SUPERMÁN: "Man Of Steel"-"Batman V Superman" de SNYDER

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Registrado: Dom May 21, 2006 12:15 am

SUPERMÁN: "Man Of Steel"-"Batman V Superman" de SNYDER

Mensaje por Shelby »

Hace tiempo circulaban rumores por la red sobre que era muy posible que la WB quería que CHRISTOPHER NOLAN (de sobra conocido por su trabajo con las últimas dos entregas de Batman) fuera el encargado de la nueva película sobre SUPERMÁN, sobre todo teniendo en cuenta el éxito de las de su aliado y el gran fracaso que resultó ser la entrega de "Returns".

Pese a haber sido desmentida la noticia semanas atrás, finalmente se ha confirmado como oficial. Nolan será el que se encargue de la nueva entrega, que no llegará a nuestras pantallas hasta el 2012 ó el 2013.

"Los Ángeles Times" se han hecho eco de esta noticia:
Hero Complex
For your inner fanboy

Christopher Nolan takes flight with Superman: 'We have a fantastic story' [UPDATED]
March 10, 2010 | 5:02 am


This is a longer version of my story that is on the Wednesday cover of the Los Angeles Times Calendar section...

The topic at the Batcave on Monday night was the future of that other superhero — you know, the one from Metropolis. “It’s very exciting; we have a fantastic story,” Christopher Nolan said while sipping tea in the sleek editing suite that fills the converted garage next to his Hollywood home. “And we feel we can do it right. We know the milieu, if you will, we know the genre and how to get it done right.”

Nolan was standing next to his wife, producer Emma Thomas, his partner in all of his films — including “Batman Begins” and “The Dark Knight,” the grim franchise that pulled in more than $1.3 billion at theaters worldwide — and he was explaining their plan to take on a challenge that has frustrated Hollywood for two decades: getting another Superman film franchise off the ground.

Nolan, speaking about the Superman project for the first time, is pleased with the excitement stirred but, like the magicians in his 2006 film “The Prestige,” sees no value in revealing all of his tricks before the curtain goes up. Still, he wanted to answer some of the early questions about his plans for Superman — as well as his third visit to Gotham City.

There was a spasm of fan excitement when word leaked last month that Nolan, who is now viewed as the Hitchcock of superhero cinema after his two Batman films, would be the “godfather” for a reboot of the Man of Steel, acting as producer and mentor to an as-yet-unnamed-director who will be making a movie based on a story by Nolan and frequent collaborator David S. Goyer.

The Internet flurry included reports that, according to Thomas, might be better described as fan fiction. The dispatches revealing that the film will be called “Man of Steel”? And feature Lex Luthor and Brainiac? Or the one about it being a period piece with something like a low-fi version of the hero?

“I don’t know where this stuff comes from,” Thomas said with a chuckle, although, as with any good poker player, it’s hard to say where the bluff starts and ends.

This much is certain: The couple are completely focused on the movie-of-the-moment, which is “Inception,” which opens July 16 and stars Leonardo DiCaprio as a dream thief of sorts in what may be Hollywood’s first metaphysical heist film. The movie is the most complicated undertaking of Nolan’s career — it was shot in six countries and tells a tale that flips between reality and three levels of dream-time — and, well, all things considered, he’d rather Superman stay in his Fortress of Solitude and off the front page for a while longer since that project is a matter for 2012 or 2013 at best.

But of course Superman, first superhero of them all, is an American pop culture icon on a par with Mickey Mouse and Elvis. But after the close of the Christopher Reeve era with “Superman IV: The Quest for Peace” in 1987, the property became one of the most frustrating in Hollywood. A dozen different reboots were started through the years with names attached such as Nicolas Cage, Kevin Smith, J.J. Abrams, McG and Brett Ratner, and plans were trotted out to kill Superman, strip him of his powers or pit him in battle against Batman.

Finally, director Bryan Singer, who had earned credibility with comic book fans with his two “X-Men” films for Fox, delivered with “Superman Returns” in 2006 starring Brandon Routh. But the finished product was viewed as oddly lifeless by many critics. The $200-million film finished its theatrical run with a respectable $391 million worldwide but it wasn’t heroic enough to earn a sequel.

Nolan said that he admired Singer’s film, especially the way it connected to director Richard Donner’s version of Superman and the first two movies starring Reeve. Nolan added, though, that this new movie will stand on its own.

“A lot of people have approached Superman in a lot of different ways. I only know the way that has worked for us that’s what I know how to do,” Nolan said, emphasizing the idea that Batman exists in a world where he is the only superhero and a similar approach to the Man of Steel would assure the integrity needed for the film. “Each serves to the internal logic of the story. They have nothing to do with each other.”

Still, it was a frustrating moment in the Batman franchise that led to this new Superman revival. Nolan and Goyer, a key collaborator on both Batman films, were at a story impasse on the third Batman film (which is now picking up steam as well) when, as a distraction, Goyer gave the filmmaker a daydream version of how he would tackle a story about the last son of Krypton.

“He basically told me, ‘I have this thought about how you would approach Superman,’” Nolan recalled. “I immediately got it, loved it and thought: That is a way of approaching the story I’ve never seen before that makes it incredibly exciting. I wanted to get Emma and I involved in shepherding the project right away and getting it to the studio and getting it going in an exciting way.”

Goyer is now writing the screenplay and Nolan is keeping it close to the vest.

It’s interesting where inspirations originate. Nolan put together an especially deep cast for his Batman films — the first one, for instance, featured Morgan Freeman, Liam Neeson, Gary Oldman and Tom Wilkinson in supporting roles. That, he said, was an idea imported from Metropolis.

“I went to the studio with the analogy of ‘I want to cast the way they did in 1978 with 'Superman,”’ where they had [Marlon] Brando and Glenn Ford and Ned Beatty and all these fantastic actors in even small parts, which was an exotic idea for a superhero movie at the time. It really paid off too. As a kid watching ‘Superman,’ it seemed enormous and I realized later by looking at it that a lot of that was actually the casting, just having these incredibly talented people and these characterizations. And Marlon Brando is the first guy up playing Superman’s dad. It’s incredible.”

Superman, created by Jerry Siegel and Joe Shuster, was an instant success when he arrived on the publishing scene in June 1938 and he more or less created the American comic book and its signature concept, the superhero. Superman made the leap to radio in 1940 and then to the silver screen in 1948 when Kirk Alyn became the first of many actors to wear the cape. George Reeves was the face of Superman on television for 104 episodes in the 1950s while Reeve and his work in the 1970s and 1980s may be the definitive version of the hero for most fans. But the youngest fans have a view of the hero shaped more by the award-winning animated series in recent years and “Smallville,” the CW series that just got re-upped for a 10th season, making star Tom Welling the Clark Kent with the longest tenure.

Nolan, for the record, also won’t confirm that he is actually directing the third Batman film, but, well, of course he is -- however “Inception” isn’t in the can yet and it’s against his code. He can’t be easily tricked, either. Asked if Superman as a franchise has to overcome a deficiency of truly great villains, unlike, say, Spider-Man and Batman, he won’t bite. “That’s a very sly way of asking a question I’m not going to answer.”

Nolan says he has no idea who will direct the Superman film (there has been conjecture that it may be his brother and frequent collaborator, Jonathan Nolan) but his role appears to be comparable to Peter Jackson with “District 9,” which was directed by newcomer Neill Blomkamp but benefited greatly from imprimatur of “The Lord of the Rings” auteur. Jackson is also stepping into a similar role in Middle-earth as Guillermo del Toro takes over as director for “The Hobbit” films.

Nolan established himself as a bold and cerebral filmmaker in 2000 with “Memento,” has made a specialty of rooting stories of the fantastic in a gritty reality with psychological undertones and an emphasis on using practical effects and stunt work as opposed to the magical paintbrushes of the CG era. All of that made him an ideal filmmaker for fight-time in the brutal gutters of Gotham but it doesn’t make the filmmaker the first obvious choice for flight-time amid the gleaming citadels of Metropolis. Warner Bros. executives seem confident that he is -- and they need him to be the right man with the "Harry Potter" franchise -- and perhaps Batman -- nearing an expiration date.

Sitting in his edit bay, which is decorated with posters of Ledger as the Joker and has a skylight that rolls shut with mechanical screeching that adds to the Batcave ambiance, Nolan said he knows about storytelling and it’s difficult to dissect his work beyond that.

“We’re approaching it in a not dissimilar way in terms of trying to find an incredible story in a way that audiences can engage with it the way they engage with contemporary action films,” Nolan continued. “I think David’s approach is a very good way of doing just that.”

And that third Batman film? Jonathan Nolan is “now doing the hard work” of writing the script based on the story by his sibling and Goyer. “My brother is writing a script for me and we’ll wait to see how it turns out.... He’s struggling to put it together into the epic story that you want it to be.”

“Batman Begins” was the origin and back story of the hero, while “The Dark Knight” found the hero reeling as his Manichean, good vs. evil worldview was upended by a new villain, the Joker, who was a wild-card agent of chaos going up against order, be it a police department or the mob. The second film ends, literally, with Batman on the run, a fugitive.

So what happens next?

“Without getting into specifics, the key thing that makes the third film a great possibility for us is that we want to finish our story,” he said. “And in viewing it as the finishing of a story rather than infinitely blowing up the balloon and expanding the story.”

Nolan said the key surviivng characters from the two first films and the actors who play them will be back. “We have a great ensemble, that’s one of the attractions of doing another film, since we’ve been having a great time for years.”

Perhaps. But the great challenge is to find a villain (or villains) who can not only match up with the Caped Crusader but also with Heath Ledger’s Academy Award-winning portrayal of the scabby, demented Joker. Fans have churned up the rumor mill for months now (Johnny Depp as the Riddler? Angelina Jolie as Catwoman? Philip Seymour Hoffman as the Penguin? Ben Kingsley as Hugo Strange?). But Nolan, no fan of letting cats out of the bag, declined to play along.

His villain choices to date have steered clear of strongly supernatural or super-science characters (no Man-Bat, Mr. Freeze or Poison Ivy, for instance) but he shook his head when asked if that was a trajectory he would continue. He did however concede one tidbit: “It won’t be," he said, "Mr. Freeze.”

Batman has been throwing punches in the pages of DC Comics since 1939 and as the decades passed, much of the core of the character stayed the same even as Bruce Wayne’s sideburns or the profile of the Batmobile changed. Not so with film.

“I’m very excited about the end of the film, the conclusion, and what we’ve done with the characters,” Nolan said.“My brother has come up with some pretty exciting stuff. Unlike the comics, these things don’t go on forever in film and viewing it as a story with an end is useful. Viewing it as an ending, that sets you very much on the right track about the appropriate conclusion and the essence of what tale we’re telling. And it harkens back to that priority of trying to find the reality in these fantastic stories. That’s what we do.”

-- Geoff Boucher ... ory-1.html

Y también la han recogido en "Newsarama":
CHRISTOPHER NOLAN on SUPERMAN: "We Have a Fantastic Story"

By Lucas Siegel
posted: 10 March 2010 09:38 am ET

The LA Times has some super news to start the day. Director Christopher Nolan is officially confirmed as shepherding the new Superman movie franchise. That rumor about David S. Goyer writing it? Turns out that one is true, too. The pair will develop the story, with Nolan producing and a director to be announced later. The movie is still in early stages, and won't be seen in theaters until 2012 or 2013, however.

While Nolan said he liked the way Bryan Singer's "Superman Returns" tied to the first two Richard Donner "Superman" films, he noted this will be an all-new standalone take on the movie franchise of the first comic book superhero. His approach will be similar to his approach to Batman in one specific way: Superman will be "the only superhero" in his world. "I only know the way [to approach Superman] that has worked for us; that's what I know how to do," said Nolan.

The Superman ideas were born from a break in a Batman story meeting between the pair. Nolan said of Goyer, "He basically told me, 'I have this thought about how you would approach Superman.' I immediately got it, loved it, and thought: That is a way of approaching the story I've never seen before that makes it incredibly exciting." Goyer is writing the screenplay for their unnamed Superman movie now.

The collaborators, Nolan and Goyer, are also still working on a third Batman film, a reassurance to fans that they haven't forgotten the Caped Crusader. They've already locked down a general story, and now his "brother [Jonathan Nolan] is writing a script for me and we'll wait to see how it turns out...he's struggling to put it together into the epic story that you want it to be." They won't talk much about the third film, though Nolan re-iterated they'll be "finishing" their story.

As for villains for either film, Nolan bucks the villainy trend and does not reveal his master plan to the heroes. He did let one thing in, "It won't be Mr. Freeze" in Batman's third. He did also mention that the "key" supporting characters and the actors who played them in the first two movies will all be back for the third film, which mostly kills the fan-speculated idea of doing a far-future story similar to that seen in Frank Miller's "The Dark Knight Returns" comic from the 1980s. That story saw a much older Batman taking on a world that had deteriorated immensely. Nolan again noted that this is the end of his Batman story.

"Unlike the comics, these things don't go on forever in film, and viewing it as a story with an end is useful... And it hearkens back to that priority of trying to find the reality in these fantastic stories. That's what we do." ... 00310.html

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¡¡¡¡AY, OMÁ QUÉ CALORES!!!! ¡Gracias por tu regalo, Nitta!

Clark Kent
Clark Kent
Mensajes: 1161
Registrado: Lun Feb 11, 2008 1:55 pm
Ubicación: Argentina


Mensaje por smallet »

Veremos que actor nos ponen para el papel..porque la verdad no me gustó para nada ninguno de los protagonistas. Bastante malos.
Gracias por la info Shelby...espero que esté en 3D para verla... :smt023


Lois Lane
Lois Lane
Mensajes: 658
Registrado: Sab Feb 07, 2009 11:31 pm


Mensaje por Cin »

No sé vosotras, chicas, pero yo tengo en la retina a Tom y cualquier comparación me puede parecer en principio odiosa...estaré a la expectativa, pero me va a costar ver a otro como supermán...

Por cierto, las dos últimas entregas de Batman son buenísimas, buena dirección, buenos villanos, buen batman -!Ay omá qué rico está Ch. Bale!- Es toda una restructuración del mito, una buenísima explicación de los inicios y esto pinta muy, muy bien.


Clark Kent
Clark Kent
Mensajes: 1161
Registrado: Lun Feb 11, 2008 1:55 pm
Ubicación: Argentina


Mensaje por smallet »

Para mi, Tom es el candidato natural para el papel pero bueno...espero que lo tengan en cuenta!!


Lois Lane
Lois Lane
Mensajes: 634
Registrado: Mar Dic 08, 2009 2:21 pm


Mensaje por Lau90 »

yo tampoco veo a otro que no sea tom para superman pero veo practicamente imposible que sea el ya que haciendo de clark kent 10 años supongo que qerrá hacer otros papeles para no encasillarse..


Lois Lane
Lois Lane
Mensajes: 658
Registrado: Sab Feb 07, 2009 11:31 pm


Mensaje por Cin »

A Tom le gusta la dirección, pero si es un buen guión, un buen proyecto y una película que puede tener tintes míticos y ser mundialmente conocida...quizá acepte.

Y seguro que vuela jajaja

También sería lo suyo Erica como Lois...son muchos años y todos queremos una continuidad, a mí me costaría ver a Tom como supermán y a otra Lois...


General Zod
Mensajes: 4616
Registrado: Mié Oct 31, 2007 7:40 pm
Ubicación: Inside The Phantom Zone


Mensaje por General Zod »

Bueno seria excelente que Tom fuera superman aunque no se lo veo dificil pero no imposible me encantaria que Erica mi amorcito bello fuera Lois :smt007 pero bueno en fin hay q esperar a ver q tal pinta el nuevo proyecto de Superman q necesita un buen reinicio y buen guion historia etc... a pensar escritores :smt005


Mensajes: 6956
Registrado: Lun Sep 25, 2006 7:01 pm
Ubicación: California


Mensaje por Super_House »

Pues para mí debería seguir el mismo Superman que en la última peli. Brandon Routh es un buen actor y a mí sí me pega como Superman. Además que si van hacer más de una película deberían mantener una continuidad como han hecho con casi todos los superheroes en otras películas (batman, spiderman, iron man.....), sería lo lógico.

Que si, que a todos los que seguimos Smallville nos gustaría que Tom fuera Superman pero... cada uno en lo suyo mejor.

Willy, Lore, Lur, Seph, Anna, ancksunamun, meiryan, **** y dare

Mensajes: 32837
Registrado: Dom May 21, 2006 12:15 am


Mensaje por Shelby »

Pues yo no estoy de acuerdo contigo...

Sí, Brandon podrá tener un físico parecido al de Reeves, pero es lo único que tiene en común con cualquier otra encarnación de Supermán. Los actores principales no dieron para nada la talla (exceptuando a Kevin Spacey, pero porque hasta su Lex fue de risa) y la película deja más que desear, con un guión más que pobre y una dirección más que dudosa. Desde luego, no es raro que fuera el rotundo fracaso que resultó ser.

Supermán Returns tampoco es continuación de las anteriores películas de Reeves y, desde luego, las últimas de Nolan sobre Batman (que precisamente partieron de 0), son las mejores que se han hecho hasta el momento sobre el héroe, dejando atrás las versiones "infantiles" de sus predecesoras y dándole una profundidad a la trama y a la figura del héroe que nunca antes se había visto.

Y, desde luego, si hay hoy por hoy alguien que haya demostrado con creces ser capaz de darle al personaje toda la riqueza de matices que se merece, ese ha sido Tom. Dudo que ahora mismo haya alguien que conozca tan bien al personaje como él, así es que creo que una unión de este tipo sería una apuesta segura.

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¡¡¡¡AY, OMÁ QUÉ CALORES!!!! ¡Gracias por tu regalo, Nitta!

Mensajes: 4541
Registrado: Mié Jun 06, 2007 4:43 pm
Ubicación: Roca Casterly


Mensaje por Bertu »

El problema es el desprestigio que se ganó Smallville con -muchos- fans de Superman, y eso ya viene desde el episodio piloto. Así que creo que dificilmente vayan a apostar por Tom. Muchos dirán, pero si se decantan por Tom muchos fans irán a ver la película. Cierto, y estoy seguro que muchos no irán a verla. Al fin y al cabo, es una película de Superman y tiene el éxito garantizado :smt023


Mensajes: 2082
Registrado: Lun Oct 02, 2006 11:28 am
Ubicación: España


Mensaje por Restart »

Tom Welling lleva interpretando la vida pre-Superman desde hace 10 años... Si hay un tio que realmente sepa como hacer de superman ese es Tom Welling.. Conoce al personaje de principio a fin.. Este Brandon, habrá leido todos los comics que quiera, yo también lo he hecho, así que no veo más mérito que el de Tom Welling para que interprete a Superman.
Además, es que no me gustó verle como Superman, es que ya no es lo estético, es que este tio no da la creedibilidad al personaje como lo hace Tom.

Para mi Tom VS Brandon.... Sin duda Tom, pero no por fan de Smallville, si no por el bien de Superman.


Mensajes: 32837
Registrado: Dom May 21, 2006 12:15 am


Mensaje por Shelby »

Y la contestación del mismo Nolan es que él no quiere a Brandon para el papel porque no quiere que piensen que su película es una secuela de Returns, porque no tiene nada que ver.

Supermán no es sinónimo de éxito asegurado... Nada más hay que tirar unos pocos años atrás y comprobar el fiasco de Returns. :smt102

Imagen Imagen
¡¡¡¡AY, OMÁ QUÉ CALORES!!!! ¡Gracias por tu regalo, Nitta!

Mensajes: 32837
Registrado: Dom May 21, 2006 12:15 am


Mensaje por Shelby »

Bueno, bueno... previsible, aunque no deja de ser sorprendente...

Ya es oficial, Zack Snyder ha sido elegido para dirigir la nueva película de Supermán, que será producida por Christopher Nolan para la Warner Bros. y Legendary Pictures.

El director de “300”, “Watchmen” y “Legend of the Guardians” trabajará codo con codo con los productores Christopher Nolan y Emma Thomas, el dúo que elevó al personaje de Batman hacia la credibilidad cinematográfica con las películas “Batman Begins” y “The Dark Knight”. David S. Goyer (“Batman Begins”) está escribiendo el guión, compartiendo los créditos de la historia con Nolan.

El nombre de Snyder ha aparecido recientemente en una corta lista de directores potenciales entre los que estaban Tony Scott (Unstoppable, The Taking of Pelham 123), Jonathan Liebesman (Battle: Los Angeles, Clash of the Titans 2), Duncan Jones (Moon, Source Code), Matt Reeves (Let Me In, Cloverfield) y Darren Aronofsky.

No obstante, la elección no es tan sorprendente teniendo en cuenta la relación que ha habido últimamente entre Snyder y la Warner Bros., que también incluye la próxima "Sucker Punch".

Matt Reeves ha dicho que nunca habló con la WB sobre la película y con respecto al rumor de Darren Aronofsky, su eliminación prácticamente borra el nombre de Natalie Portman de la lista de las rumoreadas candidatas para una posible Lois Lane, aunque este rumor carecía de solidez desde el primer día.

Aunque aún no se sabe nada específico sobre el guión que servirá de base a la película (tan sólo que se rumorea que tendrá una conexión con las películas de Donner, que en este caso parece que será el villano: el General Zod), la elección de Snyder nos hace pensar en que se trata de un gran proyecto. Está claro que podemos esperar muchísima más acción que la que vimos en la película de Singer y probablemente una visión mucho más épica y que tendremos imágenes que capturarán a un mucho más poderoso Hombre de Acero. La pregunta es si Snyder conseguirá también aportar la sensibilidad narrativa necesaria que se precisa para el personaje.

El director de 44 años ha hecho sus primeras declaraciones sobre la noticia: “Me siento increíble,” dijo antes de corregirse a sí mismo. “Me siento súper increíble.” Snyder se encontró con Nolan en Las Vegas en Marzo y las posibilidades sobre el renacimiento de Supermán fue ganando fuerza con los meses.

El director ha mostrado hasta ahora tener un don para la hiper-realidad cinética y ha admitido que en los últimos días se ha encontrado “tumbado despierto por la noche” pensando en las maneras de presentar al Hombre de Acero que sobrevuela el cielo de una ciudad llamada Metrópolis. Declinó hablar sobre la historia o el cásting pero dijo que la meta de la producción de la película son las navidades del 2012.

El equipo de producción también incluye a Charles Roven (“The Dark Knight”) y a Deborah Snyder.

Comentó que su pasión por los cómics y por el personaje que probablemente le proporcionó el trabajo para relanzar la franquicia.

“No puedo decir por qué vinieron a mí más que por el hecho de que ellos saben el cariño que le tengo al personaje y el verdadero deseo de entenderle y presentarle a una nueva audiencia", dice Synder. "Es difícil no ser fan de Supermán con el lugar que ocupa en la cultura pop y lo iconográfico que es".“El desafío es enorme pero sabes que con Chris,Emma y Debbie tengo un montón de gente en la que la que confiar. Y Chris y David le han dado la forma de una gran historia. Es un personaje duro de abordar".

Snyder comentó que la nueva película presenta un desafío en la era de la cultura pop de "Red Dead Redemption" e “Inception” pero que rehúsa pensar que un personaje que rivaliza con Mickey Mouse y Santa Claus en cuanto a su reconocimiento pueda ser considerado alguna vez como una reliquia. “Pienso que es viable, sí,” dice Snyder. “Él perdura. Todos queremos saber, ‘¿Cómo vendrá a nosotros ahora?’ Él es el mayor y el mejor. El más grande de todos ellos, ¿verdad?. Todos queremos conocer cómo el próximo capítulo toma forma. Yo quiero saber cómo tomará forma".

"He sido un gran fan del personaje desde hace mucho tiempo, él es definitivamente el rey de todos los suprehéroes, él es el único. Es pronto aún, pero puedo decirte que lo que David [Goyer] y Chris [Nolan] han hecho con la historia hasta ahora me ha dado una gran comprensión en la manera de hacer que se sienta moderno. Siempre he sentido que él era impresionante. Terminaré 'Sucker Punch' y me meteré de lleno en ello."

Comentó que Supermán "aporta ese punto extra de sabiduría a un proceso en el que algunas veces falta. Es la mejor situación en la que podríamos estar para este personaje".

Imagen Imagen
¡¡¡¡AY, OMÁ QUÉ CALORES!!!! ¡Gracias por tu regalo, Nitta!

Mensajes: 284
Registrado: Sab Dic 09, 2006 12:32 pm


Mensaje por K-Fabio »

Gracias por la informacion Shelby!Gran aportacion. Me gusta, ademas, que Nolan este detras del un hombre con una tremenda persepctiva cinematografica y seguro que tendra una gran influencia en la peli. El director, si es el de 300, es una gran noticia que haya sido elegido.

Estoy muy entusiasmado con la nueva peli, que hagan ya el casting y nos digan los actores que eligen!xd

Mensajes: 32837
Registrado: Dom May 21, 2006 12:15 am


Mensaje por Shelby »

Y de momento sigue habiendo esperanza...

- Superman: Details from Zack Snyder (
Superman: Details from Zack Snyder
October 15th, 2010

Zack Snyder is currently making the European press rounds in support of his latest directorial effort Legend of The Guardians: The Owls of Ga'Hoole, and he let slip some small but important details in regards to his next project, the highly touted Superman. While very little is known about this DC Comics
reboot, it has been said that the character of Superman will be updated with a story that fits our current cultural atmosphere.

About what he is planning to do with this iconic superhero, possibly the most famous superhero in the world, Zack Snyder said this to Filmsactu (as translated by Bleeding Cool):

"As I have already explained, the film will focus on the early days of Superman, so there will be no links with the other films. This is not a remake then. Similarly, although I still cannot talk about the script, I can assure you that this new Superman will not be based on any comic book in particular."

While Zack Snyder did mention that this new Superman reboot wouldn't be tied to the Richard Donner/Bryan Singer movies, he didn't rule out a connection to the CW's Smallville, which is ending its ten season run next spring.

The fan out cry for Tom Welling and Erica Durance to continue on in the roles of Clark Kent/Superman and Lois Lane is deafening. There is no indication that Zack Snyder is interested in either actor at this point, or that he would even consider turning Superman into a big screen version of Smallville. But he hasn't stated anything contrary to that fact, either.

Superman comes to theaters in 2012. The film is directed by Zack Snyder.

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¡¡¡¡AY, OMÁ QUÉ CALORES!!!! ¡Gracias por tu regalo, Nitta!


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