Cómic-Con 2009

Aquí todo lo referente a la 9ª Temporada (siiiii!!!!). Usa el comando Spoiler si hace falta.Aquí todos los rumores, datos, etc.

Moderadores: Shelby, Lore, Super_House, ZeTa, Trasgo

Mensajes: 33187
Registrado: Dom May 21, 2006 12:15 am

Re: Cómic-Con 2009

Mensaje por Shelby »

¡EH, CON EL RUBIO NO OS METÁIS QUE SACO EL LÁTIGO...! :smt079 :smt005 :smt005 :smt005 :smt005

Bueno, pues hablando del rubio, en el primer post os he actualizado las fotos de Justin en el panel en HQ y también os he puesto más fotos nuevas. :smt002

Imagen Imagen
¡¡¡¡AY, OMÁ QUÉ CALORES!!!! ¡Gracias por tu regalo, Nitta!

Clark Kent
Clark Kent
Mensajes: 1161
Registrado: Lun Feb 11, 2008 1:55 pm
Ubicación: Argentina

Re: Cómic-Con 2009

Mensaje por smallet »

Akkane escribió:
Si quieren, me ofrezco a entrar por ustedes y luego pasarles el material. Diganme que debo hacer y yo lo hago. :smt023

Creo amiga que se refieren a Estados Unidos (por ahí puedo equivocarme). Si, ya sé que nosotros somos más América que ellos ..pero ud. vió como es no? si hasta nos han choriado el nombre del continente :smt005


Clark Kent
Clark Kent
Mensajes: 1128
Registrado: Vie Ene 12, 2007 9:27 pm

Re: Cómic-Con 2009

Mensaje por Vader_el »

Conforme pasan los días salen trailer en mejor calidad


aqui sale el trailer en fullscreen (sin estar descentrado, enano ni con cabezas de x medio)

aunque es el trailer en si no incluye el resumen de temporadas ni el de la JLA
fuente mundo smallville


Mensajes: 3424
Registrado: Jue May 03, 2007 9:21 pm
Ubicación: Argentina

Re: Cómic-Con 2009

Mensaje por Akkane »

smallet escribió:
Akkane escribió:
Si quieren, me ofrezco a entrar por ustedes y luego pasarles el material. Diganme que debo hacer y yo lo hago. :smt023

Creo amiga que se refieren a Estados Unidos (por ahí puedo equivocarme). Si, ya sé que nosotros somos más América que ellos ..pero ud. vió como es no? si hasta nos han choriado el nombre del continente :smt005
¿Sabes una cosa? Después de que lo posteé advertí que a "americanos" se podrían referir a los "norteamericanos". Claro, por que nosotros no somos americanos, somos "latinoamericanos"... vio, ellos son los únicos que viven en América :smt013 ¡Y ya se me pianta el moño! :smt005 :smt005 :smt005 :smt005 :smt005

Sin firma.

Clark Kent
Clark Kent
Mensajes: 1128
Registrado: Vie Ene 12, 2007 9:27 pm

Re: Cómic-Con 2009

Mensaje por Vader_el »

mirad lo que encontré por ahi :biggrin:



Mensajes: 2216
Registrado: Vie Sep 19, 2008 7:49 pm

Re: Cómic-Con 2009

Mensaje por Nitta »

Ay, Vader! menudo gif! gracias! Haber si sale ya el trailer oficial con calidad óptima y apreciamos mejor los detalles! jeje :smt077 :smt005
Por cierto, gracias por el video del trailer. Este último se ve muchísimo mejor :wink:


Imagen Imagen
Hasta siempre, Smallville...

Mensajes: 33187
Registrado: Dom May 21, 2006 12:15 am

Re: Cómic-Con 2009

Mensaje por Shelby »

Vader_el escribió:mirad lo que encontré por ahi :biggrin:


Sí, hijo, Vader, sí... lo tengo desde el primer día... ¿Crees que no me lo habría colocado ya si no fuese tan grande para la firma? ¡Ainss...! :bb :bb :bb :bb :bb :bb :bb :bb :bb :bb :bb :bb :bb :bb :bb :bb :bb :bb :bb :bb :bb :bb :bb :bb :bb :bb :bb :bb :bb :bb :bb :bb :bb :bb :bb :bb :bb :bb :bb :bb :bb :bb :bb :bb :bb :bb :bb :bb :bb :bb :bb :bb :bb :bb :bb :bb :bb :bb :bb

Otra de las declaraciones de Brian Peterson para "Voices from Krypton":

"Él regresa a su identidad como Clark por su amor hacia Lois Lane. ... Y el tema este año es su creciente amor por Lois Lane y el divertido y conocido triángulo - que Clark quiere a Lois y Lois quiere a Supermán."

Imagen Imagen
¡¡¡¡AY, OMÁ QUÉ CALORES!!!! ¡Gracias por tu regalo, Nitta!

Lois Lane
Lois Lane
Mensajes: 759
Registrado: Vie Oct 13, 2006 2:36 pm
Ubicación: España

Re: Cómic-Con 2009

Mensaje por boffy »

Dios Vaderrrrrr!!! I love you !!! Gracias por el pedazo de gif que nos has dado!!! ..... :smt007 :smt007 :smt007 :smt007 :smt007 :smt007 viva el cloisex !!!! .... y me encanta lo que ha dicho el productor :!!! Clark recuperara su humanidad por Lois !!! ... ( a ver si cumplen lo que prometen!!! Politicos tendrían que haber sido en vez de guionistas!!! :smt005 :smt005 :smt005 :smt005 )


by Loisshadow y Nihue

We want cloisex!!!
AA siempre serás nuestro verdadero Jimmy!!!

Mensajes: 33187
Registrado: Dom May 21, 2006 12:15 am

Re: Cómic-Con 2009

Mensaje por Shelby »

Resumen de entrevistas en "TheFutonCritic":
By Brian Ford Sullivan

Justin Hartley on if we'll see the redemption of Ollie this season: "I hope so because right now he's doing a lot of downward spiraling. So hopefully there's some payoff, like a redemption or something, yeah. I think that's where they're going. What I was kind of hoping is this last year they did that with him and these things that keep coming up with him are lingering, right? And so they went there last year but then I didn't do too much work on the show, I wasn't on the show that much, they had to kind of leap out of it quickly. So I kind of want him to go down there and like marinate a little bit. And then that way when he comes out of it, he actually has time to be there and see what's going on and go oh, this is not where I want to be. And the reward will be a lot better I think."

Justin Hartley on what Ollie's relationship will be with Clark this season: "I think what makes them friends and respect each other is the very same thing that makes them butt heads. Because they both want the same thing, it's just the process of how is completely different. And we all have people like that in our lives too, right? So you know that, well, he has good intentions but why does he have to be so aggressive? And the other guy's going, yeah, he's got good intentions but why doesn't he just go do it, why does he have to be so soft all the time? So it's one of those things, you know? I think also just the fact that Clark has all these abilities that Oliver couldn't even imagine having and that he's not using them. Not only not using them, but not using them it the way that Oliver would use them. So they both see things one way. So I think they probably won't be best friends maybe ever, you know what I mean? But they'll always have that respect for each other."

Justin Hartley on what's ahead in season nine: "[Clark] comes into town and he's saving everybody. And when he's doing it he's leaving these symbols, making sure everybody knows who saved who. And I think that rubs Oliver the wrong way, like, why can't you just go save somebody? Why do you have to do your job and leave your business card? Why can't you just [do it] anonymously? He'll never admit it, but I think there's a huge jealousy thing with him as well. It's you got to show everybody who you are all the time? You can't just go do stuff and move on? But at the same time Oliver's not doing anything. He's got too many things going on, he's got too much on his plate personally to be able to [do] anything that has to do with the Green Arrow. I think it's almost a relief for him when he's able to have any sort of excuse to hang it out, you know? I think he looks at all the things that being the Green Arrow has done to his life and personally it's not good for him anymore, you know? I think he's seeing it that way. So hopefully he'll change."

Erica Durance on her status this season: "This year because I'm doing 18 [episodes] now - yay, I'm so excited about that! - I'm going to be more a part of the actual main A story arc. And so Lois comes back from the future and she starts getting flashes and she thinks she has amnesia, she thinks something's wrong with her. So I know that they're going to develop all sorts of scenarios for her to try and piece all of those things together like a big puzzle to figure out what's going on. And then maybe kind of be the lynchpin key answer to some of Clark's questions which is [a] different kind of place for her to be. And then of course going into the actual mythos of it and her slow, kind of infatuation with the Blur and this undeniable kind of chemistry that she has with Clark Kent. And trying to figure out the balance between that. I always like to think on some level a woman always knows."

Erica Durance on if Lois will be back at the Daily Planet this year: "Nobody fires Lois. Her main thing is the Daily Planet, it is being this journalist. That side of her, that career driven side of her it fulfills her in some many ways. She for sure finds her way back there and will be investigating things and getting into trouble and getting rescued. She wouldn't be Lois Lane if she wouldn't, it keeps life interesting."

Erica Durance on if she'd stick around for a 10th season: "Oh yeah, it's my first love. It's my first job and, you know, I'd like to see it through to the end."

Allison Mack on what's on tap for Chloe this year: "I get a name! I get a like proper alias [Watchtower], it's the coolest! I'm so excited about that. I think it's a real honor to be invited into the DC family in the way that I've been invited in. I think it says a lot about our writers that they'd create a character that is so long-lasting and has been able to be incorporated into the DC comic legend in the way that I have. I'm just really excited about it. I'm excited about having a storyline that's very much about the direction that Chloe wants to go in, not so much about Clark Kent. I mean it's always about Clark but not so obviously about Clark. [Laughs.]"

Allison Mack on Chloe's romantic life going forward: "I think she's focused on what she's trying to do in the world and less involved with sort of what she wants to do personally. I think that Chloe has decided to callus herself in a way that she hasn't before so that she can get the job done that she needs to get done which is rescue humanity from themselves. So I think love interests are not the first priority for her at this point in her career."

Allison Mack on directing an episode of the show again: "I don't know what number it is but I know that it's the end of January so it's pretty far into the future."

Allison Mack on if Clark and Chloe will ever get together: "I think it wouldn't work. I think that the relationship dynamic that they have right now is so beautiful that I would not want that to get screwed up. They're not right for each other."

Callum Blue on playing Zod: "We want to do a different take on him anyway but basically I'm going to rip Terence Stamp off.... People say that we've got similar voices, yeah, and we've actually got the same manager as well so I had a little message from him wishing me luck."

Callum Blue on what sets this version of Zod apart: "First of all, he's Major Zod at the moment. He hasn't actually grown into General Zod, so he's a younger version. What I want to do is make him a big more manic. The Terence Stamp version is very cool, calm and collected, there's a level there. There's definitely a certain amount of that with me but I think he hasn't grown into that yet. In my take, he has to calm down a bit because he wants it right now... he's very aristocratic but he hasn't really calmed down into it yet, you know what I mean? I think that's definitely a journey for me to take with that character."

Callum Blue on how we meet Zod: "He's got kind of like this fascist party, he's the leader of it. I've been watching a lot of Hitler speeches because he's very charismatic, I want [Zod] to be very charismatic... He has a fascist army, the interesting thing is that they turn against him in the first couple of episodes, he has to work to get them back on his side. He has to manipulate and kill a couple of people for that to happen. So he's not as confident as the character is going to be in the future."

Callum Blue on Zod's relationship with Clark: "First of all I'm not aware of Clark's existence yet. I am aware, I've just discovered that Jor-El has survived and we're exploring our history, we're exploring Jor-El's and Zod's history. And I think they were friends and there was something that went down. So I don't know about Clark yet. I don't know how I'm going to react to the fact that he exists."

Callum Blue on reconciling his Zod with the character's previous appearances on the show: "Here's where it gets confusing. That was the future Zod, I haven't yet blown up Krypton. That's to happen so it's in the past. I come from the past so I'm the younger version of Zod, none of that has happened yet... All I know at the moment is that Zod is here, he doesn't know why he's here, he hasn't got his powers yet and he's confused about that, his army turns against him and he's just laying low at the moment, working everything out in his mind."

Brian Peterson on if the much-ballyhooed kiss between Clark and Lois shown during the panel is going to be real or a dream: "It is one reality that we explore on the show."

Brian Peterson on the theme for season nine: "We're pitching it as his darkest hour, and there are a lot of dark decisions he has to make, [but the hook] of the year is his burgeoning love for Lois Lane and the fun love triangle between that everybody knows from Clark loves Lois, Lois loves Superman, although he's obviously not Superman yet but he's getting there."

Brian Peterson on bringing in Zod: "Zod is really going to bring a new dynamic to the show because we're introducing him as Major Zod, before he ever turns into General Zod. And so we get to his trajectory into becoming the villain that he becomes... We've never had a Kryptonian living on Earth with Clark for an entire season and how that affects Clark's journey."

Kelly Souders on if we'll see Jor-El in the flesh this season: "You might have to just tune in for that one." Brian adds: "[Regardless] we do have Terence Stamp back as the voice of Jor-El, that's fantastic. And you'll learn pretty quickly - episode two - what happens."

Kelly Souders on Clark wearing a costume this year: "Well, for us this is a step closer. I think that that he isn't a guy right now who's probably going to put the tights and boots [on] and get, you know, something like made. He hasn't quite gone as far as Green Arrow or Black Canary. I think he's still on his path to becoming that man. But he's definitely recognizing that this second identity, as much as he knows right now what Clark Kent looks like, he needs to kind of figure out what the Superman part of him looks like. Even though it's not quite the costume everybody's used to seeing, it's one step closer."

Y os he actualizado las fotos, incluídas muchas nuevas de Tom en la convención y en el aeropuerto. :wink:

Imagen Imagen
¡¡¡¡AY, OMÁ QUÉ CALORES!!!! ¡Gracias por tu regalo, Nitta!

Clark Kent
Clark Kent
Mensajes: 1128
Registrado: Vie Ene 12, 2007 9:27 pm

Re: Cómic-Con 2009

Mensaje por Vader_el »

otro gif :smt077


Clark Kent
Clark Kent
Mensajes: 1161
Registrado: Lun Feb 11, 2008 1:55 pm
Ubicación: Argentina

Re: Cómic-Con 2009

Mensaje por smallet »

Que buen gif Vader !!!
graciassss :smt038


Lana Lang
Lana Lang
Mensajes: 375
Registrado: Vie Mar 20, 2009 7:10 am
Ubicación: en algun lugar de mexico

Re: Cómic-Con 2009

Mensaje por erica_lane »

yo la verdad tengo miedito
me va a dar coraje que sea un sueño
lo del cloisex, porque estos son puro
bla,bla,bla y luego que siempre no
disculpen. para la proxima y aqui
me tienen como su mensa viendo toda la
temporada esperando el momento cloisex,
y me salen con sus momentos "romanticos",
y espero que oliver no me lo echen a perder
mas de lo que ya lo hicieron,
y gracias por las fotos, videos y entrevistas

avatar KatherineKent y gifs onebreath gracias

Lois Lane
Lois Lane
Mensajes: 512
Registrado: Sab Mar 28, 2009 5:06 am

Re: Cómic-Con 2009

Mensaje por Galen »

^^ No debería ser un sueño tomando en cuenta lo que han dicho los productores y Erica, las visiones del futuro de Lois tendrán que ver con Clark y su destino:
Kelly Souders: One thing that's different about her character this season is that Lois actually is part of the mythology. She plays an interesting role, which sends Clark and Lois on this trajectory where they just have to crash into each other in order for him to be who he needs to be by the end of the season. We're excited about that.

What does he need to do by the end of the season?

Brian Peterson: You will have tiny flashes in the premiere. Lois will start having visions as to what the future holds after she comes back with the Legion ring, and [she sees] what the world will be if Clark doesn't fix things.

"Lois comes back from the future and she starts getting flashes and she thinks she has amnesia. She thinks something is wrong with her," says Durance. "I know that they're going to develop all sorts of scenarios for her to try to piece all those things together like a big puzzle to figure out what's going on, and then maybe be the lynch pin key answer to some of Clark's questions, which is a different place for her to be."

source: E!Online

Clark Kent
Clark Kent
Mensajes: 1337
Registrado: Lun Sep 25, 2006 4:38 pm
Ubicación: España

Re: Cómic-Con 2009

Mensaje por small06 »

No sé si ya estará por aquí, pero os dejo una versión del trailer del comic-con en el que se ve el video completo, con los personajes de la liga y demás. Se ve bastante bien aunque esté descentrado, solo teneis que darle al boton de HD y agrandar a pantalla completa. ;)

vídeo: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=acf0V3Ql ... re=related

Un saludete, y felicidades por el nuevo foro. :)
Última edición por small06 el Sab Ago 01, 2009 8:23 pm, editado 1 vez en total.

Mensajes: 33187
Registrado: Dom May 21, 2006 12:15 am

Re: Cómic-Con 2009

Mensaje por Shelby »

Actualizadas las fotos. :wink:

Entrevistas a Allison Mack, Erica Durance, Justin Hartley, Cassidy Freeman, Callum Blue, Peterson y Souders por “MovieWeb”:

- Allison Mack: http://www.movieweb.com/video/VInfsnpn8TkRqu

- Erica Durance: http://www.movieweb.com/video/VIgxpihpuYJpjp

- Justin Hartley: http://www.movieweb.com/video/VI0wP133trTe31

- Cassidy Freeman: http://www.movieweb.com/video/VI8T68dbRBlaba

- Callum Blue: http://www.movieweb.com/video/VIhlTpmoYFcRlk

- Brian Peterson: http://www.movieweb.com/video/VIEKvKFLmwt0IH

- Kelly Souders: http://www.movieweb.com/video/VIIo5NNKi90CLQ

Por cierto, respondiendo a algunas preguntas que nos hemos hecho hasta ahora tras ver el trailer, Peterson ha dicho en esta entrevista que Clark se va a dar cuenta este año lo enamorado que está de Lois y que ha estado negándoselo a sí mismo todo este tiempo y que va a sentirse muy frustrado por no confesarle que es el borrón, porque ve que ella se está interesando precisamente por el RBB. Por su parte, Erica ha dicho que las visiones no son sueños, sino que es lo que efectivamente le ha pasado a Lois tras su desaparición en Doomsday y también ha dicho que está encaprichada con el RBB porque él es algo seguro, porque ella necesita sentirse segura y él lo es, puede quererle pero no es como si realmente estuviera delante de ella en carne y hueso, mientras que con Clark hay una atracción innegable, que hay muchas cosas de él que ama pero odia y que realmente eso la asusta.

Sinceramente, pienso que Erica tiene muy clara la situación de su personaje ahora mismo, además de ser muy creíble y comprensible: Lois odia ser vulnerable y en la temporada pasada se mostró totalmente vulnerable ante Clark, lo que la llevó a "quemarse" puesto que arriesgó y fue rechazada. Ahora ella ha subido de nuevo sus barreras y, pese a seguir enamorada de Clark, ha preferido esconderse tras la seguridad que es desviar su atención hacia alguien "seguro", "fácil", alguien que no entraña riesgos porque realmente es ideal e intangible como es el RBB, lo que no significa que haya dejado de sentir lo que siente hacia Clark, todo lo contrario, ante el miedo de ser herida de nuevo (recordemos la última escena de los dos en el Daily en Dooms) simplemente va a intentar centrarse en el borrón porque no es alguien físico al que tenga que enfrentarse día a día aunque ya sabemos que, por mucho que lo intente, no va a poder evitar sentir lo que siente, lo que la llevará a esa encrucijada de la que hablaban entre Clark y el RBB.

Imagen Imagen
¡¡¡¡AY, OMÁ QUÉ CALORES!!!! ¡Gracias por tu regalo, Nitta!


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