Información y renovados para la Novena temporada.

Spoilers, teorías, posibles argumentos.

Moderadores: Shelby, Lore, Super_House, ZeTa, Trasgo

Lana Lang
Lana Lang
Mensajes: 375
Registrado: Vie Mar 20, 2009 7:10 am
Ubicación: en algun lugar de mexico

Re: Información y renovados para la Novena temporada.

Mensaje por erica_lane »

hay Dios que nervios, es que estos de smallville, me dan
miedito, hacen cada cosa, cuando pienso que todo va bien,
van y hacen su cagad..., solo espero que no sea eso que dicen

avatar KatherineKent y gifs onebreath gracias

Mensajes: 33034
Registrado: Dom May 21, 2006 12:15 am

Re: Información y renovados para la Novena temporada.

Mensaje por Shelby »

Acabo de leer la última desvergüenza de los "maravillosos" creadores Miller y Gough... No contentos con llevar a la serie a un abismo argumental, de convertir a Clark en un mero idiota, de lograr un auténtico malestar entre los actores (lo que llevó, entre otras, a la marcha de Anette) y de conseguir que la serie perdiera audiencia con sus despropósitos ahora, en el colmo de la caradura, estos señores se han dado cuenta de que la serie realmente tiene potencial y han demandado a la WB y a la CW porque, según ellos, "la serie tiene un potencial (obviamente económico, porque de otro tipo sabemos de sobra que les interesa bien poco) que la WB y la CW no están explotando".

NO contentos con querer hundir la serie en años anteriores, ahora parece que se han dado cuenta de la "gallina de los huevos de oro" que tenían y de que realmente si les hubiera dado la gana podrían haber hecho las cosas en condiciones, así es que quieren seguir exprimiendo lo que dejaron atrás y en muy mal estado de salud...

¡Os juro que si alguna vez ha habido un verdadero cáncer en la serie, no me cabe duda que han sido estos dos! :doubt: ... nt=Twitter

Imagen Imagen
¡¡¡¡AY, OMÁ QUÉ CALORES!!!! ¡Gracias por tu regalo, Nitta!

Mensajes: 4541
Registrado: Mié Jun 06, 2007 4:43 pm
Ubicación: Roca Casterly

Re: Información y renovados para la Novena temporada.

Mensaje por Bertu »

Que vuelvan a hacer otra película de la Momia y los dejen dentro de la pirámide. Aprovechados...


Lois Lane
Lois Lane
Mensajes: 658
Registrado: Sab Feb 07, 2009 11:31 pm

Re: Información y renovados para la Novena temporada.

Mensaje por Cin »

Pues muy listos no son estos dos.... el mito de supermán un filón? Ah!!! ahora se dan cuenta, de hecho siempre ha sido un auténtico reclamo publicitario.... ¿alguien vería esta serie si no es por supermán, y luego por supermán y Lois? Ya podrían haber respetado la historia, que no han sido ni respetuosos ni creativos... menos mal que los derechos de autor no les han dejado pisotear a personajes como Lois, que seguro que habrían pisoteado.... si Lana hubiese tenido derechos de autor otro gallo nos cantaría...


Lois Lane
Lois Lane
Mensajes: 852
Registrado: Lun Dic 04, 2006 2:16 am

Re: Información y renovados para la Novena temporada.

Mensaje por isma20 »

No os deis mal rato, Cin. Esto solo sirve, por si había alguna duda, para comprobar una vez más, que estos señores son unos impresentables, no tienen ni puñetera idea del mito de superman y encima, se dan el lujo de tomar esta acción que lo único que sirve es para sacar tajada, al fin y al cabo, el dinero es lo único que les ha interesado siempre, más alla de hacer una serie creativa y con sentido, como lo esta siendo ahora. :smt023

Y sí, si hubiesen tenido control absoluto sobre el personaje de Lois, quizás ahora no estariamos hablando de ella! :doubt:

Lois Lane
Lois Lane
Mensajes: 514
Registrado: Mié Jul 29, 2009 6:16 pm
Ubicación: España

Re: Información y renovados para la Novena temporada.

Mensaje por clois_forever »

Madre mía, no tenia ni idea de que fueran así de interesados este par... Ahora empiezo a entender el porque de su marcha y las diferencias que tenian con algunos de los actores, no sabía que había tan mal rollo. Me alegro un montón de que se fueran porque el nivel de la serie a subido mucho y que casualidad que no están ellos en el equipo, ya me puedo hacer una idea de porque era tan aburrida la serie en los primeros años: estaban ellos!!
Es una lástima que estemos hablando de los mismísimos ¡Creadores! de la serie :roll:

- Somewhere out there we all got a bullet with our name on it -

Lois Lane
Lois Lane
Mensajes: 512
Registrado: Sab Mar 28, 2009 5:06 am

Re: Información y renovados para la Novena temporada.

Mensaje por Galen »

Por favor, sólo les falta desearles la muerte. :roll:

Un poco de objetividad no les vendría mal, los de Warner no son unos santos tampoco, a los tribunales de decidir.
"Warner Bros.' practices of unfair self-dealing include licensing the series for broadcast on its own affiliated WB and CW networks for unreasonably low, below-market license fees, resulting in lower gross revenues for the series and less compensation for plaintiffs, and failing to renegotiate the series' license fee to cover its production cost," the suit claims. ... lions.html
Acusan a Warner Bros. de cobrar cuotas de transmisión por debajo del valor del mercado, resultando en ingresos menores para la serie y fallando en renegociar la cuota de licencia para cubrir los costes de producción.

Este tipo de caso es común, a principios de la década hubieron varias demandas:
So-called "vertical integration" cases were all the rage at the beginning of the decade, thanks to the consolidation of TV production and distribution following the lifting of "fin-syn" rules. That resulted in a wave of lawsuits brought by profit participants on shows whose owners were licensing content to sister-company distributors. Participants on "Home Improvement" and "The X-Files" reportedly received massive settlements after claiming in lawsuits against Disney and Fox, respectively, that vertical integration cost them millions. A trial over profits from NBC's hit comedy "Will & Grace" actually reached a jury, but the case was settled before the verdict was read.

The frequency of vertical integration lawsuits has slowed in recent years, thanks to increased studio efforts to negotiate at arms length and new deal language that has kept many disputes in private arbitration rather than public litigation. But there is still a widespread belief in the creative community that "Hollywood accounting" systematically shortchanges talent, especially when studios are making deals with affiliated entities or licensing product on which a percentage-based participation is owed in large packages with other participant-free content.

The "Smallville" producers also claim that Warner Bros. sold the show in foreign markets and "lumped it in with several other, less successful shows" in a package. In allocating individual license fees to the series afterwards, "several series that are less popular than 'Smallville' were allocated a higher per-episode fee than 'Smallville' " and "Smallville's" allocation was "well below the value of the series in the foreign markets."

The misallocation theory mirrors claims in a lawsuit filed in 2004 against Warner Bros. by Alan Ladd Jr., a profit participant on several Warners films from the 1980s who argued that his movies were lumped into packages and undervalued when Warners allocated license fees across hundreds of films. That case ended in a $3 million-plus jury verdict for Ladd in 2007, which is still on appeal.

Additionally the "Smallville" suit claims that Warner Bros. improperly withheld foreign taxes to the tune of $3.3 million, improperly reported production costs that resulted in $4 million in withheld revenue, didn't pursue or did not report savings from the Canadian tax credit stemming from the fact that "Smallville" is produced in Canada and thwarted plaintiffs' audit attempts.
La demanda sostiene que Warner Bros. retuvo impropiamente impuestos extranjeros por $3.3 millones y que tampoco informó costes de producción que resultaron en $4 millones de ingresos retenidos, ni informó sobre los ahorros del crédito de impuestos canadiense al Smallville ser producido en Canadá y frustraron los intentos de auditoría de los demandantes.

No me extrañaría si llegan a un acuerdo, sería lo más sensato para ambas partes.

Clark Kent
Clark Kent
Mensajes: 1128
Registrado: Vie Ene 12, 2007 9:27 pm

Re: Información y renovados para la Novena temporada.

Mensaje por Vader_el »

Galen hijo, no empecemos con las demagogias ni sobre lo que esta sobre lo humano y lo divino justo o injusto, que a todas luces lo que proponen ese par es ridículo x lo que voy a explicar a continuación, ya que cierto es que no todos son demonios, ni mucho menos en el caso de ese par santos, pero no por ello tienen razón como crees en la pataleta que tienen ahora (que va tener como resultado que WB no los contrate en la vida)

La politica de WB con respecto a las series, es IGUAL para todas sus series (venderlas por packs) como ya se ha visto en el reciente acuerdo de Warner con la Sexta en España (donde el canal tiene derecho a la emisión de todas sus series y peliculas)

Y parece ser que WB no es la unica empresa que se rige por un modus operandi similar ya que MGM ha llegado a un acuerdo parecido con la sexta en lo referente a peliculas

Ante lo cual tan horrendo lo que hace WB con smallville y otras series, no es, sino mas bien es lo normal, que con ello se ahorran ellos dinero y ganan mas beneficio, bueno… quien tire la 1º piedra quien no haga algo asi si pudiese, y mas cuando no es ilicito y lo hacen el resto de compañías, ¿que por eso sea mas o menos justo nos vamos a tener que poner a demandar a todas las compañías por usar esa politica de ventas? Es totalmente ridiculo las pretensiones de esos dos

En el acuerdo de la sexta con Warner por ejemplo dicen que podría incluir friends y serie mas mitica que esa no hay, con lo cual si con TODAS las series es asi ¿xq con smallville tendría que ser diferente?, vamos como si ahora los creadores y/o productores de series Warner (oth supernatural etc etc) la demandasen por tratar sus series en el mercado como al resto y no como “las estrellitas de la casa” que es lo que quisieran tener todas las series tratos privilegiados, si hubiese discriminación entre las series aun, pero estando todas las series en el mismo saco sean mejores o peores a la hora de venderlas , esto es una memez y una pataleta por parte de esos dos lo cual demuestran que no debieron salir en muy buenos terminos si ahora al ver que la serie va bien sin ellos dan semejante pataleta, vamos es ridiculo querer cambiar la politica de WB sobre todo xq no es la unica que actua asi en estos temas


Lois Lane
Lois Lane
Mensajes: 871
Registrado: Sab Sep 05, 2009 3:54 pm
Ubicación: en el tur de la galacia con Clark Kent

Re: Información y renovados para la Novena temporada.

Mensaje por Svmarines »

Vader_el escribió: La politica de WB con respecto a las series, es IGUAL para todas sus series (venderlas por packs) como ya se ha visto en el reciente acuerdo de Warner con la Sexta en España (donde el canal tiene derecho a la emisión de todas sus series y peliculas)
Pues te dire k todas las series no la tiene la 6ta. pork el otro dia vi de casualidad por la 7 k es un canal de telecinco 90210 con otro nombre (porsupuesto el nombre en español) asik compraron todos los derechos pero no de todas hay k esperar al 2011 para ver k traen realmente.


Clark Kent
Clark Kent
Mensajes: 1128
Registrado: Vie Ene 12, 2007 9:27 pm

Re: Información y renovados para la Novena temporada.

Mensaje por Vader_el »

yolamejor escribió: Pues te dire k todas las series no la tiene la 6ta. pork el otro dia vi de casualidad por la 7 k es un canal de telecinco 90210 con otro nombre (porsupuesto el nombre en español) asik compraron todos los derechos pero no de todas hay k esperar al 2011 para ver k traen realmente.
pues te diré que 90210 no es de warner, es de paramount en co producción con CBS (os recuerdo que aunque se emita en CW esta no es solo de WB es 50% CBS y 50% WB con lo cual en CW emiten series principalmente producidas por CBS y WB, a WB pertenece OTH VD, smallville supernatural y Gossip (que son justo las series que estan en los "packs" de la discordia) y de CBS son Melrose, 90210 entre otras


Mensajes: 4541
Registrado: Mié Jun 06, 2007 4:43 pm
Ubicación: Roca Casterly

Re: Información y renovados para la Novena temporada.

Mensaje por Bertu »


A *a*o* *****e *i** ***a* **

A major couple will break up, creo que ya es seguro :smt005


Clark Kent
Clark Kent
Mensajes: 1279
Registrado: Vie Sep 04, 2009 11:47 pm
Ubicación: Venezuela

Re: Información y renovados para la Novena temporada.

Mensaje por Alexakent »

asi es bertu, un 80% puede ser eso, Puede ser una broma de ausellio, O tambien puede ser Chloe y Oliver al final son pareja o no???.... Otro acertijo que nos da Mi querido ausiello si nos despeja una letra por semana, pronto sabremos la cuestion si es asi que pareja sera??? :smt005 :smt005 :smt005

- Clarkista 100% - esperando que vuele :)

Mensajes: 33034
Registrado: Dom May 21, 2006 12:15 am

Re: Información y renovados para la Novena temporada.

Mensaje por Shelby »

- Entrevista con Kelly Souders para "Pop Culture Shock":
Talking Smallville with Showrunner Kelly Souders
By Keith Chow April 1, 2010 at 10:31 am

After a month-long break, Smallville returns Friday night with an all-new episode. In “Escape,” Clark and Lois set out on a romantic weekend “that kind of goes awry,” according to Executive Producer Kelly Souders. The episode also sees the reveal of a “new duo”—most likely referring to the recent hook-up between Ollie and Chloe—and the live action debut of the Silver Banshee, in what has become a recent trend of comic-accurate interpretations of DC villains and heroes. “We always try to give a nod [to the comics] if not more,” says Souders. “For us, it was also a conscious effort to move closer and closer to the mythology as Clark gets closer and closer to [becoming] Superman.”

The events of “Escape” also set up the action involving Zod, the Kandorians, and Checkmate that will carry through to the end of the season. Of course, speculation has centered around whether or not the endgame of season nine would ultimately be the run up to a series finale. That mystery was answered, however, when it was recently announced that Smallville would be returning for an unprecedented tenth season. Which begs the question: will season 10 be the last one?

Last week, I had a few minutes with Kelly Souders, one-half of the showrunning team, to find out.

Wow, ten seasons, huh? Congratulations on reaching such a milestone! Now that we know you’re coming back, I think the one thing everyone wants to know is if it’s the final season.
It’s funny because over each of the last few seasons, people have speculated “oh this must be the last season!” So I’ve learned to never ever bet against Smallville.

Most genre shows rarely go beyond six or seven seasons, if that. Superhero shows usually fare much worse even. What do you think attributes to this kind of longevity? I mean, Tom Welling has already played Clark Kent longer than any other actor in history.
That’s true. Everybody on our crew and in our cast approaches every season like it needs to be the best season of Smallville. And because of that passion, I think that’s why we’re still on the air. Nobody comes in thinking, “oh this is the last season, I don’t need to work that hard.” Otherwise, we would’ve ended the show years ago. But I also think 10 is a nice round number and everybody feels very thrilled and privileged to get this far, so I definitely wouldn’t assume it’s not the end just because we’ve had an incredible run.

The converse of that, though, is that instead of saying “this is the end, let’s not work that hard,” you could do what the folks over at Lost have done and say “this is it; we’re going to throw everything out there and build toward the ending.”
Yes. Definitely

And in the case of Smallville, we all know what that ending is. Speaking of which, do you already have an endgame planned? And if so, how similar or dissimilar is it to what the show’s creators—Al Gough and Miles Millar—envisioned?
Whenever the final episode airs—whenever that is—there are moments that Al and Miles always talked about, and those are moments that we want to use to preserve their vision. They’re really great steps to getting into the full Superman mythos. So what will be a part of that episode, whenever it is, will be their vision. And every season, we think of more moments that would be really cool in the final episode. So we’ve been gathering these jewels along the way each year.

How many more jewels do you guys have up your sleeves? Because I have to admit, these last two seasons have been jam-packed with iconic Superman moments. For example, fans have long speculated that the final, final scene of the series would be Clark ripping open his shirt and revealing the iconic S-symbol underneath. The thing is, you already did that this season in the episode “Warrior!” So doesn’t that just up the ante for what we can expect in the series finale? How do you walk the line between giving fans what they want without showing your hand too much too early?
That’s what’s so great about Superman. There’s always something down the road. You never really run out of things to play with!

Speaking of upping the ante, February’s “Absolute Justice” was a landmark episode for the series. Not only did it mark your first ever two-hour movie, it did phenomenally well for you. I can only assume that the eventual series finale kind of has to be a similar extended event.
Yeah. We try to up the ante every year and challenge ourselves to do something new. We’re always looking for an aspect of the show that fans haven’t seen. So [“Absolute Justice”] brought in a new level of integration of the DC world and characters [into Smallville].

That episode also set up the whole Checkmate storyline that will play out the rest of this season. And I must say there’s pretty much a consensus that believes Pam Grier as Amanda Waller is genius casting!
She’s been so much fun! I love her Amanda Waller. You never know exactly what she’s going to do. She makes her unpredictable and wonderful.

Geoff Johns was such a big part of why “Absolute Justice” worked so well, and he’s done a lot when it comes to introducing the DCU into Smallville. During your hiatus, it was announced that Geoff was named Chief Creative Officer of the newly restructured DC Entertainment. Since Geoff is part of the Smallville extended family, what will his new role mean for the show?
It’s funny because we just came from lunch with Geoff! We’ve known Geoff a long time and absolutely love working with him. It’s just been a really great working experience. He’s always been completely supportive of Smallville. Every year we work with him to try to bring in some new characters. So certainly next year won’t be an exception. We’ll definitely be taking a new step towards the goal of expanding the DC world and hopefully everybody will like what we come up with!

From what I understand, DC Entertainment was formed to act as a liaison between the comics and Hollywood.
I think that what they’re doing is trying to expand the DC Comics’ reach even further. Obviously, having Smallville on for close to a decade has shown how viable television is as far as expanding DC’s world. Now with Human Target’s success, that’s going to be a focus for them as well as the features side. We just expect that world to keep going because it’s filled with great characters and great stories that fans love seeing in multiple formats.

In the past, it seemed as if the features side of Warner always had restrictions on what you could and couldn’t show on Smallville. For example, certain characters are barred from ever appearing because of movie developments and so on. Has that changed? Will that change at all?
What’s important to the people at DC, just like any company that’s trying to oversee multiple properties, is to make sure everything lines up properly. To make sure that if something’s developing on the feature side that there isn’t a conflict somewhere else. With a lot more focus on DC, things will probably be happening that will allow for some of that. But it’s kind of complicated because we don’t really know just how things are going change that much. But I think it’s just going to be people making sure properties are protected and used in the best way.

I’ve never really understood the movie vs. television conflict anyway. I mean, Warner was able to develop, produce and release a Superman film while you guys were on the air. Now, it looks like the studio and Christopher Nolan are putting into motion another Superman feature. Will this new movie have any effect on what you do on the show?
Nobody’s called over [from the movie side] to say “hey, you can’t do that, we’re doing this over here.” You know, we’ve been on for so long that I think everybody sort of sees Smallville as its own little universe. But certainly, everyone’s big idea is to sort of string everything together.

Sorry for the brief tangent, but in talking about the Superman movies, it always frustrates me whenever I read an article about the failure of Superman as a film franchise, the writer usually bemoans the fact that as a character, Superman is inherently unrelatable to 21st century audiences. And I’m like, what about Smallville? They’ve been making Superman relate-able and appealing forever!
I find Superman to be incredibly easy to relate to. I mean, he’s alienated, he feels alone, he’s not sure he fits in. Everybody’s experienced that so for us, that’s definitely not an issue that we run in to.

Sorry for the rant. Going back to the show, and this season in particular, Tom Welling has spent considerable amount of time in the director’s chair over the last few seasons. Any more plans for Tom to direct this season or next?
Definitely. Tom’s a really great director. With his background, he really knows a lot about the other actors and finding the right motivation for a scene. And he’s really had some wonderful material to work with.

Speaking of directors, one of the show’s originals is coming back in the form of Greg Beeman. Other familiar faces returning this season include Michael McKean as Perry White and Annette O’Toole as Martha. Can you talk about what it’s like having these old school alums back in Smallville?
It’s been a blast. Brian and I have always enjoyed working with Annette. Obviously, Michael’s version of Perry White is unforgettable. He’s really brings a lot of energy and life to that character. And Greg had a lot to do with the production for many years. And while we’re not saying whether or not it’s the end, everybody knows the show is definitely in its homestretch, so it’s nice to see some familiar faces again.

Speaking of familiar faces, any chances Laura Vandervoort will be coming back as Kara? Last we saw her, she was searching for Kandor and the Kandorians have been such a major plot point this season.
Well, Laura’s on V so she’s been a little busy. But her name does come up a lot so you never know.

Fair enough. How about Clark’s glasses? Are we going to see them return? Ever since Clark showed them to Lois in “Crossfire,” they’ve kind of gone missing. Are there plans to address the iconic Clark Kent disguise?
We definitely inch a little bit closer to that every year. So without a doubt, next year we’ll take maybe more than an inch or two towards that famous Clark Kent look.

So if you do plan to incorporate Clark’s “disguise,” do you have a plan to address how no one recognizes Clark in the glasses?
That’s really the great question of all time, isn’t it? How does someone not recognize someone behind a pair of glasses? For us, it’s more about the double identity to be honest, about getting both images together.

Of course, the other disguise people are clamoring for is another one for Clark’s superhero persona. Back in San Diego, I believe Brian mentioned that the black trenchcoat look was just the first prototype. Are there others along the way before we get to the iconic Superman costume?
I think we all know that what he’s wearing now is just the interim to what he eventually wears. We’re about to get into this discussion over the next couple weeks over hiatus! So stay tuned, I guess.

What about the final Superman costume? Will we ever see Tom don the iconic red and blue?
Now that I can’t answer! People have been asking us that for years! I can’t blow it now!

Touche. So, finally, how do you maintain the balance of the original intent of Smallville without making it a full blown Superman show?
Each year, it’s a different challenge because we don’t want him to completely stall. We always want him to keep making progress and move toward becoming Superman. So at the beginning of each season, we sit down and talk about Clark psychologically. What’s going on with him, why he hasn’t put on the outfit, the lessons he has to learn. So each year, we look over what the final stages are that he has to get through being Superman 100%. You know, not just going around saving people, but actually embracing his persona and being that symbol of hope. ... ers/55025/

Imagen Imagen
¡¡¡¡AY, OMÁ QUÉ CALORES!!!! ¡Gracias por tu regalo, Nitta!

Lois Lane
Lois Lane
Mensajes: 512
Registrado: Sab Mar 28, 2009 5:06 am

Re: Información y renovados para la Novena temporada.

Mensaje por Galen »

And in the case of Smallville, we all know what that ending is. Speaking of which, do you already have an endgame planned? And if so, how similar or dissimilar is it to what the show’s creators—Al Gough and Miles Millar—envisioned?

Kelly Souders: Whenever the final episode airs—whenever that is—there are moments that Al and Miles always talked about, and those are moments that we want to use to preserve their vision. They’re really great steps to getting into the full Superman mythos. So what will be a part of that episode, whenever it is, will be their vision. And every season, we think of more moments that would be really cool in the final episode. So we’ve been gathering these jewels along the way each year.
Esto es algo que siempre han dicho Peterson y Souders (productores actuales) desde que AlMiles dejaron el show, que el final de Smallville será la visión que éstos tenían. Ojalá que esa visión sea Clark volando con el traje de Superman. :super05

Mensajes: 33034
Registrado: Dom May 21, 2006 12:15 am

Re: Información y renovados para la Novena temporada.

Mensaje por Shelby »

- "Amor y Aventura para Chloe Sullivan" (TVGuide):
Amor y Aventura para Chloe Sullivan
Por Rich Sands 01 de Abril, 2010 05:54 PM EST

Si pensábais que la asistencia médica era nuestro tema más divisivo de nuestro país hoy, deberíais revisar el debate online sobre el romance en ciernes de Smallville. No estamos hablando sobre Clark Kent y Lois Lane. En su lugar, es la relación incipiente entre Chloe Sullivan y Oliver Queen la que ha encendido a los fans de la serie esta temporada.

Desde el episodio del 12 de Febrero, cuando la Chloe de Allison Mack tomó una lección de tiro cargada de sexualidad del Ollie de Justin Hartley (aka Green Arrow), esta inverosímil pareja ha provocado tanto aplausos entusiastas como abucheos mordaces. Esperad más fricciones el Viernes cuando “Chlollie,” como sus fans los llaman, se topen con Lois y Clark en un romántico hotel.

“Lo que es divertido de su relación es que estamos jugando con ella de forma diferente con la que hemos jugado en otras relaciones, porque ambos están muy quemados en el amor,” dice el productor ejecutivo Brian Peterson. “Y así el hecho de que estén tan sólo divirtiéndose y disfrutando de la compañía del otro es algo muy adulto y nuevo en la serie.” Peterson fue evasivo en cuanto a dónde va todo esto, pero hizo una promesa “unas cuantas piedras de toque en su relación a lo largo del resto de la temporada. El final tiene una importante historia Chloe/Oliver.”

El romance no es la única cosa en la agenda de Chloe esta primavera. Su creciente inmersión en su alias como Watchtower —intermediaria de la información para la comunidad de superhéroes—ha provocado que muchos de sus amigos y aliados la avisen de su pérdida de contacto. “Has estado mirando el mundo a través de una cámara demasiado últimamente,” le dijo Clark en Enero, enfadado por la forma en que su mehor amiga pareciera consumida con monitorizar a los villanos—y a los héroes. “Quizá sea tiempo de que salgas y vivas en realidad en él.”

Las noticias sobre la próxima muerte de un personaje tiene a la pasional base de fans de Chloe preocupados. ¿Así es que a dónde va todo esto? Peterson os sugiere que estéis en antena el 20 de Abril, para el sugerente episodio titulado “Sacrifice.” “Todo lo que Chloe ha estado haciendo durante el año culmina en ese episodio,” dice. “Ella aprende de alguna manera su lección de lo que ocurre cuando te conviertes en el Gran Hermano. Es un episodio realmente tenso y divertido.”

Imagen Imagen
¡¡¡¡AY, OMÁ QUÉ CALORES!!!! ¡Gracias por tu regalo, Nitta!


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