So, what can you tell me about your Smallville episode?
Um, geez, what can’t I tell you is more the question. [Laughs] It’s Kara’s return after a year and a half of being gone and searching for her family. She returns in a very heroic way. Clark isn’t expecting her, and then they meet up later on in the episode and she explains what she’s learned while she’s away. They have their usual dynamic of disagreement, but Kara’s very much grown up in this episode. She’s learned a lot, she’s come back, she’s opinionated, she’s full of knowledge – Jor-El has given her a mission, and also she’s trying to help Clark out a little bit because he hasn’t truly learned some of his abilities yet. She’s going to try to help him out there.
During one episode a few years back, Kara did try to teach Clark how to fly, and it didn’t go so well. Are we going to have a second take this time around?
Yep. Possibly. [Laughs] It’s something the fans really want, and Kara’s kind of the only one who can truly teach him, so it’s to be expected. But you never know if he takes to it or not. The first time we did it, it was a really cute episode. It was more playful, her nudging him to the ledge of the loft at the open door. This one’s a little more of a serious take on it.
You inhabited that role so well. Was it like riding a bike, or did it take a bit to get back into the Supergirl mindset?
It took a little bit to remember Kara just because I’ve been Lisa for a while now. Kara’s come back a woman — she’s not really Supergirl anymore in my opinion. She’s doing what she knows she needs to do to fulfill her destiny, so I feel like she is a different character. That was fun, because I was able to come back and play with her a little bit, similarly to Lisa this season. She’s a little more grown up and opinionated and makes her own decisions. Both my characters have matured.
Are there plans to bring Supergirl back for a few more episodes before the end of the series?
I’m not sure what the plans are. The end of this episode for Supergirl, it is fairly open in terms of the character. I’m sure it’s possible – I just don’t know.
Supergirl has a new costume, and Lisa and the Visitors have their own distinct fashion sense, too. It’s very military and cold. Will Lisa’s outfits change along with her loyalties?
It’s funny because Lisa’s wardrobe does change this season, as well as Kara’s. She is being groomed for the throne to take over, so her wardrobe reflects that she’s an Anna-in-training — a little more mature, a little more queen-esque. But she also has her regular Ambasssador uniform when she’s at the Peace Ambassador Center. Her wardrobe will reflect everything that she’s going through. ... 1892067001 ... supergirl/