Información y renovados para la Décima Temporada

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Moderadores: Shelby, Lore, Super_House, ZeTa, Trasgo

Clark Kent
Clark Kent
Mensajes: 1436
Registrado: Lun Abr 09, 2007 10:30 pm
Ubicación: Venezuela

Re: Información y renovados para la Décima Temporada

Mensaje por shellbys »

Dev-Em escribió:
shellbys escribió: :doubt: :smt102 :doubt:
Como iran a cerrar este personaje de Chloe en Smallville
Pues teniendo en cuenta que Chloe Sullivan no va a pertenecer al Universo DC me imagino que o bien muere o bien acaba en un psiquiátrico (así al menos quedaría viva). Ya han dicho que Chloe no aparecerá en los comics de Superman así que su personaje sólo será recordado en la serie. Entonces alguna excusa deben encontrar para que en la era Superman, Chloe no pueda aparecer.

El hecho que diga que puede acabar en un psiquiátrico es porque su madre Moira Sullivan acabó interna en uno y con respecto a acabar muerta es porque el Dr. Fate advirtió a Chloe que ambos comparten el mismo destino... aunque cabe recordar que Kent Nelson tras ser el Dr. Fate se sumergió de lleno en la locura. :doubt:
:doubt: :smt102 :doubt:
Bueno el Dr. Fate primero fue medio loco para no decir por completo y despues fue muerto como todos sabemos, y tambien hay q recordar q la Legion tambien dijo q el futuro no se sabe nada de Chloe, aunque creo fue porq ella tenia q morir despues q Brainiac tomo su cuerpo pero como todo sabemos Clark la salvo y cambio la historia o mejor dicho cambio el futuro.


Mensajes: 32857
Registrado: Dom May 21, 2006 12:15 am

Re: Información y renovados para la Décima Temporada

Mensaje por Shelby »

Chicos ir revisando el post de atrás que voy actualizando las fotos. :wink:

Imagen Imagen
¡¡¡¡AY, OMÁ QUÉ CALORES!!!! ¡Gracias por tu regalo, Nitta!

Clark Kent
Clark Kent
Mensajes: 1279
Registrado: Vie Sep 04, 2009 11:47 pm
Ubicación: Venezuela

Re: Información y renovados para la Décima Temporada

Mensaje por Alexakent »

Todo excelentes noticias. tambien que cassy ESTA EN EL ELENCO REGULAR. :smt005 :smt005 :smt005 :smt005 :smt005

- Clarkista 100% - esperando que vuele :)

Mensajes: 47
Registrado: Lun May 17, 2010 1:25 pm

Re: Información y renovados para la Décima Temporada

Mensaje por Davidovix21 »

Lau90 escribió:qué os parece si dejais la pereza y os leeis los comentarios de la gente y os informais un poquito porque yo si que me los leo todos para no hacer preguntas ni comentarios absurdos de cosas que ya se han aclarado y luego tengo que estar perdiendo el tiempo leyendo las vuestras o lo pierde alguien contestando mil veces lo mismo...
Me parece que no has entendido bien mi mensaje, o yo no me he explicado bien. Disculpas si es la última opción.
'Smallville' escribió:La actriz ha optado por no regresar a la serie como regular la la 10ª y última temporada.
No regresar a la seria como regular, significa que no va a salir en todos los episodios, como ha hecho en las casi todas las tempoadas, por no decir todas; saldrá en uno, luego en dos o tres no saldrá... etc.

Y, si yo me equivoco, o si no te dirigías a mi en tu mensaje, disculpas.



Clark Kent
Clark Kent
Mensajes: 1279
Registrado: Vie Sep 04, 2009 11:47 pm
Ubicación: Venezuela

Re: Información y renovados para la Décima Temporada

Mensaje por Alexakent »

Hola Davidovix21 bienvenida , creo un foro es eso para opinar y preguntar No todos entendemos las cosas de una forma....Y si unos no te responde dudas otros si Lo haremos saludos :smt005

Sobre chloe si que no estaran en los 22 cap aun esperamos cuantos a mi ver no seran mas de 12 saludos Y cualquier duda estamos a la orden... :smt023

Tom Welling: Season 10 will be huge!
News that "Smallville" would be ending next season broke yesterday, breaking fans hearts in the process. But even a CW press release touting the tenth and final season wasn't enough to keep star Tom Welling from telling PopWrap at The CW Upfronts this morning that 2011 might not be the end of Clark Kent's journey.

PopWrap: The network announced next year will be "Smallville's" final season -- bittersweet?
Tom Welling: That’s the funny thing. I’m really excited we have a season 10 – and I don’t want to jump to the sadness of it maybe being the last one. But we actually don’t know. We’ve lasted this long because the of the fans, who knows, if enough people watch this year ... eleven sounds pretty good too!

PW: And Allison Mack will be back, right?
Tom: Allison will be back! Just in a more limited capacity. Don’t worry, Chloe will be a part of season 10.

PW: The show started out with a "no tights, no flight" rule from the creators, but you guys have found clever ways around that over the years. Any feelings about actually seeing Clark slip into red and blue spandex?
Tom: I think there’s always a possibility of that. For me, one of the reasons I’ve felt like the show has been so great is because it follows Clark’s journey into becoming Superman. So if that happens, it will be very late in the season – even possibly the very last thing you see on "Smallville." ... qtmfm7nKSP

- Clarkista 100% - esperando que vuele :)

Mensajes: 47
Registrado: Lun May 17, 2010 1:25 pm

Re: Información y renovados para la Décima Temporada

Mensaje por Davidovix21 »

Alexa-Lois escribió:Hola Davidovix21 bienvenida
Soy varón xD.

Alexa-Lois escribió:, creo un foro es eso para opinar y preguntar No todos entendemos las cosas de una forma....Y si unos no te responde dudas otros si Lo haremos saludos :smt005
Ya, solo quería aclarar mi mensaje anterior.
Alexa-Lois escribió:Sobre chloe si que no estaran en los 22 cap aun esperamos cuantos a mi ver no seran mas de 12 saludos Y cualquier duda estamos a la orden... :smt023
Es lo que quería aclarar xD.

Bueno, siento el malententido.



Mensajes: 32857
Registrado: Dom May 21, 2006 12:15 am

Re: Información y renovados para la Décima Temporada

Mensaje por Shelby »

- Tom Welling: ¡La 10ª Temporada será enorme! (NYpost):
Tom Welling: ¡La 10ª Temporada será enorme!
Por Jarett Wieselman 20 de Mayo, 2010

Las noticias de que "Smallville" podría terminar la siguiente temporada salieron ayer, rompiendo los corazones de los fans en el proceso. Pero ni siquiera una nota de prensa de la CW diciendo vendiendo la décima y última temporada ha sido suficiente para evitar que la estrella Tom Welling le diga a PopWrap en las CW Upfronts esta mañana que el 2011 puede no ser el final del viaje de Clark Kent.

PopWrap: La cadena anunció que el proximo año será la temporada final de "Smallville's" -- ¿agridulce?
Tom Welling: Eso es lo divertido. Estoy realmente excitado de que tengamos una 10ª temporada –y no quiero saltar a la tristeza de que puede que sea la última. Pero en realidad no lo sabemos. hemos durado tanto por los fans, quién sabe, si la suficiente gente lo ve este año... ¡una once suena bastante bien también!

PW: ¿Y Allison Mack volverá, verdad?
Tom: ¡Allison regresará! Sólo que en una disponibilidad más limitada. No os preocupéis, Chloe será parte de la 10ª temporada.

PW: La serie empezó con la regla de "no vuelos, no mallas" de los creadores, pero habáis encontrado formas inteligentes sobre eso durante estos años. ¿Sentimientos sobre ver finalmente a Clark enfundarse en las mallas rojas y azules?
Tom: Creo que hay siempre una posibilidad de eso. Para mí, una de las razones por las que he sentido que la serie ha sido tan genial es porque sigue el viaje de Clark convirtiéndose en Supermán. Así es que si eso ocurre, será muy avanzado en la temporada – incluso posiblemente la última cosa que veas en "Smallville."

PW: ¿Qué te gustaría ver la próxima temporada?
Tom: Me gustaría verlo salir del lío en el que se metió al final de la temporada [risas]. Pero sobre todo me gustaría verlo con Lex de nuevo, me gustaría ver a Michael [Rosenbaum] regresar. Creo que estaría bien el ver a Lana y a Lois en la misma habitación, eso sería muy interesante para que Clark fuera parte de ello. Hay posibilidades de la Justice League, hay un montón de cosas. ¡La décima va a ser una temporada enorme!

PW: Con el posible final de la serie, uno piensa que podrías hacer a todo el mundo regresar.
Tom: ¡Eso espero! Espero que todos lo sientan así. Me encantaría ver a Annette [O' Toole, interpretar a Martha Kent] regresar más, a Michael McKean [Perry White], a John Schneider [Jonathan Kent] – a todos ellos. ¡Todos son parte de la familia! ... qtmfm7nKSP
- Smallville – ¿Dónde lo próximo? (Sci-Fi Now):
Smallville – ¿Dónde lo próximo?
Por Samuel Roberts 20 de Mayo, 2010

There’s something very final sounding about a tenth season. The show in question, whatever it may be, has reached double digits. Almost an entire decade of our lives has passed since we saw it begin. Such a feat seems almost inhibiting to most TV dramas – most run for no more than five – as every possible romance subplot and storytelling variable will have been touched upon at some point or another, while onlookers assume the show has ran thin creatively as a by-product of its time on the air.

For Smallville, a far greater problem lies in the shadows. As a show that was originally supposed to be Superman: The Early Years, we’re getting knee deep in the continuity of both Superman and the DC Universe, to the point where the show is essentially rewriting both through its own words. A series that was once Clark Kent, schoolboy with a heroic secret, now sees the handsome hero as a journalist at a Daily Planet, while romantically entangled with the snappy Lois Lane. The only item missing from this formula is the famous red, blue and yellow spandex outfit. If this is Superman: The Early Years, it’s difficult to see where else it can go as Smallville rolls into its tenth year.

The show’s current executive producer and co-showrunner, Brian Peterson, who took over from series developers Al Gough and Miles Millar at the start of season eight (with fellow exec producer Kelly Souders), embraces the results of this direction. “The vision we have this year is that as Clark is getting closer to the icon that is or will be Superman, we’re trying to merge his world a little more into that world, so it’s very intentional that we’re bringing more and more DC characters in. That’s been the idea behind bringing in people like Roulette, the Wonder Twins, and the Justice Society members.”

Indeed, ever since the show introduced The Flash variant Bart Allen in the excellent season four episode ‘Run’, Smallville has gained traction and confidence in its depiction of the wider DC universe. Notable characters that have popped up from time to time include Teen Titans’ Cyborg, Black Canary, Green Arrow (who became a series regular a couple of years ago), Aquaman, Zatanna, JSA and even the Legion of Superheroes. Short of Batman and Green Lantern (neither of whom will likely ever appear due to Warner’s ongoing film franchises), the show is digging quite deep into the densely overpopulated ranks of the DCU.

Season ten is only going to go further in this direction, but there are potential drawbacks. Perhaps Smallville is losing its sense of wonder in this relentless incorporation of non-Superman characters, in exploring areas on the periphery of the character’s relevance. Part of the show’s charm in seasons 1-5 of Smallville was the fact that the Superman alter ego of Clark Kent seemed like a distant. Now, we’re so thick in it, the show might as well be redubbed Lois & Clark: The Early Years. We’re basically watching something entirely different to the Smallville we were five years ago, and whether that’s a positive or a negative is certainly debatable.

So much of this transformation is down to two factors – introducing more and more DC characters to the mix is part of it, sure, but the other aspect is deepening the relationship between the characters, the latter of which seems constructed to make the audience forget the languishing on-off Clark/Lana relationship, the show’s bane for so many seasons. Peterson discusses the show’s current approach: “We try and walk the balance between the mythos and also our relationships we have, because we have so many strong, great relationships going on in Smallville.”

Building on the Clark/Lois dynamic has been difficult, as there is a sense that it clashes with the show’s established mythology. “We’re trying really hard to straddle the line of the Lois and Clark relationship while keeping all of the great history that has gone on with Chloe and all of our previous characters that have been on our show. Which has always been a really tough tightrope to walk.”

Peterson feels that capturing the essence of the DCU on a weekly basis is an even tougher challenge, however. “I’m not going to lie: bringing high-level characters like Hawkman and Doctor Fate to the screen is a concern every time we do it,” he says. “We want to do it right and make them feel right and valid in this world. A lot of time and effort goes into working on the costumes, working on the casting, working on how we’re going to light them. The first day we got dailies in on Absolute Justice, it was amazing how they just come to life and seem to work in our universe.

“I think a lot of that is because we’ve tested out characters over the season, we have tested out Zatanna and characters like the Persuader and the Legion. After doing episodes like those and seeing them be pretty successful and learning lessons from those, I think everybody was ready for this challenge and every single department stepped up to make it real.”

Indeed, Absolute Justice – treated like a TV movie by network The CW, which gained the show extra ratings clout – could be seen as a template for the kind of episodes Smallville will be doing more of in season ten. Peterson praises the creative and narrative impact the episode (penned by the superbly talented DC writer, Geoff Johns) had on the show: “We really tried to find a way for that group to fit organically into the story we’re telling this season. It illustrates some pretty major things in Clark’s life and journey this season.

“A lot of it is about leadership and Clark having to become a leader of his people once he realizes there’s Kandorians on earth. And Clark trying to figure out the leadership of what will become the Justice League. So all of the lessons that the JSA learned in the past, will inform how Clark starts to work with his new League and all of the Kandorians.” Indeed, with many aspects of the Superman lore now touched upon or exhausted – including the Luthors, Doomsday, the Kents and the oddly deceased Jimmy Olsen, to name but a few – it seems that tapping into these higher-concept aspects of the Superman’s mythology is the way to go. It’s easy to forget that the show is off-continuity in so many ways; Jimmy Olsen, in particular, never died in the comic books (in current continuity, anyway), but he’s gone. Season ten could, theoretically, kill off a number of major characters as the show moves towards its natural end point, something that can’t be too far away at this point. ... here-next/

Imagen Imagen
¡¡¡¡AY, OMÁ QUÉ CALORES!!!! ¡Gracias por tu regalo, Nitta!

Mensajes: 25
Registrado: Dom Nov 25, 2007 11:22 pm
Ubicación: en lo que queda de Krypton

Re: Información y renovados para la Décima Temporada

Mensaje por Krifuz »

Lau90 escribió:qué os parece si dejais la pereza y os leeis los comentarios de la gente y os informais un poquito porque yo si que me los leo todos para no hacer preguntas ni comentarios absurdos de cosas que ya se han aclarado y luego tengo que estar perdiendo el tiempo leyendo las vuestras o lo pierde alguien contestando mil veces lo mismo...
echo y de mis 3 preguntas solo hay "aclarada" una, que todo el mundo queire a Kara de vuelta, la actirz quiere y es muy posible, sobre algun teorico regreso de Brainiac y Doomsday nada de nada, asi que tan "absurdo" no ha sido la pregunta :D

-Lex: ya te e protegido, igual que hubiera protegido a otros cercanos a mi, si me hubieran dicho la verdad

Mensajes: 2082
Registrado: Lun Oct 02, 2006 11:28 am
Ubicación: España

Re: Información y renovados para la Décima Temporada

Mensaje por Restart »

La entrevista a Tom que has puesto, shelby, trae nubes y claros, osea me encanta ver a Tom entusiasmado con la serie, y encima diciendo que quiere traer a todos de vuelta, haciendo incapie en Lex Luthor.. Pero sobre lo de volar y el traje, ha dicho que muy al final... Y eso, si la décima es la ultima!!!!, que el viaje de Clark Kent posiblemente no acabe en 2011!!!..
Ya no se que pensar, que pasa con esa caja que le dio su madre con el traje, la meterá en un baul una temporada más??, seguira sin volar entonces?..
Por un lado me gusta y por otro no!, porque no vemos que Clark avance hacia superman.... Es que solo le quedan esos dos detalles, y conque nos dieran uno de los dos al principio y otro al final de la décima nos dejarían contentos... Y no con la miel en los labios!(todas las temporadas digo esta frase)... :smt013
Última edición por Restart el Jue May 20, 2010 5:59 pm, editado 1 vez en total.


Clark Kent
Clark Kent
Mensajes: 1279
Registrado: Vie Sep 04, 2009 11:47 pm
Ubicación: Venezuela

Re: Información y renovados para la Décima Temporada

Mensaje por Alexakent »

Mas fotos Imagen Imagen

- Clarkista 100% - esperando que vuele :)

Clark Kent
Clark Kent
Mensajes: 1436
Registrado: Lun Abr 09, 2007 10:30 pm
Ubicación: Venezuela

Re: Información y renovados para la Décima Temporada

Mensaje por shellbys »

:doubt: :smt102 :doubt:
El mismo Tom Welling pone un poco de duda si realmente esta sea la ultima temporada, lo malo es q dice q el traje quiza sea muy avanzado en la temporada – incluso posiblemente la última cosa que veas en "Smallville." Esto si es mala noticia quiere decir q el traje q le mando su madre lo guardara en lugar bien seguro, aunque yo siempre he pensado q ese traje se lo veremos puesto a Clark en el ultimo episodio de la serie y quiza sea la ultima imagen..


Mensajes: 32857
Registrado: Dom May 21, 2006 12:15 am

Re: Información y renovados para la Décima Temporada

Mensaje por Shelby »

- Informaciones por twitter:
@Matt Mitovich CW #upfront: Tom Welling le dijo a @EricIGN que está 'aterrorizado' con ponerse el traje de Supermán. #smallville

¡Tom Welling le ha dicho a @popwrap que hay una oportunidad de que la décima no sea la última para #Smallville!<

EricIGN: ¡Operación: Hablar con Tom Welling es un éxito! Más tarde. Me encantó oírle hablar de Granny Goodness #smallville

@MattMtvguy: CW #upfront: Tom Welling parece sinceramente incierto de si #Smallville va a traer a Granny Goodness y/o Darkseid en la S10.

@Matt Mitovich CW #upfront: Tom Welling realmente quiere a Lex/MR de vuelta por alguna capacidad para la #Smallville S10.

@EricIGN - Le pregunté a Tom Welling si va a volver al Comic-Con. No está seguro aún, pero parece que apuesta por ello. Dice que se divirtió mucho el pasado verano.#Smallville

@Matt Mitovich CW #upfront: Y @EricIGN puede respaldarme en esto: ¿Tom Welling? ¡¡¡Muyyyyyyyyyyyyyy agradable/en persona!!! (y ALTO) #smallville

@Matt Mitovich CW #upfront: Para los que no lo han oído: Tom Welling es total productor ejecutivo en la S10 de #Smallville.

@Matt Mitovich CW #upfront: Dawn Ostroff felicita a #Smallville por alcanzar los mejores rátings que ha tenido jamás la CW en una serie original los Viernes.

@popwrap - Tom Welling está trabajando en conseguir a Michael Rosenbaum, Kristin Kreuk & John Schneider de vuelta para la 10ª temporada.

@EricIGN: "Nos han puesto juntos de nuevo, y de una u otra manera, vamos a salvar el mundo" - Tom Welling sobre SPN con #Smallville

@MichaelAusiello - El mismo Tom Welling, confirma que SMALLVILLE terminará la próxima temporada. #stopthepresses

@MattMtvguy - CW #upfront: Tom Welling promete que #Smallville se 'irá a lo grande'

@ MichaelAusiello - Allison Mack regresará por "muchos" episodios, dice Dawn Ostroff.

@ MattMtvguy CW conferencia de prensa: Dawn le dice a Fancast 'No sé si realmente váis a sentir como si (Allison Mack) se haya ido de #smallville, estando en muchos episodios.

@ EricIGN - Allison Mack no va a ser regular pero regresa "para muchos episodios" - no está segura de si el número exacto se ha decidido aún, dice Dawn Ostroff #smallville

@EricIGN Le pregunté a Ostroff si Durance estaría en los 22 eps. No lo dijo específicamente, pero dijo que siendo la última temporada, esperemos muchos invitados.

@AchtungBecca No finales # para Mack. Elude el decir el número de espisodios para el resto del cast. Muchos invitados. No parece estar interesada en hablar sobre #Smallville

@MattMtvguy CW conferencia de prensa: Dawn dice qye esta será promocionada como la última temporada de #smallville, el presupuesto es el mismo que para la S9.

@cadlymack Smallville: "Los fans quieren ver terminar esto a lo grande y estentamos darles eso." No hay recortes de presupuesto.

@KristinDSantos Tom Welling me dijo que no había oído que Allison Mack no fuera regular... dice que regresará y que definitivamente será parte de la última temporada. #Smallville

@MattMtvguy #SMALLVILLE's Tom Welling quiere de nuevo a Rosenbaum de vuelta: "Clark está lanzado hacia ser Supermén, ¿cómo hacerlo sin un Lex Luthor?"

@MattMtvguy #SMALLVILLE's Tom Welling sobre la S10: "Me gustaría ver a Clark entrar en el DP y ver a Lana hablando con Lois. ¡Me pregunto qué pasaría ahí!"

Repito: todas las fotos que van saliendo las voy actualizando en el mismo post para que no estén disgregadas: ... &start=300

También podéis encontrar toda la información de las Upfronts recopilada en el primer post del subforo. :wink:

Imagen Imagen
¡¡¡¡AY, OMÁ QUÉ CALORES!!!! ¡Gracias por tu regalo, Nitta!

Clark Kent
Clark Kent
Mensajes: 1436
Registrado: Lun Abr 09, 2007 10:30 pm
Ubicación: Venezuela

Re: Información y renovados para la Décima Temporada

Mensaje por shellbys »

:doubt: :smt102 :doubt:
Tom Welling le dijo a @EricIGN que está 'aterrorizado' con ponerse el traje de Supermán. #smallville
Lo q siempre hemos sabido de tom welling el traje de superman le da terror..


Mensajes: 32857
Registrado: Dom May 21, 2006 12:15 am

Re: Información y renovados para la Décima Temporada

Mensaje por Shelby »

Sigo actualizando la información. Seguid revisando. :wink:

Os dejo una nueva entrevista,, aunque os traduzco sólo lo que han dicho nuevo...

- Allison Mack Deja Smallville (
With both Mack and Callum Blue no longer regulars, Smallville has only four main cast members in its 10th and final season – Tom Welling, Erica Durance, Justin Hartley, and Cassidy Freeman. In the past, certain cast members, including Durance – whose Lois Lane has grown much more prominent on the series in recent seasons – have not been contracted to a full 22-episodes. When I asked Ostroff if this might change, given the reduced cast, she didn't directly answer the question, but instead said, "I think that this season is going to be a little bit different, because it's the last season, so there's going to be a lot of nostalgia. They'll be a lot of interesting guest cast who are going to come back. We're going to do some surprises."
- Tom Welling Wants Lex Luthor To Return To 'Smallville' For The Tenth And Final Season ( -con video-:
Tom Welling Wants Lex Luthor To Return To 'Smallville' For The Tenth And Final Season

Posted 46 minutes ago by Blair Marnell in DC Comics, Video

Earlier this week, the CW network announced that the upcoming tenth season of "Smallville" will also be its last.

And while there have been hints that the tenth season may focus on Darkseid as the main villain, "Smallville" star Tom Welling told MTV News which character he would like to see Clark Kent take on in the final season.

"I want to see Lex [Luthor]," said Welling. "I want to see him come back. In the show, he's still alive. He's just not around. But I want to see Michael [Rosenbaum] and I want to see Lex Luthor. I want to know how that relationship really turns out. Because that's the big relationship that I believe propelled Clark to become Superman."

The first hints of Lex Luthor's survival appeared in the "Justice Society" episode by comic scribe Geoff Johns — in addition to further hints in last week's season finale. However, Michael Rosenbaum has already publicly stated that he will not return to "Smallville" to reprise his role.

Welling also addressed Superman's iconic costume and whether he might finally wear it now that the series is in its home stretch.

"We've seen glimpses of it with the cape and Martha [Kent] presenting it to Clark and saying 'this was in the ship when you got here," related Welling. "I'm sure we're going to see it, I just don't know in what capacity."

"I don't know if you're going to see me in tights, if that's what you're asking," joked Welling.

Podéis ver el video aquí: ... thor.jhtml ... al-season/
- Smallville: Will Tom Welling Suit Up as Superman? (
Smallville: Will Tom Welling Suit Up as Superman?
IGN talks to Clark Kent himself about Season 10, Lex Luthor and more.
by Eric Goldman US, May 20, 2010

This morning, at The CW's Upfront presentation, Clark Kent himself was in attendance - or at least the actor who has played Clark for nine years now, Tom Welling. Welling was there to represent both Smallville and Hellcats, a new CW series he is producing.

With the announcement that Season 10 of Smallville will be the last one, there was plenty to ask Welling, as fans wonder what the final steps in Clark Kent's journey will be - as he heads towards his destiny as Superman.

Question: How was the decision reached that Season 10 would be the last? Did you all sit down and discuss it?

Tom Welling: I don't know if it really goes like that. [Laughs] I don't know if it's like at family dinners. I think it's more of it being an edict of being like, "Look guys, this is your last year. Do a good job." But you know, ten's a great number, eleven is a great number. Who knows what's going to happen? I just know that I would love to see a lot of the people we've seen in the past come back. We saw Annette last year. I'd love to see John [Schneider] again. I definitely want to see Michael Rosenbaum. I've got to see Lex.

Q: We just saw him in the newspaper [in the season finale dream sequence] running for president.

Welling: Exactly. And whatever we're going to do this year with Clark being propelled into being Superman, how do you do that without a Lex Luthor, you know what I mean? That doesn't make sense to me. So I hope to see him.

Q: Now that he's got the gift of the suit, is it a given that he'll be wearing it in episode 1 of Season 10?

Welling: I don't know if it's a given. I actually just don't know. I don't know what the storyline is. What we've done in the past is we've been able to tease it, and I think keep it interesting for fans. And I think that they'll be more. We'll see more of the suit this year – I would think we'd have to.

Q: Are you excited, filled with trepidation, or a mixture of both about possibly fully wearing that suit?

Welling: Terrified. Absolutely terrified!

Q: You've got a full season to give Smallville a proper ending. Some shows, they're just told, "You're gone." Is it nice to know, creatively, that you can really aim toward the end?

Welling: Yeah. And, you know, thank you to the studio and the network for allowing us that opportunity. To be completely honest, it would have been a real shame to just sort of find out I didn't have a job in July. And it would be to the fans. I'm glad we can do this for the fans.

Q: Can you tease anything about the story arc for next season? It looks like we got a glimpse of Granny Goodness in the season finale.

Welling: Yeah. I hope so. I hope so! I honestly don't know. I wish I could tease something! The idea of Granny Goodness -- which they had to explain to me, as we were shooting it --I thought was awesome. And I believe that she has this group of younger girls who work for her. I would imagine they would be around this year.

Q: Many a fan is wondering if you think you'll be coming back to Comic-Con this summer.

Welling: I'm open! You know what, it was great last year. Let's do it! Yeah.

Q: Were you excited to see them play out the Clark/Lois story this past season?

Welling: I think it was fun. I don't know how he's going to get out of it this season. I hope she just doesn't bump her head and forget! I think that would be too easy.

Q: That's something fans are worried about – that her knowing [Clark is the Blur] isn't going to stick.

Welling: I'd like to see Clark walk into the Daily Planet and have Lana talking to Lois. I wonder what would happen there?
- Will Lana and Lex Return To ‘Smallville’ As Chloe Leaves? (Matt Mitovich,
Will Lana and Lex Return To ‘Smallville’ As Chloe Leaves?
by Matt Webb Mitovich May 20th, 2010 | 1:46 PM

Clark Kent isn’t the only one going through changes as he steps closer to his super destiny. The ‘Smallville’ cast is losing at least one fan favorite during its 10th and final season, and perhaps welcoming back some blasts from the past.

Series vet Allison Mack has announced that she won’t be a regular during Season 10, but will stick around to wrap up Chloe’s storyline over the course of several episodes.

When Fancast asked CW entertainment chief Dawn Ostroff if the decision to write out Chloe was a creative decision, a budgetary one, or the actress’ choice, she responded by stressing that Mack would indeed appear in “multiple episodes. So I don’t know if you’re going to really feel like she’s gone; hopefully, you won’t.”

Mack, telling that she has been “truly humbled by the love and loyalty of all the fans,” hopes to pay them back with a story arc that will “tie up Chloe’s Smallville legacy properly.”

Speaking of legacies, Clark has his own to pursue during this final season. After all, in the May 14 season-ender we saw him spy for the first time the iconic suit he one day will don as Superman. As Clark “overcomes his final trials and forges the iconic identity that will be known for all time,” as a CW press release, puts it, both Ostroff and series lead/executive producer Tom Welling are hinting at the return of familiar faces.

In Season 10, “There’s going to be a lot of nostalgia,” says Ostroff, “and a lot of interesting guest cast [members] who are going to come back.”

Such as…? Welling told Fancast he’d “definitely like to see Michael Rosenbaum” return, saying, “With Clark propelled into being Superman, how do you do it without a Lex Luthor? That just doesn’t make sense to me.”

Welling also expressed his wish to (somehow) see John Schneider reprise his role of dearly departed Jonathan Kent.

As for the women in the Man of Steel’s life, Welling said that first of all, he hopes that Lois learning Clark’s secret in the Season 9 finale “sticks,” quipping, “I hope she doesn’t, like, bump her head and forget. That’d be too easy.”

Instead, he’d like to see Lois stay in the loop and perhaps compare notes with one of the few others who know of his super alter ego.

“I’d like to see Clark walk into the Daily Planet and see Lana talking to Lois,” he says. “I wonder what would happen there!” ... oe-leaves/

Imagen Imagen
¡¡¡¡AY, OMÁ QUÉ CALORES!!!! ¡Gracias por tu regalo, Nitta!

Mensajes: 39
Registrado: Lun Oct 05, 2009 9:54 pm

Re: Información y renovados para la Décima Temporada

Mensaje por tiken10 »

Hola a todos!
A mi me da mucha tristeza que Clark no vaya a utilizar el traje hasta casi el final pero tambien lo veo normal ya que smallville no es superman en sí, sino que es el camino para llegar a ser superman, entonces si se pusiese el traje en los primeros capitulos ya seria superman creo yo y esto es smallville...

Aun así me fastidia mucho!
un saludo!


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