Información y renovados para la Décima Temporada

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Lana Lang
Lana Lang
Mensajes: 375
Registrado: Vie Mar 20, 2009 7:10 am
Ubicación: en algun lugar de mexico

Re: Información y renovados para la Décima Temporada

Mensaje por erica_lane »

alli estare igual en el trending, aqui en mexico
seria a las 5:30 pm, porque el capitulo es a las
7:00pm si no me equivoco, verdad?
hay Dios ya hasta se me olvido a que horas lo veia
bueno aqui estare al pendiente

avatar KatherineKent y gifs onebreath gracias

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Registrado: Dom May 21, 2006 12:15 am

Re: Información y renovados para la Décima Temporada

Mensaje por Shelby »

- Interview: Justin Hartley Explores Green Arrow’s Dark Side on ‘Smallville’ (
Interview: Justin Hartley Explores Green Arrow’s Dark Side on ‘Smallville’
by Diane Panosian, Sep 23 2010 // 2:30 PM

With the new season of Smallville fast approaching this Friday on the CW, The Flickcast took the opportunity to sit down with Justin Hartley, aka the Green Arrow. He was laid-back, insightful, and of course easy on the eyes.

DC Comic’s Green Arrow has made headlines recently for taking care of bad guys anti-hero style. Smallville‘s Oliver Queen is no different, albeit he had a certain explosive panache when he nixed Lex Luthor. The perceptive and pensive Justin Hartley had much to say about his character’s path towards enlightenment this season.

The Flickcast: What excites you the most about getting the green light another, final season?

Justin Hartley: The final season, we’re excited. I think I speak for everyone when I say that. The cool thing about this year, and I’m sure you’ve heard this before, is that there’s all these…little tidbits that haven’t quite been sewn up yet.

It’s interesting because usually they go, “Well we’re going to tie it up next year or at the end of it,” and they plan on tying it up whenever. But it’s like go-time so they kind of have to tie it up now. So hopefully we’ll get, maybe even one of those (questions answered) every episode. They’re doing it the right way.

It’s really cool, especially for all those people who have been watching the show for a long time, that we did find out that we had a final season and then we’re going to shoot it. Instead of at the end of nine finding out that there is no final season. So we have the opportunity to do that- which is pretty awesome.

FC: What questions do you want to see answered this season?

JH: You know, not so much questions, I would just like Oliver to…I feel like last year he was so self-realized, you know, and kind of took on the role of kind of realizing who he was and kind of being OK with that instead of trying to be somebody else. So, maybe, not so much a question, but I would like to see him go down a path and maybe realizing that that isn’t necessarily who he was and maybe he is a good guy. Because I think he carries all that burden with him.

FC: Is Mia Dearden aka Speedy returning this season?

JH: I don’t know, that’s a good question too. I mean, man, I wish I had that answer- we’ll see. I’m sure it’s a possibility. I don’t know if it’s a scheduling issue or whatever, but it’s obviously out of my hands. But, yeah she’s fun.

FC: A huge plot line in the comics right now is dealing with Green Arrow’s murder of a super villain. In the show Smallville, Green Arrow also kills super villain Lex Luthor. How do you feel about that aspect of his character personally?

JH: That’s the devil (Lex Luthor). He killed Hitler, I mean c’mon, what are you going to do? It’s like the guy is a bad guy. I mean, I’ve got a little bit of that in me too. Not that I would go kill somebody, but I certainly can understand it. I mean the guy has basically wreaked havoc on everyone that has been around. And he is evil, so he’s getting rid of evil his own way.

I think it’s interesting you find out he’s not really dead (Lex Luthor). But, it’s OK, in his mind he has killed someone, and he was willing to do it and he went out and did it and kind of lives with the remorse. It would be interesting to see if he would do it again. Maybe he will, I don’t know- who’s left to kill?

FC: Can you tell us anything about what the future holds for Oliver Queen this season?

JH: I have been told very little. Usually that bothers me, but in this instance not really. I have the ultimate faith in them (the writers and producers) and they’ve done nothing but good things for me so far and everything they’ve given me is interesting.

We talked very little, as far as the end of the season. I know episode 4 and 5, I know, kind of what’s happening. I think he does take a darker turn for a different reason. And then he’s got this quest to find Chloe– what’s going on with Chloe.

After our chat, Justin Hartley seems more than prepared for anything the Smallville show runners might throw his way in the coming months. It’s safe to say Oliver Queen is not alone in facing dilemmas this season. Lucky for him, the World’s Finest is always there to lend a hand.

Stay plugged into The Flickcast as we talk to more of the producers and cast and get ready for a killer final season of Smallville. ... smallville
- Smallville Producer Talks the 10th & Final Season (TVGuide):
Smallville Producer Talks the 10th & Final Season
By Damian Holbrook Sep 23, 2010 05:53 PM ET

Smallville flies into its concluding season Friday night with a jaw-dropping episode so big, we just had to hit up exec-producer Kelly Souders for the super-deets. Up, up and away!

TV Guide Magazine: The first episode back is amazing! So much happened in one hour. What is left?!
Souders: I know! Believe me, a lot. We're in the middle of it all, saying 'there's too much story! '"

TV Guide Magazine: So we get our first glimpse of Darkseid.
Souders: Yes.

TV Guide Magazine: Is he going to remain a CGI presence?
Souders: Um, I wouldn't say so. [Laughs] I think you'll see some more solid forms of him coming up quickly. Like episode 3.

TV Guide Magazine: So as he infects various characters?
Souders: Yeah. And for comics fans, there will be a lot of parts of the comics that will be woven into that storyline.

TV Guide Magazine: Like Gordon Godfrey (Michael Daingerfield) leading the anti-superhero movement in the "Supergirl" episode?
Souders: Yep, exactly.

TV Guide Magazine: What happened to the Chloe flashback that was supposed to be part of the season opener?
Souders: Well, as you can attest to, the season opener is jam-packed and it actually came in over, time-wise, and we had to make the very hard decision as to what we needed in the show for story purposes. And we have two scenes with Alison that were fantastic... which you will [eventually] see.

TV Guide Magazine: Later on in the season?
Souders: Yeah. They were really wonderful scenes, and there was an actual way we can use them later on.

TV Guide Magazine: And are we to believe that Oliver is being held by the Suicide Squad?
Souders: Oliver is having a very unfortunate day. [Laughs] And he's going to meet a very interesting character.

TV Guide Magazine: Are his scenes in the opener a nod to the torture sequence in Casino Royale?
Souders: Umm... maybe so. Justin's is such a trooper and he's always willing to do what he feels is best for the character. And this is an episode where Oliver is literally and figuratively stripped down to his bare essence, having to fight completely on his own.

TV Guide Magazine: There is so much great Clark stuff. The suit. The wave of the cape. The impression of flight... you are really firing it up.
Souders: I think we feel like it's been such an amazing and long run, that we don't want to hold anything back. We'd rather blow things out and have the chance to see it on film and give fans what they want to see than get to the end of the show and say, 'Oh God, we didn't have enough time to do it all.'"

TV Guide Magazine: Now, in next week's episode, we see Carter Hall (Hawkman) come back.
Souders: Yeah, we see Carter come back and he's a little different. We get to see the more human side of him, in a weird way. We get deeper inside his mind and delve into the character more.

TV Guide Magazine: And it seems like you're going a lot deeper into Clark's psyche, playing his own self-doubt with what Jor-El pulls in the opener.
Souders: It's a very cruel moment in Clark's life to have Jor-El do that to him. But he's really strong this season. It's been really interesting to watch the character — and Tom [Welling]. His performances have been fantastic,

TV Guide Magazine: His first scene with Jonathan (John Schneider)! I did not expect to get sop emotional over that.
Souders: Oh! I have seen it multiple times and I can say that I still cry every time I watch it. It was nice to see that relationship come back alive on film.

TV Guide Magazine: I am preparing myself emotionally for when we finally see Clark in the suit.
Souders: [Laughs] I have a sneaking suspicion you're not alone! ... 23529.aspx
- Tom Welling knows what you’re thinking: ‘Why doesn’t he just put on the suit? (L.A.Times):
Tom Welling knows what you’re thinking: ‘Why doesn’t he just put on the suit?’
By Jevon Phillips Sept. 23, 2010 | 6:01 p.m.

Clark Kent is growing into the super man we all knew he could be as “Smallville” begins it’s 10th and final season on Friday. Jevon Phillips writes about the show and the actor who has portrayed Clark Kent longer than anyone else, Tom Welling.

Tom Welling’s first memory on the set of “Smallville” nine years ago was a chance meeting with a young production assistant named Chris Petry. The actor waved at Petry, who returned the greeting. Almost a decade later, Petry is all grown up and now serves as one of the show’s producers and occasionally directs. As for Welling, well, he is still almost Superman.

“The two of us were just sitting around the other day and going ‘Eh, not too bad. Not too bad for nine years. [We've] done all right,” said Welling, who is also an executive producer on the show and on the new CW program “Hellcats.”

The original vision for “Smallville,” which begins its 10th and final season Friday, was not to dazzle viewers so much with a red-and-blue-suited alien leaping tall buildings as it was to explore the early life of Clark Kent, explained the 33-year-old actor. That character study has been as successful as anyone on the show could have imagined a decade ago and now a generation of kids and young adults know Welling as the defining image of a capeless Superman.

The show’s creators, Al Gough and Miles Millar, embraced the opportunity to write a rich, new narrative for the iconic character’s journey to manhood.

“I know that sometimes we’ve done some things fans didn’t like — though other fans really appreciate — but we’ve just going our own path knowing that eventually he would become Superman,” said Welling, whose character still hasn’t leapt a building in a single bound.

But come on — 10 years of teasing fans with Clark’s maiden flight?

“Some people might be a little upset that it’s taken this long, but I think that we have to embrace the fact that if we’d done it in the first season, the show would be over,” said Welling. “The whole point was to try to elongate this journey or this transition that Clark has to becoming Superman.”

The show has endured challenges in its 10 seasons including the demise of its original network, the WB. The program has seen its viewership drop — 8.4 million for the show’s premiere in 2001 to 2.3 million for last year’s opener — though that’s not unusual for an aging show. And it’s faced the inevitable questions, especially from hardcore comic book readers about their narrative choices.

“It’s got its own continuity — just like Richard Donner’s ‘Superman,’” said Geoff Johns, chief creative officer for DC Entertainment, a comic book writer and an occasional writer for “Smallville.” “It’s built its own world, and it’s certainly a huge legacy. It’s crazy … I mean Tom Welling has spent more hours as Clark Kent that anyone in history.”

Many hail Christopher Reeve (over, say, George Reeves or Dean Cain) as the quintessential Man of Steel, and Brandon Routh’s rendition in 2006′s “Superman Returns” was generally well received, but Welling’s “Smallville” longevity gives him a special place in superhero lore.

“When he [Welling] finally becomes Superman, he will be, to me, stepping into the role and becoming Christopher Reeve,” said executive producer Brian Peterson. “We really want it to end where a lot of people in the world … where their knowledge of Superman picks up. Our goal was not to create mythology but to fill in a gap of mythology.”

But will fans be satisfied now that they’ve waited?

“I think the dilemma and the challenge this year is waiting until the end of the show,” said Welling. “At this point you’re like, ‘Why doesn’t he just put on the suit?’ I mean, come on — he’s doing the same stuff now, so why not? That’s the challenge — to make that last until the end.” And speaking of the end, that issue presents a special challenge.

“We all know that Clark doesn’t die,” said Welling. “I just want the audience to get the feeling that I got watching [the "24" finale] … a feeling of hope, and faith that he’s going to continue, and that he’s out there somewhere.” ... -the-suit/

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¡¡¡¡AY, OMÁ QUÉ CALORES!!!! ¡Gracias por tu regalo, Nitta!

Clark Kent
Clark Kent
Mensajes: 1118
Registrado: Dom Ago 16, 2009 2:22 am
Ubicación: Barcelona

Re: Información y renovados para la Décima Temporada

Mensaje por Dev-Em »

Llamadme paranoico pero para que los productores de la serie se arriesguen a meter tan profundamente al personaje Lex Luthor en la trama de la 10ª temporada a raíz de los clones y demás da que pensar. Creo que Michael Rosenbaum (aunque de momento no oficialmente) podría regresar para el final de la serie.
Aún sabiendo que es la última temporada y el personaje de Lex debe reaparecer sí o sí, hay muchas maneras de hacerlo. Así que pienso que al escoger ésta y hacer lo que están planeando: o es arriesgarse mucho... o algo apalabrado hay, no?
Última edición por Dev-Em el Vie Sep 24, 2010 3:29 am, editado 1 vez en total.

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Clark Kent
Clark Kent
Mensajes: 1436
Registrado: Lun Abr 09, 2007 10:30 pm
Ubicación: Venezuela

Re: Información y renovados para la Décima Temporada

Mensaje por shellbys »

:smt023 :smt109 :smt023
Al menos pienso q clark lo veremos volando antes de ponerse el traje


Mensajes: 284
Registrado: Sab Dic 09, 2006 12:32 pm

Re: Información y renovados para la Décima Temporada

Mensaje por K-Fabio »

shellbys escribió::smt023 :smt109 :smt023
Al menos pienso q clark lo veremos volando antes de ponerse el traje
En uno de los trailers de la décima se ve a Clark volando durante medio segundo, lo que tal vez pueda ser uno de sus supersaltos, no lo sabremos hasta que no lo veamos.

EDITO: Confirmado, es un salto, en el tema de lazarus han puesto una preview (que no he visto) y pues eso, k no vuela aun en la premiere, dish!

Lois Lane
Lois Lane
Mensajes: 658
Registrado: Sab Feb 07, 2009 11:31 pm

Re: Información y renovados para la Décima Temporada

Mensaje por Cin »

Pues, probablemente la temporada acabe en suspenso para así dejarlo abierto a una posible continuación, algo así como "una historia termina y empieza otra" No puede ser de otra forma porque se han hartado de decirnos que la historia de Supermán empieza cuando acaba Smallville...


Mensajes: 2082
Registrado: Lun Oct 02, 2006 11:28 am
Ubicación: España

Re: Información y renovados para la Décima Temporada

Mensaje por Restart »

Cin escribió:Pues, probablemente la temporada acabe en suspenso para así dejarlo abierto a una posible continuación, algo así como "una historia termina y empieza otra" No puede ser de otra forma porque se han hartado de decirnos que la historia de Supermán empieza cuando acaba Smallville...
Yo ahi discrepo, creo que pondrán un final de Clark iendo a la fortaleza, y saliendo de ella con el traje puesto como en la peli de superman 1. No creo que veamos a Superman hasta el final, cosa que no me gusta, porque a este paso, se forma antes la JLA que Clark llegue a ser Superman...
Pero mucho me temo que va a ser eso, además en un trailer sale el traje congelado en la fortaleza, por algo será...
Espero equivocarme y que el traje se lo ponga antes, pero no creo..
Pero eso si el final no va a ser un final abierto, es más bien un final a una etapa, la del joven Clark Kent hasta que se convirtió en Superman.. A partir de ahi mucho me temo que tendremos que esperar a la pelicula que estan pensando hacer, que por cierto Tom podría ser uno de los candidatos, pero no hay nada confirmado... Brandon Routh también anda por ahi..


Lois Lane
Lois Lane
Mensajes: 852
Registrado: Lun Dic 04, 2006 2:16 am

Re: Información y renovados para la Décima Temporada

Mensaje por isma20 »

Yo también, siempre me imagino el final de smallville, con Clark volando por el espacio, a lo "Superman:The movie". De todos modos, no estaria mal verle aunq sea el ultimo capítulo con traje...¡Jo, tampoco es para tanto! :sad:

Lois Lane
Lois Lane
Mensajes: 871
Registrado: Sab Sep 05, 2009 3:54 pm
Ubicación: en el tur de la galacia con Clark Kent

Re: Información y renovados para la Décima Temporada

Mensaje por Svmarines »

:smt005 :smt005 :smt005 yo soy mas optimisma creo y es mi hipotesis k lo veremos mas de una vez y antes de k termine la temporada :smt005 :smt005


Mensajes: 2082
Registrado: Lun Oct 02, 2006 11:28 am
Ubicación: España

Re: Información y renovados para la Décima Temporada

Mensaje por Restart »

yolamejor escribió::smt005 :smt005 :smt005 yo soy mas optimisma creo y es mi hipotesis k lo veremos mas de una vez y antes de k termine la temporada :smt005 :smt005
:smt005 es bueno leer comentarios optimistas, ojala tengas razón.


Mensajes: 284
Registrado: Sab Dic 09, 2006 12:32 pm

Re: Información y renovados para la Décima Temporada

Mensaje por K-Fabio »

Yo soy de los que opinan que no se verá a Clar Kent con el traje de Superman hasta el último capitulo. Por eso de que Cuando Superman empiece, Smallville ya habrá acabado.
Y creo que lo veremos como una imagen no muy clara, es decir, no veremos claramente a Tom con el traje, sino algo difuso, tal vez un plano lejano, o de espaldas, con la capa claramente al aire...o algo por el estilo.
Vaya es mi opinion, aunque tambien me gustaria que se viera a Superman con su traje mas de una y de dos veces a lo largo de la temporada. :super05

Lois Lane
Lois Lane
Mensajes: 788
Registrado: Sab Sep 04, 2010 3:55 pm
Ubicación: Flotando en el granero...

Re: Información y renovados para la Décima Temporada

Mensaje por NuLane »

Yo también creo que sólo lo veremos al final de la serie, pero más les vale que me pongan un primer plano de Clark llevando el traje :smt076 :smt076 Después de tanto tiempo nos merecemos algo más que verlo de "lejos" :bate

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Hawkman: Good, you're here. I've got something for you.
gifs: onebreath

Mensajes: 33034
Registrado: Dom May 21, 2006 12:15 am

Re: Información y renovados para la Décima Temporada

Mensaje por Shelby »

- SMALLVILLE Season 10: Mid-Season Cliffhanger, Guest Stars (
SMALLVILLE Season 10: Mid-Season Cliffhanger, Guest Stars
By Jenna Busch, 24 September 2010 11:06 am ET

It's the final season of Smallville and it's going to packed solid with blasts from the past, new characters and a brand new suit in full technicolor! The news just broke that Lois & Clark's Teri Hatcher will be playing the mom of Erica Durance's Lois. (Yes, we know she's dead. They wouldn't comment on that one. But remember the video tapes she found?) We're going to see Aquaman, Hawkman, many old faces! And Erica Durance as Isis! We were lucky enough to have a few minutes with executive producers Brian Peterson and Kelly Souders this week and asked them all your burning questions. Will Chloe (Allison Mack) ever be happy? Will Superman (Tom Welling) make his iconic flight with Lois? Would they be up for a TV movie after the season wraps? Would they like to do a spin off or another superhero series? And who's coming back? Check out what they had to say.

Newsarama: It's a pretty rare luxury for producers to know which season is their last and to be able to wrap up the story the way they want to. So how do you guys balance taking Clark to where he is in the ongoing comics and wrapping up each individual storyline?

Peterson: Well I would say the big difference, I think between the comics and the movies and Smallville, is that in all of those it was really Superman who's alter ego is this guy who is Clark Kent, and in ours...ours has always been a show about Clark Kent who has put on the Blur as a disguise. And so I think this season will really show a balancing out of him accepting both identities equally.

Nrama: Obviously you can't reveal every single person who's coming back for the final season, but we all want to know about Lana (Kristin Kreuk) and Lex (Michael Rosenbaum). And in the premiere, Lex is “back” in a pretty interesting way. Talk a bit about who you might bring back.

Souders: We want to bring back as many people as we can. Obviously John Schneider and John Glover will be back this season. We'd love to have others back. And we're trying to make a few things concrete hopefully. But the truth is, the door is wide open to Michael and Kristin. We love both of them. They've always been great to work with and they gave such amazing performances on the show.

Nrama: I know we're going to see Aquaman (Alan Ritchson) and Braniac (James Marsters) and Supergirl (Laura Vandervoot) and Hawkman (Michael Shanks) again. I'm curious, what sort of presence will the JSA have..

Peterson: Well, unlike previous seasons where they've come back en masse, in one big tent pole episode, we've kind of sprinkled them throughout the season, so they come in different episodes. They'll each come kind of to inform part of Clark's journey. And in one case, Lois' journey. In the second episode you have a great story with Carter Hall and Lois. So we're kind of using them in that way rather than in the huge kind of Justice kind of episode.

Nrama: Everyone is talking about the news that we'd be seeing Hawkgirl. (She'll be played by Sahar Biniaz.) Can you confirm whether or not we'll be seeing her in the flesh or just in flashbacks?

Peterson: Um, I think we can confirm and say there's a quick cameo of her. I don't want to [say] she's anymore than that, probably.

Nrama: Going by the premiere, it seems like this season is about Clark balancing his personal desires and pride with the needs of the greater world. What would you guys say is the theme of Season 10?

Souders: He's kind of facing the last challenges he needs in order to live up to potential.

Peterson: And really getting over the ghosts of your past so you can move on. And we hit that pretty hard, especially at the top of the season.

Nrama: Of course we have to talk about the suit.

Peterson: [laughs]

Nrama: So exciting to see it in the premiere! Everyone wants to know when we'll see him wear it and how much we'll see him wear it. And it's kind of a special suit! (It's Brandon Routh's suit from Superman Returns.)

Souders: It's an incredibly special suit and we were thrilled to have it make an appearance. But I think, what we know is that Smallville is really about the journey to becoming Superman and that's what the season is about. So you'll get a glimpse of it at the top and to be honest, Clark's going to have to earn a few stripes before he really can put that suit on everyday.

Nrama: So is there any chance we'll see the iconic Lois and Clark flight?

Peterson: Um, I would not rule out anything. I will say we did do a wink to that in 'Crimson' a few years ago. But nothing is out of the realm of possibility.

Nrama: The premiere is very Lois and Clark-focused. Can you talk a little bit about their relationship this season?

Peterson: Well, I think what's great for us is that Clark has always had his secret from everybody in his life, and at least at the top of the season, it's Lois that has a secret from Clark. And that really changes the dynamic between them.

Nrama: Are we going to see any 'couple-y' things from them?

Souders: Oh yeah! [laughs] You know, we all know Clark and Lois, and they're not going to let a few things like major massive secrets about who your alter ego is get in the way of their relationship.

Nrama: Well, speaking of romance, I have to ask about Chloe and Oliver (Justin Hartley). Are we going to see Chloe finally happy?

Souders: Oh yeah. Brian and I are huge Chlollie fans. [laughs] Chloe obviously has had her share of bad relationships. So we would love to see her happy.

Peterson: But what is love without some hard knocks?

Souders: Yeah! [laughs]

Nrama: I want to talk to you about some of the DC characters that are coming in. We've heard a lot of announcements. How do you guys decide who you want to see?

Souders: That's a good question. Honestly we kind of...they'll just be a character that we'll be thinking about or the writing really wonderful about digging up interesting characters to bring on. And then it's really about finding a story that fits with them. It's kind of a two part process. Every once in a while we'll find a character that we want to focus on or we'll come up with a story and then be needing a character that would fit perfectly and seamlessly with it. I don't know. How do ideas form? [laughs]

Nrama: Are we going to see Lois as the ace reporter in this season's arc?

Peterson: We will, and that is definitely a part of this season, but knowing Clark's secret I think has thrown that...she has a couple more balls in the air than she's always had. So absolutely, but she has to kind of juggle everything else going on in her life.

Nrama: Tess (Cassidy Freeman) is one of my favorite characters and she's got a pretty interesting storyline in the premiere as well. Can you give us a hint about where she's going?

Souders: Well, I guarantee she's going all kinds of places I hope people are not really expecting. She's got a big story arc this season, actually.

Peterson: She's kind of the wild card as far as this year.

Nrama: There are a lot of characters and a lot of story lines to wrap up this season. Can you wrap it all up and would you consider doing a movie at the end of the season?

Souders: Sure! Sign us up! [laughs] We would love that. I mean, I think that, obviously, we're working really hard to wrap up as much as we can, but luckily for us, Superman doesn't end with Smallville. So there will still be stories that will be told for decades and decades and hopefully centuries. And there is something kind of comforting in knowing that.

Nrama: Well, the fans will demand it! After this season wraps, are you guys thinking about taking another one of the characters and doing another show?

Peterson: I think we would love to. I think right now, our focus...because we kind of have arguably the world's greatest superhero on our hands, right now we really want to give him the proper send off. Or I guess I should say a beginning, because this is really the beginning of him becoming a superhero. But we would absolutely embrace something down the road.

Nrama: Is there anyone in particular you'd like to focus on? A favorite of yours?

Peterson: There are a couple, but we'll kind of keep that to ourselves right now.

Nrama: I hope that means there are plans in the works.

Peterson: [laughs}

Nrama: Are there any fun tidbits you can throw out there for the fans?

Peterson: Lets see...what have we just locked in? Um, the one thing we can say is, mid-season there is a pretty big game changer that throws everything up in the air. We haven't really told anybody about that.

Souders: Yeah, we haven't talked about that.

Peterson: And then of course, the return of Aquaman and Supergirl, like you said. And Hawkman. And hopefully there will be a couple of familiar faces that we'll be able to announce in the next few weeks.

Nrama: Oh, and about Erica Durance playing this going to be something like Lois in the not-quite-Wonder Woman outfit last season? Is there anything you can reveal about that?

Souders: [laughs] Well, she's fantastic and she's a very, very motivated woman when she shows up...Isis. So she sort of gets a nice grip around Lois Lane.

Nrama: Is there anything you can tease about the premiere?

Souders: Don't go and get a drink out of the refrigerator towards the end of the show! [laughs] ... 00924.html
- Smallville's Brian Peterson: "Everything Is Possible" in the Final Season (TVGuide):
Smallville's Brian Peterson: "Everything Is Possible" in the Final Season
by Natalie Abrams Sep 24, 2010 10:37 AM ET

There's nothing small about the 10th and final season premiere of Smallville. The season opener finds Clark (Tom Welling) coming back from death to face the ultimate challenge: becoming Superman. So what obstacles will stand in his way? And how will Lois deal with knowing his secret? Executive producer Brian Peterson tells all in our super Q&A below:

Smallville producer talks the 10th & final season Clark is put in a very dark place in the premiere, and there seems to be a lot of pressure put on him.
Brian Peterson: We've said all along that this is the season where he really gets brighter and he steps into the light more, but we also are having to balance that with this big bad villain, Darkseid, that has come to Earth. It will be a season full of really big highs and really big lows. On both ends of the spectrum, it will hopefully be pretty satisfying. If what we assume to be the final moment of the series — Clark actually becoming Superman — combined with the fact that he becomes a little dark this season, what sort of low points will he hit in the process?
Peterson: Midseason, he will probably be as low as he's ever been in the series, but that's going to be juxtaposed [with] some really big highs. For him to really make that final move, it has to come out of something pretty severe. He has yet to really put his face out there for everybody — he's put his symbol — but not his face. That move is going to take a pretty big event in his life. Do you feel like Oliver (Justin Hartley) is also heading for greatness this year?
Peterson: Oliver takes a huge turn very early on in the season and that will send him in a different direction than he's ever been. Cassidy Freeman tells us that Tess will return to The Daily Planet. Will she butt heads with Lois (Erica Durance) again this season?
Peterson: They're going to butt heads. We have to remember that Lois now knows Clark's secret, so there are two people in The Daily Planet with different agendas who know Clark's secret. Do Tess and Lois know that the other person knows Clark's secret?
Peterson: That's not going to come out until mid-way through this season in a pretty fun scene in an episode that Tom [Welling] is directing. What can you tell us about the villains this year — Darkseid, the Suicide Squad, the Harbingers — and how they compare to what we've seen before?
Peterson: We're trying to stay with the same theme, so it doesn't feel like a radical departure from what we've done before. We're really introducing Darkseid in a different way — more as a bit of a dark force, kind of a parallel to evil that will start to overtake the world and sends hearts and souls towards a darker agenda. We are personifying the Harbingers — like Granny Goodness, Desaad makes a couple quick appearances, Gordon Godfrey — so we're not going to actually see the embodiment of Darkseid himself for a while; we're saving that. But we'll eventually see someone play Darkseid?
Peterson: That part I can't really promise because we have yet to completely break the end of the season, but what I can say is that I think it will be a great payoff to what we've planted. Congrats on getting Teri Hatcher to come on Smallville in its final season. Are there any familiar faces popping up?
Peterson: This year is kind of like Christmas. We have our wish list of what we want and what we can get. I have to say, so far we've been so lucky. Everybody loves the Superman mythos and loves this show. Teri was gracious to come on, as well as John Glover, John Schneider, Aquaman, Hawkman. There are a few that are still outstanding. Obviously we'd love to have Kristin [Kreuk] and Michael [Rosenbaum], and we've been asked about Annette [O'Toole] and Michael McKean. We'd love to have them back; it's just a matter of what we can accomplish in 22 episodes. Is there anything off limits in the final season of Smallville?
Peterson: We never, ever want to limit ourselves. Never in the writers' room or in production do we say anything is impossible. Everything is possible. Despite Lois leaving in the season premiere for Africa, I spied Lois' and Clark's desks at The Daily Planet next to each other again while on set this week. Are they going to be hardcore, investigative reporters together again this year?
Peterson: Yes. We're trying to continue their relationship in that tradition that is decades and decades old, which is them hitting the pavement together. The fun twist this year is that Lois is not only juggling what she's always has been, but now she knows Clark's secret, so she has a lot more balls in the air than she's ever had. If you could describe this season of Smallville in one word, what would you say?
Peterson: I would say "legendary." ... 23552.aspx
- ‘Smallville’: 5 Things To Know About Season 10 (
‘Smallville’: 5 Things To Know About Season 10
by Sara Bibel Sep 24th, 2010 | 7:25 AM

The CW’s ‘Smallville‘ returns for its final season Friday, September 24, at 8/7c. Ten years ago, when it debuted, nobody imagined that the cute little show about a teenage Clark Kent would evolve into an epic saga. This season Clark will accept his destiny and eventually assume the mantle of Superman. But the journey to superherodom will not be easy. Executive Producers Brian Peterson and Kelly Souders shared some what fans can look forward to in season 10.

Lois Is Onto Clark’s Secret Identity
In last season’s finale, Lois (Erica Durance) appeared to figure out that Clark (Tom Welling) was the Blur when he kissed her and fled. That was not a mislead. She uses her reporter skills to confirm Clark’s identity in a humorous scene in the premiere. Lois, though, does not tell Clark that she is onto him yet. The duo quickly face a major obstacle that prevents them from having a meaningful chat about their relationship.

Lex Is Back… Sort Of
Lex and Clark’s relationship was the heart of the show for many seasons. In the premiere, a version of Lex reappears and in the worst possible way. Says Souders, “[The] first episode I think answers what happened to Lex. But obviously there are aspects of Lex that are living on and will impact several of our characters. It will play out over the course of the season.” But what fans really want to know is whether Michael Rosenbaum will return to wrap up the show. Souders hopes so. “We would love it…. We would like nothing more than to have Rosie come back.”

Clark Will Face Both New And Familiar Foes
The premiere hints about a darkness on the immediate horizon. Souders confirms, “[The DC Comics villain] Darkseid will be coming. That’s one of our big villains. He will take several different forms over the course of the season.” Peterson adds, “We have Granny Goodness, who we teased in last year’s finale; we have the Suicide Squad led by Rick Flag; John Glover is returning as Lionel Luthor. That’s an exciting arc we’ll be able to play out.” Zod will also make return appearances. On the side of good, Hawkman (played by Michael Shanks) will be back for two episodes.

Chloe’s Absence Impacts Oliver
Allison Mack, who plays Chloe, is only signed to appear in five episodes this season. Says Peterson, “Everybody’s going to be trying to fill the void in [Chloe's] absence. They’re going to fill it in very different ways. It has a pretty big impact on the show on the way that our characters are interacting – especially Oliver, of course.” Adds Souders, “He will search for Chloe and he’ll get an answer as to what happened pretty quickly. It will make him step back and look at his life in a way that he hasn’t for a while. It will send him on a pretty sharp turn that will impact the rest of his season.”

The Season Will Be Filled With Reunions
Clark will reconnect with his family when Kara/Supergirl (’V’s Laura Vandervoort) returns in Episode 3, perhaps to help Clark learn to fly. “When she was on the show before, she was a bit of a mentor,” Souders reminds. “[Clark] was also a mentor to her because she didn’t quite know how to live here on earth. That sort of partnership will continue.” Clark will also have scenes with both of his fathers, Jonathan Kent and Jor-El. Souders says, “Each has gone to great lengths to raise their son. Jonathan gave him such a great sense of humanity and at the same time Jor-El is obviously responsible for his super abilities and his Kryptonian side.” Lois will also have a reunion of sorts, when she sees a videotape of her mother, to be played by none other than ‘Desperate Housewives’ Teri Hatcher, who played Lois in the 1990s series ‘Lois & Clark.’ Best of all, Clark experiences the ultimate reunion in the season’s fourth episode, which happens to be the series 200th. “Our 200th episode is probably the one I’m most proud of to date,” says Peterson. “It’s Clark’s high school reunion.”

‘Smallville’ fans, are you appropriately “super” excited for the final season to arrive? ... season-10/
- Will Lois & Clark "Fly"? Will Chloe Get Her Happy Ending? Smallville Bosses Spill All on Final Season (E!Online):
Will Lois & Clark "Fly"? Will Chloe Get Her Happy Ending? Smallville Bosses Spill All on Final Season
by Megan Masters Today 10:10 AM PDT

Save those sobs for later, Smallville fans!

We're right there with ya on the final-season sad front, but today's all about celebrating the beginning of the end—and boy do we have lots to celebrate! Thanks to a lovely chat with Smallville's awesome bosses Brian Peterson and Kelly Souders, we're bubbling over with season-ten scoop to spill.

So if you think you can hold it together, get in here and find out what's ahead (and who's returning) for Clark's final journey...

The Last Premiere: Tonight's season opener is beyond brilliant, with some of the most gorgeous special effects the show's ever seen. "Premieres and finales are really like trying to get a movie off the ground," Kelly explains. "We did several different versions of the premieres, so it was broken several times and the crew pulled off again a megamovie for television!" Truly, tonight you'll see anything and everything you're hoping for going into Smallville's final season, including new story arc's to carry Clark (Tom Welling) through, as well as the start of big things for both Lois (Erica Durance) and Clark, and Chloe (Alison Mack) and Oliver (Justin Hartley).

Great Expectations: Obviously you need no prodding from us to tune into Smallville's last hurrah, but the question on everyone's mind seems to be, what will this season bring and will it honor the Superman legacy? The answer? Absolutely! "This is Clark's last journey, so it's a pretty big thing to make that last step to putting the Superman persona into place," says Kelly. "They'll be a lot of levity and a lot of fun this season, but there's also going to be some pretty monumental moments." "It's both ends of the spectrum," adds Brian, "On one hand he's stepping into the light and a lot more heroic, and on the other hand he's facing this huge villain in Darkseid. So it's this huge push and pull between the light and the dark.

Lex Returns! Note: We did say Lex, not Michael Rosenbaum. The premiere is actually chock-full of Lexs, but we don't want to spoil the twist for you. "We'd love to have Michael back, there's no question about that. It's out there. We just love him and love his performance," Kelly tells us, "But we also know that Lex Luthor goes on in history and we really felt that whether he was apart of it or not, the Lex story needed to come back on some level for the final season." And for those who follow the comics, you'll have a leg up on the rest of us. Explains Brian: "We did draw on some inspiration from different storylines, the mythology that preexisted in the comics, taking a couple ideas here and there. Hopefully, it will be a really satisfying payoff to that character in this final season." Long story short, they want Michael back as Lex, but in the meantime we'll still see the character in some incarnation.

Clois Forever! Rejoice shippers! Not only will there be a huge payoff for your leading man and his soul mate, but it will come sooner than you think. Gushes Kelly: "That kiss at the end of last season was a game changer, and when we pick up this season the game keeps changing and it changes pretty rapidly in the first handful of episodes. Lois and Clark's relationship gets pushed down the field with some pretty big plays." When asked if these two will find true happiness in the end, Kelly simply says: "I would be a very rabid viewer the first half of the season if that's what you're looking for—I wouldn't wait until the very end to tune in." Squee!

Chloe (and Oliver) In Flux: We all know Alison Mack will only be back for a handful of episodes (and no matter what you've heard, that number has still yet to be determined), but by the end of the premiere you'll have a greater understanding of what's ahead for Chloe, and Chloe and Oliver—whether you'll like it or not is another question. "Having her in the premiere is so important," says Brian. "And her absence will really spur a lot of different characters into action in different ways this year. But it's certainly not the last we see of her in the season." Chlollie fans will be happy to hear that Oliver will fight to get back to his ladylove, but it may not be enough. Explains Kelly: "He does search for her, but it spurs him to make a really enormous decision in his life that will change things forever for Oliver. But Chloe's presence will definitely be felt throughout the season within different things that we're doing." Thankfully, a happy ending for Chloe is in the works. "That's a big duty!" laughs Brian. "That's definitely our goal is to send her character off, just like every character on the show, with the gravity that it deserves."

Guest Stars Galore: As if John Schneider's emotional return in tonight's premiere isn't enough ("He's back for a couple episodes, probably toward the second half of the season again we'll start to see him more," Brian promises), get ready for the midseason comeback of John Glover's Lionel Luthor. "Ooooh," is all Kelly will say. "Wait until you see how he reenters the story," Brian adds. Yeee! There are no plans for another Perry White (Michael McKean) and Martha Kent (Annette O'Toole) return yet, but it's something Brian and Kelly would love, so stay tuned.

That Iconic Flight: Wish we had a more definitive answer to give, but here's the best we can do: "Wow, I have to say, the number of times we get asked that question...You know what, we're still building the second half of the season so we'll have to see where that goes." [Editor's note: It sounds like Brian and Kelly would love to make this happen.] ... t_her.html
- Smallville Season 10 Premiere Review & Discussion (
Smallville Season 10 Premiere Review & Discussion
by Anthony Ocasio September 24, 2010

It’s the beginning of the end as ‘Smallville’ enters its 10th and final season. New foes as well as old favorites will stop at nothing to prevent Clark from fulfilling his one true destiny.

Tonight marks the beginning of the end for Smallville. After nine years of wonderful adventures, relentless foes and life-saving rescues, it all comes down to this. From the beginning, fans have been wondering when Clark will don the iconic outfit and become Superman. Now, as Smallville enters into its tenth and final season, that question has been answered.

Although, just because Clark is destined to become Superman that doesn’t mean that this inevitable outcome will happen soon. If fans of the series have learned anything from Smallville, it’s that they know how to drag out a storyline. So, while Clark may or may not become The Man of Steel in the season premiere, let’s just hope that his transformation comes sooner rather than later.

Ten years is a long time for any series, but especially for one on The CW. Throughout its run, many have mocked Smallville, many have given up on it, but many have also stuck with it. It is now, in the tenth and final season, where the nine-year series investment will pay off.

Preview (courtesy of The CW)

Lois (Erica Durance) finds Clark’s (Tom Welling) lifeless body and removes the blue kryptonite enabling him to heal himself. However, Lois sneaks away before Clark fully awakens in order to protect his secret. Meanwhile, Chloe (Allison Mack) is desperate to find Oliver (Justin Hartley), so she turns to an unlikely source for answers. Jonathan (Schneider) returns to the Kent Farm with a message for Clark, and Tess (Cassidy Freeman) awakens in a LuthorCorp lab.


[NOTE: For my review, I am unable to discuss certain plot points. Particularly, anything that happens in the episode’s fourth act. If certain character or elements are not touched upon in my review (even though there are pictures), it's for that reason.]

We pick up immediately where the season 9 finale left off, namely with Clark falling after being stabbed with blue Kryptonite. Like many have speculated, Lois is quick to respond to Clark’s ground collision. Unfortunately, not knowing the effects of blue Kryptonite on our favorite Kryptonian, Lois is more interested in caressing Clark’s lifeless body than removing the power-dampening projectile.

It’s a frustrating scene, no doubt, but one that serves to propel Clark into a dream-like world where Jor-El attempts to, once again, direct Clark towards his destiny. Although, like most encounters with Jor-El, a “loving” shove in the right direction doesn’t come without warning. Clark is also shown what his fate will be if he continues to play the role of the martyr – a fate that will soon be realized as a familiar bald-headed face from the past shows up, in addition to the promise from Jor-El that “evil is coming. “

Like the aforementioned scene, the theme of the premiere is destiny – not only for Clark, but for all of the other characters as well. Chloe, Lois, Oliver and Tess all actively take steps in this episode to fulfill their destiny. While certain characters’ destinies are yet to be fully revealed, the fact that they start off their final season with such purpose means that (hopefully) there will be few superfluous, stalling episodes
this season.

Alright, enough over-analyzing. Lex is back! Well, he’s somewhat back. Well, he’s in the episode.

While Lex Luthor is in the premiere, it’s not in the way that fans would like. Since Michael Rosenbaum chose not to return for the premiere, many assumed that the only way we’d see Lex is in shadows or with bright lights – something to hide the fact that it’s not Rosenbaum. To be fair, that does happen (at times), but you will see Lex, you’ll see his face, hear him talk and he’s actually a big part of the premiere. Lex, more or less, serves as the catalyst for Clark’s decision to finally claim his destiny. That being said, I understand why Rosenbaum wouldn’t be interested in returning – for this episode, anyway.

Of course, not everything can be so serious. With that, we’ve got Lois reveling in her newfound knowledge. Although, after some digging, Lois also comes to the realization that she’s the last person to know Clark’s secret – something that she’s not particularly happy about. Fortunately, Lois doesn’t let that get to her and has no problem coercing Clark into using his powers as she looks for a “missing pen” underneath her desk. This, of course, follows Lois describing in detail how wonderful it was to kiss the red-blur-blue.

And then there’s the fourth act…

Even though I can’t talk about specific things, I can give you my general feeling on it – it’s great, wonderful, amazing. There are literally five or six scenes in the final moments of this episode that fans will truly love. Not only because it shows things that we’ve been waiting (and hoping) to see for some time, but also because it lays out specifically where they’re taking this series in its final season.
Final Thoughts

The season 10 premiere of Smallville is everything that a fan of the series could have hoped for. If the rest of the season is anywhere near as poignant, fans will be in for one amazing, final journey. ... aco-79913/
- ‘Smallville’ Showrunners Brian Peterson and Kelly Souders Tease Final Season (
‘Smallville’ Showrunners Brian Peterson and Kelly Souders Tease Final Season
by Vlada September 24, 2010

I don’t envy Brian Peterson and Kelly Souders. Yes, as the showrunners of Smallville, they know the fate of my favorite Smallville couples and all the big moments ahead for the show’s tenth and final season, which premieres tonight at 8 p.m. on the CW. But they also have the enormously daunting task of crafting the series finale for a show about the evolution of Superman. Somehow, they still found time to talk to me about that pressure, what’s coming up this season, who’s coming back, who’s leaving, the 200th episode and more! And yes, Teri Hatcher (The New Adventures of Lois and Clark) is playing Lois’ mom, as first reported by EW. How brilliant is that?!

Not only are you in the tenth and final season of your show, but you’re dealing with an iconic character. Are you feeling a lot of pressure to deliver a proper finale that will please the fans and also live up to the hype?

Brian Peterson: That’s an understatement. [Laughs]

Kelly Souders: I’m not sure that it’s possible to feel more pressure right now. [Laughs]

I know Alfred Gough and Miles Millar are no longer working on the show, but did they have a vision for the end of the show that they shared with you?

Peterson: We worked so closely with them for so many years. Some of their ideas, they shared them with us. We’ve actually used some of them, probably a little early. [Laughs] We definitely had a few conversations with them before we took over.

Would it be safe to say the ending is more of your vision for the end of the series than theirs?

Souders: In a funny way, it’s like a combination. They set up the show in a way that it kind of naturally has one organic ending in a weird way. It’ll be a combination of things that they thought of, things that we thought of, and things that, I think, collectively we all came to on our own, as well.

At TCA Press Tour over the summer, Dawn Ostroff expressed interest in adapting another DC Comics property into a TV show. Is that something they’ve approached you about or that you’d be interested in doing?

Souders: We don’t know of anything specifically, to be honest. But obviously, we think it’s a great idea. [Laughs] It’s been on for a decade, and there’s so many fans of these characters. But we don’t know of anything in particular.

Peterson: If you find out, you could recommend us.

There’s been some speculation about Wonder Woman or a Justice League spinoff. Is there a character you’d like to tackle or would you just like to take a well-deserved breather?

Souders: Right now, to be honest, it’s the final season. There’s a lot going on. It’s really taking up all of our mental capacity and our focus, so we haven’t really been thinking about other superheroes at the moment.

Will we be seeing a Justice League episode in this season?

Peterson: It’s hard because, the Justice League – There’s so many people we’ve brought in to the show now. I’m not sure there’s a Justice League episode, per se, but you’ll be seeing people from the Justice League throughout the season.

The way you worked around Michael Rosenbaum in the premiere was not only one of the creepiest things I’ve seen on the show, but also quite clever. How will Lex shape Clark’s journey this season to his destiny?

Souders: In the premiere, [Lex] has an imprint and that imprint will continue off and on throughout the season. It kind of goes away for a while, but it lingers with one of the characters on the show pretty immediately. The presence will be there on and off through the season.

Is there any chance that Michael might come back? Have you reached out to him?

Souders: We would love for him to come back!

Peterson: We’re still very open. [Laughs]

Lois knows the truth about Clark, but now they’re both keeping these huge secrets from each other. Will that bring them closer together or push them apart?

Peterson: I would say it’ll do a little of both. I think each of them having their secret gives them certain status with each other. But there also some complications in keeping secrets from each other, which will play out

Outside of Clark, what kinds of stories are in store for Lois face this season? Will we see her wearing her journalist hat more?

Souders: She’s a busy lady. [Laughs] Obviously, she knows Clark’s secret. That will take up some of her time. We’ll see her on the journalism beat. There’s another character who will come in to The Daily Planet named Cat [Grant, played by Keri Lynn Pratt]. She’s annoyingly taking up some of Lois’ time.

Will Lois be facing some competition in the workplace?

Souders: She will! Some annoyingly sweet competition.

We’ll also be seeing Lois’ sister and father again. How does that affect Lois’ life?

Peterson: You can imagine if your father shows up for dinner and doesn’t really love superheroes and you’re living with one, that could get a little complicated. We’re really excited to have both Peyton
  • and Michael [Ironside] back on the show.

    There’s so many characters coming back that you can’t help but notice that so far we haven’t heard about Martha Kent or Perry White or Pete. Are there still people you hope will come back or are you like, “We’ve got everyone we want”?

    Souders: The season’s still evolving. And we love all of them, so we do hope that other people that aren’t quite in place yet will be coming back.

    Unfortunately, Allison Mack’s only in five episodes this season.

    Peterson: You’ll see her presence, I think, a little bit more than that even though Allison’s only in five. She has a pretty decent storyline even when she’s not on screen.

    What does her departure mean for Watchtower and that crime-fighting league?

    Souders: Her absence is greatly felt. That becomes very apparent by the end of episode two. But what she created there is something that will live on forever. Like Brian was saying, there’s always a presence of Chloe. We’ve been working with Allison on some of her storylines for when she comes back, which we’re really looking forward to. We’re about to start writing some of those. It’ll be wonderful to have her back on the show for a little bit.

    Has it been hard saying goodbye to all these original cast members over the years, creatively and personally?

    Peterson: I think absolutely because we’ve become friends with them as we work with them. But also, we’ve seen how they’ve been so dedicated to the show, yet have wanted to go off and explore other areas of their careers. It’s really encouraging to see that somebody like Allison is willing to come back and finish up the show the way it should be while still pursuing her dream.

    And what does Chloe’s departure mean for Oliver? How’s it going to affect their relationship?

    Souders: Oliver, as fans can attest to, is madly in love with her, so he’s completely heartbroken by it. When she comes back, it’s going to be a real change in his life. I think she meant something to him that he hadn’t had in his life in a long time. Her absence is keenly felt in his world.

    Peterson: It propels him into a pretty major decision.

    The final season brings another big milestone: the 200th episode. What can you tease about that episode?

    Peterson: Wow. [Pauses] There’s almost so many great moments, it’s hard to tease any one of them. The one thing that we can tease is that it’s the return of Brainiac in the form of Brainiac 5 (James Marsters), a way we’ve never seen him on the show. He will play a really major role in Clark’s life in that episode.

    Souders: He actually kind of helps to change Clark forever, helps him get over a few obstacles he’s been wrestling with up till now. Part of doing that will allow the audience to see some old, familiar faces. ... al-season/
- 'Smallville' Producers On Season 10, Character Choices, And Why 'The Story Doesn't End Here' (
'Smallville' Producers On Season 10, Character Choices, And Why 'The Story Doesn't End Here'
by Rick Marshall

SmallvilleThe final season of "Smallville" kicks off tonight (Friday, September 24) on The CW, and there's no shortage of questions fans are hoping to see answered in Clark Kent and Lois Lane's final set of adventures in the long-running series.

Over the last nine seasons, we've seen a variety of familiar heroes and villains pass through Clark's life, the introduction of Superman's red-and-blue suit, the beginnings of the Justice League, and a journey that's taken Clark from his Smallville farm to the Daily Planet office in Metropolis. Now poised to become the longest-running U.S. science-fiction television series in history, "Smallville" appears to be pulling out all the stops in its final season, with new cast announced on an almost daily basis, and an over-arching plot that pits Superman against one of his most dangerous cosmic foes: Darkseid. Oh, and what would the final season be without Lex Luthor?

I spoke with "Smallville" producers Brian Peterson and Kelly Souders ahead of tonight's premiere to get some details about the final season, find out happened behind the scenes, and relay a few questions from fans in the Twitterverse.

MTV NEWS: It seems like so many television series these days are being canceled abruptly without time to tie up loose ends or provide any closure for fans, but you've been given a full season to bid adieu to the series. Are you comfortable with the amount of prep time you've had for the final season?

BRIAN PETERSON: I think what’s great about this season is, because we’ve known about it from every angle from publicity to everybody in the financial world at Warner Bros, we’ve all had a game plan — which is great, because we’re able to really work toward that final episode. We’re protected for it, so we feel really good about the position we’re in right now, and it’s obviously, like you said, so exciting to be to able to have a whole season to lead up to the last episode.

MTV: Well, it seems like you're using that season to introduce a ridiculous amount of new characters in addition to the returning characters. I have to ask: has there ever been a character that you just haven’t been able to fit into the "Smallville" universe?

PETERSON: Good question. I would say the one that we maybe would have wanted to toy with a little more is Mr. Mxyzptlk. We used him in a really early episode — I believe it was Season 4. It was really fun and we created a very "Smallville" version of that character, but now that we moved into a much tighter DC mythology, we can’t really re-visit that character again. It’s been hard to work him back into the show.

MTV: You mentioned creating "Smallville" versions of characters, so has there ever been a character that was considered, but you just weren’t able to introduce it in a "Smallville" way (outside of Batman or characters like that, of course)?

KELLY SOUDERS: You know, it's funny because I think we’ve always — except for Batman or Wonder Woman, like you said, some of the big super heroes — we’ve always been able to look at them and figure out a "Smallville" take on them. That's what’s really been fun about the show. It’s like you get to use all the things that people love, and at the same time, you get to recreate on some level those characters for television.

PETERSON: Outside of Mongul and Gog and some of the bigger, the huge kind of inter-galactic villains, we really have to say that, with DC's blessing, we’ve been able to hit a lot of them.

MTV: When a series is being wrapped up, there are usually a few ways they go about it. Sometimes it's a very final final episode, sometimes it leaves some opportunities for spin-offs, and sometimes there's a desire to leave some questions unanswered. How are you envisioning the conclusion of the series? Do you feel that this is the final chapter of this story that's been unfolding the last nine years?

SOUDERS: Well, I think what’s great about this arena is that there’s always going to be spin-offs. There’s always going to be some version of Green Arrow somewhere, between comics and television and film, so I think that what we've really done this year is push this as the final chapter of "Smallville." Hopefully, fans who’ve been with the show for a whole decade will feel like their storyline has been wrapped up nicely, but obviously the story doesn’t end here.

MTV: When I asked people on Twitter to send me some questions for you two, quite of them asked about iconic scenes from the Superman movies and comics, and whether they'd appear in the final season. When you were planning the season, did you feel a need to include iconic moments like Clark and Lois flying off together, Superman interacting with the Daily Planet's globe, or scenes like that?

PETERSON: I wouldn’t say we felt the need to, but we felt a strong desire to — because we always come up with so many ideas each season and we have a lot of the images that you could probably picture or the people that you're talking to could picture. We’ve actually put a lot of them in this season, and we’re trying to not blow everything out too soon, and still try and keep something for the end of the season. But I would say definitely in the first several episodes there are some pretty big winks, some pretty big images, that people will recognize.

MTV: Another question people wanted me to ask about is what went into the decision to use Brandon Routh's "Superman Returns" costume for "Smallville" instead of Christopher Reeve's suit, or an entirely new suit altogether.

SOUDERS: Well, the process was really a group effort. We worked with DC, and we have Alicia Louis, who does a lot of stuff for us at the studio, and who was really instrumental. It took quite a bit to get that costume. There’s a lot of sign-offs, it really was Warner Bros. and DC and us working to make it happen.

MTV: Finally, one last question that came from Twitter: What about the connection between "Smallville" and the comics side of Superman's universe? Do you have an eye toward putting things in line in any way, shape, or form with the Superman comics as you're approaching the end? I know that Chloe Sullivan is appearing in "Action Comics" soon...

PETERSON: I think how we approached it is more that every piece of the mythology inspires the other pieces, because it's impossible to line up the comics and the movies. And a lot of things in themselves don’t totally line up, so our goal is to really use the comics and movies as touchstones to kind of inspire where we dovetail into both of those.

SOUDERS: And we also worked with DC closely as far as what things will line up and what things are the "Smallville" version of the mythology.

PETERSON: I just saw the announcement on how Chloe is being woven into the comics universe, and what’s funny is that it’s now happening to us, where the mythology that we’ve introduced is being reinvented back into the comics, and they’re changing the mythology a little from what Al [Gough] and Miles [Millar] originally created, so it’s all kind of... Well, for us, it's very surreal. ... cters-end/

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¡¡¡¡AY, OMÁ QUÉ CALORES!!!! ¡Gracias por tu regalo, Nitta!

Lionel Luthor
Lionel Luthor
Mensajes: 149
Registrado: Sab Nov 07, 2009 2:57 am

Re: Información y renovados para la Décima Temporada

Mensaje por yunie »

Dev-Em escribió:Llamadme paranoico pero para que los productores de la serie se arriesguen a meter tan profundamente al personaje Lex Luthor en la trama de la 10ª temporada a raíz de los clones y demás da que pensar. Creo que Michael Rosenbaum (aunque de momento no oficialmente) podría regresar para el final de la serie.
Aún sabiendo que es la última temporada y el personaje de Lex debe reaparecer sí o sí, hay muchas maneras de hacerlo. Así que pienso que al escoger ésta y hacer lo que están planeando: o es arriesgarse mucho... o algo apalabrado hay, no?
Opino lo mismo... la trama ya comienza con el tema Lex Luthor, y creo que el tema entre Mike y la serie ya esta cerrada... el antes diria un rotundo NO... pero ahora se da vueltas en lo mismo y blablabla... creo que el tema es que se evite filtraciones de que el ya es miembro regular de la serie (seria posiblemente para el 2011) porque la trama Lex no es para estar en el final de la serie, asi que me la juego que el estara entre los episodios 12-15 hasta el final :smt023


Mensajes: 33034
Registrado: Dom May 21, 2006 12:15 am

Re: Información y renovados para la Décima Temporada

Mensaje por Shelby »

Os dejo una increíble fan-promo:

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¡¡¡¡AY, OMÁ QUÉ CALORES!!!! ¡Gracias por tu regalo, Nitta!


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