SUPERMÁN: "Man Of Steel"-"Batman V Superman" de SNYDER

Foro dedicado a temas de Superman

Moderadores: Shelby, Lore, Super_House, ZeTa, Trasgo

Mensajes: 284
Registrado: Sab Dic 09, 2006 12:32 pm


Mensaje por K-Fabio »

Bertu escribió:Bueno, en América usan "shit" a veces como aquí usamos "hostia"... Lo de Big Dady es... que Snyder es mu chungo :smt005 :smt005 :smt005
Maldito Snyder! :smt005

Entre lo del porro y la mierda estais vendidos los traductores!


Lois Lane
Lois Lane
Mensajes: 612
Registrado: Vie Oct 06, 2006 11:56 pm
Ubicación: donde diga tom welling


Mensaje por normita »

yo de verdad ya no se si reir o llorar.... :smt005 :smt005 cada vez que leo una noticia nueva sobre el reparto o el destrozo que quieren hacer con la pelicula, me deprimo mas :smt013 :sad: :smt010 :smt009
es que como decis, por mucho que motan actores conocidos no van a hacer una mejor pelicula. no es cuestion de elegir a los mas conocidos si no a los mas adecuados para cada uno de los papeles... que desastre :smt013
y lo del anticuado ya me ha llegado al alma.. que mas quieren modernizar??? meter mas carnaza??? :smt102
me dan ganas hasta de no verla
con lo bien que estarian tom welling y erica en los papeles.... y no por ser fan de la serie, si no porque realmente encajan en los papeles


Mensajes: 284
Registrado: Sab Dic 09, 2006 12:32 pm


Mensaje por K-Fabio »

he de decir que pese a ser fan de smallville entiendo que los protagonistas erica y tom no sean lois y clark en la pelicula...poneos en perspectiva, y por muy fan que seamos, entendamos que eso seria ligar demasiado la película a smallville, y parecería algo asi como Smallville: the movie, más que la nueva película de Superman...gente que no ve smallville, al ver a los dos actores como los protagonistas de la película podría levantar la sospecha de si la película tiene algo que ver con smallville, esa serie que "ni ven, ni les interesa".

Mensajes: 32857
Registrado: Dom May 21, 2006 12:15 am


Mensaje por Shelby »

A la gente que no ve Smallville, le daría exactamente igual a quien pongan porque no conocerían a los actores igualmente... :smt005 :smt005 :smt005

Imagen Imagen
¡¡¡¡AY, OMÁ QUÉ CALORES!!!! ¡Gracias por tu regalo, Nitta!

Mensajes: 284
Registrado: Sab Dic 09, 2006 12:32 pm


Mensaje por K-Fabio »

Shelby escribió:A la gente que no ve Smallville, le daría exactamente igual a quien pongan porque no conocerían a los actores igualmente... :smt005 :smt005 :smt005
pero mucha gente que no ve Smallville saben quien es Tom Welling, saben lo que es Smallville y les suena la cara de Erica Durance :smt005

Conozco unos cuantos xd

Ademas, mucha gente veía Smallville, pero hace ya tiempo que no...aquí, y en USA tambien...comparando audiencias...

Mensajes: 32857
Registrado: Dom May 21, 2006 12:15 am


Mensaje por Shelby »

A ver... a lo mejor algún día puedo explicar cómo se ha ido desarrollando todo el tema del cásting de la peli (por información de dentro), aunque ahora mismo no puedo dar los detalles...

Sólo os digo que estaban los primeros de la lista y que, si no cuajó, es precisamente por la misma WB que no tiene mucha fe en que el proyecto vaya a ser un éxito, pero los actores van a seguir estando vinculados con la Warner, eso os lo aseguro (y a las pruebas me remito, si habéis leído ya la info que he dado hace apenas un rato). :wink:

Imagen Imagen
¡¡¡¡AY, OMÁ QUÉ CALORES!!!! ¡Gracias por tu regalo, Nitta!

Mensajes: 284
Registrado: Sab Dic 09, 2006 12:32 pm


Mensaje por K-Fabio »

Vaya, me sorprende tremendamente que Erica y Tom fueran los primeros en la lista de la pelicula al venir precisamente de la serie...aver si un dia se puede explicar!

Entonces no les eligieron porque no pensaron que vaya a ser un éxito?A modo proteccionista para los actores?Para que no fracasaran?Lo he entendido así.

Sí en una realidad alternativa hubiera ido a una sala de cine de 600 personas abarratoda para una pelicula de Superman con Tom y Erica de protagonistas creo que no me lo creeria. Me suena tan surrealista...

Mensajes: 32857
Registrado: Dom May 21, 2006 12:15 am


Mensaje por Shelby »

Pues no sé de qué te extraña... Lo mismo es que sean ellos a que sean unos totales desconocidos (hasta el mismo Bale cuando le mencionaron a Cavill en los globos de oro, respondió: "¿Quien? Bueno, a quien quiera que sea, le deseo suerte"). Es más... incluso se asegurarían ya un gran porcentaje de público de antemano, además de contar con dos actores que ya conocen perfectamente sus papeles y que saben a la perfección cómo aproximarlos.

Y no sé de qué os extrañáis. Cuando se hizo "Superman Returns", ya dijeron los de la WB que hablaron también con Tom, pero que en aquel momento él no podía hacer la película por los compromisos que ya tenía con la serie. Es más, hasta incluso Alex Ross hizo un dibujo a modo de boceto que mostraba a Tom como Supermán y el mismo Geoff Johns ha dicho que está encantado con ellos...

Imagen Imagen
¡¡¡¡AY, OMÁ QUÉ CALORES!!!! ¡Gracias por tu regalo, Nitta!

Lois Lane
Lois Lane
Mensajes: 658
Registrado: Sab Feb 07, 2009 11:31 pm


Mensaje por Cin »

Pero, ¿a qué se refieren con eso de "modernizar" a suermán"? ¿a qué se ponga los gayumbos por dentro? :smt102
Mal veo que se pongan a juzgar las míticas pelis de Reeves en función de su "modernidad", mal veo que arrinconen a Lois Lane como un "cameo"...y muy mal veo que hayan desperdiciado la oportunidad de coger a Tom y a Erica como Clark y Lois... son un referente para toda una generación, conocen a los personajes como nadie, han crecido con ellos y aprendido de ellos y los han llenado de matices...
Menuda decepción. :smt022

¿Falta de modernidad en las pelis de supermán? No puedo entenderlo, hombre los efectos en las pelis de Reeves eran lo que eran, lógicamente, pero los guiones y la relación Lois y Clark, ¿son medievales o qué? Es la primera vez que oigo algo así :shock:

Están equivocados.


Lois Lane
Lois Lane
Mensajes: 612
Registrado: Vie Oct 06, 2006 11:56 pm
Ubicación: donde diga tom welling


Mensaje por normita »

pues si ellos tiene poca fe en que la peli tenga exito, menudos animos estan dando :smt005 :smt005 vamos, que ni ellos mismos pondrian la mano en el fuego...
si es asi, incluso hasta me alegro que no hagan la peli, fijate... de todas formas, los actores hacen mucho en una peli,y puede con ellos en los papeles de lois y clark, la pelicula hubiera sido otra cosa ....

a lo mejor con modernidad se refieren que en vez de capa, lleve un cohete... a la gente se le va mucho la pinza


Lois Lane
Lois Lane
Mensajes: 658
Registrado: Sab Feb 07, 2009 11:31 pm


Mensaje por Cin »

O que se cambie de acera :smt102


Mensajes: 284
Registrado: Sab Dic 09, 2006 12:32 pm


Mensaje por K-Fabio »

No, si sé que estaba ahi TW obviamente...pero no entraba en mi que lo eligieran, era algo personal, cómo que por el hecho de estar viendolo tantos años en una serie me parecia imposible verlo en la peli también... el hecho de verlo en pantalla grande, en una superproduccion...y no en doce en casa o en la gran peli (notese la ironia) de The Fog xD Sea como sea Tom no está en el papel, y hubiera estado molto bene...

E idem con Erica...


Foro de :: Smallville © Subtitulos. • P

Mensaje por swaple »

Shelby wrote:A la gente que no ve Smallville, le daria exactamente igual a quien pongan porque no conocerian a los actores igualmente...


Mensajes: 32857
Registrado: Dom May 21, 2006 12:15 am


Mensaje por Shelby »

“Siempre quise criar a un buen hombre,” bromea sobre el trabajar con Henry Cavill, “Pensé que ése era el mayor reto que una mujer podría tener, así es que conseguí más de lo que necesitaba.”

Lane también explica que ha estado revisando las películas de Snyder, particularmente Watchmen. Describiendo al director como "audaz" y "brillante", Lane promete que Supermán "va a ser un viaje salvaje."

"Estoy muy halagada de interpretar a Martha Kent y darle vida a su visión," dice, "Es estupenda.”

"Es sobrecogedor, pero de forma muy sana". "Es como un desafío. He oído y leído a mucha gente decir, 'Haz lo que te asuste. No huyas de ello, corre hacia ello.' Estoy encantada de ser retada con la oportunidad".

"Zack Snyder dijo cosas maravillosas en la nota de presa, y dije, 'Bueno, es como estuviera arrojando el guante blanco. Ahora yo tengo que agacharme y recogerlo.' Aunque es maravilloso. Él es un visionario, y creará su propia versión. Lo encuentro muy refrescante, A la gente le encanta hablar sobre cosas, y esto será definitivamente algo sobre lo que hablar." ... new-movie/ ... s-superman ... -dare.html?

- Zack Snyder no mirará hacia atrás: ‘No han habido otras películas sobre Supermán’ (
Zack Snyder no mirará hacia atrás: ‘No han habido otras películas sobre Supermán’
By Geoff Boucher March 16, 2011

When Bryan Singer took moviegoers to Metropolis in the 2006 film ”Superman Returns,” he paid careful homage to the hero’s cinematic past. Don’t expect that approach from Zack Snyder, who on Wednesday shared his guiding principle: ”Respect the canon but don’t be a slave to the movies.”

Snyder’s version of the Man of Steel is scheduled to reach theaters in December 2012 with Henry Cavill in the title role and director said that this will be the first modern Superman feature that will truly break from Richard Donner’s landmark 1978 film, which shared its star, Christopher Reeve, with three sequels and then also deeply informed Singer’s 2006 film, which put Brandon Routh in the iconic blue tights but tapped into both style and story elements from the work of Donner and Reeve.

“Literally, the one thing that everyone can start to think about is that we’re making a movie that finally goes with the approach that there’s been no other Superman movies,” Snyder said. “If you look at ‘Batman Begins,’ there’s that structure, there’s the canon that we know about and respect but on other hand there’s this approach that pre-supposes that there haven’t been any other movies. In every aspect of design and of story, the whole is very much from that perspective of respect the canon but don’t be a slave to the movies.”

I mentioned to Snyder that in hindsight the Singer film might have been boxed in by the past and too tentative — the movie seemed at times like a cautious curator trying to move around among fragile museum pieces. “Yeah, and we’re not afraid of that at all,” Snyder said. “Our Superman, he’s got things to figure out but he’s a physical cat.”

Snyder’s next film, “Sucker Punch,” which he co-wrote with Steve Shibuya, opens in theaters on March 25. The filmmaker is in intense preparations now for the Superman revival (it will likely be titled “Man of Steel” but that decision isn’t final yet), which will begin shooting soon with a script by David S. Goyer. The cast will include Kevin Costner as Jonathan Kent and Diane Lane as Martha Kent.

On further casting Snyder would say only: “There’s more to come and I think it’s consistent in its … awesomeness.”

I told Snyder I was interested to see how he and his wife and producing partner, Debbie Snyder, would collaborate with the producer team of Christopher Nolan and Emma Thomas – another married couple who have put themselves at the center of the Warner Bros. present and future when it comes to blockbuster ventures. Nolan, of course, directed the two most recent Batman films, which many people consider the pinnacle of superhero cinema, while Thomas has been the producer of every Nolan film, including last year’s “Inception,” which was nominated for the best picture Oscar.

“It’s been really great,” Snyder said of the collaboration so far. “Chris is awesome. He’s super-respectful but super-helpful, too. You can’t imagine a more generous [collaborator]…once he sort of got what I want to do with it, he was like, ‘OK,’ and once he said, ‘You know what, that’s awesome,’ now he’s 100%. If I say, ‘What do you think of this?’ he’s like, ‘That’s awesome,’ and then there’s a great give-and-take about it, a great conversation that we can have about it and making it better everyday. And by the way he’s hilarious, too.”

Snyder said he can’t contain his excitement when he considers the paradox of Superman at this point in time — as the first signature superhero, the character has an unrivaled legacy and appeal but as far as live-action film goes, the Donner version and Singer’s spin-off define Superman for contemporary moviegoers (although Kirk Alyn and George Reeves also flew across the silver screen in the 1940s and 1950s).

“Superman is the one constant in the universe,” Snyder said. “You know that if you do Superman right — or at least if you do him with respect — you know you end up with something great…. [but] in some ways [beyond] that is virgin territory. No one knows what that is. In some ways Superman is the most recognizable superhero on the planet but also the most unknown. Just what he can be? People have preconceived ideas about him but probably all of them are wrong.”

I asked if Snyder had anything he could share about the costume that Cavill will wear. ”I can’t say — although I appreciate the question. I’d love to talk about it. We’re going to have to show it before we shoot, probably a while before that because [otherwise] someone will be on the set and get a picture of it.”

Snyder sounded a bit weary and that’s no surprise considering the impending release of “Sucker Punch” and the world-class pressure of getting Superman off the ground for Warner Bros. I asked if he ever looks at the size of the task and gets intimidated by the sheer scale of it. “It is epic. But you just start with page 1, shot 1 and the next thing you know, you’re in it. And then you can’t go back. It’s the journey of 1,000 steps, as they say.” ... vrit=63378

- Se confirma que Kevin Coster habría cerrado el acuerdo para interpretar el papel de Johnathan Kent:
Al parecer, se ha confirmado que Kevin Costner ha llegado un acuerdo para interpretar a Johnathan Kent en la próxima película de Snyder.

“Jonathan Kent es la única figura paterna que Clark siempre ha tenido, el hombre que estaba allí para ayudar a Clark a entender lo que él tenía que hacer en el mundo como Supermán,” dijo Snyder en un comunicado. “Kevin será capaz de comunicar la tranquila fprtaleza de ese hombre rural Americano que crió al mayor superhéroe de todos los tiempos.” ... -of-steel/ ... vrit=63378 ... oin-168940 ... -superman/

- Supermán Pateará unos cuantos Traseros, dice Zack Snyder (
El director dice que el Hombre de Acero será más fídico en la nueva película:

"No puedo decir si le da un puñetazo a alguien en la cara, porque eso es un spoiler. Pero diré que Supermán, en la película que estamos haciendo, es un gato muy físico que hace algunas cosas físicas. No quiero decir nada sobre la última película, pero quiero ver a Supermán pareando algunos traseros." ... ack-snyder

- Supermán: Man of Steel - Snyder Habla sobre los Rumores ( ... man-rumors

- Zack Snyder explains to us why his Superman movie will be the most realistic yet (
Zack Snyder explains to us why his Superman movie will be the most realistic yet
By Alasdair Wilkins Mar 21, 2011

Zack Snyder recently sat down with us to explain why his Superman reboot will be a huge departure from his ultra-stylized movies like Watchmen and Sucker Punch, why he chose Kevin Costner and Diane Lane for Superman's parents, and more!

We interviewed Snyder during yesterday's Sucker Punch press junket. We'll have more on Sucker Punch later in the week, including additional interviews with the cast and crew, but first we wanted to share Snyder's thoughts on Superman.

Sucker Punch is PG-13, but it could very easily be R-rated, and it's very much in keeping with the violent, very stylized approach we've seen in your earlier films. How are you going to make that style work when it comes time to do Superman?

Well I feel like what we're trying to do is we're going to make him as relevant as we can, as culturally relevant as we can, and I don't know if that sort of big blue boy scout image... does he work today? That's the question, and I'm not going to answer that here, but you sort of start to think about that and if that makes sense to a modern Superman.

Are you trying to fit Superman into your aesthetic, or change your approach to fit the Superman mythos?

I feel like, I mean I've said to the studio that this will probably be the most realistic Superman movie ever made. It takes place in the real world much more than [my previous films]... I mean, I've just never had the subject matter that needed that, you know what I mean? Like everything I've done up to this point really has the benefit of existing in a stylized world. It's fun for me that the most realistic movie, the movie that I'd say I'm making in the most realistic way of any movie I've ever done is a movie called Superman! That's kinda fun!

So you're working from what Christopher Nolan has done with the Batman movies?

I wouldn't say, "Oh, that's what Chris did with Batman...", but I'm just saying that makes sense to me for the character. Because I'd say that the thing that makes him real, and the thing that makes Superman awesome, is if you feel like he's real, what makes him real is that he exists in a world that you can say, "Oh yeah, I've been to that grocery store, I've been to that."

Diane Lane and Kevin Costner as Superman's parents are the only two people who have been cast in beyond Henry Cavill as Superman. What was the thinking in going with relatively young actors for those parts?

Well, Costner's 57.

But it's a young 57...

Oh sure. My idea was that Superman's parents should be vibrant, like real people, not like some doddering ancient cliché.

Which is what we've sort of seen in the previous Superman movies...

Yeah, completely. I think the thing you realize when you look at Diane and Kevin, in our decision to cast them so far, you sort of get a sense of how tonally we're looking at the movie, and what you realize is that those guys are serious actors, and we're taking this shit fucking seriously in terms of the tone of having those guys. You're talking about having a situation where whatever the action is or whatever the drama of the movie is, our first priority is to make sure it's rendered in the most realistic way we can get at.

We were wondering if you've had a chance to check out the recent animated adaptation of Grant Morrison's All-Star Superman, which has been called the definitive Superman story.

I have not seen it, I'm happy to see it, I do want to see it, I just haven't had time. Yeah, absolutely. And by the way, I'm a fan of Grant, of All-Star Superman, I think it's cool, although I'd say... that's the big version of Superman, you know that's a stylized world. But awesome, and very sort of telling [about the character]. We're treating the concept of Superman as if there's been no Superman movies up till now, we're trying to take that tack — that this is the first Superman movie and no other ones exist. Not to take anything away from those movies, because they're great, but it's sort of the way you have to do it, otherwise you're really not starting over, you're really just a slave to whatever's happened in the past. But that doesn't mean that we don't respect the canon and we don't understand the canon, that we know what the requirements of Superman are without it also being the same old Superman.!5783887/zack-snyder-ex ... listic-yet
- Exclusive: Talking 'The Man of Steel' With Zack Snyder (
Exclusive: Talking 'The Man of Steel' With Zack Snyder
By Kellvin Chavez on March 21, 2011

Over the weekend, director Zack Snyder was promoting his upcoming movie "SUCKER PUNCH" and spoke to the press about the film and his upcoming Superman project. Today, I had a chance to actually speak to him on the phone about his movie that is due out in theaters on Friday and about the Man of Steel.

I really tried to ask him questions about the project that other folks have not asked, but Snyder has already spoken about how Henry Cavill won the role. He also mentioned how this Superman has nothing to do with the previous films and that this new reboot will be like the other films didn't exist.

He was still quiet on specific details on much the project. I managed to get a few questions in and cleared up the whole Viggo Mortensen casting.

You've said that this new Superman was not going to be related to the previous ones and act as if they didn't exist a la "Batman Begins.” What do you want to bring to this Superman film that was not brought on the previous ones?

Zack Snyder: I don’t think it’s about trying not to do what’s been done. It’s just when I say that I mean that’s a way for us to start fresh and kind of be able to say what mythology do we want to sort of endorse or exploit. Look all of us involved with project have a great respect for Superman. Trust me when I say I want this movie to be awesome and I want Superman to be awesome, you know that’s true. It’s not so much about like what I do and don’t want to do in regards to what’s been done, we need to like…I think for the audiences stake you want us to shed that…let that weight off our shoulders so we can go and make a great movie.

Will the film have a big Kryptonian mythology?

Zack Snyder: I can’t say because it gives too much away, but it’s safe to say that we have a great respect for the character.

Being that you have strong female components in your movies, will we see a strong female character in Superman?

Zack Snyder: I can’t say of course. I wish I could straighten it out for you at this moment but I can’t really.

Come on we broke Superman stories already…

Zack Snyder: (Laughs) I feel that.

Okay how about this...Is Viggo Mortensen still a person of interest in Superman now that he’s locked into Snow White?

Zack Snyder: Yeah Viggo is not going to be in the movie let’s say that right now. I can clear that up.

Will this Superman be Luthor-Less?

Zack Snyder: I can’t answer that [laughs].

Is it true that Lois Lane has to be in the film due to legal issues?

Zack Snyder: Oh, jeez. I didn’t know that. We’re not doing anything as far as the story goes that’s influenced by any legal issue.

Can you elaborate where you are at with the film?

Zack Snyder: Yeah, we’re just in pre-production right now, we’re working every day trying to get it together and it’s looking awesome and we are going to probably start shooting at the end of the summer.

I guess this Superman film and the Donner film have something in common? They were released in December.

Zack Snyder: Oh yeah, although I’m not even sure if that date will hold but if does then that will be awesome. ... yder-12989?

Although movie geeks are looking forward to Sucker Punch (opening Friday), all eyes are on director Zack Snyder’s next job, the ambitious reboot of the Superman franchise, Superman: Man of Steel. Co-starring relative unknown Henry Cavill, the project is being produced by Inception filmmaker Chris Nolan.

“I think the thing Henry has other than being a good looking guy..he’s a man, which I like,” said Snyder on casting Cavill for the lead role. “He also has this little teeny bit of innocence, a teeny bit of kindness to him which I feel like is important to his character. Just enough where he’s not soft, but you could imagine him being kind. I think that’s a good quality.”

Click on the media bar and listen to Snyder discuss landing the Superman: Man of Steel gig. The director also manages to get in a slight dig at a lesser known superhero, Thor, a character who resides in the Marvel Universe (Superman is a DC character). (Snyder’s producing partner and wife Deborah Snyder is also heard in the clip).

"I think Superman is broken and needs to be fixed (from a movie stand point). He is the biggest superhero on the planet, the father of every superhero."

"I'm like really Thor? Thor has a movie? And there is no Superman movie? It's like the world is out of balance. It's like we lost our minds here people, come on!"

"When Chris (Nolan) and Emma (Thomas) asked Debbie and I to go to lunch they told us their story of what they wanted to do with Superman. And before that I was like 'I don't know, Superman?'." Deborah interjects, "I said to Zack 'I don't really know about this'. Well, let's go see what they have to say, and we both left saying, 'This is great!'" Zack continues, "Yeah because I go 'yeah, this is right'. I didn't need to hear that much before I go, 'Ok this is right. That's the right way to do it'. From my point of view at this point it's so needed. That it's hard. And I am a fan of the character. I want him to be awesome."

- Abrir el enlace para escuchar la audio entrevista - ... -be-fixed/
- Zack Snyder on Henry Cavill and His Realistic Superman: ‘For Me, That’s Like a Documentary’ (
Zack Snyder on Henry Cavill and His Realistic Superman: ‘For Me, That’s Like a Documentary’
by Jen Yamato 03 21 2011 3:00 AM

More bits and pieces of Zack Snyder’s upcoming Superman project emerged Sunday as the director made the press rounds with the girl power action pic Sucker Punch, another wildly fantastical, epic-scale vision from the man behind 300 and Watchmen. As Snyder told Movieline exclusively with a nod to his creative exchanges with producer Christopher Nolan, Superman will mark a stylistic departure of sorts: The comic book adventure about the flying, super-powered Man of Steel will be his most realistic film to date.

“I’ve never had to make a movie that exists or takes place in the real world before,” Snyder told Movieline. “Every movie I’ve made has been some stylized version of reality.”

Compared to the hyper-stylized visions he’s brought to his past few films — the blue-screened battles of 300, the dark comic book universe of Watchmen, and the pop culture mash-up fantasy worlds of Sucker Punch, the latter of which takes the viewer deep into the mind of a troubled young woman trapped in an insane asylum (Emily Browning) — Superman demands a world grounded in reality. Well, relatively speaking.

“I said to the studio, when you ask me to make Superman you’re asking me to make a realistic movie. They’re like, ‘What do you mean? It’s Superman.’ I’m like, no — for me, that’s like a documentary, basically.”

“I guess for [Superman] to be credible, he gets more credible by the reality that you can bring to him,” he elaborated later to a gathering of press. “Emotionally and visually. So we’ll see.”

Snyder came aboard Superman after he and wife /producing partner Debbie met with Christopher Nolan and Emma Thomas. At the time, Snyder and Nolan were working on Sucker Punch and Inception, respectively, two different films that nonetheless share similar concepts and ideas concerned with layered realities and the subconscious. “It was weird, because Sucker Punch and [Inception] were kind of happening on parallel roads,” Snyder mused to Movieline. “I guess that’s true, to some extent. And I think that’s cool. Both of us have incredible different aesthetics but in a weird way there’s definitely some sort of connection in that.”

As for the star of Superman, Snyder says British actor Henry Cavill has already begun his training for the role. “Henry’s going to be hitting the iron pretty hard,” he said.

Training in undisclosed disciplines for the role, Cavill is working with stunt and fight collaborators previously tapped for 300, Watchmen, and Sucker Punch. Debbie Snyder elaborated. “He’s working! Mark Twight, who trained all the guys for 300, his company’s called Gym Jones. The moment we hired Henry he met with Mark and he met with Damon Caro, who does all the fight training, and they put him on a plan.”

“He started in England and as of April 1, we have him full time with us. Again, it’s just all that training. You really need it.” ... entary.php
- Zack Snyder Reveals What Won The 'Superman: Man Of Steel' Role For Henry Cavill (
Zack Snyder Reveals What Won The 'Superman: Man Of Steel' Role For Henry Cavill
by Rick Marshall 21st march, 2011

We've had a few months to get used to the idea of British actor Henry Cavill playing Superman in Zack Snyder's upcoming reboot of the Warner Bros. film franchise, but we're probably not alone in remembering a time when everything was up in the air regarding the Man of Steel.

When MTV News caught up with Snyder during a press event for his new film "Sucker Punch," we asked him what won Cavill the Superman role over other rumored contenders like "True Blood" actor Joe Manganiello.

"Henry's just ... I love Joe too, by the way," Snyder told MTV News. "Really he was the only other guy I was thinking of, to be honest, other than Henry."

"In the end, I think Henry just has this innocence, too [in addition to the physicality required for the role]," he continued. "He has both, which is tricky. Superman needs the teeniest bit of that. Not to be overt, but you like it to be there ever so slightly. I mean, he grew up in Kansas, that's just true, so you need a little of that [innocence]."

Sadly, Snyder deftly avoided much our probing for more details about the super-secret project, comparing the level of secrecy surrounding "Man Of Steel" to "building a stealth bomber" — but you can be sure we won't stop digging for more "Superman" reboot news! Keep it locked to MTV Splash Page for more on the film as it develops...

Also, the director Zack Snyder hints at the possibility of a character "referred" to as 'Superman' appearing in the film (maybe Bizarro?) : "There could be a character in the movie that other people might refer to as 'Superman'" ... ry-cavill/

[youtube] ... aLtYuWm2co[/youtube]

- Primeras declaraciones de Kevin Costner sobre su intervención en "The Man of Steel" (
El actor Kevin Costner fue entrevistado en la "Muhammad Ali Charity Fight Night" y le preguntaron sobre el ser elegido como el padre adoptivo del superhéroe, Jonathan Kent, en la próxima película de "Supermán".

"No estoy dando ningún secreto comercial, tienes que pagar... ¿Cuánto cuesta ahora el ir a ver una película?" se rió el actor. "Estoy deseando hacer esa película, el lanzar nuestra versión de ello." ... reURL=true ... ns_dad.php

- ¿Viggo Mortensen de nuevo libre para The MoS? (
Según "Variety" parece ser que la agenda del actor ha quedado libre para poder interpretar un papel en la próxima película de Zack Snyder y que, al parecer, el director sigue estando interesado en contratarle.

Se ha comunicado que Viggo Mortensen no va finalmente a protagonizar las películas de "Snow White" y "The Huntsman", y que ha terminado formalmente con meses de negociaciones:

"El terminar con las negociaciones, deja la puerta abierta para que Mortensen pueda tomar el papel del villano de la película de la Warner Bros.' 'Superman: Man of Steel', que se suponía debía de ser rodada al mismo tiempo que ''Huntsman.''

A pesar de todo esto, la Warner Bros. no ha hecho aún ningún comentario al respecto. ... s/?a=33872

- The "MoS" de filmará definitivamente en Vancouver:
En un reciente artículo publicado en el "Toronto Sun", Zack Snyder ha confirmado que Superman se rodará en Vancouver y no Chicago a pesar de las informaciones anteriores de las producciones que apuntaban a esta ciudad como la afortunada para la grabación de la nueva entrega del Hombre de Acero, posiblemente este próximo verano. No es de extrañar que el director haya preferido esta localización, pues ya es una vieja conocida para él, al haber realizado allí dos de sus películas: Watchmen y Sucker Punch.

"Tengo un gran equipo allí", comentó Snyder.

Según el Toronto Sun "Supermán aterrizará en Vancouver y posiblemente Alberta este verano". Snyder no dijo exactamente el papel que puede jugar Alberta en el reboot, pero está muy al tanto que la provincia sirvió para encarnar al pueblo de origen de Supermán, Smallville, en las tres primeras películas protagonizadas por Christopher Reeve. ... 13076.html

- Amy Adams es Lois Lane en "The Man of Steel" (L.A. times):

Según se ha informado, la actriz Amy Adams interpretará a Lois Lane en la nueva adaptación de “Superman.”

La actriz de 36 años recibió las noticias el sábado del director Zack Snyder, quien la llamó desde París, donde estaba promocionando su película “Sucker Punch.” Snyder dijo que tras su encuentro con Adams, ella era la clara elección para que interpretara a un personaje que existe desde 1938 y que lleva representando desde hace tanto a las mujeres fuertes y profesionales que pueden valerse por sí mismas contra cualquier hombre – incluso si éste puede saltar edificios de un sólo salto.

“Hubo una gran, gigante búsqueda para Lois,” dijo Snyder. “Para nosotros era algo grande y obviamente un papel realmente importante. Hicimos muchas audiciones pero tuvimos la entrevista con Amy Adams y después de eso sentí que era perfecta para él.”

Snyder declinó el comentar la precisa importancia de Lois en la historia o ninguno de los detalles del guión pero dijo que su papel es “un eje” para el proyecto y que considera esencial que Lois llegue a las pantallas en el 2012 con un aspecto y espíritu contemporáneos.

“Regresa a lo que he dicho sobre Supermán y el hacerlo realmente entendible para la actualidad. Lo que es importante para nosotros es hacerle relevante y real y hacerle empatizar con la audiencia de hoy para que podamos entender las decisiones que toma. Eso se aplica a Lois también. Así es que tiene que estar en el mismo universo que él [en sintonía y substancia].”

"Después del mismo Supermán, la cuestión de quién interpretará a Lois Lane es seguramente sobre lo que los fans han tenido más curiosidad," dijo el director Zack Snyder en la nota oficial. "Así es que estamos excitados con anunciar la elección de Amy Adams, una de las más versátiles y respetadas actrices en el cine de hoy en día. Amy tiene el talento de capturar todas las cualidades que amamos sobre Lois: inteligente, ruda, divertida, cariñosa, ambiciosa y, por supuesto, bella."

Amy ha participado en películas como "Una noche en el museo", "Encantada", o la reciente ”The Fighter,”. ... lois-lane/ ... k-/8037140

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¡¡¡¡AY, OMÁ QUÉ CALORES!!!! ¡Gracias por tu regalo, Nitta!

Lois Lane
Lois Lane
Mensajes: 788
Registrado: Sab Sep 04, 2010 3:55 pm
Ubicación: Flotando en el granero...


Mensaje por NuLane »

Vale, Amy Adams cómo Lois Lane. :doubt: He visto algunas cosas de ella y la verdad es que no me desagrada, pero, cómo Lois Lane, pues no sé yo si me convence mucho. :smt102

Aparte ¿no habían dicho que en el caso de que saliera Lois sería cómo un simple cameo? ¿Han cambiado de idea? Porque si la han elegido a ella no creo que vaya a ser para que aparezca sólo 5 minutos. :smt102

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Hawkman: Good, you're here. I've got something for you.
gifs: onebreath


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