has some rough spots. The reason that he is able to get away with a lot of that stuff is because of what he does as Green Arrow. Another really cool part about playing him is that I have a four year old daughter. So, I just don’t even tell her that it’s a show. I just tell her that I’m a superhero. She doesn’t know so she goes to school and says this is my mommy and she’s an actress. This is my daddy and he’s a superhero. Then, I’m in the background and I just say that’s right and I have superhero friends so who is going to argue?” This was a really funny story!!

Question: What can we expect for season nine of Smallville?
Justin: “Well, I just had a meeting the other day with the producers. It’s going to be a lot about finishing things that have been built up over the course of the series. Hopefully, they’ll be bringing him back and dive into him a little more (pointing to Phil). Obviously the show is about Clark’s journey and it’s been this buildup for so many years and it’s getting to the point where it’s coming time. So, it will be interesting to see how they handle that. Then, everybody else’s character, I didn’t really get into any of that. I think that maybe they’re going to break me down a little bit and see what happens. See if I can go even darker. I’ll be so dark that I’ll be, like, purple. (laughs).“

Question: How did you get to be the Green Arrow?
Justin: “I did a pilot for the creators of Smallville. A different show and I did the pilot for them. The pilot didn’t go and often pilots don’t go. They called me maybe a couple of months later and said we have this role for you and would like you to do it and here is what it is about. It was great for me because I hadn’t gotten offered a lot of stuff at that point. I was auditioning constantly trying to get the job. So, when someone says I have this offer for you, I didn’t even know what to do. I had done a lot of work for them on the pilot and from that, they said that this guy would be fine for this.“

Question: Do you miss working with Michael Rosenbaum?
Justin: “No (jokingly laughs). I love Michael Rosenbaum. I’ve said this before but I think for like the first day that I met him that I was like this (awed face) because I go ‘dude do you wake up every morning and does someone sketch you on a pad because you’re like a drawing?’ The guy is, I’m not joking, top five funniest people I’ve ever met in my life. He is completely inappropriate all the time and that makes him completely appropriate. He’s a great actor and he’s the intethesist of Lex Luthor. We have a ball. He’s one of those guys that when you’re around, your abs just kind of hurt. Just a great guy and I miss working with him. He’s fun.”

Question: Do you feel you relate more to Oliver Queen or Green Arrow?
Justin: “That’s a good question. It usually depends on what kind of day he is having”. He then joked about reading through the scripts and seeing the lousy things that would be happening to Oliver and thinking this is a bad day for Oliver. He really thought on this question and had a tough time answering it. “Probably Oliver. Although, I think about being a dad and it’s about Green Arrow. I’ll tell you how I can relate to both of them. Oliver is great because on the surface he’s a millionaire and he has this and he has that. You look at him and think wow everyone wants to be that guy and he’s this tortured soul, he’s missing his parents. He feels responsible for so many things. Then, what appeals to me about Green Arrow is the fact that he’s mortal. I always liked Batman so, for me, it’s fun to see a guy go out there and put it on the line cause he could actually die if he is shot or get injured. For me, the vulnerability on both sides is what appeals to me. “

Phil Morris:

Question: Did you come into acting to follow in your dad’s footsteps?
Phil: “At first, I really wanted to do everything but this cause I’ve gotten this question all my life. As a young, fairly strong young man, I’ve wanted to do my own thing. Obvioulsy, I’m following in his footsteps to a degree but I never got into it to try to eclipse anything that he ever did because there is no way that I could hold a candle to him. He was a legend. He did a great show with Mission Impossible. I honor his legacy. Without him, there is no me in many, many ways. He really was a great father, mentor, and trailblazer for me as an African American actor. So, I’m just happy that people even mention me in the same breath with him and I really appreciate your question because I love him and he looks down on me and blesses me every single day. “

Question: How has the Martian Manhunter’s character being killed in the comic books affected your career or if at all?
Phil: “Well…..” (and points to the Celebration as a whole). “It has affected it. I have been in this genre for a while, done a lot of Star Treks so the sci-fi adventure genre, I just jumped all over it. This is my foray into live action comic book superhero portrayal. I had done a lot of it, voiceover wise, and that has been great. What the networks and studios don’t realize is how fervent, and loyal, and honest and honorable that you fans are when it comes to what we do. I’ve been saying while we’ve been signing for people is that without you there is no us. It’s absolutely true. I find that to be especially strong in this comic book area. My career has been effected mainly through the fan base and how they’ve supported my work and then went on to see me in Seinfeld and then come back and say that they had no idea that I was that funny. It gives the fans another perspective of who I am as an actor. As a comic book freak which is what I am, I’m honored to play John Jones because I honor the fandom of comics. I honor the medium and genre of comic books. So for me, it’s a great honor to play him. I think other actors may not feel that because they didn’t grow up with comics the way that I did. I’m digging it big time and that’s pretty much how it has affected my career. I love it.”

Question: Since you worked with Jerry Seinfeld and he’s a big Superman fan, do you still keep in contact about your Smallville progress?
Phil: “I left him a couple of messages but I didn’t hear back from him. Jerry and I love some of the same things. We’re big Superman comic book guys. Big race car guys and stuff. Working with him on that show was just an honor. These were really strong professional actors and you want to work with the best people that you can in this game. I couldn’t have chosen people that were any better at their craft than to work with the Seinfeld crew. I was happy to be involved in a show that a lot of people loved and took to heart. I think that he thinks it’s kind of cool that I’m doing Smallville but I have not heard from him.”

Question: Do you remember your first comic book?
Phil: “I do. And it was 1966, Cleveland, OH. My grandmother took us to a drug store. It was Tales of Suspence from Captain America and Iron Man. They did a run of that until they wrote them off into their own books. I think I have about 100 of those but I have about 20,000 books.”

Question: Is there any chance of Martian Manhunter getting his powers restored?
Phil: “I hope that in season nine that Clark helps a brother out there. I did lose them SAVING HIS LIFE. (laughs) I think they can kick me a couple more powers. Give me invulnerability. Just give me a few. I don’t need them all. I like that he’s more of a normal guy cause I think it gives him more of a dimension as that character so I couldn’t have had that fight scene if I had my powers still cause I would have broken him. I was hoping that they would give me more of that to do so I could use my martial arts skill and display that without really like killing anybody. With John’s power which is about ten amounts of Superman, I wouldn’t be able to do as much so I’m hoping that they just bring me back so I can play more of the human John Jones and then Clark and his wisdom will help me out."

Preguntas a los dos:

Question: Is there any souvenirs that you guys keep from the set that you keep in your houses?

Phil: “The best stuff is that. The fans bring you something nice or maybe a great drawing of your character or some momento. What you bring to us means way more to me than a studio sending me their obligatory gift. It’s like that card that they send you for your birthday that means less to me when I’m here and I get a photograph of my dad from you or I get a drawing from a young man or woman. It just touches my heart and that is what means the most to me.”
Justin: “It’s true. I try to keep all that stuff with gifts that I get from people. I do have one thing that I took from my previous job. I was on a daytime show and I took the lead actress. I really do have a body. (laughs).” Justin was talking about his wife of course. '

Question: Why doesn’t Superman fly in Smallville?
Justin: “My take on it is because he’s Clark. He’s not Superman. We’re closing in on that time though, aren’t we?”
Phil: “The creators said early on no tights, no flying. That was their edict on Smallville because every other television show that had shown Superman went right for the suit and all that . What they were trying to do was to create a reality around him, which I think, has been very successful. Even as he is gaining his powers, every power that he got was a surprise and a shock. It was much more real. When you put him in the primary colors and tights and stuff, it kind of dilutes that or weakens that. So, they’re waiting for him to say, hey, I am Superman to fly. We haven’t gotten there yet. Green Arrow and John Jones we’re trying to get him there quick, fast, and in a hurry, trust me. (laughing).”

Question: A kid asks what is your favorite superhero?
Justin: “The Green Arrow”
Phil: “The Martian Manhunter. “

Question: How hard are the stunts?
Justin: “I do have a stunt double. He’s excellent. I like to do all my own stuff. There are certain things that I can’t do cause I’m not a stunt guy and I don’t know how. There are certain things that I can probably do but they won’t let me. That leaves the hard stuff and the dangerous stuff for him. I actually have two guys that kind of pop in back and forth. They’re great. I’m horrified of heights. There will be a scene where I’m standing on the side of the building and I’m roped on to the building and there is no way that I can fall. I’m dizzy cause I’m just horrified. I do it cause I think eventually I’ll get over it but I haven’t yet. These guys are standing up there joking around talking like it’s nothing to them. It’s a completely different craft and I have the upmost respect for those guys. These are the guys that you walk up to and say ‘we’re going to set you on fire today’ and they say ‘cool’. It’s the small stunts that you get hurt on.“
Phil: “Well, I don’t do as many stunts as Justin does. I had one fight scene recently and got shot. These guys are craftsman and artists. I would never take away their craft. I’m a martial artist so when it comes to fighting, I’m the one that is going to do it because I’m the one that knows how to do that. If it’s going to represent me, I’d rather have me in there but when it comes to the things that they do well, I step back and take notes cause Justin is right. They’re like ‘you’re going to fall off of that building, roll, and then we’re going to put you on fire’ they’re like ‘sweeeeet’. They are a wonderful group. Stuntmen are phenomenal and have great energy too.“

One boy asked if Tom Welling would be coming to Metropolis? Phil really talked big over how much effort that Tom puts into the character and how that makes him not have a lot of free time on his hands especially with him having a family as well. Phil said that Tom always talks about that with how he works so hard to make that character be great for the viewers. The Allison Mack plan from last year was shut down immediately when the host of the Q&A said that there would not be any hug requests going on which was funny. You might remember last year about the guy that asked Allison for a hug and got it. Might as well shut that idea down from the beginning this year cause you know someone was going to ask. Ironic thing after that was the first question was a guy wanting to get into the business and wanted their help on getting his foot in the door. The host joked that he remembered to say the hugs remark but forgot about people wanting to get into the business. It was a funny moment and Justin took the guy’s card as well. Funny moment to start off the Q&A session.


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Imagen Imagen
¡¡¡¡AY, OMÁ QUÉ CALORES!!!! ¡Gracias por tu regalo, Nitta!

Lois Lane
Lois Lane
Mensajes: 852
Registrado: Lun Dic 04, 2006 2:16 am

Mensaje por isma20 »

Gracias x la entrevista!
En cuanto a lo de Zod,¿Como pueden decir los de kryptonsite que Sam se parece a Manganiello?¡No se parecen en nada! :smt012
Yo personalmente no se si Zod sera Mason, pero si es asi m parece una historia poco interesante y cutre... Además ya de tener a Zod en la serie prefiero mil veces que lo interprete Sam. :smt019

Mensajes: 7
Registrado: Jue Jun 11, 2009 3:05 pm

Mensaje por Dagurasu »

Bueno, si se supone que en la Bola Mágica esta toda la ciudad de Kandor, puede que logren que salga otro Kryptoniano malvado además de Zod, que podría infiltrarse en la Liga como Mason mientras Zod esta en otro sitio haciendo planes maquiavélicos o lo que sea que haga si es que es realmente Zod, que todo parece apuntarlo, pero no es completamente seguro.

También puede ser que Mason sea un miembro nuevo de la Liga enviado de agente doble a infiltrarse para ver que planea Tess o que pasa con Kandor, si Lois consigue ver el video cualquier otro podría llegar a verlo.

Son solo hipótesis pero eso de Zod haciendo de playboy no me cuadra nada con la idea que tengo de Zod, aunque visto su "triunfal" retorno en la quinta-sexta temporada puede que pruebe un plan mas sutil esta vez... pero aun asi no le veo de playboy, de misterioso hombre de negocios, si, de misterioso asesor salido de la nada, vale, pero playboy no me cuadra nada.

La entrevista muy interesante, aunque me preocupa un poco eso de hacer Flecha Verde mas oscuro, si ya esta siendo oscurísimo en la temporada anterior, no se que va a ponerse a hacer para volverse aun mas oscuro.

Mensajes: 33034
Registrado: Dom May 21, 2006 12:15 am

Re: Información y renovados para la Novena temporada.

Mensaje por Shelby »

Bueno, pues en el primer post tenéis recopiladas todas las informaciones que han ido saliendo de la novena temporada mientras el foro ha estado inactivo. También hay abierto un hilo específico para el "Cómic-Con" (que se irá actualizando con todas las noticias que nos lleguen) y también tenéis abiertos los hilos correspondientes a los capítulos y su información.
¡Bienvenidos de nuevo a todos! :smt002 :smt006

Spoilers de la Temporada 9 de Smallville: 'Es la hora más oscura de Clark'
25 de Julio, 2009, 01:04 PM | Por Michael Ausiello

Nunca sabes con quién te vas a topar por casualidad aquí en el Cómic-Con. Toma como ejemplo la última noche. Estaba inocentemente comiéndome un rollito de atún picante en un cocktail de bienvenida de temática asiática de la Warner Bros y quién se iba a acercar a saludar como si tal cosa sino el productore ejecutivo de Smallville Brian Peterson. ¿Buena suerte, verdad Good ? Pues se puso mejor. El tipo, quién está en la ciudad para el historic panel del Cómic-Con el domingo, me empezó a hablar al oído sobre la superproducción que planea para la 9ª temporada y más allá. Lo que sigue a continuación son algunos de los más destacados…

* El tema de la 9ª temporada es "La hora más oscura de Clark."
*Esperad un largo triángulo amoroso en la temporada entre Clark, Lois, y el Borrón Rojo-Azul.
* Chloe, todavía llorando la muerte Jimmy, se verá inmersa a sí misma en los temas relacionados con Watchtower. Peterson también ha apuntado a cierta tensión entre Chlark cuando se de cuenta de que no puede contentarse sólo con ser su compinche.
* Descubriremos por qué Clark no está volando en una escena entre él y Jor-El (el regreso de Terence Stamp) en la premiere de la temporada.
* Secuencias de Brian Austin Green como Metallo se desvelarán en el panel de Cómic-Con de mañana. Y por ahora, está a bordo para dos episodios, pero Peterson dice que tienen esperanzas de que esté en más.
* El episodio que están rodando actualmente (el 9.02 o el 9.03) se centrará en la espiral descendente de Oliver.
* Alessandro Juliani de Battlestar Galactica volverá a representar su personaje del Dr. Emil Hamilton para varios capítulos de esta temporada.
* En cuanto a la historia, Peterson no está acercándose a la temporada como a la “última de Smallville”.
* He dejado lo mejor para el final: Peterson ha cenado recientemente con Michael Rosenbaum. Interpretadlo como queráis.

Imagen Imagen
¡¡¡¡AY, OMÁ QUÉ CALORES!!!! ¡Gracias por tu regalo, Nitta!

Mensajes: 212
Registrado: Vie Ene 19, 2007 5:28 pm

Re: Información y renovados para la Novena temporada.

Mensaje por toei »

han pasado la serie para los viernes, es bastante conveniente para mi :smt025

la temporada luce cargada de muchas cosas nuevas, a ver que sale de todo esto :smt047

la derrota tuya es la victoria de otro

say hi to my little friend


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