10x10 LUTHOR Spoilers, teorías, posibles argumentos

Spoilers, teorías, posibles argumentos.

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Lois Lane
Lois Lane
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Re: 10x10 LUTHOR Spoilers, teorías, posibles argumentos

Mensaje por Svmarines »

Gracias por las entrevistas Shel, bueno llego el dia de ver a mi querido L Luthot, y ver a Clark malo sexyyyy :smt077 :bb


Lois Lane
Lois Lane
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Re: 10x10 LUTHOR Spoilers, teorías, posibles argumentos

Mensaje por NuLane »

Viernes!!!!!! :biggrin: :biggrin:

Que ganas de ver el capi y saber que va a pasar, porque la verdad es que no tengo ni idea de que es lo que vamos a ver en este episodio. :doubt:

Tengo la sensación de que es el capi del que menos cosas sabemos, y no será porque no nos han dado mucha información, porque nos han enseñado nada más y nada menos que 7 clips!!! :shock: :smt005 :smt005

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Hawkman: Good, you're here. I've got something for you.
gifs: onebreath

Lois Lane
Lois Lane
Mensajes: 612
Registrado: Vie Oct 06, 2006 11:56 pm
Ubicación: donde diga tom welling

Re: 10x10 LUTHOR Spoilers, teorías, posibles argumentos

Mensaje por normita »

NuLane escribió:Tengo la sensación de que es el capi del que menos cosas sabemos, y no será porque no nos han dado mucha información, porque nos han enseñado nada más y nada menos que 7 clips!!! :shock: :smt005 :smt005
anda que no nos han puesto clips!!!! lo que pasa es que son muy cortitos y a mi por lo menos me han dejado con mas intriga todavia!!! :smt005 :smt005

tengo muchisima curiosidad por ver que va a pasar... :idea:


Mensajes: 2216
Registrado: Vie Sep 19, 2008 7:49 pm

Re: 10x10 LUTHOR Spoilers, teorías, posibles argumentos

Mensaje por Nitta »

Siiii, esta noche por fin!!! :biggrin: Que ganas tenía de que llegara este día.

Madre mía, y eso que solo hemos estado una semana sin Smallville (bueno en realidad son dos) y como andamos de desesperados. Pues no me quiero ni imaginar con el parón Navideño! :smt005

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Hasta siempre, Smallville...

Mensajes: 32865
Registrado: Dom May 21, 2006 12:15 am

Re: 10x10 LUTHOR Spoilers, teorías, posibles argumentos

Mensaje por Shelby »

Ya tenéis todas las entrevistas traducidas y os he añadido una más de "TVGuide". :wink:

- Entrevista Exclusiva de SMALLVILLE con Cassidy Freeman (Collider.com):
Cassidy Freeman Exclusive Interview SMALLVILLE
by Christina Radish December 3rd, 2010 at 8:16 am

In the Smallville episode “Luthor,” premiering on December 3rd, Tess (Cassidy Freeman) acquires a Kryptonian box that once belonged to Lionel Luthor (John Glover). When Clark Kent (Tom Welling) accidentally activates the box, he’s transported to a parallel universe where Lionel found Clark in the cornfields instead of the Kents. In this universe, everything is different – Clark Luthor is a murderer and Lois Lane (Erica Durance) is engaged to Oliver Queen (Justin Hartley) – and Clark Kent must figure out how to get back to Earth where Clark Luthor was transported in his place.

Now in its 10th and final season, this modern retelling of a hero’s legendary origins is upping the stakes for everyone, as it nears its series conclusion. In a recent exclusive phone interview with Collider, actress Cassidy Freeman, who plays a character that walks a fine line between good and villainous herself, talked about how surprised she’s been by Tess’ emotional depth over the last couple of seasons, how incredible it was to find out that Tess is actually a Luthor, what it’s been like to work with Tom Welling as both a co-star and a director, and the fact that there are qualities in Tess that she both admires and would like to change. She also said that there are some things that she’d definitely like to take with her from the set, once the series is done. Check out what she had to say after the jump:

Question: How did you originally get involved with Smallville? Since you came into it after it had been on the air for awhile, had you been familiar with it at all?

CASSIDY FREEMAN: I was not familiar with it. I shot a pilot with Justin Hartley, three years ago. We shot a pilot together, for The CW, that didn’t end up getting picked up, so I got to know him before Smallville. He’d already played Green Arrow in two seasons, sporadically. I just went in to audition and got the part somehow, and then realized that he was also going to be coming in as a series regular, so it was exciting to get to work with a friend.

Did you have any idea how big a part of the story Tess would become, especially in the last two seasons?

FREEMAN: I had my hopes. But, of course, I didn’t know until it happened.

How surprised have you been with your character’s story arc, since you started out on the show? Could you ever have predicted that she’s end up where she has?

FREEMAN: No, I couldn’t. To be honest, I didn’t really have a lot of previous ideas. I thought it was going to maybe be a job that lasted one year, so the fact that it lasted three, and the fact that I got to become a Luthor (she discovered on a recent episode that she was born Lutessa Lena Luthor to her father, Lionel) is incredible. I had positive expectations, but nothing specific, so I am pleasantly surprised.

What were you most surprised to learn about Tess, as a character?

FREEMAN: Her emotional depth was something that was a little bit surprising to me. On a show where a lot of these characters are comic book characters, and they’re predictable in some ways, whether that’s bad or good, Tess really surprised me and others, in being a really human character that had deep emotion. You never really knew what she was going to do. With a villain, you always know they’re going to do bad. With a hero, you always know that they’re going to at least try to do good. Those moments where you can play against that are the interesting moments. With her, you never know, so I found that to be my favorite part about her.

What can fans expect from this week’s episode, entitled “Luthor”? Is there anything you’re excited about fans getting to see, as far as Tess is concerned?

FREEMAN: Yeah, I’m really excited for people to see a different side of Tess. Just getting to play a different side of her was really fun and explorative. The ability for her to play with her father and know who her father is, was also really exciting. I think fans will like that. And, you get to see a different side of Clark, which is always fun.

How was it to have John Glover back on the show, and have some of the other characters come back for the last season?

FREEMAN: It has been a lot of fun. It’s like a reunion, of sorts. I think that Brian [Peterson] and Kelly [Souders], and everybody, did a really good job of bringing people back, tying together storylines and having it feel like a big bow on the end of 10 years of television. I don’t know if it would have been as good without that.

Was it fun to have one of the show’s executive producers (Kelly Souders) make her directorial debut with this week’s episode? Is it nice to have a director who knows the characters so well?

FREEMAN: Yes. Kelly came in really prepared and really available for interpretation, and I think that was really important for this episode, in particular. Because she knows the characters so well, she knows exactly what she wants to see. Unlike other directors, where maybe their job is on the line, Kelly had a lot of freedom in that, and I think it shows in her directing. It looks really, really good.

Are there qualities that you most like about Tess, and are there qualities in her that you wish you could change?

FREEMAN: That’s a really good question. I love her strength. I love her sense of self. If people don’t agree with her, she kind of goes her own way, which is really inspiring for me and is something about human nature that we can all learn from. As much as there may be a norm, the only thing you can do is be yourself. I think, though, that sometimes that also means that she takes a low road when she could try to take a high road. That’s probably something I’d change about her.

How has it been to work with Tom Welling over the years, as both a co-star and a director?

FREEMAN: Tom is a really great guy, for someone who has been on a television show for 10 years. That can go a lot of different ways, but Tom is really, really down-to-earth. He loves directing, he loves doing and he loves succeeding, and I think that shows in his work. He’s a very giving actor, and he’s a really, really calm and supportive director. That’s incredible.

Looking back on it, what do you think your strongest memories of having been a part of this show will be?

FREEMAN: I think, overall, my strongest memories will be the conditioning this show has taught me. I’ve never been a regular on a show before. I’ve never worked with the same people, in and out, for three years. I’ve never had to pull four 16-hour days in a row. I think that that’s something that few actors get to experience, and I’m very thankful to have done that because it’s a conditioning that you have to get used to. I always equate it with grad school because your learning curve just shoots straight up, in that kind of situation.

Have you given any thought to where you’d like to see Tess end up, by the end of the series?

FREEMAN: Yeah, I have given thought to it. I haven’t given too much thought to it because I know that I don’t really have a lot of say. But, I do think about the fact that the writers and producers have two ways to go with her. I don’t want to see her wishy-washy, at the end. I want to see her either good or really, really bad. As much as I really enjoy playing the softer side of Tess and the good side of her, because I think it speaks more to her human side, I think that creatively it would be more of a shocker and more interesting if she went evil. But, I have no idea what they’re planning, so I can’t think about it too much ‘cause I’ll get frustrated.

Is there anyone on the show that you wish you’d gotten to work with more, over the seasons?

FREEMAN: Yeah, it’s characters that aren’t really on the show regularly. Regular characters, I have gotten to work a lot with, and I like that. Erica [Durance] and I don’t work all that much together, and we have a lot of fun when we do, but women on Smallville aren’t buddy-buddy unless they’re cousins. But, I got to work with Martha Kent, who’s Annette O’Toole, last year and that was really great. I probably would have liked to work with her a little bit more.

Is there anything specifically associated with Tess that you would like to be able to take home from the set and keep as a memento, once the series is all done?

FREEMAN: My entire wardrobe. My goodness, this character dresses better than I’ve ever dressed in my entire life. I’ll try on a jacket and be like, “Where did you get this? I’ve never been able to find stuff like this!” But, that’s a really good question. I’m going to think about that. I know that, in my Daily Planet office, I have cards that are made for me that say, “Tess Mercer, CEO.” I’m definitely going to snag one of those and put it in my scrapbook.

With the series in its last season, have you given any thought about where you’d like to see your career go next? Would you like to do another TV show, or are you looking to do film roles?

FREEMAN: I’d love to do a film. I’d love to play a character that I know the beginning, middle and end of. It’s sometimes difficult, when you’re playing a character that you don’t know where you’re going to go next week, to be able to justify things. So, creatively, that would be really fun to do. But, the medium doesn’t matter as much to me as the part and the people. I just hope that I get to work with good people again and get to do an interesting part. Whether that’s on a stage, on cable, on a network, in a movie or on a street corner, it doesn’t really matter to me.

When you work on something the caliber of this show, with the level of talent both in front of and behind the camera, does it raise the bar for you, as far as the type of projects you want to be involved with and the quality of work you want to do in the future?

FREEMAN: It absolutely does. I think that that goes along with the conditioning that I talked about. When you get used to something, you don’t want to go back. I’m definitely reaching further upwards for my future.

http://www.collider.com/2010/12/03/cass ... mallville/
- John Glover Regresa de la Muerte como "Luthor" de SMALLVILLE (Newsarama.com):
John Glover Regresa de la Muerte como "Luthor" de SMALLVILLE
Por Jenna Busch, 03 Diciembre 2010 11:57 am ET

Yes my Smallville friends. It's true! Lionel Luthor himself, John Glover is back! Sort of. Clark (Tom Welling) finds himself in a parallel universe where Lionel is his father. His real son Evil Clark (comic fans will recognize the U on his chest) is back on the normal Earth, wreaking havoc. Lois (Erica Durance) is dating Oliver (Justin Hartley) and can't stand the sight of him. I got a chance to chat with the incredibly charming Glover (I mean, seriously charming) this week, and got some info for you on this Friday's episode. He is indeed coming back for three more episodes after this one, but no matter how much he begged writers/producers Brian (Peterson) and Kelly Souders for details on how a dead guy is going to continue to reappear, he got no answers. He did give us some great info on this one, including his even more impressive fencing prowess. He joked about how people tend to think he's really like Lionel and said wonderful things about co-star Annette O'Toole. And yes, it's true. They are going to have scenes together. He also shares his thoughts about the end of the series.

Newsarama: How did it feel to be back on set?

John Glover: It was bizarrely wonderful. I've been away for three years and I was very dead! [laughs] I was pushed out a 40 story window! There was not much left of Lionel Luthor. That's a pretty unsurvivable thing, so I was very surprised when Brian (Peterson) and Kelly (Souders) the writers/producers called me and said, 'Would you like to come back?' I could not fathom how that could happen. But it is Smallville after all.

Nrama: That's true. And no one really dies in a comic book.

Glover: [laughs] That's true!

Nrama: So we know a little about the parallel universe in this week's episode. We know that Clark is Luthor's son. What else can you tell us?

Glover: It's a lot rougher than our world. Or at least around the Smallville/Metropolis area, and I think that's because of Lionel. He's a much darker creature.

Nrama: Are we only going to see his dark side this time? I know you worked hard to make him a real person and not just a villain.

Glover: Yes I did. But I don't know about this guy. It's very strange...it's a different person I'm playing, but the same body and everything. It's very confusing for Clark. [laughs] But it's quite fascinating to work on it that way...but he finds disappointments in the episode. But it's just a different kind of guy.

Nrama: I was wondering about his part in the Darkseid arc. I know you're back for four episodes...

Glover: The Darkseid arc? I don't know what that means.

Nrama: I guess that would be a no then?

Glover: [laughs] You know, they don't tell us a lot of what's coming up. I ask, but they go, 'Oh, we'll let you be surprised.

Nrama: That's the same thing they tell us.

Glover: [laughs] What I've been trying to get it out of them is how the season is going to end. Or the series is going to end. But they won't tell me anything of that. It's all very mysterious. But intriguing. It's all very intriguing. I don't think they expected this show to go ten years. It's gone all over the place. And I've been away from it for three [years] and because I've been doing theater, I haven't been able to watch it. So surprise, surprise! I have an illegitimate daughter! (Tess, played by Cassidy Freeman.)

Nrama: Did you actually know that in the show?

Glover: No, I didn't find out I had a daughter until I came back...[laughs] Lionel is really only interested in male heirs.

Nrama: He has issues.

Glover: Huge issues! That's what makes him so fascinating. Bloodline. Very important to Lionel.

Nrama: I know Annette (O'Toole-Martha Kent) said on Twitter that she's had some scenes with you. What was it like to work with her again?

Glover: Oh, we're going to do that Friday. So I'll tell you later. [laughs] Annette and I have stayed very close, so we've been longing for a chance to play together again. She's been doing a lot of theater herself, which I see all of, and she comes to see me in everything. Did you happen to see that Lie to Me she just did a couple of weeks ago?

Nrama: Yes!

Glover: She was brilliant in that! She played a woman with early Alzheimer’s. Stunning performance!

Nrama: Well, you should know, people have been tweeting me about how much they love the two of you in scenes together.

Glover: We had a grand time three or four years ago. When she left...she wasn't in Season 7 and it was very lonely for poor Lionel. He fell hard for Martha. And I think, in spite of who he is, or was, I think Martha saw his goodness. So we'll see what happens on Friday. [laughs]

Nrama: Is there anything else you can tell us about the other episodes you're in?

Glover: I keep trying to find out but they won't tell me anything.

Nrama: Oh! You really don't know anything!

Glover: [laughs] No, I really don't know! But if I did, I don't think I'd tell you. [laughs] But I don't know. I had lunch with Kelly and Brian yesterday and I tried to get stuff out of them, but they wouldn't tell me anything.

Nrama: Use a few Lionel techniques.

Glover: [laughs] Oh no! The makeup artist in the makeup trailer was very strange to me when I came. It's all new people. They were very strange to me when I came back. Until they got to know me a little. They said, 'Oh my god, you're nothing like Lionel. We thought...we didn't know what was going to come into our trailer.' I don't normally behave that way myself. [laughs] That's funny to you, isn't it, Jenna?

Nrama: [laughs] It's very funny!

Glover: Yes! [laughs] You expected me to be the...yeah, I understand.

Nrama: What was it like having Kelly direct?

Glover: Kelly? She's a wonderful director. She went for very specific, seemingly small things and would focus on, 'I need to see you thinking here. Where are you going with this?' She was doing that with everybody. There were very specific things she needed to tell the story she was trying to tell. She's a really good storyteller. She's a wonderful director. And you never can tell. When one of the writers says, 'I'm directing an episode,' you think, oh dear. What's going to happen now? She's wonderful. She's a great director.

Nrama: Do you really think Lionel had redeemed himself when he died?

Glover: Well, I thought...redeemed himself? You talk like he was a terrible villain! [laughs] No, no. I mean, there was a logical reason why he gave Lex (Michael Rosenbaum) shock treatments.

Nrama: Of course!

Glover: It was only to strengthen the poor boy. Give him a spine.

Nrama: You were just helping.

Glover: Redeem himself. Please. That's so insulting. [laughs]

Nrama: Is there anything else that you're allowed to tell us about the parallel universe?

Glover: Just that Lionel is an even better fencer than he was on real Earth. Earth 2 is a very dark place. A lot of red kryptonite around. And you remember what red kryptonite does to Clark. He keeps it on his bedside table.

Nrama: I have to ask you about how you feel about the series coming to an end and what it's meant to you.

Glover: You know, I've been acting for a long, long time and it's the longest I've ever been with a group of people. In anything. In school...I guess not a relationship, but it was quite an amazing family that I spent seven years with. And then when I came back, when I really thought that there was really no way I could come back, and to see a lot of those same people still on the crew and up in the production office and things, it's been a very positive experience for me, to see all those people again. And they really let me know how much they missed me too, so that felt great.

Nrama: Is there something that you really want to see happen towards the end of the series? Something you'd really like to see happen with Lionel?

Glover: With Lionel? No, I did know before...when I died, I told the writers that if I did die...I was sure I was going to die...but if I died, it had to be at Lex's hand, because I knew that that would push him to becoming who he became. So that happened, but I can imagine what they're going to do with Lionel. So I'm just trusting in, as Tennessee Williams used to say, the kindness of strangers. I'm sure they'll come up with something that's stunning for Lionel. For everyone, I think. But no pressure though, for the writers writing the last episode.

http://www.newsarama.com/tv/john-glover ... 01203.html

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¡¡¡¡AY, OMÁ QUÉ CALORES!!!! ¡Gracias por tu regalo, Nitta!

Lana Lang
Lana Lang
Mensajes: 308
Registrado: Mar May 11, 2010 2:20 pm
Ubicación: A medio camino entre Gotham y Metrópolis

Re: 10x10 LUTHOR Spoilers, teorías, posibles argumentos

Mensaje por Ashnan »

Pues yo sólo he visto el primer clip; es el capi del que menos cosas sé. Seguro que nos sorprenden :biggrin:

A mí el Clark malo también me pone mucho :smt077

Mensajes: 32865
Registrado: Dom May 21, 2006 12:15 am

Re: 10x10 LUTHOR Spoilers, teorías, posibles argumentos

Mensaje por Shelby »

- SMALLVILLE: John Glover sobre el Regreso de Lionel, Además de Clark, Tess, Lex y Más (givememyremote.com):
SMALLVILLE: John Glover sobre el Regreso de Lionel, Además de Clark, Tess, Lex y Más
Por Marisa Roffman 3 de Diciembre, 2010

SMALLVILLE’s Lionel Luthor is back!

Well, kind of.

Our Lionel is still dead, but on Earth 2, Lionel Luthor is alive, kicking and, oh yeah, father to Clark.

Give Me My Remote talked with John Glover (the man behind LL, senior) about his return to the show, his new on-screen daughter, what things are like on Earth 2 and if he’ll be back after “Luthor” airs this evening…

Hey John!
John Glover: I love the name of your [site], givememyremote.com!

JG: Did you make that up?

No, I didn’t, but I love the name too. It’s a lot of fun to say.
JG: Yeah, it sure is. And it’s kind of very Lionel-esque. “Give me my remote!”

Everyone would listen if Lionel Luthor was uttering those words.
JG: If I have a scene coming up with a TV set, I think I might try and get that in. I’m calling the writers when we hang up, I’ll try and see if I can do something.

That would be fantastic. Also, can you thank them for bringing you back because you’ve been off SMALLVILLE for a few years now.
JG: Three, yeah.

When you heard this was the final season, did you have a feeling the show would be calling you up to make a final appearance?
JG: No! I had no idea! I didn’t see how they could, I was pushed out of a 40 story building.

Well, it is SMALLVILLE, death is apparently not an obstacle.
JG: So I see! When [executive producers] Brian [Peterson] and Kelly [Souders] called, I said, “How?”

It certainly seems they figured out the “how” well — in this week’s episode, we’re traveling to an alternate universe where Lionel was the one to discover Clark when he arrived on Earth. What can you tease about the hour?
JG: Oh, well…Clark is the son I’ve always wanted. But he’s getting a little cocky with it. He needs to be brought down a peg or two. What do you know about the episode, yourself?

I know Tess is the one who triggers the universe when she finds a box of Lionel’s. And Lois and Oliver are engaged over there and hate Clark.
JG: Do you know that who shows up in Clark’s bed that morning isn’t the Clark that I raised?

Yes, he’s our Clark.
JG: Right. So what happens is he wakes up and doesn’t know where he is. That’s the fun of the episode. At least for me! [laughs]

How was it reuniting with the cast again after your three years away?
JG: Bliss. I didn’t know Cassidy [Freeman (Tess)], though. So I had no idea I had an illegitimate daughter. But what a creature I made!

You did good.
JG: Yes, I did. I wonder if Blair Brown['s character, Rachel Dunleavy] is the mother. We did have an illegitimate child together, from season two I think, when Lionel was blind.

I believe they said Tess’s mother was Lex’s former nanny.
JG: Oh, yes. I had an illegitimate son with Blair. I can’t remember what that boy’s name was. I can’t remember who he was. I was blind, so I couldn’t really see him. [Laughs]

You’re just siring an army of little Luthors who can take over the universe.
JG: The nanny. So he did it with the nanny. Oh my God. Just can’t keep his hands to himself, can he?

I think it’s fair to say he gets around a little bit.
JG: Well, he’s interested in his bloodline, I guess. Any way it can happen. But you know what they say about men with power. It’s invigorating, I guess.

And is the Lionel in the other universe like the one we saw in our universe? Is he very much in control and powerful?
JG: He’s very powerful and very much in control. Clark’s getting a little bit cocky, but of course that’s the other Clark, the Clark that’s gone to the other Earth. But Clark Kent has come and doesn’t realize he’s Clark Luthor. That sounds funny, say it a couple times. [Laughs] It’s very confusing for Clark. But it’s a very dark planet. I think with Lionel and his ownership — he owns most everything — the unemployment rate is very, very high. The main street of Smallville is very derelict. He’s not done well. He’s doing fine himself, but the rest of the people aren’t. He’s a very destructive kind of megalomaniac.

It’s going to be good to see Lionel wield his power over everyone else again. Is there any mention of Lionel’s son, Lex, in the hour?
JG: Oh yes, yes. It’s very interesting. I can’t tell you what that is, I don’t want to give that away, but it’s very interesting what’s happened to Lex in Earth 2, as we call it. And even Earth 1, what’s happened with that.

The clones?
JG: Yeah, the clones. But you find that Lionel does have a conscience.

Well, in Earth 1, he had a conscience as well.
JG: Oh yes, a very good conscience. Thank you for appreciating that.

For all the faults he did have, you can’t deny he cared about Clark. He was Clark’s third father in very many ways.
JG: Well, he cared about Lex, too. The only reason he gave him the shock treatment was to strengthen him because he loved him.

I think some people might find that logic a little bit twisted, but in Lionel’s mind it worked.
JG: I resent that, Marisa! I really do. [Laughs]

To be fair, Lex is in a category all by himself because he does have his own issues.
JG: His spine is not as strong as Clark’s. All Lionel wants is a strong son. Poor Lex.

Poor Lex. He could never really live up to Clark.
JG: Or Lionel.

And now Lionel has a strong kid in Tess. She’s pretty much the perfect daughter for him. Did you get to share scenes with her?
JG: Yes! Cassidy and I get on very well.

So you share scenes together?
JG: Oh, yes.

JG: Very excellent.

And is she aware that she’s his daughter in Earth 2?
JG: Yes.

Fantastic. How was it being directed by Kelly in her directorial debut?
JG: I was very leery of that. You know those writers who say, oh, I’m going to direct now! But she was wonderful, she’s a wonderful director. I trusted her implicitly.

And you’ll be returning for more episodes, correct?
JG: I think so. It’s very vague at SMALLVILLE. We’re talking about more. They have to figure out how to do that.

Well, they have had people come back as visions. Maybe something like that…
JG: Oh, visions…

Especially now that Tess knows Lionel is her father, maybe he can come to her in a dream?
JG: Huh. Well, I’ll pitch that to the writers. That would be realer. Lionel is too good to be a vision.

Maybe he could be something like a prophecy? That way there’s authority in his message.
JG: I’m calling the writers when we hang up.

While you’re waiting to find out when you’ll next appear on SMALLVILLE, what will you be up to?
JG: I’m meant to do a little film in New York in a while and I’m waiting for the next play — you know I’ve been doing theater for three years. I’ve got an addiction to live theater. Each hiatus, I used to go to New York and do a play but these three years off, I’ve just done play after play after play. It’s been heaven.

SMALLVILLE is wrapping its run, is there any specific moment or thing about the show that you’ll cherish the most?
JG: Just the spirit of the crew and the people that work on the show. I have had so many wonderful scenes to play and they’ve given me amazing stuff to do. What was so nice about coming back was that feeling of family on the set and being welcomed by everybody. That’s what I love about SMALLVILLE.

http://www.givememyremote.com/remote/20 ... -and-more/

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¡¡¡¡AY, OMÁ QUÉ CALORES!!!! ¡Gracias por tu regalo, Nitta!

Mensajes: 2216
Registrado: Vie Sep 19, 2008 7:49 pm

Re: 10x10 LUTHOR Spoilers, teorías, posibles argumentos

Mensaje por Nitta »

Desde luego siempre hacen lo mismo... Horas antes de que salga el capítulo sacan todas las entrevistas de golpe! :smt005 Mira que han tenido días para repartirlas. :roll:

En fin, muchas gracias por postearlas Muna, y por la paciencia de ir traduciéndolas. :smt058 :wink:

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Hasta siempre, Smallville...

Mensajes: 32865
Registrado: Dom May 21, 2006 12:15 am

Re: 10x10 LUTHOR Spoilers, teorías, posibles argumentos

Mensaje por Shelby »

¡Y espera que hay más! :shock:

- Cassidy Freeman de Smallville Habla de Tess, Luthors y de la Tregua de Lois (TVGuide):
Cassidy Freeman de Smallville Habla de Tess, Luthors y de la Tregua de Lois
Por Damian Holbrook 3 Diciembre, 2010 02:58 PM ET

The Luthors rise again! Smallville (The CW, 8/7c) pulls a Fringe tonight with a trip to an alternate universe where Lionel Luthor (returning guest John Glover) still lives, and his family looks very different than the one we've known for the last 10 years. Here, the superfabulous Cassidy Freeman talks about becoming the newest member of Metropolis' most messed-up clan and what we can expect from her Tess Mercer in the second half of the season.

TV Guide Magazine: When I talked to you on set during "Homecoming," I asked if Tess could survive the season...and now they make her a Luthor!
Cassidy Freeman: I know. [Laughs] I knew they wanted to do this last hiatus. I was told that it was an idea and I was really thankful to hear that because I had sent out all of these rockets of desire, hoping that would come true.

TV Guide Magazine: So yay!
Freeman: Yeah, I am so glad this came to fruition because I think it's super-important for the character.

TV Guide Magazine: In tonight's "Luthor" episode, Clark is transported to an alternate universe. What's up over there?
Freeman: It's basically a huge "what if?" Think of a Choose Your Own Adventure book, going way back to the first meteor shower and someone chose Plan B instead of Plan A. It's an entirely different world, but all of the same players are in it. Each of us got to be a different version of ourselves.

TV Guide Magazine: What version of you do we see?
Freeman: This is Tess knowing where she came from, always being a Luthor and having a very different relationship with her past and her father than she has now...which is kind of not a relationship! [Laughs] For someone who has been in an orphanage and has had so many question marks in her life, you have to ask, 'how would she be had she known all of those things?'

TV Guide Magazine: Is she a mess? A power bitch?
Freeman: [Laughs] I'd say Tess in the real world is a bit of a power bitch, so we can be sure she's not like that! I don't even know how to explain her. She's more aware of where she came from but just as confused about what would make her happy.

TV Guide Magazine: And you obviously worked with John Glover, who's back as Lionel, right?
Freeman: One scene, yeah. It's more pivotal for the characters than for the episode as a whole. There is a lot going on in the episode and I think the basis of it is Clark being Clark Luthor, how that would change Superman — you know, the crux of the last 10 years of the show. [Laughs] The scene I share with John Glover is really informative to my character. It shows how she is different. It's not like we're snuggling on the couch watching Charlie Brown, you know? It's terse and it's difficult and that's the fun part of it.

TV Guide Magazine: And how is her relationship with her "brother," Clark?
Freeman: It is interesting....and he's not even her brother! It's interesting to have that, and to have all of us knowing that he's different. It's totally like "Small Wonder." [Laughs]

TV Guide Magazine: How is Tom as bad Clark?
Freeman: He is so good! Imagine having to play the goody-two-shoes for 10 years and the once in a while getting to sort of flip that. It was so fun. I was like 'who are you?!'

TV Guide Magazine: He gets a little sexier, right?
Freeman: I mean, whatever! Maybe? [Laughs]

TV Guide Magazine: Folks on Twitter want to know if Tess and Lois will ever bury the hatchet.
Freeman: I think so. Unfortunately the focus isn't on Tess and Lois [Laughs], but I think they're both looking at the bigger picture and letting troubled water travel under that bridge. The fact that they all know about Watchtower and we're on the same team, it's time to play by the same rules. Or at least try to!

TV Guide Magazine: I'm guessing the reveal of her parentage is gonna refuel her issues with Lex, too?
Freeman: It definitely colors the relationship they had. I've read things where people are like 'Eww, they're brother and sister? Weren't they sexually involved?' and I'm like, Tess and Lex in the real world were never involved. He was always a mentor, someone I looked up to. It was never sexual.

TV Guide Magazine: Going forward for Tess, is she going to be a good Luthor or a bad Luthor?
Freeman: That hasn't been decided yet. I think she's going to try to be good, she's done a lot of work this season to get where she is and I don't think learning her DNA is gonna change that immediately. The Luthors have not treated her great, so she has no sense of familial connection there, so I think that she'll keep trying to bushwack her own path. Did I just say 'bushwack'? That is incredible. [Laughs]

http://www.tvguide.com/News/Smallville- ... 26407.aspx

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¡¡¡¡AY, OMÁ QUÉ CALORES!!!! ¡Gracias por tu regalo, Nitta!

Lois Lane
Lois Lane
Mensajes: 788
Registrado: Sab Sep 04, 2010 3:55 pm
Ubicación: Flotando en el granero...

Re: 10x10 LUTHOR Spoilers, teorías, posibles argumentos

Mensaje por NuLane »

Gracias Shelby, parece que hoy te han dado trabajo extra. :biggrin:

Llevo dos semanas desesperada porque nos digan algo y ahora en dos días nos ponen 7 clips y ochocientas entrevistas. :smt005
Aunque no sé si es por haber leido tantas ya, que tengo la sensación de que todas dicen más o menos lo mismo. :smt005

¿No os parece curioso que a pesar de todas las informaciones que nos estan dando no sepamos gran cosa de Lois ni de Oliver? :smt102

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Hawkman: Good, you're here. I've got something for you.
gifs: onebreath

Lois Lane
Lois Lane
Mensajes: 634
Registrado: Mar Dic 08, 2009 2:21 pm

Re: 10x10 LUTHOR Spoilers, teorías, posibles argumentos

Mensaje por Lau90 »

Muchas gracias Shelby! estas semanas no has tenido mucho trabajo y ahora te lo dan todo de golpe :smt005 es cierto que de Oliver y Lois no dicen mucho, nada mas que Clark, Tess y Lionel.
Bueno ya estoy contando las horas que faltan, que ganas de ver a Lionel y a mi Clark con traje y sin él :smt077


Lois Lane
Lois Lane
Mensajes: 612
Registrado: Vie Oct 06, 2006 11:56 pm
Ubicación: donde diga tom welling

Re: 10x10 LUTHOR Spoilers, teorías, posibles argumentos

Mensaje por normita »

pobre shelby!!! se acumula el trabajo!! :smt005 :smt005 un a semanita de relax y de repente todo de mogollon!!! :smt044 :smt044
ya queda menos para el capitulo!!! :smt109 muchas gracias shelby por la info!!


Clark Kent
Clark Kent
Mensajes: 1279
Registrado: Vie Sep 04, 2009 11:47 pm
Ubicación: Venezuela

Re: 10x10 LUTHOR Spoilers, teorías, posibles argumentos

Mensaje por Alexakent »

Shelbyyy el viernes el dia de mas trabajo gracias por traerlas descansa para que difrutes de luthor :smt044 :smt044 :super14

- Clarkista 100% - esperando que vuele :)

Mensajes: 32865
Registrado: Dom May 21, 2006 12:15 am

Re: 10x10 LUTHOR Spoilers, teorías, posibles argumentos

Mensaje por Shelby »

Bueno, yo la verdad es que trabajo siempre tengo, ya sea con el foro o actualizando la web, pero en fin...

Sí, todas dicen prácticamente lo mismo y sí, ¡hoy ya he parado de traducir por el momento! :smt005 :smt005

Si alguien duda de algo, por favor, que me lo pregunte, aunque como ya habéis dicho, en todas comentan lo mismo. :wink:

¡Me cago en tó... ya empiezan con las suyas! :smt076

Sad news, Baltimore #Smallville fans: The show will NOT be airing tonight on WNUV, who'd rather show HIGH SCHOOL football.

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¡¡¡¡AY, OMÁ QUÉ CALORES!!!! ¡Gracias por tu regalo, Nitta!

Mensajes: 233
Registrado: Sab Feb 13, 2010 9:48 pm
Ubicación: normalmente en Sevilla, aunque paso mucho tiempo por metrópolis

Re: 10x10 LUTHOR Spoilers, teorías, posibles argumentos

Mensaje por manukent »

Uff!! creo que shelby necesita un mundo paralelo en el que no trabaje tanto y no le den tanta guerra, la verdad es que se lo merecería todo, Eres la number 1 :smt023 :smt023 :smt056

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